Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 10, 1881, Image 3

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,-u line. Itejjular advertis
er. No advert uteuiwnl insert
:" riitn.
I.' 11 1, ti. !
'I.-! f.
iHu II: be m id
i.u-c Ouy hand in,
'. a proof ( pi.bllca
.U'U (or ihe oubiica-
.: i. ;,!l comrci.iiicii'lonfl
: tni lo to pdnt, with uo
'or the correctness
..liter and paid Le
es ths paper rcularl
. i '.! dire'-'.cd to hi)
subscriber or Dot U
u ordei til paper discontin
' --.v .in-p, i rage, or tin publish
( to send ll until payment U
fu:,i' the whole amouut. whether
r- -t is i t.?n from the oflico or not.
ri:rit tiare decided that refusing to
'-s and periodicals from tno
i port
. . and leaving Uem uu;
i facte vldeiia of IN r ZHTlO AJ,
---See hook notices on outside.
See Stvaim's new Cigar Ad.
-The l Mmldy is tip a booming.
Secoii.l bill of boys suits at S. & 0
May? r'a.
Lthri!ioT lias another brick kiln
Buckskin gloves and mittens at S,
& C. Mayor's. 1
Read the Commissioners' Pro.co3d
ings on Editorial Page,
Dr. A, Si',!i&iiii-v, the Boss Dentist,
QYpr .5Miiu, rilack & Co.'s. 31tf
The Livery Stables did a pretty
good business elect ion day.
Spectacles and Eye Gl.v-se to suit
all ages at J,. C. F.rvtn'a. S4t3
-Kin mver EUer Crowther's lc
(ere next Tus-sday evening.
Novelfie in hair goods just receiv
I at So'otnuu & Nathan V. 1
'Siamm'rt New Cigar and Tobacco
manufactury on 3d. street. See Ad.
MurT9 and boas, latest styles, at
Baker & At wood's.
Be sure and g to the
Honor Sociable to-morrow r.ight.
Frank Xieman has &Q,m of the
finest cigars in the city. Try them.
wThe Liiokwork of the Sister's
;hool on Cth 9lreet, is nearly comple
ted. Bennett & Lewis have got in
fresh supply if fancy o.ikpa and crack-
on the
The walla of the buUdhw
corner of Mam and J'l,
going up
. -rR;if",VUt.dr,,rd plums. Salt Lake
-r TV 'll:- v d.ifd fruits at Ben-
,s Belle Maruuitt, of Lincoln,
married last wiek to Dr. Teft, of
that city.
Overcoats in Chinchilla, BeaveiF.
Bevusibh' and J
ancv liitcK, :il oc o
Thursday, November 24th, is tne
day appointed by the President for
Thanksgiving Day,
Something elegant in underwear,
lambs wool juid cashimere llanneJ at
Solomon .v. "Nathan's. 1
The Livery horses are nearly all
over the Pink-eye, and nonw have died
as yet, in PlattsmoutU.
Fresh bread, takes and pii-s, every
dav, at the Uni- n Bakery, cm ner Mh.'ji
and Third. lOtf
Morley and Palmar. 1lie barbers,
are btij- nt work in their new shop
one (Voor east of Court House.
lNr the best staple and fancy
grocp'iit-3 in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
W;kbach's. lOtf
"The Horse and His Diseases." A
premium book given to every subscrib
er t the IlcnALD paying in advance.
Get Dr. Salisbury to make you a
set of teeth a'nd they will last you as
ong as you need any. tfltf
The walls are started for the Ras
gorsheck building, although the rain
hindered them some the first of the
An elegant line of infant's wear
open up this week at Solomon & Nath
an's. 1
Johu Tutt, our respected county
clerk who was threatened with a fev-
er spen, is juu.seii. igin, o
glad to see.
The crv&t rush at Solomon & Na-
ihan' tlr.e to the Donular prices and
the 6upeib stock which they carry. 1
ltan Morgan is running the Belle
Morgan as the ferry boat here. The
.New Eil.i has left. The cotton trip
Ihas been abandoned.
If tou need anv work done in the
dental line, call on I r. A. Salisbury.
ho will do a first-class job for you, as
iip:it as the cheapest. 31ti
- -
-The manager of the Wallace sis
ters' Combination, let his ticket box
o on t." Lincoln. Saturday and come
pretty ne nr not getting it again.
Don't ."orget to call on Frank
Neiman at h. new stand, opposite the.
iv.ort House. Uen you nam a gooa
cipar. chewing t M-atto.
in bis line.
anv ttnng
Oar Clothing friend, Wescott. is
enjoying the blessing of u Job' comfor
ter; it is a good time to buy clothing
" ias be will sell for almost any thing.
The Rich moud (Ya.) state writes:
"Ex-Mayor J. A. -Gentry. Manchester,
kh State, was cured of rheumatism fy
.St. Jacobs Oih
" The Episcopal Sociabla at the res--.idence
of Mrs. Hmkle last Thursday
.evening was very well attended, and
-the evening was spent very pleasautly.
Christmas is coming, nd the
-nlace to buv vflur presents is at L. C.
Erven's new Jewelr' store. . S4t2
Invita.ions are out for a partv
given by Mrs. P. L. and Mrs. Will
S. Wise, at the residence of Mrs. P. L.
Wise, next Saturday evening, for Miss
Flora Wise.
Ask to see the new line of hose
for Ladies, Misses and Children at
t; Solomon & Nathan's. - " ; 1
The T. A. M. club will have their
iatice on Thursday (this) evening in
. stead of to morrow evening. as the
'-. .Temple f Honor have a sociable in
the hall to-ro&rrow night. '
Mrs. Donovan has been and is still
Y iy tick.
C. E. Vales, Supt. of Telegmpdi was
in town Tuesday.
Editor Mathews of Weeping Water
was in town Monday.
Miss Maggie O'Keefe lias been suf
fering i!h the prevailing fever.
Gen'l Smith, and Lawyer Brown
came from Weeping Water Tuesday.
Two sisters of Mrs. Doctor Wiley
have been visiting here the past week.
Lon Chalfaat has returned to Platts
mouth; all hail! Lon Give us a
Mr. Baker of Iowa, father of Mr. W.
II. Baker of this city is visiting his
son, and other relatives here.
Mrs. II. B. Burgess, left for Salina
Kansas Tuesday of this week, called
there by the- illness f her mother.
Mrs. McCracken of Kansas, sister of
our postmaster has been visiting her
relatives hare.
Mr. Gayle, our popular conductor is
njoying a visit with friends in Ohio.
We hear of Julius Pepperberg all
though the County, pushing his busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Miss Mag
gie returned last Thursday evening,
Mrs. D. and .Mis3 Maggie looking the
better for their long visit.
Mrs. Win. Chalfant lately returned
frcm Kansas, and leaves the IIekald
papeis from Miami and other points
which we shall notica as soon as pos
sible C. G. Mayfleld has been quite under
the weather with Pneumonia. lis last
attack was in the throat, and we art
glad to know was not so serious as it
might have been.
Al. Dickson of Stove Creek came in
yesterday. The 1Iekal was very
glad to see Mr. Diekson; he is on of
the best men and workers on tb Re
publican side in that precinct.
Wm. Wells, of South Eend,and Her
mann Smith of this place return
from an inspection ofsurveysont w aj
on Monday last. Both are we)', im&
looking greatly improved afr'er their
Hon. Sam! Richardsor t ne newly
elected Co. Commission' .r c;lned losee
the Hekald yesterdrvr . of course Mr.
Richardson fe v aj.fied nt hja eec.
tion over the opposition especially
m9& 'to him ; anA so does the Herald.
Capt. Alf. Aruemann, agent for
the Western Horse and Cattle Insur
ance Company, called with Mr. Chas
sot, one of the Cass Courtly agents on
We got "George" and "Pink" the bay
mare insured, and would have in
sured the "Blue Mare," only she had
passed mark of mouth. Wo believe
Mr. Arnejnann's company to be a good
one and hope they may do a good bus
iness. Hurrah for Ilyers!
Newell, Jennings and ;tll the rest
of them!
For a nice Suit of Clothes go to
Jos. V. Weckbach's. 34t4
Look for our clubbing list at the
head of the Editorial page.
A large line of Ladjes Dolmans at
J. V. Weckbach's. 34t4
Mr. and Mrs. Burgess leceived
word that Mrs. Dooley, Mrs. Burgoss'
mother, was very ill, Saturday last.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
neatlv repaired and warranted by L.
C. Erven. 34t2
Weeping Water Post of the G. A.
is to have a camp lite Friday. Nov.
.So says the Recorder. Fill in that
bLink, Mr. Recorder Man.
Go to Solomon & Nathan's for
y.arns, DianKets anu nanneis. i
A low malarial fever has been
qnite prevalent in town. f Many of
those employed in the railroad otlices
haiving been affected.
Fresh oysters and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday at Bennett &
There will be no service at the
Episcopal church next Sunday, as Rey.
Mr Burgess goes to Ashland.
Saratoga Chip Potatoes at Bennett
& Lewis', fresh and nice. 1
--"Ancient and Modern India," a
lecture by Chas. L. Crowther, at Fitz
gerald Hail next Tuesday evening.
Largest assortment of underwear
in buckskin, scarlet and fancy merino,
at S. & C, Mayer's. 1
Popular prices for Elder Crow
ther's lecture next Tuesday evening;
25 and 15 cents for adults and chil
dren. We know from experience St
Jacobs Oil will cure rheumatism. -Peoria
(111.) Peorian.
Hyers got C6D majority and has
got his horse thief fist and safe at
Phelps, Missouri, only waiting for a
Later Sheriff Hyers arrived in
Plattonouth Thursday morning, with
thief, horse?, wagon and harness and
the man is now iu jail.
J, Schlater, our old and reliable
jeweler, is now receiving a very large
stock of Holiday Goods. Ho tells us
that he is selling goods cheaper than
ever before. Go and give him a call
and be convinced, 34t2
Rasgorshek's building on Main St.
is progressing finely. The architect,
Mr. Geo. Thompson, is f ullfilling his
promises and getting the building un
der way as soon as promised. Mr.
Thompson also has the ptans in hand
for the new Opera building. Messrs.
WatermanVt Son talk of putting up.
Another Car Load of Potatoes
just received at Jos. V. Weckbach's. 4
The Hook & Ladder Company met
last Tuesday evening in regular ses
sion. What little business there was
before the meeting was attended to
and quite a discussion was had in re
gard to a hand-engine, cisterns, &c.
It has always been a wonder to us
how "Ed" Wescott, at the Boss Cloth
ing Establishment, always keeps such
a vaiiety of desirable goods uo trash
-for his store is not the most expen
sivc. lie is sure to nave just me ining
you want, at the lowest price. "Ed" is
wid awake, and knows when and how
to buy, . Call and examine hi3 stock,
when in need of a good suit, or fine
furnishing goods. "1
Ancient and Modern India,
Personal Eemniscences ofIts, People
and Places.
For three years a resident of British
India, on the staff of the "Indian
Daily News," the leading .En
glish newspaper of Calci itta.
Fitzgerald Hal!,
liritish Occupation of India The Hor
rors of the Mutiny Peculiar Castes.
Religion, Maimers and Customs of
Hindoo Society Voman's Position
The Curse and Degradation of the
Zenana Peculiarities of the Fakirs
Mohammedan and Hindoo Fanatics-
Interesting Personal Reminis
cences of Life iu India Vivid De
scription of Calcutta India's Me
tropolis and "City of Palaces- l'em
Iles and Mosques, Palaces and Mau
soleums Their Architectural Mag
nificence The Peerless "Taj-Mahal"
Far-famed "DeWan Khass and
Gardens of Shalimarl"
"O, If there te an Elysium on Kattli,
It is tliiK. it is tins.
Missionary Progress Development
and Future of the "Land of the Ve
da" under Christian government, &c
.Adult. 85c. Children. ISr.
Lecture Prompt y at 8 o'clock
NOTICE Reserved Seats without
kxtka ciiAKGE can be secured at the
Pest Office Rook Sto re.
'--Magazines ami papers at very low
ates. Look for our club list to lind
out about them.
Furs! Furs! all kinds at Baker &
Atwood's. tf4t2
All our subscribers who contem
plate paving up again for the coming
year should first look at our clubbing
rates, at head of Editorial page. Some
very good offers made there.
One hundred pieces of sheet music
just received by J. D. Simpson. o4t2
Sheriff Hyers has been unlucky
one way at Election times. Last year
he had to go to Texas abeut election
after a horse thief and this year to
Missouri. He got a good majority all
the same.
All goods marked in
at S. & C, May er's.
plain figures
The new time table of the B. & M
Nov. Cth makes the following,
Leave Omaha for Plattsmouth at
6-20 p. m.
The evening train West leaves here
at 6-55 from Plattsmouth.
There is a difference of 5 minutes in
time of arriving of western train. See
time table next week.
New assortment of furs just re
ceived at Baker & Atwood's. 31t2
Doty, our Doty, the "all hunk"
man came round to see the Heiiald
Monday. Mr. Doty has been one of
the best paying and most steadfast
friends the Herald has had and we
always wish him long life, success and
happiness on or off the banks of the
old muddy.
33tf Will S. Wise.
The Silver Helicon Band were out
on Friday and gave a number of
friends some excellent music. Among
thoso visited were the Hekald folks
and all unite in giving great credit
and praise to the present band and
their leader for the vast improvement
they have made during the past year.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M.
Roberts. 3tf
The ladies of the Christian church
have organized a "Ladies Christian
Aid Society" for church and benevo
lent purposes. On Friday evening
they purpose holding a Social at the
residence of Mrs. Geo. Smith. A cor
dial invitation extended to all friends.
I sell the best and cheapest bcots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Petek Merges.
Fred Gorder as President of the
Council is said to preside wih the
grace and dignity of an old hand at
the bellows.
By the way Fred is one of the hard
est working, faithful, and conscienti
ous officers we have ever had in that
position. When the Herald sees a
man doing his best and giving his time
to the public as we know Mr. Gorder
has done we take pleasure - in saying
so, uncalled for andnnasked for as are
these few words in Mr. G's favor
Critcs and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door ea; of
Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. .;.t.'.n
Plattsmouth is getting to V- a
hard place for boys, the other t. i iog
some boys in the Second Ward bro'.. all
of the windows, sash and all, in a house
just vacated by Harvey Sage. It is
time the parents of small boys around
town were looking out for them. The
boys who did the above are neaily all
known, we understand, and probably
will hear from the officers.
New lot of children's suits, at S. &
C. Mayer's. 1
Charles Hatliaway, oldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Hathaway, died at
Lincoln last week Thursday of con
sumption. Charley was well known
in this city iu his boyhood days, ami
the many friends of the family here
will feel a pang of regret as they hear
of his untimely death in the early
flush of manhood, with a bright and
promising future before him, and the
parents will have much sympathy in
their sorrow.
Looking through the show ca?i t
Schlater's Jewelry establishment, I
viewing his immense stock of ricii . J
haadsome jewelry, chains, gold atn' sil
ver watches, one can't help but li.i k
that the people of this city and coit;ity
are on the high road to prosperity and
wealth to justify such au outlay of
money. May the hopes of our popular
Jweler be realized of doing a splendid
busiuess for the holidays. 8it2
Through a copy of the Custer
(Black Hills) Chronicle we learn that
the Custer Mica Mine, owned in part
by Mr. McMaken, is developing well,
and becoming a very profitable invest
ment. Enough Mica is now in sight
to run half a dozen cutters two or
three years and further developments
show the quality of the mica becoming
much better.
Winter caps in endless variety a
S. & C. Mayer'i, 1
As will be seiu by extended notice
in another column Elder Chas. L.
Crovvthet of the Christian church,
this city, will deliver a lerture at Fitz
gerald Hall next Tuesday evening
November 15th. h's subject "Ancient
and Modern India." Elder Crowther
was for some years a resident of Brit
ish India, on the staff of the leading
English newspaper of Calcutta, which
position would afford hini a fine op
portunity for obtaining the informa
tion necessary for such a lecture as he
contemplates giving, and we shall no
doubt have a rare treat.
This Lecture is a step in the right
direction, and we trut such support
will be given by the people as to en
courage further effort in that direc
tion. Nothing gives a town such
standing abroad as the reputation of
sustaining liberally a high eider of
entertainments; nothing so improves
our growing youth as to supplement
their studies, with livw glowing de
scriptions of the countries or things
they are studying about; nothing so
brushes up the old folks, as to call
a w;y their thoughts from every day
routine by an hour's intercourse with
different peoplesand other countries,
or methods of thought.
Lut uj turu out then iu such nuui
bers and give Elder Crowther and his
first lecture such a send off that
enough enthusiasm may be generated
to give us a series of popular lectures
this winter.
The best place for wiuter clothing
is at S. & C. Mayer's. 1
Ayer's Sarsaparilhi is the proper
remedy to take in the spring of the
year to purify the biood, invigorate
tke system, excite the liver to action,
and restore the healthy tone and vigjr
of the whole physical mechanism,
v hich often becomes impaired during
the w inter, by lack of open air exer
cise, and the want of sufficient care in
the matter of diet.
Go to Solomon & Nathan's for
Dolmans, Cloaks and winter wraps. 1
Chas. Eayre Hinkle, Jersey City
Heights, N. J., reports that his sen, a
lad of twelve years, was completely
cured ofa terrible case of Eczema by the
Cuticura Remedies. From his head to
his feet was one mass of scabs.
Wc will give a copy of "The Horse
and His Diseases" to every paid-iu-ad-vance
subscriber to the Herald.
A fine lot' of vest charms just re
ceived by L. C. Erven. 34t2
Overcoats Overcoats.
500 Overcoats to be sold at and be
low cost at C G. Herold's. Call early
and get your choice. 34t2
New Cigar 3lauufactery.
Ed. Stamm has opened a new w hole
sale cigar manufactory on 3d. st. at
his residence, where cigars of all
brands' made by him can be obtained
at the love3t rates, by the box. Re
member the place, 3d. st. New Man
ufactory, Dealers supplied readily.
34t3 Ed Stamm .
SMITH OKIJIES. -By Elder Chas. L. Crow
ther. uf the Christian Church, at Hip resi
dence of the bride'" parent, on Main Street.
.Nov. 1. 1X81. Mk. Edwin Smith and Miss
SAKAll T. tlKlMK.S. all of Flattsinoutli.
33tf ' Will S. Wise
Speaking of Canned Goods
Mrs. K makes me think that the
finest selection I have ever seen is kept
by Bennett & Lewis, and their prices
are quite reasonable, too. 1
Wanted! !
at Murphy's Flour. Feed and Commis
sion Store, 500 dozen eggs, 500 .pounds
of butter, Turkey's Chickens, aud all
kinds of County produce for which the
highest cash price will bo paid. 34t4
33tf Will S. Wise.
Reading Notice.
Wm. Taylor, Boston, is well
again, Completely cured of a scrofu
lous humor which poisoned his blood,
covering his face and head with sores,
by Cuticura Resolvent internally and
Cuticura and Cuticura Soap externally.
At Fitzgerald Hal.
Next Tuesday evening.
An unadvertised and positive cure
for Catarrh "Dr. Sykis Sure Cure."
It flies on the wings of the morning,
good news as well as bad, always. 34t4
33tf WillS. Wise..
New Cigar Store.
Frank Nieman has moved his cigar
store and manufactory down on Main
Street in the old "Troy Laundry"
building next to O'Rourke's Tailoring
establishment, opposite the Court
House. Remember the place.
Fine brands of cigars, Tobacco &c,
always on hand. 33t3
When physicians have made use of
a prescription for years in their
private practice with certain success,
it is a duty they owe to mankind to
put such remedies within reach of all,
and this is done by copyr;ght," such
is the casewithDr. Sherman's Prickly
Ash Bitters, and they have proved
to be a blessing to mankind. 33t4
Why don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positive cure
for sick headache, and all the ills pro
duced by disordered Liver. Only one
pill a dose. For sale by Smith Black
& Co.
Get oat Doors!
The close confinement of all factory
werk gives the operatives pallid faces,
poor appetite, languid miserable feel
ings., poor blood, inactive liver, kidney
and urinary troubles, and all the phy
sicians and medicine in the world can
not help them unless they get out of
doors or use Hop Bitters, the purest
and best remedy, especially for such
cases, having abundance of health,
sunshine and rosy cheeks in them.
Thay cost but a trifle. See another
o: :e3 wescott,
Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of
tins section, announces
:ail Arrivals;M
worthv of inspection. His best hold is
and he has a complete stock of new goods.
Best Materials, IjtUxt Styl-e, Superior Finish,
Perfect Fits ami Popular Prices.
Clothe yon from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,
save von bijr money, and fill vonr soul with happiness.
3v3::k::e: j uotb oif1 it.
All Garments Warranted. 4kTrv 'em "fore you buy Vm."
Sents Furnishii
Offers to-day the
Men's, Ladies Children's Underwear
in this city. Parties desiring t.
call and examine our immense
In Kid Gloves we are showing an elegant line of Three Buttons for only
75 Cents a Pair, well worth S1.25.
UNDRESSED KIDS at SI. 50 a pair -cannot be beat.
Also, FOSTER'S HOOlv GLOVES in all shades.
Wc have the largest and finest line
Ever Brought o this City
Parties living outside of the city are respectfully invited to give us
a call, whether they purchase or not.
is the most complete in this city.
One door East of First National Bank,
TZ"ct rffto" JHii. Uf"l I'art.cular. of the Assassination f oar. myed Pre' . 1 j. A . m...
bno1to Cmanl ACEN TS V
rword of
50 per cent, discount to Agents-cIIIiTl
Weill Goflfls, Galling: Cart, Mails, Programs, &c
of the latest and nobbiest designs
Just Received from St. Louis and Chicago,
jrc ths
Manulacturer ot and Dealor in
Also, a full lie of
t WHIPli
Done neatly and promptly at nliort notice at his
Directly opposite Post Office. Hattsmouth.Neb.
None but the best of stock used I
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Having opened a New Store at the atxiT
1 call attention to mv Hock, and ask the
patronage of my friends and the
Cublic in Keuerol.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware f Wooden wart
and General Goods of all sort.
Call and tee our Stock before going
Walter Jexkixs.
of miidp
ig Goods,
largest stoi-k of
buy anything in that line should
stock before buying elsewhere.
Stock of
AI J E Dj5jh
of the AGE. Circulars Frw.
K F Mathews,
Hardware, Cdtlery, Nails,
Iron. lVagon Mock.
iTarttt j&acliincrtj.
Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps,
IRON WORK, Kept in Stock.
Malting andJRepalrlng,
All Work Warranted.
Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any
and all occasions.
A Tiiorougb Organization
with a complete and well selected repertoire of
Orders respectfully solicited. Term reasonable
Apply to J. P YOU NO. P. O. Book Stove, or
t'tl .1. FIN LEY JOHNSON, Secy.
0k ffs
m is.
10 10IS, fee
For mixed paints go to Roberts
Drug Store. Oltf
a i-ck in your on town. Term and
outfit free Address. H. llAI.I.KTr & Co
I'oi I laud, Maine. July
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C. Sciilegel's, opposite
P. 0. w
Hoots and Shoes.
Call and examine the large and new
stock ut Merges.' SOtf
.Mo ne j to Loan.
Money t loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. 1). Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
- Save your teeth by usinj Dr. Clut
ter's (llycereno Tooth Tablets. Ueauti
fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
Come and See
- The large stock of Spring Shoes aiu1
Slippers, ?ood and nice at Merges. 4tf
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad lo receive
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. oOtf
Immense Stock. v
The largest asortineut of boots and
shoes thad i ver came to tow n, to be
sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer
bes. 30tf
Tiit I'reiniiiin.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. SOtf Peter Merges.
Ladle' He mi nary- unsurpassed. Afad-rmy-thorough.
College four coiies. begins Sept "Hi. tlramiiie or li:!'r7c.
Catalogues sent by the 1'resident, J. S. (lit ko
oky. 1. !.. l.uke l'orext. Hi. atl
Jlouey to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine percent interest, on Keal Estate
secu ity at three or five years,
at his ofiice on Main st.,
mouth, Neb.
The best and cheapest,
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
al Merges.
Old It liable.
For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby
Oysters, the best in the market, go to
Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. 31 tf
Sl."tOO per year can be easily made at
home working for E. (1. Hideout & Co.,
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an 1 full particu
lars. 31-ly. -
To the Ci t izen V of t he Cou n t y a ml S late.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a lire:proof house before
the comet comes down, c ill on J. T. A
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska.
HHPs .Manual.
I hereby give notice that all parties
living in Cass county, desiring a copy
of Hill's Manual can be furnished the
same by applying to me through P. O.
II. C. Miller, Gen. Ag'r.
Plattsmouth, Neb. aatO
- FOli
Dr. Black's HI eumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, v. i'l be at the
following times and plao-s:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
unlay in January, February. May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday ami Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
ever discovered. a It i certain in its effects
and does not blister. Also excellent for hu
man flesh. READ PP.OOF BELOW.
YouiiRstown. Ohio. May !Clh, ls?o.
PR. B. .1 hFNDAiL & Co.. (,ents : -I had a
very valuable Hanibletoniau eolt which I prized
verv liitrlil v. he had a lai'L'c bone Miuvin on one
joint and a small one on the other which made
him very lame ; I had him under the charge of
two veterinary surgeons w hich failed to cure
him. I was one day reading the advertisement
of Kendall's Spavin Cure iu the Chicago Ex
press. I determined at once to try it. they or
dered three bottles: I took them all an 1
thought I would give it a thorough trial. I used
it according to directions and the fourth day
the eolt ceased to b lame, and the lumps have
disappeared. 1 nsed but one bottle and the
colts limbs are as free from lumps ancl as
smooth as any horse in the state. He Is entiro
Iv cured. The cure was so remarkable that I
let two of my neighbors have the remaining
two pottles. no are now using it.
verv Kespeet fully,
Kendall's Spavin Cure
Patten's Mills, Wash. Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21st. 1878,
Pk. B.J. Kendall, Dear Sir : The particu
lar case on which I used your Kendall's Spavin
Cur was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen
months standing. 1 had tried many things, but
iu vain. Your Spavin Cure put the fisot to the
ground attain, and for the first time since hurt,
in a natural position. For a family liniment It
excels anything we ever used.
Y ours Truly,
Kkv.M. P. BELL,
Fastorof M. E. Church. Patten's Mills, N. Y.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Send address for 111.. ..rated Circular which
we think nives potive proof of its virtue. No
remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc
cess to our knowledge, for beast as well as
man. '
Price $1, per bottle, or six bottles for 5. AH
DniKjjists liavt Korean net it for you. or it
will be sent to any address on receipt of price
by the proprietors. Dli. B. J. KENDALL & CO.
Enoeburg Falls. Vt. 34ly
7 Vkenda
Probate Notice.
I.n the matter of the Eftata of John M. Lane,
Notice herehy given, to all pcroim having
claims BKaiiiKt the estate of Joliu M. Lane, de-
ceascd, to tile tha :une m or before tliv
day of May. A. l. 1kj, in the rflce of the
I'ounty Judte, at I'iattsiiiouth. Cii-t Co, Ne-hra-ka.
A. N. hi i.livam,
ruttHinouMi. Nov. "th, 1881. S4t3 I . JudfcO.
Probate Notice.
In the ma'tcr of the' Etate of David rteiijaiiiin.
Deceased, in the County Court of Cas Comi
ty. NctiliWa.
Notice if heieliv t'lvt-n. th;it Ncl Pinia'i Liv
ingston, administrator ot the estate ot ihe :ild
iuid licuj.Linii), deceased, h.n maUu applica
tion for linal settlement, and that ..lJ cium- in
set for hearing at my olllce al rialtinoulli, on
the 7th day of December, A. D.. 1-M, at tc
o'clock. 1'. M., tn said day : at which time and
place, all pcioiis Interested may e present and
examine v,itd nccotniH. A. N. Si' 1 .1.1 v A.N .
riaU-iuouth, Nov. 7th, liMl. 3U3 t o. Jude.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of Z. J. Qulnton, de
ceived, iu the County Court of Cass County.
Ne!' a.
Notice U hereby Riven, that George W. John
ou, adiimiilrut.r of the c.tate of 1 he said Z. .1.
Vuuilu.ii. deceased, ha made applicaliou for
tlual ctlleiiient. and that .saul caui-e 1h set for
Hearing at my othco iit rl.itumoulti, on lliooih
day of December. A. D., 1RM, at one o'clock '.
M., on nuhl day ; at hich time ninl place, all
persons interested may ! present and exam
ine said accounts. A. N. M I.LIVA.N,
I'lattsinouth, Nov. 7th. I8S1. MIS Co. .ludtc
Tax Sale Notice.
To the unknown or ntm-reshlcnt owner of l tsi
one U ) and two u' in block seven (7), W hlle'H
Addition to Ihe City of I'lal Isnioi. I li, Nel. :
Yon are hereby notified that o.i I lie Ul h day
of ."September. A. D. at Public Tax Sale,
Ihe above dcscilbed lots weic sold to Cas
County lor the taxc ot lsi and Ks.'.t. and that
on tlie cih day ot April. lso. Cass County as
signed Its ecrlilieate of purchase to Thomas. W.
Miryock, of aid County of Cans, and that on
the I.Mii day of March. A. D. Is.', the said Thos
W. Shryoik will apply to the Tieasurer of Cass
County'for a Tax Deed to said premises.
Taos W. .SiilitiicK
riatttfuiouth, Neb., Oct. IV, lasl.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Christian Scilic
et I, deceased, in the County Court of Cai-s
i'ounty, Nebraska.
I' pou reading and lilint; the duly verified pe
tilion of Alexander hchlcKcl, pla ins thai ad
ministration ot the estate of Christ Schleuel
Decease, be granted t ,lle F:l'(1 Alexander
Schlenel. Ordered that notice of t he pendency
of said cause be published iu the Nebraska
llFUAii), a wfckly newspaper, primed,
published and in general circulation
in said county, for three consecu
tive week?, and that the hearing of i-aid cause
beset for the 8th day of December, A. D., !sl,
at 10 o'clock. A. M.. at Ihe ollice of the County
Judtre, at l'lattinwuth, al which time and
place, all persons interested may appear and
show cause, ll any they have, why administra
tion of said estate should not be granted to Hie
said Alexander Schickel, according to the
praver of said petition. A. N. Si 1. 1. IVAN.
J'lattsmouth. Nov. 7th, lssl. 3tt3 Co. .ludec.
Notice of Dissolution of Part
nership. Notice Is hereby pjven that the Law partner
snip heretofore existing between the under
signed parlies have this day been dissolved by
1 1 1 it i ii I I'oii-.eut. Wm.l.. l.rowne retire Iroiil
ihe lii in and business ot t he ollice, . I. E. Morri
son to collect moneys duo the firm, and pay all
debts owing by said linn of Morrison and
llrowne. Ja.mkmE. Mohhihun,
M. L. liKUW.N K.
Oct. id. A. D lssl. atf
Tax Deed Notice.
To the non-resident or unknown owner or
claimant of lots two (2iand three (3) in block
lot ty-live ( iu the my ot I'lallsinouth, t ass
county, Nebraska ;
You are hereby lioiilied that the nbove de
scribed lots wen; assessed and laxed tor the
ear ls7. as belonging to a uon-iesnlent or un
known owner, tnal said lols wi le sold at pub
lic sale for Ihe deliiupieut tax of said year ls:s,
on i tie 21-1 day ot November, lsT.i ; that the un
dersigned was the purchaser of I lie said lols at
said saie and tiiai unless redemption ot said
lots lrom said sale be made on or bcfoic the
lllli day of I'fhruury, Is"-.', a 1 leasuier's deed
w ill be li-sued lo the'iihdelsijiiied therefor.
Plat tsiiioiUli, Neb.. Oct, 21, J 1. IVVt
Probate Notice.
In the mailer of the e-tale of John Sporer.
deceased, tu the County Coin t ol Cass County
Nonce is hereby f iven that J. G. Hansen,
Administrator of the eslatc ol ihe said John
Sporer. decea-cd. ha made application lor
final settlement, and that said a use Is tel tor
hearing at my otnea at I'lalt-mouth, on the
jnih day of November, A. D. lsl. jit one
o'clock p. iu. on said day ; at which time and
place, all persons interested may be present
and examine said accounts.
A. N. St l.l.l VA.n, Co. Judge.
riattsii.otith, Oct. i,si
Probate Notice.
In the mat ter of the Estate of Hiram llo'an.
deceased, in the County Com t of Cass Co.,
Notice is hereby given thai Harvey llogan,
administrator of ihe estate ..Mb" said Jin am
ltogan, deceased, has made application lor fin
al settlement., anil that said cm use is set tot
hearing at. my ohice at J'lattsmoiith. on the.
Isth day of November. A. D. lb-1. at 1 o'clock
p. in., on said day, at which time and place :;ll
M-rsous interested may be present and examine
said accounts.
A. N. Sl l.l.iVAN. County Judge.
Plattsmouth. Oct. lssl.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the (state of lMaard G,
1 lovcv, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims against the estate of, Edward G. I ivey,
deceaseo, lo hie tile same on or before the 7th
dav of June. A. D, lssj. In the oltiee of the
County Judge, at I'latlsinoiith, ass County.
Nebraska. A. N. St i.i.iVA.v, Co. .Judge
I'lattsmoiith. Oct. l:t, Ihsi. :ilt
' Notice of Final Proof.
Land Ofmck at Lincoln', Ntu.,
i lelober zn, Inst.
Notice is hereby civeii tlnt the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
lo make liual proof iu suppoit of Ins claim, and
secure entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice, vi. :
A sou Macic. n d entry jxo. I. .... ior ine soum
west (isiarler isw'i) of south west ipiarli'l (sw '
section twenty (ii). township twelve (121. norm
of range eleven ill) east, and indues the follow-
. r . . - . 1 ll'. .11. ......
lug as ins w lines-. s. i.: iij im i. ..eiooiu.
John M. Waterman, all of Louisville, (ass to..
11 lll.lllll J.. "V"!' ... ......
Nebraska. J. Ik M D-.w ki.i..
ait.r Kcgister.
Tax Sale Notice.
tfiA .niL-nriu-n nonresident owner of lots
fourteen ( 1 1). fifteen (I5 and sixteen p: of
Thompson s addition, oiock m, to cay ot
riattsiiiouth. Neb.
You are hereby notified that on I he 2::d day
.f :
ieptem !er. A . D. al lax sale in lass
County, the ahoe described premises were
sold for the sum of S't-lJ-loo. for taxes of l.71
and 7,i inclusive lo lass ciuiity. and mat on
thel.Mh day of October., A. 11. lssl. I lie said
Cass l ount) as-ij;hci ceriincaie ui pinciiase iu
Johu 11. Kellv ot said count), and that on Hie
JOth dav of l ebtuaiy the said J. 11. Kelly
will apply to the treasurer ol Cass County for
a tax deed of aid premises. .1.11. hKi.i.v.
I'latlsinoiith. Neb.. Oct. 1-, lssl. lllll
Road Notice.
To all H latin it Maj Coiu tvn:
A petition for opening a section line road
has been presented to the Hoard of County
Commissioners, nut described as follows :
Coinmeucdr-' at the corner section twenty
eight C-'S) tw ent v ni:ie u"J, thirty-two (.': and
thirty-three i.Vi), lowb welve(Ii') rar.'e twelve
ll.'l. and running thent.v. west two (.' tuiies and
terminating at the the ownship line running
north and south. All objections thereto or
or claims for damage-, init-t be filed in the
County Clerk's office, on or before noen on the
lit ll dav of Dec. A. D. lssl. or such load will be
onened'w ithout reference thereto.
.1. D. Tl'TT.
30(5 County Ch i k
At this shop you'll ilnd meet wholesoms and
Sausage, pork mutton and veal.
And it is our belief, you'll buy excellent beef.
If yon at this butcher shop deal.
He keeps always on hand the bet in the land ;
OF such as your families reed ;
Others may do well, but they cannot excel.
For Fickler will still take the lead.
A good bargain you'll make if ou want to buy
Or soup meat or to bcil or to frv.
You can have a good disli of w hateer )oii
Competition he well mavflefy.
This business provides for good pelts and hides.
Lard and tallow he'll both buy and sell ;
nd yoTI find this the case, there's no other
Y ou'll do better. If yo.i w ill quite as well.
And this we may tell if you've fat cattle to
o; hogs or sheep that are nice ;
You can bring them right here and you need
never fear.
But for them you'll get a good t rtce.
Satisfaction to all who give him a call.
It is his Intention to give, -For
we're certain Indeed, this belt) iJfs to his
creed r
Not only to rive tnit let Tive 1 . ' '
tfnft cV-TtfM'rrii.