The Herald. jJmo. . yXCMuRPHT, JIditor. PLATTSMOUTII. NOV. 10. 1881 Our tiab List. Here we are with our Club List. To every subscriber who pays for the coming year in ad vance we will give a copy of Kendall's "Horse and His Diseases" free. As will be noticed by looking over th u list carefully, several prem ium are offered by other papers and inaa zinei, o our readers can. if they wish, obtain tw premiums :n well as two papers at low rates : the PRier. Herald and Inter-Ocean. -.weekly) S3 75 " " St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 75 Burlington Hawkeye " " IxmUvlIle Courier-Journal.. . " " Leslie's Ills. Newspaper " N.Y. Times, (em-weekly)... Sun. (weekly) " Toleao Blade Iowa Farmer, (and Garfield prem.) " Scientific American ' " Nebraska Farmer OiiiaU;i Kepublicr.j (A prem). Omaha Bee (am! prem.) " " Aineiican Aciic. Iturist " Prairie Farmer Western Kural Harp r's Bazar " Weekly Monthly Young I'eoole Scrlbner's Monthly " St. Nicholas 2 75 3 G5 4 15 4 15 2 65 3 00 2 4 20 2 7S 2 75 3 5 2 65 3 20 3 30 4 R5 4 85 4 65 2 85 4 85 4 10 8 75 ' Eclectic Magazine " Demoresf Monthly Maga zine, (with prem.) ' Godey' Lady 'h Book.... " Phrenological Journal 3 15 3 25 3 15 " Literary & LUueufnal Note. 2 25 Good Compauy " " Elirich's Fashion Quarterly 4 CO 2 10 New Yokk goes Democratic, pro bably; and Pennsylvania Republi can. The mud in Omaha is awful, Plattsmoutli is Heavenly compared with the mudopolis of Neb. We call attention to an article on Temperance matters from the Omaha Republican on the outside of this pa per. The Catholic church has joined with the English government in killing out the Parnell "no rent" party in Ireland. Lincoln Globe. The brick kiln have shut off the fires for the season. -Neb, City News. Can't be doing as much building down there as we are here in PUtts mouth. All our brick kilns are still at full blast, and then can't supply the demand, A coups of Missouri Pacific bridge builders have arrived at Falls City, this state, to bridge the Nemaha river. Track-laying progresses at the rate of three-lourths ot a mile per day at present. The construction frce will be doubled as soon as men and teams can be had, and the coutractors ex lect to reach the Nemaha by the time llie bridge is completed. Work on the northern end is progressing rap idly. Two new towns have already been laid out on the line Springfield in Sarpy county and Sleridan in Ne laaha county. Ex. The tra-ric death of CoL .Smith at Omaha has no paral-ell in the previ ous history of the stale. Even in the early days, when we were considered rough, on the bor der ami beyond the pale of civiliza tion, no such dastardly deed disgrac ed the record, and the state -owes it to herself that the cause of the deed, be ascertained and swift punishment cneted to the assassin. That he died a martyr to his sense of the duty he owed society in trying to have an obnozious law enforce there seems no doubt. No man in this state stood higher, had more friends than Watson B. Smith, and iie is the last one whose death should -oome in this way. The Edi tor of this paper has known him for years, has experienced many kind oesses At his hands and mourns hu .untimely death as a personal loss. 3lrtiiary. Through the kindness of a friend w e have the llilford Dispatch, with the funeral services over the graves p Senator VanWyck's two children, and 3ol. Juo. II. liroadhead, the father of Mrs. VanWyck. The funeral services af both took place at the same time. The ecrmoj) was preached by Rev. Mr. Jamesop, of the M. E. Church at Mil ford, J?, on Octobei 24th, 1881, In the Pi xsbyre-rian Church of the same place. The texts were; "Thou ghalt be missed, because thy seat will be etupty." -1 Sam.. 20 chap.. 18 verse. "Lovely and pleasant in their lives, in their death they were not divided." 11 Sam , 1 chap., 23 verse. CoL Brodhead was 79 years. 9 mo's, and 1 days of age, and had been J&fty years in the service of .the public in some capacity. In 1833 he was Protbonotary Cierk In that County, and in 1843 was ap pointed Judge of the County, and serv d ten years. Was then elected Treas urer, and when tiie cGice became elect ive was again elected Judge, and serv ed lve years, making fifteen in ail. He went to Washington in 1860; in 1867 was one of the commissioners to settle war claims in Virginia, and in 1868 on the same commission for claims in Indiana. In 1869 he was appointed to a position in the Treasury Depart ment at Washington, which he held at tfae time of his death. He was a de. voted member of the M. E. Church. Of the children we know here: Me ta, 1 year and 1 month old, and Marie Louisa, S yrs, 6 mo's and 19 days, ware swept almost in a day from their lov ing parents' sight. They all sleep be neath the sod in the old home State, near the banks of the blue Delaware. TuElate Lincoln Tribune, ex-Western Wrld, the organ of the Good Tem plars, having died for want of support, the Beatrice Expi ess says that one of the main teasons foi repeated failures in the temperance work is that its sup porters do not back the movement with the money that is actually neces sary. Even the local newspapers that give the movement a hearty support have little encouragement, the only re ward being the consciousness of hav ing pursued a commendable course. Omaha Republican. PiiUSE I I TOO UTTERLY TOO TOO ! Our Election. A CLEAN REPUBLICAN TICKET ELECTED IN OLD CANS COUNTY ONCK MOKE. tYc Laii-jh, We Crow, He Told You So. It Ueat OMictiou Donowoo. Like the ld man that losl the tur nips out of the ' behind" part u( his wagon the boys stole the end gate we can't do the subject justice; uot exactly a the old man afujesaid,by cussin, for we're not on that train this time, but time and space choke otf iuuch of the rejoic ing we would indulge in. Qer this great victory. Cass County Republican from top to bottom; endways, sideways and cat a cornered even. No wonder the boys thiii their hats and the roosters crow, jit ; early to predict all the good resuU that inay tlow from this campaign, and we do not want to make oi.r democratic brethren feci any '-worscr ner they do" Jut now, so hoping and wishing each and every fcer elected will feel and ac t as if the hoiw nd in tegrity of the party were in bis hands and its future success depending on a faithlul performance of duty, we leave the future to reap the benefit of llil victon ELKOIG" flETUUNS. City 1st Waud: Urp.. Maxwell 55; FiGeld, 63: Powers, 62; Newell 47; Jennings, 64; livers, 63; Laverty, 52; Alt or, 34; Richardson, 55; Class, 03; Fairfield, 53. Dem. Miigfi,G4; Bear, CD ; Brass, CO; Simpson. 68; Kobinp.n. 52; Val lery, 53; Wilcockson, 63; Mutz, Stauder, 62; Richmond, 62; Gil more, 60. CiTw ?d. Wakik Rep. Maxwell, 79;FifieJd,72;Powcr3, Tl; Newell, 67; Jennings, 69; Ilyers, 66; Laverty, J Alton, 72; Richardson, 69; Gass, 71 Fairfield, 71. Dem, Munger, 33; Bear. 54; Brass, 34 Simpson, 56; Robinson, 53; Vallery t 58; WiJeocUson, 53; Mutz, 51; Stan der, 50; Ricbmond, S3; Gil wore, 53. Citt--3. Ward; Maxwell, 123; Fifield, 121; Powers, 121; Newell, Jl?; Jennings, 1L3; Hyers, 119; Laverty, 120; Alton 116; Richardson. 114; Gass, 116; Fairiifld, 1J3, Dem. Munger, 87; Bear, ti'j; Iras$ 89; Robinson, .94; Simpson, 93; Val iery, 87; Wilcockswn, 90; Mutz, 93; gtander, 95; Richmond, 90; Gil more, 91. City 4tii. Waud;-Maxwell, b'J; Fifield, 69; Powers, 69; Newell", 60; Jennings, 76: Ilyers, 79; Laverty, 70; Al'toi, f,U', filrhardson, 67; Gass, 66; Fairfield, 70. Dem. Munger, 93; Bear. 94; Brass, 94; Simpson, 103; Robinson, 87; Yal. )ery, 82; Wilcockson, 92; Mutz, 92; btadri ?R; Richmond, 92: Gilmore, .93. Eight Mile Grove Precinct: Rep. Maxwell .84; Fifield 86; Pow ers 85; Newell 9S; Jennings 81 ; Ilyers S3 Layerty 88; Alton 79; Richardson 35; Gass 83; Fairljeld 77, Dem. Munger, 75; Bear. 74; Bras, 73; Simpson, 61; Robinson, 78; Val lery, 76; Wilcockson, 70; .Mutz, 72; Jitandar, JP3; Richmond, 76; Gilmore, 80. Wkeping Water Precinct: Rep, Maxwell. 164; Fifield, 164; Pow ers, 164; Newell, 165; Jennings, 133; Ilyers, 170; Laverty, 164; Alton, 154; Richardson, US Qa33, J 54; Fairfield. 163. Dein. Mnuger, 42; Bear, 42; Brass, 42; Simpson, 42; Robinson, 74; VJ lery, 37; Wilcockson, 41; Mutz, 49; Stander. 49; Richmond, 43; Qilmore, 43. Libeuty Precinct:- Rep. Max well, 119; Newell, 133i Jennings, J33; Ilyers, 120; Laverty, 121 jf Alton, 111; Richardson, 114; Gass, 121; Fairfield, 122. De, Munger, 56; Simpson, 59; Itoblnssn, 49; VaJJerT, 57; Wilcock son, 53: Mutz, 54; Stander, SO; Rich mond, 54; Gilmore 55. Stvk Creek Precinct: Rep. Maxwell, 94; Newell, 90; Jennings, 84; Ilyers, 91 ; Laverty, 78; Alton, 70; Richaulson.Sj; Q ass, 83. Dem. Munger. 27; Simpson, 27; Robinson. 32; Wilcockson, 37; Mutz, 89; Stauder, 32; Richmond, 28. Avoca Precinct: Rep. Maxwell, 60; Newell, 58; Jennings, 60; Hyers, 59; Lavertv, 60; Alton, 50; Richard son, 67; Gass, 59; Fairfield, 69. Dem Munger, 21; Simpson, 21; Robinson, 19; Vallery, 22; Wilcock son, 21; Mutz, 20; Stander, 14; Rich mond, 22; Gilmore, 22. South Bxxd Precinct: Rep. Max well, GO; Newell, GO; Jennings, 41; Hyers, 63; Laverty, 60: Alton, 54; Richardson, 43; Gass, 58; Fairfield, 00. Dem. Munger, 33; Simpson, 2'J; Robinson, 54; Vallery, 27; Wilcock sou, 28; Mutz, 34; Stander, 52; Rich mond. 33; Gilmore, 33. Salt CitKEk I'iucinct: Maxwell 73;Newell, 70; Jennings, 70;IIyert 43 Laverty, 70; Alton, 0'J; Richardson, 62; Gass, 17; Fairfield. GS. Dem. Munger, 52; Simpson, 3'J; Rcbinson. 35; Vallery, 27; Wilcock son, 42; Mutz, 40; Stander, 41; Rich mond, 68; Gilmore, 3S. Centue Pkcixct; Newell, 80; Jennings, SI; Ilyers, 97; Laverty, 93; Alton, 85; Richardson, 80; Gass, 91; Fairfield, 81. Dem. Simpson, 57; Robinson, 65; Vallery, 15; Wilcockson, 53; Mutz; 58; Stander, CS; Richmond, 54; Gil more, 6j. Elmwood Precinct: Newell, GO; Jennings, 32; Hyers, 63; Laverty, 60; Alton, 45; Richardson, 58; Gas, 59: Fairfield, 59. Dem. Simpson, 18; Robinson, 32; Vallerv, IS, Wilcockson. 18; Mutz, 23; Stander, 20; Ric hmond, 18; Gil more, 18. The majorities of the Candidates are about as follows. Will give'eorrecttd table next week: Newell, 590: Ilyers, 593; Jennings, 400; Laverty, 460; Alton, 890; Rich ardson, 275; Gas , 530; Fairfield, 550. foulmuSdee, Col. Watson B,. Smita, Clsrt of the U. S, District Court, MURDERED AT HIS OFFICE DOOIt N TJJE D. S.. COURT HOUSE AND POST OFFJCP AT OMAHA. Cireat Excitement. From the Telegram. Col. Watson B. Smith, clerk of the United States district court, was murdsred at his affice door Friday night, at some unknown hour, the dead body being found at about 2:40 o'clock. No clue to the assassin has vet been found. Col. Smith returned Friday after noon from David City, where he had keen with his family visiting friends of Mrs.' Smith, leaving his wife and children "to complete their visit. That evening, as-' is frequently his habit, he came down to his oitice to attend to some business, leaving his house at about 7 o'clock! His mother, the only member of the family who was in the city, became awakened at about 11 o'clock, and seeing that ilr, sjrjith luid not returned, arose and dressed, and js.ent into the residence of a neighbor. They persuaded her that there had been some unusual detention at the Colonel's office a;d partially quieted her fears. She returned to bd. but as the time wore on and he dia not come, she again arose and tel pppned to the central office, asking that a b(oy b,e pent to Col. Smith's .office, the operator repuea tnaf, l.p was alone and had no one to 'send.' She then stepped into the residence of Dr, Moore, a neighbor, asked the Dr. if he would not do something toward hud ing Mr. Smith. This was about two o'plpcfc. The doctor telephoned t Ku'h'ns drug &tor at the corner of Fifteenth and Douglas streets, 'and Mr. Kuhn immediately dressed and stepped up to the 'Colonel's i office to see if he ras there. There was a light jn the post-office in the first floor, but the lipper rooms and hall wero appar entlv dark and deserted. A3 Mr. li'uhn gioped his way toward the door of the Colonel's oSic, he stumbled over some object on the floor and stoopipg down graspea A COLD HAND evidently that of a uuip.90. Mr at once concluded that tho body vyas that of Col. Smith, rushed down stairs, and tanning at the window of the ladies' delivery, requested Mr. Kennis- ton, the clerk in charge, to come up stairs with him. tellijig him the situa tion." Mr. ii'ennistoji replied thut U3 '! I" " 1 ! ' '' 1 At A- ? oince worK nas ueniuu uuu mat n would be impossible for him to leave at that time, but advised Mr. Kuhn t go out and find a policeman. Mr. Jvuhn ran down Douglas street td PQiiitcenih. r.:;d down Fourteenth to Karnam', jft-here h fo'ttpdofiicer D'Don ohoe, who returned with him, stop ping on the way to telephone Dr. pr. Moore that Col. Smith was dead. a dreapeul sight On arrivjng at php' dooi of Cul. bmitus office tue officer ngnteu me gas in the hall, and the nature of the terrible tragedy was discovered. Col Smith lay upon his back upon the Ptone floor, with his head toward Dodgj street ;ud bis fept in front af 1. : A .1 iTr.-'.-i...'-' .. !.(:. 1113 tiiuce uuui. iifs nup nuuut his neck and his overcoat unbuttoned, indicating that ha had thrown it on hurriedly in order to take the last street car for his home. His hat lay beneath his Ijead as hp had fallen, and was Jn a large pool qt clotted blood, which extended over several square feet of the floor. A postal card, and two business letters and a bundle of newspapers lay a short distance frm pis teet, a lie had dropped theci jn fading.' The 'butt' end of 'a . '" IlEVOLVER with one barrel discharged, wa3 dis covred protruding from the left pan taloon's leg, apparently having been placed Jhere by f.ip asgassip, arter the body had fallen. The keys were in the door which stood ajar. Looking more closely at the bead an ugly hole was diseov6iea on the lift tide, appar ly made by a blow. Subsequently, however, it was found to have been made by a bullet, which passed through the head, made an indentation on the north wall, and fell to the floor, whera jt r(i3 SMhsenupntJy djscpyered. The revolver from which It was fired, was a self cocker, of the bull dog pat tern, with curved wooden handle and stiver plated trimmings. THE MURDER, .from the legation fir" tho wound, th key3, etc., it would appear that the Colonel had placed the keys in the door before turning out the gas, had then extinguished his light, and was shot as he emerged frm the door. The rqrderer evidently stood facing the windpw and at the Colonl'a left as he emergpd 'from the doer. The meon was shining brightly outside, and facing the window the aE&a&ln probably had sufficient light to distin guish the outline of the Colonel's form when he came out, and then fired the fatal shot. The murderer must have been of the most desperate character to have attempted such a deed in that spot, with post office officials at work on the first floor, and with a signal service officer on the floor abwva. COKoNKU JACOBS was soon summoned and made a brief examination of the body, deciding to leave it there till daylight, and leaving Officer O'Donohoe to watch it, tiik vebdict. The jury after consultation found the following verdict: That the deceased came to his death at the door of his office in the U. S. court house and post office in the city of Omaha, Nebraska, aftor ten o'clock and fifteen minutes, on the night of November 4, 18S1, by a gun shot wound through the head, inflicted by some persons to the jurors unknown, and we do further find that Uih kill ing was a premeditated and malicious murder. John B. Fuuay. James Stephenson, F. J. McShane, A. Atkinson, A. W. Phelps, D. L. SnAXE, notes. An immense meeting was held in the Academy of Music on Saturday evening , and on motion of Mr. Touz nlin, a subacription of 10,000 was started, to aid in prosecuting the mur derers. Over 5.000 were raised at once, and $5,000 offered as a reward for the capture of the assassin, and tho rest to be devoted to legal and other expenses, und.-r the supervision of Mayor Boyd. The Bar Association of Omaha and Lincoln met and passed resilutions of condolence, and denunciation of the deed. The Governor o.Ters 309, reward for the capture and punishment ot the perpetrators. The Merchants Association of Oma ha offer $500, for the same purpose Likewise the Good Templars offer 20 to aj in the punishment 0 the covrar.dly brute. Col. smith had been active in tha enforcement of the new liquor law and had received threatening cards and letters in consequence, and there Lj sparely t doubt that bis murder grew .out of the feeljng created for or again 3 1 the liquor question, and as a supposed punishment for his endeavor to have the present law enforced. Omaha was stirred as it seldom has been moved, y.nd tho excitement has scarcely subsided at this writing. Comuiisj.ioners Preediiifts. Nov. Sth. 188 1. Boa id met pursuant to adjourn nient; Present. Sara'l Richardson Isaac Wiles and James Crawford. Coins , J. W. Jenning. Deputy Clerk. Minute? of last meeting read and ap proved; when Board aiourned to Q o'clock Wednesday morning. Nov. 2d. 1881. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment; Present. Sam' Richardson apd James Crawford. Coins; and J. W. Jennings, Ieputy Clerkv . When the following was done to wit ; Order allowed .G. II. Swarts, Sup'r road dist. No. 29 on J. W. Quacken bush, of Gree-nwood, for the following lumber J 16 plank 3 in. 14 ft. long; 14 plank in, 8 ft. long; 2 plank 8x8 in. 6 ft. long; and 448 feet of lumber for bridge, also order on Ilohan Bios, for 50 lbs. spikes. TQrder aljowed J. II. Strickland, Sup'r. dfst-. J'o. 31 on 1). Dean, outh Bend, for 1,000 feet of "lumber for u'so ofDist. Order a lowed Thad. Adams, Supr. Djst, fo, 22, on County Treasurer, for all money jn Treasury brjopgjpg f.o said Dist. ' Contract between Cass County ancl Jno. Sharp for rent of Poor House and Bond approved with Burton Fuller fetid V. I X 1 1 1 Ho l(lflip3. When the following accounts were allowed on General Fund; J. D. Tutt certificates of offi cers 8 25 J, . D. Tq'.t Salary, expense count &e. J. D. Tutt Making Tax list for 1881.. ".; E. II. Wo ley, salary as Super intendent Oct , , IS. II. Wooley, JJxtra work In pounty 1 Clerk's office W. C. Showalter, Commence ment fees in County Tax cases i. W. Hyers, fcierylce of sum mons in County Tax cases.. . . . W. II. Baker & Co., Board for 58 13 548 20 19 00 57 00 12 5Q 3 20 pauper X. Jean, extra work on appro- i 1 1 prlatlou 6 00 1 50 Jl W. Sagel extra work oii ap- pro riation W. C. Johnson & Co.,repairs on pumps at Poor Farm S GO ltobt. lonnelly, trork for Iload Dist's .'. 12 35 M. McEl wain, glazing 1 75 M. L. White, wood for Jail 5 00 Satp Jouj jiaJ Co.. Boks, &e... . ?3 30 Pfder a ajloweq John It. Vallery, on II. A. Waterman & Son, for 500 feet of lumber for use of Dist. Xo. 14, also order on J.S. Duke, for 23 lbs. of S;lje g for us pf Bijiue llistrlqt. ine amount or ?y 78 was allowed It. B. Windhau, us taxes erroneously taxed on lot 5, block 40, lot 5. bjoc $4, and lot 6, bioek 4a In Plattsmouth, be longing to Cass County. When following claims were allowed on General Fund : Smith & Strode, salary as Jl$- tya., Juiy t to uct. 13, lb3l. . . 50 00 R. W. Hyers, Jailors Fees Oct. 1881 46 50 J. R. Polin, boarding prisoners Oct. 1881......... ........... SO 15 R. W. Ilyers, sundry services. . 33 75 II. M. Bushnell publishing Reg istration list &c., 71 00 John Wayman, repairing trap for Jail 1 00 John Wpjm.arp,, bujldir.g cul. vert, less 820, drawn to County Treasurer 452 00 Peter Raueii, far wdik on Rjad scrapers 8 75 Allowed on Bridge Fund: D. Dean, lumber for Road Dis tricts 152 C5 II. A. Waterman & Son. lumber for Road Districts 75 35 Order allowed W. J. White, for $1,000 on contract for building bridge Order allowed Levi Churchill, Supr Road Dist. No. 38. for all money in County Treasuiy, due said Dijt. Order allowed Win. Gilmore for $35.00 on Dist. No. ll. Claim of Sam'l Richardson, services as County Commissioner for Oct. and Nov. 1881 6 35 00 Claim of Isaac Wiles, .services as County Commissioner, for Oct. and Nov. 1881 18 15 Claim of James Crawford, ser vices as County Commissioner, for Oct. and Nov. 1881 20 00 Order allowed that an order be drawn on the County Treasurer, in fa vor of Miss Jane Porter, for the sum of S400, in payment of dam ages by reason of said Porter granting ground for County Road, 80 feet wide, running from Chicago Avenue, in a Southerly direction, through the N. E. quarter of N. E. quarter of section 24. town 12, range 13, till it intersects the i section line. Also agreeing to make no further objections Uj the road loca ted across N. E. quarter of N. E. quar ter gectjon 34, town 12, range 13. East from Chicago Avein and thence E.tstr erly across N. W. quarter of N. W. quarter, section Id, town 12, range 14. It is further ordered that an additional 100.00 be allowed Jane Porter in case the County road fiom Lincoln Ave nue, in Plattsmoutli City, by new Stock yards, and thence through Smith estate, be finally located and estab lished. When board adjourned to meet Mon day. December "th. 1881. Attest: S. RiciJAKD-Sox, Isaac; Wilis. . " y Ccn. JAS.CKAWFOKI-.. - J. W.Jennings, Dep. Co. Cleik. I f. .1,1 vo q. a. Ow ing to its being Election night and for other reasons the regular meeting of the Grand Army Post of this place was not held on Tuesday last, but there will be a apectal meet ing next Ttiifrsd-jy evening, Nov. t5th. for the purpose of collecting dues, set tling the Post Business for the year and such other business as may seem necessary to the welfare of tho Post' other than the mustering in of re cruits. In this connection I will call atten tion to the faqt that there is no other regular meeting before the meeting on Tuesday, the 13th. of December, the first meeting in December, at which Officers are to be elected for the ensu ing year . All the officers of the Pott, find, especially the old charter members are particularly requested to be pres ent at this meeting as matters of par ticular import to the future welfare and continuance of the Post are likely to come up and the entire Post should turnout. Our dues to the ttat.e De partment and the business of thjj year should be settled, before the election of new officers, and in many respects it is highly impoitant that all the old members and" especially the charter members of the Post should be pres ent. Remember the date. .'IMO. A. MacMcu-h?. . Comr. '' Mil' l' Nearly two million dollars nro re tained at the Nerr York Po3t Office, money which has accumulated from mis UrecU'd and unclaimed money The Assessor elected in Stove Creek precinct was John Hart, elect ed by 21 majority. Pretty good JMhri. :! Two doses of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup completely cured my child of a gevere case of croup. I have used a great many different cough medipineg, tnif- have never found ny so fficient 3s XiV- Marshall's. ,J. W. Spellman. Elkhart. Jnd. Catarrhal Poison. Catarrh poisons the mucous meuit br;ne poisons tha blood and vital flu Ids, poisons the lungs, liver and kid neys. From a simple cold to tho rot ting, sloughing and death, of the senses of mell, taste and heaii'ng, Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrh is supreme. Complete treatment $L Oeaxii to rats and vermin, Parsons' Exterminator Appetite. Flesh, Color, Strength and Vigor if you covet these, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which vftfl confer them upon you In rapid succession. lmost Young Again. "My -mother was afflicted a long time with Neuralgia and a dull.heayy, inactive. ond:t:qr. 'cf'iLe vyhole sys fen, h!ad,ache. ier'yoiis prostration ami A'aa Ulmost helpless. Jo physicians or medicines did her any goo.i. Three months ago she began to use Hop ljit ters, with sucli good eept that she. eeern;'ar.'4 young again, although oye ! years od,. ' M'e think there is no other medicine fit to u'je in the family." A lady in Providence, R. . The prppeifcy wbieh was scattered about' by the hoodlums in their frolic on "Hallowe'en" has not been recover ed yet, and the prospect is that several of them will get i to sfi ious tiQu'uie in consequence. fl inr.oln Journal. IIov ti Secure Health. It seems strange that any one will suffer from derangements brought on bv impure blood, wh?;i SCOVILL'S S A It S A P A I H I L A AND STILLIN OIA. or BLOOD AND LIVER SYR UP will restore health to the physical oiganizatinn. It has been proven to be the BEST BLOOD PURIFJF.R ever discovered, curing icrofula, Syphilitic dcrJc-fS, Weakness of the riiJueys, Erysipelas, Malaria, Nervous, disorders, Debility, bilious complaints and all Diseases of the Blood, lvt Kidney's Stomach, Skin, etc. X single bottle will prove a h&aHh ren.e'wer, for it At;T$ LJI,h A'CUAUM, specially wli'bi'i tlio vompbtint is of an exhaus tive nature. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures pain in Man and Beast. Use et&i nally and internally. - TANNER'S ' GERMAN OINT MENT cure3 Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, etc., soothes Inflammation, and relieves pain in the side, clfesf, sli'duTders, eW. S ADDITIONAL LOCALS. - The Daily "Journal ' the new Democratic paper made its appear ance Saturday. It is an exceedingly neat, five eo'umn piper, patent inside, well primed, and welledited. Itcomes I out snu:ir ": Democracy, as thv un derstand i". and we like that. While we have our own opinion about a daily piper in Piuttsmouih, Messrs. Sherman and Howard are welcome to try it a speil "The eternal princi ples" of 11 party. Brother ' Sher man talks uiiout, will wait till some otl.ei time, when we haven't so many 'lec.ion figi'res on hand. The W.C. T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. B. Spin lock on Thursd:; afu rnoon, Nov. 1 7th, at three o'cN-ck. The ladies of Platts moutli iuteiested in the temperance work are cordially invited to attend. Cartel's Liver Bitters for the cure of dyspepsia, liver complaint, and all diseases caused by malaria, are made by the makers o.' Carter's Little Liver Pills, which guarantees their goodnes. Foi sale by Smith Black & Co. Lemon-.! i,eino:!! A lot of fresh, Lemon 1 just received at J.D. .Simpson's. 1 Dr, Leslie, of Lincoln, died at Sus quehanna. Paon the 7th inst. Dr. Les lie, it will be remembered, with Dr. Davis, wfiit South during the Yellow Fever cpiii;pjc, and gaye the ir serv ices to the ciiizens of Hickman, Ky, He has been in 11 health for some years, and had gone to Pennsylvania for a change. Wanted. A stout l id to take care of a team and do chores. Apply to 3itf Dr. R, It, Livinuston. Otir druggist? are selling large quantities of I)r. Marshall's Lung Syr up for cough's, colds and pulmonary complaints generally. It takes the lead of all cough remedies. Try it. Ordy twentv-five and fifty cents a bo! tie. - - - - 5i;isuJi i Iliiiqlin Organs. The inot popular, acknowledged the best. In personally taking the field again, I would invite the atten tion of my Friends and the lovers of c&od music to tin the words of the world's greatest master.Tranz Liszt) these "MATCH le.-s" "UNRIVALED" instruments. Over 100 beautiful Styles from $22 to $140 and upwards. A beautiful live octave organ for ten quarterly payments of ten dollars each. If persons wishing to supply themselves or their friends will drop a postal card to my address, they will receive prompt personal attention. Beautiful new style for the Holi days at bottom prices, and on the easi est terms. JAMES PETTEE, II. Harrington, State Ag't. Ass't. Traveling Sa'.esman. A Handsome Portrait of onr la1? Pres. iiient. James A. trlar(leld9 Opee " for Etery Household. ' ' The lva Farmer Co. of Cedar Rap ids, Iowa, wh'o are the publishers of one of the very best farm and stock journals in the li;."p, villi com- Ujendabio energy, decided to present an elegant portrait, 10x24. of the late Gen. Jasies A. Garfield, to each and every one of their readers free of charge. The price of the Farhek is but one dollar a year and well worth twicrt that amount. The picture is a beautiful one, the original of which was proncurccd ty paiueld himself tho fc?s, he ' V'ef saw ; and pictures in ferior In every way are bf-ing sold at 75 cts. to dl.OO each. A copy of this one and the Iowa Farmer is s nt a whole year by sending only one dol lar to the Co., at Cedar Rapids I-wa. -iy ?" eiaraaptfrllla. lie wise in time; All "baneful' infections are promptly removed by thi3 unequalled alterative. It is the most potent blood purifier; and a fountain of tl ad Horse .'Mi irf. On Saturday evt-uiug last a pair of horses belonging la Thomas WUes were stolen from his bavn, together witb the harness and wagon, by a scamp calling himself M.lton Brown, and whom Mr. Wiies had employed husking corn for about ten days. Mr. Wiles having been telegraphed to. attend the death ci" bis father, Luke Wiles, in Iowa, was away from borne at the time. Brown told Bosworth, the other hand at the farm, that he was coming dow,n to the ther that uigub aim vvL'i',1 iu.v v.e ooujc. au me nean while he put the horses to the wagon, drove out on t he North road to town, solJ the corn to Jos. Buttery, got his money and drove So uth c-i pi town. Lo?w!i'i UiaJ the cattle awl, at sight of the wagon of corn from which they were generally fed) and got up to see what was wron?? found the gate o; e(i, the bprsi gonj , &c, and afte suriug the cattle g?.va yuo alarm. Sheriff ljers yis on the road after the thief that night, and was las heard from. Gear Syracuse, Otoe Co. on, tLe trail hot. We expect he will bilng the rascal Pi dea.4 or aliye beforp tif4 paper goes to press, - --?V-- I r ia . t he Tin:e?.v Editor of the Times: The- vsteiln. ary ile-un tn.'ent in your v;lvile paper is .ihvajs it cd by inj vrith great uittr st and I va.i.',; tbe information re ceive Uu3 it a humtred fold more than the smalt amount Paid for the paper. One year ag; yo.u published u letter from Dr. JuUn Btes, reUUny the wonderful success he badiid'.,, curing spavins and splints Vi'iiV Jen dill's Spavin Cure and his, llusi ju to using it in hi practietj f-r 3 Viral La man aiimenti on avount oi tlio suc cess he has al a:JS had TitU it. The above 6t;f,fcuteuts froi so prominent a pjjjtioiau gave n--, giet, uith in it5 eoicacy, and a- "l had. teen afflicted for years with .seum.atism and hicj-joint lameness sy ,d that 1 could hardly walk tinges, I procured a bottle and a has cured ian 1 wish to nroelaim it tft all ju tV.s most wonderful cure ev er made for the benefit of afflicted lut-n j as well Hi for the poor hQrek for j Miiicu ii. tti:s nrst useu. Aitfcis rem edy must bo of incalculable value to e world, 1 write this letter to ex press m.y lUuk ulness to you for ever mentioning it in yourcolumns and to ask another favor in behalf of my fellow men who are afflicted in body, that you continue to make know& ta the world the great value of Kendall's Spavin Cure for both inau aa well as" beast. Respectfully, youra," - Arnold 1'AiiKEK. R.lrest N;. Y;, &pt. Isf, 1881. 11 CtQ Scrofulons. Itching and Scaly 1 1 11 mors of the Skin, Scalp ami Blood Cured. MIRACULOUS CURT. I will iK-w t:t'e tliat I nmi'e n miraculous cure or cue ol t!i worst casts of ekin iti-e:t. known, xi 1 e 5..1: ieru U :t ni;wi forty year vltl ; liit.l suiTt-rrd fUu-.v,, war Hi '. scalp arid nearly Inn vt fu l." ho.? p'- Mi a li l,:hllul :tp !':!. ' Hxn Ivtil l!n :ti-nhin tt tvn-'. dim i-fiii i'.ysi.-iutn. wlio pi ci-ci iLird I he l'est rcriirihe n Known 1,, si,e inol. sii.ii. .-cli as io diile poiy-ium. ;ii..,i roiTf.Mvc sulilhu-nc. s.n;i.ini!a. i tc. !,,.! i,.,i.i .vo for medical rrc;i!;lil .vilii li t ii,!V relief. 1 i-it-valicd Ul'Oil l.iul to ll l!lf ( u IIkmiLVKXI ir.toiu;i!'y. v.mi tln i'i ri ri:. tnl C'cticcka SlIAC ( H'.' IIHliV. Jl,' Hi. I p,) al, w:l(i CIIIH- l-ii-i'f.'i f :tYf. TLfekin on liad, lace and many oti cr pare 1.1 In, wUicli i.i.riit.'d a nnt l,.ai i,miiik- :!-l-:iiaiiiv. Is nmv nsMlt nd smo' tli - ail !!ili!:n"s, Willi 110 scar r trace of Hi.- (iisca-e left l.ehind. He liax now been fuu'd Iv.t-ive li'oullis. ltcpurtcd by r. ii. iwx, i'.fj.; ivuuwcii, s. i SCSOFCtTioTu? Kpv. Dr. . i;i d.iai'ii-? cxperifntr willi Hi.- f.'iir.n llr.MKinKs. t-al.t tiiat tlii'iiL.':i Divine i'fniili'iiii' one i li pari-li-ionfr cki.'.I of a m i..ri,io:.N M.rc, uhi. Ii was fiowiy a.vav i: i. li'c. 1-v flic CiT iCi'KV Kkk.m. .t iuu-r:i:'!i. aui'i'i riU KA nml Soap externally. I lie iv ioii had fed-tlte ilifcasf w.ic-.iinj'lciHv oiiveii i i-.i. ECZSMA. Sixteen 111 :itic siaco a.i eruption lirokc out (ii my l-s and I10M1 feel, wliich turned out t: lie "eczema, and caused me cret pani an I anncya:i'-e 1 n i.-il vaiioiu reinedie." w it!) u K"od rc-i:!ts. m,til I uneil t fCn i nitA 1; ff o,.vi-x v i:itriiail atit (itk t;i NlAI" e-:tei:::i!iy. k.iie!l elitiiv!y cured 1I1C SO Unit my sUi is iir mnoili and natural a eer. I. EX. M. HI '.Il.i-.Y.f.l oiilli s!.. naliiiimie. CUTICUhA. The Cut ieiira treat ineiit. for the. cure of skiu. Sealp jnul I loo.t diseases mnMiMtf In the inter na! U"e d C I. I li'l. K Kksoi.vk.nt, the new t!'od puriii.M- aiij tile externalise ofCL'Tl-ci'H.-v So At. I a rout ..kin cures. I'rice of ( L I'K'I'IIA, Mlil.ili i-e.. Ml e-ntr. ; larue lioxe. tA. ('t'TK i'KA i:i:soi.v, 81 o per bottle. I'tTicrKA, '.'O -rnt ; inn iii.v s.hav- I0 SoAl", i." cents. Depot. WEEKS .t I'OITKU. r.ofton, Mhsk. minn i tirr wrrrr tt i .Jill Sanford's Radical Cure, Complote Treatment For !i,J.CO. SANJ-'OKDV ItAIO.l'AI. 'l'Hlt, CATAKIIHAL OLT.ST and iuifu'OVi'd l.4. i;iaI.KH. W li'VPed :u one pa't:L;e. i!h llie fu:i direeuf'HH, nid sold 1-v all lriit;i;Nt for one t'.ollar. As:t for SaiifoiiiV ii.niical ( nie. 1'roin a simple cold cr ii.tluei:za to iho rottiiiV. siouKliiu. idid leat h of Ilia sences of niell. ta-leand hesirim:. t It's ureat icm- edy is nipn'ine. l'..isonoi;s mucous accum ulations jire viiiiiovi'd, the entire inemnniiie clejiiM-d, disinfected. Hoot lied and healed, head and voice clo.iri'd. smell, taste and ihearii: restored, and constitutional lav- aye checked. Thin, externally and inter nally, does I ids treat economical remedy i Work, instantly relieving and permanently f curing t he most aggravated and danijerouH !f,.in.. . .f ....... - l s (jeiujal Aei'it4.-AVEi:ivS A rOTTKK, hoston, jMast. HA'M, .1114 yrtl A Roadie. Water Husf, k 'S I"u 1,lu unu i.ia.'K 3. Ants cid ravciiouslv -A- l'.K(N hXIEK sTf" JMINAXOlt ami .lie No fear of had smells. Hal liH. craiiaries and tloiwelioliH often cleared In asinine night. and cheapt vtimiii hilhr in t no world. No failure in ::i years. Every hox nairanted. Sold by all grocer and liui;isls, ;ut SON'S. Mailed tor "." cm i i.j V( EUtvM - I (J'lTEK, UojUmi. J!ar. Those persons who do not i Iron, but who are troubled with Nerv ousness and Dyspepsia, will find' in Carter's Little XiinvK Pilla a most de sirable art'ej-j. They "are mostly used in fcoiuoination with Carter's Little Liver Pills, and in this way often exert a nio.-.t magical effect. Take jnst one piil of each kind immediately after eating and you will be fre from Indi gestion ami Dyspepsia. In vials at 25 cents. Sold by all Druggist;. ' li Consuiiijdicn- B r o n c h i t i A i h in a. W t.'iir T'tfL f,. r. . ...... ........... c- n K If n i m I H3 iCHS in all other I'memes, Hn heiu flt wliicl it Im tloiiljteilly viehl. o 1'otiiiiiiptioii f other rtiseai-eK cr tlu;itory Oi-ho'. would via lieattf Ii,. l;uni to t tie alfeiiiiou fif everv me'I ie;il u'-netiMouer. From the '.catistloi of Eml' hoid an.l Aineilea it in a. fair e.stimute thtt one-teiitli of the eiMire. (..stl.s l t-ttm-cd bv Consiimptioii alone. If the ".;(. I wetl ncr seveniiiy it th ietuleney to 'm suii)itioii auu in many onCrmed e:es as in that of the inveutot. It lias erterteil a cure Imi!S' -IU lii hitbltuill (.'ostiveiieKs aliiios-t alwayn aiito iroiu weakties- f Uie nerven ami liitlKcied of tito -toiiiai-ii and bowels. In such c.-istis, f t-II oh is' 4'ontiOi:nU Myrur of lyi0Jioihit ltiu prove.l itneif of tbe Kieaiel sen ire. llie cvacuacioiiH fooii Le come copious anil liealtny. Shis .Sjtiijj will cute I't'iMdx ,v. tvxsi Mf Tio.v in the i:ist sta-e. ana jnve treat re lief ami pidloni; fif. mi ,i.. kceond hnd tUird It wil cure Asr hv,., hUo.vcuiTrs. Laryngitis and Cor. H w 111 cure all dij-cai-es oriL'inat ' joit Koiu want of Muscular Actiuu and t ervous f0 iiblic Speakers and Slaar Will find this S'iup of inevtiriciVU value A lose should be taken bef-uv -.Kiu r iii ir.g. ' iIioni-4, .r .);', of voii-e. is u.-imMv cured by a few . u Uavi ki;o n eai-i-n where a a iiiwl.1 it.,-..' bef-u elfectual. . Jacou. 1. ., st..Ioi!ii. .N. j;., f-sil ,l hail oi ca-.i.n lo us.- vour SvinniM s it s- Apiiotiia wlii h would not vie!d tv ',i;;.i lr' , nient ; if proved to be ;.!! t'h; ,u ,-t:uw . r',r ""C jj isfactlon. .elved b.Y V-uieilfeH rrr.8 ho Ctl'V nieraratioii Is a sub. a Mu:',;i. hmmk tiliite for tl line tor this. i-:,rr anv (iret;;.,iucr.s. or Salo ail drt.-j.'tf'i.s. 1 (3 ! Ill R. SHERWOOD'S k-" My? t t- miri'n J. -i (-3 mm " A T ninn 1 o I i .a. a? i NO SH0DLY GOODS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 60LD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR a tw A nwit Jl'xii. l Work. jrrnt-ilOirlnJc'h. , itiilwrwr-'.'.Ia In mn.r lr.n, -nULie'1 't h Rri-nc ot Jj:-. rn lint k'mn-h rnuMiin,eiii) lr PACa.;"ntainHiAaatiiuliitl THYSELF. . u.4Uuiii&' CUTICURA Permifirrilly Cured Humon of th Sralo tnil lcn. Cut ieura reinrdies are for sal.-1. all iln 'Ki'll Trice of ( r u. riiA. a M t. u :t.: . .d l!v. Mi'all Itoxe. :'.. ;n;:e Nixes. M. 4 i i :(. ka'(mh,. VKNT, tlie pew I;'. 'Oil 'i. i ifirr. j.i ,.r boltl iTi.t i! Mi inciNAi. 'U.iikr miap -.-a r' ( l lii I I.A .MH.( I.VAI. Ml.U I.NH M,t,l, ftc. ill bars fur li tll'Cis and !;ire coiimm. im'h j.c' l'riiieip;.! I:-:-.:t, WKKKS .V Toi l t K. I'ostoi,, N.aS. J?A11 in.di' il free on recent f l ii c. tGlNGFR TONIC. ;iiiSr, IJrcfui, IXnuilrnl.e. amj many of the bet me lii'ines known air l.ere mimim rd Into n iiii-'1ltiii" of such va.ied pe r- as to make it t lie i -rralest I'loml I'm itier and llie Host Health ami Strengili flestorir iHfil. Cures conip'.i'ii'ts of ivoinen and diseases of Ibc 'Slontai h. bo acN. I.ur.s, i.iel, :inl lviuoi j", and i entirtly l itUu iit fiom l.iitois. I.tnt'rr l"eiiri s am! -.tln-i Toidex. as it never lli-l-ei.tes. r.!ie nnil 1 Kti-s. I..U Mivilifc- l.uii' 1 i.e. II1H 4X A ( ii. L:M . . " "BENSON ' S GAPCINB Poraas PLASTER '11 e lnaimfac liners have Won the .Highest Medals and b very n here. No Iiemedy more 1 idclj oi l-'ntyuinlilf Known. It Is rnpl:! la reljevii:jft icU lit trill ing, l'or I niiie i;.iU. i: U 4' muil In m, Kldnry -i fr Iin.H. atut nclcn. nn'i? i.nlus KCi'i'ially. it is the unrivalled reaicdy. IfllllllflE"! HARRIS & UNRUH, prf.ll.KKS IN . FUE1TITUEE COFFINS, ami all kinds of uood.s usually kept In n e-'IHST CLASH FI'ltMTI KK STOliK Also, a very coinpl"t.e dock i(f Funeral GooJs, CoSus, Caskets, Rotes, EMBLEMS, 4c. Special til triit Ion given to Hi" proper care of the tlead. niirlit or tlay. A lird-c!a-.s bear-e and carnages, iili personal attend. ui-e uhencver desired, l.'H K.i.s ai.wavs ukason aiii.e. Smith Suit; Isnrrr 3iii Stru t, L'U13 1'LA.TlSMOt ril, NK1J. JOHN SUANxNON LIVERY SALE AND FEED "t'afc 4 Carriages always on HaVd HiXIlSK FUNERAL?. . - TJLI-CE i4 OTICD I I want all ol oiy accounts jellied t' tIAif. aii'l 1 sliall do r..i .nine civil',, buMacss. Ail old accounts must be s.-ttbv. ..m. and no new onts r.'lil be made. I" n'., ..i li accounts are M'ttievl Slinrtly tll"v v. ol lit died. I m ioli to ilo a strictly cvsli business fut ur JOHN SlIANXb.. rial'Miinitlh. N'eh. Geo. Wootls ? C.a hakes n Onaiis. 1 I'ai.i'rp, Cui 1 lor t i n e r v. Ti 1 taci-o anil Cigars, .HEADQUARTERS ron SHEET1 IsLT Main St. oi'jiosite 2s- v iv J k JL J - ri.A rrsMdL'Tii NRKKASKA. C. SOfLEGEL, Suoft1wr to .S iii.i;;ki. N lKMAX.' Manufacturers of -J-l-N Ci ' j I. And dealers in SMOKKltS' FAM .. ii l.V.H. RMOKI543 and CHEWINfJ iTO II A c c; o . 3lecial HRANIS and .f ( KiAHS mad t order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cipar ' e ifiplnt'sfcM for smukiirf 'ibacco. . WfUa Str.?et. one door nest, of s. Iu'". VsTon. Ojtjftiifte il'imt tj rr,, rLATTSMOVTII. Xti. . , lm8: iUlU Mod M W. F. MORRISON. Prcr 1JEEFK MUTTON 1'OHA', 1CKENH, etc., &c Constantly on Hand. Evp.Vything irst-class, at Lowest Rales. Main St.'lx t .vccii rh :.iki .'.:'! . PLATTSltOTJTtl. I iave now ;i -v i;rl.-k -Maker fr.);n llie? fs rirst-c "liiss VTorkiiinn. 130,000 No. 1 Brick Jiow llea-iv a: d for sale. 4 i me and Examine tl.em !or Vu!-eHe. If Ibcy fi.ll on a i. s:i n .!T trocs bif bead. V7i:i ret to Csieitoia Icr i Ccantlty si l:tt I ain also realy t" (.'niitra t fT all kitids of buililir.'s ;inI t l") ti;i any kind of voik in Jirick iv.m!4l. JKUUY IIAH'J.MAN. Alloy place on IVaidiinutoii Avi-iiuif or at K. S. White". S. ' i on Muin Mjcct, I'lattsnioutli, Nebraska. -L'lm.'l Ila l ?nioved from Main Street to llie bouse of' FRANK N I EM AN, tear "cfeph W. Johnson's House, where We -w Always be Found :ls . V'fnre. ready for ail k mds of Now Is llie tl; i to tive us a call, b.-ttcr rcx'in),- : lar-er plat e. v ant mire v. or,': and can do YOU .ILL Jl'STICi-;. ' Keineniber the vhnt:3 and don't forjiet thi AllverfNcmeiit. Wit. V. Kl)W, f f irf w A r!)friii(: u prav-nptiont. Jrironljr 41 Ji.HEt Ij mrul: -'-r '!S llUTjlri .irr.U. C . (vnj .."'-'.- :rr ,.,n.,l.,.iu u Yi 00 81 AS S " ' 'in -i r- .'slJiiS'' Jroy laundrY!