Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 03, 1881, Image 3

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i.-:i:i :ir. -is e , ;. .!. ;,.?iM ,ivtrtw
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i.'mo fTfi: evidence of ixtestioxal
M'ur.:ir- Wallace Saturday.
11 ;met & Lewis' new ad.
:.; ;. -In I'luler wir at Wt-scott's
Xctt !i of lamps at Joe Robert's.
lie e ful who ? ou gel your tick
e'3 of.
Mr. N; it hews fVtice ami sidewalks
loom up.
Soni nobby new bull programs
just received.
The Vtllace Sisters Saturday and
Monday lights.
Joe Johnson's house on Vine st.
is cominj n finely.
The "Diction" of the Democracy
is beoomiiii: eniharasaed.
Dr. A. Salisbury, the IJoss Dentist,
over Smitli, lilack & Co.'b. 31tf
Now is the time to buy at Weck
Lach'a before we move.
Lain ?, lights, lanterns-coal oil
and -sich" a' Joe Roberts'.
Holmes and the marshal have
been havii-jj a bout on hogs.
He sure you get the right tickets
of the right ,nan. Election day.
One stole won't hold our jjoods
come and buv quick At Dovey's. 1
See Ad. of the Wallace Sisters
Nov. 5th and 7th at Fitzgerald Hall. .
Knit got-ds for Ladies Misses and
Children's wear at E.G. Dovey & Son's.
When Weckbacii gels into his new
store Look out for new goods.
-Just received, at Roberts', a fine
line of new styles of lamps. Call at.
Celery and oysters at Simpson's,
just received to-day. Fresh and crisp.
-,-WecUbach will move next week if
possible come and buy cheap this
Sociable at Mrs. S. S. Ilinkle's this
Thursday evening. Everybody m-
Remember Frank Neiman's new
place on Main Street opposite Court
Call and see the new designs in
Queensware Chamber sets at Baker &
At woods. 3212
In the general me-ee, we hear
nothing of Ramsey- v' can't spare
Cheaper than t-'Wr, !f i duyt
ro.i.Js ai Weckbaoh's to m ike h-ss stock
to move.
Bewaie of false statements and
false circulars on Election day, or just
For the best staple and fancy
Toeeriea in FlattsmoutU go to J. V.
Week inch's. 10tf
A sen of Barney Toinay. aged
about six years, was buried Wednes
day morning.
Frank Nieman opened a new
cigar store on Main Street opposite
Court House.
Complete line of winter goods at
Dovey's; keep 'em for sale w do.
Call and select. 1
M. Curraiopens a new and ele
gant Parlor Restaurant :n Frank
Stewart's place.
A variety of handsome articles in
Majolica and other fancy wares at
Baker & Atwoods. 32-t2
The temperance ladies seem to
have come to a stand still with their
Temperance column.
Blankets and Comforts and all
other kinds of winter goods at E. G.
Covey & Son's. 32t2
Where, oh where is -Hartigan.
Michael Aristotle Hartigan? We
want him at the front.
See Fred Herrmann's new Ad iu
this paper Fred has a store full of
new goods. Mind that.
Now here "all tew oust" Cel
ery at Simpson's. Oysters thrown in
for the price ef a can.
Dovey's That's the place to get
goods uovt. An immense stock on
hand, that must be sold. 1
Cap. Simpson has trailed the New
Ella oil and the Belie Morgau is to be
our ferry boat in future.
Cards of invitation are out for the
china yeddmg of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Barnes, oii the 10th inst.
Nice line of Ladies Cloaks and
Dslmans again received by E. G.
Dovey & Son. 32t2
Mike Murrjhv'as boys have the cut
est team of white goats which they
drive in a little delivery wagon.
Presbyterian Social entertained
by Mrs. Daid Miller this Thursday
eveniag. All are cordially invited.
Councilman Gorder sets a good
example in j utting a temporary side
walk around his dirt pile on Mainsfe.
A car load of choice Michigan
Apples just received now is your time
to lay in your w inters supply.
S2t2 E. G. Dovey & Sox.
Believe no lies told you on or be
fore Eleetien day; nor circulats with
false statements about our Candidates.
The new styles of Glass ware,
Goblets, Fruit dishes. Sauce pUtes &c
Ac. are yery pretty and cheap at Baker
Atwoods. 32-t2
Edwin Jeary of Greenwood was in
town yesterday.
Prof. Lore was home Sunday to see
everybody and say 'Howdy".
Jerry Farthing has been finite sick,
prevailing fever; better now.
Trueman Hall and his little daugh
ter, from Louisville, were down Mm
County Commissioner Richardson
came in Tuesday ready for 1 usiness as
Mr. and Mrs. Gerner, of Lincoln,
were the guests of Capt. and Mrs.
Palmer. Monday.
Mis3 Lillie Simpson aud sister Lulu
have gone to Nebraska City to visit
their grandparents
Mrs. Chas. Dawson and Miss Maggie
will return home next week, from
their long eastern visit.
The Perkins House is full of guests
daily, and Mr. McKeevor is making an
excellent reputation as a landlord.
Mr. I. Hahn, formerly with Kalisky
& Son, passed through our city Wed
nesday, traveling for a St. Louis firm.
F. S. White, our genial Frank has
returned from the far west. It looks
more natural than life, to see him on
the street again.
Col. Wagner was down again last
Sunday ; they say he has just built a fin
residence in Omaha, and, well we
will tell you in a week or two.
Mr. Lansing and daughter, of Al
bany, New York, father and sister of
Mrs. Henry Waterman have Loen vis
iting her for the past few weeks.
Mrs. Jennie Clement, and family,
who has betn residing near Louisville
with relatives for some years past, has
returned to her own residence in
Frank Davis and Fred Murphy
went down to Weeping Water last
Sunday, accompanied by Miss Aggie
Sampson and Miss Carrie Isham. They
report things booming at Weeping
Miss Ida Good ell, one of the teach
ers in the High School, left for her
home at Glen wood last Saturday
where she has a school, the Board
here accepting her resignation and
supplying her place with another
teacher. Her many friends are sorry
to see her go, but if she can do better
there, they all wish her success.
Jennie Wallace Saturday.
33tf Will S. Wise.
Just before the battle- selling
goods at Weck'oach's preparatory to
moving. Now is the Mine.
New Dolmans, plush trimmed, at
Baker & Atwoods. 3i-t2
Johnny Simpson, your legs are
short; you may make a pretty good run
-Some handsome and new styles of
Glass ware at Baker & Atwoods. 32-t2
Palmer & Morley, New Barber
Shop, next door to Court House New
chairs, clean place. Drop in.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M.
Roberts. 3tf
Joe Robinson was in town Mon
day. He didn't see O'Diction, but
gave all the boys the wink, just the
New assortment of Queens ware,
latest styles, at Baker & Atwoods. 32t2
--Republicans, post yourselves in
the names of all Republican Candi
dates and be sure they are on the tick
et you vote. -
33tf Will S. Wise.
We have been feasting for a day
or two back on some very fine veni
son, presented by Mrs. G. W. Fairfield,
for which we most heartily returned
thanks while partaking of it.
Nobby new Cloaks, plu-di and
passementerie trimmings at Baker &
t woods. 32-t3
Geo. Dovey is putting on a fine
addition to their store with a big
sky-light and modern improvements it
will be one of the handsomest stores
in town.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m
Pay no attention to campaign lies
got up just before Election, to steal
votes with. Our Candidates are all
good men and no just charge can be
made against any one of them.
I sell the best and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Peter Mehqes.
Them ar' young ones played smash
Hallowe'en, did'nt they? Where's our
gate and Mike Schn ellbacker's wagon
and so on? Well boys, you let us off
easy, we're much obliged.
Mr. Arnemann, Cashier of the
Westarn Horse aud Cattle Insurance
Co. f Omaha, and Mr. P. J. Hansen,
of the firm of Hansen & Chassot, will
make a trip through Cass County, this
week and next, iu the interest of the
above named company.
Dr. Wm. Jones who has been very
ill for some time is out on the street
again. We are glad to see William
and scared to learn be came so near
the long "home stretch" during hi
late illness.
33 tf WillS. Wise.
Windfield S. Hart man, infaant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hartman
died Saturday, Oct. 22d.
The funeral took place from the
family residence Monday the 24th.
where the many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Hartman gathered to show their
sympathy with the bereaved patents.
If you need any work done in the
dental line, call on Dr. A. Salisbury,
who will do a first-class job for you, as
cheap as the cheapest. 31tf
Comrade Charles Guthman still
lingers in the border land. We hope
to hear that he has postponed his last
roll-call for sometime, as the news
from his bedside is so encouraging.
33tf Will S. Wise.
Opinions of the Press.
Macquette is romantic in its scenes,
realistic in its effects, and startling in
its denouements." Philadelphia Ci.y
The Wallace Sisters have become
thoroughly identified with Minnie's
Luck." Philadelphia Press.
"Miss Jennie Wallace made a hit,
her pretty face and sparkling acting
gaining the good will of the audience
at once. Chicago Tribune.
"The Drama throughout elicited
the closest attention and most nithu
siastic applause. Pittsburg Dispatch.
"Miss Jennie Wallace, the beautiful
impersonator, gave a fine realization
of the street waif." New Orleans Pic
ayune. "With regard to Miss Jennie Wal
lace's new drama, "Jacquette, or, "In
The Toils' by Marsden, we would sim
ply say, 'There's millions in it." "
Portland, (Me.) Argus.
Brown, the Laundry man has re
moved to the Frank Nieman House,
and with better rooms and larger
place, is prepared to carry on his bus
iness more extensively than ever,
(iive him a call.
Get Dr. Salisbury to make you a
set of teeth and they will last you as
long ns you need any. 31 tf
The first dance by the T. A. M.
Club was given last Friday night. The
Club were nearly all present and an
enjoyable evening was spent by all
those present. There is some talk of
having a masquerade ball Thanksgiv
ing night. Hurrah!
Commissioners' District.
Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know just what precincts are
iu the different Commissioners' Dis
tricts, and their population ; They are
as follows:
Platts. City, ) v
Platts. Precinct f '
Rock Bluffs 12G3 1
Liberty 1214
Avoca GO I I
Mt. Pleasant 583 5TS0
Eight Mile 740
Louisville C67 r '
Centre 702 J
Weeping Water DOS )
Stove Creek 810
Elmwood 811
South Betid 653 J-549.1
Salt Creek C7 j
Greenwood 019
Tipton 737 J
Very even distribution as far as
population goes.
In order to produce the Drama
of "Minnie's Luck," the manage
ment has secured at an
enormous expense, a company
which, for individual and collective
strength, is equal, if not superior to
any of the Metropolitan Theatres, an I
he feels assured that he will meet
with the fullest patronage from the
public, who are always ready to sus
tain and support true meiit."
Will be here Saturday and Monday
Capt. Geo. Fairfield came home
from his surveying trip Monday, to
gether with his men, all looking hearty
brown, healthy, most of the boys hav
ing gained several pounds of meat
during their absence.
The party consisted of the following
persons with their occupations:
G. W. Fairfield, Dep'y U. S. Survey
or. II. Girgry, A. M. Fiirfield. Com
pass men.
Lou Lacy, M. C. Whalen, S. Pitcher,
F. Hathaway, Chain-men.
J. Brantner, R. II. Drain, Mound
John White, Abner Lee, Flrg men.
J. T. "Livingstone, W. H. Gould,
Peter Knee, Teamsters.
W. W. Watrns, Prof, of cuisine de
FOUNTAIN At South Bend. Nebraska. Oct.
stall, Wbi, John Fountain, aged 84 years
and 11 months.
Grandpa Fountain was born in England ; re
sided some years in Connecticut and some 22
years ago lie came to South Bend, where hn has
since resided. He lived and died a Methodist,
a worthy member; having UDited with that
church while yet a youn man In the old coun
try. At South Bend. Nebraska, October 31st, 1881,
a sun of Mr. lloit, aged six years.
Joseph I.eesley, a old resident, and ene of
the best known men in town; died of Dropsy,
Tuesday morning about 4 O'clock, Nv. )tt. 1SS1,
He was GO years and 21 days old. The funeral
was held atthe Episcepal Church, Wednesday.
Mr. Leesley came herein 1359. His estemable
wife died but a short time ago. It leave John,
Robert and Lizzie, the children remaining at
home, wh mourn the death ! both parents
within a few short months.
BAMSEY-Of inflammation of the stomaeh.Octo
ber2d. 18X1, near Blair, Hancock Comity,
West Virginia, Miss Anna M. Kamsev, aged
18 yearn, u months and 23 days.
Death again has claimed the youthful, the
hopeful and the beautiful. The Dark Shadow
has again crossed the threshold of youth and
youthful hopes just in the bud of womanhood
and in the morn of fendest anticipation of a life
of happiness and earthly joys t Cut dowu, laid
low in the grave, just wbin the morning of life
was breaking and casting the shadow et youth's
dreams on the cherished memories of budding
womanhood !
Only a few days of warning and the young,
hopeful life,
" Was summoned away.
From its mortal clay,"
to rest in the still, quiet, dreamless re,.- l
the dead.
"Death loves a shining mark," aud t" .1-' .he
young, the lovely, the most cherished a., i i .v
ed are cut down Just when thvir present!- ' re
on earth lends a pleasure, a joy to exist. .i.e :
but her morning life shone bright and clear,
buoyed up by a hopeful, cheerful, happy, dlspo
eiton and in her own individuality, reflected the
charms and graces ef a loving nature and the
virtues and beauties of a meek and christian
spirit. Of a nature that Irresistably attracted,
loving, cheerful aud amiable, she drew around
her and cemented with the strongest ties the
firmest and truest friendship ; amiable to a
fault, she was the friend of all, and all were her
friend. Living, she was beloved by all, aud
dying, she left that beautiful impress of tender
regard and affection upon the hearts aud minds
ef those with whom she came in contact.
Although brief her existence ; cut down iu
the maiden Eush of health, in the early morn
ing light of womanhood, the tender ties aich
bouud her to the loved of earth, cruelly 6c .ered,
yet her memory, intertwined with affection's
tear drops aqd the sweet recollections of her
eighteen smnirers, will long be cherished by
those who mourn her early and untimely death.
A fair, blooming flower of womanhood's
morning, she fell with the autumnal leaf ; and,
surrounded by the sere aad sombre hues cZ au
tumnal decay, beneath the spreading oaks and
clustering viues of the, "Old King's Creek C
etery." surrounded by many weeping at-t r
rowlng friends.
"Iu the cold moist earth they laid !..-r
hen the forest cast the leaf ;
Aud we weep that one so lovely.
Should have a life so brief.
So sad to know it was that one,
That fair young friend of ours.
So gentle and so beautiful.
Should perUh with the flowers."
B. S. B.
The Enquirer of Cincinnati says:
Hon. P. T. B irnum strongly indorses
St. Jacobs Oil for pain. His combina
tion and artists all use it.
Be sure and read all the addition
al local on the Editorial page.
Phil Young has been making ex
tensive improvements around his place.
A larje addition to the house, new
walks, fresh paint and many little con
veniences are fast converting Mr.
Young's place into one of the hand
somest in the town.
Judge W. T. Filley, of Pittsfield,
this State, wa3 cured of severe rheu
matism by St. Jacobs Oil. Springfield
(Mass ) Republican.
SSJ - , i -
Lawyer Sam M. Chapman was
over in Saunders county, most of last
week, and bring reports from there
that they are having a lively canvass
thi fall. Saunders is a closer county
than Cass, 'this time, vve opine, and
every Republican should be up and
- We can't get up a paper and have
the Election news in, and be out of the
office all day Tuesday. Remember
that, boys, Election day.
Something that will quiet the nerves,
give strength to the body, induce re
freshing sleep, improve the quality of
the blood, and purify and brighten the
complexion, is what many persons
would be very glad to obtain. Carter's
Iron Pills are made for exactly this
class of troubles, and are remarkably
successful in accomplishing the ends
desired, as named above. They are
useful for both men and women. Sold
by druggists. Price, 50 cents a box.
See advertisement.
A Car Load of Apples.
Wiley Black will have a car load of
line Michigan apples this week and
they will be sold choap by the barrel
on the track. W. Black.
For colds, coughs, asthma, in short
for any and all derangements of the
lungs or respiratory organs, or for any
complaint tending toward consump
tion, nothing is so reliable as Ayer's
Cheny Pectoral. In all ordinary eases
it is a certain cure, and it affords sure
relief even in advanced stages.
Between First National Bank and
County Treasurer's Ollice a roll of
Chicago Avenue Bonds. Return to
First National Bank and get reward.
Jno. O'liouitKE.
Plattsmouth, Neb., October 20, lbSl.
Thsre are many forms of nervous
debility in men, that yield to the use
of's Iron Pills. Those who are
troubled with nervous weakness, night
sweats, &c, should try them. For
sale by Smith Black & Co.
Jennie Wallace.
When John Brougham handed to
Miss Jennie Wallace the manuscript
of "Minnie's Luck, he said: "My writ
ing day3 are nearly over; it has been
my pride to make Minnie's Luck the
best Drama I have ever written, and I
am almost positive I have succeeded."
Derangement of the liver, with con
stipation, injure the complexion, in
duce pimples, sallow skin, etc. Re
move the cause by using Carter's Little
Liver Pillls. One a dose. For sale by
Smith Black & Co.
New Barber Shop.
Palmer & Morley have opened anew
Barber Shop in the building East of
the court house on Main st. It is a
real neat and tasty little shop and we
hope the boys will do a fine business,
as they deserve to, being both good
The yellowest case f jaundice can
be cured by Carter's Liver Bitters.
They exert a peculiar influence on the
liver and bile, and remove that un
healthy sallow look from the skin.
For sale by Smith Black & Co.
New Cigar Store.
Frank Nieman has moved his cigar
store and manufactory down on Main
Street in the old "Troy Laundry"
building next to O'itouike's Tailoring
establishment, opposite the Court
House. Remember the place.
Fine brands of cigars, Tobacco &c,
always on hand. SotZ
As a purifier of the blood, Ayer's
Sarsaparilla ha3 no equal. It wonder
fully improves the complexion, and
brings to old and young the bloom of
Coffee Sociable,
The Temple of Honor will give a
Coffee Sociabl in Fitzgerald Hall on
the evening of Nov. 11th. It is to aid
ia paying for the Hall and Col. Wood
ford's Lectures, and should call for a
good turn out from the faithful. Ev
ery one cordially invited and .t good
time guaranteed.
By Order o Committee.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is no new preparation for the
public to experiment with; its success
is unparalleled for restoring gray hair
to its natural color, promoting its
growth, and producing new hair on
bald heads.
The Sunday Afternoon Lectures.
There will be the second of the
course of Sunday afternoon lectures,
held at Good Templar's Hall, next
Sunday at 3 p. m. Elder Crowther
will address the audience. These
meetings are to be permanent, remem
ber; the room is seated and conven
ient. After the lectures the Library
books belonging to the old Reading
Room, will be distributed to readers,
under rules then made known.
When physicians have made use of
a prescription for years in their
private practice with certain success,
it is a duty they owe to mankind to
put such remedies within reach of alL
and this is done by "copyrght," such
is the case withDr." Sherman's Pricklt
Ash Bitteiis, and they have proved
to be a blessing to mankind. 33U
Get ont Doors!
The close confinement of all factory
work gives the operatives pallid faces,
poor appetite, languid miserable feel
ings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidney
and urinary troubles, and all the phy
sicians and medicine in the world can
not help them unless they get out of
doors or use Hop Bitters, the purest
and best remedy, especially for such
cases, having abundance of health,
sunshine and rosy cheeks in them.
Thay cost but a trifle. See another
Somewhat wulelv and favorahlv known as the Popular Clothier of
this section, fiiinonwcs
Fall Arrivals i Actual Bargains
worthy of inspection. His het hold is
and he lias a complete stock of new goods.
Z?' Material TjrfM Sfyhs, Snjn Jor Flnl!,.
Perfect Fits aud J'ojwf'tr ' v.
Clothe you from head to foot in a neat, durahle and stylih manner,
save you hig money, and lill your soul with happiness.
All Garments AVarvanted. "Try em 'fore yon huy 'em."
Iffl 31 Ej JL I BTiE IS "2"
Just Opened in
PLl'SH for trimmings in every color and (-hade. BLACK TII'S in all pri'.es, from 40 cents
to $-.c.9. FANCY TIIS in all colors and shades. Elegant WINTEU FLOWEfiS !
Plea w call and examine our yotuU before imrehanina the inhere 7
Offers to-day the
Men's, Ladies 1 Children's Underwear
.in this city. Parties desiring to
call and examine our immense
In Kid Gloves w are showing an elegant line of Three Buttons for only
75 Cents a Pair, well worth 31.25.
UNDRESSED KIDS at $1.50 a pair cannot be beat.
Also, FOSTER'S HOOK GLOVES in all shades.
We have the largest ami finest line
Ever BrougM
Parties living outside of the city are respectfully invited to give us
a call, whether they purchase or not.
Our Stock of
um usjusjos, emu film
is the most complete in this city.
One door East of First National Bank,
plattsmouth: - itbb.
A complete
Staple and Fancy Groceries
We carry the biggest stock of CANNED GOODS in this City.
W Fine Teas a Specialty,
C. S. Malta's "Old Reliable" Brand of Baltimore Oysters.
(oodN Delivered Free In any part of Hie city.
Weil Goods, Callii Garfls, Mitatiois, Propias, &c
of the latest and nobbiest designs
Just Received from St. Louis and Chicago,
.A.T THS -
;tos r
largest stock of
huy anything in that line should
stock hefore huvini; elsewhere.
ta this Qi.ty,
trck of
fpio R Mm
Furnishing Goods,
For mixed jmints yo to Roberts'
Drugstore. 'Ait
(( ia vour o-vii town. Trim :unl
oiiint fire AtMivss. li. 1 1 A I.I Hi' A. Co
Pel i htint. M. line. 4uly
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
P. 0. tu
Hoots and Shoos.
Call and examine the large and new
stock at Merges.'
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on roil c?tato secur
ity. Inquire of J). 1. Martindalc,
Louisville, Neb. lutf
Save, your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glyeereno Tooth Tablets, lieaati
fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
Come, and See
The lare stock of Spring Shoes and
Slippers, jjood and nice at Merges'. 4tf
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union 1'akery, corner Main
and Third. ICtf
Hair Hoik.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. 30lf
I mine use Stock.
The largest asortineut of boots and
shoes thad Lver came to town, to be
sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer
bes. 30 tf
Firt Premium.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the be. ma
terial. 80tf Petri: Mercies.
I.iMliCN' Nomiitar.v- unsurpassed. Aeal
iiiy l lmruimli. Col four con-res.
Year begins !Scpt "tli. Hrutniiic for yi'i'i'si Ire.
Catalogues sent by tin; I'res-tdeiii, 1). S. (iKtii
ouv, 1. 1.. Lake Vorent, 111. liotl'J
When physicians recommend Dr.
Marshall's Lung Syrup for coughs,
colds, etc., of long standing, it certain
ly must be good. Call at the drug
store and try a bottle of it, the price is
only twenty-live and fifty-cents.
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine percent interest, on Keal I'state
seen ity at three or five years. Apply
at liis otlice on Main st., Platts
mouth, Neb. '2ttf.
Your agent left us tine? dozen bot
tles of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup a
few days ago. vYc have s&M it all,
and it has given general satisfaction.
We can reomnienu it as a good cough
W. S.Zellek 1 Co.,;eimantown,0.
-The best and cheapest,
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
ai Merges.
4 tf
Old IN liable.
For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby
Oysters, the best in the market, go to
Bennett & Lewis, thev are receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf
SI'jOO per year can be easily made at
home working for E. (. Hideout Co.,
10 Barclay Street, New York. Send
for their catalogue an I full particu
lars. yi-iy.
New Millinery Store
Mrs. C. M. Paine has opened a fine and
complete stock of Millinery Goods, in
Weeping Water, and would respect
fully solicit the patronage of the ladies
of Cass County. See advertisement in
another column. 31t3
To the Citizen's of the Comity ami State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a tire :proof house before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska.
Hill's Manual.
I hereby give notice that all parties
living in Cas3 count)', tlefiring a copy
of Hill's Manual can be furnished the
same by applying to me through P. O.
II. C. Miller, (Jen. Ag'r.
Plattsmouth, Neb. 321V
Dr. Black's llbeumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March,. I une and September At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
otler examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Raturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. WOOLEY,
42tf Superintendent.
We recommend Carter's Iron Pllln to every
vrouuin who is Weak, Nerron?, and Discouiaged ;
particniariy those who have Thin, Feic Lip,
Cold Hands and Feet, and who arc withoct
Strength or Ambition. These Tills quiet the
N'crvca. gire Strength to the Eodr, 'jitluce Ht
f -eahinj? Sleep. Enrich and Improve the qnailtj'
of tbe Blood, and Purify and lirighten the Com
plexion They cure Pui it.-.' ion of the Heart,
Jivrvoaenesa. Trembling. Nervous Headache,
Lencorrhcea, Pains in t'.ie Back, and other forms
ot l'emaie Veakncss. llcmcinber that Iron is
one of the constituents of the T.lood. aud Is the
preatton:c. Carter's Iron I'illa arc also vain
able for men who are troubled with Nervous
W'raknejg, Nigh Sweat, Ac. In metal boxes,
at 50 cent". Sod by all druggists, or sent by
mad. Aodress
New York City.
Notice of Dissolution of Part
nership. Xotloe H l.eieliy civrn that, Mi 1.,-nv p.otiicr
ship heretofore cutting lietwern the uiuler
piuued p;u tir liav thi day licen flicnoU"! ly
mutual consent. m. I., lirowne retire from
the III in and liui-Ine of the ollice, J. K. Morrl
miii to collect money duo the til in. and pay all
debts diving ly Haiti firm of Morrison and
lirowne. .IamkmE. Moiiuison.
Wil. 1.. lillOWN K.
Oct. 21. A. I. 1SSI. a.'l f
Tax Deed Notice.
To the non-resident or unknown owner or
daiuumt of lots two (J)und three (in in block
forty-the (I j) In the city of I'lattsiuvutli, Cjuh
county, Nebraska ;
You an hereby notiilftl that the ulmvedc
ecrihed lot- weru assexstid and taxed for the
year lrt.s. a lelonjriiia to a noii-rcldi iit or ini
kiiiiHii imiii'r.tliat hhIiI lot were sold at pub
lic sale for t tie deinuuetit lax of nai(l year lHTa,
ou the 21i clay of November, 17'.' ; that the un
dersigned was the purchaser of the said lot at
aid sale and that unlei-M redemption of Kaid
lots from said sale- be made on or before the
1 till day of February, lwj, a, Treasurer deed
will In: ii-sucd to the"uudersl;:icd thrrcfor.
W.M. iJAl.l.A.Nt K,
I'laltsiiioutli, Neb.. Oct. 21.1-H. MX
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of John Sporcr.
deceased, in the County Court of I'ass County
Notice is hereby then that J. (!. Hansen,
Administrator of the estate tit the said John
Sporcr. deceased, iias made application for
linal NCttlemeut, and that taid cause is net for
hcnriiiK at my ollice at I'lalt-mouth, on tli
aotli day of November, A. 1. is-d. ut one
o'clock p. iu. on raid day; at which time aud
place, all persons interested, may be present
and examine, said account.
A. N. tL ' 1 .1.1 VAX, Co. Judye.
rialtsnioiitll, Oct. .p. '.Kst a-tJ
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Kt:ite of Hiram lloaii,
deceased. In the County Court ol Ca.-s Co.,
Notice i hereby given that Harvey llo;;an.
administrator of the estate of the. s.ud Hiram
Hoan, deceased, lias made application for llu
ul seltleiiieiit, ami that said cause is set fl
hearing at my ollice at I'lattsmouth. on the
lstli day of November. A. 1). Issl, at 1 o'clock
p. m., on said day, at which time and place all
persons interested may be present an J examine
said accounts.
A. N. Sri. i.ivan. County Jiid-e.
riattsmouth, Oct. lssu a.t.l
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of KJward tJ,
1 ovey, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all personi having
claims against the estate of l-.ilwar I . Povey,
deceased, to tile llie same on or before the Tib
day of June, A. 1. ls-s:?. In the ofiice of the
County Jud.;e, nt riattsmoutli, (': County.
Nebraska. A. N. M I.I.IVAN, Co. Jude.
I'lattsnioutli. Oct. li), lssj. ;iLl.
Notice of Final Proof.
Land ()i i ick at I.ixrm.N, N'Kn., i
(ctober u, lss. (
Nothe is hereby eiven thai the lolnwiu
named settler hat liled notice of I : is intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, aud
secure enli y t hrtreI atthe expiration of
thirty davs from the date of thii notice, vi :
Alsou Mack, h'd entry No. 1:,T7.1. for the south
west quarter tsw') ol south west quarter rw li i
sect ion t enty Co). tow nship t wch e i rv. noi l li
of ran tie eleven til.) east, ami names t ho follow -imjashis
witnesses, vi : Taylor f. clhnrii.
William K. iswindall. lieore W. I'rwin mul
John M. Waterman, all of l,oiiis ille, Casst'u..
Nebraska. .1. 1J. .Mt 1 h i.,
ait.V Kegiter.
Tax Sale Notice.
To the unknown nonresident owner of lots
fourteen (II). fifteen (!'.) and hint ! (!'.) of
Tlioiiipsnn'H addition, tlo k 10, to city of
I'luttsmoulli, Neb.
You are hereby notified that on the 2::l day
of September, A. I. 175. nt tax sale in Cass
County, the above described premises were
sold lor the sum of .1-I:i-Kkj. for taxes of l7l
and 7j inclusive to Cass ccuiity, and that on
the 12th day of October, A. l. lssl, the said
Cas County assigned certificate of to
John II. Kelly ot said county, and i hat ou the
19th dav of February ls2. I lie stud J. II, Kelly
will apjdv to the treasurer of Cass County for
ataxdee'd of said premises. J. H. Kki.i.v.
l-latfmouth. Neb,. Oct. 12, Issl. .itt4
Road Notice.
To nil Whom itMnn Court rn:
A petition for openinj; a section line road
has been presented to the Hoard of Couiiiy
Comiiiis-ioners, rnd described i'.s follow :
I'liiiiini'iiriiit,' at the corner section Iwenty-eihtC-'s)
twenty-nine (2"j), thlrly-l vo :i2)und
thirty-three (.;:!, tow h welve O'-') nr.n twelve
(12 ). and runnin:-; thcni.v west two ( J ) mites ami
terminating at the the ownsbip line ruiinint;
north and south. All objections thereto or
or claims for damages, must be tiled iu the
County Clerk's ollice, on or before uoen on the
K,: li nay of l-c. A. I . Jsxl , or such road will be
opened without lefereiice thereto.
J. I. Tl.'TT,
.'!nt " 'ounty Clerk
Sheriffs Sale.
I'.y irtue of an order of sale Issued by W. ('.
Show-alter Clerk of the Histrict Court w ithin
sind for t 'ass Count v, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the f,th day of .November a.
I. 1SK, at 10 o'clock a. in , of said day, at the
south dour of the Court House, in fitid County,
wll at public, auction Hie following real estate
to-wit : '1 he west half Ci) of the north east
quarter ) of section Nd. seventeen (17) iu
township No. twelve (12 north rane No. nine
(!)) east in Cass County, Nebraska, with the
plivelaces and appei telianees theieto bclonn
inu. '1 he same bcin;i levied upon anil taken as
the property of J. W New sum, 1". , . I lould aud
Ann 11. Could Defendant : to natisly a ju la
ment of faid Court recovered by Dennis Deau
11. YT. IIVKliS, Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
I'lattsnioul ll, Nel Oct. 4tll. A. P. '. g'I'i
once more conies forward with an entire new
Slock of tlie finest Piece (Joods ever brought
into riattsnioutli ! !
Hundreds go there and tlicy are
Sh p or r-''sitp the Coutt House. Hive him
call anu examine lor yourselves, inn
Repairer of Steam Engines, Holler,
Saw and Grist ililb
I'ro'.ntht Iron Pipe, Force and Lift I'ipes. Steau
ti aues Safety-Valve Governors, aud all
k:...Nof f'.rass Kntrine I-'itliiii;s,
repaired on short uoli.
Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any
siud all ocea-ioiis.
A Taorousli Organization
illi a complete and well selected repertoire of
Orders l-esiiectf ul!y solicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to. I. I' YOLWO. I'. O. Book Store, or
At thin hop you'll find nice! holesoins and
Sausage, ior'K mutton and veal.
And it is our belief, yon'U buy excellent beer,
If you at this butcher shop deal.
He keeps always on hand the best Su the land ;
OF such as your families need ;
Others may do well, but they cannot excel.
For Fickler will still take the lead.
A good bargain you'll make If vu want to buy
Or rowv mpat or to boil or to frv.
You can have a good Iih of whatever you
Competition he well may defy.
This business prov ides for good pelts and hides.
Lard and tallow he'll both buy and sell ;
.udyo ;iliud tlii the case, there's no other
You'll do better. If you will quite a' well.
And this vve may tell if you've fat cattle to
Or hos or sheep that are nice ;
You can bring tlieni right here and you need
never fear.
But for them you'll uet a good price.
Satisfaction to all who give him a call,
It is his intention to give,
For we're certain indeed, this belongs to his
Not only to live but let live !
31l3 CCSTOMF.Il.