THE :BERAtJ). The Sactry. . WhtTe pnzln? on tbo Bloomy hen vin nbri-rr Alone anl In thesiill watch of tbo nivht, I stntid nnd drcnm of her, my dist int Iovp, She who b true, who b my hcirt's deiiht. When wrr obi jrr-d mo from my 1 vo part, She d.i ntlly mi hat with nbfo im docked. Ami prvtscd, m s to hor true mil tendprh'-art. Whilo from hrr eyes the tears wuull fl.w unchecked. She loves tno. faithfully, sba loves me still. And therefore nm I well content 'd and pay: My heart beats vrarui, although the night U I chill, . - Wtiilo thinking of my loved one far away. Now in tarrchamber, lighted by her lamp, She rnHkesherevt'iiiii prayer t God above For ono wh ) i in danger in the c:mp. And prny Oud's bksdtitr for h'jr absent love. Ah. when the voice with toneof nnjrui h rInj-3 For perils I may men by 1 in-1 or ll.wvi, B-3 tranquil I am 'ueath th Almighty's winiis; . . lie love and honors a true s ddier'a blood I THOMPSON'S LAST JOKE ' Thompson was a- happy man, Lut Mrs. Thompson was not that is, not a happy tro-rurin and her unhapphiess was Loth a source of satisfaction and amusement to hor husbauJ. ' They were well-to-do in this world ; for, as Thompson was a very succ s---ful t peculator in grain at the Corn Kx changft, Mrs. Thompson wa3 seldom without change,' and with their t.vo selves only in the family, they managed to eat, live, and dres3 well, t Thompson loved a joke, and if a practical one, so much the better ; hut Ids w ife never saw one, and was too practical to enjoy the witticism that Veiled cither a vulgarism or a satire. And, of course, her facetious spouse took exceptional care to make her the victim of l is one failing whenever the Spirit prompted. In consequence of which little Mrs. Thompson was in a constant state of uncertainty whether to laugh or ciy. For instance, on the last morning of the old year, as her husband was leav ing: the pretty villa at Cianhani, to go down to business, he turned at the door to say, solemnly "Good-bye, Puss ! We've eaten our last meal together thi3 year ! She 6tarted up in alarm and rushed after him to the door, from which lie was slowly emerging, with a broad grin on hi face. 'Hut, Tody," she gasped, shivering on the threshold, as the keen air struck her. "Theodore, madam V sternly re torted Thompson, looking at her with a lixed eye, "or Dore, if you like but not Tody. Ugh P "Theodore, then," pleadingly cried the poor little woman, "whs wlia-at do you mean? Aro you angry? Did I I do anything wrong?" "I leave you, madam, to find out. I shall not see ycu again this year." And, with a wave of his hand, Thomp son, walked off, the grin reappoaiiitg as his wife's horrilied countenance camo into his mind. "She'll lind out that it's the last day of the year," ho soliloquized, a he mounted the omni bus that every morning carried him to (iracechurch-street ; "and remember that I'm going to supper with Jones to-night, and c f course will not see her until the New Year is in." But Mrs. Thompson did not cea tho point of tho joke until Theodore ex plained it, at two o'clock next morning, and passed a miserable day according ly, brooding over hi3 parting words and their hidden meaning. Amid a shower of tears and a nanno nade of sobs, Thompson vowed ho would never no, never again make her tho subject of a joke, which ho was only too glad to promise as the price of peace ; for the last bottle of champagne had just touched the spot which variab ly ached with double horse-power, and he fell off asle.-p with a splitting head ache, murmuring mysteriously : "Mumm's the word." Which tho subdued and penitent wife understood to be a request that site would not again refer to this incident, to which she eloquently replied, as she sank into slumber : "I'll forget it all. Tody Dore Theodore !" Thus tho fact is evident that the care less, fun-loving Thompson found lifo more desirable than his earnest, loving little wife, to whom the days were 1 ng nnd empty until he should return, and the nights weird and ghost-haunted until his latch-key startled the lonely spectres back to their lurking-places. J3ut Thcodoro never thought of this, lie was the ringleader of a few M irk Lane habitues, and didTmore bonneting, grain-pelting, and other sportive jes's than the whole band of convivil spiirts together ; and, besides, sang the best songs told the best stories, and played the sharpest tricks. And so imbued had he become with this spirit that his better, soberer nature was becoming completely eclipsed, when at last a pull-back arrested him in his mad career," and the tables were turned on Theodore Thompson, Esquire. Mrs. Thompson, like the generality of the feminine readers of newspapers, found her greatest enjoyment of the daily paper in tho list of deaths and marriages, lost and found and the agony column. For this latter she had a rare fascina tion, and many times and oft would break in upon Theodore's study of the grain quotations in the "Mark Lane Express," with wondering demands for an explanation of this strange or that singular request from so-and-so, and thus and so, in the second column of the "Time3." One fatal day, following upon a series of suppers and excursions to which Theodore had lent the lustre of his wit, leaving her to her lonely evenings and disconsolate daj-s. without the aid of a female friend to beguile the time with aesthetic art discussions, she fell upon a remarkable advertisement, and Ne mesis followed fast upon Thompson's heels. "Tody, isn't this strange? Just lis ten," said Mrs. T., with big open eyes, staring at her paper uneasily. Tody had heard the like before, and was besides very intent on -calculating the margin the sudden rise would allow him in his next offers, and therefore simply grunted out, "Yes, very." And went on comparing the closing prices of last year with the present one. Mrs. Thompson had grown very agitated, and was peering intently at her husband from behind her paper. "You must listen. Theodore," she said,- decidedly, with a shake of the news-sheet. All right, Fm listening. Wheat, 129 J. a fall of three-eights since yester day," murmured Thompson, abstract edly, figuring away. 'Thcodoro Thompson, what does this mean?" demanded the small wo man, with hysterical majesty, looking very stern, but trembling very' womanly. Thi3 was the advertisement, which she proceeded to read aloud with the sonorous importauco of au angry swal low. . Theodore looked at her grimly. He saw fun at once. Tho wheat market faded into oblivion, and the spirit of mischief tilled his mind with other quo tations. "Head it . slowly, dear," ho said, fcerenely. Tho small woman quivered. "Theodore, you love another?"' she gurgl . I, and wildly waved the paper. "Anotl er?" cried Thompson, with melo-draina in tone and attitude "A dozen of them. I dote on anothers. But who who has betrayed me?" He seized the paper from his agita ted wife, and spread it wide open be fore him ; then, running his bauds through his hair with a wild air, ho read out, with stern emphasis: "T. T. If jou love me, meet me at the same place. I must see you. L. Z." Thompson looked under his eyelid3 at Lis wife. S'io was following every word with c-rnest face and grief stricken eyes, and a grin peered round the corner of his lips as he thought of how he would cure her foolish fancy for the agony column thenceforth. So," he said, gravely, "you kuow all?" 'All, Theodore P' wailed poor Mrs T. "Is this thing true?" "That thing is true," assented To 1-, sadly; "but I throw myself on jour mercy, and beg, for the sake of the of tho Crn Exchango that you will do nothing rash! Think not of jourself alone in this sail aflair, but of your country " "My country!" sobbed Mrs. T., fall ing back limp and aghast. . "Yes. I am an ornament, as well as a useful member, of that great and glorious food menagerie " "Menagerie !" wailed Mrs. T., wring ing her hands. "Yes. The bulls and bears are the source of our income. Expose me, and you ruin me. IJj patient, and all will be right once m re." Thomps n shook with inward glee, as his rapid imagination wove tho in cident into a good yarn for the boys at the next supper, excluding the true names o f dramatis personal. Mrs. Thompson listened with pale face nnd a piteous look, that might have checked her husband in his joke ; but with a quiet pride that was new to her, and seemed born of this terrible emergency, she hid her pain from him and forced herself to speak calmly. "Theodore," she said, slowly, 'tell me. if you please, all about this." She touched the paper lightly. Thompson turned on his heel to stare at her, b it she was bti3y putting the breakfast things together, and he could not see her faee. "Gad!'' he muttered to himself, "but she takes it coolly. I wonder if she cares!" A sudden pang seized him ; a fierce lo k drove the grin from its hiding place, and he punched in the crown of his hat vindictive!'. Til draw it strong," he decided, "and see if she don't come down." A!onl, and wish mock humility. "It all grew out of the hist LordMay or's Sh w. I was appointed by tho Ward to superintend the tableaux that wer to take part in the procession, and it was decided to have one tableau in particular to represent Ceres, the god dess of plenty. It was that goddess of plenty, my dear, that made me re creant to my connubial vows, and boun d me in the toils of tho siren." Thompson paused, with a dramatic quaver, but looking curiously at tho quiet face bending over the silver Bp ion?. "Well?" said the steady voice. Thompson began twisting his hat round an I round in a startled quandary What did it mean? She was as indif ferent as if he was telling of son other fellow, and not himself her own d -ar Tody ! She was losing her interest in him ; she didn't care fortius escapade! Could it be p sibla? Theodore felt hims If growing pale. And how pretty she looked! "Well, The More?" said the small woman, giviug a lump of sugar to her canary. 'Well, I got entangled, as one does in those kind of affairs," stuttered Thompson, failing in his composition, and wishing he had never begun it, but urged' on now to a grand denounce ment, in tiie hope of breaking up tho el ill indifference of hia wife's manner, and of hearing once more her loving liitle Hugh and "Good-bye, Tody!" To ly" was beginning to bo one of the sweetest sounds he had ever heard. "And it's gone on and on until tho present time." He paused, ignominiously. Now she would faint. She did not. She took up the silver tea-pot and examined it carefully. "What strange fancies men have P she said, quietly. "It never occurs to a woman t make such a fool of har sc f ! Where does your goddess of plenty plenty of what, Theodore?? live, may I ask? Thompson sought a view of her face; it was pa!e ami set, and the eyes looked sleepless and heavy. "Sae's hard hit, after all P' exulted the selfish dog. "Now J.'U make her admit it." And he forthwith gave her an ad dress in a low tone, with humble con trition in his manner, watching fever ishly tho while for tho stagger and catch of the breath which should be tray his victory. Mrs. Thompson turned to him very quietly, and gave him instead a long look. "Ami I believed you to be a gentle man P she si nply said, and walked past him out of the room. Thompson was in no enviable mood that day, and hats and handkerchiefs for once were safe in their owners' pos session, for he no longer disported himself, with cow-like gambols, on tho floor, nor blandly sm there I timid bid ders with their own coat-tails. On tho contrary, ho made his offers with the air of a Nihilist conspirator, and often stout staring down at his feet with a fierce frown, "Something's gone wrong with Thompson," said h'S friends, nudging each other, and looking paralyzed, as they wero about to pelt him with a handful of grain, ami he suddenly raised his gloomy eyes on them. "Confound you, let me alone!'' he growled ; and they walked away as if the biggest tiger had broken away from the Zoo. Later in" tho day came a terrible hock to Thompson. Ho had decided to write to his wife, ami "make it up" with her, when in walked his best friend and fellow-joker, Tony Town send. "HilloaP shouted Tody, feebly, half sorry to see him. Townsend grasped hfm wjldly by the. hand. "Noble friend, 3"ou'ye saved mo," hg Cried. Thompson gasped. Saved yon?"' "Yes, -T. T.' you know," explained Townsend, advancing to shake him again by the hand.. Thompson fell back in his chair. "Keep off Fm dangerous P ho yelled. "What do you mean?'' Townsend was again about to rush forward, when Thompson put out both feet and stopped him. "Your wife " began Townsend. Thompson sat upright, and glared like Othello. 'Came into our office this morn-ing-M Thompson reached for a sharp paper-cutter. "And interrupted the governor lec turing me generally, including this rui-vertiseni-nt. Mrs. Thompson seemed very unhappy, and undeterred by tho governor's preseuce, stated that she esired my influence to assist her in savingyou from a terrible mishap and restoring J'ou to your sound senses. In brief, old boy, she spoke of your adver tisement in to-day's paper, and of the bold, bad woman that was ruining you ' Townsend looked a3 if ho would choke, and Thompson felt the edge of the paper-cutter carefully. "The governor sprang up," contin ued Townsend, holding on to his sides, "grasped me by tho hands, called me his pure-hearted, noble boy,' and told your wife of all your my flirtations. conso;ed, then blessed her, ana rushed out. Mrs. Thompson behaved like a trump, and left your reformation in my liar-is as she went from my office." Thompson rose slowly. "You you" ho spluttered, flour ishing the paper-outter. "Of course I am!" roared Townsend, backing to the door. "But what did yo.i play such a joke on that dear little woman for? She ought never to for give youP The door opened suddenly behind Townsend, and in came a young fellow with a savage look and a quick step. The latter carried him straight up to Thompson, and the former looked him over from head to heels. "II w dare you, sir, tell your wife that the woman I am to marry rode on a car, dressed as tho goddess Ceres, in Lord Mayor's Show?" Thompson fell back in his chair in a state of collapse, while Townsend skir-. mished near tho door, waiting for an explanation. The irate visitor flourished a light cane omni usly near to Tody's right shoulder. "Tho goddess Ceres !" murmured Thompson. "Yes, sir!" roared tho outraged lover, beginning to take his steps with very little regard for time. "This morning, sir, Mrs. Thompson called on the young lady and had aa inter view, in whiih she aeeused her of hav ing won tour affeetions from her, and of being a circm rider, engaged to personate Ceres in the Lord Mayor's Show stating that you had given her the address. Now, sir, what does this mean?" "That I have played one joke too main', sir!" said Theodore, gravely, rising from his chair with a respectful bow; "and am ready to make any apo logy you may demand to your fiancee, to whom I am innocent of any discour tesy, except through an idle jest to my wife. Pray go with mo to tho lady's house, and. humiliating as it is, I will make a full explanation." This was done to the lady's and tho lover's satisfaction, and then, with a fjrave face. Thompson turned his steps loraeward. How would his wife receive him? His cheek burned at the mortifying blow he had received ; and yet he was proud of ono thing despite the ridicule her action had brought upon him. it had proved that she did carj for him, and had even left herself out of the q section, wh -u pleading with Townsend and tiie mis'aken Ceres to sty, bin for himself alone, for the sake of his honor and future. He found her with ho.ved head and had clasped as he silently entered, and heard her pray : "Oh, Fa' Iff. he'p mo to keep my dear husband's lift) pure; strengthen me, that I may bo able to guide him, for his soul's sake J" A big ob choked Thompson, as ho said : "Puss !" And when she was in his arms, cling, ing close to him in fervent thanksgiving that it was "ad a joke,", ho then and there made a vow never to perpetrate another joke, and ho kept it. "But, littlo woman," he said, "don't ever put on your dignity with me again, for it has taught me to be j alous of your love." rm .J ''Only a Private" It was at Dallas. II j was Benona Burch, a private of the 4th Michigan cavalry, A line had been pushed for ward on the rizht of Logan's corps to turn the flank of tho enemy. Tho ad vanco met a shaqi musketry fire but pushed steadily forward across an open field, driving the enemy and gaining a position on the edge of the woods, which was held. Burch, in crossing this field was mortally wounded, and was carried to the rear in an uncon scious condition. A few moments later, on reviving, he eagerly asked for "Mart," his messmate, and taking his hand, with the death rattle in hi$ throat, a smile on his face, his frame twisted into contortions with agon', he exclaimed : "Mart, tell them I died at my post and give them good-by." His eyes close, his hands fall by his side, comrades stand around him, and down the cheeks of these veterans tears are silently coursing. At this moment the, artillery of the 15th corps op.-n a terrir ble fire, making the earth fairly trernble. Burch opens his eyes, a smile lights up his countenance, and with his last breath he exclaims : "Hurrah for the old flag," and expires. Ouly a private, and stiil only ono of the thousands and thousands of heroes who laid down their lives unknown and unsung. To his poor old parents and comrades, a hero with a nameless grave, with grin Kenncsaw in tho distance standing sentry, while the night winds sighing through the tress of Pallas, sjng las everlasting requiem, He was not a Thomas, a Sedgwick, nor Kearney; no polished shaft re-trod in lofty height marks his last resting-place ; his narue Adorns 119 pa-e in history, nopqet-s sing the glory f his heroic death, but the recording angel pf heaven writes the immortal Ustoy of all these. "Only a private," a d tho unknown death of our battle-liehl-i. Teacher ; "John, what are your boots, made of?" B v ' Of leather." "Worfi does the leather come from?" ''From tho hide of the ox." "What animal therefore supplies you with boots and gives you me tt 10 eat." "Mv father,'1 - u JJore Comfortable. Carrie was Q years old and quite a model of propriety; but one day she f hocked her mother by dqing something very much like ordinary naughty chil dren. ''Why. Carrie I" exclaimed Mrs. B.? ''how could you do such a filing?" "Other liitle girls do so," replied, Carrie. 'But that doesn't make it right, does HP" asked Mrs B. "No," answered Carrie with deliber? ation, ?'but it makes t a good deal jnorc pom fable.'' Anxious for tho News, .4 Tyrqije eentlema-i who lias spent the greater part of his life in America arrived in Omagh for a few months holidays on the day that t ie news of the shooting of the Americ in President was published. Hi lives in th s eom try, and the excitement which soi$ 'd him when h.s heard tho news, furme 1 an interesting a il unusual treat to tin placid natives of this part of t ie oou '. try, who are c ipabie o:' bjariu any in telligence unmoved. As t ie evening advance I, the visitor, w.10 rem .iued iu town, appeale I excitedly to entire an I callous s rangers, sis follows: "I must get the latest news how in lvaven can I get the evening papers? 11 I wait till morning, poor (J irliek' may be ilea I." Tyrone Constitution. At a picnic given by colored people at Wolf Lake, Miss., two negroes, named Selby Johnson atid Jeff Young, got to boxing, and finally drifted into a fight, at which point friends of the parties interfered and separated the combat ants. Youn" then took up a stick in one hand and a brick in the other and followed Johnson, who was being led off by some of the crowd, endeavoring to strike him. At this point Young's wife came up and struck Johnson with a stick, whereupon he jerked loose from the crowd holdinz him. pulled out a pistol and fired. He shot Young in the left side, near the heart, causing death in a couple of hours. Johnson ran off, but was captured by two white men, brought to town and lodged in jaiL THE GREAT Neuralgia, Sciaiica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Cout, Quinsy, Sara Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted Fest and Ears, and ell other . Pains end Aches. No Propnt-ation i n nrt!i eiiirU St. Jacobs On. i a nf'', sttrr, ximilr md 7vij Kxtml Hiniiiiv A trinl mtaila tint th" ci'ini:;ra:ivc!v tiillii r u:!ny ;f iiO t'rnl.s. rm! o'i v one Meti-ring with j'ain cun h:iT chi-ap and j oiiiiivo 1'p.i.f at' in L'irPCtionJ in Eleven Lanpua,;;. COLD BY ALL DSTJG GISTS ASD EEALEE3 IN KEDICIN3. A. VOG2S3LS3. iz CO., iSfrffimnrr, , INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOfwIS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, JJau8ea,bowe1a costive, ?!lhjn theHead.with a Sull sensation fn thfback part, Pain under the shoulder blade. fulines8aftr eatinpr, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low ppirita. Loaa of memory, with a feeling of ha vjhg neg lected some duty, weariness. Dizziness, 1'luttering of the J eart. Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache, BestleM. ness at night, highly colored Uiine. IF THESE-WAENINGS ABE U2THEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTTS PILLS are especially adapted to su-li cases, one done e fleet suchachaugo of feelinsr as to astonish the tuflVrrr. They lneresethe Appetite, and cause tbo to Tnkr on F!eli. thus tiie sytiem ia nouri.lieal.aii'l bvthiirTonieetlonon the I!j-etierratti, Regular SSkI are pro ducts). Price ifiut. Its Mnrni.t St-, fr.V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Or a v II air orWniSKEns chanpred to a Oixmssy P.lack by a siiipl application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously, bold or strut by express on rtcviiit of 1. Office. 35 Murray St., Now York. S nr. TTTT8 JUST!, cf TlnM InfonBaltan 1 k Ireful Kmliiti will mslk-d KEE aiipilrativB. tkA Jis. afk. j2x. jfcw. naA y3k. nrr at-ti- WINE op TAR CVItIZS TllOl'SANDi YliAr.LV. J& ATCimVECURE 5ft FcrCoughs,CoIds, fS-s :::-:ri'rx:::T. -rwyL. Is the Cest of Tonics: -SSS Cures Dyspepsia: 4 4 i i 4 4 vRestores theAppetite; rS-iStrHK'tUa the Svstpm: u-Vgras. Restores the Weak and Debilitated. A tr;al of it will prove an we rl aim. Ask vntir tlrMppist for lr. CcomU's Wine of Tori take no other. Kor 1'T U IiruggUU. S. K. SMITH I CO.. Frop'r - .rAiMufi.. Snr-M.to01lvrCrookr. DAYTON'. OHIO. PROVED A SUCCESS BY VE3RS nil A valuable Discorerv i. Tow IVpirti5r in Mfirf- Ical Scienre. A positive!-. . Veli -e Kviucdy for tho BieodyBndperm:iQ)nt ('n- : to-nrOTnic Mknr'- th tleplorabl) d:9- rmulfin-: milifwrpet iiir'iw or exceftses ia yuurb or nt tiny iim ut Ijfc . iv' utii true way, viz: Uirect Ai3p!irit'v..u ciIuk by Ab sorption, ana exert it cp.rlllo lutlunceoa tbQ Vrea:clPJt. T"; aoJ Gl-?nH. t'ifit aro uuable to per form tbulr tir.tural fun. -1.00.1 vr!iil tnia diwa-to per-' vadea the human orp.iniH.a. The use of the Fnatilla ia attended with no pain or l.K-onveaience, aol docs Dot interfere with the ordinary punui'.!5 f life; it 13 quickly dissolved and soon abrrtted, produrinj .m Immediate dootliinir and restorative TV .ti.m the nervous organization -.Treckp.l f-r.. viciyua L&bitsor pxceoaes, etoppinir t cllunt froin the system, restor irT t.eUr,ao health and Bound memory, rt-raov-ug ice' Dimness of Sight, Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society. olc., etc.. and the arpoarance of premature old a?e tisur.lly ec-onipanyin this trouble, mod refitorioi; ti.9 vital forces, v. bete have been dormant lor yiirt This ru-.u vt :rkv ment bas stood the tost in verv uvoW tnj nowa pronounced 'ir7. .ui Ay aro too siuib pra-. sc:ile it tui irnvi'.lr., and, as many can bear wU nefra to, wrta but little if any Hrnjanent eood. Theroi is 00 nonsens1 abont h 1m J n-.arat ion. Tricttcal ob servation eniiblps us to positively frunraxite thut i will uive satisfaction. It bs tuea in tajTiPr:)! tor several yeara and we luive tlioneur-ii-i fcsM moniala from patients, r.i to ila V. )'! it ir r.o? concediwi to lrf the mast r-'t'ii.i "iiet'.r.d et dis covered for reaching ut cui'lny ttiisvery provleo t-o;r.!c, Vlt u Wc!t known to I hi the caiue of nntuid tiuaery to so many. and upon whom quake prey wii a tbeir useless Donrnimi and biir fees. The lijimetiv is put up in neat boxe. of three No. l.'.trnoun t to lant a month,) S3; No. 2, isuEicSont toeffoct aper- , lanent cure, unless in severe cases.) Sot No. 3. (T&stioff over three months, will restore those in til" worst condition.. $7. StMit bv mail, in plain fl-THtJ.' r . n C t i BOX.. " erf tor JMettutlte rainnli-i , trim j,i(.ti'If -iiiufoiHfcftl M lluatrttHoua tiI aretiiiioi y, trltirh trill cotmitiee I ti momt mkeitl t lint t try rffHkere. sfo-etl to perert health, aiirf fhs vital fort-em tltoro lu rr-enftibliAhett saute an if HCrcr ttTertra. SoUl OX I, V by HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFG. CMST?, Market and 8'.h Sts. St. tOuia, Mo. . . Unsolicited testimony to tho Efficacy of Prof. Harris' Pastille?, taken trorn Ueti ter received from Patrons: Indian. April IX. "i:' The htrt )r t wnrktac per fectly, liad e pilenyvfrpn; w- it for S yeurs puat. Iowa, Oe. jit, -vj. 1 nm almost surprised at your Put.lle3. '4 bey nave worked iikf uchurni on me. lam just twice n much of a nn.n a. I m bf ire lukinu. I waa oo tha veie of the r av. I thomtht. and t here was no car for rue. but now 1 na In cood rm;ea fur u cure. "West Virsrinta. Anir. H. K'A I received y on r medi cine and I believe it has cur;?d me, for which 1 am v-ry thankful. Inclosed find fr i, PleHe aen.1 tne nnther box I No. 21 for a friend. Von h;ive done a tniut tiling for ms. 1 will eeod yon nil the orders 1 r:. - From a Physician and Surgeon. Missouri, Jnne 2fl Plense forward me nnotiier box of the Pastilles. 1'he patient on whom t have o;:! most of one box, in addition to :i s.imole box- i t.i rcoverint and I think nnor!i..r will ,,t btaj 11 Ul-k, From a Drus;s Maryland, 8r,t. loJ.Laot January we got a box of your Ktotuu.l). iir one orour customers, .ind it has made a perfec-t care of him. V-'e beve enotbr customer now uSeriaa in tha satua way , ami wUn oue 2s o. J box. Palace Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Under Frank Carrtith's new .; ve!:-;. K. ,. HCT &z COLD SA 1 -' : AlAAV.i I.EAIV. CLEAN NEW PLACE, and now is the time to t'et SHAVED SHAMl'OOEl) 1IAJ II-OUT. or anything ele in the toiKoi ia: v-my. at John IiOOiic-,'3 'New r.'.op, ColUer JIaiu ami l'ijh Platttimoutli. - n e!i-.k. ri - . U3 ii, TUTTPS PILLS ROBERT DONNELLY'S i5lack3iitii shop; Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow te- pairiny, ami general johbiuy I am now ;irep;ired to U : kinds of repairing of Xarsu jujU father i-:"liiif ry, as there is H ood lathe in my viop. PETER HAVES, The old Reliable Wagon Maker hiri taken charge cf the u-;ioi4 shop. . He is well known aa a XO. 1 WoiiKMAN. Xew WajQs, and IIuj-. uhfe to Order. SATISFACTION ti I'AIiAXTKL'I). Sliocon Sixth street nonnsite Streiirlit's Stable B.&M.R.R HOUSE, JNO, BOSS & SOU, Proj'rs. N. V. COKXEK MAIN AND SECOND STK'S, Ne;ir I!. & M. ras-enger Depot. 114 : TS . i L TI J , X E 13 II S K A. Newly refitted and funiir-hod throughoiit. Af fording an ex!--l!cut view of the 11.11 Bridge. It Is eonvei i'-i.tly located, especially for the traveling public. Tin; tables iihvays suiiphe I with the best of the season. II w iih the hcue. Lunch baskets filled at all hours. Terms rcaK.'iiab!e. 81 f JAME3GBACE Retail L-iauor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 1"L.VTTSM0V:T, .... NEB. Billiaid Hull ai d S loon on Main Street, four doore from Sixth at Nevi!c' Old i lace. BE XT UK A NDS OF CfUA lid. I. ES, c:;ei!t''"r llie ;t.,n- s-id l'l.t--. James Grace. M Mi .C7t'!:Kl! CK A.T1 S' 1 .J 35.'. B-jf S--. v- s? v. Elm St reel, m a r Eighth. PlaUsmouth, - Neb. J$in'a;il Mini nds .Made to ori'.er 7113 PLEASE REMEMBER that the. i'hkapkst ana J'.kst Ti.ack to b-iv Staple ei Fancy Groceries A X 1 First-Class Dry Goods, IS AT TI1S OLD IJLLIAKLi: STOllti r Jfai. iC Wvvhhitvh, Cor. M tin ami Third StV. Platt-iitouth 3?"Stoc! ul traps fresh and new, and ?r!et-i always ar the boitrnu. C'ail and convince your scive.s. lot! Uood I'l iek, for eale a? soon as bur.ied. at FRED. LEHNHOFF'S 15 RICK YAHI), WASKIUG-TOliT jJ-.t JONES & EIKENBARY SucCcxovjs to Jones & Agne.w.j Again takes charge itf the Old Brick Livery Stable, NEBRASKA. T"(.e tl 11 Butttier Stahles. tn I'lalf-niout- are tivv hasetl by .tones & lvikeulmrv and 'they have 1111 hand New and hiwid-uiue Veoiuinoda tions, iu tiie shirt't' '( UQUR& VAHRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HOUSES. We are now I'lepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Iieaeoniih'.e Terms. That v,un ideiity of r-.iom iihitt everv one KlK'wr. we liavti) in tuir tdat'H-. we car. ret Farin ria1 btoek Hint w:igons. hw. of hay, &e., under cover, l t i- they w ill kpe dry.!i a(! thu old wiifuus lor '.heir Iihe rail ty. vke-.siK.n i! kht'-.f tt-Hiiu h i lie f-iuire. n il isii' .1 ttt.t wCiiU tcuiiiinp.dn;k; he;si hettei am do VtiUev Uy niM kUiin eei reloio. M y J QXTS i t& E I K Nr n A I : Y. PIATTSMOUTH MILLS. rLATTSMOL'TII, KEB. v. iii:isi:i,, - lTopi irtoi. Flour, Com 3eal d- Feed Al ways on hand ajid tor sale. t lowest caslt Ciji-i P-iees. i;ie luneiit 1I lees iani tor W iieat ar,t t orn. l'a!'i lulr attention n'vnn eiisu.iu woik. Every w ound or injury, even hv aceitlenJ or any disean-, entitlef u .soldier of the late v.-artu u pension, ah p.-nsimiM bv the law of .lanuarv. 18T9. bej;iii hack, at dat- of dlseliarue or 'i'-;lj! of the -soldier. All entitled should apply at onee '1 lions ilids who a: e now drawing en sion art Piitilled lo an iuereae. Sohiiers ami w i:i.m i.t I lo- war of mil .Mexican war are f i;iili( .1 to pensl.itiH. 1 l.oiiand- arc vet en;i t le.l to liotinly, tint do not know it hees m all c-aser a. lo. l'jy for every deseription of war claims eolleeted. Employ an Attorney renl iiiit in Washington, who can sjive perioral at f nt im to our business. Aiuei ii-an and i'or eln Jiatelils olilaineil on short noliee S"m! two st imp fr pension and bounty laws. Ad tiress W. T. Fl I ZiiKitAi.D. 1'. S t'Ytini .Airent. l.oek Hox i i. W aliioirloii. l. I' f,i;y :s .-:,J:3r.jFr- -J d .i.t In an J w-,i keen ' y luatt-1 iu mii.-iu nn - '-rc i.:ti l of ; on is Of t'.e bl.oS. -.Wi -t bontM trtM!U w;th utcv , o : cieu(.ii pruic .t-, - ;tKif! umg Mercury or tititi. VCMN C M ?l J-a1 r.t mi Wi whn art -, r ii"" t i . -tiir rinu frnrn org-amc v. n .? thnt nintii (t Tirtirr. rr t.u4in or tnarrutti j, f-rni-,tn' rr . pi rri'VlPt' -r xjd-. PATIENTS TRFAT: n fc M,l and T y f Mi w i riii l iiarrSuVj i ' wtr w-.i.e . .1... . (---,:. .ri. FREE a- d .iin.-i. Ltat of q h-ki o answtrr! t M'irMt dctMnac Icitn-nT. mailed tret t it; i-;-c '-a ; ;.: .ai..n. Prv- f-U-TrHn frttia .r.lurr -knutd wad tllIr ftd4rtt, V aail l-ar mom ihn 1 i'.r rtnnix. ItK tola vCfT.nni ,) ! i ' j f'ii1eni and thou 1 4 tz iui rc-K i i 1 i TARTLliyG j DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viofira of youthful imprndenci canhi! Pre ma- ' tare lie.CT, Nervous Debility, It jranhood. etc., caving t;i- 1 u vain every Luow n remrdy, ha iLs j ceverd a flinpie st-'.f trt'.rs. wliich ha will m ! IT.tB J to his feilov-MiffiTTrs, addresa J. II. lilCtVll'S, . 3 4 bathaui Nt., X. V. , j Brick Yard ! RY, 1 NO CHANGING CARS iiETYvrnx 0..EASZ.& mi I-LtTTSSIOl'Til CHICAGO, Where ('i.e. J eoiiiie;: ,u e made with rv Car Lines - TO NEW Yo:;:. j:, srS. l':i!!T!.!):;i i ni.l, V..i l.T? .M)!:E.;T., a: ii ilc Sio'L JLirte V a FEC- iA :.-.r l ciAX.ii i :s. Louixx rixciN- X A I f. cikI nil ;.,i-ij. i tiie OTJ iS: Bl ST- ST. LOUIS, W hen- I i;.-.'. ; I ' ,;.i.e 1 are made in the I'MON It.!(-; villi 1 l!i"ii:;h Sleeping Car hi-..; s for ;:I p. i;.;s tl 1 ii. r;n: m:,v mm: rois ID : S nVTOITsTSS. ; AY'i'.,:T.: i:ji;m-: von ROOK XSILJiTID. T!o- -m":i' i.'iu-em'T.t olTeli-d by this iine lo 1 i' ..K'.s riii i 1 uarjs are as follows : t'l'1 i'. '."i.i ;!ed l'lliuan ln-Wheel 1'alace s'N cj.ii i ii;n oai on this line. f. .. it. '.' r.-da'-t? lrav. iat;-liooij) Cars, V.'iih i:-.ioi,'s :-,e!-:i!.i;. ( !:ans s Extra i; I '! !.':( Ci-,:ihs. ') In; l.ii.n i.s .. i,. c (J. J:.i!aee I Cars. t.-. . i i r fais. .liit-J Miih eloant ' . li ; ' i ;:i ivo! vf t hairs, for . ! ee ' :.-' of :rst-elas.s passengers. l :'-l Th!.-. M"d liall Tia:-k .Mid Superior 1' ; i);i!;.t!- e il'.i"!.' ! wiil; t l-.-;r frf.' Till ( fur A rr n. i:rnt. makes i iiis, above ail ol hers, tl;t- i ; i i . t to Hie A!-T. tti' : :l OIJ MOl'TII-KAST. TIJV IT, ai.d on v.-1 !l n n.l T il A V E LI X ( ! .t Eux- m v iiisii i)'; ri a 1 i.-seoiiii'ol t. '1 liiecnh i' eU-s i cfihiated line for s:!" at :;'! clii' i s ii; the i'niteil t-tiUfe and Canada. .-Ill ii'.r-:-:. a;i., ;i .':- E..t si! Tare, Sleep ier Cai Ac. olnii. '..;!.. :i, .mil liai.' TaLilef, will hi- .- i i fi'.iH i.iven i-y appiiu t.i liea-i-ai l'a sender at, hieao. tlenend M:'iia:te- C':ii'.-mo. GET THE BEST ! LSffl ALL OTHERS ! Every Style & Price, i Guaranteed XJh e qti a.1 cj & FOR OPERATION, KjCRKM AKQH IP. X2Xfl?s-is'it3 and Cost:'-:c:3C3 f:a I ia ra ether;. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Far Sale in Every City &nd Tows ia tho United States, and by J. H. COX, Plattsmovtii Nk" JVA R tsl e: H 'S . J-s,-'-3 rts --.. -'.Jc--. .-.'f til -T " - r ' " ' -j- J 1 I Is n:ad 1 a ; r-'ii: ; A'.i!-..-. a::': - a i.'"ttie I In- l.oiiN - -f. .: I O! !.; . d;.-e-!'. : :r- : v..'r.- : ;.. . p:i:;. i- L--'-Tkj -,'.e r'!..'.r, r.r:if ,.f U;i;e ? e -c:,i- ail the a f-.e l-t.'.v p:u T of -- i I ea;'ai'i.e- -.lanit 1' .: i:;. I : : dilli : a-.d 5"i it::'iy tr-J!--i. .M.'ii :'.',,: ri . 11 fin tin : ;r,n ',-' 1 i;e r i ., fitrifier. iv : cur."' tllat - i l l ', i.'d.e! si teat i.j'i . r.;i.' '-'I'.i:.:; iVi'.r,! ei:ui!. t r s: r s .. . . ,- McmhI. 'i,ii .(.': : ' r i: is tl ! ,, .a ;i -i .-,.1-iiv -.:ir; . t -.i.-.- . 1' -r ll'o Vr jrj l:', tri ' . 1 . S:i e i : r, r 9 til l r 1 itt i". 1, . i. ;!e'.:ij '! - a! iaaiel. 'I r it. if. TI. V V ' '1 i. i ;i .. Kod-est . V. A ? L.'-iJ-' Rrsj 0-1,1 f ucc crir EaiSf " iuvr;rr.u ri:i lii-i w.-.rl.L it ts n.; Hest " " rtoi. &U'04 "'1. I ri T. 9 h'Rrily poboheci ijrftice ever the ajito, rc O'jcirg friction 3nJ liahterons th araft. it 1 ta-; cheepe.-t lr;n ;t co4ra no more than lnfe 1- r br and 3, and one l-oa will Jo the work ol -" oi any other A.t Create made, Itaasw..- .a :vus-Uf r JicrJtrrs, M'U ti'-arin r, Tftrefrhinir Xliu-hinif.C.f'Uctirf, Crrtmr. I . -n-, ct .. eu.. aa lor v .'. . It is GUARANTEED tocontain no Pct'-um, Forme -.- nil l ritciii il'a:,'rii. tr."U r I'nck C$cLjfflm of Fkiuaa X,nrlh Knoirinl niail.t Irue. MiCA lAANUi-'AOTURINC CO. 31 Mtchigar Aver'JP. Chlcsrro, Illinois. '"WOME 7HEATMENT. U A corrUn enra for ?rYOViS ' . -.'y Dcfcii:ty, l.on-.lnsl Weak--s', Jmpotrnc-e, etc. i? .-s i jy. v-.y p.-sk' for 5 Tear? :. ; !.T2 iril-.-U bk 1 J pa bps giving fail oi-r- tir.asf.-.reif-tre.-.'jocTii, Gent free. AUdresa mi tM-'n r'i i57 rr--T1 BENNETT & LEWIS, DKAI.EItS IN AGENTS FOIi TIIH CKLEltATi:i I.EA VKNUOirTII ie iiia flae city. . Gash paid for Butter nnd JEJggst Contain: Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake Gentian Ami cures Dypeptiia, Ijoss of Appetite, Killiousnesj and all derangement of the Stomach arising from over-eating and drinking. Prepared only by ISUOWX 3IKIHCIXI AI JI.iXCrACTL'ISIXG CO., LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, and for le by all Uruggists. The Old Grocery Goods Stand. Althciigli Lt't lion is over we are not done : r!!i:: ;;ootl.-t, Ly a long .shot. lb OU WILL FIND AT F.S. WHITE'S OX IJ OF THE LARGEST A. YD BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KIXDs IN THE TOWN. .... -O- Tlie nicest Green Winter Apples for Bale. Over '2V.U Darn-la Vrtvn Cell'a.r Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOIi HIDES FURS, TALLOW, dC, at '7. .Sf. WJIJ T. V S. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA fi ' ' ' jnt, .ut,i:s)..d. A IhrHUrp i.t-rv ..f l,..v h'r,, li.Tm 7Jfi"Tu. r.-fTA fit Bj.ei!Ui 1... 1 r.r-..nnng In ;;,:i. ir;;,!U.AttrmpUdAw,u,xtJn M--fcr.Pi n Wirt I ft ,tricailr-luiri,t,oc.,i,nt..f J.t ,u.l,,:.rt .nl:,r..l lnir:il. AI 1 v wri ttn ; ZiJlJ-'ld9! ii IT I I Ml I I Vilh);.rlnnt. '. tine l' i.f tl.e Si.rr.. 1 . C.,1.,111 1. Mrs. ;:irfi.'. -to. " 1'.. B A II I I I II I I I rar taa bvok uU tirculi . ,,. L.Oei.l Lou,,. Outut lFuiu3&tf&AlM22l Q fil I t - 3 TO GIVE OTHISIVi: Jl. OT-i! Kcst Fragrant c"; l&xt&izz cf Icrf- r 1 1 . . 1 Frice, 23 ct-3.; L;rc- ZzS.Uz, 7" i SolJ ty drali;rm IrPC. A IVrfunirry. :-li cox & Co., N. Y., u rvrry boeJe. t ? ' The Medicine for Everv Family NPVER IMTOXlCATr?.. "iTad'-from f ;inper, l:urhit. Mar.lnil t . Kti and other of li.e l.jt ve-et.-.Ue r i .c.'.' .-. ! I'aRKEr'S tilNCI t Tomc l:ns rcmrir! ;' curative pour:-,, & isdie prcntcst ! ti 1, t or. Wood I'uri;':cr and Liver Kegul.ui.r vcr . llln-:- (I Tho Best Medicina You cv: forEcstorhgHcaltli & Si: It commences to s t fron t';f ( '. :' out the weak, :.r.l i v-:ii.:i:ivl t . hclo all di-ensrs of the 1' vc!s. ! ! .n;'.. 'i t Kidneys, liver. Urinary 'rans, r.! it 'ui.". . ' Women, Nervousness, Slccoic-:.' ' i-...'J: and Drciikpuuess. Tryabc.tttr.(!ay ; it miy yu r 'i'z. Z' and ft sizes ta:idnisi.ts. 1 vrr tv:. L has our si ciuturc on ivi!-r v.i:;-.". I.. Co., K. Y. Larjr! tavir.g in lti-' ;$!f. Just Wltat if WituJff). Every,Hot!y whose hnir is gr"y tr 1 li . t j the i.ecd f a I !.t: Kesti rcr a: d c': i T ' ; : 1 c'.eanlv. .-r.r-ea!.!y ptrfmi'd n-d 1 ' r;; ' ' '"- J Is ''-. ! :r '-- t:. ' t-" "' ti : :." . :- ' WW m mi u t-a u r. : 7 St. Tharlcs Street, St, Loais, Mo. A i csdv rralnite of two MwliuU Oollite. h.vs lieea r.r BvTit.rMl man hut o;hBrl hyi,icu.n ia brl-om- a. it rnii---in.vr.inJ fill old r-.i.ltit koow. Byphuia. Oc oorrrii a. Oleet, Strictrire, OrchiUB. Rur.ture,ul( tTj lnary Ct'' vt Mercuri-d Affect on OX T' iroatSkiuor JVneacTr"t KufHy, I'riHtly. ipermau rrha.Beicvial Deb.Uty and Imi,oncT B Itbareraltof SBlf-Aonso, MKi'-aeiCBSsenin niMiurnr tt office or 07 muil fr- -nd ir." .U- U rampMi PAGES l h"l0to.Vc!l I -ii. '.- 't isim, to oo tha 1?loTrin .ih;5t-: Win. v. .y ,tn irry., why. 'Uan6oo3. Wmanhood. l-hy-i.-ot dt. VS l.o soul l :narr : how life bwpiuT ocw' :; .orcnteinp!atinmaMaia.ouldr.-.iiMti.ak,.tKv der lock an kjr. 25 Ct8., v n;-;i in li-.-m.-r or t-n tMarn. ritrl.-eh Ctran--"" r--.-l I1.- i ,ife m.iri' ETDCCPRESCRIPTIOH &TX U..l in rf 1 W4. A Aba!. Any4ramri-lli.-wtiiir;-,;,!"-Oaritiv Int.W't. bnr hi . i.-.i. -- J. 70S Chesr.ut St, St. t ou'. W j?. ,-r. coaun'.iwvocuro ij.oraia. r.. - tees.Impotency.u'! (orm-i. 6; ,.hi. '-cr-.Icea. mtdic-ia Adric l.-. C3rijS i.ix. i :.,l or -rr.tq In .trirtconctBOce. B7D"tora X. -m. tr two mn rJiARRlACECUiPEVo PENSIONS 0 r, r n.i Bnl.l:0. i..i ) 11. ,.f dniv. hy ac-. lnt or . V Ol'M; f :"- k.r.ii lfs fcl Bnci r.t r eje, Itl'l'l I ti, if but li.'. t.u; .listen. ,115 ii'j w Ull iu.-rt.irw A' iil.w. orli-tn ii.'i iljifr.!.' nt I'. I- - (nnthm . f ..'., ir. W '' '' ill t Ue4 l..n.i"H. 1 Tin iniiir:.- r I il'lv: iK.antv. K." ! Stn 1' 'it.. C-I..IITS f r v , foil inr.Y m V- r-i.n !! A:r. " ' f. H. irTeerlcl & Vr- ' ' ' .tr'l. Ii' i. ""i " 1 . V A '.'.; rr- In.'-.; I 1 .'. .-.! I:. V. K - t ' I V.. lotl.uf I.: : -i .:. ill 'Vtrh.'. bl-.rn ir. T.Th T': ri. V-' .' i -n:-tl lll.:lnrr - ijutollfc. t.l. J : li. t::iKi.r.Pst Ki.d -s- your own uw.r ,y"-uli,i iv HI.' M nfiteo & ory SPACE iLACK & f O The majority rtfthm lilt of the human hot!; arise from a ileraiiaemt nt nf f A J.tver, affrrtiiitj but It the utomarh and I, in filt. in ,ithr to rljrrt a rtire, it it nerrartf tn re mo re tie enunr. Irregu I'lf and Slutiijinh action of the Iloirt ll, lti.tlnclie,Sickn-H at t he Stomach, I'at in the linrl; ami l.oinn,t lr., indicate that the Hrer it at fault, and that nature re quirct aKftittn nee to ruuljle thit organ to tltroir ojf iinpurilitM. IricUly H.nJt SlllturHareenpecially conitJUiidcd for thin jmrfunte. They are mild in their action and effective at n rures a re j feaxn nt to the lam te and ta l;e n e-atil both thildrtti and ad u I It. Ta Jcen wr;,r! in; 'o dircrtlont, they are a MtfettnciTl.tiHiiH t are fur 1 ApcpKla, Cent ral lc-;IM t , I I.tljit ual Con. fctipaitot. KldneyM, etc., etc Aa.tst.i fwvWiKTihey are eapcrior to an; 'itier medirlne ; -lcanxing the eyxtct.t tin roughly , and imiarting new life am.' t nrrgy to the I it. -,- iff. Hit a Iilf Jlf and itotn illtOxicntlll: Iterrrage, ASK YCU 3 CRUGSIST fO FRICEIT ASH BITTtRS, and take no other. -.'BICH, (1 00 per Bottle. -fiZYER EROS. & CO., - S31E PROPRIETORS. St. Loui; and E snaas City, Mo. It Is thft rraolr of i( tfnr' rxs-.rr'mr.rr tn. xj'ririi' ulr In M-it'i r.fcM. It r'iimr (A ffiffl f Jiiritf of fzfl p.nt J.trmrr Tw-.., Tr not a ",i.ofr!a.i"or"..riei .::i"i::u'-!i;ii;,aiirith rs are. Jt ai.S!-.!, tlif drr---J of ntlierK, ari.l h- t-"rTI 31 ia (.;rl ri'lu'i.!' f.'atlir' M r-.'ll.;liil;IiC-. It i ia-'V", I '' '-""" " . n-ytir'. hu-ds'mr, cun. Tmimt, t trail', sii'l :',-''. X'nrrntitcd and kItiir iair frcf(ir. y'nr, irtiila kIi fuade-Tr;, 1 ''" "ntfr-'-.a i iii-Hv Itimmrlvti. l t At. l W'lil IT. , . t:iHl't IttSI to if tfr von i "t. M!cfACTt MiiMl l't .; M fHIXK ':(.,j;. n-.- ; ,:. rt.;u-:u-. i'u VI- m' Gi-O. I'. L-. fX.tlB'l -i-Jj-u.t'I: bc...:.-. i: J : r : 1. ' I3 1 1 ' : . A 1 ' - ' " 1 : .;ch:j,r-.;-:.,;:.:::-Vi,i.iA i - ; : -. '". :. .. ., 1 I' t..,ti i. rti i i. "S t, ! ,1 r . I . llti'i.r', it. ' u..i- ; - y iil JIk tit."- Ljui PEKKLY 5 BiffERS