Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 20, 1881, Image 3

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Uncle Tom's Cabin!
In Fi zgerald Hall, Oct. 2Clh.
Go an i see them, they are the boss.
See C. E. Wescoti's new ad.
Go lo ; lie Sociable to-night.
A fir.e line of Whips at Streiht
& Miller's. 39t2
Read Godfrey Fickler'a ad this
Week bach
Bennett &
moves into his new
Storii so' n.
IJaker & Atwood sell Uremner'a
Choice crackers. 27t4
What beautiful weather we are
having again.
Schluntz Flour at Hansen &
Chtssot's again. 1
Calling cards, new stock a the
Hickald o lW.
IJenn-': & Lewis sell Biemiier's
choice crav. --rs.
Col. v'oodford, next Sunday,, at
Fitzgerald Hall.
Nice line of Oil Carpets all widths
at Baker .fc Atwood's. 30t2
See the Weeping Water Millinery
;d. on Loral page.
When mi po for crackers take
none but Brenner's. 27t4
Nip & Tuck was imaiense Friday
night, especially Nip.
Fresh Cranberries just received
by Bennett & Lewis. 1
Kaliskv's new goods are just more
than coming in now.
Dr. A. Salisbury, the Boss Dentist,
over Smith, Black & Co.'s. Sltf
lVoiferbersi is rrceivinz his fall
supply of Leaf tobacco.
"I'at-nt" and "Whit Lilly" Fiour
at Hansen & Chassot's. 1
Joe Connor nominated O'Donohoe
v. ; h '--eat. eclat, at Louisville.
Spectacles and eye-glasses to suit
all ages, at L. C. Erven's. 3U2
Wescott knows 1-ow to advertise
anyway, and ought to succeed.
Diugs -the largest stock at J. M.
Roberts. 3tf
Mike Murphy is going into the old
Arnison building Feed Store, &c.
CI oiks and Dolmans for Ladies,
Misses and Children at Herrmann's. 3
Corn, oats and wood wanted at
this office on subscription, at once.
Gloves and Mittens a full stock
at low prices at Wescott's. 31t2
The Western train was loaded
with passengers, Tuesday inorirng.
--Go to L. C. Erven to get your
watch repaired. All work warranted.2
Mathews, the Weeping Water Re
corder man, was in town t lie first of
the week.
Bugle caps and feather caps at
Mrs. Johnson & .Sweeney's. Something
new." 30t3
Mud! mud!! how wo love the beau-
tiful(?) tnud especially, when we
can't help It.
I'lease remember that Joseph V.
Weckbach will soon remove to his new
It is going to be almost impossi
ble t get soft coal this winter, from the
present wutlook.
Get Dr. Salisbury to make you a
set of teeth and they will last you as
long as you ned any. 31tf
Rasgorsheck Bros, are getting their
building out in the street preparatory
to putting in a brick store.
Remember that Bennett & Lewis
will give you bargains in new Canned
Goods, by the case. 1
Billy Vallt ntine, one of the best
painters in the shops, went down to
Lincoln last week, to do some letter
ing. A complete assortment of Ladies
White and Colored. Bordered, Laces
and Silk Handkerchiefs at Fred Herr
mann's. 29t3
Just received A new stock of
very handsome calling cards, pro
grams, iuvitations &c. at the IIei:ali
J. S. Duke has the best Hard Coal
Burners in the market ; also a variety
of other Heating ar.d Cook stoves, call
and examine. 30t3
If that fellow, Mclntesh don't
keep off our feet on the street we'll
put 'em in our pocket or get stilts to
wa'k on.
Go and see J. S. Duke's Hard Coal
Burners before purchasing, he has
Crown Jewels - and one called the
SrLENDi. 30t3
Col. Geo. Woodford, the renowned
lecturer, will give a lecture on Tem
perance in Fitzgerald 1111 next Sun
day at 8 p. in.
If you need any work done in the
dental line, call on Fr. A. Salisbury,
who will do a first-class job for jou, as
cheap as the eheapeat. Sltf
Kendall, Kendall, be sure and go to
see them play while they are here, as
"ihey are simply immense," that's
what ever body says.
Zephvis, Germantown Saxonv's,
Bavarians and Welsh fringing yarn,
all colors at Baker & Atwood's. 30t2
The Episcopal Sociable will be at
the rrsideiK-! of Mrs E B. Lew is, this
(Thursday) evening. A cordial invi
tation extended to all.
Win. Agnew came in last week
Young Mr. Wise from New Mexico
is visiting us again.
Mr. David McCaig. of Eliuwood, was
in towi. on business last week.
Jonathan Adams dropped in to see
the IIekalu Ttitsday. Call again, Mr.
Mrs. Juo. R. Clarke and Mrs. Eli
Plummer are visiting Mrs. A. W. Mc
Laughlin. M. O. Weed was down the first of
the week. He returned to Greenwood
Sam. Cambell. a brother of D. A.
Campbell's, went te work in the B. Sc
M. freight office this week.
Young Mr. Mcintosh; a lawyer of
great fame and a wit of no mean mer
it is teaching school at Concord.
Sammie Hinkle is clerking for Phil.
Young now. 1'hil must be doing a
rushing business to have so many
6. Sweeney, one of the ld Her
ald standbys called yesterday. We
were too busy to talk but lots obliged
all the same.
W. S. Crosby, another Newspaper
man, is yisiting us. We hear he is
going to buy the Enterprise out.
"Send in the balance of the Committee."
Mr. Calvert of the B. & M., acconi
panied by his wife, and a brother from
the east with his bride, were in the
city Tuesday. From here they contin
ued their trip westward to view the
Qloves and Mittens a full stock at
low prices at Wescott's. 31t2
Uncle Tom's Cabin only 25, 35 and
15 cents next Wednesday evening.
Th Kendall Komedy Kompany
are here in full force again this week,
their splendid band are heard on our
ttreeis two or three times a day.
We can beat theiu all on Bouts &
Shoes, givo us a trial.
80t2 Baker & Atwood.
J.y. Weckbaeh will move into his
new buliding as soon as it is complet
ed. Qloves and Mittens -a full stack
at wescott's. 81t2
Fred Gorder has bought the right
for this County of selling the new pat
ent gate rollers on exhibition on Main
street the last few days.
A fine lot of ladies' sets just re
ceived by L. C. Erven. Call and see
them. 31t2
The Rock Bluff and Plattsmouth
Base Ball Ciubs will have a
match game of ball Saturday, on the
Fair Grounds.
Stivight & Miller just l ecci ved a
tine fctuck f Saddles, Whips and Lap
Robes. Give them a trail before pur
chasing elsewhere. 30t2
There will be no services at the
Catholic Church uu Sunday next, the
pastor being absent on one of his mis
sions. Fred Herrmann carries tho larg
est and best selected stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods in this city. 0'.2
The new Depot at the Junction
will soon be completed, and the boys
in the Freight ofliee are dreading the
day when they will havo to go over
theif to work.
A superior line of all kinds of
Gloves and Miltens at Wescott's boss
clothing store. 3U2
Born: To the house of Fickler
a new butcher last week, and Mr.
Fickler is as happy well, as happy as
any one could be under the circum
stances. fcSf" Mr. Fickler.
The largest ami most complete
assortment of Ladies' Gents' and Chil
dren's Underwear ir. th's city at Fred
Herrmann's. 3012
- P. B. Murphy is fixing up a very
nice oyster saloon under his billiaid
hall for this winter, where everyone
can get a number one stew, hot cup of
coffee and othr refreshments.
All the late Novelties in Passi
menterie Fringes. Tiimmingp, Buttons,
&C at Baker & Atwood's. 30t2
Uncle Tom':- Cabin will be played
in Fitzgerald Hall next Wednesday
sveniug. by the Mason & Morgan's
Uncle Tom's Cabin Combination. Re
member the date.
You ought to see that Excelsior
Mitten at Wescott's. 81t2
The sidewalk around the Fitger
ald property has been fixed up in good
shape. Who's next? The sidewalks
are a give away to Plattsmouth, or
rather the want of sidewalks.
Elegant shaded plumes and tips, a
large assortment, at Mrs. Johnson &
Sweeney's. Also, owl heads, birds
heads, steel mounted tips, etc. 30t3
Hesser. our horticulturist took
second premium on general collection
of plants, and forty-three dollars
in money at the State Fair, besides
selling about ttvo huudred dollars
worth of plants and flowers for cash
A car load of Kansas Winter
Wheat Mour, and a car of choice Pota
toes, just received at Baker & Atwood's
The Base Ball Club went up to
Omaha Monday and played a match
game of Ball with the B. & M's. of
that place. The B. & M's. beat them
eleven to one. They put in a pro
fessional, and Charley Duke says they
were so mad they couldn't play at all.
Streight & Miller have a fine line
of Lap Robes, just received. S0t2
The old bridge on Sixth St., near
Patterson & Dickson's livery stable,
has been torn down, and a culvert, 8
feet in diameter and 40 feet long, will
be put in between now and the first of
December, by John Way man. Who
says that won't be a big improvement
to the city of Plattsmouth?
Wilson Bros, shirts kept only at
Baker & Atwood's. 30t2
Tom Smith is running fr Consta
ble in Reck Bluff precinct. We don't
know which side -Tom"is running on
or if on his own hook, but "Tom" will
make a jam up old Constable, if elect
ed, you bt. He has served now two
y ears as deputy and when be gets his
grab-hooks on a man- Well.
Chaplain Wright has been put
ting up two very neat houses in the
west and north end of his block. . The
chaplain never does anything by
halves, and .these are really neat
houses. One is to rent, yet, we be
lieve. Mr. Cummins deserves the unani
mous vote of thanks from the Third
Ward dtnizeus for that sidewalk along
his lumber yard on Seventh street. It
will prove a great blessing during the
days to come.
Underwear till you can't rest, at
Wescott's.- 3112
You may mux up the Cabinet f
President Arthur as much as you
please; you may cobble up the Presi
dent of the Senate's chair, and fight
Malonemit Wise duels in the air;
but that don't prevent Hansen & Chas
sot from'selling Patent" and "White
Lilly" Flour as cuenp as any one in
this market.
Someone made the remark to one
of our Band Boys, after they had play
ed Saturday evening, "that if they
could play as well as that band, they
would be woith listening - to," he was
quite taken back when he found it
was our band. It has improved so
much in the last year, that everyone
is surprised.
A new stock of Stetson Hats at
Wescoti's. 3112
Notwithstanding one of the beat
of our subscribers says he don't like
to be dunned by the Hehald 'and he
needn't take this) we are obliged to
say we must have some money, right
away; we need it. It lias been the
worst summer for us in the business,
and while eveiyone has had the bene
fit of good times, the newspaper does
not feel it. You have good prices for
grain, hogs and cattle; now please try
and pay us something, and oblige.
They all have to have Bremner's
crackers if they want any trade. 27t4
The Ma3on & Murgan Uncle Tom's
Cabin Combination is said to be one of
the very best troupes now piayiug
Uncle Tom's Cabin, and differs so es
sentially from the production by other
companies that it may be justly term
ed the greatest dramatic triumph of
the day. The gates ajar is an artistic
dream of heaven, and are so extensive
in their piopoftiens that the transfor
mation occupies the whole stage. Ev
eryone should attend, if you have seen
it played poorly go and see it played
well, and if you have seen it played
well go and see it played better.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tGm
- Phil Young has been grievously
annoyed of late by petty little thefts
at his store, missing cigar3, fruits,
books, etc. Yesterday he set a neat
trap to catch the. thieves, and succeed
ed quite well for a start. Substituting
especially prepared cigars among the
lot be had been missing from, Phil
awaited the denouement, and late last
night the trap sprung on a youthful
boot-black, who was promptly arrest
ed and lodged in the cooler. Other ar
rests are likely to follow. We trust
this will prove a salutary lesson to
the boys that are is the habit of hang
ing around the Post Office, for no oth
er purpose, apparently, than waiting
for chances to pilfer.
Mr. W. A. Forbes. Greenfield,
Mass., was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of
Rheumatism. Cincinnati Christ fan
The following are the Grand and
Petit Jury men for the November term
A. D. 181. of the District Court:
Samuel Twiss, George Shrader,
S M Davis, James Simpson,
R W Cunningham, C S Wortman.
J W Clarke, Wm Ossenkopt,
J A Young. George Hendricks,
Thomas Wiles, John Ramsev,
Robert Troop, W II Baker."
W II Frye, J R Barr.
E D Laughlin. L 1) Burnett,
S M McClurtock, Frank Eaton,
John Richardson, James Walker,
Joseph McKinnon, Alva Drew,
II J Streight, John Holmes.
James Clarke, Thomas S Dabb,
S M Holden. G B Crippen.
Wm Wettencamp, Henry Behrms,
S S Hall.
J II Burnett,
Joshua Gapen,
F R Guthraan,
D T Dudley,
W S Purdy,
D D Andrus,
NJ Calkins.
The Toledo (O.) Bee says: Col. J.
Dorse Alexander, editor Barnesville
(Ga.) News, has been cured of Rheu
matism, by the use of St. Jacobs Oil.
SCHLEGEL. Dn Monday. October 17. iftfl. at
8;10 a. in.. Christian Scmle;f.l. aretl id
years and 3 months.
The funeral services wre held Tuesday, Oct.
13, at 9 U30 a. in., at the Episcopal church. From
the church, the family, and those who could,
followed ur kind old friend to Glendale Cem
etery, near his farm, about two miles couth of
Celar Creek Station, od the 1$. it M. Here the
old man wm laid to rest, that rest he so fairly
earned in thi life.
The church was crowded with niourrr -j, and
rarely has it been our lot to witness cs '.m ere
Krief as was displayed that day for ";i :i ,!pa"
Schlegcl, our kind-hearted. true-ht: vu .1 ex
pressman. The pennon of the Key. j.-. liur
gess was most fitting and appropria'". the
beet, all things eoueidred, w e ever hei..c him
make ; the broadest, the soundest. Hut. theu,
who could not preach a cencon oaths Tirtucs
of a man whese sterling henesty and old-fashioned
integrity won him tbe respect and love
of an entire community.
Tho life and death of Christian Schlesel prove
that not riches or fine clsthes, orthepwwer of
patronage alone, obtain for men the sincere re
spect ef their neighbors ; for, this man, t.. hum
ble birth, without wealth, working daily at a
laborious businees, was as truly and sincerely
respected, mourned for. and will be uUetd
as much from among this people as any on in
the long year? we have lived here, who j ined
the great majority.
-Guthman Bros, sell Bremner's
choice crackers. L7t4
A bunch of keys, apparently safe
key, P. O. key, and others. Apply at
this office.
Harness for Sale."
A good set of double buggy biro 453
for sale at this offica.
New .Millicery Store
Mrs. C. M. Paine has opened a fin and
complete stock of Millierv Goads, in
Weeping Water, and would respect
fully solicit the patronage of the Ladies
of Cass County. See advertise'aant in
another column. 31 13
.A. -TJXjTj
Just Opened in .
PLUSH fr trimming In every celor and bhade. BLACK Tirs In all prices, from 40 cent
te T.0. FANCY TIPS In all colers aid shades. Elegant WINTER FLOWERS !
Phase call and examine our goods hefore purchasing eheirhtre!
Somewhat widely and favorably known as the Popular Clothier of
tills section, announces
Fall Arrivals! Actual Bargains
worthv of inspection. His best hold is
and he has a complete stock of new goods.
Jicxt JfatenWf, Latest Style, Superior Fin lJ,
Perfect Fit and Popular Price.
Clothe vou from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,
save you big money, and till your soul with happiness.
All Garments Warranted. "Try 'em 'fore yon buy 'em."
IFF and OF ATH nf J
A?.et fi!?to" ofhiiTTf Jllti J fill I -'.rTic" l; of the Assassmal'ST th?BKst SEIXWO BOOK
remarkable and critical .w?l-e tJ A MTCrl .... AC-.V rirenlara Kroe.
A correct iimuiry vi uis 11 1 aiu om rr-. IT w T w 1
remarkable and critical ... Ef JTC VANTED nf the AGE
record of . noble man. CS SHTp W AN I JSuTor iorl SamSe I
recoru 01 noui
50 per cent.
t. Giscoanxio Agenis ciscisNAxi rtB. .-. it w.t
Driving Park Association.
There will be a meeting of the Driv
ing Park Association at the county
Judge's office on Monday evening, Oct.
24th, at 7:30 1. M. sharp, forimpor-
tant business must have a majority
turnout. By order Directors.
MACMUPtr-HY, Secretary.
i. A. U.
We hav receiyed the following card:
Eight Mile Grove, Oct. 15th, 'Si.
Jno. A. Macmvrphy: On account
of the bad weather our "Camp-Fire"
was postponed until Friday, Oct., 21st,
when, if th weather permits, there
will be a big time. J. W. Vosdut.
Paiuful Accident
A German who had been in thi3
country but a few months and in the
employ of the B. & M. but a few days,
in crossing the bridge Monday on a
hand-car, became dizzy and fell in
front of tbe car, which struck him in
the face, mutilating it in a ghastly
manner. Dr. Livinstong patched it up
and thinks he will make a good look
ing face of it yet.
Card or Thanks.
The relatives of "Grandpa" Schlegel
desire us to return their sincere
thanks to the many neighbors who
aided and assisted in taking care of
him during his last illness, and esnec
ially to Miss Josie Stadelmann, and
the members of Mr. Stadelman's fam
ily, for their devotion and care
throughout this trying time.
FOTTKNGEIt MYEKS. October 13th. lRsl. at
the residence of Mr. Geo. Copple, by Turner
Zink. .1. P.. Mk. Harvev I'(ttkngkr and
Miss Mart J. Myers, mil of Cans Co., b.
Trains on the B. & 31.
By the new arrangement which went
into effect Monday, trains leave here
for Omaha and Lincoln as follows:
For Omaha 8:23 A
" 2 '45
Returning, leave Omaha.
For Lincoln .
Returning, leave Lincoln
Arrive here at 9:03 A
P. M.
Going East trains leave
it 7 A. M ,
9:65 A.M., and 3:40 F. M. .
See Time Table in another
Mails on all these, trains.
Dr. Marshall's
friends of the sick
other patent medicines
It cures, and
others do not see
the point? Drug-
gists sell it
Monday, the 17th, a gold chain and
locket. A reward will be paid for its
return at tho Pest Office.
Mothers need not be kept awake
nights by tho incessant coughing of
their children, if they have Dr. Mar
shall's Lung Syrup at ban land give
one mr two doses in season. Price
twenty-five and fifty cents.
A good Painter at once. Inquire of
G. F. Hobbs, at Smith. Black & Co.'s
Drug Store.
When you feel a cough or bron
chial affection creeping on the lungs,
take Ayers Cherry Pectoral and cure
it before it becomes incurable.
Old Reliable.
For the Old Reliable C. S. Maltby
Oysters, the best in the market, go to
BesBctt & Lewis, thev are receiving
them now direct from Baltimore. 31tf
Among the little items of per
sonal interest and economy are Ayers'
Pills. They are tho ready remedy
which defeat many disorders, if taken
in season, and should be kept in every
Oysters and Celery
Bennett & Lewis are receiving Fresh
Oysters and Celery every Wednesday
and Friday mornings. 1
Korxe Blankets.
A full line of horse blankets, lap robs
and covers, just received at J. G.
C et. 31 t2
le Book br mail. $1.00.
4th ClauUaitU, k
At this hop you'll And meet wholesoina and
Sausage, pork mutton and veal.
And it u our belief, you'll buy excellent baef.
It you ;U this butcher shop deal.
lie keepj always ou hand the best iu the land ;
OK such as your families need ;
Others may do well, but they cannot exeel.
For Fickler will still take the lead.
A good bargain you'll make if vou want to buy
Or soup meat or to boil or to frv.
You can have a good dish of whatever you
Competition he well may defy.
This buuluess provides for good pt Its and hides.
Iird and tallow he'll both buy and sell ;
And yo'il find Ihi the case, there's uo other
I dace.
You'll do better, if you w ill unite a well.
And this we may tell if you've fat cattle to
or hogs or 6heep that are nice ;
You can bring them right here and you need
never fear.
I5ut for them you'll s?et a god price.
Satisfaction to all who give hi;n a call.
It is his intention to give.
For we're certain indeed, thi.i btliuiv to his
Not.only to live but let iie !
31m3 Clstomkr.
So great is the faith reposed in
Avers' Pills by those who have given
them a trial, that the consumption f
them almost passes belief, far exceed
ing any precedent. Ihey cleanse the
blood, improve the appetite, promote
digestion, restore healthy action, and
recti late every junction. Ihey are
pleasant to take, gentle in their opera
tion. vet thorough, searching, and
powerful in subduing disease.
Dress Slaking.
Misses Cramner and Conn have
opened a dress making establishment
in Mrs. Johnson and bweeney s rooms
and would be pleased to obtain a share
of the patronage of the ladies of
Plattsmouth. - Miss Cramner is lately
from Philadelphia and is thoroughly
posted in her business. (Jive them a
call. 30t3
Boots and Shoes.
Call .and examine the large and new
stock at Merges.' 30tf
The Exchange hotel, conducted
by Mr. C. B. llackney, its genial and
centlemanlv landlord, is worthy of
patronage by the public generally.
The building is conveniently ar
ranged, the rooms I eing large and well
furnished throughout, and the tables
are supplied with th best the market
affords. In all departments it is the
j object of Mr. llackney to meet the
1 wants and desires of all his patrons.
j and his efforts are deserving of the
Sy nip manes ; success he is achieving. Ashland Ga
and enemies of ' 7(.ttp
You can save money by buying
your winter goods, for cash, of Baker
& Atwood. 30t2
Winter is Almost Here!
and all the ladies are beginning to
think about a new hat or bonnet
Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney are ready
for them, and have just received a line
of pattern hats and bonnets which
will show all the new styles, and give
every one something to suit. Go and
see them. 30t3
Carter's Little Liver Pills are ree
from all crude and irritating matter
Concentrated medicine only; very
small; very easy to take; no pain; no
griping; no purging.
Fiit Premium.
The Domestic? sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. SOtf Peter Merges
How many persons get up in the
morning without an appetite, having a
bitter taste in the mouth, and feeling
weak and debilitated. All these need
Carter's Liver Bitters.
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
orders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. SOtf
Smart Weed and Belladonna com
bined with the othtr ingredients used
y the best porous plasters make Car
ter's .S. W. & B. Backache Plasters the
best iu the market. Price 25 cents.
Reynolds Brs. Shoes for Ladies,
the best in the laud, at Baker & At
wood's. ' 3012
Browns' Blackberry nndUinger
Should be in every house during t lie
heated season. It never fails to cu re
Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera
Moibus. For sale by J. II. Buttery,
Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and
J. M. Robert , Plattsmouth, "J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
All persons indebted to me will here-
y take notice that an my accounts
lave been left in the hands of Mr. Will
S. Wise, who will receive .and receipt
for all moneys received on the same
An early settlement Is r -quested.
2'Jta DR. J. 11. HALL.
Henry's Carbolic Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet
ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns,
and all kinds of skin eruptions, etc.
as all otheis are but imitations. Price
3 cents.
ire the surest and best remedy for dys
pepsia, biliousness, malaria, maiges
tion, disorders of the stomach, and
diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver
and skin.
cures an aitections or me mucous
membrane of the head and throat.
DENTON'S BALSAM cures colds,
coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles,
etc. Can be used externally as a plas
ter. 4
Little girls, all of you go to Mrs.
Johnson & Sweeney's and see the lit
tle doll bonnets. 2013
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine per cent interest, on Real Estate
secu ity at three or five years. Apply
at his office on Main St., Platts
mouth. Xeb. 2Ctf.
-The best and cheapest,
The finest :ind neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
a. Meuoes.
If you want a nice set of china or
glassware, cheap for "cash, call on Bak
er and Atwood. 30t2
"Hark ! Hark ! the d(s do bark.
The tlollie nave eonie to tow
and all their little
girl mammas must
march down to Mrs. Johnson & Swee
ney's and buy a lovely little bonnet or
hat for each dolly. They're just the
sweetest little things you ever saw. 3
Bogus Certificates.
It is not vile drugged stuff, pretend
ing to be madu of wonderful foreign
roots, barks, &c, and puffed up by long
bogus certificates of pretended mira
culous cures, but a simple, pure, effec
tive medicine, made of well known
iluable remedies, that furnishes its
.... -
own certificates oy its cures. e re
fer lo Hop Bitters, the purest and best
of medicines. Exchange. See another
Xobbv new silk beaver hats, Der
by style, with cord and balls for trim
ming: English walking hats ot tell tor
street wear, at Mrs. Johnson & Swee
ney's. 0tt
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. lULt
Go to Baker & Aiwoods for a nice
Dolman, Cloak, Shawl or anything in
the wrap line. .0t2
Our Grocery and Canned Goods
departments are well stocked with
first-class goods at lowest prices.
Immense Stock.
The largest asortmeut of boots and
shoes thad fcver came to town, to be
sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer
bes'. 30 tf
Dress Goods ! ! Dress Goods ! !
All Wool Momie Cloths, Flannel
Suitings. Fancy Plaids, Chuddah
Cloths, Baratheas, etc., etc, at Fred
Herrmann's. 30l2
A full line of Gents' and Ladies'
Arties and Rubbers at Baker & At
wood's . 302
If you want a good Saddle, step
in and examine Streight & Miller's
before purchasing. o0t2
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Platt.stnouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. 10tf
At this office good dry corn or oats on
subscription, at once.
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
Keltef from Sick Headache, Drow
siness, Nausea, Dizziness, Pain in the
Side, &c, guaranteed to those using
Carter's Little Liver Tills. These com
plaints are nearly always caused by
torpid liver and constipated Lowels.
Restore these organs to their prper
functions and the trouble ceases. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills will do this ev
ery time. One pill is a dose. Ferty in
a phial. Price 25 cents.
Dress Goods in great variety cf
styles and colors from 15c to S1.50 pr
yard at Baker & Atwood's. 30t2
A nobby olive silk beaver poke
bonnet with a new style of ribbon
trimming, shaded tips and fancy wing;
a lovely olive brown plush bonnet
with beaded border and shaded tips to
match : a handsome black poke with
cardinal plush trimmings; a beaver
broad brimmed hat of Gainesborough
style, stylishly shaped are among the
new pattern hats at Mrs. Johnson &
Sweeney's. Go and see them. 30t3
Come and See
The large stock of Spring Shoes and
Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf
Don't forget that the Herald
office is the place to get your fine job
printing. 23t4
Wanted Some corn and oats on
subscription at th'i3 office; at once.
Brown's Vegetable Liter PilU
Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Biliousness. For
sale by all Druggists in the West.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
I sell the best and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Peter Merges.
-FOR -
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug Store. Sltf
a week In vour orn town. Terms and
outntfree Address, II. IIai.i.ktt & Co
Portland, Maine. luly
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
P. 0. 7tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. havo sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months
It Must Be So.
For all who use Brown's Pepsin
Tonic say it is a sine cure for Dys
pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.
For sale by all Druggists in Platts
mouth and East Plattsmouth.
repsin. Rhubarb, Mandrake A Gentian
Are the active ingredients of
Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this
wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial
and be cured. For sale by all drug
gists in Neb.
Make from to . per week selling
(:onds for E. i. KlUhOl T & CO., lo liarchiy
Street. New York. Ziyi
Send for their Catalogue and tonus.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will bo at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sit-
urday in January, February, May, Au-
i r ..... 1 k A.
gust, uctoner ami iNovemuer.
Weeping W ater, 1st rrulay and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and saturuay in
oril.Julv and December. Notice or
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in r el
ruary. E. II. W'OOLKY,
42tf Superintendent.
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a lire:proof house before
the comet comes down, c ill on J. T. A
Hoovek, Louisville, Nebraska.
rouGUKKEPsit:. x. v.
Foil Tin-: i.nti:itAij kdi c.vtio:
III' VOtr.A. Kxaminations for entrance.
Sent. 14th. Catalogues sent on application to
2.;ts V. is. DI'.AX, Kecintrar.
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Flow re
pairing, and general jobbing
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
of farm and other machinery, an there
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
Ho is well known as a
Xcw YYagona Anil Hassle cade to
Shop on Sixth street oopoxite S'.reii;ht's Stable
JNO. EONS & SON, ProB'rs,
Near li. & M. Ps-(.M)er Depot.
I'L ATTS JI O L T II, X i; II Zl 4 S li A .
Newly refitted and furnished throughout. Af
fording an excellent view of the It. II liridjse,
Iti-t conveniently located, especially for the
traveling public.
The tables alwav suppi. -vitli the bct of
the se:ison.
n connection with the houe. Lunch baskets
filled at all hours'.' Terms rea-cnable. Kf
Retail Liquor Dealer,
Billiai d Hall ai d 8 iloon on Main Strict, foul
door from Sixth at Neviile'n
old place.
Remember the Xame and I'laee,
,!y James Grace.
Elm Street, near Eighth,
Plattsmouth, - Neb.
.Made to order
that the Ciieai est and ISkst Place to buy
Staple and. Fancy Groceries
First-Class Dry Goods,
3foL lfcchfctc!(,
Cor. Main Third StV. riattsnionth.
Jje?!to,k alwaiM fresh and new. and prices
alajs ar the bottom, tail and convince your
scivt-s. iim
riolc Yar
Good i:rick, for rale : soon as burned, at
PladNiiioulli, XeU. 'Jtf
tVatrhei. KleinwlD leTl5 10. W.iltr mi-tal HnBtlne
li. InuutioB ula. :i.win1el
I, your owd oor peculn ivr rorpor. V '
UoauebMl IU0JU,sOS,li"8w,'
Thoiiey Food.
for tho use of stockmen, farmers,
teamsters, lumbermen. Horsemen and
every one owning an animal. It is a.
concentrated food, not a medicine.
Stall fed animals require a substitute
for grass and herbs; this food being
composed of seeds, spices and saccha
rine matter is more nourishing than
green fodder or any other known food
in the world. For salo only by Smith
Black & Co. 2914
A great desideratum in the pre
paration of medicine is that it should
be palatable without losing its efficacy.
This is the case with Prickly Ash Bit
ters, and being graded as regards their
cathartic properties, they are better
adapted for general uso than fHy other
similar article. A trial will convince
the most skeptical. 2'Jt4
IldleH' Neminary-uiiMiirpasoed. Acad
emy thorough. t'ollejce lour coiifH.
Year begins Sept Till, h'.xamine fur imnn, lrn.
Catulomica .sent by t lie rrcxldeiit, 1. S. ;n ko
oky, 1. l., Lake l-'oret. III. -till J
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by 1'. S. Barnes and A.
I). Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. bit
LEUAE notices.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of EJwarJ 1,
1 avey, decoiwd.
Not if1 i hereby tri veil to all prrsom havini;
cUiiik against the estate' of Edward O. Ihivcv,
tleeease'1, tu lib Hie same on or before tlieTtli
day of .lime. A. I). iu the olllco of the v Judo. at rtattsnittut li. IVi County.
Nebraska. " A. N. Sri. l.l van, Co. Judge.
riatlsinouth. Oct. 19, lfsi. am
Notice of Final Proof.
Land Okfick at Lincoln, Nkh., i
October 1M. (
Notice I hereby idvcn that the following
liameii ncttler has tiled not ice of Ids intention
to make linal proof in support of bin claim, ami
fcciire entry tliieaf at tbe expiration of
thirty ilavn from the tate of ltd nonce.
Ali-oii snick, h'd entry No. l."..Tl;t. for I lie coiMli
weft quarter (sw '4) of ho u til w ?! ipiarter (w '
section twenty Ciii). township twelve ( 12). noilii
of ranp eleven (11) east, ami names the lollow -Ini;
um hi witnesses, vi. : Taj lor r. Welboru.
i.7it: r ...... . K- I ..'it. I
vtiMiaill It. rminuilll, nriP):r li . i.i.ii mm
IoIim M. atciniaii. all of l.ouHvillo, Im( o..
Nebiai-i.a. .1. 15. MdmwH.i.,
UU5 KeKO-lcr.-J
Tax Sale Notice.
To the unknown iioiirrsiui'iit owner of lot
foiirtcru (ill, liftesn ir) anl sixteen (16) ni
Tliuinp.oii'n addition to city of l'l.ittM.uiulli,
Vou are hereby notified that on the day
of September, A . I). 173. at tax cale in ( h
;unty. llio unoi-e uo'criocu premises were
sold for the urn of f.'l-13-loo. for tuxei of 174
Mul 75 inclusive to Cans cciinty. and that on
thelJth day of October. A. l. lsisl, the said
t'io futility asiisiiied certificate of piu-chano to
John II. Kelly oe ald couni. ami iu:u o i:ie
loi h dav of February lsl. I lie said .1. 11. Kelly
will apply to the lieaKiuer of l ass family for
tx deed ul aui premises. .i. ii. ir.i.i.i .
l'latti-mouth. Neb., Oct. 12, Hsi. 3IU
Road Notice.
I'd ull H'iom UMnu Concern;
A petition for opening a section line road
has been presented to the Hoard of fouiity
C'oinmisi-ioiiers, rnd described as follown :
f oniineiiciiiK at the comer sccIikii tweiily-
el-ht C.'H) tweiity-nine (-".0, thirty-two (.!.') and
tliirty-tliree (Si), low weivetuj liiiip1 ieive
tl2). and rmn.inu them west two 12) miles and
terminating lit llie owiiMiip una i iiiiiiihk
north and south. All objections thereto or
or claims lor damage, imin no men m mr
Coiiuty f lerk's ollice, on or before noeiion the
K.lli day ol nee. . l. inmj, oi-micii roan win oe
opened without reference thereto.
1 it. 'e. ......
1.1'. II II,
V,(nr tUninty fierk
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the IMatc of John M. I.ane,
deceased. In the county Court ol fai-sto.,
I'non reailinir and f 'i i 1 1 ir the duly verified pe
tition of John's. Jones, praying that adlnlnis-
trat nil ol the estate id John AI. l.ane, deceas
ed, be granted to .Mary Iiue : Ordered thai, no
tice of l lie pendency of sain cause be publish
ed in the Nkukask a Hkk.m.p. ;i weekly news
paper printed, published, Hint Hi general
circulation in naid count", for three consecu
tive week, and that the henriUK of H.iid eaiixo
beset fd-the lt day ol November, A. 1 1. lHsi ,
it 3 o jlocK p. in., at the olhce ol llie l oiinty
.Indue, at riattsinoulh, at which time and place,
all persons iiiterei-ted may appear and fhow
cause, if any they have, w liy administration of
said estate i-houl'd not be uraiited to tho said
Mary I.ane, iieeordiiiu f tlr- praver ol sabl pe
tition. A. N. St I.I.I VA S, f OUIIty .lllile.
l"lattnioutli. Oct. 12, 18HI. :it.s
Executor's Sale of Land.
Notice 1.1 hereby t;iven that by viitueof the
authority vested in me by the hn-t will and te-
uiienl ol Mian n. niuarr. oecca-eu, i win. on
Saturday, the fall day of November, A. Ji. Ivd,
at one o'clock p. III. of caid day, sell at public:
vendue, at the front door of llie fourt House,
in i'iattsmouth, fass County, Nebraska, the
following real cetato, situated in said County,
i-w it : l he noi ; li c:e I ona rier ( ik") ol hcci ion
No. eighteen tlsi, in township No. tweUo I2,
north of linine No, twelve ( lK east ol tin; llth
I'. M. Teriiirt of sale one-ha. f of purchase
money cah dowu ; balane-i iu one year, at ten
lercent. liiterect, fociircn ny inoiiae on me
and sold. The iii;ht reserved lo r- je.-l any or
nil bids. J. Johnson.
Administrator of the estate ol Sarali .
Stuart, w itli the w ill annexed. ijot.I
SherilFs Sale.
I;v irtue of mi order of sale issued by W. ('.
Showaltertderk Of the District Court within
;iiid for C;is Count v, Nebraska, and to nn di
rect i ii, 1 w ill on the ,oth day of November a.
1. issl, at lo o'clock a. in . ot said day, at the
south door of the Court Mouse, in rani Comity,
htil at public auction the follow inn real estate
to-wit: The west half (') ol the north east
quarter (Vi) of section No. seventeen (17) in
township n. twelve ii.i norui lar.e .so. nine
(V) east iu Cass County, Nebraska, with the
in ivtlatjes and iipp'-i tenances thereto hclnnx
nitf. Ihe same being lev ied upon ami taken s
the properly of J. V Newsuin, l". A. (iould and
Ami II. (intihl Defendant ; to alisy a judg
ment of raid Court recovered by Dennis Dean
U. YT. Hvr.lis, Sheriff. C'a-s Co., Neb.
I'lattsniuuth, Neb., Oct. Jill, A. D. :m1. T.'V,
Tax Deed Notice. .
To the unknown or nun-redden t owner or
claimant of the. noith west quarter Ciiof
section live O). towu ten (Km. rane loiir
teen (Ml ea-t. iu Cass county, Nebraska :
You are hereby notified that i lie above de
scribed land was assefed and taxed for tin
year ls7T as bclonjiiijg to mi naknuw n or non
resident w ner : t hat raid land was ro!d for t lie
delinquent tax of said year .877, on the 41 Ii
day of November. A. D. and that the
undersigned became the pureharer there:ifat
said rale : that uniei- the rame rl.all be re
deemed from said salo on or before t be L's: Ii
day of January, A. D.. l,2,a deed w ill be i
sued by the Treasurer, of raid county, for the
said described premises. Ilr.N.I. At.IUN.
1'lattMiioiith, Neb., Oct. 1, lsi. it:;
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby K'veu that pnru;iit to a de
cretal order of sale made by the Hon. S. li.
I'ound, Jmle of the 2d Judicial Distiict of Ne
braska. I will sell at pnblie vendue, at the
south door of llie Court House, In the city of
rialtsniouth, Cass Comity, Nebraska, on the
:slst day of October A. D. 1"1. at 1 o'clock p. m.
on raid dav. all the ri'ht. title and interest of
August Ii. Sharp decea-ed, in and to the follow
ing described real crtaie to-wit: lhe noith
half in' t) and the south east quarter (sei of
the south west quarter (rw1) of section filtceu
(1) township eleven (III nort U rane eleven (11;
eat of tiie til h 1'. M. In CassCouniy. Nbi;i-vk.i.
Sale to lemain open for bids for one hour.
Terms cash. John k,
October 5lh, 1831. 2 '13 Administrator.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an execution i-suM by W. C
Show-alter, Clerk of th District Cotut. within
and for Cars Countv, Nebraska, an ! to me di
rected. I will on the 31-t day of October A. D.
lrtsl. at 10 o'clock a. in., ot said day, at the
south door of the Couit Iloii-e, in raid county,
sell at public auction t l:c follow iii'i real estate
to-wit: I he east halt te1, ' of the noith ca-t
quarter (iie1) of section eijiht '.") tow i;sl:i;i ten
( lo; ran:re ten (bo. ea-t of Ul li 1. M.. in Cass
County, Neb. The same bein levied upon and
taken'as the'pro'ierty f J'av id McCain. v 11
liam McCain and John McCal-. Defendants ; to
rali-fv a judi-'inent of s.iid Court ieeoveled by
Henry Cnswell, riaintiff.
'st. JJ. W. H v ki;s, sheriff Cass Co. Neb.
rialtsniouth. N'eb.. Sept. 2Mb A D. lsjl.
Legal Notica.
To John II. I.i;;;ett. now re-blent defendant.
Vou are hereby nt.:iri that on thei'i'th d ly
of September, A. D. lsl, your w lie, 1'rankie
1 i.-r:ett. commenced ;.n action against you in
t.e District Court. 2nd Judicial District iu and
for Cass Co. Neli ; the oliject and prayer of the
petition therein is to wholly and lorevcr set
aside the bonds of matrimony liowexi-liu be
tween you arid the said p!ain:iff. That aid
action is based upon the ground of abandon
ment for more than two years: that you are
required to answ er 1 1 raid pi '.ilioil on or be
fore the Till day of November A. D. Issl, I
flint you do ro .i jiiii .i r and :uir w T, delimit will
be taken Jilld jud' ii'.ei t and d. ciee ;,ceoid-
in.-iv. Fit a mil u;u:tt.
J.'C. COW IV, Att'y for lTfl. 2715