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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1881)
The Herald. The Herald, AOVKUTIHIXO II A T H H . PtT.LISIIED EVEUY THURSDAY. AT PLATTSMODTH. NEBRASKA. f. Vin St., Oos B!ock Nortli of Main. -nr. of F'fih Street. cLuialica o! any Papr in (hs Cbafj. i m pack lw.2w.sw.l in. 1 m. 6 in. I 1 yr. 1 nr $' 00 Si 00 2 'l" 3 Si. a coi. H col. 1 col.. I I ill I tux 7 ; l') (kj 15 001 iMOOi 2000 l 60 001 t(H)0 t3T All Advertising mils Duo Quarterly. t37 Transient AdvertlimoaU mint b Pu In Advance. JN0. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. ttr Extra Copies of the ITkralo for sale by J. F. Yuuno, at the Post-Office New Depot Mala Street. One ropy nne yr- ";. c.i;.y :x linr;,WlS,.. '.' One . liroe ii.o!ili:s, .$2.00 . 1.00 . .50 VOLUME XVII. V PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1SS1. NUMBER 111. 7- a 3 Visitors to the (DvcrcoatS; 15 JPrs. HPants, B?rs. Paiits, Call and ee OFF! I A L DIRECTORY. Stale Directory. ( . If. VAN Vi Yt'K. V. S. Senator, City. A i.VIN .S,l'MKltS, V. . St-nalor, Oinaiiii. K K. V A I. KM I N K, Kt-re.sM:lai'e. West i'oiut. Al.lllM S NANCE. Governor, Lincoln. S. .. ALKXAN DI'.K, Secretary of State. .lillIN WAl l.M MS. Au.lilor. Lincoln. ;. M. ISA l;TLK IT. Treasurer, Lincoln. W. x". .M)M--. Supt. I'ublic I in iruction. A. '.. KENDALL. Land Coiiiniiicioncr. '..!. IiII.Wi K I'M. Attorney Central. LEV. '. C HA KKIS, Chaplain of Penitentiary . Itll. II. P. M lTHKWSON. iSupt. Hospital for i lie I umiih.-. Supreme Curl. S. M AX WILL, Chief Justice, Fremont. i.Kil if. LAKE, Omaha. AM ASA t, Lincoln. Second Judicial iiiilricl. S. P. POI ND, .Iule, Lincoln. J. :. u a I son, PioHeeutiiifj-Att'y, Nel. City, vs .(. Slit . Wa LI Eli, Clerk Dinnict Court. .. sii'u.ali. o County Tiireclory. A. N. s ". I . I I V AN. County Judge. .;. I. IV 11. founty Clerk. .1. M. Pa 11 KUsoN, County Treasurer. 1;. V. li YE lis. nlieiiff. E. II. V im 'LEY", Co. Sup't Tub. IiiMtiuction. 0. V. 1 AlP.EIELD.Survcyor. P. P. ;aSS, Coroner. COUNTY fOMMISSIONKRS. S.YM'L K1CH AltDSON. Ml. Pleai-anl I'reciHct. ISA At; WILEs. Plattsinoutli l'recinet. JAMES CLAWEOKD. Soutli liend Precinct. Parlies i.ali business with the County loniiui-f!i tiers, will find them in session the E it -i .Monday and Tuesday of each month. 4.'(lf City Ztire'-tory, J. V. JOHNSON', Mavor. J. M. PA'l 'I KKSON", Treasurer. J. 1. M.MPso.N". City Cleik. KII'IIAKU VIVIAN. I'ollee Jud'e. . l. JON KS, Chief of Police. 1. E. WHITE, Chief of Eire Kept. (OlXrlLMKN. l-t Ward-F. COKDKII. V. H. PA KM ELK. 2d Waid-G. W. FA1KF1ELD. J. V. WECK- l. BACH. 31 W;ird-D. MII.LKlt.THOS. POLLOCK. th W aid P. Sli CALLAX, C. S. DAWSON. 2-04tmite J NO. W. MARSHALL. PiiOFESSIONAL CARDS IIl. J. I j. JlrrilKA, IIO . ::. TI!I.' PHYSICIAN. Offlce over V. X. Mat how's Hardware Store, Plattuioiith, Ne braska. 871y lilt. .-4. SALISIU KY, DBHTIST. over Miiitli, lil;iek C's. Dru Store. First dentistry at reasonable pucex, 3ly i W. CLl'TTKK. DE1TTIS t. PlattMinoutli. Xebreska. tUlice on Main Street over Solomon A Na than's Store. 34 1 ' int. it. iieaiu:, P11VSICI VX and Sl'KC.EON, ollice in Fitz gerald l'.ioi k, which i'.l be open day or night. 21tf . ii. uouui:, m. i. PKACHSIN: PHYSICIAN. Oflke and Drug Sioie. M.iiu St. near Third i'lailsniouth. Neb, lily K. It. UVIXIiSTOV. 51. rilYSICIAX & Sl'HfiKOS. OFFICE HOl'liS. from Ida. m., to 2 p. in. En ... .... Surgeon for L". S. Pension. J AS. H. .llATIISiWJ ATTOK.NKV AT LAW. O.lice over Paker & Atwood's slore. couth side oi Maiu between 5th and otn sireeif. 2ltf YVII-I H. WISE. CO L LXCTIO.YS M S1CI L Tl . AriVKNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In ,u. .. . and Collection Agency, ortice m Fitz i;eiaid's biock. i'laltsiiioulh, Nebraska. 'in3 A 1 lo::NEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention Kiven to Collections and all matters allecting the title to real estate, office on 2d floor over Post Office. Plattsmoutn. Neblit-ska. l- 1. II. W1IKKL.ER A CO. LAW OFFICE, Real l'-nate. Fire and Life In surance Aleuts. Piatlsnioutli, Nebraska, t ol-Wtoi-s. lax -payer. Have a complete abstract ot titles. Buy and sell real eetate. negotiate plans. &c. 161'1 l: ..WINDHAM. D. A. CAMfRPU.. Notary Public, i II HAM A r.AMI'HKLL, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. r:.itt-inoiHii. Nebraska. .ia.v.K.s ;oiti:lsN, W. L. BUOWNK. Notary Pub.ic. cii(t:isu iiitowxi' IfTCKXKYSAT LAW. Will praM ice in Cass aiiii .1'ij.tiiiins Couulies ; tives specia. attention I,, ei.ilectioiit and abstracis of title. Oilice in l-ii'eia.d Biock, Plattxinonth. Nebraska. 17V1 JiRICKl BRICK! If you want any t ij o or Ornamental Brick. Call on j. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE. - - NEBRASKA. r cVNSEN & CHASSOT Dealt v in ( i mies, Provisions ami Crockery. AiI'..NT 'Olt TUF. CEKMAMA LIFK INSr'?ANCE COMPANY. New Yoik. G Eli MAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fi cepoi "t.lll. MILWAUKEE MECHANIC'S MUTUAL. Milwaukee, Wis. "WESTERN HORSE AND CATTLE IN. CO.. Omaha, Neb. IIAMBUKC, AMERICAN STEAMSHIP PACK ET COMPANY. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAMSHIPS r.KIWFF.S HAMBURG. BREMEN AND NEW YORK." loly A rnioL.s & sox, Contractors and Huildcrs. V aviH ei larked our shop and purchased a Stra :i Power t irclc Saw. we are prepared to do an unlimited amount of work in our line in a HIJST-CiasS MANN Kit. and those wlio tntcmpt.ite Imildin. will find It to their I-rcre' t net C"tiiuates from if before eivltia t'ii'ir w.i-U toother parti"". E.-tiuu'te ma 'e .u ail 5-:i:'.t olw.irk Fun", op CiiARrsic. I a' VT"S 1.' Y VT! firth" "stm;l Fal ftif Pictori;.! !o .kaand llilJs. 1 ri"e r".. i."t-l ' ' wr cent. National VuMlshimr Co, St. Louis. Mo. 51tl3 will do r 'for Yourselves! Next Door to Cnrruth's B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Taking Effect Oct. 10, 1831. FOK OMAHA FKOM VLATTSMOITTH. Leaves 6 :80 a. in. Arrives 8 :35 a. m. 2 :45 p. in. " 4 :13 P- 8 :25 a.m. ' 9:40 a. ni. FliOM OMAHA FOU PLaTTSMOUTH. Leaves 8 :Jo . m. Arrives lo :05 a. ra. " 1 ;oo p. in. " s I'M p. m. " 8 :10 p. m. " ' :3 P- JbOlt THE WEST. Ix-avcs Plattsinoutli a :20 a. m. Arrives Lin coln, U :55 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: 40 p. m. Leaves 8 :45 p. in ; arrive Lincoln 11 :15 p. ill. Freight leaves at 9:20 a. ill. and at 8 :13 p. in. Airivc at Lincoln at 4 : usp. in. and 2 :00 a. in. FKOM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 3 :) a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .oo p. ni. Arrives Platlsnioutu. 3 :ao p. ni Leaves Lincoln 7 a, m ; arrives Plutlt-uioiith 9 :l." a. ni. i- reiglil leaves Lincoln at 12 :03 p. in. and 8 :60 p. in. Arrives at Pialtsinoulh at & ,io p. in. and 1 :lop. lu. COINC EAST. Pase-iger'traius leave Plattsmouih at 7 00 a. in.. 9 -5 a. in.. 5 40 p in. and arrive at Pncitic Junction at 7 25 a. in., 9 25 a. in, and 4 10 p. in. FKOM THE EAST. Passenger trains leave Pacific Junction at 8 35 a. in. ,8 :lo p. in., 10 a. in. and arrive at Plaits- Iliouill at 9 W a. 111.. B dop. Hi. anu iu u a. in ll. V. It. It. Time Table. Tuff in (7 Effect Sunilny, December 5, 18W). WKST. 5 :l.rpiu fi :l r 7 :25 8 -.20 8 :65 9 :4( Id :15 111 :M 11 :40 12 '.lnpni 12 A'j 1 :2i) 1 :M) 2 :2o 2 :.') 3 0 5 :00 STATIONS. HASTINGS. AY It. RLl'E HILL COWLES. AM HOY" KE1 CLTD. IN A VALE. K1VEKTON. FKAXKLIN. 15 1. OMIN; roNr. N A PON EE KEPL'BLICAN ALMA OKLEAN'S OXFOHD AKAPAHOE FAST. 12 .loam 11 :5 i::o 9 :'J0 8 :25 8 :0 b 10 5 10 4 :4 4 10 3 :40 2 :.r5 1 :4S 12 :r,oani 11 :40 A It It I V A I. AM) I1EPAI1TI Iti: I'liVTrSMOl'TH M I Ij liH. OI1 AKKIVKH. 7.30 p. 111. 9..M) a. 111. f DKPAKTS. ) 7.o a. in. i 3.00 p. 111. ) 8.'n a. in. I 6.15 p. IH. 3.00 p. in 7.00 a. ot I 7.45 a. ni. " 2.oo p. m. 1.00 p. Ill 1 .00 p. Rl i:astm:.v. TVESTKItX. NollTHK.UN. SOU TH KKN. 8.00 a. m. 1:1 3..10 p. Ill ll.oo a in 7.30 p. 111. I0.31 a m. I 7.3J p. in. 11.00 a in. a in. Nov. 10. 1 WKKI'IXli WATKR. (AfTOltyVIIXK. J. W. Marshall. P. M. IT IE S T National Bank OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Iohn Fmor.RALi) .. K. O. Dovky, V W. McLaI :n LIN. JONII O IiOL'ItEE President. Y'ice President. Cashier. ....Assistant Cashier. Tills Rank is now open for business at their lew room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and is prepared to transact a general BANKING BUSINESS. Slock, Bond. Gold, Government and Local Securitie BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits Received and Interest Allouy ed on Time Certificates. DBAFTS JDlR.JrT, Wailable in any part of the United States and In all the Principal Towns and Cities of Europe. ACLXTSi'Oll THE CELEBRATED nman Line and Allan Line OF NT KA SI Kits. Person wishing to bring out their friends from &Hiope can PUHCHASK TICKETS FROM C8 Throuch to Plattamonth. THE WEEPING WATER BANK OF .EI I1KOS. This Bank is now open for the transaction of a G-EITEBAL Banking Exchange Business. IKI'SITS Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. DKAFT8 Drawn, and available in the principal towns and cities of the United States and Europe. Agents for t7ie cehbrated Mm lie of steamers. Purchase your tickets from us. Through from Europe to any Point in the West: REED BROS.. 21.f Weeping Water. Neb. NEW HARDWARE STOEE. .J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on It A ViW ilii Jt-JBUKMSTC Next door west of Chapman Sc Smith's Dni Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ana ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly Vie Ke or Pound ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full Line of CtTI.EIlV. Special Rates tc Guilders and Cutr tractors. All good sold as k they posf ibly can and live. 4lv t OOftper day at home. Sample worth SU LU HXwUjsfree. Address, Stinso.v & cv Portland. Maine. 4Jely weli s call oia to toe sold Cm S. 66 66 66 1. 66 Tl Sfi Jt.eSsJ? HKNRY BCECK DEALEK IN SAFES, CHAIRS, F.TC. ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASE? woodeu oozFmsrs Of all sues, ready made and sold cheap for cash MY FINE HEARSE IS NOW READY FOIi SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage, invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 13tf. FlltXTI HE AXD COKKIXS James Pettee DEALER IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The Unrivalled Matron A Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. AUo State Apent for the Henry F Miller and W. C. Emeif on Co. Pianos. SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Leonard' Art Gallery, Main St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Music Scholar Will do well to examine our New Mason & Hamlin OZR-G-JST IUSTieTJCTOR I 3 .'j m x - ft 2 5 IB ?.2 i " fi i-i S os .52 . - c s " rJ IX ?i CS 3 CJ a i I Si . " a T- 4j 3 5 i I 7. - i. P3 t 5 O o PS x P- ,22 (3 ? as MONARCH BILLIARD HALL! In the basement of Merges' Store, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. One door east of the r. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With XE1V 3IOXAKCII TABLKS. Cigars & Tempsraiie Drinks On hand at the counter. It Is a wide and spacious Hall ; plenty of room for players md seats for visitors. Ed. Oliver. P. B. MURPHY, Manager. Utf Prop. E. SAGE Successor to Sage Buotheks. Dealer in TINWARE, SHEET IRON, ZIN At the old Stand opposite the new H;u PUMPS, GAS-FiTTING, ALSO Making & Reairin Dene. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a. Drink.) CONTAINS HOPS, BUCIIU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, Axi th Ptuipt axb TtKTMrniCAi.QriJ- THEY CUKE All IMsennea of theftomnch. Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organ. Ner VOUUC8, S'lecpleSEnrsoand ea4MNjnUy i einale Complaints. SIOOO IN COLD. Will be paid for a cane they will not enr or help, or lor any im uu impure or injurious louna in mem. Alt vonr dructrlst for lion Hitler ami tbeiu before you sleep. Take bo olhi D I. P. 1 an alisoluteandlrroslstlMernre for 111 unkeancin, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Sum rou CiEcria. ia. III All bor told hy dmirkt. Hop Bitten M i. Cu., KodKiter, A r as audi see our ami upward 66 66 66 66 i Beats anything vou ever sa -OH $3.50 saw 3 sap ill LBL IICIF'O TA1TT I slisill sell fr Use next. S days s'e gaBdIe f ct ma 'stock f "We are Holding out some Heal Inducements to close C?J!LI1I feniyefg; and 4 sEarl2i5e you -tlaat we 2aamn "fcsasiiis y2i csa call asisl cxsiisiIbi foa youa31T9 asacl we SasslS c3icies5 It si pleasure to glaow you 4IsiisIs lar va rious depurf cucuf s GREAT RED STORE. Sa9 WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DUY GOODS, CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD.? :o : GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Larjje stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Queexisware, and In fact everything you ea call for in the line of General Merchniidise. CASH PAID FOU HIDES AND Ft'itS. All kinds of country oroduce taker u ex ehani;e forjoods. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers ii PINE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Maiu street. Corner of Fifth. PLATTSMOUJI, --- - NEB. NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable in new hands entirely. The New Firm of PATTERSON & D1X0X. open the it STREIGHT BARN on the Corner of Cth and Tearl Streets with New Livery Outfit. GOOD HOUSES AND CARRIAGES nt all times HORSES FOR SALE, HORSES BOUGHT A.XD SOLD. HORSES KEPT DT THE DA I OR lYEEK. Call and see PATTERSON & DIXON MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HORSE MIOtlNG. AND WAGON REPAIRING All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promplp :0- Horse, Mnlc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that bar four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. -TsTIBTW SHOP d Filth St between Main as J Vine Streets, ust across ie corner from the new HERAL OFKICB. ioy STKEIGIIT & JULIET Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Repairing of "all Kinds ! NEATL T DONE cit SHORT NOTICE HEW HARNESS I TURNED OUT IN SHORT ORDER And Satisfaction Guaranteed. CRememher the place. OiiMsite Boeck's Furniture Stove, on Lower iluin I'lattijmniitli '.h llei-f j sstreei. 21-ly STREIGHT & MILLER. SSEDS .IttlLJ 0AV1D.LANDRETH &S0NS. PHIIAJ f R.i Ar , -c Mew a cad -iylsl& HO Mesa's Cotton iiifs9 15 Men's Meavy Suits,' 55 Hoys9 Suits. Cbildreii9 Suite. - ITD3a54 Forget I lee place wliere you cam 9 - - Commissioners' Proctdings. Wedxespay, Oct. 5, 1881. Board met pursuant to adjournment present, Sain'l Richardson, Isaac Wilts and James Crawford, Commissioners, and J. D. Tutt, Clerk; after which the following was done, to-wit: In the matter of the petition of J. C Cummins et al., for a County road on the quarter sectionline, sec. 14, r. 12, R. 13, laid on table until the next ses sion of the board in November, 1881. In the matter of the petition of W. J. Carter et al., for a section line road, commencing at the north east coier of sec. 27, T. 11, R. 12, and west lo the north west corner of spc 30, T. 11, R 12, the same having beMi advertised according to law, and no claims hav ing been tiled, the same is declared an open road. Also one commencing at the south west corner of sec. 83, T. 11, R. 12 east, notice having been given as the law requires in such cases, and damages having leen filed fcy James Mosely, the following named freeholders are ap pointed to appraise he damage cover ed thereby: E. Ilepner, II. II. Timm and J. W. Cox; they having viewed the premises, and awarded the sum of $30 to the said James Mosely, the same is ordered to be paid out of the road district fund of said district, when the same will be declared an pen road. Order allowed Mrs. Krasky, for oue dollar per week for coal in addition to the older heretofore made in her favor of two dollars per week, In the matter of the petition of Al len Coleman et al for the opening of a section line road, commencing at the south east corner of sectiou seventeen (17), township 11, North Range twelve (12) east, running thence north on sec tion line to the north east corner of section five (5), township eleven (11), north of range twelve .(12) east, and terminating at township line, notice having ceen given of same according to law and a remonstrance having been filed against same, on due con sideralion. the petition was rejected. In the matter of the petition of George Meisinger et al for opening a section line road commencing at the N. W. corner of the south west quar ter of section nine (9), township twelve (12), range twelve (12), run ning thence south one quarter of a mile, to corner of section eight (S) and nine (9), and sixteen (16) and seven teen (17) in said town and range, an 1 and terminating at said corner. No tice having been given of the same, and Jacob Kingman having tiled claim for damages of one hundred dollars, the clerk appointed Samuer Twiss, J. II. Bauer, and A. Ward commiss ioners to appraise the damages which the said Kingman, may be entitled to, they made the following report to the commisssioners: find for the said Kinsman, the sum of eighty dollars, the said amount is ordered to be paid from the road district t'titid when the same will be declared an open road. In the matter of the petition of J. B. Meisinger et al. for opening of two section line loads, one coiiiinencina at the south east corner of section two (2). township twelve(12), range twelve (Uj, and running thence west two miles, and terminating at suit It wst corner of si c. three same town ship and range, second road rommenc ing at south east corner of section leu (10), township twelve, range twelve, running thence noith one and one half miles, and terminating at south east comer of north east quarter of section three, same township and range, there being no objection or Assortment of to 66 66 66 buy the (Dlfieapesf ! B"B1 Mebnifea. claims for damages being filled tha same are declared open road. The follow ing official bonds were ap proved : Official bond of M. II. Foote, supr road Dist. No. 47, with M. E. Powell G. W. Woodruff and Wm. L. Wilcock sin as sureties. Official bond of A. II. Pineo, supr road dist No. 5, with Jacob Forsythe and Jacob Shutman as sureties. Application of A. B. Taylor, et. al.. asking an appropriation of two hun dred dollars for improvement of a County road, known as road No. 104, between center of section 14 and 15, town 12 range 13; application granted and the amount of two hundred dol lars appropriated from the general fund of the County and expended un der the direction of said A. B. Taylor. The Petition of II. W. Farley et. al., asking that a portion of Centre Pre cinct be cut off and attached to Weep ing Water Precinct for voting purpos es, was duly considered and rejected, F. M. Wolcott and others owning the land remonstrating. Order allowed Isaac Wiles on Gener al Fund, for one hundred dollars in ad dition to the two hundred dollars, al ready allowed for the improvement of the County road ; Petitioned for by J. C. Cummoii3, et. al. Order allow d A. II. Pineo, supr road dis. No. 51, for 1400 feet of lum ber on J. W. Quackenbush, Greenwood for use of district. In the matter of the petition of F. R. Gullmian et al for the locatio:: ef a County Road.desciibed as follows: com mencing at a point fifteen and seventy-one huudredlhs chains west of the quarter section corner on north side of section nineteen, thence town twelve, range fourteen, tlunce tun ning south G;53 w. ten chains, running thence south 30 w. 9 50-100 chains, s 47 10m w. 15 80-109 chains, thence south 30 w 11 chains, thence s 23i w 48 53-100 chains to the centre of County road, bearing n and s and at a paint 1 90-100 chains s of the sec tion corner of the u side of r e j sec tion 25 town 12 range 18, east of 6ih P. M.. and terminating at said point, County Surveyor Geo. W. Fairfield be in appointed a commissioner to view and locate said road, and notice having been given as tin law requites in such cases, claims for damages were filed by the heirs of James O'Ntii and heirs of S. C. Smith and htiis of A. B. Smith, there commissioners were appointed to assess said damages, consisting of Jacob Vallery, sr., S Cole and James Hall, they being sworn ac cording to law and do assesi the fol lowing damages as follows: The heirs of James O'Neill 8100;' Heirs of S. C. Smith, 81450 and A. B. Smitfe, $15. The finding of the said commission ers to appraise damages, is hereby changed by the county commissioners and ihuuaes allowed as foliov.s: heirs of Janus O'Neiii, 8250: heirs of S. C. Smith, 81450; A. B. Smi'h, 8150; and liieclfik is heiebv ordered to draw warrants for said am it:nts on the county general fund: the above is de clared an open county road. Order allowed A. Hawkins, supr toad .lis'. No. 50, for 800 feet of lum 'ii on Q'.i:i-!.Mtli;s!s, Greenwood, for iisp of district. Older allowed Joint Pliilpot, oiipr. road dist. No. 34 on II. A. Waterman & Son. PJatt.smotuh, for 10 pieces 2x10, 14 ft long; 4 pieces 4.C, 14 ft long and G suppoits for use of district. The following claims were then al lowed on general fund: FjfiB flGHCliiliBt toe sold for 4L. 66 66 66 . 1.50 ye Uennett t Lewis merchan dise county paupers 1 20 Geo. Stewart, M. I), medical services ordered by Coin. Craw ford 1G 73 E. Ilepner ass'g datn. on town ship road 2 00 H. II. Timm damages on '2 00 township road 2 00 Jno. Cox damages on town ship road 2 00 Frank Stander, damages on township road 2 00 The. Iltfiin damages on town ship road 2 00 Thadtus Adams da. ages on ' township road 2 ot) j Samuel T wis damages on T. It 2 00 J. II. U.iut r, damages on T. II. 2 00 Oliver Ward, damages on T. It. 2 00 Order allowed supr. road district Xo. 30, on II. A. Waterman & Son, riattsmouth, for 140 feet of lumber, such as he may select for use of dis trict. Board then adjourned to meet at at 9 o'clock Thursday morning, Oct (ith, 18531. PLATTSMOUTH, Oct. Oth, 1881 Board met pursuant to adjournment full board present. After which the following was done to wit: Ordered that the county clerk be and is hereby instructed to give no tice of election to be held Tuesday, Nov., 8th, 1S81, for the following offi cers: One Justice of Supreme Court. Two Regents of the-state Univer sity. One County Clerk. One County Tieasurer. One County Judge. One County Sheriff. One County Surveyor. One County Coroner. One County Commissioner for mid die district. One assessor for each district. Three judges of election for each precinct. Two Clerks of election for each precinct.. Two Justices of the Peace and two Constables for each precinct and one overseer of public highways for each road district in the several. precincts of said county ; which election will be opened at eight o'clock in the morn ing and continue opened until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. The following clerks aad j i lges of election were then appointed 1'or the different wards of the city oi Platts inoutli: 1st. Ward, Judges of election: E. B. Lewis, Jerry Farthing, and Fred Gorder. Clerks: H. M. Bushnell and Charles E. Duke. 2nd Ward, Judges of election, John Ilolschuh, il. McElwai:i and M. M. Miller. Clerks: W. S. Wise and D. A. Campbell. 3J Ward, Judges of election: A. L. Despain, W. D. Jones, and P. 1. Gass. Clerks: David Miller and Jas. S. Mathews. 4th Ward. Judges of election: Ben Hemple, Wash Smith and Wm. Bal lance. Clerks: L. C. Stiles and J. Hefiner. The following claims were then al lowed on Gen. Fund: Baker fc At wood. Merchandise for paupers 8 18 00 The following names were then se lected from which to draw Petittand Grand Jury men for November term of the Distiict Court, 1881. i'lattsmoulh City: L. D. Bennett, W. II. Baker, A. Drew, Thos. S. Cabb, Frank Eaton, W. II Fry, F. It. Guth man, G. F. Gyger, John Ilolschuh, J. W. Johnson and W. S. Purdy. riattsmouth precinct: J. II. Bur nett, John Richardson, Wm. Wetten camp, Thos. Wiles, Leonard Brown. Rock Bluff "irecinct: Robert Troupe, John Holmes, Geo. Schrader, James Walker, Joshua Gappen, and S.W. Da vis. Liberty precinct: John camplxdl, J. W. VTiUoii, Win. Carroll. G. T. Mc Naniee and Ben jiliin. Ay oca precinct: Henry Beinms and John Coobit. Ml. Pieasant: S. S. Hall, Janes Mosely and Wm. ( is nk-'ot. Eight MiiL- Giove: John Ramsey, J. II. YoHtig, a;: 1 Ii. W. Cunningham. Louisville Precinct : Sainu' 1 Twiss and Peter Slander. Centre precinct: D. T. Dudley, D. 1). Andrus and W.J. Calk ins. Wpeping Water precinct: G. B. Cifppeu, J. W. Cnul: and J. M. Carter. Stove Creek precinct: James Clark, Wm. Dflesdernier and James Simp sot?. Elm wood precinct: D. D. Johnson, j le Slothing and upward. 66 66 66 U) awn Li3 S. M. Holden, and Joseph McKInnon. South Bend precinct: II. J. Straight, C. S. Mortman, and Geo. Hendricks. Salt Creek precinct, E. L. Latighlin, J. H. Coleman, and R. Wilburn, Greenwood precinct: J. R. Jlatier, Geo. II. Swartz, and Samuel Steadley. Tipton precinct: S. M. McClinton and J. M. II iggins. , The bids lor tho building of a wood and iron Culvert across Sixth street, in the city of Plattsinoutli was opened. Bid of W. Wincet, 910.00; Bid of J. Wayman, 811-SO-loo per foot. Contract awarded to John Wax man, he beii'g the loxvest bidder for the same. The articles of agrei im nt and bond xv ere given. J'lio Culvert to be built on same plan as the one inB. &M. yards and to bo finished on or before the 1st day of Decembei, 1881, said culvert to be 8 feet in diameter, 40 ft. long, to bew left with flange on each end, so it can be extended. Order allowed Thadeus Adams Supervisor road dis. No. 22, on II. A. Waterman & Son, for 400 ft. lumber, for use of district. On motion of Mr. Richardson, L. W. Foreght is appointed supr. road dist. No. 13. The following claims were then al lowed on gen. fund: Court Bill state of Neb. vs W. Sutton 10 00 Court bills state of Neb. vs sundry persons as pr bill read. G 50 Ordered that Robert Wclburn, Su pervisor road dist. No. 1 bo and is hereby ordered to open road dist. No. 8 of said road distiict. Ordered that Wm. B. Shryock, dep uty tax collector, be, and is hereby allowed 10 per cent on the collection of the delinquent taxes for the year 1880. The following claims were then al lowed on general fund: Samuel Richardson, services as County Commissioner IS 00 Isaac Wiles, services as county commissioner for Sept 25 00 Attest: S. Richardson, j -, J. D. TiTT. Isaac Wiles. ' Co. Clerk. Jas. Chawfokd, ) OI, ls The xv '.11 of Horatio Foster, a dnaf niute, xv as offered for probato at E ist M::eliias, Mo., recently, but tho judgo aid his ir.lirniity ma lo him incompe tent to dispose of hi.s estate. Near Blue Water. New Mexico, is tho crater of an extinc t volcano. From tlrAt point streams of lava havo covered tho ground for many miles in extent and to a considerable depth. We have seen ladies xvho were insuf f.'t ably shocked at tho sight cf a man in his shirt-slecx es; and their oxvn arms xv ere bare almost to the shoulders! Women are strange creatures. Tourist "Where is Il!o:k Island?'' Polite American "In Rho !e Island." Tourist "But how can you out one is land in another island?" P-lito Amer ican "O, that's nothing wo accom plish anything in this country." There is no better way to live health ily and h ippiiy than to cultivate a tem perament xvhercin the most contradic tory qualities and properties of tho or ganism are perfectly counterbalanced and controlled. A remarkable discovery has been made in Sweetwater county. Wyoming. It is a deposit of sulphurl: at i I in a natural state. The ground is impreg nated over a large area 100 acres or more and parties Jiavo filed claims upon it. Although it is moro than txvonty j-ears sine-e the Harvard University Ma scum of Natural History was found.-. 1, thcr.3 are apartments of its structure xvhich have not yet been opened, and large quantities of collections that re main unassorted and unarranged. The ttso of gas for cooking and heat ing i9 making rapid headway in Eng land. Ga.s is cheaper in England than here, xvhich may account f jr the more general use of the cleanly gas-stove there than will be likely to be the case with us. It is also claimed that if gas could bo substituted for coal in Lou don there would be a material improv ement of the atmosphere. Calcutta, according to the recent census, has a population of CSl.GoS soul3, two-thirds of whom aro males, and of these the greater part are in tho middle period of life. The number of young persons under 20 years of ago has increased perceptibly, and from this it is known that tho resident pop ulation is growing. The Conecticut valley was formerly the great broom region of the country. Noxv tho corn is chielly raised on the fertile prairies of the west, and Chica go is tho principal market. Onco Northampton, Hadiey, HitfielJ, and many a toxvn in that vicinity did a thriving business in tho production of broomsT and largely supplied the coun try xvith these articles. Before tho days of railroading it xva3 not an un usual occurrence to send a fifty or sixty ton load doxvn tho Connecticut on a flat boat to be re-s'iipped at Hartford by steamer. A ve'erau i i tho business says that he has sold as many as 47,000 brooms within a month. Massachu setts no longer inonopoliz s tUs busi ness; it is di-tributed all over tlin coun try, xvith perhaps tho largest iutcrcsti centered in New York state. nn UUo