Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 13, 1881, Image 3

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    i'li'E HERALD.
i" r-tirs u liu. Itegular ndvertls-
i i'ci No a lveiusenuut iusrt-
i ; 'l. -.ii i" c:,L.
-. .i-e r l
law will be field
.. ii..tiii tln-y hand la,
...i tmii.! a proof of puolica-
i'eiu-iJ tor the publica-
n-uice. .
o, viMc.vNiuva.
. e i- ti:.itit-(t, all cohittiimiraflini
LJ'l lo iu. pjint, Willi uo want
T'ir-M !t for the correctness
"I loulter and paid Le-
. . !n inkes the nnper reiilaxl) ouecled to his
.. i te i subscriber or not 1
. :..- ;.iy.
r ii-i orilei hi pxr discontln--i
".'V iill ai rearages, or tlie puhlish-
;, to wiul It until payment to
i r.;iTt the whole amount, whether
r r t i Vn froui the oflice or not.
i.i- r. .itts iixve decided that refusing to
i---.. tsand periodicals from the post
it n -iK.vinir and leaving them uncalled
ur.r,:.t fat J evidence of ixtemtiomai.
V. tt's for furnishing goods.714
Th Kendalls are Koming Octo-h-t-
ich m-11s 1're.nner's choice
Dm i-
-t lie largest stock at J. M.
An Ainnd Base Burner, for sale
at this fnce.
Wilsi ii Bros, shirts kept only at
Baker & t wood's. 30t2
-The l;irjest assortment of pipes in
the city a' the l O. News Deeot. 1
Z-iO pieces ef sheet music jiist re
ceived at Simpson. 1
Fred. Herrmann received a lot of
i:ew g-od- Saturday
Streit lit & Miller have a fine line
of Lap 15'lie5. just received. I0t2
"Sch i! tier" wagons at Tluffner's to
he sold at nce for cash, cheap.
The building on the M. E. Church
tamer is progressing slowly.
--If you want a good cigar you will
yet it at he P. O. Xews Depot. 1
Mrs. Kennedy's heuse, next to
German Church is nearly completed.
-Mr. .1. V. Johnson's house on this
street is bring pushed ahead rapidly.
We cm heat them all on Boots &
Shoes, give us a trial.
30t Baker & Atwood.
Cloaks and Dolmans for Ladies,
Misses and Children at Herrmann's. 3
Kendall Combination next Mon
day. Scaon tickets for the week,
SJ.50, 1
Ed BulTner seems to he doing a
ri'ohing business in wagons and things
this fall.
Richardson's New Method Instruc
tor and Hoot's New Curriculum at
Simpson's. 1
Mr. Marsland's house, on the hill
south of town, begins to loom up
Bugle caps and feather caps at
Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's. Something
new. St3
(lone! Inflammatory rheumatism
cured by St. Jacob's Oil. Ira Brown.
Chicago Tribune.
Two new cross walks were put in
oa Chicago Avenue last week, a long
needed improvement.
Just received a large assortment
of fresh and choice candies, seventy
five different kinds, at the P. O. News
Depot. 1
Switchman Tripp gt his hand
pinched a little last night. Dr. Living
ston dressed the same
The Ithaca (N. Y.) Ithacan ob-s-rves:
Our druggists report that St.
Jacobs Oil goes off like hot cakes.
Smoke the Punch 5c cigar, at the
P. O. News Depot. It is the finest 5c
cigar in the market beyond a douOt. 1
Mayor O'Rourke'a mansion on Cth
street, west side, is approaching com
A car load of Kansas AVinter
Wheat i".our, ami a car of choice Pota
toes, just received at Baker & Atwood's
A meeting wai called last evening
ftr the purpose of organizing a danc
ing duo, which, we understand was
Co and hear Harry Webber in
"Nip and Tuck" ii you want to laugh,
but lie sure and have all your buttons
sewed on good. 1
liiiffner returned from Chicago
just before the Fair with a wagon
load of new "Schutler" wagons. New
is the time to buy cheap.
Elegant shaded plumes and tips, a
large assortment, at Mrs. Johnson &
Sweeney's. Also, owl heads, birds
heads, steel mounted tips, etc. 30t3
"Nip and Tuck". Harry Webber's
comical outfit managed by Phil.
Young play here Friday and Satur
day. Go and see the fun.
Our Grocery and Canned Goods
departments are well stocked with
first-class goods at lowest prices.
ZOV-l Bakek & Atwaojj.
Grandpa Schlegel. who has been
suffering with malarial fever, is still
very ill. but with the good care he is
receiving his physician hopes to pull
him through.
Call at P. B. Murphy's when you
want a fine Havanna Cigar, Fruits,
Pipes, Tobacco, the best line in the
city to select from; Call in and be
convinced. 27U
Born: To the house of O'Rourke,
our Major, on the 10th of October,
1831, ason. Mother and son aredoir.g
well. Our .Cth street neighbors ure
Nobby new silk beaver hats. Der
by style, with cord and balls fer trim
ming; English walking hats of fe.t for
street wear, at Mrs. Johnson & Swee
ney's, aota
The Herald had the pleasure of
meeting Judge Maxwell on his return
from t?.e Convention last Thunday,
and congratulating him on his recent
retiomination gained in spitn of some
con siderable opposition.
-Hai fc : Jlurk ! the dogs do bark.
The doilies have come to tewn,-'
and all their little girl mamma.? must
iiiar..h down to Mrs. Johnson & Swee-
Tivy's and boy a lovely little bonnet or
iiat tor each dolly. They're just the
&veei.esi. iillle things you ever saw. 3
State Senator Tefft was in town
last week and gave the Herald a
friendly call.
M H. Hathaway our old friend, is
nominated for Co. Clerk in Furnas
county. Success, old boy.
Miss Lou Berger, of Omaha, came
down Monday and will spend three or
four weeks with her parents.
Miss Callie Hasemier, of Louisville,
was in town to see the fair and her
friends in Plattsraouth, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Tewksbury, ef
Weering Water, were in the cily the
first of the wetk for a couple of days.
Miss Bessie Barker returned to
Plattsmoutnlast Saturday, from South
Bend, where she has been visiting the
past two or three months.
Mrs. V. V. Leonard, of Fiattsrr.outh,
sister of our enterprising grain mer
chant, A. C. White, is in DeWitt. vis
iting her brother. DeWitt Times.
William McBroom and ?on, of Dan
ville, 111, and a brother ef Mrs. L. II.
Yeung, of Three Groves, came Tues
day morning on a visit for a few weeks.
Geo. Chambers, an old typo of the
Hekald and a first rate boy, left the
office this week to attend school a spell.
We wish George success where he
Tom Marshal, of J. Marshall & Son,
Weeping Water, was in town Tuesday.
His old friends hardly knew him; he
is getting so heavy set, but they were
glad to see him all the same.
C. It. Dovey, the painter Dovey, re
turned from quite an extended pleas
ure trip last Sunday. He has been in
Canada, New York City. Boston, Chi
cago and nearly everywhere since he
has been gone, and reports having had
a boss time.
Mr. A. A. Prall, a relative of the ed
itor of this paper, is one of the arti
sans new engaged on Mayor Boyd's
theatre in Omaha, under Mr. McEl
fatrick, the famous architect. Mr.
Frail's specialty is fine wood carving
and decorative work generally, in
which ha has few equals in the Unit
ed States, having been employed on
English's Opera House at Indianapo
lis, under the same architect, and hav
ing finished and decorated some of the
handsomest churches in the United
States, literally, from Maine to Califor
nia. Mr. Prall spent Sunday here.
A fine line of Whips at Streight
& Miller's. 38 W
Mrs. Wm. Hobbs moved into the
rooms in the M. L. White building,
over the store rooms formerly occupi
ed by Solomon & Nathan, last week.
-The Kansas City Times reports that
its book-keeper suffered very severely,
and for. a long time, with rheumatism.
He tried St. Jacobs Oil and was cured
by one bottle of it.
Streight & Miller just received a
fine stock of Saddles, Whips and Lap
Bobes. Give them a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. 30t2
Attendance at the Great Keokuk
Mercantile College will run over two
thousand students this season. Young
men should address Prof. Miller, Keo
kuk, Iowa, ior circulars and specimens.
Fred Herrmann carries the larg
est and best selected stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Ladies and Gents
Furnishing Goods in this city. S0'.3
Mrs. S. S. Hink'.e moved into the
fine large house, just completed by U.
V. Mathews, last Monday, which she
has furnished in good shape for the
purpose of keeping bearders.
The largest and most complete
assortment of Ladies' Gents' and Chil
dren's Underwear ia this city at Fred
Herrmanu's. 30t2
Harry Weber and his funny,
laughter making treupe "play here
Friday and Saturday evenings this
week. Phil. YouDg is a doin of it
and we all want to turn out and im
bibe the fun we mean.
May the good work begun by St.
Jacobs Oil continue until rheumatism
and neuralgia have been banished
from the earth. Albany (N. Y.) Press
and Knickerbocker.
We learn with pleasure) that Dr.
II. Meade and Miss Bessie Barker
were married at the Episcopal church
by the Rev. Mr. Burgess, on TueBday
Oct. 11th, 1881.
The Hekald congratulates bride and
groom und most heartily hopes their
married life may be long and happy.
All the late Novelties in Passi
menterie Fringes. Trimming?, Buttons,
Ac, at Baker & At wood's. 30t2
Bishop O'Connor will be here on
Sunday next to administer the sacra
ment of Confirmation at St. John's
Catho'ic Church- The ceremonies will
be rery impressive and not often wit
nessed. Services will commence at
10:30 a.m.
A complete assortment of Ladies
White and Colored, Bordered, Laces
and Silk Handkerchiefs at Fred Herr
mann's. 29t3
Sheriff Hyers was nominated by
acclamation by the Republicans of
Cass county last Saturday. This is
his third nomination, anl in every
instance it has been given him by ac
clamation. Ashland Gazette.
J. S. Duke has the best Hard Coal
Burners in the market; also a variety
of other Heating and Cook stoves, call
and examine. 30t3
Dr. R. R. Livingston, Capt. L. D.
Dennett, F. E. White, and Dr. Scbild
knecht went over to Wabonsey Wed
nesday afternoon after ducks. They
only killed about forty a? it turned
off warm and the ducks nearly all left.
Their many friends about town helped
them eat the ducks.
Go and see J. S. Duke's Hard Coal
Burners before purchasing, he has
Crown Jewels and one called the
SrLENDi. 30t3
The Western Historical Company
of Chicago have on view at Carruth's
store a sketch of Flattsmouth, very
well executed by F. M. Gilbert. It is
part of the preliminary work of a His
tory of Nebraska, soon to be publish
ed, containing many fine sketches of
oth r points, and being a complete and
valuable hiatory of the State.
Zephyrs, Gerrnantown Saxony's,
Bavarians and Welsh fringing yarn,
ft all colors at Baker & Atwood's. 30t2
Col. Woodferd's lectures since last
Friday have been well attended ; the
enthusiasm for the cause is not de
clining. Col. Woodford is a host, in
the temperance cause, a gentleman in
manner, and one whom we can listen
to with pleasure on bis favorite
theme. This evening they have a large
Coffee Festival at the Hall and every
one is invited.
"Wescott't for the slickest and
neatest neckwear in the land. 27t4
The Grand Army boys had a gay
old time, from all .accounts, last
Thursday evening. J. V. C. Hyers pre
sided, and an our home boys had a
chance to shoot off their moutha, just
what we had wanted at a camp-fire.
We regret net being able to be pres
ent, and rejoice that all seemed pleased
and enjoyeJ themselves to the utmost.
Little girls, all of you go to Mrs.
Johnson & Sweeney's and see the lit
tle doll bonnets. . 3t8
Chaplain Wright's beautiful heifer
Lady Alice" attracted a good deal of
attention at the Fair. Half Jersey and
half Short-horn, she shows the maiks
of hsr cross distinctly, and f r practi
cal use, as i3 well known bv stock men
these grades are the most serviceable
and valuable. Just how she ranked
with the Committee the Herald does
not know as yet, but she is a beauty,
ribbon or no ribbon.
Musical Instruments such as Vio
lins, Accoideons, Harps, Fifes, Strings
&c. at Schlater's Jewelry Establish
ment. Call early. 29t2
We did not learn until this wek
of the sad family bereavement which
had befallen Mayor O'Rourke. During
his recent illness he received news of
the sudden and violent death of his
youngest brother in Wisconsin, by be
ing run over by an engine while en
gaged in loading grain. The shock was
a severe one, coming as it did too at a
time when he was himself prostrated
by illness.
Musical instruments, such as vio
lins, Accordeons, Harps, Fifes, Strings
&c. at Schlater's Jewelry Estallish
ment. Call early. 29t2
Among the pleasant and humer
ous features of the Fair was the fact
that Uncle Jake Vallery drew the
handsomo phaeton carriage Mike
Schnellbacker had on exhibition there,
and which was raffled for on Saturday.
The boys put the old gentleman and a
huge pumpkin in the carriage and
drew him round the track. It will
make a very nice and convenient ve
hicle for Mr. and Mrs. Vallery to ride
to town in.
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerene Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy I Cleanse! Preserve! tf
-Tuesday evening being the regular
meeting night of the Hook & Ladder
Company, about a dozen members met
and went through with the regular
busines, nothing f importance being
done with the exception of a motion
to suspend all members and publish
their names, whs are in arrears for
fines for mere than five meetings,
which was carried. Also the commit
tee appointed to solicit subscriptions
for the purpose of purchasing a ljand
water engine, reported that the prop
erty owners would not give enough to
help much, and the list was ordered
A nobby olive silk beaver poke
bonnet with a new style of ribben
trimming, shaded tips and fancy wing;
a lovely elive brown plush bonnet
with beaded border and shaded tips to
match : a handsome black poke with
cardinal plush trimmings; a beaver
broad brimmed hat of Gainesborough
style, stylishly shaped are among the
new pattern bats at Mrs. Jehnson &
Sweeney's. G and see them. 30t8
DOKELAN. At Steilaceoni, Washington Ter
ritory. September uist, 1881, Ma. Joh.v Don, of Walla Walla, aged 44 years, 11 uio's
and lo days.
The deceased was a brother of the late Dr.
"W. E. Donelau. sud formerly a resident of this
city. He leaves a widow and two children, who.
we are norry to learn, are left in quite destitute
circuniHtances, the deceased having been pros
trated by illneea for over a year pat. Our
heartfelt sympathies are extended to the be
reaved family.
STOCKING. At his hotue, in Stocking Pre
cinct. Saturday, octeber 1st, 1881. at 10 : 35 p.
in., of I'ariilysis, Mr. Moans Stockino. a) ed
6S years. 6 months and S days.
At the time of deatb he was surrounded
by all the members of his family excepting two
married daughters, win live in Colorado. Mr.
Stocking -was on ml the oldest settlers of
Saunders Countyf having moved to Nebraska
Hay 10th, 1856, settling In Cass Ceunty, four
miles from Flattsmouth, where he lived until
1865, when he moved to Saunders County. The
funeral took place from his home, Sunday. Oc
tober 2d. and was attended by the population
of the surrounding country. .Times.
First Premium.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair. It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, and it is warranted the best ma
terial. 30tf Peter Merges.
Dress Goods In great variety
styles and colors from 15c to $1.59
ward at Villi.-or- A t irnnil'a Sfll.
U. A. It.
We are requested to give noti -h of
the faet that a Camp Fire will bt held
at Eight Mile Grove, in the School
House, on Fiiday, at 3 p. un. Comrade
Voudry, members of this Post and the
Post at Weeping Water have charge
of the same.
You can save money by buying
your winter goods, for cash, of Baker
& Atwood. 30t2
The B. ft M. It. R.
Will again put on another passenger
train between here and Omaha, and
Lincoln and here, commencing October
15th. They leave here in the mm u ing
and return in the evening; also giving
two trains from Lincoln same day.
Boots and Shoes.
Call and examine the large and new
stock at Merges.' 80.f
The W. C. T. U. will hold a meeting
in the. Presbyterian church at three
o'clook on Oct. 20th, that being a day
set apart by the president of th W.
N. C, T. U. as a day of prayer. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all the
mothers, wives and sisters interested
in the temperance work to attend this
I It's Gome, It's ABfeTii aiflMaye Got It
T'ruziXss and Ifalises.
Including all the late and desirable novelties in Styles, Fabrics and
Colors. . Do not let it escape your memory that this is a
We are now about to ofl'er this entire assortment at prices
which M'ill draw a mob. Will yom be there ? Everything marked
in plain figures. No deviation in prices. Everything warranted as
Main St., Next to Smitli, Black & Co..
Flattsmouth, ITet.
A correct iliatory of nil Life uij full particular of the Assassination of oar martyred President. A mo
rrmarnaoie nd critical n pgt0 f A ftXITtm rte
record of a noble man. AG EL NTS WANTED of t
50 per cent, discount to Agents clcwixititr
Resolutions of Respect.
The following resolutions were pass
ed at the meeting of the G. A. It. Post,
at the last special meeting, and came
in toe late for that week's paper.
Resolved, That tbe heartfelt thanks
of John McConihie Post, Xo. 45, G. A.
It., are hereby tendered to the liever
end gentlemen who officiated At the G.
A. B. memorial services, on Menday,
the 26th ult., to the Silver Helicon
Band for its beautiful dirges, to Jehn
Fitzgerald for the use of his hall, and
to the church choirs and glee club for
their participation and assistance on
that mournful occasion. To the can
noneers the beys desire to return espe
cial thanks.
Reslved, That in soldierly sorrow
and respect this Post shall be draped
in mourning, and each comrade shall
wear a badge of mourning on his left
aim for thirty days, in memory of eur
dead comrade, James A. Garfield, late
President of these United States.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
Mr. C. It. Dovey has returned and
wishes to notify his customers and the
public generally that for the next three
months he will be prepared to do any
and all kinds ef work in his line. He
has some very handsome and new de
signs and patterns for decorating in
his line. Call and see them.
The Match Game or Ball.
At 2:45 Friday the match game of
ball between the Flattsmouth and
Weeping Water nines was called. The
game was for a prize of $75.00 and the
Championship of Cass County. The
folio wing is the places and score:
Names. Position. 123156788
C. E. Duke. It. F. 11 110 1 0
J. Patterson, L.F. .10 10 10 1
P. Sessions, C, F. 11 11 1 LI 1
P.Swift, 3dB. 10 1 0 0 0 0
E. D. Gerrans. 2d B. 10 1 0 0 0
C. H. Smith. IstB. " 1 e 0 10 LI
M. O'Rourk. S. S. 1 L3 0 0 1 1
Charles Kinser. P. 1 L2 0 1 10
T. Lacy, C. 1 0 0 1 fJ 0
Xo. of Tallies, 10 0523230 2-27
Names. Position.
Bellows, C.
Wilkinson, S. S.
Klepser, 3d B.
Ashmund, It. F.
Duuu, 1st B.
Keed, L. F.
Russell, 2d B.
Jones. C F.
Ureenflelo, P.
Eo Tallies.
7 8 9 T
0 10-1
0 ' 1 L2-2
0 10-3
0- 3
1 3
L3 0
3 13 0
0 0 3 t-18
Home runs eeplng Water. 1.
Double plays Plattsmoutb, 3.
Time of game 3 hours.
Umpires, Johnsou, McLennan ; Scorer, Win.
The Flattsmouth club and a few of
their earnest supporters were the only
ones that saw any hope for oar boys
at the start, but the belief that our
boys "had the game" gained ground at
every inning. Some of the boys ob
both sides were at times a little con
fused and made errors. Lacy, the
catcher in the Flattsmouth club, mad
no error in any way throughout the
game. "Tap" thiew the ball to a base
man; it meant "man out"; he let no
balls pass him during the entire game
and was always on the 'spot" when a
"foul tip" came along.
Kinser, Pitcher of our dub "did one
end' of several double plays in hue
style, and run" men to 1st Ii. in good
shape. Smith, Captain and 1st 13.,
made no mistakes in fielding and "did"
some of the plays in grand style, as
did 2nd S. Gerrans, who also played
in a manner that surprised every one
and even Ed. himself. Duke did
things in fine shape at the bat. was the
boss base stealer, but had no chance
out in field where the Weeping Waters
never knecked the ball, to "do him
self proud." Sessions in C. F. was do
ing his pari with a sore hand so sore
he could not write at his desk that
day, and although he did not catch
every ball hit by his epponents, foul
r otherwise, he made the best record
at the bat of any one ia the game.
Patterson made no errors in any part
but played little more than his share.
Swift, of 3d, Ii. did his duty nobly,
nene could do better; all were sur
prised to see hew Fat "shrunk" to
the ball when it came that way.
O'Rourke fills the bill at every turn;
Even the ladies were often heard to
exclaim, "Oh, ain't he splendid!"
Morris always plays just right and
makes no mistakes. "W. W. had some
fine players, and boys who commanded
the admiration gf all present, and a
great many really felt sorry that there
was not some way to let them be on
the winning side; they deserved great
credit for their manly efforts. At the
3d inning the captain of the W. W.
club objected to the umpire and the
dispute ended in a change of umpires.
Johnson, the umpire withdrew from
the game and Attorney McLennan
was chosen for remainder of the
Everyone present enjoyed the game
immensely except those who had bet
on the wrong club, and although the
score ran up higher than there was
any necessity for, every point made
ou eimei aiuo was mane uy unman t
playing. Ir. one of the plays made.
Ashmund threw ball from extieme
R. F. to 3d B. and "Bob" -nailed it
down" as it came in. Many double
plays were made by our boys. Bel
lows' pitching rather bothered our
boys but his catcher as well.
It was fine sport enjoyed by all and
both clubs have reason to be pioud of
the work done by their members. B.
A full line of Gents' and Ladies'
Arties and Rubbers at Baker & At
wood's. 301.2
p I'M
Leader in Styles,
Leader in Fits,
Leader in Topular Irices.
tbe A6. Circulars rree.
ro Sampla Book b. mail. Sl.OO.
(-an. St., maauwu, w.
The County Fair.
The Fair opened Wednesday with bad weath
er and not much was done Tnun-day. however,
the Roods and stock commenced to roll in slow
ly, and In the afternoon the weather cleared up
so that people began to have fsmo confidence
in a Fair, it was Friday, before anything like
a display appeared on the grounds or anything
wa really done. Friday and Saturday we bad
quite a Fair and a handsome turnout consider
ing the weather and all.
The Machinery dlep!ay was excellent, from
our two principal dealers, Gorder and Uuffner.
The old hall was full of wagons and carriages,
many of home manufacture, from Schnellback
er aad st hers, a list ef which and those who
drew premiums will be given next week. In
the new Hall a fair dUplay was made, Carruth
with the "Davis" looming up on one side, and
Merges with the "Domertic" on the other as
we entered. Beyond them were. Merges with
Boot and Shoe di? play case, Fettee with Ma
son & Hamlin Organs, Higginson & Cooley with
pictures and Bennett & Lwls mad a good dis
play of Groceries and Dave Miller oa Harness,
saddles, &c, &c, Weckbach rolled out the car
pets and Kalleky Millinery Goods, Leealey,
Ami Todd and others displayed fruit ; and
many other articles fairly filled the Hall. It is
impossible for the Hkrald to get the prem
iums as awarded this week and we shall com
ment more fully when publishing than.
A fair exhibit of Hog, Cattle and Horses was
made. As it is impossible to enter into the
merits of the animals in this issue, and we
wish to treat of this matter at some length, we
shall omit any particular description until we
can publish the premiums awarded.
were well attended and very creditable consid
ering the track and weather a few days pre
vious. The Chicago mare won the open free for
all, "Lady Mac" the County free for all ; Gib
bons "Little Press" the .Cousty three mi nute
race and Dan Johnson' "Paddy" the Greeu
Winter is Almost Here!
and all the ladies are beginning to
think about a new hay -r bonnet.
Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney are ready
for them, and have just received a line
of pattern hats and bonnets which
will show all the new styles, and give
every one something to suit. Go and
see them. 30t3
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Flattsmouth, Neb. 5tGin
Dress Making.
Misses Cramner and Conn have
opened a dress making establishment
in Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney's rooms
and would be pleased to obtain a share
of the patronage of the ladies of
Flattsmouth. Miss Cramner is lately
from Philadelphia and is thoroughly
posted in her business. Give them a
Base Barner.
A good Base Burner, Argand fo
sale, at this office.
Ask for Bremner s Milk, Williams
Tea Ginger Coffee Cakes, Ginger Snaps
and Gem Oyster Crackers. The finest
sold in Flattsmouth. 27t4
Why! Why!
Are you suffering far good butter?
Hansen & Chassot always have plenty
on hand. 2d 12
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
erders for hair work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. 30tf
Go to Baker & A;woods for a nice
Dolman, Cloak, Shawl or anything in
the wrap line. 30t2
Poland China Pigs for Sale
also stock Hogs for sale by
Wm. Gilmouu.
Flattsmouth, Neb. 27t4
"Plymouth Rock" and "Light Bra
mah" chickens for sale by Wm. Gil
mour, Plattsmoutb, Neb. 27t4
. Immense Stock.
The largest asortmeut of boots and
shoes thad tver carne to town, to be
sold at the lowest cash prices at Mer
bes. " 30tf
Dress Goods ! ! Dress Goods ! !
All Wool Momie Cloths, Flannel
Suitings. Fancy Plaids, Chuddah
Cloths, Baratheas, etc., etc., at Fred
Herrmann's. 30t2
If you want a good Saddle, step
in and examine Streight & Miller's
before purchasing. . 30t2
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmoutb go to J. V.
Weckbach's. lOtf
. Renew Yonr Lease.
There are times in every one's life
when energy fails and a miserable feel
ing comes over them often mistaken
for laziness. Danger lurks in these
symptoms, as they arise from impure
blood or diseased organs. Medical ad
vice is expensive and often unsatisfac
tory. Parker's G'nger Tonic will re
new your lease of health and comfort
because it restores perfect activity to
the stomach, Liver and Kidneys, and
purities the blood, as men and women
restored to robust health testify in al
most every neighborhood. See Adv.
Advocate. 29t4
Ask your grocer for Bremner's
Cream Soda Crackers; they are ele
gant. 27t4
Reynolds Brs Shoes for Ladier,
the best in the land, at Baker & At
wood's. 3t2
The simplest and best regulator of
the disordered liver in Ihe world, are
Carter's Little Liver Fills. They give
prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi
ness, nausea, &c; prevent and cure
constipation arid piles; remove sallow
ness and pimples from the complexion
and are mild and gentle in their opera
tion on the bowels. Carter's Little
Liver Pills are small and as easy to
take as sugar. One pill a dose. Price
25 cents.
Browns' Blackberry and Ginger.
Should be in every house during the
heated season. It never fails to cure
Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera
Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery,
Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and
J. M. Robert. Flattsmouth, "J. V.
Fainter, East Flattsmouth.
At The Cass County Fair Grounds.
From the Dally State Democrat.
It was during the progress of the
Cass county fair at Flattsmouth last
week that the Davis sewing machine
came out once more victori
ous. The Domestic was the only com
peLitor on the ground for the pre mi
urn and between the two the fight was
made. The Domestic man objected
in the first place to a committee of
laiies to make the award and judge
the merits of the machine. To meet
this objection Mr. Jno. Way man, pro
prietor of the iron works and foundry
in Flattsmouth, was selected, which
made the committee stand as follows:
Jno. Waytuan, Mrs T. Thomas, Mrs.
Jno. Cummins. The Domestic man
then demanded that the committee re
quire the Davis machine to be taken
apart which was promptly done by the
Davis operator in the short time of
twenty-three minutes from the time
he began to the time he had his ma
chine together and running as though
nothing had happened. The com
mittee then required the Domestic to
be taken apart, which required three
quarters of an hour and was not put
together again on the fair grounds.
The committee then awarded the first
premium to the Davis over all for
simplicity of construction and su
perior workmanship, thus ending the
contest in favor of superior merit.
Harry Webber in "Nip and Tnck."
To-night Harry Webber and compa
ny will be at the opera house in their
great comedy, "Nip and Tuck." Mr.
Webber has been here before, and the
play is well known to our theatre-goers.
Of the play and this company an
exchange says:
"The audience attending the opening
of the opera house last night must
have been very gratifying to the man
agement of the company. Every seat
was sold early in the evening, and we
learn that .many were compelled to
leave without gaining admission. Even
standing room was at a premium, and
every available corner was filled. The
company is the best comedy troupe
that has visited this place for several
years. Harry Webber sustains his ti
tle admirably, and, without individ
ualizing, wt, can truthfully say that he
has a splendid support throughout.
Our people went there last night ex
pecting to laugh, and they got all they
wanted of it." Lincoln Journal.
All persons indebted to me will here
by take notice that all my accounts
have been left in the hands of Mr. Will
S. Wise, who will receive and receipt
for all moneys received on the same
An early settlement Is r quested.
29t3 Dr. J. II. Hall.
Women with pale colorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are
made for the blood, nerves and com
plexion. Sold by Smith, Black & Co.
Rescued from Death.
In the following remarkable state
ment, William J. Coughlin of Somer
ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1876
I was taken with a violent bleed
ing of the lungs followed by a se
vere cough. I was so weak at one
time that I could not leave my bed.
In the summer of 1877 I was admitted
to the City Hospital. While there the
doctors said I had a hole in my left
lung as big as a half dollar. I expend
ed over a hundred dollars in doctors
and medicines. I gave up hope, but a
friend told me of DR. HALL'S BAL
bottle to satisfy him, when to my sur
prise and gratification, 1 commenced
to feel better, and to-day feel in better
spirits than I have the past three years.
I write this hoping that every one
afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be
induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S
conviuced that CONSUMPTION
CAN BE CURED. I can positively
say that it has done more good than
all the other medicines I have taken
during my sickness." Sold by drug
gists. 13
Not a particle of quinine in Car
ter's Liver Bitters, but they are par
ticularly recommended "to those who
have long used quinine and felt its in
jurious effects. Sold by Smith, Black
& Co.
Money to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan at
nine per cent interest, on Real Estate
secu:ity at three or five years. Apply
at his " office on Main St., Platts
moutb, Neb. 2Gtf.
No cough or cold, however obstin
ate, can resist the healing qualities of
Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, It com
pletely cures when all others fail. Try
it. Only 25 cents a bottle; large size
50 cents.
Bogus Certificates.
It is not vile drugged stuff, pretend
ing to be made of wonderful foreign
roots, barks, &c and puffed up by long
bogus certificates of pretended mira
culous cures, but a simple, pure, effec
tive medicine, made of well known
valuable remedies, that furnishes its
own certificates by its cures. We re
fer to Hop Bitters, the purest and best
of medicines. Exchange. See another
The demand for gold is great, but
not equal to the demand for Dr. Mar
shall's Lung Syrnp, the greatest rem
edy for coughs and colds. Try it.
Price twenty-five and fifty cents a bot
tle. Sold by all druggists.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakerv, corner Main
and Third. " 10tf
Prompt relief in sick headache,
dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in
the side, etc., guaranteed to those us
ing CarterTLittle Liver Pills. One
pill a dose. 25 cents. Sold by Smith,
Black & Co.
For mixed paints go to Roberts
Drug Store. 51tf
I sell the best and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf PETF.K Merges.
For Sale.
A good young family ware, new top
buggy an(l ivr single harness. En
quire of Frank Davis, at Herrmann's
store. 28t3
Base Burner for sale, at Herale
Brown's Vegetable LUer Pills
Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Biliousness. For
sale by all Druggists in the West.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of 1). D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Come and See
The large stock of Spring Shoes an.r"
Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf
Don't forget that the Herald
office is the place to get your fine job
Wanted Some corn and oats on
subscription at this office; at once.
At this office good dry corn or oats on
subscription, at once.
OflOa week in your ovrn town. Terms and
pOQiutfltfree Address, II. Hallktt & Co
Portland, Maine. -sly
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite
P. 0. "!
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have scrid over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months
If you want a nice set of china or
glassware, cheap for cash, call on Bak-
i . i ?mo
er anu aiwuuu.
It Must Be So.
For all who use Brown's Pepsin
Tonic say it is a sure cure for Dys
pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.
For sale by all Druggists in Flatts
mouth and East Flattsmouth.
Pepsin. Rhnbarb, Mandrake & Gentian
Are the active ingredients of
Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this
wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial
and be cured. For sale by all drug
gists in Nebj
The best and cheapest,
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
at Merles'. 4tf
Alderney Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now
No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky (528. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summer at Mr. Beaumeister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal should call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
Make from S2S to S30 im- week selling
goods for E. G. HIDEOUT & CO.. 10 Barclay
Street, New York. 2"J1
Send for their Catalogue and.terms.
Notice to leat hers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Flattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Fiiday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. . II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
once more comes forward with an entire new
Stock of the finest Piece Goods ever brought
into Plattsmoutb 1 1
Hundreds go there and they are
Shop opposite the Court House. Give him
call and examine for yourselves. 4elf
After numerous experiments Mr. Fellow suc
ceeded in di jduoinj; this combination of Hypo
phosphites, which lias not only restored liim to
health, but has since been found eo Biiccefful
in the treatment of disease emanating from
losncf nerve power, and consequently muscular
relaxation, viz. :
Tphonia (loss of voice). Neuralgia
Nervoux Debility.
Chronic Diarrha'a,
Ferer and Ague,
vnojing cougn.
C'on(retion of Lupg,
Palpitation of Heart,
Mental Depression,
Person livinjr in Malarious districts may pro
tect themselves from attacks of fever by the
ue of Fellows' Compound Nyrup of
IlypophoHphites. Its effects in toning up
the system enables us to ward oil contagious
disorders, and successfully combat disease.
The soluble phosphites and the other life-sustaining
principles composing Fellows' Hypo
thsjpliites are so carefully proportionated and
so uiiciously miugled, that their action upon
the nerves, muscles and membranes in impart
ing vitality, strength and healthy action is uen
eiitlly appiirant within twentv-four hours, and
the k"oo. effects experienced are of a permanent
For sale by all DrucijUts.
Lost West of Four Mile, on Poor
House road, a meerschaum pipe. One
dollar reward will Le given for its re
turn to the undersigned or to P
Mumm. 28t3 Geo. Meisixokr.
We should not suffer from a cough
when a few doses of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral will cure. Time, money,
comfort, health, all are saved by it.
Thorley Food.
for the use of stockmen, farmers,
teamsters, lumbermen, Horsemen and
every one owning an animal. It is a
concentrated food, not a medicine.
Stall fed animals require a substitute
for grass and herbs; this food being
composed of seeds, spices and saccha
rine matter is more nourishing than
green fodder or any other known food
in tbe world. Fer sale only by Smith
Black & Co. 2Ut4
pounuKEKPsiE, .v. r.
Ol' WO 31 1-'.. Examinations for entrance,
Sept. Hth. Catalogues sent on ap;ilicauou to
2-JtS W. L.. IKA, Kcfflatrar.
No scrofula can be s deep
no sore so stubborn, but that
Sarsaparilla will bo found helpful. It
will effect a cure, if cure is possible
A great desideratum in the pre
paration of medicine is tnat it should
be palatable without losing its efficacy.
This is the case with Prickly Ash Bit
ters, and being graded as regards their
cathartic properties, they are better
adapted for general use than any other
similar article. A trial will convince
the most skeptical.
Ladle' He miliary- unsurpassed. Acad
emy thorough. Col lege four courses.
Year begins Sept 7th. Kxumine for youmrtvi.
Catalogues sent by the President, D. S. Gkf.u
Okv, D. D., Lake Forest, 111. 20tl
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith. Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
For Sale
At F. S. White's, a lot of second
hand household furniture. Call
early. 2912
Ayer's Ague Cure is the only med
icine in existance which may bo con
sidered an absolute antidote for fever
and ague, and kindred diseases. It
not only affords immediate relief, but
it eradicates the malarial poison
which produces the disease, witheut.
leaving any enervating or injurious ef
feet, as in the case with many of the
ague medicines adveitised.
Road Notice.
To all WfunnUMay Concern:
A petition for opening a sectlou line road
has been presented to the I'.oard of County
Commissioners, rnd described as follows :
Commencing at the corner seetUn Iwenty-eight('-'B)
tweuty-nine (2U). thirty-two 132) and
thirty-three CU), tow twelve ilV) rang twelve.
(1J ). and running then west two (2) nulea and
terminating at the the owushlp lin running
north and south. All objections thtreto or
or claims for damages, must be filed in th
County Clerk's office, on or before noen on the
15th day of Dec. A. D. lunl, or such road will be
opened without reference theret.
J. I). TUTT,
Conn t y Clerk
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of John M. Lane,
deceased. In the County Court of Cass Co.,
Nebraska. .
Upon reading and filing the duly verified pe
tition of .lohn S. Jones, praying that admiuis
tration of the estate of John M. Lane, deceas
ed, be granted to Mary Lane : Ordered that no
tice of the pendency of sain cause ho publish
ed in the Nkbkaska Hkhalo. a weekly news
paper printed, published, and in general
circulation in said countv. for three consecu
tive week, aud that the hearing of said cause
be set for the lit day of November, A. D. 18K1,
at 3 o'clock p. in., at the ofhee of the County
Judge, at l'lattsmoiitli, at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and show
cause, if any they have, why administration of
said estate should not be granted to the said
Mary Laue, according fo the praver of said pe
tition. A. N. Sullivan, County Judge.
. Plattsmouth. Oct. U, 1881. 3UU
Executor's Sale of Land.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the
authority vested in ine by the last will and tes
tament of Sarah S. Stuart, deceased, I will, on
Saturday, the 5th day of November, A. D. 18mI,
at one o clock p. in. of said day, sell at public
vendue, at the front door of the Court House,
In Plattsinoutli, Cass County, Nebraska, t lie
following real estate, situated in said County,
to-wit : The north cast qnarler (ne1) of section
No. eighteen (II), ill township No. twelve (12),
north of range No, twelve (12), east o( the 6th
P. M. Terms of sale one-half of purchase
money cash down ; balance In one year, at ten
per cent. Interest, secured by mortgage on the
land sold. The light reserved to reject any or
all bids. J- W. Johnho.n,
Administrator of the estate of Sarah S.
Stuart, with the will annexed. 3't3
Sheriffs Sale.
Uv virtue of an order of sale Issued by W. C.
Mio'w alter Clerk of the District Court w ithin
and for Cass County. Nebraska, pnd to ine di
rected, I will on the 6th day of November A.
D. 1881. at 10 o'clock a. in , of said day. at the
south door of the Court House, in said County,
sell at public auction the following real estate
to-wit: The west half f'i) of the north east
quarter (U of section No. seventeen (17) in
township No. twelve (12) north range No. nine
(9) east in Cass County, Nebraska, with the
privelages ana aupertenances thereto belong
ing. Ihe same being levied upon and taken as
the property of J. W Newsuin, P. A. Could and
Ann H. Could Defendants ; to satisfy a judg
ment of said Court recovered by Deuulit Deau
1 laintilL HvElts, Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Oct. 4th. A. P.: ml. g'.'to
Tax Deed Notice.
To the unknown or non-resident owner or
. . . .. . .1... . n ........ ...... rt ... I I
Claimant ui 111c uwuu nc 'ti.ii:. t v
section five (5). town teu (to. range four
teen (14) east, iu Cass county, Nebraska :
You are hereby notified that tire above de
scribed land was assessed and taxed for the
year 1S7T as belonging to an unknewn or non
resident wner : that said land was sold for the
delinquent tax of said year 1877, on the 4th
day of November. A. D. 187. and that the
undersigned became the purchaser thereof at
said sale : that unless the same shall be re
deemed from said sale on or before the 2th
day of January. A. D.. 182. a deed w ill be is
sued by the Treasurer, of said county, for the
said described premises. Bknj. Alhi.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Oct. 1, 1 81 . '201 3
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a de
cretal order of safe made by the Hon. K. C.
Pound, Judge of the 2d Judicial District of Ne
braska. 1 will sell at public vendue, at the
south door of the Court House, in the city of
Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, on the
3lst day of October A. D. lsl. at 1 o'clock p. m.
on said day. all the right, title and ititerest of
August H. Sharp deceased. In and to the follow
ing described real estate to-wit: The north
hail (U M) and the south east quarter sev4 of
the south west quarter (sw of section lilteen
(15) township elev.-u (tl) north range eleven (11)
east of the cth P. M. in Cass County, Nebraska,
hale to lemain open for bids for one hour.
Terms cash. Joh.v Ulack,
Octotwrotli. 188J. 29t3 Administrator.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an txecution issued by V. C
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court, w ithin
and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 31st day of October A. D.
IsM. at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the
south door of the Court House, in said county,
sell at public auction the following real estate
to-wit: The east half (e!i f the north east
quarter (ne1) of section eight () township ten
(lo; range teu (l'), east ef sth P. M., In Cass
Couuty. Neb. The same being levied upon and
taken as the'piooerty of David McCaig, W il
liam McCaig and John McCaig. Defenuants ; to
si-tisry a judgment of said Court recovered by
Henry Criswell, Plaintiff. ,
2M3 It. W. Hi Kits. Sheriff Cass Co. Neb.
PlattMi-outh. Neb.. Sept. 2th A P. 1VU.
Legal Notice.
To John II. Lizaett. now resident defendant.
Yon are hereby notified that on theioth dy
of September, A. D. IhhI, your wife. Frank ie
Liggett, commenced an action against you in
the District Court. 2nd Judicial District in and
for Cass Co. Neb ; the object and prayer of the
petition therein is to wholly and forever set
aide the bonds of matrimony nowexisting be
tween you and Ihe said plaintiff. That said
action is taed upon the ground f abandon
ment for more than two years: that you are
required to answer the said petition on or be
fore the Till day of November A. I). 11. and
that vou do so appear and answer, default will
be taken aud Judgement l'l??txr
J. C. Cowi.v, Atf y for Pl'ff. 27t