The Herald. LOCAL ADTEBTISEMEXTS. Trauticut, '2u cnti a line. Regular adve rrla tr, 10 ctnus per line. No advertisement insert id for ku llran 5 ecu la. Ig3 notices ait Statute rale. Atiurae y and oificera of the law will be neld !oi:ille for all legal notices they band in, tut all parties demanding a proof of publlca loa of any fiotice will be OtuIU for lUe publica twa fee 01 such notice. coilmu Nic Areics. Ae oar spare is limited, all corumnnlearioni autt be brief and to the point, wliti do waste a word. The paper ta responsible for tle correctness apoortlmg to copy of paid ai alter and paid Le CJa, oalf. 1. A ay person who takea the paper regularly tutm Ilia post-ottlce. whether directed to his upr, or whether ha la a subaeriber er neV ia reeiwuaible for tha pay. t. If any person orders his paper discontin ued, be must pay all arrearaees, or the publlsn. ar may continue to aend it until payment la iade. aad aJlleetthe whole amount, whether fae paper ia Uken from the office or not. . 1 he courts have deelded that refusing t taUte newspapers and periodicals from the post fliee. or removing and laavlnir them uncalled for, ia prima aw evidence of urtBaxJOVAJ. fEAl'D. LOCAL NEWS. Minstrels ! T.MUrrjw niht ! Se;t. thirtieth eitfhteenll. The Mclntyre & IIath's Mam motli Southern Minstrels. Crsini'frries at Bennett & LewisM Stf'.sidi hats, in yarietv, at Wes cott's. 1 -SiaiiMii has Oranjjes, Lemons, lYais. !. 28t2 Co and I. ear Mrs. Wittenmyer Friday cvtMiinij. Underwear to suit all mankind, at WescottV. 1 Rev. Mr. Dingf-st. was very em phatic, Monday. --OVEItTOATS avr.ncoATs The Lest line, ::t Wascott's. 1 -Fanners are generally honest men real fanners, we mean. Chaplain Wright, hit the nail on the head, a usual, Monday. Smoke the "Leader" ciyar at Siasp son's. 28t2 Every hur the gun was tired and the hells were tolled all day. Everyone come and bring some thing to p- " ' 1)11 exhibition. Music- I ructor and sheet Music at Simpson's. 28t2 Rev. Mr. Cooley made a short but very sensible speerh Monday. i'.ead Sherwood' new ad. in an other eo'iiiiiin and give him a call. A fresh ii.t of crackers just receiv ed at Bonne: t Lewis'- 1 Temper ince meeting at the M. E. Church Friday evening. Mrs. Witten myer. Farmer Uu.-hnell. it is said, is now advising farmer 4 to sow their rail fences in the fall. I. X. E. Winter Wheal Flour at While's, call immediately, as it is go ing like hot cakes. SUi The cornice is put on Drew & Weckbacli'.s building, and it is some of the finest yat used in our city. Miss Maggie O'Keefe can be found at the Great Tied Store, where she will le pleased tm ste her friends. 1 A paper onl'.ar and a tooth pick can ne moved into a new Ward mighty quick by an active friend of the farm er ( . 1 A new invoice of clothing just re ceived from New Y ik City new styles and good fis. C E. Wescott. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of the M. E. Church, made a most excellent and ap propriate speech Monday at the Union services. E. Cm. Dovey & Sons are putting an addition on the rear esdof their build ing to accommodate their large stock of gnods. R-.'ine i'rof. Finney's Dancing i ii l Opening, an Tu-s.t ay, October 1th. (loud chance to ham the light .fantastic. Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer will speak on the Temperence Issue at the M. E. Church on Friday evening, Sept. 30th. at 7 o'clock. We understand stiaia of the boys who went down to Hock Bluffs, Mon day, were arrested for running their saddle horses. On account af press of other mat ter, the Temperance column was left ut last week and will appear on first pagf of this issue. Fresh Pretzels, Jelly Fingers, En glish Coffee Cakts, Ginger Snaps and Button Butter Crackers, just received by Rennet & Lewis. 1 The "farmers frienoK? of the Enterprise has a pamphlet to present at the fair advising farmers to put in fence posts with a coin-planter. Dr. A. Sanlisbary is still doing the best dental walk and is having all lie i-an do. Hit prices are reasonable and eveivone is pleased with him. Giva him a call. 1 Hon. R. 15. Windham has been ap pointed by Gov. Nance one of the com missioners to the Missouri River Im provement Convention, at S. Louis, October UOth. The workman on the new M. E. J.)lock came to another stand still the fjrst of the week. The plans not being cerrect, which threw some of the walls out of place. Mclntyre & Heath's Mammoth Southern Minstrel's will be here to morrow evening, Fkidav, Sept. 30th. at Fitzgera'.d hall. Tickets at Young's. Sse Ad. elsi'Where. The R-v. Mr. JJard addressed a larg eg it:n at the Fresbyterian Church on Monday nnd delivered one of the best sermons of the time on the death of the President. -Dr. A. Sau'.isbury says it pays to advertise-h the IIfkali. His custo mers say the II kr a li speaks so well of him. thev think they will try him, and they find him first-class. 1 -Miss Nellie OTlourke had a party Thursday afternoon in honor of her Gfth birthday, and the young folks enjoved themselves hugely, and went home wishing that Nriije's birthdays tirjae oftener. Personal. Mr. T. lodieh made Flattsmoulh a visit last waek. Wiley Black went to Chicago Satur day afternoon. Dtn Wheeler was down and spent Sunday with his folks. Uncle Jason Streight, f South Bend was in town Friday last. Peter Merges and J. V. Weckbach went in Omaha on business last week. Mrs. Donovan ha been quite ill, but we are pleased to larn i3 somewhat better. Mrs. McVicker, a sister of Judge Sullivan, from Kansas, is v'siting her brother. Mr. Sntdiker, a cousin of Mr. John Duke's, from Virgin. a, is visiting his relatives. Mr. Nathan returned from the east last week and the goods are following him as fast as pcssiole. A. L. Wilner returned from Burling ton, Chicago and other points Tues day where he has been visiting the past tw weeks. Mrs E. G. Dovey returned to Platts mouth last Thursday evening, and af tir her long absence will be welcomed by her many friends. Kev. J. Gallagher left the first of the week for his new field at Falls City. The IIekald wishes him the reward dae a man who treats the newspaper fraternity well. C. G. Harold returned Friday from Chicago, where he has purchased the immensest stock of clothing yet, we should judgo by the amount of boxes which are still coming. Rev. .G. A. Hobson, of Glenville, Neb., made us a flying call and a sub tantial one last week, informing us that the IIekald was a good remedy for homesickness and lonesomeness, which was much appreciated. We'll carry the news to liro. Hobson with renewed vigor now. Fair next week. Beautiful neck-wear at Wescotl's. Oysters and Celery, Saturday at Bennett & Lewis'. 1 Wescott owns the goods as cheap as any concern in Nebraska, and you will find them plainly marked at low prices. 1 Paper collars can be raised on very poor graund and a Ward farmer can easily move his crop from one Ward to another. The Boston Pilot says; St. Ja cobs Oil stands without an equal. I4y close observation the farmers adviser and friend(V) of the Enterprise has discovered that pumpkins grow best when "listed." Prof. Robert Odium, of the Na tatorium, this city, was cured of a se vere attack af rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. Washington (D. C.) Star. The U. P. Base Ball Club, of Omaha stopped over night in Platts mouth, Wednesday on their return from a match game of ball at Lincoln They are a fine club. Wescott's for furnishing goods.7t4 McEntire & Heath's advance Agent complains that the Bill boards of the town are all covered with Bar man's posters and local companies can not get au inch of room. - Weckbach sells Bremner's choice crackers. 37t4 Lost West of Four Mile, on Poor House road, a meerschaum pipe. One dollar reward will he given for its re turn to the undersigned or to P. Mu re m. 28ts Geo. Meisixger. Baker Atwood sell Bremner's choice crackers. 27t4 There was a little racket at Lou isville last Tuesday afternoon in which a drunken brakeman attempted to whip hi engineer for some fancied injury. The result was an arrest an 1 fine and discharge from the service of the company. Wescott't for the slickest and neatest neckwear in" the land. 27t4 The Plattsmouth Base Ball Club have accepted the challenge of the Weeping Water Base Ball Club, to play a match game on the grounds du ring the County Fair for a purse of Seventy-five dollars. There will be fun over that. -Guthnian Bros, sell Bremner's choice crackers. 27t4 Once in a while a good joke comes to hand for the Herald: L. W. Pat terson writes to change his paper to a new Post Office, because at th last one they have only a tri-weekly mail that is : It comes one week and tries to come for the next three, but never gets there- They all have to have Bremner's crackers if they want any trade. 27t4 Au alarm of fire was given Satur day afternoon, by the Bremen's bell and the firemen took their trucks and went in pursnit f the fire, which was in one of the laundries at the ioit of Main St. at lightning speed, but the fire was out when they reached it. It doesn't take the fire boys long to reach a fire after their bell gives the alarm. Bennett & Lewis sell Bremner's choice crackers. Did you ever feel real stiff aud sor in the morning? if not, walk all round a fair ground most of the day, hoef it to the depot to take the train, and then run after a passenger ex press which you missed, from the platform to the east end of the"Y" and yau'll know how 'tis yourself. Many thanks to conductor Gayle, all the same, though. Ask for Bremner's Milk. Williams Tea Ginger Ceffee Cakts, Ginger Snaps and Gem Oyster Crackers. The Gnest said in Plattstnouth. 27t4 The boys who managed the gun Monday, deserve great thanks, they put in a days hard work in their coun try's cause, while many could turn it into a Holiday. Likewise the men who tolled the bells all day. Rev. Fr. Linch who had the Catholic bell, toll ed, and our gallant Fire boys who kapt thier bell going all day. To Messrs Ashley, Ko'anke and others, the thanks of the citizens are due. We feel a just pride in calling your attention to our ne-u; and iacreas ed stock of Fiue Ready-Made Clothing just brought on from New York, to be sold at the lowest possible prices. Remember the place, S. & C. Mayer, Next to Carruth's. 1 , On Monday just after the five o'clock gun had been firad, many per sons percaived a shock resembling an earthquake; it shook the windows and jarred crackery on the shelves. Much speculation ensued as to what it could have been. Tuesday brought the word that a car loaded with Dynamite had exploded at Council Bluffs. It stood near the Round House of the C. It. I. & P. R. It. which was destroy! d, as well jis seven passenger cars, sixty box cars and twelve stock cars were 1 1 jwn from the track and demolished. A hole 15 feet deep and 45 feet across shewed where the car had been; )late glass aud other windows were broken in Council Bluffs and houses wrecked and destroyed. Windows were broken in Omaha. It being a holiday faw men were at work and they escaped in time. No one was seriously injured by the explosion. The Knights af the Cork. Of the minstrels who open at the Opera House, Thursday evening next, the Evansville Journal has this to say; Mclntyre & Heath's minstrels, com prising twenty-five white men, cele brated colored delineators, a full corps of artists and musicians. The pro gramme will consist of a minstrel first part, aud in the olio, among other performers, the following will appear: The great Itoselle, in operatic selections; DeVero Brothers, high kickers; the California Quartette; Mc lntyre fc Heath, in their specialty en titled "Skedaddle;" Senator Wm. Kay in a lecture on "Mixtures." The en tertainment will close with a laugha ble sketch entitled Pinafore Boarding House." Journal. This troupe in Plattsmouth, Friday, September 30lh. See ad. Farmers Attention. Any persons wanting "Compromise Seed" apply at the Agricultural depart ment of the Enterprise, or in some of the offices of Fitzgerald Block. (J. A "it. At a meeting of the Grand Army, a resolution of thanks to the clergy, band and singers w ho assisted at the ceremonies Monday, was passed. A committee consisting of comrades Liv ingston and Barnes was appointed to confer with the Executive Com mittee of tne Old Settlers about a campfire and general union of meetings on the 6th of October. otice. The ice season has closed and all persons owing far ice are requested to call and settle up immediately, as I need the money. 2$t2 F. S. White. Call and see the new styles in milinery at Herrmann & Wurl's. 2(it2 The Rock Bluff boys challenged any club in the county to play a match gamsof base ball on their grounds, and our boys took ttem up. They played Monday afternoon, the Platts mouth club making 39 to the Reck Bluffs 12. Our club has just been feoling the boys. When they can get all 4ieir best players aut. they make the tallies count up lively. If you don't believe it go and see them play at the Fair next week. County Delegates. The delegates in the county as far as heard from are as folio ns: First ward, Plattsmouth E. II. Wooley, D. II. Wheeler, E. B Lewis, C. H. Smith, (II. M. Bushnell and W. L. Brown claim to be elected). Second Ward M. M. McElwain. R. B. Windham, W. S. Wise, Geo. S. Smith, J. W. Johnson, John Water man. Thrd Ward J. W. Marshall, P. P. Gass. II. E. Palmer, A. N. Sullivan, J. S. Duiton, J. B. Strode. Fourth ward W. Smith, Jno. Polin, F. Carruth, L. C. Stiles, M. Schlcgel, J. M. Barber. Plattsmouth Precinct A. B. Tedd, A, B. Taylor, C. S.. Bates, Isaac Wilesf Perry Walker. J. C. Eikenbary, Wm. Giimour, T. J. Thomas, C. J. May field. Eight Mile Grove Jno. F. Polk, Jno. II. Becker, John Ramsey, John Young. John Ilennings, J. M.Craigf II. Inhelder. Mt. Pleasant II. G. Ilawley, F. Call, J. Cooley, D. Satchell, Wm. M in fold. J. Cothey, S. S. Hall. Instructed for aiamuel Richardson ferCou-nty commissioners. Louisville, R. B. Howell, J. T. A Hoover, B. G. Heover, Jas. Robinson, W. W. Rhodes, D. D. Martindale. Liberty Samuel Cannon, George N. LaRue, Henry F. Taylor, John Muifin, Jesse Irwin, Jacob Bridenstine, S. n. Hobson, A. Searle, S. A. Davis. J. Campbell. Rock Bluffs Walter Jenkins, Dr. A. L. Root, C. Bradshaw, John Norris, Gran Flemming, Anderson Root. Wm Lloyd, Wra. Morrow, Wm. Royal, B. Berger. Stove Creek J. A. Kenaston, Ed. Stopher. Al. Dixon, D. Kuntz, G. W. Hylton, Jno. Clements, Wm. Delesder nier. We have only four in Tipton as yet: Arnold, Laverty, Wolph aad Forsythe South Bend G. D. Mattison, 0. N Folsom, D. Thymgahn, Jas. Crawford J.M.Campbell, II. J. Streight, G. A Hay. Greenwood Isaac Tolland, Isaac Middleton, Isaac Stone, G. W. Clark. Elm wood Joe McCaig, Hamil ton, Geo. Buell, Dimmitt, W. II. Poole, W. II. Smith, J. II. Mills. Weeping Water T. Clark, N. Satch ell, A. A. Barden, G. W. Johnson, C. C. Hadsell, M. M. Butler, B. C. Yeomans. Salt Creek T. Sampson. J. S. Phil ips Coleman, L. C. Hansen," H. II. Alden, G. W. Mayfield, M. D. A' bott. Center P. Coon, II. W. Gi;l"rt. G. M. Flowers, S. Smith, F. F. Kex ford, D. F. Dudley, I. N. Woo iiord, H. W. Farley. Announcement af Candidate. .1 hereby announce myself as can didate for County Judge in this county subject to the approval af the Repub lican convention at Lcuisville. R. G. McFarland. It's Cone, It's A Bis Tiling, anfl We Have Got It A. IJl!IK.Se X LW STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks and Ifalises. Including all the late and desirable novelties in Styles, Fabrics and Colors. Do not let it escape your memory that this is a NEW STOCK THROUGHOUT. AVe are now about to offer this entire assortment at prices which will draw a mob. Will yom be there ? Everything marked in plain figures. No deviation in prices. Everything warranted as represented. ?. ES Sff Main St., Next to Smith, EM & Co.. Plattsmouth, Net). The Fair Commences next week Wednesday, Oct. 5th and continues Thursday and Friday, the 6th and 7th. The grounds are in good condition, and the rain of last night, if we don't have too much more will make the roads good. Every thing promises well. Lecture by Mrs. Wittenmyer. Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer, of Phila delphiaFirst President of the Wom an's National Christian Temperance Union, will deliver a Temperance Ad diess in the Methodist Episcopal church next Friday evening, Sept. 30th commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Admis sion, 10 cents. This lady i3 a worker of national reputation in the cause of religion, temperance and philanthrophy and a most forcible and eloquent lec turer. We are safe in assuring a rich treat to all who are so fortunate as to hear her on this occasion. All wel come with or without admission fee. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too heavy eating is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. For Sale. A good young family mare, new top buggy, and new single harness. En quire of Frank Davis, at Herrmann's store. 23-3 There is no one article in the Jine of medicines that gives so large a re turn for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back ache Plasters. Sold by Smith, Black Co. : Dancing School Opening. Prof. Pinney, the Dancing Master, will hare an "opening," Tuesday even ing, Oct. 4th, at Fitzgerald Hall. All wishing to take lessons should be there promptly, or send in names, as classes will be organized then. There will be a children's school at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Do not buy cheap medicine on the score of economy. The best are none too good for the sick, and are the cheapest. Such are the Cherry Pec toral, the Sarsaparilla, and other stand ard remedies of Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. They are worth all they cost, and should be in every house. O. S. We are requested by the executive Cemmittee of the Old Settler's Associ ation to give notice that there will be a meeting of the Society on the Fair Ground on Thursday, Oct. 6th, at 1 p.m. There will be a Camp Fire during the day an evening of the same day which will be arranged for by the prop er Committee. Good health is impassible when the blood is impure, or when it is thin and cold. Under such conditions one disease after another is developed. Boils, pimples, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc., are the result of im pure blood, and the wisest course is to make the blood pure, rich and warm by the u?e of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Notice. The Greenback Labor Party will hold a meeting in the Court House on Saturday evening Oct. 1st, at 7 p. m., to elect delegates to attend the County Convention at Weeping Water on Sat urday, Oct. 8th, 1831. All those inter ested are requested to attend, as some good speakers are expected. By order of Mc. O'Riely, Chairman. If you are tired of taking the large eld-fashioned griping pills, and are satisfied that purging yourself till you are weak and sick is not good common sense, then try Carter's Little Liver Pills and learn how easy it is to be free from biliousness, headache, con stipation, and all liver traubles. These little pills are smaller, easier to take and give quicker relief than any pill in use. Forty in a vial. jOne a dose. Price 25 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Gents buy our S1.00 unlaundried shirts, the best to be had for the mon ey, at Herrmann's. 26t2 When you go for crackers take none but Bremner's. 27t4 StoTe Wood lor Sale. Leave orders at Baker & Atwood's 27t4 Drugs -the largest stock at J. M Roberts. 3tf Argand Stove For sale A good office Argand "base burner" for sale. Apply at the Her ald. Ask your grocer for Bremner's Cream Soda Crackers; they are ele gant. 27t4 Call at P. B. Murphy's when you waut a fine Havauna Cigar, Fruits, Pipes, Tobacco, the best line in the city to select from ; Call in and be convinced. 27t4 Chickens. "Plymouth Rock" and "Lijrht Bra mah" chickens for sale by Wm. Gii mour, Plattsmouth, Neb. 27t4 ftps ESSCBrT, Tin: ii:ni:it. Leader iu Styles, Lauder in Fits, Leader in Topular Trices. ICTOKY 2 Peri lies Upon the manners of the Davis Sewing: machine for tiie Second Time. The Davis Carries off the Honors at the Nebraska Stale Fair. The sewing machine contest at the Nebraska stale fair was very interest ing, particularly as the exhibits of dif ferent machines was quite extensive, and the various agents were all striv ing earnestly to get to the front. The display of the Davis sewing machine company attracted a great deal of attention. One exhibit wa in Floral hall and the other in Max Myer & Go's, building, both being in charge of Mr. V. II. Dyer, general agent, and an efficient corps ol assist ants, and by the way, these latter are all customers of the Davis, and not experts, as the machine in question is not so camplicated and difficult to un derstand as to require an expert to ex hibit it. Everybody is familiar with the popular machine and about its de partment were scores of samples which attested in unvarying reliabil ity, and the variety and quality of its woik is not excelled by any rival Among the samples exhibited was as piece of work for a duplicate of which the company offered 6100, an offer which was kept open for two days. It it is a fine specimen of shirring, knife side and scallop plaiting, and all are represented on the same pattern with out basting. In auother place were two fine specimens of embroidery, one is net lace representing moss roses on one side aud yellow roses on the other, without any packing whatever of the goods. The other is a pattern of moss roses on the same material, and with out any foundation. In this connection an interesting little episode, by the way, took place on Inst Tuesday. Mr. Dyer, it seems, while explaining to a lady the superior quality Oi his machine said, "I'll cive 100 to any man who'll duplicate this piece of work on any other machine," and at the same time he exhibited a sample of work done on the Davis ma chine. Another sewing machine agent who heard him spoke up ami said, "Do you mean what you say? If you do, then put up your 3100." Dyer accepted the challenge at once. He said he did the sample of work in half hour on the Davis machine, would give the other agent, at any time, twelve hours to do it on his machine. The money was put up in the hands of Max Myer, who is to witness the work. The result is awaited with some little interest. Yesterday the committee on sewing machines made their report, and awarded THE FIRST PREMIUMS to the Davis sewing machine for two samples of work, one being a piece of silk chenille embroidered oh both sides aud the other work baing done on one side of the goods. ANOTHER FIRST PREMIUM was awarded to the Davis machine for the best sample of heavy plain sewing. Mr. Dyer offers $100 reward to any company who will duplicate these samples. The mechanical principles involved in the Davis sewing machine differ widely from those commonly in use, and combine in the most complete and perfect mannar simplicity, strength, durability, economy, and an adapta tion to the largest range of work. The feed is a vital peint in any sew ing machine, and upon its accuracy of movement depends the regularity, strength, evenness and perfection of stitching. The feed commonly in use in other sewing machines, and known as the ratchet or four motion feed consists of a horizontal under feed-bar which has a four motioned movement produced by complicated under-gear. This feed-bar is furnished with "teeth" which raise high enough above the bed of the machine to take hold of and carry forward the work, A presser foot ceraes down on the goods and holds them firmly to the surface of the feed. It is obvious then, that as the feed moves it must carry the under, ply faster than the upper, for the sim ple reason that the presser foot is re tarding or holding back the upper ply, while the feed i.s taking place; hence it is impossible to have both ends of the goods come out even ; and a strong and elastic seam cannot be made, because the lower piece being in a measure "gathered," yields more rapidly than the upper to any strain upon the gar ment. The threads will be broken and 3he seam will rip. This great defect ha3 existed since the first introduction of sewing ma chines, and until the invention of the "Vertical Feed" principle (the patent for which is the exclnsive property of this company.) THE VERTICAL FEED, being behind the needle, the machine is capable of sewing elastic goods, making a smooth and flexible seam with stitch alike on both sides; also of sewing any number of thicknesses without basting, operating with equal facility on the heaviest as well as the lightest fabrics. SIMPLICITY. It has no underwork to be looked after or get out of order; the working parts being closely confined in the head of the machine, requiring ho other attention or adjusting than oc casionally putting a drop of oil in the holes provided for that purpose; it is composed of a less number of working paits than any other shuttle machine; its use is more easily and quickly learned; it is especially adapted to the diversified wants of family sewing, and is so simple that it can be used efficiently by any one with facility. DURABILITY. Its working parts are made of tl e best material, are compact, strong and durable, each point of friction being case hardened, insuring the longest wear with the least expense for re pairs. We also have added simple ap pliances by which all "lost motion" from wear and by long use, can be ta ken up. EFFICIENCY. It will do the greatest variety of stitching, from the lightest cambiic through all grades of fabric, to harness leather. PRACTICABILITY AND ECONOMY. The vertical feed enables the opera tor to turn the work at any curve or angle while the machine is in motion, without changing tke tension or length of stitch; consequently, it can easily do in a given time one third more work than any under-feed machine. The shuttle holds a large amount of thread and gives an even tension in the most simple manner. Omaha Re publican. These machines are sold exclusively by Frank Carruth in this cennty, and they can be seen at his extensive jewelry store in Plattsmouth, at all times. Call and see them. II. Hartington, traveling salesman. Browns' Blackberry and Uinger. Should be in every house during the heated season. It never fails to cu re Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and J. M. Robert , Plattsmouth, "J. V. Painter, East Plattsmouth. Worthless Stuff! Net so fast, my friend ; if you could see the stron?, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by the use of Hop BiUers, you would say "Glorious and invaluable remedy." See another col umn. Rescued from Death. In the following remarkable state ment. William J. Coughlin of Somer ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 187G I was taken with a violent bleed ing of the lungs followed by a se vere cough. I wa so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 I was admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in fhy left lung as big as a half dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dollars in doctors and medicines. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. HALL'S BAL SAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle to-satisfy him, when to my fur prise and gratification, 1 commenced to feel better, and to-day feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. I write this hoping that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR TIIE LUNGS and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I can positively say that it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken during my sickness." Sold by drug gists. 1a3 SPECIALNOTICES. Base Burner for sale, at IIehalf office. Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation and Biliousness. For sale by all Druggists in the West. Money ta Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Come and See The large stock of Spring Shoes an i Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf For Sale or Trade. A good second hand wagon, for sate cheap or will trade for buggy. En quire at this office. TtTthe "Ladies! We are daily expecting the largest shipment of Millinery goods ever be fore brought to Plattsmouth. Be sure to wait and examine our s.ock before buying your Winter hats. 1 Great Red Store. Trimmings! Trimmings! The largest and most complete stock of Velvets, Satins and Silks, to be ound in this citv at F. Herrmann's. 2 Don't forget that the Herald office is the place to get your fine job printing. 23t4 For the best staple and fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Wecktach's. lOtf Wanted Some corn and oats on subscription at this office; at once. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer is the most reliable article in use for restoring gray hair to its orig inal color and promoting its growth. Wanted At this office good dry corn or oats on subscription, at once. Fever and ague and chills and fe ver broken up and prevented by usiug the purely vegetable remedy. Carter's Liver Bitters. An antidote to all ma larial poison. Seld by Smith, Black & Co. For mixed paints go to Roberts' Drug Store. 51tf A sure cure for consumption, bron chial affectians, sore lunjs, whooping cough and all complaints of the throat lungs or chest. We mean Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syrup. I sell the best and cheapest boots and shoes. I defy competition. 4tf Peter Merges. Workmen! look ta your interests and save doctor bills, by using Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for all cases of coughs, colds, etc. Price only twenty five and fifty cents a bwttle. Many persons will take no med icine until prostrated on a bed of sick ness. This is folly. Nature always caPs for assistance when needed to throw off impurities. With our habits ot life, it is necessary to render this help. Prickly Ash Bitters will not force nature, but acts mildly and ren ders the assistance required. Try them. 24t5 Experience the Best Care. The constant practice most women have in caring for the sick makes them often more skilful than physi cians in selecting medicines. The reason why women are everywpere using and recommending Parker's Gin ger Tonic is, because they have learn ed by that best of guides experience that this excellent family medicine speedily overcomes despondency, peri odical headache, indigestion, liver complaints, pain or weakness in the back and kidneys, and other troubles peculiar to the ex. Home Journal. See Adv. 24t5 FITZGERALD HALL. FRIDAY EVENING SEPT. 30TH. MdXTTRE C- HEATH'S MAMMOTH SOUTHERN MINSTRELS I Masloioa Crcbestra anil Brass Baal THE MOST B1ULIANT ORGANIZATION' IN THE COUNTRY. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. Eight Popular Eud Men ! tlx Specialty Comedian ! Au unexcelled Quartette ! Barleiue Calored Opera Trou;e I Teu Eminent Soni; and ance Men 1 The Cliaruaion Challenge Clog Trio ! The 1'eerle IToNellr, Airilarkcr. llerfre Hro., at lark Tor d and illy. Thirty First-Class Artists ! Consisting if tlie iaot parfect constellation af minstrel talent erer organuad iu America. General ad mifaian 6centa. Reserved aeatn. 75canta. Reserved SeiiU at Young'a P. O. News Depot. A Large Stock of E. SHEE WOOD'S NO SHODDY GOODS Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at C. Schlegel's, opposite r. 0. 7tt Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have sold over one hun dred bottles in the last two months 48lf It Must Be So. For all who use Brown's Pepsin Tonic say it is a sure cure for Dys pepsia and sick Headache. Try it. For sale by all Druggists in Platts mouth and East Plattsmouth. Pepsin. Rhubarb, Mandrake & Gentian Are the active ingredients of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial and be cured. For sale by all drug gists in Neb. The best and cheapest, The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers at Merges'. 4tf To the Citizen's or the Conuty and Stale. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a fire:proof house before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. Aldemey Stock. Mr. J. F. Beaumeister uow owns the ALDERNEY BULL, "WELLINGTON," No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Kentucky C28. From imported Tran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will be remembered Chaplain Wright brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this summer at Mr. Beaumeister's place north of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal should call and see the undersighed, J. F. Beaumeister. Stock from a distance, pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf AGENTS AM) CANVASSERS Make from StSS to 50 per week selling poods lor E. i. lilUfcOL'T & CO.. 10 Barclay Street, New York. 22yl Send tor their Catalogue and terms. Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October aud November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. Wooley, 42tf Superintendent. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind .thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main and Third. . lOtf LAKE FOREST DNIVERSITI JLadieM' Heminary- unsurpassed. Aead emy thorough. College four cojrfes. Y ear begins Sept 7th. Kxaininefur yourtwjvcg. Catalogues sent by the ITeMdeut, D. S. Gkko ouv, D. D., Lake Forest, 111. 20tia Money to Loan. J. S. Mathews has money to loan at nine per cent interest, on Real Estate seen ity at three or Jive years. Apply at his office on "Main St., Platts mouth, Neb. 26tf. loots &Shoes LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution Itsaed by W. C Shwwalter, Clerk of the District Court, within aud for Cans Couaty, Kebraaka, ana t me di rected. I will on the 31t day of October A. D. 181, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. nt the south daor of the Court House, in said rouuty. sell ut public auction the fallowing itul estate to-wit : The east half (Vi ot the narth ea.t uuarter (ne1) of secttan eight (8) towijthlp tan (ia range ten (io. aataf atb 1'. M., Iu Can County, Net). The cinne being levied upon aad takea as lha'property of David McCm, Wil liam McCain and John McCalg. Defendants to tiefy a judgment af said Court recovered by Henry Ci iswell, IMalntllT. Jnt4 R. W. HyKit, Sheriff Caw Co. Neb. PlatUinouili, Neb., Kept. Mih A. D. Notice of Application for Li cense. AU persons interested will take notice that I have tiled my application with the City Coua cil of tli City cj l'latUniouth fora llcene to ell malt, vinous and npiritou liquors at retail in the Fourth Ward of said City, a raqulied by section a of chapter 60, revised statutes of ltl. Gr.OHOR EnOKKTON. I'laltsmouth. Neb., Sept. 14, l8l, Administrator's Sale. Netice Is hereby given that by the authority of decretal order of sale made by the Hod. S. B. round Judge of the Jd Judicial District of Nebraska that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Hiram llogan, deceosed, will sell at public vendue on the V4th day of October, A. D. 1881, atone o'clock p. in., on said day at klmwood. Cass County. Nebraska, the folfow ir,s described real estate to-wit: The north half ot the south eat quarter of rction No. thirty-two. Township ten, range ten, east of the CI h 1. M., In Cava County, Nebraska. Hald land will be sold subject to the Dower and Homestead Interests of the widow of said de ceased. Terms of sale caxh or time payment as provided by law. Hakvkv Human, 27 U , Administrator Legal Notice. To John'H. Liggett, uow resident deft ndant. You are hereby notified that on thc2"th day of September, A. D. iwd, your w ife, Frankln Liggett, commenced an action against you lu the District Court. 'Jml Judicial District In and for Cass Co. Neb ; the object and prayer of the petition therein is to wholly and forever set aside the bonds of matrimony nowexisting be tween you and the said plaintiff. That said action Is baeed upon the ground of abandon ment for more than two years; that you are required to answer the ald petition on or be fore the 71 h day of November A. D. lnfl, and that you do so upiiear and answer, default will be taken and Judgement and decree accord ingly. FRANK1E LIGGETT. J. C. Cowin. Atfy for l'l'tf. 27t4 Probate Notice. In the matter of tlio estate of John Cleininons, deceased. In the County Com t Of Cuss Co., Nebraska. Notice i hereby itiven that B. Slebold and McGinnis Clemmous, adminlstratom of the es tate of the said John Clemuions, deceased, have made application for Dual settlement, unit tiiat said cauro is set for hearing at my office lit l'lattsuiouth. on t lie 2Mth day f October. A. D. 18n1, at one o'clock p. ut., on said day ; at w hich time an I place all persons interested taay be present and examine raid accounts. A. N. SL'Ll IVAN. County Judge, I'lattsinouth. Neb., Sept. 1, I !.' Vt3 . Notice for Bids for Culvert. Notice is hereby given that bids will be re ceived for the construction of an iron culvert across hixth street on south side of J 'earl street In the City of I'lattsmoiitli, Cass County, Ne braska, up to noon on tae Cth day of October, 181. Said culvert is to be eUlit Is) feet in di ameter, and to be built on same pi in as cul vert built by railroad company, iieai depot. By order of County Commissioners. 2Ct4 J. D. Tutt. Co. Clerk. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale. Issued by W. C. Showalter. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 1st day of October, A. D. lsl, at 10 o'clock ii. in. of said day. at the south door of Hie Court House, in said County, sell at public, auction the following real estate, to-w it ; Iho west half (wH) of the nortli west juartr (n)) of section No. thirty '). in township To. ten (10). north of range No. eleven ( 1 1), east of the titlt 1. M.. in Cass County, Nebraska. 1 lie same being levied upon and tsken as the property ot V illiam H. keek aud Sarah Jaue Heck, C. 11. McCoruiick and the Singer Manu facturing Company, defendants, to satisfy a iiidgineut ef said Court recovered by Phillip D. iltiuge, plaintiff. R. W. Hveks. Sheriff Cass Co. Neb. PlattMtnoutli. Neb., Aug. 30. A. D. Ikki. 24tft Tax Deed Notice. To tlio unknown or nonresident owner or claimant of Lot five (5), In black seventy-five (75), in the city of l'laltsniouth. Cass County, Nebraska: i on are liereny nounci mat me above described rral estate was assessed aud taxed for the year 1877, as belonging te an un known or non-resident owner; lht the said real estate was sold at private sale on the 21st day of August, 187U, for the delinquent tax ef said year 1877 to the undersigned ; that unless redemption be made from said sale on or before the 3d day of January. 1H8-', a deed w ill be de manded of the County Treasurer to the under signed. (iKOKiJKi'ilA.VK. flat t s mo u t h, Ncb..Se pt. 10, 18S1. Itts MOKllIS -O'ltOUKKfi, once more comes forward witU an entire new PALL W WIUTEB Stock of the finest Piece Goods ever brought into Plattsmoutu ! I EVERY GARMENT CUT IS WARRANTED to FIT Hundreds go there and they are ALWAYS SUITED. Shop opposite the Court House. Glvo him call and examine for yourselves. 48tf JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand AND HEARSE FUNERALS. TAKE 'isTOTXCJU I I want all of my account! settled to date. anl I shall do no more credit bu"iness. All old accounts must be settled up, and no new ones will be made. I'nless such accounts are settled hnrtly they w ill be sued. I wish to do a strictly cvsh business I n f ut ure JOHN SHANNON. Plattsmouth. Neb, UNION STORE I Eight Mile Grove, Neb. BY WALTER JENKINS Having opened a New Store at the abor 1 call attention to rnv stock, and ask the patronage of my friends and Iho 1'ubllc in general. Dry Goods, Groceries Tinware f Woodemvart aud General Goods of all sort. CIIEAI3 AITD GOOD Call and see our Stock before going elsewhere. 341y Walter Jenkins. maciiixV SHOPS I vXOTUnT WATMA1T FLATT8MOCTH, KEn., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, . Saw and Grist Mills UAH AX1 WTKAM FITTl.vtif, f rought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift npes.Steaia Gauge. Safety- Valve Governors, and all ktuJs of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired on short uotiee. FARM MACHINEK1 HERE! S5 i& EDGD5 f:r 50 ft. llLLtllblHllMCur.iiM'1. HVT MlMlkkt1lu. If lUr .) !-"' borrrc, ; K) K.cb IK- u.rri 1 Muic Fuunta-B I'm: I Silr-pli4 Holder; I Hoi l.r; I K .'.rr to Fear. I ; 11 So tn.l. (: 12 ihitii to. I'.per; I HJM tk U ' Vomm, id Ch.nrM Ser.t lor :oun. O.uf taovrj Mllin( e- r. AIL sent for Flfy. Cen-. Sn.p men. A.iraM. U-Vi I'MOH tOOa 104 BrcliWl 'T- J. 1). SIMPSON, AGENCY FOB Geo. Wools & Co. Pianos and Organs. Xews Depot, Magtuinearid Papers, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. HEADQUARTERS FOR SHEET MUSIC. Main St. opposite New Hotel. FLArrsirtruTu - - nejjraska.