Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 22, 1881, Image 3

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. ,
fa We Forgot Last Week to Say That
Mr ami MrsF.S. White took in Oma-LM. Gerrans Lad gone east for a little
?: rest aud recreation. Tha Lincoln in
I . rC A I . A I T E UT I S I'. M K N I S
!i:is nebular advert
K-Fia last Tuesday.
r' I . ....... . Tiuf i . i -r. i i . l
' ...vrra lovlluLI ,vf Croniuinnj u ;l C DriH (111 SHV i.IUlL I-.11. IS HOI, II LU Lie Iliai-.J
"'"J "I'U s " " " ' . r j ' J
It's Come, Il's A Bi Tfiia, and Wb Have Got It.
Vo Ail v - iisemwul iusatr)
Juried to one of our Plattsmouth girls.M
!-F?in Imvn fmil:iv
....... . .
1 i" . . . i - . . r ... V- r. ..... : . . .,..
,.i .-ciiw. A MI'S. iMCiailfilllin UIH'. A1IS. i.HIII ai' utr, nc neiBIBSUYilig mat uciii i,w
p'visitinz in Lincoln, dilate upon when it became an accom--
''".'Vi,!.'Tawwmb nrMll Dr. J. M. Waterman, of Louisville'': pHsued fact, and here the Lincoln J
r:r;;:J.f';;:!::twa3 in town Monday. Journal has begun to anticipate it
.. ..... .. tur , t,uc-, w n McLennan aBj wife retornedWusk- f our young- folks alone. Mr.
ffrom their trip this week. kJo? "f1 f " n 'r J
. . t N.-'.vvio.NS. U .. , . H We also forgot to say that Mrs. Lou?3
I A !Sl J"? M C- J; , 8,sterfiWs has decided t0 make Plat Is j
" ,'"-,'J,"t' " -MMamie. were in town Monday. F) 'lth i. f.,,.. i .,i nunt.f!
X a&JViVtS UV AMuv vAv.f mm a v "17
.. ; 131 si s:sk ew stock or
1 "I1 ll B 11 ST 1' 1 f P "I'P f ffS 3
t olficiently by any one with facility
- . . L-' :
H Its work in? u-.utx .in. ni nf t w u i iiniLu
Dr. IJhuk's
Rheumatic Cure, an intemal medi-
a safe, certain aud
bast material, are compart, strong and "'.speedy cur j lor l.iieuiuatism, eural-
ch point of friction beiM2-;!f Lame Lacks, Tarns m tlie side
? durable, eac
I-'caae hardened, insuring tho lon-t'-Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c.
witii tii. f.v, f.,r .f li mi'K & to. uive sou over one
We also have added simple ap-' t-tles in the last two luonths-
ion. iMiim j't':trij io me uuuerxi i;
C w ear
' pairs
vuliances bv
which all "lost motion"';?
j" from wear and by long use,.can be ta--;If you want to buy or sell oity proper-
ty of any kind
tilf vow want to buv or sell a
It will do the greatest variety offl any kind
farm of
. . i
i aim lanusi
:isi". for tlie correct nessM ,r- c.i.:i.i, i.. ... . , , , .Ai Inel lltlillir Sill tllO late and UOsittlbU' Il iVf-1 tios in SrvltrJ. Fnliri. nml I-- rilACTlCAIJILITY AND tCOXOMY
J Sunday, after quite an extended visitFcottage on Jfearl street, and ensconcedrj Colors. Do not let it escape your memory that this i a 'lo l intUe f wmkat inv
. ... ' es tue pperrp-iar )fv'ast- f-.iusaaugnter aim granuuaugniei meie- TM WJ" QTHPTf T O "R riTTr Tin TTfP wrangle while the tnachins is
' .";:." ,r:" .i::- nJ; a Kin r.M.n., f n. ,.,m,, -rin. looks sumemelv satisfied and liiiy.l INHiV blUUJS. illKOUbMOU T. I.lwithout chamrin- the tensioi
:;;H,pWrd,,Bnm. Enterprise, has te n sick theViThe Herald. too, is Klad to lea. n thatg We are now al,.ut to oiler tins entire nrAmcut at prices K11
iv Am-ArA. 6r the pubiisb-fj ..ast wet-k. Hllrs. II. has taken ui) her abode here. al-M , ...... , , .. , , ... , , Ul, ,w
... i i. .....ii I--' v-i - vv M i' ii w r: w :i 11 o . v in von in' i ere ' -.vowr nnrr umi-.pi fivpik liih.ii anv iiniipr-i''i
f 3titcliinr. from the litrLtest cambricVtlf you want money with
Kthrou-ih all grades of fabric, to harness to secure it call on
V leather. . U Will S. Wish,
M 46m3 Fitzgerald Ulock.
ie opera-"
L Ul V O UI v
or length 1
Tax. Deed Notice.
To t Ii." unknown or nonresident ovvocf'or
l.iim.nit .if I ..t tltM M lit'b .aci..... IUU
3 "), in I lit -i t y if I'l.iLI uioii I Ii. ( 'iixp 'oiiut : Yon arc licr.'liy iiolilli-tl that tin-
thovo (IcMt'iibfil i r;il estat w;ih :tswH4cil ami
. ........... I... 1 .1 - .... 1... I . .1 .. . a. '
llru uti iin-rjil ini t, oi-iwijiiij; 19 till III!
? L iitfiiL'li nr fimi .1 'li inn t iiwikt tliul. Ihn .ulil
1111 oil lll :ni
Ullt tllX (
: that unions
'iv(i'iu(il inn lit inailo from said naif on or before
-ji-.lie M iay i January, is.', a u-i u will tie up.
' iiiiiul(l c.f tin: County 1 rc.i.Hurrr to tin- iiimIi i-
-IKIUMl. liK.KIiliK I'ltA.V K.
1 riHttsmouth. N1.. Sovl. I". iKKt. f(u
' : , , , ..ft tiie ui.oie !,mount. wUe;her Miss Flora Frew of Mt Pleasant "fug" rather tardy in expressing such:?! .- .... l .
i . i ."ii fiotu the or.;ce or uot. M.j V , ,i V , ., , Vj'1o,.tim..,ta M plain figures. oleviat
i ,r- ...umdM that fusing tow"?3 i'n the first af the wetk vis- . sentiments. h 1 ;
. :,n.i iriodic-iis from the postr-tting her sister. ? 4 And, that Messrs. Leonard and A. W.W represented.
. , r i... i,. .vmi; tin.! 1 avin-r them uiiBAlledf;! K?m . . . - . r- . i .S
f fi.-i fuae eia.nce f iw tkntiom alC W. T. A Hen . of Lincoln, was in to w nQ lute took a tri p to Minnesota last' 1
, ,t r' the first of the week. Iltj i3 the same7weeIi- They have since returned. pi L&m J&3
alion in price.-!.
T? 1.: i !
ierviuni- wnrraiueu ;is f. tiiread and irives an even
ro tlif noii-residi'iit ownorn :u.l occupants of
tin; Iiereiiuilter described Ileal Ksinh :
Vou are ea li . ami all of you hereby notified,
hat the noi t lie;it quarter die1,, of lu'l lli east
iiiarter a nr-). aud tlie fouth wet-t unitrr
ut. f.f fi.ti-lli iiiifll'lj.r L.I a i.l ih.
It Must lie So. f'iCht lialf ( ',) of couth eat iiuarter' 1) ol
ii ..11 ,..!..-. n,-.......J east ouarter Oiai'i.), all in M-ctioil tliirteeu
ill motion " x' A cl'"'rl lai. townslii twelve (l.).liortli of raiiKe aleven
. tjToniC S.l' it is a SUie cure for DyS-f. ID east, and tno north wrxt ituarteroiW) "f
and sick Headache. Try it.!'!! ."" weBl; " "" ininy-i'ir
SIS 111 J latlS-t.'twelvetl-J) et. and the north west quarter
s .....i iii..i.......ii. f 1. 1. i . . j.r knn i ui'.i niinnr i.ui. t ..r ... ..(. .it
IClline. L-j . Miour ill. t'HMi-liii) eleven (111. ninth of r.mue
the shuttle holds a large amount off p.
it caneasilyV-.ep8lil,aT "eadac,
third moreHl'orf,lle V'.J1" A rVfS '
.1 nvirMim f.'moutli and Last Plattsmo
fthe first of the week. lie i3 the sameweeU. They have since returned
Id Wave that he used to vas. i tl, , ... ...
M 1 lie Old heltlers Meet in
Frank Davis returned from the weit
amount ofr . ... . 7 i , t- fjflourteen (II) east,' aud the south east quai ter
- "JU.U111 1 Pepsin. KIiuh.irli, .Mandrake ii (.entiaiifj se'4 of north vut qiiartBrOie') "f section si
Mi tension lins 7 t .1.1.. .....i.i . .i.i,.
h'the most simtile manner. Omaha Ke-fJ re the active ingredients off Itee'n o:i) east, was on the. yth nay of septrm-
foiiblieim. f'lJrown s Pepsin Ionic. dive
Thm marhinM nrP velnv-lv U wondei ful Dyspepsia remedy
Isii'i this lovely weather?
Wa-s..-tts for f uinijbii.g goods.7t4:3
'Jlast Tuesday week, and brought
nobby horse and buggy with him.
Saturday, the old Settlers' meeting Haill St.. NClt tO SlflHll. EM & CO.,
... is
(1 :u '; !..'. base-burner at Mathews'
Fasbi ii! for the ladies on first
ii-out on the Fair Grounds takes place.;
PlA good turn out i desired. Otoe.t".
Mrs U. W. Wise aud Mis Parmeleivv...! wnn ami ,.ti.0r ..,niiaa m!4i--.v
ar aiuaiiiiivii u 1.11V & xVSiiiav-.-9 - . a. J l. v J
Plattsmouth, Heb.
Kwent up to Kearney this morning lo$ creat yVent ol
attend the W. C. T. U. Convention. S:iiiKs of the old ti
Mr and Mrs F. Ileirmann goeastshe will.
Leader tu Sty'e,
I-K.-.der in 1'its,
Leader in riid:'.r Trices.
ttiby F ii a x k Oakuutii in this cennty,-jsts jn 2sTeb
t'jwonderfnl Dyspepsia remedy a tnaljy" :ir l::.' a
'(and be cured. For sale bv all drug-tcast iuar;e
Crisis in Xeb. " M.VVJ'rV:
lllisl 4,i r' l3Tt, .Hola at ullic t.i Male to John l.l.tck
'.I'iiir I 1 1 r ttl.t 1 1 in niii I I w 1 htnt-iin 1. v i.i 1 1 fur link
ma 1 1 1 ; 1 1 I ht HoutiL Hull 4 nou(U
of these social gat her-Tj -iinaiuw oi u oim 'l"'Va
. . .. ...fconranizatiou will hold a Cutice soci-a
tiuiiu iiiey can oe seen at his extensive, '
jewelry store in Plattsmouth. at allTo the Citizen's of the County and Sta te. l;st n e:iri3 ; amt t mtt
r-'tin"q r ill mil op' tlinn M I have now ready for market 100,000 umr 34, townsiiii ten (ii
n ir ,r ', . 4 ,. , N White and Fire brick, which we will? i -w. 'a
l:i II. Ilartui2t-n. traveling sa esman.ti . . . . ... ....... M"il at txibiie tax ile to
l i " K:.-ieii at reasonaoie prices; parties wisii-.Jdeiiiiiiiieiit taxes tliereon.
ll . i Sinii to build a fire rnroof house before,ti : and tiiat the uortu w-ent
lris:niiU!r.i I 2 11 Mi in 1 liirs ! j : .n t Eruoiin vast iiuarter i.iit")iM-c
ttiiic cuaici tuuif9 uun ii,u.iuuii ii. a.
lor the Scmmi Time.
' i;;.ilv!n nml i-iiiTintnin r-t-t nut T t hull' i 1 ! ! 1 J- . . . n j. if oifuTC V -i
bomeliow ni ilattsiii(uth t? v . , . s t of)l1. All . ound in t h s c
. . r ' i !... : Clthia sift-.rnnnn Mr II will iiiirrhso :tvv v.,v 1. .,-L- r.l jlw.i.t l l.e.Vj " . . 1 .' Is llif? JiaCHIlli1'
tv .M.ijti ii ' a ,v-j -;ai.e ,,(Vlt0(l to attend an l nave a jjnoti.-
Ljlarge stock of goods while absent. things. Not an old citizen, and nogjtuno. .j
. . . . ..... . . k.-.. ... ... n .... . n 2n ........ ori ... ill 1 1 H ic iiiii ii'ij v ir. niTuraii 11. t.i
Mi'5. irwlllr! Illlie OOy. l.criie, lS- omu. wuirai ill lunii a uc-aunj. .-i - - J 'S'
tp 1 Pam IS 11 new liauuy. It SCeUlS. lOUl.t nJ ni.4ivo uno "icruns "lie Ui,y . , V
Evei v imsiiiess house wa, closedg1" old" The IIei:ald never knew2pleasurable memory. Ue hope the- ,,t2" Nebraska Mate Fair.
TV-sii iv " pit befere though. farmers from tho country will takepj "" . ij
ff Mesdames Livingston Jiamblin, Coxr. fc..u v.... . wm.- m oium in ...v., The sewin? machine rontf-st l
. .4 A 1 . 1 . J f 1 ' . I.-.. I 1 . . n.-i.l In, 1 ...
n.ii ;. on.r.ii meeiiuif 01 tneir own. aim success-ucunr v.rect, iiau ins mut l-. ";. ..
, aiiu jiisscn .liiiim iiibiii J - 1.1
Th largest and most completestock"ploovi:n, Louisville, Nebraska.
at ins and Silks, to beis -"
ty at F. Herrmann's. 2 Alderney Mock.
,... r . ..... ,T f? Mr. J. F. lieaumeister now
ouii 1 luigt-L mat ine utKALi'r
r(se'4)'f section one-(1. lownilii)
in.i'll. jtf ram.. I u i.!t..t 1 ..ivt . .
T..........1. 1 .,-. ...1..... 1 .
F7 .Ml 1 lie 101 11 uay 01 rciiriiiner, i?ii.. runi to .101111
Claek lor the deliiiiicut taxes thereon, leTied
thai north half (n't
1 of xrcliou tliiitv-
. noi l Ii ul raiic nine
y of Novell) uer, 1ST.,
John lilack for the
levied for tho year
iu;trter (nw1,.) of
lum MX (Ul, tu 11-
I1111 twt'lvu iV2. north of railed ten (Hi) east.
fiTanu tart ol south went iuarter (sw1) of south
l?y'awt iiuarter (se1) of "eetum two (ji, in town
t'.siiin ten (10 . north of lano elevrii ill) east.
. 'and the north cast quai ter inr') of north ea-1
f iiiarter (ne't i of section thirl y-oue 3 ), town-
-.(b SFlb
..... . - .. . ..... i. .. :
c o-ii SSCooner.
-Kver.hi,.gU bo.ming in P1;lttsiVvingston went up to the Etuma AlhgJ -
' 1 r t t iii'ii 1 nno 1 iion -I i
V b 1 lUlltlllVV A. 11VUUM
"aim j;ase Jiuiner ai?3
ownsx-tliiu eleven ill), north of ranne eleven (lDcast.
t-'tl tv11"' s,u,l wrtt quarter (" 't) ol north west
-:oflice is the place to get your line job " tvl,vnT.ri ,VflTftV tf!XVX: MJT K ,T"a
rjeiitu lu:v rrnr 311 nnhitmdripd ". v . . ' "nrititi'i" -;fi tit ' . . , I Jwas u the 7th day of November, 177. sold at
uenis uuy our uiuawimi ifi-.-i 1 10 yv .i vis i":iri-; . vfr t In. II..HA.V , ih,.-.J piiuiLig,. Kv.i ir,ir .Irnmu.. Imiwrv 4th IStS H,,i.ii,. .1., i.. i..i. iti...u f..i n, iin.
i x..i v.. ,1 i.'',...t.r ' 0,1 tr.M .rrn.Uiro fSiuent tae thereon, levied for the year :
L:'w ut'j Kt2 "j .m;.jiu.-.i uue ran. i.v.i- i Hi l.f.ct. Rf:ii,1o ..,,,1 fanpv a?"1' "l "V-R-' fe 't. laud that the south half (s'-. ) of uorth a-HHt
-'farmers from tho country will takeA i WwrU. . Pt,ft.,h t t niventucky 028. t rom imported lran-j.,Uai-ier(.iili i section iw.rmy uo). township
si...,., . ..a ..... .. " v" iV TCsit. bred bv II. S. Durand. Wis., w
ntvih u inn rri tih l rii - 11 f fk iiipm it t m j -
ijit w
t 31 eu
ill be remembered
(10). uoi rhof rauife nine (0i east, a on
i lie Clh day of November, 17. mild at public
, - u " ..... . - ... ... .... w 1 K.i.ii nan; 1 1 j .i.iiLii iiiirn I . i 1 1 1 1 uri
..f ..Til i..i.5.-.t ...inWright brought here last year. Thisi hereon, levied for tiie yar i;7 :
ot CO.ll blicnets aU-J, .." llmrivirrh hred Mileri.fv orUs""f" w,"st 'lii:ntr ') of 'tl
2Gt2 LiUl1 13 a inoiojgn-brtu viuerntj. or?: , , seclloll twelve (ij), tow
i-ll.ipi.iins Jt;lI to John lilack for the deliiiiiuenl taxeil
and that the
i quarter
nsiii twelve
mouth iif
i n
,.,5Veoiaska siHi,e iair was very interest---, Jaro invoice
t-i . ,. . , .i. .. ' i- .tuner, particularly a t he. exhibit f dif.vJ i. Dukes.
iiD-lira. niter ward 4 thu (i a tii:nit'i ;i em h m-ui uh- ih.ui i-l-i" , . '. . ..iersev nun aim win no tepi iui si-t v i-r -n. norm ot raiiKe eieveu (i: ) east, anu uv-
i-r .i iv.. ii.......... . ..r; .fir iitcii'iiiiiei vm mire pvipnsirni . - ... ..t o. i .. ... .;..f VLrriiiiieiii. nil i wo i i. in hei'i ion ioiii leeu i 14 . 111
k--.R. will take diarw of. we nit snme W 1 uesuav e eniuu. xu. "''".n, . . " " i Wanti.i Some corn juid o:its iiiiuuiiuti dk.u. i,.,..,,,,,,.,,,,.. ,. , .,mlll . .,,,, ,...,,,
Will ohryock has been out near-n . . .... . .tlsLouisville d rested the wound but itv and the various agents were all striv-..",, , v . place north of town, on the Flattcf ;lfat.wiw on the bill day oi November, ie;n.
J . ?iaiid ulan honn t Iiev will tiiru mil. ;ind:.5l-rt-'ul ,I1- 111 1 . . . . u .suhscrintion at this nfhre : sit. onrp. r . .1.1 i.u..... -..1.. ... 1..1... ..!
Mathews. 1 Louisville again this, week, collecting;; ' .nr mtttin nfwas tlsemcd necessary to send hunting earnestly to get to the front. . 1 wuej roau. vu wuouesiic u.c up. .-.. VVtu'iVon. leni to. the yV
-Ouite , mmb.r wei, to the stite W ke3 v awake do0r '"' o the hospital, at Ouiaha, where l,eT The display of the Davis sewing Wanted MusiXdf ShiSS
Fair Mb,; ht'lUgon that subject until they settle up. rNoTE:-Tl,is was written before theleOU,a,KnJ! machine company attracted a greatAt this oflice good dry corn or oats 0,$ J. F. JJeaumeistek.
-IMke,- A At wood sel. Drem0er-sfi T' IL TaIor ?f m.iU;a'l Wa8f dnPresidenfs death. At a meeting of theg -A perfect fit of spectacles and eyej f f sU nt,f " hibit wa..subscription. at once. IfdXr1 ule fl"n of XXZ
choi'.; craters. 8714 V"d 8I,e,lt Sud' Wlth hls f"e"dPost of G. A. R. it seemed to be thoughlBglasses guaranteed by L. C. 1-rve...26t2 I loal hall and the o her in Max Nc " H.lTrcrj ;e,. N llti'rAnr
. - f , , Nile has a good many friends in PlatU-gst Ilot to hold a Camo-Fire nt this" Mj'er.&Cu8,buildma both btmj iut. ,. .m , TIMS V!) ( VNV4SSI KS ! thi
-For 1 argams this fall go to bolo-M . . . toest not to Hold a camp-l ire at lli.s. Married. Isoharge of Mr. V. II. Dyer, -eneralt Mls Henmann Uuil are re-V .d.l.MSAM)UMAI.h ea'. was .n the yth day of M.vemi.ei.
mon t Xa.:..;n's. 1 S5mouln r wuom a,e8,aU to sefcfrtime. All old wddiers fan attend theN . U , . . - V ,r't"1. '"Reiving a new stock of fall and tviuterN from 5 to is ir weu seiimtty,, m.ui at pui.lie lax sale to John Blue for
him Come often T II tr., o 1 t .... .fc3ARKEi:-CUAI:. At the resides e of tin;; ;tgnt, ;;nd an elr.c;:e!U corps oi. a5SlSt-C'miKi.,ii v on" n h. i.' t. ! veM-,M,,ls 1" liloKOLl & VO.. lo lianlay m, he delui-incut tax. thereou, levied for the
11 i ! V.Mtnrr has several troupes omo oiien, KOld Ssettlers Reunion all the same, audiev mo,her.iu Eiht Miie i."rov rre.-iiiot...u,ts. and bv the wav th-selter -ire' , , y VNo''1.. 'V tlteatol",stn.ei. New York. aiyi tvear i77 ; and that the time for redemption
1 ..1. 1 .Mtn sevLi.ii iiuuj.e. Dnvev r.i,rr.ed fi-nni St T onis V'.ro c.. !,-!i1 fj .rruPHtiiy Sent MWI. , ,,lK1 UJ '"j 'J.V. llls!e 1-aei lrt-A;tll call and inspect It ; also a new as-W Send for their rata!o-ue aud terms. ' from said several sales w ill expire 011 the ;mmI.
boohed for next month. fj Cat. liovey returned Horn bt. J.otus ,te.ire so invited. . H $liutxtfjZ;l'& k.'pahki-k und Miss an H all custoiutis of the D.ivis, and not sortment of Demorest naterns it2 f.l d.-iy of December, lssi ; and that unless Kiid
. c . ir Chicago and other points, Wednesday, There is no committee of the Old Set-M -v ckai.j. all of Cas eounty. rv.'xp?rts, as the machine in question .. ' Notice lo Teachers. glands are rediM-med froni nncli tax Haie on or
Ile.'ld UltlcleOU DaVIS btWinir Ma-tC. t i ?.,,. -,, , .... 1 . f " it I ',ul,l' lu lullN . foetore Hie said hut named date, a deed will bo
.. ., ' , Sbut we understand he will return toilers that can be reached, ollicially. inH w, . ' fnr Pr..pkfn .. . h-mt o complicated and ditacu.t to uti-d For mixed paints go to Roberts' Examination of persons wishing toL'K-h'anded a..d issued for the s;.i.i b..,.is to
ch.n, m -other column. st. Louis in a shorL time. His manykirae to take action to postpone theirgu? K eniS's Veiyrim iSir' w!5'Dr,,S 5Uf feh in Cass couiAy. will bo at"tlu I,att.lliaul, A,.al h-
Wescolt't for the slickest andfrier.d3 will be sorrv to see him co PmffM,lff -md nril.-ir., tlv ivni.i liL-rQ H , . , LytrJl-,a.y Is ranniliai Vritlifc. following times and places: :.i :
neatest neekwear in the land. 27U tfleud Wl1 80" ! I fcnieetiuff, and peihaps they won d hkeM - Marshall',,1 l' "hr machlne "al fmit ts$ "I sell the best and cheapest bcots At ri;fttsmoulilt is Friday and Sat A Probate Not CO.
i-i trn sini f 1 nf l!n(k Ulnffa f.vrm tn mppf n lid fihnw t'.eir avmn.i iv fnr3 .IS .1 nvei uituii-iiir, I'l. .min'o .j (ii'.il ap it were score if s.-im n' 3 t J . . , i 1 U . . . . i
old frid of the "Ila.el el,tlie President, which can ,e done alSX n Mi'nt,,. oveinff' ;e'W
-.wasatthe State Fair, andthis lime as well as any other.J l!,ig bottle for -.ifty cents. Druggist.,;- k is not -,ie(1 h. ' ' nlir a,,,,.. ,U U.ei,St r ."f: u, .lu;fei fn iatii,.Kan,i n..K the l..iy .nne.l
dest man to see old Cass Co4 I'ell it. the samnles exhibited H'iaj ?" .,.' . !' '., . , ,!,!,' Vii'ltioi, .,f :. ( ame pray.,. that ivdn.n.i.tra-
.... . . vli Diet!. El - . w e . , , ,. . r 7 , --3 Three hundrd aud nftv well bred tv Liouisvine isl r riuay aim ;uuiuay 111 jjaoti 01 ine 01 numuri i.wiuk. ueei-u-eu,
aud we weir just as tickled toS; 1"lUt , . . M , , ' , T.,...0 .,ntiPs-e ot woik tor a duplicate of which M , x r ; . , , . .. V" t? a ,.r;i t..k-.,,..1 iwe,ni,,.r Votiee nffjbe Brann.-d to said petitioner, onined thai n..:
F r Aiur ir.i.u. in 1111R eity. Mepteinuer r. Move uoai us ill, o. luivv.-, ....,,.....'ered s10l) in .(f .,,-suev.'p 101 b.ue. L'Jiau.u .i.hi iiri(,r.vf;'."i'; .'......, juce of the pendency ol said be pnuiihiied
fei I.VY i-.i'etl"moiitiis, only child of JoHephrfiHnda :ind sizes. 2tii3 C , : "l . . . . . ' , .intercross. To be sold for cash at lowUiother examinations will be given. j, the.Nibia-ka IIkkai.i.. a weekly newpao..r.
r a. anu i.en;i rairneui. niiicn ici upeu im iwu uajs. . ... 1 1 ,.n.i f llinwood the I-s FlidilV and!1 ;.nnled. published, and 111 jjenei al circuUI ion In
;eo. Macnev shook the dust of." Our loved one has left thU ad world of oun,. M ZT". 7n N.t is a tine snecimen of shirrimr. knifetVV8.- CaI1 be .seen at mv place south;.;4 . J.lmwood the l..s. . faW coui'.tv, Mr tl.Ve.. eoinVeutiv weeks, and
- a w..rk. K&k. ii.i ..ita -j---- - - my j. . . 1 ii.i .... ...ii 1 i . (n 1 nian 111 11 iri, 1 1 . 1 ,f f imi i 111 iiw. 1 ..i t 1 . m i.i ... 1 ... t 1.
x - ii it' n tin M-.i rati :ii:h 1 1110 :i 1..1 u 1 1 n . . -
A yrn
I I t (ll I '.Mil1 It 'll ill . r v, . ' .
Fichus, etc. at Solomo-i & Nathan's. 1 l!Jour
' , 1 A .
!the tickle
K fl.O(l!l.
2T ;i' '-'I'.i
So!- Agent for the Argan.l IJaserri spp .;,n
i ... ..1 i ii.i c
lilill.el ll.llll Cllill M1111S ill MillliCHS J ijj
.VII . I
Mis. Kuriciiv is imiiuing a new
boil.'" iifxt to the (Jerman Church.
;i Tuehdav niuht with
'isi 1 . 1 i.liVn muni I. n.illi.i. In lluni. ...J II
r.ii.itr. v . . v . 1 t iinr i-ior ii'oail' i..u iii'iu 111 biiiuvi 11.1 Liioi 11.1 auu iiunri. :
. . .. rtl - 1 i ' 1 ill IS 111 Oil 1 11 1IUI1I III". . cu I tll .. r Ki -
muiueii', .... - K-t) lonirer to lmirer where HUtibeams mur-t fade
ull ltrpin nir'sVa
o-. Knse to
- -Who uisappoiiiU-.l 1- ridavit hhn succts3 wIllch (ul.&)ur dear little blcoiu was .natelied from itsU
lti.t:ilii 11 urn in. . luuiiu il i hi u-i.;t ... . . lieill.
.... r-, lunn iiciiiii uuilhu u"i.
-( J uMiiiian I5i"(s.
choice cracker?.
r: ... 1 ,.:.. :. , : 1 ..r n.. ..: 1 1 ; ... f
i-anu eie iui is ic.uc.h h "r'-'-yWliere on all we love Death's fiiiKeis are laid,
h where as a limb of the law he hopes to -1 ,,.,., T ,
. . ll'l 'a " iohiicu u i line-
nui ru v 111 fin 1 imiii'H. 1
Leave orders at Baker tfc
Atwoo'l s r.?1 vpresented on the same pattern with--3
-'i1 'jut basting. In another place wore-:
Many persons will take no med-
Poland China Pisrs for Sale
To gladden our lives with her innocent smile : 1-1
f f iieve fJrorge has the stuff in him to do Tiil set in our hearts, like some priceless gem, etlso slock Hogs for sale by
;two line specimens 01 embroidery, ,mtil prostrated on a bed of sick- 42tf
fii3 net lace representing moss roses oneness. This is folly. Nature alwaysf
t3. itii iil j lid vil low rnanc oi t 1 1 m ul 1 . i- i rt . . j. - . , -1 . . t.1
........ v... w...v . . Iur Hssistnnce wueu neeneu io--i
'.I without anv nackimr wliatever of Lhe'Ji.i, it ; I,;.,.- u-.n, ,.i,.,i,i(J''i
t;the last Friday and Saturday in Feb-iday of .septembi-r, A. I. lsni. at three o'clock p.
fa. tm.. "t the olliee ot the County .hidcc. at I'lall--
siU.,1). f-viiiouth, at wliich lime and pliici', all peixoiic in-
- l. Tf TA"V.t I. .. ....i ..I .1 . .......... If ......
Episcopal Soriabhi ;.t A. Haiti
gais, Thinsday night, Sept. 2id. alliumee
The best and largest
of Sstoves. of ihe greatest
IIIeaven's 'beautiful gates were le
.I! ki Inu-ner for sIh. nt. IIkiia r.t iteTlie stairway of flowers hone out
Filler dear little feet to that stairwa'
rjAiid the auzels met aud took our i
We learn just as we go to piess
A I - , A 1
now 10 secure iieaun. ;iiattriiiioutii.soit. Mh, 11.
?t M - , . " i uniutt uu iiiiinii ltica. ii mi uui iiiiuiii j j Inn cot)V
IS .Plattsmouth. Neb. Nt4 f-goons. me utuei is a panern or inoss.:'ol jife ;t jd necessary to render thisM It seems strange that any one will??-
ft aiar," proses on tiie same material, and wit!i-?:5iieip Prickly Asli Bitters will notsuller from derangements brought oik 4 Leffal Notice.
from afar: H -You will find health, wealth ai.utat any foundation. ifoice nature, but acts mildly and ren-!; '!y impure blood, when SCOVILL'S;
ydidstruy. happiness in a bottle of the Big Bloodlji . In this connection an interest myitis the assistance required. TryBSAKSAPARILLA AND ST1LLIN- " "ftr ot'the Vma e of Autiirii
-: r-. ...ii.. .1 t.. i(,. ... r.iM n i"'un. . iiv riio rn.- ii :ii'u..-.i . 4.-. i i !- ;m v .... ii oiin vx'i, i urr i cv j ... ..... ....
assortment-,; that Mr. Ceo. S.vift died Wednesday t.niiiieiigc. u
variety at;.. .-, ... f . ,,, h Hie Rock Blutfs Base Ball club?--
f ; ii c iiiu nui. lira, ine iiii. i itiuai. (- r;
it of druggi
cents a bottle. Buy
We acknowledge
'Niw York papers
The fanners are br
com and giaiu and
price for it too.
Frank Carruth
j ; e uid not hear the part i
. , Miss Majgip O'Keefe
receiin. ol t3at the ,-;,e:,t 1ej s,torp w
Ml- TlllillbUn .1 .... e.i.l t.v cnu I . flic,
:.hereliv challena-. :mv eluh in An immense StOCK ol SlO e uoai u
h foUmPf1countv. to olav h match rame of l,as4";cl,ei,P at J le's.
here she willfecounty to Pla-V H m:ltch eame of bi,seli
1 jball. j? irst game to be played on ourti Chickens.
AVpininr tl.ia week the imtie of;T.grounds- This is not for a boast, weA "Plymouth Rock" and
. i. : i si . I..
..... . . l - III -;! 1 1 1 1 1 1 si l ri ii?&i.ri.'a ; .hi , I uO-ih 1V"" v.
Mr. Dyer,
fSwhile explaining to a lady the supei io:;;t Eortv years' expel
Equality o; his machine said, "I'll ilivcstaniped "public approval
sf?-il00 to any l.ian who'll duplicate thisrjlien v Pectoral, as the n
?L'P will restore health to tiie
hasp-oicanization. It has been
lb O A J r 4
IWO.I t1 1
Ueresled mav appear anil hhnw cause. If any
.. ... i : l. .... .1 .1 ...i.l ..f..t..
M III y nave, ..llj tlilllliili--l I u ion in -i.mi
'jshould not be granted to Ihe said eetitiot'er,
iaccordiin to I lie ravur of said petition.
4i A. N'. Sf l.l.l van C-. Judge.
In the
v..ii.... i. li...l.v lliiit I 1 1 s- ni:iill Hll-
?nlicatiou for a lieeiiM! to sell and convey the
uorth half and Ihe southeast oiiailer of tha
from Mr Juliusfenbe tdeused to see her friends
Sec. pro tern
Small" chickens for sale by
mour, Plattsmouth, Neb.
ringing in theii :"ueatu oi me ii.iant emm or.josepii ,
, t.i Kiiirlield vheh slnml I have hcen in-.S
getting a goods-u .
U'seitea last weeK, mil ny some meansj -p0 tne Ladios!
tlii cmiv wn.4 niislAtd. Mi ir. .... ,ina- ...,:. i. l ., ,
h is got a cracky """ ' 7 ,. - Cf ?0 , c a'rri n p s i "Kliitters bring about both
" r i finvf instantaneous relief. St.s-shinment of Millinerv rroods ever he-si." . .
sawing macliine agent; he sens iwen-y r..(.0t)S ()il. Neuralgia. Prof. Tice.Kfore brouzht to Plattsmouth. Be s
ty-live sewing machines a week. fist. Louis Post-Dispatch. to wait and examine our s.ock beforeimoie"
. . . . l-'hiicinrr T.i,e Winter hate l?3
K. K. business is rus.i nig now-a-SJ We heard something about FrankM J A ,
davs : main going east and goods com-JMoi rison stealing a calf last week..
out good digest
f -vou unrest what you e
.. f .....-!- n. ...i.: '; .
("jjiirio in neiR .in VLiirt ui.ii; 11 1 lie, (of
l;Jllll.l lit LllKj O.XIAJC llillt" 1JC l-A ill III Lt'.l .tj.i
ijsatnpie oi w'.ii. none on me uavis ma-t, jioiusiarity
Light Bra-fichine. f;?!!ts superior curative powers
V m. 'ill-S j Alioiiit i e'.viiiy iiiaciiuie aeir. v. uo..
2Tl4 Kiieard him spoke up and said, "Do ynu-
f;mean wliat you say It you do, thenp
&:iiealed season
on .VyerV:;bo the BEST BLOOD I,UlllFIErtn-"ulluv,-'st 'inaiter a sc.-uon 10 township n.
lost reliablej&ver discovered, curing Scrofulaebkar'Ami au' tmXllnM
ail remedies lor Throat or LungaiSyphilitic disorders, V eakness ot thelv-tie notiiied to tippear before the Hon. s li.
. . .C-S.;.1, . , '.. , ... t .!..., ...I lii.l,... .f II... -)il .liuliel.-il llislrel. ill
ase. its conunuea ana mcreaseo-Kiuneys, i-.iysipeias :, Maiaria.ervous.i? " 'CrV ormMy N,ak;. h. ill.
is conclusive evidence oIj-'disorders. Debilitv. bilious comnlaiuts:-i.i k s oince. on the 2:id iav of Scnteinher,
tiand all Diseases of the Blood, Liver.Cv. p. ihsi, at one i.viock j.. I.', ifi!:! .d?..
Sionhow cause if any tin
IJnr.Vii';? Blackberry and Uinger.
kidney s Stomach, Skin. etc. A singlejJs,.n :imi ,,IV(.V Said
A good appetite cannot exist with-put up your 6100."
cood digestion. Carter's Livers Dyer accepted tlie ch:
fejbottle will prove a hea
they hai
real est:i
. .. . . . c
I I 1-1 I I i 1 1 T I I ' 1 1 ' i. . . , i - , , r . . t .
........ ,-shouki ue in every nouse uurinir uieji-n
It never fails to en re'-iWhen the complaint is ot an exiiaus
liave why lieense lo
'State sliimld not be
alth reiiewer, forcitranled acuuiiin to the prayer of the petition
lff .cn.i-illi -is-nietl in sain cause. .iun.i
lt.M, tsptCiailJFjjjjy A 1.UVAN, Administrator.
aiienge at once.
Diarrhani, Dysentery and Cholerap,tive nature
his Attorney.
The more the merrier.
in g wPot.
Key. s. P. Wilson, the new Pator&:arou::d those dig
. e .i. . , ,.- -.i.....Al. H. : M .........1. ......... isimtail nnu anil iivrn tin,
Ol llie ..1. ij. VvOUll il, lil 1'icacn ...... fev-w w...,
ing Mud evening nexi anoaiu. r-i They an nave to nave nremiers'j
-All kinds of bird coal, soft coal&crackers if they want trade
and wood heating sioves-x x p Mrs. Coolev, wife of Rev
r.itig s and cook stoves at Mathews' 1 H)f yh pjeasant, preached at
-There were two humiied and tif-iviiie Sunday last (so a Fa
ty tickets sold la it Thursday, to per-lipariv informs us), and her
su::s -'oiaz to tiie fair from thin tdace.j vvere much i. leased with her
-IV E. Wpscott is hy imr the s. elr-?i Mathews the Hardware ra:
in his story made wider so tliatiV;,,,,7
.. Tliey makefile said he did the sample of work intMorb,ls. For sale bv J. II. Buttery.
..t ..-ii.tfhiil f hour n:i the Davit mac liine. vvnnli!?.: ...,:.i ,.i..i. c. . t..i ii l ivni'si 1MTY l'A YAfl-' 4 ,
Neuralgia. Prof. Tice.-Kfore brought to Plattsmouth. Be sureKi"" " " 1 "I )ltr uut ,f nn' lirne .V1"" . "? "" V ' ",,,,a"" "....r -"V; VC .
11 m .JKjKm. i. T tA I. 4r.T..I-r. Inn t , sf -. - . . . - 11 1 ? . 1 .11..
R Ciites and Kamsey, attorneys andjTlie money was put up in the Iiand ' J
r jIei Stork. &Xotary rubiic, second door east ofHof Max Myer, wlio is to witness thet- Experience t
sCourt "House, i'lattsmouth, Neb. 5tGu3work. The result is awaited withjJ The constant pra
pHow was it, Frank, any more calvesv
Marou::d those diggings? We'd like to!
V5 iiue unlink luuuigiiisiii me ifr- Carters Eittlc
oklns House .
f inmn tit i 1 interest
nallv ami internally.
ance more comes forward with iiu entire new
v!:Stock of tl'.e finest Piece tloods ever brought
lulu ei.-iltrtlllllllt II ! I
actice most voweii!$MEXT cures Burns, Cuts, Wounds.M
or the sick makes 'S:01es, Sprains, Chilblains, etc., soothes
positively cure sick
5vcnt its return. This
-- f-.-iumu r-jiiave in carina for the sick makes ijoie, .-nams, iuiui,iiii.i, a nuunnv. v 1
t Liver Pills willKj Yesterday the committee on sewiugytuera oftoj, lare skilful than piiysi-''Inrlammatioii, and relieves pain in Ibel.,, .
c headache and pr-machines made their report, andyci;uiii in seiecti medicines. Theside, chest, shoulders, etc. 2 .'i VV J
"his is not talk but awarded treason why women are every wpereif! -.- - t'j Hui:
fjjusing and recomirienuing Parker's Gin-
he will
have place for his immense
Efsof all kinds this fall, ever seen here. ypLAIN
a basket of very handsome and de-solicite,,
S7t44-4 ujmers ana t;eiery. a strutli. uuo pin a nose. 10 ue nau i Tali fiust rnKiiir.vs rjusin and recoiniriending Parker s (Jin-fc'J
rrf t c-: .:n . :s.mitii i.iar.-k .v: t o. ee adveriiseineni.f ,.. n.,,. . ..,,.i.;r. tn.,.,Toi. T.min ;j i,; n.nv ii.,,-o Io-j.-a fj
tS 1 ?- . . If. Ollimsiin Will leCaSlVe UYSieiM-J ' OIU llll- ..i , i. c: M . llii iu.ii.iuhc A J I 4, t'l- -A 1 'ni. ' vi.uov hivi m.'i' s ... i. ... - . . . FX
. vuoiej,?j r II If 1. .,.i...: .. ..: ..iW,,.i 1,.. n,..i 1.,,... .. x-,,I..-;.n-a - t-Avi....
E.' aim eeierv rsaiuruav inornintT. Efi ... . . . i:sudiiir o vvoiis, one oeui" .i ijh-cc iis" n'""" r.-vi'i 1-. -usi-. ...-vvt 1 a ; . . t i v-"'e-
Factorv-gTJ " ' " II A car load of hard coal i ;n.. i,. i,n.i,i.Hi,t ii,;..0v,.,.!!Ut r.iii!, nieiiir-i.vMIOliUt) Ul ii iJUUUllum iui Jji-?
Ps5 7 . . , t;:iim LllCtlillv; rimjlVlUtliU .U Ui'UI ri'M ui'tt t mo a am n ui, a m i i t s v. i a. r- t-;
ctoryville ED WESCOTT has just received ji jurpw " aewei, iiauiatii, t1' : ' . ' ts' and the other woik btfhg t.;,e onpeed:ly overcomes despondency. pen-Tj CBllSe. H "
i.i.lioiiee 4 A niMPII-TKKTOCk- S V 1 viirnr, in ...,v a.o "'i-'ui-.P si, ,. nf ;p l'IIOi 3. iOlilCel liiatiaCile. inillirestion. ilVeM4 ... ..
..s... ... r- . -i.. - 01!., 1 9 c- - --. . i- ; All t... rumiM m.e l-e k 1 e 1 1 v.- ill 1 ;i l- e 11 1-1 1 .- , 1. 1
discourse.' -J t' lt of cofi. ,J-51 " "UKe 3" ... l- j .VOTm, ,.-IrcT ,I!Kv,rM jV.'oiiiidaints, pain or weakness in tner-;,,,, M,e,i ,y M.,.ie!,ti.ii with the ;, ( e,!?-
. maiie uu in tlie latent style.-., . ... .. . . 5i r.-uacK a:ai Kiunevs, anu oilier irouuics,' u 01 ui a. y .i i i.-uisiuoui u .ora nc. in- !..
in is cer-;J. and in the most tastv and substantial weU. unowu strenginening .., awarded to the Davis mac-am Ineculiar to the ex.-IIome Jonrnairt-"..vV?.f
inMrL'tn ti- I'1 VI va- miUL lUC icav -Kuill'iu v i liVill l pnim jiMwi i v L.'-I,. fc- hr iiiii-tmn (if fdi-ndi't- nil llaf(l KirtTlllPH ( J
Hundreds go there and they are
opposite the ('unit House. (live him
call and examine lor yourseiven. 4u
! i r i 1 1 i a
.Nearly ail me nvery siauirs naverr!.
,.,-x., -i r from
, , . . , . rubers the editor about grape time
...-.. w ....HA h ..0 "p,veriW has his reward in the thanks
Ik t weatner.
i grapes came to us last week Croft Eikenbary has beat rui.ningi:impr0ve the
Prof. Wise, who kindly reinem-for Sheriff all hollow. He went hornet
our trade 5sr tonics and a most perfect nervine,gsewilig,
j f-vl,e fisund in Carters Iron Pills, Avluchfcjto any
gsirengtnen ine nerves ana oooy, unui i,ese Samp
Mr. Dyer offers SI 00
company who will duplicate,
am pies. r
Worthless SluES"!
blood and complexion
tlsl. IiI:oi:;k I-.dokkton.
I'lattstiiouth, Nelj.. Sept. U, 1SS., (jt-
. . ..... . ,n" a ,i i a ' n 1
n li ti... ,-.v.;.i. .... ,,...t ..,.; ,,;..!,. ;.., t. ib l Not so last, my Inend ; it you couid3 ilUlIllillSLl rltUJ b OclltJ.
Win the Davis sewing machine dilTerSseo tlie strong healthy blooming men N(.
have- widilv from those commonly in use.l.lw V"n.!lim " uut." . V"" "'4l
beeil'of'.-i decretal order of Kale made liy the Hon. -.s.t;
; amVfronr the stable last week and found a'. sueigni, a.v iuiue v. m s on u.u a rjwidtly trom those commonly
i tJnav,i,..i,.n..rD i...,t 5 f if ,.m a large stock of whips, codars &e..fl:uui combine in the most eomp'
l.aenderedhim by the whole family asgwill-be a better politician than itsdles, harness,
tat Fair Clthev feasted upon them. K"Dad" and get to be a Cougressman.flGive them a c;
last Friilay, and pretty nearly froze tof j-j) WESCOTT fjy S 'ieS ont politics nuw
l. il. 1 " t - ...... . . . . . I -K s- s . . . . '---J ' K VI 1L' . Hull I 1 IT. Illlll I lll'll IL. lll.l.lll IlL I t'llS . v.. -w . s-t I llll 1 I I '
.n-a.ii. iie.c u-.u no kuh i;, ii as j isr I'.ttuv a) a tun- fcj Tiie Jauies fattern Hats ooeneo"?ritr .1 ;a the eiM,.tinn nf the i,e 1 . ........ .v. ur. Blacks Kieuinaiic L are is an r i.e ia!i iv m.. in (aHsiountv. Nebraska. Sai.u
oveicoat. r-i plete stock ef the best of clothing, Hout last week at Solomon & Natlian'sKI,,eS..i- r..r i,o ,rJnf .n,,,, :.,i'' 'i , L. . ' .. V . ... L.r.s J" lf;yinteiiial remetlv and is pronounced byPHaml will he nM .ubjeet to tie- 1 lower an.iw
f v - , (,,,.,.... ..1 :,, ii.-r,'! . . . . .. fjiii'iniKiio "s- .v.,..., -f.-iirenma, evenness ami neiieciion ou-i, , . . : , .. , . ? 'Homestead interests ol tie mow ti sain iic-p
Tl-.o ladies of St. Luke's Guild wilit:msule up 111 the bites. stle and m lhe. surpass in beauty and general raent,&.0ijf and skiilfullv combining them byi .in-hin-' The feed commonly in useVi,lUR,lmJs wh" h:lve us ' lfc to co,a'iiniJ-. Te rms of sale cal. or time payment.
o .i.ei.ii.1,1, -n,,,,,,,- .v.iVS most tasty and substantial vian- Hanytlilng we have ever seen before.chemical processes. This is all medi-HiV. I r'; ni'i, llnd"" 11113 virtue thin anyis provided hy law. Hauvkv "--an, . f.
... ..s...... .. ,. xku. veuv LOW rniCES fSeverv ladv wishintr a nice hat or hon-"
l-esi.bane of Mim U A. Il.ii-ii-?; M AKL'TIl TV 1 rf?... .Vw. 11 .1- M1-'
- ....... .... . i-.ii AA A A A. . I-',,, 1 in. I 11 1.111 IBIIIll MI LUUIIU 1 lit- Irl.. : .1
A"-:ii. Ifqit. a o,aiit.l A,: t.l: ,. . 1,,1S1
a " 111 ..cut. .0 oU...v.i-..lriinl, ui muuiieiv iroous. as weii as v-i,... .
... . - - . -. 1 I.l 1 ...
11 Carriages always on Hand
U I "a
r t;
-Our Devil took in the St
lete and' k:V vI,ehS' bu""",sMNiV.ka tiiat" tlie umU-Vs;: ad.nmisiratoiy I want till of my accounts sell led to date
ave a line Stock Ot Sat -r-.ieil et finir.r ;,!?! ;tt ttrrnutU auuosi, aie.un, ii, a.naj ucc 01 ii --f the estate of Hiram Hoin. ileceoseil, will;-.aii-. 1 si. an 00 .10 11101. 1 ie.ui ..ii-n.e,,.
. V 1 i- 1 . tJlel Itcl biinpiK.tiy, L,ljin,.v .-m. .v.vil.l -v "fLvriiiiQ mult -ell -t mil. lie vendu- on the'4tii dav of October vaecounts must lie settled i!. and no new mes
both heavy and llght.(j;ao,7v economy, and an a!apta-.15lL V OU Would S . dlol OUS ' E-'a. I . 18S1, at imeo clock p. "ill.! oniid day it'l" mnde. I ,. less such' accounts are settled
ill. 2G12 Mtion to ti e largest raiie of work. .ni valuable remedy. ' See another col-g uf;j;lsH 0
'i11"" ""n'1 ? 1T t wi r . ij ta ..-.!.... ; . -11 i ui i iuhi:i. i ft v r:i liimin H I II fit lira
r'aj rr , 1 . . 1 . f ... ( IIMI. f IIILMlfTUDtd I fill fMiilt; 1 11 JHM I HX
7 . . . . ft-j r he feed is a Vital point 111 any sew-S, f.' hnif of the south ra.-t ipiarter of hection No.M JOHN' SIIANN.V.
secret about Aver s t.nerrvsr;., ,...!. ; . ... ....r..n... -.f'.! !"'ii.,.-t, ... -r....-iicii-. ,..n i-m.r,. i..,, ,..ltt .it.Vl i-i-.m ..,,,,111 n vn
at th-'
g .in. All are invited.
ihe tarptn't-r win 1; on
Lmi! -.iinys on corner of Sixth
revery lady wishing a nice haV or bon-ji me :lte awai e
Kiici, una .an iiiiuiu "aauuiic inn jqn IsnetI with the foMlltlia
This is all medi-i
as they
an meai-j31M ol!ier cewir,g machines, and kmiwnja , , , , ' , -y
are fur- lhe raU.,ltrt- or four motion feetl3"li,,er, kind V' "
Its prepa-col,sls.8 of :l .iomontal under feed-barthe shape of
veuv low rnicEs
(plain iigures
ithenewti Messrs. Jones & Eikenbary werefcot,,er.nveltlM in dry ffood3 coiistaiit-
.., .1 M.:.,?;inf.i,.t.,.,(.....,,M, i. .v m.iAia'y arriving. 1 H Parties wishing to purch
mi -i nt 11 sp, u 11 1 ui 1 u 1 1 fcc 1 1 s n fcv ( . .. r:i . , . , , , . . i r -'-. .s..
fining 111 ine aioaiv or i,ounan s 11m; 101 5 .. - h pn.)11r, H )OVP l,e ,J
, . , iiv t ... r " - - -
. f3i..auies or Viiiiuren, snouiu looh. oveiji., tn t:.u lndd of m..l'J
. Herrmann f stock oetore purcnas-y..
. . 4.itifr 1. citiviiprii 'I. -
iooi cor
upon the market inJ
1 ti :...1
iiiii 1 1 ii uur:i is. u
T , iT-j.:
.. 1 - 1" !.Ll)liSlSiS Ot il ilOl l.OIlliil lliKlfl lfCU-Uill ..1 T .. ... ,,, . c If ...'-3 liPtr:ll (llll'H V
IJwhich has a four motioned movement:'1- Vthp 1Jl?,k JCt! fn tU SS)ULQ' j
p.oduced by complicated under-gear.Vf1.0"', n ' Vv . !ndft-'- J'n lJK'S-tt. n.w,lleiit .ler.M.dant.
Chase any-l?Vl.i feed hie i f m-rwl.eil -vitl. "tei Ji". in -dm'sball, A etping Water, Neb. &1?J aftou are hercl.y n..ti.l that on tl.e2mh da;-;
iir-litPfoi-fS . - . teelll t , f,i.rsepteiuber, A. I. lssl, your wife. Franki. f
PllOtlP' n i r - r i i r T"
............ iMn-Lmu.,,! -i.!.! i. in i,0?: ... Ci.n.i-.v -v,i..h e,n:itnl a--4 ine remains ot jviicnaei p-iciean
n.ishe.l ::s rai.idlv r.s i-ossible. busriv up pretty badly, and didn't ht ip'vbrakeman on the C. P. R.R. who
i',. i.a T, nf PhiladelT.hia wethe team any. Younr men who getjKIlieu near oiaen, coiorauo, w eie re-,yin2 eJsevv,iere
. . . ' I . . .... ... : . nui Imr. 1 -1 f V ,i.t v ti i .rli . .in.1 liter
1 . 1'r lln. 1 . .1 I r-.l f ll 1VM i t noma chM.I.I I .a ,.i,-nfiil ll ...v . s hvis .c.w A ...k.i,, ihiii ...c.
lll'VII ,1. .M I . rll'i:!! is. .ic.i.. j, in J UJH BIIUU1U UXZ ....11 ui . uuiii r
i i.i i.t; .ritr-t ,v:vi emed hv St .T:-!fi. . r . v !-5fune.rsil took place on Sunday, th" dav
....1. ..r w.-.v-A.r. r u.nni:i urn r.l : . :., ...i.:v. l. .. . i ....V-ilVOUei is.
-"'-. s ' ' S.1 .ii. , , . v. .. .......... .... . . -.11 13 SdlU. Ull V, 11.11 lie n 13 I " liiltrf
isiemner s-. ... s
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
-Drugs -the largest stock at J
-Bennett fc Lewis sell
... C ll" s-s.
Sijfeed moves it
-Mrs. J. 1). Simpson movtd into W-ichoice crackers.
Plbeen married to Miss Frank Mo. re of
3 f
L. P. row lie's new building next to IJil-fJ Tl.e Hekald had not been avtarerv,us cllJ- - F.l
.1- J V.I. f... lit
r,.,,,. lueid r-iVos "ml nie ivfVJ'l"-'l:i''I-l'ollill",n"u :ln "'i"" a-.-anisi jou
1 HSIl IIIPil 1, C.l... S ..IIU pie, t. t. k c,,.,,-, -ml .In.l eb. I) stiet ill a
. . . , , i.. . ..... ......... -
!ijv Mr ine i, mon i.ikerv a
forward the work, A presserj-j.m(j ',:,jrd. " 10
Jltia: J 4U 11 Wll lilt, Tl r , , , .-a 'l-i a ;i i
urv Goods. Groceries
i.a..f tli-iu r-r fi.'tfw t fit vim '.rn . I
:v(iuiivI to JinswiT tho ;til tmtition on or be-V I1! II IV 51 10
-o jres.i' t,tr. tha -tli il-iv (1f nvfiiilnr A. 1 1. ls 1 . :md J
e.C 5 tlie liisthct l ourt.-i.d Judicial District in an.l-Al'HVl:. opened a New Store at t lieal.ov
Mailfoi l assCo. Xe!.;tlie,hjeet and pravcr of th. A ' call attei.t.oii to i. v lock mid ns the
10lf netition tl.eieii. is to vvholly ami forever set( vMU'UA "l?
'.isidethe hondsof inaMiuiony iiowcxitinj? lie - 1 uUilc lu neutral.
ki. . . . . ... ,. , .. x t -. !, tween voil and the said plaint iff. That naid
i.nn i . ilium - 11 v ii 11 t - 'p n t 111.. it.-ii 11 .1 h i i u t : .- . . .. . . .....
1 f s... ... ......... v.. ... n u 1 1. m h k .T 1 1 ii I r, n ,N 1 I 1 s-vaction is Da-en upon tun ;:rounu 01 .ii)annou-t
' T t ..... I I U f. I.M..1IE1 I ..1 1. ,..., .. 11.... tdll .A -J AW. . K." V.. . .....
It i ul ivi.-uit; Ihun tii:!t :ia IIiij
. , .' liilll 11 nt iiilllil' . ii:i-";:iii:i'i.
.iitiur fi-irrtf rlio -v- ..... .. '
"""" nn. . ..-;nv t noron-iii. oi !: tour
. al ¬
ly Lempki-'s shop last wt-ek.
a very room for them.
It inake5.;.,.p t-icf- nml:iv nf (v.ntiiit.ed ? "
V,, ... tT , , -Cream Soda Crackers
fidlness of Mrs. Spurlock. We raost-j f
l-J . .fci"
Mr. Xatlian will bo home Satiirday.iSincereiy nope mat ner lmprovementr-i
and then look out for something nice,rnow is permanent and that she
.... ..... I a.,!. 111 I .11 111... 1 1 T 1 1 T V 1 . . . 1 . I. r 1. lie.
-1 "r" -ik.-', -j y.uave siienmii 10 uarri out vuaj iiiinij.-- l-
Solomon &athan a. 1 Ln,u,,rhsui, fnn,itlv nturedcurre4 ,n tne fiinui-v of Mr" M";,rd5
b7. " 4 ibsRoss, near Mt Pleasant last Fridav.W
The Garland Wood base.
and see
; they art" ihmg; entirely..
Sply faster than the upper, f
jvple reason that the presser
. 6;-;ie--att:Vd,i,,S1 or c-lsling back the uP
it a liewfiwb"e the feed is taking place;
' ' is impossible to have both end:
the sim-.-J Vear lie-ins Sept Tth. K.niminc for iimrnelrtis.;'
it W ...i.V -I'ataiotriK s sent by l lie riiiilent, I. b. iilivii-
per ply.S-i
hence it',"
er A. 1. lsst, and
that you !' ro appeal' and answer, default will -x
oav, I. I).. Lake Forest, I!
2ot la
lie taken ;:nd judgeiaent and decree accor
in-!v.. Fli ANKI1-; I.HHiETT
j J. r. Cowi.v, Att'y for I'l il.
ill -j
Probate Notice.
has !-t en
fcl From Mr. Maddox. of Fetorv-ri ., ... ... ...... '" CLll"V -"
tne lower juece neiag in a measure
.i,.ii,,..i " .-;..i,i.i ..,,..,. r..n;,un . .
l i.iiiiririi, i H.-IU3 ihuic ii.iiiii, tun ii ;-.'mouth. s eo.
iihO upper lo any sirain upon ine .ii'-viann.MnHK
.ment. Tiie threads will be broken anuL 7T i -th r
C K .T.i. :n..:.. .-I .lll.slllj
. . . . . . . . . , 1 . 1 : - . . - . . l" . .. .1 .J I M .-p: III lA- III l l ll - I . -
, .... tJH ,,., .a . ........ i...;3Jirs. lioss nau been sulieiinu; tromwanu suoimuz iu us iiumeuiaie anu ap-sp"!.- """ . . . . L-i
... ii .. ii.iiiiunii ..nil -v, l . .. ii. iiiii i . iiiii i. ii.i.i iiiii.iiiviww.iiw-.. - - j . . i "i-... . .... . .1 ....... i .. . ;...! -
i.i .uu. iiiiovi. ...... .u..iD i ... ..w- ...... ... . -j,- , ... , , . , . . riii iiunt fyi-t :iinl iir-icf.cs:ta fjr.imic i.'l Aiiis sie.ii. ueieut iii e.xisieti ainea
WliatJSi'-',1"!,al,u srouip.ineu oi yieai pain iniVr.7.. "I.i .." ";" ."iT. " ."the Hrst intrndiict.rm, etc
-Mrs. Turner, the dressmaker who?; in
iery siuir, i" mo't. "
leave Plattsmou
may?3 -From Mr. Maddox, of Factory-; C;l,1 and see t,,e new styes hhi
ianyv'1,e' we lej,n that a sad acc5tlent oc-gmiiinery at Herrmann & Wurl's. 2Gt2Ki
good works she is constantly engaged ."
Xoney to I.san.
l-i.ACici l.lfci t.i li-i.-ii Vitli an. la r: F fl:u.i.S t .-. . , i
..-o .....v. .-vui. ..w.. . d . .Muuiews nas money to loan
egoo-ds come out even ; and a slrony anUnn(i per interest, on Real Estate.'!n the matter of the estate of John ciemmouv?
elastic stain cannot be made, becauselrr'qee'i itv at three or live vears. Apply? ''V' in the County Court of Cass Co..?
. . " ... , T . ... - - I- .si-orasKa. r
Sat his ofhi.'e on Mam St., Platts- Notice is hereby given that 11. Sichold and..
Ayers Cherry Pectoral is mild
.'o filii..rv itnm i .r.l nir fnTianVOOUV 11S 1U A liai 3
.iTt-t :n. .......... -j " . - n . .
,, , . ,1 ..-.iiaiiicns s.iis auu no iueaus
tu Htm yo to t .nU,an(j hp r
it'j'the back of her
IVt'.lat P. II. Murphy'- when voujstoves eve
'want a firm Havanna Cigar. Fruits,"1 a tow"
1 i 1 4 j T. t . , . t li a I i-t 1 1 n in f hp - i . . . i -r. i.
ity f select trom; Call in and he-2 , , . . , f ,.-. ul aViiU'
r .. . a :r. 1..... .... ... . . a
lly has got the finest line ofmorijh5ne was givenf and liy somei?sirate in any case
r offered fr sale nywueni. an overdose wa3 taken. T),,bthroat or lung troubl
wf the same size. 1 fj . . ti
. , r';W allace was sent for, but too late to beM
uts, anu iosse-5ts lar-ieacu-jij &-s... ... ......i.. guinea
powerful healing qualities be first introduction of sewing ma-j Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills f.pieei;
persistent use will demon-' V'"51568' iind un,il tl,e inve"tion of the J.vre a sure cure for Liver Complaint. ii.j.ltt
any case of coughs, eolds..V'Verlic;i1 principle (the patent;, constipation and Biliousness. For-1
Mr. Cn.ft.
been .inite ill,
a i. r .:,,: vri
Kstovesofail kinds and patterns, on l""9" cheaj
AlJV m V A a. v , vnV ) VJ I 1 V A A ftlt.J
"jjwhich he will not be undersold, and. j.An(l Gem Oyster Crackers. The finest'
To allay this.V .i, ilg ..ersistent
les of any kind. Ior 'icn is tne exclusive property oi;s;ue iy rtli Druggists in the West.
jjinis company.; .i .
.il .... . - '.I il :wir T i r -1 1 1
A ,11, ..f Til.....'l...,. I"-' f-Kl I'-AL 1 1-.I.1, !--, . .v.
iust received at Smith. Black & Co's.hemg iiehtnil tlie needle,
!.iifu 9c--" Jis capable of sew imr elas
Suapsi j . m. iinaking a smooth and
and Ceii'-rai (Jood: of all sorts.
Call and see our Stock b'fore going
311y Walter Jenkins.
bv eiven that 15. Sichold aiuU
Metiiimis Clemmons, administrators of the es-i j AT A niTTVPl SHOPS "
Pitateoftl.esaidJohnClemnioiis.deeeased.liaveH u-'1 u 11 I O IX W A O ..
.Vinade application for final settlement, and tliatsj
J'said caiin; is set for hearing at my oilice ali,
r-.'l'lui t.iTiiirit li on I lie '.sih ila v of Ictober. A. I) E -
! isi, at out o'clock p. in., on fanl lay ; at whieiij; Hepawer of Steam Engines, Boilers,
Cilime an 1 place all persons interei'teil lay he-3 - imr
. present and examine said aceoimts. f l SalO and GrixlJxllU
mouth. eb., hept. li!, IfSI. X.U M ... ,. .... ., r ... ... t,.
4 , rOUlll 1 1 1 HI I I pi , 1 HI nil.. ..i i V . ipi.i,.i'caiii
sJau'ca haieiv-v aive i.overiinrs. auu an
kiuJs of lirass Engine I'it tings.
ri.ATTKMocTii, xr.r...
Notice for Bids for Culvert. I
ri ...... . ... .... , I
Argand Move
iiis capaoie
f-.with stitch alike or. both
E sew in r aav number
. J r . t . ... . . . . .1 fe. i
-J3 -Last Pridav. th of Sentem-t or 8i:e "A SOOQ omce AV without basting, operatir.
earn, lately, as well -no oli0 C;ill KO aWay dissatisfied that sld in Plattsmouth.
as the new oaoy. lhe IIiiiiALD is ie-,iWautsto buy a stove. Call and ex
joked to hear of better news from't?iimje is :ln tiiilt U asked. M, , . , t f i Mburner" for sale- AVV'J Jlt the "facility on the he-viest as well as tlie;.lPPers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tfj
FJ Tlr A . Khiirv will ran i.iib I)en--.S . .i ... .j , r. . . .. . r . i I-a.i... . , n f. 1
ri i '. ,. , (.uui. ine siitie, who nau jam out ineiitti
tf Fnnt Parrnth d.i.i'r , .,-tal i ooms of Camp aSs Salisbury, who 5, .. ...... .... . . ..
il ' v -fy. .- ..!..., ....,..,.: ; , . ue&Lciotues tne niiit ueiore to ;o to i vor.- -nir, n,s ofyu,-c.
!' KIVB 11 SSUHtU Urtl IIIC1 Bill 17. lllltl U I . j I I a.v.t .ivuji.i. u I""! i J
V?si .ii.i.,.rv rail m io i a. nrst-elasa -.tiie j: air, awoke to see the rai
wo 't lie fi.r l:iiilr nf.. ... , . .... ,
-" - .... ....... .i. . . . .... . i . i . ... iii .ii. 11111 .a rr i til iii i -. i ii ir .ii, i i iii u-iiiiiiup
II V. ...... ...... ... I" " J " - J . - - - .... . -"
success of. and sell that -"Davis Sew-
.Miiii-f ip iit'iriit Lits'ii iii.ii, uius win - i r s .
, the machines).. Money to loanopreal estate secur--eivea -ti.,n;ti;.u of hi. ron uiver,, urpr t rr fa fr ,,.
tic goods.--"'. Hxjuire or jj. u. .naiiinuaie,-;;jll 1ie cit nattslllwlUi,f t.a-s County. M--r .irrsJurili-.i;'. " wv. ;
feviiilii tao-iin:--'LoUlSVllle. eb. ltf hraa-ka. up to noon on tiie tali day of Oelober.JJ ZZZZ to .!ti m...., ,... sr-i,i ' "Jf"
nei.lOie Sea an 4 .a j , , . i.'i ,..,u.rt U t i..h. I1 feet In ill-ll ai.fs l Dm '-nt..a, ln: 2 vtl .!? I .Jrj.Ui
Sides; also Of. J ..... ime'tenm.d to be on same plan a- eul-1. 1 ii!"; ' ,j.,".H.2'.'.V ' .1 f JL"
u s-j i istnn a : rvt'i; r- i n ..i .ii....t .j-,.., v-.- .. . ii., .
i lull iv nessHs ,-..,e:i. uu;u o"iiii mu 1.111.1 , ... i uvp-.. i . uj frcrfi eir i".i'i ..urM. . r ' -
Oill-ii.lLSaCs A -v ' i,.',.i,,L:i. F9...I, All ..n. in. Viti :.-nt. M.i..n lktn. Adlr..l.
Lr with miiuI.i ine large siock 01 spring wiues am-jj "'""" "- . i-i.i, f J hi,: ,:" Ti Toi Y.oo. .,n.i.ii.7.
-Ill- ' . s . . -
It has no under Aork to be looked'
push and advertising. Just read
latest about tlii-4-new wonder.
Rev. Mr. Gallagher returned froinV4week Wednesday
t. .1 c . . .
! S
l.Vn lus ,l,,e- flstayed at home and
. .n.. ITn i-i-i 1 .1 luff fur ttio a:iat iQaf ' 1 1 4. ... .... ... .
ju3 iiciuiu ...... .si. ... v.c.. Mt-au. vioni; aoout noon, to in i.
igntueiore w go to- Kvery WOman who suffers froin'3 It has no under a oi k to be looked - , " ":r v iii trad
1 see the rai" tter-sick headache, and who dislikes to"',after or get out of order; the working "quie nt thi office,
.pane, and i heytake bitter doses, should try CarterVparts being closely confined iu thej "... '.'1
id out uu sti'". s in-Little iver Vs. They are the eas-head ol the machine, requiring nol The best and c
1 Stt: , e .11 ... ,..i ....... ...... . r. ... .. . i . :... .. .1.. -1
rei;aired on short notice.
Sheriffs Sale. I J- ir;Lr9
Inter of Pale. Issued by W.C.tJ ,
ti'e.Vk 't'oniil-rlGeo. WoCuS & Co. Pianos and Organs.
a. i
SOIltl ?
. iest of all mediciues to take
n vv v - ...... '"s ,r..fl AH "
...1 1.. 1 l .. - . fl'",D
vviic.-o lie win uia, .necessity OI Stoves Still Greater, thellenmnlnint rive : nmmnt rl
. - - . . . ....... i, . ,
,'onference Tuesday, and he tells us3.go0u3 tor tIie "exc lw0 "eekS- lie. ; rain changed to snow, and for half an?pepsia and Indigestion; prevent and '.composed of a less number of working
lediciues to take. A pos-.iother attention or adjusting than oc-.,j
for the above distressing jcasio:ially putting a drop of oil in the ,.j
reiier in uys- iholes provided lor that purpose : it is i
I3 . 1. ... .1 . ..r ... ..;. .
ie will go to Fails City lo preach thewi11 purchase a large ai
s.minrr year. A, Mr. S. P. Wilson, f sorted stock for fall and w
Nebraska City has the appointment. jwalt mUil il comes. We neglected to , jU3t think of it, snow the 13th of St p-j)try
L- tttaltR tnptif iiin nf liiu ctaiikt Inct n'Pl-,il.l.,. I tn .
and well as-bour, perhaps, a mingled snow andvjeure Constipation and Piles.
inter traifp- ". ,.: .... r n rilo lilhP
' ll.llll tnuic uunu, Illt'Ulllg h 11 leil..r.
p .- ...
For Sale or Trade. N
A good second hand wagon, for satel r.y virtue of an ordei
cheap or will trade for buggy. En- u -
.reeled. I will on the 1st dav of October. 10 o'clock a. of said thesoutl v xv . r.., ,.,., P.iIlPrf
Odoorof the Curt 11 jse. in aid County, sell at M . GWS UejIOt, Jlag.lllie .111.1 I .IJiCIr-,
'Jpiibac auction the follow nig real estate, lo-wu : -
1'lii; west, half (vv'i) of tiie nortli west quarteiM
-;niwU) ct section No, thirty (3n). in towiisliiprj
-;io. ten (10). north of raue No. eleven (11 ), easi-S
i if tiie r.iii I', m .. in i as aountv. .eura.sKa v:
r 4 1 lie same being leviod upon and taken as Ui' Jj
- TprofK-rry of W ill iam 11. Ueck and Sarah 'Jam-M
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers.
For little trippers
at Merges'.
make mention of his going last weektfember.
Aft eaV : i .-I i f q t li :iti mi v .it !itr all n 1 1 la in -.1-.1. i nc .H .
.... , J i - s.... j v. .....v....... , , , nf , :-i:eck. C. II. McCormick and tr.e Sintrcr :.lami-i l
is sujjar. uniy one inn auose. , its use is more east v ami mnek v t lffir t lnnintrs .1.1 f:i.S 11H1 r .....,.i,.i. ..t,:,,,v . iieivmiaiit.o. to satisfv , i
a vial. Price 23 cents. If you learned ; it is especially adapted to tlm.-iu .oV OnhWolV TJiornQnTt'c i s;liA? court recovered by Phillip 1.hQ
them you will not be without 'diversified wants of family sewm-' H "6 iiuuuu0);:,1,1..s.-,ytam.. u.rHTr:IM r.t NVh. U
- i .... ... , r . . . .,o.;a. t i ri - ri . "is3 . ..... i.n.
ijiiueni. ootu uy omiin uiacK ax co. ana is so srmpie that it can be used J JU&lie r. v. -tf uriuttsmoutii, ncj., Aug. u, .. . ii. in
Conicctioncry, lobaceo
and Ciar?.
Main St. opposite New Hotel.
.ArTsrouTlI - - jiEBKAiiwA.