Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 22, 1881, Image 2

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    npTT-n Ut?TD A T T f I Coukit Politicj, as the day for the
X JLlIli JL JLilJArljiJir4Primrics approach, begin to attract,!
wiuc aticn lion
Call far a RepuMcan County ConTention.1
Id baa been with her daughter,-:-
arrabee, here, for some weeks
. . . . - a a 1 a? o tl 1. 11,,
uiu nuL arise uciuie o uuw& cmo
mornim?. and knew nothinc Ofhei
TU . . FiiXTli iff rnirf T A VrirJsnn'a dath It was the hardest taskTi Kiua
Editor. I J "ving ieen absent some, ami yerjiA.iy aim "IJ KerermaM burdened- with, to tellfl OF OCR
iy since our return, we have had&i . JhAllS Tllla WAll- Kthe g ood old lady the dreadful news.fc?
One of the family tonally informed nerg
Jtfiat the president died last night, The,
ipoor old lady gave a little scream and
fl a 1 a, I V n TV..'
V U U -' PJ A MM 1 1 N U A1 K K w
inn lmiiui. u uuiuiuir
f J i
The last issue of the Nebraska Far-13
Ifmeris handsome in appearance and
s-interestinc in contents. Mr. (J. M
6 "
tasK-ii""" " ",,.- fv uml.itiAn is tnrontiniiM tliS
takes entire charge of the Fary
In his inaugural address, hefi
fin the rear of the 11 Minor Staples
no chance to learn much political? MENTS OF WOE.
SnfiffS. and hnrillv lrni-iir wlir. r an-tv. . "
j ... .. .... ppoor oia iaay
jdidates, if there is any feeling oa the e Last MoinCHtS Of On'foVored her?
jmatter, or what issues are likelv. to-4 . v X',. 1 1 ,aw. .. M far w? t
i r i - t of Mature s Aoulemcn cheeks, but u
Icater into the contest, before election. j , -heroic resign;
The Republican lectori of Ca-s Cauaty aref
hereby called to elect delegates from eacfefj ' Li
war ana precinct, ta meet in Convestiaa at HA the polls we hope there will beM
aboalavlUe. Satarday, Oct. lat. tfbut one contest amo'nir -'Renuhli-
at the hour of 11 a. in., for the purpose of plac-i 3 .
11 iu norainatloa the Ceunty officers to b.Hcan8i Vlz': T ee whe can help the
elected thU Fall, and also to sud thirteen el- Ibest to roll una bifr Renublican iiih -TA
m. o 1
egates to the State Courentlou. which meets at
Lincoln , October 6th , and for the transaction
of such other business as may legitimatelyf
come before the Convention.
Tht basis of apportionment shall be as lot
lows aased on tbo vote for Congressman
Oae delegate at large from sch ward and pre
cinct, an one for every fifteen Repabllcan
votes, or a major fraction thereof,
It is alao recommended that the Primaries
for this Convention bo held o
8ATUKDAT, 8IfTIMBRB 24th, ltSl,
at the following tlreeu and place :
I.Ward..... del's, at Court Uouse, T to pm
2. Ward " at Uric schl hso 7 to
3. Ward 0 " Leiiipko'n shop T to S
4. Ward " Council C hambor 7 to S
riattsmouth del's. at TayU r's S. II. 2 pni
Hock l.hiffs 10
Uberty ll
Aroca 4
Mt. I'leasant 7
8 Mile (irove 7
Centre k
w. Water., le
Move Creek 7
Kitwood... 7
ftouih Wend 7
Halt Creek.. T
(ireeawood. 6
at Bergei's
at Koldeu's "
at Uutchin's "
at t;ilmoro's "
at 8h afer
3 to 3
4 to 5
at Glover's Hall 7
Ur. Prairie M. H. 4
at School bouse S to 4
Htove Cr'k S. li. 4 to 5
at Dsmltt s T
lXan's lumber yd S to 7
at ireenwood 7
at Rainev's s. H. 7
at Eagle 8. II 7
jerity. We do not alone want to
we want a handsome majority, a
jiot or votes Out, all the votes we canbj AUe Iwl"1"ii "
W in fact. It helps us fcr years, iijSJoi! X. J
jives us delegate to State and Dist.
honored oi:a.
. coon hai:i
m STOP B E A TT Y ' is H !
i l - t ll,. 1 J C . I . ... V
ui id interests of Nebraska, af s t - U I 11 S S 15 1" 1 V K .1
.4. tlectlngofCltlzem) who te-?jposition it has held since the day it
Who Dies a
face with hor hands. The?
streaming down her paler
pon her face shone thatij
llfy to the Sorrow so Tn
Ircrsally Felt.
if""""" " J
It- 5. . .i i r ;oi! nr
XWM lU, ;tuu uu 1 iinun. u n jubut mil -:m
ftitled tv. My health would not per -r-fj PTAriV AN KORSAT,-
V;itIiiiiKT..n, N .!.
iM! i. r
1 .
'1 A.
ioeen bhoi.
The OOlcial Anuouueement'
Eluekox. X. J.. Seut. 20 1:15 a. in. O
.,LlJ I'lie following offinial imlltiii h:ia iustKi
mit nf mv Lcini? Dn-siJent or Ii. S.1
senator, ;im1 as editor and proprietorjH
i',,. r tha ti-a nf !hpS:?nf thft Xebraska r aimer is the BexLuwm
. . ...i tea Kwl' " - t - - .. . . ... i..;
isignauon aoporuepuuiw wiit-n., , pro-.Hbst ottice, I shall be contented withj
heard that the president' haddeath of our beloved president, a proc po9ition and let those of smaller
t. fiiio sid: "Ah. rat ' uoorfblamatum was issued by Mayt)ri;i .:,.. ,:n n,.iJ
Y ' . - Ftllll ni l lull till 1.1 eiiinuci wnii . ax... yi
dear James; God's will ke done.' .Theno'Rouike Tueiday LB,raiugas follows :Ming proiniBed rot to be a candidate for-j
ishe left the family and retired to herj Our beloved Presidfiit, General Gar-anv office, I presume Hie readers or
room, where slieisalwne with hergnef ? . . , last evenincr at 10:35.11thp Farmer will not exact any farther?!
new jersey's demands fl The nation is in deep mourning and litharges from me" Ex. LWnmuin
A iHtV-herefore earnestly request that ally Tliis s.iys what we are about to say'M H K I I K K.
i 'Iiiwiiii if misnencieil ana li;b ullu isj. . . n iVi
wb copy, ;uiu,T3
do Contract U'oik and Guaranteeu
13ni3 riattsmouth. N'el.
'uiv. rniiiii!aii:l of woiih-ii :i ml ! im ns."i of I l:c
Vtoniacli. Itiiwi ls. I.iiiii;-.. liver, uml Ki'lni .
mil ic rutii'fly " illft i l.t irmn r.:ilcit, l.ini r
li.-M'lic" anil i.tli' l' '1I ir. ui It lirvci' ili'.nvj
ntc'H. 5C- jind 1 -iis. I,:i;f .x;:v inj.' Inning
jl IIISKiV A TO riH-ii)UlN . .
I'atM I.-r. 7, ISsM.
Gives a Rrilliaiit. Wiiito nml Kt.-s.dy
iilit. i-t'tiit-. no 1 1 inn line :'"1 tih: ?: 1 1 1 1 1 ' t v In it . : n i I.-
i. i-l;s T.'iv. I :iirn naiil. liavr !!n..i
Long IJuanca, Sept
mortem examinati
is to be uiade to-morrow
m r . . I.
where his victim died.
on oi me i-reBiueiutj"--;" r - . .. . . irror ir. uruae so wen.
ma -.a . Mm .. Illl 111 I fl IT U 111 I U 1 I1TP1 fll II H I LV I ir. .
. lneoner.HjW" " " " .. j j " "i , .Z-hnim thu Funnflr mav in tl
:.i j i . i....r. ciiian mis airernooii anu uihuci
Uiy win ueuisiiiu iiiditi . . . . . i
i,. Mn.,.,Anti,rA..ntvHiuunriiini;uui ui respect mine u)t-mTi""'c v"
Conventions and makes sucxess H Alter u. Uui igpartrnd Ruler of tLe Republic,
er and more certain in. the future-BjSfA.1 ath of the Pr.sident. came fe" .the wlf our c,U
n. .1. . l . . .. . . " -rn lara nrunaiu tn mika I i tinllli ,n Lllll a lucuiuii.ii .j i . i . . i , uo nci
-ne say mis now, oecause many per tithe atteriioon, the pulse, varying rom "-r.uITitzBerald Hall this eveniug. I weuld
htd w iwo. tn rather increaaoU rorcejirr l.rrT.:. r... L 7. : V; "j"" V..HrlP.forA furthor raauest that all cit-S,
i . a. ' m -1 - . - t ( 1 1 Tl 1. 1 1 r. 1 11 1 IHUIL'LUJII Dl Li IB .UlUlle r. If ,v.w.-.w a . I -
inu vosuiue. iier tamng nouni- " - r... . :, " - - : "Dr,,Uizens meet in said hall this evening at
meet tie leu into, a quiet sleep. Aboutll VT. i j' : , v. , 7i r? nVlork u m
thirty tlve mioutesbefore Ids death-'hephjw Mavor
nd while asleep, his pulse to 120.1 J; ? r1. ".ur5" " J"ni Ti;i..m7.,T. on ihm . '
i v.... . .t JiiicLion. ne ien iaat no must ran we husj
tiiu wt :
i-ionh seem to think because we had a Pi
jbig Republican majority last fall, weN
can. have the same this fall without
nny effort, and with some jealousies'
Jand local disturbances at work. This
is not the case. A County. Election
is vastly different from a
.IKIc:tion as snmplinHv will tiiwi mil
r H mW . . K. Jl
ii we trust to luck this fall. Whatll
jwon last tali a big majority, was or
ganization and work, hard untiring
Swork and zeal. This
Total.. 138 delegatss.
It is farther recommended ' " .
That all proxies be In writing and from the
werd or precinct In which the delegate prepei
belongs; and in the abeeace of anv delegates!
from any ward or precinct, the delegates pres
ent shall cast the full vote of the precinct.
Also, that the colamrtteeman from each pre
cmct be at the priniaries in season, and act at
k airman of;. he meeting until they are duly
And that the Chairman of the County Cen
tral Committee act as chairman of the County
CouTeutlon until it is organized and the com
mitted on Credentials report, as has been the
custom In Cass County until lately.
Jno. F. Polk,- , Ch'n
Sec'y pro tern.
year we reaj
RtpfcBLiCAN "primaries next Satur
day See "call."
Remember the Republican prima
ries aext Saturday.
" - z . : . : t
10 minutes after 10 o'clock he awoke.tiIIm,7,ur,,,' "Ktiuu. "
of a severe pain over theft'06 io-morow morning, anaue
The Kansas Citv Fair
a Memorial meeting ue neiu iiik..., ,i1(, Mi,mp.nnlis f;iir failed nwimr
, - - j tr.
to the rain: the Iowa fair was snowed
-nt .in'rl t lias Hm I'-ati ilruivnoit hnt..1
v w a
r t
tout and the Omaha fair drowned
Bad week for fairs. li
. j
1 lie Uleaviood Fair. r
Speaking os a portion of their fair
1 tHyuacq ax jjvuv-i ttnj
d upon the post mertem mad. by Jr:TLni nearly all were dra
iliss. He will make such report tbatM. a .. . j ,
ho Governor af Xew Jersey jvlil de-fin for the honored dea
ompiauiiug or a severe pai
region of the heart, and almost im
mediately became unconscious, andj;3
V Crtt II C 4V V - Ii al a !- - . i iH !l
n w Hi too ijmana ine surrender oi uaueau roririaii
Frank li LIamilton tain this county. It ia doubtful if thejwas responded to
D. Hates Agnew. ' H,,e.mamJf ",e Governor is compliedgFitcgerajd IIh1L
Mwitli. if Guitean will reanli Iipta uliv.'i
the death bed. Tiab., tw ,.ni..iAn 5..U The meeting .was
: 1 1 t . Tl... AAf -k nl.ico Ma l.iiai nucu'
l. n. i!. 1 CMlia nitlllluli Giva 1
Urta"aS"ouse8 was generally conipneu wim,w"- i"" . Hp A TTSMOTJTiJ
:inpd in inniii n-r i visu 10 iuh r air urouuus reveaiciii-i
"f w - V
The call for a
a. .
meetings alf indeed
tilt is known that an erg;
Attor-riwashington exist awori
int. PnmP! 'nnitojn'u lifo t tl.a Pr4
llbekon, oept. iv, 11 p. su. Attor-iJWashincton
kthe benefit, iu an increased reprcaen-tiaey General Macveagh has just comeJ'GuiteHii's life if
...;.. ,i, c... i..s F5from i.lberon betel from the Frank lynMand.
'iH"li at nic otaic VUlltClltlUU, UllDSE In.,, . 1 .1 VI
.4 "I ICJottaB'e and miide tti fnilnwiiiir stati-:'3f
Nthe fourth countt' in number of dele llrnent :
?ates iu the State, and in many wayt-M "l sent my dispatch to Air. LowellMis
(Wl tr, n. fnf l-l fl .nal lv V- ouotuy ueioie 11141, isi.iu
to "v -""tguiisa had seen the President and fou::d
wiati.rv.' tliaftii Tlrk nnt lit m ln r.nLw. .. 1 rtit I........ . : 1
.ww. ivv iv 1 . I IHO UJOC Mb 1VU IIC4L3 ILtllllikC, ttllil
hindhand this fall, but every man
roll up his sleeves and go to work at!
once to tec ure a large and harmon
ious turnout at me primaries, 101
then the work commences.
Ii is going t be no walkaway
Republican candidates this fall.
orn to nave
,.. .... ...... M t. ? . 1 1 . r
10 our lepiriier. tue uuum, ueiu oii
speedy horses ever seen iu this county,?
ever excelled on the
tlie niling oir;liorses are here that, to our certain?
knowledge, have a record below 2:30.v
J ..... : 1 1 j . ..l. .11.. 1 ....
called to "ordeitrM" w" Wl",.u.u ol,uiy , ,,av":fuKJ
iii.KBiivn rkT si,f.n irr 1 1-13
A N 1)
ie future as5
k 1
be the piidet-J
tlx, Pliitijn Slf:t!uiim:!Il and' .if MotincV -m an u rrr in 1 f n r?4 1 nanurM
J r than nn v uhpir ir ,f llrt T.vniNclinii lfi-a.r
: 1 . , jl .T - - ' t
i he rvansas i;itv rair uurneupr
f i:unl I. Aui iii- v ;utt cl. Atlilif.x
illi' LAMP N U K O . '."( i.uiiiiHit
t ; r
:., li
M K T .VI.
I.. N. .
uniiT TuirnT nTirniTm ttp.ttiit
NH.W if P . i ' HPJ M Nr
Main. betw. Third and Fourth Street.
East of Court Hmistf,
A l im it rr,T,t v:i. hI ri It,
varr'it"clli,lM- .ti!, l4-liP:ii-enl,
lll(liH;MMi?.:t !rt li, .vi:
iti:. a, i n: ill, '1 "i!n S,-in, ,.f
J.i:!1." butiTiil in ti;n kt I r"a- !i
r:ili!i,eiil',p(i .li.:!r-i.t.;4j
j'a.fimt a in len t ii i 1 r 1 1-, -I
rr:4r:.vinicn, 1.'", i-n t rTj'taii-n.
Jir:re nn'y 4 -o tit I y nni!
lllur.lrnt.'il nir; !'.fii-.; rti.I
ni. A,l Ir1 l'f.-il-M'y Vi i!i-
."I C'l . IT tllll'IM'T IT Mi Ail-
y k'0W THYSELF, aen. n4 lioiuu.-UM.ik-uti.
( iCUTICURA Pormnertly Curts Huwors if 1t-
i; Scr. soil S!iin.
-il'li;' of t l Tl rj;.. a .'ri iliniiai .mI. m.
i'itiONCS. St-0.. Im.-s fi. IT1 HTIIA I I '1.-
NIvknt. Hie in I'll .ui :-i., "! r. I fir !.ll!f.
jC-i('lTH l i: Mum inai. I.'ili-T M-Ar, l."--.
ii'iriciitA Mmiii i.m mi a vim: S"-.r. l"-. :
'-'lill liiis fur I ai I (l ; li! :.!! . i:mi":-i Ur.
" iliiin ii:ii !-p"l. V. r.t.'KS I'Kl'll i;.
ri r..iloi:. M;.n.
fj,;f".ll mailed fn - . n in i ; t 1 ; i n c.
j A book ri Jirerisiiu:M.V.'iHHl,l
TiK' trroat prol.lfin n.I.i-.l. I iini u in iia I
nvfiMlv i iiii-iilt ri'd I'l.'la tin- iii' 'i l "rmiNi-
Nililv tii to iiiaimiiv. in I' aril In I ili.i alum.
law vi i i uiiinaii in a n ifirir . -. ... .
, . . I a W. v a... a' ... ' fU'jrilin, Till l C h. ITAVDIl W A n- 1 XT m
(UPS f.T.i, ami A. t (HlfllllllT ailtl H!Drflriatewhui-o t of i.i-aoa u-nuii .nt
ht follQwedljof Glen wood
two trotters, "little John,
Iwith fine
iuiteau's life if the President dieft.f3peech and a touching and appro
md, if he is removed to thia counpri4Ver bv chaplain Wright foil
,he assassin may. suffer death muchTT " .. . - T n 1jL
,uicker than lie anticipates. Freehotd!lUlon moU9n of J' B' btrode
s the county seat of Monmouth, andW chairman le elected, !
all conditions then promised a quietu'
night. The doctor asked the President k
f he was feeling uncomfarlable ins
any way. The President answered,
l.,f. at :lll urtfl ali.rtlt -jftur u"jrilu
- " h., ...... LJIIU I .'J at,a.a.,.. aaa..
(li asleep, and Dr. Bliss niLurued to4:
xim t-ss rtl ..w,om I ..11 a?-... .... fc
fciH40 .VWUA ULIVBfl I IICT ilUll 11U111 LllrtL UL-r
forKfcupied by the President. Cols. Swaim
pjAiid Hock well remained with the Pres-
Rident until about fifteen minute after
lere the assassin will be tr'ed.
E-ORourke was called to
MjoiH"as1,1V "
. yir'Iadv Llirin
occupy thets
.tchair. reaiMHiding with a short pecM4.. '. .. .' jaknow what I keep, and my Spring and Su
rnt' 3 ... . . , callus nia ane uuuuic iraui oi uiiwiis.j..j mw i? r-;tu.
I ii t. -st(aT nrps .1 vc if t lin s:ulniu nf t lie oor'H-i j . . , .. , . ., . . PJ
' r - - - pii -.loiin is. anu ."aiL I'ete. i iih'IM - 1 .
T 1 X Killoni". S.mii ij. I.iAi-. ..I;ini.iL'.-. Iiiimi..-". .V-.
I TTfl Y I P TTl PTi T.S fillinr llrrtHi-t.ulir irr I; : i -M im i. r..
dbs&sUAWAUWsLsV WWr.Jihr vol.i iilioiiiuN in ir!l:!i. I li.-iiul.ts. "
" ! iilifiil inril ion rui.l 1 1 l.-nvc c, 1 1 it . . i -sn:sc. I- ull-
I J the best mid latest improve'l patti'm. Ljusii- enlnrnl 1 .-1 1 -1 , :n h one ;i ju : t . Aui'i.i"
So, . . , Manl.'.l ever, v. In re. S-iid tor .ii.-u.r. lull
... ysatisiactioii (lUaraiitecMl.tlV''1!'! '-. j. !
.La r t .. liu iiL'o, I ll.
-eypresiveui mu sauurw oi me '-y.-J0l,n ." and .Salt P
jaion which had called them toget her a will probably go si ngl
itf.'tTium motion of Dr. 'R R. Iji viiiupton t w -mi-w u
- . wm - . wc r- -- -- -r a .
.f!V "."A ,nefour vice pre.idents were elected nsSi. here with
; , , Piftdbma: V. V. Leonard, Tlios. PoIlock.WCozad,"
T-yj v ' iv.flLhai.1. pi.ij n .tton ttrotter.
Pete." Thelatteir
e as well.
pacing horse, ""Rillyf'
ana "ilajor iusiii, a'Deet
Anything needed on a Kami can be tund h"re
In addition. I have lidded kiails of
IIICll', .
Nkw-Yobk, .September 20. At'5 '"""f4
l-.OOthlS morning Judge John K.HrF. '" ' . ...:""',"BHrinM his rotterS. "Farmer Hot" nnl
.a. AiacAi urnii v ..iiu 11. i. uusniieii'1" : -, j -
Brady was y driven .' up to Gen. Ar-1
Hten the Presideut was awakened, andWth.ur' house. There were preacnt
were elected secretaries. A commit-:
The issue of this paper bears to thei.aiDal.kjKl to Col WHim t,,at h; waagwith the
Ireaders the saddest news that ever pa-S-,ufering great pain, and placed hisffStephen
per bore. The news that a great-heart-jhaad upon his heart. Dr. Rliss wasother -
led, pure-minded, lovable man,
hand all of you.
See the call.Mc,1Ir c,lIztn of this Nation has at last
r -atntiall v U'i t ! ion t. tsti la jnl tho of i ti
note tHe time and places, and be onk.3uccua,Ufct 10 Iaie uastaruiy as-f the htfiirt was aimost indiscernable. R
1 : 1 1 1 f 3
Send good konestAf as8,u u,au lsiuic, ana is now nou. s
unbouizht men 10 L,ouisviue. i ti,q iac 0f i,aa i.i ,.ai.
?lvi-iioih wir Af r u io,.,riFuident remain
It kind o' begins to look as if Tif. M . ' V Wuntil 10:30 p
1 '" " tlnresident is beint? born to its resting l:iUU1,41 a"-ou v
Hum irMtui1Bci.l.u uis anii-mw-riolace uear that ueacetul home from
nWr friend.' Rfliwfrttn n a(,.H'i,i,.l.' v.,;'. n m..nt i youuo 01 me ea. . supposeu to oeue said no arrangements
I . . . " . . ii; 7 0 r" """"S"sneuraigia, Dut tnat ot course is untcr-i"... :ti, r.irii fr, ..
rnunl. nf 1 r H nc v fh S.nifn.C.nn.Urala r.riri Intuit- Iri. .:.. 1 n... . Willi Tendril lO ft 11
e, tf - " tu"11' iiij. -"-;jri4ni. 1 neiineu vjen. Aruiur ana sent
ders at the t air; or on account of tber jtne priue oi mannoou, in tne zenitngja dispatch to Mess
IJ. & M. Jof his fame, in the path of duly herrcoln, who are en
i. i . a . - i nvi i r. v siiif v Arir "
juas ueen stricKeu uown. ine leie-fs" av.
That infernal lie ca led the "Truth'Uirrams tell the mournful tale of h s3 p. "e
tr.1, - . . - rin nAnanlratinn
newspaper, in New York has nevein181 "ours, ot the grief, almost pasia .RT "
n'rosnered since the fiarfield iPt,,.PKssuaj;ing, of the wife and mother, of
forgery, and it should not. The 1astfcLeartfe,t au(1 tru for QO man
is that Hart, owner, arrests Bvrnei
manager, for embezzlement. A pret
ty pair, any way.
lHK railroad man who is high up
in Jay Gould's confidence has been
interviewed by the Lincoln Demo
crat man, and told all Jay Gould's,
secrets, one of which is that a branchsJpunishnient can be meted out to tin-
rT thil MlL!.iMtri IMtifln t a f r ftllla??
UUU .UlOdlllll A. kSJ lV UV . U4.r
from 'Weeping Water to Lincoln.
l' - . , I U
General, Judge D.onohue,tee of seven weie appointed on mo
R. French, and two or threetion of Dr. Livingston, to draft ap-iU
thet eiuereu
Stiiue room ne tountl the 1'resiJent Hiib-t5
gentlemen," ' woose
fSFloriette," and the swift pacer, "Lit
;tle Frank . - - '
as "Bob Lee" a running horse foil 4
I..IC : I 1 a. 1 iL.M
.Tv. puggies i w agons
were not obtained. It is understood 1 !.ir,. o r nK, r a ttrotting mare "Frances".
1 m r-ft mj a iiii.jiuu. ncasa aia u.iaLutuii. a.u. . -
t--?ri :at. a r 1 . i f i
stateaman. citizen and patriot whose 13 l,eiV W1U1 "" ?iac.. 011,3 sue IliM
" V - Lr I a. V i" V 1 al . at. r .. . . 1 . I -T
.lurn l. a niAAAi iir;u iia a& iif 1111 1:1111111 riniirtuv a av v w vuu 1 v. iru t it 1 0 nii7 iicic" 1 . . .
il 10:30 p. m . w
trouble of the heart, sunuosed to
names Spropriate isolutiens, consisting of Drlthe half mile aad repeat race, and the
1 r .
Ti Winrl-f'.S
m i.i : i
UliailIlJ?3ir,,rtiojr. T
.... . -situi vikMiit v
All the gentlemen as-5?. tT ,r w..a,..,.ii o., rr v Julias a dne field of trotters, consistinc
. . kmiihuj, ...j. jjiioiiiioii aim Aj. j. niixi-,-; ... - .. T
ines-- , 4 . , ,, paui -iaav ureeze "uaryowen ' am
was administered biSTT w . lc'JOIlcu aa "Ethai,"
. - "-tJ IJ ainI ynsl '11 . o f i tha . F I'r-.o 1
Mr. Kent announced, .-"""t'- "c. '" Mi
were present.
"r';a. i.i,.. i :.. . i. c tr i
said at once the President was dv-M , 1 .lue 4-uut
and directed Mrs. Garfield to beyoai" OI. OI"te
The last act hag closed, and as we23called. and also the doctors. The Pres-J u(Se "rady
m'JlL A. . ! - - J ! J tl.U
r conaiiioni-ui
m , when he was pro-jtfco.lected in front of the house, but:.Viifu,,i ...,!.. t,. iiiM(re ,;iitisotnetiines called, "Luella a trotter.NAflCa week in town. Terras ami
need dead. Iia died of soiuetldeclined to irire further tiaptic-nlara.":. .",.';. 7. ' .J a " L " "iiind "Rimiv IJov" a fleet ower. MUU,,tflt fiv,. Addrt-ss. II. Ham-kit & Co
. liBFUtT j i j i oi jj.aictui i oiutium "i.njj - i. jj jrortiauu. Alain,'.
had beeni,y ihe whole people.
a pacer, and
movements' Resolced' further. That while thelU'resents "John C
..ra' iT.r," rV' tlto be made to day, and he could nothearts of our people aie bleeding IiiSgood ne.
route from Itnaton taysa3" " ,K'n General Arthur would gothe presence of this our calamity tod n. Packard, red oak.
Wto Washinirton. the Nation, we cannot forget the agedj&Shows Trampoline' and "Trapeze" int-i
e fik-k . . . ... . . . . L. J - - -,
Pi i..'niit hur tiprnii uririA on.1 tut Ii 1 oo-.Vfr
the Nation's demonstrations of woe,
Long Branch, Sept. 20, 18:25 a.
Li . r l vr i-
T . ti-j aiiui boj uei;i ai mac v eagu
.11 . ... m . . .
fjjust sent the following to Vice Presi-ts)
rthe presence of this our calamity to,
?,the Nation, we cannot forget the agedjjS
mother, heroic wife and fatherles&ltl
gi Attorney General MacVeagh hasjlAnd while we know that human symfiR . J 1AJ;AUM' CU1
yjust received this reply to a dispatchpathv can avail these suffering onesElPrms ,nom ", , r
fc-isent bv the cabinet to Gciu Arthurnothing in this, the supreme momenttl.,1" rt' "
rjii'. t. .i.i. , . ii.f i ..i.. .. American (.tin.
'I Ut Fl Mathews
Hardware, Cdtlery, ITailsJJ
It it.
addressed to al r their trial, we can
oln not excepted, ever came closergSjent Arthur: rthe members of the cabinet, andajthem to the protecting arm of Hi!
to the heatrs of the ieoi)le than?V It becomes our oainful dutv to in-Ksavs: "I have your message announc-H - -
tdforn you of the death of Preeidentfling t
To...... a n..fiM ' -. Z2r e .i... ,!..,. r i,a.;.i.?5; n 1 1.. aio, i. ,f ij...-:.k..T v i.i lumring children. Assuring lhem
But yc8trdav we sang the peauGarfield and to advise you to take . tuehiPermit me to renew the exBre88ionsSr.7?r-M..
,f victory in his behalf and rejoiced"!, of office aa Pre.ide.t of the Uuit-,f sorrow and sympathy which I uave "nVV
that he had been elected our leader.Meu aiai" wu ,uul ueiit7.-. 11 .co"curst.Val ready telerrauhed to Attornevh.,Sha,..i ami tAtir in ,wi, tivf
.o-day. the knell of his funeral, udHW1"1 0 wTll come6 heri oi'tE0'15'141'1 MV'eiS1'- II' rdanceoverflow with sympathy for hisstriekf
ihe sobs of the mourners miuglo wilhRg.irjOTt tram to-morrow. fowith your suggestion, I have takeuSen family.
t wail of wrath, that no adequate?! u nunitt'ivnnu the oath o: office aa President ot the9 Jiesolved. That II is Honor, the 2Iav-f
Show up with "Jack Peregey," a brisk
wretch who has caused our grief.
In silence we bow to the inevitable.!
Mrs. HaiTiara. wi f a nf .lnlin Pnlmari
f Stewartsville, Warren Couuty.N. J j
died lhursday last at tbo family rtsi-l
same room and same bouse in which?
The B. k M. has at last gone into
Colorado, and answered the question
we were so often asked while there
are the B. & 'M. really com
duett.-Jas. M. Barr. That meaussJ The funeral took nlace at tho oldsitien
i,,,'::- ' ..i ! t. i.o,rr,lhomesiead. Rev. Mr. Kellev. f the$Swith
I III 1 11 I .3 illlll 11.1 ill! U U 11 IIL 1IC1.11 kil - -
Secratarv Treasury.
W. H. Hunt,
Secretary Navy.
S. J. Kirk wood,
Secretary Inteiior.
Thomas L. James,
Postmaster General.
Watne MacVkagii,
Attorney General.
aUnited States, before the Hoh. John -gor. Issue his proclamation requesting'der named. The heat was easily woiitl
R. Biadv," justice of the stlpremc'l business men and citizens to drapeN
Seourtofthe state of New Y6rk. I.itheir places of business and homes ing;(
HwiH advise you further in regard' tor!nournmK " U)e aay sec apari i.r me
f.i. ti.,.,. , , - .-, fsinterment of our dead President, and
hthe other suggestions in your tele-that the various ieiigioua C6nfjiegii.
2gram. (Signed) G. A. Arthur, gtiens drape their churches and assem-
EJ XiEW 1 ORK, &epl. 30. freSHleht Al-ju"J meieiii t me uauai nwurcii aaiur
rSthur arrived at his residence at 6 this'day. there to hold services inh
line uniiccomuanied. He stated heScommemoration ofithe sad event which?;
. -' - . it- . I . .
w . f .she wai born. Besides her huatmndil New York. September 20. The 3" w. ""..""" .. . "." T . . I
rticles of incorporation were filedn,he leaves six children, a. followat A .Herald's postscript has the foIlowir.g:3,"n8 "ceire. caiiers, w(cf, 1 hat ihe various oeiis ml
. t . , , . K , ,. 7j?1 rim rio'itiilx.,! spJna ,vf th t.ipai. fuul woum retire ror ine nigin, &nori--?the citv he to led rum o a. m. to ii
the loth, for the extension of t L 1 1 er w ho eaides on heWrhe deal .bed scene o the " ffliy after Co.. Bliss entered the house.p. m., on the day of the late President
line into that State. CapitalliE soon the doctor WtBA? -M!lr.L?a 7nd P"ee ; Cm.gGarfleld;. funeral, and that the Post
at:m: . i i i i , . .... . ... , - ej, i .... 1 . n.. Kiiiiaoiunn o. i- iciiuii vniivu, irui!iiu-.--ui u c uiiiiui .rnivoi ine nemi.Hic ma?
f itc diuiiuu uuiinis. liitui ). Ul. rUIUier. OI lilOOmSDurCr l1'"! c nns li w lu.iKri nuuo inn ijiviu-. .. . r(. . ., , . fcj
. Uvtt. , - ... . . rH?t i.t..t ing some time. At 11 Grant arove ui?f this t) ace b reouestedta fire IietirlvN
: A. K. Touzalin, Geo. B.t j s. .Mary oirauer, oi tViuniiig-ij""s ui io lauiuj w v . ,'iisaLd entered th houa. Inlilln hiLn,emmW,eino t a :1 , MnM
. T. E. Calvert. T. M. Mar-fils!,' rK' OI D11" m? ,,"1 ' "'.ie";... ....ignor. yet visited President Arthur. Eli ludin at 0 p. m7 Signed. I
Kiium, "
Lutheran church, of which she was a Votary
. .. .. .... ar niauiln a n
hastenea by the action oi ine o.$fs4l,ufui llu.Iuber. breached the funomlgbod with Mrs.
t and consulted in low whispers'!'1" R.0ot-A1',r,,niiUl I'ark Com-
i Dr. Agnew. The private eecre-&,mss,Tr A 1 "V"'
stood on the opposite side of theHw,vre vl.V" i"1 ,rilt'1 ,,-t ",",lv ?
At 'the primary commences the
sermon. Me was buried in the tiew-B,9ne
Uartsville cemetarv near the residence. fLul
with Mrs. Garlield at the bedside. 11 "V"' w., luai,-,
it liiituu I., mi i,ia unn vira.rJihe presideut , woum i.ut- -.r.tYe r..
u Rockwell and Miss Mollie G:irJ aslnngtoM
?t. H. LlVIN.iSTON,
. M. ('IIAPMA.V,
M A. IIartigan,
.1. I. )TH(;hK,
1- 1 1 J . . . a
rpi i . i Ai .v vueiu ciAiut iiuu tue room ai
f-'J A 11 1 9 IdVI 1 n a9 IIIC U1AI1V.IU1ULUC.1 Uii J., a t .
work of all gocxl government, and alii Mi IIatti; Kulmer. aud we have r, -J
theoriea of reform and patent meth- published'it partly because it is from tldoor of which remained open, audB
LUC FcF.C, iuc iuf ,.,., mora t0 attention OftLnnt tl. .Mi...ll ivm,I i.,t..M
nonest larmers ana ine suostanuai,
m. Mrs.rl t? president , would i.ut V-jve r,,-, II. M. liusnNFLL,
IMe G:ir-$tUa.S,"!,," ' -"-'h. ,. Voel, .J , H. F. PALMER,
the limei5Arth1ur Wu"1 lu W Brai'U?-'it,.j U. B. WlSDHAM,
.-u a f H'our headquarters tctei:ii vea 'W ie r. r . . , , , .,
Z ,1 tuMu train, dressed i citizen e:,.il.i..g.v Dprii.g the drafting of tl
.....iflind it is doubtful if tlie"piesideiuytio,,s appropriate remarks w
1 m
Fiiml!!! -. Vii'!i. I'uie Mill
i!:b.i vt.rt i:j ijaii.y.
il Kn-h V:
Cllf.l. ii
i Special ea!'.- a!(einl,.l t". ;il
"rtfr.uu name enw f ui m i 1 v. h.-n .
:t .
.;.:iiii?ai'tinrr !! and i)c;-l, i in
Al-o, a til" !"!." i !
l HOR-ij-: CI.OTIIIXU, ETC., !."'(
-.!)o!ie ileal ly and pi om j.1 1 v at fl!.'! I imri.-e at liU
iilli reel Iv oininsiie l'nst 1 ):!:i-c. I 'I.i 1 1 smnitt li ' li
v...... t...t ,1... i... ..r. i .. ...t
.Kiiie t,iii iu- pi .i ii Min a urrii i
I Teuclorloiu Moat IMei,
Iron, lVasoii 8to'li,
TilVI mill TIX-Y IS V.J-A
J M. Vf ' IIIIH . A A If i&lll'll w j -j A 1
N Iron, Wood Start, Pumps, vwytmiiK i'irsi;-yiLi?s,
TUE:4J RACE. - r
IVmh s:iiul ivii'liuii l.f.tvvt.f-n thu lipntvi"
,f the firar. raeP. TI.e, ive, nJ&FIELD if- GARDEN SEEDS, ROl
. . "- w : " pi
tries, Irampohne, Blue Mare, (Ladjl-J
Mac) American Girl and Jack Pete
oy, who went the first heat in the or-M
by the -little mare in 2:4C;
and Hit
(Ollr liUlH V Oli HillHl.
XT t
IRON WORE, Kept in Stock.
Making aiitjlt"i;tlriiig,
All Work Warranted.
second, Trampoline
Girl the fourth.
The second heat was a repetition ot
the first: the Blue Mare doing gonitis
beautiful work over part of th track
mid comi
er hones
is in the first heat.
r . a. 1 . Z 1 1 . S. 1 1 - . T T
i ne in mi neai nau no vaiiauon iiiij j w a r r. TP n iTTtmiTTT
it as to the order of going, except th at MM UK K I gr UlinUril
r l : a 1 1 i . 1 T a . -a r 7 H
i raiupoune louow eu me uiue .Mari.i ..,...,,,
;.. T 'f.: II ...............
.... imui.ib icieuoj iuv . ,.uBe. A nut irm
I A3. This closed the races for thtHff UrtXv 11 UrtJi S UUf T 111 i3,t.:S
day. Lj and all kinds of K'f!lH u-iiially kept in a
at Lowest Rales.
Mail! St.'Wtw! e;i lli ;-.;nl Mil S! .. Ne:;;
Clll I'dM'.ll or
teiiiiti-:i: 'u;uk:s;i.
In now fully pn-paivil to fi;rni!i nni-.ic f. '- ...iiy
:'.!nl ii. ra-ini.s.
A Tfiojowpl ivr:2(ii.:i(.iik
with :i e.iiiip'ele ami v i 11 eii . -ted it-pi-i I ! 1 1- "I
f-i Inters resin-el : si.Ii. tcil. Tenit- n a- .snj.t.le
Apply to .1. 1'. (M'NC, r. o. i;..,k .i i.'. in-
lOtf l-IM.ICV .Idll.OO.N. S.-. 'v.
-.r..i;.. ,..,. f ..i, ro. - .a-.. Hcarnera or the room and suuke toltv. " . . . '"'""?
EbLi uu.u.v.. w vwC o i' M :. Itsue attached to the funeral train.
OUU oft i.i .!..:: .k- i owie,. iiib soirmuiij i mo w-rt A
son oo years oiuuyiug m tue uyc:i9in seea.t! to impress itself unon
corners of
well-to-do-citizcn will not turn
1 . t . a a.- at 1 5
uu S.e u.a snunuii n tue F.c,.m-ti b j j where shc had&Ktham. There was no sound heard ex
inary' steps necessary to secure goodSjjTe(j ajj jier ja..8 That's sarae-lF Ka9Ping for breath of the sufferer
.l.t : ;.. .i. .t 1 E1ilina aihanfi tier irli.r irivp iiulie.t-
ueiegates, representauTe men, iu iuei s.; couldn't oav of a citizen otP." T , , ., , Pi
" T- , . t j ' o couiuh I sav oi a t iiiztu ifetions of the near appr.vacii uf the end ii
start. If you do not, jou may "I KTebraska, great a state as she is get-J After ho had repeated "It hurts" he
pect te be sold out from A to Izzarditjn(r to pjpassed into a state of unconsciousness,
all through' the campaign. NextSl breathing heavily at times and the:.
, , . ' , i ii v -: - . a slight indication' that breath
saturaaj mis worit is o oe uone anuc j uiu ccepiou u . "f3Wils stjn in his bodv. The only treat-;
every cood citizen should attend andll""51 States under more difficultsJment given was hypedermic .it.jec-i
. aV . . . . . j . . . a. fr'J.. -v a a.-.
give it bis personal supervision. conditions than Chester A. Artiiurpuons.oi orauay oy ijr. Agnew. Aiiei
knew they were officers. The '.president riby Dr
tMf III hiiVA T4v Ii ll.ue.vt T in...'... r . .
n iii, i -- m j iva uiuci vii i;"iui'l jun
inoniirig at 8 o'clock to aeeoitipany therlf
remains to Washington. His car willj
GOVERNOR'S ruotn-3I4T10.
e resolu-
ere made
R. R. Livingston, Gen. Geo. S
Smith, Elder Crowther, S. M. ChapPJ
vvjman. m. A. iiariigan, j. is. stroue
j Hon. li. B. Windham; Chaplain
t"iWiit?lil was airain called for. hut
iskeil to he evrnspil Che had Mlre:iilt'
r-i ' x JVS
C .. 1 1 '
A U omau's Experieuce.
Momeis ana daughters siihum ree i,J
alarmed when tle feeling of wearinessM
mil languor too cmistaiitly opresses
them. "If I am cross and fretful from
the exhaustion of vital powers aw.Sj
the color is fading fr.-iu my f'.ice. I al ?J
ways find immediate relief in that ex-j
:ellei.t rt medy, Paiker's (Jiner Touici
wliich seems to build up my systeinp
and drive away pain and melauchol) 0
with wonderful certainty. Several oif.
.. : ., 1 : . i
111V lllf IIL.S IIHVH r A I If I ll'lllTm LlatnflllatK-. run l- . a . .
.-. . , . jj c.i.1 ct-tm.-y, C.C.
uciicn a, iwm iia uir. a ui"i" "Jf.l Slid'iH ;!ffrn luill rivio nl iiMTni;rTi-:iic (i
tJthe (ieail, ni.'ht or day. a tii -f-'-!auN fie:!r-f
t 'arnatres, v, ii ii personal at !i nl:iu"c w l i t. cm
l- - ym fiSiJi
I liav e now ; l!riek-Ma: .1 fi mil i cv
Fhst-Chiss Yt'orLiisan.
th Pn nr.n
Ko. 1 Li id:
Also. ;t very eoniplete i-tock of
J.l3Pmi!?Tifl Hnti flnfflnd 0nltU Do'pr.r N "
oiEIUllUIQI UUUUD. t'JiUiii). UOOtllil. UUUUO
.. . ! il ' '
ow i:ealv and l-r
tl.ei:i fill ill
f.tll I'll il 1: . i I IT ('(
lii-i i ud.
Yoi hi I T i-. .1 1
.maue a prayer
of unusual force and
Jis lesiri'.l, Chai:;i:m ai.vvav.s i: kason a i:i.k.
S'Xllil Sills Ltwxr .V'ln Slrrrt,
Ml 1 ' L AT TS ?! Ol'TH, N Kli.
kjjlaui al.-. i;.w ie;..: lo (' nti;:ct. ft.r
all kinds of lui Mings a:.. I to pu!
up any kind nl v. m 1- in
liiick wanted.
Slemorlul Srrlce
M The speeches were universally URKANSAS & LOUISIANA M )jf( )j tll
fipressiwns of the deepest 8ympathy,M f-J J W, S Xo
.gwith the bereaved wife and family M cm-f homkm rou ALL ! rtlX j-J
politics the Chicagoihou!d have
a gocKl thing now ambjof the whob
Witkx off
Iribune says a good thing
then as witness the following:
ti10 t,,Ki ti.o a i tM-i raitrAQriSSministration lett with the akeiu o
is onlv temoorarv. A number of flnef-fpurpose unraveled. To him are tossed
r : . . . ii
a i. Ai time he ulaced his hand nuon hisfilSept. 19. The terriUe tragedy which;? The Post of the G. A. It. proceeded
vinra a.t Lina 1. 1111 r- iii,i am Hmcs w rz. m iii a i .... . i z.
I K -v i a. IT. 1.. . :t... ;. a, w s 1 1 frai I in Ihti nit V T 1.V 'lahMifrtnn mii 4 J. . . . ..
......... k. 1U ;l i.ojy to tne hall, leil by (Jl
en the chief ma-kt. . , .- . .... .
H. - .a ..A .,.., I., la-j'a. i,.
VIIS SUpUl V AIIU J IU petit! J ,' ..
Tlie time between life ai
e people to sustain him inPjwas marked by no physical ex
He passed away almost qi1iet-H(ccurr'd ,n li,e c,ty wf
nd deathly "e i oi juiy lasr, wn
Executive Mansion, Lincoln, Neb.; hitherto happy country
Washington on If
that soK5o,ooo Laborers can get Immsiialelj EmDlcy-H
lgreat a calamity should befall our? ffieSL 3 W W2g6S, 03 tWHi HUtt M
faiid the most heartfelt regrets
Ra lroais in Teias 2lcne.
the arduous task before him. An ad-istion nor any word. The iaterval
19IIKI-I ,.
fLWtFIl - UllSDini?
;.;and nreseutlv there waa no aoiind .twed
- ' .... V ..... . . . F
hihi-fe'tlHle of tUb ntion became the ob-v. 1 2 '
!s be-pjct of an assassin's unprovoked and' i dso appeared,
nger.lidesperate assault, has finally enhninat-t 'Hie ciiaudeii
iTpTiinpe Saalii-festorii Imiaieration Co.a
iapi.llli'lSVi,. j, ;isllieatiou.fiee lI l imi.Ij-'.
unifoi rn'ypi'epaiii. books with maps. giving ait'hentiear.r'ra
.a a a a a v. ... , .. ... ... V. .. .......
iers and stage were
in a national disaster too mournful-"
. . . . . . 1. 1. . f? taIhA 'III tl M 1 1 1 i . I I
safety deposit cara are now being built.the waifs of past intents, and he income quickly without paiM. When iiSaordinarv ianguafire of sorrow. Ourhvii N .UM .
nu wata iney are cempieteu " llEaskod to weave new links in the chain Ffb-eauie evident that ha v. as dead. MraLf red and beloved president, Jainea A.v.i11" l" ttu
I.' . T - fc . . -. X -i . . . -
fpropriately draped, and the hall was' ne RCu!VtTVAfet.
Unreliable inroriuatiou. in netail, jf the ptato 'S-i
F'J Texai", d ArUan-a. or of Weslera Louif li
t'tWe de.iie ti.eoi.fer with those wishing to l et rj
aP".ier their eondilion and a' e nifditatiuga ehaiix J a
,...a'2;to a new cotiiiti Y. Aciiir-e pi
a8f-:l li. U. Dl'VAL, Seeretarv. Austin, Texas 5
I..T.'il V Ml'lllif Munwr f l
mm.rr.or.. i.i a v m t h V.i I. N. UVl(j. La-tern Manager.
...v, - "j-i ;m nnnm.ii.-.v
of train robbers need be felt.
nassencer win De locsea in a cnnieai
steel casket before the train reachesHpass on unharmed.
ot safety that the nation may ffltock well placed her arnraround' Mrs GarGeld, died at Long Branch, X. df.. all
Kl lSn..KiA .,r.A I .l 1. n. f... , fCift-ai ii in A flpr inntiv nroelra ,if in.
ation's great calamity.
Send for out
'ew Ilh.atr.-.-
,n, fcr
Pal land Win
ter of 1S31. Free to any address. Con
tains full description of till himh of goods
for personal and family use. Wo ileal
directly with the consumer, and sell all
goods in any quantity at wholesale prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
127 and 229 Wabash Avenue.Chicago.HL
rJ At i.iy p'.nr-e n;i i'.
P'j L
i. TT .1111 - . t ... 1 OH
.i;.in .-'
t . li A en
ilv.l, li
or al I'.
or to .-m ii . j . ,ri. ,v . i ! m
JManiifacti.r. rs of
t v i
f ;
i r : .t : 1. r. ..niJi
juiiwun, nun .in ict-inii iu sba.iii
.... . . . , . . . -1 . .1 - V - i. ' . I ali a
line win De umockeu ana sec ai uoer-Ei lOBa, ocpiemuer oecre-j
ty again Dy otaciais oi tne roaa iiaiion-sitanes liiame and Liincoln
New York.
L.i-.;ir nffl.A . wr i ii:
.Virion alil' . .. ..a. ... .... , a a. Tt
LeadtMihall House. " ti
2tS Lead, iii.all .st . London. K. C. i:ntr.;:ii(l?1
H iisrit cigar"'
c ? And de:.;.r.s in
fcjSMOKEUS' FANCY ,U:Ti l.l s. .-.VoMMI
pj and CiiK'.VINC
l : I5.u...ii. ....
ucuin aiTiveti-,3,-.i, i'..,. ... ... :.,!..
, ..a . . tt. 1..I! 1.1 . . 1 . . .... . . .. l--i.a..a " " " w .... ... w..-a ' J "
, , p.u, - onBeu .uaitrom the east this morning, and with cottage, but paced the d.tor for
... , s . " . . , "V "flout waiting ior Dreauiast proceeucaEi Kours.
r J tt hat once to lien. Arthur's rcsidencetl abkangemexts fob uemoval.
" ' lon Lexington avenue. Nothing ofH The cabinet has ordered the follow
- .. . , . m a . . . ... . . m.
cease, . the "Story of the war" be:
hushed aa told frem mortal lips to
warmly listeniug hearts, and onlv
the cold page of history, and the ink
blackened columns of the newspaper
will recount the deeds of the brave!
men of '62 to '65
.-, r- i i ... i i . r ,r l r. o . . - ... - Asm t ht tiveftiesr. rnirii
i . rriu 1. 1 'a 1 1 1 1 i a r a ii air t rum tiiu rnfim r.a..... u. .... a-r. a a a a uiiiit a a t ra .1 in . 1 1 -.- a ....... - - ... - - ......
.v.a. aavava a a. va ..... . vir. v.JW , uw,,..,,) - a - C'J . , ., .., . , . . . p"
:2,a ..t.ra,i n.i ir,rri u'urmn suffei iitir Lho at rone, brave heaitt; N rtiraska. will enter a claim for thef';
...i. ..4-i.., ..... ii.. .,.s3inii. itii.l ti. frit. lis ..f lave, iin.i .irJiuext ui mv re-union meeting, and back-Fri Ladies, von cannot make fair skin.t'3
J Ja..Ilv7 Ullinil TT i. Li.lla.1, UICI lllfT IC ..i"" ""'. ---- - - - .. w. , ... , . .,, t r . ... . r ' j
tiler anu COOtl trovernment liiriUZIlOUll-u UJ opwfcet oitcuu, n-i uunu viu urio.'.y cnnn rwiu PiUMIHi; ec null,
ii Liiucois is uuiL'vil! lilo eusuieLK'a oi r ranee or ueauii-5 ,
to be thought of tif people of the cap titiers of the world, while in poor
jfijrarims during the night. Mrs. Gar
nddor. rlo-.tli r.r fion liiir,, IJiiote transpired Uunng their inter-laing: ihe remains ot the late
VUW w a. wvu. aaa fc . - . . . . . E - 1 A. !ll 1 1 A tl' t
, . . ... kiview. lhev will remaiu with himf tuent win ne iruiuvru 1,0 tvasm
onngs 10 mina now rapuuy mers . . . -n . .., ,V4,t..iby special tram on Wednesday,
iftors in nnr war are naaainrrt"i.:i. u: . v.- t r....u I stember 21. leaving i.Iberon at
( ottrtlUl U 11U at UUUU IUI JLAJUiL uiautu.ii , . , . . . . , ,
-. Stnn th-r will nnne tttefl irtl,r'.f,,.l.Ptr,vc th. ireacning tv asuiiigi.oi, aw i. a
" " - - v,va.. .,aav,. . ,v -, ...v - f r , n p i . t f rom tlii. Armr anil
the tale: the "Camp Fire" willljgriei irom wnicn ne suners. as aiasjfrnm th wni be in
real Hurnsides
that bore him
killed this afternoon
helpless, and the
for his death
killed without
tha pvenintT srreat
; n .oil tha rnmafna nf Clo-.ipral
UlCaWlUt JIV ,
Burnside, lying in state in City Hall.t
lithe world are bowed down with griefilmade very strong
Iia ttmi U'Vii f-It t li A fjaaaiirli tf nor. t-i to be thoiitrlit of t
isonal bereft, th lirUiotra paiinitySTs'd city would favor Ashland. PushOand nothing will give you such good
-t, . . . .. .'cif j - ,.i..:. it. a.-. r.-j. i.i. .1. 1 :i.- ..f,-
ialso the features
Blaine and Lincoln,
10 and
of tecretariesH:.t Waahinorton to Berform escort dutv.l
2 .1.1 : aM 1 .41. -.1 - .
rh reniaii. will be iu state in the ro4'.Puu,v "iij.:r 'm oilier piacea oi
IV . O axl aV U 'r ViVVtyU
Tue democrats and ; the farmers'
alliance of York countv have joined
Steams and nominated a county tick-
.Itunda on Thursday and Friday
guarded by deputations from the ex
T"1. 1 1 : .. I m.l-. . m g
get. x lie hiiihuvc peitpic iuai; a uiio-
take when they attempt to- start at
Ipolitical uai tv. Thev will attract to!
lihe senate and house. Religious cere
a. ..... . ....
.monies will oe obsarvea in the ro-
.Lunda at 3 o'clock Friday. At 5 the
.remains will be transferred to the fu-
jnetal car and removed to Clevelaud
Mr. Speaker. Ihealth, strength, buoyant tpirits amir
irlnia noiiow to evei v household iiitsfurward your olaim
f t " SC - W
Nebraska, and awakens the tenderesti julebe.
ifeelings of sympathy for the afflicted Thanks .Mr Globe for your encour-Stain proof.
InniniiQiiian iitlrl fu t lior una !. i lrl ran f JJia ! M 11 17 WOTtlS. AllllHIKl Will UO hw'
the late president. These emotions .ofKutinast to secure the next re-union and?-? THE
beauty as Hop Hitters. A trial is cer
.See another column.
.rr.ef and sympathy will find appropri
ate expression m every city, villag
and rural home. In harmony titer
with it is suggested that on the day
Lset apart for the funeral obsequies
when the time comes will maki ;i Jib-
ieral offer to the committee. Gazette.
Tliat's right Ashland is in manyO
sways splendidly situated for holding
s aliJ . ko.?..
. .... ilthe re-uuion. . r r3Corn, ear. ..;
U91- I 14 shelled..
mble I Tut route of the Missouri PacificKaariey.No. '2.'.
pet. ! Railroad, now being graded, leavesJJ stiVe' Cattle:
that the
It is also recom
people assem
Motive departments and bv officara ofiiroughout tlie state, in their respeet-h1"11'-0
-- , - 1:;.. ,, ...a .-.f ; .. ....! ... l.t. .. latnia I 1 111
a-a.llV.7 l.a.a7 . 1TUI9IIIJ'f H I f, 4 f If I U" I i '-
Wednesday, Kept.
T o i: a r c o .
i Special JU.AMiS Mid s;. s of CKIAlu itm-f.-4
order, and sm isfaeti. in, ii r'ai
ai i i a '
1 elippiiif s ."old for mho k i' -kmi
t-Maic Ft reel. oi.e do..r i u J. s. itni-i'v
I tjljrti'ili: ; I list )p.l-
Plattsmo'.-th. Ni:u. Iii!-'!
TKSTIMOMA i. TO IK. ir.i-i.ows.
l"X7E. the nniler'-igaeil, Clervne-n of tin f 1
M VV .M.'thudit rinirrli in Xova Seoiia. liav- j
f i:ag u-ed the preparation known in Kki.i.ows f i
Kf. pie-f 7.
iiiM. .St
,t ..'.. it. R 2
:t rii;i-rj
ii it i.M
j r
juoMi'ou n i n vi. i i- K Jl vi'oi'Moseii 1 1 r. pre-f
tparea iy Air. jam us i. tKi.ixiws, ciieimri. m i
positively mm
inn Paeiiie near PHnillinn. ruu-l
priate religious exercises parUcipatelliiing" south, crossing the Platte nearj
ll. .una. a..M,..n inri.iiii i.i' nr-1 ar ,.ri.....r ....... a. ....... . ...r. ... a. (r.j..a-j
Ithat occasion. As a further mauifesta-1tlironh theMOwns of Weetnntr Wa il
. . . . . i-o ri x - -i
aVtP T9 Y 1 1 aaBi O . .-t. IKf i tm W . I Kt. ll Kfl . . - -W. . . a- 1
huh u. " " l"-k ij -'uifter. in Uass Uountv. Uuubar in Utoe.r-i
------ ' "al
t'otalo. ...
1, 1881
1 (H' r"1'' "J .'."a Vn.nw.w a. . r....w..7. a . , a- aaa a-' l . .'. a,
.tl J Jotin . N. lJ..or liavini; kuowu eai-es wheieiu it?Fj
" i.J lffeetK weret'eiif tleial. heTifveil to bt
v.t 1;'le reniedy for ti"e tl i- rae for v. liii
' ' i rMrni.iiiiHliiiil.
' SajV't tL.MK. L Hknm'.ah. .loii.N McMrauAV, H
ctl I res, of I oiilereiir. Lx-l rfu oi oniereneef 1
- Wj-. -.. ... , ... 111.11,1,1. V V L- , , . a . . . E i
J . Joi?i JoiiNsojr.
.Nkw.Yokk, Sept. 21, 18S1.
j ISJrThe proprietor h:ii it-tter-c fir.i.i vaiime
i.iarta of th itoiiiiniou. the l uited statri. hi:. Kiiglaml verifying the. ufvitions lu rcii
I 4
V- .1 a. . ., T m A .? A. I . 1 1.
i . npir rr onnp vpo t.iii wi ir b t. ti-k "V a i nn r eii fi m i tii ii i -ai i ni;ui. arnv-sa . fa-Niiirif 1 n n in atini.i i. r.n s i rv 1 iii ituit v j-'U-i. , . . . ..'.wniatiiru. m ur cuw. u . an-- -nn i .
.R.I.Sept. 13-Gen-n,.; Tr'Z; ""a .."llnsatnrdav. at 2 n. m. and tW beed character, of our late chief magis-SpV; .rm. h- , ' fe?i,eat.:!; 1 ll UM-tio. , jy relate ."the cure of fis-n -"5-
war hnr "Ifaior'H "i"6"o"'- -- "" . " t it- IJtrate it is ordered that the not!nnal4',t",',"JJvk HMf'"t" , ! "-i'' ' ,e ''s. ''"'"' J -...z. I..on.i to tuait
war norse juaior, 1 1. , . - .. ...... .u.Pcinterrtd ml-. T.ake Viaw. n reremau.lJil-r,l,, l? o,ueu uiu uHiionai lr T , fl . M-aO.T- llmi-uici anuomiun cvdud uvono-i u ihm r t.iui.irr--i-.. . - . .
through the war, wast J. , .t ..y.. . ...Km are erneetad in aitiaa aloncr the!08? 98Piajea at nair-niast Oh tpeiir". ' , . v. . Jata , - W h.phitfs k flinTi-nift 1 i-p.irr.,.. . .
. It had beenlJ uave aone me voting ana .tuetv; a r .y. - . lin:f hftl.- n,.Kcpltol building in Lincoln, and thwice ana tne a. . once, a num-yj . ;:v.v -r- N,.. "Z .e,; .i, ; liAnitn'5 I. .h Vr P S'
general had arrangedK,uen they elevate to power wilt beHuUe1 Rjfran eementJ foJ tli- pultureHhe several state department! be drap-ber of lively-new towns will epringtj . ... 'H; fie L,iuKs, lir-uttshins. foi,siiiti.tion. Nervf--u-l;: Aisocnrcnifnnsof Ei:!ou3(,aS,VCVen"f"" . could beK'aosiiy oneness Darristers.uiooe. s?ara corom;tted to the municinal auth-K wllu emoiems 01 mourning for ther-up on the line 01 tnis roaa. worK . M,CAO"' TV? t;'1""'?"" ZZZ.:rJ:!?a,a' mi:ta D-"c t-"-" -L' '
his knowledge.. AUK - - ftiritiea at Cleveland nnder direction ofKP!' thirty days. Eon this road is being pnshed rapidlyw
crowds have beenrt The Diitrkt Pair it AihUinl wisa?i,. ...,,..1.. il In witness whereof I have hereunto5?f-rMa..rri nia-.K nm 4.-ji Apimtite. L..M of Energy, j- '..- """i'U: th -rl,
UI..U, . . . a a . . . - a,,. r,.v,a .....a.. a . fc',,.,. ... l I.U .Tl. 1 W I 1 m Hi ,11 V 1 1 1 ! I ll'. .' lll' V "I ..HO--J " uil, , luHlUK IUJI Ulll'
liLAINE. 5tt"TO ",,v nt ua; ui 130,1 1 Kve a 1 08 . f Mons aa.l tunanH of the bo.iy. wnieu lu pena: .'"luFJiajutorc. -i aeyaro purely rcKOtatlu,ti
f-i Va-Vnuir lao m.-" 1 m. Barley. , 1W l-ior health , npoiivoluntap ..; "i.pij , oor, rnpo or puw.aral arc ns oearlr pcrfoci .-. I
tl M " w". H : lalVEBTOta. tinervon.-KHou it e witn vii.Keiiiie,a-.v. is possible fcr a p:Il to to. .PrlcoC5een' nr;
l!oj;.hipniiis ?5 Wa tU! subtliy. t.wliiK t tl e.'..iin i iia.i..oi. oi Sold ty drurijists evervtthcro or so-i. w ni"
l.alile. " : 1 as 6 5?.iis ingr.idlrnt- aNju to pure l.l.aal K-e.f. t- CARjro Mrniriwr m vrw vnCk-
tsheeH'.-.;. . - 3 Jj For sale By all i)rgjilts. tHKILK MLDIClNt CO., NEW YORK,
Best display beatl (Signed)
If races, and greatest crwod for the time juaiifields siotiiek. the sad news
J particulars next week.' i", Solox, Ohio, Sept, Grandm
U -
Si Mean Giired, Not Merely Rb&ybS
aaJid Cart i'ropc irir,. c'taiui.
f ir .., ,. lr;.l.l ,,
. .... iii tt rii; .m rt.,. K. ....... 1.
at fh rate of 4.000 per hour. Manyfe' - . ! 7 . r i
distinguished men from abroad haveg P ot any Fair neia tins tau-
arrived to attend tne iunerai.
fafflxed my hand this 20th day of gep?
itemoer, ll.
the governor:
Signed) Albinvs Nance.
.lexander, becietary of istare,
g(t Bytl
ajy. J. Ai
tous, in which a number of operators'
havt been "squetjted." -