. i t '7-y THE HEft&ttX VAEIETY. Tfce "business of n tclegraiv , naay is "spread from uolis n good So ia that of the wsishetit in a snow- Surf bnthinr thcs or ulster, deal like tunAfoit insurance corn bank with""1 $-0,000 for postage pnsj)rinklo-l ou wheat, at the rate 4 half a barrel per acre, is said to ex terminate or drive off chinch bujjs. 'Olcomariraiiue needs no defense," as the hotel man said. ''No, it is strong enough to defend itself," answered a boarder." At a prize-show of parrots in New York, recently, it was noticed that tho most profane bird got tho first prizo. New York taste is peculiar. Thoso who have tried it confcs that a large, healthy mustard-plaster worn at the back contains more heat than a heavy overcoat. If 5-011 want to take gimp out of a stuck-up man, mistake J im for tho street-car conductor by offering him your faro ns ho conies alon?. Youn" clergyman (at a clerical meet ing) : 'i merely throw out tho iden." Old clergyman : Well, 1 think that is tho best thing you can do with it." "And so you learn dancing, Bob! And how do you like raising?" "Oh, it's not bad! I can manago very well myself, but I think a girl's rather in the wav. "If f punish you," said a mother to her naughty littlo girl, "do you think it will bo for my pleasure?" For whoso pleasure is it, then? It isn't for mine," returned the child. If you grasp a rattlesnake firmly about tho neck he cannot hurt you, says a Western paper. To bo perfectly safe it would do well to let the hired man do tho grasping. Sleeping, dining and cooking cars for its workmen have been introduced by the IJuQ'alo, Pittsburgh and Western Company. Only 14 a month is charged for board and lodging. Some must sow for others to reap, nnd sonic will lay up umbrellas for a rainy day, but when the rainy day comes the umbrellas will be borrowed. Ilich German-Americans have built many beautiful villas along tho Ittiine. The original of Auerbach's villa on tho Rhino was built by a German-American. It is reported that wild birds of near ly 150 species visit the New York Cen tral Park annually. Some species have disappeared since tho advent of tho English sparrows. A. monument to the memory of tho Union dead of Michigan has just been completed in Detroit by the addition of four - statues representing History Emancipation, Victory and Union. A man who slopped at the Barnet IIouso a few days ago registered as Bjalmer Tjdaden Hj olgersen. Have wo another sweet singer of Norway among us? Hjeaven fjorbjid. Eurlinytsn Ilaickeyc Amateur artist, painting a bunch of apple-blossoms, to small boy looking on: "Well, Tommy, do you know what they are?" Small boy, with ab solute certainty in his tones: "Yes, inarm; hens." "Halloa!" With this exclamation the hunter came to an abrupt halt. (The concluding chapter of the thrilling and absorbingly interesting story of "Tho Scout and th Indian1 will bo found in our wa-He-basket.) "I think,11 said an old toper, com menting upon the habits oi rv voting man, who was fist making a bect oi himself, "when a man reaches r. cer tain pint in drinkin1, he ort to stop." "Well, I think," said old Beeswax, dryly, "he ought to stop beforo ho reach es a pint." "My wife won't even bear q? my going to tho theatre with another lady," said Gallagher. Ragbag didn't seem to construe Gallagher's remarks aright, for ho said: "Won't, eh? Don't you bo too suro of il! I thought ray vrifo wouldn't, but she did, and I had 3 fear ful time of it." A new tomb at Cullingsville, Vt., is a copy of an Athenian temple, and cost $75,000. Within a door of bronzo and an inner ono of granito aro the graves, and marble statues of tho dad are then placed in such a manner that mirrors, by renecung tnem, give tnc effect of a long vista of art galleries. "Cremation is no longer popular, I see," remarked Job Shuttle, this morn ing. "Well, I ah'd hope not; it's bad enough to think of your soul burning up, let alone the body." "Mrs. Shuttle, I wish you wouldn't accent tho word 2 our." and look at mo so sharply." nd the meal was finished in silence. A colored youth sauntered into tho Ordinary's offico at Waynesboro, Ga., his object being to procure a mairiago license. Upon being interviewed in regard to the ago of the brido elect, ha said she was about 40 years old. and also gave a reason for his preference for a blushing damsel so much older than himself that sho had four or fivo children who were ablo to work. It is a well-known fact, says tho Scientific American, that any person of average structure and lung capacity will float securely in water if care is taken to keep the hands and arms sub merged and the lungs full of air. Yet in most cases people who are not swimmers immediately raise their hands above their head and scream tho moment they find themselves in deep water. The folly of such action can ba impressively illustrated by means of a half empty bottlo and a couple of nails, and lhe. experiment should be repeated in every household uutil all the mem bers particularly the woniea and children realize that the only chance for safety in deep water lies in keeping the hands under and the mouth shut. Dr. Gatling of Hartford, the inventor of the Gatling gun, has produced a gun that is said to be the best one yet. It will be mounted ou the gun-wale of a ship with apparatus for sweeping three fourths of the horizon, and the range is three miles, at least. It has a rifled steel bar b inches long, with a caliber of I.-'j inches, and throws a solid shot weighing one and one-quarter pounds and steel pointed, capable of piercing the iron casing of a torpedo boat threo miles away. It is a breech-loader and is fed by hand, but the loading and fir ing is automatic. Two men can man age it. It is called the Gatling torpedo un. Moses, the Chief of tho confederate tribes of Washington Territory, sai I concerning the assassination of Presi dent Gartield: "Tell tha Great Chief sit Washington that it makes our hearts sad to hear of the cowardly attempt made on his life. Chief Moses and all of his people offer their warmest sym pathies t the Great Father and his family. He has always been a ood friend to the Indians. We are glad to hear that he is recovering, and hope his life may be spared." Mr. Burt is printing, in tho old Tip Top House, Mount Washington, his little , eight-page paper, Among the Clouds now in the fifth year of iu exist ence. This sheet is one of the curiosities of daily journalism. Mr. Burt pub lishes a daily edition largo enough to call for a Hoe press and a steam-engine. Heretofore ho has had to remove his material every Autumn and carry it up the mountain again ia tho bunjmerj but now he has so far strengthened his printing ofllee against storms that ho will risk leaving the apparatus on the summit all Winter. "111? H3UJ3. A Quiet 1n answer j-i your ad- I havo fc boarders," nuid a uerv- vertiser-v to a Pert mit ot thirteen, atfor shiiwml lipr !nff . narlur nils '.. . . . r - a -nil the comforts of a homo estab lishment, on Henry street. "But I won't c mie here unless your house is perfectly quiet. I think I hdr so.ne ono upstairs shouting." Th at a only a young lawyer, prac tising a case. You'll get used to liim. Nobody liked it at first, but we've all got used to it, and don't mind it now. Got any children? : We don't take chil dren, because our babies tight 'em so." "No, I haven't. Who's that yelling in the next room?" "That's the landlord trying to col lect the rent. You know pi is very deaf, and 3-011' ve got to howl at him. You'd have to pay in advance if oti conn here." "Good gracious! What's that? ejac ulated tho old la !y, as a furious din swept through the lower regions. "I gin ss the cook is driving grandma out of the kitchen with the clothes p h. She often does that. Have you got much baggage?" "S.ikes alive! Somebody is being murdered upstairs. Who is it?" "O, that's a literary fellow on tho top floor. Whenever he writes any thing ho squeals like a pig. But he generally writes at night, and you needn't pay any attention to him." "What are j'our terms? Good heav en, tho roof has fallen in!" "No it hadn't; that's a college pro fessor, and that's the way he goes up and lown stairs. If 3-ou listen yon may hear him break his neck. Can you give any references? Anybody know you?" "Certainly; if was that a gun?'1 "I guess so. My cuusiu has got a rrairie down cellar, where he hunts ndians and buffaloes, and things. Sometimes lie's a road agent, and then he robs us on the stairs. Wa always allow for it in the board, so it evens up. Got any money of your own?" "Never mind whether I have or no!; I don't think I want a room here any way. Lf?t me out, please." "Couldn't let you have one.anj how1 retorted mis 4, preparing to alido down the balustrade. "There's only 0110 empty now, and that's too high-priced for .you; besides, you don't wear very good clothes, and we prefer not to have 3Tou around." And down the slide she went with a whiz-z, while the oil lady nattered off after another homoidiktj house. Old Madame Jumel. "Gath" in the Cincinnati Enquirer: Mention of Aaron Burr recalls the fact that tho estate of Mme. Jumel, who was the second wife of Aaron Burr, is again in litigation. The lawyers are fighting the putative heirs for their enormous fees. Mme. Jumel was the American mistress of a Frenchman. She had probably been a common wo man beforo sho became tho French man's mistress. She was fine-looking, however, a very perfect animal --and lived with tho Frenchman some years, and bore him a child. Sho had the arts of depraved women, and seemed to get the Frenchman's monej'. AU'ecting to be on her last bed of illness, she told Jumel she could not die in peace un less he legitimized their child by a mar riage. "I will never rise from this bed," she said, "but I want to feel my goul secure, and also that child's, by throwing the ceremony of the church around us." Jumel, much affected, sent for the priest, and the two were married; but the madam never died, and, on the death of Jumel, sho, many years hi3 junior, was the heir to his propert3'. She lived in the splendid house whore Gen. Washington once courted Miss Phiilipso, on the upper end of New York island, overlooking the high bridge of Harlem river. The old house still stands there, and has been inhabited by Mme. Jiuuel's grand son, who is now dead, though the old lady herself onl3r died about eighteen years &o. Washington came to New York for his first visit during tho French and Indian wars, and called on Miss Phillipse, and addres-ed her by let'.er after he departed; but sho was in love with Captain Roger Morris, whom she married. Ha went into the British serv ice during our revolution, and so did her famil3r, and therefore their estate was confiscated. As the widow Jumel had no character in New York, it oc curred to Aaron Burr, ufier ho was turned out of public life and generally detested, that he might make this old woman his bride and get her money. He married her, but she soon found out that ho was using up her funds, which he collected iu her husband, in stead of returning Iheni to her, and sho discharged him both from her bed and her stewardship. A friend of mine, who was a clerk in the oflieo of Charles O'Conor, once told me that he frequently was sent to Mme. Jumcl's by tho law3'er to take points of testimony or establish certain things at law. The old woman was about 90 3-ears of age, but her immortal part was her vanity. Tho young man complimented her one day on looking so well at l'.er ago, and sho took his hand and placed it on her breast, near ly a centnr' old, and asked him if the young women nowadays could match her there. Making Kid Gloves. The Troy (N. Y.) Times gives a de scription of glove manufacture in a town near Troy as follows: In this factory nearly all tho stock used is imported from France. Tho skins on arriving at the factory are first put through the process of "shaving,1' which is done with a broad chisel, and all the imperfect parts of tho leather are cut off. The skins are then taken to tho table cutting-room, where thirty cutters are employed in cutting tho skins into oblong pieces, after which tlioy are sent to the "slitting" room, where tho lingers are cut and the gloves are ready for the sewing machines. Thence we follow them to the making room, whero ninety steam sewing ma chines, run by women, aro kept busy stiching the seams, and twenty other women are engaged working button holes and putting on buttons. The gloves are now ready for the "laydng off" room, where a number of long hollow forms, like outstretched hands, are stood upright from a table. If ouo wero in need of a good warm shake of tho hand, ho would be accommodated here, for each of these hollow forms is filled with steam, and give tho gloves that peculiar shape they have beforo being worn. Another room is tho sorting room." where the various col ors and sizes are sorted and titled for the market. In the stiching process is a peculiar sowing-machine whi j'i does the beautiful overstitcliing of tho seams. In this factory over 200 hands are employed and about seventy-five dozen pairs of gloves made daily. Tho glove cutters average from $75 to 90 Ier month in wages, and the makers (women) from $30 to $40 per mouth. A beautiful glove is now being niado called the njosquetaire, from imported Inoeha skins, but dressed in the village, which is better than any imported glove, and the day seems to be coming when American gloves will bo known as the superior to all other makes. The skins used will cut on the average about two pairs of gloves. Tiie Bodie (Cal.) Free Press claims that a resident of that place, nam d Cameron. Is the strongest man in tho State, and asserts that, Bingle-handeJ, he placed a 700-pound casting pa a wagon the other dv. Death of a "Well-Known Dog One of the most famous black-and-tan terriers in this country, Dolly, a pet of the late John A. Small and a cherished favorite of W. P. Small, died recently at tho residence of the latter, aged twenty-one year.-". For the past year Dolly has been deaf and blind, and was tenderly carjd for by her master, who had a largo feather pillow pre pared, ou which she lay on tho foot of his bed. Tho poor bruto was taken with f pams, in which she lay the great er part of the day, and was watched until tho hour of her death by her kin.d hearted master. She was buried ou tho premises of Mr. Smull's residence with her pillow, her wraps, her china dish and trinklcts. Twenty years ago D0II3 took her seat on the desk of the late Resident Clerk of tho House, John A. Small, where she sat every day tho legislature was in session uutil the death of Mr. Smull. She was a general favorite with members of tho House, officers and pages. When the speaker's gavel fell at adjournment. Dolly always respond ed with a gentle bark, and she watched the proceedings at times as if sho real ly comprehended their import. No dog that ever lived in Ponnsj-lvania re ceived as man3' caresses from states men, 1 olitieian-s, journalists, legisla tors, warriors and ladies fair. Sho sat on the kiu-e of every governor from 1S61. Supreme judges did not hesitato to lay th ir hands gently on her beau tiful head. Mr. Lincoln took her in his arms, chanm-d with her beauty, and Gen. Grant had her paw in his hand frequently. All the great political leaders of Pennsylvania knew Dolby. She vva3 a general favorite, but flattery never spoiled her, booause she had been raised to good manners. Dolly's deatii touched a tender place iu t ie Iteart of her master. IIirris!nrg Telegraph. Preparing for the End An eccentric old gentleman in Lin colnshire, England, ago 83, is, it is stated, so firmly convinced of the ap proaching end of the world that he has ordered an immense balloon to bo made for his own convenience, by means of which he hopes to witness the destruction of the planet without sharing the fato of its inhabitants. H i will tako with him iu h's ascent tinned provisions, brandy, soda-water, cl iret and other creature comforts in sufficient quantities to meet his requirements for three years, by which time he calcu lates his life will have come to a natur al close. JIj ja of opinion that among tho debris of the world will be several large fragments, on one of which ho will bo able to effect a descent at an opportune moment and find a refuge for his few remaining 3-ears. He pro poses to tako with him no companion but a gam -keeper, who has been long in his service, and for whom he has a great regard. Ho hza, however, warned his faithful retainer, who is 0117 1- 52 3-ears old, that when the provis ions in tho balloon are exhaute I ho will have to shift for himstdf, and may therefore in three 3-ears' time b with out means or subsistence. Having made these arrangements, tho old gen tleman is perfectly calm, &uil indeed cheerful. He expects, ho declares, to get on better without the world than with it. Hew the Mining Stock Trick i3 Played. JJayor Richmond, of Pueblo, in tho raining region of CqtoradOj tells the Philadelphia Times that maii3' tti th$ stock companies are operated without honor or decency, being merely schemes to beguile unsuspecting peoplo in the East. He gives the following account of how the trick is played: "A company will be formed representing a cash capital of perhaps $100,000, for the purpose of opening ne.v mines and of carrying on tho business of mining generally. A claim is bought and opened. Suppose the mine shows up or "sights" for $100,000, the capital stock. The company then proceeds to p'lt the miue on the Eastern market at a capital of $1,000,000, or, possibly, if the company is unusually sharp, at 3, 000,000. This is done by going to a few prominent capitalists and sa3'ing: Here, we will let 3-ou in on tho ground floor of this compam-, if you will take some stock and help us along with 3-0111' influence. The capitalists buy the Stock and lend their names, and in a short time the entire stock is taken by Eastern investors, who are deceived by seeing the prominent capitalist as heavy stockholders. When tho stock hns all been taken tho money i divided between thoso on the 'ground-floor,' and operations go on as in all well reg ulated companies. The concern novel pays a dividend in the world, and tho second clas of stockholders never see a cent of their money,'' How Sword Fish are Caught. The tr phies of Captain Henry Chap el's cruise in the smack Chapel Broth ers, this week. lay in the market iu the shape of five wicked-looking sword fish, all in lighting trim, Tne largest lish weighed, when trimmed and readv for sale, nearly 300 pounds. SworJ-fi-.li, Lesides being esteemed a delicacy, are all meat and no bone, but the back bone, and are sold both fresh and salt ed. The method of catching them is somethin r like whaling, minus the danger, Thp smacks are provided with the rest 0:1 tha bowsprit, from where the fisherman darts a barbed lance into the fish, detaching tho pole from tho boat after it is securely lodged in the flesh, a rope attached to the barb and made fast on board securing him until he. after sinking and struggling for a greater or less time, is killed. Sword lish arc generally found on the ground around Block Island early in June, and are subsequently followed down along the coast as far as Maine, where they are found until along in September, 2iew London Con.) Duy. Warm Milk as a Beverage. Milk heated to much above 100 de grees Fahrenheit loses for the time a degree of its sweetness and its deusity. No one who, fatigued by over-exertion of body or mind, has ever exjwrienco 1 the reviving influence of a tumbler of this beverage, heated as hot as it can be sipped, will willingly foregu a re sort to it because of its having been rendered somewhat less acceptable to the palate.. The promptness with which its cordial influence is felt is indeed surprising. Somo portion of it seems to be digested and appropriated almost Immediately; aud many who fane f.hat they "need alcoho is stimulants when exhausted by fatigue, will find in this simple draught an equivalent that shall be abundantly satisfying and more enduring in its effecs. When a man was profanely exiles -ing his opinion to one who had sold him somo kind, of a quadruped, and by wa3 of compliment called it a horso, the jockey replied: "You are com manded not to swear at all." The vic tim instantly re died, and with a wit Which ho did not exhibit when examin ing the quadruped aforo-montioned: Sir, I obey tho command. I 6wear not at all, but only at 6uuh fellows as you," g The Boston ponun'mwealtfy aa.ya that for the first time in (twelve years, ,he ve? coipts from taxes levied in that city in lSiiO were in excess of the requirements for tho financial year, and that this was duo to an unusually hoavy rate of tax ation and to a very prompt payment of taxes. This year (1881) there is an in creased valuation, and there will be an increase of appropriations, with a small reduction iu the rate of taxation. TRADB lK l THE GREAT tl iiEiiiEiiiii Ills Neuralgia, Scatca, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Car end Headccho, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. Sn Fnp8r;iti!?i on earth equals St. Jati;s Oil a SfTfr, stirf. mid rhra-p Kxtornul l; im J.v A trial rntaiis l i:t the cjn:pMrmv!T triilii.g outlay of ."0 Vn1fj, anil mwv one Mini-rint; ith pain can li.v cl:ra; nml -outlive i.roi f i ! its liirt-i tinns in kioveii Language. SOLD EY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. v TOGEIiEB. z CO., Ittiltimnrr, I-Itt., X'. S. .1. YUTF INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetitc.tJauHea,bowela costive, Pain in theBeadTwith a duiTiensation in the back part,JPainu"nderjthe shoulder Tblae. fjninesajtereBtinf?, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mindj Irritability of temper. Low spirits. Lobs of memory, with h feeling oT haVinKjice Iected some dutyweariness. iJizziueMsJ Muttering of the Heart, Ootsbeforejthe eyea. Yellow Skinl Headache, Beatleaa ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF TttESE-WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU'lT'S PILLS are especially adapted to audi casett,une loe effect sizclit&cliaiigo tt lectins fi to astonish trie sufferer. Tuey Inri'PHK tli A prHCe, ami cause ttl3 txxiy to Take on t"leit. thus th syltpm ia nourlhcl.anl by tnoir'Voiite Actlonon the IttKHlltr Ortrttn. RrenlnrKtoola are pro- tiuoed. 1'rioe cents. S-5 Winniy tit., fr.V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to n Glossy 11U k uf a tingle iippl!c?.:o?i of this Pye. It imparts a natural color, ar.in Jnstaiaaivuusly. fold t'j' l)rusj:sU r stiit t.y exyrn, ter ol Jl- Offlce, 35 Murray St., New York. I)r. TITTS Jt tSril. of V.ln.litr liif.irTuallon end irtVt llrrrliito "ill mnilwl tUES on arpifouioa., end a tfe-A..igk.rSr. jC Via. A 3tt!z. , ackjj rv& Lr" BIT" M fi'i CUKKS THOUSANDS YKAKLY. Jb FOSITIYE CURE Zfc? ForCoughs,Coids, la tha Ep&t of Tnriiesr "Am Cures Dyspepsia: -7 1 rsjjKr-iirtiicBj the bystem; r Restores the weak and Debilitated. A trial cf it will prove all Wf clnim.Ask vouriMiccisl for lr.( rKik' Ulne! r Titr; take no other. For sale bv all Druggist. S.K.SK!ITHa,CO..Pnp,r Swfwon to Oliver Crook J ok c. C io. C DAYTON. OHIO. PROVE 0 SUCCESS A BY YEARS ClS hAlt0 0 F USE I A vnltmbls Disno'flry nrvi IT.t Dcpnrturo in Jls.ii leal Science. A posltl'-i'Iy rtoctive lioiuody fur tiifl peedy and permnnoat 'u;- i s oruiinic vnnkawM tbs deplorable diaetbe resulting l.mu indiscreet practices or exceftnee in youth or afr tiny timo of life by the oaly true way, viz : Direct .Application actlotf by A! sorption, ana xertln'r its jcilio influence on the Vesicles, Ducts, and uiancl, that are unshie to per form their natural fur.riioas wUilo tbls disease per vades the hnmaa organism. The rise of the Pastille Is attended with no pain or inconvenience, ind does not interfere with theorJiuary pursuits of life; it is quickly dissolved and soon absorbed, producing an immediate soothing and restorative effect noon the nervous organizations wrecked from vicious habits or excesses, stopping the drain from the system, restor inf the mind to health and sound memory, remov ing tijs- IMmness cf Sight. Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Scci'ti', ate. etc.. and thp appears nc of prematura old are u&ualiy nccornpaijiiio itii trouble, and restoring the vital forces, where thi-y have been dormant for years. This mode of treat ment has stood the test ia very severe cases, and la now a pronounced success. DruffB are too much prv scribed in this trniihlo, snd, as many can bear wit ness to, with but lilt le if an v permanent cood. 1 here Is no nonsense shout thin i ro;ratiou. Practical ob servation enables us to i osltivoly (ruarantee I hut it will Kivs satisfaction. It iuis been in k-eneral nse for soveral years aad v.e hiivo thousand of testi monial from patients, ns to its value, and it is now conceded to be the mo-t rational means yet dis covered for reaching and curing this very prevalent trouble, that is well known to be tho cause of untold n);:?ry to so nanv.and upon whom Quacks prey wit h their useless ousfruui od W? fees. "J-? J'ersoflr Is put upin neat boxes, of f hrte sizes, rio. l.'friousa to last a month, I S3; No. S, (snfficiont to edect a per manent cure, unless in Bovere caHes,l $5; No. 3, llastina over three months, will restore those in the worst condit lon.i $7. rient by rcall, in plain wrappers. Full DIRKCXIOKS for vising will accompany EACH BOX. r ttenti for scainz Mt9ertpttee -nrnvri- tela alrlna Anatomical Illustration mid Testimony, rrliiclt icill convince I the ntoxt sfrcjitictil that they ran be re- Htorvii io perfect I'en'th. ttntt tne. vttai forces t hot oil re-tatuitHnnet wwe ka if never tiffectea. o. i. i oy HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CHEMISTS. Market and 8th Sts. St. LOU13, MO. Unsolicited testimony to the Efficacy of Prof. Harris' Pastilles, taken from Let ters recelve.i from Patrons; Indiana, April 11. 'VJ. The Keraedy isrrorklnit yar t ectly. ilad cd!rrfrrn weafcnp fr s years paist, lows. Oct. liith, 'i'J. I am cimost Ejrprisod at your Pastilles. They have worked hkj) acbarru on me. Ism just twice as much of a man ns I was before tukiniz. I was on the verge of the crave, 1 thounht, and there was co cure for me, but now 1 am in good hopes for a cure. West Virginia, An. 2.4, liTrf. I rec&ived your medi cine and I believe it has cured me, for which I urn very thankful. Inclosed Had S. Pl-ase send me anot her lxx INu. 2) for a Icm nd. You have ,1in a treat thtntf Tor me. will seed yon cil the orders 1 cu3- From a Physician and Surgeon. Missouri, June 2. Please forward nse nnolher bes of the Pastilles. The patient on whom I have used most of one box. In addition to s sample box, is fast racQjreriaa, end I think nnotber will set faim all right. From a Drugfcist.- Maryland, Kept. 2. "79 Last January we not a bos of your Kemedy for one ofnur customers, and it has made a perfect cure of him. We have another customer now sun'sring in the same way, and wish one No, 9 box- PLEASE REMEMBER that the cufapest asid Best Pi.ack to buy Stasis aifl Fane? Groceries AND First-Class Dry Goods, is aT ft!' OLD RELIABLE STOllE Cor. M iiu iiiiti Thin! StV. riattsmouth. l'&.t !!" iilujs fn n!i :ml new. and prices aiays ar ll;e bo'.luia. fail and coiiviucK vour-8elve-. lsS POLLS 3 3 S i2 BE J WW BEV 1 vv 3 rfXL. 1 1 4kd ROBERT DONNELLY'S A lTD BLACK MIT I! SHOP, Wagon, liuggy. Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other utacliinery, ;is there is a (iOod lathe in my shop. PETER UAUES, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the w:i2.ri shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WOK KM AN. Sifw Wagons ami Ittis-jfit'o made f SATISFACTION GUAHANTKEI). shop on Sixth street ntinoiiite S'reiulit's Stahle B.&M.r! REHOUSE, JNO. BOSS & SON, Pras'rs. X. W.COUXER MAIN AND SECOND STK'S. Near B. & M. rasenger Depot. PLiTTSK O L'TSI, XEB It USK .1. Newly retitted and furnished thionhnat. Af fording an exeel-tuit yew oft!n K. H I1 Uliip, U Is eonveiileutly l.ieated. espee!al!y for the traveling publie. The tallies alwi'.y-suj'plie'i. with the best of the season. n conneeiii.n v ill! the house Lunch baskets filled at ail hour. Terms reasonable. Htf james"gbacb Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ri.ATTSMOrTH. NEB. KiillMd H:i!i an; Saltxiu on M;;in Siiet, four iioi! from Sixth :il N-'i!le's (;!d (.l:ic;'. HEST HE A X AS OF CiJA US, I. ES, Wis .:s, d-r. iit Merji'i-r iiii- rm- im.t I'lsre. Jflmcs Grace. f r e " '- 3 H tsrU iita ii & a U Ssk s MAj-li Ai Ti'HKH Cl- Elm Street, near Eighth. Piaitsmouth, - Neb. Msde to order rtl3 Palace Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Under Krauk Carruth's new Jewelry Store. ALWAYS KKAIlV. CLEAN NEW PLACE, and now. Is the time to set SHAVED SHAMPOOED IIAIK-CUT. or anything tine iu the tonsorial way, at slolsn Boone's New nliop, Corner Maiu :iud Fifth Streett-, turnout h. - - Seitrank. Good liriek, for sale :;s soon as hnrsied. At FRED. LFHNHOFF'S niilVli YABIp, W-SECXlSrCSl-TOT" .VB., riii((sitiouh, v2i. 9tf JONES & EIKLNB'VRY I SueeeKhorF to .loner : Ai.t w. j Again htkt.s charge nf the Oi l Brick Livery Stable. plattsmoi:tii, - - neijkaska. The . .'it i.o-iuer Ss.'.li!,-. :n I:.-tt --iiiftti ii. me low :r;e.e i .Ioi.es Eil.ei.liai v hih! they livc on Hand New and handsome aceoimiiod tii.ns, ii. t -e s!ii ;- of HOICKS, CAliliJAdES. EUUiJIES, aud SADDLE EOESES. W e are now prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE TRADE! Aii J will Train and Break Colts in Reasonable Terms. ALSO KKMEMISEK, That witli plenty if room (that every fine knew we itave; ii. our stable, we can uet Fann eis' stork :ui.l wagons, loac t of hav, &c., under cover. vM : . :l;ey will keep dry. Thai. ixi in i.M the old patrons lor their liberali ! v. v.e sii.i. .1 tueir trade f.ir the future, catistied ill .1 we can aeenmiiiodate them better ami do beltei oj tliem than evei betore. r01y JQXES & EIK-VBARV FLATTS MOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOCTJI, NED. f. j.i:isl:3.. riop.ieior. Flour, Corn ileal & Feed Alwas 01, liand and for sale at lowest cash ("ices. The highest prices paid for '.VPer-t a;.d Corn. I'ui i:t'timi' HiK-eiioii vikei'. eiistom work. Every wound or lniurv. even bv sireident or any tiisease. entitles a soldier of the late war to ; a pensiou. All pensions tiy ths law of January. ! l-'Tii. begin hack at ilate of diseliarire or death J i! 1 ne s.ilier. All entltleii should apply at once Tiious imls who are now drawing pen sion iire en: 11 led to an iuwue. oidi'.i.j .tui nldnws ;f tli- war of :ni Mexican' Wiir'np! entitled io peiisioiiH. Thousands are yet enti tleil to uminiy. but do i.ot know it Fees in all easer .-. 10. Pay f:r every deseription of war claims collected. Employ an Attorney rend ing in Wahinj;to;i, who ran give personal at-t-ntion to yoiir business. American and K01 eij;n patents ohlaineil on sliort notice. .Send two stamps for pension and bouniv law. Ad dress . T. Fi i.;kiai.i. C, S llai::: Agi-ot, hwk P.ox Asz. Witti!Li)fioii. I) sny DISPENSARY. I z-x-.-iiiiai :si? 1: iz s. sin ctct, sr. tcm xs. ' i " :; I". rhT.,icians 111 o,!i.i 2 of thi old aud well knon i .i.;tiiii"i .- r-r-- r crmiuatoa id mdieine an-:'- T,.a:i -i i-.'.'cr.noe in tb treatment ot u:-oi:ic DiiBauen i:.i i.i-uif their aaill axid ability .-:'i"ii rtunri?.r to ;f th ordinary practitioner. . t r.-r tuui(. : - naiiooal reputation lliruun .;'- r r ."..ni.'PT or c-'n-s '. .-f"'i ntnea. :DiSCftFTiD?J 23 EXPOSURE rdr., -.1 tL lieifi, kktu or Lmucw IrewUi with ueit. in fne.iiirv' pnuc'j'ie, without tuing Mrcury or tHtkcr i r'-i:iou Me i''irii iui'J at moderM expense. YC'JNC MEN hoe of middle oji wbo aro -i i im i fiiafw i hiTi turintf from organic wfak oosfi that an tits iu victims for bnalaaw or msurriuo. Irrai 'ity rnrd, mrdriTe expeonA. EATif NT3 TREATFD fr."' prrtot.i'f t;u " j"."r. -I if-rr tefrrU, wi.iii FREE DJ iflTltei. i,tt of qvii iwi in uweri l pftfienta U4truif treauut mailed tif ia inj jiMrj oa a;.pheation. iZ Prn bs ArtDr fmm Rupture hattl mm4 thtr a4f rvcav, a4 lr MBkUiUc to tkr Mttvaatay. ItW aott U . 0 Cotrmu M-i tf KTly rocfi WatiaVl, aa4 hui4 be dreea I1L HtTf!, IS .North tUk ?t,;f flf TARTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiotim of youthful imprudenca carjing Prema tcre liecay, Servons Debility, Lost lianhoed, etc.. baTictt tried In vain every known remedy, cat am CAvnvd a airnple a-!fsnre. which be vill nnd FR2 ewrrfdaairnpleaeirsnre. whichbe vrill kw) FBEK to hu feiiow!;.,. addres. j. ... pKpvt mi mm, Brick tara s fill ff I III llflrll Illrll " Viv vm-e . m .- svs1- : ' vd '" ' ' 1 '"""-jjjJi." 'i ir i Hiuiijuir NO CHANGING CARS It KT WEEN O.T3.4E3A Oil lLAT"BIOi;TII AND CHICAGO, Where dbeet coiiiiet tions are muile with Through Sleeping Car Lines - (-- NEW "KIKK. HOSTo.V, I'HillLDELPHM, n.lI.Tl.lOIiE. W.iHINCnON. a:.-d all eastern cities. 77r art Line V a FEOfil fjr 1XD1A XA I ii!.:s. Ltjl IS I'l U.K. CIXCIX XA 77. 'fn' nil the TfJK Itl.CT MXr. K LOUIS, V hep. Piivei eiiiieetloiis are made in the I MUX liEI'OT with Tliiniiyli Me iiiiiK Car Lines fur uii poiits.sl.'TII. THE XKW LINE FOIl TDiL MI OIJSTEg, HIE l--.yS!lTE HOl'IE FOK ROCIC ISIltCSnD. The iiiieipmled ind tieemeiitsi offered by this line to l i-ive'ei s and Tourists are as foi'o'ws : lhe o-lebrated i'lilliiian 16- Wheel Palace -S'leepiiiK Cats, run onlv on this line. C, 15. & t. Palaoi; Draw iujr-h'oom Cura With Jloi ton's rreciiiiimj Cha'.ju. iv.i lixtra C!iai--e 1 urS.-y-j ;.i L.Ti'i-iaj; Clrtilav l lif- ta'aioiiM i'., 15. t i). Pnhiee Dininf'Cars. tieiree'.;s Smo.Ii!'4 Cars, fitted with elegant hlch-baeked Kattan l.'eve! vinji Chairs, for the exclusive use of lirst-class passengers. l ast Time. Steel Kail Track and Superior E'liiipmeiii coailiitie 1 with t'.wiy (ircut. ' lin,tth ( or Ar.-tii.ifi -meat, makes Uii-, ;,boe ail others, the favorite Koute to the ' s-AWV, fOi'Til ttlt WirTJ-r!A!sT, TI:V IT. an.l ou will find Til WEMNG i Lux urj iiislead f i; DNeomfort. Throii-'h Tickets via this celebrated line fir sa'e at ail offices in the l uited States and Canada. -Ill information about V, ul:.,ni e-am, !eep iiej; Car Aec!'ifiie'.,iiat.oiis, nml Time Tables, will be Oiet-1 'fully given by applying to S?iciVitI Co well, General Passeajrer Ag't, Chicago. T. J. I'OTTKR, (ientral Manager. Chieauo. GET THE BEST! LEAD ALL OTHERS ! Every Styled Price, Gun.i.'tiAatt "Oneciu.alel rou LV av DURABILITY 3s?1 it'i-fS'il',I POPULAR RVEK VVKEvtiiS.. Far 51o in Every City and Tcwn in the United States, and by J. R. COX, P1.ATTSMOCTI1 Neb. 2tolC&24to36 Is made ll-nlll -tnm,. I ri.i.ii- il r n-.t m, abie. anil is ;i foxitivr Kemetly for all the ' lii-eai-e-' 1 hi'.t cans pains ia the lower part of I tiie liotly for 'loiiiiil Uvfr Headache- Jaiin di;e liizii,.s. ;.-avel. Malaria, ami all diiri- I eilltie Of tMc Iviiii 'CVS. ;.ivcv Mini l'rii.urv ! jian. Kor F'iHl- Ii'aeM. A'' nih',"i-i;- ! Rtr"att.n. ami d' -iv;; i:..iill...i,"i' it ii;l'iid ; i r.ria:.,. H iv.iti-i-.- 11, .:-tra that tint he the ! j b.i...d. r.nu .ic.-.- U ih,- 1., ,-t I51hk liiiit-r. : 1 It is itie oi'ly i i.i.i'!! r mcdv t':at cipvs that ; e;ur'e, iriaiif. 51 ".. -. I". r i-i:,!,ctf ; . ic-e HHriii-r'K lwinii -t.-M 4 ,.,. ' 1 F.r Sale .y 'mttrsi-tH iiM,J I ;.; . 5,.-, I Itiir ln.fl 1 .. . . 1 .... .'.... mm i-n Vi- JET- ' I CV . ' , ,r..b,3CT ll dos ot gum.'lint forms a ri PP'"2,S surface ever 'the aie,ie than Inferior brands, and one box w..il tin ry3t.e. Ito'w..-w ...i, ,y a,- jir Huru-Z -Jlil twar.CT. Thrliil.' MaMnra -V,T. !.?.. v. t'amjures -'tnn, eto.a.s for Tt i CUAflANTEEO to contain rtPttroleum. lor aii i I,y u.l fusi:.-v.- dca,!,TH. tif Our I ackM CycUypfix-i of Thiuy ori7, a'noirtu) naild f;' -o. MICA MANUFACTUKlKHS CO. ui nicniari Airfi3. ert'espo, Illinois. f0ME TREATMEH1. L , A certain enre for Vorvcuc rrtrrLr DebiSity, Seminal Weak- ness, impotence, ptw. ' t Tne EeClpes used in rr.v ','ii.nu far r A : sa anillnt!'eeu(rfifettdpuefs gtvltg fu:i ct , rj Vt5 Vm pssa J ! I - if ! v., t-iJ F: 1 BENNETT & LEWIS, DEALERS IX tuple zumI JSPztiwy CKaeerkeSj Fruite, Cpiifectioaicry9 Cigars & obssceo. AGENTS I'OU THE CELEHKATKD LEAVEN WORTH -0- Tlse eB&oScet 8els of grocer Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. r.-;-vv -vv-V tM 1 """ 1 11 r i 1 11 1 iniaiiV Contain Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake Gentian Auil cure JVyspeiihia, Iss of Appetite, Billionsnesn ami all ler:ingenunt. of the Stomach arising from ovcr-cating nml ilrirkin. Prepared onlv by m:o. uj;i)icii: am ii a xi .cTtTi.ix con LIAVhWORTH, KANSAS. for s.!e by all I.iu.Ms. The Old Goods Altliotigli Lft-tioii is over we arc not done selling foods, bv :i oug sliot. .n, OU WILL FIKDATF.8. WHITE'S OXE OF THE LA RU EST JXl REST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN THE TOWX. CG-reerlej IBry lrockeryware9 cheaper Slauis ever, -tO- The nliest flreen Winter Apples for sale. Ovn JOO runrds down OHir Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOW CASH PAID FOlUfM FURS, TALLOW, &C, at j?. s. whites, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA r i SMITH TO GIVE THISnVC: .A. O-ILH.. Exceedir.Jy Cs!icaie !.astin. Prise, 5 eta.: L&rz-i I i, 7V cC- cox A Co., N. ca vry boltie. PARKER'S mmn m q Tho Medicine for Every Far.iily. : NEVER TOXICATCS. i I Made from Ciin?cr, la:cli:i J !a:n'rr ' . 5 ':;"ii;r! ., ' k and ther oftlte bvl vrtiniiio rc:n ;!lrs kit .-.?, r Parkf.k's GiNcns Tomc hns rrn:.l :':!', -: : $ L enntive powers, & jstV:( grA!e: tn:a:ii C.i:c. : r or, UIoqcJ I'yiiiici andi-ivcrRttuluiorcverri.i ' E Tha Best Mediciao You cz- ' .. for Eestoring Health & Stro- r: '.' j It commences to ict fmm the firt ri', .-rr!,. out the weak org.-irs. and is mmnul in - tr . t help all diseases of the l'.owcls, tr.Tii.-i h I; it C Kidneys, Liver. Urir-nry Organs, a'l '.'1,1. u ;s. . lj V Women. Nervousness. SIceoIcsstKs. Lhvuui.-.- : L tism and DroukenaeKS. f Try a bottle to-day ; it may save yo'-rl". . ;-c. r and $1 s-zesatclldnisciv. .-.iyiCu.:..::l-j.. - hasoursitjnatur". v. n::s:i!c wbiir, iiuocS i : -1 i- s- fc , - - J Just What is Waiiltu. i KvenJily hoe h.-ir i-; fray ' r t.clrd h.-s fe't f the ik-c 1 f a liair Restorer and c'roriii' (.!: " i l-"'z !'-r :'.-a-!i ..." ' . .'uii s Siici f, St. Lonis, Mo. .' !. -.!: i' k i.ciil (Villew, him bcn , : - t . ii..- ;icrl'?j-KiaiAri La fcl . Lorn.. . ,, . t.l ,.u t r-iidnt kno. Byr-hllia. tr,ctir,Orrhli,"llupturc,ali . i cr 7-'iercuriBj AfTect:ons of V i :y. f form- I H. -If.iT, Privatelx. . -- il !!:,: lit y and Impotencr v r r.f-A !; f : -.;-:.l tmmi In miitarar .i tl:. ; .'i". -ci';?vntrvrmotjs,aemiu-: . . .) . oi.r.r- orr,:'.-.t,d.fioti ma-&ve,L-j it s.-'.(,;y eonfoaioQ of j 'i rww--r. r r : 1 ..rn,iorlzj rnnr '. , - r..-- :"r'!;r .b-I. (VinuItAtloa . - r,- . , j i-',!,-1. P.-.niphJat on -'-t I dihII or .Tjrea. (Vit1 .'-.;? xi It is tunl-i" jliUvd. . 'aiL 1 PACES i -j- t r.t.v-t: - . i in.irrv, vtio nft. whi v ! ":.ty. V m htul4 :..;.- mrryt, :tn ,e?-tl - i J :: v (flire. fJ rnArried i ;..- i i "-v ft tha kpua i. i:i r-.r Jo. I fiuilln irto.-iny or poa 1 " 'f - d -'". ' T " : r. BokflL s n A vraim to Kocifrtj . .? tj i L. i. u.-r hriir.tr'jt on Slf- ...v ' ':. -1. 'l.ar.' ' i . I-o-i',s. !iio i-rtrr r, r t-"0'ii,5 Ho. oid offlea, i. ;,.... . sr. ? a r.irTi.iU VewJt- -.a.;v;r,i i' M u piiil. r Lonorroata. o ..i v f iilr--.;r a h r. Ksnt oo c.i'w! i i -i f . -h. AilfM li-4-"H m.iltiue from fl?!v''-it ' - jort'Xi- urn enrwd fo li e with wife aoedi a tioe lf-. ''n.arRt low. Cull or writ9 sViARRIACECUIDEV a PENSIONS I -5r-V ARE PAID tTv! jter Ui.uiiri in -T-v l r,r f jprv ...Lt r I th-1 .re. A V -sjp-'l ll('.1ii ( t V:M, lf. .l Eturt-r.trr l VVf J"r iCt 1111(1-, if but ll ., l.t.u SJ-TX yj true! i-u'-.c. r urlcMM; elrm irivc a . i: iUd to an ii:rre:.se t t ..ui'.... itluwit.nrphmia r.iifi drrnu,rl l.iti.Ti ,-r riothcra rf (ili?r l" H-v.i in t i.!m f.'t a n B. IMHTI V-I'i - lip;-. forwi-nnii. in..nt- cr .r-.T'lnr'.. r vi-s fa!! ho.nty. Per..! S uui." f rr j J'rniiion B't H' .'mirv .rZ. ilj-., ',' V. fl. Fitlgernild A, Co., V ai-i ArtM t".' -i x r' ' K A V l'-i'J. V' lil'jIK T r.'',J il. F." K'.nrrtr. I'.'.-'tl : i tut 4 H loilUt"ili. .Vlt.i A A ""TT r ??:',"" nj'"J n"ne 2'----- '"ill 11 4- -V-l".5 WMteT" Grocery & Drv Stand V. goodc Hsaww The mnjurity a f the ill of the mmmi l.o h a, it.- frnt.-i u tlrrauffr-turni fn Liter, ajjrrlii4! loth Uf attmeh mat t ii:- -l. In ... . in lcct n cure, it i nrressnrj tn miuii.' the cause. Irregu lar oml S,tfji' ttrtluit of the Jloteelt, ml if hr,SirUu' at the Stomach, l'aln ii Hit, llnrh nml I.lns,etr., indicate that f 1.1 re e is ut fun 1 1, a nil that nature re Mi'l'( ix'J.i .( to rtioKle this o Iff at to. t"ri, ir off I iti put it jV.. , IrlvUly As5 KUU rHareenftceially com pnu mli d for tit im jm , pae. They are milii in their action mutt effrrtire. a n. cure ; are plftmant to the tamte and taken, ettnifti l.f b'tth i hildiri, a nd adtttl. Ta ken rin-t-td im 'o Hrertionn, tltry art n m-tfr i, ii,- ic,mi((. iri ;irl)j pepsla, i-isi;rjl SX;:imy ,IIiilitul Con. KtipKtJcn, IiKt:a-U Kldneyti, etc.,e:c. f visiMu I'urilier they are mojierior to tttitf .'hr medicine; ctea ntti tig the uyxtf.it I .''rtiu rj hi l, unit I in pit r tin j nete life und enenjy to thetn rniid. It i ff tuelit'lll uuil not a tt Into !,-MtitlK b rraye. AH 1CUR DRUGGIST FOB PtICKU ASH tlTTIIS, and take no other. PRICS. tl OO per Bottl. IEYER BROS. i. CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, Bt. Louie and Kanaka City, Ho. mis mum. oi xtj Tfnm' rxpertenre ar S XjnntenUiii fv wii.H- .Al-.:nc. , Vt4 j,ikl o all pr..rt H jrm,r tna!,e, 0?1, A Ik ia , V. n , . . . . ", iHn;iiia,i--or-r.nr:i'i-a "rim"hinc ,(i,- ainis! necifationa: Flocuiionf" BLACK & PIKKLY r eewfi aiii r.iii,v f.atur-H and enrV.-u-t-n kept in r-i.air fr. o Tor j v,At V- fuirdewcnpfioi. .!,tfa..'uJ:w, ?, 'iT""; b-t- A trial wiil r.tr.yt. - ii' ' IT M '' t. Mtrlikv i A. .T hl.l tilt- t- are. ltnniiHriii.rfi.fifiu rmi 6 NTi 703 Chestnut?'!.- rhi;arit.i,.w. 1 . i. ir.n.f m vnlformtr'ththeSHr.. ar,'! r-f -.i., .-. Tum,iTmU "'. I'uthon, H,. i liZlZV&l-X -ur" ..-t.f y,'i:, -i j - . ., . - r at ,i i f. i 9 f l v' i e 4 , v V' I: i t' i i i; I S L 5 v- - s w tr w vaW. i-ro i i.ruok. bt.