THE HSE&tt). ALL S0ET3 Only eight Uii"t-il States dollars of 1S04 are in xis enco. T.iere 13 0110 in llio liritish M;is um winch c:st ?80. Model wives formerly look s'.itcli in time;" now. with the :uil of a. sv-ippr-macliinc, tho-y take one hi no time. It is be'.ievel quite generally that J11I03 Verne wrote all the iiiNM-estiiijf chapters in Jefferson. D.ivis' hook. It smimls very much that way. Sir Henry Tvier has adopted a re markable parliamentary headdress. During the li'-t weather he appuare I in the house of commons in an Indian sun helmet. The report that another enormous inn is about to bo built at Coney island con tradicts the notion sometimes advanced that all the business of this kind the bench can do is already provided lor. A citizen of Ashland, . II.. received a back pension of about SSUO a w.-ck ago, and it lias all been spent. Anoth er citizen of the same town received about 1.000 lately, and spent it all in about. ne week. Your meal i ready, sir," said t.!: waiter to llavseed. just f run the rural district. "Meal!" -xclairued Hays -e l. contemptuously, "do yer think I'm a ho-s? (Jet mo s rnc c nn-d b;ef a i l cabbage, young man." An Amherst "(Mass.) woman who lost her voice more than two years ago, and has since been unable to speak above a whisper, was delighted recently at the return of her power of speech. Se can now converse freely. There are 1,790 Po-t Offices in Mis souri, and a clerk in the St. Louis Tost Office, with but eighteen months' ser vice, is said to have named them all without prompting in thirty minutes, with the county of each. A man who was fishing for trout in the Tionesta .years ago, so the story runs, caught his hook on a b3g of gold and brought it safely to shore. As he looked at the gold he sadly said, "J ust my luck; never could catch any fish." A Swiss newspaper says that the on ly men who know how to keep a hotel are Swiss and Americans. It in stances scores of leading hotels in Eu rope with Swiss managers, and thinks that American hotels are tho best in the world. Trinquet, tho member of the com mune who assumed tho boldest front before the court-martial, and who was elected a municipal councillor while ft ill in New Caledonia and ineligible, has been appointed by the prefect of the Seine an inspector at -180 a year. Mrs. Hale a widow lady residing at llostou, died of injuries by falling from a hammock. Mrs. Haley got into tho linmmock.and while swinging fell to the ground, a distance of only two feet, striking on her head and injuring her spine, with the above result. San Francisco Chronicle: An eastern society journal says that the present fashion at Long Ilranch is only ono toilet a day. The stylo is also popular among tho Tiutcs at many watering places in the mountains on this coast, but it is not deemed worthy of special comment. A plague of rats has appeared near Dagneux, in France. innumerable swarms, which seem to come from tho direction of Lyons, have invaded many communes, doing great damage to the crops. Some farmers have killed from live to six thousand rats in inejr iieM in a single day. At a recent ball in London the resi dence of the lady by whom it was given was cooled by means of tons of ice used in an ornamental manner in conjunction with ferns and water lilies. A French newspaper relates that a millionaire lost his entire fortune ex cept about one hundred thousand francs, and died of grief within "i hours. His brother who wa3 his sole heir,had long struggled in poverty, ami now, on the sudden receipt of what he regarded as a large fortune, has just died of joy. The ll;v. W. W. Colley, re cently a missionary in Africa, has distinguished himself at Norwich, Conn., by declar ing in a lecture that there was no bar ren Sahara, and that the whole country known on the maps as sterile and un inhabitable was fertile and densely pop ulated. The wily Arabs started the lie, lie explained, in order to keep out com petitions in the ivory traffic. Albuquerque, X. M., has a greatly respected justice of tho peace. An il lustration of his method of dealing justice is commended to justices in other far-west towns. He said to a Mexican: "Ye are charged with steal ing canned goods; what have yc to snv?" The Mexican replied, "Quien sahe?" "Well," said the judge, "I'll thrust the harpoon of justice into ycz. and send yez up for ninety days, till yez maybe can 'sabe.' Nixt!" James William Fletcher, tho Boston spiritual medium, whose professional visit to London resulted in his wife's 2oihg to prison for swindling an Eng lishwoman out of 50,000. has returned home without her. He says that among the London attendants at his seances were Count Gleiehen, Princes Albert and George of Solms, the Due de Parma, tho duke of Newcastle, the dowager duchess of St. Albans, and the countess of Caithness. Uinsr at tho door be'l, half past 2 A. M. Doctor pokes his head out of tho window. "Hello!" "Hello yourself, I'm no telephone. Come over to 17 East X street. Man awful sick over there." "What's tho matter with him?" "How d'ye s'pose I know! That's what you've got to find out. I didn't bring a diagnosis with me." And the doctor slammed down the window.slammedon his clothes, and profanely jogged over to the desired locality to lind a sufferer from an overdose of cold peas just getting through the worst of it. Double fee. The laying down of the cable be tween Berlin and Scttin, which was effected the other day, completes the subterranean telegraph system in the German empire. These" cables now cjver 3,420 miles, nearly all of them having seven wires, and they have cost over 7,500,000. They arc laid beneath all the principal rivers.and establish di rect telegraphic communication be tween 221 different cities and towns of the German empire. The tirst cable was laid just fur years and eight months ago. QuecnVictoria has invested the duch ess of Abercorn, whoso husband had for many years been her representa tive at the mock court of Dublin, with the order of Victoria and Albert. She had previously invested tho wife of an other lord lieutenant, the duke of Marl borough, with the order, which is worn by the ladies of the royal family an I highly prized. It is a beautiful cameo, engraved with the heads of the queen and prince consort, set in diamonds and pearls, and surmounted by a crown in diamonds and rubies. It is attached to a white satin ribbon and worn 01 the left shoulder of the evening dress. Reports from the Moravian mission stations on the west coast of Green land, dated at the end of March of tho present year show that the winter cf 1880-81 was exceptionally mild. Sum mer weather prevailed in January aul February, the country was free of snow, the Esquimaux were able to fish alon tho coast and gather berries on tho shore, and goats pastured in tho open air. The winter season did not begi i until March; at the southern s alions the thermometer did not go below 21 degrees, and at the northern stations only onco sloo 1 as low as IG decrees- Tho Zloij Teller- A Man Whose "llrat H ld" I 1! I'.e at In:; of Anecil ten. "You remember that fellow who wrote what's-its-nanie? You know he made some money on one of the Western railroads; I forgot what ca'l it." "Wi ll, what of him?" "Why, not long ago he was what's that town in Wisconsin? the in You know.' "Don't mind the name of the town; what did he do?'' "What the deuce is the name of that town? A big politician came from there. You know him. Well, this fel low "Which fellow?" "I can't think of his It's a good joke, and I nearly 'ied when I heard i. He'd come up from th it !i.r plantation in Louisiana, kept I.v by: Who's that big banker in St. L uis? The man who built a line of s cam boats from Keokuk to to I'll think f the li imc in a minute the town at the mouth of ou know that river in Ar kansas. Anyway, ho'd come up on the that road ihat'ruus at the wist bank of the Mississippi from that plac op posite Cairo. Consolidated with the Cairo and Pulton Koad. What's tic name of that line?" "Don't know. Never was in that country. What did your man do that was so funny?" "Why, he'd come up from that plan tation on this iino to the town in Wis consin, and struck for the that hotel on the corner of Jefferson and that other street. Named after a French man. Strange I can't remember it. Don't you know tho house?" "Never heard of it. Don't know anything about it. Go on with your story." "Well, he got there and perpetrated the best pun you ever heard on the landlords name. The landlord got off a pretty good thing on this man's name, but I can't remember what it was. Anyhow, this man asked tho landlord, -why are you like an insur ance c mpany' but I've forgotten what it was: 'Why are you like an insurance company?" "Give it up?" "Yes, I give it up." "Well, sir, the answer is the funniest thing you ever heard. It broke me all up when I heard it." "Wind is it?" "Why. if I could remember the name of the landlord, I'd know it in a mo meut. Who's that fellow that invented the pshaw that machine for making what' re they called? You understand, something about stair rods." "Never heard of him." 'It's the same name except the last syllable. Funny 1 don't catch it." " "Is that all of your story?" "Why. yen. Yo i see if I could re member my man's name, and the in surance c-unpany, and the landlord's name, I'd bust you right open with the best tiling you ever listened to. By tlin way, we l ad a little party at our house last night, and the queerest tiling is that I didn't know I'd forgotten to in vito you until my wife asked why you wrsift there. Good one on you, wasn't it? 1 said to that fellow I loaned twenty-live dollars to on your guaran tee, what's his name, fat fellow? Never paid it, and I wish you could let me have the money." "Don't remember the name; don't recollect the circumstances, and didn't know you had a wife. I'd heard you w nld have a parly, but couldn't re member the number f your house. I should have forgotten to come if you'd invited me," :tnd the bored man de parted in dudgeon. A vast proportion of society is made f a v:.cuum in memory, and some of the shining social lights of Brooklyn will compare pleasantly in conversa tional ability with t!;e genius here por trayed. Brooklyn Eagle. - Couldn't Pas3 Him. Spriggins. who is the catcher of a Jersey nine, and has hands like an ele phant's ears, was prancing around the other day boasting of his exploits on the Held of carnage, when he enthusi astically exclaimed; "Now, do you suppose for an jnstant that a ball could get past nn; after I once got myself into position?" ' No, I guess n.t," said a bystander, glancing though full' at Spriggins' grappling irons, "unless it went around through the next county!"' The convention then adjourned sine die. Wit and Wisdom. Took His Pay in Kissas. The following "good one" is told at the expense of a dentist, located not far from Ovid, New York. A joung lady, while under the influence of an anassthctie, hail four teeth extracted. Being a very hand-ome "subject," the dentist, who was an unmarried man, could not resist the temptation of steal ing a kiss for every tooth he extracted. The young lady was not so much uu der the influence, however, as he thought, and decided to be even with him, and so on arising from the chair she said she had forgotten her purse, but would send the amount, two dol lars, tho next day by a friend. The following day the friend went to tho office and presented the dentist with a bill from his fair customer, in whish she gave him credit for extracting four teeth, two dollars, and charged ono dollar each for the four kisses, and ad ded: "Please remit the balance, two dollars." He paid the bill. Ithaca Journal. o- Keeping Eutter for Home Use. A lady reader asks how she shall manage to preserve th nice June but ter made from the family cow for use in the late fall and winter. As it is made in small churnings, she does not see how she can keep these small lots in line cond tiou for so long a time. O ir correspond -nt has, no doubt, tho best possible means at her hand of doing w hat she desires. She has some unused fruit ca' s quart and two quart aud they offer her precisely the means she is looking for to preserve her butter. When the butter is worked ready for packing (and this should al ways .be done the d;y after churning) let her make a small muslin sack, about half an inch smaller in diameter, and of the same depth, an the glass fruit can she will use. Put this muslin stick into the can, and till it with butter through the mouth of the can. using a small rammer to press in the butter till the sack is full up to the neck of the can. About three and one-half pounds may be put in the sack for a two-quart can. When the sack is filled firmly with butter, fold over tho upper edges, and place across the top of the sack a strip of woo l that has been soaked in brine. This is to keep the s ick from rising to the top of the brine. Now pour in strongly-sat i; rated brine, made from butter salt, and till the jar, over the top of the sack, completely full; now screw on the cover, a r-tight, and it is prepared for keeping six months, r a year, 3 completely as you may keep fruit put up in the same can. These cans tided with butter should be set in a dark box in tho cellar, 'This butter may be taken out through thb neck of t!io can with a tablespoon, and it will be found as fresh, rosy and de liei'ius in flavor as when lirst put up. National Lice .Stork Journal There was recently sold in Manches ter, lor ih los., a copy of "Three Ways of Spending Sunday, by Timothy Sparks, which is one of the e uliest and rarest of Dickens' writ'ns. It was pure has-'d by the b oksC I "r. who sold it for three peiic-! It htu b'-eu re told for 8 8s. Saratoga Beauties. There aiv two note vorthy beauties, says a corrcsp a 'cut. at the big Sara toga hotel, win-re, in the course of my summer pursuit ;f f .sio-;ab!e intelli gence, 1 have been sp u.Iin.j the pres ent week. One is beau'if;:l because of her eyes, and the other is beautiful in spite of her eyes. Tue former's blue eyes have flexible, clear-cut lids, which open wide with surprise, roguishly half close with fun, bee .ine. tremul his with grief, and' altogether are a tremendous help to her looks. II : brows are graceful in outline an 1 very m. .bile. She has learned how to use these ad vantages for. all they'r ? worth, and that's a great deal. La. -king them, s'.e would be otily passable. Tiie other beauty ha I eyes of precisely the same color." hut. alas! they nr.; badly set in ner head, under heavy, drooping lids, and were in some indes rib -ible manner re i e'.lant. But she had regu'ar features, an exquisite complexion, a id a charm ing epr -ssion when her eyes were shut. This young woman gave me a revehdiou of feminine humbug that is good cno :gh to write ab ut. Rows of windows in this hotel open from th ; guests' r o:us light upon the verandas; so that you sleep within a foot or two of the gay promcua Its. Tims, if you go to be 1 early, you lie there and listen to the st-'ppiug :r:d the talking of the people on the other side of the parti tion; or, if y ur room is in a more se cluded part of the house, you may be cut itained by the cooing of a pair of lovers close to yt.ur window. Well, as I w as sauu'ering along a veranda, at nine o'clock the other evening, I g'aneed by chance through tho open s'ats of a shu ler, an I saw my beauty with the bad eye-i lingin her bed. She made suc'i a striking picture that I stopped slill to admire it. She lay on her bafk. with a sheet covering her to the breast. One bare arm wns thrown carelessly oyer her head, where her loose brown hair was tumbled down over it, while the oilier lay delicately pink or tho white sheet. Her eyes were shut, and the heaviness of her lids' was thereby hidden. With tho only weak point in her beauty thus hidden, she was. indeed, lovely. I thought her fast asleep, of course, for the lace-covered bosom rose and fell with her regular breathing, and her red relaxed lips gave a glimpse of pearly t;eth. As I stoo l for a minut taking in the sight, s -veral men came aroun I the corner of the veranda, and 1 hoard ono say some hiug about never minding aud cotni.ig ag iiu. They thoif passed on. I eomp vh.-udod instantly. Somebo ly had told them of the sleep ing beauty, ami tiiev ha 1 come around to 1 ok in at her. I was ashamed for tho woman, and resolve I to protect her. I closed the slats of t'se shutter as light as a drum, and moved on to 'a shadowy angle, tea feet away. Looking back presently, 1 saw tho shutters opened just as they were before opened from the inside. Could it be po-side that the woman yas only feig ') )g sleep, in order to po?e effecliveiv an I with seonr ing unconsciousness? Yes; it could be. aiid it was. I went past the window again and looked in. Siie had resumed her posture abed, and was simulating the sleep of blushing inn cence. Wnat wretches we are! Weighing a Hog. A dog-fight sends the pulse of a vil lage up to 130. and a footTraco or a kii';ck-down will almost restore gray hairs to their original color; but for real excitement, let a man come along in front of the tavern about sTindown driving a hog. "Hay, where yon going?" "Going to sell this hog." "Hold on a minute ! What does he weigh ?" "Oh ! about 225." '.You're off; he won't go over 200." Every chair is vacated on the instant. Every eye is fastened on the hog root ing in the gutter, and every man Hal ters himself that he can guess within a pound of the porker's weight. "That hog w ill pull down jist exactly 195 pounds." says the blacksmith, after a long squint. "He won't go an ounce over 185," adds the cooper. "I've got a 2 bill that says that hog will kick at 210," says the hardware man. ''You must be wild growls the grocer; "I can't see over 150 pounds of meat there." Twenty men take a walk around the porker, and squint and shake their heads and look wise, and the owner finally says : "If he don't go over 220 I shall feci that I am no gue-ser," "Over 220! If that hog weighs L'OQ pounds I'll treat this crowd !' exclaims the owner of the 'bus line. "I d-nno 'bout that," muses the 'Squire, who is on his way to the gro cery after butter. "Some hogs weigh more and some less. ' What breed is this hog ?" -Berkshire." "Well, Pve seen some o them Berk sheers that weighed like a load o' sand, and then agin I've seen 'em where they was all skin and bone. Has anybody guessed that this hog will weigh C00." " "No." "Well, that's a leeth sleep, but Pve kinder sot my idea on 250." iy this time tho crowd has increased to a hundred and the excitement is in tense. The 'Squire lays half a dollar on 250, and the owner of the hog rakes in several bets on "between 220 and 225.'' The porker is driven to the hay-scales, and the is almost painful as the weighing takes place. "Two hundred and twenty-three !" calls the weigher. Growls and lamentations smite the evening air, and stake-holders pass over the wagers to the lucky guessers, chief of whom is tho owner of the hog. "Well, I'm clear beat out," says the 'Sqr.ire. "I felt dead sure he would weigh over 300." Oh, I knew you were all way off'," explains the guileless ownei--. 'Wi;e:i we weighed him here at noon he ti pe I at exactly 223, and I knew he couldn't Jiave picked up or h s: over a pound !" i n JTew York Notables. Dr. Damrosch. the !js inguished mu sical compose-, is summering ?rt Sehooley's Mountain, whither he has gone for retirement as well as hygienic improvement. Helen Potter, the pop ular elo uihuiist, has sailed for Europe, her success having given her the means of taking a fuivigu t.our. Col. Fred erick Conkling is at the CaUkilL, lje is a sound Democrat, and hence tho course pursued by his brother lloscoe is highly gratifying. Vauderbilt visit ed Sharon Springs recently in hope of relief fi-om rhenmali-m. His health i3 hardly equal to the i:nagj;m?nt of an imuii ns property and the construction of a palace. Tne latt -r is too vast a work to progress rapi llv, and three years will probably claps before it will be ready for occupation. William is now CO, and is in circumstances to take life easy, but the bi:!e s ivs tho abun dance of the rich w ill not let him sic p. Moses Tavlor will remain most of tho Summer ia the city. The recent aJ yance in socks ami Ponds makes the old capitalist so happy that he will not need much vaomion, Ex-Governor Tilden also remains in town, finding Lis cool and spacious house more agre -able in hot weather than a crowded watering-place. Tilden retains a strong affection for Uis native spot (Lebanon) j where his father, Liam lihlen, kept fctore. The rea-on why ho remained a bachelor has never been ma do public, but it is supposed that, as in the case of Irviug, there; was an early disappoint ment. A1 V. Letter.' II M EJ 651 il " e??4 s a INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite,Nausea,bowels costive, Vainjh tnellend.with a dull sensation in the back "part.ain under the shoulder- ' "blade. fuHneSs ater catine. with a disin clination toexertionofbody ormind, Irritabihtyof temper, Low spirits.IjOSS ofmemory,witjiafeejing ot having nef;- ' lected seme duty, weariness. Dizziness, i'liitterinK of the Heart. Dots before the eyca. V ellow fc-kin, Headache, Meatless ness at night, highly colored Xi ine. IF TKESE-'WAIININGS AEX UKIIEEDrC, : SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON EE DEVELOPED i TTJTT'8 PILLS r esecialIya.liplU to purh OHK.-s.uiie i1ok- ett'et tK siu ltH i liange J of ft-eliii!? aK to Hstouili I tie tstifiVrrr. j Tli-v In-re5isflli AKtlt. mid t-nii the b-1y to n Kl-li. Hiss tlit svtfieni is noiirfklMtl.Uiici .y t!n-ir''oiS A-tloion the ill ;:! 1 1 " Oman", Iitritiir wiol ure ti-l-i -,!. I'rioe " eenttt. tirr S.V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. fsr.AV llAinorWMiFKKR rhanrvl innnwmsv K tty a wiiii:!.' :iMiii-atim of lliis I)yk. Il irni aris a natural color, acts Iiist.ii.taueoiisly. I ruld I y Ii :iri:;t- in- f-ut I y r mi rwvi'i el 1. i Office. 35 Murray St., Mew York. ' Pr. TTTT'S SIXI'H. f taln.Mr lufiirai.ti.m .nil ! t:-ftil llfwl-.t-. will' mjlHS I Utfc on iiillrtijii. JTtjXt a. jl jyr .: -i' - J&i- At - 1 4 Or X!S S YKAHI.V. S rorCsughsCal'Js, -3 it.. U.'JVWl .W.l. ihc Tes.t of Tonics; :j;:rn-::h.'3j the bystem: Restores the Weak L and Debilitated, r r A trial fit it will prove an ta ..l'iifi.Alc vonr.lrML'L'Kt t ---- i.r f.'r.t nmk'n WinrB of Tar; lake no ovher. j I t. I :lt; Lv nil 1)1 Ut'lll-ls. Fj, S H.SWITH4C0., Prop'rJ; Siir -orlo011ror'pMili & to. L0 II VVTOX. OHIO. C SISPSMSARYo i i E 1 l.v-jc.ans in cii a ul t lii.- oll and wt-li know 1 ;is-: !.". m!m r .r rrrvi'iat?9 ia medicine an --v. Yoa,- cf Xxperijnc9 in the trentrm'M rt : ;.:c Jjis-ia-i-a h- ::t their skill ami ahihtf -( (.'.:. oi I...', )t tii-rJiiiry i.rftctiti.f;t r. t . l:itv r-rnu.rt I n :.nt..'nil reputation lurvMgh tl viii-TiUim GR EXPOSURE r": v. .- f Mi'.u" lt U.v .t lt , Mr lim.Ul t-i itL-f !''.:.-m:;T.':- Mwi i-' ilif 3 a'j'i M iiiUiuraitJ U-tJJOUe. YO U NO J: N an' 1 -,os of nililJie URf who rr? --.MifTi-.;a'.wni yutTWiK; from orcranic "weiv n' thfit Tin:'. it- v i-t I m fr !nsints or mnu'w.. f.u-'r.-t ! v r -- . ;tr- rnC'tit-r".' exi'ense. FATfETNTS TPc.STFD ,v Miil "J 'P"" l -r...., t c -u : .1 - . .ii;Mr,i;. ,.n ii FREE as.d ii.v-tfd. Lit .' T ,, t. ! iiiMvcrr-l tv f aticuis dekinog treauuent Pftron MiTt-rin? f.-mo (i.if.turr hould nA their addr?. 1 t Tninu ' strict !v rn tt len ia!, and should be idiresie J Jii. lit XT, 1 S North th LouU Mo- sPKKEARAppi? W0 ' PQS TiVELY GLT.EU BY GARTER'- gs Wa iaan Cured, M Merely Relisved And Can Prove What tec. Claim. Pg Tlioro nw no r:!Iuie :nl otlts.ip- potntinriit. II yon r triiill-ii nilri KUJii 81 IfU Hi: ?on Ite -nii7iii i;ulcll.r onrisl, a iiun!r-tli ltuve brpn Blwiilv. We ki;1I ie i!f.isihI to luatl : le't of t-t i:ini.l-. ttt nny imeiyalet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Alsocurcuil i'.rn:sof Il!ku3nc.-is, prevent C'unsi' pution csJ I ysperala. l r rorita Dfe-tl'm, roller distr ss from too hcartT pnt'.n .-. correct D:so-'.!'jr of tin Stor2a:b, f t'aiulsto tle Liver, and Kcpixkito t'.:e Bot7l1s. Th : y do t;il this by taklnfr j jst or.a little pillat a dose. Tbeyaro r'"ely vc;:c?:i'rle.cjj n:)t rripe o-p::r-r'. and uio ns ronr!y perfect as lr is pos'.b'.e fr r r. ;.!1 '.o i e. I'.-ico 5 cents, 5 f.irfl Sold ly ("r-.irr CTrrrwhero or sent by nv:i CASTES MED!C!N CO., NEW YORK. PROVED A Lf TT'.-.-r-.. BY YEARS OF USE1 A valnnblo Discovery nn 2T-w Drj.avtum in MeJ ical Scinnco. A p'itivl :'- ci ive K-njt.y for the nieedy anri permanent i'u lr tranir weakne ss the dplorabio dis! rsuiti.i tifin mi.irewt practirvs or excesses ia youth or at rn t rnn of life ty the only Poriti,L, tuu rjitrr li:(f its ut'ihu iullticoc oa tit Veaicloa, Z)uct9, an;! Ul.u:d, tliataro u an bio to pep form their natural functioa.- xvhiit tui- di.-s3 per vades the human orpranism. 'I . o ns ot the Pastille Is attended wit b no paiu or iaconreulence. ncd does not interftro it h thocrdinary purui's of life; it ia ir lick! y dissolved on-l soca al''.r'ed, producicjr ao Immediate soothinK and restorative eiitutupou the nervous organizations vtr-H-kfi from vicious h&hits or &xcess, Ftopyinn tho arai'i from the tysteni restor infr the mind, to health and st-und memory, reinov inif tho limnrss of 3iht. Coufusiou of Ideas, Aversion to Society, etc., otr., and the appoarhneo of prematura eld ai?e usuHy liccvmipanyin.-r this tronhle, and ref torin;' tho vital forces, whero they faav turt tlor?:Mnt for jmm. Thi- mode of treao c;ent ba stood in trt in vory ev&rb cU?. JiJ now a Pronounced lruu a ar- too much pre stiibed in this troublo. and, aa n:aor can bear wit ness to, with bi:t little if ar;v prrni!in'jnt50od. Thero is no norsf-Qso nKitit this J'rar.LtL'jn. i'rnrt ical ob servation emiolfs us U positively truarantee thnt it will thv- eaiifact4on. It has ben in tenerMl una for B'veal yearfl nil we have thoutntl- of teiti nvnial frctm i;itifnts, n- to valu, and it is now concerted to le t:.' mo- ri;-inal mcMtis yet dis covered for rpat'hinir and ruiiii this very prevalent f rot.- io, that is well knoTvti to ho the caue vf untold Wi'tWTj. to oO wn.'-.Tad rpo horrj iuackB prey wJih their useless u-v'ruma end ('ift- ft-es. 't ue Jir mJ is put up in tfAt bin., of lureo slt-s. IvTo. 1 , f enough to last a montii.t 53: Ho. nnthcif at to fflect a per manent cure, unle.-s in Kovt-ro casus,. $f; No. 3, ttaatincr over thre month-, will restore thoso in th worst condi Men, 57. t-out by mail, lu plain wrappers. F:l! BlRECTIOIxS lor Msing will accoiJipaiiy ACI JiOX. s Seitit for toeairtr Msrrtptire i'rttstyiH-' ft lets ffiviiifj AMttatnical M l?tr&itttiti8 the tuast sl;ftiHttiint canoe re us stt'tl fo ttcrfrt t fi&ttlth, timi thm. us if ercr t;Jfvrtv4tm Satd OXJL Vty HARRIS REMEDY CO. KPOL GHEWI3IS, Market and CtiiSts. St. L.OIM3, Mo. Unsollciterl tectlmor-y to tho Efficacy of Prof. Harris' Pasti.ies, taken from Let tsr3 recivci from Patrons; Trdiast, AprT"l'l, '.:. Ilo hwtuV iCI fe'jtlv. Hail f'l''"t'ff, 'kv-. f-rw your nat. Iowa. Oct. 1'M.i, ;:W-i am al-not purprlwd at yonr Past -lies. They have worked lik a charm on m. lam just twire ,a much cf a man r.s I was before ti-.kii?. I was on the vera of the trra'e, 1 thought, and there .hs no cure for me. b:it now 1 m in cood hopes for a cure. "We- Vir-iia, An?. Z 1 1 r--'ivfc-d ynnr rueili cie ;t-1 I tlinve it tin M:-ed m, for which I am v-ry tnaukfui." iifcj."t,rd ;ad $5. Iiase send me l:ox I No. "I for a friend. Von h.-vu .v: a fr,4t thinif for mo. 1 will send oti all t h orcJer 1 can. From a Physician and Surgeon., Mis-soiiri. June 2'. i'leae fomart me another- boi of the PaAtillf$. Ihe patient on who'ti 1 os-ad mot ot one box. In ndduir-rt to a'? box, is f!t rocoveiin;, and I tiiirik rio'hr will s. t Lisa all riijh.6. from a Druggist. Maryland. 8-?pt. i.'TA Last JiMary - czi hr-z of yonr Kemtrdy f.irono of onr custoimMK. nod lia madw i!fKrffH-t cirpof ii i in. We Lav anornr customer now suflering in the taoe way, uud wiii oqq o. 3 oox. PENSIONS Apt 15 AID ev"-r sctJitr di-.tV'.fl tn 1 v f (ft: I . lv ;lont it ti.r .. . A ' l i f .-M.r k.r ! t l.nfM-.tof oh jn i'Ti".:, if i -it Mijt.t.,- i i-e t Lut!ir "f uriL:ue V-.ii ri'-cr. ; ta r.a ii.'-i..-.-t- t' pt-:i . i- h j. ttrph-ius r: 1 t;. prniii r.t f.iii.(..i r:ttl,ifrs f "'iirr v ! ti- ' i i i"-.. t" v p. t n. i r---.:. VUil TV 1.- i ! :e l r . ii.;-r.t - i- tt-p;i v. f fuH !i-.iib:v. Sr.U :au.t 1" rc- py I' s i m y.- i 1' ,rv , . ' i! rr J H, V;-Trreraf?l cV r!.,,'.1w - I! f 4' ill. f.t. tr T' I l'. A.W.I IV.-!. IVv t !...!?.. !' ; - . -I I:. 1". I- np.Ty I n :"t- e n nfna t.Aa CXI-.KS Tiior 2 rrvv 1 A .... 5 fcrisi!i m ,rv -v suuc ess ! u. ROBERT DONNELLY'S A7TD SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Hwliiiu aud Plow re pairing, and yi-neral j'ibliug 1 am now pr.-)i:ir-! to i!t ail khuls of repairing of fai in ;! il ot lif-r m:l..ii:iry. there if H oi.l laiji- in in v sln. PETER UAUEX, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken eliart' ol tli.- waaoii !:ii). lie is wt 11 ktiou ii hh h xi. i Wfi::K!.. ' Whsoiix fintl H ii i i -. hi Mil- to Order. SATISFACTION C.L A KANTKKi). siioiMin Si x t li s'ifet tit):i;iip S'riiriii's Stable B.&rfl.R.R HOUSE, JNO. BQHS & SON, Pi'33'rs, X. W. COKNKi: MAIN AND SKI OM) aTU'S, 15. & .M. nsIl;'r iJcpot. . l'Li ri 5iM! Tl!, XCHIl VMi A. Newly rcfittfil uiul ftiniitlu-tl t!rro;ilioiit. Af fortlf nji ii excellent v!'w fiii" li. It r.iiilf. It in C-i)IiVtMiii'i I ly )or;it;v!,'H-i;'lly (it lhr travi-:iiK piiljiif. The taMi's stlwityn ;it;!icl with the hct of the season. il eoimeelh I! wllh tlu: iioiie. l.imeh haskets lilh'it ;it all hoars. Ternif rc;i-oii;;ll'. sif J'AMESGBACB Hetidi Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ri.ATT.sMoi in. .... xi:r. liiliia) .1 1 1 all and Saloon on .Main Sireet, four ilooj-s froni Sixth at Nt-viUc' n'll i luce, t, ':ii 4' Dili,. - ; ;unr anal flare. ,;. James Grace. MA.VUKAI'Tfilf.K OK Idiii Street, in ar Kinhth, Plailsmouth. - Neb. Jj?cviul 3Jnuul Maile to order 7t !3 Palace Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, I'lidt-r Fraiik C'an;:ths i.ew Jewe'ry Store. AI.WAVS i:i:ADV. CLEAN NEW PLAGE, and now Is the ti::;e to t:'t SHAVED SHAMl'OOEI) HAIU-CI'T. or anything else in the tonsurial way, at John Boone's New Shop, Coiner Main and l'ifth Streets, IM:tt t-iiinul li. - n Xeln-Hwk. tlood Uriels, for sale : soon as lniined. at FRED. LEHNHOFF'S 15 KICK YAKIJ. i'i:ti;Mktotiii, i. !);f PLEASE REMEMBER tliat the CiiKAl-Ksr an.i I'kst I'lack to buy Stogie aM Fancy Groceries - AXI) First-Glass Dry Goods, IS AT TH OLD KKLIAISLK SKUii: Cor. M tin ami Third StV. rjjijtsouill. iri":i mikI new, and luicee iilnys tiv ilie l)i.:iiin;. t ail anil eonvinee your selves. JUlf JONES & E1KENBARY Su,ee--sors to Jones & Anev. . Again taken charge of the Old Brick Livery Stable l l. A I iMHtn,'!, . , XKbliASKA. The will r.oiiuer Stables, in I'b:ttMiH)Ut:. aie I m-. ,casn. ey .lones tV l-.iktiibi'.ry ar.d they l:-vr on ItainI New aud liaiidsoine aeeoim-ioa : iiiii.-.. i. 1 1:. si.aie of HOUSES, CAKhlAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HOUSES. e i'.re now i ienared to keep HOUSES FOH SALE TRADE! And vl!l Train ;j.iid Bixwk Colts ! I in Ueas!i;.ble Thrills. I a i so !n.?!j:.Mi;i;i?, v.i r. i. :.e'-iiiiinoila!e I lo'in belli r anil lo i-ei:e; I . em tlian evei helore. i0. V .1 0 -V E S & E I K NT I J A ! I Y. DI A TTC rVlflllTLJ MM f C I 1 1 JltlUU 1 n IiIlLUO. PLATTSMOIJUI. XEI5. ..-.- i . ., ' g l Opi H'lOl'. T?:.,nr r, r t. r ,i twin. Com Jtal d- I'ted ,, . , , , , Always on hand and for sale at lowest eash piiees. The highest prieis jiaid tor Wheat ai.d Corn, raiiieuiar attention given eusiom work, ; ' " r-J r-t , ;j ij ! CJJNJ fcS. Kvei v i III: il or in iiii v. i i n l:v ift-eiiient .r ai.y t.IsfitfC. eut il lei- ;. si ill lie i of ; lie !; ! v, ar to ! a pension, .ill pi ii.- iiuis i.v the .: of .laniuiry. J Is::;, b ';i:i r.Ai'K :t .ial- of iiiM iiarv- r lea:ii j of tin . b'iit. A'i entiiii ii ,.)ii'il aj.ply at I iliee I ho'.:-- .ml - iv hi. Mi now d; ;ivv !iK' pen- I li :: I en i ! I !e;l i. a u i i , . .'e."'. S..i'iii i- .:iil , v blow s oi lb- will oi IMJ -ind Mexiiau war are i en' iti; -I to i i,i i.r. 1 1 y y t nti- ! Med to bi t:.:-y. l.ot do not ki:o it Fees in a!l j f:i r !". I'j-y f ii cery tleM-npth-n of war i e1:;iiii- i o!!-i-.i d. t-'i. !!' an Alton. e re-nl- inij i:s H :.--.i:iiil.M. who can she pel-onal ;;t- i t i i ii ii ; ,n:i !.u- ha . Am'-rh an and For- j ei'i; i v, ." 1.1 s ;; ; ii.s ;! n Mn-il i.niii'i- Send two -t ni. f u j.i , -i; i;-i;;nl lu-iiiny laws. Ad- -tlr.-ix V. 1 Fl r.iiK;..i.i I'. S Cl i'.Iii Auei t. ' Eoek U..x I-"-. a-l:,i!o;.. . C. f.t:. ! OTARTLiflG OIGOVrFV tiVJWVVbf I k - o mAUkinnn DccrriDcn kww f f.-i.iiw w r-.i.w i ivuc Inie l'Ss-a-r, tr.-oua IH-biiiiy, L b Jiai.hmul, tic, hEYia- t.-i.d inyin , t-very known rem -dy. Las di cevrr. ii a Fir.iii e e-:t wliicb ho ill t n l FliKE to Ids fol-o'v-si'ff. -nr.', liddivifi J. il. JiF.EVKM, " n i j ' rr'-! v.. ..-!...!. rr.e i y. i . : : --.- iri..:. ,i.-4 rift; 4 (' j ,'., "i.-.TU'':'"""- BB i nV r''.":' E LiUs """' 'lZCvV:- man. 3 !i t.i t: -'i & H f,b !t! .! i! I o;. ! v of roon. ilh:it v..rv nn. I Vfc4.S'-- Gfjf Sa'-Q kni v.-e n oi r Maine. -e;in et Farm- ! B-SS- JS'Sr-S; ' :"' ""iw. !o.i s oi bav, e.. under ! g JWf g ga nimCi- n"g?. f 2i H e..w-r. .M.i. :iM will keep dry. j 3 R g N &V-7Nt i,..i , l ti:.. nil! ii::ti-niis fi.r Tlit.ii- Iil.ii-.ii. i h 5.lS itoRntliZ f9i'. t ' ' .. i, ! -ve -., :. t..ii: li;. no for the future. iatiIied ! B J if6 si 3 L' O v. MJ . -r -SSI. NO CHANGING OAKS I'.KTWKEX 0. 15AlI.i OK ITATTSMOITII AND CHICAGO, YVI'civ iliifi'i eonneetiotis are made with Ihioiigh 3iaepiijg Car LKm - ( XKW YOKlv. USTnX. t'lllllI.UEI.rill.-l, li ! I.TI MOKE, W.i sHi.NHTON. A AO ALL EASTERN CITIES. TlhcSKoj-LLiixc V a FEOHIA for 1. XniA.X.iruJ.IS. U;L'lS-JLl.E. CIXCIX- XA TI. unit ul! iiihls in the S UTHEA T- T!is: m;T mm. for ST. LOUIS, When- IMri'i-t rorneetioii.s are tnadt in the l"MO.N DEI t)T Willi Tluouj:li Sleeiii'ig ( m s for all iioints.MITTII. Ill H NK'.V LINK FOIi IDlL MOIUBS, THE FAVORITE I.OL'TK FOR BOCK ISHjTID. Tin- uneii;d'd indufeincnts olu-ivd hv tl:j Him' to I ravi'StM's and Tourists :Vf re; $'iiv i '1 11- eelebrated l'V'!'.!'.:i;i in WiicH l'uluee ', v.ii(nj hi', i iiii onlv on tills Hue. .. li, fe . falaet- Di h a Cars, Will) Iloitoii's rJfcllnln Chairs. No Extra Clmrjie f-ir Si-a! In Hr t-lininji Cliairs. The famous C, l. & i. J'alaee Dining Cars. Goiv'eii." SiiioKim; Cars, fitti'd 'with elegant liili-hai-ked Eattau h't-vol vlnjr (. hairf. for the f.M'Susive ue d' tli-t-elitss is. East Time. Slt--l Ti'ai k and Superior Ei'.il-j::l -in e.iuilMin 1 with t in if Ureal Throit'jh Cur A ntnifiin:ut. makes i iii-, above all others, the favorite lloute to the r A ST, -rri! OK SdlTII-KAST, TKY IT, ami n V.-i:iru;.:;T5,t.Vt':i.i.v4l.HX-" ) !; ;t. t.- !' DuiMiiiftirt. Thi'ii'.ih Tii kf t" vi;i this fclebratol line for hhIo at all elllies Id the I'hiu-d State- and Canada. -11! information about K;itrs of Fare, Sleep in Car Aeci.mmoilations. and Tune Tablef, ill be eheei fully j.'iven by aiii! iiij; to I'errival l.v'll, (.enernl I'asseiijier -Vg't, Chicm;i. T. J. ITTK-5t Jo?v- -Mutikser, CiUW-UPt . 1 THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS ! n9WMCMnHBHKnsrVIMMMNI Every Style & Price. Ois.uva.Titeol XJnetiiia.l,ct Foa Fir frie ia Erery Ciii wl T. mil hy J. Ji. cox, Plattmoctii Xi;n. 2tolC&51to;)3 ! I : ! U d Is made ;ii-m a -ininie Croi-ieal Leaf of !.';iie yiiiue. a.m ;s a .-oiiii - ic-tita.v lorali the i i-enesn!;.! iii pains in the lower part of in iy--i!'i - ti ; i uvi lie.-iilaelie .iaiin j il !'---)1:'!::' . . i ;:e!. '.;,.Lni.i. stud all dini- ' i:'!ie o. i - iti i M-v. I iver ami l rmarv tr- I jjan-. For IVninl- li-e:ie- Moii l hi v'.Men- i struatioti. :inl liiiii:. Frenaiiev. it lias in. ' eiual. It i stoiv- n: :;i - that iniAc the j ,,,,l()( ., ,.,...,. K ,.,., voriiu v i Itisiheoe'y I !i--i: r. niei'v tl:;il eiues that , sr".i'-'e, ;r( j -'-.i ii .i- Fi.r I ii ilete , u-e U'ni'ii'm iai"-- Ii;t:-t-M :-irt. j For S:le i.v : a;id ! ie.i!ei at Wl.sJ-i h'l 1-oiiji.. i'iigf.-i ii.iii!.: in liie jiuiiket. Try it. n. U. tAii;.h;:;u.ii.. Koehe.ster. X. Y. ! w wv? t'' yjr?'-,.. "wy"t ia;T. - i.t! ut5l arn tlllL'.F'SST 1 :rir'i-ji:.- r ... r... tt-.-.T-:! I i'tA - hecase it H.-,- rr. m i, 4 highly pplir cd sjrfjoe ever the duar.g friction and lightening the craft. : . cnfiipest; i -e.n-. n oostb no more than Interior brdnds. and nr.u mt u..n rin the work of two of art other Ate Crease made. Ituj.werae.jiisii,- ne well f'r lisrv fcv r!'. Mill tiean.-x, TLrt-atunir Mai hnif. (V.rn-Plautero. '!irriRt.-f.,as for Watro'ip II in GUARANTEED tocontain no Petroleum, rt.rnaie i.v k 1 hu-ia lii-itm t f ii,, t w ij ' l. cltjpediti nf Thing Worth Knotriu? Iu&iird free. j MICA MANUFACTURING CO. ' 31 MichiRan Avenue. Chicago, llilnot ' ' n.. . ; i V ? f CM "Mf tT " f"F UiflC. I h LA I f(i Lff I . av? if'ScZI -t- Debility, Seminal Weak- Z'. r' . nessf i mpotence, etc. Eecipesneed in my practice for 25 Yean edaniilatiraiedbookoiOOpinres glvioj full di- r-etiotsforselMreunent, sent free, Aadrei-s -C- WILLIAMS, 435 i. Hater fiUliWai .r m m jr. i I II Ik i fJ 4!a - 3, ' BENNETT DEAL12I1S IX staple aiad Fancy (Si'ocerSc IPruii.s (Confectionery (Cigars c& Tobacco. AGENTS FOIS TIIE CELKIJHATEI) EEAVEXWOKTII The clBotcct' stock of grocer ies lEa tke city Cash Paid for Buttei: and Eggs p-ya Contain. Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake $ Gentian And cures Dvspepsia, Loss of Appetite, BillicuHiie and all derangement of the Stomach arising from over-c:ttiiig and drinking. Prepared only hy IIICOW A.M M CO., LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, nn.l for m!c Ly nil Iirugist. IF. The Old Grocery & Dry Goods Stand. Although Lection 13 tw?r we are not done selling goods, by ii Ion;: shof. flr WILL FIND AT E. S. WHITE'S ONE OF THE LARGEST ANU BEST STOCK OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS INTIE TOWN. (Kroceries9 IPry goodN, dwlas?4 Crockeryware9 clteaper tlian ever, The nicest Green Winter Apples for sale Over 'JOO Iiain ls down (V)l?t; t Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS, TALLOW, dC, at PLATTSM0UTH, NEBRASKA rni"T-T-"T"cr is reserved lor SMITH, BLACK & CO. TO GIVE THEM J CALL. Host Fragrant Si Eefreihing of rerfmes txceediRgly Delicate and Lasting. Frice, 5 etc.; Lare Ecttles. 75 etc- Sold by dealer in Imi & Ferfuirirry. Signature of 111a eox A Co., N. on erery bottle. PARKER'S GINGER 1QUIQ The Medicino for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Hadefrom Ginger, Kucl:n. Mciniirnkc. tillinpin, and other ofthe best vegetable remedies known, Parker's Cingek Tomc Jias remarkiibly varied curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct or, Blood l'urilier and Liver Kegulatur ever made c; The Best Medicino You can Use for Restoring Health & Strength It commences to act from the firt r'ose, searches out the weak organs, and is warranted t.cure or help all diseases cf tiie IJoweis, i-toniah, I;i od. Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, all Coinnlairtsof Women, Nervousness, Slceolcssncsi, Kiicnuin tism and DruukeiiutKg. Try a bottle to-day ; itmny save yotirlie. 50c?. and $i sizes atalldniggists. F-very genuine bottle has our signature lr Diitsido wrap'w-r, lliscol & Co., N. Y. Large saving iu buying $x siza. Just "Wliat is Wanted. Everj-hody whose hair is gray or fueled h?s felt the iveed of a Hair Kevtui-cf and diessin j tliat is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par ker's 1??!r I'.slsam satist-c ihemot f:i .T:r:io:. . i I these T:?ycH. S' !d by c'iui-- Oattlo Creek. Michigan, THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. Vat CompI.f-Thi-cuhrri at-tot y EctOhKshed InthuWcrlO. i I84S 3 VffAJ? of roitttnittivaan'i Hcecfvl hu. B I LHiIU , v liioi.t ciia-iwro ot 1'iilif. manJwvimrit, or l'Matinn. lolark ttm broad tcarran!y yiccn on ail our ywjda. g 4J0 STEIlI-POWETt SllPAItATOHS ad Complete Men in Oitlf l"n''"'"'V- nlftrt. ,iiTrarliTi i:iiEine"l 1'laiu bugiaea cvt-r aenn in tii- A"'i-n. :.M i.iiirV:,-t. A ntuUiinAm or trntrial ffiturft an f imrormn ft f. e 1K,-1 t:i---liM'-r V :!h m-ij.eri'.rr qunUltr in cm 'r fio u'i'i mater i-tl li t !n .i'a'"l 'f y !. r Ilinki-r. J-'or.r dizes it F.-i-ar:. -.rv. frr.;u C to l' borne Car alt v. f'ir m"im -r fi'ir' rwrr. Two it J !in nf ".Vim: c I " H- r..?C.WiiN. T Ififl flftrt I''-t f SrieetfH l.nitibT 4 )0JJfJJJ (f. na rhrrr to'U w'ir:ir--trtr ') crmstsntiy on bn-I. fr-mi wMrh ik lui!i tiio ii.. tcujii-aLie woo-i-wni f .:r luiteiuiu-ry. TRACTION ENGINES tStrtmyef.T.iow durit1.ani t'F.Hri' rrer f .. ft uuc IU, 13 florae I'owcr. 1 ?T Fnrm'-n-i and Tl!rpriern.-ii v fr-vitod to iiv-wti, ab h'.m mi,'.!.. TlimdiUiB Mactij; ry. ..liars h t In. Aii'lr-n NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Cr-ek. Michigan. & LEWIS, 4 O- cr-r--i a s-m Ml : ' mjtf. ife.. -- -?sK The majority ofthe lit fifth hutnatk hml; tirittp from tt 'Icrnttgentrnt of ttm I.lver, affrctlttn both the. utomnrh itud hotrrlt. In nrrlrr to i-ffrrl n ettre, it i tircestary to rrmore the catine. IrreflH Inr ami SI uwj ih urtion of the Jloirela, llritiltirhe,Sicknr at the Slom arh , Vtll tt in the Itark anil I.uinm,etr.t indicate that the hirer f.t at fault, a nil that nature re. 'I ui if n asintit nee to enable thi oryan to t'lnur off impurities. I'ricltly H.H IlItterS'M-r especially coin 'on ndril for th i il rpote. They ar til i hi iu thtir ttrtioii and rffertire am a cure ; n re jilmnant to the lanie anil taken en till bil hnth t hi III mi anil ail u lit. Ta ken aci imliii fi ilir'-rtionn, they are a X'tfr it mli ni mi nt ru re fur Iy ti PC ps I ft, (.entral Ielilit , If aliituttl Con tstlputlon, l)lHcas'd IilclneyH, i'lc.,etc, -! uioI liirifier they are. superior to amj other ineiiieine; llirlnuiiifj the kffntctn thurmiahly, unit tin fittrt in a netr life tt nil eneryy to the in vnliJ. It is a medicine and not an Intoxlcsitlnjf bererage. Ail YQUB DRUGGIST FOB PR1CK1T AtH IITTCtS, and take no other. PRICE. 1 OO por Bottle. IYER BROS. & CO., - SOLE PROPRIETORS. Bt- Louis and Karsae City. Mo. i'. 1 1', mm v. mm A. - -it. u wsjSi 22 Mefi It in th reptile of 2t rrnrn wxt't i Irnrn exiHTiiu not a n::H TirTi ' .r r-r-- i-lra - ii.;:f.iiii. . . and I am It n v;:iS t!if tli fi-r t of it lii-rn, n I . 'her ' csi 1 ''I'W' 1'" ire- u-..l c-nv;i:ea It 1"-, I !,... uHnti'it. e' ktf icjihip f ri-e l.;r.j ye:ir . rirci.dat wuii w i(i:t f 4:1 it ..... I-. . GOJ.'l: i;.'u' e- 1 . in 1.1. 5 ::w: :-. - ie I fe : f 5-;u.... . .... ls u H i: : 1 ftrnin r ev. .w: . i," " T ' ar.!f.tti;h ilitWrt.!! Z'" - K -- " ' 'l I ImnutM.K r. I IUmii.!' m-..tiir tyi.tnr-.U r:ttr. l:nho. Humor, ' t ram R3tJC9?t?ei'J--''r - t'na Outfit, i?.2,S',l-V3-arranteci DOM BTTFE