r i 1 .1 v I r 1 4. Herald. 1 i i-J SI. T. . i ... ill..-. :r :iv. rnn-.t-ii:iii i. st rt - i. t.-:r will be MrM !. liHixl In, i !.. if it pi.!-ia-A- V.IONS. ri?i'iniilil?,'!i8 .it, with no for the ' n etness i..uer and paid Le- p.i; ... .' i.-.i.r r re-ndatl. .-. . ,( i..l!.et ihic"ied to liis r if tiosojucr or not u ?y !. I I-.1S l.t-T JiX Ol.tlll- . :.i! m, im ages, or the piiohsh i. u. send it until payment is t the whole amount, whetner : i.oi.i u.e.mceor not- s i. ive .(!. lit trtit refuslnc ta ,s 'inl !! i.j.ln-al frin the post itiid having them uncalled tS evidence of I TKNTIOHAI. 1J W i 1 1J X N J I V V kJ. New u ...Is. new styles, new prices on f ill ;t:i ! winter goods at S. C. Hot! Hotter! Hottest! Friday Ixst. .School bogins next Monday. Drugs -the largest stock at J. M. lb.berts. 3tf Ilea l Ii. & M. tatea to Slate Fair on lirst png;. For ljiixetl paints go to llobert3 Drug ."Stoie. Oltf Judge Maxwell, of Fremont, was in town over night, Monday. Drew A YVeckbach's new store buildings a-; looiuir.g up fast. The (Jrand. Army uf this Post will be lepresewted at the re-union. See Steietary's notice of postpone ment of laii: in another column. Another invoice of Black Spanish I. aces at Fred Herrmann's. X?4tl Agnew i!i:d Murphy have finished their .contract en the M. I. H. H. Phil Young received a lot of new candies, ptpe f-ries &.(. Monday. Vantj.i Some corn and o.ita cn subscription at this office; at once. County Fair, Oct. 5th, th and 7th instead of Sept. 5th, Cth and 7th. Weeping Water is grading a boul evard and other wise improving the town. Don't forget that the IIkralu office is the place to get your fine job printing. 2U The Enterprise needn't say stay thing about the IIkualu being "oil"' on proof reading. Ceo. A. Maguey, L. D., went out to Mt. Pleasant, .Sunday, to spend the day with his folks, The mothers will b happy Mon day and the children well, some of them will be, to. Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every dav, at the Union l'.akerv, corner Main and Third. 10tf We understand Kendall is negoti- atin for a weeks engagement in this city during October. For the best st.tple and fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. Y. YVeckb.ieh's. 10tf The report was spread here Satur day that (Jariield was dead, but after wards contradicted. A fine line of children's Wagons Perambulators, Carts and Kitchen Sets at Jos. S.ddater's. 1 HulTner & Jilack had an engine f.red up and run it on the Avenue and Main'st., Tuesday morning. I sell the best and cheapest boots and shoes. I defy competition. 4tf Prnr.it Mkiuils. Forepaugh's . circus showed in Omaha last Saturday. A number went from here to see it. Morgan's boat has been examined by the C.Mincil and will ply from bank to bank of the old Muddy. Quite a number of new names have been sent in t be put on the "sub" list lately. Thanks. The barbers only charge ten cenU it shave now. The boys can all afford to have their beards shaved off. The saloons wer all closed Sun day i.nl a Council iihslfa repoiter k.iid all of Omaha was over there. Prof. A. II. Wilitm in has teen elected as pi ir.cipal of the schools at Brownvilie for the coming year. Are you going to the "Pound So ciable" at ttev. Mr. Gallagher's to morrow (.Friday) evening? Of course I am. Photograph and Autograph Al bums, Shelf 5oods and (lames in great abundance, cheap and nice, at Jo. Sehlatei's 1 Dance at Fitzgerald Hall, Tuesday vening, Sept. Cth. All receiving invi tations are requested to come and have a good dance. Harris & Unruh opened out their stock this week, and are ready to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Swe ad. in another column. The proceedings of the Sunday School Convention held at the M. E. church last week, will be published in full in our next issue. Mi.G. A. Hobson bad some testi monials of l.is recipe for preserving apples printed in letter circular form at the 1Iekali office b'st week. The T. of II. aii.i I. (J. C. T. Lodge room has just been nt-.vly papered, and repaired, t.;e carpet takvn up and cleaned, and a general house-cleaniug done. The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a "Pound Sociable" at the parsonage to-morrow evening for the beaeiit of lite pastor. Everybody in vited to come and havj a good social time. Elegant line of boV and children's school suits can be seen at S. & C. Mayer's, next to Cariuth's. 1 (,. , I. ,:!. ! ' t . ' : - 1 t ! ' ' : . cot.l . .1 U. . . i".; ' ii.T i ' i i .: S. if.t et: : O'i.-'-t" , ei ii': ' tm . i TRACT'. Don't forget to examine nur new stock of fine ready-made clothing, be fore purchasing, as it will well repay you. S. & C. Mater, 1 Next to Carruth's. The Odd Fellows' Sociable was w ell attended at their lodge rooms last Thursday evening. The evening was rery pleasantly spent with music, ice cream, etc. Persons prematurely gray can have their hair restored to its youth ful beauty, by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Henewer the best article ! in the market. An inritation dance will be given by Prof. Finney, ext Tuesday even ing. Sept. 6th, at Fitzgerald Hall, all receiving invitations are requested to be present. The question for debate at the Literary Society, next Thursday even ing is as follows: Iit.sUctl. That a person should vole for the nominees cf his pitrty. Ministers, Iawyeis and all others doing clerical work should use Dr. Marshall's Bromoline, it is a great in vigorator. Ali druggists sell it. Piice fifty cents. - II. A. Waterman &. Son have bridg ed over the creek in the r.ar of their lumber yard, and are grading the bill down so ah to have more room for their lumber. We wish every person to try a Big Fifty-Cent bottle of Dr. Marshall' Bromoline for liver complaints and general debility. It is good. Drug gists all sell it. Ere the paper makes its appear ance, the old landmark (Platte Valley House; will be entirely torn down, and the next thing a first class opera house will put in an appearance. The sand bar which was formerly in the centre of the river, Las, since the river improvements were com pleted, changed over to the Nebraska 3ide, the current going down in the centre. All cases oi weak oi lama back, backache, rheumatism, &c, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plas ters. Price 25 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. The County Fair has been post poned until October, as the Ee-Union takes place the same time it was to b held, and everyone is going down to that. The Fair will be held October 5, G, and 7. The action of Carter' Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowel3, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Sold ty Smith, Black & Co. About four o'clock, Monday after noon, Jasper Howland put his hand on the lever of his lathe to stop it, when his baud slipped and his lingers caught in the cogs, hurting them con siderably. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then h ave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate iho bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. Sold by Sin i tli. Black & Co. The tusidenee of Mr. Flausburg, on Gospel Hill, was entered by some sneak-thief, one day last week, while the family was tenipoiarily absent and robbed of $30 in money. There is no ciue to the thief thus far. Frank Davis bought a buggy last week and is looking around to get a horse to suit him, when be will pur chase one. Frank says he is getting it for his own amusement and isn't going to take any one else out riding. So. Mr. Chas. Rankin and Miss Lillie Tucker, are to bn married to-day at neon, we understand, and leave for Burlington, Iowa, on the afternoon train. The IIkralu wishes the couple much hapuiness and prosperity in the future. An invitation to the Mills County, Iowa, Fair is received, with thanks, and we only wish we could attend them all. By-and-by, when we get out cf the newspape r business and have time to use our "ce-nips," then we wen't get 'em, we expect. Pref. Bes Islets, recently ap pointed Principal of our High School, resigned the position, having been elected to a Professorship in the Iowa University. Prof. XV. AV. Drummond was unanimously chosen by the School Board on Friday evening last to supply the vacancy. Mr. Mesyersmith's little boy, of whom mention was made last week, had the misfortune to have the arm broken the scond time, on Wednes day last. In passing round the house, he slipped, and falling on the band aged arm with the above named re sult. The little fellow has our sym pathies. -Messrs. Harris & Unruh, our new and enterprising furniture men, hang their banner on the outer wall this week, as will be seer, by their new Ad. elsewhere. They are gentleman of de cided business tact and energy, and will, no doubt, make earnest efforts to secure a large share of our people's pa tronage, A clor.e inspection of their stock and prices is solicited. A lively fracas took place bet ween two women in the Second Ward on Monday afternoon, in which a hatchet played a conspicuous part in settling a dispute over a dressmaking bill. Dur- i mg the melee one or the combatants t was struck on the head with the bus iniss end of said hatchet, drawing oioou iu copious quantities. A com prirmise was nnany enected. anu no legal investigation was had. 'A dastardly attempt at murder teok. place on Saturday evening last, at the residence of Mr. W. II. Pickens, in the Thir l Ward. A shot was fired from without by some party unknown, and the ball came crashing through the side of the house, passing within a couple of inches f Mrs. F's. face. When search for the perpetrator was instituted, no trace of him could be found. It is thought that the mis creant had a murderous intent on t neighboring family, and had mistaken the house. Personal. Rev. I. W. Reed was in town the lat ter part of last w,eek. Mr. and Mrs. McLennan are visit ing at Old, Valley Co , Neb. Mr. Clem. Chase, local on the Her ald, Omaha, was in town last week. Miss Frankie Fellows left for her home at Tabor, Iowa, last Friday morning. Mr. Daniel Klepser, of Weeping Water was in town the latter part of last week. C.I. Yates, Supt. Telegraph, B. A. M., Lincoln, was down tho latter part of last week. Mrs. J. V. Barnes has been quite sick the past two weeks but ;s notv better, we understand. Miss Ola Barnes returned from Red Oak and Olenwood last week, where she had be-eu visiting the past two week 3. George Fairfield left for his sur veying party at Camp Clark where he will probably remain until cold weather drives them in. Mrs. E. L Reed and Mrs. Beach of Weeping Water were in town Friday and Saturday attending the Cass County Sunday School Convention. Jno. A'. MacMurphy and wife re turned Tuesday afternoon, and we had to resign the editorial chair. Well, we are not sorrv as it has been awful hot to do much writing. Mr. Peter Taylor, of Nebraska City, has accepted the position of road mas-' ter on the B. it M. main line, with headquarters ot Plattsmouth. The Ne braska City News speaks very highly of the gentleman. M. A. McKinnon, a youug man well known here and of excellent reputa tion, leaves for Prince Edward's Isie andirhe east this week to be goneeome time, though we believe he intends to return bsre eventually. The Herald wishes him success, a pleasant journey and a safe return. . Phil Young has three gross of school slates, making a total of 432 elouble and single slates, from 5cts. up to 75cts. 1 Y"u will find the largest assort ment of school books in the city at the P. O. News Depot consisting of 55 dozen er 600 books of all kinds. 1 Don't forget that the only place in this city where you can find Bail's Health Corset is at Fred Herrmann's. 24tl Don't forget to go to the P. O. News Depot when yeu want an ac- cordeon. violin, guitar, harp, &.C., also the largest assortment of v;olin strings in the city. 1 Phil Young has ju3t stacks of school books. Try him. You will find a large and complete line f stationary, blank booktf, and box writing paper, also novelties and fancy goods just received at tho P. O. ews Depot. 1 No one whose blood is impure eajM feel well. There is a weary, lanet fading, and often a sense of disc" - agement and despondency. Persona- having this feeling of lassitude and ilepression, should take Ayet 's Sarsa- parilla to purify and vitalize the blocd. Charles J. Hoffman, a blacksmith on Chicago Avenue, was aires Led and brought before Judge O'Donohoe yes terday, for striking a small boy on the street without any apparent cause. The valiant eleed cost him Every school book Phil Young sells will contain u beautiful book mark worth 5cts., remember this chil dren and go to the P. O. News Depot for vour school books. 1 It is wonderful that a subtile miasmatic poison shemld produce that peculiar condition of the system which prevails when alternate cnuls and burning heat freeze and scorch the body at regular intervals, and it is no less wondeiful that medical skill has been able to reach and expel this poi son from the system, as Ay era Ague Cure always decs. -A neat surgical operation was performed by Dr. Hail on Mr. Schul- hof's little boy, Johnnie, yesterday A pieca of glass, an inch in length, and which had remained in the boy's foot for over two months, was extracted by him in a very skillful manner, and greatly to the relief of the little suf ferer. The glass had worked clear through the foot, and left an ugly looking hle. School commences next Mom'.av. and Phil Young is prepared to till a!i orders for sc.o.d books, slates and other school supplies in any quantity. Parents should remember that Phil has a full line of all that is needed. 1 Saturday night last some thief en tered Mike Schnellbacher's shop through a side window, and got off with a lot of tools, besides rummaging over the desk for valuables, but not finding any. Mike wishes us to notify the next man that wants to start out on a similiar errand to leave word with him, so that he can keep win dows, and doors, if necessary, open for the accommodation of the visitor, and thereby save a pane or two of glass. Olney Graham, of East Pli.tts mouth, met with a narrow escape, Tuesday morning. lie attempted to jump on a moviig train but missed his hold and in some manner was caught on the truck of the car. He was picked up senseless and as was feared in a badly injured condition, but fortunately, on the arrival of Drs. Livingston and Hall, who had been telegraphed for, it was found that r.o bones were broken and he was only bruised a little and will be abla to go to work in a few days. Taken in all he had an almost miraculous escape. Olney says he wouldn't like to take the chances again. The new combination of Smart Weed and Belladonna, as used in Car ter's Backache Plasters has proved to be one f the best that could bo made. Try one of these popular plaster, ia any case of weak or lame back, b.u k ache. rheumatism, neuralgia, son m si of the chest or lungs, &c, and you will be surprised and pleased by the prompt relief. In bad cases of chronic dys pepsia, a plaster over the pit of the stomach stops the pain at once. Ask for Carter's Smart Weed and Bella donna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. The City Schools. The Schools of Plattsmouth open next Monday, Sept. 5tb. The High School has just been newly calsomined, painted, the roof fixed and otherwise put in complete repair. The follow ing are the Teacl ers: W. W. Drummond, principal; Mrs. J. W. Love, asst. principal ; B. F. Miller, of 111., intermediate dep't ; Mrs. Bowen, 1st intermediate; Miss Blymyer, of Sidney, la., CJ primary; Mis3 Olive Gass, 2d primary ; Miss Ursttla Wiles and Miss A. Medora Smith, 1st pri mary. First ward, Miss Worden, from Cedar Falls, la.; 2d ward. Miss Aggie Sampson; 4th ward, Miss Elizabeth Malone. The School Board have secured a good corps of teachers, and expect a larger number of scholars than ever before. We will make further notice after school has commenced. For The IIkrai.d. During a recent conversation with our friend W. II. Thomas who is at present in U. S. Engineer's oilice at this point we learned that he has re ceived the agency for the Centennial Turbine Water Wheel, manufactured by E. L. Cope & Sons, West Chester, Pa. He intends introducing these water motors through Nebraska, Kan sas and Wyoming Territory through correspondence. The motor, we learn, is the best in us, an el the firm chal lenge the world to produce its equal. Mr. Thomas had the good fortune to havtt charge of the exhibit of this wheed at the Centennial Exposition in 7tf, wkere he became acquainted with merchants from all quarters of the globo. Success to you, W. It. Temperance 3Ie'etiug Postponed. Owing to other engag;ment.3 of the speaker, the lion. Sobieskj will not visit Cass County until Sept. 9th, at which time they will come to this county and commenco a vigorous cam paign iu the interest of Temperance. They will speak at the times and pla ces ::a follows: Sept. 0, 10 and 11 At Plattsmouth. " 12 At Mt. Pleasant. " 13 At Weeping Water. " 14 At Louisville. 15 At South Bend, " 10 At Greenwood. We hope those inteiested will take notice of the change, and make all ne cessary arrangements for the meet ings. Each meeting will commence at 7:30 o'clock p. m. These meetings will be public and no entrance fee will be charged. J. E. Morrison; State Deputy. Died. WATERMAN, August 2tli, 1SS!. at T : M p. in. of e'lioleia Infantum. Kcsski.i. Maiivix, on ly son of l;r. J. M. and Hellu R. V aU'i inan, itliva 1 year. 5 meiiths and 5 days. AuotlKT little leaflet lias fallea ; another little floweret bloomed fresh and lovely only for a faw short inentlis, theu withered, faded, died. A little bud burst onen iu the early Spiins- tane, withstood tho storias of one winter, tnen faded away Into mother earth. A little darling - W to Gladden and make happy papa and 'msi with it fii'iopnnt liiiitt il rVifi;I ting, and to epiead sunshine and joy in the ante ; but in a fw short months it passed Away Into that dreamless slumber. Too Inno cent, too lovely, too pure to live upon earth, darling little Russell bid farewell to earthly plaything, and journeyed away to meet and repose with his little sistt-r "Dottle." Sido by side in the Walradt Cemetery the two liltie buds of the morning now kluuiber peacefully. p;!etly, restfuliy. free front pain, f:va front their agonizing earthly sufferings. Sac, bereaved, heart -sore and grief-strieken papa and mamma inu-t "Put away the little dresses Thai their darling used t wear : He will need them on p;ilh never. He ha fiimUeit the eioKleu Stair." iJ. S. R. G. A. It. There will be a special meeting of the G. A. It., Post 4o, to-morrow even big, (Friday) at 7:30. A full attend-ane-i desired. J. A. MACMUitriiY, Commander. Church Notice. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church next Sunday. Preaching morn ing and evening by the presiding Eld er, W. II. Jones. A cordial invitation is given to all to attend tLe services. DENTAL OFFICE of (?amp c0 Salisbury, Plattsmouth, Ned. Wc would call your attention to the growing opinion among the medical profession, that many diseases of the stomach arise from neglect of the teeth. It has betn demonstrated be yond a doubt that decaying teeth throw off a deadly poison which if ab sorbed into the stomach impedes nat ural digestion, the obvious results of which are seen in dyspepsia with all its attendant evils. Wo have made the care of the teeth a study in one of the '.est schools m the world, "The New York College of Dentistry" and are prepared to do all kinds of work belonging to the pro fession in the best manner and at very reasonable prices. See our card. Wanted At this office good dry corn or oats on subscription, at once. New Barber Shop. Ed. Morley has opened a new barber shop under Peter Merges' store, where he has htted up a room and will do the best of work. Anyone wishing a good. clean shave, shampoo or hair-cut, should give Jd a trial. 24t3 Clothing ! Clothing ! i;. i. neroid wul seli for the next thirty days at and below cost to make room for a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Clothing. Remember the' place ana save a.j per cent. 23t2 Is it Possible That a remedy made of such common simple plants as hops, buchu, man drake, &c, makes so manv and such . ! . . 1 , - , tu.iiveious ana wonueriui cures as nop Uitters do? It must be, for when old and young, rich and poor pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to having bsen cured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer. See other column. University of Nebraska. lne 1-all term opens Sept. 13th., ibi. 1 union free to all. No charge for incidental expenses. Board costs from $2 to S3. Those entering the Preparatory department must be pre- pareu ior examination in Orthography, weaning, Geography, Common School Arithmetic, English Grammar and C. S. History. A teacher's certificate is accepted in lieu of the examination. Further information mav be ob tained by sending for catalogue. E. B. Fairfield, 212 Chancellor. Treatment of Earns. For the severe burns often receive ! j in firedamp or powder explosions, Herr Fuller has used the following treatm-J-.-t i with the best success: Tin; person first has a warm bath, then the burnt part- and their neighborhood , are wa-hed with a solution of thymol, then sprin kled with thymol for a fev minute. Tiic vesicles formed are not tonel.e 1. The raw surface 13 painted with liuee 1 oil containing 1 per coat, thymol. The patient is placed on n caoutc one nnt tress, or supported so as to avoid pres sure on tho burned pert. Thymol is applied at first every ten nrnutes, with a broad, soft brush;" it relieves tho paia greatby. During the lirst davs it is al so repeatedly sprayed. Witen the vesicles have shrunk and dri"d (in about ten days), they are opened w.th disinfected scissors, while thymol is sprayed; then tho thymol oil above re ferred to is applied. The Depressing Results of Flying Take. 0113 dream and hope that for centuries has vainly puzzled people, and assume t!iat that may bi realized. Wiiat if the next century should see aerial navigation a fact and man should be able to lly! Very many believe that this certainly will bo a. c-nnplis'ied at some time or other, and many of our greatest discoveries have conic suddm Ty when they did come. Let us have the power of self-propulsion through tho air, with tha speed that would bo involved in progress tlirougn so light a medium, and tho changes that would follow are too many and sweeping for the imagination to tako in at once. Let it be fairly accomplished and it would probably bring on, to begin with, the greatest liuaneial crash ever soon. It is a little in tho lino of historical irouy that the lirst result of the full power to rise should be depression. Aerial navigation would mean paraly sis to tho railroad interests which havo become such a monstrous power in tho country. Turn the air into a highway like the ocean or tho lakes, and the "day of railway dictation, indeed of railway business, is over. So vast investments cannot be abandoti3d without tho ut most linancial disturbance. B it tho final effect of courso would bo bene ficial. That Fly. 1I-) sat down upon a reeont Sunday morning for a piiet hour with ids nowpVper. Presently a ily, .socially ii!c-!i;;o brm to forage upon his bald -;t-ot. H; put up his ii ;ud; t!ie lly do bribed a, grar.'t'ul c irvo in the air, and came down tiLon his ear. Ho culled his car, ami the lly darle I around and perched up m his nose, lie then put ids hand to Ids noso six times in succession, and the ily shot into iho air each time, and returned at exact! tiio same angle. Wild with vexation, ho w aved his paper in tiio air and mut tered: "If I were in tho habit of swearing, I should say. cuss these little pests!" Then an inspiration seized him; he yanki-d off his slipper, and said to hi. seven-year' ild son: "Here, boy, tako this an 1 go for these Hies, and make mummy-meat of everv ono of tiiem!" "Shall I hit 'em on the wall?'' "Yes, hit 'eni ou th ; wall." "Shall I hit 'em on the tabic?" "Yes, hit 'em on the wall, hit 'em ot. the table, hit 'em on the China t-'ajup, hit 'em anywhere; only b-i sure that yon ;'YaV.'!u!" Tho lad was a dead shot, and entered upon the work with a relish. Nearly every stroke marked tho demise of ono of the hated pests. But after a little there was silence for a space, and then suddenly a re.souu-fng whack. The outraged parent chipped his hand to his head, leaped to his feet, and shouted iu high O, as he drew tho slimy remains of a mangled Uy from his glossy pate. "Hi, there! you little heathen, what elo mean by hilling me on tho head in that shape?" "O, pap!"' cried t ho boy, with enthu siasm, "it was a whopping great blue bottle!" "Blue-bottle well, I'll blue-bottla you, if you hit me on the head again you hear ?e.'" And with clouded brow he resumed his reading, while ho gently stroked the swelling bumnof self-esteem. Periods of Infectiou3 Diseases. Dr. Richardson, of London, has been giving the sanitary institute some of the results of his recent researches as to the periods of the incubation of in fectious diseases which the sanitarian had to combat. He said there wero twenty-six diseases of this kind, with periods which might fairly be called regular. Incubation was the tun which intervened between the acceptation of the poison that caused the disease and the first manifestation of its effect. Diseases might thus be grouped ac cording to their stages of incubation into live classes shortest, short, me dium, long, longest. Tho shortest pe riod was from 0110 to four days; under this head came plague, cholera, malig nant pustule and dissection poison. The second period was from two to six days, and under this head came scarlet fever, diphtheria, croup, erysipelas, whooping-cough, influenza, glanders, and pyamiia. The medium period was from four to eight days, and in it are included cow-pox and relaxing fever. The long peri al had ton to litteen days, and included in it measles, mumps, ty phus, and typhoid. The longest period, forty days, might include hydrophobia. Dr. 'Richardson pointed out important practical sanitary lessons that were connected with a correct knowledge of these periods of incubation. A Beautiful Idea. In the mountains of Tyrol it is tho custom of the women and children to come out when it is bedtime, an I sing. Their husbands, fathers and brothers answer them fntm the hills on their re turn home-. On the shores of tho Adri atic such a custom prevails. There the wives of the fishermen cmio down about sunset, and sing a m dod-. Al ter singing the first stanza, they listen awhile for an answering melody from off the water, and continue to sing and listen tiil tho well-known voice conies borne on the waters, telling that tho loved one is almost home. A Grand Palac3. Lord Bute is building a .splendid pal are at Mountstuart, near R othsay, in Scotland, on the site of the old house, which was destroyed by lire nearly two years ago. The new house, which is built of red sandstone, in the Gothic stlo, from the plans of Mr. Anderson, of Edinburgh, will b-J 2iJ0 feet in length, and is to have live stories; the external walls afe to bo five feet thick. The grand entrance hall is to bo adorned with magnificent columns of marble ami alabaster, and tho marble to be used in tho house will cost at least 250,000. The laying of tho founda tion has cost SoO.OOO, and it is proba ble that the palace will not be complet ed under $1,-'50.000. i- mm There are no less than 1,233 f -male clerks employed in the Treasury De partment at Washington. Their sal aries range from 1,8 rO to $180 per annum. In several other departments female labor is largely utilized. Ac cording to the New York llcruhl there are no less than 75,000 women, not including domestic servants, in the City of New York who support tbeni Belres by their own labor. Peacs to His Ashes. Not long since Cos IV S ni!h took a s'iTll through the Austin graveyard. When ho came out of tho graveyard he lo iked very serioa?. (lilhooly meeting him asked him what was the mallir. "Nothing, only I w;u thinking tha the Austin husband must light all tho fires in tho mornings." "What ninkus sou think so?" "Well, 1 see 'so many of them are barned to death. I noticed on thro 3 or four tonibs:iios 'Peace to his ash es.' " 7 cj-.'s Si ft fn fin. The Deceitful Kangaroo. Lamb like as is the face ef tho kan garoo, tender and soft as aro his eyes, ho is by no means as jrentle as ho looks, says tho Loudon Globe. Like the heathen Chinee, his countenance belies him, and there are few more exeitiug and withal dangerous sports than kan gar o shooting.' To the htiuter seeking for some no.v sensation, a visit to the wilds of Austra'i.i in search of kanga roos can be recommended. It retpiin s a tleet horse to run au "old man" down if he gets a fair chance to show tail; ami strong, well-traine I dogs to tackle him when brought in bay. Inside his soft, dewy lips nre strong, formidable teeth, which can bite severely. His forepaws, weak as they seem, can lift a dg high in air and crush him to death; wiiile, when King down, his favori'c lighting attitude, ho can kick with his po-.verad hind legs in a manner that raj.i dy clears a circle round him; and w.-o betide the man or dog that comes whidn reach of tlio-e huge claws.which can make a tlcsh wound deep enough t maim the one or kill the other. Of course, we hero speak of tho great kangaroo, the boomer, or old man, oi the colonists. As a matter of fact, there are s me thirty eliffcrent kinds of kangaroos in habiting various parts of Australia, and one species peculiar to New Guinea. They vary in size from the tiny hare kangaroo of South Aus tralia, the most agile of its kind, which is but little larger than a rabbit, to the several giaut s-poeies, whether black, red, brown or gray, some of which stand nearly six feet high. mt Congregations of London Churches. The St. James's Gazette of Juno 13 publishes a census of the congregations of all the city of London churches and chapels, taken on the morning of Sun day the 1st of May. It shows that, in cluding St. Paul's Cathedral, there aro in the" city G3 churches, with seating accommodations for 32,455 worship pers, of whom only 6,721 were present when the census was taken, where as the 1G chapels, with accommodation for 15,290 worshippers, had congrega tions amounting in the aggregate to 4,3Ui). Some of tho church congrega tions wero lutii.-rou.sly small. Thus, at St. Duiistau-iu-the-East, the number of jersons present, excluding officials and poor attending for relief, was only 4; and at St. Nh-hola's, Colo Ab.ey. with the same deductions, only 2. At St. Andrew's. Mary Axe, of which the Bishop r.edford is the incumbent, tie; coilire congregation consisted of 145 pe: -o:ts, oi whom 41 were officials and tin ir fam'iics and school children, tho income of 1 bis parish being 2,400 a year. At St. Bololph's Bishopgate. the Rev. W. Rogers is, according to ti e Ctergy List, paid 1,G50 a year for ministering to a congregation which, on tiio 1st of May, was without officials and poor, only 221 in number, and tho Rev. W. II. Dickinson, who receives i.T,5oO per annum, rejoices iu a con gregation which with the same deduc tions, numbers 13. The total sum paid to tho London parochial clergy, is ac cording to tiie clergy Directory, 41,- 814 per annum. -c- - a 1 1 Adnina Patii's Horse. Adelin v Pstti's chief aniusemfvit at Craig-y-Nos is derived from driving a spirited team of horses about the couutiy, which is "all uo and down" in every direction, one hundred yards of level" road being hereabouts as groat a rarity as a elancing dolphin in Pica dilly. She is a capital whin, and oti the host of terms with her four-fooled vassals. "Sam," her especial favorite, is a pony of considerable parts and strong intlividu tllty. Do live 4 in a loose b x, from which ho commands a view of the kitchen windows, and has made it his business to discover the secret of the stable door lock. Ev ry morning, when he first catches sight of his particular friend, the cordon oral, he opens his door, walks composedly across ti e yard there is no indecent haste about "Sam" ascends the kitch en s.ep.s, and prcsetits himo!f with tho assurance of a welcome visitor in tho penetralia of the culinary sanctum. lbs pro-one having received due ac know lodgment in the shape of a suc culent carrot, or, haply, a crisp lump of loaf sugar, he gravely retraces his steps to his domicile, with the some what self-satisfied air of an epicurean philosopher whose just requirements havo been promptly and exhaustively attended to. WhitnhnU Jlevieio. Many persons will take no med icine until prostrated on a bed of sick ness. This is folly. Nature always cal's for assistance when needed to throw off impurities. With our habits ot life, it is necessary to render this heli). Prickly Ash Bitters will not force nature, but acts mildly and ren ders the assistance required. Try them. 24t5 Hose, Hose. Ladies you can get the best and largest assortment of hose in this city at Freel Herrmann's. 24tl At'lO-shun, l.iedei kranz ! Regular semi-annual meeting and change of officers next Sunday. Busi ness of importance. A full attendance desired. By order of SKCHETAKY. Experience the Best Cure. The constant practice most women have in caring for the sick makes them often more skilful than physi cians in selecting medicines. The reason why women are every wpere using and recommending Parker's Gin ger Tonic is, because they have learn ed by that best of guides experience that this excellent family medicine speedily overcomes despondency, peri odical headache, indigestion, hvsr complaints, pain or weakness in the back and kidneys, and other troubles peculiar to the sex. Home Journal. See Adv. ' 2445 Farmers Attention. In order to gratify the wishes of hundreds of our customers who have repeatedly expressed a desire that we would exchange merchanelise in our line such as Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises and Jewelry for Country Produce. We are now pleased to advise you that we have perfected arrangements whereby we will be able to accommodate all. So bring on your produce and avail your selves of our great advertised price list. We will pay the highest market price for produce and you in return will receive anything in our line at the lowest cash figures. Don't forget the place next door to Court House. 17tf Solomon & Nathan. NOTICES. Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation and Biliousness. For sale by all Drt-ggists in the West. Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Come and See The large stock of Spring Shoes and Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court "House. Plattsmouth, Neb. otOtc For Sale or Trade. A good second hand wagon, for sate cheap or will trade for buggy, quire at this office. En- -The best and cheapest. The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers at Mehges. 4tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite r. U. 7tr Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have sold over ono hun dred bottles in the last two months 48lf If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of any kind If you want to buy or sell a farm of any kind If you want money with farm lands to secure it call on Will S. Wise, 4Gm3 Fitzgerald Block. It Must Be So. For all who use Brown's Pepsin Tonic say it is a sure cure for Dys pepsia and sick Headache. Try it. For sale by all Druggists in Platts mouth and East Plattsmouth. Pepsin. Rhubarb, Mandrake & (Jenliaii Are the active ingredients of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. (Jive this wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial and be cured. For sale by all drug gists in Neb. To the Citizen's or the County and Slate. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a firerproof house before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A IIcovek, Louisville, Nebraska. For Sale. A house ami lot situated on the N. II. corner of Granite and Seventh sts. The house is l.V story ; contains five rooms ami a pantry, is almost new and in good condition. Price .$1000; .$700 cash and balance in one year. For farther information en quire of D. II. Wheeler Ar Co. Agt. lGtl' Alderiiey Slock. F. Beaumeister now Mr. J o w ns the ALDERXEV BULL, "WELLINGTON," No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Kentucky G28. From imported Tran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will be rememberenl Chaplain Wright brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this summei at Mr. Beaumeister's place north of town, on t he Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal should call and see the undersighed, J. F. Beaumeistkk. Stock from a distance, pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elm wood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. WOOLEY, 42tf Superintendent. Rescued from Death. Iu the following remarkable state ment. William J. Coughlin of Somer ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1876 I was taken with a violent bleei ixu of the lvngs followed by a se vere cough. I was so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 I was admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I bad a bole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dollars in Jdoctors and medicines. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dlt. HALL'S BAL SAM FOB TIIE LUNGS. I got a bottle to satisfy him, when to my sur prise and gratification, 1 commenced to feel belter, and to-day feci in better spirits than I have the past three years. I write this hoping that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOB TIIE LUNGS and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. I can positively pay that it has done more good than ad the other medicines I have taken during my sickness." Sold by drug gists. 13 Brown's Blackberry and Ginger. Shouhl be in every house during the heated season. It never fails to cure Diarrhoea. Dysentery and Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and J. M. Bobert', Plattsmouth, "J. V Painter, East Plattsmouth. Dr. Black's Kkeumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A D. Marshall, Weeping Water. Neb. Stf Organs. A few more bargains in my clos ing out stock; don't delay if you want a number one instrument at a very low figure. James Pettee, ag't. i red Coreler will sell wagons cheaper than they t an be got at any other place in Nebraska. He has the Lest makes. Give him a call and get a good wagon cheap. 21t4 Ice! F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily te customers at remarkably low price's. Call or leave orders at his store, ou Maiu St. lotf SPECIAL LEGAL NOTICES. Tax Deed Notice. To tiio unknown or non-rsidrnt ownT or claimant of lot eleven (11), block one liitmlred ami tlui ly-fotir (1W). hi t!i cily of I'luttmioutli I an e'otiiity, Nebraska : You are hereby notl-fli-tltliut tlii above described, real entitle w :isM-scd and taxed fur tiio year PtTS as bvlont; ii. to an unknown owner or non-rrnldciit of said county : that the said real estvte was old on the 211 day of November, l;9, for tl de liuiiietit. tax of said year, l7t, to the tiiiacr nliicd ; that titilexs rt-dciiiptioii from s.l l Hale be made before the Ivtli day if Iteceniher, A. . lfcSI. a deed will be issued to the utidt.'iHiU oil by the Treasurer of said County. Joh.n Simmons. rialtunotitli. Neb., Au. 23, IKsl. 2U3 Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an Order of Sale. Issued by W. C. Showaltcr, t teik ot the District Court witUtn and for Cusk County, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will ou the 1st day of October, A. 1. lrtsl, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the south door of the Court House. In anl County, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The west half (w'i) of tho north west quarter (ttw'il of section No, thtrtv (Jtn. in township To. teu (10). north oi range No. eleven tl 1), east of the titli M., la Ca County, Nebraska, 'lhe same beinc levied upon and taken as the property of William II. Heck and Sarah Jane Beck, t'. II. McCorutick and the Singer Manu facturing Company, defendants, to satisfy a jitdutiu-nt f said Court recovered by Phillip 1. Kltiuge, plaintilf. . . It. W. HvF.Ito, SlierliT Cass Co., Nib. riattsmotttli. Neb., Aug. 30, A. 1). 1h1. att5 Notice of Application for Li cense. All persons interested will take imtice that 1 have illed mv application wilh the City Council of t he City of I'lattsmotith for a lieue to sell malt, vinous and spititous liquors at retail in the 4tli ward of said city, as repaired by section of chapter U) rev ised slalote of ISM. i31J 1'KTKlt MlMM. riattsmouth, August 21Uh. 1M1. Notice of Application for Li cense. All person interested take notice that I have tiled mv application with the City Council ul the City of riattsmouth foi a license to sell nalt, vinous and spiritous liipmrs at ilail In the lut ward of said city, as required by section i of chapter 60 levisod statutes of Ikki. J3I2 FKK.ru loos. riattMiioulh, Ant. i'5tli. 1RI. Legal Notice. In tlie Diet i-ict Court of Cas Co. Neb. 1 it tho matter ot the entate of Augustus B. .Sharp, Deceased, late of Fulton County, tleorgia. Notice is hereby (rivttn that 1 have made ap plication for a licence to sell and convey t lie north half and the southeast piartcr of thu nout Invest quarter of section ii, towin-hip II, north of range II east of the Ulh 1 M. In Cans County Nebraska. And all persons interested are notified to appear before the Hon. S B. Pound. Judge of the -Jd Judicial District, lit Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. In the Clerk's otlico at one o'clock p. in. on said day to show eaiD-e if any lliey have why license lo sell ami convev said real estate should not be granted according to thu prayer of the petition tiled in "aid cause. John Black, By A. N. St i i. ivan. Administrator. 2J14 bis Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of f ale Issued bv W. C. Showalter. Clerk of the District Court within and lor Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on Saturday the 1st day of Octo ber A. D. ll. at lo o'clock a. in., of said day, at tlie south door of the Court House, in the City of riatlsiuouth, in said Conuty. t-ell at public auction the following real estate tow it: Com inencinj; lo7f", feet north and Lf-'tt fee' eant of the foulhvet corner of net-lion seven (T) town ship twelve (Ii!) north of range fourteen ill) cast of the tt h 1. M. More particularly described a being the northeast corner of 1 ow nsend' Ad dition to the Cily of lMatlsmoiith thence wet parallel with t lie fonth line of Kiid rection iO feet, thence north 4.'!0 feet, thence e ist parallel with the south line of this tract ;nO feet, thence south parallel wilh the west line of this tract 4:i) feet, to Use place of beginning containing two (?) acres. Ihetaine being levied upon mid taken as the property of Coin ad Hippie, Mary hippie. Jofeph Beer-ley, C. W. I. 111:01 & Co.: Thomas Hallowell. ( iirad Heirll e'o, ; and John llross. Defendants ; to satiety a judge ment of raid Court reco eicil by A. B. Smith, Flaintiir. It. W. Hikkh, By M. Mi ilLWiti.v, Sheriff of Cas Co. jH-pniy. ii PlattMiiouth. Scb., Aug. 24lll A. 1). lohl. Road Notice. To all whom it may concern : 1 he oiiemng of two hcciioii line roads Having been petitioned fot by J. B. Meisinger etui., anil described as folio wit : First load commen cing at south east corner ol section two (ii), township twelve (12). range twelve (12), and running thetie west two U) miles, and terminat ing at southwest corner of section three (3). taute township and range ; Second road eoni mcneing at south east corner of section ten ( lot township twelve (!:.). range twelve (Bv. ruuniiitf tlivuce north one uuil one-nail (i'i) limes, aui terminating at s. e. corner of north cast quar ter ine'.l ol 'necl ion three (3). same tow ushin and range, all objections thereto or claims for damages, must lit: niea 111 me 1 oui.iy t h-ik s oilice on or before noon of the Mil day of Octo ber, A. D. issl, or such roads will be opened without reference thereto. 2')i j J. D. 1 ltt, count y Clerk. Proposals for Bids. SEA T.F.I) riCOI'OSAl.S will be received at the oilice of Dr. John BUck, l'lattsu.out h, Ne braska, until il o'clock, noon, September 1st, lnfu. for the eraction of a brick building, oa the corner of Main ami Sixth streets, l'lut t-uioiith, Nebraska. Said building to be two stories high and ninety-tw ty2) feet front ; one-half ex tending back sixty-six () feet, and the other half eighty X0 feet. The lower story to be di vided into four business rooms, and th upper story to be litted up forolliees. Plans and spe cifications may be seen at the office of Dr. John Black, Plattsmouth. or at tho otlic-e of Archi tect Driscoll. Oiuuha. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. M. B. V 11 11 n, o. II. Black. It. B. V l.MIHA.M, Building Com. on the part of the M. E. Church. Dit. John Black. riattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 17th, ncM. PiBio?ale Your Feathers. McCLELLaXI) BROS. & CO. ars prep:. red to renovate feathers with McAr tlaii's celebrated Strain Feather Keiiovator, patented Feb. 25th. and acknowledged to be the lateet and best invention y;t made to perform this necpssary work. The highest testimonials have been received from the leading physicians of each cily where the machine, has been operated, bearing testi mony the renovating of feathers to be a vital question, and well worth all the cost for the consideration of health alone. The ladies of riattsmouth will oblige the firm by examining the process at their establish ment, when the full process will be explained. Located at store formerly held by I). H. Wheel er Jfc Co., Real Estate AgeDts, north side Main stlect between 2d and 3d streets. Olden) by card called for and delivered. .SATISFACTION' ( 1 1 1 A 1 1 A N T 1 C E I ) OH NO CHARGE MADE. M CI.EI.LAND BROS. & CO. ref.-r with great pleasure to the following Influential citizens of riattsmouth who have favored them with their work, and who will give their testimony of satisfaction given by the Firm : Dr. Schildknecht, Mrs. C. K. Weseott. Mr. ('apt. Palmer, Sheriff R. YV. J lycra. Iudge w. 11. Newell, c. 11. rai tneie, M. 1.. White .Mrs. .Mcf.ntee, Mrs. O'Keefe, J. Mathews, Mrs. Jas. Ilodgcrt, Mrs. T. W. Shrvock, Rev. J. Gallagher, J. P. Young, Jutige O'Donohoe, Kasgorshek Bros., Mrs. M. Waybright, Mrs. Staueliiiauii. Mrs. E. Oliver, and many others too numerous to mention. 21U William Jewell College, Fourteen miles N. E. of Kansas City, on the H. & St. Jo. R. Ii. One tf the best Colleges fur young men ; w ith an excellent l'reparatory De partment. Students can take the Regular Course for ii degree, or an ICnjrllh or Hum Iness Course, or Helrt Studies. Moral fpeeially guarded ; city healthful ; goo-1 board and lodging of Uncfrt )oxxille ftyi'i 1 1. Ely Hall completed. Write for catalogue. 2114 YV. II. ROTH WELL. Liberty, Mo. LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITI I-udle' Hrniinary- unsurpassed. A rati -my thorough. College lour eojr-es. Year begins Sept 7th. t.samine or ytmrrtlrt. Catalogue sent by the President, D. S. (iKKii orv, D. D., Lake Forest, III. 20tls " AUr.NTS AND CANVASSERS Make from to SSO per week selling poods for E. ;. R1DEOL T it CO., 10 Barclay Street, New York. 2-'yl Send for their Catalogue and terms. fc70A WEEK, f 12 a day at home easily mIe V Costly outfit free. Augusta. Maine. Address, Tliik & e'o. yiy Documents and papers of any kind necessary for the execution of wills, etc., and the collection of monies through the courts of Germany and Denmark, can be had through Hansen & Chassot. They will also attend to every and all matters wl ich persons residing here may wish to have attend ed to in Germany and Denmark, with prompt iK'.ss and despatch, especially the collection and payment of monies through any bank here and there. 1