Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 21, 1881, Image 3

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i-.i til. T .s : line, llegular advertls-
Nj advcruscmuut insert-
;.!; Till f.i.
i- jf i in- law will be field
::;! ipji.iis they hand in.
i li1". a proof of publica
,i I'f i'ld (ur the uublica-
. ;i'M':.vit.vs.' !, ;U communications
:;! audio the point, with no wast
: i . i .--;,.ir-U!f for the correctness
; ii paid n. alter and paid Lo-
( t;;!: the paper rezularlj
whether (liiec:ed to his
; ! is a siii'sc: ioer or not is
, -i -i..n .mien lils paper discoiitin-i-
v nil arr.- irises, or the publish-
, Mil
to semi it mull payment a
the ;
fiT. I
ihA I
;i:,. wlio:e amount, wlietner
ii (.';:; the oflice or not.
. have .Voided that reusing to
ami i- liiMlie.i'.s from the post
:-i: ami I n ins them uncalled
it evidence of lNTESTlOXAL
; in- c
i'oelry by all of tis.
On; f t'i N Htli t:i: wild news came.
Far i i . t : ; :i its wini;s f tl.uiic.
Swift I ie boreal lilit which flies
At ini-l-n : it through the startled skies.
K;ili".v moved Wednesday.
-V;iMit it nice and cool, Sunday.
Drew-. iiildiii"; is slowly lootnins
lit-ai! i in- Commissioners' proceed-
Fied Murphy cune in Friday
niiiit .
Hasting had a 810,000 lire last
Mr. Mi-Knew spent last Sunday in
Horse ily nets go off like hot cakes
Head .1 nies & Hikenbary's new ad
on 4th pa-i-.
The E. A. lT. Society have bought
a new orpan.
(HI IIilbs is finishing up that
checkered barn.
Fred H'-linholf was in Omaha Sat
urday on business.
California Canned Hoods at F. S.
White's; ju.-t recti veil. 18t2
The hi t -!e on 6th and l'earl sts.
is in a had condition.
Geo. IS tii ance's new house on Elm
street is neatly finished.
A steamboat bound for the moun
tains passed up Sunday night.
Hemeiiiber the social at the M. E.
Parsonage tomorrow evening.
.V few more Linen and Cambric
Suits left at F. Herrni inn's. 1012
The Hrcat Ked S'ure holds forth
next to l'n iinett & Lewis' now.
Every carriage in town was out
Sunday, a good time for livery men.
j The new buildings in the machine
shop grounds are progressing ranidly.
One of the numerous weddings set
for this fall, came off Sunday evening.
He sine anil read the notice on
Weeds, and see that they are cut down.
Rev. I. W. Rcfd preached in the
H.iptist chuich in this city, last Sun
day. The infant chin! of Mr. and Mrs
Dabb died Monday and was buried
The side walk on .1th street, just off
from Main is preparing to tumble into
the creek .
M. 0"R'.urke ha ordered a large
stock of piece goods for his fall and
winter trade.
f Morrissey Urn's, elevator is rrceiv-
ing some extensive additions and im
J provements.
Rose, the paper man from Sea
man's dropped down on us again the
first of the week.
The pupils of the elocution class
voted that visitors should be t-xcluded
for the present, last evening.
The Omaha Herald has a very good
article on our shops and the growth of
the town in Wednesday's paper.
Mr. John Cummins' new house
will soon be finished and is going to
be one of the finest houses in the city.
L. C. Erven, jeweler, has moved
into the stand recently occupied by
Mrs. o wart's Millinery establishment.
Phil. Young sold over forty dol
lars worth of peanuts circu3day. How
is that for refreshments for your gal?
Rev. J. He,.(l assisted Rev.
Mr. Gallagher in the M. E. Church Sun
day evening, and preached a very fine
We have a new station agent here
only it's a girl and Mr. Marsland is
happy, born Monday morning. Moth-
- r -linl ! i ii rrh t or iloiior well
W. S. Wise and A. W. Crites had
a brief printed at the IIi:kal office
the first of the week in the cae of A.
W. White vs Jm. O'Ronrke et al.
We understand some of the small
boys pretty nearly drowned Hrowne,
Saturday afternoon. I'rowne, you
better not go near the water until you
can swim.
The express oflice has been moved
one door fast of its old location, and
Mr. Simpson w ill now be found there
u all the time having given up the run
j on the road.
L Cut forth & Laverty, is the new
Livery firm at Louisville, and they are
always readv and willing to furnish
anything in their line at the lowest
possible ra' i s.
Any oi.e wishing to get letter
Leads, bill Lea-Is, n!e heads, envel
opes, card.-. -r in fan, anything in our
line, should give us a call; our work
speaks fo" iiself.
! Calkins We never turned your
1 . - IJ. Ul-llun ,,l.l ....
cuairs up i'"rir"'- "-" i "a iu,
and said h--'-t make it all right, I)i-1 he?
The durned chairs acted as if they
were usel to it any waj-.
j , 'emior predicted that last Satur-
Y day would he the hottest of the month
I but Tuesday discounted it by three or
four degrees, according to ine mer
.nometers, although the breeze render
ed it rather less oppressive than
Mrs. A. A. Randall is visiting in
Cass Co.
Miss Thompson of Council Bluffs is
the guest of Miss Lillie Simpson.
Torn. Clark of North Piatte, the
R tnche man came down Tuesday.
Mrs. and Miss Simpson spent a few
days in Council liluffs last week.
Frank Carruth, our Jeweler, has
gone east for goods, and to cool off.
Mr. Howard Zink looked in on the
Herald Tuesday and we enjoyed a
pleasant chat.
Mrs. Houseworth, mother of Messrs
Walter and George Houseworth has
been visiting her sons.
Mrs. Henry Sge, of Pekin, III. who
has been visiting relatives in Platts
mouth, returned home yesterday.
V. II. Shafer, our old Deadwood
friend, has come back to Cats to stay.
He looks A. No. 1, hearty and healthy.
M. O'Conner returned from Quincy
111., Saturday, where he took a com
mercial course in the business col
lege. Mrs. James Pettee and son Trow,
left for Decatur, Xeb. this morning to
spind two or three weeks with liei
Whom should we strike at the junc
tion the other day but our old friend
"Hob" Hays and he remembered the
Wm. Chambers returned from his
Minnesota trip Saturday, and liked it
so well that he is goiug back in about
a month.
Samuel Rector, Esq. and Simeon
Rector both from near W. W. called
yesterday, we are pleased to see old
friends always.
Ranker Yates went up to Omaha
Tuesday tj see Miss Haydeit and Mr.
Patterson married. The bride is a
neico of Mr. Yates.
Wm. Gyger, head clerk in Dewey
& Stone's Furniture store, Omaha,
was down the first of the week on
business for the firm.
Miss Abbie lieardsley and Miss
Stella Reed, of Weeping Water return
ed home Monday, after a few days
visit at Mrs. Ashmun's.
Miss Florence Richardson spent a
day or two in the city last week. We
understand Miss Richardson will
graduate from the Peru College this
Prof. Des Islets, who is to take
charge of our school for the ensuing
year called with Mr. Pollock last Tues
day. We were very sorry we were not
in to meet him.
Celluloid Collars and Cuffs at
Wescott's. 17t2
State Fair Premium Lists for dis
dribution at this office.
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug Store. oltf
Ice Cieam Social at the M. E.
Parsonage to-morrow (Friday) even
ing. Everybody invited and a good
time guaranteed.
Great Reduction in Summer wear
at Wescott's. 17;2
The new officers of the Raptist
Sunday 'School will take their re
spective offices next Sunday: W. II.
McKnew, Superintendent, W. R.
Thomas, Secretary.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsniouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. lOtf
A Mr. Funk, near town, was sun
struck from the effects of which he
died last Friday and was buried Satur
day. Another fatal ease is reported
in the weetern end of the county, the
na.nd of the party we culd not learn
at the GREAT RED STORE. lGtf
The Ice man wants us to give him
a local ; we will give him two if he
don't bring some ice around to the
office mornings. The printers can't
"stick" type on warm water, with the
thermometer i.p to 104 in the shade.
1 sell the best and cheapest bcots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Peter Merges.
Wooley and Windham vs Show
alter and Shryock had a little shoot
ing match Tuesday, for the lemonade
and Showalter and Shryock got live to
one. Showalter is the Rogardus of
Plattsniouth on target shooting.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tf
Five couple of Plattsmouth young
folks, went out to visit the Good Tem
plars Lodge, at Concord Saturday
evening. They all report having a
good time, and we believe it, if we
can judge anything from rumor.
Finest line of White and Colored
Shirts in the city at Wescott's. 17t2
Dave Miller has got the rineit
onion patch in the county. He took
us out there the other day and when
we got home all oar folks said: "Oh
my, what onions, where you been.
Dave, them's onions and no mistake.
Fresh bread, cakes and t ies, every
dav, at the Union Bakerv, corner Main
and Third. " lOtf
More houses, more stare rooms at
decent rental are wanted in Platts
tnuuth. We know of several parties
who would increase stocks, invest
more money and improve every way.
if they could get good busines rooms
at a fair price.
All th men and teams in Cass
County, that are at leisure, wanted at
once t do work on Railroad grade at
Weej ing Water.
We attempted t say last week
that Mr. P. F5. Murphy had been suf
fering with a very severe catarrh or
felon on his hand ami the typos made
us say catarrh in his head. Although
somewhat late in the day we beg leave
to relocate that catarrh which we are
glad to see is getting much better.
Previous to our removal to the
we shall continue to offer
Ecery person who ever traded at
will know what we mean by
I lower than ectr lGtf
Fire meeting to-night.
The City is likely to have a suit
yet about the woman that fell in the
cellar of Drew and Weckbach's new
house, Smith Strode aqd Chapman are
the Attorneys for Mrs. Collins this
time. The probabilities yesterday
were, it might be settled without con
ing into court.
A little game of tag in the house
moving line has been going on lately.
Mr. Strode moved from the house he
lias been occupying to a portion of the
house occupied by his father-in-law.
Mr. C. SI. Holmes moved into the
house Mr. Strode left and the Sur
veyor General's oflice will scan occupy
the house vacated by Mr. Holmes.
I)e sure"and turn out to-night,
Several boys in town have tried to
run away lately. We tried it ourself
once, boys; it don't pay. With rare
exceptions home, your home, is the
sweetest, most restful place you'll ever
iind on this earth. Ret'er stay and
bear the ills you know, than lly to the
evils and temptations you know not
of, and the trials and hardships the
world has in store for you, only too
soon. Remember this.
Mr. A. E. Touzalin presented the
Young Men's Christian Association of
Hastings one hundred dollars towards
stocking a library. Touzalin '"the
monopolist" gives one hundred dollars
to a town 150 miles from where he
lives ,and the wealthy anti-monopolists
of this town give good advice to the
editors how to run a Temperance
paper, keep their money in their pock
ets, and let the poor women run
around town and beg for a few dol
lars to keep a reading room and libra
ry alive. Mouth service is a big
thing in a good cause.
Girl Wanted.
Girl wanted to do general house-
work. Inquire
at once, Mrs.
D. II.
Settlement Notice.
All persons owing the late firm of
Jones & Agnew, are requested to caj
and settle with G. A. Magney, with
whom we have left our accounts.
1712 Jones & Agxew.
D. V., (the Platte river notwithstand
ing,) at the Congregational church, in
Louisville, Sunday, at 8 p. m. IJenja
min Diffenbacker, pastor.
Railroad Hands Wanted.
Men and teams wanted at once to
work on the Missouri Pacific Rail
road grade in this county. Apply to
Beesox & Hammond,
Weeping Water, Cass Co. Xeb. 18t3
Teams Wanted.
Teams and men wanted to work on
railroad grade of the Missouri Pacific
II. R. in this county. Headquarters at
Weeping Water, Cass Co. Xeb. Apply
to Beesox & Hammond Contractors.
Important Firemen's Meeting,
At Council Chamber, this, Thursday,
evening, to consult in legard to trade
of Babcock Engine for Hand Water
engine, and Hose Carriage. The City
Council committee on Fire and Water
will be present to confer with the
A full turn out of all the firemen is
earnestly requested.
By order of
J. V. Weckbacii, Pres.
To AH Whom it May Concern.
Mr. II. T. Franks, who has been rep
resenting me in the interest of the
sewing machine business, is no longer
in ray employ. All contracts made by
him w ill be settled at my store, and
parties who have given him notes are
requested to call and see if they are all
satisfactory. I will not be responsible
foranvthing done by him after this
dale, Ju'y 11th, 1881.
Frank Carruth.
We 'nave great faith in the cure of
dyspepsia constipation, general debil
ity torpid liver, and all summer com
plaints by Dr. Marshall's Big Bromo
line. Dakota State Gazette.
Rev. Mr. Mullis, at his residence. July 17th,
t'OO.NV KlK.VUOKKFEK, all Of FluttSUlUUtll.
The happy pair etarted for Indianola, Iowa.
ycKterJay. We don't know whether the
groom meant to go or not, but It saved him
some Soda water, for trie beys gathered round
the store thick yesterday on the receipt f the
good ned. The way these Iowa fellow get
married when they come to Nebraska, is a cau
tion. Well, the Hkhai.I) sympathizes, bad to
get married ourself once, took November fr it
though. Uood luck and good time to both.
Forgiveness and a smile are the
best revenge. Good health - makes
good health. Only fifty cents and
Big Bottles.
Saddle Up,
Ye men of Cass who find yourselves
owing Stkeight & Miller, the Har-ness-im
kers, and prepare to ride post
haste to their place and settle all old
accounts at. once, as we must have
some money. We have trusted you
long and now needs our pay at a 2-40
gait. We will give you 30 days to
make the heat and if not under the
wire then the judges will rttle you off
our track in future.
Streigiit & Miller
Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Do not suffer from sick headache
a moment longer. It is not necessary
Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure
vou. Dose, one little pill. Sold by
Smith Black & Co.
A Fool Once More.
"For ten years my wife was con
fined to her lied with such a complica
tion of ailments that no doctor could
tell what was the matter or cure her,
and I used up a small fortune in hum
bug stuff. Six mi.'.hs ago I saw a
U. S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and
I thought I would be a fool once
more. I tried it, but my folly proved
to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her.
She is now as well and strong as any
man's wife, and it est me o:dv two
dollars. Such folly pays. II. W. De
troit, Michigan.
The best preparation known in
market for restoring grey hair to its
original color is Hall's Yegetable Sicil-
lian Hair Renewer. Try it!
John Boone has a new first class
barber now, in fact a "tonsorial ar
tist" if you like that better; at all
events he cuts hair and shaves to a
.Smart Weed and Belladonna com
bined with the other ingredients used
in the best porous plasters make Car
ter's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters the
beat in the market. Price 25 cents.
Sold by Smith, Black & Co.
Somebody calls attention to the
unmuzzled dogs this hot weather.
Better have 'em muzzled; while
we never saw a man who ever saw a
mad dog, yet to see 'em loose scares
nervous people and safety is security.
Great clearance sale at We.scott's
Boss Clothiug Store, all thin goods go
ing at the thinnest kind of prices. 1712
Last week was a terribly hard one
on those who were obliged to work
under the burning rays of the sun.
Four or five cases of fatal sunstroke
were reported in Omaha and eastern
cities chronicled in some cases large
numbers. Cincinnati about twenty
a day.
The Fourth is over and Coup's
great show has gone and the latest ex
citement now is on account of Solo
mon & Xathan's great reduction in
prices. We intend to make Business
Boom for the next two months by
giving unprecedented bargains. Call
and secure them. 17tf S. & X.
Carter's Little Liver Pills aie free
from all crude and irritating matter.
Concentrated medicine only; very
gmall; very easy to take; no pain; no
griping; no purging. Sold by Smith,
Black & Co.
Jim Morrison came near having
another Fourth of July the other day
He went in swimming with the toys
and some other dogs. The boys tried
to drown one of the dogs and when he
came to the surface he clambered up
on .Tim's back and dug about three
inches of toe-nails into the heart of
Jim's back to hold on with. Jim says
July is an onlucky month for him in
Will S. Wise, our young Attorney,
came down town yesterday morning
looking so happy that all the boys sur
rounded him at once and shouted:
"Soda-water, cigars." The Herald
man, surprised at such demonstrative
remarks asked for a reason and learn
ed that there was born to the house of
Wise, Jr. last wight just the prettiest
little girl baby ever known, at least
that's what its papa and mamma and
grandma and grandpa and uncles aunts
and nieces say, of course we hav'nt
seen it yet, but will take their word
for the same. Whether it will ever
study law remains to be seen, but for
present it is Ab incunabilis, and very
An article so favorably known as
Hall's Hair Renewer needs no praise
from us. It has won its way to the
highes favor in the public mind, and
multitudes who have vainly used oth
er preparations have, on trying this,
been made glad by the speedy restora
tion of abundant locks as in the days
To the Herald: Hang this Pro
fessor of (h) elocution that is here,
with his "Out of the Xorth;" or at least
he should forbid married woman join
ing his class, for young fellows that
don't care about a night's rest or so, it
doesn't matter, but as for me, I don't
want any more "up, out of the Xorth,"
in mine.
'Tother night my wife came home,
and I saw her hands and arms work
nervously, and she was a little oxcited,
as you may say; nevertheless, we went
to bed without any serious apprehen
sions on my part, and I dropped into
the sweet slumbers of the early night,
that always come to a man with a
clean conscience, and no elocution on
his mind.
How long I slept I knew not, but I
was rudely awakened by a slap; when
turning my face up to the moonlight
I heard:
"Bring your hand round this way
with a sweep" "ready" "Out of the
Xorth," and, biff, I caught the tail end
of the sweep over the nose.
"Humph! thought I, old lady, you're
going it pretty strong, I'll turn out
and give you the whole bed; but be
fore I could untwist from the tortur
ed bed-clothes, "Swift as the boreal
light," which flies at midnight I
found out I got the other end of the
"sweep" on tother cheek, kerslap.
"Out of the Xorth" started the ma
chine again when I put on the
"Out of the bed you go, if there's any
more of this rectilinear curvature of
the flexor muscles of the fore arm
towards the East" (my side of the bed)
"this night." There was "tumult in
the air" for a moment or two, and
"Hear the sledges with their
bells," and "Blow your bugle,"
Mr. Professor, but lend me some
morphine before your next
performance and oblige. Yours truly.
Wednesday, July 20 18S1
Wheat, No.2 srl00
Corn, ear. Vn2i
" shelled 2s
Oats, 20
Barley, No. 2 . 40&K5
Rye V5
Native Cattle rt)
Hoc 5 2ow( BO
Butter 15'i(".2)
Fuss V2l,(if..ia
Fotators XKt!.l 23
Nkw York, July 20, 1S8L
Money Si. 05! i.
Wheat $
1 22
92' i
ClIICAOO. Julv 20. 1KH1
$ 4 f0 tt$S 'HI
Hoh, s-liipnin-;...
.$G 0o((6 50
. 3 biA 4 25
- 4 5iti 73
X HERE! $5 is COODS f:r 53 cU,
Sll.r-li Urji.ltr4. IMJVT MISS I hi- lluarr.
turn; M FouDU.O In.: J Mrtl I'cui ; I S.ler-tjall
ll.lil.r; I I Ii.d IL.l.Irr; I Kukbrr bp Pencil ; U fine Cairl
epcl: 12 tl..--1 f.nt fjptr; I (fl.iu Htm luour roan,
loJ Ch.tirtc bttm for cloii.nx l.nen, lb.? money nilinr
re. All sent for Fifty Cents. Stnoitx taken. Air.,
ILtub. U76.J IMOX BOO lO, BortUkU'ra, rw imntf.
Victims to constipation and its
untold miseries can keep in good con
dition by a moderate use of Ayer's
Pills, the surest, safest and most relia
ble Cathartic.
Farmers Attention.
In order to gratify the wishes of
hundreds of our customers who have
repeatedly expressed a desire that we
would exchange merchandise in our
line such as Dry Goods, Millinery,
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing
Goods, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Caps,
Trunks, Valises and Jewelry for
Country Produce. We are now
pleased to advise you that we have
perfected arrangements whereby we
will be able to accommodate all. So
bring oa your produce and avail your
selves of ' our great advertised price
list. We will pay the highest market
price for produce aid you in return
will receive anything in our line at
the lowest cash figures. Don't forget
the place next door to Court House.
17tf Solomon & Nathan.
at the
A Good Foundation.
One of the greatest troubles of our
people is weakness of the stomach. As
this soon causes Indigestion, Xervous
ness and Rheumatism, they prevail in
almost every American household.
There is positively no need for any
body to suffer from these painful
troubles who can buy .1 50 ct. bottle of
Parker's Ginger Tonic; for this super
ior medicine always tones upthestom
ach and nervous system, and keeps the
kidneys active in carrying off the foul
matters, thus laying a good foundation
for perfect health. X. O. Picayune.
See other column. Ut5
The simplest and best regulator of
the disordered liver in the world, are
Carter's Little Liver Pills. They give
prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi
ness, Xausea, &.c. ; prevent and cure
constipation and piles; removes sal
lowness and pimples from the com
plexion, and are mild and gentle in
their operation on the bowels. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills are small and
as easy to take as sugar. One pill a
dose. Price 25 cents. Sold by Smith,
Black & Co.
Call For a Meeting of the Greeback
County Central Committee.
The members of said Committee are
hereby requestable to meet at Weep
ing Water, August Cth, 1881, at ten a.
m, sharp; to transact important bus
iness. By order of Chairman,
D. W. Ramy,
W. J. Mastin, Secty.
Greenwood. Xeb., July 13th, 1881. 17t2
Henry's Carbolic Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet
ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns,
and all kinds of skin eruptions, etc.
as all others are but imitations. Price
25 cents.
are the surest and best remedy for dys
pepsia, biliousness, malaria, indiges
tion, disorders of the otomach, and
diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver
and skin.
cures all affections of the mucous
membrane of the head and throat.
DENTON'S BALSAM cures colds,
coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles,
etc. Can be used external I v as a plas
ter. " 4
Dealer in
Groceries, Prorisions and
Nevr Yoik.
Freeport. 111.
Milwaukee, WU.
Omaha, Neb.
"special notices.
before spending any more money. ICtf
J. N. Wise.
Xegotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8tf
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy cur3 for Rheumatism, Xeural
gia. Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have scrld over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite F. 0.
Make from $ to 50 per wefk selling
poods for E. G. RIDEOL'T & CO.. 10 Barclay
Street, New York. 22yl
Send for their CataloKUO and terms.
-The best and cheapest,
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
ai Merges'.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Xotary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Xeb. 5tGic
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire :proof house before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A
Hoover, Louisville, Xebraska.
F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably low prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St. lOtf
Contractors and Guilders.
Il.iviHg enlarged our shop aud purchat-ed a
Steam Power Circle Saw, we are prepared to do
au unlimited nmouut of work Id our line hi a
and those who contemplate buililiu will find it
to their interest t get estimates from tin before
uiviug their work to other partita. Estimates
made ou all kiuds olwork Fuke of Cuabue,
Alderney Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns
Xo. 1967, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky C28. From imported Tran
sit, bred by H. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summer at Mr. Beaumeister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal should call and see
the undei sighed,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Xeb. 8tf
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with, farm lands
to secure it call on
Will S. Wise,
4Gm5 Fitzgerald Block.
It Must Be So.
For all who use Brown's Pepsin
Tonic say it is a sure cure for Dys
pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.
For sale by all Druggists in Platts
mouth and East Plattsmouth.
Tepsin. Rhubarb, Mandrake & Gentian
Are the active ingredients of
Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this
wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial
and be cured. For sale by all drug
gists in Xeb.
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills
Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Biliousness. For
sale by .ill Druggists in the West.
Brown's Blackberry and Ginger
Should be in every house during the
heated season. It never fails to cure
Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera
Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery.
Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and
J. M. Robert Plattsmouth, "J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
lty. Inquire of D. D
Louisville, Xeb.
Come and Sec
The large stock of Spring Shoes and
Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and Xovember. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
7QA WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made
t'oMiy ouint tree. Adores, h'kk & to.,
Augusta. Maine. 49ly
will move into the new
16tf on or about the twentieth inat.
A Difficult Problem Solved.
Amlition, competition and over-exertion
use up the vital powers of men
and women, so that a desire for ttimj
ulants seems to be a natural human
passion, and drunkenness prevails on
accownt of this necessity for bodily
and mental invigoration. Parker's
Ginger Tonic fairly solves the difficult
problem, and has brought health aud
happiness into many desolate homes
It does not tear down an already de
beliated system, but builds it up with
out intoxicating. Enquirer. See oth
er column. 16t5
A few more bargains in my clos
ing out stock; don't delay if you want
a number one instrument at a very
low figure. James Pettee, ag't.
at the
we are just slaughtering away to keep
from moving them to the
whieh we are about to occupy. 16tf
For Sale.
A house and lot situated on the
N. E. corner of Granite and Seventh
sts. The house is 1 story ; contains
live rooms and a pantry, is almost
new and in good condition. Price
$1000; $G00 cash and balance in one
year. For farther information en
quire of D. II. Wheeler & Go. Agt.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the imbserilier living in Rock
Hinds precinct One sorrel hor.e, white spot
in (ace, right hind fool white. rmall lump un
der the rijjht eye, bone spavin on right hind
les. The owner can have came by proviug
property and paying charges.
lt5 C J. Martin.
Legal Notice.
Public, notice is hereby given that the under
signed purchased at liublic tax sale, on the 2t!h
day of Nov.. 1STU, ana at the County Treasurer's
olhce in the city of IMattsmouth, County ofCas
and SLase of Nebraska, lot eighteen (1) in the
south east quarter (se4) of tho south west
quarter (sw4 of section twelve (12) township
twelve 12) range eleven (It), iu Cass County,
Nebraska, and east of the 6tli principal Merid
ian, containing thirteen (13) acres for the tax of
ls78. aud taxed as non-resident. I am Mill the
holder ef the certilicate of sale of
the above described land and unless
redemption therefrom is made within two years
from the date of the above said sale at the ex
piration of which two years the time of re
demption will expire, application will be made
to the Treasurer of the above said County of
Cnss for a tax deed thereon.
17t3 S. N. Merriam.
July 14th, 1881.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at a point fifteen and seveiuy-one
hundredths (15 70-loo) chains west of the quart
er section corner on north side of section nine
teen (1), town twelve (12), range fourteen (14) ;
tAence running south e" W, ten (10) chains;
running thence south 30' W, nine and fittv-one
hundredths (9 50-KHi) chains thence south 47'
10' W. fifteen and eighty-one hundredths (15 80
1001 chains; thence sourh 31 r W. eleven ID
chains : tlieuce south i'34-W, forty eight and
fifty three-one hundredths 48 53-loo chains to
the center of County road, waring north and
outli. and at a point one aud ninety Nix-one
tiuudiedth 1 !Mi-HHi) chains south of the eighth
section corner on the mirth side of north cast
quarter ne4 j 0 section twenty live 25. town
twelve 12. range thirteen J.13J, ea-tClhP. M..
and terminating at said point, has reixirted iu
frtvor nl the location thereof, and all objections
thereto, or claims for damages, must be tiled lu
the County Clerk's olllce mi or before noou on
the 20111 day of September. A. 1. IrtKl. or such
road will be opened without reference thereto.
17t5 J. D. Tt-'TT, County Clerk.
License Notice.
To all whom it may Concern:
Notice is hereby niven, that I have filed In
the oflice of the Cuuty Clerk of Cass County,
Nebraska, an application to the Board of Com
missioners of said couutv for a Pf nnit to ell
liquors as a druggist, at LouUville in said I
count v, lor meuiciuai, mecnaincii ami cut-luteal
purposes. D. J. Hasemkikk
Louisville, Cass County, Neb., July 12,
To Whom it may Concern.
All persona holding warrant drawn on the
General Fund of Casn County, Nebraska, and
endorsed. "I'resented anil not paid for want of
funds." or in words of similar import, are here
by uotifieii that there is cash In the treasury of
eaid County for the payment of the faint' ; ami,
further, that interest will cease on all nuoh
warrants on and after the first day of Septem
ber next.
By order of the Commissioners of f.iid County
J. M. l'ATTKitso.v. Treasurer,
riattxmouth. Neb., June 2), 18sl. VM
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by W. C.
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within
aud forCag County, Nebraska, aud to me di
rected, I will, on the tith day of August, A. D.
isl, at 11 o'clock a. in. of aid day, at the pout ti
door of the Court House, in saia County, sell
at Public Auction the following Heal Estate, to
wit : l'he West halt lw'4) of the North West
quarter LuwX4 of section twelve 12J, in town
ten llo, north of range nine :). Kant, contain
ing eighty soj acres, including all of the ap
pui'teiiatices. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Jclm Kindt, defend
ant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recov
ered by Zacliariah F, Gause and James W.
Moody, plaintills.
l'lattsmouth. Neb., June 20th. A. D. 1881.
1515 R. W. 11 Y Kits. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may Concern:
The commissioner apoiuted to survey aud
locate a county road commencing at the quar
ter (V4) section corner on the south side of sec
tion twentv-thrce (ZJ), in township twelve
north of range thirteen (13) east sixth princi
pal meridian running thence north on the
quarter Oi) section line one am! three quarter
(1) miles to the south east corner of the 1101 ill
east quarter (') of the north west quarter (!)
of section fourteen (H), same town and range
as above. To vacate all that portion of road
number one hundred and Mxty-t luee (10J) on
the line dividing the east half (Vj) of the west
half (4) of the north west quarter (L4) of the
east half (4) of the west halt (4) of the south
west quarter (4) of section fourteen (U), lu
town twelve (12). range thirteen (13) has re
ported in favor of the location and vacation
thereof, and all objections thereto or claims
for damages, must be tiled in the County
Clerk's oflice, ou or before ioon ou the 1st day
of September A. D. 181, or such road will be
vacated and located without reference thertto.
J. I). Tutt.
15t5 County Cleik.
Bridge Notice.
Notice is hereby given that bids will be re
ceived for the construction of five 5) or more
pile bridges, ranging from twenty (211) to sixty
(00) feet lu length (the same to be of the same
general character as the bridges built during
the past year) up to noon of tho 4th day 01
August. lRsl. The Commissioner reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
lly order of County Commissioners,
into J. D. Tutt, County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom It may concern :
The section line road petitioned for bv
Charles I'liilpnt et al. commeuciug at the south
west corner of section twenty-three 23 j. town
ship eleven. (11). range twelve 1121, running east between section twenty-three
and twenty-six 2t , ana twenty-lour
and t wentv-llve. 125 1 same town ami range
e and
terminating at the south east corner of sec
tion twenty-four L241. township eleven, 11,
road twelve 12J. and all objections thereto or
claims for damages, must be filed in the
County Clerk's olllce, on or before noon 011 the
25th day of August, A. I). IshI or such road
will be opened without reference thereto.
J. D. Terr,
14t5 County Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Fublic notice is hereby given that the under
signed purchased at public tax sale on the 21 th
day of November, 187a, and at tho County
Treasurer's oflice in the City of l'lattsmouth.
County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, and
separately in tracts of forty acres. the
following described lands for the taxes of 1878
to-wit :
The south half (s4) of section thirty (sec 30)
township ten (10), range twelve (12), taxed as
All in Cass County. Nebraska, aud east of the
fith Principal Meridian. I am still the holder
of theCertitieatesof sale of the above described
lands, and unless redemption therefrom is
made within two years trout the date of the
above said sale, at the expiration of which said
two vears. the time of redemption will expire,
application will be made to the Treasurer of the
above said County of Cass lor a tax ueed there
on. S. N. Mkkkiam.
June 30, 1881. 1013
Road Notice.
To all whom it may Concern:
The section line road petitioned for by W. R.
Murray et al commencing at the north west
corner of section thirty-live (35), town twelve
(12). range thirteen (13) thence north on section
line one half mile where it terminates said
load will be opened. All objections thereto or
claims for damages, must be filed iu the County
Clerk's oflice. 011 or before noon (in the 1st day
of Sept. A. D. 18S1 or such road w ill be opened
without reference thereto.
J. I). Tl'TT,
15t5 County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may Concern:
The section line road petititioned for
by George Meisinger et al. com
mencing at the north west cor
ner 01 the south west quarter (4) of the south
west quarter (4) of section nine (ill township
twelve (12) range twelve (12), runuiu thence
south a quarter (4) of a mile to corner of sec
tion eight (8) and nine (9) and sixteen (li) aud
seventeen (17), in said town and range and ter
minating at said corner will be ordered opened.
All objections thereto or claims for damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's olliee. ou or
before noon on the 1st day of September, A. 1.
1881 or such road will be opened without refer
ence thereto. J. D. Ti tt,
15t5 County cleik.
Road Notice.
Toall wliom it may concern:
The section line road petitioned for by Allen
Coleman, et al. commencing at the south cant
corner of section seventeen 171, township
eleven II range twelve 12, running thence
north 011 sectiou line, to the north east eorner
of section live. 5 township twelve 12, range
twelve (12) and terminating at township line,
and all objections thereto, or claims for dam
age, must be filed iu the County Clerk's olliee,
on or befoie noon on the 25th day of August,
A. D. 1881, or such road will be opened without
reference thereto. J. D. TCrr.
I4t5 County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To nil whom it may concern :
The section line roads petitioned for by W.
J. Carter et al. commencing at the southwest
corner of section thirty-three (33), township
eleven (11), range twelve. (12), and run
king west to the north west corner of
section thirty (30). township twelve (t2), range
twelve 12. aud also one commencing at the
south west corner of section thirty-three 33.
township eleven pi, rauge twelve 112. and
tinning north to the northwest comer of sec.
twenty-one town clev 11 range twelve: and all
objections thereto or claims for damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's Olliee, on
before noou on the 25th day of August, A. D.
18sl, or such road will be opened without refer
ence thereto. J. D. Terr,
I4t5 County Clerk.
Tax Notice.
To the unknown or non-resident owner oroe
cupantof lot No. ten lo, iu block No. one
hundred and eleven I'll, in the City of l'latts
mouth. Cas County, Nebraska : Vou are here
by notified that the above describe J lot was as-s.-sM-d
for the years 1872 and 1873 as belonging
to au unknown or non-resident owner ; that
s.iid lot was sold for the delinquent County aud
State taxes of said years, on the Vth day of
Seoteinbcr. 1"74. to Cass County, in Nebraska.
ytliere being no other bidders therefor ; that the
certificates 01 sale tor tne said taxes weri as
signed to Edward Oliver, on the 18th day of
June, 1K81, and that unless redemption lroni
suit! sale be made before the loth day of Octo
ber. 1881. a Treasurer's tax deed will be isued
to said assignee.
10H3 Kdwaud Olivkk. Assignee.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to vacate a
County road, petitioned for by Turner Zink. et
al.. commencing at the center of section thirty
three I33J. on South side of said section thirty
three 33J, towu twelve (12), range ten no), run
ning t lence North one and one-half (14) miles,
ami termiuatiiii! at the road running Fast ami
West, said road to be vacated being known as
Road 107, has reported in favor of the vacation
thereof, ami all objections thereto, or claims
fur damages, must be filed iu the County
Clerk's otlit-e on or before noon on the 7th day
of September. A. 1. I8si, or such road will be
vacated without reference thereto.
lots J. D. Tutt, County Clerk.
Probate Notice.
In the District Court of Cass CountyJN'ebraska,
Iu the matter of the estate of Hiram Hoguu,
Notice is hereby given that I have made ao
plicatioiiaccording to law for a license to selland
convey all the right. title and interests of Hi
ram lfogan deceased, in and to the following
desciibcd real estate lo-wit : The north half
(n4) of the southwest quarter (sw4) of sec.
thirty-two (32) town ten (li) range ten (10) east
of the oth 1. M., Cass County, Nebraska, 1::
and that the hearing of sai.l caise is set for the
l'Jth day of August. A. D.. ts8l, at tme o'clock
p. m. on said day, at the office of the Clerk of
the District Cour in the city of Lincoln. Iind
raster County. Nebraska, before the Hon. S. B.
round. Judge of said Court, at which time ami
plan :.'.l ieioi' interested may appear and
aho' cau-e if any there be by legal authority
should not be given for the sale of said land.
10t4 liAKYltY llOUAV, Adluiu'r,
In the rear of the Bonnor Stahles
First-Class li r i c k ,
. . NOW
Will Jo Contract Work and Guarantee
lm3 Plattsmouth, Xeb.
than anywhere west of the Mississippi River
Main, hetw. Third and Fourth Streets.
East of Court House,
the best aud latest Improved patterns.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
know what I keep, and my Spring aud Suanner
stock is now ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can be ft 11 nil here.
In addition, I have added ail kinds of
Buggies I Wagons
a week In your 011 town. Terms ami
outfit free Address. 11. IIai.lktt & Co.
1 orilaud, Maine. -iiily
E. G. Dovey &Son,
Still find themselves at home to Ca-s County
Farmers and all their old customer.
We hate this Winter our us
ual full anil larger linen 0
goods than, perhaps, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
country lias demanded largei
stocks, and of a better class, ivt
have endeavored to meet Unit
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
for Winter wear, we have a
large aud varied assortment at
reduced rates.
of all kinds. Dress Trimmings
of the latest styles. Buttons in
endless variety, ourjine of
is exceedingly large, and we
think, well selected.
to suit all persons anl all 2'urses
A very full line of
which you must see to select from.
Sngars of standard grades,
ippnnofthe finest finalities, selected by our
1 Udo selves.
Pflffppt! of manv brands, especially our own
uUliuuu brand of kkksii koai.tkii cokkkk
called the "MEKlqCE." Try it and see, before
purchasing elsewhere.
Dried Fruits of all kinds, fresh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED GOODS from all ouarter. Very Hue
California goods.
by the barrel or bushel.
In all these branches we shall en
deavor to sell an low a any one, aud
as is posstple to do a holsu ki si
kss. We invite attention anil will
show all ttiat call our goods. Don't
be afraid to ask for what you want,
and call often and early.
37m3 E. G. DOVEY & SON. IMatUrnout h Ntfb.
TiintTi:i:v i 1:11 iii:i:s.
Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any
and all occasions.
A Thorough Organization
with a complete and well selected repertoire of
Orders respectfully Holicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to J. I YOl'XO, I. O. Book Store, or
Successor to Sciii.k!fx & Nikma.v.)
Manufacturers of
And dealers in
T 0 I) A C C 0 .
Special BUANDS and sizes of CIGAKS made to
order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar
clippings sold for suioklprr obaceo.
Mali Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's stor
ijtJnMite Vot Office,
Plattsmouth. Neb. Im3
dealer Id
:o :
Large stock of
to be
Notions, Queensware,
and In fact everything you i'n call for iu
the Hue of
General Merchaiidise.
All kinds of country oroduce taker In ez
change forjgoods.
liif?T rX l
EFsRTtvl-k Ml