THE HEIUU) Notes or a Trip to New Mexico and Ar izona. Los Vegas, New Mexico ) July, 2, l3l. J Deak IIeuald: Whilst resting be tween trains we conclude to give you a sketch of our experience amid the burning sands of the great South West. We had not an hour's delay between Plattsmouth and Tucson, Arizona, leaving 1 on Tuesday morn ing at 9:20, and arriving at Tucson at noon on Friday. The distance by rail is 1519 miles. Tucson is one of the old Mexican cities of Arizona, said to be three hundred years old. It is situated in a low, sandy basin, surrounded by mountains; it is said to be just on sea level, and one of the hottest places in the United States; the mercurv standing whilst we were there at from 113 to 122 in the shade. This is the place where we are told that a man died and went to the place that the new levision culls Hades, and seeing Abraham afar off he called to him to go back to Tucson and bring him his blankets, as he wa3 suffering with cold. It had not rained in Tuc son for six months and the dust ::nd sand were immense, there not being a sulliciency of water to use for sprink ling the streets. The streets are nar row and irregular; the houses low and built of adobe. It has a population of 8000, divided as f3llows: 4000 Mex ican Ind ans, 1000 Chinese, and the re mainder Americans of the third class. It is the largest city in the Territory, and the outiitting point fcr all south eastern Arizona. We left Tucson, in company with F. Ii. Knot of Globe City, on Saturday morning, the 25th at 5 o'clock, for the Stonewall Jackson Mine, one hundred and twenty miles to the norm. e traveled day and night, especially in the night, as the heat and sand v. ei e teriible; on our way through the des ert we passed through several cactus groves, wheie they grow from forty to fifty lett high, and from twelve to eighteen inches through the body of the tree. About fifty miles from -Tucson Mr. Knox drove us to the ruins of one of the ancient cities Arizona. The foundations of buildings and streets in irregular form were plainly visihlt; covering at least a section of land. Earl on Sunday morning we sud denly ran on to a squad of for J Apache scouts; we were not himliii for anything of the kind, but they were there right in lront of us and no way to get around them. We had plenty of sand so we drove directly to tnetn. Mr. Knox spoke to the lead, r of the squad and we learned that they were in the mountains hunting for some cow boys who had m ordered a Miracopa Indian the day previous; not taking us for ow boys they permitted us to pass; we never passed in any little game in our life with more sat isfaction than this one. At three o'clock Sunday afternoon, we arrived at the place of our dtstiua tioH, the Stonewall Jackson Mine. IlerwMr. Knox remained with us un til after night, giving us what infor mation he could in reference to the mine and introducing us to other miners who would posi us up regard ing the condition, prospects &e. ot the Stonewall ; this is beyond doubt nat urally, one of the best properties in the territory; and it it was located at Leadvile, or Virginia City, Xev., its value could hardly be computed; there is at least ten thousand tons of what thev call hundred ounce ore dumped up at this mine that thev are making no use of what ever, and millions of tons of the same underground; besides this they have the richest streak of native silver that is yet discovered any where on the Pacific slope. Lumps of almost native silver weighing frm one to four hun dred pounds have been taken iroui this mine. With all this wealth the mine under its present management, lias not been profitable in the aggre gate to its owners. Having spent Sun day afternoon and all of Monday in diligent inquiry in reference to this property, (as that was our business to Arizona) and having le irneu all that we possibly could in reference to the same, on Tuesday morning the 2Sth at 2 o'clock we left the camp for Fort Grant thirty-five miles distant on line of the stage company, arriving at Fort Giant at 9 a. ni.; the stage for the Southern Pacific li. It. being due at 10:30, at the appointed time we took stage for Wilcox, connecting with train there at 10 a. m. Wednesday, the 29th, arriving at Socarro, New Mexico at 7 p. in. where we had intended to stop over a train and take a look at the place; but as we stood on the de pot platform whilst the engine va taking water, we heard a group of ex cited men talking about centepides; one man had been bitten and was at the point of death ; another child was dead from same cause; another party had found one in his coat sleeve; and before the engine had quenched its irony tl.irsr we had lost all interest in Socano, and quietly resumed our seat in the cars for Alhuquerqu. 1C0 miles further up the Kio Grande. AHn; querqne is the terminus of the Atlan tic and Pacific II. II. ami is tob tif south western terminus of th Dei.vej and I'io Grande, ami being located o.t the line of the A. T.and S. F. makes ii the rail road city of New Mexico; the new town is looted una utile from the old city; a street railvay connecting the two places; the popu lation of each town is about two thousand. For fifty miles upthellio1 Grande from this place the Pu eblo villages are very numerous and the valley of the Rio Grande is in a fair state of cultivation ;the Indians in many places having good orchards and vineyards. Albuquerque, we think, is destined to become the commercial metropolis tit the coming new state of New Mexico, as its agricuitui al, and mining and rail road advantages are much superior to any ttther point in the territory; at 8 o'clock on the evening of the 30th, wo reached the noted city of (the Holy Faith) or Santa Fe as that means the same in Mexi can. We will not attempt to give you a description of Santa Fe as it was written and re-written in the Lin coln Journal less than a month ago by much abler pens than ours. This much we will say: that the age and history make it of more than usual interest to the thoughtful observer. One thing we have noticed is that all the old Mexican and Pueblo vil lages in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona were so laid out originally; that the principal street without re gard to the points or the compass, point directly to Santa Fe, and cite uniformly called Santa Fe street or avenue. This leads us to the conclu sion that centuries ago, Santa Fe stood as the great religious and politi cal attraction of the then hundreds of thousands who peopled the vast re - gion of country encircling in it3 area at least a thousand miles square. We had intended to give you a short sketch of Los Vegas but just at this moment we have heard of the assas sination of President Garfield. Flags are at half mast and the city is all a blaze of excitement. We cannot write further. B. BACKING A STKANUEUULE. Mr. Mink's Error as to The Brute's Trottiiif qualities. Jim ;ye, Hard Hitter, aud Humility Taktn from a .Market Wag-oa and Pressed into a Go-as-You-Please Match The Victory. Xewburgh, June 5 Besides at tending to his duties in connection with the mail service between here and Fishkill, Mr. John Mink finds time for an occasional tpin over the roads in pursuit of recreation. The ether day he overtock aud passed on the Soutti plank road a market wagon bound for Frlenville, and drawn by three fine fooking mules. Mr. Mink pulled up at the hotel in South Orange, and be fore long the mule team came insight. As it was going by, Mr. Mink called out to Tim Curtis, the driver: "Come, now, Tim, I'll bet you 30 I can pick out from that team one mule that will beat either or both of the other two mile heats, best two in three, go as you please, over this half mile track here." Several well-kuown horsemen why wished to see the sport go on were standing about, and, encouraged bv them, Tim Curtis replied: "Well, Mr Mink, I'm your huckleberry." It was in the agreement which fol fowed that Mr. Mink should ride the mule he selected, that Curtis should jockey another, and that the third should be ridden by the stable boy. "Have they got auv names V" asked Mr. Mink. "Oh, .yes," replied Curtis, pointing them out; "that's Jim Xye, that's Hu mility and 'tother one's name is Hard Hitter. Now, which one will you take?" Mr. Mink, who weighs nearly 200 pounds, chose the smallest, Jim .Nye, because he thought, al ter looking them all over, that he showed the most spir it. Curtis choso Hard Hitter, and Humility fell to the stao.e boy, John ny. Saddles, spurs, un whins were hurriedly procured, and each jockey, mounting Lis charter, appeared at the" judges' st. Hid, ready for the word. The odds weie against Mr. Mink, for in or der to win he was obliged to heat both of the others. In drawing for posi tions Humility gut the, Hard Hitter was in the middle, and Jim ye got the outside, close to the si one Willi. The word Was given by Thomas Bingham, who raised the Vanderbilt trotter Mountain boy and first owned j Goldsmith Maid. 1 Theiittetsot Haiti Hitter an.! Uu-j .iiiut gave t h tit their heads, and c ir ; the iai-i-is went at a good jog. Jim j X et jf.t-key .ive his s- t e-.l the spurs, i aiitl I ii-- re-iiii. was his heels ll r.v h, ! .... . t i he .lii.aiitt one 1 1 1 1 : 11 leg came uown on the opposite side of the stone wal:. " This," lemai ketl Mr. Mink, "is a line sti t of bushwhacker I've chosen." Before his jockej knew it Hard Hit ter had tit ruck to ihe right for the open gate leading to llm ro;id, and Curtis had great trouble pulling him back on the track. In the meat! time Jim Nye had got clear of the stone wall, and making for Humility. On the b.ickstivtc!) Humility led the trio, and J i in Xje had passed Jlard Hitter and taken second place. The escjle'uent was intense. Curtis was vigorously plyiiiu ;js gad to overtake Jim Xye, and Humility showed signs of getting unruly. Before going dozen yards Humility bolted, and Jim Nye follow ed suit. Humility went to the left, into the pasture. Jim Nye merely b gan backing. Hard Hitter cut through between the other two ami was joggad along, leaving them making circles in the centre of the track, to which they had returned. The jockeys of the two refractory beasts soon got them under way, and as the three racers pitched into the homestretch for the first half they were bunched. IJpaching the stand, each of the stubbo. u aaimal stopped still, as though by agreement. Finally Hard Hitter backed out against the judgss' stand, and Xye again took to the Btone wall. They thus got separated and went on. Tho time at the half was 2:29. At the turn Humility pointed for the road gate, and dropped behind. Going up the backstretch Jim Xye shook of? his competitors, and five to one that liw would win the heat was offered, with no takers. Confidence in James, how ever, was wrongly besto,wed, for he soon bolted. On reaching the home stretch Hard Hitter led. Ha went un der the wire two lengths ahead of Humility in 4:57. Jim Ne stopped short of the wire and had to be led under."" The second heat resembled the first, save that Jim Xye once forfeited a good lead by halting on the track, spin ning around like a millstone, and dart ing off in the wrong direction. It was won by Hard Hitter in 4:59. with Jim Xye a poor second, and Humility in process of being led down the home stretch by the stable boy. Amid the applause of the crowd Curtis hitched up his three mules and started off for Ellenville, fifty dollars richer than when he unhitched. Fair Harvard, Said Miss Posigush to Syntax, ths college tutor, "So 3011 tench at Ilaiv vard! That must be so delightful, I'm sure! Hut then I should be frightened to death to meet any ot the students, with half-a-dozen foreign languages at their tongues' end. I suppose they never speak English at all." "Very seldom speak it,'1 said Syntax, in a dreamy way. 'The re! I knew they didn't," continued Miss Posigush. "What language do they speak most, Mr. Syntax, Greek or Latin, or " "Slanr," replied the tutor, with laconic simplicity. Transcript. Thieving Monkeys. Few human thieves are nioro expert lhan sue monkeys in stealing. They are adepts with their fingers and in the u: -0 of the strategy which conies from e.ii.niii'r and a thorough knowledge of inoi.key nature. A traveller, while pas-iiii tin-; uh an African forest, saw an :tm.iiug illustration of their thieving ability: lie :ind his escort came across a num ber of larire monkeys engaged in gath ering fruit. Some had fruit not only in Loth hands and under their arms, but their cheek-pouches were a. so distend ed wi h it. Among them was a gour mand, who while leaning against & trunk crunching fruit, was also busy in looking after that which ho held under his armpits. His attitude attracted the attention of two of his companions. They gravely consulted together, and thou separated, each hiding his fruit under roots. One, by walking side ways, so as not to excite attention, up pcareii, as if by accident, in front of the gourmandi'zitig monkey, the accomplice meauwhilu hiding hiniso'f bjliind a neighboring tree. After a while the gourmand's attu tiou was attracted by tho antics of the monkey in front. The antics becnnio insults, and at last the gourmand, los ing his temper, threw down all the frim aud rushed at the impudent offende. Immediately the other monkey jwnnce upon tho fruit, and in a moment hid iv in a hollow trunk. But not satisfied with this exploit, he returned to where his companion had hid his own fruit, and was busily engaged in transferring it to another place when he was caught. A light then ensued, in which each ad uiimsti red sundry bjtes and qv.u:Vz to tho other. I7UMCTL f.. .ie Court Paying attention to tw p-e t wonn u ui olio sitting. "The com iii"; man is not always a po!i. en a'i. You generally have to go aud hunt him. Pawnbrokers do not get much from servant girls, ns the principal they put up is the clothes line. "1 tlx uirht you took an interest in my welfare," said William. "No, sir," readied Susan, "only in your farewell." The fox whoe tail wa- caught in ft trap w as one of the lirst individuals who 'Severed his connection." "What 'er l;.vk have 3-011 got," said one fashionable belle to another. That remark created a bustle. The latest gag down here is that a young man in pres-itig his own suit freqiienth wrinkles thogiiTs. Charles Francis Adams. The King of Zanzibar travels with 400 trunks. What a line subject he would be for the typical American bag gage smasher. Elndra Free Press: "The new ver sion substitutes 'bowls', of wrath for via's. There is nothing stingy about the new version." A Harlem mocking-bird U an adept at singing Moody and Sankey hymns, and nothing but tho cage prevented it from taking up a collection. Biddy Ah, mnsn't they be the heart ies? hat bans tharc that wouldn't give him a crut itself. I fear the poor sowl will die of .digestion. Or.ce they started a girl's seminary in Utah. It flourished well; but just in the height of its prosperity, the princi pal eloped with the whole school. It is illegal under present laws in Ar kansas to sell a dirk or bowie-knife. -Exchange. But everybody down there buys toothpicks. "Polities is a g:me of grab." shouts the man wiio i ns been left in the race. The trou'ole with him ii that tho other fellows grabbed lirst. "I haven't work enough for another servaut," said a lady to a girl that - ap plied for a situation. "Oil, yes, you have, ma'am, it'll take precious little to keep me busy,", was the naive re sponse. Yeu'er a man like the Canadian weather clerk says look out for frost, and ''plant your buckwheat cakes in July," instead of August, he should be heeded. A Connecticut man has invented a pine that will lil.t itself. This is an underhanded attempt to force house- painters to find sonic new way to kill time. Boston J'u-:t A Xcv York lady, examining an ap. plic int for the ollicc of maid-of-all uoik, interrogated her as follows: "Mary, can you scour tinware with alacrity?" "Perhaps I could, ma'am; Lut 1 generally have scoured with sand. A New York lawyer l a I his pocket picked the other day. Ihe thief was foiiiid to be one of his clients who was trying Iq get pnoughof his fortune back to uuy a dose ot poison. "You can't both eat your cake and h ive it." Ancient Proverb. Xo! Well, then, how are you going to eat your cake if vou don't have it? It's a mi "iitv erood th'msr for tho reputation of The." people that thev aro dead, aud can't be slumped by lough questioners. A Xorrislown woman returned from a day's visit to New York yesterday, and, when asked how she enjoyed tier seif. replied: "I had a delightful time 1 spent lour hours at the morgue, and live dead bodies were brought in while I was there. It was better than a fu neral." JS'orriatown lleruld. A fashion item says the "Dickens" is the name of a new bonnet. It reminds ouof an Old Curiosity Shop. ltullc 'tin. Or, rather, of one of the charac ters in that novel. uen the bill is read olf bv the fair owner of tho bon net it sounds to her husband like a Little Knell. I'hi atli l hia JVcics, You should have used a liliio '1 in the name Perils ol" Cars. There is a good deal of interest man ifested these days on tho part of the American people relative to the matter of separate sleei.-ing cars for the two sexes. It is a move in the right dlrec tlon, and we hope it will win. As it is now, no gentleman traveling alone is safe. Several months ago, entirely alone. we traveled from Laramie to Chicago and baok, making the round tnp with no escort whatever. Our wife was de tained at home, and that entire journey was made with no one to whom we could look for protection. When we returned our hair had turn ed perfectly white with the horror o. those dreadful night. There was one woman from Philadel phia, whose name we will not mention, and who rode all the way between Omaha and Chicago in one car. Al most the lirst tiling when if a started out of Omaha she began to make advances toward us by asking us if we would not hold her lunch bosket while she went after a drink. She also asked us for our knife to peel an orange. These things look small and insig nificant, but in the light of latter devel opments they are of vital importance.. That evening we saw with horror that the woman's section wa adjoining oar own. We asked tho conductor if this tiouid not be changed; but he laughed coldly and told us to soak our head, or somo such unfeeling remai k. - That is one bail feature of tho present system. A man traveling alone gets no sympathy or assistance from the conductor. It would he impossible tode-cribe the horror ami appreciation of that awful night. All through Its vigil wo S"fferr ed on till near morning, when tired na ture yielded, and we fell into a troubled sleep. There we lay. fair and beautiful, in the toft Cray of approaching day, thou sands of miles from uuv bom?, and, less than leu feet away, a great horrid wor man from Pennsylvania, to whom wo hail not even been introduced. How we could have slept so soundly under the circumstances wo are yet un able, to tell, but after perhaps twenty minutes uf slumber we saw, above tho footboard of our berth, and PpL'rimg over at us, tho face of that woman. With a wild bound we were on our feot in the aisle of the car. The other berths had all disappeared but ours. The other passengers were sitting quietly in their seats, and it was half past nine o'clock. The woman from Pennsylvania was in the day coach. It was only a horrid dream. But supposing it had bpen a reality I And any man that travels alono is ljar ble to be insulted at any time. We do not care for luxury m traveling. All we want is tho assurance that we are safe. The experience which we liavo naiv rated above is only one of a thousand. Did you note the care-worn look of tho man who is traveling alone? The wild, haunted expression on the countenance and the horrible apprehension that i? depleted there? You mrsy talK about the various causes that are leading men downward to early graves, but the nervous strain induced by the fear that while they are taking out their false teeth or buttoning their suspenders, prying C3'cs aro looking over the foot-board of their berths, is constructing more new-made graves than consumption or the Ute war. -Yyc'jf Uuonf.rmiff. CTAMES GRACE Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. rLATisMotrrn, .... m:j:. Billiuid Hull anl Saloon on llain Street, four door from Sixth at N'eviile'o old place. BEST BRANDS OF CIO A US, ..LES, WIN ES, iZ C. Heinemhor tlie Xante and I'laee, j. James Grace. -MAN I7 KACTl'HKH OI" Elm Street, near Fi-lith, Plattsmouth, - Neb. at Made to order 7U3 Palaco Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Under Frank Camith's r.ew Jewelry Slort?. HIOT &z COLD 3ATHS ALWAYS l:EAI)Y. CLEAN NEW PLACE, and r.o-.f.i-: the time to pet SHAVED S M A M T( ; E 1 ) -I I A I lt-C UT. or'uuythiu;j.ele hi the tonsorhtl way, at John ISoono's New rOiop, Corner Main ;iinl l iftii Su-.t:s, lMat tHloi!h. - n eliPMKtt. 1 lm t ;t! In '.. U, fir hale soon ;is hurled, at FRED. LEHNHOFF'S iUUCK YAIil, WASI-IIaTGlT AV""E3 , P!:t(ts;auuti2, Wl. Jit" PLEASE REMEMBER that the lilKAPM .-tint I.i st I'f.APK to 1i:v Staple anfl Fancy Groceries AM First-Class Dry Goods, IS AT Til a OLD Itf: LI AISLE STOHE OF Mop. f cvhiu Cor. .Man: ::-.! Third SIV. IlattMUfutli. J-"?"t:ok ,js fresli :r..I new, and inices always ;irtiie hntt'.iit. fail and convince -.-ourselves. lott WILLIAM lTEROLD, dealer in DRY OODS, CLOT ITS. BLANKET., FLANNEL, FURNISHING GOODS OliOCEIilES OF ALL FIND?. Large stork of BOOTS and SHOES to bo CLOSED OUT AT COST. :o: Notions, Queensware, ant! in fact everything you can call for iti the line of General Merch-siidise. CASH PAID FOU IHl-ES AM El'l.'S. All kinds of country uiodiN-o taUcr in ex change for.iroixi?.. HOTEL. CITY HOTEL i'i. VTTS.MOI Til. Ni:r.. First chif-s I.ciJ'.'ii. Hot m. l-'ir.t C'las.s lio.adiiii;. Good Si.t If Eooms Everjtliinjr ami every eoii'fort A Good 11 ot el rait Fin'inMi Also, fiootl WinoK, (iooa Eeer, Cnotl I. Ionics Good Lemonade, Good Giftaiv, Kept at the Citj Motel. i4iy ei::-;i. goos. pronator IkTcik') Toune and Old ! ! A NEW 1'- ftUjiiAlVKNTlON just patented for them, "--rjjtf K Rorinf, l)riHing,GrindiiH, Polishing, as5?y Screw Cutting. Prd 85 to ? M. I ""li Bend 6 cents f. 100 pafres.' ' "--fa- KPHliAlM liUOWS, Lowell, &Lau. . . . v r ri'i. h n 1 1 nurun DawuiLr. xurmiiif. 53kj&. aftt ijt ,.jiiz. jTit oiSxJ 3 WIT ; tm k. CCIiKrt ii 4 it I -A N 1 ) . ; ; I. . . i- Ktji.'lVE CilfcF FcrCctSGhs.Coi'Js. SS&& i tfcu e!t cf Tenkarfr SsgCSi Rcsf.res Vh ? A 3 p e i i t e ; jf k'it'i- the System; S m . - -.hi. . . ... . p. B fc&T',-'' f. r lie. (it.jU' Win Jj U Ki r sulv fv nil itr.igixts. K, r ... ..... i I 4 & fj. &tU., frop r' tr n to. (lino. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjQssof appetite.TJausea.bowels costive, Pain intheHend.witha dull sensatiorfin tEe back part, Painunderthe shoulder Blade, fullness'after eating, with ajiisin clination to exertion of body or mipdj Irritability of temper. Low spirita, Losa pf raemory.with a feeling of fc avingneg; lected some duty, wearinessTTiizzinesa, liitterinKof the Heart, Dots before the eyei,Yeilow akin. H ertdache," Kentlees nesa at night, liiRhly colored Urine. IT THZSE WAENINGB ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WiLLSCON EE DEVEL0FED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to audi ;, one dose f Herts Mirliiit haisge of feeliiiu to atttonisli the hofiVrer. Tbey InrrvutrHi Apprljte. and '.'.'i;tie tbe body to Titkr on ih'i Hit- vtfm i uourlthnl.ftiul by th'lr'i'OMiAftintn the IM(iMltrUrunii, KeeulnrMotila nro pru dui'tnl. l'rit? rrnttt. 5 Murrnv M., .N.V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, Ora v Hair or Wn ikkkkh rhanirpd to a Oiissy Ki-ai k bv a Nlimla- n plii itlion of ihix IlVK. It iui)Hrtx it natural color, acts InHtar.tmieoiisTy. etolii l'v lriipi;ist or Pt-nl 1-y t xpr. on teri-ipt .f $1. Office, 33 Murray St., New York. Dr. Trrrs im ti or r.iu.iiip ur.riii. and k tx-ful liifli4 will aulWt! nibk urn pplftUtm.ff 1 s III rlftC AjlilJtSftHi, k. V "J V "SFyr V uaiuo tree:-:, icnisan, k K.VN-TFACXtnUEBfl OF TSK OKIT ORXTISS Traction and Plain Entires ind Horco-Powcrs. MotConi?IcleT!trc?iiTFaft.y ' Estnbl'she'J In the Worl-J. i lilXS rj Q f-fcr.ii. foil a'Zi-ttccfS'jvUyis. flllO .h-.r.t c!:a- i ; p. broad warranty yiv.H on ail our y.'sd. ( fiTE.'Sl-V(iX.TZl NT:i V.r-ATOttS Jt vt Comsili-.':" Sl-i;i:i tin! f.fs ,'..-.. .. .. t',mtc Trtt:iun I'.uiir.'. vt : i'hii.i l'.:iv;;;; 3 ev-rtwn in tho Aaj--i ;-.f n :: k.. A n'i'l!t?u:?e of f-rit ftii'tr-i rf I f 7.i. for t-tPl-tllt-r it'l I " Jr V rue. ti-m Gj.I m.itVrt.i' n- 't t':' -t t:k i ' i;. r'T. Four k- c f LV.'ari' :s f;. . .. , tc l'l !f uo Cai'flcitv. t'tr j'c-itrx or k 'r : . ,-. Two prvles ii" :t -ii-.:..,! " j riv-Ti. 7550d,CC0 ?;:.:. XZirr; eoiiHtnntty on b i. t.v.ri v 'i-.-li - br...z i-a . cotu;uraiuo ot c-.: i.:::t'l-:n': fcutu. S, IC-t i'3 i;ti.i..- . -.v;r. ; m. in ."i-C- . CO, mi mm It In the rrtjilt of 20 mrr' e.vttt-ri!n?-e art;l ciLiierimouls iu Rt-wiiitf Maf hmea. 'it c.k6inr. . flood point of all prt mt nri'l J'-rr.xrr and in 11(11 a " one n::ui " or " one idea " IiiactiiiM?, as ottr ra ara. It nvoitN tlio Icff-is of : Iiitk, anil . eesea nei? v4(u'i?i. fo;it;rrt3 aji-J C(nveiiieucx-'y. It it iorv. o ,7i-rw'i.o'n.7, ;i,'..f V . ?. f.i. ls-imr, rrrimt, t.'inj !j, aa-l .-riTnte. arrilllK-tl liuu kflil In roimir fft-t- for .5 venr. :i'.ii!::r-itii full d- wr.j.tim s.-iiif;.s j. r. ,:u.;t. It! purely the Iasl A tiiul wid i ro'.. . I'.iiiiH to w'c It tx-tor.'-youlBiy. M tvl'i' c -r uld i. i'l (.'ilhXCK MACiriNj: t:t.,TU-r r.o-:. .:.- '.;v" OJiO. k iuix r, it j ; . ur.,c -.i.v...... i . i 9!n3r-!t a mtemteu S .-J"" Ptl l'.oa or J.;itrir:artt. Is iSJ" 010 BEST and CH5AI--.ST ht'cavwt it tces not p,um, iut forms a highly polished surfacs ever tho aie, r--duoing fi-lotion and lightonltiK tho ciraft. it im tlia cheapest lau. 11 cc4ta no mora than inferior tranc!s,anfJ ona Liox v.l tio the work or two ot any other AaIv C.-ense made. Itanwera ua: : v a f r lt:.. eU;ri-, Mill Ut'crin, TlirotJii!ti," Marhiiius Cu n-l'liit.-rs, CarrinsTfB. liiievn-s, ftr., t-te., rt for Wiion. Ii i6 CUARANTEED torontain r.o Petroleum, For ttale .til tintH:iaM doai. CJr- o :r '... C';clowiUi nf Thiw9 Wririh Knfwipj ma!Vd frc-o. PJSA MANUFACTURiNC CO. 31 rrHichlgan Avjnun, Chlcaco, lillr.cls. O DISCOVERY! LOST 'slANHOCD REGTOFiED. A vit'tim r-f youthfal impn:Jc:ioo caiis:;.' i'rema ture lict-ay, yrvoua Dt-biHty, Lt-st, etc., having tritd in vaiu every known remedy. Las di3-Crvrr-d a Fiinrlo sc it'r'irv, whk-H I;r v i!! TlitS !, l.w f.-llovvlsuCi n ra, addmsa I!. 13 f!:allim St., f. RsaLingsI Hoc-ita'dori Yi'rlll O "33 Ch05i.-.ut Ci., CLV.-.h', 'yi.'u. t ii rr.;r :-nth ;: ; . ., 1 . ?.... . ,u: f.-.;!-r:!t. Oruiorv. I'j. . ; r.t.-..:: "iv . f " : - ' - I ! v . '. 1 ' I" !i!M (. : M'lip.f rrtjpjc:!! ,.f l;ue ::lt.i. :ii:.l :i l-ii5vo nrnii'dv !or; -i (i e !:-i-:t-- ?:!:tt r;u; J.rtif ist Hi.- V:uy.- ,,:- of lot Im i l"V 'I O.'Pill l..jt.M I ;-., ;, ;,!.,. . .;; (li ' 1 I .V I1II ! !:o i ii! ;' v. i.'. . -:td 'liiti.' i't, I ;.-t-.!.-s II:,. , r. :. I tl - t t 1 ; Or- '- .Mi'll 1:r'.". i- ! MS Ir::- ....... t tt;i: Mo.t.1. 1 :. I !. I l:if :'-.'-:ii i.,. , ... , ! i..- V . C ..-I. . . t - .. . . I't'l'V, . til' ii-' :,., f. J .,. !o- S:v I't-r 1.1 i ; I. : i :i. .:!.-. 1. Try it. s 1 ;i . " Tf v r I . r- " . . 5 ' ...';..'? The majority ofllie of the human htxlii a, inn t-,,,,1 f-rii ntfint lit of the. Mver, niT-etinj '.; the star.ath auii biuret. J11 1. ,:! ij"-vt it eitv, it is titrvss'trji t-i rt i inr-- tin- ctinne. Ivrrrn itir f?n,i !il'.njiin .-rtion nf the. IJeir ln, li, tiJ.ic?ie,.Sirku.-sx ot the Stumnri, Vuin in ti'if Hack nut! Li,in imlieulf that the Lirer is fit f-iult, nnl that nature re, iuirv anitist'tiiet! to enable this ovyan iu tlirfir iiiipm-iiittx. romj.'ii! i(f ! fur t)t '. jmrpoxe. H't i are litiltf in their iirth: tmtt ii;rtin: .t it r lira ; arc .' drn .' ti Ihf l.tsf ami tala-ii iiisilij fit bnth tfi it-ii in tun t.ifuHi. Ta ken a.-t-o: ti nn i i! in c. i;m s, tl. f : re n ;.. fi.-rf.-i. 1 1 t: lf- 1 lt -.rt-psla, Ocitfral 3e:J?fr.":'';ii.i.-i: co;i nlipatifiji, )l-sirsil ii ia:ii.s, etc., etc. .ImHlfwl V;iri!ilrl ti-; i't rujtrrifr io tti-i rt.'nr ur fit ir i 11 e ; t leanii ntj the it.trft: tjhlit , it ml imptirtiti'j iiete I V- an, I .(,-j f I he i il eal Ul. It is a nsttlii iiit; ti not r liito-rtticatiitj; beremtjs. ask roua csacGisT ro8 pricsiv as r.Tms, and take no other. PRIC T.. 31 Of jrr Bottle. IEYEP, BROS. & CO., - SOLE PRGPiiiETORS, Bt. Louia and Kanaas Ctt-. Mo. L.,sTLvt S"tfOPnt-TTr .? ;-! G""'-(l "33 Cficsi.-.i.'t Ci., CL'.'-:n 't- i.i. if si H w - efe s3 Vz, V, -j 5 I 1 1 w U a i-ife s. t-f-h? i- f T' T T' "JtT i 3 -- .'s - l I1! "i- "" - "5 rJ? ---.'A or ' . . NO CHANGING CABS i;r.Tv, j r- ICHICAGO, Willi i TiQGiigii Sleeping Car Lines j - ' ,1.11 .(.. r.. .1 .1 k '' ftl'r. r t f t r- Vis I'COfiiA u r r.v .')- .v. 1 vol loi: 1 1 z.i.l. axcix- XA T!. fiit.V j i;t:-li,. the 3 TJIJJEL HiJl T- ST. LOUIS, iioro iMi-f-T I'lmnciliiTs irjiilo in i n:o;n ii.i. i H':,-:-; l.i: ts ;t;; ;-.t.i;!t itfi'SS," s ::i: ni .v a: : roi; Mil: i AVK!Ti: !ilTK FOK 'ri:e i!iiet);i:i!i-d int! int'ii.c!.'. t'fi'!-;-td iv Jl'i. lii i : fi 1 1 . 1 '1 (,(,;S;s ;ir; :i foi'ows : '1 If rHtonilfd li'.Iiiliill llr- iltfj, !((. ' Ii t'jii!!..' (';;:;. inn .'nly , 1 1 t ; i s t '.. 1: t i'liiii-c i ?r iiviii.'-!"ioio (';'l. Willi liorioii's r.ft-;.!.:;. t ";,;:. ;v, ;.,!.-,' i I'l i.'-; f r i-: ! t'ii.-oi u ( i.-i.-r ; ; t f;.t;-t-i; c. is. ,v; i. ;'.!j; ::iii:i;c-.w. j tl. n.rt.i.-. SiiioKis : ii:if! v.:!li ':cr,;iit J i ;-!:-! tt !",! !:;:::.;!! I .'; -,-.! v ir rr ( r.-v--. j t:.f .f.!ts,o tif 01 'tst-rlil-,s pitSll!.''-l. j !';. Tin:., y .,) K:.i- ri ;;. !;,..- Mti-.-rior !.. 1 ,i ::i .1,1. .m. :. .!:; i:, .:, i, r,;( ';.... (' r .-nr.;.1:;. ); 1. ; ;;t t-yr ;4:l ot in rs, l.v i:iti;r;if i.tudr l Tj:o .AST, Jt4ri Tie !' ir ViK -V. "T. t:;v 1 r, ou v, :,i iiii.tT'.;.vi;i.;N(; .1 i.ux- Ul . it:.-' ;.i t 1 1 : ,. .);'i:(i. ;. 'ii.: Ti.-Li'I.-! x;ii !' .til t.':ff.-. ' .-!: i lilit: for ft Stislf- i'.titt -t'.T iitr-.n;.;:!.! ;i :sit..t of r.tre, s'.-oo- I ir.' r:ir .Xfi-.'l-Mi iitliti "'-. ai! Tiitn T:tMf, I wiil I.10 i.-!:, i-i ;i.!!y :.- , cm !y lyi::;, to I ;.;! i'j.s-r'iv r !:t, Chicago. .3. i i J a.ilL, ::.!. M;.:::! j;t : Chicago. I - ;:v ?r "r : .-' 1 i'i -r , 1 M f T- t -rt ( V ' '" -' 3 .-r- fcr'-v--.-A:l .1;. ;. rA- U- iX.r: ;nul by J, n. COX, I ' I . A T T S I O L" T II XlC. Hcrt JTragrant & BefresMsg cf Perfaae3 Exceedifijly Delicate and Lastiig. Price. 3 ct3.; Larre Equ:3. VS eta- SoM dealers in Droga A Pcrfomcry. Sigxuttor of HI. cm & Co., N. Y., on every bottle. E PARKER'S GINGER TONIC: l The Medicine for Every Family. P NEVER INTOXICATES. ( Made from Ginger, Euchu, Mandrake, StillinKia, 1 anu omcr 01 inc oest vegetable remedies known, 4 r 1 ark-er s Oinger 1 onic has remarkably varied 1 1 V curative powers, & isthe rreatest Stomach Correct- A . r or, Ulooti I'uriiicr and Liver Regulator ever made & 1 ! E Th8 Best Medicino You can Use ! lorliestormgHeaItn5;Streiigthi V Itcommcncesto act from the first dose, searches ! L out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or J r i . i . i r . . . , . , fncip au Diseases OI Inc iiowcls, ttomac.l, lilood, A Kidneys, Liver, Urir.ary Organs, all Complaints of J r omen, rs ervousness, biecolossncs, lilicuuia ; L tism and Drunkenness. ! r Try a bottle to-day; it may save your life. soct. J : L and $i sizes atalldruggbts. Every genuine bottle J ' f has our signature on out.-nle wrapper, HiscoX Sc. i L ri. x. Large savuig in buyuig 5i sue. r Jnst What Is -Wanted. Everyday whose hair is gray or faded has felt the noed.of a Hair Restorer and dressin; that Is cleanly, agrceaMy perfumed and harmless. Tar- Irrr. IT...- P.l...m . .. .. C ,1 . t i 1 thejc respects. Sol ! by dnsfrrsts at 50c. and i-i. 3 tM OME TREATMENT. i.Wi A crtn'.n enre for 7.-trvoi-:S :H r-s: DeblWtv, Sominal Woak- Tr;T . fioss, li-npoto.oe, etc, 1 1 ' A3CipC3 ntd ia riy prtctico ror 25 Ysarf . :u ii Hir t.-itctl bock .fCj pacos plvlrjjf fail ui - t.ons fr.rpplf-trealiutr.t. sent iffX. "Aiirci-s PAI3 crrv Boii.-r ttis. t '... la t l J ' 7 a.-.-.a-uti r i 'l.. 1 .. A jttdl M f v k .vi, los "t linrt r. toe i ; v-y-r , r . , .-, i;l i'l l iii, if L .r , 1 V.';.. J f I.un ,r urit-tMKr Vt-ir ? vc a I lljfT 1' I liJcr l.owijwrl!;i;...i:iJ.jirc ! 1 --',-, '--'I im .;,:c it itn'iun. . ' ?! " . 1 rpii-os a;:, I tl. fni, rt f..;l., n ; V-i'.i ' r 1: ...In rj i.f 1 r v I, . -i in l', a I 4 p-y r t a t-.n-i. n. nofNTV-liii- I v t!..r-.-- f r v : !. i. . ,.r: t r r-. j. t i:r... ; ? r - fti' I tr..-iul 2 ,lalil f r ..1. ; , i-i .Si l--.--a!- I !t...;v.:.. 7 ..-i ; .1 I ..- .". - r.-.. 1, .! .,...1 1, . I. V,' !.,. . I r I-;. A.U'.! iv:-. 1'r.'t ln"in j : 1 t f f t . nt, l ii. F. K t-nn. .iy, I'r. . 1 1 ' i.t: -.; ' iixitiii's ki:m i-'uri -o.V ""'a BENNETT & LEWIS, DEALi:i:s ix AGKXTS FOIL Till: CKLKIiK A'J KI) IJCAVKXWOin II o mk Iia time Gash Paid fox: Butter and iIJgg& Here Wo are with a Complete Stock bt .- BLANKETS, COJ1FOBTS, SHAWLS, SKIJITS, HOSE, FLANNEL,S, CASsurEi:rs, jeans, valises, di:ess, hoods, uueiiiNa, RIBBONS, LACES, CARPETS, FLOOR Oil. CljiTIl MATT IN OS Tl' 'IN BOW SHADES awl FIAT PRES. dr., c!'-. BOOTS, SHOES JISTID ARCTICS C::;:Hats, Caps, and Hoods, -UXDKinVEAIv", ALL COLORS A XI) SIZLS AT ruiCLs to suit Kvi:i:viioi)v. Yaws, 5g!eplByr5 fepsiiiisssaiiWBg (J LOVES d- JUTTENS TO FIT EV ERYBODY, both in SIZE tf- PRICE Also tho Uv.t Sek-ct Stock of Mrii-ily iiit-clas ('ro corics, CMiinvd and Dried I'Vuils, Tobac-os, Quvvu warc ;iiu! (Jlasswart' in tin; City. All ol whicli wv y'laranive to sell as low as anvbtulv. J?JSCEAEi fiaTaJC!IB3as:SirB to clo.t- Cash Imivcis, and for lar.e (jiumt it u?s. s.s.-M.uN-s,,r,KT. W. H. BAKER & CO. Ihe Old Grocery & Goods AKiioush 'Lection is over we are not done sellijis, iy ;t itniy sht.t. U, OU WILL FINDATF.S. WHITE'S ONE OF THE LA11UEST AND BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN THE TOWN. tSasasa ever. -Ol- The nicest Green Winter A iiI:s for s.ile. Over "ifJO Darrels down CVlhu Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS. TALLOW, dC, at . PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA HIS MITH, BLACK & i i-i Ayiirz- e----. i rr-zi Juut. .-t -i-Jv' j'i.S -, ti :H f .' - r V - - - :" L'SAOC j-.INrri '!Tr t;;.; i"":: ' t)v rrr !.-. - -j'-'T-'V '! ' t: tf- F.'Mfis'ic si'tr, mat. fi-: r:' " " " ' i i :- --: . ,-. - v 'TV-- v-i -: . " v - . r-- .v-v-''V-"'- - . 1 . x - - IVlw -ii . i r. 5-: o t; io ; i: ifL fK x -"i: r"- v ------ - x .- j. jr--- rrr-zrin "U I- -' t l .. . lyJ. iir,...- Uj , JiUii to ! Si. is 'i !!: ;.:: at co'r-nvi i.t:'" sti.ifl !.!. m: -. .'. .i i (..-.. Hit:;:-., fit .x ti.r .-rir'i .1 . t i . i, j , -j: -it -..-. M c. K k 1-1 ; w . r -. '. ;. J.l'H-rtr ii'-ft t ity.Mriri-r" ... i'.r- -' V ..-.. Jf3 V. ' ia. t-:-.( H ::t '. t l.w:. . r.t ' . . t : -tif. hit Av.k::; wit:; I.:h-: !ii !. ..! rii.r i: Junctt'tti m i i . .r-a ; V. :lt .-i J.:n.-!i-.! I V ... t:Ti'. V::;:n:::t i, 1 ..trw.-i.;. j ,ti, ;:-;t..,. Ci'Iltrr-vii ', I'lMK-i-i' :. 1 rfiic: ri ;!.::. t ; - rrn. I.i-n vt r; ii. An-i i.-i-n ..: , , W.iii j - ,j; 1 1 1 mj s- 1 1- .i. .j . . K t:i!-: Iu -kiis t- l i'..--rir.:.r. . -. .- ', , . t" lri'l.-iio'-iu : I .. n. t ..:i;.-i.- ., .. ,. . Vl!if. :!!! i'c i I.t. : ,!!..;. n.. ! 1 1, y. . N-n t n to .V. -nr- Ij.-r M-t- hi .., I.t I Wlnu-ifft: A':i::tio t-t !.. ;s uti i A .: .ul- ; .; i Avc-'.lt.l liilli;i!l. i I:,.. i., , ir v... l:." a:.:v Ku:lr'.a:l, wim ii tuvr.. :. . i I - ' ;i i :. : . .i;. Jlfic frtira Chii'-i.'ii ir.'.i t:n.t t it.- . f i.:,-- ;.v. Tiir-msli I'a ;!. I'.i ::.,r'i!..;.....:!, !- n I'yiiii-.-' :i s r. :t.i"!K' '. -j; r .: :i -,i. ': - : -.- . ; vviH-r; C :Ht".i , ' ii ml i 'l i!; t t j; . . ': '. Ctu'N' 'if. ili.rirt, J.:.a -v. -- i -' Pti.V. ri ;;:',',;;:i riir nr. ;;' i :c !,. , ;.. tee nn.l t in , v j;.-; '.M:i .i.n.. . ' , ,;;:i rnr nr.-;; -.- i !..,,:.. ,. . tt--o:.i-tn..i..:tl.i;... VHI. I. !-...! I : r....l i.-i r i ......I-.,., - . l'fVIl picI'T --'Tiar.IlL: U;: I l-i. ..i I -. . -i, i piitifwri (an I ta.t irtriin'rii,.' ia--; !:: .-,i- n. -. of Aia lino w..rrattit. it .. .-ii:.-i --l t ,. !!tl. . tiount-c t.'iat this ...r i,.n:iv r. i; i ':rn . t i. - SUepinj fur lorttWciui,' j.u: ar.l Of enjoy.:, ..t.r m mN, hIiiIp ,.i,:,r..-'.,v.rl,,i A ! , .- ,J,-V. '-. V '.V C"v r n benutlltil .r.i!tift i;::;nna ;:! 1 :.. in i.n.-.-f . A! Oi'i i'vi-va n i' ' lf,.A.. ' 'iv, cuinuutnin.-...,. I-iim-i-m uisfn-t a.--: .-.f- :.: i : i :,. u .'i . f.' . . ', 11 '"a11 K' ; W- 1 liro..ii;:i i:icn 'l i n ... uei iti. im.iv Ai t.-. . .. . L , '' m..:il in i-.... I 5 . i ,.r-v I---.-.-:, .-s I. . ... I ,, .' . ! ''"-i-'t-'i -.' . r. J W I! I-.. St. -riT1- ,:,;-I:,rt .''::.t. :"v'itr;!.,:i- . ...v. v-t . v.. !-. ;. lL v.. Tlt kit. viu IUi. !.... k-..ow-k ;. iV,. ..;,V. i ' . 'I'1. " ,:-"4 V,::X "' 'e II TlcUrt AcfnK ia I n- ::.. I ..-.t.. ' 1 - l"lil:rU ftmj.-," all- ,olJ tJ For lrriMl.oii uot fMaiiu,-,., ai vuu.- ' ...Iu t !'r , . Dry Stand. HP-Ax: g 1 .rl'J fl .. . -;.-. .v-v-X'Av.-- "iy r-:i itn ; a the westi . tr f : i ' i t mil t n. -t iht t ' . ii .- . : . ..r - .at . t i. i'r SMilKINl) ' v..;j ..': your "Uuvunu" -- , -i' ,' r.t I : : l'.. u.:rt t r-'::! llto MlsiMrMil :: - i I i - - .: i v.: i l .i ::t .- ,1 ; rr-ir-st-l !,r 1 1 ill '.'..'.::! r r I ;.;'..,:i:. il 111 ill.. ' it '. 1..-1 . i- .. :ti.. :.! A i i,r.-in, t-i.n-- ;::!, i i I r , i , : i I i.-iii. : i' ,: : .. 1 t t, r j. (.s.VKt TKW.' op ' ' .. .1 ; ii :: n . ;i i.ixa auk as . I 1 .'. ".,. . ith ail il;vcit;.:ii; lines for tlio ai I . i i " .!.!'. v. iia H:e I,. Jt .V. S., and !., f.:i..;ni:; I!eh;ii7. rith p., c i St. Vi . t r-.'.i I I '.'i I'!. r,t ir R :: '::-; :; i-"-.;-,-,!'- ; i. .a - ''; ! .' ' ' -h. ni:k'" & Itnca ' - - 1 . ...-h t.r.i a- i' ... t-i. (' ;i. .v r i i- . . 1 ' i'lVlsloQ vt : ! im.,. i . -. ..' . 'i . i.; v .,.,. ,. v Ill : . . ", - ' i . t H ... K - .,1. . ... ,. , w.-, At ! i v v'- . i ' ' '. . ' , ,. i : , ,v N u 11 lMt!' l't.c , an I Kiin. At i i -,i ,. , . ... . a:,.:. - . uul-V-s' J'' "' ' Oeu'l Tkt. aud I'assVr Act.. ) Ci I i I Chlcu.O, IU.