i II 1'he Herald. 1 H.'A I . A ! ' T li ! T I S KM K NTS. ". : ;. iKf-. i: '.ruliir ailvt-nw- I-'-! ! ill. No al W! LHflUUIlt IIUCI t- i ' .a .(- r.Ur. . . .. t-ers .if the law will br neld . .1 notices they hand In, , . -. .. ,i.i:iIiiii; a proof of puhlica- 1 1 - 1 1 - - will be tu-ld for the oublica- 'i i. -h notice. .:. M ML' MCAYIONS. , .Hi"? i limited, all ettnii-.uiil;ioss i hii I to tii-i lint. Willi no wast .. i t is .iponsoie for the correctness . i" copy of paid matter and paid L- ; A: 111 i. IT vr.ri win, takes the paper reztilarlj i.t'i.-e, whether unec.eu to ins ii.i.iw. i'i -i ' i i-r lie is a nuoserioer or nor. is -i.-iimi!ii.- lor the :av. V" 2. It :t;iy person orders his paper discontin ued, he must n.-iv all arre:ii:i!?es. or the imblish- at hiiiy rouniiiit' to send It until payment la Oiadc.'aud collect the whole amount, whether ihe paper Is t ilc;-n from the office or not. X 1 lie . i ts have decided that refusing to talte newsnap. is and periodicals from the post olhce. or lemovin and having them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of iNiKNTiOMAL VKAUlt. LOCAL NEWS. Hot! Hotter ! ! -Ilo'.test ! ! ! Suiulay afternoon. Nainsook Underw ear at Wescott's. Kfc;ul tlie. Commissioners' Proceed ings Geo. S. Smith was in Omaha Mon-ilnv. The County Commissioners' are in S session. V Mr. U. V. Mathew'a house is slowly "fl ... iotnnii.;4 iij. lienmlt & Lewis pay cash for Butter ami liggs. 1 Mr. (leorge Ballance is putting up a new houso on Elm Street. A full supply of vegetables ami fruits every day at Bennett & Lewis'. 1 ... . , , - mere win ue services in uie uap- II tist church next Sunday, morning and evening. jpJ One more small-pox patient like mlh;t at South Bend would bankrupt yy a poor county. 7 Work has been staited Stadelmaiiii house, on the lot on the next to ' the IIkkald office The residence of C. Russell near Weeping Water was struck by light ning on the Oth inst. I" fieo. Fairfield and men left Sun fs day for the western part of Nebraska, 1 nn t en r v v i n it tnn Rev. J. W. Reed will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday, July, 17, 1881. All are invited to attend. Mis. and Miss Simpson will close their music room for two or three weeks during the warm weather. Mr. F. Stadelmann has commenc ed the erection of the second of his houses on Vine street, next door to the Herald office. The Secretary of the Sportsmen's Club, Mr. 'a report of McLennan, kindly sends us f the 1 ate glass ball matches on those ours (?) Mr. I' patent Fair Grounds of B. Murphy has been suffer ing with a severe catarrh in his head, which caused him to perambulate perpetually night and day. It is bet ter now. i Mr. :uu Mrs. l'hilliDti passed p through Plaltsmouth last Thursday Jon a special train, with the remains of J their infant child, for iuteriueut atMt. Vleasmt, Iowa. . j1 A boy of twelve or fourteen V named Wolfe was killed by lightning I in Avoca precinct last Saturday. He was oil a loan ui iiij ui bi.uu niicii struck, .wi.ica was en'iit-iy consumeu. biuir! Carmicliael and wife of Weeping Water celebrated their gold- if Kll i i: 11.1 1 1 ' fo uiiiii i cicai j iiidu a II ? we see by the Recorder. The IIekald Vvishes them many more years of hap ilpiness, together. C ... 1 . 1 ; .. . it t'ufii o rr 1-iQt Vniljr The City Council have located a road from the coiner of 3d and Mar- i ble streets along the line of the B. & . grounds to the city limits where it J will connect with a road located by jr the county commissioners west. A man named Carroll who has been around town for the past six months, skipped out last Sunday, leav ing his wife sck of a loathsome dis- 4 ease ud tntirelv destitute. She is fV The Fourth is over and Coup's great show has gone and the latest ex- 4. . .... citeiuent now is on account of Solo- -nion x damans gieat leuucnou in prices, We intend to make Business Boom for the next two months by giving unprecedented bargains. Call 17 uid secure them YX Mr. C. B. V em. 17tf S. arker arrived in town yesterday on his way to Chicago tu W v erect a monument sold and made in Lincoln and to be erected near Chicago KTer the grave of the wife of L. K. Iolmes. architect and contractor at Lincoln. This speaks well for Mr. Parker's skill and business a' ilities. The Elocution class conducted .by "r.. f (n. iv.iKprlin nf T.nun ii. is train- i v i t.i . . rr i . & 1 . 1. iiij iu numbers ana sireiigui faun evening, everyone wno nas not uau 4i ..... i-iif ,-f . m if nil j!g elocution, shonld attend, the price is within the reach of all and no one ) could spend their money in a more profitable way, than in educating their Otoe Com- voices so that they can read well. 1 S - The Co. Commissioners, of i L Co. have sent a bill of Si3 to the tuissioners or our Co. for care 1 medical attendance of a pauper na Ed. "eed. The facts are the y r Weed never was a resident of aud imed said Weed never was a resident oi tins V", county save for a few months last l 5ear when he cume up from .Neb. City I J to harvest for a farmer in the south- 1 ern part of the county; where he was I tlirough with his work ho went back VJ to his home in eU. city wnen ue nau i ) resided for the past three or four Myears. The bill is one of tho cheekiest J on record. The Commissioners refus- ed to allow the bill Personal. I)r, Ilobbs. Elmwood, called yester day. Postmaster Droste was tip the other day. Clint Billings, son of S. S. Billings, is in town on a visit. Mr. II. J. Streight and family took in the circus Saturday S. Beardsley thought the Herald needed some money circus day. Mr. J.W. Barnes returned Tuesday night from his Xew Mexico trip. Miss Cushman, of Omaha, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Love, of this city. Yankee Robinson, the great show man was here as agent for Mr. Coup. Mrs. Wm. Baker, of Glenwood, is visiting friends and relatives in the city. E. M. Yates, cashier of the Bank of Cass County, celebrated the 4th in St. Joe. W. D. Iladsell of Elmwood, a large farmer who has moved in lately, was here last week. Miss Lou Shryock spent the 4th in town and returned Tuesday, to her school at Greenwood. Miss Pepperberg, a sister of Mr. Julius JPepperberg, arrived from the old country last Sunday morning. Mr. Baker, the father of Wm. Baker has been visiting us for some days and helping the boys keep store. Miss Lillie Pollock has been engag ed to teach one of the grades of the Weeping Water High School, the com ing year. Mrs. French and Miss Jessie left on the morning train Tuesday, for Chica go, where Mrs. French will visit dur ing the summer, and will leave Miss Jessie to attend school. Henry Eikenbary is building him a fine new house on his farm south of town. Those who have seen the plans say it will be a very convenient and elegant farm house. Mrs. It. W. Ilyers, Mrs. M. B. Mur phy, Mrs. T. B. Clark, and Mrs. W. D. Jones made Mrs. Clark's father and mother-in-law a short visit at Weep ing Water, last week. Henry Drain, Johny White, Peter Knee, Mac Fairfield, and Mart Phae lan, and several other town bays start ed with Fairfield's surveying party, Sunday, to be gone till cold weather. Judge Maxwell was down here the other day looking as well or better than we have seen him in many years. Guess he's good for a term or two yet as one of the supreme judges of this state. Miss Hattie Fulmer left Platts mouth last Wednesday afternoon, for her home in Milford, Pa. During her residence here f nearly two years she has made many friends, all of whom will regret her departure and hope that she will soon visit us again. Our very busy County Engineer, Comrade G. W. Fairfield, started on his summer watering tour last Mon day. Before leaving, George dropped in to sed the Herald, and have our blessing on his stakes and corners this summer. Our esteemed friend Mr. Ed. Wiley was terril ly scared the other day. His brother-? n-law ran out to the field and told him there was a big accident at the house, and when he got there he found Dr. Schildknecht and two boys whose mother said they wanted a home there and Ed. had to cave. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. C. P. Ruple, from Troy, Xew York, last Sunday, who is at present engaged iu river engineering, as assistant to W. II. McKnew, assistant U. S. En gineer in local charge; and also Mr. A. R. Ginn, from Ohio, who is also at work on the river improvement at this place. Great Reduction in Summer wear at Wescott's. 17i2 Extra Rubbers for fruit jars at J.M.Roberts'. 16t2 Major O'Rourke and family have been somewhat under the weather the past week or two. Just received, a new invoice of Fans at F. Herrmann's. 16t2 Remember the M. E. Social at the residence of E. Davis. Turn out and have a goo-J tine. Fruit Jars and extra Rubbers for sale, at J. M. Roberts'. 16t2 The Co. Commissioners bought a house, to be used as a pest house, last Tuesday. It is situated in Happy Hollow. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs at Wescott's. 1712 The Commissioners of Cass Co. sent a bill of S600.00 to tho Commis sioners of Saunders Co. for taking cars of a small pox patient which was sent promiscuously over Cass Co. last spring. Great clearance sale at Wescott's Boss Clothing Store, all thin goods go ing at the thiunest kind of prices. 17t2 The social of the M. E. Church will be held at the residence of Mr. E. Davis to-morrow evening, July loth. All are invited to attend. Have you tried the Labrador Herring put up in Tartar Sauce. The nicest thing out. Bennett & Lewis keep them. 1 Finest line of White and Colored Shirts in the city at Wescott's. 17t2 "We buy our groceries of Bennett & Lewis." says the prudent house wife, "their prices are low, and their goods frosh and nice." 1 Pick-pockets and house-breakers made a rich haul show day. Drugs -the largest stock at J. M Roberts. 3tf T. W. Shryock returned from his Virginia trip Tuesday evening, feeling much benefitted by the trip. For mixed paints go to Roberts Drug Store. 51tf The Lawu Social at the residence of Mr. Thos. Pollock, Tuesday evening, was one of the most enjoyable ones of the season. Mr. Pollock has one of the finest yards in the city and everyone who attended, enjoyed it hugely. . Silrer Wedding. The twenty-fifth wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. C. Schlater was celebrated on Saturday, the 9th inst. at their home, near Louisville, this county. A large concourse of friends nnd relatives assembled during the day wishing the happy couple many blessings for years to come. It is un necessary to state that all present were handsomely entertained. The presents bestowed upon the coupla were elegant and costly and highly cherished by the beneficiaries, among which we mention the follow ing: Silver Water I'itelier-Mr. & Mrs. J. V. Glover. Set Silver Kniveu and Forks Mr. Jos. Schlater. Butter Dish Mr. and Mrs. II. LehuhofT. Tickle Cantor and Fork Misses Carrie Schlater and Hollenbeck. Set Table and Tea Spoons Mr. Howard Zink. Cream Pitcher Mr. and Mrs. H. Schulhof . Flower Vase Mr. aud Mrs, 15. W. liriggs. Butter Krnfo and Pickle Fork-Mr. and Mrs. T. Adams. Sugar Spoon Miss Flora Davw. Syrup Pitcher Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Lewis. Set Table Sroons Mr. LctI Calkins. Napkin King and Boiuet Holder Mist Carrie Schulhof. Pair Vases Mr. Jos. Tighe. Pair Napkin Kings Mrs. and Miss Carper. Set Table Spoons Mr. B. Ward. Set Knives and Forks Mr. C. Bringman. Set Tea Spoons Mr. Geo. Dellcseine. Set Knives and Forks Mr. Clias. Burk. Butter Knife Miss Bell Fickler. Sugar Bowl Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Sayles. Napkin King aud Boquet Holder Miss Mamie Cooley. Dinner Castor Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall. Silver Thimble Mis. Cooley. In the evening the young folks of the neighborhood assembled and danced the happy hours away, loth to leave when the Sabbath day broke in upon them. Although the weather was inauspicious during the latter part of the day, the gathering was very large, and all enjoyed themselves to their hearts' content. The Herald sends greeting to Mr. and Mrs. S. wishing them life long happiness and another such occasion twenty-five years hence. Many thanks for the excellent cake, of which our compositors partook heartily, hoping that they might also live to celebrate a silver wedding in the dim future. Golden Wedding. On Saturday next, the ICth of July, Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler, of Glenwood, Iowa, father and mother of D. II. Wheeler, of our city, celelrate their fiftieth wedding day. Extensive preparations have been made for this event, and children, grandchildren and great-grand-children will be present from Michigan, Xew York, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Xebraska and Iowa. Rye Flour at Hansen & Chassot's. The Drowned Bodies Seen. The bodies of the three men who were drowned the 4th of July night were seen on tho 10th inst. floating by Rock Bluffs; one of them, Leman Scott Bates, was discovered by Messrs. By ers, Bates, Case and Rainey and re covered. The other two were seen by Dr. Rainey and other parties, who had no boat and were consequently unable to recover them. The Coroner wa3 notified and a jury impanelled who rendered a verdict that the said Leman Scott Bates came to his death by drowning in the Missouri River on the evening of July 4th, 1881. Signed by the jury as follows: Jesse Hendricks, Thos Ellington, Wyett Hutchison, A. J. Graves, Robt. Karnes, Sam'l E. Case. Attest: P. P. Gass, Coroner. The circus has been here, and left its marks, it seems. Yet all the peo ple (.nearly) will turn out nesct time to see one just the same. The perform ance was excellent, the tent immense, all it represented, and we must say as far as what people call the show goes, Mr. Coup has performed all he promis ed. It is a wonder and marvel if a show only too large for profit in this countr-. Following in the wake of the cir cus, or hanging round here waiting for an opportunity like yesterday, a num ber f thieves got in their work for greater or less amounts. At Walter White's they broke a window in the afternoon and took: A new suit ox clothes, two gold chains, a revolver and some loose change. They also went through Joe Con ner's house and took more or less. Weckbach's house was broken into and a dozen fine shirts disappeared; and at the grounds five pocketbooks changed hands and a number of uls ters and wraps were gone from wag ons and carriages. Settlement Notice. All persons owing the late firm of Jones & Agnew, are requested to call and settle with G. A. Magney, with whom we have left our accounts. 17t2 Jones & Agnkw. Attention. The W. C. T. U. will meet during the heated term at 7 p. m. instead of 4 p. m. Xext regular meeting at the Presbyterian church, Thursday even ing, July 21st. "Frpsli liread. cakes and uies. everv day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main and Third. 10tf GOOD PRINTS, TWEXTY YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. at the GREAT RED STORE. lGtf A new lot of Vermicelli, Point Russe, Torchon and other Laces just received at F. Herrmann's. 16t2 A few more Linen and Cambric Suits left at F. Herrmann's. 16t2 Previous to our removal to the NEW GOLDIXG HOUSE, we shall continue to offer GOODS OF EVERY KIXB LOWER THAN EVER. Every person who ever traded at THE GREAT RED STORE will know what we mean by lower than ever! ICtf I sell the best and cheapest boots and shoes. I defy competition. 4tf Peter Merges. No Hospital Needed. Xo palatial hospital nteded for Hop Bitters patients, nor large salaried talented puffers to tell what Hop Bit ters will do or cure, as they tell their own story by their certain and abso lute cures at home. The Concert, Th concert given by the pupils of Mrs. and Miss Lillie Simpson last Thursday evening passed off very pleasantly; all of the pupils doing their best to render it a success. It was given in the dining room of the new hotel building which made a very god room for the purpose. We can not give space to notice in dividual excellencies, but must make mention of one fact which wa3 notice able throughout, that from the prettily remarkably played selection of little Lulu Simpson, aged six, to the mag nificent quartette, by Miss Annie Liv ingston and Masters Eddie Cummins and Miron and Frank Wheeler, the selections were from the very best of classical music by the most noted com posers. Mrs. and Mis3 Simpson have always endeavored to inculcate a love of real ly good and classical music, and some time in the future Plattsmouth will reap the reward in musicians who will take high rank in the state. Another evidence of the progress of the pupils not given in the selections rendered was shown us by Mrs. Simp son and consisted of work done by Miss Lida Smith in Thorough Bass and Harmony, transposition into rhe vari ous chords &c, which showed persist ent and exhaustive work. We may also mention that in the rendition of her selections Miss Smith showed the excellent result of this study. The music was interspersed with several recitations from Prof. Cham berlain, which were an unexpected and agreeable variation of . the exer cises. Prof. Chamberlain recited a medley containing extracts from Maud Muller, The Vagabonds, and many other well known poems which well displayed his varied elocutionary abil ities; he afterwards gave a humorous and a pathetic selection. At the close of the regular exercises a call was made for Miss Lillie by the audience, and she complied by giving Webers Concert-Stueck and by her brilliancy f execution held her listen ers breathless. Right here we may state, apropos of the subject, that Miss Lillie has but recently returned from Chicago where she pursued her mu sical studies under Mr. II. Clarence Eddy, the well known instructor of Ilershey Hall. The increased number of the audi ence over that of previous concerts testified to the success of these "Pupils Soirees" which we hope to see contin ued in the future. Farmers Attention. In order to gratify the wi3he3 of hundreds of our customers who have repeatedly expressed a desire that we would exchange merchandise in our line such as Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises and Jewelry for Country Produce. We are now pleased to advise you that we have perfected arrangements whereby we will be able to accommodate all. So bring oa your produce and avail your selves of our great advertised price list. We will pay the highest market price for produce aid you in return will receive anything in our line at the lowest cash figures. Don't forget the place next door to Court House. I7tf , Solomon & Xathan. GREAT BARGAINS INDEED, at the GREAT RED STORE. 16tf Sportsmen's Club. The Plattsmouth Sportsmen's Club, which has. for a long time, been idle, is again coming to the front. Several practicing shots have been had the present summer, and, we understand, they ate to be continued. A silver badge has lately been presented to the Club by two of its members, to be con tested for at each practice. The badge is unique in design, bearing the in scription, "Presented to the Best Shot by the Plattsmouth Sportsmen's ulub." On last Friday evening the first con test for the badge took place, with the following score: Ten single balls, five double rises. Jones 1010111111 11 10 00 10 0113 Smith 1111110111 10 11 10 01 1015 O'Rourke-001 101 1100-00 00 00 10 007 Chapman-1100011100-10 10 01 01 11-11 Livingston 0011111011 10 10 1000 11 12. Bushnell 0000101000-00 00 10 10 00-4 Agnew 1011110111 10 11 10 00 00-12 Ilyers 110111101109 11 1 01 0012 White 0000001100-00 00 00 00 002 McLennan-0111110lli-00 10 10 10 00 11. Smith took the badge. On Saturday evening Smith again won the badge in match of 15 single glass balls, and 5 double rises, break ing 18 balls. Chapman followed with a score of 17. After this a match was made up 5 single balls, entrance 31 with the following score: Smith -11111 Chapman 01010 Jones 11111 Agnew 10100 McLennen 11111 Livingston 10111 Livingston took 2d money. JI AXSKX A CHASSOT, A.G-jEIsrTS FOB the American Life Insurance Compaav, N. Y. ; Gerinania Fire Iumiranee Comuany, Freeport. lil. ; Milwaukee Mechanics Mutual Fire In surance Company. Milwaukee, Wis.; Western Horse and Cattle I u mi ranee Conipanv. Omaha, Xeb. ; Hamburg American Packet Steamship t'oiupjiuy. Steamships between New York and Hamburg : North German Lloyd, Steamships between New York aud Bremen. Gen. Weaver. The Distinguished Greenback Slatesman. will arrive in Lin coln on the 19th, next Tuesday, at 11 :45 a. m. He will take an excur sion train to Wahoo, where he will speak at 2 p. m. returning to Lincoln at 7 p. m. where he will speak at S o'clock p. m. Excursion tickets from Lincoln to Wahoo and return 75 cents. The Greenback State Central Com mittee will also meet at Lincoln the same day, July, 19th. Excursion rates will be given from Plattsmouth to Lincoln. L. C. Pace, Chairman State Central Com. Ice! F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily to customers at remarkably low prices. Call or leave orders at his store, on Main St. iotf Dr. Marshall's Bromoline makes the liver and stomach active, promotes health secretion and removes the bile and slime from the disordered state of these organs. Druggists sell it. Buckingham's Dve for the- whis kers is an elegant, safe and reliable article, and convenient for use; will not rub off. Try it. For the best staple and fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Weckbach's. lOtf Women with pale colorless faces who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are made for the blood, nerves and com plexion. Sold by Smith Black & Co. -The best and cheapest, The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers at Merges'. 4tf Visitors returning from abioad, as well as recent immigrants, will nnd Ayer s Sarsapanlla helpful in avoid ing the hardships of Facclimation, and in removing the boils, pimples and eruptions consequent upon sea diet, Its blood-cleansing qualities remedy such troubles promptly. Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Xotary Public, second door east of Court House, Plattsmouth, ?seb. atom Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes: I have used every remedy fr sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest. Sold by Smith, Black & Co Alderney Stock. Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns the ALDERNEY BULL, "WELLINGTON," Xo. 19(17, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Kentucky 628. From imported Tran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will be remembered Chaplain Wright brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this summer at Mr. Beaurueister's place nerth of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal should call and see the undersighed, J. F. Beaumeister. Stock from a distance,. pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf gee THE GREAT RED STORE before spending any more money. 16tf Prompt relief in sick headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, etc., guaranteed to those us ing Carter's Little Liver Pills. One pill a dose. 25 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. I)r. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy cuns for Rheumatism, Xeural gia. Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Cw. have sirld over one hun dred bottles in the last two months 48tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. 7tt AUENTS AND CANVASSERS Make from S&3 to 5 per week selling goods for E. U. HIDEOUT & CO.. 10 Barclay Street, New York. 2.'yl Send for their CatuloKiie end terms. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Xeb. 8tf If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of any kind If you want to buy or sell a farm of any kind Ifyou want money with farm lands to secure it call on Will S. Wise, 46m5 Fitzgerald Block. It Must Be So. For all who use Brown's Pepsin Touic say it is a sine cure for Dys pepsia and sick Headache. Try it. For sale by all Druggists in Platts mouth and East Plattsmouth. Pepsin. Khnbarb, Mandrake & Gentian Are the active ingredients of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this wonderfnl Dyspepsia remedy a trial and be cured. For sale by all drug gists in Xeb. Brown's Vegetable Lirer Pills Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation and Biliousness. For sale by all Druggists in the West. Brown's Blackberrynd Ginger Should be in every house during the heated season. It never fails to cure Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and J. M. Robert , Plattsmouth, "J. V. Painter, East Plattsmouth. Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale, Louisville, Xeb. 13tf Come and See The large stock of Spring Shoes and Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf Notice to Teachers. Examination f persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and Xovember. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Xotice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. Wooley, 42tf Superintendent. TO A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made I tWf'Ofitlv outfit fr AAdrpsN. Titkk A Co.. All n Iff. B.&M.R.R. HOUSE, JNO. BONS & SON, ProD'rs, N. W. CORNER MAIN AND SECON D STU'S. Near B. & M. Pa-sfenger Depot. PL.4TTSM OUT II, CD II 1 SKA. Newly re tit ted and furniehed throughout. Af fording an excellent view of the K. It Kridjre, It is conveniently located, especially for the traveling public. The tables always supplied with the best of the season. BAKERY n connection with the houi-e. Lunch baskets filled at all hours. Terms reasonable. 8tf SPECIAL NOTICES. The GREAT RED STORE will move into the new OOLDIXO BUILDING ICtf on or about the twentieth inst. A lady in Chicago was troubled with liver complaint, and after taking three bottles of the Big Bromoline was entirely cured. 50 cents a bottle. A Difficult Problem Solved. AmLition, competition and over-exertion use up the vital powers of men and women, so that a desire for fctimj ulants seems to be a natural human passion, and drunkenness prevails on account of this necessity for bodily and mental invigoration. Parker's Ginger Tonic fairly solves the difficult problem, and has brought health aud happiness into many desolate homes It does not tear down an already de beliated system, but builds it up with out intoxicating. Enquirer. See oth er column. 16t5 Organs. A few more bargains in my clos ing out stock; don't delay if you want a number one instrument at a very low figure. James Pettee, ag't. CLOTIIIXG ! CLOTHING ! 1 at the GREAT RED STORE we are just slaughtering away to keep from moving them to the NEW GOLDING BUILDING whirti we are about to occupy. ICtf For Sale. A house ami lot situated on the N. E. corner of Granite and Seventh sts. The house is 1 story; contains five rooms and a pantry, is almost new and in good condition. Price $1000; $G00 cash and balance in one j'ear. For farther information en quire of D. II. Wheeler & Co. Agt. 16tf LEGAL NOTICES. REPORT 61' TUE CONDITION OrThc First National Dank at IMatts mouth, in the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business June 30th, 1SS1. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts ftl3 483 04 Overdraft 6 478 01 U. 8. Bond to secure circulation ... 50 000 00 Other stocks, boi.ds and mortgagee. 17 301 46 Due front approved reserve agents.. 72 1 58 Due from other National Banks 12 ft; 03 Real estate, furniture and fixtures.. 2 tfciS 00 Current expence and taxes paid a 129 w Bills of other banks 5 108 00 Fractional paper euircney, nickels and pennies 81 13 Specie 10 o 00 Legal tender r.otef 8 Too 00 Redemption fund with V. S. Treas urer per cent of circulation 2 250 00 Due f riu C S. Treasurer, other than 5 percent, redemption fund 2 500 00 Total $ 29$ 777 M LIAUII.1T1KS. Capital tdoek paid iu Surplus fund Undivided profits National Bank notes outstanding. Individual deposits subject check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates 01 deposit Due to other National Banks Due to State Banks aud bankers.. I 60 000 00 10 000 00 6 275 89 45 000 O0 105 024 37 62 401 81 28 010 47 2 S79 26 1 179 71 to Total... S 29S 777 51 State ok Nebraska, i County of Cass. 1 D3 I, A. W. McLauohi.iv, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. V. McLAUUHLIX. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of Julv, 1S1. .. Thos. roLi.orK, 1 J Notary Public. Correct Attest : C. H. P.VIiMKI.K, ) J. M. Patterson, --Directors. A. W. McLaighlis. License Notice. To all whom it mty Concern: Notice is hereby given, that I have filed iu the office of the County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, an application to the Board of Com missioners of said county for a p rmit to sell li.mii.., ut rt jlit.ridt at f Yin i V il 1 M ilt county, for mediciual, 'mechanical and chem ical purposes. 1. J. llASF.Mr.IKK l-omsviiie, (jass county, jeo., jniy ij., issi. lCt2 Legal Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the under signed purchased at public tax sale, on the 20th day of Nov., 1S7, and at th County Treasurer's oflice in the city of Plattsmouth, County of Ca-s and Sta-e of Nebraska, lot eighteen (l) in the south ast quarter (se1) of the south west quarter (sw1 of se lion twelve (12) township twelve 1 12) range eleven (II), in Cass County. Nebraska, and east of the 6U1 principal Merid ian, containing thirteen (13) acres for the tax of 1S7H. and taxed as non-resident. I am still the hoitter ot the certificate t f sale of the above described land and unless redemption therefrom is made within two years from tho date of the above said sale at the ex piration of which two years the time of re demption will expire, application w ill be made to the Tasurer of the above taid County of Cass for a tax deed thereon. 17t3 S. X. Merhj AM. July 14th, 1SS1. Road Notice. T all whom It may concern : The commissioner appointed te locate a road commencing at a point fifteen and seveiuy-oue hundredths (15 70-100) chains west of the quart er section corner on north side of section nine teen (19), town twelve (12), range fourteen (14) ; thence running south C' W. ten (10) chains; running thence south 'J6' W, Dine and fifty-one hundredths (9 50-100) chains: thence south 47 10' W. fifteen and eighty-one hundredths (15 80 100) chains; thence aourh 30' W. eleven ill chains : thence south 21 W. forty eight and fifty three-one hundredth in 53-100 chains to the center of County road, bearing north and south, aud at a point one and ninety six-one hundredths 1 96-100 chains south of the eighth section corner on the north side of north east quarter ne) of section twenty five asj. towu twelve 1121. range thirteen 13, east 8th I. M.. aud terminating at said point, has reported in favor of the locatiou thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or before noon on the 20th day of September, A. D. 1U1. or such road will be opened without reference thereto. 17t5 J. D. Tltt, County Clerk. To Whom it may Concern. All persons holding warrants drawn on the General Fund of Cass County, Nebraska, and endorsed. "Presented and not paid for want of funds." or in words of similar iwport, are here by uotlfie that there is cash in the treasury of said County for the payment of the same ; and. further, that interest will cease on all such warrants on aud after the first day of Septem ber next. By order of the Commissioners of said County J. M. Patterson. Treasurer. riatUmouth. Neb., June 2:1. ldxi. I5t5 Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by V. C. Show-alter. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 will, 011 the Uli day of August. A. D. lbtl. at 11 o'clock a. 111. of said day. at the south door of the Court House, iu said County, sell at Public Auction the following Keal Estate, to wit : l'he West halt (WiJ of the North West quarter Inw' of section twelve 12, iu town ten I lo I. north of range nine 19!. East, contain ing eighty ho acres, including all of the ap purtenance. I tie same being levied upon and taken as the property of Jc hn Kindt, defend ant, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recov ered by Zachariah F. Gause and James W. Aioouv, piaiuiins. PlaUsinouth. Neb.. June 29th. A. D. 181. 1513 K. W. HVER.H. Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb. Road Notice. To aU whom it may Concent: The commissioner apioiuted to survey and liH'ate a county road commencing at th qnar ter (li) section comer on tho south side of sec tion twenty-three (23). in township twelve! 12) north 01 rane liurtvcu (U east sixtii princi pal meridian running thence north 011 the iiuarter ) section line one aud three quarter (!?) miles to the south east corner of the north past quarter Ct) or me norm west quarter () of section fourteen (14), same towu aud range as above. To vacate all that portion of road number one hundred aud sixty-three (lt3) on the line dividing the east half Ci) of the west half Ci) of the north west quarter () of the east half (',) of the wet half (ii) of the south west quarter () of section fourteen (14), tn towu twelve (12). range thirteen (1!) has re ported in favor of the location ami vacation thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office, ou or before ioon on the 1st day of September A. V. iil, or such road will be vacated and located without reference there to. J. D. TtTT, 1515 County Clcik. Bridge Notice. Notice Is hereby given that bids will be re ceived for the construction of live (5) or more pile bridges, ranging from twenty (20) to sixty (00) feet 111 length (the same to be of the same general character as the bridges built during the pat year) up to noon of the 4th day of August, iftxl. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of County Commissioners, 10t5 J. D. Tltt, County Clerk. Road Notice. To all whom it may concern : The section line road petitioned for by Charles Philpet et al. commencing at the south west corner of sectioc twenty-three 231. town ship eleven. (11), range twelve 12, running ther.ee east between section twenty-three Tnl and twenty-six (2fi, ami twenty-four 24 aud twenty-five. 25 same town and range and terminating at the south east corner of sec tion twenty-four 24, township eleven, II, road twelve 12), and all objections thereto or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office, on or before noon on the. 25th day of August, A. D. lssi or such road will be opened without reference thereto. J. D. Terr, 14t5 County Clerk. Legal Notice. rublie notice is hereby given that the under signed purchased at public tax sale on the 21th day of November, 1S79, and at the County Treasurer's office in the City of Plattsmouth. County of Cass, and state of Nebraska, and separately in tracts of forty acres. the following described lauds for the taxes of 1878 to-wit : The south half (s') of section thirty (sec 30', township ten (lo). range twelve (12), taxed as non-resident. All in Cass County, Nebraska, aud east of the Cth Principal Meridian. I am still the holder of the Cert ilieat-sof sale of the above described lands, and unless redemption therefrom is made within two years Iroui the date- of the above said sale, at the expiration of which said two vears, the time of redemption will expire, application will be made to the Treasurer 01 the above said County of Cass for a tux owed there on, H. N. Merriam. June 30, 1881. K.I3 Road Notice. To all whom it may Concern: The section line road petitioned for by W. K. Murray et al commencing at the north west corner of section thirty-five (35), town twelve (12). rauge thirteen (13 thence north on section line one half mile where it terminates said load will be opened. All objections thereto or claims for damages, mast be tiled iu the County Clerk's office. 011 or before noon on the 1st day of Sept. A. D. IciSl or such road w ill be opened without rtfereuc-e thereto. J. D. Tt TT. I3t5 County Clerk. Road Notice- To all wliom it may Concern: The section line road pelltltioned for by George Meisiuger et al. com mencing at the north west cor ner ol the south west quarter M) of the south west quarter 0) of section nine (9) township twelve (12) range twelve (12), running thence south a quarter (Si) of a mile to corner of sec tion eight is) and nine () and sixteen (1) and seventeen (17), iu said town and range and ter minating at said corner will be ordered opened. All objections thereto or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's ollice. on or before noon on the 1st day of September, A. D. lssl or such road will be opened w ithout refer ence thereto. J. D. Tutt, 15t5 County Clerk. Road Notice. Toull whom it may concern: The section line road petitioned for by Allen Coleuiau, et al. commencing at the southeast corner of section seventeen 17, township eleven 11 range twelve 12, running thence north on section line, to the north east eurner f section five. 5 towuship twelve 12, rauge twelve (12) and terminating at township line, and all objections thereto, or claims for dam age, must be filed iu the County Clerk's olhce, 011 or before uuou on the 25lh day of August, A. D. 181, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. J. D. Tutt, 14t5 Couuty Clerk. Itoutl Notice. To all whom it may Concern: The section line roadcoiiimeiicing at the north east corner of the north west quarter uw4) of the north west ?of section nuinlier nineteen. (19), town twelve (12) range ten (10). running thence west to the town line between South Bend and Salt Creek precinct, and terminat ing at north west corner ot tlie noria west quarter (nw1) nl the north west quarter (n w4) of said section is ordered opened tty the counly commissioners. All claims for dumages must be filed in the County Clerk's ollice, on or be fore noon on the 10th day of August A. I). 181, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. J. D. TtTT 13t. Count y Clerk. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of David Pittman deceased. 1 11 the Couuty Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. I pon reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of Eli. J. W. Pittman praying that ad ministration of the estate of David Pittman deceased, be granted Andrew Pittman. Or dered that notice of the pendency of said cause be published in the Nebraska Hekai.i, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and iu general circulation 111 said Couuty, for three consecutive weeks, and that the hearing of said cause be set for the luth day of July A. I)., l.-si. at l o'clock a. 111., at the office of the County Judge, at Plattsmouth, at w hich time and place, all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why admin istration of said estate should not be granted to the said Andrew Pittman, according to the prayer of said ictitioii. A. N. Kcllivax. Couuty Judge. PlaUsinouth, June 27th. 1881. 15t3 Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of James McXurlin, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, to all persons having claims against the estate of James Mc.Nin liu deceased, to file the same on or Ic lore the 30th Hay of December A. D. 1881, iu the Office of the County Jude, at Plattsmouth. Cass Co., Ne braska. A. N. Sii.i.iva.v, Counly Judge. Plattsmouth, June 27th. 1881. ljt.i Notice. To the owner and occupant or claimants of lot 9, block 34, and let 5. block 1K4 in the Cit - f Plattsmouth. Cass County. Neb You aic hereby notified that said lots were assessed for theyearof 1874. Lot 4, block 34 as belonging to au unknown owner, and lot 5, block ltsl as belong ing to D. Keinick. That the said lots were 011 the 23d day of Sept., Is75, sold for the delin quent taxes of said year to the undersigned ; that the time of retlemotion of said property from said sale wil expire on the 25th day of October, 18? 1, at which time the undersigned will demand a Treasurer's deed therefor, unless the same is soonei- redeemed. Uii3 D. Be mice. riattsmouth. Neb., July Cth, 1881. Road Notice. To all whom it may concern : The section line roads petitioned for by W. J. Carter et al. commencing at the southwest corner of section thirty-three (3J), township eleven (11), rauge twelve (12), and mu sing west to the north west corner of set-lion thirty (30). township twelve (12), range twelve 12. and also one commencing at the south west corner of section thirty-three 33). township eleven pi, range twelve 12, and turning north to the northwest corner of sec. twenty-one town eleven range twelve: aud all objections thereto or claims for damages, must be filed iu the County Clerk's Office, on before noon 011 the 25th day of August, A. D. 18yl, or such road wiil be opened without refer euco thereto. J. D. Tutt, 1415 Counly Clerk. Tax Notice. To the unknown or non-resident owner or oc cupant of lot No. ten llo, in block No. one hundred and eleven 111 . iu the City of Platts inoutli. Cas County, Nebraska : You are here by notified that the abi-ve describe-! lot was as sessed for the years 1872 and ls73 as belonging lo an unknown or non-resident owner; that said lot was sold for the delinquent County aud State taxes of said years, on the 9th day of September, 174, to Cass County, in Nebraska, there being no other bidders therefor ; that the certificates of sale for the said taxes weri as signed to Edward Oliver, ou the 18th day of June. 1881, and that unless redemption lrom said sale be made before the loth dav of Octo ber. 1881, a Treasurer's tax deed will be Issued to said assignee. icti3 Edward Oliver, Assignee. Road Notice. To all whom it may concent : The commissioner appointed to vacate a County road, petitioned for by Turner Zink. et three ill.. ;oiiiiih;uui ii lilt- t.i:in-i ill prvi lou I II 1 1 l r .- I 4 ..... I . ... ... ;.i t.:,.7. three ning t kj. ou ot'uiii siutr ui Afini an 11011 tun - wimt Xnrtli nil, situl m.hulf I i-i l mil. nrnl terminating at the road runiiiuc East and West, said road to be vacated being known as Boad 107, has rejxrted iu favor of the vacation thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's otlice on or before noon on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1881, or such road will be vacated without reference thereto, iota J. D. TtTT, County Clerk. Probate Notice. In the District Court of Cass CountyJXebraKka, in the matter of the estate of Hiram llogan, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have made a plicationaccording to law.fora license to selland convey all the right. title and interests of Ili i am liogan deceased, in and to the following desciilR-d real estate lu-wit : The north half (n'.lof the southwest quarter (swi) of sec. thirty-two (32) town ten (lo) range ten (In) east of the Ul li P. M., Cass County, Nebraska, !:: aud that the hearing of said cajse is set for the 19th day of August, A. D.. 181. at one o'clock p. in. on said day, at the office of the Clerk of the District Court in the city of Lincoln. Iin caster County. Nebraska, before the Hon. S. B. Pound. Judge of said Court, at w hich time and place all pers-ons interested may ape:ir and show cause if any there be w by legal authority should uot be given lor the sale of said land. Itit4 llARVRV IIooam, Adiniu'r, BONS' BRICK YARD. Iu the rear of the llonnor StaUles OX FOURTH STREET. . GOOD MAUD First-Class B v i c k , NOW READY AND FOR SALE. Will do Contract Work and Guaranteo Satisfaction. J. IJONS & SON, 15m3 riattsmouth, Xeb. BETTER GOODS AND - Ghe&per Gozds than anywhere west of the Mississippi Biver AT FRED, GORDER'S NEW IMPLEMENT HOUSE Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets. East of Court House, ALL KIXD.S OF Agricultural Implements, the best and latest improved patterns. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ALL FARMERS kuow what I keep, and my Spring ami Su inner slock is now ready. Give Gorder a cali. Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund here. In addition, 1 have added ail kinds of Buggies Wagons AND rams wtBE. O Hi IX SKA SOX. Sir DON'T FORGET THE I'LACE. $66 a week In your nn tow n. Terms and oullitfrec Address. II. llAl.l.KTT & Co. Portland, Maine. -Ijly E. G. Dovey &Son, AT THE OLD STAND, Still find themselves at home to Cass County Fanners and all their old customers. We have this Winter on r us ual full and larger line of goods than, pertaps, ever be fore. As the growth of the country has demanded larger stocks, and of a better class, wt liave endeavored to meet that demand. In Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens for Winter wear, we have a large and varied assortment at reduced rates. DRESS G-OOX5S of all kinds. Dress Trimmings of the latest styles. Buttons in endless variety, our line of NOTIONS is exceedingly large, and we think, well selected. ladies' shoes men's and boys' boots and shoes, childken's and misses shoe. to suit all persons an I all purses A very full line of ULAHNH AIIK AXI) KTOXKWA UK. which you must see to select from. GBOOSBIES ' Sugars of standard grades, rnnnnofthe finest qualities, selected by our lCdo selves. Pflffppp of many brands, especially our own uUlluua brand of khksh hoai.tki cokffk called the "MEKIQL'E." Try it and sec. t eforu purchasing elsewhere. Dried Fruits of all kinds, fresh ami sweet. Fresh Crackers a Specialty. CANNED GOODS from all quarters. Very One California goods. GUEEX WINTER APPLES by the barrel or bu-hel. In all these branches we shall en deavor to sell an low an any one. and as Is posslple to do a hound bumi KKstt. We invite attention and will show all that call our goods. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, and call often and early. 37ui3 K. O. DOVEY & SON. riattsmouth Neb. PLATTSMOUTH SILVER HELICON BAND, COMPOSED OK tii i uti: i: v 3i n Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any and all occasions. A Thorough Organization with a complete and well selected repertoire of BRASS BAND MUSIC. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable Apply to J. P. VOUXO, P. O. Book Store, or lOtl J. FINLEY JOHNSON. Sec'y. C. SCHLEGEL, Successor to Schlf.oki. & Xikma.v.i Manufacturers of And dealers in SMOKEKS FANCY ARTICLES, SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO . Special BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS made to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar clippings sold for smokirr obacco. Mai.: Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store Oj;wwt7e Pot Offlcc, PLATTSMOT7TH. XEB. Im8 WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DKY GOODS, CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD3 GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Lare stock of BOOTS and SHOES CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Queensware, and In fact everything you c call for In the line of General Merchahdise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND FCKS. All kinds of country tooduce taker In ex change for'goods. i v