Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 14, 1881, Image 2

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    The Herald,
jllO. ft. y4AC4uRPHT, JLDITOR.
Gen. Jersy McBride still remains
the Secretary of the State Fair.
Ocr hotel is not leased as yet; Mr.
O'pelt goes to Denver, Mr. Babcoek
could not make arrangements to suit
and no other person as yet has taken
- The Omaha Sunday Item has chang
ed editors and names Mr. Geo. A. Per
cival going going out and Mr. H. It.
Persiager taking his place. The pa
per will henceforth be the Saturday
evening Times.
The Commissioners and Comrade
Geo. Fairfield have laid out a new road
from the B. & M. stock yards south
west to a point opposite Dowd's.
"When finished this will be one of our
best avenues, and we hope the city
will fix their part of the road past the
shops so we may have it open soon.
A man in Annapolis Md. says he
has the bullet which passed through
the President's sleeve and according
to his story struck him in the breast
glancing on a medal he wore which
he thinks saved his life. He wants to
keep the bullet as a relic.
The Lincoln Globe has been chang
ing hands considerably of late. Mr
Jno. Dunbar recently bought the half
interest of Conlee, and afterwards
Mr. Webter Eaton's interest, and
shortly afterwards transferred the
ofUce to Mr. Calkins, formerly of the
Fairmont Bulletin .
We saw Calkins the other day, and
he looks at home. We hope he may
make a success of the Globe all over.
The Albany melango continues.
The half breeds held what they called
a "conference" (not a caucus) and
nominated Miller and Lapham, two
congressmen. This was objected to
by the stalwarts, for if elected, it
.would leave the House Democratic
perhaps and so they still vote for
Conkling and Crowley. On the 11th,
Conkling had4thirt7-eight votes, a gain
of several and the S. fellows felt ju
bilant. It is thought some agree
ment must be reached this week,
The President's situation contin
ues favorable though on the 11th
day his temperature i eached the high
est point it has gone yet, and caused
much alarm. Yesterday the symp
toms were favorable again, and the
doctors give great encouragement for
his entire recovery and that he will
be out of bed by the first of Septem
ber. We must bear in mind, though, thai
should an abcess form in tne mean
time, the wound may yet prove fatal.
Death of Ex-Senator Hitchcock.
We were greatly startled and sur
prised to hear of the death of Hon
W. Hitchcock, on Sunday last.
He died about 10:30 a. in., ot some
thing like Peritonitis. To us it was
an entire surprise, not having heard
he was unwell at all. The Kepubli
can, however, savs he had not been
stout for some time, and work, grief
and worry hastened and aggravated
the action of some internal and chron
ic difficulties. He was born in New
York in 1831 and came to Nebraska in
1857. He was XL S. Marshal of the
Territory, delegate to Congress, U. S.
Surveyor General and U. S. Senator,
and now that he is dead the people
that abused him all his living days
say he was a tru6 friend, an honest
hard worker and a man of no mean
As we liked the man when living
and never joined in the death cry (po
litically) with which he was followed
to hia cnave a lone obituary is not
necessary from this paper.
His record, his merits and demerits.
bis work for Nebraska are written in
the naces of Ilistorv of this State and
will remain there while time lasts
Let these be his epitaph.
Condition of the President.
July, 10 9 a. m. The President has
had the mast confortable night he has
experienced since he was wounded
He is sleepincr tranquilly with few
breaks. The general nroeress of
symptoms continues to be favorable.
Pulse 100. temuerature 100. respira
tion 23.
D. W. Bliss,
J. N. Barnes,
J. J. Woodward,
IIobt. Retburn,
July 10 i p. m. The following (lis
patch has been sent by the surgeons in
charge to the two counselling surgeons
to-day: 4Such slight changes as have
taken place in the president's con
dition since our telegram of yesterday
ore of a favorable character. About
seven this evening his bowels wtre
freely moved. Shortly after he receiv
ed a hypodermic injection of one quar
ter of an ounc of morphine. He
slept mwre naturally during the niiil
than he has done since he was hurt
and this morning he is comfortable,
taking his nourishment and appears
on the whole better than ever. Dur
ing the twenty-four hours he has taken
altogether fourteen ounces of milk
and one ounce of rum. This morning
at 10 a. m. he again received ten grams
of bi-salphate quinia. Both yesterday
and the day before iho wound was
dressed and especially twice in 24
hours. This morning it is discharging
rather less pus than yesterday, but its
appearance is healthy. Yesterday at
7:15 p. m. the pulse was 108; tempera
ture 101 8-10; respiration 24. To-day
at 8 a. m. his pulse is 10S ; temperature
100; respiration 2t. 1 p. m.-pulse 105;
temperature 100 5-10 respiration 22.
(Signed) D. W. Bliss,
J. Barnes,
J. J. Woodward,
Robt. Retburn.
July 10 9 p. m. The president is
sleeping quietly. He has taken up to
the present time to-day, eighteen
ounces of nourishment.
July 10 Midnight The president
passed a good night so far and has
taken his nourishment regular.
July 112 a. m.-There is no change
- in the president's condition.
Mysterious Poisoning.
Sheridan Post.
The poisoning affair which the edi
tors of the Post and others were the
victims of would not be referred to in
our columns, but that so many differ
ent versions of the affair are alloat
that all are in doubt what to credit
and what to disbelieve. The facts,
simply stated, are these:
A box 2x3 inches, appearing to have
come from some eandy factory, and
containing a request to try the sam
ple and recommend the brand to oar
friends, was received by Thursday's
morning mail. The edito s, W. A.
Taggurt, brother of the junior editor,
and the ouice boy, all in the oflice at
the time, each took a small piece and
ate it. In this way about three
fourihs of the candy was eaten, and
the rest left ou the counter. In about
fifteen minutes the junior was at
tacked with a burning sensation in
the pit of the stoiaacli. fol-
owed quickly by vomiting. The rest
were taken similarly, until all were
compelled to seek their beds. Medi
cal aid was called and after twelve or
fourteen hours of almost constant at
tention and vomiting all were brought
out of inimediats danger. The next
day alarmii.g symptoms returned, but
by Monday, kall were able to be out.
ana nave cominueu to improve ever
since. One may judge how severe was
the suffering, from the fact that the
editors lost in weight, respectively 14
and pounds in two days. We
iear reports that we have charged the
crime on this one or that. This is a
mistake, for we have ne knowledge of
the perpetrator. We have simply
stated that the box was not mailed
either at Sheridan or Brownville, but
it came through the Brownville office.
We ascertained this much the next
day and have had nothing more defi
nite to say since.
Deaths have been numerous in
Omaha the past week: ex-Senator
litchcock, Mrs. J. A. Morrow, and
Miilip Koch, all early settlers in Ne
braska and connected with her histo
ry in some manner.
Grand Prairie 'otes.
We have been having plenty of rain
ately, which helped the looks of corn
wonderfully. Wheat that was sown on
new ground looks well, and gives prom
ise f a good yield, but that which was
sown on old ground is very short, and
much of it cannot be bound. Farmers
are busy; some are laying by their
corn, some are harvesting their barlev
(which is an average crop), and others
are getting ready for harvest.
Our school closed July 2d. We un
derstand II. W, Zink has been engaged
to teach during the Fall term. G. v .
liouton is in the employ of II. Panko
nin, putting up lightning rods. Jesse
Merrill is on the sick list. Brryman
Bros, have purchased a self-bindinz
harvester, with which they will bar
vest their fmall grain. R. B. Carlyle,
who has been farming west of Luella,
has sold his crop and is now plowing
corn for C. A. Bouton, Miss Nellie
Short has chills and fever, we are sor
ry to learn. Ld. Carlyle spent the 4th
in Iowa. Quite a number of the young
folks are thinking of attending Ooup'a
Circus at either Plattsmouth or Lin
coln. Occasional.
Liiiville Jottiug-s.
The L-uiiaviKe Stoneware Company
is luanulactunng it urst-elass quality
of ware much better than formorly.
ilie Missouri l'acihc Ha. 1 way is be
ing graded between the B. & M. and
the Platte. There are a goodly number
of mule teams at work. We under
stand the contracts for cradintr be
tween Louisville and Atchison, Kan.,
are let, and tne M. P. Co. will itself do
tl'M grading between Louisville and
1 lie lawsuit of Amos II. Gillet vs
the B. & M. It R. Co. before L. C. Lew-
s, J. P., of Louisville Precinct, about
the lumber which that companv had
taken! was decided against them, the
Court finding a judgment for S30, the
full amount claimed by plaintiff.
bamuel Lwing, of this place, is very
poorly, he having, it is believed, drop
sy or tne ieet.
Many hogs are being shipped at Lou
isville, and business in general is god.
No liquor is being sold, and we have
no fights or raws to chronicle. The
better classes enjoy the change.
Whooping Cough prevails quite gen
erally in this vicinity.
J. A. Connor is having his large crib
of corn 6helled.
The temperance hall is doicg a good
A number of houses here are to be
moved to give room for the new R. R.
Weeping Water is more than happy
over the prospect of having a railroad,
and she will next demand the County
seat. One good thing at a time should
satisfy her. If she goes to putting on
too many airs, Louisville may lay in a
claim to the county seat when it is
time for removal. Pen.
Louisville Notes!
So the "Louisville Attorney" has
"gone through" a quill. He is smaller
than we thought. The gentleman is
mistaken : "Quill" never accused him
of stealing coal : he i3 "off his feed ;
he "vomits emptiness." He says he is
charged with "doing some terribly bad
thing but never in such a way as to be
known. Charley Clark, conductor on
the 13. & M., requests us to say that it
is "known." as he saw the chap do
that "terrible bad thing" many times
"Quill" is serry te lose the Attorney's
"influence," but hopes to survive so
long as he is able "to carry water" on
tLreo shoulders to onc't." Temper
auce is all right, but why not oppose
the saloon before it becomes unlawfu
to accept a trat.
The 4lh passed off very quietly here.
as all who coujd get a conveyance
went to Wet-ping Watei. Al came
back well pleased with the trip an
recommend W . . as the place to cele'
braie Willi a bt'ge, pieas.inl and patri
otic crowd; Ht sad iirs uf the l'lt-M
tietit- arsanbii..ttitii was Use only pre
fn iu oi a "jilurious Fourth."
Capt. Morrison's sicitiier landed at
out wiiarl one day last week, and an
chored lor the iijti'il in order to give
tne crew a chance to "lake in" the
town. The Capt. and crew all jolly
tars attended the opera in the evening,
but left lor "5 uiii Lien I early next
nioMiiiig :( foie we had a chance to
interview him. We learn, however, the Cap:, is hunting for that
lii.wk.e hospital, and thay went to
5'-uth lieiul as that is a sea port town
w !:iie on is is a rail road center may
We notice many empty beer kegs
and cases of empty bottles being
bought from Weeping Water since the
4th. It is proposed that a Louisville
missionary be sent in that direction;
Xewberry's attention is called t the
matter. Exercise "influence."
Harvest is at hand. Farmers report
prospects not very good for a large
crop of small grain, chinch bugs are
very numerous in some localities.
Thermometers are on the rise; Some
one must be bulling ilse market, they
are now quoted 102, and not a breeze
to cool our - fevered brow."
13. G. Hoover has sold eleven self
binders and car load or two of other
reapers this season. He is a "bigger
man than old Grant at the biz.
Jackman & Son's new miller is Mr.
Folden who has been with Mr.
Schluntz for the last few years.
Will Taylor got three of his toes
badly mashed last week in one of the
quarries near town.
Bas Ramsey lent us the prestige of
his presence last week.
Grading on the M. P. R. R. has be
gun at this point.
Dr. Hasemeier sends in a petition to
the commissioners asking for a drug
gist's permit to sell alcoholics.
"9nr Kimptranet Column
" For God. aoJ riome. and Native Land.
School Composition of Old Times.
Great paius have been taken to publish ttis
Of a singular being whom I shall not name ;
While under hia influence bis praise will be
By those who are old and by those who are
There are few in America, England or France,
W ho can say of a truth they hav not had a
To form an acquaintance and give liitu their
For surely he' traveled all over the land.
To visit the poor be is never too proud :
Nor is he too bashful to enter a crowd.
He U never too fearful ts enter the door
Of the rich, though a carpet be spread, on tie
He Is never too grave to play with the boys.
Nor does he get frightened, should there be a
noise :
He never is fearful of heat or of cold.
But will keep them both off by his friends, we
are told.
He is at the same time in England and France
He Is with those tbat labor and with those that
dance ;
He is never so bu.y but tbat he can stay
To help people labor or help tkero to play.
The doctors, the lawyers, the statesmen and
When they make entertainments invite him to
And even the ladies, when at parties they
Do oft entertain him and give him a seat.
The King oft invites him to tit on his throne.
The mechanics and farmers do call him their
own ;
When people are well he can soon make them
And when they are ailing, he can cure them as
He's unable to walk, or even to stand ;
And yet he can travel by sea or y land ;
He is oiiiui present, and yet we ail know.
His friends may all have him wherever they go,
He's the strangest of being, that ever had
At le;i9t among tuose that dwell upon earth :
For all other beings are true to their friends,
And only with foes will they ever contend.
Tis not so with him for every one knows
He kill off his friends, but hurts not his foes ;
e would scarcely believe if it had net been
The more they're hurt by him the mere he'll
be loved.
He induces his friends to quarrrel and fight.
And this is not all ; he tells theta 'tis right.
To curse, swear and lie, they have nothing to
Or even to steal, when no one is near.
He has urged on to ruin the old and the young ;
Some have been imprisoned and others been
hung ;
Iliis friends at his bidding do eagerly run
Although they've been warned his presence to
f bun.
The warning that's given they seldom will
Although they're convinced their souls are at
That he is a mocker we very well know,
And those that befriend him bave sorrow and
Them let all his friends know that danger is
And if they have ears to hear, let them hear.
The words of the Lord, who dwelleth la
The kingdom to drunkards shall never be
Beneficial Effects of the Ten Dollar
fine Under the Slocmub Law
One Dese of the Medicine Effects a
Before the Slocumb liquor law went
into effect an ordinary drunk was
rather an inexpensive amusement, the
fine and costs generally amounting to
only $2.85, which was easily paid. The
reteran bummers thought nothing of
being hauled up before the police
couit once or twice a week and either
paying or working out a One.
But times and prices have changed
since the enforcement of the Slwcumb
law, under which the tine for a plain
unvarnished drunk is a ten dollar bill,
with $3.55 costs added, making the
neat little sum of SI 2.55, at which rate
nobody but a Kothschild or a Vauder
but can indulge in drunkeu sprees
moie than once or twice a month.
"What is the effect of the new tariff
on drunks, asked a Kepublican re
porter of Jailor McClure, last evening,
"It has a pretty salutary enecc on
the old bums," replied he. "They don't
want but one dose of the Siocumb
medicine. TLe old bummers, who us
ed to be jerked up once or twice
week for drunkenness, are now never
pulled up a second time. Twelve dol
lars and fifty-five cents pamlyzes 'em.
as it were, particularly if they haven't
got a cent and have to work it out. It
takes em fourteen days to work out
the tine and costs, and at that rate
man can't get drunk more than twice
a moii h. Most of thn persons now
;uifhted for drunkenness are either
mi augers or those who have not learn
ed the fact that the price of drunks
has gone up. Under the old law
man could get drunk ahotit hve times
where he can only do it once now. In
this lespect the Slocumb law is having
a very good pffect. If a man gets
drunk now he might as well make no
halfway business, but perfectly para
lyze himself, as lie can t get off for less
than the regular S12.5.1."
"Dos n't the high price reduce the
city's revenue somewhat?"
"Oh, no; on the contrary I think it
greatly increases it. We have fewer
drunks to be sure, but the great differ
ence in the fine more than makes up
for this. The police curt fines, of all
kinds, for the month of May amounted
to about 8600."
"What proportion of the lines for
drunkenness are paid?"
'A little over one-half, and the bal
ance is worked out. When a man who
is not aware of the $lt fine comes to
pay it, it almost takes his breath away.
The other night I had a man in the
cooler for drunkenness. In two or
three hours he sobered up and inquired
if there was any way of getting out.
I told him that, under the judge's in
structions, I would take the amount
of the fine and costs, as bail aad let
him go." 'How much is it?' asked he
I told him that the fine and costs
amounted to $12.53. 'Take it out of
the $33 of my money, give me the
balance, and let me go. You'll never
catch me here again if it costs that
much,' said he, and thereupon I turned
him loose. Yes, sir; I tell you that
the law is a good one. Nw, under
the old state of affairs, a great many
men were hauled up for drunkenness
on complaint of their wives, who next
day would repent and come up and
pay the $2.85 fines for their husbands.
But now we have very little f that
kind of business, as the women find it
much more difficult to raise $12.55."
Just at this point Policeman O'Grady
brought in a drunken man all the way
from the military bridge. The prison
er had been beating his wife, wh had
complained of him, and he had struck
and resisted the officer.
"What charge shall I enter against
the man?" asked the officer.
"Drunk and disorderly."
"No; I guess I'll put it plain drunk,
Which will cost him $12.55 under the
Slocumb law. If I put it 'drunk and
disorderly' it will come under the city
ordinance and the fine will be only
$5.55. So you see," said he, turning to
the reporter, "that right here is anoth
er evidence of the superior benefits of
the Slocumb law.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
In the matter of the petition of F
Brookhart et al for a change in the
location of a county road commencing
at a point on the East line of section
19 township 11 range 12 and running
south west to the south line of same
section at a point about 15 rods west
of the south east corner of south west
of same section. Said road being
known as No. 23 and 24, said road to
be continued due south on the east
line of section 19, to south line of
section 3, west of the south west cor
ner of sec. 19, township 11, range 12
and terminating at said coiner; clerk
having appointed J. C. Wisewell com
missioner to examine into the expedi
ency of said road and having reported
favorable to said change it is therefore
ordered that said change be made and
the road supervisor ordered to open
said road.
Petition ef A. B. Taylor et al asking
the opening of county road No. 190
known as the Porter road. Pet Lion.
On motion of Mr. Richardson Jno.
Cook was appointed supervisor of road
district No. 43.
Order allowed Jno. Philpot super
visor road district No. 34 the follow
ing bill of lumber: 2 ps. 8 by 8 14 ft
ong, 10 ps. 2 by 10 16 ft. long, 20 ps. 2.
by 10 14 ft. long on II. A. Waterman
& Son Plattsmouth.
Order allowed Iiobt. Puddy super
visor road district No. 53, on Dennis
Dean & Son, South Bend for 1000 ft.
of lumber and also 50 lbs. spikes ou
Hay Bros. South Bend.
Order allowed G. A. Hose, supervis
or road district No. 60, on II. A. Wat
erman & Son, for 500 feet of iumber
for use of district.
Order allowed Jacob Rusterholtz
supervisor road district -o. 53, for
2154 ft. of lumber on D. Dean t Son,
South Bend for use of district; also $1
worth of nails on Hay Bros., same
Application of C. S. and Wni. Wheel
er for the resurvey of a county road
on section line between sections 4 and
9, and 5 and 8, and 0 and 7 in town
ship 11 range 12 and setting posts or
stones according to law. Application
granted and county surveyor ordered
to make said survey.
Ordered that the county be and the
same is hereby redistricted into C&La
missioners districts under the provis
ion of an act, concerning counties and
county offices approved Haich 1, 1879,
as follows:
First district, Plattsmouth city
4675, and Plattsmouth precinct 1089,
making population of 5764.
Second district, Rock Bluffs 1268;
Liberty 1214 ; Avoca 601 ; Mt. Pleas
ant 588; Eight Mile Grove 740; Lou
isville 667; and Center 702, making
population of 5780.
Third district, Weeping Water 908;
Stove Creek 810; Elm wood 811; South
Bend 853; Salt Cieek 057; Greenwood
919 ; and Tipton 737; making popula
tion of 5495.
Ordered that the Co. Treasurer be
and is hereby is instructed to give no
tice by publication in the Neb. Heii
ALp for 60 days to all persons holding
warrants on General Fund which
have been presented for interest, to
present the same for payment, as in
terest on the same will be stopped on
and after the first day of Sept, 1881.
The following bridge petition was
Petitition of Chris. Metzger et al
for bridge across Spring Branch south
of the town site of Cedar Creek at the
point where the couuty road leading
into Cedar Creek crosses said creek in
section 5, town 12, range 12 petition
Petition of J. C. Stevenson for
bridge across Greenwood Creek on the
section line between section 9 and 10
Greenwood Prepinct, petition granted
Ordered that the County Clerk be
and is hereby instructed to advertise
for the building of five or more pile
bridges ranging from 20 to 60 feet
long such as built by W. J. White in
the year 18S0
Ordered that the order heretofore
made allowing one dollar per week
to Israel Bates for keeping a pauper,
the same is hereby revoked, as also
the amount which may be due him
undrawn before this date.
Ordered that the County Clerk be
and is hereby instructed to draw war
rants ou general fund in settlement of
all supervisors' claims for the year
On petition of E. J. Matins, Owen
Marshall is appointed supervisor of
Road Dist. No. 27.
State of Nebraska.
In commissioners court for Cass Co.
In the matter of the application of
Jno. Ossenkop for license t sell in
toxicating Hquors in Louisville, Cass
Co. Neb.
To the board of county commission
ers of Cass County. Nebraska, and to
J. E. Morrisja, attorney for contest
ants in above entitled matter: You
and each of you are hereby notified
that I appeal from decision of said
board of commissioners made on the
27th day of June, 1881, refusing my
application for license as above stated
to District Court of said county, that
said appeal will be brought to a hear
ing in said District Court on the first
day of the next regular term thereof.
to wit: On the 15th day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1831 at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, or as soon thereafter as council
can be heard. Jno. Ossenkop
by Crites & Ramsey, his attvs.
The following claims were then al
lowed on general fund:
Claim of S. Richardson services
as county commissioner, June
1881, 32 00
Claim of Isaac Wiles, services as
county commissioner, June, '81, 40 40
Claim of James Crawford ser
vices a3 county commissioner. . 44 50
Board then adjourned to meet Tues
day, July 12, 1881.
Attest: S. Richardson,
S. Richardson, 1
t, Isaac Wiles,
c. Jas. Craw ford, S
Com i s
Co. Clerk
Call For a Meetlug or the Greeback
County Central Committee.
The members of said Committee are
hereby requestable to meet at Weep
ing Water, August 6th, 18S1, at ten a.
m., sharp; to transact important bus
iness. By order of Chairman,
D. W. Ramv,
W. J. Mastin, Secty.
Greenwood, Neb., July 13th, 1831. 17t2
J. N. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8tf
If there ever was a specific for
any one complaint then Carter's Lit
tle Liver Pills are a specific for sick
headache, and every woman should
know this. They are not only a pos
itive cure, but a sure preventive if
taken when the approach is felt. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills are direct or
the liver and bile, and in this way re
move the cause of disease without first
making you sick by a weakening purge
If you try them you will not be disap
pointed. Sold by Smith, Black & Co.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Much serious sickness and suffer
ing might be prevented by promptly
correcting those slight derangements
that, otherwise, often develop into
settled disease. When a cold or other
cause checks the operation of the se
cretive organs, their natural health
action should be restored, and inflam
matory material removed from the
system. Ayer's Pills accomplish this
quickly, safely and surely.
Wedncsdav, July 13, 1S81.
fit M
5 20
Wheat. No.2.. ..
Corn, ear,
" shelled
lUiii'y, No. 2
Native Cattle
Kpgs Ylltt!Ab
l'otatoes 6t!il oo
Nkw York, July 13, 188L
Money 1.03.
Corn , .
1 2uVi
1 13
Chicago. July 13.1881
Flour 4 60 00
Wheat i 14
Com 45Vi
Oats 37
Rye 05
Barley 1 00
nog-1, ehlpuing ?(3 0X3.?G 40
Cattle. 5 &'(. 6 10
Sheep 4 4K&4 75
A Good Foundation.
One of the greatest troubles of our
people is weakness of the stomach. As
this soon causes Indigestion, Nervous
ness and Rheumatism, they prevail in
almost every American household.
There is positively no need for any
body to suffer from these painful
troubles who can buy a 50 ct. bottle of
Parker's Ginger Tonic; for this super
ior medicine always tones up the stom
ach and nervous system, and keeps the
kidneys active in carrying off the foul
matters, thus laying a good foundation
for perfect health. N. O. Picayune.
See other column. 13t5
Wa Elean Cured, Not Merely Relieved
Jind Can Prove Whnt tra Claim.
ttW ni I r wo fallnry inrt nodlrop.
po I ttm rm t. If you Br troubled with
KICK HEtDAtHK yunin be eitfclly nti.I
ol-hly fu rl. mm Imndreda have bwn
already. Mf ahmll bo to mall n
ht of tfrtlmonlaU to any lmreiitfl.
Also cure all forma of Biliousness, prevent Consti
pation aad Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relievo
distress from too hearty eat Inn. correct Diaordera
of the btomacfa , Stimulate th e Liver, and Kuirulnta
tha Bowels. They do all this by taking just one
little pHlat a dose. They are purely vegetable, do
not rripo or puree, and are as nearly perfect as It
Is possible for a pill to be. Price 25 cents, 6 for tl
Sold by druggists everywhere or sent by mail,
Itescned from Death.
In the following remarkable state
ment. William J. Coughlin of SoroerT
ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1876
I was taken with a violent bleed
ing of the lungs followed by a se
vere cough. I was so weak at one
time that I could not leave my bed.
In the summer of 1877 I was admitted
to the City Hospital. While there the
doctors said I had a hole in my left
lung as big as a half dollar. I expend
ed over a hundred dollars in Jdoctors
and medicines. I gave up hope, but a
friend told me of DR. HALL'S BAL
bottle to satisfy him, when to my fur
prise and gratification, 1 commenced
to feel better, and to-day feel in better
spirits than I have the past three years.
I write this hoping that every one
afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be
induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S
conviuced that CONSUMPTION"
CAN BE CURED. I cau positively
say that it has done more good than
all the other medicines I have taken
during my sickness." Sold by drug
gists, i
, ...... J
We are now impend to shoic at our new
Largest, Finest and
Notions, Millinery ,
Ever brought to riattsinoutli.
Read and Remember the
Embrace some rare styles iu Staple and Fancy Fabrics.
Handsome Summer Dress Silks .from 50 cts.per yard, up.
Fine Black and Colored Oros Grain Silks 81.00
Lovely shades in Taffetas Beire Suitings " 35 "
Adriatic Stripes, all shades " 12 J- " "
Real MoJiair Melanges Ony 33
Cazamo Foulards. Brocaded 25 "
0-4 Bordtt res, Elegant 25
All Wool Cashmeres
SI & Gainere Dolmans,
Good rrints from 5c pr yd up. Fine Cheviot Shirtings horn SH pr yd up.
Fine Muslins. 4 " Cottonade " 15
Good Tickings " 74 " " Table Damask, all .. 30 "
Good Gingkains ... " HH " " Toweling " 5 " "
Wlilli22,e2?y Department.
Here the Ladies will find something elegant and nice in the line of Head wear
Ladies' Hats, nicely trimmed, from 75 cts. up.
Children's Sailor Hats, from 25 cts. up.
Kil Gloves, full line 2." pr pair up. Ladies' Neckties 5c up.
Lisle Thread Glove 5 " " Fine Handkerchief 5 "
Ladies' Hose 5 " " Good Corsets 25 "
Elegant line of Swiss ani American Mroifleries, from 3 cts per yard nj.
I'oiut IluMs.e I-aeoM, Dentelle Laces, ftrabaut Lucch,
Languedov I.aeea, Venice Lacet, J-'Icml.tli Lares,
Ilretonnc Laces, Torchou Laces. Valenciennes Laces.
Carpels and. Oil Cloths,
Lovely patterns in CRETONNES and LAMBREQUIN'S.
Tiic above only comprises a few of the many
which we offer. Call and judge for yourselves. Orders by mail solicited, which will receive
careful and pron.Pt attention. SOLOMON & NATHAN.
O. II.
io;i:, 31. i.
Store, Main St, near Third, Platts
fTw-o :im1 Dmir
mouth Neb.
A tiroat Enterprise.
The Hon Hitters Manufacturing
Company is one of Rochester's great
est business enterprises. Their Hop
Hitters have reached a sale beyond all
precedent, having from their intrinsic
value found their way into almost
every household in the land. Graphic.
-Many persons are bitterly opposed
to "patent medicines," and will rarely
use them at all. There is no doubt
that many are worthless, yet a remedy
that has stood the test for years, like
Dr. Sherman's Prickly Ash Hitters,
and its sale and popularity increasing
every day, must have merit or it
wo in 1 have disappeared long smce.ioj
It is to be hoped that the poison
ous ague medicuies have had their
day. Arsenic and quinine are not de
sirable commodities to carry about m
one's system, even for the sake of tem
porarily displacing the malarial poison
which produces fever and ague. Ayer's
Ague Cure is a sure antidote for the
ague, and is perfectly harmless, leav
ing the system in as good condition as
before the ague was contracted.
CS Ft I E- -
Study, will produce infirmity in tin; Xer
viu System, in proportion a the strength of
that system is expended upon the mind iu
troubled thought, so are the organs of diges
tion, assimilation and nutrition, rendered in
active and s-hitfKi-h in proportion as ttie (system
becomes infirm. Every individ'ial lias some
one organ weaker tljaii llie i'st. and tins is ul
wavs the fiist lo sutler duriui; nervous prostra
tion ; for example, afflictinir news sometimes
pauses total suspension of the muscular action
of the heart, producing Midden hemorrhage
and death. No doubt any loiter remains of
the praetibilitv of restoring the nervous system,
and tlinm;i the nerves the muscles of the im
paired oiirans. Fellow s Compound Xyr
up of HyoiIoplites lias been proved to
uw!1 such power in numerous instances. It
will impart s!r;-.ii;"li to oereowa trouble and
afliietioii.' Persons wiio are accustomed to look
upon the dark side, and who see no pleasure in
livltnr. on u.-uij; this Svrup soon learn to value
and enjoy life, and those who (study deeply
during Ions: hours, will find in the syrup a pro
motor of the power of endurance in the brain.
There is no doubt of this fact, that an im
paired Nervou- Svtem causes Consumption.
Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Dvspepsia, Asthma,
Whooping Coiiih. Heart Disease, and a host
of others. IVIIow's Hj pophonpliHes.
which effectually cure Nemi Debility,
fckould mt-o iliee dirasB$ alio, "lie-move the.
cause and the complaint will cease."
Hot Springs. Ahk., Feb. 23d, 1581.
James I. Fellows. St. Johx. N. B.
Dt-arSir: 1 have been preseribind your Ily
nopliONpItites for several years, both in Can
ada and the Cuited States, but more particu
larly at this famous resort for Invalids, where
thousands a r.nuallv eomjreate. For thoe in
whom the Krain and Xervous Mjstcin
lias been emusfrd from xcees or
overwork. I have found n combination of
remedies no prompt and efllcacious in re
storing the vital forces, i hope that every per
son needing relief will avail themselves of co
valuable a preparat ion. JU.'11'.1;5.
For sale by all Druggists.
Every wound or Injury, even bv accident or
any disease, entitles a soldier of the late war to
a pension. All pensions by the law of Januarr,
ls?:, begiu HACK at date of diseharj" ur death
of the soldier. A,ll entitled hiiouid apply at
once Thousands who'a're now drawing pen
sion are entitled to an increase, boldiers and,
widows of the war of 112 and Mexican warayw
entitied to pensions. Thousands are yet enti
tled to houniy. hut do nut know it. l ees m a!!
caseri 10. 1'av fur every description ot c
claims collected. Kmn.oy an Attorney rei t
inn in Washington, v.ho can give personal ai-t-ntion
to vour biiiuess. Aiueiieau ituu 1'or
eign patents obtained on short notice. Send
two stamps for peusion and bounty laws. Ad
dress W. T. FiTziER.Li. V. S. Ciai.n Agent.
Lock Box 422, Washington, D. C. Clly
Com jooiinSjt 1 tf
a .
quarters, next to Court House, the
Cheapest Stock of
Carpets, Jewelry etc.,
following Price List!
Goods Bep"t
.from AO " up.
" 5
Mantles, Circalars, HavelocU
f OR A .1.3
Daniel 1. beatly, V a-shnigtoii, N. J.
SP N T SrM,is 011 mworcrl Mrthod. Ta-J.i.Hl,k's.-
Il l,1. prices, profits any peneral
jLjtIjiaJ:iamberwhnrg, l'a.
RFVIsm Hiriu TrcrVuruTc
Illustrated. Cheapest and Best. Hells at
srentM Wanted
A. J. HOLMAX, & CO..
rmiaucipiiia, l'a,
A nw A irrMt Medicml Work,
warranted th bt and cbu p.
eat, indnensatle to t7
man. entitled "tha Scienca ot
1-sfa." bound in nnenl I-Yenon
muslin, emboa ted, fullrilt, WO
paKM,contiDbutiful ateel
enirraTinfra, 12S presentation,
pncaonly fl 25aent by mail:
illustrated aampto,6e. ; aend
now, Addreaa FearxvlT Medi.
..I r ..... . I I n, E .
KNOW THYSELF. KB.No.BaUixicbst.tkM.
Any person to be seriously ill without a weak
stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? And
when these organs are in pood condition do you
not find their possessor enjoying good health?
I'nrker'N 4inecr Tonic alwavs regulates
these important organs, and never (alls to make
the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen ev
ery part of the system. It has cured hundreds
of despairing invalids. Ask your neighbor about
it. Kt-l
Hop Bitters,
(a Medicine not a Prink.)
Hops, IJnclm, Jlandrak:e, Dandelion
and the purest and best medical qualities of all
ot tier Bitters.
,. TIEilEir CTXHID ,
all diseases ot the Stoiuacli, liowels. Blood,
I.iver, Kidney and Urinary Organs, Ncrvous
!inss, sleeplessness, and especially Female
Complaints. Ask your drmreist for Hop letters
and trv them before you sleep. '1 ake no other.
Send for circular. Hop Hitter Manufacturing
Co., Rochester. X. Y-. and Torohto. Out.
Manufacturer ot and Dealer in
Also, a full l'-ie. of
Done neatly and promptly at short notice at his
Directly opposite Host Office. 1'lattsmouth. Neb
None but the b.-st of stock used !
K F Matlzews,
Har&vare, Catlery, ITails,
Iron, Wagron Stork,
if ami fEtacljiui
Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps,
IRON WORK, Kept in Stock.
MaKlUK and'Repairin?,
All Work Warranted.
lalifi VM ITnArw ciim Warrantn4
Including Shooting Outfit.
I have now a new Hrlck-Maker from ihe east,
First-CInss Workman.
130,000 No. 1 Brick
Now Heady and for sale. Come and Examine
them for Yourselves. If they
fallen a man off goes
his head.
Will Not lis Undersoil for a Quantity cl Brick
I am also low ready to Contract for
all kinds of liuildings and to iut
ui any kind of woik in
Uiick wanted.
At my place ou Washington Avenue or at K.
S. White's Store ou Main Street, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 4.rin:i
Livery, Feed & Sale
Or an Old Stable in ueto hands entirely.
The New Firm of
open the A
on the Coiner of Gth and I'arl Streets-with a
New Li very. Outfit.
1 iliice
Call and see PATTERSON & DIXON
house mioi:in;,
All kinds of
Neatly tfr Promplp
Horse, 3Iulc& Ox Shoeing,
In short, we'll shoe anything that har
four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come Jind see us.
n Filth St between Main anJ Vine Street,
ust across e corner from the nkw UKKAI
Harness Manufacturers,
and all kinds of harness stork, constantly ou
Repairing of all Kinds !
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
l?ncmember the place, (pHsite llci..
Roeck's Furniture Store, ou Lower Main Street,
1'lattsmouth. Neb.
2 1-1 y ST RE I GUT d- MILL ER.
Carriages always on Hand
I want all of my accounts settled to date,
and I shall do no snore credit business. All old
accounts must lie settled up. and no new one,
will be made. I'nless such accounts are settle)
shortly they will be sued.
I wfsli to do a strictly c:sh business li future
l'la'.tsmoutli. Neb,
r-itlijhsi 1E47 it 12 IT. 8lb Btrttt, CT. 10713, lf3.
rpHE rhTHiciani in charca of thia old and wall know
X institution ara recular graduate in mtdiriua uh
''iv-rf. Years of Expcrianoe iu Ifaa traalnaat ot
Chronic Diaeaaea bavu ui4 their (kill and abilitr
su riiucn uprior to that of (ha ordinary prartitmntr,
that Ibey bavr aequirad a national reputation through
tbpir treatment or complicated cmm.
ci Che blo4Mft, or boaM, tretuxl with iooca
na wcifi.wfic pr mci jle, without UAiog Mromf W (tUt
roitnnous Mediciue u.4 at moderu jfUMa
Y Q UNCMEN and thr ot mtdai who mr
tmmmMmm sufferintf from ertfanic weak
nefts that antlt Its victim for frirfnna or nuirrWtf
prmnnntly rnred. Hh modnml tipnii.
TUnrmmKvsnm fin yMaTrioaj ut whr eoMibia c..i.,wl;ui. t felcireJ, li FStKE and lavilcd.
Itt o( quettiont lo t aiiwtrtd tT patttou 4atriat Iraataatafc
analltd frtm to aa? a-1.lret oa application.
4riMu aafferlnifraaa ttuatara aaaal aa4 Itili iiti m.
aaa laraMaulhlatatklradatat, Itta aaa traaa.
Commumr a'lon strictly roafMoolial, aaa aaala' fca 1 1 tr, a
UK- lilTTM. 1 North Mia Hi.vat, Lamia. Mv
A valuable Discovery rnrl -!Vr IVpartur In M1
Ical Bclnnce. A fsialltvety effectlva Itemed y for tha
npe-ndjr and. pannnnent ('urn f.,r organic weaanea tha
deplorable dlanaan resal'in Iroin imtiM-iwt prartlva
or eicen In jouth or nt i,n lime of lifa by the only
true way, viz; Xu rect Application actio.- bj Ab
aorption, axertlnir ita apectlio influence oet the)
Vesicle. Ducta, ami Uiind, that axe unable to per
forui tbalr natural function, while tbia diaeaae pr
aadea the human organism. Ibe oaeof the la.uila
la attended olili no pain or luconTonience, aod doe.
not Interfere with ticr.tlnary pursuit, of life; it 1.
quickly diaeolved an J noon aliKorlied. producing aa
Immediate, anuiblnif and restorative eftectupon the
nerrou orifaoliationa wracked from vicloue habit, or
iceeao., atoppln. the drain from the ayaUiin, restor
ing the mind to health and sound memory, remove
I the IilmnM of Bixlit. Confusion of J iaaat
Aversion to Society, etc., etc.. and the .-.waraace,
of premature old ago nsually acromriavia tbia
trouble, and reatorinfr the vital fore,' wuere thoy.
have been dormant for ye-ar-a. Thia mode of treats
ment baa atood the teit in vor? severe cases, and la
now a pronounced auccesa. rug. aro too much pre
acrlliea In this trouble and, a. many can ear wit
ue?8to, with but lit'Jf. If uy permanent good. There,
i no nonsense about ini l'r3par.itioo. 1-ractlral ob
servation ti:,t-'c ua to l imllimly iruarantc-e tbut I
will vivo ectldf notion. It hua been in iteueral jae
for aevurul years and we hitve tlioumincl o teatl
moalAis from pationta, u to its value, ao it'la Dow
conceded to be tho mwt rnot yet die.
covered for reaching and curlnn ,ut. very prevelont
trouble, that is well known to 'cs the ranxi of uoUild
misery to so many, and nrjr.p whom quacks prvy with
their unelee. noeiruro aud liisr fees. The Kennedy
Is pnt upin neat uf three al zee. T7o. 1 .
to last a mora. I S3; Na. a. tsulticlent to effect a per
manent tuu, unleaa in severe caens.) S3; Ha. 3,
(la.tlu over thre i months, will restore la the -woialcon'litian.i
7. Hunt by mall. In plain wrappers.
Full t)XRECIIONS fur Ufl-nir will accaui
nfitrfoi-AenlerrrtearHiiflre ratnvn-'
let giving jiuatomiral Jtlttttratlotf
ami Tenf inioaiy, rra aci1 nmviHN I
tho tsiont ukrttticol tttat thru rantx re. j
afoi-erf. to trrt HraltH, uutt the vital I
forre laara'ljf rr-eutuMimittt I
as ser?r crTrcf ecf. nolil L. j
Market and 8th Ste. St. LOUI3, MO.
Unsolicited testimony to tho Kftloaoy of
Prof. Harrlw" Pastilles, taken from Lat
ter, aeoetve from Patrons)
Indian. April 11, '' l he hemedy I. working; per
fectlj. fmm we,kn. forarmra ..
Iowa. Oct. loth, "JV. I am almost surprised at yonr
Pastilles. They have worked like a charm on me. lam
just tvtt-e aa much of a man as 1 was bef oro taklnji I
was on the verueol tneHrave, 1 thounht, and there was
no cure tut me, but now 1 am In good hopes for a cure.
West Virginia, Auk. ix.lx7y.-l received yonr medi
cine and I believe It boa cured me, for which I am very
thankful. Inclosed find W. fleuae send aie another
box io- -'1 for a friend. You bave dune a groat talmr
for me. 1 will aend yon all the orders 1 can.
From a Physician and Surg-
M Jason ri. Jane Please forward r- ,lfvJ-.
of the I-eatUiea. The patient on ?25
recovering, and I think rhl,r wUI t, bil riaht.
, r'.om a Druggist.
ytarTl -i1. Sept- 2.T9 Laat January we aot a box of
Kemedy for one of our customers, and it hua made
a perfect oure of htm. We have another c unuimer now
uilexlas la Ibe iuii wat sad wish, one Ho. S box.
PROVED a n w
X7A nrs-p. -.X