i ) ?! Li 1 The Herald. jllO. jk. y4.C40RPHT, - j"DITOR. TLATTSMOUTn. JULY 7. 1831. THE TERY LATEST. Better and Better. Special dispatch to the Herald. Thursday, July 7. 9:30. The President continues to prove. His sleep is natoral, lm the stomach assimilates all nourishment taken. He is gaining in strength slowly every hour; though still very feeble. Bullet not yet found, and probably is in cavity of the belly, the physicians think not best to search for it as yet, Surgeon General Barnes says he will continue in dan ger until the kcation of the bullet is revealed. R. The astounding and unlooked fr information that the President of these United States had been brutally and cruelly shot as he was leaving "Washington for a visit North, reached this community on Saturday, July 2d, about 10 a. m. As soon as tke news was verified the Heralb prepared an extra, and in fact issued two that af ternoon ; one for our Weeping Water readers before 2 p. m., and one later with fuller .particulars, for readers here. Wt have partly expressed our opin ion, the pinion of all true men, on the utter wantonness and wickedness ef the attempt to assassinate so goed and well beloved a President as James A. 'Garfield. No man can feel the force ef this blow at our free govern ment nor comprehend its utter das tardliness more fully than does the ed itor of this paper; but in all fairness to the party, to ourselves, we protest against the unwarranted attempt of some men and some newspapers to drag the unfortunate complications of the Republican party into this crime, or to feist it on to one party or an other. Even in Europe the opinion at once expressed was that the man was crazy and that it had no political sig nificance further than his own imagi nation. Every scrap of evidence sift ed goes to show the man as a worth less, unreliable fanatic, capable of any unworthy act of his own volition and without being urged by any one. Whatever hi3 maniac utterances may have been on that day he was no more -a stalwart in a political sense than he was a half breed. He claims to hAve helped break the unit rule at Chicago, t have carried Illinois for Garfield, t have been a friend of Sec retary Blaine and the Administration, up to the time of the shooting. He continually importuned the President and heads of departments for a place, ou the grounds of his services to the adminisiration. Among his crazy let ters is this ne to the President, being only a sample ef many smt to various high officials: "I regret the troHble you are having with Senator Cnkling. You are right and shuld maintain your position. You have my support and that of all patriotic citizens. I should like an audience of a few moments." Thi3 does not read much like a stal wart, but only like a man that wanted a place. If anything is at the bottom of this mere than his own devilishness it is the crazy thirst for office all class es seem to be imbued with lately, and if the President recovers and te will banish the whole horde of hungry of fice seekers from Washington, be they stalwarts, Blaine, r Garfield men (in their own estimation) he will nt have suffered in vain and can bestow the greatest blessing on the country. TVe have not space for more now. We hope and pray for his recovery, for a better spirit in the party and mre unity in all the country, and he ' lieve that does the President live thes things will be accomplished through his wisdom and prudence hereafter. We do not mean by insane as offer ing an' excuse or palliation far this man's crime, or that any party or fac tion should be in the least shielded if found guilty, bat only that the bare facta and testimony of Secretary Blaine and ethers pronounce him in sane and unbalanced; and that unwar ranted charges should not be muck. Let a calm, impartial, judicial investi gation be made and then apportion disgrace and punishment. Here is what Guiteau said in his letter t General Sherman: "I am a lawyer, theologian and politician. I am one of the stalwarts." If his declaration compromises any body it is lawyers, theologians and politicians generally, with Gen. Sherman, to whom this letter was addressed, as well as "the stalwarts." N man who is not a knave or a fool would ever affect to attach any political significance to his act. Omaha Republican. Says the Daily Pall River Herald Major George Merrill, of Lawrence, says the Monitor. is one of the lucky fellows among the editorial craft. Be is postmaster of Lawrence at a salary of S3009; he holds a commission in the state of militia, and also several other crood positions, and now he ha3 just been chosen Commander in Chief f theG. A.R. . J. TT. Pierce. (Rancer's) balloon did not go P in Omaha the Fourth It sDrune aleak several leaks while v fiiiino- t with eras and the men al lowed it to depart on a lone voyage e its own, from whence it soon landed in some back alley. Ranger left to bide his distinguished head. The In dians did not put in an appearance either. Our Sarpy Centre correspondent was correct in his statement thut Rev. Diffenbacher of the Congregational church had declined being a canditate to serve after October first, the expir ation of his present pastorate. At a meeting on the 19th ult. petitions were presented signed by the citizens gener ally, and the church declined to accept his declination, and by decisive ballot invited him to continue to serve them after that time. Papillion Times. A HALT. The Attempted Assassination oftfie President. PARTICULARS IN D ETA II The President Still Lives. Latest News, &c, Ac. The terrible crime at Washington and its probable consequences are by this time known to most of our readers. It would be entirely imposs ible to give in the space of our paper any detailed account of the whole matter and the President's situation' from day to day, when it has occupied eight and ten pages of large daily newspapers. We can but give the meagre facts from day to day, but will make them as full as our space time and hands permit. The supple ment contains the earlier news and in fact all that was known on the Third. Commencing from that date we find: Washington, July 3. At 12 o'clock to-night the President's condition was alarming. Secondary inflammation had set in. and the pulsation was raising rapidly. Tbe physicians had been ex pecting the change in the patient's condition, and were not surprised when it came. The wound was dressed about 11 o'clock, but the President's pulse had risen before the wound was touched. All that medical skill can do for Gen eral Garfield has been done and now the physicians are awaiting the re sult. It is a very critical time. If the President's constitution is strong enough to stand the terrible agony which he must endure and the drain upon the forces of his system he will recover. Otherwise he will die. This caused great consternation but later in the day better news was received and the morning of the Fourth opened with a prospect of the President's recovery. " THE VICE PRESIDENT'S VISIT. Special telegram to the lute r-Oceao. Washington, July 3. About 9:20 tonight Vice President Arthur, in company with Senator John P. Jones, of Nevada, drove up to the White House and alighted. After shaking hands with Commissioner G. B Raum, both gentlemen ascended the 6 1 air way and entered the Cabinet-Toom where they were met by Private Secretary Brown, General James, and the Hon. Wayne MacVeagh. Shaking hands with all present, the Tice President asked, in tones of un mistakable anguish, after the Presi dent's health. He begged to be al lowed to see hini but the judgment of both friends and physicians was against this. The conversation was confined solelv to the President's in- uries and the great calamity which had befall. n the country. THE CONSPIRACY QUESTION. Special to the Inter-Ocean. Washington, July 8. Chief Brooks of the Secret Service was met by jour correspondent this evening at 9:30 o'clock. What is your theory regarding the shooting," was asked. "I think, replied Mr. Brooks, "that Guiteau did it of his own accord and without the knowledge of any one else." 'You do not credit the conspiracy story, then?" Mr. Brooks poopoohed the question and then said: "If any one will sho-.v me the slightest evidence of anything of the kind I will cive it considera tion. 1 have been following up every clew and can only say that there is not yet a shadow of foundation for the story. It is all nonsense as far as any thing appears now. Mr. Brooks regards the yarn as a sensational hoax. There are two New York detectives in the city. One of them is Frank Cosgrove, who did big work in the Manhattan Bank robbery case. They are supposed to be here in connection with the shooting of the President. There is no doubt that there is a theory that the act is something more than that of a crazy man which is being worked up and "traced. Colonel Cork- hill, District Attorney, and Attorney General MacVeagh were in consult; ion to-day. Washington, July 4. The 105th anniversary or the declaration or the Nation s independence was a sad one in Washington to-day. But from the elegant flags floating from the masts on the public buildings, and the crowds of department clerks on. the streets, one would not have observed that the business of the day opened as the dawn of a Sabbath morn. There was no sound of the booming cannon nor the pomp of military parade. The President lay at the point of death. and the solemn silence was profound. Instead of the happy faces and joyous demonstrations which signaled the celebration of a patriotic Deople, there were painful greetings and subdued inquiries as to the fate'of the people's chieftain. It was a 15th of April rather than a 4th of July. The assas sination instead of the celebration was the theme of the day. The small boy with his fire-crcker and torpedo, for once was not to be seen, and tne po lice made it their especial business to prevent noise and confusion among those lacking respect for the sad cir cumstances of the day. - watching the bulletins. New York, July .4 The critical condition of President Garfield, yes terday attracted a large number of persons to the Fifth Avenue Hotel to learn the latest news from the bull etins. The crowd was much greater than on Sunday, and continued so dur mg the day. It was also noticeable that there were more politicians, es pecially "Stalwarts present than at any time before or- since tbe President was shot. There was also present in the hotel corridors, ex-Attorney Gen eral Devens, General Thomas Ewing Surveyor Graham, Police Commission ers Nichols and Mason, Thomas J "jostigan, ana many prominent mer chants, lawyers and others, who dis played the utmost interest in the bull etinsfrom Washington. About midnight on the 2d a dis patch was received saying the Presi dent could not live and every one ex pected that the morning of the 4th would open with the news of hia death Strange to say a most remarkable change for the better , teok place dur ing the night, and the first dispatches n the 4th were encouraging and have so continued ever since. GN. GRANT SEES MRS. GARFIELD AT LONG BRANCH. Gen. Grant went alone to Mrs. Gar field s rowm. Those present reprt sen the meeting as most affecting. Gei Grants couutenance betrayed intense sorrow and great sympathy for Mis Garfield, ahe euueavwred to rise to welcome Gen. Grant, but he requested her not to rise, and gently offered his fiiiic-rest sympathies, lie rental tie a few minutes conversing with her and encouraging her to hope for the best. HOAV MRS. GARFIELD STANDS IT. She endures the trying ordeal in a manner which commands the admira tion of all. . She is perfectly self-pos sessed, and does not exhibit any ner vousness or excitement. Her meeting with her husband is described as an affecting scene. "How is he?" she said, as she placed her hands in those of Mrs. James. "We think he is great- y improved. Mrs. Garfield walked quickly up the stairs and was directed to the room where he was lying. The door was thrown open and she entered. The president opened his eyes and saw who it was. Mrs. Gar field knelt by the side of the bed and threw her arms around him. "It is all right now," she exclaimed, "I am here." The president murmured an almost inaudible expression of love and returned her embrace as best he could. The single witness was moved to tears, but Mrs. Garfield's bearing was such a; to inspire confidence in those around her, She refused to en tertain the idea that her husband might die. How does she bear it?" asked the president of Mrs. James when Mrs. Gadfield had left the room. "Nobly. She i3 full of courage,",. was Mrs. James' reply. "Thank God for that," said the president. "I would rather die than to be the cause of bringing on a relapse of her illness." WEDNESDAY S TELEGRAMS. Washington, July 5. At this hour (12:40 a. m.) Dr. Bliss, who has charge of the president's case is sleeping. The watchers have observed no unfavor able symptoms since midnight, and that the president s condition is not materially changed since that hour. CONCERNING THE ASSASSINATION. Col. William A. Cook in an inter view says of the assassination:. All theories should be temporarily enter tained, s as to be considered in con nection with all the facts that may be ascertained. Wlnrivw these facts in the end may guide, w should be willing to follow, irrespective of persons and party. The better course is, whether the president dies r lives, to take time quietly, and persistently pursue inves tigation to aim at the ulimate truth to suspend all final judgment till this is done, and thus to form careful, cor rect and just opinion. The time has come when perhaps the nation is to be aved from the acts of desporadoes and villains, while at the same time any really unfortunate imbecile must be treated-with proper and wise con sideration. no "faction" in it. The New York Sun says: Fortun ately, deplorable as the event is, and although it will be attended by impor tant personal consequences, the death of Gen. Garfield will have no political significance. It was not the work of a party or faction, but wa3 perpetrated by one man, who is understood to have been in a state of mental aberra tion. GUITE"AU's WDRTI1LESSNESS. Chicago, July 5. Evidence of Guiteau'. deadbeatisra is continually coming to light, Nearly every board ing house keepei in the city has a bill against him. Nearly every restaurant has his I O U, and all hotels have rec ords of discredit. The accumulative evidence is rather to the effect that he s a scoundrel, utterly devoid of moral- tv or decency ; that he is insane no body ever considered, but attributed his actiens to moral obliquity. A special says he was hung in effigy at r lint, Michigan, with the hearty exe cration of citizens who took part in the ceremonies. It was thought necessary to guard Conkling's rooms in New York on the 4th as in case of the sudden death of the President, threats had been made against his life. Vice President Arthur is in Wash ington and feel3 the blow keenly , re alizing the exciting circumstances un der which he would take the Chair should the president die. Secretary Blaine has won the respect of every ne by his action and denies saying it was a plot or had any con nection with present political compli cations but that it was the act of a fanatical, disappointed man. Our Fourth. The Fourth of July here was cele brated in duwform, barring the cloud thrown ever all joyous demonstration by the news from Washington. We hav. not space this week to enter into details fully,. and the boys must this once take the will for the deed, and pardon the Herald for its brevity about the celebration f our National Holiday. The day was bright and fair, tl e best day for celebrating the Fourth, in fact, that we have had in years. The Marshals wre early ou the ground, and the proces sion was formed on Main street as follows: Marshals, Johnson and McElwain. Silver Helicon band. Grand Army of Republic under its officers and ex-commander Livingston. Liederkranz, with officers. Temple of Honor with officers. President of the day and Chaplain. Hook and Ladder Company. Juvenile Firemen. Advertising wagon, Bohemian band inside. Independent Rapscallions in hor- rible costumes with many diabolical maneuvers. &c, &c. next a take-off oh the Band and Glee Club very good. Butcher wagons, sewing machine wagons, buggies and carriages Citizens &c. iu procession. AT THE GROUNDS. Ia the forenoon under charge of the President of the day and Mayor O'Rourke, Mr. Strode read the Declara tion preceded by a neat speech. The Band discoursed music appropriately. TOASTS. Responses to toasts were given and answered, as follows: "Our Flag." Response by G. S, Smith. "Our Nation s Destiny. Response by M. A. Hartigan. "The Constitution." Response by Hon R. B. Windham, "The Press." Response by MacMurphy Followed by Music and singing. In the afternoon games of various sorts, which gave great amusement, were enjoyed thoroughly by the multi tude. Everything passed off pleasantly and harmoniously, and, except the over hanging cloud of bad news expected from Washington, it was one of the best Fourths ever held here. The old settlers met in the afternoon and decided on a picnic, on the Fair grounds Sept. 17th, to which old sol diers and others are invited; further particulars of which will be given hereafter. The day closed without serious accident, - . - ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Report says that two men and a boy were drowned at the bridge, in the Mo. River, on the night of the Fourth. The Bridge Watchman declares he saw three persons get into an old un used skiff, that was leaky and attempt to cross the riyer. Soon after cries of "help" were heard and the darkness prevented his seeing the final result but as no trace of their landing on the Iowa side can be found the presump tion is that whoever they were they are drowned. On Tuesday another report said that Charlie Graves, Shared Graves, and one of Dr. Raney's boys at Rock Bluffs were missing and it was thought they might be the parties. At this writing we have not been able to verify this account. We cannot trace the drowning of any one to an3 certain source. The Graves boys and the Raney boy are at home safe. We have seen Mr. Johusen, Mr. Micklewait and every one that ought to know about this; ouly one thing is certain; some one was in the Rirec clinging to an old boat on the 4th about nine P. M. and shouting for help. A Bates boy from Rock Bluffs is said to be missing. The Fourth of July passed off here without any accident to speak of except the premature explosion of the Fireworks, by which Mr. McLennan was scorched somewhat. The upset- ingof the advertising wagon early in the day and the frightening of M. L. White's horse by the fire engines were not serious at all, so that our Fourth may be said to have been perfect as far as accidents are concerned. We learn t hat W. S. Wise m et with another accident on Tuesday evening as he was riding down Main street. Some ungodly boy shot a Roman can dle out in the street and frightened lis horse which wheeled and ran into Schlegel's cigar store, breaking the buggy and injuring Wise considerably. It would seem that boys and men ught to know when the Fourth is over, lliis firework business is only tolerated on that day, and those tres passing on the quiet and, safety of the community other days should be se verely punished. A Carnival For The Xasscs. On the 13th of July Plattsmouth will be pervaded with an air of hay seed, peanuts and gingerbread. The catse of this great out pouring of the people from the rural districts will be the appearance of W. C. Coup's New United Monster Shows and great Paris Hippidrome, which has just closed the most brilliantly successful sf ason on record in Cincinnati, and of which the papers in that city say: "Everybody is probably aware that Coup's Big Show is still with us, and begins to look as if the entire popula tion had determined to take it in. The attendance has been simply en ormous, and the performance has given perfect satisfaction. The as tounding flight f Lu Lu and the un paralleled leap of Geraldme, are sim ply marvelous and their terrific ex hibition of nerve and pluck electrifies the crowd and mighty cheers ascend after the audience catches its breath. To sum up and at the same time to put it mildly. Coup's circus and men agerie has no peer in this country if in this world. Take it in." Cincin nati Commercial. Remember the date and the four great rings, and be sure and visit the grandest entertainment you ever saw on July 13th, 1881. Cheap excursions from everywhere. A scamp jfiving the name of Lewis Wallace, who is now in jail, tried, to pass a raised draft here Thursday. The original was bought in Council Bluffs for $5.00. He raised it to 6500 and sigued M. W. Morgan's name on the back. The First National suspect ed him and Hyers took him in. His name in Council Bluffs was W. D. Hill, and the best informed people think he'll find it up hill work. The Century Co. (Formerly Seiihuer & Co.) The name of the corporation former ly known as Scribner "cCo. (publishers nf eri liner's Monthly. St. Nicholas. "The Spiritual Songs Series" of hymn and tune books, "Song ior tne sauci- uarv, etc.) has now been cnangeu to Tim Centurv Co. The title of Scnb- ner'a Monthly will become The Cen tury, with the next v-lume. sjt.rsicn olas is slightly changed as to its sub title, being now St. Nicholas, an Illus trated Magazine for Young Folks. The July numbers of these magaz ue are the first t bear the new corporate imprint. Scribner for July contains a paper of sneeial and tiraelv interest, "The People's Problem," in which the writer takes the ground that tne time nas come for the people of this country to exercise their right to "alter the gov ernment. Besides a wealth of literary and il luatrated matter, there are also, in this number, the concluding chapters of two brilliant novelettes, "Madame Delnhine " bv Georce W. Cable (besun in May), and "A Fearful Responsibil ity," by W. D. IIow.lls (begun in June). The May, June and July numbers, con taining these two complete novelettes, are offered for S1.00. On the 25th of June will be publish ed tlifl .Tulv number of St. Nicholas. containing many brilliant features for vacation-time, including chapters of two capital serials for boys by Rossi--tpr Johnson and W. O. Stoddard: How to Stock and Keep a Fresh-Water Aquarium"; a- full-page portrait of Denfrremont. the bov-violinist -."Stories of Art and Artists," witli some exquis ite reproductions, etc. Prion of Scribner's Monthly. S4.00 a year: 35 cents a number. St. Nicho las, 33.00 a year; 25 cents a number Sold everywhere. A Good Foundation. One of the greatest troubles of our people is weakness ef the stomach. As this soon causes Indigestion, Nervous ness and Rheumatism, they prevail in almost every American bousehold There is positively no need for any body to. suffer from these painful troubles who can buy a 50 ct. bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic; for this super ior medicine always tones upthe stom ach and nervous system, and keeps the kidneys active in carrying off the foul matters, thus laying a good foundation for perfect health. N. O. Picayune. See other column. 13t5 "ur unpttauct Column EDITKD BT TIIE WOMAN'S ClLUISTIAX TKM PK11ANCK CNIOX. " For God. and Home, and Native I-und." A Problem for Skeptics. Mr. Moody's. visit and work here have puzzled not a little those who don't believe in Christianity. They have been accustomed to say that preaching is a profession merely that preachers work for pay just as lawyers or doctors do that evangelists are a sort of star performers who travel about because they can make more money in that way than by preaching statedly in one place. But a man comes to San Francisco to hold a series of meetings. He is known to be in very moderate circumstances. He brings with him four assistants. They make no bargain beforehand. They ask nobody for money. . They do not solicit or accept any one's hospitality. They go to a hotel and pay their bills. They hold meetings day and night. They labor in season and out of sea son to reform the vicious, to comfort the sad, to instruct the ignorant. Thousands are benefited, and bless God far their coming and their work. Yet from none of these do they seek or receive any pecuniary reward. The largest churches are open night alter night; no admission fee is charged; no collection is taken up; first-class music is provided; eloquent sermons are delivered ; polite ushers are in at tendance to welcome all who come, and to seat them as comfortably as possible without reference to dress, color or nationality. These meetings goon for five months. And Mr. Moody, instead of asking San Fruiucisco to give him monev.begins to giveit money.and get money for it. He finds our Chris tian Association burdened with a debt of $34,000. He says that debt must be paid. He pledges for himself and his Eastern friends one-half of the amount, and then lie goes from house to house and man to man in this city begging them to do as much for them selves for their own home institution as lie and his friend are willing to do. Instead of coming here to receive and carry away thousands of dollars, as he might have done, he comes to work for us for nothing, to pay his own expenses, and then get us pecuni ary aid from abroad to the amount of over $40,000. What is the man's mo tivewhat can it be? His home in 3,000 miles away. lie lias no property or business interests here. He is not seeking reputation, for San Francisco can not add anything to that which he has already won in larger cities. He is not a crazy dreamer, but one of the clearest headed men I ever met. His prominent characteristic is hard com mon sense. Then why does he spend his time and his money in this way? If you ask him he has an answer ready. It is the answer of that great apostle whose faith and consecration he admires and emulates: "The love of Christ constraineth me." - But if there is no Christ whose love we can feel whose love can become a living power and impulse in our souls what then? Let the skeptic wrestle with his prob lem Let him find a "man who shows such unselfish devotion to his race without stimulus of this divine love if he can. But until such a mm is found we shall receive such lives a3 that of Paul and Moody as evidences of a superhuman presence and power in the souls of men. Our Y. M. C. A. being now ffee from debt, and reorganized .for efficient work, will become, wo hope, a great power for good in this city, where so many thousands f noble young men are making shipwreck of their pros pects for time and for eternity. C. E. B. San FitAN'cisco, April 12, 1331. POSITIVELY CURED BY CARTER'S ITTLE IVRR PIUS. V3 L'san Cured, Net Merely Rellsvsd wind Can Prove What we Claim. Tlirr-e aw no iallorfi nnrt no riUwp. mI n tm- t. I r ot are troubled Tvltii KM J IIEA IUHIB you own befMllyomi l uiol. I y fu rod, am luinilrfUa Imve bf n 1 ready. We riiall be plejwod to mail o fcheyt or testimonial to any lnt4-r-U'U. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS JLlso euro all forms of BlUouancss, prevent Consti pation and Dyspepsia, promote Dtcefttnrc.rclievr distress from too hcartr catlnsr. correct Disorder j of the Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, and Regulfvto the Bovrtls. They do all this by taking Just one litUopHlatadosc. Theyaro purely vegetable, do not trripo or purce.and are as nearly perfect ns It Is possible for o pill to be. Frlco 25 cents, 5 forfl Sold by druggists everywhere cr sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. THE MARKETS. HOME 'MAKKETS. gijain: and rKonucE. Wednesday, July C, 18S1 V heat. No.2 QA- Corn, ear, . . . i.'." " sliellod 27 Oats, 25 Barley, No. 2 (is io Kye 5 Native Cattle OH HO llnp 5 (HVf5 20 Butter 12'i'&l K.lV.'i 12' ;". 15 ttutO S 1 iiCVtxl 00 NEW YOKK'm.YKKKTS. Nkw Yokk, July 0, 1S81. Monev Sl.oaEL$i 6. Wheat $ 111 Kye ... 1 13 'ro Oats ii CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. July C. 18R1 $ 1 50 ii- 11 10:) 15' i 37 93 1 00 L1VK STOCK. Flour Wheat Corn Oats Rve Barley Hos;, shipping 5 8.7..? 1." Cattle. " . a 5 5. o io Slleeu 4 4xrii 73 How to Secure Health. It seems strange that any one will suffer from derangements brought on by impure blood, when SCO VILA'S S AllSAl AKILLA AND STIL.LIN GIA.or HLOOD AND LIVEtt SYlt UP will restore health te the physical orRimizatian. It has been proven to be the BEST BLOOD PURIFIER ever diseevered, curing Scrofula, Syphilitic disorders, e;ikness of the KidneyB, Erysipelas, Malaria, Nervous, disorders. Debility, bilious complaints and all Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney's Stomach", Skin, etc. A single bottle will prove a health renewer, tor it ACTS LIKE A CIIAHM, especially when the complaint is of an exhaus tive nature. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures fain in Man and Beast. Use exter nally and internally. TANNER'S GERMAN OINT MENT cures Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, etc., soothes Inflammation, and relieves pain in the side, chest, shoulders, etc. Ef I a n n n We are noio prcpaixd to show at our nw Largest, Finest and Notions, Millin cry, Kver brought to riattimntli. Read' and -Remember the, m? E&zess S E Si E Embraces so!:iii rare styles in S(;iile :uul Fancy rubrics. WIS OIEnZETIEIR, Handsome Summer Dress Silks Fine Black and Colored Or on Grain Silks Lovely shades in Taffeta Bei-je Suitiwjs Adriatic Stripes, all shades Ileal Mohair Mela n yes Cazamo Foulards, Brocaded 6-4 Bordu 'res, Elejant All Wool Cas June res L a was ELKCANT SI k eastern Dolmans, I at j;i:ircEi WE WILT. Good rrii!ts Fine Muslins Good Tickings Good Ginghams from re ir yd u;. .... " 4 - " ... " T!i " ' 8 hi Millm! .E6epas?f meat. Here the Ladies will find sonethinj eleqant and nice in the line of Head wear REAL IMPORTED PATTERN HATS ! Ladies" Hats, nicely trim:ncd,froi 7.1 els. up. VhildrtiCs Sailor Hats, from 2.1 els.iip. NOTIONS AND FANCY Kid Gloves, fuJI line '. Lisle Thread Glove"...-... Ladies' Hoe .. ii.'.c pr ii.iir u;. ... 0 ' " ... 5 " " Elegant line of Swiss and American SOME ELEGANT STYLES IX lentellc I.aec. Veniec Lace, Torchon LarrM Foint Kusse Liieos, IaiisnIoc Iaoem, Itretonne I:iee, ASIC TO SEE &2?ps3tS SLZ&S FINE PATTE1INS CAHI'ETS FUOM 23 CENTS TEE VA1U UP. :Lv ATTinra-s, bugs, &o. lively patterns in CRETONNES and LAMDEEQCI NS. The ;ilove only comprises a few of the many which we oiler. Call and judge for yourselves. Orders hv mail .solicited; which will receive careful uud prompt attention. SOLOMON & NATHAN. o. it. i:. m. j. PKACTISIXo PHYSICIAN. OtV.ce and Dins Store, Main St, near Third. PlaUsmout li Nel.. A Griiit Luteririso. The Hon Hitters Manufiiciarin Company is one of Rochester's reat- est-business enterprises. J lifir Hop Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their intrinsic value found their wav into .inmost every household in the land. Graphic. -Manv persons are bitterly opposed to "patent medicines," and will rarely ', use them at all. There is no doubt ; that many are worthless, yet a remedy : that has stood the test for year, like j Dr. Sherman's Prickly Asii Bitters, ! and its sale and popu ai ity increasing every uay, must nave ineut m a: woul 1 have, disappeared Ions since. is ; It is to be hoped that the p.ii.-u.n- , ous :iue lueUicnes nave nau uini ; day. Arsenic and quinine are no tie-, irable commodities to cany about m ; one s system, even tar me h.ihc m inu-; porarily displacing the malarial poison j which produces lever ami ague. Ajti n , cue Cure is a sure antnlo.e lor me; asjue, and is perfectly h;u tai"ss. ieaY- ; ing the system in as good condition as before the ague was contracted. j EXCKSSIVE ANXIETY, or PPOLONO LI Study, will produce infirmity in the Ner vous System, in proportion a- the strenjiii f that system is expended upon the nund lit troubled tDouslit. so are the organs of ai ;e tlon. assimilaiion and nutrition, tendered in active and shiiri- h in proportion as the !yst-ro become:? infirm. Lveiy individual l as soa-e one or-an weaker than ihe rest, ami t.ns w al wavs the first to suffer during nervous prostra tion ; for example, aftltf'in news sometimes causes total suspension of the muscular aetioa of the heart, producing Miidden heinorraae and death. No doubt any longer remain of the praetibllitv ef restoring the nervous system, and through the nerves the muscles of the im paired organs. I'oIIow'm Corapouiiil .yr nn of IIypopU-iitjite bee r proved to possess such power in iiuuktou instances. It will impart sjreni;!i to overcome trouble and affliction. Persons who are accustomed to look upon the dark side, and who sec no pleasure in livln". on u-iux tiiis Svrup soon learn to value and enjoy life, and those who study oeeply during Ions hours, will find in the syrup a pio uiotor of the power of endurance in the brain. There is no doubt of this fact, that an im paired Nervous Sv.tem causes Consumption. Neuralgia, Pronchiti. Dyspepsia. Aslhmv Whooping Cou.'li. Heart Disease, and a host of others. I-'pIIow'm II.vpoplti5t.tei, which effectually cure Nervous Debility, should cure these di-ea-os -lso. "Remove the cause and the comphrr.t wid cease." Hot Sim:ik;k. AKK., Feb. 23J, 1831. Jamf.s I. Fki.i.ows, sr. John. N. P. Dear sir: I have ben preseribinsr your Iy ptjphosipljitc lor several years, both in Can ada and the United State?, but more particu larly at this famous resort for Iuvaltds, where thoinantts annuallv conj;i'e;ite. For those iu whom the Itrain ! Nervous Wystcin hns been exaonted from -x-een r overwork, I have found ik combination of remedies so prompt tut! eliierieio in re storing the vital force. 1 hope that every per son needing relief will avail themselves of o valuable a preparation. Respectfully. ALFX. McMASZHK, il. D- For sale by all nmUts ZPZEIN SXOINTS. Everv wound or ini'irv. even bv accident or an v lisVa-e, entitle: soldier of the lat war to p. pension. All pension t.y-tiie law of January, lsT;. beiiin hack at date of discharge or death of the soldier. All entitled should apply at once Thous-mds who are now drawing pen sion arc entitled to an increase. Soldiei and widows of the war of 1.-12 and Mexican war are entitled to pension. Thousand are yet enti tled to boiiniy, but do not know it Fees in all caser 1 10. Pay lor every description of war claims collected. Employ mi Attorney resid lxiS in Washington, who can sive pcrsonr,j :.t-t-iilion to yoiH- business. Aineii.' aa and For eign patents obtained on slioit police, tend two stamp for pension and bounty laws. Ad dies V. T. Fivzgfkali, C S. Ci.iiiu Ajrvnt, Lock Pox 422, Washington, L. C Cily i 11V0 a . -OIF-SOLOMON & NATHAN quarters, next to Court House, the Cheapest Stock of Carpets, Jewelry, etc., following Price List! Gefis ISep't from r0 els.-ptr yard, up. 81.00 " " 1 '2. 1 , ' Only a. '" . 23 2j from 10 . . O up. ST V !.!'; fi;ui:i;s. SHOW YOU- Fine Cheviot Shirliug from 8vj ir yd up. Cottoii;ule " 13 " Tiible DamusU. ;dl Ii:-.en. .. " 30 Tov.-flii:;r GOODS DEPARTMENT. L::iie?-' Neckties riiae Handkerchiefs Good Corsets 5e up. 23 Emtroiieries, from 3 cts per yard np. ilrahant I.,iiecw, JTeiuiiIt Laces, Vxilcnciciiiie Lace. GOODS. THES: - OiS Glof lis, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 A3 ORGANS, 17 SjStop5 Set Gold Men Tcnaue reeds out a ioj AtlilrtMn la., catty, V;imiloii, N. J. E VACUOLATING FliUIT. 10 -7 fj"yvatiio on Tmirorc-t Mc!1ihIm. Ta-gnlc.-, yield", pri'-e-s profit nnv jicncral 5-tatistic. AJIDKK AX "I MULL, E'4.. 4linmhcrNliursr, la. FREE; REVISED NEW TESTAMENTS! Illtittrntea. Chcajiest an! lctt. Nells nt "Kifr xICTORIAL BIBLES! Asrejit Wanted. A. J. HOLMAN, & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A new A (rrat Mfvlical V ork, warranted the best auJ cheap eat, iniisTM'ns'ii)le to every tnkci. entitled "the Rcipnco ot J-iie," bound in Jinc-ut I ronrh muslin, embos tod, full gilt, IjUi pa?e3,cnntainibcAUtii'ulfltttel onfrravintrs, 1 25 prescription!!. IT ?--''?? "' oil f ootitutenr lr. W.H.I'ab- KKSW THYSELF, ttn No.4iiumnchit.iiosU)a. HAVE YOU '3 r T't V-:? if e A:;y pen-on to he ' seriom-ly 111 v. ithout. a stoinaeh or inactive liver or kidneys? when these oi.can are in yood condition d( not find t heir jioessor en joyiui: jrood he; iaritr"t ;iner Tonic :d":ivf rcjrii these important organs, and never fail- to I the liloo-l rje'.i and pure, and to i-trcnt hei cry part oi the fv-Iciii. It ha cured limn ot despairing invalids. AK J our i.ei;;lilior a it. ilters, (a Medicine not a Drink.) CONTAINS !Iojs. IJuelni, :.3!iiiilrokc, Dandelion aad the purest ai.d best medical ipialities of all other Pitters. THEY OX-TRIE , , , ail diseases il the Mniuacii, Howe's, Plood, Liver, Kidney and I'rinary Organs, Ncrvous uass, sleeplessness, and especially Female Complaint.;. Ask jour dnifrsist for llup Hitters and try them befoie you sleep. Take no other. Send ior circular. Hop Pitters Manufacturing 'o., Pochest.-r, N. Y.. and 1 ore di to, Out. J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in if1 Untie a.itu heavy Al--o, a full li ;e of SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES, WHIPS HORSE CLOTH ISO, ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done neatly and promptly at short notice at his ItNTIEW PLACE, Directly opposite Post Ohice, Plattsmouth. Neb. None b::t lite best of stock usotl ! "" DEALER IX Hardware, Cdtlery, ITails, Iron, "iVagon MoU, Xixini ifflucljiuctn. STOVES ami TIN-WAKE, Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD d- GARDES HEEDS. ROPE, AND ALL KINDS OF SHEET IROX WORK, Kept in Stock. ril'ikiii? aiid;i5oiairiiigr, DONE WITH NEATNESS & DISPATCH. All 'Work Warranted. tilt f t ? 53 f !r.elu:ni r;-r-ot!pt: Outfit. s t r J Si :Z very tin i Warranted Miles, Circulars, mocks, fell bite IS W Hop B NEW JMUCK YAKI). I liaVe iidv. anew B.lck-M.iKer from ilie east, Fi rs t- C 1 ass Wo rl; man. 130,000 No. 1 Brick Sow Peady and for sale. Come and Examine them for Your. -elves, ir th y fall on u man oil got x Li-t Lead. Will Not t2 Uiitlersoll for a Qimtl'j oi Bricfc I am also now ready to Contract for all kinds of buildings and to put up any kind of work in JJrick wanted. JKIillV IIAIITMAX. At my place on ahinj;toii Avenue or ut V. K White' Store on Main Street, I'l.iltsinotith, Nehrxska. 451113 NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable in new hunds etitirely. The New Firm oT PATTEKSON & DIXON, open the il STREW UT BARN on the Comer of cili and Pearl Streets Willi New Liyery Outfit. CO!) IIOUSKS AND CA T. hi AC F.S at all time iio!;si:s foil sa li:, iioi:sr.s nocunr axd sor.n, HOUSES KEPT UY THE DAV OU WEEK. Call ami seo PATTEItsON & DIXON MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH IIOKSi: MIOKINU, AM) WACON L'KPAIKINfi All kimls if l'A l: M I M P LKM KN'TS nit'ihlcJ Neatly d- Prutnplp :) Horse, 31nle& OxShocin?, In short, we'll shoo anything that ha? four fett, from a Zebra to a Giraffe-. Come and see us. iNTErW SHOP ninths between Main art Vine Streets, list across corner from the : i:w 11LKA1 OKKIl'K. piy" STIiKKJHT & 3IILLEJI, Harness Ma n vfn c t u rers, S ADD LPS pi; IDLES COLLAUS. and all kind of harness stock, constantly op hand. Repairing of all Kinds ! NEATL Y DONE c:i SHORT NOTICE HEW HARNESS ! TURNED OUT IN SHORT ORDER And Satisfaction (1 uai anteed. ;,"Pemcinhcr the place. Opposite He.i.. , Poeck's Furniture More, ou Lower Main Street, Plattsmouth. Ne. 2 1-1 y STIIEIO HT if- MILL Eli. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AMD FEED Carriages always on Hand AND HEARSE FUNERALS. I want all of e;y accounts ccitbil to date, and 1 shail do no more credit business. All old account must be settled up. and no new one will be made. Cnless such account are citicd shortly they will be filed. I wish to do a strictly c;sh buslne:; fut lire JOHN SHANNO N, Platls:.iouth. Neb, ES8SPES2SARY, I:'i:li:isd 12i7 tt 12 17. E:h Stroot, CT. ICTO, 113. 'J'liF. rtiyicmns in charge of this old nd wll It an f- in.oueinn Are rL'tiltr praduatet ia medirm. ant ";rerT. Years of Experience- in the treatment nf Cl-.ronio DiJae l:av ma.lu tboir (kill an ft aliililj iiej:n superior to that of the ordinary practitioner. ti::it tin y liavi acquired a national reputation tnrouli INDISCRETION OR EXPOSURE r ! Hit: fjlootl, ft 11 n or ft-toii', treaul with iucch, on HC.eiit.lK pi lue.-iiefl, without unitiu, Mercury or nor i 'i.sonriim Medicine aoi at mode rut cxpeune. YOUNG MEN ftnr1 """O of middle r who ar ' Ti-Miii--ii'iM g-jffr.nK from organic wenfe npflg tbat nntits itn victim for ufiinna or muxrlattt, .rmnnly on re'!, ftf modptnt! fizpeDM, auetnuui PATIENTS TREATED r m..i ai Eipr ri7ai-ai tin mm -"" Lilt o( rt :,uont to l aniwrp1 t.T ( aticntc Ucairmf treatibeot m.-t4 free to anr sdHret. nn applirativn. erons utT.-rfn froat Kuplur thauld ead larlraa1cMattk and I. ara Mim.lhinpr to thflr a4BHlaff. It U aot a traaa. Crr:TTni! ir.to.ti. ,tnf ! Ir fDa.1r ot ial, d4 ihould t. ad-r.a.c4 Ml. UV TI'H. IK Serth 8 Ik Bi.8t, luta. Mm. PROVED A succfss BY YE ARS U i. OF USE! A vnluablo DIacovrry nr.. Di f.artiiro in Med- leal Science. A fiu' v..- n'Miv lii-cii.tly tor tho jjedyand ormnnont Cm I r ir..n -r wukna thu dHloralle dtaitnn rn.-ult :i. t 'iu irt::scrut .rtctio) or excftaaes in youth or nt ur , 1 1 ir;-. ol lifw lr t h only true way, viz: Ulruct A t i. ligation actinic by Ab sorption, ana elortlr.? ltd ;..cilio Inllunceon the Veeiclea, Llucts, act Glnud. tliat ar unaliln to rwr. form their not.ir! fiinctejni. Mn! t hia dmcaae pr ad tho human orKau.am. Tne uw of the Pnatllla la attAnd4Mj with no pain or tnconvor.loiice, and dnnaj Dot Interfere with tho ordinary punenla of li'o: it i quickly diaaolved and a.'Hia atfortted, producing? in immediate eoothlnir and rfta(-rr.tiv.j f,'Jt;ctupoa tb oervoaa oriranir.ationa wrc!;od from vicloua haUltaor ficeasea, Moppintr th tirniTi from tha au.m, rator. nf the mincl to health anil Ps.unJ rucniory, rraof Inn the limnw9 of &:bt, Coiifudloa of Idaaar, Aversion to Society, fitc., etc., t.o l t liappearani of prematura old iiito usaaily ac(ompanyin this trouble, and rtBtorintf the Tluil foicea, n th-y hare been dormant for vara, 'i'lila mole of treat ment baa stood the tst ia vry avere caa. and la now a pronounced auccess. Ir airs are too much pre caibeil Jo this tronliln, and, as ninny cao bear wlt ceaa to, with but tit t! If any permanent u -od. Thre ia no nonftHnneahout thla J'rppin.tion. Fractlcal or aorvatioo enHhlfB us to i..-Hitlvly K'-inrajitee that it will ie satisfaction. It hus Iw.-o in Kenpral uae for anverRl years and e hnn thousunfln of texti. monlals fom patients, m to its and it la now conceded to be the mot r.-.tlonal nu-una y-t r!i covwi for reiichictr an.1 curin.: tl..airy pri-vatnt trouble, that Is well knoan tol,lhcviwnl untol.t mlaery to so manv.and upon whom uua Its pry wlia their useless nostrums and biir tV. 'aha I4einell Is put up in nat i.n". of three t!i.-a. ISO. I.ieuouK'a tolatmonth,lS3; No. 2. li ilhci. ot to eitect a tar, maneut cure, unl..s in a..tr cass.l $5: Mo, i laatintr orer threo mnthti. will ware Iboaa la th wortcon'litiio.i 7. Hi nt by mail, In plain wrapiwra, Full DIRKCXIOMS ior Uauiitf Wia acooiukUiy r AfiiitursTOi'" jmrnjiiire j'ampn- him airlna Atintotiticnl Hlutratlanm ( Testimony, tchic-h will convince p the tiiotii m.riiutii mar IHcu canbe re storer! to perfect health, and the, vital fur rem t Intro' I if rc-cnttihlimhrtt a.am vua If never affected, tioltl O.V.1' by HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC. CHEMIST! Market and 8th Sis. St. LOU13, Mo. Unsolicited testimony to tho Efficacy of Prof. Harris Pastilles, taken from Let ters receiver! from Pntronsi Indiana. April 11, "i'J. I he limi.ly ia worklr per fectiy. liad ei'll"; y f "in w..i.n..s.. forM joar., past. Iowa, Oct. l'Kh, ''i'J. I nm almost urpr'.sed at your FastilUis. They have worked likHchi;-m on me. lam just twice as much of a man as I wi.a Itefore taklnac. I was on the veriteof tbetrrave, 1 thouitht. and there was do cure for me. but now 1 am in k'whI how for a curs. West Virginia, Aug. s lJii.t receivsol ynnr medi cine nnd I believe it das cured me, for which I tun very thankful. Inclosed find 9r. Plense send ma another box iN j. 2 tor a friend. You huve dorie a roat thinaf. for me. 1 will send yon nil theorrioia 1 caa. From a Physician and Surgeon. Missouri. June 7"- Vloaae forward me another box of the Pastille. The patient on whom I hare used most of vne bus, in addition to n acmj.le Iki, ia faat. recoTerinie, and I think annihur will set him all rltjht. From a Druggist. Maryland, Sept. tTS Last Jann.try we (rot a box of your Henieay for one ofour custome-f, and it has made, a perfect cure of him. We have another cuatoraer noisy oitariug la Ute iMung way, tvud FLsa oue ISo. V box. vv .V V f a, H u . 4 V y r t X Li I 1 ' Jaji