The Herald. A I V K It T I N I X j U A TEH. ii-AcK 1 1 w. ('. w. ; t. f i in. j 3 in. I fi iri.TfYr": ivr PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY, AT .pi A T r " f! TT ; it - -i r ; 07 I II Ik ' i I ; , J , : ;) , . 1 Kf-"1 . TV PS 1 J SWJ LJsJt :1 no si an. $y ;i $, m i 5 1 3 2' ",')! llMfll I til 4 00 4 "! M Ihi I.UO 2') loo i'l l :iik) no 1 ' X , l.,iK) '."WHIt .im no ,,0 2 "irj 3 sips. I Mi 'I HO, 2 (Hi 2 75 V 'l . Ml H col . . i 8 (ii)' linn ljllU, 15(0 2HK. af I H . 40 I Ml . Ml 00 1C0OC tT oil Advertising mils Due Quarterly ITTramlit Advertt-tnritt must bt Fi In Advance. ,1 f-J' EAGMURPHY, iditcr, TERMS: $2.00 a Year. I.-;. VOLU-ME XVI J. v PLATTSaIOTJTII, 2vI.Li:AMA, TIII KSliAl, JULY 7, lJ xumi5f;"r ig. if?" I'xtra Copies of the Mrni.n for sale hy J. r. Y..HN1. jit the Post-Oillee Ne Dooi Main Street. .... The Herald. 171 1, ill I.Pf IOLAa ll J U Ja A. Wool Cassiiiiei'e Suit Tor f$ 8S A. gfoodiLU "Wool wit fer - f jSl MJEJLIL Worted uit. ami no. Cotton . i& JlmsiaSf on5 for - aT " v.i IV 9 -i C V ( j IJjS. Ff ICI.U SIHECTCRY, shite. Directory. A. S. T' vl)lMH"K. I'. S. Senator. P.eatriee. I ' 4 V S X I' K I K US, I. ri. Senr I or. Inialia. K K. V A I ,K JbTI X K, Uepreent :it V. West 1'oint. A X. M S N A M'K. (iveriior. Kineolu. S. .1. a!.KXA"MI:K, Secretary of State. .Ill iv yi A 1 ill ' ! I . Aiiiiitur. I.iiieoln, i. M ::. ii I 1.1' I T. Treasm . r, l.iiienlri. W. -1 .It ) V l-.S. N.if.f. i'nl lie I iihI ruel ion. A . : . MIM'Al.l . I ill t '. 'in i ii inner. '. . ! : l. V i i: I i f. At I ornev I'-eeral. '.K i.f, UAl:lilS.liaiUi!i f reniltitiitri . j.j- :- v 11 ilKV.'xiS. S,.i,t H..ii,;t;il for the Insane. Supreme Court. V ' "'VI ;.t.. ... ..,.iiice. Kreinoiit. i ; i . s ,'v K. ' i..d!i:i. - i M I . !:. i.. svr Jutticiitt 'Jittricl. S. '' . ." I .1. l.ii.-.,!ii. .: ; '. i n . H ii.,'-a i ty. '-!. " i t y . . ' i Ki:. ( j.-ik losi'iii t 'ouri, ' - . . ! ! . . . . , . A. - 1.. 1 AN. i i imiy .Jiiii-.'. ;. : i i. u-r ;. .). . I I : I. .i . . '..mi! y 'I rt u-'iii i . ! .. .'. U -'. ill i I't. I . i KV.I'n. Siiit I'll'.'. l;e-trin i .. . 1 1. ! i . M.rve) of i i ' . v s. i 'oioii' r, m .: i -;i"N y.".-. Si.v-r:. ;.I'.:iiai:iisi.n. it. ri. a-m-.i i i - . i - -r. in .'. I l.l. rial !siiui;itil 1'reei-iel. JA.'.i -. I'kAWl'OKD. Sdu'.Ii I'.eli l lreeii:rl. I'ai::f3 liavin tmsiness villi tlie County Conii:iisioiiers, ill fintl tliem in session tlie Fiist Monday and Tuesday of each month. -J3t City iJire'Jorv. J. TV. .MnXSOX,Mavor. .1. M. I'ATTKKSON. Treasurer. J. 1. Hl.Mr.-MN. City t'letk. IMCII AKI VIVIAN. I'oiiee .Fit IgC. W. 1. IDNFS. t'lm f of I'oiiee. F. K. Will I i:. Chief of Kire 1). t. (lil'Xl'II.M 1'N. lnt Ward F. i( i:iKK. '. 11. I'A Ki.K. J'i Ward (i W. FA 1 U I-1 Kl.I . .1. V. W;.V.- l it.VCll. r..i :t;.i.t-:i:, ths. roi.i.o; !v. 4!li Ward 1'. Mi (. ALLAN, C. S. DAWSON. 7WiA JNO. W. M.VKSHAI.L. riiorF.ssioxAL cakds i:t. ti. mkahk. rilYSICIVN jiinl srilf.FON. onee ill Fitz i'erald I.Imi i;, whieli will he oorn ii::y or uivc'.'.t. Hf E IS. .1. It. Mrt iir-A, FlOMacrATIUC IMlYsrClAN. Ollice over V. V. Mathew s Hardware Store, I'lattmouth, Ne braska. !" iiiU. A. M UiXKY. ATTOUNEY A.T LAW, NOTAKY PUBLIC, and Collection Aftent. Otliee over linker & CoV. nore, Flattsiiiouth, Nelir;uska. 141y it. II. livixi;stx. 3J. TIIVSICIAN & SURIiEOX. OFFICE HOUUS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. in. ExaniiniiiK Surgeon for U. S. Pension. il X. CliL'TTKlt. DB1TTIST. ristlsmoiith. X e-h rank a. O.T.eeon Main Street over Solomon & Xa- lh a it's Store. li'JL. U'J L ri. WISE. COLLECTION 'S .-I STJrcsi L TI . ATTORN KY AT LAW. Keal Estate. Fire In fill nee and Collection Aiiency. iiniee in Fitz gerald's block, l'lattsinoutli, Nebraska. ?rua " !:. . it. ATTORNEY AT ker. Special attention given t Collections and Kl matters aflectins; the lille to real estate. Office on i!d Uuor over 1'ost Oilice. riatlsmouth, Nebraska. -0l. I. II. VIIF.llLS:Jt & t o. LAW' OFFICE, Ileal F-itate. Fire and Life In surance Atrents, I'latisiwouth, Nebraska. Col ec tors, tax -jiay erf. Jlave a complete abntract f titles, liuy and sell real estate, negotiate ans, &c. 15y H.V:5. 31. CIIAP3IAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nd Solicitor in Chancery. Office in Fitzger ald lilock, 15yl rLATTSMOl."TIl.Eli. It. 15. Wl.NDUAM. 1), A. Notary Public. WIXDIIA3I V t V3II,IU:i.I, ATTOKXKVSAT LAW. riattsmouth, - Nebraska. JAMES E. MOKKISOX'. W. L. BIIOWSE. Notary Public. MOKKISOX A BIMMVSE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW". Will pi a: f ice in Cass Hint adjoining Counties : Lives ;ieeia: attention to eo4l'etimis ami abstracts .f title. ;iie,e in Fitijeralil Ulnck. Piat t -fiioiii N t bl'iusk.l. lTvi till TiuiTrTiT) Tish. A. s:::i.s., Ii oitrU tor. On Sixth. S.iiith of Main. 1'iid Tr .i.'isfi-jif Tnntl h'.uta liti tud. blUUD MX A f.X li Y THE DA 1". PLAITS MOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOL'lII. NEi;. V. HB:SSa:i., - Ciopiielor. Flour, Coi n Meal d- Feed Always on hand and for sale at lowest c.vsli prices. Tlie highest prices paid lor V. beat and Corn. Particular aiu ntioii iven cu.-.tmu work. J. i7. B A U W ! S T E ft Fisniisi.o ! Pure Milk Seeh.l fi.lis .iltoiiJ d to, and Fre.-h Milk irein s.-.tic tow when w'anted. Aiy aND , MACHINE SHOPS! JOHN" VJZ-2lA:j.JT 1'L.VriSMOCTll, XKi-... ''Hirtr of attain Engines, Loiltrs, iir and Grist Mill: ; V aM mTAM I'llVlxiil. !-.'.::; !r.,:i Pil e, Force and Lift Viyes.Stea.ia ;a --f Safetv-Valve Uovernors. aud all k:.. 'si.I iiMNS Fni;iiie Fittings, repaired o. ifhort uoliwe. t- A r-i M M A C H I N E W holesale and Retail Dealers in PINE L.UAIBEK. LATH. SHINGLES. 8 ASH, DOOKS. ULINHS, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Mam street. Corner of Fifth. rLATTSMOUTJI, - - - - NEB Lll our StocJc nets -beerc lg,E3S5UC2S . - T V.- ;iV.f ' V. i: r -." t: S- . Si ' j Vil .j. C4v2i3 j. ri B. & M. R, R. Time Table. TuJcinj Klf.,tMu 15, 1S:1. FOR OMAHA FKM PLATTSMl it Tlf. ! .eaves n :Ci a. ni. ArrHes ::;: a. in. 2 :!" p. in. " 4 :1 p. tit. FROM OXIAliA FOR FLaTTSMoCTU. I :iv, s i : r, ;i. in. Aii'm s ! :c5 n. ! " 7 ;-) p. in. ' !l : I. m. !(?!: i.'i!: VEST. Leaves rial ismi.i;;;!i -j :' it a. t.i. Arrives Lin coln, - :ii) p. ii'.. ; Alii; es Ki iil'.i'jy, 7: 10 p. 1:1. Fieiiit iciv-s a! f :-a a. .n. and at x :H p. in. Arrive at Lincoln ai 4 : .-;t. in. :.:i! a. til. j FROM THE '.VK.vr. ' : Leaves Kearney, n .i. .a. Leaves Lincoln, ' I .no p. m. An i'.cs Platlsiaoi;:!.. ,i :.t p. in t Fli l;.'lii leuvc-s Liii'-in at 12 : p. tn. and 0 :40 j p. m. Arrives ;it !'ia: sinouiii at ' ;.j" p. in. and ! I I :V.p. m. OOIN'C EAST. P;e: "i'ei trains 1. n vc ( I iTt si; i in il :!t 7 IKl a. :n. s i" a. h:.. '; i ' t i. and tr.ive at l'm ilie ; ..'i,rt ii-.ii ;,t ; :'ii a i :.. J" :. I I, a.:! 4 10 p. In. ! FROM T!h iCAST. ! Fa-f e.i.-r t. a''. Ii'aic P.t Hie ..' ' -net i ;i : 8 Sil ' a. in., ii p. t i., 1 (tti a. !. and :.. . ivc at Plaits- ii...ui;i at SI i-'i a. in.. 7 1" ;. in. :.!: ! H :10 a. in. T'lktirj r.V.'t il Uii-.imj, IJ.r-'itilni WIST. b il.'ipiu 6 :I5 7 :25 8 :20 8 :55 9 :40 10 :15 10 :a5 11 :40 STATIONS. HASTlNliS. " AYR. 15LFK II ILL, COWLES. AMP.OY RED (UTI), 1 NA VALE. RIVERTON. FRANKLIN. RI.ou.MINOTOV. N'A PON EE REIT P.LICAX ALMA ORLEANS (lal'Oi.'i) ARaPAHOK EAST. 12 :10aill 11 lO-.o 9 :2U 8 :25 8 AH) b :a5 t! :10 5 :10 4 :4.- 4 :I0 .J :4o 2 ! :25 1 :4 12 :.r)(!am 1! :40 12:10pai i 12 in 1 :2.) 1 1 1 2 :2o : 2 :.V1 3 :.")0 ' 5 :n0 : AlllllVAI. A.VI IM'.l'AKTlKi: OF P I. A TTS JKIl'TII 33 A 1 1,!. AiuavKs. 7. p. m. I !.) a. m. f S.on a. m. i 3.:w p. m. f 1 1 .ihi i.i p. in. 1 .:.' t a in. i p. in. ) ll.fHi a in. ll-.oo a m. IlKI'AIITS. KASTKU.V. WKSTE1SX". .0!T!1 KI! V. ov : ii i liN. OMAHA V. KKl'l M! VV A TI-.K i ACToIiVVII.LK. I T.iki a. m I 3.(0 p. in ( 8.. a. in. ( p. Ill :.IK) p. m 7.(' a. in 7. 1.", a. in. ' 2.nn p. 111. 1.00 p. Ill l.oo p. m Nov. li),Js( . J. W. Marshall, r. M. O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IX Drugs? Medicines AND IXT J T. T. 13 A, TT!J? II --, S-i. -tJ-.A, JLJiJLZpq All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Proscriptions Carefully Compounded It)" un L.vix'rienroil Druggist. IIEMEMKF.R THE TLACE. flth ST., 2 DOOUS SOUTH OF MAIN PL ATTSMOETII. X EB. UNION STORE! Eight Mile Grove, Neb. 1JY V ALTER JENKINS Having opened a New Store at the abov I call attention to inv htnek, and ask tlie patronage of my friends ami the i'nliiic in general. ' Dry Goods, Groceries Tinware Wooden wart and General Goods of all sorts. CHEAP .A-ZTNTID GOOD Call and see our Stock heore joi;iq elsewhere. 341y Walter Jexkins. NEW HARDWARE STOR. ,J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of h?rd w are. on jm m.3'iJ hp M4R jit'isiiia. Nest door west of Chapman & Smith's Dru Store. Jl Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPA D EX una ALL (i A ED EN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly the Kn or Vonnd KOPE, POWDKll, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full Line of ( ITM;!!Y. Special Rates ic Jiuitc!ers and Cun 1 1 actors. All poods sold'as o s they possibly can be ami live. 41v DAVID LAHDEETH & S05S Philadelphia. Pa. U9 1 HKNRY BCFOK DEALER IX SAFES, CHAIRS. mv.. ftc, (,.. Of All Dewijitiunv. METALLIC BURIAL CASE? VOODEU OOITLF'irtTG Of all sizes, reaily made aiv! sulil cheap foreiLsh MY FINE UFAllsi: IS NOW READY FOR SERVICE. Will; n aiij (hunks Sue pas; j ,.,-r:.r.:, Invite all to call and examine my LA EG E STOCK OF 13tf. Fl'IWTI'HK Al) PdKFIX'M James Pettee DEALER IN" Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The I'nriralled )I.inoii & Ilamliu CABINET ORGANS. Also State A sent for the Henry F Miller and AV. C. Emer aiii l. Pianos. S A M I'L E I N STE UM ENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEIL Susic ScSioIais Will do well to examine our New Mason & Hamlin OZRO-A-tsC IITSTSTJCTOE X 33 'C N (U - "51 ft H ' T Si d CO "-4 J oo a o o P3 W sv fc5 - c S c - M r3 CSS m cS C3 as S O fc- co S-i --2 P-i c r4 ' 5 " " MONARCH RILLIARD HALL! In the basement of Mcrr s' Store, PLATTSMOFTII, - - - N EP.RASiv A. One door east of the P. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With XKW 350XARCII VAi;iiS.H. Cigars Temperane Drinks On hand at the counter. It is a wide and spacious Hall ; plenty of room for players scats for visitors. En. Oi rvia:. P. B. MURPHY, Manager. tllf Prop. ' lie ? Purest and Rv st ;.i!ic. lie -ver Ji-de. p AccPmb-natkm rt Hops, Cuchu, Man- 5 '; draWie Mil b.inl.e::o.),';ii' k.i tr.tbr.-itiiJ g f i,.tcluiivB;.:.r.:.s oi kii cuier n.nera, (g i.iikettiocrii.:.i?!ooJPurifier,Her Q 5 KesU l"y it tor, a:idl:' and il.-titu lljitorina C 3 A(feut onlTaaS.-.-.-.-T ' S 3 Souti-a.soc.aJiP-'Kii-'l-l''" ' k-Iitu V.r.p y ? H.ttrts ai ns" pvi .ttt me tUiar g cl cmious.KHA W d ToallwhoM etni'l")!"'--!111'""' irrorulari ft G tyof U;lowclsor,. urinary oraiut. nr uo n S nuirean Aj.iKHzer. Touie andrai.J btuwhn;, i liupil.ttersare iuvnlV'1 Without ir.tO!.- No luaiter wli.ityourfe Va'"'!r"Js "yrvptw.M ...... ..... ... -.17 r,c..t. it 11... T:i. tors, non't wait uuul yoaa? ,-u SI':!i but if uu Fj UIUJ . ... , . ... . . ' l II . 1 ,.1J1V. " H . . . . . J . It may sari your hast" V ed iiuuilreds. $500 will t piicl fora enT-e they win not eurei.rhe;i. lv i:rt nuir.T crlct y.Mir frirudj su'.rt-r.lut use and ure thcra10 Uitt Hop B ltemcmlr, flop Titters ts noVVtI''i erupted uruniica n struni. bat tac lu:v.-,t n d I'est 3IcUic!ne'vi;r M.i.ic ; t'..o "IXV VLIDs ttlESIl ana Huet- nun no jjrnoa or family alioulJ bo wit'aoitt them. jwiivjjai D.I.C.i '.an a'wnl'it- t! Irrc-irtiMa care g Pi. if ' narcotics. 4ii.i.i o nnc."ii Scul a i. ' V tor Circular. Hop WUtrs Er. Co., Pi.Jj RnflvstiTlV i.lT..n1"."-' iii-Ji BRICK! BRICK! II you want any Fire or Ornamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. SURE 3 REMEDY F0 BALDNESS PreMcnpiicu Free T 3tnon witu will .n l. &- wren new (rrowui oi Unirw LUkers or MuitacUeit Is vtuily prxincl . a-Tiiooa 6i Co 3 Clinton i?Lice, New tWlu sare bound, K P. PI H 5? ri fr$r; it ' n k N a t i o n a i B a n k OF PLATTSMOFTH. "' !. i'.R AS K A . ' InllN FlTZIJKIt M.;t PlVSIlletlt. Ii. I r. J V K V i'r.',!.! . . V. Mrl.Al ; ll i.i v (';;s!ii:'i. IjMI O UiifKliB Vssi.-Uilit t'iisli;. ,; T!:is Lati!v is now p ;i ': i i-ii!.-s al th. ;i lew cirtu r M ii:i -1 - t Sv.ii -::-r.... .i,:.; is pi r-paicn l.t t ran. -.: t u r.:! BAKKIM'G BUSINESS. i. ckv. Bonds. G.'f i fli .cr I h:i::' . .' i. .-t ' . .''r-.s. Wi'uble i:i a:;y I i Li: -,i . - t.! P. al! ti. I'lii : ;u- i Tov. a'n. o -' .' '. . ; i1. I i i:i.!'.;.f,A'i LliMAN LINE AND ALLAI LliiE Ofr' STKAJII'.IES. Person wishing to bring out their friends from Kurope caii I'UIiCHASF Tti'KF.TS t'HOM t"S Thronsh to i'latt-ir.ioulli. WEEPING WATER BANK This I5an!c is novv open for ths transaction of a Banking Exchange Business. ii:ioit.; Received, r.nd Interest aiiowed on Time Cert Heatcs. IlKAFTyi Drawn, and avaiiablo in the principal towns and cities of the United States and Europe, o Agents for the celebrated i Line oi stealers. t n ft i Purciiase your tickets from us. Through from Europe to any Point in the West. KEED r.ROS.. 21. f Weeping W ater. Neb e. sagk: Successor to Sai;e Ukotiikks. Dealer in STOYSS, " TINWARE, SHEET IRON, 21 N :o: At the old .Stand opposite the new II. PUMPS, GAS-FITTING, ALSO Hakins? & Rer!airino, Done. A. G HATT .H'St OPENED AOAI.V, i), Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Ma in Street Corner of, Plattsniouth Kvervbody on imnu tortresn, tender meat. -'SYl.06 H0BERT DONNELLY'S 11 LACK 31 IT 11 SHOP, Wagon, Baggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing m laiiii ium uiiici niaeiiinerv, as mere is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop, ne is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xevv WasouH and Ru;ich made to SATISFACTION GC A RAXTKED. Shop on Sixth street opposite Strelnht'a Stable MOiiillS O'ltOUilKi:. onee incire comes furwar.I with an eiitira liev PALL 'o "VvirXXNrT,ni!33. Stock of the fir.est "Piece (ioods ever brought into Phais'iiiiiulli ! I EVEI5Y GATiM ENT CUT IS WARRANTED to FIT Hundreds go there and they are ALWAYS SUITED. Shop oppoi-ite the Coin t House, dive him e.ill ami examine for vom selvt. 4tf WAX TO for'the Pest and Fast-ei-t Selling lictorial Rooks and I5ib!es. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Publishinu Co., St. Louis, Mo. 51tl3 tn On'"11" ,l:iy ilt home. Samples worth LU P-Uj5free. Addrens, STiiox & Co Portland, Maine. Wely Tiy izs to sell you youc Ti Tt T Ti" -,'3!3 -it- w e are &omm O i-.'i.-.c-.h. iiiiAi is i r K.- . ' ,- ' Xk .v"5. ' -' r : , , r? j -" Uliat Otjr Lxtlianst'S Say. I j Oakland will have tin Indian war : diince us one ot tlie lt-atuits !' In; I 4lh uf July ctltliiatiwii. At .4 1 1 i iie;ir Hiunphrt-y in 1'latU; Cu. u hail alorm covtied the rout id with hail stunts nine inches dti, some of tliem as big as hen's egs. The editors of Norih Nebraska met at Nmfolk, on the 10th inst. and or ganized an association with il. S. J;ii t iett, of the West l'oint Iiepublic;t:i, as president. Ashland Gazette: Mrs. Joseph Mc- Kinnou left for London, Onio, last i Vv edneiday. She goes in resnonse to a telegram announcing that her latnt r was not expected to live. The Friendville relegrapii says that the railroad near that piae W;;s thick ly covered one day iii.-t vveeiv with small toads and fn-s, o"i:;5 west perhaps to either j jiu the poHgamists oi "grow up with the country." " Seward lieporter: One .end of the warehous-' of Johnson, IVriy, A: Co., at ililford, burst out last Thursday, and several thousand bushels of wheat ran out on the ground. By lively ex ertions most of tLo grain was taken care of before "the rain struck the town. Glen wood Opinion: Ourg ardeners around Glenwood are supplying the markrt this season with the riuest straw berries we have seen. We are glad to see thai some attention is be ing paid to this business. We get bet ter, fresher berries, they cst les than those shipped in, and our people profit by it all the more. And our people get theirs from Bur lington and Chicago two or three days old. Arapahoe Pioneer: F r o m t h e "pleasant and agreeable" Division Sup't, Alex Caaapbell, we learn there is but twelve miles of track laying to be done to complete the B. & M. from Ked Cloud east to the Missouri Uiver. It will all be finished by July 1st, when a new time t:ble will go into effect, but just what change it w ill make in the time of the trains here he was unable to in form us. During the tliuieier s orm last Tues day night Mr. Ktiipon ol Lincoln pre cinct had the nnsiortnnc- lo nave a. line span of mules, .worth three hundred dollars, killed by l;ghti;ing. Strange is it may seem the mules were in the stable, a sod building, .and the thunder bolt passed in at an opening and struck 1 oth mules in the ear, pass ed thence down the neck ami for.- legs killing them instantly. Tiuien." Grand Island Times: Prof. Druin- inond left for home last Sunday morn ing having completed his institute work in a manner highly .Siitisiaetory to all the teachers, and everybody else cone rued. He made many fneni during his stav here, a host cf whom would be more than pleas.-d to see him at the head of our public schools. Ashland Gazette: O. M. Carter and family, accompanied by Mrs. A. B. Derlin, will start in a few days for Rosebud Agency, J). T They go all tlie way by team and expect to reach the agency in about two vetivs. .i.teiu one hundred miies ot the journey they will have an escort. of Indians to pro tect them from the "road agents that infest that country. We wish them a pleasant journey and si safe return home. North Platte Telegraph : -Murdei smd suicide are- seemingly becoming popular and frequent crimes in this slate. Not long since 1 eru, NfULiiiu county, was the scene cf a brutal mur der and suicide; now follows, a mur der at Fremont, Dodge county, one at St. Paul, Howard, Co. a fatal stabbing affray between brothers at Omaha, a suicide at that place and one at Louis ville, Cass county. What tends to this sudden and dire development of crime is a problem to-day. Erownville Advertiser : On Tues day of last week while some children were at play at the house of Mr. Al bert Lecper, near Sheridan the old story was repeated in a most sad and tragic way. They found a convenient gon and Otto Dovel, II jears old, pointed it at little Nettie, daughter ol Eli Wood, pulled the trigger and sent (RIB IPIBI cijzd. See Tv7iat -. SUBSffiEZSHL GOATS -Ilia fLlpsneas9 Iel$ee9 M!oI&uir9 JLutro9 ILIaaeuB stud IPopliBBS. i I- . it. " leia, j R v m ou'o some joa-i i.naucDniont 10 cioss a. 'j "i r" --- ' ""Jr'rT' ' : i , ."' a lyv t" a load of shoS into the left side of lit tle Nettie, killing her instantly. Corn nn'iil ;'.:.! e.nilio!! about leaving lin ai ins in reach of children is un liecrssary, the destruction of the inno cents from criminal' carelessness will go on all the same. From a special despatch from St. Paul, Minnesota, we learn that Pat rick Lyon, a reputed railroad man of Ic3va, has been arrested at Onoka charged with the robbery f Ila.M's Dros., brothei s of Father Hayes, for merly priest of tlie Catholic; Church at this place, found dead in their room, it is supposed from iilLcation bv an exploded oil lamp. They had SiiOO ! when they entered and 2 when found. Lyon is the man who dis ! covered th smoke in the rooms. Neb. City News. Eg? socials are tlie latest thing out in the home amusement lir.e. Tin way it is done is to plant a tree in one of lie rooms, and on i;s branches are hung the contributions, which sire all enclosed in egg shells, the contents having been previously run oil' through a hole in one end. These are sold to any one present who would buy at live cents .jac!i, and the fun comes in when they are opened. They contain all sorts of articles, such as little boquets, dolls, mittf ns, pictures, etc. TIIK TABLES TUKNED. A Hack ma a :vhy Understands the Kales of Tariff. A communistic person identitie i with the dangerous classes of the Coiustock and notorious for his dis i regard of truth and contempt for vested rights, has just returned from , a visit to San Francisco. This morn ing he endangered the good name of the Chronicle by entering its edito rial room. The nihilist declared that he had 'a good thing on Sanford and Steve Gage,' but he supposed the Chronicle, like the rest ot the cor rupt and time-serving press, would be afraid to publish it. 4Tell your story,' said the editor with dignity, and gazing inquiringly sit the boot of the socialist, which was resting upon the editorial table. The boot remained there, however, while the following ridiculous nui raiive was delivered: It's line weather at this bay a. id everybody who can afford it ta:.i.- a spin occasionally out of the dus: and heat. Last Saturday Sta::f. id and Gage, were walking along Kearney street, and when they got to the corner of. Bush the Governor took off his hat, wiped his brow and remarked: 'Steve, it's too hot for anything. What do you say to a breath of fresh air?". 'Have we time?' inquired iir. Gage, pulling out his Watch. .So did the Goyeiuor, who replied:' 'There isn't anything very i res sing tor a coujile of hours, I guess, and we may as well take a spin out to the park. It isn't worth while lt Lave- out my horses. Let's take a hack, and then we can enjoy a walk hen we get there. It'll be belter than riding around the drives. So they got a coupe and were driven out to Golden Gate Park. At the entrance the Governor and Gage alighted. 'What's the fare?' sisked the Gov ernor. The driver, a retired prize lighter, replied: On'y 615 guv'nur.' 'What!' yelled Sanford and Gage in the same breath. Fifteen dollars,' repeated Csibbj, unbuttoning his coat and spitting on his hands. But,' my good man, protested the Governor, 'such a charge is exorbi tant. The law confines you to a cer tain price for your services and you can be arrested and punished for such a violation f the ordinance. 'Hang the law!' growled Cabby. My money bought and paid for this hack an' hoiss 'an the essence of ownership i control.' 'Hem!' coughed the Governor, looking slyly at Steve, who began to grin. 'That's all well enough when applied to my railroads, but! but tr cow if you charge us fif ne Cent (Do. M IB T y i. i ; ' . i- --s v s'r;; ?, a i i b 1 f v. " r- " C, r t "5 .- . f 3 teen dollars to bring us to the park, what on earth would you charge us to take us to the Cliff House?' Five dollars.' 'From here?' 'Xo; from the city.' 'But it's twic-j the distance!' 'Yes, but its a competitive point. Fifteen to the park, lire to the Cliff No hoggin about it. Through rates to the Cliff, local rates back to the park added just as you fellows do vhen)U charge S300 for drawing a carload of stuff from New York to 'Frisco, and make it sO'J it vou drop the car sit Elko, about 500 miles neater New York.' 'It was Steve's turn to cough and the Governor's to grin. 'Well,' said the Governor with a sigh, 'take us to the Cliff.' At the Cliff House the Governor and Stephen drank their beer smd smoked a cigar, und listened to the barking of tlie seals, and lilhid their lungs with the Seabreeze. Suddenly Steve clapped himself on the leg and cried cut: 'By Jove, Governor! I forgot that lot of coal of Smith's that the sheriff is to sell at 3 o'clock. It's 2 now. II we miss that ehance to save at least a thousand dollars will gone.' 'Good heavens!' cried the Gover nor snatching out his watch, 'let's hurry back at once. Driver! Oh, driver! 'Ilhere, sir.' answered c:ibby, who had been leanirg vr li e halconv parapet within ear shot, 'iijie, rat.' 'We want to leturn t ) town imme diately,' cried iir. Gage. 'Ya-a?, I s'pose so.' said Cabby, slowly chewing a straw, i ;t I'll take my pay in advance, if it's ai: i. .: s.'.me to you, gents.' The Governor growled somewhat between his teeth and tendered C j. 4 'Taint enough,' sail Cabby, con temptuously. 'In heaven's name, how far wiil your extortion go?' snorted the Gov ernor. ,IIow much do you want?' 'Five hundred more,' camly remark ed the haekmsin. 'Hey!' shrieked Steve and the Gov ernor. "Five hundred, and not a cent less, repeated cabby. IIov sir-er damme, sir! how do you dare ask me sucii a price tor driv ing tw gentlemen four or live miles?' spurted the governor, I basts my charges on what the traffic will bear,' replied the haekuian wuli a ziin. If taters is selling in s Angeles at fifty cvnts a bushel and three dollars a bushel at Tuckson, you fellows charge the pcor devil vf a rancher t'2o0 a bushel to psick I.i taters to Tu. : No w, 1 heerd son and gobble all the I ain't so hoggish as Mr. Gage say that if he profit, that. could get into town by three o'clock he could make a thousand dollars. As tbcie ain't no other hack horses here I in as good a monopoly for the wunst, is any blasted railroad on earth; but lint fai greedy. 1 don't want all you can make using my nacK. lin wiiun to get along with half. With a dismal groan th. Governor ind Steve emptied their pockets and counted out the money. Now. see here, said Qabby, as he closed the dor of the hack on his vic tims, "I've dona for wunst what you fellows do day in an' day out an' hare ben doin 'or years an' made your millions by it. I happen to be able to give you a small dose of yer own medi icine for wunst, an' I don't want you to do no kickin. I know you kin send me to jail for ninnin' my business on your principles, bin if you jails me I'll have to h ive er blood when I gets out, an' don't yer forget it.' Hereupon the hackman clapped the door to with a bang, and climbing to his seat drove at a rattling pace to the place where the Sheriff was sibout t sell out poor Smith. Smith was a coal dealer who didn't have special rates. When the nihilist had finished this absurd and libellous tale he took hi3 foot off the editorial desk, laughed hoarsly and ,r nted foi the nearest sa loo -Xirr 'k,''ev.) Chrouiclc. ""jMiooks ome luo other night very tired. lie sat for some time with his sleepy gaze riveted on Mrs. Snooks, and then" complacently remarked: "Well. I do declare if you two gals don't look enough alike to be twiua." Wall St. cd Gazette. Ti H A Wyoming M'cdtlJn. tPAl'L Till'. ITLOKIM, Modt'lll AlK'.) Cainpiiij; lie, ir tlio town wi tct'iuvd i o;ii slock, and the.i went in to once inoie shake hands with civ iliJtioii. E; the leading Mote I lntro-ilm-eil niVM-lf to Mr. Miles, one of the I i iii-i ictoi s (and the post in;tsli ) and was soon keeping up nie end of a spirited conversation upon the West and Western people. Locking at his watch 5ti lies said : 'It is now half past two, and at I.' i-e there's to lie a wedding down the slice: iit Jonas Burt m's. Old Jonas is a rough oul coon that we 1 Ll; d J i.i ice of the peace about a ui.intt! aoit,' and as this will he his lii.ii attempt at a marriage I think we will see Minn- I'un. Come and J th; n V. Ill; lliu " j gladly acci'i' id the in vitalieii, and wei.t lo tin old 'squire's cabin. We found him poring over a large co or ol l he statutes of Wyoming, sweating like a horse and looking it i iibly anxious. After greeting us hu raid : "Stiles, the dinned galoots that got up these 'yer laws hadn't gumption enough to last 'em over night. I've run through the blamed bcok a half si dozen times, an caant find a dod blasted word sibout matermony, or how the hitchin' process is proceeded with. I've just got tur put the clamps on this couple hit or miss, an' et I don't voke 'ein up legal I caant help it." 'Oil!" s.ud Stile-, Must do the best you can; any kind of a ceremony will do in this country, for people'll never question the legality of the thing. I'll post you as well as I can". Stiles then explained to him about how he should proceed, and the old man linaliy thought he could worry through in tolerable shape. Ere long the couple appeared fallowed by n crowd of tlie citizens of the camp, i The candidates stoad up before tho "squire who began : "Feller citizens, this yar man and this yar woman hev' appeared before the Court to be hitched in the legal bands of wedlock. Ef any galoot in the mob knows of anything that Mont block the game ef luk to a higher court let him now toot his bazoo, or else keep his jaw to himself now and forever more. All in favor o' me proceedin' as orthf rized by law, s;iy 'I". Everybody said I." "Contrary 'no-'" Nobody said "no." "The. motion's carried unaneruioudy, au' the Court rules tliet thar h'ain't n uthin' to prevent the tr in' o' the case. Grip yer fins." The candidates joined hands. "Amos Peabody, do you solemnly sw'ar tin t ye'il freeze to 'ilandy fureycr an' ever. ye'll love 'er, an' pet vide fur 'er, an' treat 'er equal' an' white, accordin' to the rules an' regulations sot down to govern sioh cases in the laws o' the United States so help yer God.' "Yaas, sir, I do. sir." "Thet fixes your end the bargain. Wlaudy Thomas, do you lolernnly sw'ar thet ye'll hang on to Amos fur all coin in' time; that ye'll nus him in sickness an' be squar' to him mi wellness; thet ye'll sillers be to him a good, true, hon est, up-an'-up wife under the penalties perscribed by the laws fur the punish ment o'sich offenses; do you sw'ar this so help yer God?" "I sw'ar I will." "Then by the power in me vested as justice o the peae in an' fur this precinct I pronounce you, Amos Pe;i body, husband, an' you, 'Mainly Thom as, wife, and legalize ye to remain as su h now and foievei more, an' ye'il stand committed till the fees an' costs in this case be paid in full, sin' may God hev mercy on jer souls an bhss this union w ith His heftiest blessin's." The fees smd costs weie adjusted, and, alter receiving the congratula tions of th assembly, the tm wly-mado i.a.sbiud and wife beparttd for their cabin up the creek smiling and happy How Voltaire Cured the Decay of his Moiuacli. In the "Memoirs of Count Segur" there. i3 the following anecdote: "My mother, the Countess de Sgur, being" asked by.Yoltaiie respecting h-r heahh, to'ld him that the most pa iitul feeling she had arose from the decay in her stomach, and the difficulty of finding any kind of aliment that it could bear." Voltaire, by the way of consolation, assured her that ho was once lor ii.-.-.rij a year in the same state, and believed to be incurable, but thai never the less si very simple remedy had lestored him. It cii Msted in taking no other noui isinnet.t than the ymlks of eggs heated up with the flour of potatoes and water." Though this ciicumtaiice concerned so extra irdinary a person as Voltaiie, it is astonishing how liitie it is known and how ra't-ly tlie remedy is prac ticed. Its clhe.vy, however, incases of ebility. can not be questioned, and thu follow intr is the mode of prepar ing this valuable article of food as recommended by Sir John Sinclair: Beat up an egg in a bowl and then add six tabh spoonfuls of cold water, mix ing the whole well together; then and two tablespounfuls of farina of pota toes; let it be mixed thoroughly with the liquid in tbe bowl. Then pour in as much boiling water as will conveit the whole in to a jolly, and mix it well It may be taken alone rr with the aiMitici of a little mi:k in case of stomachic depibity or consumptive disorders. The dish is light and easi ly digested, extremely wholesome and nourishing. Bread oi b Si uit may be taken with it as the stomach gets stronger.