Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 30, 1881, Image 3

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u line Itcgular advcnta
No adveriiseiuunl iu.-ert-...
. iiU.
a. ".'.aUite nilCJ.
, - .. el ...ii.mtji of the law will be neld
: r :il notices they hand In.
i :U a proof of publlca-
y ;. M ill be kveld (or the publics
11 notice.
Miiiiri';M.' Is limited, all communications
i- .- mid to point, with do want
. i Mvnsille for the correctness
i . .1 t. w,-y of paid matter and paid L
y '. rsf.n lio take the paper rezularlj
ii,.- -oflice. whether directed to bis
.. ., '!it'rlili subsc liber or not ifl
m-iide for the pay.
If ;mv person ordei hl paper discontin
ued iif m::st pay all arrearages, or the publisn
ei n;.v continue to fHMiit It until payment U
i.....:f. miii collect the whole amount, whether
;jc paper 1m tifcsu from the office or not.
i iu- c.nits h ive decided that refusing to
ti;. iifw.ti:ip rs and periodicals from the post
.;, or removing and leavintr them unualled
f. i. i mima fatU evidence of intkntiohai.
r k f n.
Don't forget! that th under
siimed tire "runninsr-jjff" their remain
ing stock of first class Boy's and Chil
li nil's Clothing cheaper thn ever.
Coma and get some of the Bargains of
S. & C. Mavek, next to Carruth's.
Oh for a swim in sowe limped
Oh, for a chunk of solid ice cream.
--Lawn Festival
Thi3 (Thursday) evening,
At Mrs. J. A. MacMurphy's
Be sure and come out, everybody.
Roberts sells wall paper. 51tf
It's hard on Newfoundland dogs
Lok out for the Fourth. Biggest
kind of fun.
-Itemember the Old Settlers meet
ing oa the Fourth.
See our mew colored illustrated
this week a la Puck.
Be sure and go to the Fireman's
ball the evening of the Furth.
Bremner's choice Crackers at Ben
nett & Lewis. 1H4
Forty mules for the Masquerades
on the Fourth are engaged alreaby.
Bremner's choice Crackers at W
II. Baker & Co's. 1H4
AVoik has been commenced on
Mayor O'Rourke's 2000 residence.
Bennett & Lewis still sell Brem
ner's fine Crackers and Cakes. 1U4
Brick new, good and hard at
Bon's. Yard, rear of Bonm-r Stable.
See Ad.
Tli-nm -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tt
The Silver Helicon Band will
opn up Fourth cf July morning at
six o'clock.
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug Store. Uf
Chits. Driscoll, the Architect, was
down Saturday to take a final survey
of our new hotel.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, comer Main
and Third. 10tf
Some of the young folks are go
ing to have a leedle picnic down at
Hesser's the Fmirth.
Dovey did a handsome job of
painting and graining at Geo. S
Smith's house lately.
M. A. McKinnon. foreman f the
river woik here, launcheTT one of the
bargts they have built I ere Saturday.
Any one wishing to se the larg
est crowd ever seen in PlattSmouth,
should coin; in the 13th to the circus.
You don't want to fail to see the
ulster brigade the Fouith; you will
be sure to, as they make lots of noise.
The M. E. Sociable was not very
well attended last Friday evening,
but those who wire there had a good
We heard of a lady who was
dressud in a pair of ear-rings the other
day. How we envied her, this 983
IMie lid will ciuiL" out in full
uuiform the Fourth. viz: broad
brimmed sfraw hats ainl ulsters; look
oat for them.
The Fourth of July here this year
is bound to be the most gorgeous af
fair we ever had. Turn out and help
ive it a lift.
. Mr. Dovey, the painter, has just
fiimhe some very handseiae rooms for
lien, (co. Sinith) 'Tlie'.'paperjiir; antf
graining id well executed,
We met an aged indigent colored
individual the other ifay: "How's the
weather. Uncle V' " 'Fore God, raassa,
beats New Orleans, this ds."
The young ladies of St. Luke's
- Guild will give a lawn festival at the
house of Mrs. J
A. MacMin-Mir
ii'Lur-day. evening. All
are cordially
ill lieu.
J. G. Clark, the widely known bal
lad singer, will be here Friday evep
iiiif July Sth, and gtye a concert qtuler
Mfe aWptees pf the C, T. 7. Fur
ther notice next week,
Mrs. Denniaou and daughters
moved up to Omaha, Saturday, where
they wiii prouaDiy mae ineir uome
for the present, with her son who is a
telegraph operator there.
Th Fourth of July will be cele
brated hew with, 'tuofj eiHUuaiajui
tlilii ear than' ever 'before and every
body should " try to do 'his part in
making it i grand success.
The boys who areln the habit of
hanging tuonnd the hook and ladder
house and meddling with the things
belonging thereto, had better look out
or they will get into trouble.
i -:1jh yl (ucii C;bauh, tho
Kian, atter" c-evious waiting, has got)
Boiuii new milk tickets printed and ths,
l"jCKALi hopes his cows will double
the lacteal uid fbi'.ly ',u oneHuence,
-The M. K. Church has ben newly
lilted up and painted and grained and
the windows frosted until we're most
afraid the L well, the local worship
ers may n know it. lire. Gallagher
feels very proud of his new church we
gue-9 and will preach two-hundred
per cent, better sermons than ever.
- . - Personal.
State Senator Tefft was in tewn
Tuesday. e
Judge Maxwell made Tlattsruouth
a flying call last week.
X.iris FrMch left on Wednesday to
spend the warm weather in Colorado.
Miss Mellie Butterfield is visiting
in th city, the gTIest of Miss Anna
Dr. Clutter is out again, looking
pretty thin and weak. We hope he
will soon grow stronger. ,v
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. dial f ant were up
to town last week, and gave the Her
ald a call at Phil Young's.
Mr. Watson B. Smith and three
children spent a part of the day be
tween trains in town Tuesday.
Chief Lyman, of the Lincoln Po
lice, was here Monday to get a chap
who had been arrested by Polin.
Squire Laverty, of Tipton, and John
Estabrook called Tuesday. The gen
tlemen with ex-Commissioner Arnold
are down here on business and gave
the IIkrald a pleasant and friendly
Mrs. Roberts, of Lincoln, spent the
Sabbath is the city, and took part in
the children's meeting of the W. C. T.
U. Mrs. Cooley, of the county was
also a visitor in the city for the same
R. N. Wetherell. one of the best
known contractors in Omaha and who
has a large contract on the new ma
chine shops being built here was
down Tuesday and gave the IlEitALU
a call. Mr. W. is an old acquaintance
of the Editor.
Geo. L. Seybolt, one of Cass
County's old settlers, and at ons time
one of the proprietors of this paper,
has been promoted to first class In
spector of the mail service of the U.
S. There are only seven persons in
this class in the service.
A few more bargains in my clos
ing out stock ; don't delay if you want
a number one instrument at a very
low figure. James Pettkk, ag t.
Our "devil" got up a colored post
er paper this week.
' The Fourth of July in this town
is being fixed up grand.
W. II. Baker & Co. Sell Bremner's
fine Crackers and Cakes. 1H4
Ninety-eight and one hundred in
the shade and as much hotter as it is
possible to get in the sun, is now the
order of the day.
A rose by any other name would
smell the same, but any Crackers but
Bremner's will not taste so sweet and
delicious, not by a jug-full and don't
you forget it. llt-t
Two Jesuit missionaries from St.
Louis are holding a mission, or series
of religious meetings, at the Catholic
church this week. There are services
day and evening, all largely attended.
Treasurer Patterson says else
where that Cass county has money to
pay all her debts, and w ants the orders
sent in, as interest will be stopped.
This speaks " well for Commissioners
and Treasurer. .
--Applications for our school begin
to come in from teachers abroad.
A. Mr. Miller of Iowa is a prominent
applicant. Prof. Drummond lias also
put in a reminder, and Brother Love
has friends who want to see him re
elected. We acknowledge with thanks the
receipt of a couple of very fine boxes
of raspberries from Mr. W. J. flesser
and some extra nice cabbage. Miss
HeiSer informs us thev picked fifty
quarts from their bushes in one day,
and they were fine ones, too. We are
sorry to learn that Mr. Ilesser has
been on tho sick list.
Lightning Rods No humbug.
If you want your houses or barns
rodded. and put up in god shape, no
fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark
Weeping Water. 7tf
To match Mike Murphy's parrot
story we read the other day of an ex
pressman (it wasn't .John Simpson)
who had a cuflin and a parrot aboard
at the same time. The parrot got
stuck in behind boxes and packages
close to the coffin and getting tired of
being shutout of sight, began to lu)&
ler "let me oat, its hot here." The
expressman dropped his papers and
broke "for lIQBf4t'jq4 agent, shouting,
'Tbal corpse's alive, for God's sake
come and get him out."
I sell the best and cheapest !-
aud shoes. I defy Competition.
m T 1 ww
-- ItltK 41EUGES.
The Directory just issued from
this oflice is as complete as such a
work can be made, probably, in a weetr
jHm tinyn. ts shwn s" very en
coiiraging'to Plattsmouth. Not only
does it represent our business in a
very favorable ligh, but hp names
therein, indicate uumistakably that
e have ver Q0Q inhabitants,
The compilers, Messrs. Glenn and
Cox h.ive proven themselves consci
entious and untiring workers in this
line. They- have more than fulfilled
the promises they have made and
during a four weeks' acquaintance
the Herald has found them C?,ref ul
prudent, bsi; itn, very unlike
be average style of 'fellows that roam
over the country getting up. a show
crd board here and a useless di
rectory iherer ,
They meaut business from the 'start
were good-natured and pleasant at all
times, and left with the confidence
and good will, we think, of every one
with whom they cajue in cantae
Coup's Circus in tliicagO;
Special to the Omaha Daily Republican.
Chicago, June 2.1. The verdict of
the public ana Vre3 f Chicago is thai
Cpu,p bus. the largest and artistically
the most perfect show that has ever
been here. It combines a hippodrome
with a magnificent pageant of chariot
and jocky races; three circus rings, a
uenagerts.muscuj) and A'HPan Zulus,
besides many other new features. His
tents are the largest ever set up in
Chicago, holding 14,000 people. The
wonderful leap of Lulu across the
tent has been successfully accomplish
ed at every perforuunee this week.
China Weddisg.
The twenty wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs, John Waterman
was celebrated on Tuesday evening
the 28th inst. A largo and pleasant
company gathered to welcome the re
turn of the happy day.
During the evening the Plattsmouth
Band tuned out and gave the twenty-
year old bride and groom with the as
ssembled guests, a magnificent sa re-
nade. Among the many handsome
and valuable presents were the follow
ing: China tea-set presented by Mr. and
Mrs. 0. II. Par mele, J. P. Young, J. X.
Wise, W. J. Agnew, R. W. Hyers, J.
M.Patterson, L. D. Beanett, W. If.
Baker, J. W. Barnes, T. S. Wise, F.
S. White, J. S. Duke, A. N. Sulliva.
A. E. Palmer, J. W. Love, A. V. Don
elan; also glass inkstand.
China tea-set presented by Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Waterman.
Ice cream-set presented by Dr. and
Mrs. Livingston, Mr. ami Mrs. Viv
ian, Peltee, and MacMurphy.
One dozen fruit plates prt seated by
Mr." and Mrs. McLaughlin.
Tote-a-tete set presented by Mr. aud
Mrs. Marsland.
Silver and glass spoon holder pre
sented by Mr. and Mrs. Baird.
Silver and china vase presented by
Mrs. R. B. Windham, P. L. Wise, Mrs.
Cup and saucer Chaplain and Mrs.
Wright. Pair of vases Mr. and Mrs.
Walter White. Glass Pitcher Mrs.
Geo. Levings. Pickle dish Miss Le
na Levings.
Pair of compotiers Mr. and Mrs.
F.E.White; Vase Mr. and Mrs. T.
V. Leonard ; Pair of statuettes Capt.
Marshall; Pair of vases Mrs. Hinkle.
Dinner set Vegetable Dish and Meat
Plate presented by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
JohBson; Pickle Dish and one dozen
Butter Plates Mr. and Mrs. Way-
bright; Pair of fruit stands pre
sented by Mr. and Mrs. Solomon and
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan; One dozen
Sauce Dishes Mr. and Mrs. D. II.
Wheeler; Bread Plate and Vegetable
Dish Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Latham
Pitcher Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pollock;
Vegetable Dish Mr. and Mrs. II. B.
Burgess; Butter Dish no name; One
dozen Sauce Dishes I. C. Waterman ;
Cbd and Saucer Mr. and Mrs. A.
Drew; One Dozen Butter Plates Al
ma Waterman.
The Hbrald adds many happy
wishes and several returns of the dayl
Something for You to Keuiemder.
Don't you forget to tell your sisters
and your cousins and your uncles and
your we beg pardon, but we want
you to tell all your relatives and ac
quaintances, that the great caravan
of wonders, known a3 Coup's New
United Monster Show and Paris
Hippodrome, which has created such
an avalanche of furore throughout the
amusement world, is coming to Platts
mouth the 13th day of July, and if
they want to know why you are so
solicitous ai.out their remembering
the date of this great show, tell them
to read the following notices just
clipped from the Cincinnati pa
pers, and be convinced of its eminent
excellence and merit. The Cincin
nati Enquirer saysj
"Ihe saccess of Coups Circus,
which gaye its final performance last
night, was unprecedented in tho an
nals of show business in this ciy. Jt
created such a furore as was never
heard of in these parts. This success
was due to the fact that it is not only
the best circus on tho road at the
present time, but it is the best man
aged one extant.
The Cincinnati Commercial of May
29, gave Corp the following cheerful
and complimentary goodbye:
Coup last night closed the biggest
circus season ever known in Cincin
nati. So great became the rush
for scats that during' the last three
days thousands of persons would gain
admittance and sit with great cheer
fulness for a tiresome hour before the
performance began."
Bear in mind that the shew comes
to Plattsmouth, the 13th day of July.
Cheap excursions from everywhere.
Farmers Take Notice.
If you want to buy any Harvesting
Machinery, such as Reapers, Harves
ters. Selfbinders and Headers, you will
find the best assortment very cheap at
15t2 Fred Gorer's, '
Plattsmouth, Neb.
A fine shepherd pup brown color,
some white, about ten months old and
had a rope aronnd his neck. Was
missed from the wagon between John
Johnson's and the Rock Bluff road.
Information or return pf the suie
will b'e dui'tably rewarded by
Jqiix Allison, Three Groves.
Mrs. and Miss Lelia Simpson and
pupils will give a concert next week
Thursday evening, July 7th. probably
in Golding'g new " building. The ad.
rnittance fee will be twenty-five cent?.
The program will be rendered by the
pupils of the class and will be illustra
tive of their advancement during the
past year.
Lightning Strikes.
During the heavy storm of Sun
day night, or rather Mouday morning
last, the house of Sam M. Chapman,
was struck by a terrific bolt of light
ning. Luckily, the great Cottonwood
tree in front of the house received the
most of the shocks or luas pf -fife raust
have, ensued.
The streak of electricity is described
by those who saw it as appearing a
long vivid streak of light. It ripped
p the tree, passed to the house, tore
out the window caps in the two dormer
windows, and frightened the inmates
a good deal ; passing down and around
some wires that support plants it
deadened them. and a grape vine or
two but injured no one beyond the
fright and shock.
Prejudice Kills.
"Eleven years ur daughter suffered
n a bed of misery under the care of
several of the best (and some of the
w orst) physicians, who gave her dis
ease various names but no relief, and
now she is restored to us in good
health by as simple a remedy as Hop
Bitters, that we had poohed at for two
years, before using it. We earnestly
hope and pray that no one else will let
their sick suffer as we did, on account
of prejudice against so good a med
ciue as Hop Bitters." The Parents.
Uuffner & Black
Have just received a full car Inad of
Buckeye Reapers and Mowers; they
have a few not vet soi l. Come quick
if you want one. I5t2
Social Banca July 4th.
The Bohemian Society will give a
dance on the abfrvo day, at Guthman'a
Hall. Admission 81.0". Music by the
Bohemian Band. All invited. 1
Attention, Liederkranz!
Regular monthly meoting Sunday
next, at two p. m. Business of impor
tance. All members requested to be
present. A. II. Weckbacu, Sec.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. 10tf
Organs cleaned and repaired by
James Pettee. - tf
Every woman who suffers from
sick headache, and who dislikes to
take bitter doses, should try Carter's
Little Liver Pills. They are the eas
iest of all medicines to take. A pos
itive cure for the above distressing
complaint; give prompt relief in dys
pepsia and Indigestion ; prevent ar.d
cure constipation and Piles As easy
to take as sugar. Only one pill a dose.
40 in a vial. Price 25 cents. If you
try them you will not be without
tkem. Tor sale by Smith Black & Co.
Apply to Jno. C. Eisele
Turkey Creek,
wo miles south east of Cedar Creek.
There is no one article in the line
of medicines that gives so large a re
turn for the money as a good porous
strengthening plaster, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back
ache Plasters. For sale by Smith
Black & Co.
Mrs. SI. A. Baler
of long experience in eastern and
southern states. Nursing sick and
lying in ladies a specialty. You will
do well to secure her services. Call on
er address P. O. Box 478, Plattsmouth
or at theliattery Place, north end of
7th street. 14M
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia,
and too hearty eating, is relieved at
once by taking one of Carter's Little
Liver Pills immediately after dinner,
Don't forget this. For sale by Spiith.
Black & Co.
From the undersigned on Sunday,
June 121S81, the following desei jhed
Given to Isaac Wiles for 30.13,
signed bv.Jo.seph A. Conner, payable
to bearer,' at First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, numbeied "A 09" and
dated June 11, 18iH.
All parties are warned not to nego
tiate for same, as payment on said
check has been stopped.
14t2 IijAAC Wiles, Jk.
Carter's Little Liver Pills must
not be confounded with common Ca
thartic or purgative Pills, as they are
entirely unlike .them in every resprct.
One trial will prove their superiority.
For sale by Smith Black & Co.
To L"t to l.oijirvr;
Rooms on Oak st. opposito the Oath?
olic church. Newly and neatly furn
ished. Jmuwe of Mrs, C. O. X"f vytpy
at the aLovtJ rideiifcji, istU
No hair preparation in the world
has attained such a world-wide repu
tation as Ayer's Hair Vigor. This is
due to its healthy action on the hair
and scalp, and its remarkable power
of restoring gray hair to its original
color and imparting a gloss and fresh
ness which makes it so desirable to all
classes and conditions of people.
J. '. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. " 8tf
Ayer's Ague Cure should be in
every household in regions where
Fever and Ague prevail. It should
be taken as a preventive by every res
ident and traveler in malarial dis
tricts. Ice!
F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably low prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St. 10tf
An infallible remedy for Fever
and Ague is Ayer's Ague Cure.
WTholly vegetable and containing no
quinine, it is harmless and sure.
-The best and cheapest.
The finest and neates
Shp?.3 'iul Slippew"
Yar little tripper
ut Mercies'.
At all men by these presents,
that the B'o: Blood and Liver Cure
(Dr. Marshall's Biomoline) will cure
you if you are bilious or constipated.
Ak your druggist.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm
Hate the devil, and his works.
Love health and buy a bottle of Dr,
Marshall's Bromoline for fifty cents.
Big bottles. It will cure billiousness
and indigestion.
Alderuey Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns
No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky 658. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will bq, remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summer at Mr. Beaucieister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal should call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
How to Save.
All men and women who work hard
with mind or body are subject to peri
odical attacks of biliousness, which
may end in disordered kidneys or liver
and dangerous illness. A 50 cent or
$1.00 bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic
will keep these organs active, and by
preventing the attack save you much
sickness, loss of time and great ex
pense. Many families are kept in
perfect health by using the Tonic
when Spring or Fall sickness threat
ens. Delay at such times means dan
ger. Detroit Press. See other column.
' tlto
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. WL Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Collection Notice
All persons knowing thtinst lves in
debted to me by note or open account
are requested to call and settle the
same within thirty days from date as
I must close my -books, and shall
change my business somewhat after
this date. " Please be prompt.
J. W. Thomas, m. d.
Weeping Water, June Gth, 1881. 12.
Money te Loan. '
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.,
Employment for Ladies. The
Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new 'Stocking
Supporters for Ladies aud Children,
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them ; our leading physkians recom
mend them, and are loud in ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have in add the wants of la
dies and children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable and
energetic lady to introduce them in
this county, and we certainly" think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man could make a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address' Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
149 West Fouith . Street, Cincinnati.
Ohio. 819 .
Purifiy the blood and regulate the
bowels, if you would have health.
There is no remedy equal to the Prick
ly Ash Bitters for this purpose. They
act directly on the organs concerned,
going to the seat of disease and driv
ing it from the system. Nor do they
stop here, but strengthen the system,
giving it tone and action, rendering it
much more capable of resisting all
future attacks, JU5
lr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. . Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
' 48tf
Cigaf Clippings, 35 qts. per
lb,, at Sohlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. ,
Make from S'-JS to ."( icr week sclliii;;
gootH for E. i. KIDKOi r & CO.. 10 Rarelay
Mreet. New York. 2-'l
Semi for their Cat;iloKUft and tf-nas.
Dr. Black's Rl:eurnaiu i-oih is an
iiitti jiuj remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market x
the shape of oils and KfiU.ienia.' It is
vat ranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping .Water, Neb. 8tf
For Sale or
A hn:"".'i fun! tvvii !(.f in T m? tovtlli.
llQUe has lvo y0jiri3 and basement;
good well on prt'Tpises, Will t;e
team as p: rt VM vl! feel! ;.t a
b.tiitip. Iteasjii f,ir seJliu'J, wish to
move on ipy farpi. - inqniri; isf
Samuel Hellwio,
Louisville, Neb. 10t4
" TV- . w 'V ..I liiMtJ IIH.
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with farm lands
to secure it call on
Will S. Wise,
40m!5 . Fitzgerald Block.
It Must Be So.
For all who use Brown's Pepsin
Tonic say it is a sure cure for Dys
pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.
For sale by all Druggists in Platts
mouth and East Plattsmouth.
Tepsin. Rhubarb; MaiulrukeA (.Vntiati
Are the active ingredients of
Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this
wonderfnl Dyspepsia remedy a trial
and be cured. For sale by all drug
gists in Neb.
' Browu's Tegctable Liver Pills
Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Biliousness. For
sale by all Druggists in the West.
Brown's Blaekberrv n?nj Gingef-
Should bo e.vm lous during the
heated bt-ason, It nevt;i' fail to euro
Diarrhoea, Dysentery ami ru-'"
Morbus. ' ' ' w.oiera
. hy J. II. Buttery,
nmith, Black & i., O. F.Johnson and
J. M. Robert -, Plattsmouth. "J. . V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
Money to Loairt -
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Come and See
The large stock of Spf ing Shoes and
Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and piaces:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust October and -November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June aud September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will-be given.
At Elm wood tho last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. '
E. II. Woo ley, .
42tf Superintendent.
$70A WEEK. $12 a day nt home easily made
'-'Costly outfit free. Address, Tukk & Co..
Augusta. Maine. 4Jly
JNO. BONS & SON, Proj'rs,
Near B. & M. Passenger Depot.
PLATTS 31 OL'TII, X till l A SKA.
Newly refitted and furnished throughout. Af
fording an excellent view of the K. R Rridge,
lt.i conveniently located, especially for the
traveling public.
The tables always supplied with tbi: V-.i ot
the season. - ' "
n connection with the house. Liuicli baskets
filled at all hours. Terms reasouable. 8tf
Ask your grocer for Bremner's
Crackers, and if he says he does not
keep them, tell him hrj is a fraud and
change your place of trading at once.
To Whom it may Concern.
All persona holding warrant drawn on the
CJeueral Fund of Cass Cwunty, Nebraska, and
endorsed. "ITesented and not paid for waut of
funds." or io words of similar import, are here
by uotifici? that there is c:uh in Hie treasury of
:;id County for the payment of the same ; ai
further, that iuterest will cease on all fiitrr
warrants ou and after the first day of Septem
ber next.
ly order Of the Commissioners of said County
J. M. i'ATTKUMON. Treasurer.
iy;'ttiuouth. Neb., June 181. I5t
Sheriff's Sale.
liv virtue of an Order of Sale issued by V. C.
Showalter. Clerk of the UiMiitt Court within
aud for Cas County, Nebraska, aud to me di
rected, I will, on the 6th day of Atiuuet, A. I.
itMl. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the south
door of the Court House, in said County, sell
at Fut'lic Auction the following Ileal Estate, to
it: l'he West hall tw!, of the North West
Hiarter nw1, of section twelve (UJ, in town
ten lo, north of ranice nine 0, East, contain
ing eighty (soj acres, including all of the ap
purtenances. 'iie same lieing levied upou'aud
taken, as t lie property of Jehu Kindt, defend
ant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recov
ered by .aelianali F. Uuuse and .fuiucd W.
Alooctv, plaintiils.
FlaUsmouth. Neb., June 23lh. A. D. 1881.
4.1t H. W. m KK, Mierill Cass Co., Neb.
Road Notice.
Tt all whom it may Concern:
The commissioner appointed to survey and,
lofutu a uomity road cuiuniviieiii at thu quar
ter O) section coruer on the south side of sec
tion twenty-three (23), in township twelve (12)
north of ran ye thirteen (13) east sixth princi
pal meridiau running thence north ou the
quarter () section line one and three quarter
miles to the south oast corner of the north
east quarter () of the north west quarter ())
of section fourteen (M. same tuwn aud rauga
us aliovi. To vacate all that portion of road
number one hundred and sixty-three (lt:s; '
t!ie liin mviding the east hall (') of the west
half('ior the north west quarter of lim
ea-st h:"ir (' of t ve-t hsjlftva) l tUV south
west quarter (Ki) of section fourteen (14), in
tvn twntlve (12), range thirteen (13) has re
ported in favor of the location and vacation
thereof, and all objections thereto or claims
for damages, must be filed, iu the County
Ch'i K's otiice, oi) or Jiexurc poon ou iho 1st duy
t( September A. I)'. 11, or such road will be
vacated and located without reference then. to.
J. 1). I I'TT
15t5 .
County Clerk.
- Probate Notice.
In the matter of tt) (ntato of 4UMfs MuNurlin,
police is hereby given, to all persons having
cjauns against the estate of James McNuilin
deceased, to file the sane on or before the 20tl
day of December A. I. 181, in ,V Oihuo o.f t lie
County Judi;e, at l'lut.tir"MtMt Cm Co., Ne-
braska, A,
f Judge,
pliiitsmotttu, June arth, l!l.
Road Notice.
To all u hom it may content :
The section line road petitioned for by
Charles rhilpat et al. commencing at t'i't; gpuih
west corner of section twentY-;he Urfj. town
ship eleven. (U), t'auge twelve 112, running
J!!pe past between section twenty-three t3j
and twenty-six (-'. and twenty-four L24j
and lwenty-livp. 2b same town ami range at'.l
terminating at the soutli east co!T.o v.t si i-'t
tlon twenty-tour 241 mviisiiilp eleven, it,
road twelve lil. id H objections thereto or
claims for. damages, mu.-t bu filed in the
County Clerk's oflice, on or before iioou oq (he
'i-illidliy of August, A. y. liss r v -aS
will be opened without refetvuiv tuovvti;.
J)-'I J. Tin.
lllrt County Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Public notice is hereby given (hat the uif'ci
signed p;i chased at public tax !!' Mi"ii th
day of November, 1W Ulut il llio County
1 ie;tsurer' .tHuo in tile City of riattmout h.
C'l.tUi 't ('siss. and State of Nebraska, and
se'pt-rately in tracts of forty acres or less, this
following described lands for the taxes of 1".
to-wit :
'1 lie south half (si of section tbiitv. t.i m)
township ten (IO), t -ete ii'-iVuSsCtsctl us
nosi-rfso'piii. r ' "'
iu in O:rw txuniy. Nebraska, aud east of the
('.ill Principal Alel'hiiau. 1 am still the holder
d' t he t'ei't meatus of sale of the above described
l.tnds, and unless redeinpi ion therefrom
made within two years from the ip'to vt the
above said sale, at the expirut;,u of v1ilcli said
two years, the tini'i 'vJ .Hrt.'lhi.Tioh will expire,
applie:ii''.;i !li bo load e to the Treastirer,ot the
, S.i'l'd CylUity r Cass for a tax need t here
on, S. N. Mi:kk',v
Jiu.e 2M, Ul. ''i'ipi '
liPgai Notice-
Ii,.. lie imlice is lu-lobv fciven that the iind.-r-Mucd
! ;r.'h;isi'd at public tax sale on the liith
.lay of Nov.. is? ', and at the Count?' '1 reasurers'
otfice. in the Citv f Plattsinmitii, County of
Cass, and State of 'ebtask;i. and srperatcly in
tracts of forty acres or less. The following
described hinds for the taxes of isTS. to-wit :
lyot five (5) in the south east quarter (st1) of
the north west quarler (nwl.v of sis:ion r.i
township 12, range y. 2 acres, taxed to ;. V,"
l.ol sixteen (!6) in the si ii:h vwst quarter
(s.4) of the north east quiirtcr ((;) of section
fitieen IS ia township 12. range In. contuinii'g
Ltl acres, taxed lo 15. Fuller.
The north east quarter iie"4) of the poutli
ek-t quarter (se'i) of section .', lownship ij,
range 0.
The north half (u'i) of the north west quar
ter (nw1) of section ti ; lot i in the north west
quarter uiw'i) of the north et quarter (uw4)
and the north east quarter (ne!.4 ) of the south
west quaiiervsw') of section ft and lot IMulhe
southwest quatter (si of the north east
quarter i ue1; of section 15 all iu township M
and range b, taxed as non-resident.
the north east quarter (ne1) of section 8, the'
north oast quarter (HP1- ) of section u and the
south easl quaricr Ce't) of section 1, all in
lowns!:i; in range and taxed ;;s noa-re-iiient.
'1 l;e sunt !l west quarter (su Vi'l of the north
eas, quarler (ee1..) of section :.i anil the soum
west quat ter (sw?4 ) of seci ion s, ho: h in town -s!ii;
11. range 11. and t; as nou-resident.
All in Cass County. Nebraska, and east ot the
;th Principal Meridian. I ;uu still the bolder of
the Certificate of sale of the above described
land unit unless redemptiom therefrom is
mad-j within two years from the date ot he
above said sale, at the exoiration of which said
two years, the time of redemption will expire,
application will be made to .r Treasurer of the
ahove said County of C;,s,lor a tax deed there
on. S. N". .Mkkkiam.
June 'J.'td, Is!. i4:;
Legal Notice
I ubtip notice. hpk-ehy given -hat tie utldor
slgucd mu-vhusiid. Ut public l,tt 3uli f,u ,. anth
day of November. lj?u. .., "i.unty
iffl"Wm0--. ." ofSVatsnmutl?.
vou u...i si:tte of Nebraska and seu-
erately in tracts of forty acres or less, the fol
lowing described land for the taxtn of 18.8,
to-wit -
iMt IS in the south east quarter (se) of the
swuthwest quarter (sw1) of section twelve (li),
taxed to J. Crabtree ; and lots lu and 17 iu the
south east quarter Ue ot the south wct
quarter 8w of section tw elve (121, taxed as
non-resident t all in township twelve l-'l, range
eleven llj. r . , . ,
Lot 2 iu the north east quarter ne'H of the
north west -quatter uwj of sect inn five 15,
taxed to E. II. Eaton; and the south east
quarter se1 of the north west quarter (nwAi
of section live 5, the east halt-ie't of thu
south west quarter sw!i of section five .'J, the
south east quarter se1 of the nul l It west
quarter nwV of section eight si, h sou; U
west quarter Isw4l of section tift'een, the north
west quarter nwl of section twenty-nine 2i.
taxed as non-resident j and all in towuitjn
ten io, and range twelve 12,
The north eut quarter ne" of th south
aast quatter seV of section fourteen U, the.
east half e'i of the south e;ist qiiailer sel
of section twenty-three Uo, the north half
(n'il of the north east quarter nc1! section
twenty-live 1.2:")). the south west quart :f swi-,
of seel ion twent v-nine 2; : all taxed on
resitleut ; ami bt live (5 ia the sot.,u west
quarter sw 1 of the north east quarter ne1
of sccttor. Ibntv -two 32, taxetl io Win. Stad
dleman. the north east quarter ne1 of the
south east quarter tse- of section thirty-two
32. taxetl to Solomon FtdtE ; all in t)W!rhin
eleven II, range twelve 112,
The west half wHI of tlie south, west quarter
swi and tho soutli east quarter s'l of the
gout h west tjuai tor sw;nl of threw a,
taxed to ( Ul ist Metzfifcr j and the iiolh half
n'i t)f th sotltll Wost tpM. Uter (s4 of sec
tion four I, taed as noo-rcsitU ut : all in
lO'iviiMhip twelve 12, range twelve 112.
The south west quarter Is1 of the north
east quarter ne? and the north west quarter
nwKi of the soul Ii quarter se'H of sec
tion thirty-one and the west half w'i of
the struth west quarter lsw, of section thirty
two, all in township ten to, range tt)irtei- iii.
all taxed ae non-resident.
Lot three 3 in the north east quarter nV
of the east quarter fne'! of section six
J. taxed to Samuel Chambers: the south
west quarter sw"mJ of the south cast quarter
se!, of section thirty-two 321. taxetl to John
Katou ; the west half 14! aud the south east
quarter swtw of the soutli west quarter swv,
and the north east quarter nt of the south
east quarter se4l of section five 51. the tiurth
cast quarter Ine' of section eight Is, te
west liall w!j of the south east quarter
of section eight (. and the south west quarler
' of the noith west quarter uw 4 of sec
tion twenty-eight 2s, taxetl as nou-resjdent,
and all in township ten llol. range fourteen lit.
The north half u'.i of the south west'quar
ler swSl of section thirty two 32, township
eleven 11, range thirteen" 13, taxed as non
resident. The north west quarter hwV4 of the tout It
east quarter IscKj) of section thirty-one (311,
township twelve 12, range fourteen 14, ait la
Cass County. Nehraska, aud east ibe 'utli
Principal Meridian.
I am still the hiltU-r ot the certificate of sale
of thi uboe described lands, ami unless re
. hiptiou therefrom is made within tvo years
frrtin the date of the above said sale, at the ex -jriratittn
of which said two years, the tune of
redemption will expire. Application will, be
matte to the Treasurer of the above sad Coun
ty of Cass for a tax deed tliercvUi.'
S. N. MfcpilIAM.
.June 28d, l,i, - - Htj
Road Notice.
To all whom it may Concern:
The section line road petitioned for by V. H.
Murray et al commencing at the north west
corner of section thirty-live (3r), town twelve
(IS), range thirteen (13 thence north ou section
line one half mile where It terminate aaid
toad ill be opened. All objections thereto or
claims tor damages, must be tiled iutlie County
Clerk's oflice. ou or before noon on the 1st day
Of Sept. A. O. issi or such road 111 be opened
without reference thereto.
J. I). Tltt.
t.its . County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all u'hom it mmy Cnrteern:
The section line road elltitioned for
by George Meisingor et at. com
mencing . at tho north west cor
ner ot the south wed quarter (") of the south
west quarter () of section nine (9) township
tweUe (lil) rangu twelve (12), running thence
south n quarter Ot) of a niile to corner of sec
lion eight (st Hint nine (!) and sixteeu (It!) aud
seventeen (!), in said town and range and ter
minating at said corner will be ordered opened.
Ail objections thereto or claims lor damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's oflice, on or
before noon on the 1st day of September, A. I.
isai or such road will be opened without refer
ence thereto. J. D. TUTT.
I5t5 County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all wluim U may concern:
The section line road petitioned for by Allen
Coleman, et al, comuieuviiig at the southeast
corner of secllou seventeen 17, township
tlevenli rnuge twelve 12, running thence
liortu ou section line, to the north east corner
of section five. 5 towuttiip twelve 12, riigu
twelve (.) and teriuiuallug at tow nship line,
and all objections thereto, or claims for dam
ages, must be filed iu the County Clerk olllee,
ou or before noon on the tluy of Augu.t,
A. I). 1831, rMic'i road Will lie ooened without thereto, J. L. TCtt,
lt5 County Clerk.
Koad Notice.
To all whom it may concern ;
The section line ro;dooniiiic4icing at the north
east corner of the north west quarter (iiw?4)
of t'ntj north west ?of section number nineteen,
(la), town twelve (12) range ten (10). running
thence west to the town line between South
P.ond and Salt Creek precinct, and terminat
,ing at rjurih west oorncr of the north west
miai'iur (iw V4) of the north west ouarter (nw)
Of sajd section is ordered opened oy the county
cnmitiissiftiiers. All claiiun for damages mu
be tiled in the County Clerk' olhee, on Or be
fore noon on the hjtu day of August A. 1. lstd,
or such r:;U wil uo opened without reference
tUcatu. j. i). tctt
County ClerK,
- bridge Notice.
Notice Is hereby piven that bids far the con
struct hm f bridge across tlie Weeping
WrtU'r Crvek on quarter (H) section line
running north aud soutn through section thirty-fix
(30). tov.u ten (10) range thirteen (l:t),
will be received up to noun of the P'tli day of
July. lnni. Said bridge Is sixtv (ijO) feet long
with twq approaohu twenty l2nl feet each.
S,iUmit tare of said bridge will be double
row of piling ; single row under bents; super
structure to be irott or wool or combination.
Said bids must be accompanied by specifica
tions. The commissioners reserve the right to
reject any or all bids. Jiy order of county
coii'inist-loners. J. I. Tutt,
13t4 County CWrk.
Road. Notice.
To Yl:it U man Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to locuto and
vacate a county road petitioned, for by Henry
Inheider et al. to locntn a load, commencing
at ilia center of s-t lun in tow nship 12 range
12, east, of & P. M., running theiK'O eat 20
viiaii'is, thence north ou fi section jiuo across
sec 7 thence north ou ae-otlou line to a point
within .Vi feet of the IS,, jfe M, U. It., thence
easterly ;;'o'U tne right of wav to the It. K.
se.uUon in I ')c town ul Vdar Creek, and to va
c.;itu I'ond No. Vy of o lunch of saj,j road as is
ioy (otiitod across section (j and I he north halt
of hcetiou 7 In. township 12, range 12 cant bus
reported in favor ol the local nut vacation
thereof, and all objections tlimvs or claims for
damages, iiihsI tic Hied, ((, County Clerk's
ollice, ou or bei:,;v boon on the itliii day of
August . 1. m. or such road will I.e located
;V,h ra'ialcti without reference thereto.
1U5 J. 1). Tt;rr, County Cl'.'ik.
Probata. Notice.
In tlic pi.ntet or the estate f Iiti(l Pitt man
tlvii.e.iJed. In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
I pon reading :-nd filing the duly verilK-.l pe
tition of Kli. J. V. Pktuiaii praying that ad
ministration of the eslitto ,r David Pittman
deceased, be pr;me,l Andrew Pittman. Or
dered that lAutie of the pendency of said cause
be l untitled In the Nebraska" IIkrai.D, h
weekly newspaper, prii.ted. published ami iu
general circulation in said County, for three
consecutive week. i;nd that the hearing of
said cause be t- for Hie llh day of July A. I).,
lssi. at 10 oVinek a. m., at the oiliee of the
C-. vnty Judgo. at Plattsmouth, ut w hich time
lnd place, ;ii imrstms Interested may ui'peur
and show c;(Um. If uuy they have, why itdiuin
itl'ittilll ! Kind estate should not lie granted
io the said Andrew Pittman, according to the
prayer f said petition. A. N. Si i.i.ivan,
County Judge,
Plaitsni'.iutii, June 27th, 181. 1M.T
Estray Notice.
Taken up by tho subscriber, near South
Bend, a red heifer e;Uf. with the left ear slit,
and the right ear cropped. Star in forehead,
'l'he owner can have I lie same by proving proc,
pei ty and paylug charges as provided hy law."
Ai.onzo JIkath, -
I2t5 South I'flKl. Neb.
Road Notice,
To all irhntn it may concern s
The section lme petitioned for by W.
J. Carter et al. euiuiueuckig at the southwest
corner of section thiity-thret (33), township
elevett (11), range twelve (12), and ruu
eiug west to tbe. north west corner of
section thirty (30), township twelve (i3. range
twelve 12. and also nus commencing at tde
south west corner of section thirty-three 33.
township eleven ran,-. twelve ami
turning north to the northwest corner of see.
twenty-one tow ii elt vi n rane twelve: and all
objections therein of claims for damages,
must be tiled in the County Clerk's Oftlco, ou
before noon ou the I'M ii dav of August, A. IJ.
lxl, or such road w ill be opened without refer
ence thereto.- J, l, TlITT,
l5 - County Clerk.
k. K
Wq lean Cured, Not Merely Relieved
And Can JProvo What toe Claim.
fta- Xhcr y w iSHwr and! nwJlmp.
Mjptntewt. If yim mf lrotibll vTn
tlCH HKAIA11H youtaa tx f.llT n u ti
uirltly furfd, a huiiilir.i t.ii
lrsady. M mhmll ix pleiw'jo M a
tl of teatintfMiliU tu uny" lotriWll.
Jls? ctjre all forms of Biliousness, pra Tent Consti
pation and Dyspepsia, promoto I)ljo?tlon, relievo
distress from too heart t catlns. correct Disorder ,
Of tb Stomach, Stimulate the LIver.and RgiilHta
ttta IJowbIs. They do all this by taking Just ono
UttloplUatadose. Theyaro purely Y$tatto. do
not (Tl poor purg.?,and aro as powriy perfect as 1.
Is possible for n j. 11 U tu. I'rtce 2i cents, 6 for ft
Sold by Cru -glt everywhere or sent by ou!!,
Successor (u W, 1). Jones.
ji!-.ln tnkts vhurye of the Oil
Brick Livery Stable
The ohl I'.tiiiner Stables. In riatt-mouth. are
now leased by Jones & Agnew and they have
on hand New ami handsome accommodations,
in the tdiaiH! of
We are now prepared to keep HOUSES
And will
Train and Break Colts
Ou Keasouable Terms.
That with plenty of room ft hat every one
knows we have) in our stable, w e can get l'a,ri
ers stock aud wagons, load? of hay, &c nudtc
cover, where they will keep dry.
i ig all the old patrons f i vr tiielr liberali
ty, we soucit their trade for ie future, satisfied
th-it we can accoii'", j,Vio "them better and do
betler by thra than ever before.
Contractors and Guilders.
II?,vmj ruacgd- our shop and purchased a
bieaiii Power Circie Kaw. we are ptt'imred to do
an. uuUmbed amount t.f work lu uur line iu a
KlU-ST-t'l.ASr . MANN Kit.
and those who f ui.template building will find it
to their interest to get estimates from us before
giving their work toother parties. Estimates
made, ou all kiudeof work Fkkk of Ciiakuk,
In tho rear of the Lionnor 8table3,
c.ooi UAi:n
First-Class lirick,
Will Uo Contract Work and Guarantee
15m3 riattsmouth, Neb.
G&eaper Goods
than anywhere wtst of tho -Mississippi Kiyer
Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets,
East of Court House,
the best aud latest Improved patter t.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
know what I keep, and my Spring ind Summer
stock is now ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can be found here.
In addition. I have added ail klmls of
Buggies S Wagons
O Xj
a u eek iu vour o.t ll tou li. Term anil
outfit fret; Adtlress. II. llAi.i.KTT t Co.
I'ortlanil, Alatuo.
E. Dovey &Son,
Still lind tlieuiKelvf at li'imi' to CaR County
Farmers ami all t heir old customers.
We Jm ve. this Winter our US'
ual full ami laryir lints of
U'khIh than, jcrhas, enr be
fore. Ah Uie yrowtli of the
country Jkix tit: mantled laryer
stocks, ami of a IttU r clans, u?4
Jiace endtacorvil to vuUttiat
demnwl. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I llittens
for Winter wear, we'Jmve a
larye and varied assortment at
redm)fd ratts.
of all kauts. Dress Trimininys
of the latest styles. Buttons in
entiles variety: our line of
i.v taxe.dinyhj ICS
think, well selected.
ladies' shoes men's and nors' booti
to suit all persons ait I all purses
A very full line of
whicl you miiM, nee to select from.
Sugars of standard grades,
TCuS sfive n',l's' ,in:il,tK e lected by our
PnlfPPI ,-n,ftny bTaiids, especially our own
UUUuuo brand of kkksii hoai.tko coffkii
Called the "MEKIl'E." Try it and ee, befora
purclia-iing elsewhere.
Dried Frnits of a'.l kbit!-, freili and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED COOD3 from all tjuarterf. Very flue
California roods.
by the barn 1 or busheL
In all these braueheit we vliall eu-ai-nvot
to fi-H ait lino tut auy i, ne, and
as is pofsiple to do a MVM BUHI
n kss. We invite, attoution aud will
jdiow all that call uur irooiU. Don't
be afraid to ask far what you waut,
and call often ,io early.
37ni3 E. i. DOVKY jfe.SQN. Mattntflooth NeO.
r:o.MroHK.i ok
jiiiimi:i: MUMJICRS,
Is now fully prepared tu furnish miiilo for any
ami all occasions.
A Tiioruiirti Oraiilralion
w ith a ctuupliefn ami wt ll feleeied repertoire of
Ordeis respectfully solicited. Term reasonable
Apply to .1. 1 Yot'NO, r. O. Hook Store, or
lwtt .1. F1NI.EY .loll N SON, Sec'y.
SuecesHor to S mi.k;ki. & NliUtfAX,
Manufacturer of
And dealers in
T O 15 A 0 CO.
Special UltANDSntid sizes of C'IfJA B8 made to
order, and satisfaetitni guaranteed. Cigar
cliijiijgs moM for sniokirrf otacco.
Ma).: Htreet. one door west of J. S. Duke's itoro
0;jpni7e ll'imt tjrhec,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Im8
dealer In
Larfe'e stock ot
Notions, Quecnsware,
iuid iu fact everything you caa call for ia
the line of
General Merchandise.
All kinds of country oiocluce takes la tX
clmuj; forjoods. "