The Herald; JPLATTSMOUTII. JUNE 30. 1881. See Bon'a Ad in the Herald this week lots of good brick now. The Fourth of July, and then tbe great Circus on the ISth. The Temperance folks have started a grand army of reform it3eema. Mar chand. The rain-" Wednesday night cooled off things from 1003 to 80 or there abouts. Capt. BevNTox has lately taken r. "swim" from St. Taul, Minnesota, to Cairo, Illinois. Another little child has been found fondling a snake and the papers all head it Tho'rnost IJeautiful Snake Story Yet. Under the guise of supporting the administration, the half-breeds are pushing all the railroad men in the country to the front, that's all there is of it. Tuos. Gakfield an uncle of Presi dent Garfield, eighty years of age, while crossing the railroad track in hi3 bug gy was rua over by a passing train and instantly killed; Mrs. Arnold, a cousin of the president's, was with him and was badly injured. "Wiley Black handed us a paper last week frith an account of a most terrific cyclone In Mitsouri on the 13th. north west from St. Joe. Later accounts state that ndrth west Missouri seemed afflicted that day, several terriblo wind storms in differ ent counties, killing hundreds of cat tle and destroying many lives. 0 The first train through to Yankton since the big flood arrived there the lGth. of June, nearly three months having elapsed since Yankton had en joyed railroads or telegraph, the last train having passed over the road the 2Cth of March. The telegraph was not repairel yet, and the train was a surprise to the city. The barge convention at Council Bluffs seems to be bearing fruit. The papers east and west comment on the same, and it may happen yet before we die, that barge's will proceed to travel on the old Muddy from here to St. Louis, and so 011. The engineers want ten millions only, to make the Missouri behave herself. Judging by the subsidies granted to railroads, if the contractors steal half of thi. the remainder may yet benefit the people or the Missouri Valley some day. The situation at Albany remains unchanged as to voting. The Grand Jury have presented an indictment against Senator Sessions accused of trying to bribe Assemblyman Bradley The vote yesterday stood: SIIOKT TEKM. Potter, 49; Coukling, 34; Wheeler; 4ft . n .11 a -w . , - t-i, ; .oriien, -i ; lapnam, li; i oiger, lioacb, 1; Crowley, 2. LONG TERM. Depew, 5; Kernan, 49; Piatt, 27 Cornell, 0; Wheeler, 1; Crowley, ti Lloskins, 1; Lapham, 3; Tremaine, 1. It must be rcmbmbered that many members are paired and absent so this does not show the real vote for each only the proportion. Ihuiehy Si t'o's New Unices. The newspaper advertising agency of Bauchy & Co., having outgrown the limits of the office at the corner or 1 uiton and Church streets, has ueen removed to 2s o. 21 Park Place corner of Church stiver. wlirt. th firm occupios-a floor extending through the block to Xes. 2-i and 2G Murray street, a sn.iea about .10 hv 20;) twt About 50 feet of the Park Place front is partioned off for the Counting Boom and Private Office. Beyond, tho wails ;ue cuvereo irom floor to ceiling with pigeon holes, for files of newspapers and on one side of the room ;ir r number of alcoves, furnishing places for about 8.000 files. Thp Mur ray street front is given up to the oiupping ueparcment. .Messrs. Dauchy & Co. being also manufacturers and dealers in printers supplies. Xew j. 01 oria. LP high in the northern heavens last Sunday evening a brilliant comet was visible to whoever might choose to gaze upon it. Its discovery had been announced some days previous but until that time it Lad only been visible at a very early hour in the morning. j ...- vuusiuerame umerence of opinion exists among scientists in regard to i identity. By some it is supposed to oe the comet of 1812, whose period was cemputed by the astronomer .Encke to be seventy and seven tenths -years, which would biing it around again in 1883. but aa it is very difficult to compute the period of a ccmet hav mga very elongated orbit owing to perturbing influences of the planets, mis may provo to be the identical fellow. Others think it is that old 1807. The majority f astronomers state that it is travelling away from the sun at the rate of 300,0' JO mile uay, out lJrof. Swift of Bochcs iter thik it is moving towards the suu. its tail is supposed to be at least four mimon miles in length. Reports al so oilier as to the length of time it will bo visible, some say a few weeks, somo months. If this is not the comet of 1812 we may begin to look for that pretty soon. ana with two comets in one yer will certainly not feel any dearth of celes- uu visitors. For the benefit of those who fear annihilation from these "Wandering Jews of the planetary tjtiew, we have only to call their attention to tha fyct that comets have come and gone for lo these 4000 or more years and still we live; one astrouoaier advances the theory that our great snows last win ter and heavy rains this spring were due to our being enveloped in the tail of the csmet. It is perfectly astonishing how the buildings and other improvements are going on in I'lattsmouth; especially is this true of the railroad buildings. In addition to the very large and sub stantial brick shops now built, there is under way and will be completed in a few weeks buildings equal in number, size and expense to all that lave hitherto been built, except oi:j round house. The Company have ac quired all the land in the ralley up t the O'-Neil estate-ami already occupied the same. Tha ground formerly occu pied by the stock yards has been need ed for something else and they have been moved up to the south end of the yard, while all tho intermediate space that a few years ago was cow-pastuie, and base-ball grounds are now covered with lumber, cars and buildings. A new county road running from 15illing3 avenue S. W. to the maiu road, some where near Doud'a is greatly ueeded. "While all this is going on our Main st. and many prominent streets are left in.a bad shape and car roads in and about town are simply horrible. There is not a decent half mile of road to drivt on within five miles of I'latts mouth. J. W. Camtbell the well known correspondent of the Omaha Republi can was here last week. Fourth cf July Below. The citizens of upper Otoe and low er Cass will hold a grand celebration the Fourth, at Foster's Grove on the telegraph road one mile south of the Weeping Water The Editor has been cordially invited to attend, but. press ing business elsewhere that day will prevent, many thanks, all tho same thoasrh. The Shu Cholera Medicine. More than twenty years ago, when it was found that prevention of chol era was easier than cure, a prescrip tion drawn up by eminent doctors was published in the Sun, and it took the name, of the Sun cholera medicine. Gur contemporary -never "lent its name to a better article. We have seen it in constant use for nearly two score years, aud found it to be the best remedy for looseness of the bowels ever yet devised. Xo one who has this by him, and takes it in time, will ever have the cholera. We commend it to all cur friends. Even when no cholera is anticipated, it is an excellent re:-avdy for ordinary summer complaints, colic, diarrhtsa, dysentery, !tc. Take equal parts of tincture of Cay enne pepper, tincture of opium, tinct ure of ihubarb, essence of peppermint, and spirits of camphor. Mix well. Dose, 15 t 30 drops in a little cold water, according to ago and violence of symptoms, repeated every fifteen or twenty until relict is obtain ed. Journal of Commerce. Straws. Grange Visitor, Mu-h. Xot long since Senator Gordon of Georgia resigned, and Senator Brown was elected in his place. Senator Gor don became counsel of the railroad of which senator Brown was l'rcsi lent. During the Senatorial election last fall the railroads made a strong effort and succeeded iu electing the follow ing monopoly Senators: Sewell of Xew Jersey, Camden of West Virginia, Piatt of New l oik, Cameron of Wis consin and others. Under the guise of supporting the administration, the whole strength of the railroad inteiest is now being put forth to secure the election of two rail road Senators from Xew York. The legislative attorney of the New York Central Bailroad, Mr. Depew, who ha3 done more, perhaps, than any other man in the'State to corrupt and de grade its politics, is already named as the most pioininent candidate, al though this may, as in former contests, be simply to retire at the proper time, and throw the railroad strength in fa vor of another less prominent railroad man. Alliances of all kinds aro sought by the monopolists; they have but one standard MVi7 he look after our interests?- aud they know no party except as parties serve their purposes. Tha following from the Albany dispatches of the Xew York Times of May 19, tells this fctory; "A gathering of administration men and Democrats was held in Senator Wagner's rooms late in the evening, and while Senator Robertson's health was being drank in one room, the list of men who were willing to pledga themselves not to support an oppon ent of the Administration for Senator lay upon a table in another room ready to receive new signatures." Note. Senator Wagner i3 president of the Vanderbilt palace car company, and chairman of the committee on railroads in the New Ycrk State sen ate. When Hon. Stanley Matthews wa,s nominated as a judge of the Supremo Court an almost unanimous protest came from all parts the country; the judiciary committee of the Senate, with tho-exception of a single member (Senator Lamar cf Mississippi), re ported the nomination adversely, jet the monopoly senates, Republican and Democrat alike, voted solidly for his confirmation, and he was eoufirraed by a majority of one rote . A striking in cident of the struggle was that the same two prominent journalists (Re publican And Democratic), who shaped the two s.atjonal platforms above noted were among Lis warmest sup porters. The following pre com ments are suggestive: "With the exception of where per sonal or corporate influences have rul h3, the press, since the nomination of Mr. llatthows by President Hayes, has very generally opposed his elevation to the bench. What nrv the potent influences at work which are per sisleiuly pushing Mr. Matthews' Can didacy for the supreme bench Y' New York Daily Graphic. " . "No man since Taney's tirna has gone on the bench against so general popular disapproval, and if Judge Matthews, like Taney, carries the opinion which makes him objoction aclo into 4 decision in the great case slowly being ju&4s up between the peopla and the corporations, the peo ple will reverse Matthew's dccisiOu they did Taney's. SpringCeld Repuu lican. -.The proofs might be multiplied in definitely, but space will not permit. Ths iJiirpose of this League is to call public attention to the designs of tho monopolists upoii the liberties of the people, and ask all patri&ti? citizens to raise their voices to prevent tnr r.? complishment. L. E. Chittexkex, " President National Anti-Monopoly League, TEMPLE OF HONOR. Synapsis ofthe Proceedings of the Grand Lodge. Tho Grand Temple of Temrlars of of Nebraska, convened in Templars Hall, Lincoln, at three o'clock p. m., June 14, and was opened in due form by W. A. Hosford G. W.T., with the following officers present: W. A. Hosford, G. W. T. ; J E.Morrison, G. W. V.T.; A.H. Bo wen. G. W. It.: E. M. Bus well, G W. U.; L P. May, G. W. G.; J. M. Williams, P. G. W. T.; Ezra M. Buswell, G. W. C. The committee on credentials re ported representatives present from Lincoln Templs Xo. 1, Beatrice Tem ple No. 4, Plattsmouth Temple Xo. 15, Brownvillo Temple Xo. 30. The grand temple degreo was then conferred upon the following now rep resentatives: II. W. Furnas, Brown vine; O. K. Beady, Beatrice; D. B. Howard, J. W. IIodge3, W. A. Doggalt, Lincola; W. F. Morrison, Plattsmouth. The report of the G. W. T. and G. W. recorder shcw3 a falling off m the numerical strength of the order during the past year. The cession wa.3 not marked for any important legislation, but on the con trary but littla wa3 done other than the routine work. The following officers were installed for the ensuing year: Grand templar, J. E. Morrison; grand vico templar, E. M. Buswell; grand recorder, A. 11.. Brown; grand treasurer, Leon D. May; grand chap lain, W. A. Doggett; grand usher, O. K. Beady; grand guard, J. McWill liarns. Tho next session will be held in this city oa the last Tuesday in November next. The trial or examination of John Ossenkop's case at Louisville last week .before tlte commissioners, re sulted in not granting license to Mr. Ossenkop. We cannot believe the law contem plated such a proceeding as that trial developed, and if it does it is a very foolish law, providing for a chronic Commissioner's Court the year round, if any one chooses to make complaint. Of the men who have been in the liquor business in Cass County, John Ossenkop has been one of the best and the probabilities are that a worse place will be kept than his under the law. Louisville Notes! School closes Friday. Earl Hoover and" Florence Glover take the lead in the spelling classes this term. Is Conkling the great "I am" or the great "I was?" The small boy has suspended ohiying "keeps" for the present, and begun his annual fusilade with fire-crackers. Louisville patriotism will bubble away from homo this year, principally to Weeping Water. It. Tapper lost a child last week from whooping cough. Charley Wheeler also lost a ;hild last week. We understand the circum stances to bo as follows: Sometime since his house burned down, which he has replaced with a new one not yet finished. The family was sleeping in an unplastered room, and the child be ing warm and restless, rolled about till it fell between the bed and the wall, between the studdings, and hung itself. When discovered it was too near dead to be revived. Taylor Welborn's barn was struck by lightniug during the storm last Sat urday night, and burned to the ground, no lost one horse, three sets of har ness, and considerable quantities of grain and hay. It was partially insur ed in the Continental. We remark in parenthesis that there were three lightniug rods on the bnilding forty three doilars worth I Oar picture man goes this week to Greenwood; and that reminds us of big men. Last week, while the artist was taking a picture of the Missouri Pacific depot ia this town. Be:i Hoover and Walter Cutforth thought they dis covered a chance to have their "pic tures took." So when the artist had adjusted his instrument and turned around to arrange s -rae matters, Ben and Walter stepped in front of the building. The artist turned and looked through the instrnment, and an ex pression of astonishment passed over bis face. He looked at tiie crowd, look ed around tho sides of the instrument and through it again, as if he had lost something valuable. At length he raised his wondering eyes and excited ly asked: "Where in the did that building go to?" Fact. We see in your last issue that one J. C. Newberry states that "Quill" has made some "fale charges" against him; that they wen; "inslig.-ttrd in the interests of the whisky ring;" that ho will ."rply at length," etc. .Now we have looked over the article referred to carefully, and fail to 'find any charg es against the gentleman. We hope he will explain what the charges were, and we will either substantiate them, or make duo reparation. Wc trembling-' ly await his promised reply, and, in the mean time, "No further seek Uia turrits to disclose Or draw hi frailtins from their dn-ud abode." Quill. From nine Hill, Neb. Tha IIjiiiALTi, which i welcomed to our home every week, ha3 jusffna-'e its appearance of date 2:ld, and has hewn dulv devoured. Always glad to bear, from old "Kass Kounty." Times are rather more lively here than when I wrote in the Winter, Crops generally look well. Corn, in stoad of being th "size of a lead pen aiJ," (as you say yours is), is most of it larger some over knee high. Wheat looks tolerably well; other small grain fine. Weeds are very bad in some fields. The outlook is encouraging, however, and we expect to have enough to eat, and some to spare. We have had plen ty ef rain here thus far. Near Har vard "a iejcie hai! storm did great in jury, 1 hear, but Lay pp J.c.rd the particulars. I was in Hastings last wee. Met Revs. Gallagher and Cooley of your county. It seemed most like -coining home to see them. Hustings is a fine town, nine years i ao one sod house, now spreading over inany'acrco, having a great many hue buildings. 'Schools ar.J churches and in every respect a trst iate Kebrk3 town. . . . Wfj do not get much emigration this year and there is not uiupi prairie be ing brok. on tUet-oiitary considerable land is laying id's VH account of spring so late. The prairies present a grand appear ance ni., grass is thick and tall (for this pr of the country) aud flowers iij f great uautiliias, I have seen sev eral kinds t'hVt vey to me, some of them tho most LeautTtul f ver saw. I must dose my long letter, yon may print any, all or none of it at your pleasure. - The IIeuald family is :nvited to CiU :;.t our Adobe and eat new pota toesgfeeu yeas and beans. Yours to command, ff. A. Jlonsox. (Dnr nnjJirauec Column KDITED l;r TIIK WOMAN'S CH11ISTIAX TKM rSKAJTCK UXIOX. '" For Ood. and lioiao. ml N ative Land.' Regular meeting o' the Plattsmouth W. C. T.U. at the Presbyterian church Thursday, 4 p. m., Jufy 7th. The Anniversary Meetings. As per previous announcement, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Plattsmouth, held last Sat urday and Sunday, a series of meet ings, commemorative of their sixth anniversary. The first meeting at the Presbyterian Church Saturday even ing, they had hoped would be presided over by Mrs. Newman, "who had or ganized the Union in Plattsmouth, but at tho last moment received word that she was unable to be here, and Mrs. Spurlock accordingly conducted the exercises. She was ably assisted by Mrs. Cooley, of Cass County, and by Mrs. Pollock, who read tha secre tary's report of work done during the previous year, and also an article of her own on the general work of the Union throughout the country, which, unfortunately, was cut short by the discovery that a portion of her notes had been mislaid. A recitation by Miss Fulmer and a reading by Miss Gass, were both well rendered ; also solos by Mrs. Walter White and Miss Mattie Cooper. Sevoml choruses by the choir were finely given and the exercises came to a close with an ex cellent es?ay written and delivered by Mrs. Aten, some closing remarks by Mrs. Spurlock and the benediction by Rev. Gallagher. The report of secretary and othor articles read will appear in our col umn next issue. The children's meeting was the crowning session of the anniversary, Conducted by Mrs. R. Bowen, and ad dressed by Rev. Mr. Aten of the Christian Church, Mrs. J. J. Roberts of Lincoln, and Mrs. Cooley of Mt. Pleasant. Miss Fulmer, by request, again gave her recitation, which touched a tender chord in every heart, nor is-ould we forget to mention little Bertio Wise who so nobly responded to the calls to "help us." The senti ment, though compassed in the short sentence, "I will give not one drop of wine" will build empires and es tablish kingdoms. Like meetings will be held regularly every three months. Pure water will be given the children. -Sabbath evening, a mass meeting was held in the M. E. Church, con ducted by the clergy of the city, and addressed y Mrs. Cooley, of Mt. Pleasant, Nebraska; it was a meeting of more than usual interest. Mrs. Cooley is a lady of wide experi ence, true culture and acknowledged ability and was present in response to an invitation of the ladies of the W. C. T. U. of Plattsmouth. The house was crowded to its ut most capacity and most marked at tention was given to tho speaker through the entire lecture, which did credit to both herself and the society represented. TLus closed the first anniversary of the W. O. T. U. of Plattsmouth. CAUD OK THANKS. Wo hereby lender cur thanks to those who so kindly assisted . in our anniversary exercises by way of press notifications, music, instrumental and vocal, addresses, recitations, clerical aid. churrli accoinrnodaMons arid en tertainment of workers, the most ear nest thanks of the memi era of our Union, and should there be a lady in the city who, feeling that hitherto she has been sleeping when she thought sVi was awake," or that she had "more weighty matters to attend to", or "had thanked God that she had no sor.s to ruin"' "nor felt her couutiy needed Lrr," h;s resolved that "as for me and my bouse, we will m;i v the Lord" meet us at the Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon, July 7th, at 4 p. m., where our secretary will gladly enroll her as a co-worker with ' us, is the sincere desire aud prayer of the Plattsmouth W. C. 1 . L . Weeping Water Hemes. News are now so plenty that 1 don't know what is best to send you. how ever I will endeavor to make my let ter as interesting as possible. We had a specially delightful visit from our IIekali Editor," last week; he reports the Hkhalu favorably, with a great, niany new subscribers of late; ho felt happy over: tna tuture prospects of W. W. and C1W3 Co. in general, he had a Dleasant trip, which he enjoyed vjery much. Come ofton. Mac, ad always remember you have uianv good staunch friends bore in lit tle W. W. We are to have a No. 1. celebration litre this 4th. aud expect to see many of our Plattsmouth friends among us. li.iynion I Jeuks has bdeu very ill, but is recovering rapidly at present writing. ' We havo Juvenile celebrations here every evening. Business is greatly improved of late, in W. W. By. Yeo mans huj . ;.dded two new buggies to liis livery rigs "and one l;ey bay trap; they are beauties, too, and he has' had his largo stable and carriage sheds painted, "gail7 red." for the 4th. Laney has opened a next Ice Cream Parlor and has tha only Soda Fountain in W. W. Our new drug and fancy provision store, Dr. Thomas and S. Orton, props, is rapidly nearing com pletion. ' Our'old friend, Mr. I"inj, will have his hew hotel ready for ye, for the th. don't forget him Ihenl "','"' Bro'. Thorp of the W. W. House Las bpe ffpa!:tMU- '$rJ refit tin, hi3 ptuoo, iu" order that je.may enjoy fjiit class accooiodatiiind'iju the Jr'o'urih- Red Bios, and Fleming u&d ItTee will have their stores closed on tne -lib so all ye who need of them, come to ttfwn on Saturday previous. - Teie will be ;bout fifty ic cream ami "l'rno'nade sianus l.ef J c . tl:" 4ih. T. J.; potter, jeweler," will 'be loumi i at C. Thoi-ng.itos Uw variety a:tu no tion store. W. W. is to have an elevator very soon, and a railroad sure. Yours occasionally. Tnixv. The Old Settlers Society of Cass County is called to meet on the Fourth of July to take action on having a picnic this fall. Further particulars m that dav. i3 known on K 3cacd froai Icath. In tho following rem-kable state ment, William J. Ccghn of Somer ville, Mass., says: '-Iu fall of 1S76 I was taker: with n vjriEXT bleed inu of 1 uk ll-gs followed by a se vere cough. I -was o n-eak at one time that I voi.M not 1- .ve my bed. In the summer of 1S77 I - .-as admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors sai i I had a ho'rs in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dolhiv's in .doctors and medicines. I f;a e 1. hope, but a friend told me of DR. L ALL'S BAL SAM FOR TIIE LUNGS. I got a bottle to satisfy him, v, hen to my eur prise and gratification, t commenced to feel belter, and to-day ieel in better spirits than I have the p-.t three years. I write this hoping every one afflicted with I:2';asuJ Lungs will be induced to bike Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS and bo conviuf-ed that CONSUMPTION CAN EE CURED. I positively say that it has done more good than all the other mediPines I have taken during :ny sickness." . &olJ by drug gists. Haunted Trte. Debt, poverty and suffering haunted me for jcars, cau?ed by a sick family and largo bills for doctoring, which did no good. 1 was completely dis couraged, until one year ago, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well,' and none of us have been sick a day since; and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your-families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than dfie doctor's visit will cost. A Working man. Renew Tour Lease. There are times in every one's life when energy fails and a miserable feeling comes over them, often mis taken for laziness. . Danger lurks in these symptoms, as they raise from impure blood or diseased organs. Med ical advice is expensive and often un satisfactory. Parker's Ginger Tonic will renew your lease of health and comfort because it restores perfect ac tivity to the stomach, .liver and kid r.eys, and purifies the blood, as men and women restored to robust health testify in among every -neighborhood. See adv. Advocate. 1U5" A V-'Ti p -.p;1'- '.?!!; itic;-;: hiu s'orv an fi'.M'D -iv- m ' -I r.i ri io:u S:de:u, Ma.-., Wt !:?-. :sr ' sou in tin? railroad de.tot ir: 1 i-j- -.-s . and did not nil him niit'l ln ronc-i.-d !omn fi;i 1 was :.-k-d what h- ' h:..' u::ie with that precious darlirj. lie took the train back. An Indian Fever and Aue Cure. Oneiila Circular. A party of us-, wi lie on a recent ex cursion, crime ncross a company of In Uians who were from M ": e. Ope old squaw, who vr. pi-'parin-r material for baskets of rather linn paltr-i-n, was quite sociable. In the Cuinso vi our conver sation sho told us s.n Ia-.iian boy had the fever and ague. We nked: "Whftt do veil -lo tor it : ' "Oh, we do what li tell us we take something I can't think what they call it." 'Quinine,'1 we suggested. Here a big Indian, who was within hearing, put iu: , "Tha's poison ugh!" And the squaw rcpiic '.: "No, no; we don't that.1' "Itgoos to tho bone-,1" s iid tho man. Yes," he continued, 'quinine will kill settle in your bo:es m.-iie urn aeiic.'" Wo inquired what h? co:-uicred the best remedy. Upon which our Indian sage replied: "Grated Miorse-rndi.;!:, one-half cup; whisky, l.alfpSat; r.v.z; a spoonful tln-w tir:i--.s a dtv fr:l will cure you." After a morar-M. added, "it's heating;" whi.'h w.s d- no' doubt. ev t c- THE MARKETS. home markets. ;i:ain' and produce. Weiluesilay, June lc, 1RR1. Wheat. No.2 n&&t Corn, ear, '" sheile.l 25 Oats SVt.' iiiirli-v, Nt. . . . 43-0 Kve. .' Nativi) CalUti..: i lK31 6" I!.. us 4 r.utt.-r lfV'..i" j-;oS 12'i'i',1" I'otatof 1 -3 .NEW YOIi'k MARKET. N k.v" Von k, June lr, 18S1. M.iney .?t.or3.Jl t'3!t. Wheat 3 1 U3 i:v.- 1 13 'il !l rr - "1 O.tlS - -: CI! ICAOl) MA RKETS. CniCAoo, June 15. 11 Flour S -1 60 4:-"' 00 Wheat 11 I 'nni . ! ( ;i's , . . ... 3'J Rve 1 '') Rii ley !" I.I V If. STOCK.. Mii)tins; -35 7vJ..?t IS ('aide. " 5 G-Vif :M' Sheep 3 ft 1 kj c fl w ? -t rs. m liyim Ball ;otxl r.jiek, it i- Kill'' s.-!- :is, .it FRED. LEHHHOFF'S I), ,;iiiis.ifiics?ir, v-ii. otf PLEASE REMEMBER that the Ciikai'kkt au.a t Tlack to buy Stasis and Fancy- Srcceries AWU First-Class Dry Goods, IS AT TH S OLD KELIAI5LE STOKE CF nr. Cor. Main and Third I'lattsmouth. ; r-Sltx-k iJw.-ips fresh :.ntl ovw. ;itid juicc-a al;tv.s ar tho bottom. Call au-J convince your-icl-.t'.; lot! Palace Barber Shop. J C. BOONE, t-iiUri" Mju'k i"4j"uh's r..-v -lW oh;' Sire. hot &c co3o -zijrpzzm ALWAYS ready. CLEAN NEW PLACE, and nowii the tune lo get KiiA;.'JvJr tvUMrof k! " .n:-otT, John Uoonc's Xew Shop, Ciinu-r Main and Fifth Street, l'lattsiuoata, n ebrNk. j 1 a OF- SOLOMON & NATHAN We are noic prepartd to shorn at our ne.v; quarters', mxt to Court House, tJie Largest, Finest and Cheapest Stock of & sr 5. K Rt RJ !S Rl 7 Notions, Jfillinery, Ever brou-'lit to riatls!!Hiit!i. Read and Remember the following Price List! SSress oods 2Sp? Kiubracc. some rare ntylos in staple and Fancy Fabrics. WIK3 OFFEH; Handsome Summer Dress Silks from 50 cts.per yard, up. Fine Blade and Colored Gros Grain Silks -61.00 Lovely shades in I'tftjttas Beiye Suitings " S- Adriatic Stripes, all shades " Real Moliair Melaivjts Ony :J ) Cazamo Foulards, JSrocaded " G-4 JJordures. Ehaant 2 All Wool Cash me Laicns. FI.EtJANT SI & Cashmere Dolmans, Mantles, Circulars, HavGlocks, AT KEDCCED Staple WE WILL from 5e ir yd up. 4 " " .... TVi " " " " (!ood Trints Fine Mu.sliun. . . Good TickiugH Goon Ginghams . Here the Ladies will find something elegant and nice, in the line of Head wear REAL IMPORTED PATTERN HATS ! Ladies' Hats, nicely trimmed, from 75 cts. ujk Children's Sailor Hats, from 2 cts. up. NOTIONS AUD FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Kid Gloves, full line 2je jr pair up. hhle Thread Gloves ". 5 ' " Ladies' I lot-e 5 Elegant lias cf Swiss and American Emliroigeries, from 3 cts per yard up. SOME ELEGANT STYLES IN' loiut Jtusse L.aers, Ilentelle LarcM, Kraltant I.npe, Lausncdor J.ncom, A'oiiii-e I.iiook, FI-nii--!i Liici-m, liretonne Laceii, Tow hon Lhoom ValeiK-ioiines Liircs. ASK 170 SHIES THESE GOODS. asad. Oil CItSis? FINE 1'ATTEKNS CAKI'ETS FI'.OM 2". CENTS YEll YAK1) TP. MATTINGS, ' KCTG-S, lively patterns in CUETONNES and LAMlJia-XJUIN'S. The above only eomi.ri.-e- a few of the many whieh we offer. Call aud jude for yourselves. careful and prompt attention. ru3 it. ii. liot.ta:, 3i. n. ri !ACTISfN VIIYSiCIAN. );l;ce and rru ore, JIain St, near Third, riattsnioulh Neb, Sior lily TIIK IMtOUOTKIt AMI IT.KFKC- Tn OF fsSIMIIiTIO. TISI-: KKr'OKJI Kit .-M VITALIXKR 3' I'll i: Iti.nOII. TIlf.lMIODITI'K A. IXYIKORA- THt OK XKHVK AM III l I.K. Till: til I.IKIC "I I'IMJ6TKI OK i: IX I'OWKK. FELLOWS' CO M P O U U D SYKUP OF HYPO-PHOS PHITES Is en!njo.ied ef ii-i i'!i n! id.-Mieal with tiiose v. ulcli c.iis:itiur Ih-altiir r.!.ol. Muscle anil NeiTe, and r.r;:in SithMaiie. nhiNt Lite it-seif is directly (h'peu-huU upon sonif of t .ieui. F.y ini'ic.-o-ii M Nervous and Mitveular ii'nr, it will cure IKsnepsia. fect!e or interrupted ac tion of the lleait and I'al pi t nl ion, VVeahness if Intellect CHtised tv srief. worry, overtaxed or irregular habits, lironrhitU, Congestion of the Luii). , , , It cure Asthma. Neura'ia, Whooping! oujih Nervousness, and is a most wonderful adjunct tootlu-r remedies in sustaining life ilmiiiji the process of Oiptheri.i. The expaiHiiture of brain power too ear.y or too eveielv in childhood often result-? in phys leal ilehilitS' : the use of Fellow's Hypuphos phites exert a Finiriiiarli lijppy effect ih su'-h cases. ' ' , lo not he deceived by reinediee bcantig il Himilar name ; no oilier preparation is a t-ubsti-tute for tin under any circumstance. For sale by all druggists. Everv wound or Injury, f-ven bv accident or any disease, entitles a soldier of the late war to a pension. All pensions bv the law of January.' ls?:i. benin hack Ht date of discharge or ilcatn ,f tpe soldier. All entisled i-lo-iibl apply at once Thous-miis wi.o ai e now drawing pen sion are entitled to an increase. .Siddierii aud wi.iows of the ralf lslj and Mexican war are enlilied to pensions. Tliou:.ial-al c el ''uri tled to bouniv, but d not know it. 1 e( f:n all caserilo. Pi'.v l-r eveiy desci iptior. o...vai claims rollee'ed. Emivnv an AUoiney rosid in in WashifiLilo.i, w ho c.ii. t''1' -eioi; at fntion to vour biis.i.ess.' ' A mei i.-an sttij For eign patents obtained oa short notice, .send two stamps for pension and bounty laws. Ad dress W. T. Fitz:fkai.i. I'. i. Claiiti Accent. Lock Lox 4M, Washington, 1). C. 5l!y Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. rLATTSMOFTII, - NEJJ. Uillimd Hall and Saloon on Mam Sn-eet, four door froni Sixth at Neviile'u old place. BEST lilAXD$ QFCIGAl'S, ..LL'S, WINFS, ii-C. tlemeni her the X.imf aotl I'laee, James Grace. KNieman. - ii.'.iil'Ni llltui: t'.lni Street, near Kiiitii, Plattsmouth, - Neb. C-,V J-- S ila K- to order 7U3 MB DEI MESS' V7BBHI LLUH ! i l I Vt M 'X: '5 T ?.. mm I tit mml, Carpets, Jewelry, etc.. .from 40 up. STYLKS FICUKFS. SS-os 23iep?t. SHOW YOU Fine Cheviot Shirting from ir yd up. CottoiKuh'.- " 15 Table Ihiinask. all linen. .. " 30 Toweling " 3 Iridic-' Neckties Fine Ilandkereliii f ie up. 5 " Good Corsetf- , 25 r 4 Order by mail solicited, which will receive SOLOMON Rr. N ATTT A TJ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HATTY'S ORGANS. 17 Stop 5 Set Gold en Tonaue reeds JJaiii. l 1'. Lenity, aiinilin, N. J. CP ' 'Treatise on Tmiirorr.i McthwU. Ta l':;j.' 1 rjldes, yi-ldi, ruii-eH. ?ro!it-' ar.v !Z nnnti r Drrirti,-ti( " ajikkicax ij;ii.i. liLiLtTTlt.. hi liRmbrKlMirir. Vn. REVISED NEW TES1 AMEKiS ! Ill nitrated. Cheapest ami lit at. Nell at Hit;". HN' PICTORIAL BIBLES ! Affeiitsi Wanted. A. .1. IIOLMAN. f. CO.. I'hiiadelpliia, Pa. -' 60L D EDAL-AWARDED-THEUTHOR. w & rr n t 1 1 h e be t an d c 1 : n i ot, iii(iiiM'nsitto to every mnn, entitl1! "the S i'nco ot LitB,n bound in tint IriL-h m Uh lin, em Ikvh1 , f u U ril t . -0 pAree,ontai n h beaut 1 1 ul st t -1 I'nru uni if i jf-uv iiy man: ( I'uistratf d sample, 6 . : B'.n.l 'M.ff'V ml invt.itntftor Ir W H Pau- liflCV THYSELF. o.4iiuIfinchaL.looLca- HAVE "YOU Any per-on to be seriously III without:1, weak stomach or inactive liver or kidney-? And when these nriru are in jrond condilion do yon not find their poss-e-tr enjoying pood healih'.' 1'arlicr's Oinscr Tonlr always regulates these important oran.-, and never fails tom.ike the blood rieh and pure, and to strent;! hen ev ery part of the s triii. It has cured hundreds of despairing iaa.iils. Ask your ni-iahhor about it. ' Mi Hop "OH (.1 Medicine not a Prink.) CONTAINS Hops;, Bacilli, . Mandrake, Dandelion and the purest and best medical (jiialit es of all other Uirters. THEYCUBEi . , all disease-t ot the Moiii;ii-Ii, liowcis. Hiood, Liver, Kidney an. I Criiiary Cru:iii. Ncivous nnss, tderplcssncss. and e-pecia!!y Female Coinplaiiits. Ask o:ir clni';ist lor Hop Hit tors and try them before you sleep. 'lake no other. Send forciieular. Hop -Lit te'rs Mauuf.iciurinu' Co.. Rochester. N. .. anil I orolito. nt. J G CHA M BERS . Manufacturer ot and De;il r in Al.-o, a full li .e of SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES, WHIPS HORSE CLOT 111 XG, ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done ncailyaiid promptly at short uoticj at his USTIEW PLACE,- Directly oppo.-ite Tost oniec. Tlattsinoul h. Ni l). None but tlio best of .slock used ! Hardware, Cutlery, ITails, Iron, IViiproii - Sana RatXtinmu Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD d- GARDEN MEEDS. ROPE, AND ALL KINDS OF SIILE1 IRON YHR'C, Kcj.t in Sto- k. -."?J:iins an'iiini viiiring, 1H.INK VVlTlI NEATNESS & DISPATCH. All Work Warranted. 4M- it i C. S; Svey Siitn Warranted fC vf K fcl H fc vl kn t? 1 "a -s XEW MUCK YA III). I have now u ti?w III il.-M.iUer f:-om the ea-t, First-Class WWkman. 130,000 No. 1 Brick Now Heady and for sale. Come and Lvamino tl.eia for Vonr-elves. If t!:Py fall on a man oil to bis head. Will Not te Ualcrsall for a (jja'ilif j si Brick:. I iiui also t.ow roa-ly lo C'cmtidct for all kinds of buiMing :inl to put tij any l.iml wf vi il: i n 1-Jiick want cl. JEIUIY IIAHTMAN. At l.iy pliico on a-liii:.--l"ll A'.cime or ;.t 1". S. Wlule Store on Main S'lc l, i'l.ittsniou! h, Nebraska. i.'.m.t NEW Livery, Feed Si Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable in ncin h:;uh en ire f.i. The New 1 ii li! of op.i II the I il STR EIGHT BARN 01 the Comer of fill and T".i:l Mu els - .villi jt Hew Livery Outfit. . (IOOI) HOK.-sL'S AND CA I: L I AC ICS r.t all 1 iaies HOUSES FOi: SALt:, Utilises lUiCUHT .I.YD SOl. I), HOUSES KEl'T UV THE iKi V (ii WEEU. Call and see I WTTKU.SO.V t DIXON' MIKE SCIINELLBACHEU, " iioksi: hdi:in;. AN I) WACO N LKTAIKINC All kinds of KA KM IMI'LKMLNT IiHMldt'd Neatly tf l'romjdp . : 0 Horse, 3Iulo& OxSliocini;, In short, we'U shoe anything that bur four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. IsTEW SHOP n Filth Sr between Main at. J N ine Streets, list across e corner from I he skw H K 1 1 A I ,- OIKICK. 10 y STllEUULT & MILL !:!(, Harness Man ufmeturers, SADDLES I5KIDLKS COLLAKS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly :i liand. Repairing of all Kinds ! XEATL Y DONE SHORT NOTICE 1TEW HARNESS ! TURNED OUT IN SHORT HUD Ell And Satisfaction (Juaranle-f-.l. JiJeini-inhei- the phice. 1 (pposite lien... T.oeck's Turn ;t tire Store, on Lo . i r M ini street, Tlatlsii.oiitli. Nc-li, 21-l.v ST 11 El G HT cl M I L I.- E . J01IX SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages alwa3Ts on Hand AND HEARSE l FUNERALS. TAKE 'isTOTICE ! leant all of my accounts xetlled to date, an-l 1 s.i-iil do no nioie cieiiil bu-iiics. All old accounts niii-- be set I led II . ii ml no new ones will be made. Cnless sucii account- are fi llled shortly they will be Kurd. I wish to do a si i ici! j c:-.s!i busine-- 1 Tni me .JOHN SIlAWO.i, 1'lnt SMitoiil ii. Neb, DiSPEfJSARY. rrtUei ::;7 at 12 IT. 3th Circot, Z7. IZTA, I'D. pHE I in rba'po rtfthin old ami w-IJ known L inMitMMnw are roc? 'liar (rraduaton in nifJinnf an'i "t-tt. Years of Experience in tbe treatment C-ni-oriiC Di9tasfe hnw iiwhIm tb-ir skill an-i hhiht - . ir.'it:U ipcrior to th;it of the ordinary practiti.n r, .!.! they Lave acj.!irf'.1 a national reputatiou throujo IDISCRETIOfJ OR EXPOSURE r( me lluol nkln cr fcMii, tratw4l with biicc--.j. . r-i i&i.iiUc r;nci(lest wuntiut uin Mercury or olLt-r i -MMjr.r:is Mt-dic:n.-s aiid at mode rale exptitfe. YOU F'J C MEH an'' ,lf raiddla Rre who am nuwifn mnn im i Huifi'rintf frrm ortranic wenK ncss tbnt nntit? its victims for budnHg or luarrin-i, I.Trnn'ntly rnred. n mn'ifwmh fne. pATJKftTvS TREATED J rr Lrrvuii. - r.i 'i. , j rHuit., :i iff FREE nd mite i. Llt nf que-tiont Iu t nwrrrd bv fitieQt deAiriEtf trtilCitat free ny '11re on j plicition. rrkoti nfT-rlii from K upturn thou Id teatf tfcMr al(rrea, Ij and 'rrn Mtiarlhlnir In their atltaMtatfft. ItU aota trn.f C m m u . ir i f t'-rifc t nc ( !v foot Icniiftl, mud hou 1 4 be ad 1rt J UU. ItL'TIX. 1 North Hth NU,t LouU. Mo. PROVED A success " f A- Ts, BY YEARS W-. OF USE I. A VIlluftMo )tcrnmrj IV ! -T I."pnrt:ir in MP'l- leal Bcienflk A ixMitivi-ii . i .r K.-meilylor lb n?ody und cfirmnuenl do f. i.'ai.e- whih.. tie dHj.lorHlle clinfH rfiilt:u 1: -n. iri.ll.-rt prMi-licp or excenee in youl li or ia .uji:ii'i' Uttr- l-j Mi nnif true way. viz: X)ir t A DlO.i-.u-i art In l.y Ao Birptioii, ana ex-rtin r i i -l'io lull '" a tn VcbicIcb. iJiicts, n.l OJarid, r uasl.l'i to por forra tb.-ir "UA "' t; -:1.",,,T Uatten'le'l witli iw Pio -r Ini Di.v. ti' -nrr n not lotwrfnwii-i t'i? onlina, v , lmCs'II1"-. nuirLly li.sf.lvei and ..T abiOrU.-J. STu.luor.rf n lmtnediata noi.i ric.a mil r;t .r iii.. . It t :-l" "i - norvoua ii.u wn... u.-1 Ir en v.i '.x-.ii i.aiuor Iro :i hf -tm, r-stor-an thorclnd lalewlf) ao-l c :u. 1 mrnici y. n-moT-lnif tbe Dimncsa of B tC.i. C nfuHlou of ia.,u, Averaion to Bo:iety. etc..s-le.. arid (houpp'-aranci 'of preiaaturo clii uual;y ii-.-.nii.aoir.i tm troubI. and rei-torin thu Ut1 Iitim, 0" 'C( V tT tn dornisnt for ysn. 'J hi m -, l ment has f.or.d lus t-nt Iu v-ry n-i. .1 '1 nowa nroncuocfl nam trr.ii HrtMiu'iuU j,re cibd In tbia trout,!", and. ai umuy ta-i li.-r fci. ness to. with but lilt I'- if eny i-cnnanKsittTod. jn r- I -in no nonwiDM about )'p rt,"n. 'J'.. .T. Brvatl.n efill as 10 ihmm ivi-.y uai i ' will giM caiicfnctton. It l:i- ix-ca in r-twn.1 ni for (vve-iil y-ai-B un-1 ve l...vo tii v,4....ii ef -'-monlaU from i.mmiHi. aa to us bb.I t Is niw conrll to Im ihn m-t rnti 'riMl nxi a, ) . COTore.l for ruarluni mi l ciuin ; thirttmy T'i -.-ni trouble, that In wvll kn-nn t- Ii" tb-1 '' U,,-''''J Is pat upici m-.t boxes, cf tbro -:rr. Na 1 inini tolMtaiuontb.lf a; Mo. C. i.i!i.-i-t I JM'i mim nt euro, unless In nuvur.. ias.i o. t u. o . (lahtln over thr- roentht. will t"-.r ' - . worstno.r,f.o. J'.". Mot-V I,.. " y-;- r piitei-.wii(fH f nrni" i- ...r. l.-tm Anatantirnl rtluHfrntiant Innil 'lrttllJI'llV. irllleU tliil fOlltlllK the tnott Kl:ri:tirultliutt 'icy um l I mtcrett to itrrfort fi-ullh, iif the. ritul las if tterer qTertett. ftolit .Vt ty J HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CHEMISTS. Market and Olh Sts. ST. Louis, Mo. Unsolicited testimony to the EfTlcacy of Prof. Harris Pastilles, taken from Let giSh ters receivMfrom Patron t IoWff. Oct. !0tt. 'J. I 11m ftlM.ul i.nrr.rfa.1 ot r rimtillt.a. Thej bave workt-i likf ch:irm a m . i um just twi e ua much of a man u I wai l:forw tkin. 1 n oa tns ver-5of tbe p-ii, I thoiikt, nnd ' bn. ws no euro fur me, b-it bonr I am la ir-mil lioi-es for a euro. Wefft Aat s.'i'.i-l r'....-irl r..r ..10. cine ul 1 believe It nits cautj m i; for wbToh i m vtj thaukful. Iaclcil liuj 1 1 ;Me Bi n. I mo nnot l.if i'i 1 o. lor a iritfaa. 011 uit. nony u c.ui lusit for lue. I will ?nd yon nil tbo or.Ji.r I caa. From a Physician and Surgeon. Missonri. .Tuna 2T. Ilnnta forward m another box of tbe raslillos. Xh mtifnc on whom I hive us't vnnmt r. a Kn wT.I.f.. . u...... I.. ).-.. i f:i.t leooveriiia, aud l" think another will -t Liu ail rifctit. your lUfUiotiy for onuofoor ruUitiiers, it b:miuailo a irf,H.t I'nm of him. We hnve inot bi-r fiHtnmtir dow uilerias in tho Bauie wu, uuii un ouo Nu. 3 box. V r i 1 ( 1 t 4 a 1 l L T A M i h r- . n i