The Herald, LOCAL NEWS. Rememlier the M. E. Social at the residence of J. XV. K.n nes, fo-iorrow evening. All ;ue invited. Roberts sella wall paper. 5Uf The picnic will be in Smith's Grove the Fourth. Mr. Wash Smith and family have gone east for a visit. " Organs cleaned James l'ettee. and repaired by tf Get your 4th of July out-fit of S. & C. fayer. It rem tier's cho ice Crackers at Ben nett & Lewis'. Ht4 Coup' Circus the 13th of July. Read notice elsewhere. The riattsmuth Silver Iltlicoa Band are hired for the Fourth. Fred Ilerrmsn went up to Omaha lastFiiday and returned SaUrday. For Mini Cages go to the l U. News Dt-pot, and you will be suited in price and style. 1 The Board f Trade is called to meet to-night on important business. Bi t '.liner's choice Crackers at W II. B:K. i fc Co's. 1U4 Lo k at the program of W. C. T. U. anniversary exercises iriven else where. Bfi.nett& Lewis still sell Brem ner's tine Crackers and Cakes. 1114 -G. XV. Thomas starts a big sheep farm in S ward county this summer. Lawns and Buntings cheap at W. II. Baker & Co's. 1 -J. E. Morrison is the grand wor thy chief templar uf the state lodge Temple of Honor. Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every dav, at tha Union Bakery, corner Main and Third. 10tf Capt. Bennett is putting an addi tion .o his house and otherwise mak ing improvements therein. I sell the best and cheapest bcots arid shoe. I defy competition. 4tf Petek Merges. The boys are borrowing all the mules in the City and country around Piattsnvtuth for their ragamuffin brig ade. Try ihe Famous Roller Mills Flour for sale only at W. II. Baker & Co's. 1 MacDoniigh tells the story about as straight as usual. Never mind, Mae, we'll get you fast, yet, some where. The City, Directory is in the hands of the binders now, and will probably be distributed to-morrow or next day. The Juvenile Hook and Ladder Company are having their trucks and ladders repaired and painted for the Fourth. ChaB. A. II. Pieper, once an editor of the Dutch Wacht was in town Monday. He looks well and is doing well he says. Ed. Oliver first time, never do so again &c, &c. Girl, goodlooking. like Ed., born just in time to get in the paper this week. Genuine Mason Fruit Jars at W. II. Bakr & Co's. 1 Two young ladies on horseback. Saturday; one got left on Main street, the other stuck. Look out, what, when and where you ride. Ask your grocer for Breinner's Crackers, and if he says lie not keep them, tell him he is a fraud and change your place of trading at onee. ' Saturday was a great day for hogs in IMattsmouth. About 800 head were shinned, inostlv bv Samuel Barker, and 140 wagons were in town loaded with pork. Trv a box of cream Oatmeal boap three cakes for ten cents at XV. II Baker & Co's. 1 The Hook and Ladder juveniles are holding a great, many business meetings these times preparing to take art in the Fourth of July pro cession. For the best staple sim! fancy rrrfu-4-ries ill Plattsmouth go to J. V . U'eckbach's. ltf A mission of the Jesuit fathers will open in the Catholic Church on Sunday, June 2th. All desiring to hear their instructions are invited to attend. A nice line of Linen Torchon Laces Jusi received at W. II. Baker & C"s. 1 TLe Herald lwid ten persons busy at work on Monday and Tues day ."getting out the Directory, the pa per and trying to fill our numerous jobs on time. Largest stock of Fans and Para sols in the city at Y . II. Baker & Co's. 1 A Mrs. Bishop lesiding i.ear Rock Bluffs sent post haste for'a doc tor to mend a broken leg last Sunday. Dr. Hall responded to the call but found it only a bad case of sprain. A few more Croquet Sets left at the I. O. News Depot to be cheap. Sold 1 Lightning Rods No humbug. If you want your houses or barns rodded. and put up in goM shape, no fraud, no humbug, go to J. XV. Clark Weeping Water. 7tf We are pleased to lean that the hotel is rented to imc of the best men in Nebraska, for a hotel keeper. Mr. O'Pelt.of Lincoln, has rented the "Per kins House" and it will be opened before long. And don't You forget it, Phil Young sells Soda Water. Birch, and Ottwaa Beer. 1 Don't forget! that the under signed are "runjiiug off" their remain ing, stock of cheap Boy's and Chil dren's Clothing cheajer than ever. Come and tret some of the Bargains of S. & C. Mayer, next to Carruth's. XV. II. Baker & Co. Sell Bremner's fine Crackers and Cakes. Ilt4 rose by any other name would srafcij the same, but any Crackers but JJ reamer's will i-.ot t:inte so sweet and delicious, not by a jug-full and don't you forget it. Ht Personal. Mrs. John Shannon'lias been" quite sick lately. Mrs. W. II. Schildknecht has gone for a visit to Kentucky. A nephew of Mrs. Walter White was drowned at Per last week. And now it is'J. D. Tutt's turn to rejoice. A girl, and everybody happy. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Savage was buried last week Thurs day. Miss Marquett, Miss Clark and Miss Roberts of Lincoln are guests at Dr. Livingston's. Mr. Lloyd, purchasing agent for the Omaha Bus Co. is down here looking for big horses. Mrs. Searles, the Mother of lirs.E. B. Lewi is visiting her daughter who ha been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin returned home last week ; one from the east the other from the west. Miss 2uattie Cooper returned to spend her summer vacation in Platts mouth last Thursday. John W. Barnes left for a long trip west on Tuesday. John is get ting to be a great trareler. Ed. Duke has returned from a long trip to New Orleans where he saw the Mardi Gras and lots of other funny things. Mrs. Theo. Bodiuo and Miss Emma Hereld called on the Herald people, yesterday. Mrs. Bodine says the Republican Valley never looked so pretty as this year. T. W. Shryock left Saturday for Baltimore and his old heme in W. Va He will be gone three or four weeks, and when he returns he may give the Herald an item to record. Capt. John Waybright and wife, of, Highland County, Va., the father and mother of our old townsman .Morgan Waybright, arrived here last Thursday and will spend the summer, and per haps make this their future home. Another delegat ion of Plattsmouth students abroad returned home for the summer vacation, Horatio Dovey, Al Dorrington, and Ed Donelan from Ne braska College. Mr. J. II. Culver of Millford, spent a day in Plattsmouth last Saturday, Mr. Culver i3 introducing the flour from his mills which he claims is of a superior quality, and prepared by a process which is employed in the west by his mill alone. Miss Cora Clark and Miss Marie Tallmann of Blair made Plattsmouth a short call last week. Uiey were looking up the prospect for schools here; Miss Clark is one of the staff of Omaha Herald correspondents, and though youwg professes great love for journalism, and a desire to succeed in it. M. E. Sociable at the residence of J. W. Barnes next Fiiday night. Drills -the largest stock at J. M Roberts. 3tf For mixed paints Drug Store. co - to Roberts Gilmore the little son of Capt. and Mrs. O'Rourke met with an accident almost fatal to his life, on Sat urday last. A mouse trap been set with same poisoned bread which the little fellow got hold or in some way, and ate. Speedy applications of emetics however soon relieved his stomach of the "p'srious stuff and put him out of danger, but for a while his dangerous situation caused great anxiety to his friends and suffering to himsel f. Remember that Phil Young has the Largest Stock of Fire Works, Flags. Fire Crackers, Lanterns, and otner 4th of Julycoods, in the city. 1 The Ladies' Sewing Society of the M. E. Church will meet at the resi dence of J. XV. Barnes, to-morrow af ternoon. In the evening, the regular monthly social of the young folks will be held at the same place. All are in vited to atten i. A good time guaran teed. The body of the man found last Friday was pretty surely identitied as being one of the men drowned at the smelting works at Omaha, last spring during the flood: if so, his name was Nichols Keenan, a switch man on the II. P. Bodies are being found along or in the Missouri every day: at Kansas City four were found in one day! There is either dark work going on tomewhere, or tho bodies of those killed in the ice gorge last winter are yr t coming down. As will be seen uy program in another column, the Women's Christian Temperance Union of this city, will hold an Anniversary meet ing commencing Saturday evening of this week, at which the exercises will be of a most interesting character. This is the Anniversary of their work and a retrospect of work done in this immediate vicinity together with an outlook upon what is being accom plished elsewhere, will encourage them to future exertions, and form a pleasaut feature of their wsik. ttesucht! Ein mceblirtes Zimnier, mit Frueh- stueck. Nieheres bei 14t3 Ebinger & Lutz. The blood at times become loaded with impurities and moves thick and sluggishly in the veins. This condi tion of the vital fluid cannot last long without serious results. An altera tive i needed to purify the blod and impart energy to tfce system, and there is none better than Ayer's Sarsapar ilU. Firemen's Grand Ball! The liremeu have concluded to have a Ball the evening of the 4th, and it is hoped the citizens will all help them. The following are the committees: General cmmittee A. Ashley, F. Guthman, C. Koehnke. C. Pettee. Committee on Music aud Floor Mau nagers J. P. Young, C. Pettee, and A . Ashley. Door Keepers P. B. Murphy and C. Koehnke. Manager f Ticket Ofliee C. Koehn ke. Committee on Printing J.Yr. Week bach. Everybody is invited to attend, be 1 suro and come aud help the boys. COMING SOON. Wait for the Best W. C. Coop's Mon. 8ter United Shows, Circus, Ma . -seam, Menagerie, and Only Heal Paris Hippodrome. The Cincinnati Daily Enquirer says: "Enormous crowds daily attend. We repeat, it is the largest greatest show in America, if not in the world." The Gazette says: "Best show ever given in this city." The Commercial says : "Biggest and best show under canvas." Who is this man Ccup? Coup is the man who has originated most of the large shows of the world, including the large show of 1571. and for which another received credit. Coup is the man who in 1872 origin ated the first railroad show, built the Grst sleeping passenger box and pal ace stock cars ever owned by any show in the world. Coup is the man who in 1874 aston ished the country with his immense traveling Hippodrome, Coup is the man w Trt in 1876 erected the famous New York aquarium. Coup is the man wh organized the renowned Equescurriculum in 1878. Coup is the man who in 1879 added . circus.menagerie musoum and aquar um to his already monstrous show. Coup is the man who paid for im porting the vrerld-famed Paris Hippo drome, the first ever actually im ported. Coup is the man who has made the fame, fortune and reputation of most of the showmen of the present day. Coup's monster united show is th only show on earth that introduces two and four Roman " chariot races, jockey, steeple, hurdle, elephant and camel races. Coup is the only man that has and erects daily the largest canvasses ever erected. Coup is the only man that for the performance of the Roman chariot races has a race track nearly halt a mile in circumferranco and forty feet in width. No other show has it. Coup is the only man that has four separate rings used coutinually and daily within the massive pavilliou of his united shows. No other show has so many. Coup's united show is the only show that each day in the grandest process ion ever witnessed has nine different kinds of music. No ether show has so many. Coup is the only man that performs all and more than he advertises, and that only that is elevating, instruc tive, amusing, unparalelled, unpreced ented in the annal3 of show business. Coup is the only man who is now traveling through the country, herald ed by press and public as having the largest, best, most complete, perfect, worthy the patronage of the vast mul titudes who daily crowd , his monster canvasses the largest snow in me world. Coup is the only man who advertises that his united Monster Show will positively net exhib't in Platts. until Wednesday, July 18; fer one day only. See further advertisements. D. P. The Driving Park is now open and if the weeds are to be wants driving on at once. No racing nor fast driving allowed wnue the track is used for pleasure driving. FLOUR. The Way They Make it Now. Ages ago, some ingenious fellow invented the mill stones and out of respect for him and his descendents or for the lack of appreciation for any thing better, no great improvement has been made on the method of grind ing wheat until recently. The last seven years has been an era of improvement in every depart ment of milling. The most interest ing feature of the new improvements is in the method of grinding. Rollers are substituted for l unar and the new process is called the Hungarian or gradual reduction system. The wheat after being thoroughly scoured, cleaned and brushed, passes to a set of corrugated chilled iron rollers. From this set it is clinched between two other sets. After leav- iug these it passes to the bolts and purifiers and the disentegrated or larger particles are returied to an- other set of rollers, and so on the chaff passes through five sets. By the time the chaff reaches the last set which are smooth and highly polished, there is but little left, but tho bran, and germ or chit of the wheat; the germ being a waxy substance, is detri mental to the flour, and is flattened and separated by the purifiers, and runs into the waste, leaving the most nutritious part of the grain in the nour. we oeiieve mere is only one roller mill west of the Missouri. The Quenchaqua" at Millford on the I31uo. that manufacture the "SI1020" aud "Kolhanna." "AtUnd the Lawn Sociable," Friday evening at the res. of J. XV. Barnes, a hearty invitation is extend ed to nil. lij Request. Mr. Editor: The charp-es against me, in an insulting manner by "Quill,' in your issue of the 16th inst. are false and instigated no doubt in .the interest of the "whisky ring" and one or two enemies of mine. I will reply at length, next week. J. C. Newberry. The Louisville Attorney -The well known strengthening properties or iron, combined with oiner inics ana a most perlect ner vine, are foand in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body. and improve the bleod and complex ion. 1 r sale by bmith. Buck & Co. Ayer's Pills are a geueral favorite. because of their powerful yet gentle operation, ieuical men prefer them for nervous or delicate constitutions. Carter's Little Liver Pills will pos itively cure sick headache and prevent its return. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisement. I or sale by Smith, Black & Co. Constipation is positively cured by Carter's Little Liver Pill3. Not by purging and weakening the bowels, but by regulating and strenetheninir them. This is done by improving the digestion and stimulating the liver to the proper secretion of bile, when the bowels will perform their customary functions in an e;isy and natural man ner. Purgative pills must be avoided. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pill. Price 25 cents. Sold by Smith, Black I & Co. THE FOURTH OF JULY At Cedar Creek. There will be a Fourth of July ctle bration at Cedar Creek as follows: Tho exercises will open at 10 A. M. by an oration. Then games of various kinds such as foot-racing, climbing greased pole, egg race, sack race, blind wheelbarrow race &c &c, for which prizes will be awarded to the proper winners. A game of base ball and a dance will complete tho Afternoon's performances. In the evening Fire Works and re freshments. Cedar Creek is bound to celebrate this year as well as her neighbors. Carter' Little Liver Pills must not be confounded with common Cath artic or Purgative Pills, as they are eulirelT unlike them in every resoect. One trial will provo their superiority. Sold by Ernitb, Black & Co. A GOOD HEADER FOR SALE OR TRADE. Apply to J no. C. Eisele Turkey Creek, two miles south east of Cedar Cretk. 14t3 Another body was found in the Missouri river, on Wednesday morn ing about oppi site the brewery. Sher iff Ilyers and Coroner Gass were soon in attendance, and the cerpoe was de cently interred, after such examina tion as could be made. The body was naked, and had been in the water about six weeks. There were o marks of identification, the body being much swollen, and the face unrecog nizable. Conductor Fleming -first saw it, we believe. rlie verdict in the above case was as follows: VERDICT. State of Nebraska, Cass County. At an inquest holden at Platts mouth, in Cass county on the 22d day of June, A. D. 1881, before me, P. I Gass, coroner of said county, upon the body of an unknown man lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, the said jurors upon their oath do say: that the person here ly ing dead, came to his denlh by being drowned. In testimony whereof tho said jurors have hereunto set their hands, the day and year aforesaid. Wm. B. Brown Charles Vandaventer M. M. Curran R. I). Morgan W. N. Fleming Jesse Pat ridge Attest P. P. Gass Coroner. Three witnesses, Brown, Fleming and Miller were sworn. Brown saw no peculiar marks, one tooth out in the upper jaw (incisor) I leming saw body about 8:30 tloatin near brewery; no marks; mouth eaten away; in water three to live weeks; measure in box five feet, seven and a half to eight inches: weight. 140 to 150 lbs; age twenty-eight to thirty years. Miller saw body about nine o clock; n marks ot violence; about thirty years or age; light complexion ana same description as Fleming. NURSE. Mrs. M. A. Btiler of long experience in eastern states. Nursing sick and southern and lying in ladies a specialty. You will do well to secure her services. Call on or address P. O. Box 475, Plattsmouth or at the Battery Place, north end of 7th street. 14t4 Stolen From the undersigned on Sunday, June 12, 1S81, the following descriled check : Given to Isaac Wiles for $30.15, signed by Joseph A. Conner, payable to bearer, at lirst National iiank, Plattsmouth. nunibeied "A C9" and dated June 11, 1881. All parties are warned not to nego tiate for same, as payment on said check has been stopped. 14t2 Isaac Wilf.s, Jr. To Lot to Lodjjt-rs. Rooms on Oak st. opposite tho Cath olic church. Newly and neatlv furn ished. Inuuh-e of Mrs. C. O. Newton at the above residence. 13t3 J. N. Wise. Negotiator of mortgage loans, on improved farm property. Terms rea sonable. . Stf Ice! F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily to customers at remarkably low prices. Call or leave orders at his store, on Maiu St. lOtf The best and cheapest, The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers al Mkkoks. 4tf Crites and Iiamsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House, Piattsmotith, Neb. otCm Alderney Stock. Mr J. t. Beaumtister uow owns the ALDERNEY BULL, "WELLINGTON, No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Kentucky 628. t rom imported I ran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will be remembered Chaplain Wright brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersev bull and will be kept for servi ces this summer at Mr. Beaurueister s place north of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal should call and see the undersighed. J. F. Beaumeister. Stock from a distance, pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf The people of the west owe a debt of gratitude to JJr. Ayer for the pro duction ot Ayers Ague Cure. Its timely use will save much suffering and much discouragement, and we recommend it with the greatest con- tiuence in its ability to do all that is promised for it. Prejudice Kills. "Eleven years ur daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of the best (and some of the worst) physicians, who gave her dis ease various names but no relief, and now she is restored to us in irood health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years, before using it. We earnestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a ined- icine as Hop Bitters." The Parents. SPECIAL NOTICES. Purifiy the blood and regulate the bowels, if you would have health. There is no remedy equal to the Prick ly Ash Bitters for this purpose. Thev act directly on the organs concerned. going to the seat of disease and driv ir.g it from the system. Nor do they stop here, but strengthen the sstem. giving it tone and action, rendering it much more capable of resisting all future attacks. 1 1 15 Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy cur3 for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have SiAd over one hun dred bottles in the last two months .48tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per ID., at scnlegel & Niemann s, opposite sr. U. 7tf AGENTS AND CAN VASSERS Make from 925 to . per week selling goods for E. . HIDEOUT & CO.. 10 Barclay Send for their Catalogue and terms. ur. JiiacK s nneumaiic ture is an internal remedy and is pronounced by- hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors, bold by P. S. Barnes and A D.Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf For Sale or A house and two lots in Louisville House has live rooms and basement; good well on premises. Will take a team as part payment; will sell at a bargain. Reason for selling, I wish to move on my farm. Inquire of Samuel IIellwig, Louisville, Neb. 10t4 Dr. Schildknecht has moved to his new office on coiner of Main and Seventh sts.;and will be found there, after this during office hours. The Doctor lias a cozy place con venient to the business portion of the town readily accessible lo all patients. 2t If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of anv kind If you want to buv or sell a farm of any kind If you want monev with farm lands to secure it call on Will S. Wise, 4Cm5 Fitzgerald Block. It 31 list Be So. For all who use Brown's .Pepsin Tonic s;iy it is a sure cure for Dys pepsia and sick Headache. Try it. For sale by all Druggists ' in Platts mouth and East Plattsmouth. Pepsin. Khnharh, 3Iandrake& Gentian Are the active ingredients of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give thisW wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial and be cured. For sale by all drug gists in Neb. Brown's Yogetablc Liver Pills Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation and Biliousness. For sale by all Druggists in the West. Brown's Blackberry and Ginger Should be in every house during the heated season. It never fails to cure Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II. Butterv. Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and J. M. Robert-, Plattsmouth. "J. Painter, East Plattsmouth. 4.SCO. . . 3I tJF.V. ATTOKNKY AT and Collection Co's. store, l'lattsu LAW. NOTAKY P17BLIC ;ent. Office over liaker & iou:h, Nebraska. Uly Carter's Liltle Liver Pills have no equal as a prompt and positive cure foK !sick Headache, liiliousness, Con stipation, Pain in the bide, and al Liver Troubles. Try them. For sale by SmiUi Dlack & Co. Han ted day boarders A few more at ine Mrs bage s. on 4th st. between Y and Main sts. 2t ror constipation, costiveness, or biliousness, use Dr. Marshall's Ii i Jiromoline. Big bottles for 50 crnts Ask your druggist for it. Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf liiliousness or constipation 13 a sign of disordered liver. Cure theui both with a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Brom oline, the Big Blood Medicine, 50 cents i bottle. Come and See The large stock of Spring Shoes and Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping ater, 1st 1 riday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st t riday and Saturday m April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. Y OOLEY, 42tf Superintendent. How to Save. All men and women who work hard with mind or body are subject to peri odical attacks of biliousness, which may end in disordered kidneys or liver and dangerous illness. A 50 cent or 81.00 bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic will keep these organs active, and by preventing the attack save you much sickness, loss of time and great ex pense. Many families are kept in perfect health by using the Tonic when Spring or Fall sickness threat ens, ueiay at sucn times meaii j dan ger. Detroit Press. See other column. 1U5 Collection Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me by note or open account are requested te call and settle the same Aitliin thirty days from date as I must close my books, and snail change my business somewhat after this date. Please be prompt. J. XV. Thomas, 31. d. Weeping Water, June Cth, 1881. 12. Lost ! Gold-bowed spectacles, between the Christian Church and house on Sun day evening. The finder will please return to Dr. bchildknecht or to the orwner, Airs. beay. W. II. SCIIILDKNECnT. To the Citizen's of the County aud State. I T 1. . . i .. m i . -t rvA nAfi 1 x umc uuw leuuy lui uitti&ei iwu,wto White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices;., -ties wish ing to build a lire-proof k. e, before the comet coine3 n J. T. A. Hoover, Louisville, Nebw .fca. 14tf Money te Loan. Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9 per cent interest, tf D. II. Whekleii.J ..Honey to Loan. On good f irm property on long time. Apply to J. XV. Jennings. ltf Plattsmouth. Employment for Ladies. The Queen City Suspender Company, of Cincinnati, are now manufacturing and introducing their new Stocking Supporters for Ladies and Children, and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders for Ladies. None should be without them; our leading physicians recom mend them, and are loud in ther praise. These goods are manufactured by la dies who have made the wants of la dies and children a study, and they ask us to refer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every household would meet with a ready response, and that a determined wo man could make a handsome salary and have the exclusive agency fortius county. We advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention this paper. Address Queen City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 & 149 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 8t9 LEGAL NOTICES. Road Notice. To all u-hom it may concern : The section line roads petitioueM for by W. J. Curler et al. com mencing -at the south west corner of section thirty-three (3i)t. township eleven (ID. rniiKe twelve ivi). and run- ni west to the north west corner of ection thirty (30). township twelve (13). rantce twelve VI. autl also one commencing at the south west corner of section thirty-three 33, township eleven ill, rana twelve L12J. and turning north to the northwest corner of sec. twenty-one town clev u range twelve : and all objections thereto or claims for damages, must be filed In the County Clerk's Ofliee, on before noon on the 2Mli day of Auirust, A. D. ISfcl, or such road will be opeued without refer ence thereto. J. L). Tutt, 1115 County Clerk. Road Notice. To all u hom it may cuneern : The section line road petitioned for by Charles l'hilpt et al, commencing at the so nth west corner ol section tw enty-tnree liaj. town ship eleven. (11), range twelve 12, running east between section twenty-three 1231 and twenty-six as, and twenty-four 24 aud twoiity-Cvi. 2: same town and range and terminating .it the south east corner of sec tion twenty-four 1241, township eleveu, fill. rnad twelve 12J, and all objections thereto or claims for damages, must be liled in the County Clerk's ofllce, on or before noon on the 25 th day of August, A. I. lrl or such road will be opened without reference thereto. J. D. 1 UTT, 14t5 County Clerk. Legal Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the under signed purchased at puldic tax sale on the stth day of November, 170, and at the County 1 reastirer s o'lice m me city ot i latisinoutn. Count v of Cass, and State of Nebraska, and seperately in tracts of forty acres or less, the following uescnoeu lanud lor me taxes ot in. 8 to-wit : The south half (s'i) of section thirty (sec 30) township ten (10). raugu twelve (1), assessed as non-resident. All in C.ust Count v. Nebraska, and east of the Gih I'lineiiial Meridian. 1 am still the holder of theCertilicat'-sof sale of the above described lauds, and unless redemption thcrcirom is made within two yeara from the date of the above said sale, at the expiration of which said two vears. the time of redemption will exnire. application will be made to the Treasurerjof the aoove saiu county ei cass ior a tax ie more On. S. IS. MKKKIAM. June 23d, 1881. ' 14U Legal Notice. I'ubllc notice i hereby given that the under siirucd purchased at public tax sale n the l'Jth day of Nov.. l7!i, ai.d at the County '1 reasurers' office, in the City f rlattxinouth. County of Cass, and State 01 Nebiarkii. anu eperately in tracts of forty crcs or less. The foliowine described lands for the taxes of 187. to-wit : Lot live (5) in the south east quarter (se1-) of the north west quarter (uwKt) of sestiou 32 township 12, range 9. 2 acres, taxed to . W Schnellbaeker. J,ot sixteen (10 m tho south west quarter (sw) of tne nortll east quarter (ne'4) 01 section fifteen 1 1 .- J in township 1. range 10. containing acres, taxeu 10 i. r uner. The north east quarter (iifl) of the couth east quarter (sef-4) of section uo, tn-.vnslup 12, range 9. Ihe nortii hair (nvi) 01 tne north west quar ter inwl-ii of section G ; lot 2 in tne north west quarter tnwi) of the north wet quarter (nw) aud tho north east quarter (neU) of the south west quarler(sw) of section 9 aud lot 15 in the soutn west quarter swi or ine norm e:; quarter (ne1) of section 15 all in township 12 anu ranc iu, laxoa as non-resiaeni. 1 he north east quarter die!-) of section 8, the nortli east quarter (nc'it of section 9 and the soutli cast quarter (se) of section 21, all in township 10 range 11, and taxed as non-rerf-ident. '1 he south west quarter (swV4) of the north east quarter (nev) of section 31 and the south west quarter (swfi) of section 34, both in town nt.iii 11. ranne 11. and taxed as nau-resident. All in Cass County. Nebraska. nd east of the Gth Principal Meridian. I am still the holder of the Certificate of sale of the above described lands and unless redeinptioni therefrom U mud" within two years from the date of the above said salo, at the expiration of which said two years, the time of redemption will expire, application will be made to the Treasurer of the above .-aid Couuty of Cass, for a tax deed there on. fc. N. Mekriam. June 23d, 1881. 14t3 Legal Notice. l'ublic notice Is hereby given -hat the under signed purchafld at public tax sale on the 2uth day of November, 1S79. and at the County Treasurer's office, in the 'eitv of l'lattf mouth. Couuty of Cass and State of Nebraska and sep arately in tracts of forty acres or less, the fol lowing described lands for tne taxes of 1878, to-wit : lAt 15 in the south east quarter (se) of the swuthwept quarter (sw1) of itection twelve (12), taxed to J. Crabtree : aud lots 16 and 17 in the south eaft quarter (sei of the south west quarter IswJ of section twelve 12, taxed as non-resident : all in township twelve 121, range eleven 11. Lot 2 in the north east quarter r,e'4l of the north west quaiter uw!J of section Ave , taxed to K. 11. Kalon : and the south east quarter se1 of the north west quarter nwH of section live 5, the east half eVi of th south west quarter sw?4 of section five 5, the south east quarter se1 of the north west quarter nw of section eight 81, tui seuth west quarter I sw1 of section fifteen, the port h west quarter nwVI of section twenty. nine 1291. taxed as non-resident; and all in township ten 10, and range twelve 12. 1 lie 1101 tn east quarter ine 01 tne soutn aast quarter IseVi) of section fourteen UJ, the east half eUl ot the south east quarter se1, of eeetion twenty-three -J3j, the north half n! of the north east quarter lie1 of eeetion twenty-five 125), the south west quarter Iswl of section twenty-nine 2. : all taxed as nou- resident : and lot live ."1 In the couth west quarter swV of the north east quarter ne'J of section thirty-two 32. taxed to Wm. Stad dieman. the north cant quarter fneVl of the south eat qtiar'er se! of section thirty-two 32. taxed to Solomon Foltz 5 all in township eleven 11 . ramre twelve 12. The west half w4j of the couth west quarter rswl and the couth east quarter fsevl of the outh west qiyirter sw?iof .section three 31, iaxei 10 1 .Meizner ; auu ine norm nan nii of the south wtst quarter swij of sec- tiou four 4, taxed as non-resident : all in township twelve 12. range twelve 12. The sonth west quarter swVl of the north east quarter ne'ii and the north west quarter luw-i 1 or tne soul 11 e;ust quarter isescj 01 sec tion thirty-one 31, and the wect half w of the south west quarter cw of section thirty two, all in township ten 101. thirteen 113. all taxed us non-resident. Lot three 131 111 the north east quarter neV of the nortli east quarter ne1 of section six CJ. taxed to Samuel ciiambers : tne soutn west quarter it of the south east quarter se1 ef section thirty-two 32, taxed to John Katon : the west half fw,il and the soutli east quarter sw-4 of the south west quarter sw W and the north eaxt quarter ne1 of the south east quarter se1, of section five 5. the north east quarter ueUl of section eight 8, the west half wi of the south east quarter seU of section eight 8, and the south west quarter swi 01 tne norm weci quarter inwj 01 sec ion twentv-cicht 121. taxed as non-resident. and all iu township ten llo, ramre fourteen !. 1 nc norm nan nv I 01 ine swum west quar er iSw1 1 of section iliirtv two 321. township eleven 111, range thli teen 13, taxed as non resident. Tne north west quarter nw4 of the frouth eat quarter se1! ot section thirty-one 131, towiistiip twelve 1 12;, range iourteen ,mi. an in Cass County. Nebracka, aud eat of the 6th I'riucipal Meridian. I am Mil! the holder of the certificates of sale of the above described lands, and uuless re demption therefrom is made within to years from !!ie t:;:l ot tne aoove cam sa:e. at xue ex- r .tioii of hicii ai.l two years, the time of redemption vi;l expire. Application w 1.1 be nntfie to the Treasurer of the above said Coun ty of Cass lor a tax deed tliercon. S. N. MtKKIAM. June 28d, l&il, Utt Road Notice. To all whom it may concern: The nectlou line road petitioned for by Allen Coleman, et l. commenting ut the south ea.t corner of section .oeventecn 17, townthip eleven Illl range, twelve (12). running theuce north on section line, to the north east corner f section five, 5 towm-hip twelve 112), rang twelve (12) and terminating at township Hue, anu all uoiecnonn tliereto. or claims lor uaui- 8Ke, must be hied In the Couuty Clerk's ofliee, on or before noon on the 2M!i day of Augut, a. i. imi, r sucn roaa win ue oneneu wuuoui reference thereto. J. 1. 1 Utt. 15 County Clerk. Koiid .Notice. Toallictutm it mau concern: The section line roadcommeiiclng at the north eat corner of the north west quarter vuwi) of the north weft Kof section number nineteen, (ID), town twelve (V) rant'e ten (in), running thence went to the town tine between South Bend and halt Creek nreciuct. and terminat ing at north west corner of the north weet quarter tnwi4) of the north west quarter (nwJO of taid section la ordered opeued by the county comitiissinni'rs. All claims lor damages must be filed in the County Clerk's ollice, on or be fore noon on the lCth day of August A. L. lusl, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. J. D. Ti tt i:r County Clerk. Bridge Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids far the con struction cf a bridge across the Weeping Water Creek on quarter () section line running north and soutu through section thir- ... ..i . .m 1AI vitifr.k thirtuan I'M will be received hp to noon of the 12th day of July. Wl. Said bridge i sixty (00) feet long with two approaches twenty I "Jul feet each. Substructure of said bridge will be double row of piling : single row under bents ; super structure to be iron or wool or combination. Said bids must be accompanied by specifica tions. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids, ay order of couuty coii'inissiouers. j.u. ictt, 13t4 County Clrk. Legal Notice. In the matter of the estate of Sarah B. States, I.eceased. In County Court of Cass County, etiraska. Notice is hereby given that upon reading and tiling the duly verified petition of Sarah E. I.vtle and Marv A. Carter praving fwr final set tlement of the accounts of the executors of the last w ill and testament of the said Sarah H. States, deceased, aud distribution, it is ordered that said cause be set for heanug on me 28tn dav of June. A. I). H81, at 10 o'clock a. in., on said day at the office of the Couuty Judge in said County, at which time and place all persous interested mav appear and show cause, if any there be, why final settlement and distribution of said estate should not be made according to the prayer of said petition. A. N. SiLMVAjr. 12t3 County Judge. Road Notice. To Whom it may Concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate and vacate a county road petitioned lor by Henry Inhelder et al. to locate a road, commencing at the center of section 7 iu tow nship 12 range 12, east of 6th 1. M., running thence east 20 chains, thence north on j section line across sec 7 thence north on 'u section line to a point within 50 feet of the. H. & M. It. K., thence easterly along the right of way to the K, It. section In the town ot Cedar Creek, and to va cate road No. 7: or so much tf said road as is now located across section 6 and the north half of section 7 in township 12, range 12 east, has reported in favor of the location and vacation thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages, must ne nieu in me county i ierK s ofllce. on or before noon on the Pith day of August A. 1). l&ril. or such road w ill be located autl vacated without reference thereto. nt5 J. V. Tutt, County Clerk. License Notice. Notice is hereby given that 1 have filed with the County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, application for license lo sell spirituous, malt. or vinous liquor, in the town ot ixmisville, Cass County, Nebraska, in accordance with the law of lssi. llt2 JoilK Ossk.vkoi'. Es tray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, near South Bend, a red heifer calf, w ith the left ear slit. iind the right ear crapped. Star In forehead The owner can have the same by proving prop peity ana paying cnarges as provided ty law, Alonzo Heath, 12B South Kend, Neb PLATTSMOUTH SILVER HELICON BAND, COMPOSKD OF TIIIRTEHX 31 CM 3J CHS, Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any and all occasions. A Thorough Organization with a complete and well selected repertoire of BRASSftBA.ND MUSIC. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable Apply to J. P. YOUNO, 1 O. Book Store, or lOtf J. FINLKY JOHNSON, Sec'y. PLEASE REMEMBER that the Chfapkst and Bkst Flack to buy Stasis aM Fancy Groceries AND First-Class Dry Goods, IS AT TUB ' OLD RELIABLE STOItE OF Cor. Main and Third St's, I'lattsniouth. I:gr"Stoek alwaos fresh and new, and prices always ar tne bottom, call aim convince your selves, lot I POSITIVELY CURED BY W Usan Cured, Not Merely Believed JLnd, Can Prove What v Claim. TTif m.TT m f-llwrg and nadluib HolslMf U. tC yu stro IrgnMfd Willi UHiDK UK yoawui r-mMlly mmH Sjinlrstiy rMiyd, mm hssdifdi tusve tii lrr4y. sJkall be plwsrrt t 1 lU 1 wt or tetlnssill to mnjr lslrwlll CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Also cure all forms of Biliousness, prevent Consti pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relieve distress from too heart v eating, correct Disorder! of the Stomach, Stlmulatetho Liver, and Regulate the Bowsls. They do all this by taking Just one little pill at a dose. They aro pnrely vegetable, do not crtpe or purge, and aro as nearly perfect as 1: Is possible for a pill to to. Price 25 cents, 5 for f 1 Bold ty druggists everywhere or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. JONES & AGNEW, Successors to W. I). Jones. Again takes charge of the Old Brick Livery Stable. I LATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA. The old I'.onner Stables, in I'lattsmoiith. are now leased by Jones & Ajrnew and they have on hand New and handsome accommodations, iu the shape of HOWES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. We are now prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE sTRADEI And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. ALSO UK3IEMHER, That with plenty of room (that every one know we have j in our stable, we can set Farm er' stock and wagons, loads of hay, Kc., under cover, wlieie they wiil keep dry. Thai.Kiritj all the old patrons for their liberali ty, we solicit their trade for the future, satisfied that we can accommodate them better aud do better by them than ever before. 501y JOXES & AG NEW. MCIIOI.S & SO.V, - Contractors and Builders. Having enlarged our shop and purchased a Steam I'oweT Circle Saw, wo are prepared to do an unlimited amouut of work in our line in a FlKST-ri,ASS MANNER, and those who contemplate buildinir will find it to their interest to pet estimates from us before irlvinj; their w;r!v to other parties. Estimates made cn all kind of work Fukk ok Cuarui. Cor,'. Witrhcs. M tin f n.lert f 1 '..1. WMt aiMal HontlDrA aiilAttua cold tL bol Id cold 112. CHepe.l ad be ywurowD um or .parulfttivd urfoBra. V.luablec m mm B Br u mm c CARTER'S! 'STk ITTLE TV 1 JIVER El. A. G. OLDIh, 201 SOCTIICLAUK ST. CHICAGO, ILL. A regular graduate of medicine, longer locate in Chicago than any oilier specialist. Over 'JO years successful practice. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, (ileet. Stricture, Orchitis, lhipture. Hint nil I'rlnarv IMxeases, (KMneys or liladder,) Mypli llitic or Mercurial A Ileet limn of the Throat. Skin or Honer, Cured SSafely, 1'rlva.telr. ptprrmaiorrura, Hfiitl ifebiiity. r Nprrmi suiting f ireitiiity, r- suiting irom Hfir-Abone. Sexual l.jet ex's or over brain work producing nervousness, ernl bilitv. dimness of sight, defea- tlve memory, physical deeay.conf usioa of Idea and Iiupotfnry, rendering marriage Iinpr0 er, are permanently cured. Constitution at ofllce or by mail Krre. ulde to llealtlu 2 damps. Medicine" sent by mall or exres. Cm es guaranteed. Incurable cases not under taken. Hprelal attention to Diseases of Women. Jteliable Female PlUn, $la Dox. m i it n i a ; l: guidr, 275 pages, a hundred pen pictures. Who should marry ; Who not ; Iteasons why ; I'hys Ical life of man and woman ; How to be happv in the married relation. The married ana those contemplating marriage, should read and preserve it for reference. 1'riee, 50 cts. in posC age Stamps or Currency. A.O.OUS, M. D.. 71y S01 South Clark St., Chicago. BETTER GOODS AND- GJieupex: Goods than anywhere west of the Mississippi Klver AT FRED. GORDER'S NEW IMPLEMENT MB Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets, East of Court House, PLATTSMOUTH, 1TEI3 ALL KINDS OP Agricultural Implements, tho best and latest Improved patterns. Satisfaction Guaranteed, . ALL FAIIMERX know what I keep, and my Spring and Summer stock is now ready. Give Gorder a call. Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund hero. In addition, I have added all kinds of Buggies "Wagons AND IN SEASON. EBTnONT FOKGET TIIE PLACE. fia week in your on town. Terms and SUUo,uut free Address, II. Hai.i.ktt & Co. Portland, Maine. 4ly E- G- V7 &sa AT THE OLD STAND, Still find themselves at home to Cass Count r 17. ...... ...... I ..11 .1.... I I 1 di nicia anu mk iiieir uiu customers. We have this Winter our US' ual full and larger lines of goods than, perhaps, ever he fore. As the growth of the country has demanded larger stocks, and of a better class, wAt have endeavored to meet that demand. In Hats, Caps, Gloves i Mittem for winter wear, toe hare a large and varied assortment at reduced rates. DRESS Q-OOIDS3 of all kinds. Dress Trimmings of the latest styles. Duttons in endless variety, our line of NOTIONS is exceedingly large, anil wo think, well selected. LADIES SHOES MEN S AND HOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES SHOES. to suit all persons and all purses A very full line of ULAMMUAKK AXI KTOX KWA UK. which you must see to select from. G-ROOERIES I Sugars of standard grades, T6aS ctitlle fl"e8t qualities, selected by our- fnffPPP ' lnar,y brands, especially our owii uUllbuo brand of koai.tkij currKit called the "MEIIIQLE." Try It and see, Leforj purchasing elsewhere. riel Fruits of all kinds, fresh and sweet. Fresh Crackers a Specialty. CANNED GOODS from all quartern. Very flno caiuornia Kooat. GREEN WINTEK AI'I'LES by the barrel or bushel. In all thesf; branches we shall en deavor to sell an Vw a any one,, and as Is possiple to do a sound BL'sr--fjs. We invito attention aud will show all that call our foods. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, and call often and early. 37m3 E. G. DOVEY & SON. Flaitsinouth Neb. Cj'O-1 WEEK. 12 a day at home easily luado r "Coctly outfit free. Address, Tukk Si Co.. Augusta. Maine. 411 y C. SCHLEGEL, Successor to Schleokl & Nikman, Manufacturers of Alia dealers I a SMOKERS' FANCY ARTICLES. SMOKINO and CHEWING TOBACCO . Special BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS made to order, and satisfaction jjnaranteed. Clgm clipplugs sold for smokier1 obacco. MaK Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's storo Ofjltc IPont OJlce, Plattsmouth, Neb. Im3 1 I J f.1 A ff '"eluding Shootinc Outfit. WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD3 GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Lar;e stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you cau call for In the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND FURS. All kinds of country oioducc taker in ox change foroods. : j