The Herald. LECTUKK. Life ami Sertiros of Abrahnni Lim-olii jIno. .yVlACVlURPHy, - JIditok. PLATTSMOUTIf. JUNE 1G. 1SS1. Half of Weeping Water were up to hear Schuyler Colfax. I hey ask for "Slocutnb Water now in Omaha, when they feel particularly vindictive and thirsty. "Are the children safe" is a beauti ful noem in the leraperance Col. on the outside of this paper. Judging by the report of the pre liminary meetings, we are coins to have a b Fourth here. The Neb. delegation to the National meetincr of the G. A. II. propose Paul Vandervort as Grand Commander. The Bee is now an col., morn ing and evening paper, cut, pasted and ready for use, as handy as anybody's paper. Fred Nye has left the joint tripod of the Republican and 13rook3 runs it alone . It'll be "every day alike now we suppose. Round's Printer's Cabinet for April and Mav contains a specimen of "Job work done in the Herald ofiice 1 t Rush Fellows for Prof. Wooley last year. "lRO(iri.s" won the English "Derby" and now another American horse "Foxhall" wins the great French race of the season, the "Prix de Paris' at Paris. The Blair Pilot this week is a most excellent paper, well printed and full of news, besides some very sensible editorials about the political unpleas antness just now happening. The W. W. Recorder came to hand last week all O. K. Bro. Mathews a:id ourself have had odd luck in exchange- ingbut guess we'll get along after this. Mr. Mathews was in town Friday. OUR exchanges are full of the fourth of July. A meeting at Oak land, Burt county, winds up with in viting the citizens of Omaha and Sioux City to visit their fourth of July. We fancied by the way our friends here talked wu had not a stalwart comrade in the county; but two strong letters of indorsement came to hand last week. One from a quarter least expected says: "Four-fifths of the Re publicans here stand by you in your stalwart expressions." Rush Fellows got home all right we a m by the Post, but Billy Shryock showed us a stick full of matter that went into a part of the edition during his absence that warns all Editors to beware in whose hands they leave their paper when going off on a well a spree of any kind. Remem ber the "Rat story." Rush. While Iroquois and Foxhall are fa mous and we glory in beating both French and Enclish horses with American born horses let u look foi st moment at the breeding of these horses. The Epsom Derby was inaugurated 1780 and the first race was won by "Dioined who at 22 years old was imported to America for $2j0. One century and one year,thereafter a di rect descendant of this Dioined, takes the blue ribbon on his ancestor's na tive heath. The -irand Prix de Paris" was established 18G:J, and "Foxhall" is grandson to "Lexington" of precisely the same strain of. family, the 7th dam being Pandora, by "Grey Diomed." Last week was the week of parades. Drocessions. and tournaments. The great Fireman's Tournament at Coun cil Bluffs commencing Tuesday and lasting three days. The whole city was full of red shirted and blue coat ed firemen. From the North, the South, the East and the West they poured into the old town and such a crowd was seldom seen there. The Herald cannot spare the space to give the proceedings in detail but the gallant boys all seemed to enjoy themselves to the utmost, and the pa pers of the U. S. are full, fuller, full est of the great Fire Tournament at Council Bluffs. A Total eclipse of the moon was tl e grand event of Saturday night. The moon being at her node or crossing point was in such a position that the earth passed directly between her and the sun, intercepting the sun's rays. This is a comparatively rare occur rence, the path of the sun and the moon being on diffeient planes, and therefore the moon must be at the crossing point at the time of rull moon, in order to be totally eclipsed. In this case the moon was full, was at her node, and was in perigee, (at her neartst point to the earth,) which combination of circumstances were unusually favorable for a total eclipse. In addition, the sky in this vicinity was clear, not a cloud obscuring the horizon. About a quarter past teu o'clock the moon reached the dark shadow and from that time until twelve o'clock the obscuration gradu ally increased until it became total. About 12:30 the edge of the moon emerged from shadow, and about 1 :30 totality ended and the moon in its full glory appeared. The view even with the naked eyo was very fine, and quite a number in this vicinity re sisted the blandishments of the drowsy god to watch it through. The anti-treating lawTs a dead let ter as far as this city is concerned, and there appears to be no effort on the part of the temperance people to en force either this law or the Slocumb bill. If these laws cannot be enforced a prohibition law should not for a moment be thought of. Lincoln Globe. Can these things be, and overcome us like a summer cloud or Slocumb Water. The long-talked of, and much adver tised lecture of Hon. Schuyler Colfax, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows of Plattsinouth, was given last Mon day evening. The Hon. gentleman struck the Junction on the wrong and Major Wheeler was obliged to charter a special engine to bring him across the old Muddv. . IN THE AFTERNOON A lecture on Odd Fellowship was given at their rooms which was most interesting to those attending. By half past three the Masonic and Odd Fellows Hall was filled to its ut most capacity by Odd Fellows and their families from all parts of the county who listened ' for two long hours to his address on the histoiyt aims and results of Odd Fellowship, which w;:s delivered in Mr. Colfax's usual pleasant style and was listened to with rapt attention. After the ad dress, introductions and congratula tions were in order and all went home feeling that it was good to be there. DURIXU THE AFTERNOON. Mr. Jones, the livery man brought out four line grey horses and his new cairiage, and took Maj. Wheeler, Mr. Colfax and the Editor of this paper out riding to see the shops, town and some if our country near by. The ride was an exceedingly pleas ant one, the gentleman being a most excellent conversationalist, aud fre m his intiuiate acquaintance with the personages prominent during the war his talk is so interesting that time Hies unnoticed. We could scarcely believe it was six o'c'ock when we returned to the orlke. As we passed Frank Cat ruth's fine business house Mr. Colfax said there was a boy he got appointed to West Point, just before the war, which is a fact, we are informed. The closing of that institution temporarily, alone prevented Mr. Carrutli from being a "West Pointer" for life. IN THE EVENING He gave one of his lectures on the life and services of Abraham Lincoln to a crowded house, many Odd Fal lows and citizens, from throughout the countv being piesent. I he lecture was listcnt d to with absorbed atten tion by all; we think no one was ready to have it close, although the speaker was hoarse and did rot do himst-lf justice, oratorical!)-, all his old friends saw Mr Colfax was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. The Odd Fellows cleared over 8"0 by their enterprise. The visit and lecture altogether has been very pleasant and has marked an epoch in Odd Fellowship here. It is not that we think everything j Louisville Waifs. Conklimr has done is right or that all j Louisville is still here and growing. he may do must be defended; on the I A new railioad was started south contrary, we believe his endeavors to ! fr0IU hr l1 Friay At least a , , . .... ,.! survey was begun, frhakespeare de- be reelected now, when a bitUr fight j 8C, ibe3 the silualit)11 ,iere wlltIl ,,e must be made for it is the really "great 1 says: mistake of his life." I Ltd he retired, "Old men, and beldames in tiie street, left his great fame to speak for itself and allowed two stalwarts to be elect ed, which could have been done at once he would have stood the greatest man in America. But we do object to the mud thrown over the bravest and best men of the Republican party, men who never bolted and never refused to go into a caucus and settle Republican-disputes in an honest Republican fashion. (Vnkling is not the party, but he has pro vel himself honest and fearless, and the class of men and newspapers that abuse him have neither his cour age, ins Drains nor 1 1 is iiianiiuoii. Not content with throwing mud they mix manure in their tuiid-hole and rling that at every man that sup port him or Gen. Grant. If it comes to the question who forms the Republican party, and the daring aim of the half-breeds could be accomplished and all .he men who stand behind Grant and Conkling be driven from the party, you have sim ply (?m.isciilatedthe Republican party. When their deeds are forgotten, or covered with scorn, you have elimi nated from the party record nearly all that makes the party worth preserving. OUR people are once more crazy on railroad matteis. It is reported that four hundred men and scrapers are at work this side of Gilmoreon the U. P., that surveyor's swarm from Louis ville to Weeping Water; that the right of way has been secured, and the proper papers tiled on the otticers of the B. & M. to procure a "crossing" at Louisville or elsewhere. The facts ire that the "Mo. Pacific" a branch of Gould's system seems likely to build from Atciiison to Omaha through Cass and Otoe Countie?, in the rear of both Nebraska City and Plattsmouth, us ing the I.'. P. track from (Jiimore to Omaha. Whether it's bluff or business, no one as yet really knows, but we as sume tl.ev mean to build, and advise Plattsmouth to keep cool and go ahead with all improvements ami Liis'ju'3S, .... - i l as tins town is loo large now, 10 oe affected greatly by adverse railroad schemes. There is too much capital invested here and too many store and brick in the machine shops of the B. & M. for any such plan to materially check our growth and development. Althouah the Herald is not cry ing for a road in our rear, yet we can see in many ways mat u win ie -in advantage to the town and county. The building of this road, if built, means that the B. & M. and the lT. P. will have a .struggle lor suprem acy in the South Platte, and if so, the main line and main business of the B. & M. and "Q" roads will oe at Plattsmouth, and every advantage possible will be given Plattsmouth, Lincoln and towns oit ths i. Sc M. Our machine shops will be greatly increased ; eatintr houses, depots, and slock varun win coiue oc-i nni-. Other roads may crow here in time from the east, aud a state of affairs ensue that will make this point the great entrepot to the B. A M. system of roads west as Omaha is to the IT. P. The B..& M. will now push for Den ver and tne i'aciuc coast, aim in s w in be one of the most important lines on the continent. On the other hand, we shall, no doubt, lose some country trade and some shipments. Gould evidently in tends to connect this line with his southern system .tnJ barge route to New Orleain, all of which w-l Lripg wealth to the county and prosperity to the farmers and do more to settle the vexed railroad question than all the Doane tub laws and Alliance in the state. So let improvements proceed. No country, no town was really ever hurt Ly too many outlets or too much business. Building railroads makes business for every on, mrmaammmmmammmmmitmm School Report. Report of (irand Prairie school dis trict No. 70. Average grade of those answering "0 per cent of questions given at Monthly extiuiUiitl joti June 9th 1581. ii Class. Omar Coon ST. Cora Coon 72. Katie Coo 81. C Class Eva Coon 7S. I) Class. Mary Cunningham . James Cunningham 70. Ulysses Har rison 7t. Viola CalKiu 70. II. W. Zink. Teacher, The news from Albany remains the same as far as voting is concerned no election, and Conkling and Piatt holding theii own. Serious fears are entertained that no election will be had this. session of the legislature, and that if it goes to the people, no one knows what the result may be. 1 lie excUMnent ot last wvek was the charge by Mr. Bradley, a member from Cattaraugus county, that Sena tor Sessions of the same county, had endeavored to bribe him to leave Conkling and vote for Depew, offer ing him '45vv lor Jus vole it so changed. lie crave the money to speaker Sliarpe, and made an open statement of tlit? fact during the af ternoon session of the assembly. Other members testify that they have been approached with olfeis and the excitement is intense. An investiga tion is going on and it overshadows for the present the mere fact of how the vote stands each day. New de velopments are looked for Monday. The stalwarts claim to feel preatly elated over these cjisclostn t s and the half-breeds declare it all a trick to beat them. The proof of Sessions' ci i me seems plain. The Saengerfest. Seventh Biennial Saengerfest of the Pioneer Saengerbund at Omaha, commenced Wednesday, June Sth, with a reception concert in the even ing. Fourteen singing socie;ies from Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa were present, the Grand Island and St. Joe societies having with them their own brass banJ. Pi.ittsmouth Liederki anz went up with nineteen hii-gers. First Concert on Thursday evening big audience. Professor Stein hauser. leader of the grand orchestra, was presented with a gold mounted baton tipped with a brilliant diamond. Music and singing were fraud, thirty musicians and two hundred and eighty singers being on the stage. Second day, Friday: grand parade in the forenoon; immense procession two aud a hair miles in length. All the sir.ging soc-i ties with four bands were in the procession. Mayor JJoyd, the city oJicials and police nlao took part, and every branch of industry was represented. Second grand conceit, Friday; Saenger Hall was cram jam full, three hundred and over being unable to pro cure admission. Miss t and Miss Kittie Lowe received loads of floral oiTering. Columbus Singing Society were heartily cheered. Third da : meeting of the dele gates from each society was held. The next Saengerfest (IS cojitea, off at St. Joe. Prof. Walthers, I lie leader of the vocal parts, was severely criticis ed, and asked to resign.. A foncert for the benefit of St. Jos eph Hospital was given j; the after noon, and a Lanquet and ball in the evening. Sunday there was no picnic owing tu heavy rai . A conceit was given in the afteniooij, al-o iu the evening. Many strangers were in the city: nine car loads from Plattsmouth and Lincoln, four trojn Counpil Bluffs, and five on the ". P. attended. Omaha w as i. ost brilliantly decora ted with tl-igs, bunting and evergreen. Miles ami Milea of bunting was Hying until the rain Sunday. Week before last our papers did net reach South Bend for some reason. When informed of it we wrote to see what were facts and got the following answer: South Bend, June, th, 1SS1. Dear Mac: It is a fact we received no Heralds last week, and made up our minds had none up for it is the first time the oil! HERLp failed; and how the postmaster lias hi good na ture trieil by answering the niotonom questions, ''has the Hkralp come?" "Where is my JlEJiALp y" Why, one would think the Herald was held in high esteem by its friends, Hope it will reach us all light this week. Ktnew Your Lease. There are times in every one's life H'.hpn energy fails and a miserable frejing omej; over them, often mis taUeu for laijie-if. Danger lurks in these symptom, as Ihej- raijjc ffppi impure blood or diseased organs, lled ical advice is expensive and often un satis'actory. Parker's Ginger Tonic ;yll renew your lease of health and coiotWt U?li?Q it restores perfect ac tivity to the stoiu;i., Ji'er and kid neys, and purities the blood, "a tuoii and women restored to robust health testify in among every neighborhood. See aa. v. d yocate. 1 1 15 - .i.', 'g-w.. To day is the twentieth that j, no. Griscpjn. the faster has abstained. Do prophesy upon it. And he that speaks cloth gripe the hearer's w rist, While he that hears makes fearful action With wrinkled brows, w ith nods, with rolling ejes, And" well,' you know how 'tis your self. We ho e to get the road, but road or no road business is good aud everybody is happy. Our merchants say that their sales were greater last month than during any other mouth since Louisville existed. Ttain loads of stock and grain leave here each week, and "that is why we laugh." We are- having a sensat ion. and it is a novel one iu these parts. We have been unable to get whisky or beer since the Slocumb bill went into effect though two saloons flourished before. It is a square swear-off and quit-off and no tapering this time, sure, and that, too. in hot weather. We re solved ourselves into a debating soci ety on June 1st, and have been dis cussing the temperahce question ever since, and we nave some able disput ants who are not out of wind yet. I hey are still able " to argue and divide A hair twixt the north and north east side." Some ill feeling is engendered, but we hope not much. During the flood last spring Mr. Gillelt and soiue one else caught a biidge bent as it was floating down the Platte, which they took apart and placed upon the bank. It is claimed that the railroad company used the lumber iu repairing damages done by the flood. Mr. Gillctt employed a prominent lawyer here, to collect pay for his shaieof the lumber from the company's road master. And now comes said roadmaster win) swears he will prosecute said lawyer for stealing coal from said company unless said lawyer keeps mum on the lumber j question.. The lumber suit lingers. and further deponent sailh not. Jack Sullivan suicided here last Thursday. He gave the cause to be unrequited love. Be' that as it may, the young lady is fo' lunate in escap ing marriage with a man so weak minded. He first tried to poison hiiu--ef by taking an ounce of laudanum but his groans brought him assistance. Dr. Ilasemeier was called and his an tidotes prevailed. Sullivan, then, as soon a able to be up, hanged himself with a children's swing rope. Coroner Gass cauie up and held an inquest. That the Louisville Baptists are ex tremists is proved as follows: last spring they began a church building. They have got the bell here and the foundation of the building partly laid. We hope they may soon make both ends meet." Willie Cieghorn, whose leg was broken last winter, is up and around again. It is supposed that a blunder iu setting the limb kept him in bed some months longer than would have been necessary had no mistake been made. They do say that two or three mar riages are to be solemnized here soon. Certainly evidences of the growth of the tender tlame are not unapparent to the casual ob ei ver. Doll and Sites are building the Catholic church south of town three miles. They are also building a dwell ing for Mr. Gabel. We had a divorce casa here lately. Squire Newberry had his house di voieed from Truman Hall's. Truman Weeping Water Notes. Ed. Herald: D. E. Jones is as jol ly as a laik, for its a fine young black smith, Lut weighs only eight pounds and makes one more hope for the fu ture. 1 he population of . . increases rapidly an we feel sure of a R. R. and C. S. soon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Reed are on visit to Chicago, buving more summer goods. Fleming & Race l ave just received two large crates of first class crockery ware. Eveijbody here is making calcula tions and preporalions to make the coming 4th of July celebration the best ever given at W. W. Come everybody. We have two jewelers and watch makers here now. We had a grand musical convention at . . which remained m session ue week, closing w ith a grand and very successful concert on Friday evening, June 10th; great praise is due Prof. Will F. T. Bushnell, of Chicago, and Prof, Cyrus Chapjn, of Seward, Neb., for the success and sat isfaction all realized from the week's work; 32 scholars, young and old en joyed the benefit of a thorough rudi mental and advanced drill. A musical association w as organized with local officers and leader, and it is hoped it may prove a grand aid in Church, Sabbath School and society iu general. The concert on Friday evening last is one long to be remembered; several of the more important pieces were Opening with grand chorus, "O Hail us ye Free!" Jubilee Song, "Camp a little While in the Wilderness;" Tem perance Solo, "Don't Go out To-night, My Darling, by Miss H. Ashmun; Duett, "Over the Jasper Sua, by Miss II. Ashmun and Mis. Reed; grand chorus "Let the Hills and Vales Re sound ;" jubilee song, "One more Rib- ber to Cross; grand closing chorus, Gloria from Mozart s 12th Mass." Mr. Fred Frisbee died on Monday at 9 o'clock a. m , of rapid consump tion. Wh is the Avoca correspondent for th" W. W. Recorder, he or she signs no name. W. U. Laney has just opened a neat new restaurant and ice cream parlor. The "White Hat" is talking of vari ous matters in an abstracted way, re lating to his town property and con templates improvements. More anon. Trixy. THE MARKETS. home 'makkkts. grain and pkoduce. W lit-iit. No.2.. Corn, ear. . . . " shelled... Oats Hurley, No. 2... Kve Native Cattle. Hon Hutter Enus delators Wednesday, .lime 1.1 18x1. H.VI&HB 25 4.r'i50 ..4 0CK&4 6l 4 75 10i.l5 1 25 1 1. nnnn M M o) -op-SOLOMON & NATHAN We are now prtpartd to show at our new gna iters, next to Court House, Lnrgest, Finest ;uil Cheapest Stock of the STAPLE ma in NKW KICK VAHIl. I have now a iifw I'.rlrk-Maker from tin- c;is. First-Class Workman. 130,000 No. 1 Brick Now Ready and for sale. Come and Kxumii.e them for Yourselves. If l!:iy f.:!I on a man oH oe Uilx-liead. Will Not lie Undersold for a Qmntitf ol Bnct I am also i.ow ready to Contract for all kinds of building- and to put up any kind of wik in 15ri(k wanted. JERKY IIAKTMAX. At my place on W ;tf liinton Avenue or at F. 8. White's Store ou Main Street, rialtsiiimitli, Nebraska. v(,3 Notions, Jfillinery, Carpets, Jewelry, etc., Kver brought to l'lattsmoutli. Read and Eemem'ber the following Price List! Our IPi?ess Goods Dcp'f Embrace some rare styles in Staple and Fancy Fabrics. "W"IEj OIF1 IF1 IE IR, Handsome Summer Dress Silks Fine Blaek and Colored Gros Grain Silks Lovely shades in Taffetas Beige Suitings Adriatic Stripes, all shades . Heal Mohair Melanges Cazamo Foulards. Brocaded 0-4 Bordures, Elegant All Wool Cashmeres Lawns NEW FIRM. IsTEW GOO OS I ! . .from 50 i ts. per yard, up. .. $1.00 . . " 35 " " 12l2' " ..Only sr,' .from 40 up. KLEC.ANT STYLES Wl k GasMere Dolmans, Mantles, Circulars, Ilmlocks, AT REDl'CEI) FIGURES. Staple oods Z$ep'f, Good Flints Fine Muslin Good Ticking Good Ginghams ... WE AVI LI. SHOW YOU .from 5c jr yd up. Fine Cheviot Shirting . . " 4 - " Cottunade .. 7vi .. .. Table Damask, all lir.en. .. 8 .. Toweling .from 8'i ir yd up. . 15 " " .. :J0 .. . " C " " SHiXIinery leparfment. Here the Ladies will find something elegant and nice, in the line of Head wear REAL IMPORTED PATTERN HATS! Ladies' Hats, nicely trimmed, from 75 cts. tip. Children's Sailor Hats, ram 25 cts. up. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Kid Gloves, full line 2-jc pr juir up. Ladies' Neckties 5c im. Lisle Thread Gloves 5 ' Fine Handkerchiefs 5 Ladles' Hone 5 " " Good Corset or, Elegant line of Swiss and American Embroideries, from 3 cts. per yard up. SEW YORK MARKETS. June 13, New York Money 1.03 .?i 03!i. Wheat Rye Corn Oals CHICAGO MARKETS. 1881. 1 23 1 13 ii3 4G will tell you all aliout it. The band boys will probably goto yVeeiin- Water on the Fourth. Come out and hear them for they are good ones. Crops look well, weeds grow fast and "eternal vigilance H the nrice of Whooping couph prevails, and l)itf family without it is out of fashion, Mr Spriek is putting up a thousand dollar b un Mr Ilei'i-r is the (ii- traclor. The eunuiiiijest fox in the woods id A. li. Fox. Jr. "Dr. Harris Ulnce is tne way a new sio,ii reads on lower Main ."St. Quill Flour Wheat Coin oat Rye Harley Hos', sdiipimii;. . Cattle. Shee.p Cllu' Vio. June 13, 1881 $ l sti u$r (mi i n 45 3'J 1 00 y5 LIVK STOCK. .?5 TOft-M 15 . 5 C5C 5 PO . 3 5K24 60 MOKKIS O'KOUKKE. once more comes forward with an entire new S.oek of the finest Fieee Goods ever brought into riaitPiuouiii ! i EVERY GARMENT CUT IS WA RR ANTED to FIT Hundreds go there and they are ALWAYS SUITED. Shop ooMi e Cie Com t House. Give fit 1 1 aim examine tor vourselrex. him -ixif AUKXTM HANTKII foi I lie llest and Fast ed Selling I-ietoi i.i! Hooks and ilihles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National rutllshii) Co., !St. Louis, M.i. Mtl3 II muled Me. Debt, poverty Hip) siJftMin haunted rue for years, caused l.y a sic family id large; bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely dis couraged, until una year by t lie advice of my pautor, I procured IIop Hitters and commenced their lue, and iu one month we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since; and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep vour families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than om doctor's visit will cost. A Working- man. TUP -HIsSOiM'f racilic of Nebraska. Mr. J.E. House, who recently lf: signed the general superinteiidency of tlu .Nebraska division of the St. Faul md Omaha road, was offered ar. im portant railroad surveying position in t)e Hpst, bu declined it iu order to iccept the chict eugjiiecrship of the Missouri I'acilic railway of 3:ebrasu;i. the articles of incoi poratioii of which were tiled in this ci; a f w days ago. There seems to be no doubt i,i the minds of well-posted railioad men that the Missouri I'acilic extension into iSeUiiiska vyifj be built tins year, and that it u jll run fioin St. Joe through the river tier of counties to (Dinah a. As to the route, howeyer no on'1 yet kpuws the exaot jine. Work is to be l.eifun immediately by the sur veyors. The length of roud that will have to be built will be about HO miles. Oiuah.i Hep Fiat I'erjitry o uiu Mitiiu Either Mr. Jiradley or Mr. Sessions elates an untruth under oath and is guilty of deliberate and wilful per jury. There is no chance for mistake on the part of either. There is no room for misunderstanding or unin tentional error. One of them swore falsely, know ing that his testimony was false. There is perjury somewhere. It lies between twrt men. On which does fiie yijilt lestS X. y. Sun, VICK'S ILLUSTRATED FLORAL &0I0I For ISM I an Elegant Hook if Paes, (ini Colored Flower Plate, and tno illustration, witt le.seription.s tif the tifSt Flowers and eyeta ble.x. and Direction for prow iny- Only loeent. Iu English or ('erniau. If you afterwards or der seeds deduct the 10 rents. YK'K'N Sei'ilsarc the liest in the world The Fi.ojiai. (JviiiK will tell how to j;et am HZ' ' 1 'Mil 'Yiti1' j--'j'-Vtet:tlle Gan'eu. 171 Paiies. 6 OoIoVod M'iVt,..' VN ' j.' 'jrii'.ei" Foi ."50 cents in paper eovess : si.oo in eiVjiiinl u., In lierman or English. Viek's Illustrated Monthly Masaziue 32 I'aKes, a Colcred I'late iu every uuiul-r and many fine EnKiaviiiKS. Price tl.'Jo a year ; Five Copies for i.'.no. Sec iineii ininilier sent f;i eonts ; : trial copies for U." cents. AadreV,,; ;f Vkk, liochrsler.X. Y 9J API iP T F X c Oip lct.1 tuihi- .i ftjao it; eacli MS j I CSJ C"l.- . I r I . St. la ta tb Mjrliruta .f 'I liurt it... ty u!-cr .Ha f' mit. ih gMMj rrl. rr. e, c O.e Mrtlil fi i . , &u '.it'l tti . jL.f will l.Mrr a vvrkrr vt-r yiuo Mitk. AAlnai ijlUSi1lll.UI, I t II. UK. liui nl.,la. St. Toepls., 2Xo. Is conducted by an expert accountant and successful teacher. Instruction ihor mfli and practical. Tuiron lower thafi elsewhere. Full particulars to aiy address. 'lf TIIOS. J, JiKVANT. Pre. 'C tn "JjOfniT day at home. Sample worth yiiiirfe. a 11 tire Poitlauil, Maine, re, Sti.vson & Co,, -weiy BRICK! BRICK! If joii want any biie or Ornamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. REMEDY roi BLDKESS 1 . wWn a new growth of Ualr.W'kUkars r tfustacuw tj KiMimHT prtNliir'1. ktndorboa & Co., a din ton Awe, Kew rretenpuon Free ion- Wlll NL'tttf l U&V Tin: COTTAGE house, .4. nrr-M-, o j irlor. On Sixth. South of Main. lhhtr-.Um and TruiisUnt Travel Entertained. GOOD MEALS B Y THE DA Y. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PI-ATTSMOL'TH. NKB. t. fll lMiL, . riop.lotoi. Fltiuy, C'oiii Metil d Tt;tti Always on hand ;uid for sale at lowest cash prices. The highest prices paid for 'Vheat and Corn, Phi I Uvular attention given c nstom work. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnisher Fresh, Pure Milk, i)i:liyciii;i) daily. Special calls attended to. and Fresh Milk from same cow furnished wheu wanted. 4ly I'oint Itonise Ibices). I.anjjiieiloo Lares), Iti-etomie Lares, ASK SOME ELKGANT STYLES Ientelle I.arrs. Venire liaces, Torchon fjarcs TO THESE IN Itrnliatit IareM, I.are, Valenciennes) I.nroM. GOODS. Carpets and Oil Cloths, FINE PATTERNS CAP.PETS FPOM 25 CENTS PEK YAltO I'P Lovely patterns hi CP ETON NFS and I.AM!ii:EJlIXs. The above only comprises a few of the manv which we offer. Call and jiid,'e for yourselves. Orders by mail solicited, which will receive .1X0. HONS A: SOX, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. Culhmau's obi store. A FULL I.INF. OK Staple and Fancy Groceries, NEW AND I K ESI I. BREAD STUFFS, of ever? description. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of tlio best lirundd. CHRISTMAS TOYS, dC, dC, in endless quantities. Fresh It read Daily. Don't fail to Call. 331y J. IJOXS k .SOX. I'io-.s. NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE, Or an Old Stable in new hands entirely. The New Finn of PATTI.KSOX & 1MX0X, open the il STREW HT BAUN on the Corner of tith anil Parl Streets -with New Livery OutfiL GOOD HOUSES AND CAUUIAGKS at all times HOUSES FOH SA LE, houses nova 1 it asd soi.n. HOUSES KEPT JiV THE DA V OH i'EK. Call and see PATTEltSOX & DIXOX Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. PLATTSMOUTH, .... NLIS. careful and prompt attention. rt 13 SOLOMON & NATHAN. Kindergarten School in the 1st Ward Hnildiiiir. Mrs. French will open, during vaca ation, a Kindergarten school in the first ward ; blocks and material from Chicago. Children of all ages admit ted. Hours from 0 to 13 a. ni-t HIiJ Horn 3 to half past 3 p. in. Terms $1 per month. Mks. Nellie Fbexch. o. 11. imm;;i:. m. i. I'KACTISINo rilYMClAN. OHiee and Druir Store, Main St. near Third, l'lattsmoutli Neb.' Illy i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mkvv nn jr urATTTirni Fine steei UlIlllU I1UIHU JJUnUIIl Ulli Knt'iavinn Choice -ulijert. I.wet luiees. Send for rata- lonue and n ice List. AMATN '. ttTKI AiuircsH .1. v . JiiviKin & CO., I'hlladelphia Com Joou tiS 1 f EE XIIK PKOHOTKIt AXI PKRFKC TOK 4V ANNIMILATIOK. tiii: vh amrkk ok tiii: it tiii: I'ltooiCFic a.i ivi-ok.4-toic f .KitvK ii'i,i:. Till-: lH II.Il'lt AMI NI'I'I-OHTKR OK UltAIX l-O W Fit. FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPO-PHOS PHITES TflfJITE EMERY WHEELS CRI1DIN0 MACHINES ror 8nwMilU, Found rtew, a.ntl .Mat-blue !SbpH. THK TANTTECO. Htroudnbiuv, Monroe (Jo.,i. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A new M (mat Medical Work, warranted t he bet and cheap eat. indisiMtruinhle to very man, entitled "the Science ot life." bonnd in fineat Frenrh muslin, em boated, f ullsilt. paitea.contatnsbeaatif ul atee mow euKrAxiniTB, ii-i raHrnpiortb, prirapnly l.)(enk bjmail rUuitrated aample, 6 aend now, Addreaa PeabodrMedi cal Inntitntenr I W H Pin. THYSELF, keb No.4Ilal&ncbal.lkMM. ii i:novs Is Willi coniDoeil of tiiLHeilluhH Idulitml those which constitute Healthy ftlood. Muscle aud Nerve, and Brain Suhstancr. wliilHt Li'e itself is directly dependant noon some of thrin. Ily increasinj; Nervous and' Miincular Vitrnr. It will cure llvsiicn.sin, feehle or interrupted ac tion of the Heart and 1'aliiitatiou, Weakness of Intellect caused lv urief. wirry. overtaxed or trrejiular liahits, I'.ronchili, Congestion (if the i.uiij;. It cures Asthma, rseiuaik'ia. Miooiincoui;ii Nervousness, and is a most won:lerlul adjunct toothei remedies in suetaiuiu life during the process of liiot heri.i. The exnaiMiitiire of brain iMiwer too early or too ceverely jit childhood often results iu phys ical dehilil v : the use of Fclk.w's Hypophos- phites exerts a Mngulaily h.tppy effect in such cases. Oor.otlie deceived l)v remedies Dealing a similar name ; no other prepar.atiun i u Miijstl- tute tor till- under au ciiiaiiiijlaucc. Forsjale by all di'iuist. CAPCINBPORODSPLASTER No heinedy more widely or favorably know n. It is rapid in relieving. iiick in curint:. For Lame ltaek. Rheumatism. Kidney A fleet Ions, and aches and pains generally, it is the unri valled remedy. HAVE YOU Any person to be seriously III without a weak stopiai h 01 inactive liver or kidneys? And wheu these organs are iu (rood condition do von not find their possessor piijovim? K"od health? I'arUer'M 4inrr Tonic always regulates these important organs, and never fails to make the liloo-i rich and iure, and to streiiKthen ev ery iart of the system. It has cured hundreds ot ilcspairin;; invalids. Asli your iulnhl"r tth"Ut Billiard Hall ;uid Saloon on Mam Street, four doora from Sixth at Neville' old place. BEST BRANDS OF CI GARS, ..LES, WINES, dC. fU'iuemlter the auie aud 1'Ia.ce, Uy James Grace. MIKE SCHNELLMCHERr BLJlCKSJUTII HOUSE MIOKINU, AND WAWIN LKrAIlifNfi All kinds of FA KM IM I'LEM KNT8 nif tided Neatly tt- Fromplp :0- Horse, 3Iulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that liar four feet, from a Zebra to a (iiraffe. Come and see us. SHOP 11 tilth.S' between Main u-.l Vint. sii,.i e corner from tin nkw IIKKAI lily ust acrosf OKKII'K. STItKIGUT & 31 ILL Kit, Harness Manufacturers. SADDLES B1UD1.ES COLLAItS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly ou hand. Repairing of all Kinds ! NEA TL Y DONE cn SHORT NOTICE NEW HARNESS ! TURNED OUT IN SHORT OliF'ER Ami Satisfaction (Jtiaranteed. t JfKeincinber the idaee -- (Imtoxite llei.. Boeck's Fui uiture .More, on Lower Main street, i'lati.Miioitth. Neb. STREIGIIT it- MILLER. it. M4 maciiixe' SHOPS ! lLATTSl'CTil, XECV, Rejiqirer of Steam Engines, Boilers, ,IW cind QrUt MilU fiA Kl STfUjl FTTUiH, t'rojigUt Iron Pipe, porpt) aiijl Lft Pjpes,Steain Ciaue safety- Valvtt Ciovt ri.n, i,tl Ull kii.-s of 11 lass Kii'ine Fittings, repaired ou short liotwe. FAHM MACHINEH H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale aud Ketail Dealers in L'lNK J.UMHEU, " LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, DOOHS, ULINDS. STP; yau. street. Coruer of Fifth. iL ATTSii U U T 1 1 , .... NEB B.&M.R.R. HOUSE, JNO. BOSS &' SOU, Prop'rs, N. V. MAIN AND SICCOND ST1CS, Near B. & AL lasenger Depot, I I. A I TS .11 0 I T 1 1 , X E II K A S K .4 . Newly refitted and furnished throughout. Af fording an excellent view of the K. 11 Biidne, it is conveniently located, especially for the traveling public. The tables always supplied with the best of the season. In connection with the. house. Lunch baskets tilled at all hours. Terms reasonable. ft f rank Pieman, MANUKAfTCIiRK OF FINE CI6ARS, hlni Street, near Eighth, Plattsmouth. - Neb. Made to order. 7133 rick Yard ! Brick, for talc as t-oon as at FRED. LEHNHOFF'S UltlCK YAIM), IMuKsinoiitli, .Vl. Otf J. C CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Ieh r in FINE HEAVY II 13. J E5 S S Also, a full li ie of SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES, WHIPS HORSE CLOTH INO, ETC., ETC. REPAIRING (roue neatly ;i'kI promptly at hort uotioeat his JTBW PLAGE, Diret Uy opiiosite 1'ost Office, l'lattsmoutli. N'el). 'tnie but tho best of stook used ! LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages aiwajs on Hand AND HEARSE FUNERALS. AKE isTO ! I want all of icy account settled to date, aii'l 1 shall do I.o .itntv eiviilt business. All old nccollliU must he scldeil up. and no new oik s V ill be iiiuile. I'nless such accounts sue ecttlrd khnrtly they will lie fued. 1 w Isll to do a st I let :' :;'.sli bn-iio-ss fill lire JCIIN MIAM... i'laltsiiiou! h. .Neb. Palace Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Under Frank Carruth's new Jewelry Store. crr &c coiiri baths w ALWAYS KEADY. CLEAN NEW PLACE, and uoW(H the tunc to get SIIAVED - 8"! AMFQOED JIAIU-CUT. pr.'auytliiuK.eUc u the toiisurtalMviiy, at Jojljl llOQDO TW Shop, Corner Main and Fifth Streets. FlAttwniuuth. n rbrMk. U V. Mathews, DKALEKIN Hardware, Cdtlery, Hails, Iron, lVaron Mock, STOYKSnnd TIX-WAKK, Iron, Wood Sto:k, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD 6 GARDEN xEEDS. ROPE, AN It ALL KINDS OF SHEET IRON WO UK, Kept in Sto4k. .if ukliiK aii;it'iialrliig, DONE WITH NEATNESS & DISPATCH. All Work Warranted. 44tt Every wound or injury, even by accident or any disease, entitle a soldier of the late warto a pension. AH pensions by the law of January. begin hack at dale of din-liare or deatu of the soldier. Ail entitled slmuld apply at once thousands who are now drawing f.eii, sion are entitled to an iucn an-. .sohlieia and Widow of the war of isu aud Mexican war urn f in i tad to peusionu. Tiioiuaiids ar- yt-t ent. tied to bounty, but do ntt know jt. 1 ees in all caiser;lo. Fay for every description of ar claims collected. Employ an Attorney icsid in ;vli)lt;toti, who can j-ive personal ut tuntipn to your busipess. American and Fi r elen pateiitK ojjtainea ou slioii notice, ."-iiid two titamp for pension and bount v laws. ai. Iresn w. T. ViT-e.uu.HAUt. C. . C laim Afcu.t, .ock Uox VA, Waehlngtou, I). C. illy