From "Olivette." The following lathe sola ami chorus that forma ono of the chief attractions in the pres ent popular com!c opera "Olivette:" I. In theXorth Sea lived a whale. Big in bone and largo in tail Oh! (Imitation of a w.nrainr tnil.1 This whalo used unduly to swagger and bully. Add oh! and oh! the ladiei lovel him so. IL All went well until, one day. Came a strange fish into the bay. Ah! This fish was Indeed, ohl A navy torpedo. But oh! but oh! The big whale did not know. Just you make tracks," cried the wuulo. Then be lashed out with his tail. The flsa being loaded. Then and there exploded; And oh ! and oh I . That whale was seen no mo. CUPID'S WEANGLE3. "Only a lover's quarrel!" That's what the wise, old folks say, with some thing between a smile and a sneer, when they see two people who lately 'trod on air, and dwelt with Klysiuni," suddenly grow silent, and sad, and bit ter, being evidently reduced to the very confines of despair. "Pshaw!" say the old ones and the cold ones. "Let them alone. '- They'll get over that. It's only a lover's quarrel!" Only! as if a quar rel between two people who sincerely love, were not really a dreadful matter! as if a quarrel a serious misunder standing had not full often wrecked the happiness of two lives! I thought such a misunderstanding had ruined mine. Ah, yes; it seemed to me that hopo and happiness wero forever dead to me, and that the only way to escape from pain and regret would be to escape from its life and its cares altogether. But how to dojthat? Death never comes when we call him. "While there's life there's hope," and, equally, while there's hopo there's life, and hope will survive, somehow, in the heart of a loving girl of twenty, long after she believes sho has buried it for ever, and sung her requiem of sighs and tears above its grave. Our quarrel had come from such a little, simple, foolish thing. Neither George nor I had cared very much, I suppose, for the matter in itself ; what, indeed, did I care for a stupid ball without my own true lover? Had he only humored me a little, had he only asked a favor instead of demanding a right, it would have been so different, but he was exacting and jealous, and I was peevish and proud, all the trouble and sorrow came of that. I had cared a great deal for the ball while I supposed that George would bo my escort. My lover wa3 richer and better placed in the world than I, but they called me the belle of Cloisterbury, and I had made great preparations for this, the lirst occasion on which wo should appear together in society since our engagement had been made known. I thought I would show myself at least "a fair excuse" for what some people called Sir George Chester's folly. My father, a country physician, was but poor, and I had worked hard with my own hands to procure a costume worthy of my own beauty (of course I knew I was a handsome girl) and of my lov er's position altogether it was disap pointing, and mijrht have tried the tem per of a less spoiled and more patient girl than I was, to have George come and tell me, the very morning of the ball, that his mother had suddenly sum moned him to London, to look after aome business of an urgent nature, which might detain him some weeks. After afi, I didn't care much about the ball, but I cared oh, more than words could have expressed, for parting with my lover. And I thought he did not seem to mind it much he. looked moody and pale certainly, but he didn't eay much, whilst I, in my impetuous, feminine way, could have cried and railed about it. I wish I had! But no, my pride was up in arms. I wasn't Foing to let him see how much I cared, stood and beat with my fingers on tho window-pane silent, because the fast coming tears were choking me; per haps, to a looker-on, I appeared sulky, too. Sir George stood just silent for awhile; presently, however, he spoke abruptly. "It's too bad that you should have to miss the ball, Gracie," said he. I knew as well as possible that I shouldn't go that nothing would have induced me to go without nim. It was sheer perversity, born of my disap pointment and jealous pain, that made me answer coldly: J2"I don't know that I need miss the ball. Captain Stanhope will bo only too glad to escort me." He flushed redly at that. Captain Stanhope was his pet aversion. "No other man can play escort to my affianced wife," said he, haughtily. "I am sorry to disappoint you of your pleasure though it is through no fault of mine, but, since I am unable to ac company you, unless your father can take my place, j-ou will certainly have to stay at home." Is there anything so unreasonable as real love? I adored my sweetheart, I expected him to have perfect confi dence in my love and faitn, and believe me wholly his, and yet, immediately (in my soreness of heart and temper) I took offense at the manner in which he appropriated me, as it were, and dic tated on what terms I should go or etay. "I shall 'have to stay' at home!" I repeated, disagreeablj', my rage against his mother (who had sent him away in the hope of separating us, I felt sure!) venting itself upon him. "I suppose I shall, not 'have to do' anything but what I choose. I am not your wife yet, you see, and if Captain Stanhope "And if Captain Stanhope escorts you to this ball, or any other place, you never will be! Miud that!" cried Sir George, passionately. "I've had more to bear with than you know, and I'm willing to put up with a good deal for your sake, but if " I interrupted him my pride and temper were in the ascendant now; I forgot for the moment how dearly I loved him so dearly that I would rath er have parted with my life than with him. I thought only that he had wounded my pride. "I am not willing that j'ou should put up' with anything for my sake," I said. "I was not aware that any terri ble sacrifice on your part was involved in our engagement, or I should never bave consented to it, believe me. I am not likely to go a begging for a hus band, if jou and I should change our minds. There are others " Captain Stanhope, for instance," he said, furiously. "He gave you tho chance some time ago, I've been told, and no doubt, . if you go with him to this ball, he may renew his offer. Pray don't let me stand in the way." That was the beginning of it. What use to tell all the cruel, bitter things we gaid wounding each other's hearts, destroying our own happiness! A lov er's quarrel! It was our first and our last, for, alas! it parted us. No one knew of it. George went to London, and from thence on a hasty iourney to Vienna, thereby losing all opportunity of learning that Captain, Stanhope offered me his escort for the occasion, and was tldly refused. And then began my misery, lie was Eonc, he was gone, my beloved, and rny eart was broken! In tho first agony of that parting, the lir9t unendurable pain of that loss, I would have followed him, had it been possible, and knelt for forgiveness at his feet. Cloisterbury became intolerable to me. The place where I had been so happy, and where all my happiness had been lost. Besides, it was a talkative, inquisitive, country town, where every one kncv everyone else's business; if many weeks went over without letters arriving for me, Sir George's silence would bo gossip for the whole neigh borhood. That would have driven me mad. In my despair and sorrow I con fessed some portion of my trouble to papa, and he, dear soul! Jcept my se cret, and helped me to get away. He had a friend an old, invalid gen tleman, very feeble and helpless whose housekeeper had lately and sud denly died. 1 was very sorry for Mr. Germaine (whom I had known from childhood), and nursed him, perhaps, more tenderly than a stranger would have done, or at least he thought so at any rate, when the new housekeeper came, he was not willing to have mo leave him, so I remained as his com panion and nurse. Not long, for his days were num bered. Six months after I came to him. Death released him from his bed of pain, and I discovered, to my great surprise, that he had made me his heiress. Not to a largo fortune, certainly; though enough to make independent for life. I was very thankful very glad for papa's sake more than my own but my first thought was full of the never silent, never ceasing regret. George! George! If only this misery had not come between us, his mother would have thought mo a sufficiently good match for her only ton now there would have been no obstaclo to our marriage. No word or line from him. Ah, if he had loved as I loved, woulk he not have written? Six months moro went by; it began to ba rumored that he would soon be home, bringing with him his cousin his father's ward a wealthy heiress. Constance Chester, who had been traveling abroad. Pretty, gracg ful, girlish Constance! We had been great friends Ion": ago, and I ought to l.avc been glad at the thought of seeing her again. I was not, though. What had Gconre to do with escorting her liomn? V:ls it a match of old Ladv Chester's planning? Jealousy was add ed now to my other pangs. George was false, doubtless I began to despiso nry- self for my own constancy. Ah, so has many another woman done before me. without finding that her self-contempt couid change her love! Still they did jit come. There cam another winter round at last, two years from tho time of that "lover s quarrel" which had spoilt my life. I was in London, and accepted an invitation to a bull given by a former schoolmate of mine who had married brilliantly. "You will meet an old acquaintance here, to-night, she said to me. "JUrs. Chester, the young bride of a month. who ha3 just come from Spain with her husband and his cousin. Vou remem ber her, of course she was Constance Chester before, so she hasn t changed her name; ah, sgo, here they come, I must meet them. I saw them enterinr the room. Con stance so handsome, so improved clad in gleaming bridal white, and beam Ins: with blushes and smiles. She came in between two gentlemen, chat ting and lau2rhinr with both. One was a stranger to me, tho other ah, Heav en! after such long, long love and anr guish to see him thus another wo man's husband, my lover my lirst and last love. It was too much, I felt I could not bear it, and arose nervously and excitedly to escape; sudden dark ness and oblivion came over me. "It was the heat of the room, per haps," I heard a voice say, just as con sciousness came back to me. "Go away now she is recovering; be patient, and I will call 3 011 presently." I knew her voice Constance's Lady Chester's, rather, though my hostess had unthinkingly, 1 suppose, called her Mrs. Chester. A strong shudder cf aversion ran through me at that thought, and I hat up suddenly. Well, she was always a winning, warm-hearted girl, whom none could resist; perhaps he was not to blame for loving her! Certainly she had done mo no intentional wrong. It was that re flection together with the memories of girlhood which her voice and touch re called that made me, when her arms stole softly round me, lay my face against her breast and weep against her breast his wife's! "There, there," she said, cooingly, patting and kissing my hair, "there, all the trouble's over now, dear! It was the heat of the room, of course. We won't go back until you are quite re covered. Oh, how glad I am to see you! And not married, as George said you were, a year ago stupid fellow! I'm just dying to introduce my husband to you, dear!" I lifteil my head it was impossible to be ungracious with Constance in spite of my own grief. "I shall be glad to meet your hus band," I said, faintly, "but I need no introduction I kuowv Sir George Ches ter very well." She laughed, softly and happily. "Not my George," she said, demure ly. "Ah, I thought it wasn't entirely the heat that made you faint. My George is your George's cousin, dear; nniLyour George is your George still; oh, I know all the story, you see the poor fellow has told mo of your miser able quarrel, one of those cruel, dread ful, 'lover's quarrels,' of course very amusing to all but the parties con cerned he loves you as much as ever, he believed j'ou married, and was in despair; he begged me to intercede for him with you I seo there's no necessi ty and he's waiting at the door this moment; here, George, come and plead j our own cause for yourself." And almost before I realized what she was saying, she had gone, and my own true lover was by my side, an4 held me in his arms again. Took me back to his arms and heart for evermore. There's an old verso that says u Oh! the Joy, the gladness, After long grief and pain, To feel the arms of your true lovo Around you once again." And what dear joy was ours at last. to be lost no more forever. Lovo had quite conquered pride, and suffering had taught us a bitter lesson. There is little danger, I think, of our ever again risking peace and happiness, in the cruel, uitter, torturing misunderstand ing, which while it too often breaks human hearts, and wrecks human hopes is erenerallv known, by those who only look on and laugh, P4 "Only In a Philadelphia pantomimic play a coach is drawn on the stage by live horse?, two wheels come off, and the upset throws the passengers, who arc skilled acrobats, into grotesque atti tudes in all directions. The marriae-e of Lord Broke, M. P., heir of the earl of Warwick, and Miss Maynard, the beautiful heiress whom the erossit) betrothed not long ago to Prince Leopold, is fixed to take placo soon at Westminster abbey. America boasts of the biggest father in existence in the person of John Heff ner, of Heading, Pa., who emigrated from Germany in 1854, By three wives in Germany and America he has had no less thau forty-one children. A Curious Case of Partial Deafness. Mr. Edwin Cowles, of the Cleveland (Ohio) Leader, gives the following ac count of an infirmity which curiously limits the range of his sense of hear ing: "My deafness is somewhat of the natuie of color blindness. There are certain sounds I never hear. I have never heard the sound of the bird since I came into this world, and until I grew up to manhood I had always sup posed the music of the bird was poeti cal fiction. You may till this room with canary birds, and they may all sing at once, and I never would Lear a note, but I would hear the fluttering of their wings. I never hear H13 hiss ing sound in the human voice, conse quently, not knowing of the existence of that sound, I grew up to manhood without ever making it in my speech. A portion of the consonants I never hear, yet I can hear all the vowels. I never could distinguish the difference l.etween the hard sound of the letter 's'ai.d t!;e soft sound, consequentfy I frequently mix these sounds in a sad manner. It is the same with the soft and hard sound of the letter 'gj' It was ouly by accident, after my mar riage, that I dicovered the existence of the hissing sound in the human voice. I was then taught arbitrarily how to make it, but I never hear it in my own voice, consequently I frequent ly miss making that sound in my speech without knowing it. Owing to its having become second nature to me to omit the sound of the letter 'a, when I do make it I labor in doing so, which in a great measure gives my pronunciation the peculiarity it has. There are words which I pronounce literally according to the spelling, which gives an additional peculiarity to my speech. For instance, I used to pronounce the word 'parochial' just 3 it wan spelled until I was corrected, when I now pronounce it 'parokial., I cannot hear the difference between the sounds 'ch' and 'k' when embodied in a word. All these examples will give an idea how it is that my pecu liar deafness affects my speech. Be fore I was taught to make the hissing sound my pronunciation sounded the same to everybody as theirs did 1o me. About a quarter of the sounds in the human voice I never hear, and I have to watch the motion of the lips and be governed iy the sense of the remarks in order to understand what is said to me. I have walked by the side of a policeman, going home at night, and seen him blow his whistle, and I never could hear it. although it could be heard by others half a mile away. I never hear the upper notes of a piano, violin, and other musical instruments, although I would hear all the lower notes. I can hear low conversation, but cannot as a general rule understand a public speaker in a hall. Now you will understand how it is that my im pediment of speech is owing en tirely to my extraordinary hearing, I have consulted the most eminent surgeons, physicians, and aurists in the country in regard to ray hearing, and they all tell me there is not anoth er case like it in the books." A Natural Mistake. It was a foggy afternoon, and the rain Lad begun to fall. Lower Broadway was crowded with drays, 'buses, and vehicles of every description, drivers were shouting at each other, and there was a scene of great confusion. People stood upon the sidewalks waiting in tho rain for an opportunity to cross tho street, and among the impatient throng was an elderly -looking Jady apparently much troubled by tho situation, who, after watching in vain for a policeman, finally made an effort o cross the street, but retreated in alarm. Just then a portly middle-aged gentleman of benign pountenanco stepped up and touched the lady on the shoulder: "It is useless for you to wait or to look for a policeman," he said. "It is a pity that an old lady like yourself should bo kept standing in this crowd, so if you will take my arm I will cross" here ho paused, for the face of tho lady was turned toward him, and ho beheld tho round, rosy countenance of a young lady just out of her teens. Her bright black eyes sMke volumes of astonish ment and indignation, and with an ad ditional upward turn to her naturally retrousse nose sho mockingly replied: "Old lady, indeed!" and picking up her dainty skirts she made a lively run across the street, gaining the opposite side in safety, and was quickly out of sight Tho polito but dazed Samaritan stood still foi a moment in silent won der, and then walked slowly away, whistling softly to himself. Tho socre of tho blunder was simply this: The young lady was completely enveloped 111 an antique Mother Hubbard s cloak, whose heavy folds hung straight down from its wide, old-fashioned yoke. Upon her head was an immense coal-scuttle scoop bonnet, the overarching brim covering her facj and head and the sides of the bonnet were held down by broad strings, hid in an immense bow at one swlu. A large Mother Hubbard bag of black satin hung from her arm. and with her back to the crowd she looked as if she might be her own great grandmother. Bussian Women. Women have played an important part in Russian history, says the Phila delphia Itecord, from Ogle, a wise and able ruler of the embryo empire in tho middle of the tenth century, to Catha rine II, whose long and brilliant reign of thirty -four years, ending in 1796, ex hibits her as the most successful sov ereign of Russia since Peter the Great It was Sophia, a niece of Constantine, the last Byzantine Emperor, and wife of Ivan III, who, toward tho close of the fifteenth century, caused her impe rial spouse to introduce tho arts, of ciy ilizution into the almost . barbarous realm. The good Queen Anastasia, lirst of tho royal Romauofs, is related to have exercised the most beneficent influence over her husband, Ivan tho Terrible, The Grand Duchess Sophia, half sister of Peter the Great, was a singularly able and ambitious woman, and her administration as Princess Re gent, though brief, marked a notable epocli in tho annals or her country. Catharine-1 and afterward Anna, in the lirst half of tho 18th century, were weak enough to allow themselves to be con trolled, not unlike many malo rulers. by persons of tho opposite sex, and they may be regarded rather as ad mint istrative figure-heads than otherwise. Elizabeth, who reigned from 1750 tq 162, was an empress in fact as well as in name. Mie dethroned her imme diate predecessor after he had been tho nominal head of the nation for about a year. Lniring her reigu the German party was deprived of the undue innu- enpo it had acquired only to abuse it; the Senate was restored to the power assigned to it by l'etcr the Great, her father, and her career was altogether worthy of her illustrious origin. Her succcsor, Peter III, was, by a note worthy repetition of history, dethroned Catharine II. entereif upon a reign whoso splendor of achievements and sagacity of government methods com pare favorably with the career of any monarch the world has ever seen. - t -l A New York paper savs that as the result of fast living a large representa tion of the best families may bo found in the lunatic asylums, while hundreds are borne to early graves. It is tho same everywhere. ml CcSiil.tatod.f - A irix! oi it provu ft ""VI j ot- ..: ;ukj bo oil.-, j I- 'T .i!,' i-v -ill ii is?i: tirTi1 i.AYTOV OHIO. ( TUTTPS POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF, THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IiOggof appetite,Wauaea,bowels costive, PajjaJntheHeadiWitha dull aen witionjn the back partTFaln under the shoulder bladeullnesaf teating.jith a disin clination toexertion of body or mind Irritability of temper. Low spirit. Losa oYmemory, with a feeling of having jieg; lected some duty, weariness. Dizziness, Fluttering j)f thejl eart. Dots before the eyes. Yellow 6kin, Headache. Kestless ness at night, highly colored Urine. IT THESE-WAXNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTrS PILLS are especially adapted to suHi cne,uue dose effects tuchat hauge of feeling as to astonish tho sufferer.' They Ineren the- A ppell te, and ::uiie the bodv to Take on Fleah. thus the ryttem Is nourlaheil.and by theirTonle Acllonon the IllmlltrUrmtu Heirulnr. Stool nre pro duced. 1'rioe centi. 3 Murray tit-, 7. w. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changHl toaOi.os.v Black by a sinele application of this DTK. 'It impa!i a natural colpr, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggist or scut by txi.res ou r;c;ii.t of Tl. Office. 35 Murray St., New York. CDr. TTTT9 .tSrAI. ut larora.tim ud rft.l KmlvU will BAl!u4 BUI ,licilu. fi?7 fci. "lj.".ric Mret L, St. Lon:.-, ' --oa lit ltji lo-';iia.l I H.ny 4 ivri ii .-it:;.-.:. 1:1 i. I I .-..;;. oil., t' iiovv.anJ r.ii 11. -I :v...i'!"nt '.novV. fi ,,hil:a. Ooi...'-. aj-j. Oleot. t!i ic'.'jr.', Cr-uU. Kuj iiiri-.oJI Urines 7 i: jliiii'.i.-s w ir.-i-. v:: :r.1 yv:l action ot Throat Sii.ii or iv.vscurtj 1 l'.-ivatuly. StJOfir.:itorrh4.t.5o cu.i D. Utv and Imr-tpnc7 s feu t. .i.:t-f -?alf-A bu.ij. f"t-i ;nl t.cciKfcoj in mnturur yi- irf ormw lr'iin'-"rX l.rotlui-iTsnerroutnaufi.mjialn-ai tsiiiiMious. dlj:ltf d:iifv':sf -i,it.:Jvf-,,tie mem ory. ib?M:c.-d docnr, aversion l .Oi-inty riafuaion of i '-:is, loss of oxu:.l prer,n ! -';:. lissi i.i-Mc-iniitiiar. r;.ur improper, n cm iiftrai".-''"' T-ri-ed. f'-asult:tioa et or 1-7 i:uli fr nnii I 1 iYiniLitt on. ftump. Medlclti' Bent bv niiul or expre... Cures j-iK.rurjtcd. Whore doubt riuU It is iiunkly stated. - : i-ii It SaV': PACES f i i r, 1 AT ?J- 'J wr.ileiii.woi i-.-. it Istvue toii.'e, on ths fo'.iovvirw ltijootii: V. 1. 111 irry. n not, why. Mimn'xwt, Womanhood, l'hysl.-l daeny. Who .houid msirry : how liie a I happiutviH maybe luer-aned; effect, f oelib.iry nnd r ; iind nvio.7 more. TIwm marriod ccoritimii!at:-Ti-i menace should rea 1 it tiien keep un der lorgund ki'V. 23 CtS. i'T in.iil in money or pos tage. Krisrlish Pnnnn French rertd and gpokon. KDCCPrlESCRIPTIOH tsslf i 1 1 j,, Weaknos, l.ot Mulico'l, Niroain.n, pMsM,--Confusion of l!ou.s. Aversion to rioolety !rieL-uva Mfimory sn'l Disorder brooeht 0:1 'y Pelf Abuse. AnydrucRttttiustlioiii'-.redlfUi. IS u Louis Oini'ire lnt'e.fil'J St.t'hurjpa. Kt. I.o-iU, Mo. 705 Chesnut St, St. Louis, Mo. t old oiaee, continue, to cure Spermawrrh;fl.. t:-m nil Weak. ness, 1 forms of Syphllis.Gonorrrioea, Oleet, Urinary or Bladder disease. Kncent cases Co rod la 4 few days. All the diHojiwm rexaltinc from self-abuM, ! ore 1 pa:u turerl for li'o ltij tufo medicine. Advice free, t'unriua low. Cull or write in strict conSdenoe. Symptom Booifor iwoHnmp MARRIAGE QUID EVocS f!!r drwrifc..'! cifrttfic rrrvfe ff tnc. I r .f. I.'irrn' lilutlraiti pmp let sent trte on a; rM ictia. i:i:ms kkukoy co.f Xttftf y hfwlt, tk X Karkct St- f-t- Louts, Mo. A iiie, tir r a 11 J (Bipiele CuJt to Wed Kk. oi.jung, with ninv o'htrs, the folia- m$ cliaiitrri : A Voaiprteiit u'"nrioo4, selrclitM- 0 Wife. TmMr-uicitU.w'l'1Li Wii iuuu.i4Ubie, Strrthtr ) Womu, cauir trnJ irentnient. Ad Tire lo Bri.iccrottiD, Adft to Iiuti d, Aevtce 10 vtiTea, UoMilUtia, c !, CiibCT and 1 atriiuory co-rr4, Lmj uft.1 bttUM, CwttAuMBtat, !- d4 CwsrtJr.ip. lupwIt-TMiit t Har tMft, OrtMMuf tUpro-iucUua. Hm Lib lv iff Mrriac a4 I-r, UU nffct U -atrrtc4 xmi, U.. il4.Bg peculiar to Wtmb. ibtr tmmf mmd ttMUnctit. A fcock fr . and consider. reading, of 311 pc. " rull 1'Wm Knctarinit, l tnul, IcmJouM. "THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" On eypnilitt, OonorrhOBii, Gleet. Stricturo, V arieo cola. c alto on 8prmatorrhCD, Sexual Peb'lUy. and lnDOtenov. from Self-Abuse aud kcrre, rtunni 4m of aiib. Defective Mwrv, In rf jsuai ror, te., makine -tiar- !Tf i sn proper or unnir, gt"- , rcr pe for iba eur f all prirate ducaari; m parca, vr o f4at. 6U tBlA, ' Medical AiTlce tertur en iiiufcoel t TTcaarhccd, lCo. en d ONF? HOLLAR re d " ,,,re of - kit ffp jy--- hJJS how described boost, tac. . fb!nidutHieoriuir conuiuin-f 636 pafre. and ever 100 iiluttratione. T combined volume m positively I he popular Medical Bnk ubtieaed. The author ia an eircri eaced pTtvatotaa of biinv vaars practice, (at it well grown), aad thm advice twwm. aad rulaa fr lr'mnt Ud 4ra. will be f-uad mt tm vajwe i tliea auffirinc froa inpitnim of it ttin, arlr frrnra, K&sJ. f aj efUM troiMi sntf aAd-r xht brad af " PhlV ATt e f?lnHVK' n t l. P-rr Vtavra take sfl pftvneM rvf booka. tnivuic 3 an l eonitit .Us .1 cfs, iii-asei resulting from tmptr iriuil aencutious. sHf-aLiiae or 'fitui eirt-a. PatiVut trested bv mil nl ei(ire. W'ttr poit 1e, rer aoual cHul(atinii i prafcrrrd, which i free as J n.ed. (.-'-lone to be lniwcred br patient deirin: trparnriit n ut. 4 "a Is auv 'HrH .iu -j j ilifiti";:, ft fct'k t'irei;! iri1e llt. HCTTA, 14 North Kth Mt t. ferula. Ma. DR. BUTTS' rTSPENsamf ZiUUishtll3.7 at 12 IT. 8th Stroet, S7. XO. THE Pbvilclaoi in cbarc of thtt old and erell known infti tuon ar regular graduate in medicine and turjr err. l'eara of lxpeHe in the troatmeru of Ihronle IHeae have oiida tbert sktlt aad ability to aiuch uirior to that of the ordinary voctiuoiiar, that they have acquired a DatiooAl repulaUoa Crouch their treatment nf cnmpltratrd casea, INDISCRETION "r EXPOSURE fig UAlaaict a BfVhtlla, iionorrlfea Oleet, Olrleture, Orrkili, ail t rinary TroubJea and Syphilitic or Mere n rial aR'ectiont of ika tkrotit, aklo or bonea, treated with aut-ceaa, on acientibc prin ciple, without UBinr Merenrr or other Petaonoui Mediciitea. V H 1 1 N P. IV1 P N llinu of Buddie Mfe who are auf- , 'M I y inn Y i i r lering from the effect, of 8perm.ator raie or benaiuai Mrakaeaa the result of aetf-abutc in vouth or excen in matured year a, are permanently cured. Ttua dia eave produce aome of the fr,l lowing effec t cmisiKMf, blotchea, .attu, vMafiif2, Jifi.nm u( liffht, cough, inri.s .-.tii-( nusfipadnil. dtpoiiIetty ranfualon of tteia, aversion tu o. ctety, defective memory, aeuual jiliiution, iu p.tencr or toae f ntauly vieoi which uiiAta the victim f r buiiuecor marriaj;o pAflENTS TREATED leraoiiil t.:uiial.n (a jrrirrrVu, which i fEE and tntit- H. List of quelmn to lie answered hv iiatiri.i deiirin( treat inttt mailed fr to arjr aildrauta on ajiphratl'tu. Vrr4M aiiflerfaf frtM Kuplure abaald e4l t heir addreaa,V aad Irani eoiaetMny to tlieir ajlsanlaye. II I n t a trmti.P C ji R.Nf'IciH str.rtl' ritnft 'e' t' !. ji ! r:U I Mrr,tcd 1 An nrly Nrm and poaittvely effect. re I Itemed for the at'd iro.iu cure of Bcmin.U mlnatons find Impolonnv tv the r true way, ., lv.t ApviKauon lu Utm ptiiMl teat of w a'. Tf.a m t4 lb Mttkr-lr ie atteodad With a cv ncTuh.xo, and d " lutrrfera ariib Utaoibnary puntuta or bfe. Tbu abod of rta.nt - auod tba trst in vry avra taiw. anl ia a protisMiaead tumr ?!rt fca a B'nei ai abut ibia pevontlua. 1 rc ai .)rratwa aaabts ua t r -aiOMlv that U a aire rrfci nutStcu-.n. At atKd of reacUof aad ewriAg Uua very .r-i.i uul-W. it rti 4:nf. ' Cm ie aaata, mmi ia o. Om mm art'sj tm iar a t J r-n-t 4. ws aa- HAPRiS REMEDY CO- MF'Q CHEMISTS t lltti-kfct and Hth Htrcct. bT- LOL'IS, MO. C .vofr tmmttmants to Jit FTtwtjvf S'vof. ff 4iuinit rHMfifte. tnicdk Lrtttievm r-?rerffH;rl rottt i'l tfH8X t Injure. Ar'l I it i, l7. 1 n remedy ia wo'king perfectly. Chleaco, Atr. 14, I am thureuchly cure-f and feel tip tup. Tat juuuf aniti in the country it retting bctlir. MUaoari, Sept. 19, lbT9 I received ao much benefit shwaattao e wf yfur rented. ea that I want to try them in another case. Tin u"t( Iwkf ti-- T'ng. ir-I wijf tonithtflg ery a4rog Mich-, Jan. 2b( 1079.-1 P up ynr f ackare of mdi e:ei ae me an her Z9 ao-tn o'fujantld; Tht pack are . at fHl all ppreiit trouble, but there tea weakneas )etauj 1 u a ao avoaH repre.tKi? lot for the e tire pi lUaU Iowa Oct. Ot!i. I 79. I am altuwat ettrpneed at Tour Pa. t.-::.a. 1Uf Lave worked like a charm on me. 1 am juat t :tii much of a mil aa I waa before taking. I waa oo tba ?re of U frare, I iltoaghl, and tiucra waa bo oure fur aaaa. b-t aaar 1 am ia hop' 4 c-e. Wt Vtrr.aia, Au(. 179.-1 received your meJieine, tnf I believe it baa uri-d me, for which I am aery thankful, la c: el please bn 1 $, fu' which pleaae aend me another bog t' . J fi a fnend. m have doue a great llu&( for too. I t cai yoa all t e ctrjpra I ran. FVana aae -iaead eea aa evaarl AcrveOM. ynwi, Jaae jStb. It7y. fleaae for s ard vmaI once anothee I -x f I e I aatiTIf. The patient oo whom 1 have used moat of - e U . in addmon tt a aamle bvi, U faat rccovcrinr, aud I t .i ji"tatr wi't et htm aH rigtL ' ' ' F' MarvUnJ. Sept. 2, Ih79. Lat Jacuary w aot rVana too a l -'x oi TMr rccieiy, for otc vt our cwitomera, auJ it Laa maula - iiefed cure of him. W e bae anotker etiatooter now aurlr . i ia the aame wr. aJ wiaa b re:ura ma4 au No. 2 aoa HOTEL. CITY HOTEL PLA.TTSMOUTII, SEB. First class Lodging Rooms. First Class Boarding. Gool S;i!iile Ttooir j Ever thing and every eoinfort A Good Hotel can Fumbli Also, Good AVines, Good Deer, Good Liqco s Good Li-nionade, Good Cigars, Kept at the City Hotel. 14ly FKE1. OOOS, Froprietor PILES jftH!l R tit ? M & U ri r f i 1 Lin ' y-b--z?- Is luatie from a Simple Tropical r.t'.if of Kare Value, and is a I'oMitive lli'uifdy for all the disease that cause pains in the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headache Jauu dice Dizziness, (i ravel, Malai ia. and all diffi culties of the Kidneys. Liver and I'linary Or gans. For Feinalr'JMjieanex, Monlhiv'.Men struation, and dining i'letrnancy, it has no equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is the heft Itlood I'uriller. It is the only known remedy that cures scourge, ltrisJit'M liicnsc. Ffir Diabetes, ue Wariier'N Safe IMabctew Cure. For Sale by Drmi'ists and Dealers at .SI.ri. per bottle. Largest bottle in the market. Try-it. II. II. WAKXF.It & CO., Kochester, X. Y. BIBIEMiaaiaiai Battle Creek, Michigan, v THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. Kus Complete Tbreohcr Factor) Established In the W orld. i 1843 A A V?ARQ of eontinvmu and fHeew ful hun. J I faHllW nj., without chanu-o cii" iauic. J tnaumfement, or li'catiuD, to "brick vp" th broati varrarifj trirert on cu' our ffovcU. . STKAM -POWTTt SEP.tltATORS snrt C'lliml'le Sleuill Outfit'" Bio'chlwualittts. tSneti Trnetion I.UKiiicM'l FIniu LitS'ues ver seen in the American market. A multitude of tprcial euiuret ari'I imrovmtifa f'r 181, tncrethr with tvperior yimliii in r'nrur tin and mmVriid put (lii'ameil ot bvoth'-r i?ii.1:pih. Four eizis of Hcj u rators, from O to 'i borke CiT)acity,7tr fir Aorj fon-er. Two nfylfB of " M.tiiniM " Hoi-vp-rowpT-s. 7tff niin Feet f delected l,umtr )UJ J )J J VJ (frcrn Ihrtr tnrir year rtir-iri i) constantly on haivf, from which is built tho n comiuxa,b!o wouU-wurk tl onr tuacbiiu rv. TRAGT!ON mH Strongest, mt durnl,l,arnl tpirttnt ever wutd. 4. Fnrincrs and Tlirrshrrmrn are Invitfd to ftestiu-ato tins tiij.vAi Thnmblair Machinery. 'Urcalara rrrt irf e. Addnim NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Creek, Michigan. Th majority of the ills of the imm .boily arite a derangement nf the l,iver, affecting both the stomach and. boteels. In ordur to effect ft etire, it im necessary to remove the cause. Irregu lar and blugglsh action of the Iioteels, Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Vain in the Hack and Loins, etc., indicate that the IAver it at fault, and that nature re quires assistance to enable this organ to tit rote off impurities. Pricltly ssSl Hitters at e especially compounded for this purpose. They are Mild in their action and effective as a cure ; are pleasant to the taste and taken easily by both children and adults. Ta ken according to directions, they rrre a safeandfiteasant cure for IiyBliIGla, (jencral Debility, Habitual Con titlpation, Diseased Kldneya, etc., etc. Asa Itlood Purifier they are superior to any other medicine; cleansing the system thoroughly, and imparting nete life and energy to the in valid. It is a medicine and not an Intoxicating beeerage. ASK TOUR DRUGGIST fOS PRICKLY ASH SITTERS, and take no other. PHICE, 1.00 per Bottle. fEYER BROS. CO., - SCLE PROPRIETORS, 8t- Louis and Kansas City, Mo. ;t tele best j LEAD ALL OTHERS ! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed XJnequaletl FOK OPERATOJ ECONOMY DURABILITY ad WO sSKfJ A rjSjjjP. XmproTemsuts ani CcnTcsic3 forcl in ro ctiers. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Tat !Ue In Every City and Town in the TJnitel States, and by J. K. COX, J Plattsmoutii Xkb. 2tol6&2ttoaG OME TREATMEih A certain enro for JJervo:." " t:&AiT ness, impotence, cto, Ibo Eecipe8usetl ia D:y practico for 25 t'c-J;-nd an illuMrated book ct 60 paires jjivirg fail ai n ctions for self-treatment, sent t ree. Address DR. T. WILLIAMS. 435 K. Hltr Hiiwidc. Bis 2 PKI6fyLY J31 1 1'lkKH) mm, NO CHANGING CARS TJKTWEEX - 031AII 1 OK I'L-ATTSMOlTia AND CHICAGO, Wlifiv diiect connections are made with Tlirouch Sleepine Car Lines TO NEW YORK. F.OSTOX. FWlULUEU'III-l, It.l I.TIMOKE. W.ISIIINCTOX. AND ALL EAiSTEllN CITIES, H7ie S7io 't Line V a FEORIA for IXDIAXAI'UUS. LOUISVILLE. CIXVIX A'.t TI, and all ptiints' in the SOUTHEAST- TI!K ISI.KT MXK FOR ST. LOUIS, V1ictp Diieet r'oimeclioiis are made in flip I'MOX 1 EI OT villi Through lSleej)im,' Car for all ioi!its;MOI''FII. THE NEW LINE FOR IDiLS MOINES, THE FAVORITE ROUTE FOR KOCK ISLV'JTXJ, T!ie isiieiiualed iiKliieeiiient- ofTeied lv this line to 1 ravelers and Toiu isus are as folioVs : Xlie cclelnatfd l'tiUman lti-Wlnel lV.laec .V'eepins; Cars, run only on this line. C, H. tf; t. FaJaec 1 i';iw in-r- liumn Cai8, Willi llorton's tli 'clinin Cliaiis. Xo Extra. Charge lor .seals in ICeclinii.c Chairs. J he famous C, IS. iS; . Fahu e iJiniiitf.Car.. Corneous SiiioKimi Cars, fitted With elegant hii;li-ha kcd liattan K'evolvin Chair . tor the exclusive lice tif tirst-class misscngers. Fast Time. Steel Hail Track and Superior Eiiuijmient combined with their tlrtnt Thinuih t iir Arm nut mcnl. makes thic, above ail otheis, the favorite lJoute to the :AT, SOl'Til OK hOI TH-r.AHT. TKV IT. and ou will find TRAVEMNC .1 Lux ury instead of a JMseomlort. Throuyh Tickets sale at all olliees Canada. via this celebrated line for in the L'niled htatee and .111 information about Hates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, and Time Table, will be cheerfully j;iveii by applying to Jiiiiic II. lVocd, Central Fassenger g't, Chicago. V. J. I'OTTCK, Ceneral Manager, Chicago. Rcadfnqsl nacitatfonsf Elocution O NOW READY.q OP.GSEE pptt p. Tn (sty 703 Chestnut Ct., Thiladelpfita. J This nnmiT in nnifnnn with th Sr?. ftnr enrtnln n- ti&ii'.r liUM'itr 11 :iitn'i:'i iM'iuntttiinii nmi jiouulnffiiy ComKiuiDK Srntliiiciit. Orulorv, lauthrrV liurnur, Fuiu tvry icy v h- hiu'rk-4 pi. re every Tnciubi-r f a Lvoenm vlio wa ira 8om-( Sipic ttv t re tie. phnuld Uvt tho V'u iUsoiivo Three Books oi DiALOtiUfcS,M 1 20t'actw Profitable Reading for Everybody! I'.usinris mn auJ woir.i-a. teachers, mechanic J kr!,r,n.., .1 1 n ...1 .-.n jut tiy inc constant toil and worry of your work ! lon't drink intoxicating bittrn;. but u? Arc jua suiicnng Irum lJyspcpsia, Kheuma-J jism, Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney, Liver or wiiihiv (..MMIMillllTS. VOU Can HI mrm ncinrv If yOU arc WB.UI.L' a.lV Ulth I nmnmnunn l.J maic vcuhuc any bicKness ; it you nave a pain fill coneh or bad cnl.I. von will finrl sure relief in 1 .: ' ' 1 - It you are eiueebicu bv uiicaii:. old a?e or dis! ipation, arsd your system neeJs invigorating, orJ d you have pinipios and blotches, and your blood iiccus pnriivmsr. von rail alwavs rlepenrl on r Madetrom Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, Stillingia many other of the best medicines known it iJ the Best Health and Strength Restorer Ever! Used, and is far sxperior toliittcrs. Essences ofl Kiinger and other I onics, as it never intoxicate. iml combines the trt curative properties of all. It Has Saved Hundreds of Lives; U 31 ay ' taTe Vours, Euy : v-x. bottle of your driiggLt, nd to avoid ounterfeits Lc sure qiir signature is on the out-' Mile wrapper, lliscox & Co., Chemists, N. V. ! - r 1 1 1 r 1 n 1 1 1 1 Parker's Hair Balsam. fSESE- The Best & Jlost Economical Hair Dresslaf Containing only ingredients that are bescficial to the hair and scalp, the Balsam will be found far more satTsfactory than any other preparation. It Never Fails to Ec store Cray or Faded Hair to the original youthful color and is warranted to remove dandruff , prevent baldness and stop f alliosr of the hair. Soul druggittt 01 50 rf, ,..1 tt;.. T;f.i , luunraiur AU Ultl world. XI 16 Tlie De8t . . . l;'.?',? not gum, oui rorms a it . omiduo trer tno aaie, re ducing friotlon and lightening the draft, it is tlio cheapest in-caut it costs no more than Inferior brands, and one box will do the work of two of any other Axle Crease ii m . .p?"0."!"" wtrii rr iiarvuHun, C'arriatri.. HuiririM, etc., etc., as for Wagons It Is GUARANTEED to contain no Petroleum. Cyclopedia of Thitigw Worth Knovinq malted frve). 31 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 'mm, ISM It is the result of 20 yenr exiirrirncc and exiruncutt) iu S-winr Jlachinea. It combine th good point of all prrjtnt and former mnkei, and is not one man " or " one idea " machice, as cf Urrs are. It avoid the dr feces of pi Iir r, and ioh BesHTB neir and rn'.uul-U f.turM aud ctivenieuow. It Id lnua, tKkt-runnlny, oil, hnudnome, con venient duraUe, and ,i,,Ple. nrrniitt d and Inrennir lrp- for; 5 f'irculars with lull ucscnptiou Kent frvnu n-.iuect. It Is surely tho bejt. A trial will prove it. fnil to nee It tK f or you buy. M a;; vts.ct v jtEi t 1-XOB t N C K GEO. P. BENT. Bl and v.i JacUwu bl., ChicuVo. IU. PENSIONS ARE PAID tverr loldlcr Ua in 1- r.: f it:tt v . Xy Mi-culut or t-titurv lit . A OL'A II if :i 11 v km J, it.ji. of 0iivr, t c or t-jc, l:ri'l t'Kl- if tut tlu l.t. kak t L.uni r VttrieoH; 'cli. rive e. 1- li.i. ti. t utiir ttvvf li.w Liiu:ii.ii' t.rc J-1. d'.ii ii.t-re:i f m-h V, cri.lcuK :.i;.l tl-'Jirt f:;::..ii ( r mother of rol'.ur m ! in t' "irr fr. t a M'ni.:i. ItOl'Vl' V ' 1 ; f..r v..itt;'l. ii.i'n :i r r ij'ti ; . - v, . fn'l bounty. S. f ! ..;a . f i e. j, I. l''ll JITt'l l-'IIPtV . ''.1 ' f: It. Pttrfernl-l ft r-., Ar'. Ii-rf;:.l...t..-ll. . V. A.W.I nvw. I'r. ' t I : ' . a- ! l:. I . V -ii ' - . i if i. '...;. ... : TOTFTT, News for Boys mad Girls ! t Tounir arid Old ! I A NEW IN VENTION just patented for them, fur Home use I Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turning, Boring, Drilling.Grindinir, Polishing, Screw Cutting. Price $5 to f 50. Send C cents tiT Ii pawei. S TARTLIIMC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of yonthfnl imprudence caiuiug Freuia hire lecay. Nervous Uebiiity, Lost ilauhood, etc tavins tried in vain every known remedy. Las dis covered a simple self cure, which bo will send FREE to bis fellow-nuff' rers. address J. II. It KEVINS, 43 Chatham int., . Y, Fl VI r, 1 ii ii n. ti i nun ii ii.mi i. m a BENNETT DEALERS IX Staple siiul IFnnvy SiiT4cefi;ics9 AGENTS FOIl THE CELEHHATED I.EAVENWOIITU mom wmmm mMmm o fiie laaleet tytcl of g'BMuei- Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs, Here We are with a Complete Stock BLANKETS, COMFORTS, SHAWLS, SKIIITS, IWSE, FLANNEL,S, CASSIMERFS, JEANS. VALISES, DRESS, GOODS, RUC1IINU, RIBJiONS, LACES, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTH 3IATTINWS WINDOW SHADES awl FIAT U RES, da., itv. BOOTS, ARCTICS, GHats, Caps, and Hoods, r-j UNDER WEA R, ALL COLORS AND SIZES AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. l!tTai'fl9 Zephyrs, (Keranisiiiaiowsa &t Shetlaital Wools, Caal Elaral & Mlottc5 GLOVES d- 31 1 7' TENS TO FIT EVERYBODY, bulk in SIZE d- PRICE Also the best Select Stock of strictly first-class Gro ceries, Canned ami Dried Fruits, Tobaccos, Queens ware and Glassware in the City. All of which ivo guarantee to sell as low as anybody. to close Cash Buyers, and for large quantities. W. S ,S. MAIN STREET. So The Old Grocerv & Drv Goods Stand. Although 'Lection is over we are not done selling goods, ly a long shot. Ib OU WILL FJNDATF.S. WHITE'S ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN THE TO WN. Kroceries9 IDry Lrocucrywarc9 elaeapei tliait ever. -O- The nicest Green Winter Apples for sale. Over 200 liarrels down CVlla;. in" Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS, TALLOW, AC, at JP. S. WIHZTJS'S, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA THIS is reserved for SMITH, BLACK & CO. TO O-IVE THEM J CJJXjUj. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE occ pt cAMmmmu i CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK Its main line rnna from C'Lir:tk!o ti i'onnril BluITd, iastiiie tbnuffh Joliet. OUswa. I. a Satlo, Oeneseo. Molina. Koclt IsIhikI. Iavnripi i. West I.lbertT. Iowa Citr.Marcnuo. lirooklyn, tirinnell, I'es Moines (the capitnl ot Iuva, Muart. Atlan tic, and Avoca ; with branclifa from Btircuu Junction to Peoria : Wiltin Junction to Mu:u tiue. WnKliiiiKton, KairtluM. Kiilon. Hulkiiitii, ContrcTille. Fritu-eton. Trenton. OaJlal', I n. -ron, IjsTt-nwortli. Atchison. aruS UmiMiS l itr; WasbinKton to KlKoumcr, (Ukul'njBi. iikI Knox Tille; KcokuK to I urmiitlun. Itniu.urto. IU n tonsport. ludepeniler-t, tl.lon. Oilumtii, Kily T'l'.o. Okaioosta, I'ella. Monroe, ami ies Motnc;: J'ewton to Monroe; Ues M lines to luiliur.olaaiit l interset: Atlantic to Lewis uml AmiuUu: anl Aroca to IJarlaii. This is poMttrely the Kailroad, whicii owns, antl operates a llirouyh line fTom Chicago Into the State r f Kunsa.v isrv,uuh Express Psssenaer Trains, witii l'ull naa Palace t'ars attached, are run each way daiir between t'HiCA;o aud PrnitiA. Kanxa (. n v. Cocncil BLrrFS. Leavenworth au.l Atciii ojf. Throuthcarsarealsorunhetweeii Milwau kee and Kansas Cut, via the "Milwaukee and Bock Island Miorl I.m.v" i The "Great Kock Island" is Iiini:nin-enr! f quipped. Its roau pea i: Muipiy ptri Vv-; i& track is laid with steel rails What will plea ou. tuwk wil bo the pleasure Of enjoylnft .oiirTnouls. while puasniis over tti! palttfu( prairies of Illinois ana Iowa, in on.j of Sar msanitlcent. Uinlnz C ars that actompjnr nil lirouL-h KxDress 'i'rains. You Bet an entire rfieal. as good as is served iu uiy tirst-clis hotel, foTeventy-tive cents. Appreciating the tact that a icajor-.tT of the ! nevjle prefe"r separate atmrtmentT lor l!Hei'v:i i j pumoses (and tho immense paeuser UaUn'u or ima line nanauiiuK e'7"- J nAiinrn that this (Utmuanr lulls r(l"Wti i.tiure Bleeping vus 1 1 t".'r i'w i 'v . v , . uvb : x; : , ..... . , . , . . 1 1 . . . . HEOUIA. DFH MOINES. liSllL BUMS, KA.!tA! CIls. ATt IiiA, una LUVEWVUKTH. Ticket thU Lhit, knos-u a. tuv I..-..t lifttli JXoulc,-' are sold b I Ticket Aa-euta la the I nlleJ MU-te-s kkJ ,...!.. ' CO mil For loloT-miAtioa not oblainable l our & LEWIS, H. BAKER & CO. goods. KIass cz SPA CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL no mr( i rm i inc. RET WE EX THE EAST & THE WEST lHnitig Cttra for catinir purposes onlT. tineother cn-at feati-ro of our i'alat o t axs is a SM'JKlNiA feAl.oo.N wliere you tan tnjoy your Havana' utull hours of tho !uy.' Mamiincent Iron Kridk-PS Rpnn tUe Ulssuslppl and M:v-iurl rivers nt nil points orosseil by this Iniu. traiiHtera are avoided at Ouncll ItlufTs. K;tis:is ity, lavenworth. and Atchison, con nections tteini; iiiude in L'nioti depots. '1 Hi: 1'ICINi ll'AL It. H. UNNr:TIONS OP" THIS (lliKAT TilUuLOlI LISU A.HE AS lul,l.(IWS : At I iiu'aco. with all Uirereins Ilbcs for th Kat I'.mi fouth. At liM.l.taw;!). with tho L. S. & M. 8.. aud Ft. XV. i . It. Kim. .VIV. AMIIM.IO.V riEIGHTi. With P., C. It SC I K. ii. At I. A Sali.i:. with III. Cent. It. II. At I'PHin. wnh ! 1. X J ; l';I.a XV : 1:1. .Vi.l.: :p.i T. 1. .V XV. At lio ,i J.-i.AM'. witn "Milwaukee A Kock Irltn:.! f-liort I. lie." himI Kwk Is. d i I'eo. Itda. At iLiviMMitf, ua the iJav.oport iiivisloa C. M . A t lv It. Ii. A vx i ."T l.i ii tin v. witlj theB.. C. U. Sl N. U.R. At (.iriNNKi.I.. hum ef.tral lows it. K. At n.rt 1.p.m, -..itu I). M. A; V. K. R. At 1 .; ncii. ;.i.i-t. w,ii, L ni .il Pacific Tl. VL At Omaha, wnii u. a. Mo. It. K K. in Neb.i AH ui.rMiii sJ-x(Tiii.v.itli B.. It. & N. It B. AiOr it-im A. tentrul it. ; XVL. fct. 1- Pac.. and C. 11. Ay. u. it,),. At io.ukck, w in T.d.. 1'iu. A XV'ur.: Wah.. Bk. Louis A; psr.. mid M. 1.. Keo. X N'.-W. K. Hds. At t a ii:k(iv. wuh II. M. J It. II. At A i IliyoN'. wuh Ateh.. To(.ka A Santa Fei At-h. Jt .Xi-ii. and t e.. Itr. f. P. KKds. At I.kav i s wourn. with Kan. Tuc. aud Kao. At kASi t'l-rv wK r,ll 1. e..- ka n'. u ;jm .".u.iiwLbt. . , - i j.uv. wg Louie ticket Uvu'l Tkl. uua ptusvr Art..