Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 09, 1881, Image 3

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    The Herald.
O'Leary's "cut it."
Huberts st-lls wall i.iier. 51lf
See Windham & Campbell's new
card. W. 11. Thomas went up to Omaha,
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tf
Tin? Platte Valley House is full
to overflowing: children "ooze out at
every doorway.
Excursion to Omaha Sunday.
Hound tiip tickets 31.00. See notice
I sell the. Lest and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Pktkk MEKGES.
Mr. Win. Ilerold is iiuiroviiir the
apeearaiic e of his store building by a
new coat of paint.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
dav, at tin Union Bakery, corner Main
and Thiitl. lOtf
The la ick yards are running nights
days and Sundays, almost to supply
demand fur brick.
Orchard & Bean, the Oi pet Deal
ers, Omaha. Pay 'em a visst.
Quite .1 discussion was entered in
to on representative citizenship at the
Board of Trade, it seems.
Another new Ut ot queensware
and glassware at W. II. Jiaker & (Jo's.l
Superintendent Wooley and Pro
fessor Love attended the State Super
intendent's Convention at Grand Is
land last week.
Ask ur grocer for Bremner's
Crackers, and if he says he does not
keep them, tell hirn h'i is a fraud and
change your place of trading at once.
A rose by any other name would
smell the same, but any Crackers but
Bremnei's will not taste so sweet and
delicious, not by a jug-full and don't
you forget it.
Frank Carruth is having some
large cards printed for photographs of
the new pay car and locomotives
which have been built entirely in the
shops here.
Schuyler Colfax, Monday the 13th.
See program elsewhere.
Chas. Hicks, in Tipton precinct,
broke his arm in driving over a bridge
the other day. The team became
frightened and threw Mr. II. off the
Lightning Kods No humbug.
If you want your houses or barns
rodded, and put up in good shape, no
fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark
Weeping Water. Ttf
' All the small boys and girls go
strawberrying now, and some of the
larger ones can be seen wending their
way towards the strawberry patches,
too, sometimes.
Mr. F. A. Murphy, ass't Mail agent
on the U. 1. came in Tuesdy evening
and called on the IIekald office
yesterday. Come again Fred, the
"printer" girls are always glad to see
Elder Jones delivered a Temper
ance lecture in the M. E. Church, Sun
day evening, which was listened to by
a large and appreciative audience.
Elder Jones has been here attending
the M. E. Conference this week.
At a meeting of the Fire Depart
ment last week, the following parties
were elected to .-.ttend the Fireman's
Tournament at Council Bluffs: C.
Kohnke. Clias. E. Duke, A. O. Ashley,
II. M. Bushnell. Win. II. Pickens.
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drugstore. 51 tf
-Congressman Valentine and wife
passed over the B. & M. t Omaha last
week. We suppose the Enterprise
man would have taken the seat by
biro, talked sweet to him and then
come home to abuse him as he seems
to have done Paddock.
Bremner's choice Crackers at J.eii
pett tV Lewis'. Ut-i
A. Mr. Barrett of Iowa has been
looking at our Hotel lately. It is
time the Hotel was "opened for the
good of the town and the purse of the
owners and we earnestly urge that
reasonable terms be made to the first
suitable and responsible man that
will open it. A large rental at first
is not near s.0. gre;it ;:i object as
it is to have the right kind of man
inaugurate its first year. Remember
this, Messrs. (luthman Bros.
No remedy has been found for
fever and ague which proves so uni
formly successful as Ayer's Ague Cure.
Mason's fruit jars at W. II. Baker
& CVs. 1
The strawberry and ice cream fes
tival given by the ladies of the E. A.
I1, was one of the finest affairs of the
season. "A large number being in at
tendance all the evening. . Part of
the evening's amusement was dancing
which was enjoyed by the young folks,
The most interesting and exciting part
df the evening's programme be
ing the voting for two hand
some baskets of flowers, one for
the handsomest lady, and the
other for the most popular lady in the
room. After a most exciting contest
up to the minute t lie polls closed.
Miss Kate I)orrington won the basket
for the handsomest lady by thirteen
majority. The basket for the most
popular lady was won by Mrs. C.
Irwin, by - thirtjMive majority over
several competitors. F
It seems we should have had vis
itors at our Camp Fire iad thing
turned out right. Mr. (Jjuld informs
us that a number of comrades intend
ed to come, and the Journal gave us
the follow ing notice:
Are burning brightly near Plattsmouth
this morning. The post of the G.
II. of that city touched fire to the fag
gots this morning and by evening the
beacon lights will be shining oi. the
hill surrounding the ancient city.
The post invite their comrades from
all parts of the state to visit them and
participate in the festivities. In case
ten or more of our eld soldiers desire
tu attend, the 13. & M. will give them
special rates.
The Rev. Mr. Gallaglier is good to
newspaper men.
Mr. P. E. White started Chicago
ward Wednesday.
J. II. Pierce, the balloon man of the
Bee was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Byron Clark spent a few days
in the city the first of the week.
C. II. Pannele's new handsome
phaeton was overturned yesterday on
the corner by Mathews.
Judge Newberry, of Louisville called
Tuesday. Glad to see yow. old fellow.
Wes. Baker has started an orange
stand. Eph. Holmes is clerking for
D. Smith, J. C. Smith, and A.
Smith all paid for the IlEitAUt this
week .
Dr. J. Hall went up to Norfolk,
Tuesday, to attend the meeting of the
State Medical Society.
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler went up to Lin
coln last week to remain during Com
mencement exercises.
Mrs. Hayes, of Omaha, spent a few
day with her father, Capt. Marshall
and other friends, last week.
John Curry, the man that stole an
empty grave .once during the war
was down to help hold a camp fire.
Mr. Hawksworth, master mechanic
of the B. & M. Shops, returned from a
business trip to Chicago last week.
Howard Zink, Esq., was in town
last week. looking first rate and full
of hope and encouragraent for the fu
ture. Miss Ida McConiga returned to her
home at Lincoln, Saturday morning,
after a two week's visit to' Miss Ola
Mrs. McLaughlin went up to Lin
coln Tuesday, and Mr. McLaughlin
left for Chicago and eastern parts
Frank E. White and A. W. Mc
Laughlin went to Chicago yesterday
to buy the 1st National Bank there
and move it to Plattsmouth.
Mr. Sam Atwood spent a day in
Plattsmouth, the first of the week, on
his return trip fiom Texas where he
h;is been viewing the country
Mrs. It. R. Livingston, Miss Fulmer
and Miss Anna Livingston went up to
Lincoln Tuesday to attend the Com
mencement exercises of the Universi
ty. Prof. Jesse D. Anthony, the gentle
manly assistant of Dr. O'Learv leaves
for Michigan to-day. He is one of the
pleasantest young men we have met
Dr. Fritcher, who has been in the
store department of the B. & M. in
this city for some time past, has been
promoted to the position of storekeep
er at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritcher and son Har
ry started Monday for Waukesha,
Wisconsin, where Mrs. Fritcher will
try the springs for the benefit of her
health, Mr. Fritcher accompanying
them "to see them located.
C. II. Gould, Crtmniandei of Farragut
Post No. 23. Lincoln. Paul Vandervort
of Omaha one of theohl standbys of the
Grand Army, and Hon. James Kyner
of Douglas County (not Omaha j visited
us Tuesday and helped us build our
Fred. W. Wood, professor of German
and French languages, and a very fine
scholar will be here this week with a
view of starting a class or two in
thesw languages. He is a friend of Mr.
McLennan, our lawyer, and is well
Mrs. Bird took the afternoon train
Monday enroute for Canada and her
former home where she will spend the
summer. This is a pretty long jour
ney for a lady of Mrs. Bird's age to
take alone, but we doubt not she will
accomplish it safely, and enjoy meet
ing old friends.
Messrs Cox & Glenn, two gentlemen
from Lincoln, are getting up a Direc
tory ot Plattsmouth, which will be
?ery complete. It is to be printed at
the Herald office, and when finished
will be a I ook that every citizen ought
to have. The gentleman above men
tioned are reliable and conscientious
in their work. The Herald knows
Ben Barrows is home, the old Brick,
we expect he'll think we ought to call
him fine names now he's been a U. S.
Consul, but they tell us he's the same
old Ben, and if he is he wont care
what we call him so its not too late for
dinner, or for refreshments. If you
aaid, "there goes a gentleman, you
would'nt miss it much. Though if one
could believe the newspapers, no gen
tlemen ever goes into politics in
Excursion Train to Qatnlia.
The B. & M. It. It. will run an excur
sion train to Omaha next Sunday
morning, returning in the evening, the
rates on which will be S1.00 for the
round trip. This will allow all who
desire an opportunity to attend the
Saengerfest in that city.
A Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Smith desire to
express their most grateful thanks to
this community for their generous
sympathy in their late trouble and af
fliction, and especially to the neighbors
and friends, who with kind hearts and
willing hands, rendered them so much
aid during the long sickness and death
of their daughter.
-The Good Templars' Festival last
week, was well attended, and turned
out pretty fair financially. Our friend
Brown was m luck once.
Grace and Thierolf have newly
papered and fixed up their "commer
cial resort. The front looks elegant
and is full of billiard tables and things.
In the rear where the cock-tails grow
and the license spouts at $500, and so
forth, and so on Well we can't tell
you about that aa Jim says no temper
ance fellows allowed in there; Thir
ol f says "dots so, too " and Coun
cilman Schnellbacker knows how it is
Board of Trade.
Plattsmouth Neb.
Board of Trade met ill regular meet
ing; roll called and a quorum found
Communication from Council Bluffs
Board of Trade read and ordered
spread upon the minutes.
"Coukcil Bluffs, Iowa. )
May 19th, 1831. j
Secretary Board of Trade, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sin: At a meeting of the
Cauncil Bluffs Board of Trade, held
May 10th, 1831, a resolution was adopt
ed inviting your Board to appoint
three delegates to represent your in
terests in a convention called in this
city June 21st, 81, for the purpose of
considering the feasibility f establish
ing and penning a line of barges on
the Missouri River between this point
and .St. Lewis.
Will you please bring this matter
before the Board of your city and ad
vise me of their action as soon as con
venient, liespectly Yours,
E. II. Odell, Sec'y.
II. M. Bushnell moved that the
Board proceed to elect three members
to represent this Board. On motion
of G. S. Smith amended that the Pres
ident appoint the delegates. The
President appointed J. A. Connor, II.
M. Bushnell and J. B. Strode as such
Annual report of committee on
manufactures read, approved and or
dered filed.
F. E. White, Secretary, of Board of
Directors reported bill in favor of J.
P. Young for $1.10 and recommended
payment. An erder authorized on
Treasurer for the amount.
The leasing of the new hotel was
discussed somewhat at length, af
fer which the chair, on motion, ap
pointed J. B. Strode, G. S. Smith and
J. W. Marshall a committee to corres
pond with Mr. O'Pelt, of Lincoln, and
others with a view to assisting Guth
man Bros, in letting and leasing the
hotel to a good and competent hotel
in. u.
The publication of the city Direct
ory by Messrs. Glenn & Cox was
brought before the board. Mr. Cox
made a brief statement of the work
and submitted a proposition to the
Board that if the Board would pay for
a sufficient number of the books they
would devote about twenty page to
the publication of such matter as re
lated to our city and its interests.
On motion the Board agreed to take
40 copies of ,the directory at a price
not to exceed $1.50 per copy. On mo
tion a committee of three consisting
of D. II. Wheeler, II. M. Bushnell, and
J. B. Strode was authorized to write
up the matter for publication in the
City Directory.
On motion the Board of Directors
were authorized to receive the cop
ies of the Directory when completed
and report to Secretary authorizing an
order for the money to pay for the
same. On motion Board adjourned.
J. B. Strode, Sec'y.
The Camp Fire.
As lias been announced, the Post of
the G. A. R. held a glorious old Camp
fire here on Tuesday evening.
Commander Gould, of Lincoln, was
down, Past S. V. C. of the Nat. G. A.
R. Paul Vandervort, and Hon. James
Tyner, of Douglaj county, not Omaha,
were also present.
The hall was well filled, many old
soldiers from the county being present
and such fun you never saw since the
real old army days.
The Post was called to order infor
mally by Commander MacMurphy,
and opened with a song of the Camp
Fire. Col. Pierce, of the Omaha Bee,
gave us a recitation and then followed
a story by ex-Commander Livingston
that set all the old Nebraska boys in a
Song followed story, and story vied
with song until 10 o'clock, when com
rade Gould gave us a very Heat little
talk about the Grand Army and the
heroism of the soldiers of the late
Vandervort followed with a half
hour talk on Andersouville and other
matters of the war, closing by a pow
erful appeal in behalf of the organiza
tion of the G. A. It.
The whole audience then sang "John
Brown", standing.
About this time bugler Thomas ap
peared in the centre of the Hall and
blew a 'dinner call" that set S. V. C.
Twiss and O. D. Hoffman with a de
tail of comrades to rolling in a lot of
hard-tack and beans, with coffee black
enough for any soldier. The boys just
acted like children once more and
squatted around in groups on the floor
stowed away that commissary as if it
had been sponge cake and "floating
island." Ben Ilemple and Twiss and
t he rest had bought about a bushel of
beans and 20 lbs of pork for Hicks to
cook. We laughed at them when they
told us of the 20 lbs of pork, but it
was almost entirely eaten up and not
a bean was left to tell the tale.
After the rubbisk was cleared away
"The Army Bean" was sung "init a
vim" and comrade Tyner gave his ex
perience at Shiloh in a graphic sketch
of army hardship and physical endur
ance. The Post was called to order for a
few moments to return thanks to
our comrades for their kindness, when
the audience "broke ranks" for home.
Every oue was pleased, the wit the fun
was immense, a number of ladies were
out, and this the first camp fire in
Plattsmouth (since the war) will be
long remembered and spoken of by all
who participated.
The home glee club led by Mr. Mars
land and Mr. Petteo rendered us ef
ficient aid in making the evening pass
gloriously. A chicken foraging expe
dition by Johu Curry raised a huge
Any person in the city who has rea
son to believe their names have been
omitted in the compiling of the city
directory will please leave their names,
former residence, occupation and pres
ent residence wiih J. A. MacMurphy
at Herald office or with D. II. Wheel
er at his office.
Court House Matters.
A committee from the Board of
Trade waited on the County Com
missioners yesterday in regard to cer
tain improvements made in the
present CoU't House. Without enter
ing into the county seat question at
all, the Herald will endeavor to
state the facts as laid before the com
missioners: It is well known that the present
Court House is totally unfit, incom
modious and unsafe as a depository of
records. There are no rooms for th
Sheriff, District C'erk, School-Superintendent,
or proper jury rooms. The
court room is too small entirely, un
healthy, inaccessible from the street.
The Judge's stand is right on the
street, and the noise of wagons ic,
often make it "impossible to hear in
court time. Every term, jury rooms
are rented outside at considerable
yearly cost. Small repairs, amount
ing to a good deal in the end, are con
stantly being made to keep the pres
ent building from leaking, and make
absolutely necessary storage for books
desks and papers.
The County Clerk's room is un
safe. The present building is worth
less as an investment to the county,
the land it stands on is improving in
value daily: It is proposed to raise
the walls of the County Clerk's office
to a level with the other part, extend
the entire building, fifteen or twenty
feet north, put a suitable uniform roof
over the whole building, with good
front and windows, remodeled to suit.
This will give good Clerk and Treas
urer's offices below in front as now.
County Judge and Jury rooms in rear
of these; the upper part to be finished
for Sheriff, District Clerk's and County
Superintendent's offices, not too large,
in front of building on the street and
accessible without going to rear of
building. The rest of the room, a fair
large one, for Court room, proper,
with Judge's stand. Jury box &c. in
the rear on north end.
This improvement can be made for
two thousand five hundred dollars.
When it ia done the county will have
a good building on valuable lots on
Main 6treet, daily increasing in value,
that at any time, if the county seat
should be moved, or a new Court
House built elsewhere, could be made
at slight expense, into two number
one store rooms, and hall above, and
rent for a good interest on invest
ment, or that would sell readily for
cash to help build a new Court House
anywhere in the county.
A new Court House suitable would
cost at least $25,000. The interest on
this money $2,500 will make a very
respectable building, that will answer
until such house is built and the
county owns it and can sell it any
time for more than it cost.
This is in terms the proposition
laid before the commissioners. It is
simply a plain business statement, and
is offered as a fair and reasonable in
vestment for the county to make and
one that will save money in rents, ex
penditures and small leakages all the
time, and in no manner interferes
with any future location of county
The need for immediate repairs
on the present building is imperative,
and enough money has been dribbled
away in small sums in a few years to
almost do this. The proposed plan
will obviate that for the future.
The Herald, without comment,
submits the above as we understand
it and asks the respectful considera
tion of the same by the people and the
- Bean & Orchard, Carpet Dealers,
Omaha, keep the best stock and sell
he cheapest of any one. Try.
-The best and cheapest.
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
at Merges.
Come and See
The large stock of Spring Shoes and
Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf
Carpets in every style at Bean &
Orchard's, Omaha. Just go and see
them when you are up.
A few more day boarders at Mrs.
Sage's, on 4th st. between Vine and
Main sts. 2t
Organs cleaned and repaired by
James Pettee. tf
Bremuer's choice Crackers at W.
II. Baker & Co's. Ilt4
F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably low prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St. lOtf
Bennett & Lewis still sell Brem
ner's fine Crackers and Cakes. 1114
For biliousness and constipation
of the bowels, use Dr. Marshall's Big
Blood and Liver Cure, Bromoline, a
speedy and prompt cure. Only 50
Let the dead bury the dead and
the living use Dr. Marshall's Big Blood
and Liver Cure, and be well. Big bot
tle fifty eents. All druggists are
If you are nervous or dyspeptic
try Carter's Little Nerve Pilla. Dys
pepsia makes you nervous, and nerv
ousness makes you dyspeptic: either
one renders you miserable and these
little pills cure both. Sold by Smith,
Black & Co.
Every woman who suffers from
sick lieadache, and who dislikes to
take bitter doses, should try Carter's
Little Liver Pills. They are the
easiest of all medicines to take. A.
positive cure for the above distressing
complaint; give prompt relief to dys
pepsia and indigestion; prevent and
cure constipation and piles. As easy
to take as sugar. Only one pill a doss.
Forty in a vial. Price 25 cents. If
you try them you will not be without
them. Sold by Smith. Black & Co.
J. N. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8tf
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
"nr Stmperauce Colnum."
' Eur God. aud Hume, and Native Land."
Drinking Houses. In the United
States there is an average of one for
every three hundred and twenty peo
ple, California takes the lead, having
one saloon for every one hundred in
habitants; Connecticut has one for
every two hundred and twenty; Mass
achusetts one for every two hun
dred aud eighty ; Ohio one for every
two hundred: New York and Penn
sylvania, one for every two hundred;
New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
one for every two hundred and
twenty ; Texas, one for every four hun
dred and twenty; Georgia one for
every five hundred; Alabama, South
Carolina, Arkansas, Mississippi and
Virginia one for every six hundred:
North Carolina one for every eight
hundred; Vermont, one for every
seven hundred and fifty ; and Mains ( ?)
one for every one thousand.
"Prohibition Does Prohibit."
A walk tu rough the streets of
It is cheering to the friends of Tem
perauce and good order to witness the
change so visible on our public streets'
Since the first of May, there has been
but one arrest for drunkenness. The
city prison is empty. No convicts
parraded on our street to work out
tines, imposed fot yielding to the
temptation to "licensed saloons." The
effect is no less visible in the im
proved condition of many poor fami
lies. A siugle walk through our prin
cipal streets would convince the most
casual observer of the salutary effects
of our "prohibitory laws". Over the
door of one place that might have
properly been called "The Gate of
Destruction" is now in burnished gold
letters, "American Express office."
The spacious rooms have been thor
oughly cleansed, and but from the lo
cation could not be recognized. An
other is a respectable "Jeweler's Shop."
Third, an "Omnibus Office" and nearly
all are occupied with men doing legit
imate business. Three or four have
continued billiard tables with soda
water and lemonade. These will have
to be watched, but our vigilance com
mittees are on the alert, and thus far
our mayor who, by the way, is the
son of ,our honored President of the
W. S. C. T. U. has. shown a deter
mined spirit in the enforcement of
the law. That there will be secret
attempts to evade these restrictions
we have no doubt, but the capital city
of our State, the home of our honored
and noble governor, is not to come
under the authority of law-breakers,
though it costs the same sacrifice of
time aud money to enforce and sus
tain the law that it did to arouse pub
lic sentiment in its favor. We are
glad to learn of the success of Miss
Willard in the South. How glori
ously the work goes on! "God be
praised." Mrs. M. B. Smith.
Supt. Temperance Mission.
Fourth of July
A meeting was held at the Court
House Monday evening to arrange for
a Fourth of July. Councilman Gor
der was chairman and after some pre
liminary debate, a committee on
finance was appointed, consisting of
Messrs. M. Schnellbacker, J. P. Young,
R. W. Hyers, M. B. Murphy, W. D.
Jones. The meeting then adjourned
to meet to-night at the Court House
to elect permanent officers and fix
The above synopsis gathered from
M. B. Murphy, was written and set up
before the report of the secretary
reached us, just as much obliged
Horse Notes.
Vauderpool & Black, Lincoln,
send us a descriptive list and pedigree
of the Ilambletonian stallions at their
new stables in Lincoln. Ryseduke, by
Rysdyk's Ilambletonian; Blackwell,
grandson of old Ilambletonian and
Tanapaco Messenger, a Goldust. Mes
senger horse, all of which are described
as fine horses of undoubted pedigree
and good breeding qualities.
Judge Kinney also sends us a des
cription and pedigree of "Alarm" his
highly bred trotting stallion. Alarm
has eight messenger crosses, the Ilam
bletonian, Blackhawk and American
Star blood predominate. One of his
colts, a yearling, to a sulky trotted a
half mile in 1-40 at the last state fair.
Harlan, Iowa, and Avoca, hang up
2,200 to be trotted for at a 4th
July meeting, and invited "we uns'
help 'em get away with the same.
B. Hunt, Secretary, Harlan, Iowa.
Bill Jones, Charley Holmes aud Jim
Dickson have a foot race on our track
the 4th. Jones and Holmes to sulky
and Dickson to skeleton wagon, best
3 in 5 (quarters) each man to pack his
sulky or wagon.
Thos. O'Conner, one of the best
conductors on the A. & N. was iu
town Monday, taking a look at the
familliar scenes in his old home.
Headquarters for first class boots
and shoes at W. II. Baker & Co.'s 1
A chambermaid and cook. Enquire
at Pacific House, Plattsmouth, Neb.
--Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio,
writes: I have used every remedy
for sick headache I could hear of for
the past fifteen years, but Carter's Lit
tle Liver Pills do me more good than
all the rest. Sold by Smith Black &
W. II. Baker & Co. Sell Bremner's
fine Crackers and Cakes. Ilt4
Remember that Vf. II . Baker &
Co. will give you better figures on
groceries and canned goods than any
one else. 1
In Ayer's Ague Cure we have a
positive remedy for fever and ague
and all malarial disorders, and one en
tirely free from quinine, arsenic, or
other injnrious drugs. It is tr.e chem
ical and medicinal triumph of the age.
Collection Notice.
Al! persons knowing themselves in
debted to me by note or open account
are requested to call and settle the
same within thirty days from date as
I must close ray books, and shall
change my business somewhat after
this date. Please be prompt.
J. W. Thomas, m. d.
Weeping Water, June 6th, 1831. 12.
Lost !
Gold-bowed spectacles, between the
Christian Church and house on Sun
day evoning. The finder will please
return to Dr. Schildknecht or to the
owner, Mr3. Seay.
W. II. Schildknecht.
Employment for Ladies. The
Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stockiug
Supporters for Ladies and Children,
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud In ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have made the wants of la
dies and children a study, and they ask
ua to refer them to some reliable and
energetic lady to introduce them in
this county, and we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man could make a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
149 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 819
Improvement for Mlru aud Bod'.
For genuine merit there is no tonic
sold that begins to corcpare with Par
ker's Ginger Tonic. One 50 ct. bottle
contains more life and strength restor
ing power than a bushel of malt or a
gallon of pure milk. As an appetizer,
blood purifier and kidney corrector, it
meets with astonishing success, and
invalids find its use promptly follow
ed by renewed energy and vivacity,
mental and physical improvement,
and gradual restoration to perfect
health. See other columns. Commer
cial. 7t4
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
Alderuey Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns
No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky 628. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summer at Mr. Beaucieister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire ; the use
of such an animal should call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
To the Citizen's of the County aud State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; p ties wish
ing to build a fire-proof e, before
the comet comes n J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Nebu .fca. 14tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
. 48tf
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7tf
Make from S25 to SO per werk selling
goods for E. G. K1DEOUT & CO.. 10 ilarday
Street, New York. 2V)1
Send for their Catalogue aud terms.
Better Get It Now.
It saves life and doctors bills. We
mean Brown's Blackberry and Ginger;
the most successful remedy ever in
troduced in the South and West for
the cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery and
Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II.
Buttery, Smith Black & Co., O. F.
Johnson, and J. M. Roberts, Platts
mouth ; and J. V. Painter, East Platts
mouth. The Most Miserable Man on Earth
Is the sufferer from indigestion.
Those only know its horrors who have
felt them.
To such is offered not only a ray of
hope, but a certainty of relief and
certain cure. In the use of Brown's
Pepsin Tonic. This wonderful lemo
dy cures without fail, when taken as
directed. For sale by J. II. Butterv,
Smith Black & Co., O. F. Johnson, J.
M. Roberts, Plattsmouth ; and J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
. To Be or Not To Be
Bilious, depends on whether you use
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills or not.
They have no equal for pre venting and
curing biliousness. Try them. For
sale by J. H. Buttery, Smitb, Black
dV Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Plattsmouth.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
For Sale or Trade.
A house and two lots in Louisville.
House has five rooms and basement;
good well on premises. Will take a
team as part payment; will sell at a
bargain. Reason for selling, I wish to
move on my farm. Inquire of
Samuel Hellwio,; .
Louisville, Neb. 10U
From the Hub.
There Is perhaps no tonic offered to
the people that possesses so much real
intrinsic value as the Hop Bitters.
Just at this season of the year, when
the stomach needs an appetizer, or the
blood needs purifying, the cheapest
and best remedy is Hop Bitters. An
mince of prevention is worth a pound
of cure. Don't wait until you are
prostrated by a disease that may take
months for you to recover in. Boston
'J lobe.
Wttchc. Sum wluiten 13.3. Wlill. m.ul HantlncCx.
li. Imilaltoa (aldtC boii.lcuUtli Chuiml ind M
for your owl u.or.pcrultiv purpoar. Vlati. o-
Estray Notice.
Tukeu up ly the subscriber, near South
Bend, a red heifer calf, with the left ear slit,
and the right ear cropped. Star la forehead.
The owner can have the same by proving prop
perty and paylujj charges at provided by law.
Ai.o.v.o IlKATH,
1215 . South llend. Neb.
License Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that I have filed with
the Countv Clerk oi Cas County, Nebraska,
application for license to cell spirituous, malt,
or vinous liquor, iu the town of loulxville,
Cass County. Nebraska, In accordance with
the law of iwl. 1H2 John Omsknkop.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah 11. States,
Deceased. In County Court of Cass County,
Notice is hereby given that upon reading and
tiling the duly verified petition of Sarah E.
I.ytle and Mary A. Carter praying fwr final set
t lenient of the account of the executor of the
last will and testament of the said Sarali It.
States, deceased, and distribution, it is ordered
that said cause be net for hearing on the 2xth
day of June. A. 1. U'81, at IU o'clock a. in., on
said day at the office of the County Judge in
said County, at which time and place all person
interested may appear and nliow caue. if any
there be, why final settlement and distribution,
of Kaid estate should not be made according to
the prayer of said petition.
A. 2f. Sullivan.
12t3 County Judge.
Administrator's Sale.
Nwtice is hereby given that in pursuance of a
decretal order of sale made by his honor S. 11.
round. Judge of the second Judicial District,
ut tin regular term of the District Court Iu
aud for Cans County, Nebraska, and on the
fourth day of May, 18X1, I will on Friday, 3d
day of June, A. IX 1M at the front door of the
Court House in IMattsiuouth, Cass County.
Nebraska, and at the hour of ten o'ciock of
saiii day, offer for sale at public auction to the
highest and best bidder, for cash, all the right
title and lut crest of all the heirs of David O.
Shoopinan, deceased, late of Cass County
Nebraska, in and to the following described
real estate to wit: the west half 'i) of the
Kouth eat quarter Ci) and the east half () of
the south went quarter ('Oof section twenty
weven (27), township ten (10). range twelve
(12), east of the sixth 1'. M. situated iu Cass
County, Nebraska. The administrator reserves
the right to reject any or all bids. The sale
will remain open for the space of one hour.
It. 11. windham. Administrator
of the estate of David O. Shoopinan, deceased.
Road Notice.
To u-Uom It may concern:
The section line road petitioned for by (i. M.
Flower et al. coiiinienehig at Southwest corner
section thirty-two (32) township eleven (11)
range eleven (ll)ln Cass County ; running
thence North three (3) miles to Northwest (uw)
corner of section twenty (20), same township
and ranee ; the same has been declared by the
County Coinuiiftsioners an open road, and till
objections thereto or claims for damages, must
be filed in the County Clerk's otllce, on or be
fore noon ou the 13th day of July. A. 1. IshI,
or such road will be opened without reference
thereto. 815 J. 1). Tutt, County Clerk.
TiiiitTi:i; nicjiiiEiis,
Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any
and all occasions.
A Thorough Organization
with a complete and well selected repertoire of
Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to J. P. YOUNG, r. O. Book Store, or
lfftl J. FINl,EY JOHNSON, Sec'y.
that the Cheai-kst and Hkbt Plack to buy
Staple ai Faicy Groceries
First-Class Dry Goods,
IS AT Tiie
Cor. Main and Third St's, Plattsmouth.
r7"Stock alwaps fresh and new, and prices
always ar the bottom. Call aud convince your
selves. lOtf
DR. A. G. OLIi!,
A regular graduate of medicine, longer located
in Chicago than any olhr specialist. Over M
years successful practice. Syphilis, Gonorrhea.
Gleet, Stricture, Orchitis, Kuoture, and all
Urinarv Diseases, (KMneys or Bladder,) Syph
ilitic or Mercurial AffcctioiiH of the Throat,
Skin or Boues, Cured Safely, Privately.
Nuermatorrlica, Mrxual lebili;y. re
sulting from Helf-Abuae. Sexual Excesses or
over brain work, producing nervousness, neml
nal emissions, debility, dimness of sight, defec
tive memory, physical decay. confusion of ideas
and I in potency, rendering marritfge improp
er, are iermanently cured. Con-Jultation at
ofllce or by mail Free. 4ulde to Health,
2 stamps. Medicines sent by mall or express.
One guaranteed. Incurable caes not under
taken. Miteial attention to Diseases of
W omen. Reliable Female I'll 1m, I a Box.
275 pages, a hundred pen pictures. Who
should marry ; Who not ; iU-usnu why : Phys
ical life of man and woman ; How to be happy
in the married relation. The married and
those contemplating marriage, shoulu read aud
preserve it for reference. Price, 00 cts. in post
age Stamps or Currency.
A. G. OLIN, M. I..
71 y 301 South Clark St.. Chicago.
nnomuriv nnnrn nv Hi
ruoniicLi uuncu oi
Wa Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved
And Can Prow What toe Claim.
W T1i-re are no fllnrw and to Hmp
polMiMewUk. If you r troubled with
tUClt HEADACHE you can bffatllynnd
qulrltly ' r tired, mm hnodwU have burn
mlrmHjr. We bII bo plfax-d to mifn
Ihwt or tlmooliJ to any latfrwlfd.
Alio cure all form s of Biliousness, prevent Consti
pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, rellero
distress from too heart r catlnz. correct Disorders
of the Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, and Retrulnto
tbo Bowels. They do all this by taking Jast one
little plllat m dose. They aro purely regouaie. do
not ffripeor purge, and are as noarlr perfect as It
Is possible for a pill to be. Price 25 oents, 5 for f 1
Sold by druggists crerywhere or sent by mall.
Successor to Jones & Agnew.J
Again takes charge of the Old
Brick Livery Stable.
The old Bonner Stahles. In IlattFinouth, arc
now leased by W. 1). Jones, and he has
on hand New aud handsome accommodations,
in the shape of
I am now prepared to keep HOUSES
And will
Train and Break Colts
On Iteaeonable Terms.
That with plenty of room (that every one
known I have) in my stable, I can iret Farm
ers' ftock aud wagons, loads ot hay, &c, under
cover, where they will keep dry.
Tliar.khin all the old patrons for their liberali
ty. Ihoiicit their trade for the future, fatislied
that I can accommodate them better and do
better by them than ever before.
501y Y, D. JONES.
Contractors and Builders.
Having enlarged our shop and purchased a
Steam Power Circle Saw, we are prepared to do
an uniimiteu amount oi worn in our line in a
and those who contemplate building will find it
to their interest to Kf t eetimates from u before
eivini; their work toother parties. Estimates
made ou all kinds of work Fickk of Chakuk,
We can vouch for it that Hall's
Hair Renewer restores gray hair to its
youthful color, prevents baldness,
makes the hair soft and glossy, does
not stain the skin, and is all together
the best known remedy for all hair
and scalp diseases. Wo therefore take
great pleasure in recommending Hall's
Hair renewer to our readers.
Our dry goods and notion stock Is
the freshest and largest styles and low
est prices; don't take our word for it
but call and prove it. W. II. Llaker &
Co. 1
Purifiy the blood and regulate the
bowels, if you would have health.
There is no remedy equal to the Prick
ly Ash Bitters for this purpose. They
act directly on the organs concerned,
going to the seat of disease and driv
ing it from the system. Nor do they
stop here, but strengthen the system,
giving it tone and action, rendering it
much more capable of resisting J1
future attacks. 1U5
G&eaper Gfootfa
than anywhere west of the Mississippi Klver
Main. betw. Third and Fourth Streets,
Kast of Court House,
the best aud latest improved patterns.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
know what I keep, aud my Spring and Summer
stock is now ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund hero.
In addition, I have added all kinds of
Buggies "Wagons
O -Jt- Xj
tfC Da week in your on town. Ternn and '
Vuoullltfree Address, H. liALLKTT & Co.
Portland, Maine. 4'Jly
E. G. Dovey &Son,
Still find themselves at home to Cass County
Farmers aud all their old customers.
We have this Winter our us
ual full and laryer lines of
goods than, perhaps, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
pmmtrii Jtna tlrmnnil.eit. lnrnet
I stocks, and of a better class, w4
nave enaeavorea to meet mat
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves! Mittens
for winter wear, we have a
large and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
of all ki nds. Dress Trim mi ngs
of the latest styles, liuttons in
endless variety, our line of
t exceedingly large, and we
think, well selected
to suit all persons and all purses
A very full line of
which you must see to select Iroiu.
of standard grades.
rnpnfloftbe finest qualities, selected by
I selves.
Pflffppo of many brands, especially our
UUliUUO brand ot khkhh
called the MEKIQUE."
Try It and see. before
purchasing elsewhere.
Dried Fruits of all kind, fresh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED GOODS from all quarters. Very fine
California goouti.
by the barrel or bushel.
In all thrse branches we shall en
deavor to veil an low cm any one, and
ax is poesipie to do a sound hL'si
vkbh. We Invite attention and will
chow all that call our goods. Don't
be afraid to ask for what you want;
and call often and early.
37in3 E. U. DOVEY & SON. Plattsmouth Neb.
A WEEK. (12 a day at home easily made
Costly outfit free. Address. Tuhk Si Co..
Augusta. Maine. 49ly
Successor to S-iii.kgf.l &
Manufacturers of
And dealers in
T 0 B JL C C 0 .
Special 1SKANDS and sizes of CIGAKS made to
order, and satisfaction guaranteed, cigar
clippings sold for smokiest obacco.
Main Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store
Ojn"ttc Pont Office,
Plattsmouth. Neb. lmS
A I fa InolusUrg Shoot Ins Outfit.
dealer In
Large stock of
Notions, Queensware,
and In fact everything you can call for in
the line of
General Merchahdise.
All kinds of country oroduce taker in cx
change forooda.