Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 02, 1881, Image 3

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The Herald.
Men's suits. Youth's suits. Boy's
suits. Children's suit-, suits. Long
suits. Thin suits. Suits to suit the clos
est buyer. Suits, the most stylish, the
best fitting, and bet trimmed and
best made to b found any where. An
examination of our excellent clothing
and low prices solicited. Expenses
the lowest, and we will not be under
sold. C. E. Weseott the Boss Clothier
and Gents furnisher. 1
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in IMattsinouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. 10tf
Roberts sells wall paier. 51tf
Easy on buggy piings this mud.
Give the new Jeweler a trial. 10'2
Good for foundered hois-s this
For mixed paints B" -' Roberts'
Drn Store. 51tf
A jond clock from 33 to 810 at L.
C. Erven'. 10t2
V an r. one clear day to weed
cabbage in.
Button's for everything sit W. II.
Baker & C.'s 1
Brem e r's choice Crackers at lieii
nett & L- - is'. Ht4
-Ladies 'si-; s for 50ct and upward at
L. C. Erven's. 1012
Fresh S.itattiga chip potatoes, at
Bennett & Lewis'. 1
Organ cleaned and repaired by
James l'e'.tee. tf
Schuyler Colfax, Monday the 13th.
See program elsewhere.
Bremner's choice Crackers at W.
II. Baker & Co's. 1U4
A new slock of clocks receiv
ed by L. V. Erven. 10t2
-Wire for screen doors at way
down low figures, at J. It. Cox's. 1
Bennett A Lewis still sell Brem
ner's fine Crackers and Cakes. 1U4
Parasols and fans, all styles,
sizes and prices at W. II. Baker & Co.'s
W. II. B iker & Co. Sell Bremner's
fine Crackers and Cakes. 1U4
Remember the Odd Fellows Lect
ure, Schuyler Colfax Monday the 13th.
Nicest assortment of Lawns and
buntings in town at W. II. Baker &
Co's. 1
Screen Doors, all sizes, at Cum
mins & Riehev 's. Call and see them.
Cretonnes and plushes for lam
brequins and curtains, just received at
W. II. Baker & Co's. 1
Ladies of Weeping Water and vi
cinity call and see the new Millinery
stock of Misses O'Keefe & Murphy.
We are agents for Wilson Bros,
fine shirts, and don't you forget it. W.
II. Baker & Co. 1
Cap't Paine has been appointed
money order clerk in McBride's new
I'ost-Ofliee at Lincoln.
I sell the best and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Petek Meuges.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. 10tf
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. GtGin
Canned goods at greatly reduced
prices, to close out old stock and be
raady for new crop at W. II. Baker fc
Co.'s 1
P. B. Murphy will have something
to say to the IIekald readers next
week. It will not be n political
Read Georgie Palmer's letter from
Montana. He rather gives the old
man away, but then it's a mighty good
letter for a boy.
Wm. Lemke is in good hands, lie
has a Doctor each side of him. If Bil
ly gets sick all lie hn to do is to gro iu
and help is at ban I.
A large number of diseasi s are
caused by a disordered liver. Use Dr
Marshall's liroinoline, the big 60 cent
Liver Regulator. Druggists sell it.
J.R. Cox has a variety of bird
I PV cages, hammocks, flower pot brackets,
-. "V otf Also, the celebrated Adams &
k Westlake Coal Oil Stoves. 1
Ask your grocer for Bremner's
Crackers, and if he says he does not
keep them, tell him he is a fraud and
change your place of trading at once.
t-f , Do not suffer from Sick Headache
a moment longer, it is not necessary.
Carter's Littlu Liver Pills will cure
you. Dose, one little pill. Sold by
Smith, Black & Co.
A rose by any other name would
smell the same, but any Crackers but
Bremner's will not taste so sweet and
t delicious, not by a jug-full and don t
you forget it. 1U4
Lightning Rods No humbug.
If you want your houses or barns
rodded, and put up in good shape, no
VI fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark
til V coping water. ir
-J Us The June rise of the Missouri is
i C now becoming perception. vt ncmer
it will cause as disastrous a
ji I we witnessed u few weeks
j- 1 mains to be seen.
I 4 I The best and cheapest,
It The finest and neatest
Hood as
.g. re-
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
at Meuges .
J Croft Eikenbarry called yesterday.
He is just dwne planting 100 acres of
corn, which he has had to re-plant
mostly. Ti' your seed corn up in the
fall and be sure it i? good
S YV S. & C. Mayer should have a new
V? , ,1 ; tl.;u 'o iocna lint. it. vv:l3
111 IktIO Z J ' ' ' f v.- - - "
overlooked. However, it will appear
next week, and announce something
new to our readers. So, look out for
AH of weak or lame back,
backache, rheumatism, &c, will find
relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Backache
ters. Price 23 cents. Sold by Smith.
Purifly the bloodand regulate the
bowels, if you would have health.
There is no remedy equal to the Prick
ly Ash Bitters for this pirose. They
act direclly on the organs concerned.
seat or disease ami unv
I fl t 1 pointr to the
jr.g it from the system. Nor do they
stop here, but strengthen the systMa,
If pivirg it nuie anu aii'-i, fi'Mci inj; n,
much more capable of lesisting all
V future attack's. 1H5
Dr. Waterman, of Louisville, came
riding in Tuesday on his little side
spring buggy.
Mrs. C. O Newton returned from
Indiana last week and will again re
sume housekeeping in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. J no. F. Buck and Mrs. Parmele
called at the IIekald office yesterday
and we enjoyed the visit very much.
Mrs. Buck is visaing Mrs. Paunele
for a few days.
Rush Fellows returned from Chica
go Tuesday on his way to Sheridan.
He had better go home and look at
the Post of last week. It got
Bill ious when he left.
The friends of Mrs. T. C. Calvert
wiil be pleased to learn that she has
returned from Clifton Springs where
she has been slaying for the past
year for the benefit of her health.
Juo. N. Swartz, the painter called
Monday, and left the IIeuald a heap
belter off We really believe in Swartz,
because he always pays the printer,
and that's more than some christians
Mr. Andrew Sturm, of Nehawka,
visited our sanctum on Monday to say
he must keep posted oh County mat
ters, and wants the Herald. Not
only thi-, but he also pays in advance
C. L. Bates, is canvassing for Mc
Elroy's History of Anderson ville ; We
have noticed the book before very fav
orably. Every old soldier, .and those
interested in the history of that day
will want to read the book.
Gen. and Mrs. McBride and Captain
and Mrs. Payne, of Lincoln, made
Plattsmonth a flying visit last Mon
day, the former being the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. MacMurphy, and the
latter of Prof, and Miss Wise, during
their stay.
We omitted to make mention of the
return of Miss Lillie Simpson from
Chicago last week. Miss Simpson has
been pursuing an arduous cause of
mu ical studies during her stay in
Chicago, adding to her already exten
sive knowledge of music. She has re
sumed charge of a class in music.
Mr. Chas. McDonald of Omaha was
down last week and attended the
Presbyterian sociable at Mrs. Done
lan's Thursday evening, devoting a
portion of the next day to calling
upon his many acquaintances in the
city. Mr. McDonald is a tine elocu
tionist and gave some specimens of
his ability at Mrs. Doilelan's which
afforded much pleasure to those
Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen, and
daughter made Plattsmouth a very
short visit the first of the week irriv
ing Saturday and departing Monday.
Their many friends gained during
their residence here some years ago,
regretted that their stay must be so
slant. Mr. Christiansen is now at
Aurora, 111., but designs on making
his 1 onie at the new town of Pull
man just out of Chicago.
The Platte is up with the June
rise and the Missouri looks full as a
tick, but not so awful cranky as in
April, and though full enough does
not slop over as yet.
Take Ayer's Pills for all the pur
poses of a purgative, for constipation,
indigestion, headache and liver com
plaint. By universal accord, they are
the bvst of all purgatives for family
use. may be only a ruin, and
hope but another name for deception
and disapoiutment, but all those using
Dr Marshall's Broinoline for costive
ness. biliousness and dyspepsia can be
cured. Big bottles 30 cents.
At O'Leary's show "Special Lec
ture to Men" we noticed that nearly
ail the old bald-headed lutn. as usual,
were in the front seat, close to the
pictures. e suppose it i? because
they are getting near sighted-.
The sniil-daiu at Factory ville went
out on Saturday last, during the heavy
rain-stoi m in the afternoon. This is
the second occurrence this spring at
that place, and. as before, the loss is
very severe on the proprietor.
An excursion train will be run
from Plattsmouth to Omaha, on Sun
day, Juno 12th, the last day of the
Omaha Saengerfest. Tickets SI for the
round trip. The time of leaving and
returning will be given nezt week.
C. G. Chambers, being now thor
oughly fixed in his new quarters, east
of E. G. Dovey & son's, is enabled ta
offer extra inducements in the line of
II.. mess, Saddles, Whips, &c. Please
give him a call if you want anything
in his line. 1
Health, the poor mail's riches, and
the rich man's bliss, is maintained by
the judicious use of Ayer's Sarsaparil
la which strengthens and invigorates
the system by purifying the blood. It
is so highly concentrated that it is the
most economical medicine for this
purpose that can be used.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
"Sweet . Curing Seeds' was the
translation of the name given to Ayer's
Pills by a high mandarin of China, in
his letter of acknowledgment and
thanks to Dr. Ayer for having intro
duced them into the Celestial Empire
a very appropriate name! They are
sweet, they cure, and are, therefore,
the most profitable "seeds" a sick man
can invest in.
A young couple from the country
came into town one day last week,
looked all through the court house,
and finally took a seat in Judge Gra
ham's office. They sat silently for a
few moments, alternating glances from
beneath dropping eye-lids at each oth
er and the Judge, who finally asked,
"Something" wanted ?" .The girl blush
ed and replied she didn't want any
thing, but guessed he wanted some
thing, pointing. to her bashful .'ever.
The Judge reflected for. a moment,
concluded a marriage licence was in
demand, and accordingly issued the
customary writ of attachment, when
the lovers departed iand in hand,
doubtless to secure a minister to lega
lize the "something" that he wanted.
Pawnee Rep.
Death by Drowning. - -
One of those startling accidents that
occur almost every summer, and will
continue to occur as long as water
runs and boys try to swim, especially
if it is in the Missouri, happened here
About 2:30 last Saturday afternoon,
the town was startled by the report
that Mrs. Swarts little 003-, Eibert,
had been drowned near the old stairs
at the old landing on the Missouri
An investigation proved that such
was the case. Two of ex-Mayor John
son's boys, Ches. Barnes. Jas. Newell,
a Murray boy, and perhaps some more
bojswerein the stream, or had been
shortly before.
These boys say they told the Swarts
boy not to come in and charged him
afterwards to keep near the shore as
he could not swim. Be that as it may,
all at once, as always "happens in such
cases he was beyond his depth; one
cry, one gasp, and before aid could
reach him, the little fellow had dis
appeared from human eye, never to be
seen more alive.
Every effort was made to recover
the body at the time, and Sunday, can
non were fired over the water, to
raise the body, but without avail.
Monday, W. Graves suddenly saw
the boy's body floating in an eddy
close to the shore, near the depot, and
at once waded in and recovered it.
It was scarcely disfigured, the face,
only, being slightly discolored. It was
packed in ice at once, and on Tuesday,
the funeral took place from the resi
dence of Judge Sullivan, followed by
a large procession of deeply sympa
thetic and honest mourners, for his
untimely death and the great grief of
his mother.
He was the only son of his mother,
the apple of her eye, the child she had
plead and begged and fought to keep
as her own. and her despair and al
most madness at her loss was most
pitiful to witness. Her boy, her boy,
was all she mourned for, but no hu
man powei, could restore the bright
and winsome lad to that mother's
Perhaps it is useless to write a
warning, but if all the boys could
have seen that mother's grief and ap
p.eciated what her loss was, they
would hesitate before they disobey
orders from kind and watchful par
ents and guardians, and persist in
swimming in the .Missouri. The
strongest man has but little chance
in its current. We have seen person
ally a dozen drowned in twenty years'
residence along its banks, and no
child shojld ever be allowed in its
muddy embrace.
Latest reports say that Mrs. Swarts
is much quieter. At one time her
life was despaired of, so great was the
nervous reaction brought 011 by grief
and the shock of suddenly communi
cating her boy's tragic death.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tf
E. A. U. No. 233.
Go to Hall Tuesday night
Tuesday night Fitzgeralds Hall.
Buy vour wagons of Fred Gorder.
A full supply of strawberries ev
ery day at Bennett & Lewis. 1
Headers and all kinds of Harves
ters at Fred Gorder's cheaper than
dirt. 1
Fresh lemons and oranges just re
ceived by Bennett & Lewis. 1
Orders for berries promptly filled
for festivals and other entertainments
by Bennett & Lewis. 1
Phil Young sells mead (not Dr.
Mead) but mead which you can drink
from the soda fountain. 1
You can buy a wagon of Fred
Gorder cheaper than in Omaha, Lin
coln or anywhere. 1
-Rena-mber the "Carnp-tire" Tues
day evening, at the Post Head-quarters.
Good Templar's Hall.
If you want a fine Bird Cage
cheap, call at the P. O. News Depot
for it. and don't you forget it. 1
Miss O'keefe is sfdl receiving new
goods and would be pleased to have
every one call and see them. 1
The time of E. A. U. Festival is
Changed from Friday evening to Tues
day evening of next week.
John Leach played the fife, Wm.
Valentine the tenor drum and Mr.
Folkenstine the bass drum for our
music Monday.
On next Tuesday evening the
Ladies of the E.- A. U. No. 233, will
hold their Festival in Fitzgeralds
The "Birch, Sweet Cider And
Wild Cherrv Beer" which Phil Youn!?
- -
ilraws from his soda fountain, are
nothing but soda water, the name
oulv making them appear different.
Thev are strictly temperance drinks. I
Every nervous person should try
Carter's Little NERVE Pills. They
are made specially for nervous aud
dvpeptic men and women, and are
just the medicine needed by all per
sons who, from any cause, do not
sleep well, or who fail to get proper
strength from their food. Cases of
weak stomach, indigestion, dysp-psia,
nervous and sick headache, &rw readily
yield to the use of the Little Nerve
Pills, particularly if combined with
Carter's Little Liver Pilis. In vials
at 23 cents. Sold by Smith, Black &
This Dr. O'Leary seems to be a
very ingenious man. He has a boy
down there he takes apart and puts
together, and lectures on him. We
have a boy in our office we want the
doctor to experiment upon. Wo want
the Doctor to lift the top of his head
up, take out something he can spare
and ut the organ of time in; so that
when he goes down street for the
mail, he'll know, the difference oe
tween five minutes and two hours-; or
if he is to come home at six o'clock, he
can tell when six comes before eight.
If the Doctor can-do this, it'll help the
boy and be a great feather in the Doc
tor's cap, besides we'll give him a
whole column puff, if the experiment
succeeds and thou he'll die rich, for
sure. The Docior's other famous rem
edy won't cure this trouble.
SMITH At mttsruouth. Neb., June lt. issi.
oka, dauKiiter 01 lieo. . naa Annie v.
Smith, atii 8 years, 2 niontbs aud 21 das.
Funeral services from the family residence
at 10 :J0 a. 111.. Thursday, Juue 2d. Friends of
the family invited.
For weeks this little one has lain in the arm
0! death, and at last the meeoeuger called her
home. She is at rest. Great as the grief uf
her parents must be, they yet have the conso
lation of tender nursing given the child, of
warning and time to prepare for its departure
and the hope and feeling, 110 doubt, that the
separation in but temporary ; that there is a
hereafter of peace and love, where the little
one, free from pain, and rejolciug in the glori
ous freedom of the Angels will meet and wel
come to the better laud her parents and frieudfiP
never more to part, to weep, to suffer pain.
Did warnings ever avail the IIebalu would
ftate that her sickiiens was almost certainly
caused by excessive rope-jumping. She hav
ing jumped loo times but a few days before
taken sick. We timply record here the fact,
others will yet do the same.
SWAkTS By drowning, on May 28th, 1981. El
bkkt (1. Swakts, eldest and only son of Mr".
Karah Hearts, aged 12 years, 1 mouth, aud lt
The funeral took place from the residence of
Judge A. -. Sullivan, at 10 o'clock a. m., 011
Tuesday, May 31st. Friends of the family and
a large coi.cotirse of people attended.
A Tri-Weeklv mail via Rock
Bluffs to Neb. City is the order of the
day henceforth.
Bennett & Lewis are getting on a
fresh supply of fancy cakes and crack
ers; also, boned turkey, boned chick
ens and lunch ham. 1
Mike Murphy, Bush, aud some
others were talking about getting up
a 4th of July yesterday. After argu
ing for some time about what should
be done, they appealed to Jim Mor
rison for advice. Jim says "I've ng
interest in the subject, gentlemen, I've
had my 4th of July this year:" You
just ought to have heard the laugh.
J)r. O. II. Dogge, a Ger.nan Phys
ician, of Milwaukee, JWis., has leased
the storeroom, lately occupied by J.
Bons & Son, 011 Main St., where ho
will open a Drug Store, on Monday
next. He will have a new and well
selected stock of Drugs and Medicines,
and respectfully requests the people
of Plattsmouth and Cass Co. to call on
him. He comes well recommended as
a physician, and has enjoyed a large
practice heretofore. 1
-If you are tired taking the large
old-fashioned griping pills, and are
satisfied that purging yourself till you
are weak and sick is not good common
sense, then try Carter's Little Liver
Pills and learn how easy it is to be
free from biliousness, headache, con
stipation, and all liver troubles. These
little pills are smaller, easier to take
and give quicker relief than any pill
in use. Forty iu a vial. One a dose.
price 25 cents. Sold by Smith, Black j
Church Notice.
There will be no service in St.
Luke's Church on Sunday next; being
called away to Ashland.
H. B. Burgf-ss.
Camp Fire ! !
There will bo an open camp fire
meeting at the G. A. R. Post on Tues
day June 7th. Comrade Vandervort
and others will be here from abroad.
All old Soldiers are invited and the
citizens generally. Wives and fam
ilies of soldiers expected to attend.
There will be "hard-tack and beans"
coffee and conversation, speeches,
stories of the war, &c, &c. Try and
make it a pleasant time, comrades.
Odd Fellows.
The eceutric gentlemen of the "three
links" propose to entertain the people
on Monday evening, June 13th, with a
Lecture by the Hon. Schuyler Colfax,
ex-president of the U. S. who is an
eminent Odd Fellow. In the afternoon
Mr. Colfax will lecture iu Odd Fellow's
Hall to Odd-Fellows and their fami
lies. In the evening there will be a
public lecture (admittance 50ct.) on
the life and services uf Abraham Lin
Quarterly Meeting..
The Third Quarterly Meeting for
this conference year will be held at
the M. E. church next Sunday. Love
feast at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11, and
the administration of the Sacrament
immediately after. In the evening (8
P. M.) the subject of "Prohibition will
be presented. The Quarterly Confer
ence will meet in the Church Monday
morning at 9:30 o'clock. Rev. W. R.
Jones P. E. will be present and take
charge of the services.
District Lodge No 4 I. O. G. T. will be
held at Plattsmouth in G. T. Hall June
10th and 11th 1881. It is hoped that
all lodges in the Country will be rep
resented. By order of Executive
New Millinery Store At Weeping Wat
er. Miss Julia O'Keefe aud Miss . Mary
Murphy open this week a slock of
Millinery and fancy goods at Weeping
Water which they would be ple;ised
to have the ladies of th'at city and
vicinity call and examine. They pur
pose keeping a stock of new fresh
goods in the latest styles, and hope by
moderate prices and attention to busi
ness to suit every one.
A young man from 14 to 1C years of
age, as apprentice in a Drug Store.
Must be well educated, of good and
steady habits, and able to sneak both
German and English.
Apply at Dr. O. II. Dogge's Drug
Store, Bons old stand. Plattsmouth. 1
From the Hub.
There is perhaps no tonic offeral to
the people that possesses so much real
intrinsic value as the Hop Bitters.
Just at this season of the year, when
the stomach needs an appetizer, or the
blood needs purifying, the cheapest
and best remedy is Hop Bitters. An
ounce of prevention is' worth a pound
of cure. Don't wait until you are
prostrated by a disease that may take
months for you to recover in. Boston
Globe. .
For Sale or TraJe.
- A house and two lots in Louisville.
House has five rooms and basement;
good well on premises. Will take a
team as part payment; will sell at a
bargain. Reason for selling, I wish to
move on roy farm. Inquire of
Samuel Hellwio,
Louisville, Neb. 10t4
Screeu Doors,
Of every size and best of material at
Cummins & Richey's. 10t2
Decoration Day.
Last Monday, we see, from our ex
changes was celebrated more fully and
universally than any previous decora
tion day since the establishment of the
30th of May by the Government as a
National Holiday,
j Omaha and Lincoln made a large
i aud patriotic showing in spite of the
' rain. In Plattsmouth the Post met at
their Hall about one P. M. and after.
prayer by Chaplain Wright of the U.
S. A-, a member of the Post, proceeded
to the .Presbyterian Church where a
portion of the regular services pre
scribed by the G. A. R. were given, and
an appropriate address by the Rev. Mr.
Baird. The citizens turned out very
strong and filled the church. We were
assisted by the glee club which favored
us with stirring aud suitable music.
The rain of course spoiled much oi
the effect of all the services, and shor
tened everything. Had it not been
for the rain we would have had one of
the finest processions and best turn
outs ever seen in Plattsmouth on any
public day. The street and many
houses were decorated with flags and
in fact we never saw our people so en
thusiastic, so helpful, and so much iu
earnest before.
As it was the procession to the ctra
elery was very large, consisting of the
Post, 40 strong, under charge of Com
rade Hysrs, accompanied by the
Mayor and some of the Council, aud
many carriages and wagons from the
country round about. Frank Kendall,
Wm. Morrow, Wm. Chalfant and many
other old soldiers from the country
were in.
Two wagon loads of flowers and
evergreens were on hand. Ex-commander
Livingston took charge of the
men at the graves and the ceremony
was as short as possible. Nineteen
graves were decorated, Adjt. Jennings
reading the soldier's name and regi
ment at each grave.
Comrades Kendall, Morrow and Chal
fant were detailed to decorate Col. Mc
Cord's grave in the Eikenbary burying
A Resolution of thanks to the Cler
gy, the Music, the Ladies who gave,
flowers and others who aided in the
decoration will be passed at the next
regular meeting of the Post.
What they Want la Colorado.
From the Duraugo Kecord.
Vb want girls girls who can get
themselves up iu good shape to go to a
dance. The boys are getting tired of
receiving invitations with a request
that they "bring ladies." They are
like oranges and apples scarce.
We want girls who will go to church
aud to Bible class 011 Sunday, and that
kind who can draw a congregation of
the oti er sex, and who will take a
buggy ride after the lesson is 'over.
This will help tire livery business, and
will also hasten the sale of lesidence
lots, for buggies are the vehicles in
which homes are first, thought of by
We want girls that can wait on the
table, who can smile us into an appe
tite when stomach bitters are impotent,
and who will make the boarders regu
lar at meals.
We want girls for sweethearts, so
that when wo get an arm shot off, or
are kicked by a mule, or are thrown
from a bucking horse aud are laid
away for repairs, we may hear a gentle
voice and see the glitter of a crystal,
tear spoken and dropped iu uncon
scious sympathy.
31 rs. Abraham Lincoln Dying.
SpitixoFliiLD, Ills.. May 31. All hopes
for the recovery of Mrs. Lincoln, the
widow of Abraham Lincoln, have
been abandoned. She daily grows
weaker and her attending physicians
say she cannot survive many days
Ouu neighbor the Pacific Junction
Gazette has changed hands, E. B. Par
rish retiring, and Dr. J. D. Morris
taking charge.
Attention Teachers.
The teachers, examination advertised
for the first Friday and Saturday of
June at Weeping Water is pbsi d
until the second Friday and Saluni.n
in June. E. II. Woolkv,
9t3 Co. Supt.
I eel
F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably low prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St. lOtf
91 CAT-91 All K CT.
At this shop you'll find meat whole
some and sweet.
Sausage, pork, mutton and veal.
And it is our belief, you'll buy ex
cellent beef.
If you at this butcher shop deal.
He keeps always on hand the best in
the land;
Of such as your families need;
Others may do well, out they cannot
For Fickler will still take the lead.
A good bargain you'll mae if you
want to buy steak ;
Or soup meat, or to boil or to fry,
You can have a good dish of whatever
you wish.
Competition he well may defy.
This business provides for good pelts
and hides;
Lard and tallow he'll both buy and
sell ;
And you'll find this the case there's
no other place
You'll do better if you will quite
as well.
And iWs. we may tell if you've fat
- rQfattle to sell,
Or?hig3 or sheep that are nice;
You can bring them right here and
- you need never fear,
But for them you'll get a good
price. . .
Satisfaction to all whtf-iirill give him
a call, 'r?-
-It is his intention to! give.
For we're certain indeed, this belongs
to his creed.
Not only to live but let livet"
. Customer.
If you want to buy or sell city proper-
- ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell -a frm of
any kind - 5
If you want money with farm 1 finds
to secure it call on
Will S. Wise,
46m5 Fitzgerald Block .
Come and See
The large stock of Spring Shoes an-'
Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf
Wttrhr. SUmindents.M. WhftmtI BantlacQ.
ti. 1 miutioB cold M. SolidroUUlJ. l'hpr.t mil be
for your own or pecoltlv purpoac. V.ltMbW fV,
ikxoclrM. TUOJUIftMIAtU., l.lSaauat4.Iwtvk.
Employment for Ladies. The
Queen City Susiender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stocking
Supporters for Ladies and Children,
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud in ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have made the wants of la
dies and children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable and
energetic lady to introduce them in
this county, aud we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man could make a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
149 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 819
Improvement for Mini and Body.
For genuine merit there is no tonic
sold that begins to ce.i.pare with Par
ker's Ginger Tonic. One 50 ct. bottle
contains more life and strength lestor
ing power than a bushel of malt or a
gallon of pure milk. As an appetizer,
blood purifier and kidney corrector, it
meets with astonishing success, and
invalids find its use promptly follow
ed by renewed energy and vivacity,
mental and physical improvement,
and gradual restoration to perfect
health. See other columns. Commer
cial.. ' 7t4 .
Money 1 Loan.
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings.
ltf Plattsmouth.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass count)', will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in Jan miry, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day iu March, June aud September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. WOO LEY,
42tf Superintendent.
Alderuey Stock.
F. Beauineister now
Mr. J
No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky 628. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderuey, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this sumrne; at Mr. Beau'tieister's
place nftrth of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sluuld call and see
the undersighed.
J. F. Beaumeisteu.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
IIoovek. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
m 1
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7tt
Make from S23 t'm 850 er wrrk selliiig
goods for E. . KIDLOUr & CO.. 10 llarelay
Street, New York. JJ-'yl
Send for their Catalogue and terms.
Better ;el It Now.
It saves life and doctors bills. We
mean Brown's Blackberry and Ginger;
the most successful remedy ever in
troduced in the South and West for
tlie cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery and
Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II.
Buttery, Smith Black & Co., O. F.
Johnson, and J. M. Roberts, Platts
mouth ; and J. V. Paiuter, East Platts
mouth. The Most Miserable Man on Earth
Is the sufferer from indigestion.
Those only know its horrors who have
felt them.
To such is offered not only a ray of
hope, but a certainty of ' relief and
certain cure, in the use of Brown's
Pepsin Tonic. This wonderful leme
dy cures without fail, when taken as
directed. For sale by J. II. Butterv,
Smith Black & Co., O. F. Johnson, J.
M. Roberts, Plattsmouth; and J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
To Be or Not To Be
Bilious, depends on whether you use
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills or not.
They have no equal for preventing and
curing biliousness. Try them. For
sale bv J. II. Butterv, Smith, Black
d Co.,' J. M. Roberts, and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Plattsmouth.
J. N. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. " 8tf
Money te Loan.
Money to loan oh Real Estate, at 9
er cent interest, tf I). II. Wiieelek.
Wedaesday, June 1, 1S81.
Vt heat. No.2.. ..
Corn, ear
" shelle
llarley.No. 2
Native Cattle...
..4 onri rt
..4 50644 IT,
1 25
Nkw Yokk, June 1, 1881.
I 13
lt e
Corn . . .
Oats ..
Chicago. .Tune 1.181
Flour 4 60 425 00
Wheat 1 05
Corn ..I..-.. 44
Oat -sis
-live .-, - 1 15
Bat ley. 9
,TIoss, sliipniiig v ...?5 !.VH 20
Cattle. " 5 Mi 5 4i
Sheep 4 354t 5 50
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have filed with
the County Clerk vt Cans County, Nebranka,
application t..r license to cell spirituous, malt.
or vinous liijuor, in me town 01 iuiivuit
Cane County, Nebraska, in accordance with
the law 01 lewd. nt2 Juiinohsenkoi-
Legal Notice.
Aea Core and Miehael P. Willianif, Plaintiff
against Henry K. Prife, defendant.
In Justice's Court for Cass County, before I
C. Lewi. Juxtiee.
The said dependent is notified that on the 1
day of April. IsM, said Justice issued au orde
of ut taclitiient in said cause fur the sum of S2
said cause was continued to June luth, a
one p. 111. Ckitkh & Hamsky,
lota Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Administrator's Sale.
Nutiee is hereby k'vcu that in pursuance of a
eecretal order 01 sale luaue 11 y 111s Honor h. n.
Pound, Judaic of the neeond Judicial liistrict,
at tne regular term 01 ine justrici court in
and for Cas County. Nebraska, and on the
fourth day of May, ism, 1 will on Friday, .Sd
day of .lime, A. 1. issl at the front door ot the
Court House in Plattsniouth. Cass County.
Nebraska, and at the hour of ten o'fioek of
said day, oiler for sale at public auction to the
highest and best bidder, for cash, all the rijiht
title and interest 01 all the liens 01 uaviu o.
SLoopniaii, deceased, late of Cass County
Nebracka. in and to the following described
real estate to wit: the west half (' of the
southeast quarter Oil and the east half (H)of
the south weft quarter ()of section twenty
feveii U7), township ten -(10). rane twelve
(12), east of the nxth P. M. situated iu Cass
County, Nebrafka. The administrator reserves
the riKht to reject any or all bids. The sale
will remain open for the space of one hour.
It. B. windiiam. Administrator
of the estate of Havid O. Shoopinan, deceased.
Road Notice.
To whom it may eonnrn:
The section line road ix'titioned for by (i. M.
Flower et al. coniuieiicinj; at Southwest corner
section thirty-two (32) township eleven (11)
raiit;e eleven (II) in Cass County ; running
thence North three (3) miles to Northwest tnw)
corner of section twenty (20), same township
and range ; the same lias been declared by the
Couuly Conimi"ioncr an open road, aud all
objections thereto or claim for damages, must
be tiled in the County Clerk's office, on or be
fore noon on the lath day of July. A. I. lssl,
or uueli load will be ope'ned without reference
thereto.- 815 J 1). TtTT, County Clerk.
tiiiuti:i: 9ie.i?iii:rs,
Is now fully prepared to furnish music for any
and all occasions.
A Tnoioiigli Orfranizaf Ion '
with a complete aud well selected repertoire of
Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to J. P. YOUNG, P. O. P.ook. Store, or
Contractors and Builders.
Having enlarged our shop and purchased a
Steam Power Circle Saw, we are prepared to do
au unlimited amount ot worli iu our line in a
and those who contemplate building wiil find it
to their interest to ;et estimates from us before
srivinjr their work toother parties. KstimateB
made on all kinds of work Fkkk, of Ciiakuk.
that the Cukai-kst and Ukst Pi.ack to buy
Staple and Fancy Groceries
First-Class Dry Goods,
-- OF
Cor. Main :imi Third StV, Plattsmouth.
;"Sloek alwaps fresh and new, ami prices
iluavs ar the bottom. Call aud convince your
selves. - lOtf
A regular graduate of mediciiip. longer located
In Chicago than any oilier secialist. Over 20
years successful practice. Syphilis, Gonorrhea.
Gleet, Stricture, Orchitis, liuoture, and all
I rinarv Diseases, (Ki-lneys or madder,) syph
ilitic or Mercurial Affections of the Throat,
Skin or Honef, Cured Safely. Privately.
Wperiiiatorrliea, Scximl Dehili.y. re
sulting from fcM-li'-AlsuKe. Sexual Excesses or
over brain work, producing nervousness, cenii
nal emissions, debility, dimness of sight, defec
tive memory , physical decay. confusion of ideas
and Impoteney, rendering marrivge improp
er, are permanently cured. Consultation at
office or by mall Free, (inide to Hrnlth,
2 stamps. " Medicines sent by mall or express.
Cm es guaranteed. Incurable eases not uuder-
taken. !p"iai auciiniin i m.scases 01
Women. Jteliable Fenial Fills, St a Box.
275 pages, a hundred pen pictures. ho
should marry ; ho not ;TXeasou why ; 1'hys
lcal life of man and woman How to be happy
in the married relation. The m.'iried and
those contemplating marriage, should read and
preserve it for reference. 1'rice, ro cts. in post
age Stamps or Currency.
A. G. Ot.IX, M. I)..
Tly SOI South Clark St.. Chicago.
V3 Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved
And Can Prove What tee Claim.
lyg Ttiery are no fjitlnry and nodiinp.
poinlmriili. If yon are troubled wltti
SK It HEAIueHB you ran he wily nnd
quirk ly fu red, a hundred tiwvc been
already. We shall be pleased to mafia
heel of testimonial to any Interested.
Also euro nil forms of Biliousness, prevent Consti
pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relievo
distress from too hearty catin?. correct Disorder!
of the Stomach, Stimulate tho Llver.and Ke gulnto
tho Bowels. They do all this by taking Just one
Uttlo plllatadoso. They are purely vegetable, do
not gripo or purzennd aro as nearly perfect as It
is possible for a pill to be. Price 25 cents, 5 for f 1
Sold by druggists everywhere or sent by mall.
Successor to Jones & Agnew J
A'jain takes charge of the Old
Brick Livery Stable
The old Bonner Stables, in I'lattsniouth, are
now leased by W. I). Jones, and be has
011 band New and handsome accommodations,
iu the shape Of
I am now prepared to keep HOUSES
And will
Train and Break Colts
On Keaxonable Terms.
That with plenty of room (that every one
known I have) Hi in v etable. f can net Farm
ers' clock and wagons, load of hay, &c, under
cover, w bere they will keep dry.
Thai.khii; nil the old patrons for their liberali
ty. 1 solicit their trade for the future, satisfied
that I can accommodate them better and do
better by them than everbefore.'
501y W. D. JONES.
A. BEESO.V, Proprietor.
Ou Sixth. South of Main.
JliXtrxliinj and TriinxUnt Trnvtl Entertained.
ft ll?IITS WANTED llt Beit id Fuuit.
I UELII I O Still.; I-.clonal Book, awl Biblr. Price
1 A redacnUB uci ct. MMwaal rublufc'f 0., St- Lows, Mo.
Cheaper Gqq&
than anywhere west of the Mlssixslppi Kivrr
Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets,
East of Court House,
the best and latest improved patterns.
Sa 1 i s lac t i 0 1 1 G u a ra 1 1 1 ceil .
know what I keep, aud my Sprinaud Summer
stock is now ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund here.
Iu a'ddilloti, I have added ail kinds of
Buggies Wagons
O J. Hi
a week In your 011 town. Terms and ,
outfit free Address. II. Hali.ktt & Co.
rortlaud, Maine. ijy
E. G. Dovey &Son,
Still find theniKelvex at home to Cass County
r ai mers aim an ineir oiu customer.
We have this Winter our us
ual full ami larger lines of
goods than, "perhaps, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
country Jias demanded larger
stocks, and of a better class, wi
hace eudtuoored to meet that
demand. In
Eats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens'
jur n litter wear, we ace a
large and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
of all kinds. Dress Trimmings
of the latest styles. Buttons in
endless variety, our line of
is exceedingly large, and we
think, vil li selected.
to suit all persons anl all purses
A verv full line of
which von must xce to select from.
Sugars of standard grades,
IJlpnn of the finest qualities, selected by our
1 Odd selves.
PnfTpfiP of many brands, especially our own
LUliuUil brand of r'UKSll ('(iikkk -
callcd tho "MElllgt E." Try it and see, leluie
purchasing elsewhere.
Dried Fruits of all kind, fresh ar.d sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANN ED COODS from all quarters. Very line
I aiilornia Koods.
by the barrel or buf hel.
Iu all Ibfse branches we fhall en
deavor to nell law an any onf, and
an Is poHsiple to do a wjlnii bchi
NKss. We invite attention and w ill
tdiow all that call our Roods. Don't
be afrsiid t. ask for what you want,
and c:i II of leu hiiiI earlv.
37m3 K. O. DOVEY & SON. IMattsinouth Neb.
70A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made
P I St outly outfit free. Addresx, Tuitlt & Co.,
Augusta. Maine. 4Uly
Successor to Sciii.miEL & Nikman,
Manufacturers of
And dealers In
T O 15 A C C 0 .
Special liKANDS and sizes of CIGAKS made to
order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar
clippings wild for smoklrfl obacco.
MaJi Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store
Oliwlte lPtt Office,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Ini3
dealer In
Lar,;e stock of
to be
Notions, Queenswaro,
and in fact everything yon ?sui call for in
the Hue of
General Merchandise.
All kinds of country oioduce taker in ex
change for.coods.
once more comes forward with an entire
Stock of t he finest Fieee Goods ever brought
into IMattsinouth I I
Hundreds go there and they are
Shop opposite the Com t House. Give him
call and examine for yourselves. 4stf
UlA'TM 'ATi:i) forthe Hestand Fast
fl.rt Selling IMctorial Hooks and Hi hies. Prices
reitnced 33 itf-r cent. National Publishing Co.,
Sf.Louis, M(i. SUM
St. T&aoplx, I-
Is conducted bv an expert accountant and
successful teacher. Instruction thor-mfli mid
practical. Tuition lower than elsewhere. Full
particulars to any address.
-ml TIIOS. J. BltYANT. Fie.
frt 59fl'Mr ,la' at home. Sample worth
yu v"-v'5.iree.
Addrese, Stinso.n & Co.,
l'ortland, Maine.
ft' .
.4 WP,"