The Herald. LOCAL NEWS. Dou't buy any clothing until you have examined West-oil's new stock. Only one price and no jockeying. 7t2 lr the best Staple ami fancy gro ceries in Plattsmoutli, go to J. V. Weckbach. - 43tf Roberts sells wall paper. 51tf Dressmaking, latest styles t Mrs. S. S waits. Tt3 See Solomon & Nathan's new Price List. For mixed paints go to Roberts' Drug Store. 51tf Court opened Tuesday and big docket oil hand. Gaze upon Solomon & Nathan's new ad. on 2d p.ige. Square dealing guaranteed at. the Great Hed Store 41tf Dcwii go t lie waters 'O, Along the old Missouri. O. NotU f Solomon & Nathan's new Pi ice Lis . 1 Full - ; ck f Roots S2.25 at the Great Red Store. 41 tf Try X ilional Washing Powder at W. II. & Co.'s. Speci 1 bargains at the Great Red Store tor '') days. 41tf The .v.MT fr th'J new hotel dug and laid last week. Orgai.s cleaned and repaired by James IV. tee. , tf Road Solomon & Nathan's new Price List on 2d page. 1 TwenU yards best print for 31.00 at the Great lied Store. 41tf The lb st train uut for Omaha on Saturday over tiie U. & M. Come and sea the inducements we are offering. Great Red Store. 41tf The rrver has fallen to about 12 feet above low water mark. See how cheap they sell furniture at trie (J rent Red Store. 41 tf Ste Advertisement of "Cottage House" in this week's paper. New Millinery supplies constant ly arriving, at Mrs. S. Swarts. 7t2 J. A. Connor has been putting several improvements on his house. The County Commissioners opened their session Tuesday in due form. The finest line of white and color ed slurts in the city at Wescott's. 7t2 If you net il furniture call on the Great Red store and get low prices.41tf New Piocess Roller Mill Flour. Rest mad;1, for sale at W. II. Raker & Cos. 1 S. M. Kirkpatrick cailed Saturday and gave us a heap of 'holesome ad vice. Clothing almost given away at the Great Red Store, save money by seeing us first. 4ltf The last and ninth child of I. N. Hicks and wife was buried last Satur day. Embroideries and insertions, a splendid lot, just received at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf I sell the best and cheapest bcots and shoes. I defy competition. 4tf Peter Meuges. An infant daughter came to the house of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neville this week. A full and complete stock of Gents' furnishing goods at very low prices at Wescott's. 7t2 Cap!. Palmer is exten sive improvements to his present res idence, we understand. Finest line of diess buttons ever brought to town, and no mistake, at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf Mr. Hicks has sold his building and lots in the western part of town to A. Smolensky. The beer supply ran short in town last week for a few days and the beer drinkers mourned and wept. Crites and llamscv, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House, i'lattsmouth. Neb. 5t(im An elegant assortment of linens, toweling, tablecloths, etc., now m stock at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf The editor of the Euteipii-e shaketh with the ague and groaneih at his sad fate. He has our sympa thies. Our old friend Gvger is on hand this spring to paint your house your weil, your barn or anything you want painted. Once more we are in communica tion with the outer world, and trains run regularly and on time to Omaha and east. Trains of Hat cars loaded with stone were constantly unloading on the trestle work of the bridge during tit 3 late rise. In justice to yourself and family yon should save money. Therefore price at the Great Red Store before buy ing elsew here. 41tf We are pleased to learn that Mr. A. W. McLaughlin is getting better rapidly and with no back-set will be out in a few days. For constipation, cosliveness and indigestion, take Dr. Marshall's Rroin ohne. Rig bottles. Price fifty cents. Druggists will get it for you. Six young beavers wero for sale on Main St. last week. They had washed out somewhere and were caught by the party trying to sell them. when you feel weary and listless are debilitated your appetite is irregu lar, trv the Rig Blood and Liver Med icine, Dr. Marshall's Rromoline. Dr. S-.hildknecht received the sad news last week of the death of his father in Indiana. His professional duties prevented his attendance al the funeral. If "Jim" will send his legins to the address not signed on a postal card, Cap. Marshall has, the man that wants eiu can wade in as deep as he pleases. Mr. Culver, of the Milford Mills, who was here to sell some of their famous flour the olher day. sends the Herald a sack to try. Raker & Co. have the sal? of this flour, it is made by a new process and is said to be very fine. Personal. ; Henry Van Horn comes back to the ; old fold again. j Walter Mutz of Eight Mile Grove takes the Hekald spite of politics. We noticed the familiar face of Wm i Stadelmann on the streets yesterday. The'd Livingston and Fred Stadel- j mann were down the first of the week. ; Chas. Page, formerly of Concord, now out near Ashland called Monday. I Ren Hoover, Judge Newbury, and ' Mr. Walradt from Louisville aredown ! attending Court. Boss Dill of South Bend. came to see us Friday. Wish we had been in. Come again, Mr. D. E. R. Watson, a large Real-Estate agent of Nebraska City, has been at tending court thir week. John Chase, of Sarpy Co. was in town last week. Why didn't you come and see us, old boy. Miss Ola Barnes has been visiting at Lincoln and taking part in some of their concerts, we understand. Mrs. Chas. R. Dak in who has been visiting us for several weeks started for her home in Burt Co. to day. Mr. 0. II. D:ll, of South Rend, called upon us during our absence from the office. We regret not having seen him. Mr. II. L. Messner, of South Bend called to see us and ensure a visit from the Hekald for the ensuing year. Mr. Wm. Dawson, who has been with the Vice President all winter at Neb. City, is making head quarters in this city again. Messrs. Ossenkop, Erhart and Law of Louisville called upon the Hekald and put themselves ahead for another year's subscription. Dr. Chapman, of Lincoln, came down the first of the week to see his old Plattsmouth friends and take a look at the raging Missouri. P. A. Barrett, of Weeping water called Saturday on his way home from Chicago. He came ocross the river afoot, horseback, in a boat and by cars all at once. Joshua Murray called last week; we are sorry to learn he has been crippled more or less all winter by broken shoulder. He is all O. K. nearly for spring work, though. Mrs. Hinkle and family returned from Michigan to I'lattsmouth last Saturday and will again make this their home. They find Nebraska is the best state to live in after all. Mrs. W. M. McLennan arrived in the city last week. At present Mr. and Mrs. McLennan are boarding at Mrs McCrea's but will po to house keeping in one of Capt. Palmer's new houses on Pearl St. as soon as finished. Mrs. E. M. Yates and daughterstart ed for New York last Monday, where they will take steamer for Europe. Mr. Yates accompanied them as far as Chicago. Mrs. Yates gees to spend the summer with her mother and sister, who are already there, and will return in the fall. J. W. Clark, the Lightning Rod man is in town. Understanding that Byron was about to embark in a venture that might re sult in storms or squalls, Johnny came up to see if a new lightning rod would avert the danger or render the elec tricity harmless. Ed. Murfin of Neb. Citv, Attorney at Law and inventor of the Prohibi tion tactics in justice courts is attend ing our courts. He helped rescue the sufferers from the bottom near Percj val, and represents the suffering as great in many instances and not ex aggerated by the Press. A brother of Dr. A. L. Childs from old Vermont has been visiting the Doctor and the rest of the world here. He arrived just ii. time to see the big waters and is one of the few w ho coming west will not be disap pointed in the Missouri and go home thinking it is a one-horse river. Andy McLaughlin Esq. our banker, has been very sick with billious in termittent fever. At first it was re ported that "Andy" had only the "Dutch" measles and the boys were disposed to treat itasajoke, but when they found he was really sick they rushed up there by the acre to console and help him "bore it." There is but one verdict, and that is, that in thirty-three years Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has never failed to cure a Cough, Cold or General Hoarseness. At tlrug stores. Price 2"i cents. Lightning Rods No humbug. If you want your houses or barns rodded. and put up in good shape, no fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark Weeping Water. 7tf This is the way they go-"just got in all safe and sound but rather jaded and sore. Took a street car and rode up to the Colvin Heuse. Start West by next train. XV. C. Sampson." If you want any kind of Green house or bedding plants, cabbage, to mato, celery or sweet potato plants from W. J. Ilesser leave your orders at Bennett & Lewis. 6t2 Our old friend. Dan Smith, -the boss painter at the B. & M. shops helped the printer by paying up to January 1st, 18d2. Good example, who will be the next'? The best and cheapest. The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers al Merges'. 4tf There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, should try them. The public are indebted to Dr. J. C. Aver & Co.. not only for their stand rad medical prepaiations, but also for improving the looks of the community by their incomparable Hair Vigor. If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of any kind If you want to buy or sell a farm of any kind If you want money with farm lands to secure it call on Will S. Wise, 46m5 Fitzgerald Block. Drugs -the largest stock at J. M Roberts. 3tf Gen. and Mrs. Smith's little daughter is slowly but surely recov ering. lion. J. G. Ovgen of Lincoln, and U. S. Bank examiner for this district, is in town. The Pacific Junction Gazette poohed at the Jdea of a big rise but finally "caved" before the inevitable. The, Lincoln papers have just heard of the Stadter case. The Her ald gave the particulars and his Polish name long ago. Somebody is running a jam up ld-fasliioned four borse poetry mill round here. Mike Schnellbacker and j Godfrey Fickler have got it bad. J Chambers, the harness man, has i removed his shop further up street, j and is now located one door east of j Dovey's. We wish him success in his Lew quarters. Our clothing is the best made that money will buy; our expenses are very low and we are satisfied we can show you great bargains. Call at C. E. Wescott the Boss Clothier's. 7t2 The flume just off from Main on 5th St. is finished and the t'ny stream which now glides through it makes it makes it look like a giant able to hold a rushing torrent should it come. This bting court week we offer special inducements in Clothing and Gents' Furnishing goods and invite the close attention of buyers from a dis tance. S. & C. May er, next to Carruth.l There is to be a wedding in town, we understand, before many hours and just too late foi the Herald to chronicle this week. Too bad. Wish folks would not get married on Thurs day. Ambrose Patterson will bo here this week with a car-load of fine cat tle, and also a Hambletonian Roadster "Stable-horse," to be kept here. Amb rose thinks he has the beauty of the world. Mr. Skinner, who is doing fine" painting here in connection with Mr, Gyger has just repainted and embell ished some of Mr. Stadelman's rooms in a manner that would do credit to any artist. Di. Schildknecht with his usual en terprise cannot let a spring go by without building something, so this year he puts a nice new office up on his lot corner Main and 7th streets. That's "biz" Doc. Special attention is called to S. & C. Mayer's new ad. on the first page of this week's issue. They mean busi ness, and will do as they say. Go and convince yourselves if you want any thing in their line. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. The public has long since award ed to Ayer's Hair Vigor the foremost place among reliable Hair Restora tives. It is effectual, agreeable and absolutely harmless. It makes the hair fresh and luxuriant, and old age scarce and unfashionable. Capt Palmer is putting up two new houses on the north side of Pearl St. between 8th and 9th. Mr. Love is putting up two on the south side, and Mr. Cummins is putting one up on the same side further East, all for rent. Uncle Perry P. Gass has caused to l.e cleaned, painted, varnished and otherwise garnished the law office of Smith fc Sti ode till it shines like a country parlor. He issues order No. 40 no chewing, spitting, leaning back in the chairs or other vandalisms al lowed for 30 days. The City School board met and organized Monday evening Mr. Leonard was chosen President, Mr. Isaac Wiles Vice President, Mr. Pol lock, Secretary. Messrs. Wintersteen. Wiles and Wise drew the long term ai.d Messrs. Pollock, Leonard and Greusel the short one. In a little ravine which tuns back from the bluffs along the river are three or four dugouts occupied by families, which would hardly be no ticed by the casual observer, as the stove-pipe chimney is t'te most prom inent part of them. They reminded us of eai ly Nebraska days. For coughs, colds, asthma, in short for any and all derangements of the lungs or respiratory organs, or lor any complaint tending towards con sumption, nothing is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. In all ordin ary cases it is a c-rtaiii cure, and it affords sure relief even in advanced stages. Bob Donnelly has a new plow scouring and sharpening machine which seems to work splendidly. Bob thinks his machine can beat Mike's all hollow, and w e expect instead of the "blacksmith's dream" next week, to hear of the Blacksmith's duel. Plow grinding duel, we mean. Long live the winner. We want an express office here; a stationery one, not a traveling outfit, one where the citizens can go any time of day in business hours and find somebody to home. This town is large enough to call for and demand this, Mr. Corporate Express Com pany. Please "catch on" and oblige Many Citizens. We recommend Carter's Iron Pills to every woman who is weak, nervous and discouraged; particularly those who have thin, pale lips, cold hands and feet, and who are without strength or ambition. These are the cases for which Carter's Iron Pills are specially prepared, and this class can not use them without benefit. Valua ble for men also. In metal boxes, at 50 cents. See advertisement else where. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. The Driving Park meeting was a splendid success Monday night, all the stock-holders were present and feeling rich. A purse of $."i00 was probably made up for spring races and GOO more to pay for the new Improvements and the last note due Captain Wiles. Captain feels good and Andy Mc Laughlin is getting better every day on the strength of that S175 he's going to get soon. "Wine is a mocker, and strong drink is raging." Take Prickly Ash Bitters. It is not a beverage, but a remedy for all ill effects of an excess of intoxicaling stimulants. Don't take a drink before breakfast "just to wake yoH up," because you feel so stupid and languid. You are sure to feel worse as soon as the effect wears off. Take a half wine glass of Prickly Ash Bitters. It will brighten you up for the whole day. t4 Mike Schnellbacker has a new grinding machine for sharpening plows, &c. It runs by horse-power and Mike is awful proud of it. The thing sounds like a thrashing machine when it is running but Mike says it's the "boss." Dick Reese don't like it because the blamed thing makes such a racket it cuts all his good jokes short and spoils the "pint" of his stoiies. Something that will quiet the nerves, give strength to the body, in duce refreshing sleep, improve the quality of the blood, and purify and brighten the complexion, is what many persons would be very glad to obtain. Carter's Iron Pills are made for exactly this class of troubles, and are remarkably successful in accom Dlishiner the ends desired, as named above. Thev are useful for both men and women. Price, 50 cents a box See advertisement. For sale by Smith Black & Co. Among the things recommended by Mayor O'Rourke are the following w hich the Herald heartily endorses "I would urge the cleaniug of our streets, alleys and grounds and due at tention to the sanitary condition of our city, and thereby add to the pies ent reputation of our city for health. I would especially direct your at tention to the adoption of measures for the punctual collection of all back taxes now on the city treasurer's books, which if paid to-day would give very material aid to our city, and do justice to those tax payers who pay their taxes. I direct vour attention to the con dition of our main streets and the sidewalks and crossings on those streets, believing that there is no bur den that the tax payers and property owners, would respond to as cheerful ly, as to have our main streets in a condition calculated to challenge the attention instead of the contempt of a stranger who chances to visit our city." Married. MORROW THORN DIKE At the residence of E S. Child. Afln. Neb., April Otli, lssi. bv Rev. W. Hamilton. James Mukhow ami Miss Alick l". Thokndikk, formerly of Gleudale, ( ass Co. A good time was had, and the young people go to housekeeping near here with the bright est propped s. E. .S. Cmi.i. Died. HICKS -Departed this life April i!0th. Isaac Moukison, infant sou of I. N. Amanda C. Hicks, aged nine months nineteen days. Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, How soon released, how highly blest ; From earthly friends thou didst remove To those more worthy of thy love. Farewell, beloved one, farewell. 18sl. and and Thy joys uo earthly tonuue can tell. Thou art far removed from pains of earth. To enjoy a nobler heavenly birth. What though we drink of sorrow' cup? 'Tis not of tnose who have no hope. Thy face ou earth no more we see. But yet we all may come to thee. O, may the grace to us be given, To live on earth and meet in heaven ! Extraordinary bargains this week in clothing, hats and furnishing goods at S. & C.Mayer, next to Carruth. 1 Just Received. A nobby line of spring suits at Wes cott's. 712 Hats! Hats! The newest latest styles in Hats, just in at Wescott s Boss Clothing Store, 7t3 Special Attention Called this week to Solomon & Na than's price list on 2nd page. It will be of interest to every Dry Gocds Buyer to examine their immense stoci; before placing anv purchases else where. You will save from 10 to 13 per cent by so doing and a word to the wise is sullicienl. . It Girl Wanted. A good girl or woman to do general housework at the Pacilic House. Call at once. ''He Are Anxious" That every lady in Plattsmouth every Dry Goods Buyer -shall s-e our present stock, as we have endeavored this season to make our house more attractive than ever before. Candidly speaking, we think our Calicoes, Lawns, ami ilomie Cloths the pretti est and our '-'ummer Silks,' Buntings, Cashmeres. Dress Goods, White Uootls tf't. the cheapest, our stock of Laces, Em broideries. Trim n. lugs, II osiery, Gloves, Fancy Gooils, Tits, Handker chiefs, etc.. the most attractive, and in consideration of the fact that we keep the largest and finest stock at prices that no other dealer can compete with it is evident that by placing your pur chases with us you will save from 10 to 15 per cent. Solomon jl Nathan. 1 A Losing Joke. A prominent Physician of Pitts burg said jokingly to a lady patient who was complaining of her continued ill health and of his inability to cure her, "try Hop Bitters!" The lady took it in earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at the doctor for his joke, blit he is not so well pleased with it, as it cost him a good patient. Improvement for .Mini, mid Body. For genuine merit there is no tonic sold that begins to compare with Par ker's Ginger Tonic. One 50 ct. bottle contains more life and strength lestor ing power than a bushel of malt or a gallon of pure milk. As an appetizer, blood purifier and kidney corrector, it meets with astonishing success, and invalids find its use promptly follow ed by renewed energy and vivacity, mental and physical improvement, and gradual restoration t perfect health. See other columns. Commer cial. 7t4 Stolen. From the stable of Samuel Twiss, one and a half mile east of Louisville, Cass Co.,Neb.,on Apiil 25th, 1881, One Black mare about eleven years old, white star in forehead, any informa tion will be liberal- rewarded by the undersigned. 7t2 SAMUEL Twiss. $2 Wtche. Stem vlndera ft SO. WMtemrtal BuatlDr j. 1 niiuttiuo gold $&. boiidfmUltlZ. eiicpl n4 bo for your own nn or pecul&ttv ruroo-s. Vltublt car aioacft. IU0U-aOSlO.l112iuMSt.&wlirk. OYES! Uiacltsiiiitliin? Wagou mak ing: and Repairing. Agri cultural Implements Repaired Slc. J. JH. SCHNELLBACIIER, Shop oa 5th, Between Main and Streets, Plattsruontli, . Nebraska. Vine If you want smithing done, Mike U ready to do What belongs to his line, and do it well too ; He has learned his trade well, and his practice is such, He knows how to put on the finishing touch. fle will make or rueud wagons, or plows, or harrows. Or scraper, or sled, or eleigh, or wheelbarrow, Or anything else that pertains to his line. In all kinds of wood, ash, hickory or pine. Horse shoeing is done on the most approved plan. And we're sure Mike will please you if anyone can ; And no one can fail to to see at first sight. How important it is to have it done right. If by any unskilled workman the ehoeing's done wrong. Your horse will go stumbling and blundering along; . And doubtless you will with a broad horrid grin. Declare he shall never be shod there again. If you want anything made, or mended come here. About prices and etvle. vou have nothing to fear : Some other workman may do pretty well. But Mike our own workmau is bound to excel. And now at the close permit me to say. Vou should not expect him to work without pay. Good workmen are worthy (no doubt) of their hire. And thone who pay promptly, we always ad mire. 7t4 31 L IT M A R It CT. UOTTFKILD FICKLER. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., MAIN ST. At this shop you'll find meat whole some and sweet. Sausage, pork, mutton and veal And it is our belief, you'll buy ex- cellent beef. If you at this butcher shop deal. He keeps always on hand the best the land ; Of such as your families need; ln Others mav do well, out they cannot excel. For Fickler will still take the lead. A good bargain you'll mae if you w ant to buy steak ; Or soup meat, or to boil or to fry, You can have a good dish of whatever you wish. Competition he well may defy. This business provides for good pelts and hides; Lard and tallow he'll both buy and sell ; And you'll find this the case there's no other place You'll do better if you will quite as well. And this we may tell if you ve fat cattle to sell, Or hogs or fcheep that are nice; You can bring them right here and you need never fear, But for them you'll get a good price. Satisfaction to all who will give him a call, It is his intention to give, For we're certain indeed, this belongs to his creed, Not only to live but let live! Customer. Erery Week. A car load of best flour at Hansen & Chassot's. EVERY WEEK A car load of feed from Schluntz's mill at Hansen & Chassot's. For Sale. One pair of mules with harness. Ap ply to James Pettee. Farm Machinery. Now is your time to buy FA KM MACHINERY OF FRED. GOKDElt. A big stock of Drills, Corn Planters. Listers, Sec that must be sold at once TO MADE ROOM FOR 11 EAPEUS, II A It V ITEk.s, and Fall Goods. Come now. Farmers, if you want to buy at bottom prices. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS of all kinds will be sold as the lowest casl rates for 20 davs. F. Gokdek. 5t3 Arousing its Itea.lcrs. An alarm of fire at midnight is a startling thing. J ut not half so .-.tattling to many who hear it as would be the sudden knowledge of their own dangerous physical condition. Thous ands of ihousands are hurrying to their graves because they are careless ly indifferent to the insidious inroads of disease and the means of cure. It is the mission of II. II. Warner & Co., with their Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their danger tuid cure them. Memphis Ap peal. 47tl3 Lost. Take notice the undersigned has lost a certain note dated Jan vary 11th 1881, for the sum of S2G8. made pay able to Bearer and signed John Fitz patrick. All persons are cautioned against baying said note as it will not be paid by the maker. Thomas Gaffney. Weeping Water, Neb., Apr. 4, 1831. 3t5 Lightning Rods. Estimates of cost of protecting buildings furnished on receipt of length, length of rafters and number of gables and chimneys. J. V. Clark, Weeping Water. Dress Making, latest styles by In the Mesdames Oil Dexter and Swarts For Sale. A good Farm Horse for sale. En quire of Chittenden, Bros 5tf Plattsmouth ,Neb. Wanted ! Apprentice girl to learn dress mak ing. Call at Mrs. Swarts. 3tf Hair Work Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee; leave orders for the same at Mrs S. Swarts' millinery Store. 43tf Money te Loan. Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9 per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler. Come and See The large stock of Spring Shoes and Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf SPECIAL NOTICES. For Sale. House and lot opposite Prof. V. XV. Wise's residence, known as the Roxby property. Enquire of E. G. Dovey & Son. Plattsmouth Mar. 11, 'SI. 32-2m Money to Loan. On good farm property on long time. Apply to J. XV. Jennings, ltf Plattsmouth.. .Notice lo Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. Wooley, 42tf Superintendent. . Alderney Stock. F. Beaumeister uow owns Mr. the ALDEKNEY BULL, ' WELLINGTON," No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Ktntucky 628. From imported Tran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will bo remembered Chaplain Wright brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this summe; at Mr. Beauraeister's place nsrth of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal slould call and see the undersighed, J. F. Beaumeisteii. Stock from a distance, pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52 tf Dr. C. C. Gilleland, Gallatin, Mo., writes: "I never used or sold a reme dy for the Blood and Liver that gave as good satisfaction as Ext. Saksa taiulla. Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium, Manufactured by the Brown Medicine Company., Leaven worth, Kas." Dk. J. 11. Way, Hillsdale, Iowa, writes: "I h ve used Ext. Sarsapa killa. Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium in my practice, and con sider it the best lemedy ever made for the Blood and Liver, and for Scrofu lous and Skin diseases." Dr.Shackel. Columbus, Ks., writes: "Your Ext. of Sails a pa hill a and Dandelion is the best medicine of the kind in use." M. L. Vinton, Oakland, Kas., says: "My son, 10 years of age, was cured of a scorfulous rising in the head, which has troubled him from infancy, by using six bottles of Sarsaparilla and Dandelion." For sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith, Black d Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint er, East Plattsmouth. Brown's Pepsin Tonic Cures Indi gestion, and Sick-headaches bj furnish- irg the stomach with the natural principles of digestion. For sale by all druggists. To the Citizen's of the County and State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a fire-proof house, before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A. Hoover. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a sale, certain ana speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have sold over one hun dred bottles in the last two months. 48tf Prof. Rice's Liglitninir Thorough Bass Instructor. By use of this chart any one who can sing a song can learn to accom pany themselves on Organ or Piano at once. The best tiling yet offered. Call at Leonard's "Music and Art Gallery" satisfy yourself, buy one, and learn to play your own accompaniments. James Pettee, Sole agt. for Lass Co. Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. :tt . Oh, What A Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps wf the sure approach of that more tenible disease Consump tion. Afk yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know now from experience that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest uee Shiloh's Por ous Plaster. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. 6eowtf Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symp tom of these distressing complaints. If you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee en it; use accordingly, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Smith Black & Co. Geowtt We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth and Dead Ache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMKDY. A nasal in jector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Ct). Ceowtf THE MARKETS. HOME markets, grain and produce. Wednesday, May 4. 1881. 80 25 25 25 45 55 4 00C4 25 4 XXil5 IKI 20 10 1 40 Wheat. N.2.. Corn, ear, shelled... Oats Barley, No. 3... Rye Native Cattle. Hok Butter Ei Potatoes NEW YORK MARKETS. Nrw York, Mav 4.1881. Money $1-02&?1 o.r. Wheat 3 1 22 Rye.... 4 orn 00 Oats 47", CHICAGO MARKETS. Cinrinn.Miv 4. 1K81 Flour Wheat Corn OaU Rye Barley Hog, ehipmng. Cattle. Sheep $4 60 4 5 OO 1 02H 43 37'i l in 1(5 LIVE STOCK. $5 86 :o 4 80 5 51 5 70tft 7 (Hi LEGAL NOTICES. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a liceHe to me issued by his honor 8. B. round. Judire of the Second audi eial DUtrict of Nebraska, at his chambers in Lincoln. Lanca-tter Count v. Neb., dated March loth. A. l. Iski, I will oiler for .sale at public auction to Hie highest bidder for cah, at one o clock j. in., on tne 23d nay ot May, A. i. ism, at the front door of the Court House, on Main street, in the city of i'lattiiioMth. CaH Couutv Nebraska, the following real estate, belonging to tile et-tare ot James o Aeil, deceased, to wit : The Fouth half (s',i) of the south east quart? (se1) of the south west miarter (w4. and the west half (w'.i of the north west ouarter (nwU and the ninth west quarter of the xoutli west quarter (wU) ot section number two (2). township number twelve (12), north of range number thirteen (13), east of the till principal meridian. And also, commencing at a point ten and fifty seven and one-half one hundredth (1057K,-loo) chains west of the quarter (?) section corner on tne norm side ol section nuinlier nineteen 0), in township number twelve (12). north ranve number fourteen ( 14). east of the Otli 1 M., running thence south parallel with the east line of Filth Sth) street, if continued south from the oitv of I'lattsmoutli. seveu and seven ty six and one-half one hundredths (7 TiJ'i-loO) chains, thence west parallel witl) the north line ot saiu section n uiuoer nineteen (i:n lour ana seventeen and one-naif one hundredths (4 17'4 100) chains to a point in the east line of Rillingg Avenue, if contiuued south from the north line of said sectiou number nineteen (19), thence north seven and seventy six and one-half one hundredths (7 7(i!J-l0) chains, and intersecting saiu msi line ol Billings Avenue on the line di viding sections eighteen (is) and nineteen (ID) thence east on the section line tour and seven teen and one-half oiie hundredths (4 17'i-loo) chains to place of beginning, ami containing three aud twenty four one hundredths (3 24-100) acres. And also, the south west quarter (swU of the northeast quarter (iict), and the southeast quarter (se) of the north west quarter bw.4) of section number nineteen (19). in townsliio liumber twelve (12), north of range number fourteen (14), cast of the (ah 1. M.. all of the lorego'ng real estate situated in Cass County Nebraska. i win also oner for sale on the same terms as aiove an the right, title and interest of James O'Neil, deceased, in and to the following town lots, situated in the city of I'lattsinouth. Cass County, Nebraska, as shown by the published ana rccorueu pun oi saia ciiy. to-wit : Lot number nine (9) in block number twenty- one (Zl). Lot No.'ten (10) in block No. forty-four (11). Lot No. one (1) in block No. forty live (45). Lot No. live (.r) in block No. forty-seven (47) Ixt No. ten (10) iu block No. sixty (00). Lot No. eleven (11) In block No. sixtv (Xi). Lot No. eicht (e) in block No. sixtv-two n;2). Lot No. eleven (11) in block No. sixty-six (W), Lot No. nine (9) in block No. ninety. five (95). Lot No. twelve (12) in block No. one hundred ana eleven (ill). lAt No. eight (8) iu block No. one hundred and sixty-lour (101). Ixit No. liipe (9) iu block No. one hundred and sixty-four (101). Lot No. four (1) in block No. one hundred and sixty-live (105). Lot No. live (5) in block No. seventy-four (74), l.ot No. twelve (12) iu block No. seventy-lour Lot No. four (4) in block No. seventv-five(75) Lot No. live (5) in block ao, seventy-live (75). i.ot xso. nve(.j) in block No. seventy-six (70). Lot No. one (1) in block No. ei::litv-two 2). lAit No. one (1) iu block No. one hundred and sixty seven (It7). Lot No. two (2) iu block No. two hundred and twenty-two (222). The foregoing lands and lots will be offered lot sale in sucn iracts, parcels or quantity as may be deemed for the best interest of the es tate, and the administrator reserves the right io reject any or an nuis. .1. YV. .IOHNSON. Administrator of the e.-taie of James O'Neil, ueeeaseu. Gt4 Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by W. C Sliowalter. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass Count v. Nebraska, and to nie di rected, 1 will on .Saturday the 21st day of May A. 1). 18sl, at in o'clock a. in., of said day, at the South iloor of the Court House, in the city of i'lattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auc tion the following Real Estate to-wit : The South lialf (s'j) of the South half (s'i) of the Southeast quarter (seU) of Section No. four (4), and the northeast quarter (iiel4)of section No. ninei'.i) ail in Township No twelve (12) North of Range No. thirteen (l.t) East oi the uth r. M.all iu CassCouuty 'Nebraska ; together with the (irivilegesaiid appurtenances;! hereto belonging, ihe same being levied upon and taken as the property oi Jlenry ll. l ettit aini;h.iiza rettit. De fendants ; to sal isfy a judgment of said Court lecovered by Robert i. Doom, I'laintitT, and assigned to Thomas B. iordon ; aud also a judgment recovered by John Fitzgerald, De fendant. R. V. HYERS. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. Bv M. McKi.wai.v, Deputv. riaitsniouth. Neb., April loth A. I), 181. 5t5 Road Notice. To nil whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to vacate and locite a load commencing at a point on the east line of Section 19. Township n, i:ange,l2, and running Southwest to the South line of same section, at a point about 15 roils West of the Southeast corner of Southwest i of same section. Said road being known as No. 23 and 21. We desire said road to be continued due South on the East line of Sectiou 19 to South line of section and t hence W est to the South west corner of Section 19, Township 1 1 Range 12 and teimiuating at said corner, has reported in favor of the vacation and location thereof, and all objections (hereto or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office, on or before noon on the Mth day of June. A. 1). lssl, or such road will lie vacated and located with out reference thereto. 4t5 J. D. Ti tt, County Clerk, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEATTY'SrfSSH i, i ,i H , I, , ohIii $&j Atltlrvrx Daniel F. Bealty, Washington, N. .1. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A new a. frrat Modi ore, warrant 'd t ho best and che j Mt, indiBpnftJiTle to evr.jr mnn, entitled 'th Science of Lire." bound in ftnst Fr n' h nmslin, embossed, full f?i it 4) pOKeK.containHbpautiful st-l engraving:, prescription. price onij sent oy uinu -I illustrated sample, 6 c. ; rend ' now. Address PealxxW Medi cal Instil lit o or It. WII.PAit- MQW THYSELF. o.4IiulnnchsUBoatoa. MADAME GRISWOLD'S PATENT SKXKT-SCr'l'OKTItJ CORSETS hare become the furor it of the age; combin ing comjon ana neaun witn elcwsnce ol form to remarkable degree, and are tiivhlv fnauraea or phTaieiana. They recerred the Highest Award at th Centennial Ezpoaition. Price $LS0 ana upwards. Ladr f'anvajMiern Wanted here. These corseta are not enia to merrnania. Exclusive territory in Ten. Ajrenta make tn is a perma nent and Profitable business. Send for terms to Mme. Oriswold Co., 923 Broadway, V. Y. , or to General Western Agents. J. B. Wygant A Co.. Fredonia, N.Y., i.B. Putnam, US State Street, Chicago, 111. POSITIVELY CURED BY CARTER'S ri-TTLE I m w m PILLS. - M We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved And Can Frore What tee Claim. W Tttm r wo 11 a re utirt tio diap point men t a. If you are troubled wllh M( Kl:41)AtHB you can beeaallyand quickly rurfd. a hnndrecU have n already. We ahull be pleatwt to mll ft beet or teatl montmla lo atny Interfatod. CARTER'S UTTLE LIVER PILLS Alsocureall forms of Biliousness, preyent Consti pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relievo distress from too hearty eatincr, correct Disorder of the Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, an.'. HeR-uhUe tho Bowels. They do all this by taking Just one little plllat a dose. They are pnrely vegetable, do not (tripe or puree, and are os nearl y perfect as It Is possible for a ptll tote. Price 25 cents, 5 forfl Bold by drufpists everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES. SASH, 1)00 1S, TiLINDS. KTC, ETC., ETC. Mam street. Comer of Fifth. I'LATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB Still Better Rates for Lumber fl PffUTO WANTED t .,r the and F . JlUCri I d Sell. or 1 irtrial Hook, and Bible, rncas rc4ucrd-U per ct. -tiooil rublith'f Co., St- Low. Mo. K '3 NIC r BETTER GOODS AM) - dlieajpex' 'Goods tlian anywhere west of the Mi.iiix.sippl Kiver AT FRED. GORDER'S HEW IMPLEMENT HOUSE Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets, East of Court House, PLATTSMOUTH, IS" IE 33 ALL KINDS OF Agricultural Implements, tin best and latest improved patterns. Satisfaction -(Sua ran teed . ALL FARMERS know what I keep, and my Spriugand Summer Mock is now ready. Give Gorder a call. Anything needed ou a Farm can be found here. Iu addition, I have added ail kinds ol Buggies I "Wagons AND FENCE WtEE. IN SKASOX. JST'DOX'T FORGET THE PLACK. $66 a week in your on town. Terms and outfit free Aildiess. 11. llAl.l.Kl'T & Co. l'oi liaiiil, .Maine. -jy E. G-. Lovey &Son AT TIIE OLD STAND, Still find tliemeelvef at li'inie to Cas County Fanners and all their old ciistomeiH. We have this Winter our us ual full and larger hue of goods than, perhaps, ever be fore. As the growth of the country has demanded larger stocks, and of a better class, in have endeavored to meet that demaivl. In Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens for winter wear, we nave a large and varied assortment at reduced rates. DRESS GOODS of all kinds. Dress 1 rtimnings of the latest styles. Buttons in endless variety, our line of NOTIONS is exceedingly large, and we tf link, will selected. ladies' shoes men's and hoys' hoots and shoes, children's and misses' shoes. to suit all persons and all purses A very full line of ULANSWAIti: AXI NTOXKW.tltE. winch you must nee lo nelei't from. Sugars of standard grades, ippnnofthe finest finalities, selected by our 1 uuu selves. PnffODO f many brands, esperially our own UUliutjll brand Of KHKSH KOALTKII (W KKK- called the ".MEltUil E." Try it and see, Lefore purchasing elsewhere. Dried Fruits of all kiud. fresli and sweet. Fresh Crackers a Specialty. CANNED CiOODS from all fiuartei-!. Very tine I alilornla koous. (iliEKX WINTER A1TI.ES by the barrel or buhel. In all these branches we en deavor to Fell nit low a nun our, and ax is poHsiple to do a sicni urm nkks. We invite attention and w ill (how all t hat fall our ;oods. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, ami call often and early. 3rni3 E. (J. DOVEY & SON. IMattsinoul U Neb. $72 12 a flay at home easily ninde . free. Adtlresn, Tl'lik & Co., Co-tlv outfit fi Augusta. Maine. r.iiy O. SCHLEGEL, Successor to Srin.KOKi. & Nikman. Manufacturers of And dealers iu SMOKERS' FANCY ARTICLES. SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO . Special I5KANDS and sizes of CIGAKS made to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar clippings old for sniokirr' obacco. Main Street, one door west of .1. S. Duke's store Plattsmouth. Neh. Iru3 WILLIAM fJEROLD, dealer in DPvY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS GROCERIES OF ALL KIXDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you can call for in the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOK HIDES AND V Villi. All kinds of country oroduce taken in ex change for.goods. J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer ol and Dealer in EliLBLBJESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIRS ETC., ETC.. ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. ti e only place in town where "Ttub v's pat ent self adjustable horse collarsare fnlil. 4'jcm AtiKXTM ' ATKI fortlie !!est and Fast est Selling Pictorial Hooks and Bibles. Prices reduced &l per cent. National J'ublishinir o.. reduced .'it T ecu St. Iiuis, Mo. 2a Ct. TcsiepiL, 21 - Is conducted bv an expert accountant and sticce."-ful teacher. Instruction thnruifn mid practical. Tuition lower than elsewhere. Full particulars to any addres. ........ ' 2itf THOS. .1. r.KYANT. Vre. OK frw OOTlP'T'ly a home- Snmuli" worth oO LU s)U.-,fre. Addreef.SriNsoN &Co,. I'ortland, Maine. Mtly