The- Herald. LOCAL NEWS. Far the. best Siaple iiid fancy gro ceries in Plattsjnouth. go to J. V. WVckbaeh. 43tf Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works! -Drab Wire Cloth at Duke's. 1 Huberts sella wall paper. 51tf G5 to the young ladies' -Hop" to niaht. Car load of potatoes just received at Wockb ich's. 1 For mixed paints go to Roberts Drug Store. 51tf Jut see "tliom" Fried Potatoes at Ue'muett & Lewis. ' New Fringes at Mrs. Tohnson Sc Sweeney's. 313 Square dealing guaranteed at. the Great Red Store 41 if Unlaundried sbiris for 50 ets. at S. & C. Mayer's. 1 Smith. Black & Co. are head quar ters for wail paper. Men's Arciics 1.50 at the Great Red SUre, 41 tf Smith, Black & Co's. wall paper is going fast: Full slock of Hoots 82.23 ;t the Great, Ked Store. 41 tf Lots of new and pretty things at Mrs. Swarts. Don't fail to see them. 1 Speci tl bargains at the Great Med Store tor ' days. 41tf Organs cleaned and repaired by James l'e;tee. tf Twent) yards best print for 31.00 at the Great Ued Store. 41tf J no. Duke has Wire Cloth - Drab and Green. 1 Good suit of clothes for S3.00 at S. & C. Mayor's. 1 Come ami se the inducements we are offering, Great lied .Siore. 41tf --Ready for all kinds of business now John Duke. 1 See how cheap they sell furniture at tne Urcit Red Store. 41lf Every kind of goods in the Hard ware line al John Duke's 1 If you ned furniture call ou the Great lied store and get low prices.41tf Mrs. Jarley and her Wax Works Friday night will be immense! You can get bird seed in bulk or in boxes at the 1 O. News Depot. 1 One hole car-load of the finest kind of Potatoes at Weckbach's. 1 Garden Implements of all kinds at John Duke's. . " 1 New Tuscan straws and braids and other fancy styles at Mrs. Swarts. All the novelties in Straw Hats at S. & C. Mayer's, next to Can uth's. 1 Don't fail to examine Smith, Ulack & Co's. wall paper before bumg else where. Clothing almost given away at Ihe Great Red Store, save money by seeing us first. 4 1 tf The young ladies of St. Luke's Guild have their hop tu-niyht, remem ber. New tlowers and trimmings latest styles at Mrs Swarts'. Go and look at them. 1 Go to Miss OKdefe's and see the loAely fans and parasols next Satur day. Another large invSiee of choice and fresh candies at the P. O. News Depot. A new invoice of Silk and Cash mere Dolmans to arrive in a few days at Fred Herrmann's. 1 Mrs. Swarts has some very hand some pattern hats and bonnets. Don't fail to drop in and see Ihtm. 1 Look out for the goat in the Odd Fellows street parade next Tuesday afternoon. A tine liue of fancy Hosiery for ladies and children open Sat unlay at Miss O'Keefe's. 1 The Davis Sewing Machine Ver tical Feed beats the world. Frank Carruth has one for sale. Call and see the beautiful Fans and Parasols to be opened next Satur day at Miss O'Keefe's. 1 Ui derwear for men and boys in gause, nansook. linen and meiiuo at S. &. C. Mayer's. 1 Embroideries and insertions, a splendid lot, just received at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf Social hop at Fitzgerald Hall this evening by the young ladies of St. Luke's Guild. Come one and all. Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth. Neb. 5tCrc I sell the best and cheapest boots and shoes. 1 defy competition. '4tf I'etek Merges. Finest line of dress buttons ever brought to town, and mo mistake, at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf Children's clothing in tweeds, eassimeres, flannels, etc., at S. & C. Mayer's, next to Carruth's. 1 An elegant assortment of linens, toweling, tablecloths, etc., now in stock at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf The prices of goods wili be given next week at Solomon & Nathan's new store. Don't buy until you see them. Don't forget Swarts hIivii yen are thinking of a new spiing hat. Site is constantly gelling new and pretty thing. The Davis Machine sews every thing; sew a woman's mouth sliutor a man's j.M:ket tight at Ihe top best in the market See Frank Carruth. In justice to yourself and family you should save money. Therefore price at the Great Red Store before buying else here. 41tf The young ladies of St. Luke's Guild always make their pat ties a suc cess, and the one this evening will be U to the. m uk. New goods now, coming every day at Solomon & Nathan's drop in and look at them before puichaslng elsewhere. , - The larges assortment of Laces Iace Ties, Lace Collars and all Lace Novelties in the city at Fred Herr mann's. I Saturday, the lCth of April 1881, was the first day this year when we could leave the doois open and be comfortable. Spiing stuns at last to have really put in an appearance and every Ihe tiling ntfoiefca. - Personal. E. S. Gilbert of W. W. waa'in town Tuesday. ..Toe Lloyd, Farmer Lloyd, came to town Tuesday. Geo. Mattison of South liend was in town Tuesday. Win. Morrow, our soldier friend, dropped in last week. "Bij ih," sheriff Hyers W. W. assist ant came to see us Tuesday Harry Hollister has been off duty fer the first time in a 3 ear sick John F. Ruck, Esq- one of the right sort, called on the Herald Saturday Alex. Schlegel came down to see how the children looked &c, Saturday. M. O. Weed, Esq. has been in town this week. lie goes to Greenwood to teach. A. B. Smith's boy had to have his leg broken over again by Dr. Mercer, of Omaha. Joe Moore thawed out and jome to tell us how much this winter was like that of '57. Ami loud has been getting a new farm lately, at least he had McE'wain out there appraising a piece for t.-iui. Uncle Thos. Mitchell has got on his pins again, to the great joy of his friends, after a three week's illness. Chas, W. Brown, an old Plattsmouth bov, now from Wyoming, is back on a visit. We hear the young man is do ing very well. Mike Cavey was in fown Saturday Mike says he is getting more notoriety than he likes and is fiuding out too, that notoriety simply is not always fame. He thinks the Herald used him rough, and says waillill we hear the farmers' slogan from out round McCaig's. We wait the onslaught A clear conscience fears no ev'l The Texas Tribune says: "The late 'atmospherical freshness has brought on many cases of coughs and colds, and Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is in greater demand than ever." .Price 2 cents. Why, of course I am going to the Masquerade Ball next Tuesday even ing. It will be the event of the sea- sou. Received by express to-day a fine assortment of Ladies' Havelocks, Silk Sacjues, Dolmans and Ulsterettes ex tremely low. Gen. Geo. Smith sent us some of "Bush's" mud-hens we mean the 6n est Mallards last week, ilanv thanks, General. Report says Mike Schnelbacker made a speech Monday night. Our "short horn" reporter failed to "catch on" however. Remember if you want to smoke a good cigar eithei 5c or 10c goods, you will always find standard goods at Ihe P. O. News Depot. 1 -Frank Cabbutii has the Davis Sewing Machine which was exhibited at S3 fi-irs last fall and captured 1st piemiums at thirty of them. Take-it-Easy and Lve-Long are brothers, and are related to Avar's Sarsaparilla, which has lengthened many a life. "Standing on the platform, wait ing for the cars," one wintry night, was how he caught a severe cold. One bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup cured him. Mr. Nathan has just got back from New York and car-loads of goods are following him from every direction, to Solomon & Nathan's new store. Miss O'Keefe will receive a line of Hosiery, Fans and Parasols which she will have open for inspec tion Saturday of this week. Call and see them. 1 The Davis Vertical Machine received the highest award at Sidney, Australia in 1880 and in Melbourne, this year. Sold by Frank Carruth. Plattsmouth. Remember that J. W.Clark Weep ing Water is selling Lighning Rods in Cass County. Buy of him, talk to him see if he isn't a fair man to deal with. 3t They do say that as "Bush" stood" up to his neck and blazed at a mud hen he would shout: "See,"there goes another mallard, that's ten I shot this morning." If you want any inks you will find the largest assortment in all col ors and sizes of bottles in fact the largest assortment in the city at the P. O. News JJepot. 1 The best and cheapest. The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers at Merges. 4tf Ginghams, Dress Goods, White Goods, Lawns and in fact everything belonging to a Dry Goods and Notion House to be found at Fred Herr mann's. 1 Ayer's Pills contain no croton oil, calomel or mineral. They are com pounded of pure vegetable extracts, which have positive virtues and al ways cure, where cures are possible. G. A. R. again next Tuesday night don't you forget it. The Post is doing splendidly and all we need is for.the ld members to attend and we'd have one of the best Posts in Ihe State. Lacks. Spanish, Languedoc, Bret on, Valencienes, in ties, in collars, in ruches, in neckerchiefs, in bows, of every vai iety and novelty at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeny's. 3t3 From a little note accompanying a subscription we learn that Arthur White has put up a new Elevator, 10.000 bushels, at Dewitt, Saline Co., Neb., and that the town is rapidly im proving and filling up. The Mush and Milk Social was not as gieat a success financially as the other entertainments given by the Go d Templars, but all who were present hail a very pleasant time. The net results were $3 00 Senator VanWyck sends us Ma hone's speech in full, all about Riddle berger and now Billy Shryock is so mad he won't read it, says Riddleber ger never asked his advice or he would not be in such a scrape. Derangement of the liver, with constipation, injure the complexion, induce pimples, shallow skin, etc. Re move the cause by using Carter's Lit lle Liver PU!s. One a dose -For sale by Smith, Black & Co. Drugs -the largest stock at J. M Roberts. , 3tf Large bottles, good medicine, is the reputation of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. It cuies coughs and colds quickly. TJie price is only twenty rive and fifty cents a bottle. It is known, we believe that au thoritative opinions have been re ceived on the License question and the State law which goes into effect June first is paramount to any ordinance or previous law of City or State and must be obeyed accordingly. Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Our line in Ladies, Misses, Children and Gent's Hose in , Balbriggan, Lisle Thread and American Brands', larger than ver before, call and examine at Fred Herrmann's one door east of First National Bank. 1 They say the destruction of ihe Platte River bridge at South Bend, and grain operations have seriously crippled Charley Pinkham in a busi ness way. He had bought out the major part of the bridge stock and it was making money before the flood. Cait r's Little Liver Pills are free from all crude and iiriiating matter. Concentrated medicine only; very small; very easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. If you are suffering from indiges tion or any complaint of the Stomach or Bowels, you will obtain great relief by using the Prickly Asii Bitters, as they have the property of gently telieving these organs and placing th m in a good, sound healthy condi tion. 2t5. If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of any kind If vou want to buv r sell a farm of anv kind If vou want money with farm lands to secure it call on Will S. Wise. 46m5 Fitzgerald Block Everybody should go and see the plav of "Home" by the Plattsmouth Dramatic Club at Fitzgerald HaH to morrow, evening. You will be well repaid for going, besides assisting the sufferers who have been rendered homeless by the floods" in the northern part of the state. The Democratic element felt good after election, we know they felt good. we've been there, but, somehow they don't, get along as well as they, might. Now if Vivian sticks and Bro. Hancock Hartigau doesn't get "appointed" it won't be so much of a victory jifter all. Decoration Day. the day set apart for paying respects to the brave sol diers now dead by suitably decorating their graves, is close at hand, the thir tieth day ol May and we hope we will have pleasanter weather than last year. - So great is the faith reposed in Ayer's Pills by those who have given them a trial, that the consumption of them almost passes belief, far exceed ing any precedent. They cleanse the blood, improve the appetite, promote digestion, restore health and action, and regulate every function. They are pleasant to take, gentle in their operation, yet thorough, searching, and powerful in subduing disease. We learn with regret that Rev. Storms will leave" us in a short time for other tields. He preaches his fare well sermon next Sunday. During his stay he has made many friends and his departure is a loss to his Church and the community. Relief from sick headaches, drows iness, nausea, dizziness, pain in the side, &c. , guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. These complaints are nearly always caused by torpid liver and constipated bowels. Restore these organs to their proper functions and the trouble cea3es. One pill is a dose. Forty in a vial. Price 25 cents. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. Police Judge Vivian claims to have been elected last year to serve two years, and will therefore hold over, o i'oiice Judge was elected in Lincoln and other cities, and it was an oversight rf the Council 111 calling election for the same herd. We do not know whether Dr. Wintersteen in tends to contest or not. Those persons who do not need iron, but who are troubled with nerv ousness and dyspepsia, will tind in Carter's Litle Nerve Pills a most de sirable article. They are mostly used in combination with Carter's Little Liver Pills, and in this way often ex ert a most magical effect. Take just one pill of each kind immediately af ter eating aud you will be free from indigestion and dyspepsia. In vials at 23 cents. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. An exchange says : Snellbacker's Variety Combination, with specialties and burlesque, will begin an engagement at the Olympic this evening. Nautch dancers will be a special feature. Can this be our Mike, Councilman Schnellbacker, gone into the variety business. We thought Mike had something on his mind for several days. A fellow by the name of Scott has been canvassing in Liberty precinct and about, for Gaskell's Compendium. fter delivering a lot he professed that his sample book had got soiled and would borrow of those he had sold some of h's books to, and then sell these books over, thus selling one book three times. If the farmers thus swindled don't make an example of this chap they ought to, and the firm should pay them back at once. Married. STENRERG -JIOXSEX V.y Judee Sullivan, Saturday. April tctti. lwi, Mr. Alkkkt Siesbkko to Miss Nellie Monson. all of Cass County. The Park Association was called to meet at the Judge's Office Saturday night and as they were about to open the meeting the happy couple appeared, when the Urbane Judge called "time" and requested the gentlemen present to wait for more important business. When the Judge with great dignity had made the man and woman one, the members of the D. P. A. were introduced to them in form, after which President Mathews called the next "heat" and Driving Tark ceremonies began. Pattern Bonnets. Every lady in Plattsmouth should 0 and see the fine Imported Pattern Hats bt-SoloTnoh Si Nathan's. "HOME", a drama rendered bylattsmoutti tal ent Friday night for the homeh ss suf ferers by the flood. Easter Sunday. ' Last Sunday being Easter Sunday the ending of Lent, special services were held in the Catholic and Episco pal Churches. St. Luke's Church was beautifully decorated with flowers; an exquisite cross of callas and other blossoms was suspended from the arch and the mottoes "Christ is Risen" and "Praise the Lord at the sides of the arch; the font held some lovely bo quets and was wreathed with smiiax, which also festooned the altar; a large collection of geraniums and other plants in bloom stood at the north side ol the chaucel, and an oleander loaded with blossoms on the south side. The singing was appropriate to the season, and the services the usual ones commemorative of Easter. Our Senatorial Deadlock. Official Deadlocks, in high places seem to be the order of the day. Our U. S. Senate sit standing on their dig nity over Mahone and Riddieberger, and the right Honorable, the Mayor and common Council have come to the same high end. . That is to "say. President Mayor O'Rourke appoints Mahone Riddle berger Hartigan City Attorney, David Conkling Miller and Tom Piatt Gorder et al object and no executive session can be held until the entiente cordiale be established once more between these high official parties. Married. Our good looking bachelor friend W. R. Chittenden went over to Iowa last weel: and got married, he did, to Miss Francis, of ''Liberty Centre" The deed was done April 12th, 1881, and a happier boy than lie's been ever since we never saw. Cigars are free, everything goes, and all is coleur de rose. D. V. A. At the called meeting of the D. P. A. Saturday evening President Math ews and other oflicers with nine stock holders present. Jno. Waterman, F. S. White and John W. Barnes were added to the committee to collect old subscriptions and sell new shares to meet the pay ment of the last note to Capt. Wiles now due on the ground. The Committee is Mathews, Mc Laughlin. White, Waterman and Barnes. A list of stockholders is given the chairman and action must be taken at oner. The meeting adjourned until Monday evening May 2d at 7-30 at Judge's oflice or Court House and all owning si aies must be there then. Tl is committee should meet, thoroughly organize and divide their labors and secure the stock at once and straighten up affairs. "By order of Directors. a. a. n. The members of Post 45 G. A. R. will meet on Tuesday, April 2Gth, at 7:30 at G. T. Hall, to initiate new members, and transact important bus iness. A lull turnout is necessary. By order of Committee. The Baptist Church On next Sabbath the pastor Rev. J II. Storms will r old his closing services with the Baptist Church in this city His subject tor t lie morning service will be "The Struggle for Life." Sub ject for the evening, "Signs of the Times. A cordinl invitation is ex tended to all. To the Readers of Chicago Dailies. I hereby wish to inform all the read ers of the Chicago Daily Times, that owing to the size and weight the Sat urday awl Sunday Issue only of the Daily Times, will, from and after this date be sold for 10c per copy and all other issues at 5c, also the Dailv Ti il- une and Inter Ocean will be sold at 5c per copy as heretofore. I am Respectfully, 5t2 .J. P. Young. April 18th. 1881. .Masquerade Costumes. Parties desirous of attending the Grand Masquerade Ball, to be given by Platte Lodge, No. 7, 1. O. O. F., on Tuesday, April 20th, 1S31, can procure costumes on Monday and Tuesday, April 25th and 23th, of Mrs. Rosa Schmidt, of St. Joseph, who be here with a fine selection of will cos- tumes for ladies and gentlemen. Charges reasonable. Costumes can be seen any hour on the days above men tioned, at Guthman's Hall. Tickets for the ball can be procured of J. M. Schnellbacker, Ed. Schicketanz and Rasgorshek Bros. Potatoes. Potatoes Potatoes at bach's. Now's your time. Week 1 For Sale. A good Farm Horse for sale. En quire of Chittenden, Bros., 5tf Plattsmouth ,Neb. SATURDAY at missokeefe's New Hosiery, New Fans, New Parasols. Housekeepers Attention. Full line of carpetings, oil cloths, and mattings, new, new, new, at Solo mon & Nathan's. The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its nronrietors are being blessed by thousands who have beer, saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See another colum.11. A Card. Miss Lelia Simpson who is now studying the art of teaching music, as well as perfecting herself in the art of playing under the best mastersin Chi cago, will return in June when she will givher Cth musicale. Mrs. Simp son wholias charge of the class during her absence is preparing classes for the conceit and will receive a few pupils. Respect full v, MR's.'Sltfp'jtasf. Farm Machinery. Now is your time to buy FARM MACHINERY OF FRED. GORDER. A big stock of Drills, Corn Planters. Listers, Ncc that must be sold at once ' TO MADE ROOM FOR Reapers, Harvesters, and Fall Goods. Come now, Farmers, if you want to buy at bottom prices. PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS of all kinds will be sold as the lowest cash rates for 20 days. ' F. Gorder. vt How "She Saved Money. "For nearly six years my daughter was most of the time on a sick-bed from kidney and other disorders pe culiar to women. We. had used up our savings on doctors and prescrip tions without any benefit. Our domi nie advised us to try Parker's Ginger Tonic, and four bottles effected a mar velous cure. As it has been our only medicine since, and a dollar's worth has kept our family well over a year, we have been able to lay by a little monev again for a rain? day." A Poor Man's Wife 3t4 HOW MRS. JOHNSON & SWEENY KEEP THE LATEST STYLES. New Goods Arriving Every Day. Tuscan and English straw bonnets will be worn more than chips. Eh rich's Fashion Quarterly. Mrs. Johnson & Sweeny have them; go and see them. Lisle thread gloves wiil be as fash ionable this year as last. Ehrich. You can find them at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeny's. Gold and silver lace and braids dec orate many lovely dress bonnets. Jet bead trimmings will be made still more decorative lliis season with mix tures of steel, silver and other beads. Ehrich. Go and see the pattern hats and trimmings of this kind at Mrs. John son & Sweeny's. 3t3 Horse Items. The well known horses "Clyde and Bony" will stand the ensuing season on the same terms as hist year. Those hoists all have been here now long enough to adveitise themselves. It is no use to tell farmers particular ly of their merits. They will be found at the farm of A. M. Holmes, l1 miles west of Rock Bluffs the first three days of the week, at C. M. Holmes stable in Plattsmouth Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week, during the season. Re member the days and places and give us a call, fanners. 'dl'd A. M. & C. M. Holmes. Arousing its Readers. An alarm of fire at midnight is a startling thing, but not half so start ling to inai: who hear it its would be the sudden knowledge of iheir own dangerous physical condition. Thous ands of thousands 'are hurrying to their graves because tiiey ate careless ly indifferent to the insidious inroads of disease ami the means of cure. It is the mission of II. II. Warner & Co., with their Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their danger tnd cure them Memphis Ai peal. 47113 NEW LINE OF FANCY (iOODS. Comprising the Following Articles and Many More. White mull hemstitched necker chiefs; Navy Blue Polka dotted neck erchiefs; Mull and Gauze tinted and hemstitched ties; Balbr ggan clocked hose; Silk Clocked hoe? embroidered in colors; Thread woven neckerchiefs; Embroidered and stamped handker chiefs; Black and white laces and ruchings, at Mrs. S. Swarts. Call and examine them. 3tf (tuck aud Sure. Many miserable people drag them selves wearily about from day to day not knowing what ails them, but with failing strength and spirits, feeling all the time that they are steadily si.ikii-g into their graves. If these sufferers would only use Parker's fliuger Tonic they would find a cure commencing from the first dose, and vitality, strength and cheerfulness qiuckly and surely coming back to them, with re storation to perfect health. See ad vertising column. Tribune. Lost. Take notice the undersigned has lost a certain note dated Jan vary 11th 1881, for the sum of S263, ma le pay able to Bearer and signed John Fitz pntrick. All persons are cautioned against bjying said note as it will not be paid by the maker. Thomas Gaffney. Weeping Water, Neb., Apr. 4,1831. StS For sale. Jno. Bons & Son will sell their en tire stock of Groceries and Confection ery also a Bakery connected with the business. Will sell or lease the prop erty in and upon which the business is conducted. Reason for selling, go ing into the Brick Business. Jit3 Card to the Public. The undersigned wishes to inform the public that she has again returned to Plattsmouth and is ready to give instruction in Piano, Guitar and Zith er, l'atronage is respectfully solicited. 3i3 Miss Ida M. Wiedemann. Lightning Rods. Estimates of cost of protecting buildings furnished on receipt of length, length of rafters and number of gables and chimney?. J. W . Clark, Weeping Water. Dress Making. In the latest styles bv Mesdames Dexter and Swarts. 3tf Wanted ! Apprentice girl to learn dress mak 3tf ing. Call at Mrs. Swarts . Hair Work Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee: leave orders for the same at Mrs S. Swarts' millinery Store. 43tf Money te Loan. Money to loan on Real Estate, at per cent interest, tf D. II. Wjiefxer. For Sale. ha i , w sp ."ir ill in ... i 1. l.n..A.. vsut: pan vi uiuira null liai llfaa. ; in ply to James Pettee. come and See Thre large stock of Spring Shoes and Slipp'eTS, gutfd ana nice at Merge'. 4tf SPECIAL NOTICES. For Sale. House and lot opposite Prof. V. W. Wise's residence, known as the Roxby property. Enquire of E. G. Dovey & Son. . Plattsmouth Mar. 11, '81. 52-2m Money to Loan. On good farm property on longtime. Apply to J. W. Jennings. ltf Plattsmouth. Notice lo Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elm wood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. Wooley, -42tf Superintendent. Alderney Stock. F. Beaumeister Mr. uow owns the ALDERNEY RULL, "WELLINGTON," No. 1007, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Kmtucky (123. From imported Tran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will lie , remembered Chaplain Wright brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this sumtne; at Mr. Beaumeister's place nerth of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal shjuld call and see the undersighed, J. F. Beaumeister. Stock from a distance, pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf Dr. C. C. Gilleland, Gallatin, Mo., writes: "I never used or sold a reme dy for the Blood and Liver that gave as good satisfaction as Ext. Sarsa tarilla, Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium, Manufactured by the Brown Medicine Company., Leaven worth, Kjis." Dr. J. 11. Wat, Hillsdale, Iowa, writes: "I h ve used Ext. Sarsapa rilla, Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium in my practice, and con sider it the best remedy ever made for the Blood and Liver, and for Scrofu lous and Skin diseases." Dr.Siiackkl, Columbus, Ks, writes: "Your. Ext. ok Sarsaparilla and Dandelion is the best medicine of the kind in use." M. L. Vinton, Oakland, Kas., says: My son, 10 years of age, was cured of a scorfulous rising in the head, which has troubled him from infancy, by using six bottles of Sarsaparilla and Dandelion." For sale bv J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black ti Co." J. M. Roberts, and O. F Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint er, Eist Piattsmouth. Brown's Pepsi v Tonic Cures Indi gestion, and .ick-h-adaches- by furnish-i-g the Stomach with the natural principles of digestion. For sale by all druggists. To the Citizen's or the County and State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a fire-proof house, before the comet conies down, call on J. T. A. Hoover. Louisville. Nebraska. 14tf Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy cur. for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, .Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have sold over one bun dled bottles in the last two month 4Stf Prof. Itice's Lightning Thorough Bass Instructor. By use of this chart any one who can sing a song can learn to accom pany themselves oil Organ or Piano at once. The lest thing yet offered. Call at Leonard's "Music and Art Gallery" 'satisfy yourself, buy one, and learn to jiay your own accompaniments. James Pettee, Solf agt. for uass Co. Cigar Clippings,35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P.O. 7tf Oil, What A Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consump tion. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know now from experience- that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It neverfails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest uee Shiloh's Pcr ous Plaster. Sold by Smith, Black &Co. Ceowlf Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 73 cents to free yourself of every symp tom of these distressing complaints. If you think so call at our store and get a bottle ef Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee en it; use accordingly, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Smith Black & Co. Geowtf We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker month and J lead Ache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal in jector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and swett breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Geowtf THE MARKETS home markets, grain and produce. Wednesday, April 1.1, 18M. 80 24 25 25 .... 45 b:, 4 0OC-C4 2". 4 .Xf!i4 IX 22 heat. No.2.. Com, ear. ... shelled,. Outs Biirley, No. 3.. live Native CattSo. Hon" Puttier Kirgs PotatK!i NEW YORK MARKETS. York, April 13. S 1?1. 1 24 14 45'i Monev $1 r.5 Wheat Rye .... ... Corn Oats ;1 l. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. April U. 1K8I Flour Wbeut.. '..".... Corn OaU Kve Rai ley Hoy. sliljmiug. Cattle. Sheep..: '- . $ 4 fto 1 01 !i 1 03 LIVK STOCK. ..$5 4X:r.55 .. 4 4 LEGAL XOTICES. . Sheriff's Sale. Rv virtue of an order of sale is ueil ly W. C Slmwalter. Clerk of the District t'oflrt. Within ami for I'ass.County. Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 ill on .Saturday the 'Jist clav of May A. 1. 1881. nt !( o'clock a. in., of said ilav. at the South door of the Court House, in the city of 1'lattNinoiitli. in said County, sell atpumip auc tion the following Real Estate to-wit : The South half (s'iHf the South half ('t of the Southeast quai ter l"e') of Section No. four (4), and the northeast quarter (ueUJof kccIioh No. 11 meet) all in Tow nship No twelve (12) North of Range No. thirteen (1.1) Est oi the lh I. M. all in Casst'ounly,;Ncluaf ka ; together with the I'rivilejjesand appurtenances;! hereto belonging. Hi same lein levied upon and taken as the property of Henry 11. 1'cttit andlEIiza l'ettit.De leiulaul s ; lo satisfy a judgment of aid Court lecovered by Robert H. Doom. 1'laintilT, and assigned to Thomas R. (iordon; and also a judgment recovered by John Fitzgerald, De fendant. R. W. II Y ERS. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. Ry "1. Mclti.wAix. Deputy, riattsinouth. Neb., April 191U A. 1). 1SSI. M5 Road Notice. To all tt-JioMi it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to vacate and locate a road commencing at a point on the east line of Section 19. 'J ow nship 11, Ran;;ejl2, aud nmniiijr Southwest to the South line, of same section, at a point about 1.1 roils West of the Souiheai-t comer of South went l4 t'f s.une section. Said road being known as No. J3 and lit. We desire said road to be continued due South on the East liue of Section l-i to South line of section and thence West to the South west corner of Section lit. Township 11 Range 12 ami teiiniuatiiig at said corner, has rep'.-i ted in favor of the vacation and location thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damage?, must be liled in t lie County Clerk's olliee. on or before noon ou the 14th day of June, A. D. lssi, or such road will be vacated and located with out reference thereto. 4t.- J. I). Terr, County Clerk. Probate Notice. in tlu matter of the estate of Jonathan Kerns deceased. Notiee Is lieiehy given, to all persons li.iving claims against the estate of Jonathan Kerns, deceased, to tile the anitMn or before the 20th day of October, A. D. lstl, in the otliee of the County Judye, at riatiMiioiith, Cass Co., Neb. A. N. Scli.IVAN, Co. Judjie. Plattstiiouth, April ;th. issi. 3t3 Logal Notice. In the District Court of Cass Couuty, Nebras ka, May term lssi. Florence Timbrel, Plaintiff, vs. I'uiali Timbrel, Defendant. Service by publication. Isaiah Timbrel, defendant, vvi'.l takf notice that on the 2tli dav of .March. A. D. lsul, fior euce TinibieW plaimiil, tiled her petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebr.iska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is. that the plaintiff. Florence Tim brel, has liled her petition against you, the aid defendant, prawns; that she may be di vorced and be sillowed alimony, and have such other relict as equity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the ;:d dav of Mav. A. D. lssi. FLOKKNCK TIMItKKi., Plaintiff. Ry H. C. Rkowx. Attorney. March 2-;. lsM. 2t3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEATTY'S ORGANS. 17 Stop 5 Set Gold en Torque reedt imlu ICS AUlit Daniel V. Reatly, Washington, N. J. COLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A new A prat Mnairal orka warrant "i tho bt and cheap est, iiidisrHnnnb!e to every tnnn, entitlpti th Rrinr or J ji." bour.d in finfit Frenrh nm!in,emboed,fullriit,3iO p&geH.contaitiH baiit il ul ntwl enirravinfts, 125 prescriptions, price only 'l 25Dt ty mail: . iilutratd Bamptf, 6 c. : wna " now. Address Ppabod? Medi cal IntitutoorIr.W.H Par. JUE0l THYSELF. 'o.4liuUmchsUlkwU. MADAME GRISAVOLD'S PATENT 6KUlT-SUIFOUTI CORSETS tiivn hocome the f aor- ita rf the ue - combin. ik conxjorl ana tu-aun wit h nlfF&nce ol lorm to remarkable degree, and are highly rrulursea By physicians. Thaj received i the HiKlieet Award at the (xmtonmal .xpoeition. Price $1.00 and upwards. r.iwW Canvassers Wanted everywhere. These corsets are not sola n meTcnanis. Exclusive territory (riven. Ajrents make th is a Perma nent and Proritablo business. Send for terms to Mme. Griswold A Co.. 923 Broadway. N. Y.,orto Oeneral Western Aeon's. J. B. A Co.. Frcdonia, W.Y., i.B. Putnam, hio State Street, Chicago, 111. TIT r r r-r 1 J" TTVT r 1 BETWEEN' O.M.I IZ A OR V LATTSMOJT ft AND CHICAGO, Where diieet connections are made with Through Sleeping Car Lines - - TO NEW YORK. BOSTON, BIIHII.DEI.rHM, B.1LTIMOHE. WASHINGTON. AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. H7ie S7io7 't JLf L7xe Via PEORIA for ISDIAXAVOUS. LOUISVILLE. CIXCIX XATI, and all iiiit"'.in the SOUTHEAST- tiii: Itr.NT MXK FOR ST. LOUIS, Wliere Iiirect Connections are made in t lie EN ION lEl'OT with Thi-iii;!i Sleeping far Lines for all .oints NOl'TII, 1111, jDli-S XK.V LINE FOl jMioiisr Hj THK FAVORITE ROUTE FOR BOOK ISLAND. The nneiiale(i inducement olTered ly thin line to 'travelers ami Tourists are as follo'ws : The celebrated l'tiUman lj-Wheel 1'alaee .Sleepier Car, run only on this line. ('.. B. it O. I'alace Drawing-Boom Cars, Wit it Ho: :oii"s rx-imiiijr Chairs, x No Kxtra Chnifie .it Si-jit in lit rliniiit; ChailM. The f,tuio!is C, H. & Q. J'alace Uinintf.Cars. Gorenu Sir.oXinjj Cars, fitted with elegant liili-o.ieked Kattiin Bevoivinir Chair.", for the exclusive use of first-class passi-ners. East Time, Steel Ball Track and Snpcrii r Eii'iiniiient coniliiiie-i with their droit Thruw.ili Cr A r-(( Df.Ht. makes t li ir. above all others, the favorite Boute to the r.AMT, SOI'TII Oil SO ITH-EAST. TBY IT, and on will find TBAVEI.I NG a Lux ury instead of a Discomfort. Through Ticket vi;i this celebrated line fur sale at all olliecs ia the L'nited State" and Canada. 11! information jihout Bates o? Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, and Time Table, will be ciii filully given by applying to James It. Wood, General Basseiier Ag't, Chicago. r. j. iotti:k, General Manager, Chicago. Wisconsin LArfbYi 500,000 Acres OX THE LI.VE OF THE Wisconsin Central R. R'd. Eor full parliculars. which will be i-ent fri.e, Addres. 'IIAItlK!S L.. 'OI,ItV. Land Cotiinii.scioner. -lillwauj j' Wis. 1U Hfif!a wp',c ,n your on town. Terms and voiiiui iree Address. II. IIALLKTT & CO.' Bortland, .NIaine. 4ly AW'lebe- Stemv-'ilftent-LSO. Whltotaetal ITuntin V J ',- ImiUktluo eJl6. y lyui.lli cmutX uu iKi mimmy: - JvS w "r" k - 'j.LMt.-jut i,: laid. UHt'a-t, Mu. I 3i.-. BETTER GOODS -am'- Cheaper Goods than anywhere west of the Missiiippl Biver AT FRED. GORDER'S NEW IMPLEMENT HOUSE Main. betw. Third and Fourth Streets, East of Court House, PLATTSMOUTH, UEB A IX KINDS OF Agricultural Implements, the best and latest improved patterns. Satisfaction Guaranteed. -o ALL FARMERS know w hat I keep, and my Spring uud Summer .stock is uow ready. Give Gorder a call. Anything needed on a Farm can he ft mid here. In addition, I have added Hit kinds of Buggies Wagons AND vzmz WIRE. IN SEASON. O- STDON'T FORGET TilE PLACE. E. ff. Dovey &Son, AT THE OLD STAND. Still find thcmi-elvc at lnmc to Cas County Farmers and all their old customer. We hate this Winter onrun ual full ami larger hnet of goods than, perhaps, eret fore. As the growth of the country has demanded larger stocks, aiul of a better class, jm hate tndtarored to meet that demand. In Hats, Caps, Gloves I-Mittens for Winter wear, ire hatt a large and varied assortment at reduced rates. DRESS GOODS of till kinds. Dress Trimmings of the latest styles. Buttons in endltss variety, oar line of NOTIONS , is exc tdingly large, and we think, well s-heted. LADIES SHOES MEN'S AM) BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, CHILDBEN'S AND MISSES- SHOES. to suit all p?rsjus an 1 all jtnrses A verv lu!l line of ;mmsv iiti: ai NToxr.w iti:, which vmi must iii-e to select from. GKRO JSKIJUS I Sugars o f standard grades. T'CSS V'-0 fil"'Mt' 1ll:"l,t", selected by our- PnfTflPP "ftnany brands, especially our own uUilOuii brand of kkksii i).i.i i:i corrKK called the ".MEKKil'K." Try it and wee, before purchasing elsewhere. Dried Fruits of all kinds, fresli and sweet. Fresh Crackers a Specialty. CANNED OO0DS from all piarters. Very line California goods. GBEEN V.TNTKB ABI'EES by thCbarrel or buMiel. In all thrse branches we t-hali en deavor to nell (ix low M.s finy nut:, and a is po-stpIe to tin a sni'.MU iu:mi n ksh. We iuviie attention and will r-how all that call our uooils. Don't be afraid t.) ask for what you want, and call often and early. sriu.'J E. U. DOV'EV & SON. I'lattsmoiilh Neb. 70A WEEK. 12 ;t day at home easily made J i Aoixtly outfit free. Address, TbltK & Co., Augusta. Maine. 4'j!y C. SCHLEGEL, SuccesHor to Si iilk;k.l & Nikma.v. M itiufacturers of SrS And dealers In SMOKEBS' FANCY ARTICLES, SMOKINO and CHEWING T 0 15 A C C 0 . Special BBANDS and sizes of CIC.ABS madis to order, and satisfaction guaranteed, cigar clippings pold for smoking tobacco. MaJi Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store Ojimte I'""' Office , Plattsmovth. Xeb. Im3 E. SAGE Successor to Sauk Bkuthkhm. Dealer In STO"VIES, TINWARE, SHEET IRON, ZINC. :o: At the old Stand opposite the new Hotel. PUMPS, GAS-FITTING, ALSO Making & Repairing Done. K 4- ;9f iper day at home. Samnle wort b O LU PwU.-, frt.e. Addiei, Kti.nkon & Co.. Portland, Maine. 4vely 17Qi SEEDS fhl BEST I fll if not ftld in roar town, yoa i f U- can get them l-y m L Irop A J A n. 4 l'oitat Curd for Cata. lifro and Frees. TheOl'teMaitU mutt txteutivt Sent VAVUt iulDiii.XU Sc. SONS, Plum Pa. J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. ire oniv place in town where "lnriey s it self adjustable horse tollarsare old.'' "s pat ent AtiWSTH for the Best and Kast ct Seliins Pictorial Hooks and Bibles. Prices reduced : per cent. National l tmnsuini; . o., &1U3 St. Louis, Mo. Iscm.ducted by an expert accountant and succes-iul teacher. Instruction thor null and pracilc;.l. Tuition lower thau elsewhere. Full pai i iculars to auy address. ... SUtt TWOS. J. IBYATiTiPrW. LANDRETHS' 1UU