Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 21, 1881, Image 2

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    The Herald.
KO. fk. ylAC4uRPHT, jiEDITOR.
Bak Docket out this week from
the Herald office.
Court May 3d don't jou forget it,
if jou have a case there, or are on the
The Masquerade of the Odd Fellow
will be a great feature of their festival
the 26th.
The B. & M. folks have commenced
grading for a new lot of buildings and
shops already.
Beacoxsfield, the great Ex-Premier
of England died at 5:30 Tuesday
morning. So passes a great historical
character from the field.
They say"-the-reason lthode Island
would not pass a Prohibition law was
because the stata was so small most
anybody could reach outside the Hnes
and get a drink ai.y time, and it was
no use.
The Omaha Republican has sudden
ly found out that the Enterprise is
only an "obscure" paper here. How
glibly that phrase rolls from the pen
of the Metropolitan editor when Borne
"country galoot" gets him in a tight
The new Post at Weeping Water is
called "Bishep Post 01" has 27 char
ter members, M. F. Wait, Command
er, and bids fair to have a hundred
soon. They are making extensive
preparations for "Decoration Day
All old soldiers are requested to send
their names in to one Post or the oth
The members of the Band are try
ing to raise money for building a small
band house of their own and we hope
the citizens will aid them sufticlenlly
to make the thi'ig a success. They
need the building, we need the band
now and then and besides in their
own building in a proper place the
annoyance of practice would be less to
other parties.
The hunters have hunted but the
game isn't counted. Jones, et al, got
in with 35 ducks. Chapman, McLen
nan and Bennett are over at BarMetr,
water bound, don't know what they
got; supposed to be millions. Mathews
and O'Rourke came in from Ashland
with "right smart" of game. We
shall have to defer the official count
until next week.
The Grand Army of the Republic
Post at this place met Tuesday night
and had a most encouraging time.
Seven new recruits were mustered in,
honest farmer boys, that will stic1',
and be found in their places when
wanted. The new recruits were, Jo
seph Voody, Calvin Bradshaw, S. P.
Hollo way, Robt. Troop, Wm. P. Perdy,
Wm. Dunston and J. D. Snook. A
meeting is called for next Tuesday
night when a number of applications
are in.
The floods in Dakota and above on
thfi Missouri have rendered homeh-ss
hundre js of people. A committee has
hppn fnrmpd in Omaha, ("at the call of
the Mayor and citizens) to forward
aid of which Bishop Clarkson is the
head. To add by our mite a Dramat
ic performance is given on Friday
night by our Dramatic club. Every
nnp should turn out for ao laudable a
purpose. Remember the distressed
arid homeless and buv a ticket for
"Home" before Friday.
Titk Missouri is ud hich azain. it
commenced rising Sunday and is now
nearly as high up as the late high wa
ter mark. This riBe is caused by the
imnpral meltine of the snows, the
r -
breaking of a big gorge and the rise
of tributary streams. The K. C. track
is washed out again, the B. & M. north
f Bellevue is under water and com
munication with Omaha thereby cut
off by rail again. The Elk Horn and
Logan creeks are out of banks and the
towns submerged along their course.
The Smelting works at Omaha and the
U. P. shops are also endangered the
Beeond time.
Tiiere isn't a city in the United
States with such dirty streets and al
leys as Lincoln now has. It is hoped
that the city council will take sonic
action in th matter Monday night.
Lincoln Globe.
Pshaw! You havn't been away
from home lately then. Our town can
discount Lincoln." Omaha can chip in
on an equality and Chicago can double
discount the whole caboodle. We
haven't seen New York, but her pa
pers declare she is in the worstest,
dirtiest, abominablest state of any
city yet, and it must be pretty bad
when the merchants offer to raise a
million of dollars to clean the streets
proTided some honest nian can be
found to disburse it faithfully.
How Are You Mr. Wolfl
South Bend, Cass Co., April 15th,
Ed. Heha'ld: Mr. Kleiser and Son
and hired man on Friday, dug out a
den of wolves and captured seven
young wolves; the eld ones got away.
We had nothing to carry them home
in, so Mr. Kleiser took off his over
shirt and.carried them home in it. He
don't intend to wear that shirt any
more until after washday. Our county
clerk can expect some wolves' scalps
for we know where there is another
den. Hank Athy.
This is a good letter. -What we
want is news, and this contains some.
Ed. .
GiTenlip by Doctors.
Ms it possible that Mr. Godfrey is
up and at work, and cured by so sim
ple a remedy ?"
"I assure you it is true that he is en
tirely cured, and with nothing but
,.Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago
his doctors gave him up and said he
must die!"
"Well-a-day! That is remarkable?
I will go this day and get some for
cay poor George I know hops are
The Flooded Hegion.
Capt. S. C. McVay, president of the
First National Bank of Yankton and
largely interested in the Coulson line
of steamers was in the city jesteiday
on his way to St. Louis to bring up
two strainers, the Dakota and Mon
tana, to take the place of boats that
were wjecked by the ice at Yankton.
Capt. McVay, in an interview with
a Republican reporter, gave a thrilling
account of the situation in the flooded
region. He carte from Yankton to
Vermillion, forty or fifty miles in a
yawl boat with a crew of men, -and
from Vermilliod he came to Sioux
City by sleigh over eighteen inches of
snow nearly all the way. arriving at
Sioux City on Friday. .The immense
ice gorge below Yankton remains,
blocking up the river channel fr
miles and miles and causing the river
to flow around it and over thfwbot
toms, and the ice will remain there
until thawed out by the summer Sun
in June, so great is its extent, solidity,
and depth. The ice is piled up all
over the flooded region from ten to
twenty feet deep, covering farms and
everything, and it will not melt in
time for them to plant their crops this
spring. All their houses, cattle, farm
implements, etc. have been swept
away, and they escaped with nothing
except the clothes they had on. At
Meckling. there are 72 pe. pie in an
elevator, with only three days' rations
and relief parties cannot get to them,
the ice being blocked up around them
to such an extent as to form a prison.
There are between 0,000 and 7,000
that have been rendered homeless in
Dakota and Northern Nebraska, and
the greater number of them are being
taken care of at Yankton, where all
the houses have been thrown open for
their reception, and the ladies are
organizing relief societies and furnish
ing them, with food and clothing.
They are being brought in every day
from the submerged districts in boats,
managed by relief parties. They are
being landed on the bluffs, and con
veyed to YTankton in wagons.
The adventures of many of the res
cued parties are of the most thrilling
character. All the spare yawl boats
belonging to the learners at Yankton
are being used in the rescue of the
sufferers. Ninety-two houses were
swept away from Vermillion; Elk
Point was submerged, but the inliabi
tants are now all returning from Fort
landville, whither they fled on a rail
road train. Green Island, a Nebraska
town of about 100 population, oppo
site Yankton, was entirely wiped out.
The probability is that the channel
of the river will be changed so as to
leave a portion of Dakota in Nebraska
owing to the ice gorge remaining so
lohg. It is one vast pile of immense
blocks of ice.
Capt. McVay h id photographs taken
of the wrecked steamers, which were
crowded out of the water and landed
high on top of immense piles of ice.
No one cau form any adequate idea of
the scenes that took place during the
flood and of what yet remains to be
seen in the flooded region. Rep. .
To the rational being." one of the
most marveious matters in the quar
rel of the politicians at Washington
is the logic displayed in the arguments
of the opposition senators. They deny,
willi unlimited emphasis, that there
is a majority of senators on the gov
ernment side. In support ot this denial
they assert with like emphasis, that
the Virginia senator is a democrat,
whose vote lightly should be cast on
the opposition side. In support of
this assertion, they vow and declare,
in very ferocious language, that Ma
hone is a repudiator who is aiming to
repudiate the public debt of Virginia.
Now to the rational being, it seems an
unavoidable conclusion from thee
postulates of the opposition that thi
democrat pany is a party of repudia
tion. But the opposition indignantly re
pel this plainly logical conclusion.
They vehemently deny that they are a
party of repudiators.and in support of
this cite their party hostility to the
Mahone party in Virginia. Further
more, so implacably hostile are demo
crats to repudiation and repudiators,
they will never consent that a repud
ating friend of the Virginia repudia
tor, Mahone, shall hold an office in an
American senate. Now, to the
rational being, it seems an unavoida
ble conclusion from these postulates
that Mahone is not a democrat, that
his vote should not be cast on the op
position side, and that the opposition
being plainly in the minority, have no
valid, or even plausible excuso for ob
structing the public business.
It may be too much to expect that
party politicians will regulate their
conduct by the rules of reason. But
is i too much to suggest that they
should not expect to occupy both
sides of the fenci at once and sit on
the top rail at the same time? Chi
cago Times.
The following may be of some in
terest to our readers:
Lincoln, Neb., March 2'J, 1831.
To the Holders of Bonds of School
District Number One, of Lancaster
School District Number One. of
Lancasler County on the first day of
September. 1871, issued its bonds, u00
in number, in the sum of 100 each.
amounting to "0,0U0, under a special
act of the Legislature, entitled "An
act authorizing School District Num
ber One, of Lancasler County, to
issue bonus for the erection ol a
school House, approved March 4, 1S71
1'he Supreme Court of Nebraska has
decided in Dundy, vs Iticharuson
County, 8 Nebraska, 508, and again in
Clegg vs School District 50, Richard
son County, 8 Nebraska, that a
suecial act of this character was un
constitutional under Section I, Article
VII, of the Constitution of 1866, and
the oonds invalid. This construction
of the Constitution ot, Nebraska then
in force, has been followed by the U.
S. Circuit Court lor the District of
The School District obtained value
for the Bonds and has never repudi
ated principal or interest, and there is
at present no disposition on the part
of our tax payers to take advantage
of this decision, but the ques
tionable character of the outstand
iuding form of indebtedness is
such that it is deemed best
for the interest of the ere liters and of
the District to arrange a settlement.
The School District of the City of
Lincoln (successor of School District
No. I) lias under general law now a
power to issue evidences of indebted
ness to the amount, and has arranged
to fund and pay off the debt. After
May 1st, 1881, interest on the old in
debtedness of School District Number
One of Lancaster County are re
quested to send them in for payment;
and principal and interest to date of
presentation (not later than May 1st.
1881; will be paid in full, on presenta
tion of the Bonds, through the First
National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska.
By order of the Board of Education
of the City of Lincoln.
O. W. Webster, President.
The River is now within an incli or
so of being as high as it has been this
Garfield's Defamer.
New Yokk. April 14. James
O'Brien, alias Robert or Bob" Lind
say, who, during the last political
campaign, deposed that he knew II.
L. Morey, the individual to whom it
was alleged President Garlield wrote
what is known as the "Morey Chinese
letter," and who subsequently con
fessed he perjured himself, this morn
ing pleaded guilty to the indictment,
for perjury presented against Uim,
and was sentenced to the state prison
for eight years.
The Tribune says, in imposing sen
tence .Tudge Cowan spoke as follows:
"The case is one in which perjury was
of the most dangerous character and
one which affected the result of the
national election. In imposing such a
heavy sentence for the offense, I do it
to serve as a warning to others against
going upon the stand in a court of just
tice and deliberately perjuring them
selves where the act involves such
enormous interests." Asssistant Dis
trict Attorney Bell says O'Brien is n
miserable, worthless fellow who
would swear to anything for $5.00.
And so this ends another celebrated
case by sending a"miserable worthless"
fellow to prison while his aiders and
abettors, men in high standing and
those wh would have profited by his
lie are left to walk abroad as honora
ble men. Curious thing justice is
Pi sin feet ants.
Springtime with its genial sunshine
having comu to warm up old heaps of
garbage, the enquiry comes from many
quarters, what are the best disinfect
1 Clean fiesh lime answers a god
purpose where your cellar has just
been relieved from a burden of gar
2. Chloride of lime answers a better
purpose where you wish to dispose of
noxious smells. This can Le procured
from any of the drug stores in town
put up in packages with directions
for use.
But the best absorbent and disin
fectant is one which is accessible to
rich and poor alike and may be had
without money and without price- -is
clean fresh earth. A few bushels
spread over places where manure has
been piled dining the winter, where
slops have been thrown and in sink
holes absorbs impurities and acts as a
good disinfectant.
The brick yard which we under
stand Is to be started back of the
Bonner Stable will in this way be an
advantage to the neighborhood The
fresh earth will absorb all the noxious
gasses aristng from garbage piles
which naturally gather around such
institutions. The heat when the fires
are burning will have a fuither ten
dency to purify the atmosphere
Any further inquiries will be cheer
fully answered.
D. W. Richmond,
Chairman Boare of Health.
Plattsruouth, April 20, 1831.
Small Pox Scare.
Last Friday a man by the name of
Chas. Philbert, supposed to come from
Villisca,Iowa, was found on the B. &
M. train bound for Ashland. He there
go! off, and his appearance attracting
attention, he was examined, and the
doctors pronounced him attacked by
small pox. Rumor says somebody
then bought him a ticket to South
Bend and shipped him back; anyway,
conductor Forman found him aboard
near South Bend. The car he was in
was speedily vacated, and the maw got
off at South Bend. The citizens there
heard of it, got indignant, took the
man and put him aboard a grain car
on the freight train for Plattsmouth
The drum-head came out, and the car
was side-tracked at Cedar Creek; slier
iff Hyera and the Commissioners were
telegraphed for, and Saturday morning
the Sheriff and Dr. Schildknecht went
out and found liim in a car of ties.
He was finally removed to a small
Louse Mult on tlie bank ol the river
and nurses sent up there. The man
is now dangerously in with a square
case of small pox.
This is the story as it comes to us;
of course there is much rumour of
other detail; but this is about all that
is positive. Somebody is greatly to
blame for shipping such a man about
at such risk to the community, and
whoever helped it should be punished
by law severely.
Small pox is reported at Pacific
RoUiug Stock of the B.& 31. Railroad
la Nebraska.
Below we give the number and kind
of cars used by the B. & M. railroad as
shown by the report of that company
to the State Hoard of Assessment fur
the year 1831, recently filed in the
state Auditor's office: The amount of
rolling stock given" below is what is
used on all their own and leaded lines,
including the A. & N. and Nebraska
60 Locomotives.
31 Passenger ConQh&a,
9 Combined Passenger ar.d Bag?
gage Cars.
6 Combined Mail and Baggage
4 Baggage Cars.
2 Mail Cars.
1 Officers' and Pay Car.
23 Way Cars.
1631 Box Cars.
331 Flat Cars.
288 Coal Caw.
142 Hand Cars.
120 Rubble Cars.
3 Derrick and Pile Cars.
5 Snow Plows.
12 Velocipede Hand Cars.
316 Stock Cars.
3 Iron Cars.
2,995, Total number of Vehicles.
How Hiippiupss is Secured.
Happiness is the absence of pajn or
annoyance, and wherever there is pain
there is disease. A pain m the lower
portion of the body indicated a disor
der of some kind. If there is any odor
or color ordeposit in the urine, it means
disease, and requires attention at once
e have heard many of our friends
speak of the remarkable power of
arner s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure
and are convinced there is nothing so
certain and valuable for all disorders
of the urinary system, both male and
female 4TU3
The New Council at TTork.
The. City Council ' met Saturday
evening for the purpose of inaugurat
ing the new officers and such otheV
business as needed immediate atten
tion. Th8 usual routine of allowing
bills, &c, having been gone through,
with, tte new Mayor, Capt. John
O'Rourk?. was sworn in and the new
Council, consisting of M. Schuell
backer. 1st Ward; Jeremiah J. Hart
man, 2d. Ward ; Alva Drew, 3d. Ward;
Chas. S. Dawson, 4th. Ward. Mayor
O'Rourke delivered an appropriate ad
dress setting forth his views of the
needs of the hour, ajid his purposes
officially. The standing Committees
were then appointed as follows:
Judiciary Miller, McCallum, and
License Dawson. Gorder, Miller,
Streets, Alleys, Biidges Gorder.
Drew, SchntllbacRer.
Finance Weekbaeh, Miller, and
Fire and Water Schnellbacker.
Hartman and Gorder.
Cemetery: -McCallum, Miller, and
Dawson. j
After which the Council adjourned
until Monday evening, special meet
Routine business attended to.
Councilman Miller then brought up
the Sidewalk Ordinance business,
which, after considerable argument
pro and cou was passed and ordered
that 20 d iys notice be given 'to own
ers of lots to put down .sidewalks as
per ordinance, and if at the expiration
of that time the same was not at
tended to according to law, an
estimate will bo made by the
City Engineer, bids taken, and
the sidewalk laid down by the City at
the expense of the lot owner.
The gutters and crossings "on Main
street vee ordered fixed up.
The bond of Dr. Wintersteen as
Police Judge was accepted, (Judge
Vivian claims to hold oyer under the
law, and there will probably be a con
test.) Miles Morgan was appointed City
J. E. Barnes was appointed Sexton
of the cemetery.
Street Commissioner was deferred,
the general aim being to make Mar
shall and Street Commissioner one in
the future.
The Mayor then appointed M. A.
Hartigan City Counsel for the ensuing,
The Conncil stood four to four on
his confirmation and the matter was
laid over.
Action was taken on the matter of
exchanging the B. & M. bonds and a
committee, consisting of the Mayor,
ex-Mayor Johnson, City Clerk, and
others, were appointed to wait on Mr.
Touzalin, of the B. & M. R. R. in Neb.,
and arrange the details of the ex
change as provided by law and the
late vote of the city.
Council adjourned.
Weeping Water Notes.
Ed. Herald;-I hope spring has
come, anyway, it seems like Spring,
and theie are good prospects of a con
tinuance. J. B. Philbert is rapidly improving.
O. T. Wilson is suffering severely
from a distressing cold on the lungs.
It reads Burgess & Peebles, confec
tions and groceries, instead of J. W.
Burgess, as given in a previoug issue.
Dr. J. XV. Thomas, purposes taking
a partner in his prospective busineiss.
J. Parkins has bought out P. S.
Barnes, and runs the implement bus
iness alone now.
Mr. King, formerly of Eight Mile
Grove, is preparing rapidly to build a
new hotel.
Reed Bros, have car-loads of new
goods constantly arriving.
The Recorder printing office is a
new institution in V. XV. The first
cipy of the Recorder will be out next
D. S. Pepple has built a house south
of the W. W. river and wved into
Wayne Russell is building, for him
self, a neat little dwelling house. '
Mrs. A. L. Marshall is on a summer
visit to her old home.
H. G. Race is in Chicago buying
spring and summer goods.
The "White Hat" man got mad at
somebody, but guess he's :.ot danger
ous. The W. XV. I. O. G. T. continues to
add every week to its numbers, many
of our host young men in XV. XV. now
belong to that fraternity, who have
totally reformed, and the encourage
ment to workers is great, and still
they gather them in. m
Two meat wagons now'traverse the
country to supply the farmers in the
vicinity cf W. V. with fresh meat.
Will Marshall farms his father's
place this summer, and Robert Sigler
(George's brother) takes his place in
the shoe shop.
Imiaense quantities of lumber ar
rive in XV. XV. daily, preparatory to
building, the boom has only just com
We have a new musical feature in
the M. E. Church here, tne W. XV. Oi-
ches.ra comet by D. E. Jones, and
tenor trombone by J. Kennedy, in ad
dition to church organ by Miss Grace
C. Sig'.er tost 10 in Platlsmouth
lost week, which Mr. Schlater, jewtder
found and returned; Charles feels very
grateful to Mr. S. for the kindness.
XV. Ws. new Board of Trustees,
from whom we are led to expect much
active and efilcieut woik in ia;iters of
mportance to W. W., P. S. Barnes, C.
Russell. H. G. IUce, G. W. Lambing
and J. T. Marshall. Yours truely.
By request of Sunt. Wooley and s v-
eral teachers, I call meeting of the
leacher s Association for April 30ih
at Weeping Water.
Addresses. The revised school
aw Supt. E. II. Wooley.
Instruction in penmanship Mr.
Instruction in geography Mr.
Essays. Music in common schools
Miss Flora Kenniston.
Securing parental co-op-ration Mr.
buhoolrooiH etjqqelte Miss Ella
Punishing pupiu Mr. Turner.
Playing with pupils Mr Hall.
Discussion. How the common
schools may be improved. Messrs.
Mulz, Philbert, Seyda and Cooley ;
Misses Barber, Uagar and Calkins.
A full and prompt attendance is
very desirable. Circulate this notice
among your friends. Sessions at 9 a.
"nr tmptrauct "Column."
"For God. and Home, and Native Laud."
The W. C. T, U. will meet at the
house of Mrs. M. L. White, Thursday,
the 23th at 3 o'clcok P. M.
Temperance ia Plattsmouth.
Our "Prospect ua" in last New Year's
issue (speaking after the manuei of
editors) sets loith the ides that' we
shall during the year endeavor to
chronicle 'the work of the Reformer,
and the work of the Destroyer."
Poorly have we fulfilled our pledge
for the reason that the work
or the former has been char
acterized by an apathy and indiff
erence of which we were ashamed;
w hile heartsick, we have tried to shut
our eves to the fact that our oppon
ents, ever active and "alert, were re
gaining most of what they had lost in
the early winter's campaign. Why is
this? .For there must be a mason.
Do we not find it mainly in. the fact
that we have depended almost en
tirely on others to do the work for us
which we ought to do ourselves
While listening to the unanswerable
logic of Finch, the stirring, sympa
thetic appeals of Woodford, the magic
eloquence of Bain, rising with them
to the "fever heal'' of enthusiasm,
we stood ready to do or dare anything
for the space of a week or two then
with astonishing rapidity our ardor
cooled down to a very low "temper
ate." Far back in early school daj we
used to read of a farmer Wi o one
morning bid his son call upon their
neighors to aid in reaping a field of
ripened giain. But the second morn
ing the grain still waved in the bright
sunshine, and the disappointed farmer
sent his son to call upon uncles and
cousins for the help iieighbui-4 had
withheld. And still the mother bird
whose home w as hidden among the
tall grain, quieted her nestlings with
the assurance that there was no dan
ger yet. But when on tho third morn
ing, father and sou met and discussed
the situation, the wise little mother,
pluming her wings for flight, said
"now we must indeed be going, for
when a man determines to do his
work himself, rest assurel it will be
Looking at the course we have pur
sued in a pecuniary point of view, is
it in accordance with the wisdom of
this world, is it as you do in other
things, business men, to invest hun
dieds of dollars, then, make no repairs,
collect no revenue, expect no returns?
A General of the olden time looking
out upon a beleaguering army which
with waving banners and stirring
music was rapidly advancing upon
him, suddenly cried to his weary de
spairing Soldiers, "Forward, the victory
is ours, the spears of the enemy are
not in line". And the mighty host
fled before the disciplined attack of the
few who fought as one man. We are
not braced shoulder to shoulder, fight
ing as one man ; while our foes with
closed ranks as they look out upon
our disunited wavering columns exult
that our "spear3 are not in line". In
this, -we believe is found another rea
son for our lack of success.
Temperance men and women, let us
not sit dawn, fold our hands and,
without a blow, give up our city to
the foe of our homes and firesides.
Theie are wives and mothers here
from whose tortured hearts comes an
appeal that we cannot withstand.
Our own homes demand protection.
We. the W. C. T. U. of Flaitsuiouth.
not that we have been any more vigil
ant than otheis, but because God has
endowed us with stronger sympathies
for the suffering, call upon you now, to
arm for this conflict. We call upon the
Red Ribbon club the grand Infantry
of the. temperance army to re-organize
its scattered forces; upon the
Templars of Honor and Good Tem
plars, our Artillery and Cavalry, who
alone have kept in marching order;
upon the joint Committee, our Coun
cil of War; upon the children from
whose ranks our own are to be re
cruited; upon the ministers of our
churches, ever on the side of right
also to aid u; from the pulpit and
through the press.
But think not because the reveille
sounds from woman's lips, that we
aspire to lead in the fight. Nt, we
we will bring up tho reserves drill the
recruiis,- act as nurses, sutlers, any
thing to aid in the accomplishment of
the end to be attained.
Though not yet armed with the
panoply of prohibition, let us with
the legalized weapons which our leg
islature has placed in our hands. pres3
steadily forward, our own bioad ban
ner of Total Abstinence floating over
us; our ' battle cry "Death to the
traffic;" and if fall we must, let it not
be, hiding . behind oar defences, but
where brave men fall? the ranks.
A woman-suffrage law in Utah prde
vides th t every at the age of 21
years, w io has lived in that territory
six nion'hs next preceding any general
or special election, born or naturalized
in the fji'itud States, or who is the wife,
widow, or daughter of a native-born or
a naturalized citizen of the United
States, sliall he entitled to vote at
any election in tho territory, TheMor-
mon newspapers are indignant because
Gov. Murray has declared that under
this law any girl 12 years of age, if mar
ried to a Mormon, may vote.
The lateMariette Bey, was a striking
looking man, tail, broad-chested, and
commanding in m.-.nner, but modest
in soul. With quantities of decorations
he never wore any except when official
ly compelled to don tho Legion of
Honor which was, indeed, hidden un
der his coat. He was a marvel of inr
lu try, aud was to be found busy in hU
li:ir:;rv et 6 in the morning all the year
rouiuf. He was a charming talker, and
lavishly hospitable. He has left his
family almost pennd ss.
T! c Chinese cour-e at Harvard col
is said to have -ost $4,C62 15 lat
V'Tir. T c lees receive I amounted to
New tinsel lace is shown in teel for
new bonnets.
Mahogany and geranium pinks are
new colors in milliueiy.
Vandyke red is the latest color, a
shade darker than cardinal.
Indian heads cut in red jasper orua-.
ment new lace pins and earrings.
Clear medium French blues are re
vived as the latest rival of navy blue.
Only dolicato trimming:' should bo
used on the open-work Tuscan straw
A silver cub bear lyin on its back
with playful paws is a new ornament
for the mantel.
Turned down Byron collars aro im-
foried extensively in open work and
risli point embroidery.
After-dinner eofiee sets in cream
china, with bands of blue ami gold, aro
decortited with gay little humming
The English walking hat promises to
be revived in rouh" and ready straw,
and fancy braids for spriug and sum
mer use.
Sets of jewelry are in forms of pansies
with petals enameled in natural colors.
A tiny diamond is imijedded iu the
center of the flowcra.
New brackets, a roil of plain etruscan
Id. twine liie arm .without eh:s1)Ing' It.
and one end is finished with the in-ud of
Cleopatra carved on black agate, with
square headdress of diamonds, and the
other with the flattened head of an
Egyptian serpent, set with diamond and
Handsome dnn.a-k towels with fancy
borders of bright c :rs aro used for
aprons. One end is doubled over the
other abo;;t a tliinl t;f the length, thus
allowing one border to show above tho
other. They are gored into a
belt or fastened on with a ribbon, which
is passed loosely around the waist and
fastened with bows where it joins on
the towels at the upper corners.
Letters from Paris state that young
firls and very young married ladies aro
eginning to wear, for evening dresses,
corsages a la Yicrr;c, that is, round
waists, confined by a sash tied behind
not in tho middle, but on one ' side.
Sometimes these waists are pleated oi
gathered; at others they aro trimmed
in the front and back with pleated lace,
the pleats of which, gathered closely
under tho belt, spied out in fan shape
t the top of the cordage. The bell
buckle, of tine pearls, is er3- recherche,
it surmounts the b.w, with long flat
en !s and long loop fading on the skirt
that accompanies this kind of waist.
A Pnrpoe ia Life.
C, ir;y!e once usked an Edinburgh stu-
; who t 'lls the story in the Mil-
w tulc -e Sentinel what ho was study
in r tor. Tiie youth replied that he had
n t q i.'e made up his mind. There
as a Middcu lightning flash in the old
Scotchman's eye, a sudden pull down
of the shaggy eyebrows, and the stern
fac grews:erncr as hes ti l: 'lhe man
without A purpose i like a ship with
out a riM'l.".-; a wait, a notning, a no
in in. Have a purpose in life, if it is
oiiiv to ki 1 and divide and sen oxen
we 1. !m: 1 :tve a j urposc; and having
it, throw such strength of mind and
nmscle into vour work as God has
riven von.
dltan of the Gwssbarry.
The usual mode of propagation is
from eu'.tiairs similarly to the currant.
irrapevine, or any other plant. Plant
bushes of o-:c year's growth, in cither
s. ring or fall, in well-prepared, deep
soli, free from water, four and a half feet
each way- All w oulv one shoot to
crow t In? !"r.;t
I in; second vear
sever ii s':oots wni spring up, out it is
better not to leave over four or five to
grow, suppressing all others. Train up-
war L XX een side shoots appear, keep
them cut back to four or five inches; if
they still continue to grow, pinch back
to a s.nzle leaf this new growth, liio
next sp: i'ig cut back the side br inches
tj the first pinching; all lateral.; are
treated in the same way. Allow the
main stems or framework to prolong
themselves undisturbed while the side
branches are kept short m the manner
above indicated, in order to keep the
bushes open aud free to admit light and
air. The goo-cberry is very subject to
mildew; to guard against this, open
culture is essential. As a remedy for
mildew use the following: Take 0110
quart of hard-wood ashes : put them in
a vessel holding five gallons; pour three
gallons of boiling water over them and
stir a few moments j then fill the vessel
with cold water ; use as hot as the hand
can bear without scalding. Ti row tho
hot liquid forcibly into the bush with a
erarucn. f vrmgo, drenching every leaf.
both upper a:il lower .-id.-; early in the
morning, while tho ue'.v is vet on. Is the
best time to do this. Commence when
tho fruit is first formed and continue
from time to time as signs of mildew
appear. Tho ground should be kept
clear of weeds and well cu.tivated, and
after c.-niing into bearing be well
Dr. Wi'm, the clever physician wM
married a princess of Wurtemberg last
year, much to the disgust or her noble
relatives is s aid to have made her very
l.iiunv. lie has a creat practice at
Breslau. and his accomplished wife aids
him in the ca. e of those of his patients.
who .aro too poor to procure tho necea;
sary renicd e.-.
Ec'; Tinn for Cutting Grafts.
In several publications wo notice that
the cut.i;i' t' grafts in the Fall "or bo-
fore tho s..aneoldof Winter injures
their vitality, ' hig dv recommended.
Directions are thus aveti how the- are
to Le pre.-ervctl ihioogii the Winter;
They m:y be packed away in boxes of
line damp i;:o-;, dam 1 s 1 v lust, or lm-
ri in the earth or sand." Tiiero is a
great deal more added which we do not
think worth wnilc to quote, litis mode
may be a ver cood one, but we have
never tried it and just now do not seem
in the mood not to do so. We have
done most of our own grafting, and have
been suceissful. We never cut our
crafts before February, and if the
ground is not frozen stick them in at
the foot of the tree, theu the variety is
known without labeling. If the ground
is frozen tl.ev arc tied up, the bunch
labeled and burled in the ground uuder
ashed or in a rather dry place. We
have s t seventy of these grafts (pears)
at one time and every one t f them crew.
Once on a time we employed a professed
grafter, who brought ins own .scions
(cherries) and set thirty-two for us,
everv one of which died, The follow
ing Spring we thought to try -our own
hand at it, and set s x'ee:i (cherries) on
the same tive wmch lias been tifteen
years planted, the grafts cut as usual
in February, and eleven of them grew.
This we thought was doing pretty well
with cherries. If the grafts are care
fully preserved and properly set. it
makes no difference whether cut in Fall
or Spring. Cherry grafts, however,
should be always cut before the buds
show any sign of swelling. German'
town I'elegrapfi.
prof. Charles Eliot Norton, president
of the Archaeological institute of Ameri
ca, denies a report that the work of that
institute in Crete has been ''nipped in
the bud." Prof. Norton says that the
prospect of a speedy beginning cf work
is gcod, and only recently at tne re
quest of Mr. Stiilman, tho agent m
Crete, a competent a-ssistant was sent ,
out to aid him ia his investigations.
r r'-- --iirf 11" rr fiin - -- - ' ""3
Drugs, Medicines
All Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
Prescription Carefully Compounded
' an Kxprrirured Iriijrsiit .
For 18sl I an Elegant liook of 120 1'ages. On
Colied Flower Plate. and (ioo Illustrations, wltr
uencripiinns oi me best I-lower ami Veeta
bles. and Dircctionx for growing. rilv locent
jii cngiisn or i.erman. n you afterward or
der Feeds deduct the Irt cents.
VICK'S Need are tlieliest in the world
The Fi-okai. (H i ik will tell how to et ant
grow them.
mcrh Mower :111a Vegetable Can en. 171
1 uks. mumrai i iaies. &'io r.nravniKS. t ot
:u cenix in paper covets : M.00 111 elegant eloth
In (iennau or Eiifrlinh.
Mens illustrated Monthly Macazlne-32
1 ages, a cou red ritite in everv number and
many fine Entrravin-s. Price SI. 5 a vear:
r tve C omes for Si.OO. Sneeimen wui
itr is rents ; ;i trial copies lory.) cent.
Address, 43tf Jamks Vk k. Itochester, N. V
3iorniii Dew Saloon !
boath-east corner Ma 11 and sixth Siieots.
Keep the best of
Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars.
33m9 Constantly on Hand.
Livery, Feed & 'SaIe
Or an Old Stable in new hands entirely.
The New Firm of
open the d
on the Corner of oth and Pearl Streets with a
New Livery Outfit.
Cull an! see PATTERSON & DIXON
once mow conu s forward with an entire new
Stock of the finest Piece Goods ever brought
into I'lattMiioutli : !
Hundreds go there and they are
Shop opposite the Com t House. Give him a
cull anil examine for jourseltea. 4stf
In the basement of Merges' stole,
One door east of the P. O.
Rooms Newly Fitted up With
Cigars & Temperane Drinks
On hand at the counter.
It is a witie and spacious Hall ; plenty of room
lor piayerv uu seals lor visitors.
En. Omvf.k. p. 11. MURPHY,
Manager. lltf Prop.
At O. Cutliinan's old store.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
of everj description.
Choice and Fancy Candies
and all kinds of
Canned' Goods.
of the tost brands,
in endless quantities.
Fresh Hread Daily.
Don't fail to Call.
3Sly J. HONS & SON, Props.
Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in
iaiu street. Corner of Fifth. .
Still Better Pvates for Lumber
the Brick Block next ti
II. Loirck's.
FIiatTsmVATTH, Iy -
... . . , i j
' J
KEtf. 1
I atn Roinjj to -
this Sj'iliiK ami wait! Iu
' that people can build
1 shall Contract eid
Build BRICK Houses,
tin' (Mniing year and wi ulil like tlioti'
Intending to lluild to
Rive me a call before luukik cLsi wlierp
At my place on Waxltl'iinn Avt'iiuc or at K.
S. White's Store ou Main Stiiet, flaMsmoutli.
Has just ojeiii'd au entire new stin k of h;'rN
wine, on
Next door west of Chapman A Smith'H Dru
. .store.
A Full Line of
NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, hy the Kef,
or Pouud
A Eull Line of Cl'TI.KHV.
Special Rates te Guilders and t,a
ti actors.
All (joodj sold as lot
and live.
k tliey po-cibly can Wc
t &
i s i
Z g Ji .
1-1 41 2 c
h Jr P "3
x -
3 a-' -G
-3 Si
ri C ir.
o. a, a- t
2 r- -.
52 T- .
ja.:m::es gbacb
Retail Liquor Dealer,
Billiard Hall and Saloon on Mam Street, four
doors from Sixth at Neville'
old place.
He-member the anir and IMare,
James Grace.
All kinds of
Neatly & Promplp
Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing,
In short, we'll shoe anything that har
lour reet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come and see us.
jsrjirw" shop
n Fit tl) S' between Main ard Vine St renin.
t across e corner from the nkvv JIKICAM
Harness Manufacturers,
Mid ail kinds of hariiens suicK. constantly on
Repairing of all Kinds !
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
C"Keiiieinter the place. opposite He;..
Bocc.k's Furniture More. on Lower Main Mreel.
FlatUinouth. eh.
21-lj ST11EIGHT d- MILLER.
Carriages always on Hand
I want all. of rr.v accounts i.'t!led to date,
ail'l I shall do ho .iK.rir credit bil- iness. All old
aeeoimrs must hesetileil up. ani 110 new one
will lie made. I'nlesH Midi aoeouiits are nettled
8hrt!y thej' will he filed.
I wish to do a strictly c;vsh biiMiiesx ' f ut ur-i
Plattimouth. Neb.
Cf. F. Mathews,
Hardware, Cdtlery, Nails,
iiou, WafToii Stock,
Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps,
IRON WORK, Kept in Stock.
Malting midItepalring,
All Work Warranted.
tvery wound or injury .even l.v accident or
any di-tea. entitle a soldier of the late warto
a ik iisioii. ah pension i.y ut. i;iw of January,
l-.y begin hack at date oi di-churire or death
oi the soldier. All entitled should appfy at
once Ibous ttids who are now drawing pen
sion are entitled to an increase. Soldiers aud
widow of the war el mt and Mexican war ire
eninied to pensions. Thousand are yet enti
tled 10 bouniy. but do not know it Fees in all
cstserilo. Pay for every description of war
clalin.s collected. Einplov an Attorney resid
iiiK in Washington, who can cWe personal at-t-utiou
to your business. American and For
eign patents obtained on sh.-it notice hend
two stairm for nension uiul 1jiiiii.Iv laws. Ad-
UiyX Vox Ms. WaihWlo, jj. C. lry