The Herald. LOCAL NEWS. For the l3t fvaplf and fancy gro ceries in Plattsmoutl!.' go to J. V. Wteckbach. 43tf Snuwed under this town. Thompson m a democrat uovv. . Huberts sells wall paprr. 51 1 f Good morning. HowV the Hood jo? We t arried the Bonds, by gosh. Thtjy say we tiad an election Tues day. "AUb.w.ina" Store. at R ibartV Drug 51tf "Hold the Frt,"0'Rourke is coin ing! Cassimere.-, i.ew, at V. II. IJ-iker !t Cu.'h. St2 Jet IVlrrines at Solomon & Na than's. 1 Iire.nMtrs SupTior Crackers are " still to the front. 1:4 We nn't the enemy and we are liU'u to some extent. For tiiixud paints go to Roberts' Drug stoie. 51 1 f Nw I'.Utern Hats, latest styles at Solomon & Xathan's. 1 Th.u wasn't an election, boys, it was just ;t lug head-ache. Ask for liiemner's Cream Soda Crackers. They are choice. 114 New Fringes at Mrs. Johnson Sc Sweeney's. St 3 The Odd Fellows Hall and festi val the 2Gth Remember. Cole Rros.. Lightning Rwl men, are abroad in the County. Millinery goods constantly coming in at .olonmn & Nathan's. 1 Elect ion is a lottery. The more you put down the less you take up. Square dealing guaranteed at. the Great fled Store 41 tf -Bird cages at Mathews. Also seeds of all kinds; freh. 2t2 Men's Arctics 1.50 at the Gieat Red Store. 41tf A new line of black Cashmeres at W. II. Raker & Co's. 3t2 Fresh bird seeds at Mathews'. Bird cages, new styles. 2l2 Extra Choice Oranges and Lemons at the P. O. News Depot. Bennett & Iewis sell Bremner's Ci ackers. '1 hey hare a full line. 1 14 Mapl Sugar, Dates, and Figs at the I. O. News Depot. Spring Cloakings, just recti ved by W. II. Baker i Co. 3t2 New Millinery every dny at So-lorn jn & Nathan's. Full stock of Boots $2.25 at the Great Red Store. 41 tf A new line of prints in the latest styles at W. II. Baker & Co.'s. 3t2 J. Bons & kion sell Bremner's Crackers. They have a full line. 114 Special bargains at the Great Red Store lor 30 days. 41tf Organs cleaued and repaired by James Pet tee. tf Warranted Pur Extracted Honey, very cheap at W. H. Baker & Co's. 3t2 Twenty yards best print for 1.00 at the Great Red Store. 41tf Saratoga Birch Beer for family usp. Mid by the bottle at P. B. Murphy's. 2 Coir.fl and se the ir.d uci-nvnts we are offering, Great Red S ore. 4ltf No grocery store is complete without Brmner's Crackers. It4 See how cln-ap they sell furniture at tne Great Red Store. 41if Children's Sailor hats from 25 cents up at Solomon & Nathan's. 1 If you need furniture call on the Great Red store and get low prices 41; f Trv our 61b coffee, good as others sell 5 lbs for a dollar. W. H. Baker & Co. 3t2 Clothing almost given away at the Great Red Store, save money by seeing us first. 41tf If you want any Plug Tobacco, don't fail to go to the P. O. News De pot. Embroideries and siisertions, a splendid lot, just received at I. V. Weckbaeh's. . 2tf The largest assortment of Lad'es anI Gents Pocket Books at the P. O. News Depot. t Gardn Seeds, Lawn Grass and Grass S-eds of all kinds at Mathews. 2t2 Bapti it Sociable at U. W. Wise's on next Tuesday evening. A coidial invitation to all. Fines! line of dress buttons ever breugh' to '.own, and no mistake, at J. V. Weckbaeh's. if A Mr. Laughlin wasiobbe I at the Pacific House Wednesday nigM by his room-mate. New goi!s coming in at Mathews' now, ail the time. Call and ste them. We want just one more Temper ance (?) Jailor here and we can carry the city, sure. An elegant assortment of linens, toweling, tablecloths, etc., now in stock at J. V. Weckbaeh's. 52tf The man Stork who fell off the bridge not l"iig since is getting better Slowly, we are glad to chronicle. A democratic Temper.mce( V) p i per is talked of. Thompson eii.or, at least so he said Tuesd ay night. Don't buy your Bird Cages until you price the Bird Cages at Phil Young's, who sells them cheapei than ever. In justice to vourself and family j . " . . .. Ti.... af. u you siiowm save money. i"ncm.c plic at the Great llnl Stm before buying elew heie. 41: f - A full li-je if cloaking, sackings and ulster tols with cor !s, buttons Jfce. for trimming at Solomon ?c Nathan's. 1 Bremner has made an improve ment in his crackers th: stives them j a erispne superior i .- ma v m this country. Try them lt4 Look oat for strange Lighniug Kod men !lmt this time. Examine well your e-titm i, if you .unst make them, farmers. We have heard a great deal about ii.M,.orHLi vo'tiu- for a republican candidate. mrui-v they -never j voU euouh republican tickets to elect, j Personal. Steve Orton, of Elm wood, called In last week. Mrs. Hunt spent a few days with her parents last week. Geo. Ballentine, the B. & M. stock man returned from atrip east last. G. M. McNamee of FactoryviMe called yesterday, and left the. IIekaed better off for his call. C. II. King, our old friend from Eight Mile Grove, called in yesterday, lie lives l Weeping Water, now. Miss Florence Richardson, who has been spending her vacation at home and in Plattsmouih, returns to Peru this week. Mrs. B. Spurlock left for Marysville Mo. )eserday to visit friends and as a delegate to the Woman's Foreign Mis sionary Society. Joshua Lynn, an old Cass county f i iend. who takes ihe Hkkald t nd pajs in advance, al ways, called yester day. Come again, Mr. L. Geo. Dovey returned from Chicago and New York on Monday. lie re ports plenty of snow east and Jots of goods soon to be found at Dovey's. Mis. Yates, Mrs. John Claik and daughter, Mrs. Dai rah and daughter, and Mrs. Rouse, all of Lincoln, made their Plattsmouth friends a ilying visit Monday. He met Hon. James Crnwhml, an old Cuming Countv friend, toing to Lincoln last week to attend the set ting of the Supreme Court. He had to come round this way. Rev's. Gallagher & Cooley made us a very pleasant call Monday after noon. Rev. Mr. Cooley is stationed in this county and we judge by the re ports or ins people is doing a good which he is aided by his wife Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Gregoy of Grand Island have been blessed with a twelve- pounder, not a cannon.but a boy. We had this item set up last week but tt e devil pied it with some other matter and it was inadvertently omitted. Central City Cowrier. As wiil be seen by notice in another column, Miss Wiedemann, who made Plattsmouth her home a year or two ago and taught music here, but who has been for the past year in Minne sota, has returned and wiil again re sume the teaching of a class in music. Miss W. has a great many friends here who will be pleased to see her back. Corruption in our national affairs has the same effect on the Govern ment that a severe Cough or Cold has upon the human system. Political re form in the foiiner and Dr. Uull's Cough Sjrup in the latter case will remedy the evils. All the Druggists sell it for 23 cents a bottle. Mine, and Dr. Strong's Coisels and ilson s children s corset waists, most approved nd healthful shapes at Mis. Johnson & Sweeney's. 3t2 Remember that J. W. Clark Weep ing Water is selling Lighning Rods in Cass County. Buv of him, talk to him see if he isn't a fair man to deal with. tit As a purilier of the blood, Ayers Sarsapaiiila lias no equal. It won derfully iuit roves the complexion, and brings to old and young the bloom of health. This is the new way of '"popping the question": "Rachael, the Lord hath sent me to mm ry ti i f," sij s the suiter. "1 he Lord's Wiil be done." is the favor able response. We publish this week two of the articles read before the Farmer's Con vention at Weeping Water. The hist was written by Mrs. Beach and the other by Mrs. Shelton. It looks as though Professor Diummond will be retained as prin cipal of the Schools at Fremont. The election of school membeis rather turned ;'ou that, we judge. linicu Bekk A temperance drink at P. B. Murphy's. An elegant cool fragrant th ink made from birch baik and other ingredients pure and simp!e. Call and try it. 2t2 Lacks. Spanish, Languedoc, Bret on, Yalenciencs, in ties, in collars, in ruches, in neckerchiefs, in bows, of every vai iety and novelty at Mis. Johnson & Sweeny's. 3t3 Phil Young has just received a full line of Atcordeons, Violins. Har monicas, C nd other Musical Instru ments all of which he will s 11 at prices to suit the times. Lots tf folks got to see Platts mouth during the past ten days, from over the state, Unit had not been here before in years. The railroads brought 'em round this wav you see. Ladies when you want, any Sheet music'order it from Phil Young who will give you 5) per cent off from list price; call on him and he will give you a Catalogue of Sheet Music free. If the goods ever cease coining so fast at Soiomon & Nathan's they will try and get time to give a price list hi it few of their goods, loennum erate them all would be impossible. 1 r. Hessr, this week, distributes a thousand or t wo catalogues, of the isum'ier of plants kept in stock by him, and from which no doubt he will soon begin to receive returns in the form of numerous or ders. The season has been so back ward heretofore that there has been but little demand for plants of any kind, and the high water and conse quent blockading of the railroads has prevented transportation of what lit tle might have been disposed of ; but if spring ever makes up its mind to ai rive the )!a:.ts will out of his greenhouses with a rush. 300.000 cabbage plants he says he has; 123,000 tomato plants; 173, 00 sweet potato plants; 30,00'J celery plants; don't it m ike your mouth water to think of them? And then add to the list his extensive assortment of greenhouse and !' I l.n.' plants, and verily Mr. Hesse!- has something to suit every lr.dy. 10,0'0 verbenas and same num ber of p.ttisies, enough to make the whole country ' lossom, one would think, and geraniums, fuchsias, helio tropes, roses, and hosts of others; black ben ies, gooseberries and rasp beriie: everything, almost, that any ! em Wi.nt. Anybody ' esiring one of his catalogues can receive it b' ap pljii gtoMr. IJesser or at this office Drugs -the largest stock at J. M Roberts. 3tf Solomon & Nathan are getting new and pretty things every day. Call and see them as often as you can. One druggist sold seventy-two bottles of Dr. Marshall's Lung Svrup in twenty days from the time they were first put upon the shelves.' It takes the cake for curing a cough or cold. Try it. Agents for cheap Pianos some times claim that they can furnish the "Stein way." Do not be deceived by them as we are the only authorized agen.s in Nebraska. 43tf Max Meyek & Buo., Omaha- Prompi relief in sick headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, etc., guaranteed to those us ing Carter's Little Liver Pills. One pill a dose. 23 cents. For Sale by Smith Black & Co. Ask for Bremner's Cream Soda Chicago Butter, Williams'. Tea, Milk and Gem Oyster Crackers." You will line them superior to all others. H4 My daughter had a severe cough for one year. Nothing relieved her so much as Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup." Signed Mrs. F. Rose.Delevan, O. Notice. The II gh school is closed until Mon- day, for want of fuel. J. W Love, Prin. List or Letters Remaining unclaimed in the Post Of fice at Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nel;., Apkil 7, 1S81. Allen Sam'I Baird, A. S. 2 Burrows, Win. Burnham, C. S. Colege, Ilenrv Devore, W. II. Edward, W. II. Hagaman, Miles Holmgren, A. J. Hart, Seth Hays, Miss Lou Johnson L. C. Kenason Ab: Kiser, W. P. Horteldshy, J. Loth ringer, Jos. Mitchell, Mrs. W. Reve, A. B. Simmons, F. A. Staneford, A. B. Simpson, C. Todd, John Turner, Miss L. 2 Wilson, Geo. W. " Jackson. Geo. Persons calling for the above will please say "advertised." J. W. Marshall, P. M. Ouick and Sure. Many miserable people drag them selves wearily about from day to day wot knowing what ails them, but with failing strength and spirits, feeling all the time that they are steadily sinking into their graves. If these sufferers would only use Parker's Ginger Tonic they would Imd a cure commencing from the liist dose, and vitality, strength and cheerfulness niuckly and surely coining back to them, with storation to perfect health. See vertising column. Tribune. read- Horse Items. The well known horses "Clyde and Bony" will stand the ensuing season on the same terms as last year. These horses all have been here now long enough to advertise themselves It is no use to tell farmers particular ly of their merits. They will be found at the farm of A. M Holmes, ljj miles west of flock Bluffs the first three days of the week. at C. M. Holmes stable in Plattsmouth Thursday, Friday ; nd Saturday of each week, during the season. Re ni em tier the tlays and places anil give us a call, farmers. 313 A. M. & C. M. Holmes. New "liHiiiery Store. Miss O'Keefe is opening out a new stock of millinery and notions at her new stand one door east of Sage's Hardware Srore and would be pleased to have the ladies of Plattsmouth call and inspect it. She will have an ex perincejl trimmer from Chicago and guaraiiteis satisfaction and low prices. New goods comit g in every day. 3t2. NEW LINE OF FANCY GOODS. (,oniprihu the Following Articles and 31 any More. White mull hemstitched necker chiefs; Navy Blt.e Polka dotted neck erchiefs . Mull and Gauze tinted and hemstitched ties; Balbr ggan clocked hose; Silk ('locked hoes embroidered in colors; Thread woven neckerchiefs; Krnl roi'lered and stamped handker chiefs; Black and white laces and ruehings, at Mrs. S. Swarts. Call and examine them. otf MOW 3IRS JOHNSON & SWEENY STYLES. KEEP THE LATEST New Woods Arriving Every Day. Tuscan and English straw bonnets will be worn more than chips. Eh- rieh's Fashion Quarterly. Mrs. Johnson Ai Sweeny have them; go and see them. Lisle thread gloves will be as fash ionable this year as last. Enrich. You can find them at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeny's. Gold and silver lace and braids dec Jet still mix orate many lovely dress bonnets. bead trimmings will be made more decorative this season with tures of steel, silver and other beads. Ehrich. Go and see the pattern hats and trimmings of this kind at Mrs. John son & Sweeny s. Ilt3 Pattern Hats. Mrs. S. Swarts has received some el egant Pattern lints from the immense millinery establishment of I). 1$. Fiske a Co., Chicago. Call and see them. 3t2 For ale. Jno. Dons & Son will sell their en tire stock of Groceries and Confection ery also a Hakery connected with the business. Will sell or lease thepiop erty in and upon which Ihe business is conducted. Reason for selling, go ing into the Hrick Ilusiness. 3t3 Profit, $l,i!00. "To sum it up, six long years of bed ridden sickness, costs S200 per year, toal 6". ,200 all of this expense was stopped by three- bottles of Hop Hit ters laken by my wife, She has don her own housework for a year since without the loss of a day, and I waiu everybody to know it, for their benefit. Lost. Take notice the undersigned has lost a certain note dated .Jan vary 11th 1S81. for the sum of S2G3. made pay able to Hearer and signed John Fitz patrick. All persons are cautioned igainst baying said note as it will not be paid by the maker. Thomas Gaffxey. Weeping Water. Neb., Apr. 4,1881. Household Jooil--. A large an i complete assort wnt of table linens.napkins and table spreads at F. Ilerr mini's. n THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. Solomon & Nathan's (.'rami Opening Which is to Take Place Soon. Solomon & Nathan are daily in re ceipt of large quantities of goods and j Mr. Nathan writes from New York ; I . . t . : i - ... e I I lie is purcuasing uy lar wieiuig est stock which has ever been brought to Plattsmouth. At an early day they propose to have a gkand opening in their new and handsome store, further notice of which will be given. In the meantime the goods are rolling in every day ami their customers will do well to see thein before purchasing elsewhere. - 1 Card to the Public. The undersigned .wishes to inform the public that she has again returned to Plattsmouth and is ready to give instruction in Piano, Guitar and Zith er. Patronage is respectfully solicited. 3t3 Miss Ida M. Wiedemann. Easter Is Coming And as it is late this year you will all need a new bonnet to wear then. Go and look at the pattern hats which are daily arriving at Mrs. Johnson Sc Sweeney's. 3t2 Lightning Rods. Estimates of cost of protecting buildincs furnished on receipt of length, length of rafters and number of gables and chimneys. j. W. Clark, Weeping Water. Dress Making, latest styles by In the Mesdames 8tf Dexter and Swarts. Spring Wheat For Sale. G. W Young of Centre Valley has 400 bushels of "Doty" spring wheat for sale at 80 cents per bushel. 1 New Dress Goods. A large stock just in at Baker & Co's. W. II. 8,2 Wanted ! Apprentice girl to learn dress ing. Call at Mrs. Swarts. mak 3tf Wanted. A Woman to do general housework. To the right kind of a person the high est wages will be paid. Call at the Pacific House. Dress Making in Newest and Latest Mylts. Mrs. S. Swarts having associated with herself in the dressmaking de partment MRS. A. W. DEXTElt recently from Lincoln is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking, and give satisfaction to everyone. Mrs. Dexter has beei in this busi ness for a number of ears most of the time in huge cities and has had experience which renders her vapabl of suiting and pleasing all classes of customers. Mesdames Dexter and Swarts would be pleased to have all desiring work done call and examine their work and prices. 52tf Good Advice. If you keep your stomach, liver and kidneys in perfect working order, you will prevent and cure hv tar the frreat er part of the ills that afUict mankind in tins or any section. there is no medicine known that will do this as Qiiickl v or surelv as Parker's (iincer Tonic, w hich will secure a perfectly nrtural action of these important or- rrans without intei feriii; in the least with Your dailv duties. See adv. 52t4 Alderney Stock. F. Ueaumeister now Mr J. owns the ALDERNEY BULL, "WELLINGTON, No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 75S; randsire, Kentucky 628. From imported Tran sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will be remembered Chaplain Wriiiht brought here last year. This bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this summe; at Mr. Beaunieister's place north of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use of such an animal sluuld call and see the undersigned, J. F. IjKAUMEISTKR. . Stock from a distance, pastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf For Sale. House and lot opposite Prof. V. W. Wise's residence, known as the Iloxby property. Enquire of E. G. Dovey & son. Plattsmouth Mar. 11. '61. 53-2 m xNevf Spring Dresses. Will be needed very soon, and Mrs. Swarts and Mrs. Dexter are ready to get you up the nobbiest suit of the season. T2tf For Sale. One pair of mules with harness. Ap ply to James Pettee. Money to Loan. On good farm property on long time. ppiy to J. W. Jennings, ltf Plattsmouth. Dr. C. C. Gillkland, Gallatin, Mo.. writes: "I never used or sold a reme dy for the Blood and Diver that gave as good satisfaction as "Ext. Sarsa parilla. Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium, Manufactured bv the Drown Medicine Company., Leaven worth, Kas." Dr. J. K. Way, Hillsdale, Iowa, writes: "I h ve used Kxt. Sarsapa rilla, Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium in my practice, and con sider it the best iemedy ever made for the Blood and Diver, and for Scrofu lous and Skin diseases." Dr.Siiackel. Columbus, Ks , writes: "Your Ext. of Sarsaparilla and Dandelion- is the best medicine of the kind in use." M. L. Vinton, Oakland, Kas., says: "My son. 10 years of age. was cured of a seorfulous rising in the head, which has troubled him from infancy, by using six bottles of Sausaparilla and Dandelion." For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black t Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint er, East Plattsmouth. Brown's Pepsin Tonic Cures Indi gestion, and Sick-headaches by furnish ing the Stomach with the natural principles of digestion. For sale by nil druggists. Arousing its UeuJers. Am alarm of fire at midnight is a startling thing, but not half so start ling to many who hour it as would be the sudden knowledge t,f their own dangerous physical condition. Thous ands of thousands are hurrying to their graves because they are careless ly indifferent to the insidious inroais of disease and tlie means of cure. It is the mission of II. II. Warner & Co., with their Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their danger iul cure thera. Memphis Ap I'eftl. 47tl3 SPECIAL NOTICES. A'otice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May. Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations w ill be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. Woolky, 42tf Superintendent. Hair Work Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee; leave orders for the same at Mrs S. Swarts millinery Store. 43tf Money te Loan. Money to lean on Eeal Estate, at 9 per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler. To the Citizen's of the County and State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a fire-proof house, before the comet, conies down, call on J. T. A. Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf Dr. Mack's Rheumatic Cure, an inteinal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy cur. for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Hacks, Fains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have sold over one hun dred bottles in the last two months. 4Stf Oh, What A Coitgrli! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consump tion. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know now from experience that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Par ous Plaster. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Geowtf Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symp tom of these distressing complaints. If vou think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guaianteeon it; use accordingly, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Smith Black & Co. Geowtt We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria, Canker mouth and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CATAHBII REMEDY. A nasal in jector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health aud swet't breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Ceowtf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. 7tt Notice. The Agency for The Genuine Singer Sewing Machine will hereafter be at Mr. Fred Herrman's Dry Goods S'.ore next to Post Ottiice. Needles, Oils, everything pertaining to the Singer on hands. F. C. Howex, 52t7 Ag't. for Cass Co. Proposals For Military Sup plies. IlKAtHiUAKTEKS DF.P'T OK THE Pk.VTTB, CI1IKK (JUAUTKlOIASIKlt'S OFFICK. Fort Omaha, Neb.. March 11, lssl. y Sealed 1'koposals, In triplicate, eubject to tlie usual conditions, will be reeeived at t ti i c ottice until 12 o'clock M. on Tucstiay. April 1;. lsl. or at the name hour (allowing tor the uitt ereiice in tune) at the otlices of the Ouarter- niasters at the following namHi stations, at winch places ar.d time they will bo open iu the presence of bidders, for the f uniisliiug and de livery of .Military Supplies dunii the year coniiut'iu-iiiK July 1st. l-81 and ending June Soth, ihtli, as follows : Wood Hay and Char coal, or such ot said f uppiies as may be re quired at Omaha Uepot, Fort Omaha, Fort Niobrara, Fort Sidney, Cheyenne lepot. Fort ttussei. tort sanuers, tori Steele, fort nan, Fort Douglas, Fort Cameron, Fort Kobineoii, Fort Uridtter. Fort Laramie. Fort Fetterman. Fort McKiuney and Fort Washakie. I'roi'osals. will also be received at this ofilco to the day and hour above named, for the de livery on the cars at the point nearest 10 the mines on the Hue of the I'm on Pariile Uuiiro.i-i of eight thousand tons of Coal, of i.'-'io pound to a tun. Aiua tor me delivery at use oinaha Depot, or at stations on the I'nion I'aciilc Kail road, east from Kearney Junction, of two million pounds corn, aud one million pounds oatn. Uids for gram should state the rate per loo pound not per bushel. 1 rooosais lor either class ot the .store men tioned, or for quantities less thau the whole re quired, will be received. Each proposal should ie in triplicate, wpnnue lor icft onu ie ot citvrt station, aud m rn-t be accompanied bv a bond iu the sum of one thousand dollars (sl.ixio). exe cuted strictly in accordance with the primed instructions, and upon the man form fur nisdied under this advertismeut, KiiaranteeiiiK that the party making the proposal shall not withdraw the same within sixty days from the date announced for opening them : and that it aid proposal is accented and a contract for the supplies bid for awarded tin-leumier, he will, wiiliiu ten davs after iicinu' uotiuVd of the award, (provided mu-1 liotiqcaijon i,e made witU.n the bixty days above mentioned) accept the same and furnish ood ami sufficient sur eties, at once, for the faiihtwl performance of the contract. J he 'lovei ument reserve the riht to reject any or all pioio :'.is. a preteieiice win ue given to articles or do mestic proouctioii. mauK proposals an i pnnicu circulars, statinir the kind and csiimated quantities of V.'ood. Uav, aud Charcoal required at each station. ana giving lull nist ructions as to tlie maimer ot bi'.ldit:;, conditions to be observed by bid ders and terms of contract, &c, will be fur nished ju application to this oflice or to tho (jiiarteruuw'tci's at tlie various stations named. f.nvciopes coiitannni; iironosiuis should be marked i "l'ropnsals for at and addressed to the undersigned or to the respective l'ost and Depot (juai K'rmasteiH. ji. i. i.Lin;sii)., 5214 Chief Quartermaster. LEGAL NOTICES. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage, datext on the 2d day of Au gust. 1S80. aud duly liled and recorded in tho oluce ol the County I lerk, of Cass County, Ne braska, on tlie liuh day of August, ism), at a o'clock and 15 minutes, a. hi., and executed bv John W. Z.irule to John Lewis, to secure the ayment of the sum of two hundred and twen ty-five dollars. and upon which ttie.e is low due tlie sum ot one hundred aud forty seven dollars and eight cents 0147.08) on the 15th of March. lssi, default, liaviug been tnaue iu the payment of said ema. therefore I will sell tlie projierty therein described, viz, 1 horse mule 8 years old. brown color, weight about yoo pounds ; l mare mule. 9 years old. brown color, weight about sou pound- also the undi vided i of a crop of corn grown bv John Zircle on the tstaluook farm, in Tipton precinct. Cass Countv. Nebraska, at public auction, at the house of John Lewis, in 1 Ipton precinct, in Cass county, Nebraska, on the 21st day of April, 1HM, at 1 o'clock p. in., of said day. John Lkwis. Mortgagee. Dated March SI, 1SS1. yt2 Sheriffs Sale. tty virtue of an order of sale. Issued by W. ('. S:ue.vlter, clerk of the District Court. wLhju and for Cass County. Nebraska, and Jo me di rected, I will on the aoth dav of ApiiJ, A. D. lsal, at 1 o'clock I. M. of said d iv, at the kotttii door of tlie Court House in said Comity, sell at public auetiou the follow ing real estate to-wit ; the south half (' of the soutUwest quarter lw ?4J f FCction t hill) -lour sec. 31). aud also the plaint ills in lei est, if nny they have, in the north half (L'sj of tlie south west quarter (sw iH) i sectiou thirty tour (.11) towutdiip twelve (1l) rauge uine ('Ji, east tith I. M. containing eighty acres each all of the abov e land, situated in Cass Co. Neb. 1 he same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of Edwiu Ahgell, Mary E. Angell, George A. Hogelaud and Melissa L. Patrick, Defend ant's ; to satisfy a Judgment of said court re covered by James Wilkinson, , Plaintiff. 114 R. W. IIvers, Sheriff. Cass Co.. Neo. l'lattsiiKdith, Nth., Feb. 10th, A. V., Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby iuvpii Hiat pursuant to an order of ;ile made by Hie County I'ourt of C'ns County. Nebraska. 1 will sell at public vendue at the residence of the lute Jonathan Kerns. Houth of i'lattsiiioiitli City in raid countv on the loth day of April A. I), lsxt, at 10 o'clock a. m. 011 said day the following personal prop- erty : one horve. one cow. four calve, thirty-two i lio;s hikI slioatM, eighteen tand of bees, farm . l:i utensil aiid various otii r articles. Terms of sale. Cash on all naie under S1. and on alo over 10 lime from 90 days to ix liti'Uth' wnii approved surety. C. J. Hornino. 312 Administrator. Probate Notice. In tlie matter of the estate of Jonathan Kerns lieceased. Notice is hereby given, to all persons having claims against the estate of Jonathan Kerns, deceased, to file the nam on or before the atli day of October, A. I. Ihsi, in the oflice of the County Judge, at I'lattsnioutli. Cass Co., Neb. A. N. Sci.i.iVAN, Co. Judtre. riattsiiiouth, April 6th. l.vU. 313 Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that the co-pai tuer fliip heretofore exislim; In th name of I'.arues & l'arkins. was dissolved on the 25th Uav of March. A. !.. lsl, by mutual consent The business will be coutinued by J. F. Parkins, who will t-ettle all accounts against the tiria ami collect all book accounts due came. V. S. HA ItNKS. J. F. PARKINS. Weeping Water. Mrcli 2i. 1S8I. L'tJ Legal Notice. In the District Court, of Cas County, Nebras ka, May term lsi. Florence Timbrel, Plaintiff, vs. Isaiah Timbrel, Defendant. Service by publication. Isaiah Timbrel, defendant, wiil take notice that on tlie2itli tlay of .March. A. I). 1k1. Flor ence Timbrel, plaint ill, tiled her petition in the District Court of Cuss County, Nebraska, aiialnst said defendant, the object and prayer of which is. that the plaintiff. Florence Tim brel, has liled her petition against you. the ciiid defendant, praying that .she may be di vorced ami be allowed alimony, and have such other relief as equity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d dav or May. A. J. lssl. FI.OUK.N JIC T1MISKKL, Plaintiff, By II. C. liisowx. Attorney. March 20. 11. 2t5 H otice of Hearing for Adop tion. ltefore A. '. Sullivan, County Judge. In the matter of the application for ihe adop tion of Zellie Ethel Allison by Cvrus K. White, Notice is hereby given that application has bPen made to me for the adoption by Cyrus K. White ot Zeilie Kthel Allison a minor chiid daughter of Alice L. Irw in, and that a hearipg of said matter will be had before me at one o'clock p. m. on tlie 15th dav of April A. D. lssi at the Court house in I'lattsnioutli city, Cass county. Nebraska, where all parties Inte rested may attend and they fhall be heard. A. N. Sci. 1. 1 VAN. County Judge. riattsmoutl:, March -.Mil, A. D. lssl. IU Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Iiy virtue of a license to me issued by his honors. 15. Found. .1 udge of the Second Judi cial District of Nebraska, at his chambers in Lincoln. Lancaster count v. Neb., dated Match loth. A. D. 181, I wiil otter fur ale at -public auction to the highest bidder for cash, atone o'clock p. in. on the -j::d day of April A. D. lssl, at tlie front door-f the Court Hwue on Main treet in tneCHy of l'latlsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, the following real estate belonging to the estate of James O -eil, deceased, lo wit : The south half (s!,) of the eouth eat quarter (se'Mf thesoutu west quarter (swU) and the west half (w',)of the no.ihwet quarter (aw1) and the northwest quarter (nw)4) of the south west quarter (sw1) of section number twoci) township number twelve (12) north of range number thirteen (13) east of the 0th principal meridian. And also commencing at a point ten aud fifty seven and one-half one -hundred I hs( 10 57fi-t'HJ) chain west of tue quarter (') section corner on the nBith eitie of section number nineteen dU)in township number twelve (12) north of range iiumb T fourteen (tl) east of theGth F. M running I hence south parallel with the east line of Filiii (5th ttreet if continued south from the City of I'lattsnioutli seven (7) and Tii'i-loo chains, t!i' nee west parallel with the uoi lh line ot said sectiou nineteen (19) four (4) and lT',-100 chains to a point in the east line oi liillings avenue If continued south from the north line of said section nineteen (Vj). thence north seven (7) and 7ii!i-H0 chains, and inter secting said east line of Hillings' avenue on the line dividing sect ion eighteen (Is) and nineteen (I9i, thence east on t he section line four (4) and 17't-l'H) chains to place of beginning, ai d con taiuiiiiiig three (3) aud 24-pK acres. And ai-o the southwest quarter tsw') of the northeast quarter (ueS). ami the southeast quarter (seU ol the northwest quarter in w of section number nineteen (iu) iu township number twelve (12), north of range nuiulxr fourtcei. il4 east of te titli 1. M., all of the foiegoitig real estaie situated in Cass County, Nebraska. 1 v Ul also offer for sal on the same terms as above all the riht title and interest of James O'Noil. deceased, hi and to the following t 'ii lots situated in the City of I'lattsnioutli. Cass County, Nebraska, as shown by the published ana recorded plat of said city, to-wit : Lot i.umber nine (0) in block iiumbt r twenty o:.e CJ1.) Ut No. ten (to) in block No. forty-four (4-D. I.ot No. one (1) iu block No. forty-Jive (4"). Lot No. live (.") in block No. forty-seven (7). I.ol .M), leu ( in; iu uiocs. .vo. sixty (oio. Lot No. eleven (U) in block No. sixty ii'). I.ot No. (Si iu block No. sixty-two .;). I.ot No. eleven (11) in Mock No. sixty-six (litis. Lot No. nine (:i) in block No. ninety-live ti.r. Lot No. twelve (li) in block No. one hundred and eleven (ill). Lot No eilit (8) in block No. one hundred and sixty-tour (Itil). Lot No. nine (9 in block No. one hundred aud fixty-fotir itil). Lot No. four (4) in block No. one hundred and sixty-live (105). Lot No. live (") In block No. seventv-fuur(7l). Lot No. twelve U'-') in block No. seventy four (74). Lot No. four (4) in Mock No. seventy-five (75). Lot No. live (ft) in block No. seventy-five (75). Lot No. five (5) in block No. seventy-six (Tii). Lot No. one (I) in block No. eighty-two (:). Lot No. one U)iu block No, one hundred and sit v -seven (Ifiri. Lot No. twoc;) ia block No. two hundred and tventy-two (2'i"-'). The foregoing land and lids will be offered for sale iu such tracts, parcels or quantity as may be deemed for t'-.e best interest of the es tate, and the administrator reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. JOHNSON'. Administrator of the estate of James O'Neill, deceased. 17-1-4W. Estimate of Expenses of Cass County, Neb., for the Year1881. AS MARK BY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AT JAN I'AKV MEKTI.N'U, IsSl. Court expenses aud attoruey's fees in criminal cases $ -l.oco.OO Per diem of county coinniissiouers soo,t0 Superintendent of l'ublie Instruction, salary and expense of oflice 1. 000. 00 Assessing couuty and census returns.. Tax list G5U.00 liooks, blanks, advertising, etc Flections stKi.iHt Fuel, court house and jail ,'mmi.oo Jail expenses, including jailors fees. . . 2.0"0.oo llalance on school land tax refunded.. I,5o0.00 Outstanding warrants and Uoatiug i- tlebteduess 5,500.00 I'.lidges l2.0tMl.0il IS. & .M. II. 1 bonds Interest u-.u:e 1,100.01 poor house expenseB, including coun tv physician s salary l,8CO.oO Uoads, keeping in rejiairs, and cul verts for road districts 12.000.03 Clerk's salary and extra work on as sessments aud census 000.00 Total 5214 359.e;o.oo D. 1 I TT. County Clerk. Legal Notice. Jacoh Schwab. 1 1 ' iff r V.s I ANSKUIO 15. S.MI1H. . Sylvia K Smi im and t' Dams. icfeiidants. J Philip Davis, lion-resident defendant, will take notice that on ilic !. h day of March, lssi, 1 tiled a petition against the above named de leudaiit in liie Uisiri t Court ol Cas ( ounty. Nebraska. pr;t iug tor a decree til said court ordering tile sdcrilf of ( assr'oimty, Nebraska, to execute to Aliseliuo li. Smilli a slieritl's flced to the soutliwet-t iu:il-ler (sw'4i of seciioi. thir ty three i) township eleven (11) range four teen (14) according to a fei lot i ib-cree sale and continual ion (as set forth iu said petition) and to iiuiet title. I am now the owner of said land by and through the said Auselmn 11. Muilo. I nless you apjiear and answer said petition as requited by law judgment ill lie taken against you by delanit. Jai nt Sen waii. Plaintiff. It. i;. Windham, au j for l'l ff. 52ti Legal Notice. In the Diy'fUl L'nai t uj f '.s. i mmtij A?os.Vrt. Bktty Hall, i'laiiitiff, 1 v, . William s. Hai l. Defendant.) To William S. li:t; nan ie-ident defendant : You art. hereby notitied that on the lull dav of Fcoiuary. lssi, Letty Hall filed a itetitiou against you in the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, t tie object an I prayer of which are to tddain a divorce from vou on the ground that you have wIlifuHy abandoned, the plaintiff without good cause for the term 'of two years, last p;ist. For the eariaud education of Letha Ann Hall aud that she be restored to her Maid en name (Hetty Sbively). Yt u reqneird toansv-i sabi petition on or before Munday, the J5l day of A;uil. lssi. S2t 4 H KT IV 11 A LL, Plain tiff. P.y Chapman & Beisos, her Attorneys. Itd.V I s TKI for I he Best and Fast- net Stdiing ictoua! Hooks aud Bibles, i'rices reduced si er cent. -National l'ublishing Co., St. Lwi. Mo. oit 13 -tVi . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEATTY'S ORGANS. 17 Stop S Set Gold en Tonquo reed otihj $65 Atldmrs Daniel F. heatty, Wushin; loll. .N. J. OtD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A ritw 4 arrant Miicai Y ork. warrmnt U t he bet tod cbea i- et, intiiPiMnsiiiHe to tvery trim, rnt tiled "the Science ot I-ite " bound in tint Frwnch maslin. emtMtnd , f u i I Kilt , patres.rnntAiriH bnt tl ul ttten f enjrraTinjra. prescriptions. JSk illustrated acipl",6 c. : Rnil fjtf now, Addreu Pabod Alcdi--VV rMIntitutorIr.W H Pah. tLHOw THYSELF, kku Nu-4liuiuncht-iw. MADAME GUIS WOLD'S PATENT SKIUT-St'Pl'ORTINU CORSETS liavo bocomo the favor- itji of tha Kiro: conibin. li with eleranco of form to f ...I JL aro hiunif rndorara vj kwardatlUa Exposition. m- t 'x. nil upward, fv; f p-Jg Vntennial r.xp 'rice asi.ju ana opwtraii t-t r -5"vcix' LkIy Cnnvansm Wnntetl Vt3' .wnuliCTn ThMn fvtrAAtjl ara nott!it irffrhftnts. Exclusive" territory piren. Amenta mukothisa Fermi nont and Profit ib!o bnninesg. Send for tiffins t' Mm. t.niswoi.n 4 Co., ! Uroailwiy.N. y .orto oenerai Western Area's. .T. It. Wj-unnt A Co.. l'rfdor.ia, K.Y., Li. I'utmua, i-ij btala btre-t, (Jbiuago, 111. BETTER GOODS AM) - than any where west of the Mississippi Kiver FRED. GORDER'S 11 Main. betw. Third and Fourth Streets, Fast of Court House, PLA.TTSMOTJTH, InTEB o- ALL KINDS OF Agricultural Implements, the best and latest improved patterns. Satisfaction Guaranteed. -O ALL FARMERS know what I keep, and my Spring aud Summer stock is now ready. Give Gorder a call. Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund here. In addition, I have ad. led ail kinds of Buggies "Wagons AND FENCE Wl&E. O .A- Xj IN SEASON. O- IsfDON'T FOKOKT THE PI, ACE FZEIN SIOISTS. f.very wound or injury, even bv accident or any disease, entitles a soldier of the late warto a pension. All pensions bv the law of January. Is7il. begin PACK at date of discharge or death of the soldier. All entitled should apply at ones; Thous 'iids who are now drawing pen sion arc entitled to an increase. Soldiers and widows of the war of Isl2 void Mexican war :ne eniilieil to pensions. Thousand" are vet enti tled to bouiiiy. but do not know it Fees in all easer lo. lav for every description of war claims collected. Kuiplov an Attorney resid ing In Washington, who can give personal at tention to vour business. American and For eign patents obtained ou short notice Send two stump for pnsioii and bounty laws. Acl drcss v. T. Fl r.ii:itAi.t(. I'. S. Claim Agent. Lock Lox 4Jj. Washington, D. C. .illy WISCONSIN LANDS I 500,000 Acres O.V TS1K l.lF. OF Till; Wisconsin Central R. R'd. Kr tun pa: ticiiiars. winciiuni lie sent frt, Address. ( I1A If !,. 1. (111,111 . Jind Co:iimissioncr, Aillwaudee, Wis. itl j7.THAriB E R S , Manufacturer of and Deidi r in SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. 1 1 e only place in town where l nriey s pat- put self adjustable horse collarsa'e solo id. 4!)Cni 0. SCHLEGEL, Successor to Sciilkofx & Xikmax, Manufacturers of ZBinSTIB CIG-AB , And dealers in SMOKEKS' FANCY AKTICLF.S, SMOKING and CIIKWINT, T 0 I5 A CC0 . special 15KANDS and sizes of CIOAIJS made to order, and satisfaction truarantred. Cigar clippings sold for smoking tobacco. MaJ- Street, one door wesi of J. S. Duke's store OiiKwite Piwt OJfire, Plattsmouth. Neb. Im3 E. SAGIil Successor to S.w.k I'.koth tens. Dealer in STOVES, TIN WARE, SHEET IRON, ZINC. :o: At the old Stand opposite the new Hotel. PUMPS, GAS-FiTTING, ALSO Making & Repairing Done. of TAR i i CCUES THOUSANDS VKAKLV A POSITIVE CURE act cc::37S?tx:. F Is the Eest of Tonics; E Cures Dyspepsia; k Ristaret thp Annptitpr F --- ri ' M ,XS Restores the weak waft and Debilitated ir v j , A trial of it will prore all O li for Ir. C rook's Wlnfb nf !'&. r 1 take do othtf. r ri t 1 i For mie tj all Drugzuu. BU S M.SWITHtCO.,Prop'rjr HAiTOX, OHIO. L AGENTS AND CANVASSLKS Make from S23 to per week scllina t'o. ds for E. (i. HIDEOL' T & CO.. 10 U.irelay Street. New York. 2yl Send for their Catalogue and terms. df'a week In town Terms jind S"J voiitlit tree Auilres, 11 IlALLKXr & Co.; I'oiiiaud, Maine. t fir. i . tt WN IMPLEMENT HOUSE IV HE E. G.Dovey &Son, AT THE OLD STAND, Still fin'! themselves at home to Ca-s County Farmers aud all their old customers. We have lliis Winter tmr us ual nil and larger line of Uoorfs tfuiu, perhaps, ever be fore. As the yrowth of the country has demanded laryer stoeks, and of a bi tter class, trc hare endeavored to meetthqf demand. In Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens for Winter wear, we hare a la rye and varied assortment at reduced rates. DRESS G-OOIDS of all kinds. Dress Tritnminya of the latest styles. Buttons in t)idhs$ varitty. our line of NOTIONS is exceedingly la rye, ainl we think, well selected. ladies' shoes men's and hoys' I'.OOTH and shoes, children's and misses' shoes. to suit all persons a n-1 all purses" A vcrv full line of diLANWAItK AM) HTOXKW.A UK. which vou must ee to select from. GBOOBBIES ! Sugars of standard grades, IJIgj ofthe finest qualities, selected by our- flTppri of many brands, especially our own lluUiJ brand of KHKSlI ItOALTKII coi rFK- called the "M EKKJl'K." Try it and see, before purchasing risen here. Dried Fruits of all kind'', fresh and sweet. Fr : ) Ciaers a Speialty. CANNED HOODS from all quarters. Very line alilornla kooiIs. HKEF.N WINTER AIT'LES by the barrel or bushel. Iu all these branches we shall en deavor to sell an Ime tin any otic, and as is possiple to do a mound itu'si nkss. We invite attention ami will show all t hat call our kooiIs. I lou't be afraid to ask for w hat you uant, and callolten and early. 37in3 E. (i. DOVEY & SON. Flat tsmouth Neb. I)K. 0UIX HAULING, south in:xi), xeu. DRUGS, PA INTS, OIL, ETC., FLOUR AND GROCERIES in general. Dr Darling is a!o a l'ractisin l'hysiclan and can always be found at his Ottice In the Drugstore. Special attention paid to OUST ERIC A L CASES. :Jli UNION STORE I - AT Eight Mile Grove, Neb. HV WALTER JENKINS llavin'' opened a New Store at the abov 1 call attention to mv stock, ami ask the patronage of my friends and the l'ublie in Kcucrul. Dry Goods, Groceries Tinware Wooden wart and Hcncrul Hoods of all sort. CilEAl3 J-.TTD GOOD Call awl see our Stock before aoing elsewhere. 341y Walter Jenkins. HAY BROTHERS, DKALEK IN HARDWARE, STOVES d- TINWARE. Ol'TIl i:::.r, M:mtASK v. A Oooil '1 inner always mi hand. 1'epairin; done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Eave-tioiibin and Itoolln also done to order, nememl rrthe natr.e and place. Hav Uros South Jleud, Nebraska. :jlm3 ROBERT DONNELLY'S AVD 1JLACK3IITII SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, ami general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing ol tarui and oilier machinery, as there ij a trood lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wasron Maker has taken charKe of the waon sliop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN'. rew Wasons iinil IIussIcm made to Order. SATISFACTION til-AHAN'TEED. bop on Sixth street Kuposite S'relyht's Stable Iv79A WEEK. JI2 a day at home easily made S '-'Cost I v outfit free. Addres". TntK &. Co.. AivU' ta. Maine. I'.ily gMI?(o)Kl We recommend Oarter'n Iron Pillx to every woman who is Weak, Nervous, and Iprourrg d ; larticular.y those who have Thin, Tnu, Cold nd Feet, and vho arr wnhoi.t trenlli or Ambition. Thepe Tills quiet Hip Nerves. E'Te Ftrciifth to the Uody, 'mince l;e-f-eslnnir Sleep. Fnrieti and Irr.prnve the fjiiailty ot ihe lilood, and Purify and I'.rihten the lom--I'exion They cure I'aipitatioii fit the Heart, It -rvounneiis. Trcmhaiis. Nervous lli-miache, Loneorrlxi'H, Tuins in ti Fa k. nr.d other forms of Female Wenkness. lb-member thnt Iron ia one of the con:itueiits f the I'.leod, and is tbe preat tonic. C'nrler Iron I'iIIh are also valu nhle for men who are trotihii-d with Nervous Weakness, N.pht Sweats, 4c. Iu metai boxes, atdti rrnli, isoidhyall driiggista, or Stntby Uiuil. Aodress CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now York City. Profitable Reading for Everybody Buin.s men ar.d women, teachers, mechanics J fanne. ininuters, mothen., and ail who are tireoJ jut by the cc:istant toil and worry of your work lj jin i (iruiK imoxicaTing furrr, mil tle Are jou Nuilerieg Irum ijyprpiia, kneuma-' tisin. Neuralgia, or wilh Bowel, Kidney, Liver or! Urinary c.rnplain'v you can I cured by urinz If you are wasiiug away wuli Consuuipiioa. le-J inaic wc.iiTic ur any sicuness ; it you nave a pain ful couli ,r leid -(,ld. yn'i will find ure rrli-f in It you are eniechled bv disease, old ace or di-' f ipation, and your system needs invigorating, orj in )ua nave pimples ana tiiotcnes, ana your Olooa Liieeds ourifvin. vou r.n alwvi drnd en Made lroui Ginaer. 6uchu. Mandrake. Stolinoia ind many other of the I'st medicines known it is he Best Health aid S.iennth Restorer Cver4 Used, and is far iH:erior to r.itters. Essences ofl ' iincr and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates, '.indemnifies the b-st cumiiv properties of all. ', It lias SaTed Ilandnnlg of I.Des; It May ; Save lours. Puy a coc. bottle of yotir druccist, and to avoid Counterfeit be sure our signature is on the out ride wrapfer. Iltscox & Co., Chemists, N. Y. Parker's Hair Balsam. VZSftKZSO: the Bent A MoKt Ixonomlcal Ilalr Drektnt Containing o:dy ingredients that are beneficial to tlie hair and scalp, the 1alsam will be found far more satisfactory than any other preparation. It Sever Falli to Ccatore Gray or Faded Hair to the original youthful color and is warranted to remove dandruff, prevent baldness and stop failing cf the hair. SaJ tf 4rezUt m j ttntt.