Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 31, 1881, Image 3

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    The Herald,
Far the bml Staple -itul fancy gro
ceries in IMaUsmoulis, go to J. V.
Weckbach. - 43tf
Roberts stlls wall paper. .lllf
The nobbiest hats in town at Wes
cotfs. 1
at Roberts Drug
Parnl Evaporateil lVaches at Jieii
nett & Lewis. 1
Hi-ciHDer's Superior Crackers are
sliil to the front. ui
The cream of the season the
suits at Wcscoit's. 1
For mixed paints go to Robeits'
iJru Store. 51 tf
FvapovaJed Rlackbe; lies just re
ceived by IJennett & Lewis. . 1
A-k fi-r Rtemner'a Cumhi Soda
Crackers, i bey are choice. HI
Squan- deajin guaiunteed at the
(ireat R-l -lore 41 If
-Uird its at Matl ews. Also
seeds of ;" kinds; fnh. 2l2
Men's Arclics 1.50 at the (lieat
Red Store. 41tf
Fresh 1 inl seeds at Mathews.
Bird caes. new styles. 2t"-2
Benn.-'t & Lewis sell . Breinner's
Crackers. I hey have a fuli line. 114
New Millinery every day at Solo
mon & ti ui's.
Full n:.L-k of U $2.2 at the
Great Red -tore. 41tf
J. li.-ns & 'ion 'sell Breinner's
Crackers. I !:ey have a full line, Ill
Just as pretty as a new spotted
the s;m iiiit suits at Wescolt's. 1
Special bargains at the Gieat Red
Store for das. 41 tf
Orgar;.". cleaned and repaired by
James I'e: tee. tf
Twenty yards best print for J-1.0J ,
at the Gieat iied Store.
Saratoga Birch Beer for family use.
sold by the bottle at P. B. Murphy's. 2
Fine new patterns at Solomon &
Nathan's in their new store.
Clark the grocer getting new
goods and more vai ietits all the time.
Come and sea the inducements we
are offering, Great Red Store. 41tf
No grocery store is complete
without Bn -rimer's Crackers. Ill
See how cheap they sell fumituie
at, tne Great lied Moie. 411 f
Good Uiilaundried Shirts at oQc.
Carruth's old stand, S. & C. Ma Yki:.
If yoii i:o! lurnitiiie cail t-n the
Great Red store and get low pr;ces.41tf
Fresh Graham and Oat Meal
Crackers just received by Bennett &
Lewis. 1
Clothing almost given away at the
Great Red Store, save money by seeing
us first. 41 tf
G see Mr. Clark, the grocer, just
below Halt's, and gel new. l resh, clean
Embroideries and insertions, a
splendid lot, just received at J. V.
Weckbach's. o2tf
Preserved Pears, Quinces, Straw
berries and Peaches at Bennett Ji
Garden Seeds, Lawn Grass and
Grass Seeds of all kinds at Mathews.
Finest line of diess buttons ever
brought to town, and no mistake, at
J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf
Chas. Holm's got a li:ie new har
ness of Dave Miller for his new bjak
Check-Roweis, all the latest im
provements in tanning implements
found al Guide's.'
coming in
Mathews' now, ail the time,
see them.
Call and
Oi o
The best made and best stjle of
goods in the I'. S. at Wesc'tt's. this
spring. 1
Weeping Water Notes came too
late for publication; late Wednesday
afttinoon. Sony.
The laigcsi. ine uf ilavelocko. Fl
at ers and Circulars ever brought to
tib is city at Fied Hei runum's.
-Beats a new red igon al.
the pit tt suits It r spring wear at
Wescott's. " 1
An elegant assortment of linens,
toweling, tablecloths, etc , now in stock
at J. V. Weckbach's. -2tf
Quite a crowd gather daily to see
he long i.'.rk trains of the Union
Pacific go by the Depot at the foot of
Main St.
Bremiier has made an improve
ment in his crackers that gives them
a crispness superior to an nnu'e in
this country. Try them.
Solomon & Nathan have a new
stock of Ciicul.ns, S icks. Cloaks, Uls
ters, Ulslerettes ami ah sorts of spring
goods and ladies wear.
In spite oi slow freights Clark,
the grocer, has got a good supply
of new goods and will sell them ;is
low as an v one.
In justice to yourself and family
you should save money. T-u-rctoie
price at the (Jreat Bed Store before
buying elsewhere. 41. f
The harsh aspect of the autumnal
gray, which betokens the shady side
of life, is easily modified bj the use of
Ayer's Han Vigor.
Ask for Breinner's i' Soda
Chicago Butler, Williams' Tea, Milk j
.iivd lem (Usicr I'r.i. .' i. Vou will (
U ii ; . i .! Z ni
fine them siiperi..t to ;m othcis. It4
-Boys and Child. en suits w. end-
less variety in kilts two and three j
piece suits at Can uih's ohl s and, j
S. C Ma 1
Mr. Gaiuslia. from New Yolk
Citv. will l.eieafur help Mr. Wescvitt
dispose of those lian isoiHe siii'.s .itid
otVier t;ods lie lias to sell this spring.
At I-rcti (lordersl H.tirovys m ail
kinds, I'loi.s and Cuitiy ati'-rs. for i
ispring; wm;;. AH s;.i's ot farinin-j j
tools soul cue.ip as am mm can il
Bincn l::::i: A tetnpei ;iiH-e
drink at P. Ii. .Murphy's. An elegant
cool drink made from birch
bark ami ot iter ingredients pnre and
simple. Call ami try it. 22
If vo'i are stifferina fro'n indiges
tion or any eompiaint of tlie Siomach i
or Bowels, you will obtain great lehef
by tisinr t!ie I'KiCKLY- Ash Hittfls,
3 t'bv liave "the property of uently
telieving orgaiis and placing;
th' in in d good, sound healthy condi-
lion. 215
t..i... ...-.- fr-m
, . . .
Lincoln is in town.
Geo. Dovey is East now buying goods
Look out for a rush soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Streight came down
last week to take in Kendall.
Mrs. Sain'l Wawgh spent several
days in the city last week visiting her
many friends here.
G. II. Carp nter & brother leave for . teml in tliC morning. Bishop Clark
the L.i g Fine countiy, next week to son, scholarly ar .d eloquent sermons
start a cattle ranche. j aWays call out a large congregation.
Mrs. Ware, whose husband used to ; Honesty is the best policy in med
be telegraph operator here, made Miss ; icine as well as in other things. Ayer's
Herrmann a short visit last week. Saisaparilla is a genuine preparation,
- i an unequaled spring medicine and
Henry McMaken our old Mica friend bk,od purifier, decidedly superior to all
is home for a while. He still thinks : others in the market. Trial proves it.
the Black Hills contain his bonanza. j -Jh-ian" the beautiful imported
Miss Edith Bennett left foi Kansas ' Red Irish Setter of Dr. Livingstone
City last Monday, where she will make was poisoned yesterday noon. This is
her home with her sisttr, Mrs. Dr. the tLird very valuable dog Dr. L. has
Mr. I). T. Iligginson of Chicago was
in the city the first of the week. He
contemplates starting an ofi'ice in
Omaha for the transaction of business
in grain and provision options, and in
raiiroad and mining stocks.
Messers Clem Chase & Paul Hoi bach
of Omaha aiade Phittsmouth a fixing i Coming from Omaha, Saturday,
visit Saturday.they were the guests of we came over the IT. P. bridge, down
Dan. Wheeler. Jr. Paul attended the the K. C by Pacific Junction, and over
Matinee and was completely mashed the B. & M. bridge to get to Phrtts
on the little Blonde. "Sich is life." 1 month, and that's the way the trains
J. C. Smith the most rampant Dem- ; av run this week when they run at
ocrat in the country, has 5'J acres of
the finest wheat f. und in the county,
and he is goii.
to compete for that
wheat premium offered at the State
Fair, for sure, and if ground and work j are tlit, w.rds of the Judges of the
can raise wheat, he must get it. j Centennial Exposition in 1870.
Mr. Rush Chilson called Wednesday j .... Max Meyick $: Bko.,
. .... r. 4lf sole agents,
to put himself straight with the Her
ald, and informs us that he is about to ! . ' We r,e Prepared to furnish every-
leave Cass Co., for the Southwestern
. of gtilU, j, c is une uf (lie
old residents of the County, and will
be missed here, but we wish him suc
cess wherever he may go.
We made the acquaintance last
week of W. II. McKnew, Asst. U. S.
Engineer, in charge of the Govern
ment Impiovment work here. He in
forms us that something is going to be
done this time and from the energy
and snap of the joung man we be
lieve his management will result in
more than a pole or two and a red flag,
D.S.Smith and familv, of Rosita,
Colorado, are in the city the guests of -
t ii i . . i i : i r. l : i
,i . . i u rir i;iu iciuiiij. cm ii u
was oi;ce a resident of Phittsmouth,
and is one of the few Nebraskans, who
has made a success in the mining
regions, he goes from here to Des
Moines, Iowa, and will return to his
mining interests about tha middle of ;
Miss Ilattie Lath, tin, w ho w as recov-j
eriiiL' fiom an attack of the measles. '
suffered a relapse last week which was
most serious in its character, being ac
companied by severe spasms lor twenty-four
hours. She is now convales
cent however. This German measles
wiay seem only a slight trouble, but a
cold contracted afterward is apt to be
Mr. F. Smith Corbett, of Omaha, who
w as present and contributed largely by
"his store of hno.vledge to the interest
of the Convention of tli B.J,e Keep is
held here hist month, is selling a pure
article of honey, extracted by him-ae-lf,
and which he guar;-nties to be
unadulterated. Mr C. h is made bees
ami honey raising his life woik, and is
an enthusiast on the subject of raising
and selling a pure article. He is also
looking for a location in which to go
into the lmsinrss of Bee culture exten
Deeming the permanent prosperity
of our city paramount to the success
of any p.nty, composed for political
purposes;. ve the ui'dcisigncd. electors
of said City, unite in a call for a city
convent ion for the purpose of placing
a ticket in nomination to iill the vari
ous City and School Otlioers named in
the call of ti e .Mayor, We r commend
that the electors of sa'd city meet in
their respective wards, on Sutiurfay
tctiihfj, April 2d., at S o'clock, at
their u.Mial polling places, for the pur
pose of naming a councilman ami 10
delegates, from each waul, to meet on
Monday evening, April 4th., at the
Coqrt House at 8 p. in. nominating a
city ticket .
Names. Names.
Sam M Chapman F E White
A W McLaughlin Fred Gor.'er
II E Palmer
II M Bushiiell
S Duttun
D II Wheeler
It R Livingston
E W Black
Peter Merges'
Win lleiold
C G Iieiold
J W Marhall
L D Bennett
F Can ut h
P 11 Murphy
W D Jones
Henry Rons
J M Roberts
J W Johnson
D Hawksworth
U V Mathews
G W Fairfield
J P Young
II B.eok
ash Smith
Wm Agnew
Draw's old stab'it i bL'ini; torn
do vn to make room for a ne w L nildi nr.
, . .. f "
Jim Saye is in a felon -ions con
, , , , .
lihi-.m we mean he has a feelon thing
o;i Unnii)
I'r. John Black and sous shipped
theii line fat catlle to ChicaguSundav.
Wilcv knows it.
-C!.;u!ev Hoinies) folks live out of
l.h:s rouihl ti.e stable door, tliat's an-
other si-n of spring.
We heard a hen cackle over in
Feppei bery's yani the
Spri's mu,t be coaiingr.
other d.iv
Capt. rainier bouijht half
OI. :
the Urr ami Thomas Devon herd the I
other da. lie's netting to be a stock
grower. 9 -
Spritig has come, sure! Mr. Ilesser
bi ought tis up a nice bunch of lettuce
last "Saturday ami maibe we didn't
it and bless Ilesser. Hh also
letl the sense of sigli1" wi'.h a uiiost
beauaful little basket of Jljweis, cro
cuses, and that was another sign of
spring. Crocuses and spring always
come together, you know.
j Don't bother your wife in having
j her make your shirts when-you can
buy our New
York Reinforced Un-
laundried Shirt for one dollar apiece
of the standard Wamsutta muslin
at Carruth'sold stand.
S. & C. Mayek. 1
Rt. Rev. Robt. II. Clarkson,
Bishop of the Diocese of Nebiaska,
will officiate at St. Luke's Church next
Sunday morning and evening. The
tite of confirmation will be adminis-
had poisoned in this raid. All were
valuable dogs that the doctor could
have taken largti sums for.
Those nnhappv persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia should
use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which
are made expressly for sleepless, nerv
ous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25
cents. For sale by Smith, Black &. Co.
-The "Kxaijk" Piano admits of
j OIily one equal, and that is tne &TK1N-
w a y. we are general agents ior
lui-i! 1 1 i it 1 1 -it iletrrt.ti of ev-el leiir'"
! oouy wiin jiaruware, .-MOes, i in
ware, Steel Goods and Wagon Stock.
' Also No. 1 Barb wire, and Garden
Seeds cheap for Cash. We can fill or
ders for Tin Roofing. Spouting, &c. as
low asthe lowest. Please give us a
Weeping Water, Mar. 2!), 181.
COI.K ( OOk-At fie resulem-e r the liriile's
father. Smiitav. Maifli 27, lsl. ly A. N. Sul
livan. County Jutle. Mr. Siiaiikacii ). Coi-K
ana Mi- Cakoli.vk Cook.
Tlie ceremony was witness.-il l.y alare niini
lier of frit-nd. who after iiartakni l tlio
bounteous repast wliioh had been j.rovided.
wentled their way homeward wishing the liap
py couple many years of happiness, in which
wish the IIeisali) joins.
. ...
CAKl'EU BAHCOCK In Ceiitrr precmot.Cass
county, by Kev. C. F. ;raves, Mr. Thomas
..nrr,u aii'i iUi" .uii ti. u ii r.
IiKOWX In liostoii, 21st inst, Mr. M. E. A. C.
Ukowx. Etiiieral services at I tie New Jeru
Halem Churcii, Howdoiu street, Thursday, at
2 v. M .
The above notice comes to us in the rtotnn
Advertisvr. marked. Mrs. I'.rown was ilie
mother o: our late Cousji-ssnnui. Frank Welch
editor of this paper was acquainted witli
Mrs. Crown in Do.aou and New Yoik lonii ao.
t.ven i,erori. we knew, ersonally. her son
Frank. She was a lady of marked ability, a
writer for the press at different time, and as a
writer of children's stories for some of the
best magazines was well known.
We have no furtlur particulars at piVN-nt.
but have uiiderstond she never really recovered
from the ?-hock of her son's death.
Mrs. Hiown lived in Nebraska some ears,
during Frank's life-time, and we feel that an
other oUl friend whot-e memory is linked with
the past of this State and our earlier home lias
parsed away. May it I'e to eternal joy and
The Ladies' Society will give a con
cert in connection with their sociable
at the M. E. Church, Friday April lst.
Among those lo take part are some of
the best performers In Plattsnioiith.
The public are cordially invited to at
tend. Admission 10 cents.
By Okdki: of Committkk
Democrat it Con vent inn.
The Democrats of Phittsmouth are
requested to meet on Friday evening
next at half past 7 o'clock at the fol
lowing places :
lst Ward at Court Room,
2d " " Wavman's Shop,
1U " ' Wm. Lr Hike's Shop.
4th " " Council Chamber:
for the purpose of nominating one
councilman from each ward and choos
ing 15 delegates to attend a city con
vention to be held at the court house
on Saturday evening next at 7::J0 for
the purpose of nominating a city
ticket and a school board, and for the
transaction of such otiier business as
may legitimately com before the con
vention.. Fit ED GoitDEK. 1st W
J. N. Wise, 2d w !
M. O'Doxaiioe, a 1 w '
J. H. IIefkxek, 4th w J
Central Committee.
(J. A. II.
The (I. A. It. must meet and arrange
for future work, install its present
oHtcers, and settle past business. The
husir.ess engagements of some n. em
bers, sickness of others &c. have pre-
i vented a meeting thus far. We set
j Tuesday. April 12th as the night for
j such meeting unless otherwise or-
dered. Please remember Uie date.
I This is due notice and all pre part to
Le there.
Household Goods.
A lare :uul complete assortment of
table linens, i.apkins and table sprculs
at F. Ilerrmaniiv,
LIS!! HEM'. Fancy and Ladies I uruisliiii;?
Ooods. A First Class 31illiier frnitt
i Miss Mayie O'Keefc will oncn next
week :t stock oi Miilinery and notions, i sider it the best leincdy eyer in idt- for
Ladies Furnishing and (leneral Fancy j the Iliood and Liver, ami for .Scrofu
(tood?, at tlie stand one door east of j bms and kin diseases.'
sage's I lar.i ware Stole, --lie has em-; Dil.Siiaiki-l. Coimiiburi. IU-. writes;
...... mi v. .t, inmiii.-! iiom in-
oago and will be prepared to do any j
ami an Glials ol tniiiioery work to the
satisfaction ot her customers. C;i!l
and see her next week, on Main Si.,
one door east of Sage's Hardwire
store. i
Stniycd Horses.
Sltl-..ira 1 t',.,,-, 41... ....l..M. !
immi iut- :iiiiisi:u)fi llfjti
r.lniwtmri Cass Co. tw.t i:i;in4 o.m :
l;ty mart' wilh halter n. sii.xj i,i front !
iitid -crms; aiui a cluy-liai.k, Willi star
in face, ItiiU'k inrnn ;uil tail. Anv in
formation tif the same is wante-i lv
W. M. Jt iah '
Elmwood, Cass Co.
All rt-asonable ex1enses will be paid.
Patterson & Dickson's stables. j
This firm bought the old Streight
corner this spriug it will be remain- j
bereJ, and propose to put up a good
brick stable and livery barn, bv an- i teach in Cass county, w ill be at the
., t, . .," , following times and places:
omer season, l or uie present, inougn . u piattsmouthf lst Fri,i
ay and Sat
they are making some temporary im- uni;lv jn January, February, May. A im
provements for their enlarged busi-' gust, October and November. At
i:ess which
will help them a gi eat
,. r .. f., ;.t.,.w.
way of room; for instance
deal in the
they have put up a shed and two large
stalls in the west end of the stable
and as soon as the weather permits
.i ;n i .... m.
..... g'w --r.' .v -
giving them all the oUl quarters tor
They have one of the best Clyde
Stallions in the County and as good
driving teams and iigs as any one and
are adding to them daily. Mr. Pat
terson goes east for some fine cattle
this week, the firm also dealing in
cattle and horses. They nave two i
"Holstein yearlings" there now. an un- J
usual breed in this country. Like
every other business the stock trade
is looking up a little hen; and will be
a good business this summer.
driving Park.
The members of the Driving Park
association must get together, and fix
their accounts and prepare for spring
work, for which purpose a meeting
will be held at the county Judge's
office on Satvkday, Apuii. 9, at
which all stockholders are positively
interested in being pn s.nitj
By order of Board of Directors. 112
Dress Making in Newest and Latent
Mrs. S. Swarts having associated
with herself in the tliesstuaking de
partment MILS. A. W. DEXTEK
recently from Lincoln is prepared to
do all kinds of dressmaking, and give
satisfaction to everyone.
Mrs. Dexter has been in this busi
ness for a number of years most of
the time in laige cities and has had
experience which renders her capable
of suiting and pleasing all classes of
customers. Mesdames Dexter and
Swarts would be pleased to have all
desiring work done call and examine
their work and prices. 52tf
Good Advice.
If you keep your stomach, livt-r and
kidneys in perfect working order, you
will prevent and cure !v tar the great-
er pail of the ills that alllict mankind
in lliis or any section. There is no
medicine known that will do this as
quickly or surely as Parker's iinu:er
Tonic, which will secure a perfectly
nrtural action of these important or
gans without interfering in the least
with your daily duties. See adv. o2t4
Alderncy Slock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now ow ns
No. 1907, dropped J.mnary 4th, lST,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, loS; grandMie,
Kentucky 08. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-hred Ahh rnej, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summe; at Mr. B 'aur.ieister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sii uild call and see
the uudersighe 1,
J. F. BF.AFMl iSTFil.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 5'2tf
A (ood Housewife.
The good housewife, when she is
giving her house its spring reniovat
ing, should bear in mind that the dear
inmates of her house are more prec
ious than many houses, and that their
systems need cleaning by purify i?ig
the blood, regulating th stomach and
bowels to prevent and cure the dis
eases arising from spring malaria and
miasma, and she must know that there
is nothing that will do it so perfectly
and surely as Hop Bitters, the purest
and best of medicines. See other col
umn. For Sale.
I!o;:.s.e and lot opposite Prof. W. V.
j Wjse's residence, known as the Boxby
property. Kiunme of F. (1. Dovey &
Pl.ATTSMoFTH Mar. 11. '81.
.New Spring Dresses.
Will he needed very soon, and Mrs.
Swarts and -Mrs. Dexter are ready to
get you up 1 lie nobbiest suit of the
season. -Vtf
J--or Sale.
One pair of mules with harness. Ap
ply to James Pettee.
A rousing its Headers.
An alarm of lire at midnight is a
startling thing, but not half so start
ling to many who h ; it as would be
the sudden kuowb .:ge of their own
dangerous poysirai cc-ndition. 1 Lo.i- i
anils ot i iionsan is ;tre tnirrvni to !
their craves because- ilicv :ir cai-elt-fh-- I
ly inililferetit to Hih insitliou.s inroads
of iliseas" ainl tlie uv -tins of cue. It
is the mission of II. II. Warner it Co.,
with their Safe Kidney and hi ver
Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their
danger and cure them Memphis Ap
peal. 47tl-i
Money to Luau.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jf.nninos,
ltf Flattsmotith.
I)k: C. C. (ilLLFLAND, (;,ll.lll!l, Mil.,
writes: "I never used or sold a reint
dy for the ll'.ood and Liver tiiat nave
. i .iiiiLLt, ua.ui'.lio. A.o lOlhllr: t.'r
I'tiTASsiFM. Manufactured by the
Urowii Medicine Companv.. heaven-
woith, Kas."
! llt. J. 11. Way, IIi!isda!e. Iowa,
writes: I h ve used Fxt. Saksapa-
'. 1 m
1'otassifm in my practic;
and con-
x it. r i, r. ok .Ai:s.i f.ii j. v xd
Dandflion is the best medicine of
the kind in use.
M. L. Vinton, ();;k! i:,d, K.-.s , s;is:
My son, l'J years of ;ge, was ( :iri d of
i rising in ti.t' Ii.m-.1. v. l.k-i i
t.-- .. .1
lias iroiuiiiMi Him inm u.I.imv. Iiv
j llSllltr SIX liOttlfS tif S.VU.".l'A!:il.LA
j AM) I)AXIi:i.I(.'
I I-r s;tl liv .T. IT P.iiitit- s;.,;t!,
im..i. . ' .t 1
ni.,,-. i. a., ., i ii nni.v' fli i .
V " t,, V '"
JolltlHou, I'lattsta'ilttli, liti.r.l-jhli P.ti it-
t-r. Iv ist laftstVi'i;!;.
ti. ...i 4,i.hi-sii i.i..,.
. . n I - IV-. I II I . I
IIllOWS's I'KPSIN" TONIC Cures ! s;ti.I matter will be lKul heft re mt at one
?estio,a,..! Sick-headaclies bv funiis!,- .l&iZAb
V ST the httunach With tlie natural fit county. Nelua.k;i. where all pai ties inte
principles of digestion. For sale by res,eiJ SJC'tM
all druggists. riuttswimtl:, Muixli iJJ, A."l. im. ltj
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
f Weeping Water, lst Friday and Satin
I liiy i March, June and September. A
j , 'u,vi FrUUv nn() .riinUv i,
j April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given,
! At Elmwood the last Friday and
i Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
I the last Friday and Saturday in Feb-
E. II. Woolky,
Hair Work
Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee;
leave orders for the same at Mrs S.
Swarts' millinery Store. 43tf
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheklku.
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
j White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
; the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
! Hw ivv-r? I iniiivil lr Velirask:i. 14tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy cui i for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side.
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one Inin-
! died bottles in the las
two months.
Shiloh's ('onsauijition Cure.
This ii heyoud o,(iestio:i the most
successful Cough Medicine we have
ever sold, a few doses invariably cure
the worst case of Cough, Croup and
Bronchitis, while its wonderful suc
cess in the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel ih the history of
medicine. Since its fiist di.scovery it
has heen sold on a guarantee, a test
which no other medicine can stand.
If you have a Cough we earnestly ask
you to try it. Price 10 cts., 30 cts., and
!?1.00. If your lungs are sore, chest,
or hack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plas
ter. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. fieow
Answer this (Jnestion
Why do to many people around us
seem to prefer to suffer and he made
miserable by Indiu'e-tion, Const i pat ion.
j Dizziness, Loss of Appeiite. Coming
1,.:i.ine "V ' -,. , L- i "
i a . i i i T',.ii i-1 - : . . ...i...
1 oi t 'j ct 1 1 1 , i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oiiiiw.i o
V, guaranteed to cure them.
Sold by SnUh, Bl: ck & Co. Geowtf
a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diph
theria. Canker mouth, and Headache.
Willi each bottle there is an ingenious
nasal Injector for the more successful
treatment of these complaint without,
extra charge. Sold bv Smith, Black &
Co. ' Geowtf.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schiegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7l
The Agency for The Genuine singer
Sew ing Machine will hereafter be at
Mr. Fred Ilerrman's Dry Goods S'.ore
next to Post Olliice. Xeedh-s, Oils,
everything pertaining to the Singer on
hands. F. C. Bowkn,
52tV Ag't. for Cass Co.
Proposals For Military Sup-j
r r
IlKAiwjr.vRrKiis DKf'f .i;- rah 1 i.m : k, t
i in kk oi ai: i Kii.v. .urr.ii's m i .ck,
Foil Omaha, Nel.. .March 11. ls -1. )
Sl-.ALKii l'K.lI'OSALS, iu trip;! .'.'.te, Mihject to
the usual conditions, wili be riceied lit this
otlice until U o'duck .M. on luesaay. April 1:,
lvsl, or at the same hour (ai'.OA inp lor the ttitl
erencc intlineial the ollices of the I'uailei
mastcrs ;.(, the following liane-d stations, at
which placer. !.d lime thev will be open iu the
piestrnce of bubleis, for the fuinishm; and de
livery of .Military Supplies dunujj the year
comu. cueing July 1st. lssl and ending June
;mh. Nj.', as follows: U ot:d Hay and Char
coal, or such ot saiil supplies as may be re
iiiiied at Omaha l'epoi. Fort Oinaiia. 1-ort
Niobrara, Foil t-idiiey , Cheyenne 1 'epot. Fort
Lussel. Fort .sanileis. Fort .leole, Fort Hail.
Foil Doun'.as, Foil Cameron. Fort Kobin-on.
Fort 111 hter. Fort Laramie, Fort Fetterioan,
Foil .Mclviuney and Fort Washakie.
Proposals w ill also be received at this t!V,ce
to th.j day and hour above liaincd, for the tle
livery on' the cars at the point nearest to the
inines on the line ot the Cuion l'aeiiie K4i!io;.d
ol eii;ht thousand tons of Coal. ol j.l'Ki pound-.
toat";i. Alse for !ie delivery a! i!:e l hu i;;:
llepot, or at KLltlolis on tile t un n i'iu ;'e
I'aiiroad, east from Kearney .Inaction, i
million pounds corn, and oiir million pouioi
oats, llids for grain shauld fta!: the rate per
lun pouuds uot per bushel.
l'roposals for either class of the stores men
tioned, or for ojiautlUes less lliau the hole re
ijuired. will be received. Kacti proposal should
be iu triplicate. Mjmratc lor viH lt intUh ot each
f'ad'i.'i. and in n t be accompanied by a noc.d iu
l"r sum ot one thousand dollar (fl.n.'i'i. exe
cuted strictly Iu accordance v. uli the pipitcd !
ami upon the o!ai:k tornt inr
hh-lied under this advel tisiufnt, th'.rititeeini j
that the party maluni; the tnp;si slmM not
W Uhdraw the same within sixty days Horn the ,
date aiihoui.ced lor openinn tl.em ; ant:
it -aid proposal is accepted and a contract lor !
tile sujiplles bid for awaided tiiereumlcr. be
v- i.i. w 1 1 mil lea nays aner icinj no; .;ieti i n:e
award, (provided Micil ho! i:r.t. i in he m:.i':e
with. u the sixty days above iiic.i: nn.d i ,i.-cept
I he same ami I in nln i;o.nt iu:.i siiLhenni sm -
etles. at ehec. lei tne iallhnd pi 1 ti.iiiiance of
tlie contr ict !
1 he ...vei'umcui resfi ve- th.- ri-.Lt to reject i
-nv oi ail 'Kino ais
.V priie. fin e i.i be jiwii to art ides ot t'o
mcMic proi'ucii -h.
ii i .... i i.vii.t t . i
tUc kind an'd 'estimated tjiiautitieV'tif ',V4...'('f:
ti ., .,,..1 i ,...,,.. ...i . ,i,..,i ., i. -it
;;, ,..7 J'.Y' be ".;.:Vve.i by bid- !
deis aud terms .a" contract, .L-.. wid be mi
mshcl .m aptnicaiiou t, ibis tdlp-e or m ih
tjiiartt rnutstt r a; the vaiioiis stalloin; name. I
I'invel-.pes (.ntaininii iirohosaN siiouUI be
I'lopnsa!" for at j
lid addressed to the underMinied or to the
resp.-etive Post and Depot ternco-ters.
M. I. LI DiN'.KtN.
5-'t4 Chi-f (iuarterma-ter.
" LECtAI. notices.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is licif by iven that the co-partnership
heretofore e xist niii in tits name of Fames
& Faisihs. va.- dissolved on the s.Mli day of i
March. A. D.. lsl. tiy h,'.iiii-'i e.iUisen' 'l!ie
business will lie hy .1. F- I'e.ikl'ij,
who will settle all accounts liat the linn
iiiid Collect all book aeeoiinis dae ranie.
I, s. iia!:nk-.
.1. F. PA UK INS.
Weeping Water, Man h -j-.i. lss. -Jt:s
Legal Notice.
In tiie District Court of (.':i--CU!.! v. Nebras- i
ka. May term lssl.
Florence Timbrel. Plaintiff, vs. Isaiah Timbrel, J
it-iriiUit 11. ;
........ 1
Service by publication. ;
Isaiah Timbrel, tlefendiinr, wi!ltak- notit-e i
that on the-Ji;tll day of .M.uch. A. 11 IsS!. Flor
e-joe I i ni In el. ?a: tii ill. hied lie!" pel . t ii -n i u t lie !
P;-t;i 't t'o'iit of (.'as-i f.mniy.' Nebraska, !
H:;ai:isf Si:i. dt fi-iolallt. Ih:; object praver j
ft v.hicu is. that lli plaiutiif. Fioreme Tim- i
bre has hb-d her e;tt!oii aa:iiii-t you. i:r, !
said di'feud.ti.t, piayii'K Hi:.t !.e may It"
Voiced and lie aih.i.t.ed i'liiuoijv. and have Kiii-h i
other relict us e.juity may riiiip. Yo:i are
-.Uo-e to ahsxver s.-ud p -ll-I.m on or befi re
the ad ihiv.t May. A. D .11. .
t- Li !. h , .. 1-. 1 1 H Uf L. Plaint i :T, ;
, '' IL .'. I.h'i-.vx. .Mtoihey. f
M.trc:. 2.1. j
OllCe 01 Jtieanil 101' AQO)- !
" :
IVfnre A. N. Sulltvari. I' .'n l-.-e.
In tlie timtteriif tlie ;i;'-iie:i; . . i , t-.r ili'e iid.iti
titm tf Zelli Ethet Ailisuii l 'vrti K.
I, NiHH-c islieiel.y -iven thtt ai t,lcv,.!l v.yi
t 1'' " "eidt" r me fnr tlie aii.Mti.nt'l,v t -yro K..
1 V'"'' 01 l-tliel Aiiixou a iniiit.r t-l'ilii
r tl;iiiirliter t Alit-e L. Irwin, anil th:. I..,..!,,..
w.i. , ,
Administrator's Sale of Real
II y virtue of a lieei.i'e to me issued by his
honors. 11. Pound. .Iiule of the Second ."Judi
cial District t.f N-biaska, ut his chambers in
Lincoln. Lancaster count v, eb., dated Alaieli
luih. A. D. ISHl. 1 mil ollVr for rale at public
auetiob to the highest liidder for each, atone
o'clock p. m. on tne 2:ul day of April A. D. lssl,
at the front door of the Court Utilise on Main
i-lreet in the City of l'lallsmouth. Cass County.
Nel'irasKu, the lo!lov,in real estate belongim;
to the estate of James o'.eil, deceased, to
uit :
The south half (s:i) of the eouth east quarter
(se'4)of tliec.iutii est ijuarter (sw'i and the
west half (w' tof the miilliweet uai ter (nw U)
and tne 'n.riowest ijuai ter (uw'4 of tliei-outli-west
4'iai:er (sw1) of section number two (2)
to-.iis!:ip number twelve (12) north of ramie
number ihii leei: 1 1 7 east of the
i imTidi;:u.
A ml hIso Coniini-iicin:' .-it :t limn t leu :iiiil lift v
M'ven and one-half oi.e-hundrt'dthst It) 57'i-10O
chains we-t of tiie ijuarter (') secliou corner
on the nnriii eide of vei-tion number nineteen
(liDin township tiUuiber twelve 12) north of
raune number fourteen (14) eat ot the nth I.
M runiiii Ihenee soutil parallel with the eai-t
line of Fillh ("(li) Mi eel if eontinui-d south
from the City of I'lattsmouth seven i7) and
TO'j-lOO ehaiuH. th-iiee wfr,t iara'lel with the
north lino ot said section nineteen ('3) four H
and 17'. -loo chains to a point in the east line
ot Hillings' avenue if eonlinued soutil from the j
north line ot said section nineteen i,l:t). i
north seven 1,7 i and 7u'i-loo chains, and iuter
Heetinji usid east line ot lsillii-.iis' avenue on tlo?
line dividing M'ction einl.teell (IS) and nineteen
(itf, thence east on the section line four U and I
n't-l'W chains to place of beniniiiiJH, ni d con- (
taiuiuim; tnree tsi anil -.-r-ioti acres.
And ai-o the southwest quart r r (s-,v'4 of the
nortliea-a (quarter uie'i. and the southea-t
quarter ise'4 of the nortliwei-t quarter (iiw 't)
oi section inunbrr nineteen (l:o in township
number twelve (12). north of ranjie number
fourteen (14) east of t'je 6th I. M., allot the
forepoiu real estate situated in Cass Comity,
I will also ofler f .r al on the mill' terms as
above all the ii; tu title and interest of dames
O'Neil. deeeiieii. in and to the following t wn
lots sitiiat'-d in liie City of 1'lattsinout h. Cass
Cotiiiiy. Xebr.tskii. as shown by i he published
ati'i recorded plat of Mtid c;ty,to-wit :
Lot r timber nine tu; in block number twenty
o e i-l )
Lot No. ten in block No. fort v-f our (44).
Lot No. one il in block No. forty-live (4;j.
Lot No. live (."i in block No. forty-seveu (47).
Lot No. ten i In) in block No. cixty (K).
lit No. eleven i II) in block No. sixty viiO).
Loi No. ei.l.t isi iu blo.-X No. sixty-two u;2.
I.ot No. eleven 1 1 1 1 i;i bliw-k No. sixty-si (i;F.).
Lot No. nine i i lb:( k No. ninety-live Cj.
Lot No. twelve (12) in block No. one hundred
and eleven till.
Lot No eiht (Si in block No. one hundred
and si ty-ioiir ( !C4 1.
Lot No. nine in block No. one hundred
and iiv-four (biji.
Lot No. lour ( I) in l-Kn-k No. one hundred
:md sily-ii ve ( b'..".
Lot No". live (" in block No. seveiitv-foiirt 7 1 '.
Lot No. twelve (12.' in block No. seveiuy-foui-v'i).
Lot No. four i'4 in block No. seventy five (7.11.
Lot No. live (." in block No. seventy-!i e (7."-).
I.ot No. lle(.r) in block No. fcventj -six i7('.
Lot No.oneililn block No. einhly-t v.o ( S2).
Lot No. one (1) in block No. one hundred and j
."ixtv-seveu (Km ).
Lot No. twoc2) in libK-U No. tv.o liimdrcd and '
tenty-two (2v-). j
The foietcoioj; laiol-and lts wnl e otTcj-ed ;
for sale in such tracts, parcels or quantity i! i
may be tleeiiu d for I' e best intereM of t lie e
tale, and the adh:hiilr;'.t..r reserves the riiit j
to reject any oral! bids. j
.1. W. JOHNSON. 1
Administrator of the cMate oi Jamo o-.eiil. j
deceased. 17-l-4w. ,
I Estimate of Expenses of Cass
County, Neb., for the
MKKTIMi, 1-S1.
Court expenses and attorney's fees i;i
criminal rases S 4,(1 i'Mki
l'er ilieiii of county commissioners ... soo.i u
Slipeiiniendeiit oi Public Instruction,
salary and expense ol o.'lice. . . l.tKio.oo
A.-seint count v and census returns., j.'ioo.iki
Tax list ! (i..0,1
Hooks, blanks, -tdvcrtisinji. etc l.oou.oo
Flections sod. no
Fuel, court iio.i-c and jail .Vhumi
Jaii e. f cum' . inciiidin jailors fees. . .
11. il. nice on scc.oi.i la rrlunde.l . . l..HKJ.hi5
Ouita!i(lin: ai.d lloatin i:i-
debtednes-v ". ."
Jlritlve I.'.iko.ihi
1'.. M. it. U. bonds iliU-iest IJ.nmMHt
lafui.e 1,
I'oor I'ottr-e expense', in-huibii: conii-
I v physicnii s .tiai-y l,soi.(nj
Koads, 'keeping iu u'pans, und cul
verts tor road districts 12.Cw.05
( lerk's salary and extra work on as-
essnii'iits anil itiii' .Vi.l.nn
J. I. 1 n r. County Cleru.
Learai Notice.
j rlal'itlil
I ANSK1.MO 1'.. S.-.1I1 II. .
s vi. via lSMiiii and
11! I I.I i" I (V1-.
I'i.r.ip i.av.'s. .,,,'. r'e.::i.-i,t defenda.t i:
take notice that on the in: h day ol .March. 1 1 :e
i 1 Jiled a pent ion against the aoove named de
le:. dai:t in the nisi net court oi i h- i ouhiy,
Nebraska, pi ayini: for a decree ol said court
ordering the s!erilt of 's, County, Nebraska,
to execute !o Allsellllo 11. Smith a sll-.-l lil's ilee.l
to t he sou! ii we-t tjuarter (sw'i tif secliot. tldr
ty Ihree i. toM.sbip eieven (111 raiiiic four
tee ii ; 1 4 a cei. i. ill,; to a former (!-! ee i-ale and
continual ion i a set fori 1 1 iu said pet it ion and
to iiilel l it le. i am how the tw her ot said land
by au-.l t hiouh t he said An.M-lino l;. Mi.iih.
I nles- you a, i pear anil answer said pel i ion a-,
retpiiit-d by la v judgment w ill be I. .Ken avail s!
vou bv tielault.
Jai mi Si nwAii. FlaintifT.
K. I. Wimimam, Att'y for IVti. i
Sheriffs Sale.
F.y virtue of an order of sale, issued by W. C.
Show..ller, clerk ol the District Court, " wi. bin
ami for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di-
rtvteil, I will oh the .lot II tlav ol April. A. D.
issi.a; 1 o clock 1 M . of said day, at the south
tloor of I he I otirt H.mse Iti said County, sell at
public au-tion tilt lollowint; real estate to-wit :
tlie '.;i:h biilf ot the southwest ipiartel
reel ion tliiriv-lour
I see. :il
!:i!otills interest. If
any they
1 ::vi-. in I Ice m i il half in':) of lhi
soul h -ihiitv-
o; er is
l) ol section
lour :ii; tonnship tvvele U-') rane rin
e:it ilii I. .M. containing eighty acres each all
ol the above land, situated m Ciis Co. Neb. '1 he
same beinn levied upon and taken as tlie proi: -eilv
of i:,.um Anaell. M.-try L. Allien. tie.ii;e
A. ilo'-'aiol and Meli-sa L. FutViek. 'i 'f I-
ant's; to satisfy a judMiei.t of -aid court rv
i iiveii d bv James Wilkinson, l'hOnlirf.
It4 II. W. Hvn;s. Sherilf. Ca-s Co., Neb.
l"!-!tM:nUt!i. N't !-.. Feb. loth, A. I., Wl.
J" (ifrol r-Jniinp
Xwgjt4i ilUciUC
j t ..;.;; ru:t J c(M, :u,tii .,l,mhn.
. ... , ' .
l 1 cs 11 v-'- 1 ''nnu.
I Vt'll.MAJl S. II A I I.. Del'emlailt. )
i To VS liliam S. Ha l n-m resident defend. nil :
You ate hereby imiilied on the iiih tlav d
: Femuriiy, lsi. r.etty Hall tiled a petition j
;'-"o "'.t ... , ,
tv. Nebraska, the object and praver oi sth;t! i
l'."' ,lr'? fl"""1 ."" ' !,H' '-t1'""".'! !
inai you n tve wniiuiit ;ioan(ioi,e.i ine piiiiuiia
j v ilhout liuo'l cause for ti.i Limit two years.
I last pas'. For the careiaml educaiioh of Letha
itah ami thar she he resteretl to her Maid-
" "' Uletty Shively )
to ans.vei siinl petit ion on
Voii me x.oeiid
to answer Maid petition on or before Monday.
.. hi-ri'Y HALL, Flalntift
F.y Fhapma.v jfc Hkkwin, her Attorneys.
All the heli s next of kin and persons inter-
ested in the estate of William E. Donelan, le-
eeased. are required to appear before Hon. S
15. i'ouud. .ludjre of the -Jnd Judicial District
t'ourt of Neb'a-skaat his chambers in the c ity
of Lincoln. LMiieaster t'ounly. Nebrai-ka, oil
li.i- I'lii iIhv if April.' Isst .at 2 o'clock u. m. of
I said day. In sum eaw-e hy a license should
hot oe i;,ie.i to .y.lie v . i tone hm. vmamian ot
the minor heirs ot Wdliani K. Do'iebm d--ceasi
d, to -e!l all the I ibt 1 ille an it interest of
Kt'.m'.tiet V. Donel.c-i and .1 i'lii A. Donelan.
Iiihior iieiis of Wm. F.. Is. i, clan, tiet ea.-ed. iu
anil to t!i, fi,'!o-.t inr !e.-eiibt d leal estate to j
lt: i":s o ;:,iiT(eh ;i and iourteeu ( H)
till' f ::.-'. o.e i.i.t U'et oil of t be
ath side ol t;,l lot t...iiv:i (l::: in block
t!iirty-one !'. ; r.:ni lot four i 1 . bs b!.-.i-l; l hit I v-o:u-
ol) and I w-nt v fe.-t oli i f tfie
eat -II'! of litis tw.-ivet!Ji. tnuieei.j , t.ii an,!
ton; tet ii 1 1 i i mi l.ii,.-U t !,:ri ; - : .- o t:j a!i as i s
iirnated on the seihiisn -d a;:-! rec;-.:ed Plat t-i
the l ii v ot Pia its s t o.,n,t . t-i-
ra-ka. Al.l.ltV. PON LI. An".
P. V;t.I,fl' Po- T1..S..1CK.
"i-',o lie;-Ait".
Legai Notice.
- r.' II .. , ;i- i.i - r
lo I IL jii'i oi iiiick iind lhe.Si "er M.ihhf.iC-
t ui in;: ' .
Yoi ;;: i- ihdiSi t ti- Phii'i p 1) F:tih -e his!
lilei! hi, neiit'oti in tl.v Ihsiii. i t'miii of t a.-,; !
Fount V. K eoi ;:ii ;t. t i t,n eiose a pior I'e ti V - j
i i I'in'i ,h:iv .V., 7n. bv Wm. M. -oid .':i;.ii .1 !
lhrr..e. v..-; lin'f (v'jl ot tiMht-t piatte- I
of et 11 .; v... I i y ,,j ' U: t u .- ten north .t '.
i.m;;e ei-vi-u . ast , u : i :ai. lo. 11 , in ( a-s
c.-miv. t-l!:is.a. on which theiej, d;.e s:e.i i
with IU tii.-i,I lts( in hi .let v 31-t 1st.;' 1
an-l mi uhteli .m i.. !.ii ni' bens' Vo;i ;
are made de.e'u.i.iiii s ,,. J,.it , !,,. and bar a.v
cairn or hen oe.!-1..., ,,, Vll., ave hp.e, i
said htm!. .,ueai. p-.-a.i u, s .-.l .,e,i:i..t. in ;
said ri :;rl oi. or i Aprd .r,lb is'st ,
;,ni M. L. Hau-.uiii. ITiis Att'v. i
A . I NTs AM! ANV ASri,".i
I Mi.'kt- fmiii r-ri.i s .."; j,tr v, i t !. sr-Min-: !
t (.-ii.'ils for K i; 1 ; ; L" i" CO.. Ill li;trcl;iy i
J sri't-l. N w Vn;, i-jyi
Semi fur thei:-( ;ii;fi.ue ;n:il fin. s. ' I
IHUVI'i i VTM .'ei i he l'..- a.., I Fast -
lle-l .-l..,i;js.,-l..i.,U;,; i'.ooks itll'l IliMeS. I"l i s
reii ice.i ;i ; ,ir ci ,
st. :!...
Nat!. .ual Till lis.ii!!r r
Vj f v'.'f r 'lay lit home. Sample worth I
V" 1 V-'-tr ,'rer. Addrc--. M I.Nstt.N iCo,.
rorilai .l, M iiiie. , 4v lv i
B firWTQ WANTED f-r e Cr.t ad rartert.
f i I O Seller I ri .r.Al Ro..k. ard liitlr. Pr.M
til reit..cHyrr . .Ni'nuI l")t!h,( K'o., St. Uetih, M
Slop 4 Set Recdi
nil y 03 yl'Mirjw
lianlel V. Ileatty
W Nhinj:to!i. N. J.
a unMt am AikSi5o ner month.
! Steady work all sprinir and summer. For par
ticulars address J. C. MiCl ithV &CO.. Phila
delphia, l'a.'s
No lieiueily mere widely or favorably known.
It i rapid in relieving, quick in cnri'ni;. For
Lame Hack. Lheuiiiat i-ui. Kidney Alfectii-ns,
and aches and pains generally, it Is the unri
valled remedy.
s(i,E9 isv ii.iw;iioci:its.
ver Known
Any perron to be si iiously ill without a weak
stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? And
when these organs are in irood condition do
vou not liud the poM's-.or clijovinj; ood
health? Parker's (linger Tonic always iei:u
lates these impoi taut organs, and never fails
to make the blood neb and pure, and to
strengthen every part of the system. It lois
cu.ied hundreds of ilespan ii. ' in valiits. Ask
your neighbor nboiit it.
Only Dauglitei Cuivd
( onsiunpt ion.
When death wa- hourly expected, all reme
dies having failed, I r. II. James was cx
pciinientin with the many herbs of Calcutta,
he ace hie ut ally made a preparation w hich cured
his only child of Consiuiii't ion. Ills child
U now iu litis country and enjoyinj; the bi -t of
health, lie bar- proved to the world that
Consumption can be positively and per
manently cured. The Ioctor how n'ves this
l.'ecipe free, ot-ly asking two three cent stamps
to pay expeu-e.. Ibis lleib ;:lso cur.'s X ijht
Sweats. Nausea at the Stomach, and will break
lip a frei-h Cold In twenty-four hours. Ad
dress Cr.uidnek ii. Co., lu.52 l:..c- St.. Philadel
phia, naming! this paper.
than auywht re wet of the Missisij.j.i Kivrr
.Main. bet". Third and Fourth Streets,
Fast of Court House,
ihe bet and lat-'st improved patterns.
Satisfaction (iiM;iruiiU'(-l.
know what I keep, and my S;ri:ui and Suoinier
stock i-. now ready.
Give Gordei a call.
Anything lo-eded on a Farm can be fi mid here.
In a blitiou. I iiav added ail kinds of
Buggies W agons
fence wms,
O .A. X
s;:am n.
i-r dont For,(ii;r x 1 1 : place.
L-,...r,- ,. .....,.i .... i. , . . .... i. . ....
any ais. a.. entitle a soldier of i ..- -.arto
a , ,),,. All iihhmi.ii bv the law or Jam. . n v.
u-,t iu .K , ,)f .liM-baiu- r. teat It
cfthe Mibior. All entitled should :-p;nv nt
once I hous-mds w ho rue now dta,i . ; eli
sion are en t it led to mi inrir:e". So!ii:r and
widow t of tin? war of und Mexican v r ire
entitled to pensjor.". Thousands are yet i .
tied to bomiiv, IjiiI do not know it Fees .- . 1
caver iti. Pay ev-;y deeripion ot
ch.iiiis e.iKei ted. Fmploy an Attorney resi -inir
in Wu-hihro:). who can iv personal :.l-t'-ntioh
to your business. riean and For
eign patenis obtaiiiei! on short coilee Send
two stamp' lor pension :i!o! bo'inly laws. Atl
dress w. - . It i i.i.. f. S. 1 iaini Aj-ent.
Lock !io 4-.-. Wri-hiiiliih. D. C. Mly
Loss of pppetite,Nausoa,boweIs costive.
Pain in theHeitd.with. a dull seiisation In
thebkek part.Pain unler the shoulder
blade, fullness aftr ctiriK, with a disin
clination to exertionjof body or mino
Irritabiltt y jf temper. Low spi rits. Lobs
6i memory, with a feeling of navin: neg
lected some duty, weariness. Dizzlnesii
i'luttenn t; of the II eart, Dots before tho
eyes, Vjel lowjskin, H earache, Kestl"egn
hesa niisht, highly colored Urine.
TUTT' 3 PILLS especially adapted to
such cases. one dost- t-ll'ects socb a t liange
of feplinsf as to astonlli the sufferer.
They Inrrnurlhr ApMlltr. and caus the
b.nlv to TU on t"leh. thus tl.e system is
nourbhril. and bv tin irTotilo t tlomai lh
llCslltr Oncaiin. Itcjfulur SUI r pn
dueed. Price j'i cents. a.- tnrriit frt '.V.
Gray Hair or Whipkfr-i changed to n ;i.ip-sv
11.a K by a single p. !ici:ioii of this Dyk. It
imparts- a nat iral . Insiantarit-misly.
ul j l-y lirut't it s,-ut I i i .-s, u r f.-.i ,.1 11.
Office, 35 Murray St., New York.
Cltr. TTTTS XtM ll. f "l..ii'l Isf, nsnllo. and
i-VI Hm-lpls will aulUsl HlbU HpilntUuB.
ZiUbUshiilci7 at 12 . 8".t Circa'.. ZZ. 1.Z7Z, IH.
THE PbytitUnt tm chirr nf thi nil ail well kanr irtii
tutioo re rc(uir craduAtct in medactii And ia.- y.
f lxprie ib thm treat ntnt of hrnlf 1ji UremAm
their skiU aod ability m much tuprtt t kUn of tK 9r4trj
yrmxtiboovr, that tbef have mrrd a batunal rcj aiiUoa
tb ro n c h their trrtai ofcomliatri ca.
UfeMavMBnaMBKirynMSM M a ij ytolti, UBwrrbft, OltL, Klrtrturv, Orrbita, ail
l riary Troubln fcfid hTgallitie or Brr arial adrcU'r ol I ha
tfaraat, akla or Wot, treated with atircu, on arcntific pr
elpiet. without aurtr Mercury or otbrr ho:ninoui Medicitf.
20UNC M E N XDti n'" r Jtc f ara fuf.
B lern s froaa ih tr-u of Hpraaalor
rhoa or tM-atiuiU r) v-iaras tna sult o! aclf-atuic in outk
or cctt in mamrt-a f aAra, friuanritjr currd. Thi dla
c;m aoBc cf Ihe foilowtbg eflrt tv tti!noi., tlott ! a,
uinoaaa, Dr vouraa, dionc Zt bt. cuch, tn4t ctttoot
ool,pltoft. dtponJnr, Arfutn ol Kl-t. ircniM to to.
ietf, defrckve BiFBiorT, axual ciht i.lion, ia.poteDCf or loa
of biadIt Tirol which nrinft Ihe rif I.m f -r but,!. r Biarnar.
f-crot coi.Ui'ii.'1!. prrtej.-t-J. ;..(.:, is fRE auJ tint
ed. Ltof queslKasto tr answered bv fatiet (.iitug Wcat
Bttent mailed frc to i lJrri oa applif ui-n.
Feroa aafrrrioa- frm Euptaro ikMM a4 I fcrlr aldroM.V
aad leoro aosololfif to their oilai4iaa:o. It i of a tr.r
(MnfnuDiC4tiDni smc ;ljr Irrtial, auU if a! 1 tr a.tJ'f4
1B. UVT'l H. 1. -Vo tit Mh hi., M. laiuU Mo.
ij.'CuifHli in your o.rn to-Mi 'i ei-ew Miid i '-cm Atldrt:s.-, H. li.i.n:TT & 'o."
IVtIUuhI. Mhiuc. rJy
n s
E. Q. Dovey &S011,
Still fin-l tlieniM'lvoe at Iionip to C;ts County
Fanners, nuil all tlit-lr eld ctistoiiiem.
H'c hare this Winter our us
ual full and larger lines of
!johIs than, perhaps, erer be
fore. As the growth of the
country has demanded larger
storks, atid of a letter class, tee
hare endeavored ft meet that
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
for Winter wear, trie have a
large and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
oj all kinds. Drtss Trimmings
of the latest styles. Buttons in
endless variety, our line of
is exceedingly large, and we
think, well selected.
and shoes, ouldkkn's and
misses' shoes,
to suit all persons utJ all purses
A very full line of
ia.AMn.tni: ai kto,
which vou must (! t.i select Irom.
..i ti i i ...... i. .j
of the finest qualities, selected by our
selves. Onfrpptj of many luamls, especially our own
LlUilulll lil.lliil jf MIKSH UOAI.I'KIt I'lll l KK-
oalleil the ".M KKItjl K." 1 ry it mul sec. I t-fore
puri'lia.siu rlst-w here.
Dried Fruits of all kinii-, fretli ami sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED OO0DS from all iiiarters. Very lino
California Kooil.t. .
hy l ho harrel or hiisliel.
In all thrse liianelies ie t.iall t'ti
tlcavur to fell ik bur on any ime. ami
iiM is possiple to tlo a sot mi
i;ss. We invite atteiilloii anil 111
-liow all that call our rooils. Don't
ho itlraii! t.i ask for what you want,
aiul call l t en ami ral ly.
:7m:i E. O. DOVEY & SON. I'laitsmoutli Nfh.
1)K. 0K1X DA Klil N(i,
sorni jjkm), xkij.
in general.
Dr Darliiift is a!o a I'raetisiiie I'liykiclau anil
can always ho fii.iiui at liLs Olliiv In
the I Utiii Ston.'.
Special atteiiti,n paid to
OHS TE Ii I L'A L CAS ES. 3 1 1 1 1 0
- AT
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
llaviii.' openeil a New Store at the ahoy
I call attention to iiiv stuck, and ask the
patronage of my fin-nils and the
1 uhllc in general.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware $ Woodeinvan.
and Oeneral Ooods of all hoit".
Call and sec ourSto' k bifme going
elsi where.
341 v Walter Jenkins.
di:a!.i:i: in
Ol XC3 ISi:Z9, !:iIttSKi.
A Oood ' a'.tvay ii hind. Kepaiiing
done iie;itly, tiroinptly and cheaply.
Eave-tioiiuhin hurt KooliiiK alxo
- done to order.
I.'eiiieinl t i the name and p!ac Hay Hroit.
South llend. a. alni.l
Wagon, Iluggy, Machine and Plum re
pairing, ami gem nil jobbing
I am now- piepared to do all kinds of repairing
of larui and ot In r machinery, as there
i a ;;oinl lathe in my simp.
The old Reliable Vaori Maker
has taken charge of the vai;oii shot).
He is well known as a
w M'asroim Mini IlucslfK madf to
; !.' on Sixth treet onpokile S reinlil 's Stuhlt
fl-"l.A WI-KK. Sl.'adiivat
s- i ijfv.-lly ontnt Iree. Aili
Ai:j;:sta. Maine.
11,111,1 r.-tty
Ires-, Tl UK s Co.,
i i i .. ..... .i ..
f! r !H W is1! t-W 'fl ! 'ii ,i '
V 1'comnirnd f'urterN Iron PilU to very
1.11..11 wlio.B Weak, Nervou", cr.d I oi.i t.:',-,! ;
aUlcular.y tl.oso who T5:i!i, ! Lit f.
l uid ir.iiii'.n und, tin! wl.ii tin viil.out
.-:re;:t;tli t.r Amhitii.u. Tl.tfc rn; i t: i t tl.e
Nerve, give Str rtMli to tli .- I!oIy, -irUa e Ite-f-i-t'liuiir
Sleep. Enro ll mid Iifprotc the tpiiiity
ot tlie I'.loix!, nnd I'unly f iel l'.i il.teii Itic I om--iVxii.n
'I I t y C'.ir I'u 1 1 it t i .ii ot 11. Heart.
I. . .-viiiisneBs. "Ti .-:;.l.ii i'f. N- i-.(,n ll-neche,
Le'.iC'irrnieM, Triins m t: lim k. tn.d t tle r forms
cf Fema'.o Wektie,-. It i.-.-iein r tt.jtt Iron ia
one of I lie cou-' itn.-iit" fit tie l','i"d, i:nd is tl.r
en tt fon.i . Ctirlct'ft Iron I'i IN are .si valt.
iiVe for men who era ir-i-:Med with Nervous
V.'enktiess, N;ph Swe:itn. S- lit ineta; lrfixen.
a! oO rnif, o.d Ly u;l th liu'tH, or sent by
lcei. A:oiii"
New York City.
Profitable Reading for Everybody
I!usincss men and women, teachen, mechanic
farmers, minister, mct'iers, and all who are tired
out by the conui.t toil and worry of your work !
,iri t nniiK nifixiraiini? t.iltrrs. lint ne
Arc jrud ullcriiii truiu LivsLieusia. kheunia-'
titm. Neuralgia, or with llowrl. Kidney, Liver or j
tniury complaints, vmi can he eurerl rv uina
It yt-u kre wksUajj away .an Consunipuun,
maic weaknev or any kickiwrss ; if you have a pain
iul cnujri .r roH, v.n will find mire relief in
I; vou arc cujerblcd fjy cicar. oitl ac or Uis-i
-.ip.itiun, and your system needs invigorating, or
:! you riave pimples arm nintches, and your blood
necis pnrifvinr. vou ran aUsv '-T,nH nr.
Madrlnmi (.morr, Bjchu, Mandrake. Stillmuia
ird n.i.y oirierof tlie t-st medicines known it isj
iiic Cott Health and St, anqth Rritorsr Even
'Jed. am! ii far sni-eriur toltiircrs, K-sence of
i.mer anil other Ionics, as it never tntomcatet.
mil fTTiLi:ies the ctn.itive tirnj,ert:es of all.
it Han sated, rN uf l itet; It May
Save Viinm.
liny a .'jc. bottle of drticcist, nd to avoir:
'iii.tcrfe:T be sure our sr.; tat lire i cn the oat
.tvle H:sco A t .. ChemisK, N. Y.
n.r -'- '--- - - - - ' '
arKer s Hair Dalsam, ir,nnMBlu.
Tha Host A Mot KroHomlral Hair lrralnr
Containing only i:ij;red.e:its that are beneficial
to the hair and sralp, the !,als a m will be found
far more satisfactory than any other preparation.
It .Never Fails to Ceistorc Gray or Faded II air
to the orifina! youthful color and U warranted to
remove daadruff , prevent baldness and stop (ailing
( lira trair. SWa druggist! mt fxinti.