Flashes of Fashion. The following "Flashes of Fashion" are taken from advance sheets of the forthcoming spring number of Ehrichs" fashion. Quarterly, published by En rich Jiros., Eighth Avenue, New York. The Fashion Quarterly holds a higa place in periodical fashion literature, and is especially valuable as guide to ladies in laying out and executing their shopping. The price is only 50 cents a year, or 13 cents a copy. A newly issued pamphlet, entitled Shop ping in New York, will be sent to any address ;free on application to the Publishers. Bronze hues are in vogue. Roman sashes are revived. All the new bonnets have strings. . Colored straw will bo much worn. Most bonnets are of medium sixes. All shades of yellow are fashionable. Black toilets are as fashionable as ever. Ircn-iu&t red is a new shade of this color. Both large and small bonnets will be worn. Silver gray and rosy lilac are very fashionable. Brocaded stuff continue to be used for jackets. Tufts of feathers are worn more than long plumes. Plaids bid fair to havy a run of fash ionable favor. Pun3 at the top of the sleeve are coming in vogue. Silk knitting is the fancy woik -of the passing moment. Draperies continue to be very ela borate on dres3 skirts. Nun's veiling retains its popularity as a full-dress fabric. . Spanish lace is used in profusion cu eveuing dresses. Roman sash ribbons will be used for b'jiinet strings. White will be the dressy toilet of festival occasions in 1831. Tuscan and English straws will he mure worn than chip. Satin de Lyons will be the popular silk of the coming season. Spidei'3 in gold and steel appear among millinery ornaments. Knitting is more fashionable at the moment than crochet work. Puffed short sleeves are fashionable again for evening wear. Dotted and llowered Swiss muslin dresses will again be worn. Cabriolet bonnets are in high favor with ladies of Parisian tastes. Satin is still the most popular ma terial for the dressiest toilets. AmetLjst and amber tinted satin ball dresses are in high fashion. Flowers and feathers will again be mingled in bonnet trimmings. New bonnet ornaments are in gold, silver, jet, and steel combinations. Yellow and cream-tinted muslin and lace are as fashionable as ever Muslin and lace tichus and collars bid fair to take the place of linen col lars. Ginghams of all kinds, plain, plaid- ed, checked, and striped, will be worn. Lisle thread gloves will be as fash ionable this summer as they were last. Sleeves are growing larger at the top, forming a slight fullness in the arm hole. lo knit one s own silk stockmg3 is the ambition of the fancy worker at the present. New calicoes imitate to perfection the new percales, momie cloths, and atines. Flower pompons with a heron aigrette in tUe center are among mil linery novelties. Colored lace mitts, in every style, will be more worn this season than ever before. Cobweb silk gloves are the latest London novelty. They are made al most transparent. The new ginghams are beautifully finished, tine, and artistically colored and pi aided. I aney aprons of sheer muslin and of silk trimmed with lace and ribbon are again in vogue. Elbow sleeves witli a puff at the top appear on many of the imported dress es of this spring. New cotton printed dress goods come in the ever popular percales, and momie cloths. Jet bead trimmings will be made still more decorative this season with mixtures of steel and silver beads. Shirring and ruffles are seen on all parts of costumes of cotton goods, where trimmings can be used. All dressy suits are composed of two or more fabrics which usually match in color, but contrasts in effect. Bright and positive colors will not be in fashion except in small bits to give a dash of brightness to a costume. Fashions in every detail of the toi let change so rapidly, it is difficult to say what is and what is not fashion able. Gold and silver lace, and gold and silver braids continue to form the decorations of many lovely full dress bonnets. Fichus and collars of muslin, laco. surah, crape, and silk trimmed with lace are seen in all sorts of eccentric shapes. Browntan, drab, and tones of gray or dust color prevail in the new cnu-el's-hair suitings, cheviots, kerseymeres and beiges. Bordered robe pattern dresses in percales, momie cloths, satines, and lawns are seen among the new spring and early summer goods. A novelty in the form of a lace pin is a golden fishing rod and silver line looped over the rod, with a gold fish dangling from the end. Evening dresses are made decollette, square in the neck, a la pompadour or opening en chale, back and front, at the option of the wearer. Kerseymeres, beiges, camel's-hair cloths, English homespuns, cheviots, aud light cloth suitings are the mater ials for fatigue, business, and traveling suits. Evening dresses of white or colored tarletan have silk tunics, and peasant waists that lace in front, over white shirred waists that are high in the neck, but have very short sleeves. Among new devicss in bonnet orna ments are three and four crescents crossing each other; two and three pyramids in graduated sizes; two bronze horses jumping a silver hurdle; two little pigs caught in a fence; two wild boars rushing out of a thicket, and single camels, elephants, beetles., clubs, oars, rakes, spades, and other gardening and farming-tools in dead and bright silver, gold, steel, and red bronze. And now a hen has been delivered from a Clay County snow bank, where she bad been imprisoned twenty-two days. She was all right, but terribly fcuugry. Important to School O Ulcer. SCHOOL DISTIUCT BUSINESS. The attention of school officers is called to the approaching annual meet ing In each distric , which must h held on the tirst Monday of April. NOT1CK. The Director must give written or printed notice of the annual meeting at least fifteen days before, stating day, hour and place of meeting. (See Sec. 21.) CENSUS. The Director must take the census within ten day before the tirst Mon day in April. If the director is al sent or unable, the Moderator or Treasurer must do it. The census can be legally taken only at this time. (Sec. 48 School Law.) THE ANNUAL MEETIN, when assembled should pursue the following order of business, unless special circumstances render some other more convenient. THE DIRECTOR'S UEPOKT. The Director's report should be read for the information of the meet ing. It should embody: 1. A summary of all business tran sacted by the district or by the Board during the past year. 2. The number of mills levied by the distiict at the last annual meeting: also the number of mills levied by the County Commissioners to pay bonds or for other purposes connected with the schot Is. i$. Any other item which will be of use to the districts in arranging bus ness for the next year. treasurer's report. The treasurer's report should should be read. It should contain, 1. An itemized statement of ail moneys received by him during the year and for what received. 2. An itemized statement of ail mon eys paid Out by him dining the year aud for what paid. H. A statement showing mwiiey on hand. 4. The total amount of district in debtedness and when each part of it is due. After his report, the Tieasurer should present hid vouchers for money paid and settle with the Board. The full details of this statement should be noted on the Director's record for future reference. estimates. The meeting should next determine the ituinVer of months school shall be kept during the ensuing year. (Sec. 23.) The Ducctor sliuulu ut-xt prroent Ins estimates of the expenses to be in curred ihe ensuing year including: Fur teacher's Fund, Mills. District school house fund, Mills. For payment f School Bonds-Mills. Total, Milis. If lite district desires to furnish idXt-books, the amount to tver th ir cost shouid should be estimated ii. furniture and appaiatus. If the dis trict voles to pay its officers, there must be a special tax voted for this purpose. Estimate the number of mills on the dollar necessary to be levied to cover each of these several amounts and the total number of mills. (See Sec. 50.) This tax, when voted, must be re ported to the Co. Clerk of this county, between the tirst and third Mondays of June. (See. 5o). This report must be made between the annual meeting and the tirst Monday in June. This report must bo made by the Board and signed officially. It shouid not be forgotten that at this meeting a tax should be voted, sufficient to pay interest ou all out standing bonds and this tax should ' reported to the Co. Clerk with the other levies. The Director should make his re port to the Co. Supt. within ten days after the annual meeting. If he has no blank for it, the Sunt, will furnisn one upon application. He should al so send with his report all the teach ers' monthly reports received during the year. In the Directors repoil the item 'number of mills of tax levied during the year ending April 4, 1881. should include the taxes which were voted at the annual meeting in 180, r at any meeting between that time and the third Monday in June 18S0. This report should not include taxes voted at the annual meeting or leal. The law requires both Director aud Treasurer to keep full and com plete accounts of all district business transacted by them. It is the duty of the district to furnish suitable books for this purpose. Such records, if properly kept, will do much to prevent mistakes, facili tate business, and secure economical management of district affairs. DIGEST OF MEBUASKA LAWS. Session of 1SS1. Continued. II R No. 14, Abbott. Amend incor porated cities of the first class. Ap proved March 28. 1873. Reads that Oities now troverned as first class and all cities over 2,500 inhabitants shall be governed under provision of the hl law governing said cities. Emer gency clause. II It No. 15. Jackson. An act to amend sec. 1, cities aud villages, ap proved March 1, 1879, to read as fol lows: Sec. one. cities first class are changed to 2.500 inhabitants: second class io 1,500. Emergency clause. II R No. 10, Reed. Township organ izations. Section 1. At any general election in auy county where town ship organization has not been adopt ed, qualified voters thereof may vole for or against township organization in such county, as hereinafter provid ed. Sec. 2. The county commission ers on petition or ntiy legal voters, shall cause to be submitted to the vot ers of the county the question of town ship organization under this chapter. by ballot, "for township organization, or "against township organization,' the votes to be canvassed and return ed in like manner as votes for state and county offices. Notice of such election shall be given in the same manner and for the same time as for the election of county officers, is long. covers the whole subject. No clause. II 11 No. 17, Aver. Concerning land settled upon and entered in U S land office, thereby depriving Nebraska of so much land, allows state to select other lands, act of congress 1880. Clause. II R No. 10. Fiiley. Au act to make railroad, canal, bridge and ditching companies, and companies and persons responsible for material furnished and labor performed in the construction, repair or improvement of any such works, and to secure the laborer and material man a lien for his material furnished and labor performed. No clause. II R No. 21, Broach. An act grant ing the consent of the state of Nebras ka to the purchase or lease by the United States of certain lands for the purpose of erecting military store houses thereon at Omaha. No cIkuS'1. II R No. 24. Whedwii. An act to authorize the governor of the state to relinquish all claims of the state of of Nebraska to the north one-half of the southeast one-fourth of section four (4) in township seven (7) north of range seven (7 east of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian. No clause. II R No. 26, Ransom. Repealed sec tion 34 and 30. General statutes 1875. 11 It No. 31. Bioatch. Amends bec tion 54, county officers-counties which were divided into districts prior to the passage of the law of 187tf, and have not since been redivided, the same shall wiihin sixty days after the act takes elluct be divided as provided in Ihw of 1878. No clause. II R No. 22, McDougall. Joint me morial to congress asking our congress men to favor legislation to correct abuses of railroads. II R No. 34, .v itkey. An act reim bursing general fund for money mis appropriated out of, instead of fund of State University. Treasurer author ized to transfer $44,428 to general fund. Emergency clause. II R No. 3ti, Mickey. Provides for the transfer from sinking fund ol Poik county the sum of 5,200, to be used to bund a court hous in said county. Requires such question to be submitted by county commissioners, at special election, provided for by the boar 1, a majority vote of the electors. Emergency clause. 11 It No. 41, Wnedoii. Official bonds and oaths. The official bonds of all county, precinct and township fficals snail ije approved by county commis sioners; latter by county judge, notary public aud county clerk. Mate and district officers approved by the gover nor; hitter by chiei justice. Changes cii.ij.ier 0, on official bonds of general statutes, and all subsequent acts on "bonds" of officers; more sureties, and increases amount of bond in many cases. Commissioners of county from S5.000 to tfl 5,000 bond; deputies give same amount of bond as principal. Emergency clause. 11 It Mo. 41), Windham. Authorizing cities to tund their indebtedness. Bonds to be payable iu not less than ten nor more than twenty years; in terest seven per cent, with coupons annual or semi annual ; the bonds lo bo voted at au election held for that purpose, lour weeks notice of which shall be given. Clause. 11 R No. 52, Schick. To authorize couu.ies, precincts, townihips or towns, cities, villages, and school dis tricts to compromise their indebted ness anil issue new bo.i.is therefor. henevtr the county commissioners, or officers of any of said municipali ties, are satisiied by petition, or other wise are unable to pay its indebted ness, ami that a majority of said in uubiiaus desire to compromise said debt, iiiey shall luijiuwer said oigaui- Zjtliou lo compromise uud lsUc" i.ev bonds, which shall bear upon their lace tor what purpose issued, and bear no greater interest than seven percent. No clause. II R No. 54, Herman. Joint memori al to congress relative to quieting the title in homesteaders on odd iuimbeis sections, said lands are now claimed by corporations under grant for inter nal improvement. II R Mo. 57, Broach. Act to author ize G. A Brown to compile and anno tate general statutes with supreme court decisions. Publish the same for state at $2 50 per volume; sell same to public for $5 00, compiled July 1, 188i. II R No. GO, Montgomery. Practice of medicine in the state. Requires a regular course of medicines is long. lakes effect June 1, 1881. 11 R Mo. 62, Kyner. Militia code. Every able-bodied male citizen of this state between eighteen and forty -tij years, not exempt by law. is made sul ject to duty. But the active militia shall be called "Nebraska National Guard," and shall be recruited by vol unteering, to the number of 2,000, for three years. Officers are, commander in-cnier, ami lor eacn regiment one c !onel, lieutenant colonel, and major; the colonel appoints a surgeon, rank major, chaplain, rank chaplain, adju tant, rant first lieutenant; quarter master, rank first lieutenant; surgeon- major, quartermaster, commissary sergeant, hospital steward, drum ma jor, fife major. Company officers Captain, first and second lieutenants, five sergeants, eight corporals, musi cians, etc. Appropriates $5,000 for uniforms, arms, and active duty. Mro clause. II R No. CO. Appropriates $8,000 to pay incidental expenses of Sixteenth general assembly. Emergency clause. II R No. 73. Appropriates $3,000 to pay members, officers aud employes of the Sixteenth gtneral assembly. Emer gency clause. II R No. 87, Laughlin. "Drains." Sec. 1. "The board of commissioners of any county may at any regular or special session cause to be located aud constructed, straightened, widened, al tered or deepened, any ditch, drain or water course as hereinafter provided, when the same is necessary to drain auy lots, lands public or corporate, road or railroad and w ill be tor the public health. The act is loig and tully provides for all needs. Repeals all existing laws. No clause. 11 li Mo. i)Q, Montgomery. Gosper county acts and formation, legalized and title of the bill says changed to Gai field, but there is not a word in the body of the biil authorizing such change. Clause. II il No. 107, Franse State relin quishes title lo certain land now own ed or occupied by persons supposing that said lands belonged to the LJuited States, upon showing to the board of educational lands and buildings that said filing was in good faith, not for speculation, provided the United Slates gives the state other lands in stead. Clause. II R No. 112, Moore of Oloe. l ay William A. Brown $500 for publish ing delinquent tax list. No clause. II K Mo. Hi, King. Home of the friendless. Sec. 1. The location of said home shall be under the super vision of the board of public lands and buildings, and shall be located at the city or town which shall, after ad vertising for bids for its location, do nate the largest amount for said home. Sec. 2. $5,000 appropriated for the erection of said home. Sec. 4. The government of said home shall bo by and under the supervision of the so ociety of Home for the Friendless. Provided, That nothing herein con tained, shall be so construed is to pre vent the board of public lauds aud buildings from establishing mit and regulations for the government of such home in auy manner. No clause. II R No. 118. Fredrick. Rooms for the supreme court. Senate chamber to be repaired aud furnished for same; $500 appropriated for said purpose. Clause. II R M'o. 110. Dew. Matriculation i fee of University to be used as a libra ry fund for University. No clause. II R No. 133. Daily. Power of dis trict court jucges in cnamoers. mar any juuge of the district court may sit at chambers, at any time, any where within his judicial district, and when I ... ... ........ ..... r - - - grant, dissolve, or tnodify temporary injunctions; to iischarge attachments ; to hear and act upon proceedings in aid of execution, application for writ of inamhimus, and application for vrrit of habeas corpus; to discharge such other duties, or to exercise such other powers, as may be conferred upon a judge iu contradistinction to a court; to receive a plea of "guilty from any person charged with a felany and pass ins sentence thereon, upon reasonable notice to the poecuting attorney. No clause. II R No. 138. Dailey, legalizing cer tain villages and t.cts Villages hav ing more than 200 iuhal itauis associ ated uy agreement or trillion or a majority of legal voters the object be ing lo incorporate a village under the laws of Nebraska, showing the boun daries and having a legal board of trustees wht are acting under statutes regulating villages, be and the haid acts are hereby declared legal, and shall hertatlt-r be governed by the laws of this suite regulating villages. M'o clause. H R No. 150, Lamb, amendments to an act to amend section 1 of chapter 12 general statutes, concerning boundary of Wayne couutv. No clause. II R No. 1C2. Correll. Rights of suffrage art. 7, sec. 1, submitting amendment as follows: Sec.l. Every person of the age of twt nty-one vears and upwaids thall be an elector. First citizen of United States ; aliens natur alized thirty days prior to election. See. 2. the ballots at the election at which said amendment shall be sub mitted shall oe in the following form: "For proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the rights of suf frage." " Against the proposed ame:.d ment to the constitution relating to rights of sufferage." M'o clause. II. R. No. 173. Howe. Amend sec. 20, laws 1877, general management of lands and f Jnds for educational pur poses; makes provision for the en forcement of the law against lessees of lauds and general provision for col lection of the same; sixty days publi cation notice of suit. Mo clause. II. R. No. 177. Ziegler. Pay county clerks for making numerical index to records prior to 1879 not indexed, clerks for compiling the transfers fiuin tho records of iheir flice shall receive for each transfer any sum not to exceed fifteen cents, as tiie county commissioners and clerk may agree upon paid by county. Entering each instrument presented for recoid in said index alter compilation said in dex clerk it ceives fifteen cents to be paid in advance by persons offering for record. Clause. II. R. N. ITS Ransom, J)r. X. li. Larsii. Services as superintendent .state insane Asylum unpaid service. Appropriated S1.20. 11. 11. X.. 212. Abbott. Capitol building, east winjr. under control of; Id, in! ol public lands aud buildings shall jtdvertise in three newspapers in Nebraska, Chicago, and St. Louis, .Mo., for thirty days. William II. Wilcox to furnish specifications for said biiiidiii j ioi one-half per cent of the contract' price, to be completed by Dec. 1, ! Appropriates 100.000 for said build-! intr. j II R So. 213, .Slocumb. New license ; law. rrinteu in full in IIkkalp. j II It No. 217, Ayer, amend merit ! chapter "Reform SVioI," laws 1879, ; section 10. The proceedings beiore any judye of the county court, may be 1 reversed on writ of error by district court, and district court proceedings: reversed in the Sunremn Court like other criminal causes in said J courts. Clause. II R No. 213. Abbott. Contract on the west wing of the capitol building extended to Sept. 1, 1831. Hoard of public lands and buildings to have full control of all contracts and extensions. ' .Same bondsmen as under o d contract. Ci.'-ciiletl or ir.MJt-. Is inatie from a SiiMtdf rni'neal I.estf of I!are Value, is a I'o-itive itenietly tor nil th? i otsoai'e-tnat rause ti;:ins iti t tn' ln-.vct' ti;u t ot tlie bmlv-fifr Ioi.i;i Livr i.;m;ioi .J;itm dire Ii iliess. ;t;ivi-l. l;i!aiia. and f:!l cultie- ol llif; Kidr.oys. l.iver :tr.l l'r!l;ny r paus. For S-Viialc"lHi:i!sM. Moat liivMe:i Mrnation, atul ttuiiti: l';'n:,i!cy, it lias no equal. It restores the organs (liat wa.Vc the Mood, and lieni.' is the l.t.'-t Ctloo't l'url.lor, It is tU" only known retnedy tliat einvs thil SPOiii, Itrlsrht'n Iise:ir. l",r Diabete-. uj-tf l'tiri!(r'H fiafe lib-tM f urr. For Salu by lrtit;.uisls mid Ii'ali'i"s at sl 2 per bottle. I.a.gon bottle in the iii.tikt't. 1 ty ii. II. II. WAUSEUSilU, U.ieli.-stcr, X. V. C17 St. Charles Strcef, St. LoaIs,Mo. A rnirdar srsd'isto of t-r Msiujol ColleW. has beea lonsar IoojiUmI tti.fc i any etherl'hydioian la bt.I3uls.as city pnprt sbow.aad iUI ol.l rasiiBts know. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gloet. fetricturo. Orchitis, Iiupture.ail Vi'Uiajy ejhilitiO or llarcxirial Affection cf Throat SSirt or Hncsrurt l H;:felr, Privntely. klrmatorrlixlSi)xii 1r.tiilty and Impoteney as the itsalt of iijlf-Anu-o, h'im.iJ bxooaso in rnaVarej 7e:irs,ororer bralnwtrk, i.rouus:cnerToune.s,semln al cji.o;o!, dubhlt.', diTT.ness cf Bijjht.defectiTe mem ory. phy-Uoal dc.iy, hvoraion i:itr confusioa of lileu, loof siualpo-nbr,nL:bi lodes.renderlrui mar rlar iinproperfs lycTd. Coosultailoa at .lilies or br mall (ret and l..-itni. Pamphlet ou sUisiy. Msuleinss s,nt bf niftil or er"w. Cures cniv.'jjw'i. Whnro dorbt e-lt it ts trunhlr stated. PuFi?is. I.G.UIDEJ The wnola story, well t .J. K U ti utt t i.-s, ta ths followiuR s'ibjeots: Wh r - mtry, vhf not, why. Manhoo.t, Woainahood, TbysiJ docay. Who shoalit ctMry ; how life aa4 happinAts luayba iocressed ; efforts ot eellbscy and exoess, uud mtn; mora. Ttiosa married or eootomr-lattnt UMrrine should rad it then keepuo d jt lock and k7. 2 3 Ots . by moil in money or pos. fcuie. Ragllab Kno-u yrenc J rwtd and spoken. fOPF PRESCRIPTION For lha speedy cure of flsmtnal Manhood. Nsrvouaoess. !Jo:cure Memory and I'isordem broiurht on by 8etf- Abuao. Acydnirbithasthelr-Tredieata. t OnratiTe laet'w. 61 St.Obsrie, 8t. lull's. Mo, 705 Chenut 6t, 3t. Louis, Mp. nt old offlea. Bsaa, ZzBpotssioy,all forms of 8yphiUs,Oonorrho9a, WMt, UrUtarr or Itstaw aissasea. Keoent eases arsd la a f. days. AU the dl'ia .ana reiittta from xooanee ecd fox life with mub m. Ohariias low. Cull or writ aaUbtua, mmii or sosdiotna. Advloa tf J-tsJ fc SS J a IWKtsJr A- : i wr.: t.i Ktxar.:' ! ir of Seminal oti3isioll-i xrizcf i& o . j tram iy, itsfl Antf- ' w li !-.t: p, i ? W rf L&4 tmtdf m AH.I swisS KM tsm ri- :-i nL. SAa -in-9 r.'srfars wvb ttm mriamf V,'iJ"f -"'- rjA t trwa,s! s aw4 ibst last La y RrnM, -ffl t '- s f- t tJm Tb.. Is aa anas ss aa tmm .n f. --U-i. I f-t jart-aruc ku- o is Sr-alriL (jarajtrt tl.A I il C 'i a-l" --t- a li ts imtt taa Uwt r)W- tt4 r-u vai to Ir crsl f Misf a.s rutin, tttf Ttrf yrvva.s-ai Ibk' a tV kvE Mfais as -4 - W If 1 W mm-, -4 Tie a 3. nrnyamm rS.lr -s-'-t ;tm-.- i . t 'i-mm. e-m -trntay, tAM SaaM b ier neun. t m 'm. -'rd. m 1 -U tr Z-m m-nm ml i-'a, a J f r mfmx- a : ram Urn --. J i5 A'S rWSDY CO. Xfi't tt' - V , -T - f!1itt:M fti9mny ti tit. tf- . M'.aa-fi( ;. l. " f r 4 nit K-rs.- Va j 4 . ar rr3ii, ah: I p-ai ta I- t--.a 11 . .1 j Via al'sl Ukf ijrJ-l'J.' n.' 'ua mt.eh., Ja. fit ir'-"?. I fcA !".ti ' ' ! t e; aM aw m m9? - -. 1 iJ r "sl ar"r t aul a, i n i ' I b.-l -at Vlki rsar. V' " - Irw. tZt'., I-.. I J .. ali .. e-... ' - - ' z. L :. a r - ' - - I . ;t fti at a 1-. a i I a ' s.v; . ( ir;ef t-.s fr-arm. I UatT. r. I- - b.t a I aa ta 7 : ri f r ? Vfs.. Tyia 2h. K.r i . ---w r- -. s - S ba'TT M as er.-i ai, t -t ctatc 1 s--t - 1 tlrmm p!A lii.; c " vfc-h f.tsr-JU- nl ms " ?) Inr a is-. V-a itata Ci. fraat t t 1 iVa 49 t 77.rau !"t-f kaz mt f ia . -Ji'f . THr r v t I W - - - rt V-" wi s !' 1 ui i tut. h-M rwi--i, ! AJMf Sf j.-irV."'. 1 - x--a MarvUwt, 1pm. aS7. l.zt j... nt rV.v; . I Inti cf fmi tutnmdr. As .! ur - -'r.rri f 1. . u w" j j'&t2 Sf tf .. 9 1 t - r '- -: '.:. I fcW W y.-4. t t2 4;r.r.wi 3 srasV r. , sTdoKwUrk: V . . "V - At m 1 Battle Creek, Michigan, THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. HMtOMpbunrakcr Facterr t Established lath World. i 1848 A A VP BO ofeonHnuotutrndmeetHulbuti. ot I UtnOoii, without Chans of namo, J A, rnanatmnent, or location, to " bark up " tA oroaa warran.-y gtm om au our goon. STEAM-POWFtt SEPARATORS mud Complete Steam Outfilao nntrhleaaqualui. tnt Traction Engines a;id Plain imagine Tcr Been in the American market. A multitude of mpeciai features anti improofnt for 18sl, totrether with ruperior qvalttif tn construe turn ana malarial not dreamed of by ether makers. Four Rises of Separators, from 6 to 12 Lome Capacity, or ateam or horan-pmeer. Two tylea of " Mounted " Hoi-ie-Power. 7 Ifin nnn f f fielr-cce-d I. umber )0JJ)JJJ from thrtt torizyttrtair-Hrir i) constantly on band, from which ift built tbo u. comparable wood-work cf our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES Strong, mott durable, an d ernritmt rrrr t IIS lis uorae fowr. Farmer and Threshermrn ero invi!vl to KQvmritrate this matchl Threahluij Maclii:;ir'". Circulars mt frve. Adaresa t NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Creek, Michigan. HNNESOTA' BEST THRESHER ON WHEELS Is not a Vibrator nor nn A Is wondorf uliv mjaiJo end admli Is not a Vibrator nor nn Apron Macbiao. rty per perfect ta Ms toiuatuuir and neparauna qualities e bxilI n, and cleans It ready for market. sr an CnmtifuJty, is tho moot economical, least er pen sive, sml inont satisfactory machine In I he sinrkt. Will Landla wet Brain as veil as dry. Csts no equal in threxbina; flax and timothy, throno. fug and cleaning both as well and nearly as rapidly ma whet. and requires no charp-o exoept the wevea. Hn mor quar jet of aeparatxnn end elftmine run. face than any other maehin mad, and can not b orerlonHod. in both over, and under-blefst Our CXOVHlt IIUI'LINU ATTACHMENT is new and very deslrstlc Does the work more rapidly and better than an exclusively Hulling Wartime frKPARATOlIS of ths various sizes fi tti for .9i or Hurt Power, as deeired. An Improved Pitts Power, sn Improved Woodbury Power, and the I'.lwsrd ICqunl hanH Power, all mounted on fonr wheci. ara manufactured by cs, an J ara not urpad by au tn Ot niarkri. We ere eki T-repared to furnish ftrst-clasa Portable Kagiooa with our Separators. For Price-list and Circulars, address SEYMC ift, SAB IN & CO. Krutufacturers, Stillwater, Minn. TARTLIIMC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence causing Prema. tnre Ieray, Nervous Pebility, Lest Manhood, etc.. bavins; tried iu vaia every known remedy, has dis-coven-d a pimplo self cure, which lie will 6end FREK to his fclIow-Hufl.-rers, address J. 11. UEEVEtt, 43 lliatliasa Nt., X. V. Doiuo twrm niiwiiiisari, t mBUm m s ih reserved li&r 5 ivj i I H BL A TO CtIYE THEM .A. CALL. WHO IS UNACQUV!HT"D VVt T i Ti; SEE BV nXA.V.!tftiC 01 CHICAGO, ROCK iSLAHS & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GRE.l T tOSNVCTiXi; J.IXII Its mntn line runs f.s-m ( Im,:-., i : i BluiTs, pas4lntt thrDiiti .lolitri. I't-tn- , u Geneseo. M JiKie, Kci k If l.-.J. Duvi i l - : i. V : r-,c liberty, Iowa t. lty. Murt-ii iJnvjl.lru. 'r:;i e:i. Ues Moines (tho supitul of lna, rt:i:.ri. A,':, r sic, and Atocji : with bran-ttya ir jui .Vi-j'i Junction to 1'ooria ; Wilton Ji:in ti.a . :.... tine, WnshtnctKii, Kisinic ' S, 1:I-k-i:. !;!: CentreTille, I'rini-i.-ton. 'i renuyrj, tii'i.ui.u. In -fon, Learenworth. Atflus-ju aini i.a!;-a ti. ; Vsshlnirton to 8nruruey. oaicrJo'ua. umi Kn- x- y i lie 1 Kwukuk to larmln jtn, l.nr. )-',, tA-rt tonsport. Iudependent. Kl-lon. Oitunitra. K'lnr- i Ttue. Usksloosa, l'eilu. lunnro4. and ins moium: : Kewton to Monroe: lies Moinui lo Indmiii.laand I Wlnterset; Atlantic to Iawii and Au.iui-a; na4 I Atcs to Uirliin. vt puiiMvi :y t'. : Kailroad. whicd owns, and o uk.s a tVir'i.jJi ftas from Chicago into the Suite of U:.nx. i VhieuKb Express rasseivter Trwui. wiU. i'uil- j man Palace tjirisllaciie.l.airuii -ay riit iv I between Cbicaoo and Pr.oai. i:nsas t it .. ttKCtL BLCrrS, UAVEN WOiiTU tn-l tr:ti- i iosr. Through enrx area .rui; bci.r. iTil wan- tgsm and Kansas t tty. t:s tho "JliiwauxiM 2.ft 1 Mck Island abort Line." 'Vhe - tire at Rock ls:anl" is m scr.iC n t .' ! aauipped. lis road b9d i .uly i.-il-cc. sue C , track is laid with ihi:I runs. i IV BSl will pleas you mml wilt be .? p-un of enjeici4( your meal. wiii:e viii.g M.o SflAuiliul jpratrl? of llhnow cal l'rr.-. tv, ur. j !if tur maii&Dt Dining Cars iih; ot: .ir:ir taoagn Expr 1 rain.. - Vu rt i .j::.ro neml. aj sovd ad u sc-rrau iu unr &r.;-e- l.v.i, AppreciaUng the fact thr.t a mujar 'y -f t: eoplo prefer tvporato irpuxutv.jt- t-c JSw.fit arpoaes (and the ImtnoDt-e pasan:tar bnn M 6xl Hna warranting U, ire ur p!"'"'l ' aD Rnnnns that f his lomunnr hltw 'tttlmft Im.am SSctpUu) Oars for tlecphiff b-.ul i cxnrJrOAX, mi;Vf, iasas ti l v. TtcUeta vtik tkta Ctnc, knotrt Qn tarn "MrRH Ifn.U lJuul surt) aald aOJfHclat AtroBt la site V !!. t. t.ic mmI Canaai. Ppa taforaiaUoa hoc otM.aJlc i.t your osmuq ttfVct eRee, nrfafreaa, YffT-Ft A T.I FRISKILY BIT TIEf v 5 The majority of the ill of the humam tod t arle fro in a derangement of that r,iver, affretinu both the ttomath and boxrrlt. In arder to effeet cure, it is necessary ta reinore the cause. Irregu lar and Sluggish action, of the Bowels, llfadaehe, Sickness at the Stomach, Pain in the Hack and Loins, etr., indicate that the Liver is at fault, and that nature re quires assistance to enable this organ to throtr off impurities. Prlcltly Ash Bitters are especially eompounded for this purpose. They are mi !l in their action and effective at m cure; are pleasant to the taste and taken easily by both children and adults. Ta ken acrnt d'ttt-j io directions, they are m safe a irff..m t cure for Dyspepsia, Generul Debility, Habitual Con. Ktlpntlon, Diseased Kidneys, etc, etc. Jmniood Pnriflerifirtf are superior to any other medicinei cleansing the system thoroughly, and imparting netr life and energy to the in valid. It is a mecllcluc and not an Intoxicating beverage. ASK tOU II CEUGOIST 1CI rRICIlT ASK BITTUS, aud take no other. PRICE, 1.00 per BotUa. tEYER EROS. I CO.. SCLE PROPRIETORS, Be Louia and Kansas City, ICol A . f, u. r AU I C 'Ascitic (..- W4 IU. W .l Wild mUf bli.HI, th fol - . ; A Csspetl.t wAasub! jeivttiiMi of Wrfrt. TmMrwiret.aiik) J ;. . u-.e, h'.rrtiirj km WoaiM. nim UM'i&fit. 4icc ( krKkg rwors. AW to hi mUmJim A4i,c to Wive, frmtilij.ioii, als caasss, lttacf M sir mhos spartif -: c DutuA. Ci ft -At, sxjl sisyik. IwsWjsmsis t Msr M, ftrwnM-tf ftvitastkjs). biogss TjU f m jmriT La tst Murisgi s4 Lml r.,ht f 4 taaVtsoMt- A bsfk fr Snftia tsmd msnim itt i tVH im KoTrfacB, by a, mssa, "THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER ft- 8pnilift, toODorrhosa. Het. trtrfeuirsv vaneo celtvdzo.. 8pertDto-iaM.. BemnmA pbiHty. i 1m potency, from kiU-lbiM d it , causing Is mis: fcaatsstAs. met i iiss SB, A rwM ts Bursty, rfcpslsal !, Iktss fti f rtbc tta,tmtniwm Meat-')'. Lm ml aWawsJ I'sr. sutku( mmm nf apfMr t Maapir, fTtX trasi9rt,iB4a i (baa; sjsittssi ras if 1W i& sars f all anvils 4as ; &sH vafcs, svsr 06. aUsa, ft" csa ' Airlcd,' LMttt. to Uiafeoel Tq&idIwoI, 10t FOR ONE DOLLAR wt a1 ,h? ,h thasCTsftaaiWa avr dascnbW books, mic It b .! in 01. so" utfJV rorrV-Ttlfcf 6S paxss, amd ovar M9) il'usiraiiana. Tk- ceBbiDtak oittBia ts positivatj taa Maat popular 4d.cai B"ek j a bushes'. Ta auihar is xpri aced t.Tict rnf bisbt mm (Kjeii. (as i wall kksvil A4 tha tfi-it crrsa. aal miss tu trraiarrmt n4 ve, 4U b fvamft sff srssl raSts ta U-os suiting frs tsapurlacs ml im svsicai. arJ satvw. mJ Tra Uif Jew roat mmitr th bad of "PRaTAT Aw kj-f M la Uw t lew aaavya toM aa&ea ut nbl. iRRUT Y Etab.ih4 EM in Ms4T, cwm con .1.1 Carta rth. ana timiKi rets tins um BoHi a triMi msfwisw, svM-asnse sr isiih sar r list s. ratsais rcaled bw snaQ an4 ers. Whri fosstMs, pr 'tai cnasultstiAt) tm prtirr4, mett frsa soa invifrw. (jt-rt. I'ooi io anawcrad bj bjtwtl dsiraa( rrtatancat availed frsa teaa jifrrssoa iprit tin. f r banks ar Irratmaol aJJrrsa ftiL BITTT 1 kaarkL Uth U ft. LmiI, Mm. UA CURE instantly r- w iijiriudinKrte,.B;iI l.lontattoaa VaaA bv lata'aliin. thr.a nrw.As the iliuua d,rs Rlixes the 7Fn. faeilitctci froo rxpectoraiioa and fill. KS , Si v A tril will eon rinoa thr most kepUCAl of its iaiotttiintis dirot an4 neror fai I inm effect. 1T: fcOo. wl St.WO. TruJ pwkmge tntn. VI cragf 'us or dt nan T"r itwnu. mt tai ou la. K.tCIUi FiIAi.6taaol.Jlua. X -will itiail a copy FREES ot m- ew liuou, "VESICAL CGVslO SENSE." vri?-wi. . - i ,,, Ins name snd pot-cflic Mlure, aad tu ceutl in sttnips to pav po':!ire. To hv.v suffering with COXSUMPTTOV. ASTimA. CATAliHH, SOKE TIIIIOAT, or I.RUM'ill I IS, tiip information in th a Book U ef irr-at 'Siuc ; :i 1 it may in tie providencs ol Ciod, save mnrr u"l liv. Adilren. 1U. S. li. WOU r, 1 1C m!La Ou, CtaclaaaU. t mb. c r., u ay person wco wi j m id COCPACHV OP T!5 r.?lJTRY, WILL THIS MAP, it-'.y THE to rw - V - iS.yiS' BE T'VLl-'N TI!n K.iST Si TUE WEST1 n :- v -- f--r u.n tiurposes only. Oneoths -. 1 r '....r l':i!in.-e Cars is a SMOKINa h. !.'; --in j .: eajoy jour "ilarana" v :-'t ii," r -,f i;.. t'nr, it-. :u : . -..i 1. t., rir;".:!?es span tks Mississippi .1.! i.-. 1 i s ii. i-rsat nil poiuts crossed by Ihm i,n.i 1 i--n fvrsr -n' iiid at Council xllnlTs. 'U iv, ! t. h. and Atchisoo. COQ- 11 ' 1 :.- .-i n.:-.i:o i! t 'uion Depots. H--: t:.i.s if.M. ;:. i:. covnkctions or At '. I! ;',n vii'a all :rrttcf linst for Umt r-1 ::.! .....ir.. Al E.v-m imD, run tho L. 8. & M. Sq and F, I'l. v.- . V.. !':. .1 v. .vi i: ; o j IctC3Ti, vita P., C. A aL 1 if. U. a; I, a S-.'.l I E. !ti I1. r'ent. It. R. U'S-..ia. u.t.i l r. J ; H. b.sE.; I. B. 4 r ; I I M i.t : k.i.l '!'. f i W. Jtiia At Ko.K .:-. v.tii "Milwsnke A RaoJt I:u"d Si'. i l.--.tr." end Itoek Isl'd A Pso. RdS, u. vis v. .n i . tiu wis UaTCapvrt IiTtaiMk C. 24. A i t. i. li K. A : V tr t.) in.rv. rritli the B., C. R. At V. S.& it'i li'::: r.t. I . :i 'a sntrAt lows R. K. a- .'): ?'...i. w.:ti l. M. & r'. t. R. R. .j.i i.i 'vc'u witli I nton PiatUe R. R. .kii'.i.na: s J i.-xTiu;.with B..C. R. & N. R tt. jiii.wihi. ti. n no. u. u. ix. Kt Mil l i u;i i' A. with CeiiiroJ lwaK. It. ; Yi, it . i . ir! t . 3 .V it. B llti. At Ktoui'k, wift '1'v.U eo. War.: Wab.. 9 Lo--.i - !. ai.ii M- L, . Ka. W -V. K. Ada. Ai. A)iinov. wtth H. St. J K. It. At A rtMJ. f:im AIiJ- Topka SQU Ft! At'h. S. Ko. nnd '.. Ur. (Jj. HjKdV At l.uri::; .i a;nn. wivu Km. Pae, and K&a, At kaxs.v hit, wit a an ran for tae wot wxl raUiwe&v .vtrt.t. ;.-vd 3.ivtov woiti DCS MOTV& lATEJi KOETU. a, m j, . efifaE..t J-i. CO 'Ik vl ''"vjliVijCi ft BENNETT & LEWIS, DEALERS IN !IFruites) Confeiiosaerys, AGENTS FOK TIIE CELEBKATEI) LEA VENU OHTII o les In flue city. GashPoid for Butter and Eggst Hero We are with a Complete Stock m BLANKETS. COV FOOTS. SHAWLS, HKIHTS, IIOSR, FLAXNEL.H, CASSIMEI'J S, JEANS. VALISES, DHFSS, UUODS. JltCHINOS, RIBliONS, LACES, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTH MATTtYU WINDOW SHADES and F I ST V RES. d-c. BOOTS, SHOES J.JSTJD ARCTICS, CEsvHatsf Cups, and Hoods, --'-UXDKKWEAU, ALL COLORS AM) SIZKS AT PKICKS TO SUIT KVKKVIiODY. Card l!Baiai & jSHottocs GLOVES d- il ITT ENS TO FIT EVERYBODY, both in SIZE & PRICE Also the best Select Stock of strictly first-clats (Jro ceries, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tobacco-, Queens ware and Glassware in the City. All of which we guarantee to sell as low as anybody. to close Cash Huyers, and for large quantities. W. S .S. MAIN STIIEET. Wo So WDnfltec The Old Grocery & Dry Goods Stand. Although 'Lection is over we are not done selling goods, bv a long shot. It, OU WILL FIND AT F.S. WHITE'S ONE OF THE LAMEST AND REST S1?)CA'S OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN THE TOWN. Groceries. BBry goods. CS-Ia&M 3t Crockery warc9 cheaper than ever -O- Tlie nicest Green Wintt-r Ai)ik's for sah-. Over 20O Rarrels down (Vila-. Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS N CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS, TALLOW, dC, at JT. S. 'WJrlZTE'S, PLATTSMOUTH, HERRASKA IS M F I US IE T 1B Ei J. . WECKBACH, (Succoscr t( 'rVTHMANX & WI CKHM Hj STAPLE and FAicY DRY GOODS. A full line i-t IPDI3r3Il02B of every Highest Market Price Paid for Choice Butter and Country Produce 5TNo Better FLOUR any where. Qneensware Kept in full "lock. A full BOOTS CALL AT 21 Y STORE Ft HI BARGAINS. i:i?5$on'y lirfundrd iu all r4f where liooilx are- not nt IJ r ir"H'ii t-d.4 J Our Motto is "Live and Let Live." ('ill onil Wwi ll South K:t!-t r..iii;T .M.tift ki! Tiiinl if.'-t-. Ail illlll rL.vris.MtttTiM. m;i.:: aska. J". "V". WETOEIBAOH. CROCKERY, Flour and Feed Store ! In Jerry Hartuiairs New Huihiinir, Main Street, Two Doors East ol Court House. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. roii a;.l kinds Z&-G00DS DELIVERED FREE As Agents fur the r'. ' FIIiK INSriJANCK CO., uf Fr. -ji1, an.J tbe GERM AN I A LIFK IN-U'IiANCl, CO., ef Ncw Yoik, xvl- t,:r.-r to t.!u public good and reliauk Insuraiitv 0:1 th? most reusoiiHbio tti-ui. ! We invite our friends aud to cull and See us, and 11 SUPISOT OTJ-R, STOCK ! HANSEN & CHASSOT. tr su H. BAKER & CO. ilesrriptin Tal k Pocket Cillery, ami 'injlMe I'm- of SHOES. of ritonfCE. T- ANY. PART OF THE CITY. the public fiencralhj