Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 24, 1881, Image 3

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    The Herald,
For iIib lies; S.aplt ami fancy gro
ceries in Pi.'Usmowth. go to J. V.
AVeckbayli. 43 if.
Itoborts htf'is wall i;i(.-r. -" 1 1 f
How about Hit Registry list this
at Roberts' Ding
31 tf
liiviimer's Superior 'r:;ffcr.s are
siii) to the fn. at. lti
lliltt-rs at Slivihl it MillerV,
heap ami ijoo:!. r2V2
Try urn' 0 ib coliVe, ooI as cithers
sell " lb for SI Oil. 1
For mixed paints go to Roberts'
Drug .Store. "Uf
Call and M e the handsome china
tea si-is at V. II. IJaker iN: Cn.'s. 1
-Unites for Fanner's Spring
wotk. a: .vi eight A Miller's. 5212
A-'.c . r Ricmner's ('ream Soda
CracKers. I liey are choice. 1 14
Square dealing guaranteed at the
Great Jled Store 41 tf
CIo and see Asher Clarke's new
goods in his grocery store.
Men'i A i dies 1.50 at the Great
Red Store, 4ltf
Rennet t : Lewis sell Ricnii;er's
Crackeis. 2 i:r have a lull line. It4
Foil :.Uek of Roots S.I.25 at the
Great li : Mole. 41tf
J. 1; - - i i :s & 'jon sell Urerauer's
C'ravkers. i'Jiey iiave a full line. It4
Special bargains at the Great Red
Store lor dajs. 41tf
Organ.-! cleaned and repaired by
James IV;; e. tf
Twenty yaitls best print for -i?1.00
at the Gre.. Red Store. 41tf
r.irnii i's producu taken at
Asher Choke's new grocery.
Come auo sea the inducements we
are offering. Great Red Store. 41tf
Xo grocery store is complete
without Jtf. aiuer's Crackeis. It4
See h. .v cheap they sell furniture
at tne (heat Red Store. 41tf
Asher Ciaike, Asher C'.arke lias
just opened a nev grocery stock.
Ifyoui.eeit furniture call on the
Great Red store and get low price3.41tf
Mrs. Raton, we are sorry to
learn, has i i-n quite ill, but is slowly
()n!v a small quantity of that
pure X. O. Sugar left at Y. 11. Raker
A Co. 1
Clothing almost given away at the
Cieat lied me, save money by seeing
us first. 41tf
Two we.-ks to .lection and no
candidates very prominent in the
field as yet.
Embroideries an. I insertions, a
sph .-did lot, just lecciv.-d at .1. V.
Weckbach's. 52 tf
--Finest cigarettes at .Murphy's also
Xo. 1 Rice paper lor those who like to
roll up their own little papereltes.
Finest line of dress buttons ever
brought to town, and no mistake, at
J. V. Weckbach's. -2lf
Xew Grocery! Xew Grocery!
Asher Clarke s new grocery in Solo
mon & Xalhan s old place. Call and
see him.
An elegant assortment of linens,
toweling, tablecloths, etc., now in stock
at J. V. Weckbach's. 52tf
Lincoln is troubled about her wat-er-woiks,
more than Omaha ever was,
it seems, some man ouht to fix 'em
for her.
IJremner lias made an improve
ment in his crackers thai gives them
a crispness superior to a. y made in
this country. Try them. U4
The largest, beat and cheapest
stock of saddles ever exhibited in this
town, at Streight $: Miller's. 5212
Oar (Jueensware and Glassware
department is now complete. I 'rices
lower than elsewhere.
1 W. II. Raklu & Co.
In justice to ourseif and family
you should save money. Therefore
price at the Great Red Store before
buying elsewhere. 41lf
In list of jurors last week it
should have been Win. R. lkown in
stead of ';" and A. 1. Desnain in
stead of S. Despain.
Ask for Ilremner's Cream Soda
Chicago Rutter, William.-" Tea, Milk
and Gem Oyster Crackers. You will
fine them superior to ail otheis. U4
We are daily expecting our spring
stock of 1 ulies and liii.-ses shoes and
will make you prices which wiil as
tonish you. W. 11. Rakkh Co. 1
Rev. Father I.oagi i will deliver a
lec ture on the eifecis of intemperance
at the Cat!n4ie Church on Sunday
evening at halt p:ut svwn. All a:e
We wiil positiveiy 1 carpets at
cost for next :JD days, to close out
stock, as we do not intend keeping
them after this lot is sold.
1 W. If. Rakj.i: Ai Co.
It mast hav been avWui cold in
Montana this winter. The deks and
geese froze solid in the air a:.;i are
hanging there yet waiting for a thaw
to come. So says the Virginia city
paper any way.
We expect a lot of -. is from the
importers in Dot n i-: a very few
lays and i ! nmUe it to your interest
to see them l efoi" puichasii'g.
1 W. ... Baklk & Co
ii .it - t . i
They art setting me Let j
:r the Great Red Store, at such very i
low prices, anil j ou have cveiw thing
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. I hat is why you should
go there for all you nt ii. :Rf
Our spiing dress goods will ar
rive next v. . k boiitrhL for cash di-
.. f. . ...... i .,..! i. i.i Mliil will be !
Sold Cheap and waiiail e;i be-.t goo:1.-!
in the uiaif. -. W. 1 1 . Hakkii A Co. 1 j
Agents for chea; I'ianos
times claim tliit they cm furnish the
"STEIN WAV." lo not be deceived by
them as we are the authorized
agents in Xebraska.
45tf Max Mkvi:i: & l!i:o , Om.ili.t.
Plasterers are Ii'.uy at Work at the
new Hotel building. : nd to judge
from present nppeai ances our new
'hashery" v. :;l K- ore.u for the recep
tion of guests inside of a month, pro
viding (always) the v.viUi-r ilou't gt t
another ugly tit on and all our
Capt. Taine, of Lincoln; raine tc see
us jesterday.
John Frew leaves for Iowa this
week to visit a sister.
Capt. Greenslate, of South Rend and
F.Imwood, was in town yesterday.
Dr. Root of Greenwood called Fri
day. The Doctor has improved in
health this winter we think.
S. Yates Ogden an old subscriber to
the IIkkalo called Tuesday. lie re
mains at Weeping Water now.
Charles Mayer, our clothing man,re
turned fiom his eastern trip on Sat
urday, looking hearty and fresh.
Mr. Lilly, another old Burt county
acquaintance, .called on us Saturday.
He caire down with Mrs. Stork from
S. C. Smith, of Unit county, an old
friend of the Hf.kai.d, stayed with us
Sunday. He had been in attendance
upon Mr. Stork.
J. V. Weckbach. our merchant
prince started for Chicago and the
east on Monday for his spring and
summer stocks.
John Fandras another old IIkkald
friend called yesterday and now he
goes to Jefferson county where the
IIkkald will follow him.
Eddie Morrison, for some time past
message boy at the U. & M. telegraph
office here, was apppointed operator at
Crete for which place he left on Tues
day. P. A. Leonard, of the Chaffee County
Times, Colorado, called last week in
company with Capt. Palmer. Mr.
Leonard conies from a live country.
and yet thinks of emigrating to Xe
braska, maybe.
Our old friend Uesser was up Sat
urday preparing for spring work.
This ha3 been a hard winter on Mr.
Uesser but with his usual indomitable
will ho Li preparing fr new and
larger business.
Mrs. E. Cooper returned from Oma
ha last Friday, where, we are sorry to
learn, she and several members of the
family of Mr. Elbert Duke where she
has been visiting, wrestled with t he
discomforts of German measles.
Sev ral members of the family of
Mr. F. Latham have been sick. Miss
Ilattie with measles and afterwards
billions fever, Miss Parker with the
measles and Mrs. Latham with diph
theritic sore throat. All are now on
the highway to recovery.
Gen. Geo. Smith is expected home
daily, we may say hourly. He sent
an Avant Courier to Mrs. S. and Strode
Monday. We hope the General has
behaved himself well this winter at
Washington, and that he will bring
the flavor of new life and other scenes
to this snow and ash-heap town when
he gets here.
Cold piercing winds and driving
rains seldem fail to bring en a Cough,
Cold or Hoarseness at this season, and
Dr. Hull's Cough, Syrup should be kept
in every house. For sale by all Drug
gists. Chailey Holmes will have another
car-load of good heavy farmers' horses
this week, just bought, comi and see
Persons indebted to W. II. Raker
& Co. will please caM as we want to
go east in a few days and need money
to buy spring stock. 1
Peppeiberg's cigars are the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia,
and to hearty eating is relieved at once
by taking one of Carter's Little Liver
Pills imrnedi iie!A after dinner. Don't
forget this. For sale by Smith, Ulack
& Co-
F. C. Uo'.ven, the Sewing Machine
man dropped in yesterday to see the
Hi:i:Ai.r. Mr. R. seems to be an act
ive, reliable agent and we wish him
Among the little items of person
al comfort and economy are Ayer's
Pills. They are ihe ready remedy
which defeat many disorders, if taken
in season, and should be kept in every
We call attentiontion to the sale
of lots and property of the. late James
O'Xeil on April advertised ny Mr.
Johnson, Administrator. This is an
important sale, please remember the
The Rtv. Mr. Murray living in
Liberty precinct bought a fine pair of
mares of Charley Holmes. Large,
handsome and well mated. They
were worih the .'JOO he paid for
Ayer's (.'berry Pectoral is mild and
soothing in its immediate a. id appar
ent effects, and possesses far reaching
and powerful healing qualities which
its persistent use will demonstrate in :
any case of coughs, colds, throat
lung troubles of anv kind.
0.1 1
McLennan seems to be holding his
own among the boys. He and brother
Windham had a westle the ether day
and although "Me." was rather on the
wrong side of the c;'.se he took half
the pel sinmi.dis.
Streighl & Miller, being very
thankful to their numerous customers
for their kind orders of late, would al
so kindly request, in c mnection theie
wtth, their delinquent friends to please
call and settle their little accounts at
an early day. o2V2
Ii will be seen by the telegraph
news, that it is feared that John K.
Murphy, ;i deputy sheriff of Oagp
county, has been foul'.y dealt with.
He lot t Kansas Citv two weeks ago
with a horse thif, got as far as l.eav- j
en'.crth and has not since been heard j
heard of.
Sj-ijn will come sooner or later,
and Chiiinbeis, the champion harness
maker, erJus it distinctly understood
especially among the farming com
munity, that he is fully prepared now
to supply all with the best and cheap
est of h:iMiess collars, halters, etc..
Mr. Chambers wants it also under
stood that he has established himself
in Plattsmouth to do business, and if
he can't sell and at tha same time sat
isfy his customers in every respect,
there is no use trying any further.
II 1 1 l i llt - I
we auvise everyoouy 10 ca.i mere auu 1
examine lor themselves. 5'2V2
! Official Communications.
j At the coming city election six
i members of the school board are to be
! elected an 1 as the new law has
J changed the qualifications of those en
i titled to vote for these officers I deem
j it advisable to call the attention of
the citizens to said qualifications
which are as follows: Every voter and
every woman who has resided in the
district forty days and is twenty-one
years of age and who owns real
estate in the district is entitled to
Vote. Every voter and every woman,
who has resided in the district forty
days and is twenty-one years of age
and who owns personal property in
the district which was assessed in his
or her own name at the last assess
ment is entitled to vote. Every voter
snd every woman who has resided in
the district forty days and is
twenty-one years old and who has
children of school age residing in the
district is entitled to vote.
The ballot for school officers will be
separate from the ballot for other
city officers so that those who are en
titled to vote for both will have to
cast two separate ballots and those en
titled to vote for both sets of the
above mentioned officers and wish to
vote also on the question of funding
the B. & M. bonds will have to cast
three separate ballots. Those livingiii
schod district Xo. 1 but outside the
city limits can vote for school officers
in the ward to which they would be
long if the boundaries of the ward ex
tended to the boundaries of the dis
If these things are borne in mind it
will avoid confusion at the poll3.
J. W. Johnson, Mayor.
There is no one article in the line
of medicines that gives so large a re
turn for the money as a good porous
strengthening plaster, such as Carter's
Smart weed ant Helladonna Uackache
Plasters. For sale by Smith, Ulack &
G. A. R.
The G. must meet and arrange
for future work, install its present
officers, and settle past business. The
business engagements of some mem
bers, sickness of others &c. have pre
vented a meeting thus far. We set
Tuesday, April 12th as the night for
such meeting unless otherwise or
dered. Please remember the date.
This is due notice and all prepare to
be there. It 2
Driving Park.
The members of the Driving Park
association must get together, and fix
their accounts and prepare for spring
work, for which purpose a meeting
will be held at the county Judge's
office on Satukdat, April 2d, at
which all stockholders are positively
interested in being presentj
Uy order of Uoard of Directors. It2
Every woman who suffers from
Sick Headache, and who dislikes to
take bitter doses, should try Carter's
Little Liver Pills. They are the easi
est of all medicines to take. A posi
tive cure for the above distressing
complaint; give prompt relief iu Dys
pepsia and Inligestion; prevent and
cure Constipation and Piles. As easy
to take as sugar. Only one pill a dose.
40 in a vial. Price 23 cents. If you
try them you will not be without
thorn. For sale by Smith, Ulack & Co.
County JudKe, on March 1C. 1881. Mlt. Jo-LKi-ii and Mabgakkt Simmons.
Comitv Jmlfie. March. 21. isst , Mk. Morkis
Uobu'mi aiul Miss .iF.NXiK E. Rosk.nwkio,
of Omaha.
JONES FIMPLE By A. N. Sullivan. Connty
luile. March. 22, lsl. Mil. I HAs. li. jo.nm
ami Miss Elvika Fimflk.
DAVIS Suddenly at her residence in Greer
Sltijr Vulh'V. Baltimore Count v. Marvhind.
on Felru:irv2. isl. Ki.i.a V., "Wife of Col.
T. Sruuois"IAVis of Baltimore.
Mr. Davis leave many friends in thin
count v havinir resided in Plattinouth for sev
eral year. Her first husband, Joseph I. Early
Es., heiiiK at one time editor of the Cass
County Sentinel and uite ironiiuent in Ciif
County politic.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned hereby wishes to
tender her sineerest thanks to the
friends and neighbors, who were so
untiring in their assistance during the
late illness of her deceasedhusband,
August lieins, and at the funeral.
Also to the members of the United
Urethren church for their" zeal and
help during her late trial and bereave
ment. Their kindness will ever be
cherished in the memory of
Amelia Ukins.
When you feel a cough or bron
chi il affection creeping on the lungs,
take Ay r's Charry Pectoral, and cure
it before it becjmes incurable.
The celebrated Kendall Company
have been playing here this week to
good houses and with general satisfaction.-
Their band is very highly
spoken of by Judges of music.
-The following parties are tired of
"going ft aloaej" and Judge Sullivan
has granted them permission to go in
double harness:
Herman Moss and Mary Ilolder
ness. Joseph Messina and Margeret
Morris Pooling and Jennie K. IIos
enweig. Chas. U. Jones and Elvira Fimple.
The Knabe" Piano admits of
only one equal, and that is the Stlis:
way." We are general agents for
both. "Highest degree of excellence"
are the words of the Judges of the
Centennial Exposition in 1S7(J.
Max Meyer & Uko.,
45tf sole agents.
-Work at the U. & M. Machine
Shops, just now is rushing, Two
wrecked locomotives were brought in
from'Oinah Saturday, and two more
on the following day from the scene
of the accident near the Urewery, be
sides a number of demolished cars,
in every shape and condition, that
have accumulated there for the last
few days. The U. & M. Co. have had
bad luck of late.
Girl Wanted !
A girl wanted to d'j general house
work. Enquire at once of Mrs. D. II.
Wheeler. 1
For Sale.
One bay mare, with foal to a well
bred horse. Ap"bty at tills Oftfre.
Dress Making in. Newest and Latest
' Styles.
Mrs. S. Swarts having associated
with herself- in the dressmaking de
partment MRS. A. Vf. DKXTEIt
recently from Lincoln is prepared to
do all kinds of dressmaking, and give
satisfaction to everyone.
Mrs. Dexter has been in this busi
ness for a number of years most of
the time in laige cities and has had
experience which renders her capable
of suiting and pleasing all classes of
customers. Mesdames Dexter and
Swarts would be pleased to have all
desiring work done call and examine
theirwork and prices. -V2tf
Xew Grocery.
Mr. Asher Clark has opened a new
and very neat grocery store in the
west half of the old Solomon & Xa
than store. Mr. Clarke has been a
resident of Plattsmonth some time,
but this is his first venture in busi
ness, and he certainly seems to have
a well selected stock.
Farmers are invited to call and
examine his goods before purchasing
elsewhere. Produce taken in exchange
Good Advice.
If you keep your stomach, liver and
kidneys in perfect working order, you
will prevent and cure bv tar the great
er part of the ills that afflict mankind
in this or any section. There is no
medicine known that will do this as
quickly or surely as Parker's Ginger
foiuc, which will secure a perfectly
nrtural action of these important or
gans without inteifering in the least
with vour dailv duties. See adv. 52t4
! Notice
Foi Sale Good carriage horse,
buggy and harness Apply at the M.
E. Parsonage. T. Gallagiikii.
The Agency for The Genuine Singer
Sewing Machine will hereafter be at
Mr. Fred Ilerrman's Dry Goods Store
next to Post Oftiice. Xeedles, Oils,
everything pertaining to the Singer on
hands. F. C. Uowen,
52tT Ag't. for Cass Co.
Ahlerney Stock.
Mr. J. F. Ueaumeister now owns
Xo. 1007, dropped January 4 th, 187S,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky 62$. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Ahlerney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summer at Mr. Ueatiraeister's
place nerth of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sluuld call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Ueaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. .2tf
Last Call.
Parties indebted to Fred Herrmann
are requested to call and settle on or
before April 1st, 1881, or accounts will
positively be placed in the hands of a
collector. o?t2
A Good Housewife.
The good housewife, when she is
giving her house its spring removat
ing, should bear in mind that the dear
inmates of her house are more prec
ious than many houses, and that their
systems need cleaning by purifying
tiie blood, regulating the stomach and
bowels to prevent and cure the dis
eases arising from spring malaria and
miasma, and she must know that there
is nothing that will do it so perfectly
and surely as Hop Uitters, the purest
and best of medicines. See other col
umn. For Sale.
House and lot opposite Prof. W. W.
Wise's residence, known as the Roxby
property. Enquire of E. G. Dovey &
Plattsmouth Mar. 11. '81. 53-2m
evy Sprinjr Dresses.
Will be needed very soon, and Mrs.
Swarts and Mrs. Dexter are ready to
get you up t he nobbiest suit of the
season. 'ti
For Sale.
One iair of mules with harness,
ply to James Pettee.
Arousing its Header.
An alarm of fire at midnight is a
startling thing, but not half so start
ling to many who hear it as would be
the sudden knowledge of iheir own
dangerous physical condition. Thous
ands of thousands are hurrying to
their graves because they are careless
ly indifferent to the insidious inroads
of disease and the means of cure. It
is the mission of II. II. Warner & Co.,
with their Safe Kidney and J,iver
Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their
danger and cure them Memphis Ap
peal. 47tlil
For Siile.
House and ten lots in block 2H, iu
Puke's Addition to the city of Platts
mouth; four lots under cultivation;
balance timber; good house of two
rooms, and out buildings. The entire
premises fenced in, and everything iu
good shape. Will be sold cheap if ap
plied for soon For terms and further
particulars apply to
Anthony Yanda,
At Schnellbacher's Ulacksmith Shop,
50t4 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Piattsmouth.
Dr. C. C. Gilleland, Gallatin, Mo.,
writes: "I never used or sold a reme
dy for the Ulood and Liver that gave
as good satisfaction as Ext. Saksa
pakilla. Dandelion axo Iodide of
Potassium, Manufactured by the
Urown Medicine Company.. Leaven
worth, Kas."
Dr.. J. It. Way, Hillsdale, Iowa,
writes: "I h ve used Ext. Sahsapa
rilla. Dandelion and Iodide of
Potassium in my practice, and con
sider it the best remedy ever made for
the Blood and Liver, and for Scrofu
lous and Skin diseases."
Dr.Shackel. Columbus, Ks , writes:
"Your Ext. of Sarsapakilla and
Dandelion is the best medicine of
the kind in use."
M. L. Vinton, Oakland, Kas., says:
"My son. 10 years of age, was cured of
a scorfulous rising in the head, which
lifts troubled him from infancy, by
using six bottles of Sarsapakilla
and Dandelion."
For sale by J. II. Uutterv, Smith,
Ulack d Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Plattsmouth.
Brown's Pepsiv Tonic Cures Indi
gestion, and Sick-headaches by furnish
ing the Stomach with the natural
principles of digestion. For sale by
all druggists.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and Xovember. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Sat it r
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Xotice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elm wood tha last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Fel
ruary. E. H. WOOLEV,
42tf Superintendent.
Hair Work
Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee;
leave orders for the same at Mrs S.
Swarts' millinery Store. 43tf
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Ileal Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
To the Citizen's orthe Count j and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Xebraska. 14tf
Dr. Mack's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy cur 3 for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Racks, Pains in the side.
Stomach, Kidneys, &e., &c. Smith,
Ulack & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
481 f
Oil, What A Cough!
Will you heed the warning. The
signal perhaps of the sure approach of
that more terrible disease Consump
tion. Ask yourselves if you can
afford for the sake of saving 50 cents
to run the risk and do nothing for it.
We know now from experience that
Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cough.
It never fails. This explains why
more than a Million Uottles were sold
the past year. It relieves Croup and
Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers
do not be without it. For Lame
Dac-k. Side or ChPst use Shiloh's Por
ous Plaster. Sold by Smith, Ulack
& Co. fieowtf
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of 73
cents to free yourself of every symp
tom of these distressing complaints.
If you think so call at our store and
get a bottle cf Shiloh's Vitalizer, every
bottle has a printed guaiantee n it;
use accordingly, and if it does )ou no
good it will cost vou nothing. Sold
by Smith Ulack & Co. Oeowtt
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S
jector free with each bottle. Use it if
you desire health and sweet breath.
Price j') cents. Sold by Smith, Ulack
& Co. Gt-owtf
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. Ttf
Proposals For Military Supa
Fort Omaha. Neh.. March 11. ISM. S
Skaled I'ltornsALS, in trinlie.iU, subjeet t o
the usual conditions, will In nceived at thi
office until 12 o'clock M. on J iMSiUiy. Aj-nl l:i,
1 a -1 . or at the mine hour Oiiiowiiiu ii r I iu- liiii
eicuce in time). U the olllccs .l ti;e tii;:r;er-
inasters ;u the loiiowuijj ikoii'-u m:o lens, .it
which places tune lin-v wt.i : ti.x i; n: n.r
presence of bidders, for tin: fiiliilMi.ii:; an-.; ilc-livi'i-v
of Mitit:Lrv Sniii)lii-s tiiti'intr Ihi veal'
eoiuineiicin July 1st. 1M :oni ending June
3"th. o$2, as follow : Wood Hay and Char
coal, or such of said supplies as may be re
quired at Omaha Depot, Fort Omaha, I'ort
Moorara, r-ort siidiiey, cneyenue iejor. rort
iiussel. Fort Sanders. Fort Steele, Fort Ha!!,
Fort Douglas, Fort Cameron, Fort KohiuHou,
Fort Hrider, Foil Larau-ie, Fort Kettermuu,
Fort McKtnney and Fort Washakie.
ProiHjScilg will also be received at thu omce
to the day and hour above named, for the de
livery on the cars at the point nearest to the
mines on the line of the L'niou I'.icitic Itailroad
of eiht thousand tons of Coal, of 2,'-'-10 pounds
to u ton. ALsvi for the delivery at the Omaha
Depot, or at stations on the I'nion Pacific
Kaiiroad. east from Kearney .lunctinn, of two
million pounds corn, and one lailiion pounds
oat. for grain shauld state the rate per
Ion pounds not per bushel.
I'ldin.sal- for either class of the store men
tioned, or for quantities less than the whole lv
quired. wiil be received. Kacn proposal should
be iu triplicate, xritarate fnrcaih j7ii.V :f f.i;i
ytr.tiitn, and must he accoiupKnit'd by a emu! ;n
te Kiini ol on thousand uoir.u-s is!.;i.k. .
euted strictly in accordance wuii Hi.: pri ;
instructions, and upon the blank loiiit lur
nished under this advertisment, guaranter-intr
that the party making the proposal shall not
withdraw the same within sixty days from the
date announced for opening them ; and that
it said proposal is accepted and a contract for
the supplies bid for awarded thereunder, lie
will, w uliiu ten days after being notified of the
award, (provided nuch notilical i-ti l.e made
within the cixly days above mentioned) accept
the same tuul fui nish good and snflicicnt sur
eties, at once, fur tiie faiihlul pel toi niance of
the contract.
The 'Government reserves the liht to reject
any or all prono-als.
A preici ence n ill bo given to articles of do
mestic production.
Illauk proposal :m ! prinied circiiiais. slating
the kind Mid estimated quant it lee of Wood.
Hav, and Charcoal required at each station,
and" giving full instructions as to he manner
of bidding, conditions to be observed by bid
ders and terms of contract. &c. .will be fur
nished :n application to this otli.-e or to the
(jiiartcrmaslc re at the vaiiotis siaiions named.
Kiivi'l'ipes containing p'opos.-ils should be
marked :
"f'loprsal for at
and addressed to the u:idi'i igned or to the
resi.i i i ive 1'os' ;;;id Depot (Jiini tel iuasters.
M. I. LL'Dl.Nii'lON,
o'.'tt Chief tjiisrtermaster.
Notice of Hearing for Adop
tion. Before A. X. Sullivan, County Judge.
Id the matter of the application for the adop
tion of Zellie . Ethel Allison by Cvrus K.
Notice is hereby given that application has
been in ado to me'for the udoption by Cyrus li.
White of Zeilie Ethel Allison a minor child
daughter of Alice L. Irwin, and that a hearing
of said matter will be had belt re me at one
o'clock p. in. on the IjIIi day of April A. D.
lssi at the Court house lu Plaitsmouth city,
Cass county, Nebraska, where all parties inte
rested may attend and they shall be heard.
A. N, Sl i.i.iyan. County Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 23d. A. I, lssi. iu
Sheriff's Sale.
15v virtue of an order of sale, issued by W. C.
Sliow,.lter, clerk of the District Court, wiiliin ;
and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to ine di- j
rested. I will on the ant li (!av of April. A. D. '
1SS1, ai 1 o'clock 1. M. of said day, at the south i
door of the Court House iu said Count v. sell at i
public and ion th following real estate to-wit : I
me soutu iiiui (s-t) oi me. soitiuwesi quarter
lw 41 ttf feciion thirty-four set, aji,
and alro the plaiutilTs interest, if any they
have, in the north half (n',j of the south
west quarter (sw of section thirtv
four (34) township twelve (12) range nin (:0,
east 6th P. M. containing eighty acres each ail
of the above land, situated iuCitss Co. Neb. 1 lie
same being levied flpon and taken as the prop
erty of Edwin Angell. Mary E. -.Angel!. Oeorgc
A. ilogrtaud aud Melissa L. Patrick, Defend
ant's ; to satisfy a judgment of said court re
covered bv James Wilkinson. , Plaintiff.
IU K. W. Hykics. Sherilt. Ca! Co.. Neb.
riattsinouth. Neb.. Feb. 10th. A. D.. lssi.
Legal Notice.
In the Ditri t f'oiof of fits Ci'tinl; N:f.r:sin.
JiKTTY It vt. I., Plaintiff, i
vs. r
Willi ah S. Hall. Defendant, )
To W iiliam S. Hail ll-ill ersideLt defendant I
You are hereby notified on tiie nth dav of
February. lsi. Hetty Hail filed a petition
against you in the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, thu object snd grayer of which
are to t.btaia a divorce from you on the ground
that you have willfully abandoned tha plaint;!!
without good cause for the term of two years,
last p:ust. For the careland educat ion of Let ha
Aun Hall aud that she be restored to her Maid
en name (Betty Shlvely). You are requeird
to answet said petition on or before Monday,
the 2oth day of April, lssi.
S2U BKTTy HALL, Plaiutifl.
BCUAi'MASf & BEESOir, I) Attorneys.
Administrator's Sale of Real
By virtue of a license to me issued by Ids
honor H. B. Pound. Judue of the Seeonl Judi
cial District of N-trakn, at hi chamhers in
Lincoln, luicaster county. Neb., dated Match
loth, A. D. 181, 1 will oiler for tale at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, atone
o'clock p. in. on tne -s.ui day of April A. D. ll,
at the front door of the Court lluuxe on Main
ureet in the City of Platisniouth, Cass County.
NelmisKa. the loilowing real estate belonging;
to the estate of James O'.ieil, deceased, lo
wit :
The south haif (s'i) of the fouth cant quarter
(seiof the ?iu tn west quarter (sw?n ) and the
west h:ilf (wlt) of tin? no.'ihwext quarter (mvl4)
anil the northwest quarter (im'4) of the oittli
west quarter (sw '-v4 1 of section number two (21
tomiMiip number twelve (12 north of ranee
number thirteen 1 1.) east of the 0th principal
I merliliuu.
I . Anil also commencing at a point ten and fifty
I even and one half oue-huinlredthsi 10 57'i-l0
J chain weM of the quarter section corner
on the norm slue oi section manner nineteen
(19) in township number twelve (2) north of
range number fourteen (H)enstof theoth P.
M running thence south parallel with the e;i-t
line of Fifth (5th) street if coutiuutrd south
from the City of Plattsmouth seven (7.) sunt
T'!', -10" chains, I hence west parallel with the
north line of said section nineteen (ISO lour H)
and 17!:-l(Ki chaint to a int in the east line
of r.illings' avenue if contiuued south from the
north line of said section nineteen (lu). thence
north seven tT.i anil 701, -loo chains. Kiid inter
sect Ins "aid east line of Billings' avenue on the
line dividing section eighteen (is) and nineteen
(19), thence cast on the section line four (4) ami
17'i-lOO chains to place of beginning, nr.d con
tainining three (3 and 24-loo acres.
And nho tiie southwest quarter (swU) "f the
northeast quarter (ne1. ;ml the southeast
quarter (se1) of the northwest quarter (aw!-)
of section number nineteen (ISO in township
number twelve V), north of range number
fourteet. tui ea-t of tUe :th P. M., all of the
foregoing real estate situated in Caws County.
I wilt also offer for cat'? on the same terms- as
above all the ri.lit title and interest of James
O'Xeil. deceased, in and to the following town
lots sit uated in the City of Piattsmout li. Cass
County, Nebraska, as shown by the published
and recorded plat of said city,"to-wit :
Lot i.unibcr nine (!) in block number twenty
o e cl )
Lot No. ten (tot in block No. fort v-four(44).
Lot No. one (1) in block No. fory-flve 4f).
L it Ni. live (5) in block No. forty-seven (47).
Lot No. ten ( no in block No. nixty (GO).
Lot No. eleven (II) in block No. sixty (f.0).
Lot No. eight (S in hloek No. sixty-two (02).
Lot No. eit-vrn ( 11 in block No. sixty-fix (i).
Lot No. niue ;mi in block No. ninety-five ('Jo).
IaiI No. twelve O-l m block No. out hundred
and eleven (111 .
Lot No eight (8) in block No. one hundred
jtnd bixty-fonr (itH. I
Lot No. nine (Hi in block No. one hundred
and tixty-four (iei.
Lot No. tour (4) in iuocic no. one nuiitireit
and sixty-live (li:5).
Lot No. live (') in block No. seventv-four(7l.
Lor No. twelve d.'t in block No. seveiuv
four(74). Lot No. four (4) in block No. Fuvenl y -five (73).
Lot No. live (.1) in block No. seventy-live (7").
Iit No. fivM5 in block No. seventy-six 7G).
Lot No. one (I) in block No. eighty-two is1.').
Lot No. one (l)in bloc! No. one hun-lrcd and
sixl v -seven (167).
I'it No. two (2) in block No. two huudrcd and
twenty-two ('--)
The foregoing lands Mid lots wi'l be offered
for sale in such tracts, parcels or quantity a
may be deemed for t' e best interest of th es
tate, and the administrator reserves tiie right
to reject anv oral! bids.
.1. Y. .JOHNSON.
Administrator of t he estate of .(.ones O'Neill,
deceased. 17-l-4w.
Estimate of Expenses of Cass
County, Neb., for the
.Year 1881.
.s ma nr. r.v iointv ommissionki:
Court expenses and attorney's fees in
criminal cases
Per diem of county commissioners
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
salary and expense of oilier
Assesiua count y and census returns..
Tax list .
Hooks, blanks, advertising, etc
Fuel, court ho(ise and jail
tail expenses, including jailors fees. . .
liulauee on .school lao-t lax refunded..
Outstanding warrants and flouting in
debtedness liridges
H. & M. li. K. bonds interest
Poor house expenses, including coun
ty physic. .in s saiary
K-ads, keeping iu repairs, and cul
verts for road diMiicts
Clerk's salary and extra wrk on as
sessments and census
4,o o.Hi
KM 1,1.0
J. D. Terr. County Clerk.
Legal Notice.
.1 ACOB SCHW All, 1
1'laiiitiif i
VS t is. Smith. ;
Sylvia E Smith and ;
Piiit.te Da is.
1 K'tclidii'.i'.s, J
Piiilip Davis, non-resident defendant, wi'l
take notice that on tin? Mill day of .March, lssi,
I tiled a petition against the above named de
fendant iu the District Court of Cas County,
Nebraska, praying for a decree of said court
ordering tiie sheriff of Cass County. Nebraska,
to execute to Anselmo 1$. Smith a sheriffs 'iced
to the southwest quarter (sw 4) of set-tier, thir
ty three t.M3j township eleven (11) range four
teen (HI according to a former decree i-ale ami
continual ion (as set forth iu said petition) and
to quirt tide. 1 am now the owner of iald land
by and through the said Anselmo P.. Smith.
I'nless you appear and answer said petition as
required by law judgment w ill be taken against
you by delaull.
Jacob Schwai:. Plaintiff.
R. li. Windham, Att y for ITff. 5211
All the heirs next of kin and persons Inter
ested in the estate of William E. Doiielau. de
ceased, are required to appear before i Ion. S.
Ii. Pound. Judge of the 2nd Judicial Distiict
Court of Neluaskaat his chambers in the City
of Lincoln. Lancaster County, Nebraska, on
the oi li day of April, lssi, at 2 o'clock p. in. or
said day. to show cause w hy a license should
not )- grunted to Ailie 15. Donelan. guardian of
: he minor heirs of William K. Donelan de-(".a-t
il, to suil all the right title and interest of
i'MmiiKd F. Donelan and John A. Donelan.
minor heirs of Win. K. Donelan. deceased, in
and to tiie following described real estate to
wit: Lots No. thirteen (13) and fourteen (U)
except three and one half (M'i) feet off of the
soutu side of slid lot thirteen' (i:i) in block
thirty-one (31) and lot four ( 1) in block thirty
oiie(.'M) and twenty-four (21) feet oil of the
east ! lids of lots twelve (12), tliirtecn ( lo) ;aud
fourteen (14) in block thiriy-two (32) all as des
ignated on the published and recorded Flat of
toe Citv of riattsinouth. Cass County, Neb
raska. ' ALLllt li. DONELAN.
f.2!:: IlerAttv.
Legal Notice.
To C. If. McConuiel; and the Singer Manufac
turing Company.
Vou are notified that Phillip D. Eltintro has
filed his Petition in the. District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, to foreclose a inormage giv
en hin'i July 31, 1S75. by Win. II. and Sarah J.
li,-ck. ou west half (W '-t) of northwest quarter
of section No. thirty ot town No. ten noiih of
range No. elrven east (iiw'i ;tf). to, 11.) in Cass
County. Nebraska, on which there is due .sou.
w ith 12 per cent interest from July 31-t, lsTo,
aud on which you claim judgment liens, Vou
are made defendants to foreclose and bar any
claim or lien you. or either of you have upon
said land. Vou can plead to said petition in Cotii t On or before April 2oth, lssi.
of 1 4 M. L. Hay ward, Pl'lls Att'v.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice ii hereby given that in pursuance of
a decreia! older, made by his honor, S. U.
round. Judge of the District Court of
the Second Judicial District, in and for
Cass County. Nebraska, at iiis chambers iu the
Citv of Lincoln. Nebraska, oi; Friday, the 2:th
dav of February. A. I), lssi. I will, on Tuesday,
the 22d day of March. A. i). lsst. at the front
door ol the Com t House, i.i the City of Plaits
mouth. Case County. Nebraska, offer for sale,
at Public Auction, at I he hour of 1 o'clock p. ni.
of said day, to '. lit- highest and best bidder, a 11
the rifihi. ! in i crest of James Latta,
SamiM-1 K. 1. id la. and Elbert Latta. minor heirs
nt Itoboi t Latta. deceased, late of Cass County.
Nebraska, in and to the follow i;ig descrii-ed
real estate, situated in .'ass County. Nebraska,
to-wit : The North Vet qn O'O-r (lovVt) of sec
tion No. eleven (It), in ti.v.i. -hi,. No. twelv.
(12). Norih. range .(. twelve ;i2l E.:s! of the
rtih Principal Meridian. S :i I ale wi'l reni:uu
open for bidders foi t l.e space of one botir.
i i-:vi ;. Todd.
tliiiir-Jian of Lal;;i. S:.m:o! F. l-aita.
aiul Libert Latta.
Attorneys for (Juaidian. ;tl.
Legal Notice.
Okokcf. Hanskn.
Oi l-K INS.
1 letciidaiit
To Natli:;r.iel S. siuiiikius. non-resident, de
fendant : You are hereby noti'ied that ou tiie
I sih day of ! ebi i:ai y . A . D lssi, I tiled a peti
tion against on in the 1 intin t Court of C;:ss
County, Nebiasl.::. li'c oi-ji el and player of
wuich'nre to ol.ouu a decii of siOd Conit. de
claring your t ;t :e to t be South Wc.-t quarter of
section ten ilc, township eleven (:t. .Noith
Panne eleven (11). E:tsi of sixth o;t!ii Prii cipal
Meridian. Ca-s Count ; y. Nebraska, l-i be iu:l
and void in so far as i; is adeie to my t lie to
said tlesi-i ibt-d io;, estate. required to
answer said itemioa on :r before March 2th,
IRSL oi the ailega; ioi.s of said pe I it ion will be
taken as true, and jiidg.neiit taken by delault
iu accordance theivw i: i.
CEOot.t: HANSEN, PUintiiT.
V. S. Wisk, Atfy I'm Phfl. .,!tl .
AUKXTs V TKI for the licit aud Fabt
cslei:i::g Pii-t filial Hooks and liiblcs. Prices
reduocil ; per ct-ut. National Publishing Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. 61H3
$5 to $20L23?
rol tlaVl. Maine.
at home. Samples worth
J LIics, sJi LNio.-s Si Co..
Stop 4 Sat Reed
milU 165 AddrfitM
Daniel F. Beatty
Washington, N. .1.
Steady work all sprlnsr and summer. For par
licular address .I.C. MeCt'KDY ; CO., Phila
delphia. Pa.
No Ueinedy more widely or favorably known,
it is rapid in relieving. "uick in curing. For
Lame Baek. Bheumat Uin. Kidnev Affection.
and aehes and pains generally, it is the unri
valled rented v.
SOLI) RY ALL ;iI,H i:ilS.
Ever Known
Any person to be scrioin-ly ill without a weak
stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? Anil
w lien these organs are in good condition do
you not iiiut the possessor enjoying good
health-.' Parker's (linger Tonic always icuu-
latcs these important organs, and never fails
to make the blood rich and pure, and to
strengthen every part ol tiie system, it has
ciued hundreds of despairing invalids. Ak
your iicignoor aixiut it.
Only Daughter Cured
( oiisuniptlon.
When death v,a hourly expected, all reme
dies having failed, aad Dr. H. .Lilacs was ex
perimenting with the many herbs of Calcutta
he accidentally made a preparation w hichenred
his only child of t'oiiMiiuip . ion. His child
is now in thi- country and enjoying the best of
health. He has proved to the world ttiat
CoiiNtiiupf ion can be positively and per
inanently cured. The Doctor now gives this
Itecipc free, only asking two three cent stamps
to pay expenses. This Heib also cures Night
Sweats, Nausea afcthe Stomach, and will break
up a fresh Cold lu twenty-four hours. Ad
dress Craddock & Co., 1002 P,;.ee St.. Philadel
phia, naming this paper.
(Zlieajpei Goods
than anywhere west of the Mississippi Liver
Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets,
Fast of Court House,
:E331TTS2vOU'X,irj IsTEIB
fie best and latest improve-! patterns.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
know w hat I keep, and my Spring and Summer
stock is now ready'.
Give Gorder a call.
Anj thing needed on ii Farm can bo fcund here,
la addition, 1 have added ail kinds of
Buggies I Wagons
- AND-
Kvery wound or injury, even 1 ; evident or
any disease, entitles a soldier of t '. '.il war to
a pension. All pensions by the law of January,
IsTS. begin hack at date of discharge or deal Ii
of the soldier. All entitled shouid ;ily at
once Thous-mds who ai e now drawt"V pen
sion are entitled to an increase. Sold.; r.i and
widows of the war of lsl' mid Mexican w .-r :ue
entitled to pensions. Thousand:; are vet ni':-
tlcd to boiui'V. but do not know it Fees in :: 1 I
caser.-li). Pay for every description of w:.r
claims collected. Fmploy an Attorney resid
ing in Washington, who cau give personal at
tntion to your business. American and For
eign patents obtained on short notice. Send
two stamps for pension and bounty laws. Ad
dress W. T. FlTzcKltAl.b. V.. S. Claim Agent.
Lock Pox 422. Washington, D. C. .Mly
IjoXappetite.Nausea.bowels costive,
Pain in theireaa.-with a dull sensation In
the back part. Pain under the shoulder
bladejjfuneasafter eatinsc, with a disin
clination to exertion of body orjmind,
Irritability of temper. Low BpTnta. Lows
o fm eraory, with a fee lip g q fli a y i ng n eg
locted Borne dutt weariness, Diztinesa,
fluttering of therl eart. Dots before the
eyes. Yellow Bkin, jeadache, Kestless
ness at night, EiBhly colored Urine.
TUTT'8 FILLS are especially adapted to
such cases. oue done ellectn suchacbange
of feeling as to astoiiinli the sufferer.
They Inrmurtlir Appeltle, and cause tbe
tvxlv to Takr en Flel. Ibim the nymem is
notari.tiecl.and by tm-lrTonlc Actlotion the
IHrmiTeOrinuia. RecnliirMaol. are pr
J ucet. l'riee & cents, aa Murray Kt., -V.
Obav IlAiRorWHisKFRfl changed to a Gl.OfY
Kurx by a oliiKle npiillcatlon of thi Dyk. It
Imparts a natural color, acts
oIJ lriitiiirt ,.r !('Ul I'T ou ifffijt 4f f l.
Office. 35 Murray St., New York.
a Dr. TtTTH XiM I!, of InfornXlo mmi
",1 w(l Km-lpli will iMll,4t HLE ua .(.plmUua.
DR. BUTTS' mmmm
ZsUUUheilSi? t 12 IT. Z'.i. tizKi, ST. Z.ZTZ. liO.
THE Phrlel&M ia char of this oM and well knowi invti
ttws ar rtgnl&r grmduU-ia medrcin and turner r. r
f BiariB ib Ib treatmat f ! lc DWar l.i:t ci.t
tktr tkiU bb4 bijr w nut. nprtt ti'U ui U 0 ordinary
prulrtMMr, Ibal Uf iMr4 frtai
laromcli thr tr tat me at of roauf) teatr1 car.
Bata3;i aa k) Bii 4crb felart, airlrt4irn,rrhilif all
tViMrj TraU B&d gyniiillt- or KraariaJ atlrctir-na of th
Ihraat. ftkla or b s traaiad rith uccm, 00 arieutiftc pra
cfpa. without iilaf Mmury or olfer fotaonout Medicinca.
VOIINA IV1PN tbaa of aiidrllr are who arc uf.
JmiiUSmmSmimmm th effect of ftpevwur.
Waa of bWaaUiai Weaaa.aaaf t& veaull of aelf aLuac m joutJi
r xm la aaaturad rear, ara wrauanentljr cured. 1 hta dia
Mia prods aocna of ta (ollowusf afleetg -enniwii, blotc Koa,
Vsstaaaa, wrvwiDta; 4ian 0 aiht. couf h, ludif Mk,
oaatiDaJiaa). daaoJace. ofmmimm of idea. areraoo to o-
0tjt 4aftiva utemorf . aaxaaJ ajbaut4ioa, iaapotaorf or leaa
mi Dunlr Ttf at wbtcfc anfita tha vieiifn fr biataea or artarrSaea
Lift ot quMttca. t. b iMrrt4 tf pliant 4uaiof Uc.w
.( KAiled fmc to miif iJJr o .pplictloa.
grmnmmt Nfarlaf frB Raptar. mI4 md tkrlr tirm,
mm ltrm lkla la tbrlr a4,utac. H U nut (rves.
Con:muDl,llotit MrrtTlf euaftl-nAl, mi.d hr'CU t W-,hc4
iK. UCll (i. I .NorUi Sih bu, t(. Loitla. U.
Ga v. t i-1; in your town. Terms and
Vouiiii fit aJJivs. il Hallux Co
r..tlaii:l, Malu. !y
r LB. U. iUVCV (X
Stilt find ttiemsclvr nt home to Can County
Fanners and all their old customers.
We 7tate tlii Winter our us
ual full and laryer lines of
yowls than, jxiltups, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
count ri has demanded laryer
stoeks, and of a better class, ire
hate endeavored to inert that
devianil. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
for Winter wear, tee hare a
larye and varied assortment, at
reduced rates.
of all kinds. Dress Trimminys
of the latest styles. Buttons in
endless variety, our line of
is exeeedinyly la rye, anil ice.
think, irell selected.
to Ain't all jursons an I all pui sts
A verv full line of
;L.Aj AIM'. AMI KTIIM'.IV A lit:.
which vou must see to soleet from.
of standard grades,
T6ES '-'V'1 "IleSt ,lll;l'il1,'s. selected by our
PflfTPPP "fniaiiy brands, especial! our own
uUlluLM brand Of KltKSII ItOAl.TKO t'OKFKK
called the "AlEKKH K." Try it and see. I efole
pin chasing cl sew here.
Dried Fruits of all kinds, frosh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED GOODS from all (ii.irter-. Very fine
California goods.
by the barrel or bushel.
In nil these branches we shall en
deavor to sell is low an anu one. and
as is po-siple to do a soi'Xl itL'si
nkss. We invite attention and will
show all that call our goods. Don't
be afraid t.) ask for w hat you want,
and call often and early.
3rmM E. i. DOVEY & SON. riattsinouth Neb.
01MN UAlfiLlXti.
soi'Tii nrcxi), XEH.
in general.
Dr D;ii ling is also a Practising Physician and
can always be found at his Oliicc In
tin; Drugstore.
Special attention paid to
"UNION storeT
- AT
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Having op ned a New Store at the abov
I call attention to mv stock, and ask the
patronage of my friends and the
l ilblic la general.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tin wan Woortomvart
and General Goods of till sort
Call a)id see our Sto k before, yoing
Waltei: Jenkins.
OIMI Iti:!, .i:!IIANltA.
, Good 1 inner always on hand. Kepuii ing
done neat iy, promptly and cheaply.
L'avo-trotighiiig and Looting also
done to oi'der.
Ucmciutrf rthc name and place, Hay P.ros.
South Lend. Nebraska. ;liu:;
Wayon, Buyyy, Jfachine and Plow re-
pairing, and yeneral Jobbiny
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
oi jiii in ,1101 oi ii'-i uiio iiiiiei y, as mere
is a good lathe iu my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
lias taken charge of the wagon shop.
lie is well knowii as a
Vew lVnsoiiM and Itiiries made to
o ot- on Sixth street oopositc S'reight's Stable
WKhK. 12 ;i day at homo fitslly in:ulw
V1 -c.'o-tly outfit riJ AiUlifs. Ti:kk & Co.,
TfT TT3a
Wr r'-oomraend Carter's Iron I'ilN eery
'n..".ii who is Wcfik, NcrvouF, r.n LIm r,r!.--'i :
j.crtlriilur.y ti.oi'fl l.o luio Tt.'i;, 7i- I.ij.
L'u'A II.-nuU anil F t, bu; 1. rr it).o:ii
s trench or Ainliti( ti. Tl.-c- I'll'.a (.uirt He
Ncrvr a. give Strength to tlic llndy, M'.m e l!e-
'cs'liinir SWp. Knrich and In iT.'.ve tin! ijuailty
ot :li l'.!oo"l, ni:d l'unly and Hi ihl'-n tin- ( or.i--';Xiiii
liny cure I'uii.itAHou of tiie Ilt-nrt.
rvoiiHiiesi. Trcinblins-f. N'-ivoiis lliacache,
LeiicoirhOM, Puins In li - Hni k. Mid o'hrr fornis
of Fcma'.o Weak hem. It- n: inl r ?li;.t Iron lit
one of tiie coii;itTKiits the Mocd, mid is the
jrr'at tou.r. C nrttr. Iron I'iila um al-o valu
fcli'.e for men who are troubled with ymoun
WenStucHs, Nipli' Sn-eutPr&c. Iii ini-ta; hoxc-.
at5cenl, Sfidbyall d.-'i;;t, or fent l.y
mad. Antlrt-t-s
New York City.
Profitable Readin: for Everybody
Cuin- men and women, tcarhers, mechanictj
tanners, nmti-.rer'v, mrlhtrs, and ail who are tired
out by the constant toil and worry of your work !
Jon't lirink intoxicating Mttrr. but ti-r '
Arc yu iillcrui ironi Lysppia, K beurna-'
:ism. Neuralgia, or with liowrl, Kuincv. Liver or!
L'nn.irr coritiaint. von can hr rnrd bv uine M
If you are waiting away witn Coniumouon. it
male clar- or any icknes ; if you have a pain,
ful con.-h r b id t-'.ld. vm will find i;re reiief in
It .-u are eutecIefl uy oieae. cii anc or Us-!
.Lti.jii, anU your system needs invigoratinz, or
:t you nave pimptes anj blotches, and your LIooc
uerf! fmrifvin. vnn ran nl-iv rfnnH on
Ma'Jefrom Ginoer, Buchu, Msndrak.. btiliinqi..
and msny other of the b:st medicine, known it iJ
tiie Best Health and S.. ength Re.torer Everf
'Jcd. and is far sn-rrjur to letters, Kssence. off
p.,irit;er and other Tiiino, a it never intoxicate..
ind tonitjiiie trie hr.t rnraiive rrotrtie ol all.
It Has Saved Hundr.-d. ofl.ivri; It May ;
Sara Vour..
Luy 'oc. bottle of your drucci and to avoiii
rounterfclts be nre our signature is on the onl-
ide wrapper. H?scox & Co., ChemUt. N. Y. '.
"-1 - ........ .a .-.
Parker's Hair ealsam.
The Host A Host Lcooomlcal Hair Dreatlaff
Containing Only ingredient, that arc buneftcuil
to the hair and scalp, the Ualum wiil be found
far more satisfactory than any other preparation.
It Kever Falls to Lei tore Cray or railed IlaJr
to the original youthful color and is warranted to