Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 17, 1881, Image 3

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(The 'Herald.
I Ttf.n-lcr.t. ir cii' J1n lie-roar iMWen:
jrj. P cu! per line. No aderixeiifciit inscrt-i-4
iur h I li cents.
Legal untie at Stature rate.
AiiorioTs aiiiI oll-eem of Urn law -wlllji neld
rinoiisiliie fiir nil Ua:U notioi-s Ihey hand iu.
vid ml panic i:.-iniiiuif7 pro-.u ui iwuon
ii.iit of any notice will be cld fur th uuiuica
.lon foe ofiui-u notice.
is limited, all cowniunleirMona
kiut be brief aul to lb. point, wttti no wa.t
ii woru.
' The paper l reanonatble for the correctness
lroraing to copy ol paid matter aud paid L-
1. Any person who take the paper rezulsrt)
frem tu pout-office. wUetber directed to his
nxiae. or whether be U m aubseriber or not is
respooflibi for the pay.
r J. If any person orders Ms paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to eend It until payment to
anlliMit th tvllflt It IIIOll T 1 1 . W llP t tl ftl"
JLhe paper to taken from the ofliee or net.
a. 1 he courts hare decided that refusing
- . - u,ullaU frnm thm fWMt
tlfice, or removing and leaving tliem uncalled
hjr, is prima racte eviueoae 01 11.1
For the best Staple and fancy gro
ceries in riattsmouth. go to J. V.
Weckbach. ' 43tf
Spring suits, the finest in the land.
I . 1 ..n 1 n ai.lamli.l elm lia1 irrtV-
rtilll 1M IU U lip 111 PJiCHUiM 01lCt.- ft....,
si.ifat Ed. Wescott's. 51 12
Next Monday.
r - "
Roberts sells wall paper. 51tf
Kvtfrybody goes to see Kendall.
Store. .. . ".
at KoterU Drug
Mud and slush are the order of
jjw day.
-Halters at.S-reight
cheap and good.
News items, nowadays, are
angel's visits. i
Bird Cages of all styles at the
l O. News Derot. 1
TLe merclunts are getting ready
for their spring trade.
For mixd paints no to Roberts'
Drug Store. 31tf
i Harness lor warmer a spring
jVwoik, at Sti eight & Miller's. 52t2
Suuare tealinc guaranteed a- the
Great rted SlOre 41tf
The streets are getting '.o be f jar
fully muddy -asure sign of spring.
You will tin-the nicest groceries
iu town at Lennett and Lewis . 1
Herman Moss and Mary Holder
ness gwt a to splice yesterday.
Men's Arctics
Ked Store,"
1.50 at the Great
at the
Anotler lt of fresh crackers and
cakes Jusv received by liennett and
Lewis. 1
Full ilock of lioots
(ireal lie Stole.
at the
Buru,ng corn in the office is not
such fun as the heartless coal men
seem to Uink.
Specul bargains at the Great Ked
Store tor &) days. 41 tf
The II. E. Sociable at the parson
age Friday evening this week. Come
out one aid all.
Orgais cleaned
James 1'e.tee.
and repaired
Snow, rain and hail, all in one af
ternoon Monday, iow'n that for
Twenty yards best print for $1.00
at the GieU Red Store. 41tf
A new line of Mme. Demorest's
patterns just received at Misses Herr
mann & Wurl's. 1
Come ud serf the inducements we
are offering. Great Red Siore. 4ltf
Maple Sugar! Maple Sugar! three
hundred - pounds -just received by
Bennett & Lewis. 1
?-&ee ho v cheap they fcell furniture
at tne Great Red Store. 41tf
-Remember the Kendall Combina
tion commencing next Monday March
21st, for on? week. I
If you need furniture call ou the
Graat Red itore and get low prices.41tf
One Season Ticket good for eight
entertainments given by the Kendall
Combination only S'3,50. I
-.-Wail paper in great variety, and
in shades to suit the most fastidious.
' at Roberts' Drug Store. 51t2
Friend Nathan is up aud around
again, and feels as happy as a clam at
high tide iu his new storeroom.
J-CJothini: almost given away at t
"1 GrearurtfUlI save inoney by seei
us tirst.
Mr. Val Ration will opeirJiew
brick yard on Washington Avenue,
just west of Jerry Hartman's.
- The largest, best and cheapest
r" stock of snddles ever exhibited in this
tfHwu, at Streight & Miller's. 52t2
The McNurlin School House case
F caused quite an excitement and a full
L House at Judge Sullivan's Court.
--Wait for Fred Herrmann's spring
stock of goods before you squander a
nickel iu the way of dry goods. 1
-Billy SUryock has got into the
papers, they say, at least into the
Lodgs" paper but it's a great secret,
w hat it's all about.
A splendid stock or milinety
goods, for the spring trade, now oien
fr inspection at Misses IUrrmann &
Ail Young ld U0 Season Tickets
,the "Kendall Combination" on 1 , st
w.uday. The compaay is worthy of
fa good patronage. 1
A new line of cashmeres, ia black
and colors, just received at Solomon &
Nathan's, one door east of Court
House. 1
That opposition Kouiedy outfit of
which Deacon B.ushaell and Prof.
Woulei are shining lights, is progress
jug Qnely -in rh.eardiiU.
-Phil Young received over 4,000
M.trb!ee, and 230 Tops, the largpst
stock in the city, and the place for the
boys to get bargains. 1
We should not suffer from a cough
when a few dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral will cure. Time, moner,
comfort, health, all are saved by it.
jsing by Solomon & Xathain's
i to call in and examine their
k in Ihfeir new storeroom, one
of Court House. 1
f White lead.
Tj 1
Dr. Butler.of Weeping. Water was
here Saturday. i . 1 '.- - - - I
Theile Livingston fame up to see pa
and ma yesterday. -
Fred Stadelinan, Jr. ye son of Fred.
Sr. came home to see the girls his
sisters, we niean.
Mr. Kurtz, of Omaha, dealer in
faapjr goods, was iu the city Wednes
day in the interest of his house.
Hon. Orlando Tfcfft, from the "Sweet
Vale" and so on, js visiting us, the
guest of IIou. Sam Chapman we judge-
Miss Josie Stadelmann went up t
Lincoln last week but was obliged to
return home and enjoy (?) a struggle
with the measles.
Col. Cushing, candidate "for
Councilman, plenipotentiary extraor
dinary of the Land League &c, visited
us from Lincoln yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hermann leave
to-day for the east. Mr. Herrmann to
purchase a spring stock and Mis.
Herrmauu to visit her Wisconsin
Young Mr. Austin
of the .Cinciu
us Washington
nati Star 1'ress sends
papers and his own
and interviews ' with Ex-President
Hayes. Mr. Austin prepared the
Associated Press report of the Inaug
ural. Mr. La Mar of the 1$. & M. offices
called n Saturday last, 4accompanMd-
by Mr. Geo. T. Howser, Sec. of the
State Committee of the Young Men's
Christian 'Association, resident at
Omaha, who .was the guest ef Mr
La Mar. Mr. Howser requested the
publication of a call for a State Con
vention of the Young Men's Christian
Associations, which will be found
elsewhere, he is seemingly very deeply
interested in the work, and we en
joyed a very pleasant chat with him
on the subject.
Mr. C. J. Horning called and left a
year's subscription, to keep us good
natureu toward mm, lie $aii. it is
needless to say it had the desired
effect, for to our "cash in advance"
subscribers we alwajs entertain the
most kindly feelings. Mr. and Mrs
Horning returned from a trip te In
diana not long since where they
attended a reunion of the family of
Mrs. Horning, a very enjoyable meet
ing. Mr. H. thinks the weather
was worse there than here, however,
and sickness more prevalent.
Parents, mothers, nurses, - do not
fail to give Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup to
the little ones for all cases of Coughs
or Colds. Costs only 2o cents.
Mr. Clarke, a new grocery man
opens in Solomon & Nathan's old place,
Amongst the new novelties just
received by Phil Young are California
Wood Sleeve Buttons and Celluloid
Key Rings, besides many other novel
ties. - -r ,; 1
We are sorry to see our deputy
Sheriff Mr. McElwaiu going round
with a cane. He has had quite a se
vere attack of rheumatism lately but
is now recovering.
No scrofula ci'.u be se deep sea ed
no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer's
Sarsaparilla will be found helpful. It
will effect a cut e, if cure be possible.
Fred Herrmann left for Chicago
and the east this morning, to lay iu
heavy stock of Dry Goods, especially
adapted to the spring and summer
In justice to yourself and family
you should save money. Therefore
price at the Great Red Store before
buying elsewhere. 41tf
A Rev. Lawyer in this place
thinks the crowd of children at the
Post office Sundays and in fact every
dar. misht be abolished with benefit
to the community.
Misses Johnson & aweeney are re
ceiving their new stock ot spring
goods, of th- latest styles and novel
ties this week. More to arrive next
week. Ladies, wait fot their new
stock. 1
Carter's Little Liver Pills will
positively cure sick headache and pre
Vent ts return. This is not talk, but
trnth. One pill a dose. ; To be had of
all druecists. See advertisement. For
sale by Smith, Black & Co. .
Solomou & Nathan are constantly
receiving new lines of millinery goads
handsome and at tractive for the spring
trade. Ladies should not fail t call
in and examine. . Don't forget one
door east of the Court House. 1
Jno. A. Moak. the business man
ager of the Kendall Komedy Troupe
was here last week. It's a good name
for a Komedy Korps and Mr. Mo.ik is
a good man for knowing just what we
ii ted here at this time.
The vr!U known strengthening
properties of lf?. combined with oth
er tonics and a most" nerlect nervine,
are found in Carter's IroS- Pills, wich
strengthen the nerves and body, and
improve the blotnl and complexion
or sale by Smitlu Black cfc Co.
The Omaha Weekly Republican
offers a farm aod all sorts of premi
ums on subscription. They offer us
terms whereby we can make the Her
alb and Republican at S2.70 per year.
Send ia your subs. It is a large hand
some weekly full of news.
If all the dogs were sent to Lap
land, the lawyers to Lie-beria, the don
keys to Bray-zil. the lovers to Sigli
beria. the editors to News Zealand ainl
the key-hole anglers to Peer-u, the
eternal fitness of thines would have
equilibrium down to a small point.
Last week a young woman of this
town swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of a gallant youth for seduction.
Hycrs called on him at his place of
business, and the' matter was finally
compromised by a marriage.
Streight & Miller, being very
thankful to their numerous customers
for their kind orders of late, would al
so kindly request, in connect jou theie
wUU, their delinquent friends, to please
call and settle their lit tlo accounts at
an early day. - 52ti
The Post Office at Eight Mile
Grove so long held by our democratic
friend C. II. King has at hist changed
hands, and Doctor A. Root has been
appointed Uncle- S un's agent in the
classic shades of "Kingsville?" Sic
fluria inuiidi.
Vfi were scarcely aware of it, but
inquiry develops the fact that rubber
boots and rubber shoes can scarcely
begot this winter, they ar as scarce
as coal. The TTiprchanTye re have
& 31. Taiat Shop.
The.other day we strolled
the B. M. flhops to see if anything,
flew was going on, .and meeting D. B.
Smithy the gentlemanly superintend
ent of the painting department of the
road, he Kindly showed us "tllrough
his office and shops. In the lartre
paint shop were three eare which he
and his able corps of assistants were
finishing, among whom we noticed the
familiar faces at T. Ramsey, J. Har
rington, A. Clark, 'al Rauen. Billy
Valentine, Dfck. Kinsman, Harry
Oliver, J. Mc Williams, Geo. Adamson,
Videlock, Geo. Howard and J. Col
The Kfsfcscar we noticed was the
Hewpay car, No. 34 which was built
entirely iu the company's shops, under
the supervision of Mr. Wash. Smith.
It has been painted aud fitted up in
raaguiliceut style, the designs for the
ceiling being a -combination of the
Egyptian - and Japaue?e, making it
unique and attractive and was ar
ranged expressly for this car by Mr.
D. B. Smith.
The next was ah old coach that had
been entirely refitted and almost re
built and was now in the hands of the
painters for theHnishing touches. The
last was a new passenger coach built
in the company's shops here for one of
the branch roads, where it will soon
be running, and for beauty of work
and finish will compare favorably
with any foreign built coach.
To illustrate how the business of
the Railroad company has increased
in the past, few years we will state
that when Mr. Smith came here in
1973 the company had two men in tins
depaitment. Mr. Smith now has
charge f twenty-three men and boys
who are kept busily at work.
The Bell Tower has a new dress
color, red.
What has become of our Lonis
ville and South Bend correspondents?
Embroideries and insertions, a
splendid lot, just received at J. V.
Weckbach's. . o2tf
-Spring is approaching, and when
you get ready to paper your rooms call
at Roberts Drug tore and inspect lus
stock of Wall Paper. Sold at astonish
ingly low prices. 5U2
The Kendall Komedy troupe
play here next Monday, and for six
nights. They were snowed in at Falls
City, for ten (10) nights, and played
every night, to crowded houses. When
fiere before it will be remembered
they were very popular, and two of
the troupe were married while here.
Calicos, Spring Prints, in great
profusion, at Solomon & Nathan's,
one door east of Court House. 1
August Biens, an old settler and
very fine man, died last week, at his
farm south of town. Mr. Biens has
been a subscriber to this paper for
many years and his death seems as
that of an old friend.
ATfegant assortment of linens,
toweling, tablecloths, etc., now in stock
at J. V, Weckbach's. 02tf
Don't forgt the Kendall Combina
tion next week. Phil Younfhas man
aged to secure them for the full week.
playing six nights, and Matinee on
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons,
giving special rates to school children
Season tickets 82.50 good for eight
entertainments. 1
. . . ... . i
Chet. Smith is setting up .tne ci
gars. Mrs. Chet. is gorhg to vote this
spring on the two baby plan suggested
Dy the Falls City man. That is to say
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of a
girl baby born on the 15th.
Only one price at Wescott's, and
that the least that good goods can be
afforded for. Call and see the new
Clothing, Hats, Neckwear, etc., etc.
Ed. Wescott,
5112 The "Boss" Clothier,
We have always had the most im
plicit faith in the integrity and good
looks of otir County Superintendent
and' District Clerk, but some things
Geo. Maguey and this Editor saw
Monday morning in the court room
look well, look as if the cold winter
and long spell of weather might haye
demoralized our friends slightly.
Are you going to whitewash this
spring? If so, don't fail to get some
of that "Alabastine" at Roberts' Drug
Store. It will suit yon. - 5U2
A section hand, named Ryan
working in Mike English's gang, died
of Typhoid Pneumonia on Tuesday
evening last, at the house of P. Mc
Cann, after an illness of only two days.
Frequent exposures to the weather,
during this winter, seems to have un
dermined his health, so that he fell an
easy victim to the disease.
Finest line of dress buttons ever
brought to town, and no mistake, at
J. V. Weckbach's. 32tf
-Hall' Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is highly recommended by phy
sicians, clergyman and scientists as a
preparation accomplishing wonderful
results. It is entirely harmless, and a
certain remedy for removing dandruff,
making tue 'scalp white and clean,
and restoring gray hair to its youthful
color. It imparts a gloss and fresh
ness to the hair which ad admire.
Bro. Beeson, our lawyer friend,
moves into the Patterson house on the
old Straight place this week. As soon
as he moves there Ambrose Patterson
moves into his place, Showalter's
house, James Pettee moves on the
heels of Patterson, Boeck's house, and
Mr. Ashraun jnto Pettee's- late home.
Who follows Ashmun we don't know
but this story is moving enough to
suit the most sentimental already.
Constipation is positively cured
by Carter's Little Liver Pills. Not
by purging and weakening the bowels,
but by regulating and strengthening
them. This is dene by improving the
digestion and stimulating the liver to
the proper secretion of bile, when the
bowels will perform their customary
functious in an easy and natural man,
ner. Purgative pills must be avoided
Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Price 25 cents. For sale' by Smith,
Black & Co.
Spring will come sooner or later,
and Chambers, the champion harness
maker, wants i? distinctly understood
especially among the farming com
munity, that he is fully prepared now
to supply all with the best and cheap
est of harness,, pollers, halters, etc
Mf. Chapibers wants jt also, under?
stood that he baa established himself
in Plattsmouth to do business, and if
he can't sell and at the same time sat-
"y JU2 customers iu every respect.
Tg us trying any further.
V to call there an4
K'r.' ' Jers'ojiar,Ci,a
I'lattsmouth, Neb., Match IG, lSSU
Me. MAcMritrnv:- Pi'easo permit
me to say through your paper to my
numerons friends who. arc' urging me
t be a candidate for re-elecUon to the
office of Mayor, that f -have fully de
termined to step out of said office at
the end of the present term, and there
fore will "not be a candidate for re
election under any circumstances. I
desire to return my sincere thanks to
the good people of this town fr the
honor confered upon mo by selecting
me ta fill that very responsible and
lucrative position for the last'l.hree or
four years. But I most respectlully
and positively decline to be a candi
date for re-election.
J. W. Johnson.
Fire Company met Tuesday night
at the Council Chamber President
Weckbach in the chair. After some
discussion on the condition of the
Company generally, and a pretty unan
imous complaint of those present at
non-attendance of members 'at meet
ings the general eider of business was
followed. Mr. Schnellbacker reported
$50.73 in the treasury net receipts
from the ball and, bills were presented
for fixing Fifth street's beauty spot
(the bell tower) aggregating about $20.
The delinquent's names from whom
fineswere uue were read, and the Sec
retary first instructed to collect such
fines, but on motion of Mr. Guthman
it was agreed that due notice should
be given of next meeting and the act
ive and honorary members asked to
attend and pay said Cues for absence
hitherto. Meeting adjourned to next
regular meeting.
Joseph O'Couner is seriously a
candidate for the honors of Mayor
this spring. The Herald repeats as
before mentioned that the Democracy
owe him this nomination. Joseph
has long been a seelier, he has worked
and toiled and spun (yarns) for his
political faith, straight bourbon and
now they ought to return the compli
ment and nominate him to an office
so commanding.
.Joe, too, has broke with Dr. Miller
on the whisky question, and denies
that Democracy means free whisky
which is another card in his favor.
Solomon V Nathan are busy, busy,
busy, arrartjrir.g their new store, east
of the Court House, and gradually the
room begins to loom up and present
X13 handsome an appearance as any in
the West. As soon as they get fixed
they will tell our readers something
to their advantage. 1
Mr. Cavey desires us to state that
whereas it has been representee!-that
he is to be or is married, there is no
truth jn such statement. He is not
yec willing to give up the freedom of
Herderdom and become a martyr to
connubial civilization.
The '-Knabe" Piano admits of
only one equal, and that is the Stein
WA.Y." We are general agents for
bolJijHighest degree of excellence"
are the words of the Judges of the
Centennial Exposition in 1876.
Max Meyer & Bko.,
45tf sole agents.
-In bringing the Prickly Ash Bitters
I before the public, we claim that it is
one of the best remedies extant for the
preventation and cure of all diseases
arising from, a disordered liver. By
using them according to. directions
tliAtr tx'ill L-Ait tho cretum ii a ctrnnrf
healthy condition, and prevent any
miasmatic inlluenco. Ask your drii
gist for them. Price 81.00 per bottle
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you 'want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind '
If you want money with farm lands to
secure it call on - ill b. W ise,
46m3 Fitzgerald Block.
They are selling the best clothing
at the Great Red Store, at such very-
low prices, and you have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
reuiuden. That is why you should
go there for all ynu need. 31tf
Agents tor cheap Pianos some
times claim that they can furnish the
"Steixway." Do not be deceived by
them as we are the only authorized
agents in Nebraska.
43tf Max Meyek & Bno., Omaha.
PIXON'-WEST- At tl'.o residence f Hie
bride's mother by A. W. Sullivan, Ciunly
.Judire. on luosdav. March 8. lwl. .Mk
I'hii.ipH. It. Inxos and Miss Hilda May
WesT, all of rialtinoiitli.
O'XEILL GOOWX l'y A. Sullivan, county
.IndtTP. on iliiiisilav. .Murcu l. 1M1..MK.
W. o'N'Kii.i. and Miss l)Ei.riiA tioooix, of
Mills t o. Iowa.
CAKEY ISAPKKlt At the lionic of the brldeV
father. Mr. am'l llavker. ol l'.iht Mile drove
rieeinct on the lull! inl. by Hi-v. It. Coolev
dr.. of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. A C. C AItK V and
Miss UlilX A A. IlAKliEl:.
A pleasant company were present, and
happy couple yoimc aud hopeful.
Dress Making iu Newest and Latest
iris. S. Swarts having associated
with herself in the dressmaking de
partment MRS. A. W. DEXTER
recently from Lincoln is prepared to
do all kinds of dressmaking, and give
satisfaction to everyone.
Mrs. Dexter has been in this busi
ness for a number of years most of
the time in laige cities and has had
experience which renders her capable
of suiting and pleasing all classes of
customers. Mesdames Dexter and
Swarts would be pleased to have all
desiring work done call and examine
their wark and prices. 52tf
R. It. Club.
The Red Ribbon Club will meet at
the Presbyterian Church Tuesday
evening next at 8 o'clock. All turn
Attachment Cases in Cortuty C'ooi (.
A. Nf. Sullivan, County Judge is
sued licenses to the following parties
during the last two weeks:
John S. Kirkiiatrick and Miss Anna
Philip B. Dixoa and Miss Hulda M.
Aldo C. Carey and Miss Lorena Ann
Geo. W. O'Xeil and Miss Detpha
At Last!
That car load of bran and feed,
arrived at Hansen & Chassott's.
tiood Advice.
If you keep your stomach, liver and
kidneys in perfect working order, you
will prevent and cure bv tar the great
er part of the ills that afflict mankind
in this or. any section. There is no
medicine known that will do' this as
quickly or surely as Parker's "Ginger
Tonic, which wi!J secure a perfectly
nrtural action of these important or
gans without interfering iu the least
with your daily duties. See adv. 52U
-f...i ...
For f''..-:
E. P;'
;..';. . Ixeaidall'tjdiuUiiintlon. J
To-night concludes a three week3'
eiigagement in this city by this com
bination, and there is not a person
who nas atteuded any of bis plays, but
wilt join us in saying that Kendall's is
one of the best companies that visits
Topeka. Mr. Kendall and his charm
wiie, Mrs. Julia Kendall, are both
thoroughly first "clasa artists,, aud
stand at the very head of the profes
sion. The ladies and gentlemen Mr.
Kendall has collected around him are
first-class performers, sociable and
pleasa.t to meet with, and they have
all won many warm friends -during
their stay here, who will be sorry to
lose their company Jxom among us,
and will be delighted to welcome them
back. Mr. Kendall leaves here with
the wish of our own people that
wherever he goes he will have that
success which he so richly deserves.
Topeka (Kan.) Commonwealth.
Read what the-Atchison Champion
has to say; Last night concluded the
entertaii.ment of the most talented
dramatic company we have ever seen
in Atchison. Mr. Kendall is thorough
ly a first-class artist, and stands at the
very head of his profession; and he
has collected a company of ladies
and gentlemen that it is a pleasure
to meet either on or off the stage.
Every one is not only an artist of
ability, but as ladies and gentleman
they are unexceptionable, and have
many hundred warm friends here who
will always be glad tc welcome back
each and every one of them. We
cheerfully and heartilj- recommend
Mr. Kendall to our. friends in other
Unties, and wish hint much success, for
he richly deserves it, Every play he
presents is put upon the stage in a
careful manner, and nothing allowed
that would offend the feelings or pre
judices of any one. They leave for
Leavenworth this afternoon, and we
can assure our neihiiors that tney
need not be afraid of patronizing them,
for we only add our testimony to the
general verdict wherever they have
appeared, ami that is that the Kendall
Come y Company is the best dramatic
company in the West.-
Ahlerney Slock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns
No. 1007, dropped January 4th, 1878,
-Sire, Kentucky, 2d, loH; grandsire,
Kentucky 028. From imported Iran-
sit, bred by II. S., Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Ahlerney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summe; at -Mr. ijeaunieisier s
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sluuld call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Beaumeisteu.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
Last Call.
Parties indebted to Fred Herrmann
are requested to call and settle on or
before April 1st, 1831, or accounts will
positively be placed in the hands of a
collector. 02t2
A Good Housewife.
The good housewife, when she is
giving her house its spring re'movat
ing, should bear in mind that, the dear
inmates of her house are more prec
ious than many houses, and that their
systems need cleanintr by purifying
the blood, regulating the stomach and
bowels to prevent and cure the dis
eases arising from rpring malaria and
miasma, and she must know that tliere
is nothing that will do it so perfectly
and surely as Hop Hitters, t lie purest
and best of medicines. See other col
umn. '
On or about Februaiy, 1831, a large
roam cow, 6 years old; horns stand up
straight. Any one returning her to
John Leach, Plattsmouth, will be lib
erally rewarded.
For Sate.
House and lot opposite Prof. W. W.
Wise's residence, known as the Iloxby
property. Enquire of E. G. Dovey &
Son. -s
Plattsmouth Mar. 11, '81. 52-2m
ew Spriny Dresses.
Will be needed very soon, and Mrs,
Swarts and Mrs. Dexter are ready to
get you up the nobbiest Knit of the
Reason. 5ntf
Spring Wheat For Sale.
Dy the undersigned residing near
Centre Vallev, Cass Co. Neo.. 400
bushels of the celebrated "Doty"
Spring Wheat. Farmers can be sup
plied by applving eaiiv.
1 "0. W. Young
I hereby give notice that Vv". McAf
fee is no longer in my employ, &Bd
that all bills due me at South llend
should be paid to the subscriber, and
all business of the st re settled with
the undersigned.
S. E. Greens late.
South r.end. March 0th, 1SS1. .
For Sale.
One pair of mules with harness,
ply to James Pettee.
For Sale.
One bay mare, with foal to a
bred horse. Apply at this Office.
For Sale.
House and ten lots in block 28, in
Duke's Addition to the city of Platts
mouth; four lots under cultivation;
balance timber; good house of two
rooms, and out buildings. The entire
premises fenced in, and everything in
good shape. Will be sold cheap if ap
plied for soon For terms and further
particulars apply to
Anthony Yanoa, -
At Schnellbacher's Blacksmith Shop,
20U Plattsmouth, Neb.
Pepperberg's cigars are the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for them.2itf
Mouey to Loan.
On good farm property op long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
It! . Plattsmouth.
Dr. C. C. Gilleland, Gallatin, Mo,
writes: "I never used or sold a reme
dy for the Blood and Liver that gave
as good satisfaction as Ext. 8arsa-
Potassium. Manufactured by the
Brown Medicine Company., Leaven
worth, Kas."
Dr. J. B. Way, Hillsdale, Iowa,
writes: "I h ye used Ext.- Sarsapa
Potassium in my practice, and con
sider it the best remedy ever made for
.the Blood and Liver, and for Scrofu
lous and kin diseases."
Dr.Siiackel. Celumbus,Ks, writes:
"Your Ext. of Sarsaparilla and
Dandelion is the best medicine of
the kind in use."
M. L. Vinton, Oakland. Kas., says:
"My son. 10 years of age, was cured of
a scarfulous rising in the head, which
has troubled from infancy, bv
using &ix bottles of Sarsaparilla
and Dandelion."
For sale by "J. II. Butterv, Smith,
Black t Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Plattsmouth. .
Browne Pepsin Tonic Cures Indi
gestion, and SwV.hpadaches bv furnish-
gestiou... For sale by
tPECI4-U- JsO.TJ.Gli3.
Prof. Kiee's Lightning Xhorongh Bush
- Instrnetor. .
By nse of this chart any one who
can sing a suig caa learn to accom
pany themselves on Organ or Piano at
nee. The lest thing yet offtfed. Call
at Leonard's "Music and Art Gallery"
satisfy yourself; buy' one, and learn to
play your own accompaniments. '
James Petti-r.
Sole agt. for cass Co.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, Octoler and. November. At
eepiug Y ater, 1st i- riday and .Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and .Saturday in
April.Julv and December. Notice nf
other examinations will be given.
At 'Elm wood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday In 1 eb
ruary. -
E. II. Wooley,
'42tf Superintendent.
AriiiiMiiy its Readers.
An alarm of fire at midnight is a
startling thing, but not half so start
ling to many who hear it as would bo
the sadden knowledge of (heir tnvn
dangerous physical condition. Thous
ands of thousands are hurrying to
their graves because they are careless
ly indifferent to the insidious inroads
of disease and the means of cure. It
is the mission of II. H. Warner & Co.,
with their Safe Kidney and 'Liver
Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their
danger find cure them. Memphis Ap
peal. 47tl3
Hair Work
Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee;
leave orders for the same at Mrs V
S warts millinery Store. 4;,tf
" Money te Loan.
Monev to loan on Heal Estate
it. J
per cent interest, tf D. II
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
"White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T.'A.
Hoovki:. Louisville, Nebraska. 1-itf
Dr. lilack's
lllteumatic Cure, an "internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy eurj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, Sec, &c. Smith,
lilack & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two 'months.
Miiloh's Consumption Cure
This is beyoud question the
successful Cough Medicine we
ever sold, a few doses invariably
the worst case of Cough, Croup
Dronchitis, while its wonderful suc
cess inthe cure of Consumption is
without a parallel ih the history of
medicine. .Since its first discovery it
has been sold on a guarantee, a tent
which no other medicine can stand.
If you have a Cough we earnestly ask
you to try it. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and
SI. 00. If your lungs are sore, chest,
or back lame, use Sliiloli's Porous Plas
ter. Sold by Smith, lilack & Co. 6eov
Answer this (Question.
Why do so many people around us
seem to prefer to suffer and be made
miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
DUziuess. Loss of Appetite. Coming
up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when
for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's
Y.laliyer, guaranteed to cure them.
Sold by Snith. 121; ck & Co. 6eowtf
a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diph
theria, Canker mouth, and Headache.
With each bottle there is an ingenious
niisal Injector for the more successful
treatment of these complaint" without
extra charge. Sold by Smith, lilack &
Co. 6eowtf.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. Ttf
To all Our Friends.
Having had numberless inquiries for adver
tising cards in nil parts of the country from la
dies who are iuteresled in the fashion of making
'Card Collections." we are. Iiavinu printed for
them a set of seven beautiful cards, each In M
colors and u a (,'Ohl background, in the very
highest decree of art, ill list ratlin: Shake
speare's "ieveii Ak-3 of Man." We have
spared no expense in thete cards Ihey are
simply little art-gems. Our onlv aim has been
to publish the finest cards yet shown. Appli
cations for them have come in so rapidly thr.t
nearly the whole edition is engaged before the
raceipt bv lis of the cards from the arti-t. We
have therefore been obliged to adopt the f4
lowlng plan for the distribution of the remain
der : No more of the uilt Shakespeare cards,
seven in the series, will lie sent excepting upon
the receipt of statement irom a grocer that
the person applying for the curds has ho-.mht
of him on that day at least seven brs of Dob
bins' Electiic Soap, witli price paid for same.
All applying In this manner will receive the
full et of seven cards gratis by mail. Tins
will insure u that our friends and patrons j;et
their share of these beautiful desijrns, although
it hi no manner repays us for the cost of iho
cards. Your urocer has thu soap or will "et it.
and the purchase by you of seven bars of it at
one time will secure lor yon gratis een beau
tiful cards. The soap improves uith mre and Is
an article of necessity lu your house evcrv
week. Therefore you are not aked to buy a
useless article, but one that you must have
anywav. Please send us your application at
once, and tell your lady friends inakin;; "Card
Collections" to do the same.
Yours respectfully,
119 South4lhSt.,Philadelphla.C
AUK.VTM 1VATKI forlieP.iistnii.i;rast-et-t
Selling I'iulonul books anil Hibles. 1 'rices
reduced ,13 pel csnt. National Publisliiinr Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. Mtl.1
0K 4-n tfjOfiper day at home. .Samples worth
fU XjyJ wU.-,Jive. Addr
ess, S ri.v.soN & Co,.
Portland, M iitie.
For Military Sup
n I r.r il Alll l.ll 11.11 f. IC s III r 1 1 r. .
l-ort uiualia, Neti.. Marcli 11. 1S61. ) Pboi'osai.s, ia triplicate, subject t o
the usual eoniliUons, will be received at this
otlice until 1 o'clock M. on Tuesday. April !:,
issi, or at. me same uour (allowing lor tne it HI j
erence iu lime). it Hie otlices of tiie Juarier-j
niastars ai the fullowi:: named stations, at
whicli places at.d time they will be open m tue ;
presence ol bidders, for I lie f urnislini and dc- i
livery of Military Supplies eurim; Hip year j
couiiiieuciiiK Julv 1st. ISsl and ending June !
Until, .si-', us follows: Woit Hay aud Char-'
coal, of such of said supplies as may be re- i
quired at Omaha Depot, Port Omaha, port (
Niobrara. Port sidiie), t lieveune Depot, Foil :
huss-i. port Sanders, Foil ideeie. Full Hall. :
port Douglas, Fort Cameron, Fort Kobiusoii,
ton Bruiser, tort Laraieie, tort rettermnii, j
Fort McKiuney and Fort Washakie.
Proposals will also be received at this office j
to the day and hour above named, for the de- j
livery ou the cars at the point nearest to the
mines on the line of the Union I'aeiile Hailroart j
ot eiht thousand tons of Coal, of LV.'W pounds j
to a ton. Als for the delivery at tlie Omaha j
'Depot, or at stations on tin; t'uion 1'acilic
iiailroad. east fioni Kearney .Junction, ui inn
million pound corn, and oi.e million pounds j
oat. Lids for 'rain should stale the rate per 1
loo pounds nor per bushel. i
Proposals for either class of the store men- i
tinned, or for iiiiautll ins less than the whole re- i
iuired.wttl be icci-ived. F.aeu pioposa! should i
be in l 'ip'duate.. fi'iiixi'f fur urii iyl,: It itl fmh !
fl'tti'tu, and iiiut bis aceou:ti.i!iied by ; ii.m.l iu j
Ii'eS'tllloI one t,llll:;lll. uoil.ils ; 1 ,'IHI I, re-
Oili-ii strictly in aoc 11 ,lain-e wiai Hie printed
lati iteiioiis. and iHin tue blank tonu fur
ruiied under this Hdvertismeat, cuari.uieeins
thai the party making ihe prop al siiall not
vvillidraw the same within sixty days from the
date announced for epenii:; tiiem ; and that i
II said profMisal is accepted and a contract lor
the sup;. lies bid for awarded thereunder, he
will. It liiu ten days after being nor i'jed of the
award, (provided rudi iioullcati-m be made
within the sixty days ubve tnentioncd) 'L-ept
(tie same and furnish gooil ami sufiieient Kin
etics, at ojicc. ltd the faltl;f,d )et!i 'induce of
l..e '.oiejiiiuoiit reserve the riht to rei.ict
aliv or a:i in ioo-ais.
A nrefeience will be ea to -articles of do
mestic prudiiction.
Llank proiiosals an1 printed circulaiK. statins
the kind and estimated iiiautiues of '.'. (.(
Uav.and Cl-.arcoal required at each station
n ttvlng full as to the manner
of bidding, condition-s to be observed l,y lid-
der ana terms of contract. &c. will be fnr
nisued on apliltcatlon to this oftVe cv tQ th;
QuirtcrniaMers at tlie various stiiionil named.
EnVs.!-)es contaiuins jr-.iosal3 siiould be
Miar,eu : . .
iiuiTOiiur . ...., ...... -
MU (1 1 it 1 irs.-vr u 10-- finio-lTil-'lieu px Kl lueJ
ic.icnitorinuui.ri ' - - i m i : . -1 cjs .
5-t4 ' Chief Quartermaster
XiK-jriviJ. t Oi-J CKS
Estimate of Expenses of Cass
County, Neb., for - the
Year 1881. .
t.oivstKei lsi:, licl.
Court exix'usi'i ami attorney's fees m
ciimiiiiil cases S 4,(X0.(0
Ifr tlirni ot county ooimiiissionprs sW.iO
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
salary anil expense ot oihe t.Onn.OO
Asse.slna county yml oei.sun iclui'ii" . 2.."un
Tax list - i."iu.M
hooks, blanks, advertising, rte i.isuk
Fuel, court lio.o-e Hinl jail .Viu.iio
Jaii expe!4ues, iii.'ltulint: jailors feep. . . J.titio.tiO
Balance on scliooi land tax refunded.. l,.uu.0o
Outstanding warrants and floating In
Hrnbjos 12.xn.0l
It. li. II. bonds interest K'
Iu.aire .-. l.ltx'.PO
l'oor bottle expense, including coun
ty physician s ssiary l.snii.oo
Knads, keeping in repairs, aud cul
verts lor road districts 12.000.0)
Clerk's salary and extra erk on as
sessments and census 5-M.OO
County Clerk.
J. D. It IT
Legal Notice.
JaoOi: St u w A it.
Sylvia K Smith and i
I'lilLir Davis. j
Defendants. )
Philip Davis, non-resident defendant, will
t;tke notice that on the Mill day of March, lssl,
I filed u petition against the above named de
fendant in the District Court of Ca-s lounlv,
Nebraska, praying for a decree of said court
ordering tile sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska,
to execute to Anselino li. Smith a sherill's neeii
to tiie .sontlnvi'st quarter (sw i of section thir
ty three (Xi) township eleven (111 ranye four
teeiiiltl according ton former decree ale and
conrTrnial Ion (as set forth in said wtiliiin; and
to quiet title. I am now the owner ol ' :ud hind
bv and through the said Anselino It. Smith.
I nlcss you appear and answer said petition as
required by law judgment will be taken against
vou by delault.
Jai oii sViiwab, Plaintiff.
1!. li. Winmiam, Att'y lor l'1'il. t.'U
All the heirs next ofkli) and persons inter
ested in the estate of William E. Donelau, de
ceased, are required to appear before Hon. s.
It. Pound, Juiirt of the -'ud Judicial District
Court of Ncbiabka at his chambers in the ( iiy
of Lincoln. Lancaster County, Nebraska, on
the it! h day of April, 1M, Ht 2 o'clock p. la. ol
said day, to show caure why a license should
not be granted to Allie li. Donelan, guardian of
Hie minor heirs of William K. Donelau de
ceased, to sell all the rijjht title and interest of
ICduiund K. Donelau and John A. Donelau.
minor lu ll s of Win. V.. lKinelan, deo a-rd, iu
and to the following described real estate to
wit : Lots No. thirteen (IS) and fourteen (14)
except three and one half (3's) feel olf nfthe
south side of t-ilil lot thirteen (i:) In block
thirty-one (3D and lot four d) in block thinv
one t.'Sl) and Iweiity-four (:U feet oil of the
east ends of lots twelve (12), thirleeij t i;i) aud
fourteen (141 lit block thirty-two (3-) all as iles
imiated on the published and recorded Plat td
the City of Pl.ilTsinouth. Cass Couniv, Neb
raska. ALLIE B. DONELAn!
Ml 3 ' -HerAtty.
'Legal Notice.
l,i llic t'i'ti Ut Ciiurt nf (i.s Cuiii'.t'j .Y liraska. II Plaintiff, )
Wll.MAM S. llAl.l., Defendant, f
'l'o W illiani S. IlaH nun re.ulent defendant:
You are hereby iiotilied that on the Htli day.of
f euiuaiy, ls-i, llrtty Hall liled a petition
against you iu Ihe District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, tin' object and prayer of which
ale to obi;. in a divorce from you on Ihe j-rouud
that you have willfully abandoned the piainlilf
without tiood cause for t he term of two years,
last past. For the caii-jand education of l.etha
Aim Hall anil that she lie restored to her Maid
eu name (Uetly Sblvely). You are requelrd
to answer said petition on or before Mondav,
the &th day of Api il. lssi. .
r..'tl UK J 1Y HALL, Plaint iff.
r.y Ciiai-max & Hf.kson, her Attorneys.
Legal Notice.
To C. II. McConnick and the Singer Mauufac
taring Company.
You are notified that Phillin D. KH intro has
filed hiu petition Iu the Disti let Com t of Cass
County, Nebraska, to foreclose a mormaiie niv-
en linn July 31. !,:, by w in. II. and Sarah J
Heck, on vvet half(w;i)of northwest quarter
of section No. thirty ol town No. ten north of
ranue No. eleven east (liw1 no. irt, n,1 in (. ass
County. Nebraska, on wlueh there Is due svpo
vvilli 12 per rent Interest from July iilst. lsTil
and ou v hich you claim judgment liens. You
are made defendants to foieeluse ami bar any
claim or lien you, or either of you have upon
said land. You can plarad to said petition in
said Court on or before April 20th. lssi
6U1 M. L. llAYVA,i;i. t'l'lls Atl'v
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate f .Jonathan Kerns
deceased, in the county Court ef i Us Co.,
I'pon readiu .iiid lllins ihe duly verified ne
titloii of Mary Kerns, praying that administra
tion of tho estate of Jonathan Kerns, deceased
be rallied Cornelius J. Horning : Ordered that
notice of tne pendency ol said cause be ptib-
lls' ei' 111 tile .eiras.ia ltr.KAl.o. a weeklv
newspaper, printed, published, ami in general
circulation lu sanl county, for three consccu
tive weens, aim mat tne Hearing of sunt raue
be set for tne li'dli oay of March., . ii., )y-l, at
to o'clock, A. M. at t'ie ( iiiie of the County
uuuue, ui i ri, ,,,.h.iiui. at which time and
phi'.-u, persons interested may appear and
sbow cause, it any tney nave, wliv aduilmstr
tion of said estat" should not be granted to the
said Cornelius J 1-loruin;;. according to. the
prayer ot saut peii.n . A. N si llivax,
Plattsmouth, Muiuii -M. 11. Co, Jtplo.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that tu pursuance of
a uecrelai maw, mauc :.-v 11 is uonor. s. li.
Pound. Judgt of the Di-:r!-t C'or.ri of
the Second Judicial Dislif- an,i for
Cass County. Nebraska, hi- -,' i nfers in the
City of Lincoln. N'elo.iska. ou l- ud;.v. the 2"lh
day of frchruiirv. A. I), lssr. I Tuesday.
the U.M day of March, A. D. 1S-1, at i'.n- front
door of the Court lloue. in Ihe Cny i f riatls
mouth. Cass County, Nebraska, oner In .' s., le
at i none Auction, at tin? Hour ot 1 o -m .. p. in.
of said day, to lite highest and best bidder, ill
the risht. ttlie and Interest of Janus liila
Sitliiuel K. Lalta, and Libert Latta, minor hells
of Hubert J.atta. deceased, late ot Cass Count)'
Nebiaska, in and to Hie following described
real estate, situated in Cass Countv. Nebraska.
to-wit : The North West ouarter (uw'.. i of sec
tion No. eleven (11;. In township No. Iwelve
(1J), North, ralijic No. twelve O'J) Last of tl
01 li Principal Meridian. Said sale vvu! reua;n
open for bidders tor the space cj one ntn.r.
L t (i. TODD.
(iu.irdian of ,Tioin; i.atla, Samuel p. Lalta.
:..ui blbi i'i i.alla.
J!-," tHAPM X & Mlf.l-.NN AN.
Attorneys for Guardian. cot I
Lt-gal Notice.
Okoi;;e H N"rrv. 1
PlainUfr, j
Delendant. j "
To Nathaniel S. Situnkius, non-resident, do
fendant : You are hereby untitled that on the
lsth day of February, A. D lssl, I filed a peti
tion against you iu the District Court of ass
Countv, Ncbi.iska. the object and praver of
whieli are to obtain a decree of said CouiT. ie
clariiii; yoiu tille to the South West quarter o
section It'll (nil, township eleven (111, North
Halite eleven (II). Kast d slxtli I'ith) Principal
Meridian. Cass CoMily, Nebraska, to be null
and viiid la 1.0 lar as it is adverse to my t lie to
said described real estate, you arc rciuiied to
answer said pennon on or oemre juarcii zl 11
issi. or the allenat ions of said petition will be
taken as true, and judgment taken by default
in accordance therewith.
(IKOP.iiL HANSEN, Plaintiff.
W. S. W'isk, Any for Pit If. n(H4
Estray Notice.
Strayed from the undersigned on t he 17tn day
of Februarv. lssl, one sorrel hoi-sc cidt : will be
I wo years old in the Sprmjr. Any informal ion
leadinii to the recovery of the same will be re
warded by leaving word with J. V. (Hover, at
Lomsvilie. or wiili r kkd. Honnk,
Seta Six miles S. E. of Louisville, Neb
Executor's Sale of Land.
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of the
auihoiity vested in nie by the last will and tes
tament of Sarah S. Sluart. deceased. 1 will, on
Saturday, the i'ith day of March, A. D. lss. at
one o'clock p. in. of said day, sell at public v en
due, at the South duo, of tiie ourt House, in
Plattsiiuuilh. Cass Co., Nebraska, the following
realestate situated in said County. to-wit : The
North Last iu:n tr ilic'-. I of section No. eiidtt-
jeenl). ami the North Kant quarter (lie) of
t section No. twenty i"0l, all lu tou. No. t"elve
' Oil, liante No. twelve ( ii. La-"! of the ixth
; (Ut li) P. M. Teri::s of sale made known on the
i (lay ot sale. The undersigned reserves the riht
j to 'reject any or all bids. J. W. Johnson.
Adiiilni-'traior ot tne r-itate 01 aarali Stuart,
with will annexed. 4'Jt4
Sheriff's Sale.
Py Virtue of :.o, ;i.ier of s:i'e. issued by W. C.
i Show. Jier. cieik ol ti:e District C ourt, vvi hin
! for Cass r'ouiiiy. Nf-ltraska. and to ine ili-
rejted, I will i n tn-Dth liav of Apiil. A. D.
I lsi, ai 1 o'clock I. M. of said day. at the suiitn
(Igor of tile ourt Il;ne ,i said 1 'oiiii:y. Si -Ti .it
i public auction the fo.'ih v real estate." t-- it :
( I he soi.t !i lia'i (s ' j i ot -"ctioii thirty-four (sec.
I il) and also the pialn tills interest, if any tl.i y
have, la I he not 1 1 Half in 1 c i of section ihh tv
! four (.". township t wejve (l-i raice nin ".
' ea-tij:h P. AL containing eiuhty acre cn-n ai!
i ol the above land, situated int ii-..s('o. Ni l.. 'Ihe
; s.iuie bein:; levied upon and taken ns the iinni
i erty tif Ed in Aneil. Mary K. A ice:'., a. Hojre-
land and . Melissa L. PaTlci, '. 's ; to
i isly a utlui':-, ,,i ai.l co'.irt rt. covered by
idiri's v ojttnson, j mini iu. .". IL W. HvF.lts. l'.eriff. Ca-s Co.. Neb.
llaltsinoutli. Neb., F'eh. lOlll, A. D., Isl.
Every wound or injury . i-ven bv accident or
any disease, entitle a soldier of I he late war to
a pctisioB. All -usions by tue law of January
i l-t. lie-in iikrK r,f iiui-h iri-. or iic:.t'i.
! ,.t ,1. .1.....1.1
01 -oioier. Ail entitled sliould anmv at
once Thous-inds who are now drawing pen
! fi-'n are entitled to an increase. Soldiers au-.l
j widow of the war r f S!2 and Mexicu war re
lcnttticd to pf-nsi ns. Thousa::d, aie ut enti
tled to bouniy. but do r,( t Uuow it Fees In all ray iur cveiy Ofcscript-n ot fnv
claims ocUvbted. Eiunloy auAtiotnev resid
i;p, !r, Wn-luiigton, who can give personal at-l-:ition
10 your business. American and For
ein patents oltahie on short notice Send
t wo stanms for rieiislon and bounty laws. d-
f rirtts V T FlT7ii,n-n I' ft i'"i..n-. Ac..,
i LOCK Box LJi va-shtHi5lo!i, D.C. Sl!r
1 oagi wceK"n I , w o I erms mill
viil xt T .A TTT T" v m T cs i lfr T-i -T rr r
Slop 4 Set'Recdi
inly $t5 AtlilrfM
Daniel I-. neatly
Per month.
Steady work nil sutintr ami summer. For par
ticulars address ,I. C. Mtd'KDY jt CO., Phila
delphia, la.
No Itemed)- more w idely or favorably known.
It l rapid In relieving, quick in cnrinir. For
Lame l'.ack, Rbeninatisui. Kidney AHeclions,
and aches and pains (jcuei ;Jly, it is t lib unri
valled remedy.
soi.e in ti.1. .i:t i-rts.
Ever Known
Any person to be serioui-ly ill w i"iOut a weak
stomaeli or inactive liwr or kidneys'." Ami
when these oi gam-are iu cood condition do
you not 11 tut the poses-nr enjoying ocd
liralth'.' Parker's C hitter Tonic alw'avs leiru-
lates these important organs, and never fails
to make the blood rich and pure, and to
strengthen every part of the system. It has
ciUed hundreds of defpauini;' invalids. Ask
your neighbor about It.
Ail Only Daughter Cured of
( oiisinuptioii.
hcu death vva hourly expected, all reme
dies having failed, and Dr. II. James was ex
perimenting witli the many herbs of Calcutta.
he accidentally made a preparation which cured
his only child of CoitHuiup Ion. Ills child
it now In this Country and enjoyln;; the bet of
health. He lias proved lo the world that
t oiisuiiiptiou can be positively ami per
manently cured. The Doctor now gives this
Kecipe free, only asking two three Cent stamps
to pay expenses. This Ileih aNo cures Night
Sweats. Nausea at the Stomach, and will break
up a fresh Cold lu twenty-four hours. -Ad
dress Craddock & Co., lo?.2 L;: e St.. Philadel
phia, naming this paper.
than anywhere west of the Mississippi lliver
Main. bctw. Third and Fourth Street.
East of Court House,
the best and latest Improve 1 patterns.
Sa I i s fac t i 6 11 J ii i - teed .
know what I keep, and my Spriiaud Summer
stock Is now ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed c.ti a Farm can be L ttinl here.
In addition, I have added ail kind, of
Buggies I Wagons
. .
2'incr if Crahtcr.
Milling, draining, biasing,
Al-o, Deeor.itiotii of nil kinds.
Fainted in Good Style.
K. Hl'KI'.N.
A. It. Taylor,
Illf '
:ll di-cases of the Kidneys. Lladder
I liuary Organs by wearing tin;
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powerful.
It ("I'ltt'.M where njl el-e fails. A ItrVrln
tion and He vol ill : in Mc.lii inc. Alvsoip
ticn or direct application, a- opposed to unsat
isfactory Internal medicine. Send fur our
treati-e'ow Kl lacy trouble-, sent iree. Sold by
drii'l-ts. or .cut I y mail, on receipt of ptn-tj.
The "Only" iui Pal Co
ticiiiiine Kid
ney Pad. Ask AViUiaurs Tiiock.
for it and take DLTIIOir, Mirn
nootl.r dity
Cure. I,y AIlSOIiPTION Nature's;.-
i intoiT iim:am:s.
(Jrc.itliiii I l oiililt s.
It I riven into the system ci;riii( agent
and healii'g meiiicincs.
It DmwM from ;he di-ca'ed parts tliO
poi.ons that e.iui-e death.
Tl,vu-ui testify t its virtue.
Yon n He Reli6ea& Cirefl!
Don't despair tintU vou have tried thi 3ensililv
Easily applied auit Itailirally KfTeoiuAl
Sold by Dnit-lst or aeSt l luiill on receipt
of price. 3, by -
lMS3-TtB,,0nlf m M COaa
"jrlxiok '
"Three Mil- Wlllhim-P.b-ok .
V V.
Slill find themelve at home to V
J-ariiiei-s and nil liieir oin eusty
We hace this Winter m
iitii juii ana inrter ti'ico
iixMLi than, perhaps, irer
fore. An the growth of t,i
country has tlcmantUJ tarai,
.vfocA'.v, ami or a oeuer t I'lsx, vxy
hace endeavored to tiiettlt'ii
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
for Winter irear, we hare a ,
la roe and varied assortment at
retired ratex.
of all hinds. Drrsn Trinminu
of the latest styles, tfttttons in
endless raritti. our line nf
is exceedingly lar( and lev
think, well Ktlectal.
tostrtt all persons onJifdl jwrsm
A verv full line of ""TV.,,.. . .... y
cl isivilli: (VII HTi'UlWAIIIl
. - . m,
,-t Iron
of slan.iard g
of the finest
nnffiioti ofmaiiv brands, esp..m o.r on
bUllLtiN brand of Uilsil luiArTiKK intH'i-
calle.l the "MEKWl'K." Try il and see. I dure
purchasing elsew here.
DriCll FmitS of all kind., fresh and sweel.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED fiOODS from all iin. rs. Very line
California pHuiM.
by the biiirel or I f.-lu i.
In all I hese luanchcs we shall en
deavor to sell (is imr os mil ji.
as is liunsOilc to do a sol M hu?
n i ss. We Invite attention and i
show all l hat rall-our good.. Dnn i
ho alraid lo ak lor w hat you wai
and call otten and carlv.
.irin.l E. O. DOVEY & SUN. l'li;tsuoi
i in i v
t. VJtl.l
snrni nr.xn, .rn.
in general.
Dr Diiiling is alr-o a Practl-in Physician ami
can always be fijund nt Iks Olllce In
Ihe Drugstore.
Special attention j:i 1-IJ
St. TssepTb.. I
Is (ml in-led by an expert accolinl :i,l 'and
successful lc;ichir, Inst i uel ion tlioru.jh aiui
piaciieal. Tuilion lower tliiiil Isewln-re. 1 nil
paiiiculars to any address. if
i'ltf 1 11 OS. .). 1.
- AT
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Having opened a New Store al the abov
I call attention to inv mock, hiiu iisk in :
patronage of my friends and the
I'ublic iu cencral.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware Woodeiuvari
and C.eticial floods of all ort-.
Call and xee our Ntocfi before ooi'ij
the where.
(u rn na:c, f:ittits;iA
A flood Tinner nlwaya mi hand. Hcp:i ,
dou" ueully, promptly and cheap, y'
i:ave-lrciii;hiii anrt KooIIiik also
done to order.
-Ilcnietnberthe iiiime F.iid place, -
South r.eml, Nebraska. -4,
r n r r p. t n rfN m f i if
m n. w w m j
15 L A
. SHO.
Wagon, Buggy, Machine
pairing, and general joblli..
I am now prepared to do all kinds of r
of farm and other tuaehiitciy. in u
i a cood lathe In i iy s) V
The old Reliable Wason'Mak
has taken charKe of the vvaon shop.
He Is well known as a
erv IVnsoiiM and Itnccic jttr4z
Order. .
Shop on Slvlli Ktrept. nnpostdt! Streinlit's S!aLI'
12 a day at home easily mm!'
p lVcohllv outfit free
Afloress, I I KK a
Augusta. Maine.
Parker's Ginger Tonic
Ileculatcs the stomach, llvi i and kidney, and
never falls to make I lie blood rich and pure an 'I .
to Mieniftlien every part of ' he system, jt hsy
cured h mini ids of despnlii'i iiiValii"v Aj i
your neighbor about it.
! I A , g ..l'-MIW
We rocemmend f'rter' Irop Till" to every
womun wLOil Weak, Nervotn, r:d DiMournfcl :
pnrticuiar.y thofe nfco haa Thin, Ppic
Cold lloiuU and Feet, end who arc illiut
trcnglh or Ambition. 7 bene Ti rpdit Hie
Nerve, give Strength to tlci Ilmlr, 'nlnce P-f-cslnrc
Sleep, Enrich and Irrprnv tlie fpiailty
ol ;be Ulood, and Purify aril I'.rililcu the oin--Vxion
Tliey cur pan-li-iMou of tl5 Iliart.
.'. .-fvotidiiess. 'Tr'-mbunj-s, N -rvona llcadaclie.
Lencorrhtes, Puli.a in t!-t Jl.u k, and oilier lornm
of Feinsie Vcakne.H. it. i xmb'-r tln;t Iron i
one of tli cOD.titm iitB of li e HVsid, aud i tlie
pr'attou.c. ( nrler'ilrna Pi'.U are ai.ovaln
a i'.e for men who ate troubled wnh Nervous
WcJiku'sa, Niplii Sweats. i.e. In metal hoxea.
at At rrnta, Sod by ail urucjnets, or tent bv
luaii. Auoieta .
Now York City.
Profitable Readirig' for EveFybody J
tsastn-si men and women, teacherj. m
farmers, miniueri, mothen, and"U who
jut by the constant toil nd worry of youf
i'm't drink intoxirr.tjng Utrr. but
lie i.u -uefii. iruti. iyjcLnji, Knei-oia-J
11m, Neuratiiia. or with fenwri. Kidnev. Lirerorl
C nnrirv
TV r'TT.I:in; vnii ran rtirpfl hv iitinff 4 V
""""ti t I . f. t
it you are wa-,nng jay wjift CoufcutnLiUun, ic-J
hi c"-r.n tr r.ii r-ii. vou wtM fin-! vnre rrlw-t in ,
m il yua are enter bled by 3i4-x) owj "r
ilrtation. ar.rl vnur cvrs invieomUt'Z,
tf you have pimples ."irvj batches, and your buxj
neerf puntvnic. vou nn
M juc irom U'7ur, Buchu.
ur. buchu. Manor,
and many r.;btr q1 tte h.t rne'iitin-
he Best Health and 8..ngth Raft"-
UAa4. far 4-MM-ilW ia li:teii, t
L tinker and other Toruc, o it jf
ana combine the be.t cir..:iva pr'vf
It Uaa sartd Hondr-U f
Kara ara.
Buy a xjc, uottl ai yowr drugT-f
.-ouQtcrfeiis tc t.iro our iirnat'-v
i'le ru'.fer. Hr.rox 6l Co.. (J
Parker's Hair Balwrnrt-,
The Beat A Moat Ec laical HI
Containing oi.', y iag.-ec:ent thati
lo tiie haul and acaip, the Dalsam
f,ar more satisfactory lh any oihe.
U Karer Fail to Bcto't0rr S
t rhe orig-'nul youthful Ct Ijr a'
ii-mwc; .i.:-.:f. f j event "' ilct:
. i
rr xsy ijzj