w - if : l r V I Herald - .LOCAL ADTEKTISEMENTS. l'r;i'iM-m. tvuis allnex Kcjrular advcnts- , in r,Mni jir ii:u. No auveriiaeitioM i:.-it- 1 f-.rt" 1-S I tl.tll l.v A ! O 4 .. J ni l--.11 statute rates. lit-;-, tin! !!lcer the Ikw will ndd ,M:.i tor .!! l'':U nouevs tii-y ti.oul In, ion -f .iny i.. nice will be iU-ld lor lb piiolica tre u( xirli notice. ! 1. in s ii-ii: iii'iiiir a p:u-i oi I'm C.OMML-NlCAVIoSS. As ur space Is limited, all eoiiiiniinlca'on uii.st l brie. sn-1 to the pji:it. witli uo 1I of WOI Js. The k'T is ieloiisib'.e for the coirfctncwi .-tirtiti( to copy of.pa.U matter hii1 paid Le u.:.ouly. . 1 r.y person who takes the rHer regularly tn.r.i (Mn'ii.lTli-e. whether ;iie-;ed to li.s ii.ti,.-. t.r i "Tmt lie l JHit'o:-.iiT or not la i-;.-.i.u:.il,Ii' for the pay. I. It any person ordei tiu paper diseontln Uf.l. he must l:iy all arrearages, or the publish er niav eoi-.liime to send it u:itil payment is -.na.ic.'ami collect the whole amoiiiit. whether the lite" ' liken (rum the oil ice or not. X ttie court have decided that rrfuMiiB ta take itewHiiMiM rs ami periodicals from the post oliice, or lemoviriK and nviii them uncalled lor. is f.riiiKi ftirU evidence of istkntional ritAi'l. LOCAL NEWS. Spring suits, the fittest in the land. 1 uaile up in splendid shape arriv i at E-1. Wescott's. 51 12 For the best. Staple and fancy gro ceries in I'lattsmouth. jro to J. V. Wenkhach. 43tf Vhn will we l ave Spring?" Roberta sells wall paper. Oltf Another heavy snow storm on Monday. a "AUbastine" Store. at Roberts D1113 5Uf A great ink-convenience the printing press. Clioice oranges and lemons at the V. O. News Depot. Sunday was a pleasant day; Mon day, not quite so much. For mixed paints go to Roberts' Irn; fetore. 51tf We intended to say more about Hit snow, but 's no matter. -New line of autograph albums at l O. News Depot. ' And still the ice bridge over the Missouri is in a passable condition. For your bird cages and bird food r lo the P. O. News Depot. -The song of the iron-worker "Will you love me wken I mold'?" Birch Beer and Ginger Ale, at P. B. Murphy's Billiard Hall. 1 The German measles have been very prevalent about town. -(ioecnswaie, at Hansen & Chas sot's. The Presbyterian sociable at Mrs. Parker Wise's, was very pleasantly at tended. Eggs only Grtc pr dozen at the P. O. News Depot, for cl.wia nest eggs. The continued spell of severe win ter weather will have a rather dis couraging effect upon our farming community. Glass and qneensware at Hansen & Chassots, new stock. Business it suffering greatly in this city m account of the long stretch of ill weather. Trv P. P.. Murphy's "Hair Shell 3-cent cigar. It's the "boss." 1 Advices ftm Bismarck, D. T Rtal thiit the Missouri is beginning to breaK up at that point. Call at Ed. Wescott's and see the nobbiest Clothing in the city. 1 From present indications we judge that coasting will be indulged in till about corn-planting time. Square dealing guaranteed at the Great Red Store 41tf The best and latest improvements in agricultural implements at Fred G order's. See his new Ad this week. Men's A relics Red Store, 1 T,0 at the Great 41tf See Fred Gorder's new Ad. All . kinds of farming Implements, on hau l ready for spring and summer trade. Don't you think this town is large enough to have an express office by it self, that is to s:ty a stationary agent, &C..&C? Full stock of Hoots $2.23 at the Great Red Store. 41 If -Coal is coal, nowadays, "sartin sure. It is a commodity that can be btain ed whenever there is any to be had. Just now it can't. Special bargains at the Great Red Store tor ;0 days. 41tf Read the accounts of the weather in other states, and then set it down fer granted that this portion of our state may call itself blessed indeed. Go and see the new stock of glass ware and china at Hansen & l.h.is sot's. Organs cleaned and repaired b James Pwttee. tf Eock out for P. li. Murphy when he moves 1 is stove at the Billiard hall this Spring. Don't forget the date of the Ken da!! Combination, coming Monday, March 21st. Come and se the inductm-nts we ate offering. Great Red Store. lltf Phil Young has the largest assort ment of ladies' and gents pocket books in the city. Hats, the latest shapes, and of the Wst quality, just received at Ed. Wes cott's. 1 Wallpaper in great variety, and in sh;nles to suit the most fastidious, at Roberts' Drug Store. 5H2 George E. Dovey. of the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son, will start for New Yoik City next week to lay in an ex tra large supply of Spring goods. ji Soe how cheap they sell furniture "SisWe Great Red Store. 4 1 1 f SrkaaaPhil Young's yu will find WmmUtiiA choice tu tpie sagar, figs and B'-Ved furniture call on the kiM A?, u, tVtore and get low priees.41tf tt. lurma jfjU mTTIJi J3t noted .men of modern iMiftin publicly attested to the ?iJiot Ayer's Cberfy Pectoral as a M, tjreat Hetl More, save money bv seeing us first. ' 4ltf The largest steek of white lead, oil and mijed paints ever brought to P'ttsmouih. at Rberts' Drug Store. Uottotn prices guaranteed. 31t2 ' Twenty yards best print for 1.00 at the Grat Ked Store. 4djtjr Personal. - J. C. Gilmore arid J. M. Meisinger called Saturday. Mrs. Leesley has been, and is still very ill. with dropsy. Young Mr. Spence, from near Lou isville, called lasl week. Mrs. E. II. Eaton moved into Mr. Windham's nouse, Tuesday, of this week. - Mr. A. W. White left for the east last. Tuesday for a spring stock of goods. Mr. Kalisky, senior, is here now. We met the gentleman Monday, and were much pleased with his apjearance. Many old farmer friends of the Her ald in the vicinity have called lately. and all express themselves satisfied at its course, and rene wed their subscrip tions. James Economy Hali, Esq.,' one of our late legislature men, called to see the Herald last week. That night work has worn Jamesdown, at Lincoln some, he looks thin. We'll have to turn him out to gntss this spring and let him flesh up a little. John Mutz, Esq.. our old Democrat ic friend, formerly of Eight Mile drove anil now ot Peru, is home on a visit, and we must say has improved in Health a ere a", deal since he lived here. He was telling Dr. Chi'ds, and Capt. Marshall all about the cold weather of oC-7. Mr. Henry Dubois of New Paltz, N. Y., called last Monday morning and paid tip f jr the Herald, to which he has been s. constant subscriber for many years. Mr. Dabois has been at tending to his business interests in the county for the past five or six. weeks, and returns to New York soon Capt. E. B. Murphy and family re turned to Arapahoe last week, al ter a winter's slay in old I'lattsmouth. Capt. Murphy was a prominent and valua ble citizen of this burg in the days gone by. The editor of this paper met Capi. Murphy, first, in Omaha, in 1SG4, long before "we ever thought of living here, in just about as snowy a time arf the present, and we rather think if Cap's, foresight was as good as his hindsight, he never would have left good quarters here (down at Pat's for instance) for the wilds of the Re publican alley, until some time lu July. A bite from a rattlesnake is some thing not more uanueroua than a se vere Cougi 01 Cold- A well merited reputation has Dr. liiill 3 Cough Syr up. an ' this remeuy is sold by all druggists. Prico 25 cents. -From the Omaha Republican we learn that Rev. I). Marquet t and wife of that city, celebrated their llfteenth anniversary 011 the lat inst., and were the recipients of a number of hand some articles of china, silver and glass ware, and !?45 in cash Are you going to whitewash this spring? If so, don't fail to get some of that "Alabastine" at Roberts' Drug Store. It will suit you. 51t2 The sidewalks and cellars en the south side of lower Main street are in danger of being submerged in case of a sudden thaw. The gutters are piled so high with snow, ice aud rubbish, that they are many feet higher than the sidewalks Spring is approaching, and when you get ready to paper your rooms' call at Roberts' Dru:; -store and inspect his stock uf Wall Paper. Sold at astonish ingly low prices. 51 12 It was hoped that dog-poisoning had about ceased in this town, which however, is not the case. Occasional cases stiil occur. some of the victims being valuable dogs, and of great pe cuniary loss to the owners. Is there no means of ferreting out the perpe trator of the dastardly deeds. A partial loc of Spring stock, in the way pi Dress goods and the like, now on hand and open for inspection, at i, S. White's. Coming all the time, and everything in the latest stile. Prices remarkably low. 1 Oh yes, just received fresh figs choice ocoanuts and pure maple su gar, at the P. O. News Depot. It No remedy in the world ever came into such universal use, or has so fully won the confidence of mankind, as Aver's Cherrv Pectoral for the cure of coughs, colds and consumption. Only one price at Wescott's, and that the least that yond goods can be afforded for. Call and see the new Clothffig, Hats, Neckwear, etc., etc. Ei. Wescott, 5112 .. The -Boss" Clothier. A good purgative medicine is one of the absolute necessities of the age This want has been supplied by Dr. J C. Aver & Co., wIiosh celebrated Ca thartic Pills are known to b,e the saf est, surest and best purgative meui cine ever offered to the public. They are mild but certain in their effects and keep the system in good condition Mr. A. E. Touzalin tent-his check for i?3) to the boys of the fire depart ment for th:;ir aid during the late warm time at the B. & M. R. R. shops Maybe they'll build a sidewalk round that old tower with some of it Pain from indigestion, dvspersia, and too heavy eating is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little J-iver Pills immediately after dinner, don t forget this. Lor sale by Smith, Black & Co. Another fall f snow the first of the week, commencing some time in the night Sunday and continuing throughout the day Monday. It was probably about the heaviest snow fall in the length of time of the season, about six inches, but as it was entire ly unaccompanied' in this section by wind, and the weather was mild, the thermometer-standing the most of the time a degree or two above the freez ing point, the roads were but little blockaded. All cases of weak or lame Lack, back-aehe, rheumatism, &t. will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed at.d Belladonna Back-ache Plas teis. Price 25 cents. For sale by Smith. Black & Co. The Board of Trade met Tuesday night, hud a very good meeting, and a full atteuuanee. All the old commit tees were ordered to report, and a Hew committee oa city improvements cre ated, whose duty lz shall be to see what can be done to improve the elty this summer, get water w?rks, have a wagon bridge across the Platte and keep things lively generally. In justice to yourself and family yon should kt monpjr. Therefore io r fire.ted Store before 41tf rKeep off the bottom of the old i Missouri this spring, mfad that. -rSolomon & Nathan, the great dry goods and fancy notion firm, are mov ing into their new store in Gorder's building. - There is not one article in the line of medicim s that gives so large a re turn for the monev as . a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back ache Plaster. For sale by Smith. Black & Co. Who savs Joe Connor is going to run for Mayor. Pslnuvl We've beard that for tea years. It'i getting old, give us some news. Agents for cheap Pianos some times claim that they can furnish the Steixwav. Do not be deceived by them as we are the only authorized agents in Nebraska. 45tf Max Meyer &, lino., Omaha. Sam'l Barker is the worst man in the "biziifss". He was burnt out at Galesburg and frozen out on the road east. what shall we do with Sam? They are selling the best clothing at the Great Red Store, at such very low prices, and you have everything guaranteed as represented or money refunded. That is why you should go there for all you need. 31tf The plasterers are about getting ready to manipulate the inside walls of the new hotel building, and v ill push their work to a hasty completion. The proprietors, Guthm in Bros, are using every means in their power to have the hotel ready for occupancy in a few days. If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of any kind If you want to buy or sell a farm of any kind If you want money with, farm lands to secure it call on ill s. Wise, 4Cm5 Fitzgerald Block. The Insurance Companies doing business in Plattsmouth pay taxes on premium receipts as follows: Phccnix.'of Hartford 822- 94 Hartford. " 15 70 Fire fe Marine, Springfield... .. H 27 Oneen. of London 1 31 German American 2 21 Home, of New York 84 12 Underwriters 21 54 North American 15 80 Franklin, of Phila 0 44 P.ienix of N. Y C 23 Total. S187 C6 Every woman who suffers from Sick Heaadches, and who djslike to take bitter doses, should try Carter's Little Liver Pills. They are the 'eas iest of all medicines to take. A pos itive cure for the above distressing complaint; prevent and cure Constipa tion and Piles. As easy to take as su gar. Only one pill a dose. 40 in a vial. Price 25 cents. If you try them you will not be withont fhem. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. Miss Lessie Black, we learn, was married one day hist Week at Council Bluffs to Mr. Herbert II. Hunt. She had gone hither ostensibly to ' visit friends, but events proved on an errand of a somewhat different nature. While this is an unusual and pome what hazardous step on the part of a young lady, we tcust that Miss Lessie's life ruay be free from the "ills" which some times follow such marriages ex traordinary, and that she aiay be hap py. She returned to Plattsmouth Monday of this week, and remained until Tuesday afternoon when she left for Omaha, her future home. In bringing the Prickly Ash Bitters before the public, we claim that it is one of the" best remedies extant for the preventation and cure of all diseases arising from a disordered liver. By using them according . to directions they will keep the system in a strong, healthy condition, and prevent any miasmatic influence. Ask your drug gist for them. Price 81.00 per bottle. 50t4 Only four weeks and then Spring Election. What are we going to do? Get together and elect a good business Citv Council or fight over personal matters and leave our city to be rttn in debt azain there was never a time when we need wise, piudeut councils more thau now. Just emerg ing from a frightful lethargy and a vast encumbrance of debt. Platts mouth seems to have a bright future before her, if her true interests are watched and guarded, and extravagant schemes for personal benefit can be held in check, aud such outlays as will best conduce to safe and last'ng prosperity be made, and such only, we may indeed hope that this will be come the third city in the state, and not otherwise. What do the business men say ? The Knabe" Piano admits of only one equal, and that is the Stein way." 'We are general agents for both. "Highest degree f excellence are the wor!s of the Judges of the Centennial Exposition in 187fl. Max Meter & Bko., 45tf swle agents. x Any one desiring an eastern pa per which shall give in a condensed but clear and reliable form the gener al news; which. is lively bnt hot" senta menta! aggressive without being coarse, and carefully and ablv edited cannot, in our estimation, d better than to subscribe for the weekly or semi-wefkly New York Times. It is specially adapted for family reading, as it rejects adveitisements of lot teries, of quacks and medical pretend ers which spread the poison of vice through society. . Its correspondence by mail and telegraph from all parts of the world is very exhaustive and its facilities fr collecting foreign and do mestic news are of the best. The Times will be clubbed with the Her ald at the fallowing rates: Weekly Times and Herald 1 yr. 2.75. Semi Weekly Times and IIerald 1 yr. 84.25. The best joke on Pal mer happen ed last week when he went to see Bernhart. The C. B. A K. C. train was held for Gov. Nance and party over at the junction. By some means the Governor and party could not come, and only Cap Palmer and fami ly went over. The conductor on the other side grabbed "Sister" and swung hei into the car, caught Palmer by the arm and. says "Come Governor, hurry up, I've been holding this train an hour for you, get aboard." When Gayle told him that wasn't the Gov ernor but only one of Plattsmouth's biggest mil'tary men. the conductor swore a streak so lonc and loud they saw the smoke and heard the whirr of the curses in Glen wood. However they p;issed Palmer off for the Gover nor to all the passengers, as it would never do to let them know they had been kept waiting aa hour for a com 'mrav'iuorlal, even if he was the bosa Insurance Agentf,tba U. 8, , , :; 5ea to Ills Eest-. ; -" Mr. Joseph Schmidt, a cigar maker by trade, who-has been unable to work for some ten weeks past. Was found dead last Friday morning, the 4th inst. at his boarding house, Mrs. Oliver's, corner Vine and 5th Btreels. lie has been sick for some time with lung dif ficulties, but his death was not consid ered so near, as e has been up and about a great portion of his time. He retired as usual Thursday night, aad in the morning was found stiff and cold in his bed, having been dead for some hours. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon from the house. Rev. Burgess officiating, and the re mains were followed to the grave by his brother cigar makers and those resident in the house. Mr. Schmidt was in the employ of Mr. Julius Pep per berg aad afterward of Schlegel Bros. A fund was raised by the cigar mak ers of Plattsmouth to assist in defray ing the expenses of his funeral and part pay ment of his board, as Lis ten weeks of iillness had exhausted his means.' Died. MILLER In tki city, March 8th. 18-31, it 12 o'clock, iniiliiiKlit. ICAi.fii. youngest aon of 'Mr. a utt Mm. DmvIJ Millar, ugva 2 years, T mouth and 21 days. Funeral services from the family residence, Weduesd.ty, Marc!i9th, at 2 ;30 p. 111. The death of Mr. and Mr. Millet's sua must have been very sudden, and the Hkkald deep ly sympathizes with the bereaved parenU. Married. McFAKLAND--JOHNSTOX At the residence of the bride' father, March 6tli, by Key. O. B. l'riieu. Mr. James McKaki.aid to Miss Sakah a. youiiKevt daughter of IS. W. John son, all of W eeping Water, Nebraaka. A number of friends were present, atd the happy bride was the recipient of many fine presents. Irish Land League. The members of the Irish Land League of this place, and those inter ested in the troubles of the Irish peo ple at present, are invited to attend a "meeting to be held in Fitzgerald .Hall, on Sunday afternoon, March 20th, at 3 p. m. This meeting is held in the afternoon of Sunday so that the work ingmen can attend, the cause being such as demands the att ntion of all friendiy to the cause, and the better the day the better the dued. tat,) List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the Post Of fice at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Neb., MARCH 10, lSdl. Brinkman Frank Burnt Wm. Brown Gay Cooley J. C Connaly Nettie Cockrell Wm. Craw fold J as. Caplen Annie Dovey Kelley Forbusn H. H. Garnell Mr. Goodell C. L. Gettings J. L. Hicks A. C. Hendricksou C. E, Irving G. W. Persons calling Johnson J. P. Keyser J.G. Keiler Dabny Landers Dau'l Miller Sarah Murray E. C. Murian Wm. McMuilin Mary Martin Wm. Mutz Lilia Murphv J. C. Oswald G. VV. (2) Olsen Anton Ruby Isaac Smith Melia White Win. for the above will please say "advertised." J. W. Marshall, P. M. Written Spelling. Names of pupils who have spelled three hundred words without missing a single word. Lewis Brainard; Roy Davis; Henry Lehnhoff; Belle Mor gan; Anna Thompson; Lida Patter son; Ella Wright; Lena Weckbach; Mary Weidman. Mrs. Bowes, Teacher 1st Inter. Department. WEEPING WATER SCHOOLS. Who stand Highest. Winter term of W. W. school closed Friday, Feb. 25th. Below we give the names of two in each grade who stood highest in their recitations dining the term: , 7th Grade Cora Coatman. Etta Far ley. , Cth Grade -Grace Clizbe, May Rus sell. 5th Grade Stt-lla Reed, Geo. Far ley. J. B. Phildert, Teacher. 4th Grade Ida Mather, May Clizbe. 3d Grade Mary Myers, Georgie Reed. 2d Grade Ohi Thomas, Louise Yeo- UlTWlS. 1st Grade Raymond Jenks. Louis Ashman. Anna Calkins, Teacher. No. pupils enrolled 116: Average daily attendance 00. J. B. Phildert, Principal. Firemen's Meeting. Tuesday, March 15lh, at council chamber, at 7:30 p. hi. sharp. All members aro requested .o be on hand without fail. Business of importance. By order of the.President. John Wayman, Sec. - Alabastine, An Alabaster Cement, far superior to kalsomine, and inure durable. It can be apulied in any tint, and will hold it3 color longer than any other whiting known. It is ready for use by simply adding water aud can be applied by any one. Sold in 5 lb pack ages at 50 cents a package for vhite and 00 cents per package for tints. For sale by J. M. Roberts, Drugpst. 1 Removed. -Miss Elizabeth Holmes, the dress maker, formerly over Solomon & Na than's at their old stand, has removed to the room over Hansen & Chassot's, east of S. & N8 present location. 51tl Notice. I hereby give notice that W. McAf fe is no longer in my employ, and that all bills due me at South Bend should be paid to the subscriber, aud all business of the st re settled with the undersigned. - S. E. Greenslate. South Bend, -March 9th, 1881. For Sale. One pair of mules with harness. Ap ply to James Pettee. For Sale. One bay mare, with foal to a well bred horse. Apply at this Office. For Sule. House and ten lots in block 23, in Duke's Addition to the city of Platts mouth; frjur lots under cultivation; balance timber; good house of two rooms, and eut buildings. The entire premises fenced in, and everything in good shape. Will be sold cheap if ap plied for soon For terms and further particulars apply to Anthony Yanda, At Schnellbacher's Blacksmith Shop, 50t4 Plattsmouth, Neb. XaineNevrs. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in eur columns, sire a sure cure for ague, billiousness and kidney com plaints. Those who use them say they cannot be too hichlv recommend- aa. 1 hose afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby eni.-",1u-Ji'0 Pr-iiae of tUt-ir Cur- COltftESPONDENCE. Mainland Notes. Ed. Herald: The friends of i. r S. C. Holden aud wife, got up a pleas ant surprise in the shape of a crystal wedding on the 28th ultimo, The pres ents made combintnLthe useful with the beautiful. Mr. O. F. Morion made the presentation speech, to -which the recipient made a response. Mr Hold en and wife obeyed the injunction of the late Horace Greeley, and in l.StSG left the Pine Tree stale and came to Iowa, where they remained until 16CS, when they settled in this stale. Mr. II. will soon leave for Lincoln, where he and his partner propose going into the manufacture of terra cotta ware and face brick for stole fronts. We have a good working Alliance at this point and a good degree of inter est is manifested. The election of Gen. C. II. VanWyck litis infused new courage in the breasts of all; and if we succeed in obtaining justice in the matter of transportation we will next tackle the question of taxation. It will do to ruminate upon the latter subject, for it will come up for discussion. S. une oy one me ciogs upon agntui-. tural progress will be removed, ana the farming class may attain to that degree of prosperity which is their just due. Oxford. Luella Notes. Ed. Herald': We are having more f that "beautiful snow." It is not quite as cold however, and the matri monial boom has consequently subsid ed, although there seems. to be-' linger ing symptons in a few cases. Our friend, Mr. John Pool, has been in poor health of late.- An uncle of the MeCaig brothers, and his family, from 2(. Y. state, are visiting the boys, and we understand thinks of locating in Nebraska. The winter term f our district school, successfully taught by Miss Clata Holenbeck, closed Feb. 25. El m wood Alliance has added a de bating exercise to its order of business, and we propose taking up the question where ClfUrch Howe and Whedon left off, and fight it out on that line if it takes two summers. Thanks to our friends for copies of dailies received from Lincoln during the session. We are sorry that the criticism of ur friend, Mikie Cavey, should have call ed forth such a "Boreal Blast" from the Herald, against us farmers gen erally. Mikie may not be skilled in penmanship, nor have expressed him self very grammatically or eloquently, qualifications few of us farmers pos sess. Our opportunities may have been more limited than some of the quill dr ver3 of the press, but we had a right lo expect a more gentlemanly treatment from the editor of a paper that has received the paid in adcanc support of .many of our farmers. We must, however, confess to a part of the accusations in the article, and that is the large amount of gullibility we pos sess, and to the many times we have been sold out, but we propose profiting by our past experience, and like our Hon. f riend from CasB. we don't Intend to do so again." "Perfection falls not to the share of mortals." If the Her ald will foigive our folly of the past, we will try and look out for the moss backs in the future. Adirondack. There was nothing derogatory to "us farmers" in our answer to Mr. Cavey, that we can see, nor to "paid in ad vancu" subscribers, nor anything that Mr. "Adirondack need take up, nor that was ungeutlemanly. When farmers, or any one calling themselves such, attempt to criticise a newspaper, of which they have had free use, they should at least read straight, and state facts. The answer was a protest agak.st this foolish reck less class of statements made by per sons who never half read or go to the bottom of anything, but tear a news paper up and stamp on it if it happens to contain anything they do not un derstand or agree with. Real hard headed mun of sense do not take a newspaper because it agrees with their pet views, but to get information from it, if the editor has depth and breadth enough to furnish that, whether it be for or against a given plan. When the Herald is fool enough tt let you chaps use its own coluni:. to find fault with what it says, the least you can do in return, it would seem to us, is to really read what it does say, and also to give, the p;iper credit for what it has done for you that is good, and not say that its friendly intentions are "taffy" and misstate and misinterinet our mo tives and put a false construction on plain facts and figures. Tiy, Mr. A., and have your friends say something kind, good, generous of the paper once, and of tne friends who have been generous of time and space in your behalf, and see how much bet ter they will feel, and how much near er we will come to actine in harmony. the Cass Comity Agricultural Society. The farming community of Platts mouth aud vicinity met Saturday, March oih, at the Court House, and hold the annual election of ofHccrs for the County Agricultural Society, the resuls of which was the election of D. 11. Wheeler as president, J. C. Gilmore vice president, II. M. Bushnell Secre tary anu Ami Todd Ass't Sup't and Director. A committee on premium list was elected as follows: J.C. Gilmore. J. N. Wise, Sam'l Thomas, Mrs. J. N. Wise and Mrs. MacMurphy, whose du ty it is to report lo an adjourned meet ing of tht society to be held on the 201 h of March. In the meanwhile we suppose they will meet and go over the old premium lists and make the necessary correc tions. The rules and by-laws need some attention and modifications. Now is the time, too, to have the speed pre miums altered and arranged to suit our young farmers, if they take any interest in the fair, and this depart ment of the same. The auditing committee also reports at the meeting on the 36th, and we hope there will be a full turn eut, as the success of the next fair depends on these initiatory steps. The following communication was handed to the council by the mavor last Saturday evening. It is an im portant matter and should receive careful consideration. Plattsmouth, Neb., March 5th, 1881. ( Gentlemen of the Council: In regard to the petition asking for the re-establishing of the grade on Main street, I wish to say, that if it is necessary to change the erade. it should be doue now. as there is a prob ability that a number of houses will be built the coming season which would prevent a change of grade without incurring damages. In my opinion it should he done. The peti tion which has brought this matter to the attention of the council, only asks that the grade be re-established from 6th to 7th street, and from Chi cago to Washington avenue on 7th street. 1 think it highly important that the grade on top of the high school lull fiould be established, tak ing ttn btgu actjool buirdmir tar- a. guide, and establishing the grade in such a manner- as to. beautify the grounds, and drain the water away from the building in every direction When the grade of the high school grounds are fixed, the grata on the streets adjoining those grounds is necessarily established. Wiien this is done I apprehend the grade of Main will be considerably lower than it is at present, on top of the. hill, and ns any one can readily see by going over the ground, it will make the lots on Main street, on top the hill, much more desirable for private residences. Seventh street is as far west as busi ness is likely to go on Main It is al so the street connecting the northwest and southwest parts of the city, it al so connects Chicago and Washington avenues, and at no very distant day will be one of our important streets. Wherefore the grade of this street should be suitable for business pur poses. When the grade is established on top of the hill aud on 7th street, it will, as a matter of course, regulate the grade on Main from one point to the other, and if these grades are fix ed, as 1 think they should be, the grade up the high school hill will not be nearly so steep as at present. Gentle men of the Council, I deem this mat ter of great importance, and desire to urge you to take the necessary steps to iiave these grades established to the best advantage. You all realize what a serious mistake was made in estab lishing the grade on Main from the river to 6ih, that is beyond remedy. .You now have it in your power to do a great public benefit to the city by putting these grades where they should be, before it is too hate. Ho ping you will consider this matter fa vorably, I am your humble servant. j W. Johnson, Mayor. SPECIAL NOTICES. Prof. Rice's Lightning Thorough Bass Instruetor. Bj use of this chart any one who can sing a song can learn to accom pany themselves on Organ or Piano at ence. The lest thing yet offered. Call at Leonard's ".Music and Art Gallery" satisfy yourself, buy oue, and learn to play your own accompaniments. James Pettee, Sole agt. for t ass Co. Notice to Teacher. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elmwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. H. Wooley, 42tf Superintendent. Arousing its Readers. An alarm of fire at midnight is a startling thing, but not half so start ling to many who hear it as would be the sudden knowledge of their own dangerous physical condition.' Thous ands of thousands are hurrying to their graves because they are careless ly indifferent to the insidious inroads of disease and the means of cure. It is the mission of II. II. Warner & Co., with their Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their danger raid cure them. Memphis Ap peai. 47tl3 Hair Work- Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee; leave orders for the same at Mrs S. Swarts' millinery Store. 43tf They mean business at tli3 Great Red Store. Goods positively lower than any house in town. See for your self. -ltf Money te Loan. Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9 per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler. liny Only the Genuine Singer of the Company's Agent, F. C. Bowen, office at Mrs. Swarts' Millinery Store. Main Street, Plattsmouth. Needles, Oils, and Accessories always on hand. Machines sold on Monthly Payments. 46tl3 Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and sneedy cuf s for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side. Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have. sold over one hun dred bottles in the last two months 4Stf Oh, What A Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consump tion. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it We know now from experience that Shiloh s Cure will Cure your Cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whooping Cough, t once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh'a Par ous Plaster. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Ceowtf Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symp tom of these distressing complauits. If you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every b'dlle has a printed guarantee on it; use accordingly, and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Smith Black & Co. Ceowtt We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria. Canker mouth and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal in jector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and swet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Ceowtf J. II. Buttery sells the best cough medicine. He has confidence in it, and he is willing to refund the money if it does no good. Ask for Piso'a cure for Consumption. Price 2 cents and SI. 00. 4210 Cigar Clippings. 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. 7tf Pepperberg's cigars are the most reliable for purity and Oneness in qlal ity, and are far superior to any other make. Ask your dealers for them. 25tf Go to the GREAT RED STOKE FOK BARGAINS IN ALL LINKS. You can positively do vourself some good. ; 31tf Money to Loan. On good farm property on longtime. Apply to J. W. Jennings, ltf Plattsmouth. BEATTY'S ORGANS. 15 Stop 4 Set Racds inly tea Adares DauielF. Beatty HOP BITTERS Cure all diseases of the Stomach, Rowns. Liver kidney and L'riu:iry Organs, Nervousness. SWplensoess, a id especially Female Coru plaiat. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try thorn before you sleep, . Take other. Send for circular. Hop Bitten. Ml'g Co.. ibester.rV. V. aad Ttieai, Oat. Brewn'n Pepsi Tojilc " Cures Dyspepsia, -Indigestion and Sick-headache. You have only to, try it to prove it. It furnishes the stom ach wilb Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake and Gentian, the natural principles of digestion. No remedy ever offered to the public has relieved so much suf fering as this wonderful Preparation. Mrs. Mira Jones, Fairmount, Kas. says: "I had Dyspepsia, for ten years and have been cured by using two bot tles of Brown's Pepsin Tonic, after trying a dozen doctors." A. O. Butler, Rockville, Mo, writes: "You have iny thanks for a life saved by this Wonderful Remedy. I commenced improving after taking the third dose; its effect on the stom ach, liyer and bowels, was almost mag ical." E. B. Hall, Hiattville,Kansas.,says: Please send me by express one gross of Brown's Pepsin Touic. It excels all other remedies for Dyspep sia ever sold in this community. I cannot keep store without it. For sale bv J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black ct Co.." J. M. Roberts, and O. F Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint er East Plattsmouth. To the Citizen's or the County and State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a fire-proof house, before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A. Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf Lost I ! A large blue scarf with white on ends and a bunch ot grapes worked or. one end, either on Chicago or Wash ington avenues. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this office. $66 a week In your on town. Terms and ? outQtfree Address. H. Hallbtt & Co.! l'oi thiml, Maine. -ttfly A Foolish Mistake. Don't make the mistake of con founding a remedy of acknowledged merits with the numerous quack med icines that are now so common. We speak from experience when we say that Parker's Ginger Tonic is a ster ling health restorative and will do all that is claimed for it. We have used it ourselves with the happiest results for Rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. See Adv. Tixnis.4ct4 To all Our Friends. Having had niiintierleKS Inquiries for ndver tisiiiK cards iu all parts of the com. try from la dies who are interested In the fashion of making "Card ColleciiooH." we are having; printed for them a set of t-ven beautiful cards, each la six colors and on a gold background, in the very highest deuree of art. illuHtratiue Shake Hpeare's "heveu Ag-s of Man." we have spared no expense in tliexe cards they are Minuly lut'.e nrt-i;enis. Our only aim has been to publish the finest cards yet shown. Appli cations for them have come 111 so rapidly that nearly the whole edition is eD;ai;ed before the receipt by us of the cards from the artit. We have therefore been ohliRd to adopt the fol lowing plan for the distribution of the remain der : No more of the Kilt Shakespeare cardn. seven in the serie, will be sent exception upon the receipt of a statement lrom a grocer that the peixoii applvini; for the cards has bought of him on that day at least sev.en bars of Dob bins' Electlic Soap, with price paid for same. All applying In this manlier. wilt receive the full ft-t ot seven cards Knit is by mail. This will insure u that our friend and natrons net their share of these beautiful designs, although It in no manner repays us tor tne cnl 01 ine ciitiN. Your erocer has the voap or will get It, and the purchase by you of seven bars 01 It at one time will secure for you gratis seven beau tiful card. The soap improves with aire and is d article of necessity in your house every week. Therefore you are not asked to buy a useless article, but one that you rhust have anyway. Please send us your application at once, and tell your lady Iribiids making "Card Collections" ta do the same. Yours respectfully, I. L. KAOIN & Co. 11G South4thSt..rblladelphU.C J J Oflntr day at home. Kamnles worth ipO W ' U$3.-e0. Addrt's, Sti.nson &Co,. rortlaad, Maiue. Wcly LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. To C. II. McCormick and the Singer Manufac tuting Company. You are notified that Phillip D. Eltinge has Sled his petition in the Disti let Court of Cass County, Nebraska, to foreclose a mortgage giv en him July 31, 1NT5, by Wm. II. and Sarah J. Beck, on west half (w'-i) of northwest quarter (nwi, 30, 10. 11. tu Cass County. Nebraska, on which there t.s due "J.'xiO. witli 12 per cent inter est from July 31st. 1T0, and oil which you claim judgment liens. You are made defendants to foieclose and bar ai.y claim or lieu u, or either of you have upon said land. You can plead to said petition !-.i said Court on or hefore April 25th, 1881. blli M. L. H.VYWABO. ri'ffs AttiV. Probate Notice. , In the matter of the esta'.o -f Jonathan Kerns, deceased, in the comity court of Cass Co., Nebraska. Vpon reading and filing the dify verified ue tltion of Mary Kcrus. praying t li 1 1 administra tion of the estato of Jonathan Kt-rti. deceased, be granted Cornelius .1. Horning : Oi.Vred that notice of the pendency of said cause be pub- lil.A.l i.. Ylt V.lir..L-i II h u . 1 (. u ..uLI lit". in .i.t, ....... i.n . . a r-.... , t. ..tivij newspaper, printed, published, and in general circulation in said couutv, for three cm. .ecu- live weeKs. ami mai me ueai iug 01 s.iu caie be net for the 2.rth day of March, A. D.. nwi, at in ir k l mt lh. ..rtioa. nf tliA l..,i.,u Judge, al 1 lattsmoiitli. at which tune am place, all persons Interested may appear am show cause, if any they have, why admtnistra tionof said estate should not be granted to tin said Cornelius J Homing, according to th Iirayer f said petition. A.N be 1.1.1 van, 'laltsinouth, March 2d, 1881. Co. Judge. U)t3 1 1 . 1 1 w n , . 1 . .... w. . . . viii. v. ,111. v uuiil J Guardian's Sale Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a aecretai onier, inane dv nis Honor. . j;. Found. Judge of the District Court of the Second Judicial District, in and for Cass Ceuuty. INenraska. at his chambers in the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, on rriday, the 25th dav of February. A. I). 18M. I will, on Tuesday. the2-Jd day of March, A. I. 1RS1. at the front door of the Court House, in the Cily of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale. at t ubiic Auction, at the hour ot l o clock p. m. f said day. to the highest and best bldrler. all the right, title and interest of .lames Latta. Samuel F. Latta. and Elbert Latta. minor heirs of Hubert Latta. deceased, late of Cass County. Nebraska, in and to the following described real estate, situated in ..ass count v. etraka to-wit : The North West quarter (nw.) of sec tion No. eleven ill), in township No. twelve (l-Ji. North, range No. twelve (12) East of the 6!h l'rinetpal Meridian, haid sala will remain open for bidders for the space of one hour. LEVI ti. TODD. Ouardian of James Latta. Sainuei F. Latta. hihI Elberl Latta. Ry CiIAPM .! & McLkn.na.v. Attorneys for Guardian. 60t4.' ' Legal Notice. liROKfiE Hansen. flaint tiff. NATHAMEL S. SfilPKIN. I Defendaut. J To Nathaniel S. Simpkiiis. non-resident, de fendant: You are hereby notified that on the lUi day of February. A. D lnl, 1 filed a peti tion against you in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whicn are to obtain a decree of said Court, de claring your title to the South West quarter of section ten (10), township eleven (ill. North Itange eleven (II), East of sixth (Othj I'rlncipal Meridian, Cass County, Nebraska, to be null and void in so far as It Is adverse to my t tie to said described real estate. You are required to answer said pent Ion oil or before March 'nth, Ikki. or the allegations of said petition will he taken as true, and judgment taken by default iu accordance therewith. tiKOKGE HANSEN, Plaintiff. W. S. Wish. Att'y for PI iff. 5014 r Estray Notice. Strayed from the undersigned on the 17tn day of February. lsl, one sorrel horse colt ; will be two year old iu the Sprmg. . Any information leading to the recovery of the same will be re warded by leaving word with .1. V. Glover, at Louisvilleor with Frf.i. Konnk. 50 13 Six miles S. E. of Louisville, Neb. Executor's Sale of Land. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the authority vetcd lit me by the l;ut will and tes tament of harali S. Stuait, deceased, I will, on Saturday, the 26th day of March. A. D. Ihki. at one o'clock p. in. of said day. sell at public ven- aue, hi me nouin unnr oi me loun Mouse. In Plattnto:Ull. Cass Co., Nebraska, the following reaiestate situated in said County. lo-wit : The North East quarter (neV of section No. eight een and the North East quarter (ne'i of section No. twenty (291. all in town. No. twelve (12i. Itange No. twelve (i2). East of the sixth (i;tu 1". M. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale, i lie undersigned reserves me rlht to "reject any or all bids. J. W. Juh mkim, Ailinim-tiator of Hie Estate of barah Stuart, w ith w ill annexed. ton Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, issued by W. C. ShowIter, clerk of the District Court. Within and for Cass County. Nebraska, aud to ine di rected, I will .ii tne lllh day of April. A. D. 1R81, ai 1 o'clock P. M. of said day. at the south dor of the Court House in said County, sell at public auction the following rtl estate to-wit : the south half (4) of section thirty-four (sec. 34) and also the plaintiffs Interest, if any they have, in the nortL half (n'i of section thirty four (34) township twelve (12) range nln (.9), east 6th P. M. contain lug eighty acres each all of the above land, situated in Cas Co. Neb. The tame helng levied upon and taken an the prop erty of Edin AngelJ, Mary E. Angell.A. Hoge land and Melissa L. Patrick. Iefenda3t' ; to atiofy a Judgment of said court recovered by Jame W ilkmsoD, Plaintiff. Bits B. W. UritM. Bheriff. Cn Co., Web. K'jrtjnutfutb, Keb- Fefr. Unit, a, p., issi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TEACHERSyAJTED!, to per moutn. Steady work all sprint and summer. For par ticulars address J. C. McfCKD V St CO., fbila delphia. l'a. 11 i:so 'a CAPCIHEPORODSPLASTER ho Remedy more widely or favorably known. It Is rapid in relieving, quick In curing. For Lame Back, Rheumatism, Kidney Affections, and aches and pains generally, it Is the uuri- valled remedy. THE RELISH OF THE WORLD! HALF0RD SAUCE! SOLD UY A ILL, fillOCEItii. HAVE YOU Ever Known Any person to be serlonslv ill withont a weak stomach or Inactive liver or kldiirvs? And when these organ are In pood condition do you not Hud the possessor enjoying Rood health? l'arker's tiinger Tonic always regu lates these ImiMiitaut organs, and never fails to make the blood rn-h and pure, and to strengthen every part ot the system. It has ciued hundreds of despairing invalids. Ask your neighbor about it. An Only Daughter Cnrvd of Consumption. When death was hourly expected, all reme dies having failed, and lr. II. James was ex perimenting with the many herbs of Calcutta, he accidentally made a preparation which cured his only child of t'onsump.lcn, Ills child Is now iu this country and enjoying the best ot health. lie has proved to the world that 1'ouaumptlon can be positively and per manently cured- The Doctor now gives this Recipe free, only asking two three cent stamps to pay expenses. This Herb also cures Night Sweats. Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh Cold In twenty-four hours. Ad dress Craddock & Co.. 103- lt-ce St., 1'hlladel phla. naming this paper. SETTEE GOODS AND - Oheaper Goods than anywhere west cf the Missisippl Kiver at FRED. GORDER'S NEW IMPLEMENT HOUSE Main, betw. Third aufl Fourth Streets, East of Court House. PLATTSMOUTH, 3ST3 ALL KINDS OF Agricultural Implements, the best and latest lnipive-I patterns. Satisfaction (iuarantced. ALL FARMERS know what I keep, and my Spring and Summer stock is now ready. Give Gorder a call. Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund here. In addition, I have added ail kinds of Buggies I "Wagons O O J ILi IN SEASON. iBONT FORGET THE PLACE, gMi?raDirii We recommend Carter Iron Pilla to ever; woman who ,8 Weak, Kervoc", and Discouraged ; particularly those who have Thin, Ple Lijn, Co'.d Haoda and Feet, and who arc without fetrength or Ambition. These Pilla qniet the Nerves. fWa Strength to the Body, dnce "Re freshing Bleep. Enrich and Improve the qnsllty ot the Blood, and I'unfv and Itrighlen the Com plexion They cure Palpitaiiou of the Heart. 1 .-Tonsneaa. TrembUnga, Nrrvona Headache, Lencorrhess, Paina in tle Back, aud other forma of Female Weakness. Ki meniber that Iron ta one of the constituents of the Wood, and la tha prsat tonic. Carter Irwa Pill are also valu able for men who ar troubled with Nrrvona Wenknesa, Nigh Sweats, Ac. In metal bozea. at 60 rents, bo.d by all druggists, or aent by mail. Aodresa CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York City. Profitable Reading for Everybody ' I...:.. a - . v. l-i farmers, ministers, mothers, and ail who are out by tne coim&nt toil and worry of tout work ulon't drink intoxicating bitten, but use , Arc yuu ftuncxuiic lrom AypcyiA, KhuaiaV- tisin. Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney. Li-rtar or, Urinary corrmlaintv yon can he cured by uMnt It you are wasting away with teotumnuoo, fe--i maic weakness or any ucktaeit it you nave a pais- iui couen -r nan coi-j. you will tmrt tmre relief in It you arc enfeebled ty dicac. oid aec or ilk-, ipation, and your tyitem needs invigoratinf' orj Jrf you have pimple and blotches, and your blood j uiccai punivmr. you ran aiwav onen,j on LB Madetrum Gmotr. Buchu. Mandrak. fetitlmaia kind many other the best medicines known it tm the Best Health and SuenqtH Heeto rr Eerj Used, and is far xofnor toBiUers. Knrnrfi nf Kinger and other I ontcs, as it never intoKieeietv and combine, the ot curative propertie of ail. . It Hi Sared Ho ad reds of tires It May ; Nate Years. Buy a 90c. bottle of your druggist, and to avoid 'counterfeits be sure our signature as on the out side wrapper. Hi scon Sc Co., Chemists, N. Y. Parker's Hair Balsam. M?,r:2E?- Tha Baat A Mot Kcoaomlra Hair Draaalaff Containing only ingredients that are beneficial to the hair and acalp, the Balsam will be found far more satisfactory than any other preparation. It Raver Falls to Beaton Cray or Fad! Hair ta the original youthful color and is warranted to remove dandruff, prevent baldoes and atop falling f tha hair. uf tf Mrugfult mi m oaa Cures by ABSORPTION" fN'ature'sJwav All i.i ti iisi:si:s, THROAT OISKASES, I!r entiling Iroublea. It Drive-ai into the system curative agent and healing medicines. It Drawn from the diseased parts the poiaons that eaue death. 1 hourands testify to its virtues. Yon caD 1)0 RBliB7eLl& W! Pout deopair until you have tried thi Sensible' f.aciiy applied and Kavdieally KfTcetnal Remedy. bold by Prugglsta or aeut by mall on receipt iii:c. wm, uy tirnZlLTTIie "Only" Lnni Patl Co. our book "Three Mil- Williams Block. y2.XJ'aI" - . UKruoiTt 3Uea. FOR THE ijH Lt"H ppr r-P E. Cx. Dovey c, AT 'TilS OLVl.rsifl J Still UnAthetnaelvea at nome to Cas farmers and all their old cuiloi.ierV We have thit Winter our us ' ual full and larger linet of good than, perhaps,' err t,e fort. A the growth of tht- country has demanded larger . stocks, and of a better cltts, we have endeavoretl to tntvt that demand. In Hats, Caps, Gloves I Hittens for Winter wear, toe have a large and varied assortment at reduced rates. -1 v-t -TTK s f - "i "". ". "Ticrj qjjtv r ioj. ?, s '-as of all kinds. Dreas 1 rimming of the latest styles. Buttons in endless variety, our line of NOTIONS is exceedingly large, and we think, well telecttd. LADIES SHOES MEN'S AND HOTS' BOOTS ASD SHOES, CHILDREN'S AS misses" finoirs. to suit all pertens and all purses ULAHHWAKK A!l tTOI K" "'-, which you must aee to select Irony SUi&rS of standarttradfs. j .... . nudities, selected by our- A very tun line 01 . leas selves. . Pftfrnnfi of many brands, especially our owu LUIILou brand of rKKNH hoakku cokfkk called the "MEKIQL E." Try It and aee, befora purchasing elsewhere. Dn6d FmitS of all kind., freah and sweet. Fresh Crackers a Specialty.. CANNED GOODS from all quarters. Very fln California good. CRtfEV WINTER APPLES by the barrel or buahel. In all these branches we ahall en deavr to aell o low a$ anu one. and aa la posslple to do a ioikd cm-.. ahow' all that call our (roods, i 1'f't Ui bo afraid to ask for what you w as if , nd full often and earl. - i wuu In .11. .ir.nt ii. (ml - l iu,i-L-v ji anu pi.itimiuicdj 11:1 fft'S OIL' DR. OKIN DAIlLlflG4, SOUTH BEND, NEB. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC FLOUR AND GROCERIES in general. Dr Darinrg Is also a PrartlsltiK Physician and can alwayi be found at his OPtee In -the Drugstore. C....I..1 -tn(n 1,-iM tn OBSTERICA I' i k' ITstr'- Ot ToaiQ..aXa. successful teacher. Instruction thoruifh and i J 9 rniiuui teu ot nil ca"-i siiuiiiiiiii nu nmrli..,! Tun inn lAM-er I hftti elsewliHra Knll ' particulars to auy address. '. Mif 1HOS. J. BRYANT. Trtt. UNION STORE! Eight Mile Grove, Neb. BY WALTER JENKINS Ilaring opened a New Htore at the abor 1 call attention to mv stock, and ask the patronage of my friends and the 1'ublic lu general. Dry Goods, Groceries Tinware J? Woodenwart and General Goods nf all sorts. ' CHEAP JJST2D OOOD Call and see our Stock before going elsewhere. i 341y Walter Jenkins. HAY BROTHERS, j. dealer in HARDWARE, STOVES d- TINVXir-' OL'TII HCtl), NCIUIASKA A Good Tinner always nn hand. Itcp.! done neatly, promptly aud rneap Eave-troughuiK and KooQng alao don to order. Retnembertbe name and Dlnce. Hnv B South Bend. Nebraska. Hoi Graml-Aforfier's f'huir, Popular. Words & muvle. "On tit Trami." Slarrh, Very Inspiriting. TiWr JtfM mm Ferry. Hplen'lid, Words & music Aaelphinn OnUrj. Fua-!iu Piano JtlaatO ALL 4 PI ITU Mailt d on rettUi.t r'our 2t ceid I M;ifns. I i. X. tccrrassiR' Philadelphia. I apngutly and pleasing. 34t frtner tt Grainer, ALL KIXDS OF a ii rW? 50aintina, (Sratning, 5L. onit. 3atsot!tiitinr. Also, Decoration of all kinds. Painted in Good Style. FJIESCOIXO A SPECIALTY. REFERENCES : A. B. Taylor, j. Valikbt, 8k., N. Holm k&, - K. IIkcbk, Htf ROBERT DONNELLY'S avd j BLACKMITJl STTOP. , Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow fi . . Tit I I rlTirf 1 T SI fiaal Aysr -a r i t rt I am nntV lironam A .ln ll (.Inla A nn-.ltH ' " I' TU IrV i l TilI r III II r 1 I- ' I I of farm and ther niatrblnery- aa ttrttre j ! is good Utlt In tny sUop. PETER RAO EN f ' V The old Reliable Waon Make) has taken eharge of the wagon shop. 1 He U well known ru a NO. i WORKMAN. Wagojia and Hagglra aaaae t Order. j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ' j Khopon Sixth street opposite Strelfhla RtabI 79A WEEK. 12 a day at home easily mad i f 4 Costly outfit free. Addresa, TtitK Lo Augusta. Maine. J'y i C-3 CORE YODR BACKACHE: And all dieaea of the Kldneya, bladder a 1 Urinary Organ by wearing tne I IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNE PAD. It la a MARVEL of HEALING and RELII Simple, Sensible, Direr, Painless, Powerful. It CIKKH where ail else fails. A Kevtl tiora ana nevoi rat iota 10 ouu . wn Ilea or direct application, a opposed to un WftS-rnrv Inl.m.l ,i,.litnfl- fiend for 1 treatise oa Kidney trouble, aent free. K druggist, or aent by mail, on receipt Tula Is the fFtin :ft1r! Tr)n Orurt rlglnaland J1I& ,i iiU Genuine Kid ney Pad. Ak, lorttndtaiT e 1 y .n- t IDs .m UC 9VJ TT I