Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 24, 1881, Image 3

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; he Herald.
. . J tn. b tine. Regular ad verrts
- -r !,:?. No advertisement lusert
j eesita.
i.u li
es at statu, rate.
- .i-nl o.heem jf the law wld b neld
'. i '. r ill notices they band to,
..i'r-s P-m --.diii) a pi'Hif of puldlca
. ; :i.i;(f will bielu fur til publics-
i.v at sui-! notice.
j. -. f ii.Kft N limited, all communication
r... i he cm f aud to the pjiut. with no waete
:i . :-.. N.
s i t' I- l,:r I lMIIIIir l'r HIV nuiTviiirM
F ,. . to r-'Pi of paid blatter and paid L
, ....
4 ... .u.rxr-i who take the nauer recillartf
'tv. it.r p. -ulnce. whether directed to bit
n .ir v ,t -tlier he Is a aubeertber or not ts
r.;-..H-c.,ile for the PT.
St any iierson nnleia hU paper dUcnntln
he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
' ey uv continue to send It uutll payment la
.nstte.'an.t ro'deet the whole amount, whether
i is nK-n trom the office or not.
1. me noun rtae deeidert that refusing M
hcwmiiiK-n and periodicals from the post
w;t, or f Amoving and leaving them mieallea
!W, is oriaa ari evidence of lirrKHTioKAt
-3.4 UD.
C. E. Weacott lias just received a
fine lot of hats, give iiiin a call ami bo
-vfc'nr the best Staple ami fancy gro-
utTis in I'latUnaoirth, go to J. V.
Weckbfich. 43tf
S ocUble
T o-ui orrow,
F riday night.
ScIiaoI opened Monday.
Jones flies high with that pacer.
The sleigh bells are kept jingling,
Canned goods at F. S. Whitest. 2
Benutt & Lewis sell liremner'a
I'r.tckera. ' 4"t4
p. T. Duke, of Omaha, was down
tiiu erst or ine wee.
Organs cleaned and repaired by
.lmM l'attea. tf
Runaways are all the ga now a
.J. Dons & Son sell
Meu'i Arctics 1.30
Kt?l Store,
The snow melted
at tbe Great
Full stock of U-jols S3.35 at the
Great Red Store. 41 If
Special bargains at the Great Ked
Store tor 30 days. ; 4ur
Chambers is selline halters from
35cnts to 81.50. 4flt2
-Don't ferget Dennett A Levis when
you wa:it groceries. l
Hanson & Chassot cot in a l.t of
ycbluntf's four this .jeli.
-t'omand sea the iduceoints wn
re ortcriti!?. Great lted iore. 4itr
c. E. Wescott received a nobby
let of spring suits last week.
Tlreinner's Chicago Butter Crack
la take the cake for excellence. 47t4
Jones & Agnew got in another
car load of horses Monday night.
JQW fashioned home made apple
butter at liensi'ett ATewis. 4t2
Tiq fire buys nearly all turned out
, to the Bre the yther night.
Go to the Grand Clearance Sale
at Sohitnon &'Natliau.'s " 46t4
Rerweiuber the Coffee. Social at Good
Templars' ITaH to-morrow evening.
-Call and see the fresh b)t of crack-:
pig jusj. jectivp',1 by Reunetl I-ewis.
Sotuehody's little poodle dg lay
' dad by the Hekald oflice last Mont
'ay morning.
See how cheap they sell furniture
-at ne Grett Red Store. 41 If
Some of the boys were like a sheet
of ice, when tboy got homo from
fir Tuesday night.
. Ask your grocer
Orettm Soda Crackers.
Bremner s
Scbluatz's patent flour, the best in
the market just received at Hansen &
.. Chassot's.
Younif George Thomas has got
'-the. b'js-fpot. Jf you don't understand
i this ax him ad he'll. h the foot.
Solomom & Nathan will remove
March 1st to Fred Gorder's Brick
Block next to Court House. 46t4
The blacksmiths have been busy
putting ruonors on buggies the past
. week or .two.
v The Gem Oyster Cracker made by
' Rmnir i thO boss. 47t4
"'Ask Jin Dxi the next time
you see him how he rolled out of the
outer Tuesday.
Cash is trumps at W. II. Baker &
pv, Co. Give them a chance before spend-
lmr your
Dave Miller sold four sets of har
n!s Monday and Tuesday. Pretty
god for this kind oi weather.
Vo mean what we say when we
oiier to discount sll price lists Uy 10
V i.frwrit. SOLOMON JAAIUA. ll
J --All the blooded ds are runnii.g
f around town muzzled, nowadays, and
iii scrubs are last -dying off.
Go to Chambers' and buy titst-class
f harness, made of pure Oak Harness
leather. Jt-
Charley Holmes is going to start
a lirery stable on the lois just va-
i : . i L u . i v. ..l....-
f J no. Bons & Son are
I i.. w goods eVery'day give then a
IVj waut attyhin in their line.
v-The farmers all 4m to town
Sa:urday, notwithstand'ng they had
J' to dig their way part of the time.
i If.. .a 4 ... ..M . ttjt
l JtMI llt'MI IU11 lllll v. "v
Great Red store and get low prices.41tf
Solomon & Nathan's Great Cloth
ing Sal commences F;b. 1st ai;d
t!uT will he uo let up until every suit
sold. 4G14
Our Weeping Waier correspond
. at . ! .: T . . - .
v;r.i 3ia;ea ii.jt i.u-ir uram.-tnc clui
ui.ijed j-'n?le lo"1 3 Cabin for four
ftiuhts to crowded houses. Platts,
tuoiith home troupes will have t look
to their laurels.
-Solomon iX Hainan will occupy
new quarters March it and must
close out as far as possible their im
mense stock.'" 46t4
Chambers has just received a hue
line of whips, which together with his
large stock of harness, halters &c, are
V , worth seeing. Just call there.
i- In justice to yourself and family
yo;i "should save- money. Therefore
prH-e"at the Great Red Store before
'4 . F'!nS elsewhere. 41tf
,-v vIIk. Miify CU-Ucot'-a bouse burned
Vup Monday. The furniture was
W'!!y saved. ' She lived near the
Vniun Church io Liberty presiart.
Th cheapt-st and best clothinir
nais anu rarnisning goous can be
bought at S. & C. Mayer's, next door
to Carruth s, we will undersell all oth
ers I Call on us before purchasing and I
satisfy ycurselves. 8. A C. Mater. 2
March 21st, 1831.
Jones got a Valentine.
Best Teas In town
Bennett &
Clothing almost given awav at the
Great Red Store, save money by seeing
us hrst. 41tf
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty or any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with farm lands to
secure it call on will S. ise.
46m5 Fitzgerald Block.
a noou in me .Missouri valley is
predicted when all this snew gees off
and the spring rains come. Awful
glad we are on the right side of the
J no. Bons Sc Son
have the finest
Examine for
mess perk in the city,
Judge O'Denohoe is suffering with
a badly lacerated finger from the bile
of a bog which he was helping to load
on a wagou at his residence, on Tues
day afternoon last. The Judge has
our sympathies.
e defy anyone to show a nicer
line or dried frutfs than we una, or
lower prices. V. II. Baker & Co. 48t8
The Happy Hour Club had one of
the finest dances of the season last
Friday night. There was not a very
large crowd out, but the music and
calling was immense. The Olker
band is hard to beat in the way of
good dance music
Bremner's Choice Crackers are the
fii est. Insist on having them. 4?t4
Mr. Beeson has a sale of bis farm
stock and implements at his farm
near Greenwood on Feb. 9th. Four
good horses, t-ome 50 hogs, 0 hd of cat
tle and quite a lot ot, farm machinery.
mostly new. Remember the day and
the date.
About ten or eleven couples of
Plat'tsmoutb young folks went out to
Croft Eikenberry'a Saturday night and
had a little dance. Mr. Eikenberry's
ic the boss place to go for a dance,
they "always have a good time. Do so
some more. Croft.
Twenty yards best print for 81.00
at the Great Red Store. 41tf
The literaiy and Dramatic club
are makiug arrangements to put an
excellent comedy, with some other
good features, before the pu.blic soon.
F-urthrr notice will be given us goon
as their programme is fairly under
way. .'
Kendall will be here with
his comedy troupe March 21st, Phil
Young informs us and we hope he
may have a g'od house, as Mr. Young
has. taken great pains to get one good
troupe here this winter.
Go to Chambers and buy your
whips, bst whips for the
money in
the market.
We began to think our Weeping
Water correspondent was frozen up
solid but are pleased to learn by his
communication in another column
that lie bas thawed out and remem
bers the IIekalp at once.
Winter goods at greatly reduced
prices to make room for spring stock
ana uet cash to nay for it, tit W. II.
Baker Sc, Co.'s. 48t3
Wm. Loughrid ge, Lee Applegate
and Geo. Miller, all of Factory vilie
were in town Tuesday, good boys too.
They report roads lovely (?) Factory
villa lively, aad the prospect for an
early spring next summer encouraging.
Joe Giiniore was out Saturday
driving four horses bare-handed and
says if he could stand the cold sll over
as well sis on his hands he could save
the price of clothes all winter.
Wouldn't Joe look funny, though,
Agents for cheap pianos some
times claim that they can turnisti l lie
"Steinway." Do not be deceived by
them as we are the only authorized
agents in Nebraska.
45tf Max Meyer & Bito., Omaha.
We are sorry to Bud that by. some
means a mistake has been made in
sending our Almanac to a few of the
post offices on the Weeping Water
route. The mistake has been recti
fied in all but a few cases now, and we,
shall endeavor to have them supplied
at once.
They are selling the lest clothing
at the Great Ked Store, at sucli very
low prices, and you have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. That is why you should
go there for all you need. Sltf
All sorts of runners have been im
provised and the various buggies
around town have been shorn of their
wheels and adjusted to them. Occas
ionally a wheeled vehicle slides about
in a very aig-zagy manner, but sleigh
i Ming is the order of the dav, and
good sleighing too, and almost every
one is enjoying it.
trom seveial of our state ex
changes we learn that Mr. Loran Ken
nedv, formerly of Plattsmoutb, and
who has been for some time post mas
ter at Fairview, has been arrested by
Maj. Furay, on the charge of appropri-
ating the contents of registered let
ters, and roports say that he has con
fessed his guilt.
Mrs. Benescheck, who has been
sick for a long time, and was cared for
by the county, died on last Friday
venine. Her disease was a very
rare one, being a softening of the
bones, (he bones becoming so soft and
brittle tat they would break when
she was moved in bed. She felt well
in other respects for a long time, and
her appetite was god, although to
wards the hist her long lliness wore
unon her svstem. For quite a long
time previous to he r death she had not
been moved, as every move won hi
break a bone. She leaves a husband
and several children, who now reside
in Lancaster Co., and was about thirtv
years of age. Seward Reporter.
Reports or small pox come from
all about us. Sioux City and vicinity
have got it bad. brought In, it is said,
by Kussion Menuouites. and it is
creeping down further south in Iowa.
Already we begin to hear talk of vac
cination, and the necessity of it; the
other day a wild rumor was spread
that Plattsmoutb had a couple of cas
es, which proved on investigation to
be, tiyo children down with tho chick
en pox. Reports from Chicago and
tha larger cities, however, indicate
that it will be more or less epidemic,
and that it is the more malignant foim
Of blt"5. or Russian small .JOx. ,
- Personal. ' t '
Jesse Erwin of Liberty, called Tues
Mr. Showaltei- has returned- from
his Iowa trip.
John R. Clark of Lincoln was in
town over last Sunday.
Wm. I We Is, of South Bend,
came down Wednesday of last week,
and staid until Satureay.
We omitted to mention a call from
Mr. G. D. Mattison week before last,
during our big snow storm.
Mr. Geo. N. La Rue one of the. Her
ald's old subscribers left for Cincin
nati to-day, where be will make his
parents a visit.
Miss Flora Wise, who has been vis
iting in Lincoln, returned the first of
the week with a pocket full of woniaa
suffrage speeches, so they say.
Mr. Hallock, of Ohio, and traveling
in the interest of , a neph
ew f Mr. John Jenning3 spent Sun
day in the city with his relatives.
Capt. O'Rourke returned from New
York, yesterday, and we are pleased to
learn, with hopes of the total restora
tion of his eyesight, in the near future.
Mis- Ida Goo 'el wentdowu to Lin
coln last Thursday, to visit Miss Ola
Barnes and take in the Legislature,and
returned to Plattsmoutb Tuesday af
ternoon. Mr. II. K. Smith and Mr. James Pet-
tee are taking a trip through the coun
ty, this week, looking up the cattle in
terets for Bensley, Waguer & Ben-
sley, of Chicago.
Mr. E. L. Welner, brother of Mr.
Wclner of this place, was over fretn
Glenwood to. the Happy Hour Club
dance last week Friday and returned
home Saturday morning.
Mr. J. P. Skinner, formerly of Platts
moutb, but now of the firm of Skin
ner Bros., Corning, low a, came over
Wednesday on business and will re-
turn this afternoon. Park has to come
over and see his friends once in a
A good time guaranteed at the
Temperance Social to-morrow evening
Tbe best and cheapest in the
world. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup costs
you only 25 cents, and if it does not
cure your cough you can get your
money back.
- Are you going to the Coffee Social
at Good Templars' II dl to-morrow
evening i Of course I am. I had a
splendid time at the last one.
Square dealing guaranteed at the
Great Ked Store
Thgie will be no mi vices at the
Catholic Church on fcuuday next, as
Fai her Lvncli. the pastor, will be ab
sent on one of bis missions.
-Quart us Parmele was out sleigh
riding one dav last week, bis horses
got scared at something and run away
wiih him. tipping the sleigh over and
throwing him and two youngladies.t hai
were with him, out. The horses were
stopped after th.tty had pretty well
riudled the sleigh. The parly were
net hurt any.
The river will undoubtedly be
very high this spring, and many places
will suffer severely. The snow fall
has been very unusual every where
and all the streams which feed the
mighty Missouri will roll their con
tents down to it pretty soon, and then
thcie'll be a chance for the oldest
inhabitants to air their recollections
of the times wien they navigated all
over the bluffs in skiffs.
A cash prize of $75.00 was offered
by the Carpentry and Builder's Journal
of New York for the best plan or a
house to cost not more than 83.500.
with full speculations Sc. It was
wen by W. L. Morrison, of Rochester,
a grandson of Chaplain Wright and
wife of this place. We have seen the
nlan and drawings in full and it is a
wonderfully neat, artistic, economical
and convenient building. 1 he young
man will make a real "Architect some
day and not a botch, of which we have
too many already.
Another Satcide.
Jonathan Catties an old man and
old resident of Cass County, living on
a farm two and a half miles south of
town committed suicide on Tuesday
about noon by shooting the top of his
bead almost off with an old-fashioned
horse-pistol, lie leaves a large fam
ily of children.
Dr. Schildknecht informs us that
he was called about three o'clock in
the afternoon to the Carnes place
The deceased had threatened suicide,
they informed him, and parties pres
ent endeavored to pcevent him but he
became so violent they were afi aid of
hinl and finally desisted. He then
stepped into the next room and plac
ing the pistol to bis mouth, lired and
fell dead instanaly. Tbe ball lodged
in his brain tearing the roof of his
mouth and the brain, but not breaking
the skull. The pistol used which the
doctor displayed was a regular old
fashioned horse-pistol. ,
The cause of trie rasii act was un
doubtedly a disturbed state of mind
caused by great pain. Mr. Carnes has
suffered for some years with catarrh,
which at one time was so severe as to
cause the bursting of his eyeball, and
under the anguish of his suffering
he has frequently threatened suicide,
which owing to the watchfulness of
his friends be has failed to accom
plish before.
Forty years experience has stamp
ed pubue approval on Ayers Cherry
Pectoral, as the mast reliable of all
remedies for Throa: or Chest diseases.
Its continued and inc;easng popular
ity is conclusive evmenceor its super
ior curative qualities.
The undersigned wishes to inform
the citizens of Plattsmouth and vicin
ity that he has engaged the Kendall
Combination at a great expense to
play here for three nights commenc
ing, March' 21st, 1881. The
company consists of 23 people and :
best band and orchestra now tra
ing on the road and their plays will ...
entirely uew. Mr Kendall would not
agree to come unless I would pay
him on shares and owing to net hav
ing any good troupe here during the
winter. I thought the people of Platts
mouth would' be glad to have the
Endall Cooftbioation come and greet
him with a full bouse each night and
by so doing Jielp me also. - . .
4 I am, Respectf'ullv.
- J. PiYwso,
Every body go to the coffee social
at the Good Templar's Hall to-morrow
Friday night. Coffee, Cake. Sand
wiches. Pickles, &C-, will be served in
the best of manner. Everybody is"
-Dr. Haydei. of Burlington, Iowa,
who had been at t e Pacific Hense in
this city the past few days will remain
eight or ten days longer, and continue
to treat all chronic diseases on tbe
terms of no cure no pay. The Doctor
gives particular attention to diseases
of ti e eye and ear, also inserts French
artificial eyes without an operation
that move as freely as the natural eye.
Shops Afire I
Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock the
crv of fire was heard and soon it was
known that a portion of the' machine
shops were on fire. The fire started
either in the planing or boiler room,
which are adjacent and at the south
end of the principal brick building,
about half of which was consumed ;
that is the roof and ' wood work, the
brick walls are uot badly injured.
As there were no engines in tbe
yard, the only avilable means of alarm
was the regular machine shop whistle
and the steam being low, that did not
sound very loud so it was some time
before it became generally understood
that it was intended for an alarm of
fire; when the fact became known in
town our highly ornamental fire bell
elevated in a mighty tower for the ex
press pui poses of notifying the fire
men of need of their services, stub
bornly refused to be anything but an
ornament, and several nunntes were
consumed in vain attempts to make
it useful which was not accomplished
until a fireman scaled the tower and
reached the clapper. (Query? What
is the matter with the fire bell?;
The fire was speedily brought under
control, when fairly stacked. The
machinery was a good deal damaged
but not destroyed. The loss will be at
least 82,000 but it is difficult to make
an exact estimate of it. The origin
of the fire seems to be entirely un
' A Jolly Sleigh ltlde.
In pursuance of ancient custom, and
"seem as now the Missouri oniy
freezes up real good once in so often
and that genuine sleighing in Nebras
ka imitates Christmas the other way,
and does not always come 'nce a
year with any regularity, out oniy
when it gets a good ready, therefore:
it was resolved that last Saturday be
set apart, and consecrated as one may
say, to a semi-demi-annual visit to
our neighbor's domains over the river j
that is to. $ay In abort: a jolly sleigh
ride to Glenwood to see the the peo
ple and perhaps visit the institution
for the "feeble-minded &c." situated
there. To be honest that's one reason
the Herald didu't go: we thought
we'd wait aud see if "Bush" got home
safe, and if he did wed "hook up
some day and go over quietly and look
around. But to the ride, Mr. and
Mrs. Wheeler, Mr, and Mrs Yates,
Sheriff Hyers and wife, Mr. Bushnell
and lady, Mr. Buttery and lady, Mr
Campbell and ladj and Mr. Will Wise
and wife formed the party.
Thev left here about two p m. and
got back about five, all alive a,r,d
greatly pleased, with their trip, except
Campbell, and his sleigh ran away
with the horses, unset his girl out
and hut t nobody but the feelings of
the horses which were mad all the
way home to think nothing was broke.
Representative Ball.
Lincoln, Neb.. Feb., 17, 1881.
Ed. Herald, Dear Sir: As I have
received letters from different persons
asking for copies of printed bills I
wish to say to those who l ave made
the request that only loO copies of
each bill are printed; we aro only al
lowed one copy for tile so we are un
able to send bills to those wishing
them. Yours truly,
II. D. Root.
Farmers Institute at U'eeping Yter.
A Farmers' Institute uuder the su
pervision of Prof. Culbertson, Princi
pal of the State Agricultural College,
will be held at Weeping Water, com
mencing Tuesday. March 1st., 1S81,
and continuiug three or four days,
with the usual course of essays and
discussions. A full attendance of
Farmers and citizens is desired.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the Post Of
fice at Plattsmouth, Cass Counlv, Neb.'
kebrcary 24, 1881.
Alien W C 2 Parker C P
Adams Mrs. Julia 201son A
Brown Z E Smith Ellen
Cummings Mrs DE Smith James
Carten Mrs. Scott C L
Chofnan Jake Tidiaud Victor
Fife J T , Wiley E
Packer A M Woodbury Clem
Persons calling for the above will
please say "advertised."
J. W. Marshall, P. M.
J. s. Duke
Has jast received a car load of cook
stoves of the latest styles and in im
proved patterns, which he will sell at
i he lowest possible pnce3. He has al
so a new line of improved carpenters
tools. Cs"!! and see them before pur
chasing elsewhere. 49t2
Notice to Teachers.
The next meeting of the Teachers'
Association will be held at Louisville
on March 12th. The programme will
be the same as was published for the
February meeting no meeting having
been held on account of the weather.
J. . Campbell, the blacksmith, has
removed to the north west corner of
Eighth street ana Washington Ave
nue, opposite Jerry Ilartman's brick
yard, where he is now conveniently pii
pared to do all wqi k in his line in
satisfactory manner. Prices as low as
the lowest. A ecialty made of farm
ers" spring work. J. A- Campbell.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the sale
of property belonging to the estate of
James McNurlin, which was adver
ed to take place on the 12ih Inst,
..ill take Dlace on the 20th inst.. at the
place mentioned in said notice, sub
ject to the terms therein mentioned;
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a.m.
J. M. Patterson. Adm'r.
Plattsmouth, Feb. 18, 1881. 43t2
The Mkabe' Piaqo admits f
only one equal, and that is the STElN
wat" We are general agents for
both. -Highest degree f excellence"
are the wonia of the Judges of the
Ceatesnial Exposition in 18TG.
Max t T5ro.
" ' At
' v- : r
The McJJurlinschooIhouse affair
is 'not decided yet, it seems. Tbe di
rectors Messrs. R. E. Countryman and
R. D. McNurlin swore out a warrant
against C. G. Fleming, J. E. M'Conaha
R. W. Rhoden.G. W. Rhoden. Don C.
Rhoden, W. Kniss, J. J. Adams and
W. Lathrep for resisting officer and
assault and battery. They were ar-
raigued before Judge Sullivan yester
day (all except J. W. Latbrop he left
for Iowa) and gave bonds to appear
for trial March 15th.
All the grocers will soon be sell
ing Bremuer's Crackers. 47t4
Weeplny IT ate r Items.
Just thawed out to-day aud my
, W.
thought was of you, aud our W
Dudley Ripley have stored an im
mense stock of ice for next summer.
Burgess & Williams are doing the
B. F. Barrett at our new harness
Fleming Sc Hace have sold their
store building to Chase & Beardsley.
C. Tborngates sold his store build
ing to Fleming A Race.
Considerable building vill be uone
in W. W. in the spring.
Trixy wishes to correct the mistake
in bis former letter of Laney & Thorn-
gate, which is incorrect, to C. Thorn
gate, dealer in general notions, 5 and
10 cent counters, Vc.
Dr J.W.Thomas is around again.
and improving rapidly in health.
Mr. Bates is better.
Burgess & Williams will soon start
another meat market here.
Another hotel is talked of soon.
Newspaper to start beie in the
The Weeping Water Dramatic Club,
under the auspices of the W. W. Or
chestra, played -rncle Tom's Cabin"
successfully, and with great credit, to
crowded bouses for four successive
nights. The storm prevented many
from attending.
A meeting is proposed here for
Tuesday night to institute measures
for the relief of the colored sufferers
in Kansas. Yours Spasmodicallv.
Arousing its Readers.
An alarm of fire at midnight .is a
startling thing, but not half so start
ling to many who hear it as would bo
the sudden "knowledge of their own
dangerous physical condition. Thous
ands of thousands are hurrying to
their graves because they are careless
ly indifferent to the insidious inroads
of disease and the means of cure. It
is the mission of II. II. Warner t Co.,
with -their Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure, to arouse men to a sense of. their
dauger imd cure them. Memphis Ap
peal. 47tl3
Hair Work
Of all kinds done by Mr3. A. Knee;
leave orders for the same at Mrs S.
S warts millinery Store. 43tf
The only eecret about Ayer's Cher
ry Pictoral is in the selection of the
best materials for the cure of coughs
and colds and skilfully combining
them bv chemical processes. This all
medical men are aware of. as they are
furnished with the formula of its
They mean business at the Great
Red Store. Goods positively lower
than any bouse in town. See for your
self. 41tf
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 3
per cent interest, tf . Jl. Wheeler.
Buy Only the Genuine Singer
of the Company's Agent, F. C. Bowen,
office at Mrs. Swarts' Millinery Store.
Main Street, Plattsmouth. Needles,
Oils, and Accessories always on bund.
Machines sold on Monthly Tayments.
House For Sale.
House and three lots for sale, house
contains C rooms well mushed, cistern
and good well. Centrally" located.
Call at Hartigan's Law Office. 4Ct4
Canned goods in great variety at
rock bottom prices, either by the case,
dozen or single can at W. II. Baker &
Co. 4 Si 2
rt OOfiper day at liome. Hiiiunle wortu j
'6 j free.
AddrcM, Sti.nso.n & Co,.
JC!a week In your o-n town.
Terns and si i
.pUUoutflt free Address, II. H.Li.KTT
; hi.
rorllamt, .Maine.
$12 a day Ht home easily ni-ule
? t 6(.'oxrly outfit fret1
Aiigu.xta. Maine. 4iily
Complete new line of queensware
and glassware just unpacked at W. II.
Eaker Sc Co. Prices lower than ever. 2
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an inteinal medi
cine warranted a sale, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Racks, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black : Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
A Paying Ocenpiitiou.
Tlif approach of the long winter evening
culls attention to the matter of a lamp, for wiili
out a good Unlit UM the pleaxure or profit is
taken from readiut: or otuny Coal oil is now
in Be ii eral use for illuminating purposes out
hide of cities or large towns whe.recoal gas is
used, and when a proper lamp i used It is the
best aubvtttute for sunlight yet iicQVPied.
The principle or plan upon which the Student
Lamp is cpnstrueted may 1p said to be the best
in UsP, but the livnip iUelf has always had sev
eral objectionable features which we are glad
to see are beim; done aw ay with in the new as
pirant for favor called the Homk Lamp."
manufactur-d bv the Home Uunp Co., of Cin
cinnati. The great onjection to most other
lamps is their liability to be upeet, the trouble
to keep tUem in order, and the poor light given
by them. The New Home Lamp is nickel plat
ed, and almost a fac-simile of the Student
Lamp; it has a handsome ornamented clamp,
by means of which the lamp can be at once ea
sily adjusted in any position upon the center
table, piano, nui-ic rent, sewing machine. dek.
or by means of a handsome bracket, which goes
with tbe lamp, can be placed upon the wall,
and in whatever position it is placed it Is abso
lutely safe. This is the great feature pt excel
lence, but the New Home Lamp couibuiee also
the patent Argand burner, 'a 'BUics; indicator
and match box. No lAmp has ever before been
teceiTed with such unusual favor or recUved
such string recommendations from the leading
Journal of Cinomuali. It U aUo endorsed by
sueh men as the mayor and postmaster, sever
al Insurance presidents and express agents of
that city as the safest, most convenient and
best lamp made The Company desires agents
In this locality, and any suart lady or gentle
man can make a handsome income dnriug the
next six mouths by canVasalng for its sale.
There are hardly a dozen families in the countv
who will not want one, and its price Is so low
as to bring it within the reach of all. For fur
ther information address Home Lanip Compa
ny, Cincinnati Ohio, mentioning our paper,
aud they will give you full particulars and ex
clusive territory to canvass In. HL5
The Banner Wct-i-ly t the Wnf. iin j
ei:'li!-pa&re paber'tmly Hue dollar a year, aud a I
iiMt-iiinccnt eutintvinir "two feet wide and al- i
most three feet long" free, and po-daue paid to
every subscriber. Address WKKHLV
TIItKH. Cincinnati Ohio. j
Fees of Doctors. j
l ha fee of doctors is an item that
very many person? are interested in
just at present. We believe the sched
ule for visits is 3, which would tax a
man confined to his bed for a year
and -in need of a daily visit, over 81.
000 a year for medical attendance
alone! And one single bottle of Hep
Bitters taken in lime would save the
81,000 and all the yeai's sickness.
A Foolish Mistake,
make the 'miatak
i mast? me mijiaK or coa-
rounumg a remedy of acknowledged
merits with the numerous quack med
icines that are now so commpn. We
speak from experience when we say
that Parker's Ginger Tanic 1 a ster
ling health restorative and will tlo all
that 1s claimed for it. We have used
l G",'8f'lves. with the happiest results
rlreuT?r?m"n1 '"hen worn out
Prof. Rice's Lightning Thorough Bass
last rue tor.
Jiy use "of this chart any one who
can sing a song can learn to accom
pany themselves on Organ or Piano at
once. The best thing yet offered. Call
at Leonard's "Music and Art Gallery"
satisfy yourself, buy oue, and learn to
play your onn accompaniments.
James Pettee,
Sole agt. for uass Co.
You Can Find at Bennett & Lewis'
Nice mince meet in bulk or bucket;
pure maple syrup and maple sugar;
buckwheat flower of the best quality;
caned goods fresh and nice; a full as
sortment of cakes and crackers, with
a great variety of fancy groceries not
generally kept in other establishments.
Ayer's Hair Vigor, es its name
implies, invigorates and strengthens
the hair. It not only restores the
original color to grey or faded hair,
but by its stimulating action at the
roots, producing a vigorous growth,
and gives it that beautiful lustre
which results only from a strong, heal
thy growth of the hair.
Pepperberg's cigars are the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealer for them.25tf
Go to the
You can positively do vourself some
good. " 31tf
Make from ft-il to T0 per week selling uootls for
K. J. RlDEOl'T & CO.. 10 Barclay Street, New
York, (v'lid for catalogue and terms. 21y
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to . J.W.Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
, ,, - .- ei
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7tI
J. II. Buttery sells the best cough
medicine. He has confidence in it,
and he is willing to refund the money
if it does no good. Ask for Piso's cure
for Consumption. Price 25 cents and
81.00. 42t9
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now read' for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet cornea down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday m January, February. May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June aud September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April. July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Sat ti rd an of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
42tf Superintendent.
WUi'.t Everybody Wants
Is a pleasant, reliable medicine that
never poes any harm, and prevents and
cures diseases bv keeping the stomach
in perfect order, the bowels regular.
and the kidneys and liver active. Such
a medicine is Parkers Ginger Tonic
It relieves every case, and we have
seen stacks of letters from thousands
who have been saved a:.d cured by it.
See other column. Tribune. 40t4
We to-day call attention to the
advertisement of the Prickly Ash Bit
ters, which can be found in another
column. These Bitters are made from
the purest and best materials, and
their tonic and cathartic properties
render them superior to all others in
disorders of the Stomach, Bowels,
Liver, &c. 40t4
in general.
Ir Darling is also a Practising riiysiclan and
can always be found at his Ottlce In
the Drugstore.
Special attention paid to
U. F, Mathews,
Hardware, Catlery, Nails,
Iron, Wagon Stock,
Iron, IFbod Stock, Pumps,
IRON WORK, Kept in Stock.
MakltisT and llepalrlug;,
All Work Warranted.
E. G. Dovey & Son
till I'ni't themselves at home to Caas county
r aiineis anu an mcir out customers.
U'e hace this Winter our us
ual Jul I and larger lines of
Goods than, perhajs, ever he
fore. As the growth of the
country has demanded larger
stocks, and of a better class, tre '
have endeavored to meet that
demawl. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
jor ti uner wear, we hate a
large and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
oj (U .4C.y. iress 1 rtmmtngs
of the latest styles. Buttons in
endless variety, our line of
is weeding?:; large, and ice
lltinkircll nelected.
to suit all perxonaanl all purses
A very full line cf
tin: ai NToKti tin:
which you mii-d see to select from
of standard grades.
ipann f the finest qualities, selected by our
i u uo selves.
nnfranp many nrands, enpecially our owl
UUiiljUil brand ifKKKSH KOAI.THI (Ot'FKIi-
cnlied the ilr.KIQt E. Try it a;;d e. i efor.
purchasing elsewhc j.
MTiiad Turn-lii
ilUDU Illii 1.1 of all kinds, fresh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty,
CAN N r.U f ;OODS from all ouartere. Vary ""
V rtOlUI ma koomm.
ly the barrel cr bu-hel
In all these branctlr-s we 'uaU en-le-Vbr
to sell ns hue ag ni.y wi. and
as is to do a iotxn uusi-
Ks. We invite attention and will
show ail that call our iroods. . rou"t
be.-ifmid to ask for w hat you wan'
and CiilNw'teTi and rr-rly '
' ' Ml &M0
We remove to H?red. d ord
er's ISrielt UMoelt,
Next to (Court iHoiie,
We offer for tweaity-ciglit clays
unprecedented JESargaiiis in
Mens', 'Youths', and Children's
In addition to this great Spe
cial sale of OotE&in&9 we
propose from this elate to
inaugurate a grand clear
ance sale of all
WT5nnt!;x3iL0 n)allg9
Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Gerits' Fur
Nishing Goods Hats & Caps, Boots &
Shoes. Trunks, Valises, & Jewelry
We Will Festively Discount nil l'ricc Lists
by 10 Per. Cent.
Oil, What A Cough!
Will you heed the warning. Tiie
signal ierhaiis of tbe sure approach of
that more terrible disease Consump
tion. Ask yourselves if- you can
afford for the sake of saving 50 cents
to run the risk and do nothing for it.
We know now from experienco
. i,.,t !
Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cough.
It never fails. This explains whv
more than a Million Bottles were sold
the past year. It relieves Croup and
Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers
do not be without" it. For Lame
Back, Side or Chest tiso Shiloh's I'cr
ous Plaster. Sold by Smith, Black
& Co. Ceowtf
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of To
cents to free yourself of every symp
tom of these distressing Complaints.
If you think so call at our store and
get a bottle cf Shiloh's Vitalizer, every
b)ttle has a printed guai antee on it;
use accordingly, and if it does yon no
good it will cost you nothing. Sold
by Smith Black & Co. O'eowtt
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S
jector free with each bottle. Use it if
you desire health and sweet breath.
Price 30 cents. Sold by Smith, Black
& Co. Ot-owtf
Brown's Pepsin Tonic
Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and
Sick-headache. You have only to try
it to prove it. It furnishes the siom
ach with Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake
and Gentian, the natural principles of
digestion. No remedy ever offered to
the public has relieved so much suf
fering as this wonderful Preparation.
Mrs. Miiia Jox-:.s. Fairmount, Kas.
says: "I had Dyspepsia, for ten years
and have been cured by using two bot
tles of Brown's l'rp.-::i Tonic, afier
trying a dozen doctors."
A. O. Butler, R ckville, Mo,
writes; "You have my thai.ks for a
ife saved by this ondLM i'n Remedy.
commenced improving ,i.:i r taking
the third dose ; its effect on th stom
ach, liver and bowels, was aimo:L mag
ical." E. B. Hall, IIiattville,Kans;:s ,says:
Please Fend me by exptess
one gross of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. It
excels all other remedies for Dyspep
sia ever sold in this community. I
cannot keep store without it.
For sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith,
ilack d. Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er East plattsmouth.
To all Our Friends.
flavins had numberless Inquiries for adver-
isini; cauls in all parts of t tie com, try from la
dies who are interested in the fashion of niakiiiK
"t ard Collections." we are having printed tor
them a set of seven beautiful cards, each 111 six
colors and on a ;old background. In the very
highest decree ot art, illustrating Shake
speare's Seven Ak- s of Man," We have
spared no expense in these cards thev are
simply little art-ems. Our only aim has been
to publish the finest cards yet shown. Appli
cations for t hem have come in so rapidlv that
nearly the whole edition is eiiKaijcd before the
receipt by us of the cards from the artist. We
nave tnereiore oeen ouiinca t adopt mo ioi
lowiiu plan for the distribution of the reinaiii-
iler : No more of the tilt Shakespeare cards,
seven In the series, will be sent except inn upon
he receipt of a statement irom a uroccr that
the person applying for the cards has bought
of him on that day at least seven bars of Dob
bins' Electi ic Soap, with price paid for same.
All appiyinK in this manner wilt reieive the
full set of seven cards tenuis bv mail. This
will Insure us tliat our friends and patrons j;et
their share of these beautiful designs, altliouuh
it in no manner repavs us for the cost of the
cards. Your erocer has the soap cr will net it.
and the purchase by you of seven bars of It at
one time will sect'.ro fur you gratis seven beau
tiful cards. The soap improves w ith nue and is
an article of necessity in your house everv
week. Therefore you are not asked to buy a
useless article, but one that vuu must have
anyway. Please send us your ar.phcatloii at
once, and tell your latly friends making "Card
Collections" to do the same.
i ours respectfully,
I. L. UAttlN & Co.
lie SoutklthSt..Fuiladelphta.C
0 -?e?MMj&4RViGi&
Ct. "ssepb, 2.
Is conducted bv an exnert aceoimtant .utrt
successful teacher. Instruction thormrii and
practical, i union iovr than elsewhere. Full
particulars to any address.
ZII IHIW. .1. tint AN T, iTes.
Profitable Readinff for Evervbodv
Business men and women, teachers, mechanics j
Ifaravn minictM. nnlM 1 1 1. - i i
....... ( a. i wuw umji
four by the constant toil and worry of your work (
wririK intoxicating nttrer?. Dut use
Are you suneiuig Irom Lyoepsia, Kheuma
tum. Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney, Lrrer or!
lrinary complaints, you can h cured bv niner .
i T T" wasung away won Consumpnon, ie-
r ill II
jiy m.kocs ; 11 you Cave a pain
ful cough or bad cold, yon will find sure rrlief in
Kipauon, and your system needs invigoratinir, or!
nt you have pimples and blotches, and your blood'
I you are enfeebled bv tli--a-- aiti - . .
e" puntying. yon ran always rtewend on
bad many other of the best medicines known it iv
UuitronGiitoar. Buchu. Mmrink. ... j i .
'.he Bert rlaalth and S..Mo.h R r
Usad. and is far suoerior to ltiiters. KwnrM ni
iiiKcr ua inner lonia, as it evr Intoucate.
find combines the best curative properties of a J.
at naa 9n itaaareaa at Litest It Say 1
loan. ;
Buy a sec. BOttle of rour drurviir. and tn vnt.i
txHinierfeiu be sure our signature u on the nut.
kidc wrapper. Hiscox 4 Co.. Chemists. N. Y. !
Parker's Hair Balsam. VZZXZZz?-
Th Beit Xoit Ecoaomleal Hair Dmili
Centaintac only ingredients that are beneficial
to the hair and scalp, the Balsam will be found
far more satisfactory than any other preparattoa.
It Sever Falls to Eeatore Cray or Fade4 Hair
. mo the rijnnr-t T-outhfuI erlor an -t is wtrranmt to
r j
Execrltor's- Sale of Land.-
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of tin
:unboritv vested In me bv the last will and tes
lament of farah S. Smal l, dece.tseo. 1 will, on
Saturday, the tith day of .March. A. 1. lsl. at
i one o'clock p. in. of said day, sell al pulilie ven
due, at the .Vdiui dooi oi uie oiui iiouse. 111
, i. v..l.,.,L-. tl... (. ,II,,. Ii,.
J realestale situated In said County.lo-wii : The
North Kast ouartui (ueV) of n-i-liou No. eiiiht-
I -..,. I .... ... iT ........ ..r
gr,.ioii No. twenty cjui. ail in town. n. twelve
(liii. liuiiKc No. twelve (.a). of the sixth
u;tn P. -M. Terms of sale made known on the
nay of sale. The undersigned reserves the right
to reiect any or all olds. .1. v . ,
Adjiiini-trator vf the Kstate of Sarah bluart
with will annexed. 4.U1
To n iom if may Cunctrn.
Keooit having been made to the Hoard o
Count v Commissioners of Cass County, Neb
raska by the Clerk of the disli let Court of sail
I ouniy w hich report shows that there Is now
and has been for l he last six months reinain-
iiiKlulhe bauds 01 said district del K certain
lees which have been uncalled for.
Now if such fees Hliall not be called fo
within six mouths from the 1-t dav of .lanuary
IshT will be considered as forieitcd and will be
paid into the common school fund of said Cass
l'.y order of County Commissioners.
.. D. Tl TT,
4st2 Couniy Clerk.
Sheriff's Sale.
ltv virtue of au order of saie. Issued by W. C
Sliow.,lter. cleik of the District Court, wlihiu
aud fid' Cass County. Nebraska, and to me di
re:-led. I w ill i Ii tne lull! dav ot March. A. 1 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, al the south
door of the Court House In said Couniy. sell a
nubile auc tion tiie loiiowiuu real estate to-wit
the south west quarter (s w of section, thir
iv-foitr town twelve W- north in rai.e
nine (hi east oi oi li 1. .M., coiiialiniiK one nun
hundred and sixty tbiO) acres, all ol the ubove
-ami, situated in Cass County, Nebraska. T lie
same bcint; levied upon and taken as the prop
erty ot Edwin Aiineu, Jiary E. Allien. A. iia.
'and and .Melissa L. Patrick. Defcndaat s : t
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
James v iiKmson, riaiuiin.
0." 11. W. Hveks. Sheriff. Ca Co., Neb
Plattsiuouth, Neo., Feb. 101 Ii, A. I)., 11.
C. IIFISI'L, ITopilotor
Flour, Corn Meal & Feed
Alwavs on hand and for sale nt lowest cast
ea. The Inchest prices paid lor . neat ai.d
Particular attention given custom work
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
of farm and other machinery, as there
i a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He Is well known as a
Sw Wnjron and Itucsie. matte- to
Shop on Sixth street e-oposite S'relirht's Stable
ifrt'ner iC Grainer.
hinting, (Sraininj, 6Iastng,
S piper innptt).
Also, Decorations of all kind-.
Painted in Good Style.
J. Valleuv. sr..
E. Hkebx. 41tf
Cures by AllSOItll TON .'Nature's way
ii Li. iini:asc.
IX Si 1 SIRO'r iim:asi:s,
; 1 1 Ureal Ii in? troubles.
It Ih-lvss info the system curative agents
iai healiiii; medicines.
It Itrawst from tb.e itisea'ed parts the
inlsoii" that cau-e deal h.
I housands testify to Its virtU'-!.
foil caa !)B Mwifth Cnrefl!
fiunt despair until von have jrind thi Sensible.
KasTiy aiijillfd ami Radically I'.fTectual
Sold Uy Di insists or tent by mail on receipt
if price. . by .
Sen." for Tes -
. ......... ..... ...' A i. U W-l.J UUUq A UU J J ' I
our bonk .
i bi-ee -Mif-
.111 :l V..... -f
Williams Pluck'.
no to f i.&in-j to 33stay
alios S'-j.t up. ram r
ice. Address Dntiiell-'
alty WasiiiiiKtoiiNJ
An Only
Daughter Cured of
W hen death was hourly expected, nil reme
dies having railed, and Dr. H. James was ex
perimenting with the many hevbs fT Caktiltj;
ho accident ly made a preparation which cured
his only child of CouHinnp.lon, His child
U now lit this country and enjoying l lie bed of
health. He has proved to tho world that
ConHDiuption can bo positively nnd per
manently cured. The Doctor now gives this
leclpe free, only asking Uv Hire's cent si amps
to pay expenses. This Herb also t ureoignt
Sweats, Nausea nt the Stomach, nn.l will break
up a fresh Cold In twenty-four hours. Ad
dress Craddock & CO.. 1032 M., rhlladei-
phia. naming this paper.
Parker's Ginger Tonic
Itegulatcs the stomach, liver and kidneys, ai.d
neer fails to make the blood rich Mid pure and
o strengthen every part oi i ne svm.-mi. o i n
lired hundreds ol despairing iin'""- '"
our neighbor about It. ....
L'uro all diseases of the Sloiimch, l!ow eis. Llvei
kidney and Lrlnaiy Organ, '"oiihii.--..
Sleeplessness, and especially I i male. i i -
ask your iirui-Kii. o
and try
llieni before
Oilier. Send for circular.
Hop Hitlers M f g Co., no
Joh'dOjOMt. ,
a htjsicai.
n . tn.tmrn.nt, rl. r His I u-i i
Orrin. n which ml .ih rn.i pfni ny p.
l-nlnrlntlnimanu ."i-nltoti.-d I J". " - . '
wal'rl CtUlo,,.. of IHIC MM-IIANO-AI. (I h. .1 1 1. 1 I I :'
cortrrily .11 O ' i-l '. -l. " '
-t.-r tn.,.1.-. IM. !. l. ' " . . "- '"'
H III U'riDi JinCnn.
id this
Tames Fettle!
on, but
dkalei: in
Musical Instruhienls,
Sole Appointing Agent for
I'nrlVHlleil JEasioii A. Ilnnitln
V. C
o State Acent for the Henry 1- Mill, r and
. Kmerson Co. Pianos.
at office.
Sixth, out- door south of M.u;i
Iiislr Srliolai-s
Will do well to examine our
New 31 a son Hamlin
Eight Mile brove, Nob.
Having opened a New Store :it I lie ttbov
I call alteutloli to tnv stuck, .mil iis t'.
patronage of mv friends and no
Public iu general.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware $ Wooden whi t
and General floods of
Call and see our Stock
-.11 sort". -before
311y Wai.tku Jenkin
ot ti iti:n,
lood Tinner always
IV Jkll ll iflfl I? 1. IIM I I-l :ft .1 .
done neatly, pi
ifc,f.i. nmhM if-
K Q-?X tn this
P lMi-tX& W.r-M J 'ia and
Vwnt while
(fr?X -:?M M:), 'AtWiatter
........ ... ......rv
n anu itnonu a:so y
done to order.
llcmemlicrtlie n.-irne nnd i
South Hi nd. Ni-ln.iska.
Hay r.ros.
Is made froiri rrop'eal Leaf olltare
Value, and is a . . Itemed.) tm all tint
dl-ea-es ilial cause pains lu t ie lower part of
the body for 'lorpid Liver Headaches .laini
dice lilzlncss. I, ravel, Malai ia, and all tl i .11 -cultles
of the Kidneys. Liver and l i ii'iiry or
gans. Eor IVnisIr' llisrssrs. Monl hiy -Mi-n-struation,
and during Pregnancy, it has nu
equal. It restores lli oigai. tint nin,- tins
blootl. mill hetn-e Is the bei-t Itlnotl I'nrlllrr.
It is the only know n remedy that cures 1 ia -tl
scoui'ire. Itrlielifs. liseHw.. Pol Diabetes,
U"C arner is Hsiif,- llln to-test 4 ure.
Eor Sale by Druggists and Healers at
per bottle. r.Hrxe-t bottle In Hie market. Jiyit.
H. II. WAUNEIl & CO., Itoclicstcr. N. V.
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