Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 17, 1881, Image 4

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By the Eric canal there was shipped
in 1880 73.000,000 bushels of grain. If
the grain had been sent by railroad
there would have lx?en $."?,0)0,0o) more
f .-eight to pa3.
'l'he Lutheran syuo.1 of Nebraska had.
f-i 1871. only six jiiinisters. It ha now
tivc-nty-fout' ministers, thirty eonrega
liutis, and twelve hundred and twenty
nine communicants.
Marion county, Georgia, has a hog"
cg with the usual cloven hoofs and two
mtsiior lioofs above, and a second leg
t.bout the size of a man's thumb g:xwa
nt just below the knee-joint.
One of the sons of Gen. Houston is
now entering xipon the lie of Lis father,
wi.ich v ill be a complete and reliable
history, compiled from authentic paper
in i-osse.rsioii of the family.
The late Ilerr Isidor Kraft, of Berlin,
u wealthy philanthropist, has left half
of his forluue of 1,000 marks to be ex
pended in the foundation of a fund for
the assistance of poor needle-women.
Salmon fishing on Columbia river,
Oregon, is very dangerou:;, owing to
s. -crtaiu tidal) peculiarities. Two hun
K?cl men, at lea-st, are reported as lost
rhTpt;:e Ct season.
The manufacture of bariied wire
fencing has increased from 10,000
pounds in 1874 to 27,337,000 pounds in
187'J. and it is estimated that in 1880
the production reached 60,000,000
To show how the petroleum trade has
increased and prosjiercd compare the
exported product of 18C2-:$ 1.S5.874
gallons, valued nt .27,S80 with that of
170-K) 4;,7B5.7D6 gallons worth
y Notwithstanding the persecution of
Jews in Germany, it is said that
ecunions young German noblemen
'. t;ii "many ancestors and more debts'"
..jitinue to peek the hands of wealthy
' nng Jewish maidens in marriage.
. ''Miss Jennie Hogan is creating some-
' tjJiut of a sensation in Washington as
un inspirational poet. She hails from
Vermont, is a brunette of ordinary
height, small features, and a face with
a bright expression, though she is not
President Grcvy, of the French repub
lic, has established in his a tele
phone apparatus, by which he has in
stantaneous communication with the
President of the Senate and Chamber of
levnties and all of the members of the
' Cabinet.
Wm. G. Gordon, of Cho.ster
villeft)., 13 srid to be 113 years old and
still a comparatively strong and active
man. lie i ? wealthy, and manages his
own biiness nlTairs. In his youth he
served in the Hritih army a:id Kays that
he knew Napoleon L
Sugar-cane growers and planters in
Illinois claim that all the n:gar con
sumed in that State, could- be raised
jvith'i her borders at the same cost now
given and besides create a new and
profitable industry. -10,0 h,i M) worth
is consumed in Illinois annually.
M. K. Weiss, at a session of a foreign
industrial society, advanced the curious
idea that the corrosion of steam toilers
is due to the ai'ii in of ozone, m liii'li he
thinks is generated by electrical a tion.
resulting from tho violent ir.-piil-c
s-U'titji titiinst the upper ro:-ti---:i of the
The Michigan Salt a-.-'.oein.ion has
tried the experiment of shipping s;i!t in
Hacks to the South with success. The
soft hern market has hitherto been sup
plied with the English article, but tl e
great satisfaction expressed with the
.Michigan product, promises a large d--vislopment
of the trad- in that direc
tin.1 i"rp;ie A. im Ke,
e'i wide spread allot
ofl a person miraciiio
itjg water from Lo
. IMrsggie A. i!uike, whose t-nse attracts
ntioii in s'7 4 as that
I'oti.slv enrol !v tiriah-
.ourdes, tlied re.-cnt-
W. She injured hersnir.e bv a fall, and
p!:v -iciaus could atibrd her i; relh f.
Siio t Ii'-ii resorted to prayer an i the
miraculous' water, an! immediately
arose from her bed. lmring scverni
vears she continued to ini-trovc. but af-
war I lui.l a rci:t;-se. J ;e v::ter was
i again, but without ;....
A m w variety of silk-worm has been
flisrovcred in Nevada. It is much
lardier than the old kind and feeds on
ak leaves instead of mnlbcrrv. The
.tfilk is of stronger fibre and instead of
eating a hole through the cocoon thus
I breaking the threads, this new worm
ri pushes against the libres not injuring
the cocoon in the least,
f In the ;rreat flour-mills at Minne-
apo's, mi i-stones are becoming a thing
cf the past. Hungarian steel rollers tak
- ing their place. l?y the new process of
cracking instead of grinding the wheat,
the germ of the grain, which is a waxy
'substance and tends to make Hour dark,
is carried off with the hulls instead of
being incorporated in the Hour.
A man at Greenville, S. C, made
reckless by drink, made a wager Jhat
, La. could ride his horse across a railroad
track, several hundred yards distant,
ahead of an approaching train. South
ern locomotives are proverbially slow,
but this one beat the horse, and the rider
wa3 killed.
Two physicians in a Toledo murder
trlrd were asked whether the wcunds,
which they had already described, were
the cause of death. They refused to
answer, on the ground that such would
be expert testimony, for whi h they
would receive no compensation. Judgo
Rouse sustained them.
The British Quarterly makes the re
markable statement that the number of
recorded deaths from starvation, dur-in"-
the East Indian famine, actually
feQ below that of ordinary years. Dur
ing the worst of the crisis more than
four million people were saved from
starvation at a cost of about 30,000,000
to the state.
Robert Johnson, a colored num. aged
S4 3'ears. was found on G.ip Hill. Lan
caster, Pa., so nearly fr.'.; n that his
death is expected. When be was taken
to Lancaster it was found that the skin
had peeled from portions of his body,
and that his feet had been pl:t by the
intense cold. The old man lived alone
iu a cabin on the hill.
Land has not been so cheap in Cali
fornia within many years as it is at
Dreseut. Some of the very best land
l' iu Napa Valley arid there is hardly
nny liner or more beautifully situated
land anywhere' is now ofleivd at about
30 an acre. Land not far far from
Mcnlo Park, which was ten years ago
sold for $30(1 an acre, was lately sold
for $30 an acre.
- Gambling is very greatly increasing
in London. At a club, which is sufii-.
ciontly well known to ali ivho take an
interest in such matters, g . uilcmau
lost at baccarat and paid no less than
jL'o.OOO in ready cash recently. What
makes it more serious is that this same
gentleman had previously lost some
Jtit,000 at the same game and at the
same club.
Mods, de Lesseps read a paper some
time ago before the French Academy,
stating that he believed he had discov
ered the actual place where tiie Israel
ites crossed the lied Sea. A French
priest, thinking his arguments conclu
sive, is appealing for funds for dredg-
in" purposes, in rder to bring to li;
anv remains ot 1'naraon s army win
mav be under the sand
' v Many of the Hindus still think that
the leader of the Sepoy rebellion, Nana
Sanib, is yet alive, and that he is in
America a region as vague to theiu as
the dominions of Prester John were to
the medievalists. Although his death
vas announced twenty years ago, the
truth or falsity of it is not then, nor
has it since been ascertaitteL He might
be alive, so far as his age goes for he
would not now be more than sixty years
-hl Joe Win row, the trainer of liver
51 of Morrissey, in thing in San
Fratteisco, leaves his family in rather
por eUvwmstances. Once when Eroder
iejj vns delivering a speech in front of
the Plaza its ,Km Francisco a bully
knocked frcti the cir.nd and he fell
' .-;ito Winrow' iins .Jos tood Brod-
rick upon rtr ptand Rgji 2 ml pohl him
o go oa with; his speech. Th crowd
Went for Brod'eriek, but the first man
Was kiocked s far. by Joe tliat the rest
'- - --
iktilptora' loda'.a.
The hnman model is now cr nsidere l
an essential of every large art school,
and American artists are not behind
Frenchmen in opjortunitie3 to sf.ulv
from life, as the following from the
New York Tribune will show:
"Please, sir, Mr. is engaged,"
said the servant, as a visitor kmicked at
the door of a sculptor's studio.
"What is he doing?"
"I think he has a model with him,
Just then the sculptor appeared, his
hands covered with clay. "I'm
through," he said "come in." A door
leading to another room closed quickly
as the visitor entered the studio. Busts,
statues, torsos, and medallions were
ranged about on shelves and on the
ll-jor. On the stand in the middle of
the room was a nude female tiguiv.lvdf
modeled in clay. The sculptor, talking
his chnuchoir, a sharp-pointed iron in
strument, began daiiitily smoothing and
trimming hie clay limb of the statue,
frequently stepping back to note the ef
fect and study the reflection in a gi.iss
hung opposite. A faint rustling an of a
woman's drapery caused the visitor's
ces to turn interrogatively to the clos
ed door.
"Yes, that's the mode," said the
sculptor. "She has just finished posing
for two hours, and is getting ready to go.
"How do you find models?" asked
the visitor.
"Well, thisonelheard of from another
artist. There's no systematized way of
getting them, but one hears of tl.em in
different studios. Then, some' hues
girls come and oiler to mc, and oic;
occasionally runs across nien an.l
women himself who are adapted to tin;
purpose, and willing to iarn money in
this way. There are, perh.ips. no pro
fessional models here, but in I'arl-j
whole fandiies are brought tip to ti'e
business, which is followed as a regular
calling. We depend on anything we
can find that is suitable."
'T suppose it is not a very prol'.t.tb'e
"Models receive from fifty cents to SI
an hour, and the- seldom pose more t ha'i
three hours at a time: usually much
less. The' arc very often required t.
us-rume constrained attitudes, which ca:i
only be maintained for a few jiii:i::tej
without a rest. Then even standing
naturally for an hour or so becomes
very wearisome. Hut this is the !.i t
of their evils. There are probably few
occupations more dangerous an i injur
ious to health than p;s'rig.n a 1:1 l 1.
In the majority of ecs-s they s. ,uer o,
later contrast colds which ;'t-.-u resn
fatally in consumption. :' course we
heat the studio to a l:i;;h temperature
when models are present, but wiL-.o-.H
any clothing they are com icteiy expos
ed' to any changes, and very sii ;: t ciiills
a fleet them seriously. In Pern a mod
el's cough has come to be ahuost 'pro
verbial. Some of the sa!d"t .-terlcs of
destitutiou and sud'ering in connec
tion with models sufl'crieg fr-im lung
troubles begun in studios. T:;ey con
tinue to Kse until tl.ey bec-.m-; too
emaciated to be available and t feeble
to go to the studios and then perhaps tlicy
die in the hospitals. Of course they are
not injured by the life, but instances
such as I have spoken of really occur."
Just then the door open" !, and a
plump, rosy-cheeked brunette n4 geared,
clad in street costume.
"Yes, she looks well," said the scidj)
tor, "but she is an amateur, and this is
new to her."
"There must be some curious inci
dent connected with models?"' sngges:
ed the visitor."
Well there are some odd things.
There was a woman who posed for i ne
students at the Academy of design who
always wore a bKck velvet mask. When
she had finished and dressed she always
concealed her face by a heavy veil, so
that her identity was "never ascertained.
At last the curiosity of some of the stu
dents was excited, and they tried to fol
low iier homeone night. She d:.-:euver-eil
tht she was being frdiowed. and
eluded them. The pel dev. instead of
coming to the academy. " sent a nob;
savin-' that on!e.:i;. of w. nt had
i..)-;:1.:d the
i'cr com.1 a;
vr 11
Too "Well Heeled.
Old Shokey, a peripatetic preacher,
well known to California, is such an ar
dent believer in scripture, says the Car
son (Mj. ) Appeal, that he is ready to
bet on anv proposition laid down iu the
bible. A few weeks ago he visited the
lake and stopped on Sunday at Glen
brook. Being nearly peiiniiess, he de
termined to give an exhortation, and,
getting the use of a hall, called the sin
ners together. His text was the marine
episode, in which Jonah was taken in
by the whale.
" "Now. my hearers, to the class of peo
ple who never look beyond the surface
of things this looks lik a hard story to
believe, but I know it is so, every word
of it."
He saw an incredulous look on the
face of a few of the hard t a-es in the
front row, and, sifter pausing a moment,
"I'll bet any man in tiie crowd 1;0
coin up that I can prove every word of
it. Does r. try body respond?"
He thru-t ids hand down into his
t rouse r pocket and leaned b.rward. lie
went on with his sermon, showing con
clusively that tho whale did ail that was
claimed for it. and then p;i-scd around
the hat.
"He that giveth to the poor Umieth
to the Lord,"' he said as it went down
the row.
"Lay up your tr. asm, s iu heaven,
wlisro "neither moths me- rust corrupts,
nor thieve break in and teal," he re
marked again, a he saw t.. hat com
ing back.
It was handed to him empty, and he
dismissed the audience with a hasty
benediction. After "the services he met
one of his hearers, and complained bit
terly of the lack of coin and enthusiasm
in the town.
"We've got the enthusiasm here, par
son." said the man add re sed, "but
when vou bluffed us on a .ioj bet some
thought you must be a road agent, and I
tUV 1 , S I l,tlt-V4 111..,. .. .11.11. i-l .t.
hftdiid didn't need any collection in
A Great Speculator's GratitiOa,
It hapjened about twenty years agi,
says the Wall Street News, when peop'e
hail an idea that gratitude was ready to
bubble up in the human heart at a mo
ment's notice. A stock tqicculntor was
waiting at the corner of Broadway and
Vesey street for an omnibus. Whether
he fell into a reverie over the graves
just over the fence or was wondering if
Lake Shore would advance another peg
matters not, A runaway horse took the
sidewalk just below him. and so deep
was the speculator reverie that ho
would have been run down and jrl;nps
killed, had not a friendly hand elulch4
and dragged him aside.
"My friend, you have saved my
Ilia !" "gasped the "rescued mail, as he re
alized his escaje.
"Perhaps so, but don't mention it.
I'm glad to have beu of service to
"What's your name?"
"John Smith."
"Well. Mr. Smith, I'm a man who
can return a favor. My gratitud- is
more than words can express. What
can I do for you?"
"Oh! nothing, Igue's."
'But I shall. I speculate in stocks.
I shall to-morrow buy lo,0o0 worth if
Lime Ledge canal st ek! tit as
your broker, and turn ou over the pro
tits for a year. Such heroic con In -t as
yours must not go unrewarded. Good
night, mv dear Smith."
Tradition has it that one year from
that dajij John Smith "at in i i- f:i .
A boy appfchitid and haa lc ! him a let
ter. He opened it . J;-;.' t l:at it was
tmni tli ni-in u-1i..cji !Jf. !. v.'lh
Ile also found that ike '10..!;) ha I bee t i
invested as promised, but that Ime
Letlr stock had kept failing a litbe at
a time, until 100 out of tne -M.o.:o
had been lost, IiicVsn;J was a stale-,
mcut and a bill for kl iboi.'ii'ijcy.
which he waj asked to remit by Uaii'i.
Since that date John Smith has ha.l
hundreds of chances to tave human li e
on our crowded streets, hut ho hits re
fused to extend a band in each and ev
ery case. It would make a poor man of
him iu less ilinn sis months
Purct?.'?ed Beatr. .
A lady correipou'lent who has pat
ronized the ..New York bazar of
beauty," an' institution devoted to
beautifying the female fare an I figure,
says the result is simply this: ICo woman
can paint without detection. Devotees
to fash son may just as well abandon the
contrary opinion. 1 looked into the
mirror on getting out of the chair, and
hardly recognized myself. My face was
greatly changed. My eyes shone, my
cheeks glowed, and there was a bright
ness and piquancy that was not there
when 1 entered. But this, mind 'ou,
was in a somewhat dimly-lighted room,
where the work was softened and shad
ed. Ten minutes afterward I met my
self in a strcet-mii ror, under the full
glare of the noonday sun. Well, I was
simply disgusted. Tne painted surface
looked no more like human skin than it
did like sole leatbe.-; tl-' bl'iek around
my eves was lis. I ." :! v- of charcoal;,
my lips had the Ki iS i:.1 d red of scarlet
ink, I walked up to the giasj an. J vhr.v
ed ooiii.tenaner- with re
pulsion. It reiui 1 !e I ii m of some exe
crable portrait done in water colors. 1
hurried into a store a. id bought a veil,
with which I covered the beauiilicutiot).
Then I went straigl t vay house, and
scrubbed my face until every trace of
f ..reign substance was g n . My ex
perience convinced uv? of the u'.tcx fol
ly of ,-?intas a Lea:.ii;ier, for by no pos
sibility can it be put on with nl showing
exactly what it is. Dry jwiwder, and
might v little cf that, is 'ail i c.t I r.-ivise
any W(ma!i to put on herf.iv.
tore has not i'n;i.:;;cd b:;t!:v
piexion, there is 1:0 i:si ir . ia
ui t!:e tiehelenev bv art ili- e.
If na-
c.f eo n
t' i-a':.;
c. it is ;;
1 ! .' tov. ;.!'.i
i--in ! i
'.-. h.ies, i:;::y
; :it-:it : :i oc,
. vr, t;y i.: a
lit the jj..e -i-oTis
of w:i. i:i
iwrtter IO ten
we r n r "'ir
'.V.y. el .. :. a " :
t;r irg-
lie. .mi n
.sc.l! i t i.i
b.f C- Hj.. i ' '. V.eA
I'.iiie-s yen :?!V ; o.;'.i
gi.a ;!y of w:.y,
the 'f :il! ntward i;
flesh an 1 l.'o d.
:ct 1-
t '. 1
Tv s t.v
Some vers
of a
. The
r 7;x)
zoological -!iar:e; cr 1 :.v.
lately" by M. L"r! i ti e
nesaret, t; c i.i :.' - :i
level of t:-c lake hcii:; s
feet below thai of th M. di: r
was interesting t find oi.t wi
resent or past icsrctt in tl.c
sembled that j-f tii l.-rer i
.-ilu-r tin!
take re
and sea.
m tins way 2l. l.ortet. lio: et to s:.ow
that at some far-distant p- irod there
had been a communication with the
Mediterranean, which communication
hail been severed by geological convul
sion. The greatest depth v. as found to
be 250 meters, in the ext. vine 1101th.
near where the ,I;rd 1.1 cn!e;s i t :
it. Strange to say, on the banks and
highlands surrounding l!e Itike tie
same round stones! were found, show
ing a sea abrasion, and at that exaet
elevation which to-day !-eh:i-s to the
Mediterranean level. shows al
most conclusively that at -"c.e former
period the level of the Sea of Tiberias
and the Mediterranean '!.rc the same.
As to there having been any communi
cation between the two, that is a ques
tion not so oadly solved. M. Lortct
thlr.ks that at one time the salinity of
the lake must have equaled that of the
Dead Sea. As it was. the study of this
water induced the French snennt to
spend a long time in this region, cal. ing
on the energies f languid an i in iii'-r-ent
boa:m n. There are, sect rdi.ig to
M. Lortet, forty-two '..!Vere,:t kinds of
fish in the lake, of v. l.icc s'-ven belong
to the sncci'-s known a- ( ii. -.n'im. One
family of this l:i
(us trait of cat. h, for
propria'ely nai:e
;i 1 pre
i!;!:g i
I ii.i'
1 in-:
I he iis
the euri-
s yoc.'.i x m its
1 n ::s cry ap
1 y J '(: t 'i:nd
1 t !i rcoiaisks.
(;'.lt oevo
two te.rodss-s. a ci : b
the only living org:
was remarkable wa
tiie lish. 'l'wo ca-!;
;:!! a n.:r::i:ji were
ei-iiis. Ih:t what
1 he cbmsilancn of
;- -s of t ie ti' t.'.-'
allv liii
'.1 i
A Pii'ica Taraing His Livi..
Some mouths :ii:o, as 11, c L
7' li'tjrfifh, we called attention to the
iiit-r:thig fact that one of the empress
of Austria's brothers, Charles Theodor,
duke of Bavaria, hu !teesfully pa-s-cd
the examinations quaiifxitig him to
practice as an oculist, ami that it was
his intot't'on to devote his life to that
particular branch of the healing art, in
which he had achieved no ordinary pro
ficiency. It appears that his highness' 3
first operation for cataract, per'onned
by him upon a citi.en of Dresden,
shortly after he had obtained his dip
loma, resumed in the complete resiora-lie-n
of sight lo his patient, and we now
learn that tie has again operated with
great success tq'on a sufferer from cat
aract in the Munich hospital. The
wince is a regular a'tend
at Prof.
Arlt's lectures on diseases of the eves.
ami has iu no respect relaxed the ardu
ousncss of his studies since lie has be
conio a regularly licensed member of
the faculty, Indeed, if reports speak
truly, his ltoyal Highness, Dr. Chark-3
Theodor von Wittcl-ihoeb is fairly on the
way to attain high rank among the
more emiment practical oeuli.-ts of
southern Germany. In choosing so no
ble a profession, not a inert pastime,
but with the high resolve of ing
human suffering, this i:h:trious gentle
man has set a splendid example lo his
fellow-princes, the majority of whom,
have hitherto disp'rvyeda greater predi
lection for the study of science aiming
at the destruction rather tl.nci she sax ing
Of life.
The Hhtory Of Z ::o.
"Zero." on the common thermome
ter like the fanciful names of t e con
stellations, is a curious i istan.-e of the
tyay wise men's errors are made im
mortal by becoming popular. It may
!e worth while to say that the word
itself (zero) comes to us through the
Spanish from the Arabic, anil means
empty, hence, nothing. la expressions
like "90 degrees Fahr." the abreviation
Fahr. stands for Fahrenheit, a Prussian
merchant of Dantzie, on the Baltic Sea.
His full name was Gabriel Daniel Fahr
enheit. From a boy lie was a close ob
server of nature, ami when only nine
teen years old. in the remarkably cold
winter of 170i, he experimented by put
ting snow and salt together and noticed
that ;t produced a degree of cold equal
to the coldest day of the year, and that
day was the coldest hlay that the oldest
inhabitants could rfc-mcnibtr. Gabriel
was the more struck vyith the coinci
dence of his little scientific discovery,
and hastily concluded that he had
found tho 'lowest degree of tempera
ture knoxvn in the world, either natural
or artificial. He called the degree jo-ro.
antl constructed a t i ermomrf cr, or rude
weather gla-s. with a scale of gradu
ation up from zero to boiling 'point,
which he numbered 212, and the freez
Itiij point ?.2 because, as h; tieei . ht,
niercio-y rnetcil the o2d of i s vol
ume on bein;; cii..h-. J.iwn from the
temperature of freezing xvan.i'- rero,
and expande I lSoth 0:1 bchig h-:Uel
from the freezing to the boiling jHsim.
Time showed that this arrangement, in
stead of being truly scientific, was as
Arbitrary as the division of the Bible in
to yei'Sus itnd chapters, and that theso
two point no m?,, represented the
real extremes of tcnipera'uNj thr,n
'from Dan to Beersheba" expressed tiut
extremes of Palestine. But Fahrenheit's
thermometer had been widely adopted
with its inconvenient scale, and none
thought of any bettor until hiu name be
came an authbrity.for Fahrenheit finally
abandoned trade and gave himself up to
science. The three countries which uwe
Fahrenheit are England, Holland and
America. Russia and Germany uso
Reaumur's thermometer, in which the
boiling point is counted 80 degrees
above freezing point. France ues the
centigrade thermometer, so called be
oause it marks the boiling point 100 de
Kt', FPm freezing point! On many
account 0 iL. p,;,"?'igrado system is the
best, and the trnmqKi j," fotivenience
wilt be attained, when zero'ls' thai; de
freezing point an ! when the boiling poiril
is put 1J or 1.W0 degrees from it, and
Ml tb$ subdivisions are fixed decimally.
Jf jrsdiv.sHihejt had done this at first, or
even if lie ciad itt om pf J.js" imprux'e
incnts after the public idopfvd hi er
ror, the lack of opportunity, V'ikh was
really Ids, would lmye stteure4 to ids
invention the pntn.nage of the world.
ITU. Jlctul Wurk.
' A trial of iuU re-t to the people who.
A ink German wtue h:t just I een con
cluded at Freiburg, iu Baden. The aew
on:-ed .were the members of the fma of
Durlaehcr Bros., in Kippunheim, a con
cern doing a very large business, r.nd
were charged with nuulierating or fab
ricating wine on a large st a'e. A great
part of the xvine sohL hoxvever, consist
ed, it has now l;en proved, of a mix
ture of water and s, irit, which was
poured upon raisin, allowed to stand
for some time, then drained oil' and
cleared, and finally mixed w'nh a small
quantity of;ial wir.e. When red
wine was ordered, the mixture jvas col
ored with some iuiciior Spanish or
French win -s; or, if a darker tint was
wanted, with an extract of black elder
berries. In live months t'-e fr-u, :!. was
proved, had puivhc. - 1 uf.i ieni olril-.
of whs -for U.e joa :i: .::. cf 1)
gallons of t'.. ir 1 : : J-! ei.-. : .:
tari'1 :t4.i l lor t e je :! ; o' .'':
g d - s. '! ..e e, .:r. . :.l .,.;! .
j-. i.-o;i ' lo i.'. ;:i ? :- i ;.jt
lUld a, t.Ue 0:' .. -. .1 . n.;.. c,s.
JCo clintatj howcxer buhny, r.o skies
hoxvevcr bright, no circumstances how
ever advantageous, can avail for a
man's bcickt, unless h-.; himself be suf
ficiently vi ronnn and int-'Higent to take
advantage of them f r his own pur
poses. This necessary vig r and intel.
llgeno'! can be gained 011'y throu zh con
tinued cUbi-t and energetic action.
At Tiie Opara.
Conver-ation at the opera-house";
p:;y, ) . e.h." I.nte!iigeiit young
lady to exoui iu: e-eort: "Do you not
think th.'t tin er.-i'ty treachery "of Iago
stand ; o it in i i:t too axvfnlly strong
contrast xit!i tiie innocent 1 )ve of Des
demoiM?" ik I-k Aw. y.-s, l,y all means:.
I. Y. I.. And the maulv and alt
get.'ier o-. sr.v.,eiining d-gni'y of Othel
lo, it n ! seem to lovely for any
thing? K. K. Y s. it -ferns t m
I. Y. I.'. .1 . ..! 1
r.'al !c:'U i g ; .. h i
t lie a ;' li-!i of t e : a t ;
It does,
ih of the
o've! iu
in t':C ,;::; h ,.r Ih ; le:;i .:!-i?
Ik E. Well, you know 1 :- :'y Um't
you se I I "
A L'ei. iie ijoirdeii-r dug his w;:v
r.r.t ;f jail x. ,, s',.mti meat
,ic bail been gixt-n ior suj.j cr.-
A Vcn; tlati st. ambt :-.t company lias
l:cen formed, ami the. days of gundolafi
ore iiumbere !.
Th majority of the Hit of the human
body arite from a derangement of the
Liver, affecting both the etomaeh ani
botcrlt. Jn order to effeet a cure, it ie
necessary to remove the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action of the Boteele,
Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Pain
in the Bach and Loins, etc., indicate that
the IArer it at fault, and that nature re
quires assistance to enable this organ to'
throw of impurities.
Prlckljr A8h Bitters are especially
oompounded for this purpose. They are
mild in their action and effective as m
fure; are pleasant to the taste and taken
easily by both children and adults. Ta
ken according to directions, they are a
safe andpleasant cure for Dfipepsilt,
General Debility, Habitual con.
tlpatlon, Diseased - Kidneys,
etc., etc. ifiaBtood Purlfler they
are superior to any other medicine t
eleansing ttie system thoroughly, and
imparting new life and energy to thein
ralid. It is a medicine and not an
Intoxicating beverage.
mod tak no othar. PRICE, tl.OO pr BotUa.
6t. &cUa an Kanaaa Sitr. sla.
A votim of yoathfnl lmprudenco canning Prema
ture le.-aT, Kervous Pfbiiity, Lcttt Kianbood, etc.,
jiaTiug trild in vain evrry known remedy, has dis-t,iv-r.ij
a pimple slt'cire, wlu.;U lie v ill sonl ITIEE
to liia ft-liiiw.Miffrrrrs, ad.lrtss J. II. KMiVtlS,
a!3 liattaiu St., K. V.
Watch, ftcm witnlfrtiln W iit wial IIontlUK
imtUtioii ijolJIO. i-;. .1.112. riK-ap-ataU'ltMs.
for your own u or nr-urait!vo i'i:'in -. Vlobie f
locucdee. IU0Jir.Oi V to., 1 Si aw.aSU Nw lurk.
T.IK. Tlllt
) Flit, "XI (
WJicre itiifi-t fonnfCt.'eiij are in:;m'.;.i'i!h
Tlnougli Sleeping Car Lines
SKW YOllK. f.i'HiOX. riin.APKU lIIA,
P A LT I M -) 1 1 K . V A M i I M ; T . V .
Tl lc Shoi t Line
Via PEORIA for
.S'.l TJ. t:: ! ' I' y.intx in iUe
VVorc !!tvit 1 Cni t-ctieis are nirIo in tl:e
fNfOX ' lf.I'fT wnii 'flut.iii.-h SU-iiii: tar
Lines for u!l lxu;t.HhOI'TS3.
The Sl.ortpst, S t .'diit itl.ti mot e:li.fuis l.i
rt. scott, Dt:.isux, dalias. uocstox
iiii ui! it. t - in
I'lilim..!! l(--NV!;f l fiilm e !.'fi'i'ii ';::.
'.. 15. i t. f':hii-e r:tni:i;$-l(i:ti I'ltis.
Willi llniioi.'s r.iiiiiii!; (li;iii. .SifjllMra
t'lmrtiP lor S;.t- in i:--iiniii; tiniis.
J he faaiciiH .'., J'. U tf. faiai e il:niiii;lt';us
l-'usi Tinir. Mi. i itnif Triuk nl Siirfr
Ki in ) uioii E 'i;iiiii,!i' l with t in n Urtct 77.f uii
' ar Arniry, mriit. ih,,'i tlii'', 1. licve all ot lie it, i
Ilie Iiivorite t;u:iie so tiie i
raS j, f0 TH OK S01 ' i II-KAST. j
TUY IT, au.l jou will Hnl TJAVKi.i ''; j Lux- I
ury hiMtemS of a Discomfort. I
All iuforiMition Btiont: Kates of Fare, tl-ep-tni;
I ;ir Aconnmo.tatioiis, :un1 Tune Tablet.,
wiJt lir rtully givtn ty aiij,.lyiDg to
atueit It; Mood. '
tiefiefal fsiscager ig't, Chit-age.
" Trafflc Manager.
rrc. ETC, KTC,
Of All Descriptions.
Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash.
IS NOW KF.ADV i'Uli Shll 1CK.
With niuiy I luniks for p:itror.a,
invite all to call and examine my
lah;e STOCK OK
i3t:. riRXTi Hi: .ti itis
1 -
5 h- i
r. -
5- 00
. -r
" - 3 0, .
' t
9 . w a- c- .
x 5 -
J (":-.rir. f : : '. i. J.auitrck!1. Mitllncli Bed
rrr.. . vol c r . '.;' :.t i-i.i.;incb know rt nro so
T n
m t ;.. it ;-r.-,.t. st L.ood and
.-.J. '..I.. t ...... i-M! IT! 1 .. ..1 ?i , 1 LU,.lt iUMf,
a i.-'. i.rsi 1... .ic:-. ai.11 Mrun'iU iifkiorer
S i:er I iti.
o jyjrf"t 13 t';o ten ;siiioti cf Pjin&ea'sl
k.j..';j,. l lo. :.:t. no ;.i;s ran lODjf cum
wLtre it 1 1.1,1. u ..u Have uvaessid. Head
acha, .ti-i-'Uioj. 1S.1t, N&uriria. BcMct, Kidney
n. I 1.. l..r. nr if rti'mwl it iii.l.l Rlim.
lulaut. cr ap;fetiT, tha Tonic in just the med
icine r .r y.ia, is it is i nrrny cunuiv aim in-
If you ai-o sijvr'v n-asting cway tiitti Con
lumi t'oi or P.ny nivkai ns, U' you tnYe a Painful
Cour-s or a tvi-J Coiti, l irCK's Oinclh Tcnic
wlUV:r.-'.T liulp you. H pivt-s new iifj and
Tipor to l'e t. ohle cjid tiRed, and isacertuini
curfl for f. noti-Tiiilism and Cholera Inhzr.tum.
It Hat GaTod Hnndreils cf Lives It 5fJ
sure lonra.
' If you are footing miserable don't n ait ontii
you are down tick, but use tbo Tckic tolay.'
No matter wliatyuraiwiu.'eorE3'n.ptciuamaj!
be it will give prompt relief.
. Keiu. mlxjr I Parker's tirsoxi Totcic Ls not;
a rum but the Best and Pureai Family'
MsO.cina ever made, compounded ly a new.
process, and entirely difiereia frtn EiiU'rs,'
liifier preparat ions uj1 all otiier Tni.-s. Try
a 50c. botiie. Your drupgist can supply you. ,
Tha Rest and Sloat Lronomical lialr Proilug
exquisitely perfumed ruid perfectly hiirailesa.
Wilt Always Beitore Gray or Faded Hair
to its original youthfil color and appearance, and is
warranted lo stop its filling, assist its growth and
prevent baldness.
A few applications of the Balsam wit! soften tha
hair, cleanse all dandniflf and cure itching and hu-
I ol tUe scalp. oiUDyaarugj;uu0a'S3c.
9 ft,' - ttns:A'i l"iKli CUSSgJ
II i ; t-ttai -i "''' (!- did taady M-Kf
A' : i A 2 t:-.-.t..-K-n..ttttMBftJ
?t;Hti direct 9
9 1
::Vti. irw
j-t-ra'-:tn end t
m. - wnTiiiccthomna
X V.-H5 i copy
On 11 ?W Kl.'O'lt,
FltEK, to ! -.
8e..o i.. r.-:.J p st-rillirc aUuicat, ui.a oli catl
in tai;'i' lo i-isv o i.t , re.
To ..- ,tt ;it:n r...... -i'h roNniTTioN,
ASTMH V. i - rW.llll. SOUK 'lIlltOAT,
o.- lti:W uJliS, ii.furrnation in lb liook la
tf e'-i : ! i:.t.v in t!ie provl.teiice of Uod,
Mefrr ' '!'. Ad4ref. .. l;. ,uJA X. 1 !G cilm ht, t inL-lnaaU. 0k
.Vltiionh 'Lfrlion i$ ovim' v. f ;iiv imt iimie seliin fooil. b a iciijr si.ut.
pft htx;es of noon, of all kixvs ix mz-ewAvx.
r V'
TIip nicfst (Jireii Wintf r Apples for s il". Over tJOG ILuivls ilnwn Olhr.
Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS
F- S: WIl l TJS,
V ChTVtV-iifec"' w''-!il' yNpi ej 1
i? td &&SLgr
ta malM line raus from Chieajaa w CoiidciI
Blufla, paaaing thruueli Jullat, Ouata. I Sail.
Ueneaeo. Moline. Kre k Uluid. luinp..rl. wa,!
Liberty. IowaCHy, Marenaa. Umafclya. GrinDall.
fjea Moinaa (the aapital ef Iowa., Stuart. AtiaA
tict and Ato ; vith araaataaa from Barus
JanetioB to Peoria ; Wilton JuntftiuB toaiuaw-l-ne,
Washington. Pairtlal.1. BImxh. Bolki.aa,
Lriirrlla, Princeton. Trenns. Gallatia. (eiw
Inn, IaTri'wertri. Atabison. and alautaa Citr;
waatalnctoa to Siepurcoy. titslooaa. and Uoax
tle: Kackaa ta a-anainvton. Rubaa-arla. Bua
tonspart, Iodepaadant. E14oa. Oiiuuxx Kdr
Villa. Oalialooaa. Fella. Uairw mod Ik.- Moinea;
KvWmoMoiirn; ia M.aea te lodiaAola &a.a
ViuurKI; Atlaatta w Uwu aad Audugca; u4
ATaea to Horlaa. This la aeaiHTely the naijr
Eilrad, vbiad ea-ni. aad caeratoa a MrcuaW
BJe aroia Ctiieaee tnte tae laaa ef Saiu&s.
' WfcleaaA Ba-reaa Faeeescer Train. wi Pall
aaaA PalaeeCaTaanecaad.aiernn eaea way tttvr
ecweeai vaieA09 ana mxiA. a.AiaAa lit ,
uvaw. ku-srrs. ib a u bt ai ana A thai -M,
BeaaaeavarealaereaBeteB kfllvao-
aad kiiuu cut, tia tee "Jtlrvaaiiae a.d
tiataad Bnert Una "
'WHt Hoes, uiaaa- is aviaBiaseeatr
d. ! read bet ii tuailt aridM. K
I laid vita ateel mil a.
hat will aleaee Tea aaeat will be aaa ,,
of enjTul yeur ali. wane puwmut eyer r&a
beauutui Brminea af (niaeia aad lawa. la ana of
or nupjuni anajatc wen fbaa aneewiBaaT aal
Through SnvMea Traina. Tea aje an bw
meaU aa cee4 aa la eerred ta tmy Orsa-etitia SuMt,
foraeTcnty-iTe eeata.
ajitindatinii toe faet thM a majority ef tiie
rwxiple prefer eparaes arpiartnunne fr ditTWeBt
tatpc4f (and tbe laimDae pvaeQBnr trsatneaa
Sf fl!a iiua f n l Mirhm m, aaraDleaaed an an
taooscs ai thla Uom rnrry rfftia FTOrfai Pn&r
isshtno Cars tor tneoCSDS fAiaiKwc, sml Patios
TA X4av tAta-Inv fcaeaarai am dse
, tibcrtai ia.4xa.Aai t. a & m ,
w n aoei a-enw
mJt -F teaae Acm
- -a C 3 V
f c.-tjirs, ei.ft Nf.r.Aattlcf
SENSICIE ' ii ky. whita in
TRII Jkt f ?'.--! awanaaaittaa
Iraa4 filLL ra r la--iaa
cLear Seoiti'. cv.
ECuLLSTOlf LfiJS 1' Jlilcf-s-o, III.
Readings! Recitations! Elacuiicn!
733 Cbestnut Ct, thiladetpMa. J
Thi BTnr.Vr it tmiforai trTth hSr-Tcf. anfl contain a
thcr munrrD kplfntl l lKelaOTallons n t ICeudli!
tsnt.iiicf rni''eBt, Oratirr I'atao II amr Kurt
fcrery by who fjfska pi. very member cf a T.Tw-im
yrh Tinti ltrtbiHai rw t i- st. iot:)-1 4vt llio
V holSct- Clfbrat. an I fr'cll !.tt of oulcai l"rck
WtvUoluaVTa'ilirBookaiof "PuLixirr,"' ..So U-
Battle Creek, Michigan,
KixuFACTCBua or tsb osly oxxciks
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Powers.
MaatCoaapIataTtreahcrFactarr I Established
l Ui VTorld. i 1348
r VSP A Mi.lM.wwondlwwi.'i.l ?mt.
c f ICAndiMM, wuho'at cbaT? of l-at.'-e.
aJ qS ruajiarntnRt, or,tion. to " hack p ' iA
Comiilete fsteoai OuriiUcy ..-... ... yi.
fuuMTriniou i-:n(iiieau:''l l lain,
ver aen iu the ALirrumi u,i ci-t.
A multittvls of pri4ti ..Zti , ar-1 1irpmrf;'i .
for Hvl.Uwn.tb.T with rHptiior tu,i':!-r' i.t rn;r:.
Uon and wwlm-iaU n'-t diul."A..I 1'V o:fc r I.i:,. : r..
iour air.a of bepatatori, 1.- in 0 to 12 home
cartcitT, fur rtrim or kort jt'ttr.
Two stylos r.f " Moiiiui'U M 11' ' ..-.powf rq.
7,500,000 f;zi ti,?Ztfr.l-Z!!:rr
oonrtn,,y on hnt, Jivr.i w:t-. !i )h I'U'lt tli-.'
coaip&rable vnd-wort t-f oar niuiiumty.
traction mmm
sStrottgnt,mr't thrthtr. uu-t v - -t rrer f- -4 '
Farm.-rs ard ThrrlrTlsn u?o ix'.ii
ii.'.ei.Hto thi- fr.-i'r,,, '1 uii'iiiL- ij,.;: -
KiCHOLS, i C,.
Bafio Cr'.ck. r-tir-:.
Drucs? Effedicines?
3sM riVr3S53cV'- Ja V3"'
Ail Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery. Magazines,
Lsitest Pnbl nations.
lr'-T-jpf oils CnrrrnSly 'osi pounded
l'j- an Kiipei-ii-sieeil f)rusi;i!I.
gi!i st.. 2 noons south of matx
rr.ATTsMor'ffh vi:it.
Win i te.
Ijinini Cars for eating1 purpoweaonly. (neoUier
great rs-tturecr our t'uiai-e t ara la a bH.nvi.-.u
AIam.n wiicre Ton ran enjoy yur "iiaTana-
at all hours of tne tfar.
Mi-.iii.iticent Iron l:ri(!zr3 span tie Miaaiwlngj
anU Misaou. i nreracv all .o.uta crcaMMl uy t9
line, and transfer are avoided at Council BluUe,
Kansaa 1'itr. Leavenm-rtli. and Atchlaou. coa
ue.-ttins beiae niarte in L'nion Fivpnta.
t'OU-OW :
At I au ito with all dirarging lioal far tba)
Kiist and Soaih.
i C.wLiwoor). mtlniiH.aSl.1, and P.
Ft. R. Rda.
At W AIHIHiMS UliSHTi.. with P., C. ft 94.
L. W li. . ..
At I.a SArx. with lit. rBt. S ft.
A; ft. .1,1 a wiili f. !. i J ; Kb. sE.; I. B. a
W ; M. MM.: an I T. P. & W. BJA
At Ruck Iki.aku. wuii "Milwaukee & Iteak
Ialund btiort l.:i.e." and lloct lai d A Peo. Rda.
At Davkpukt. with the Davcotiorl JJiTkuaa)
C. 11. t- P. M. K.
JlWs.l LlwaKTT vi:h iac .. C. R. K. B. B.
At UuiM'LI. wlta C antral laara ft R.
At l.a lioixra. l. li. A . ai. U. B.
At t ei. Ni.lL 3i.i:rin. wita t nion fntiOe R. B.
At Omaha, with B. at Me. K U K. Ul Hao.t
AHou mi;'Ji-nis.iU B.C. LtyEA
At OrrrMWA. witb Leearai Icwa it. It. ;
St. L. jt Pur, aad '. B AC. R. RM.
At aaukck. with Tel, Po A War.: Was.. at
MiitOt, iiRd M. L.Kn t K -W. B. Ilea.
At C A Knew. witB li. St. J n. n.
At AfWimx. w-.H 1Mb. TepekB ft 9aBta Fat
Atf a. i Ken. and Cea. Br. LVP. RJtdk.
At UAVsoina, with aa. Pao, and CaO.
Cent. n. Rda.
At Kaxak crrr, anCi aa Cues for ara Waal
and Son cb west.
prom a . np ernr-arraa.
ItenrX. aad IXSWORIli.
"Onal aiecb lafaaaid Swm,
Ana Caaaaa.
aiJtllLP. omeM,' aMtetreaa.- -
-tnva a it's .IOHK,
Emits tm n
ffi$l 'Sa- Jrs '"Jffjcr-r
Tlrst clw Lodfrliie Rooms.
First Class Boarding.
Cood Sample Rooms
Even thins and every eouifor;
A ( ood Hotel can FuriiMi
Also, Good Wines, C004 Keer. f.ood I.i.iuo t
flood Lemonade, (Jood dpir.
Kept at the Citj tTotel.
Uly FKED. COOS. Proprietor
Jt'.sr ori-:NEi acai.v.
Neir, Clean. First 67.7.v.y M' cit Shop,
onM.iin Str.ct (oriier .f .Mil. I'inl tmoiilli
K.'!vtioi!y on hand for iit-.-li. teii.;.-r inent.
XaUUiiild 134T tX 12 X. th Scct. ZZ. i:rf HO.
fTlHE PyJf?in ia thrr of thw It and well known i i:tt
I IntMO ara rf Mr (rUbkln ia vtrdKtna iH nrrf. VvKra
mf Kapri m ta faa trealoaeitl af iki-avt bWar hp n.iu-
Ckair kill ub4 alHitt to Biuca tupariur 1 tla( oi lh tr-1r ry
cajdiUaart thai ita bava aaaura a tttttoaal rapulaUutl
iSroajih ta-- Uritmeut of cnnplitilrd art.
jam n ' i r rni'n-aiii T.ica
tiM.Mic i St yiiiH, imaorriin, btnl Irirtiu-w. CrrttitU, J
Crlaary TrblM anJ ashlll(i or aVrariJ itivciiine ot trut
Akrwat mktm or banra. trcta with wei, oh c teem tit prm
rlplei, witfcoat Minr Mercuff or a4ar fti3oout Jlrdif
YOUNG MEN ir,a tbOM B"diJ" 1! - T r.
faMaWnfiumaaaaaaBal tertrr from U.a rrlrt ( ipraialr
rhwa or ctraitul hm, Mia rrntull af tf hu m eih
or xee Ln Niturd j ir. arm rDrentIj curt 1. 1 Ji.
aaae pralu asata of Ittc folio wif eHrct tBiioi-, tJo'ct
dixtioeaa, Barvauaaeaa, dmt ttt ol t, c uh, iiiKL-atioai,
oattipaiiaa. (taapoadency, confMlon of fit, rriun to ao
cttr, irfrcliva niemarr, arittal exttHMSfion, in.potanrjr or luat
f mib!T ifiM wlfrA the r(iim f r bua.ns-a wr mirriu.
PAtlE N T3 TRE ATE D f ',: ' t.i-.r-.
OaVbBjJUamOaMa?0a)aaatVam ttV. 'J-f'e,
(ikwiat cftHu.jri'Ut y.-l i-drfl. rMct. M FliiiB ui m il.
ai. Lirt oi quli lo mtwcrrJ tr pti. i dmttth trctt
Uitnt aiaiJed fnn to any- aMra oa ij'phcti o.
CfrrsoMaafflrriaf IVoai HuflDr kltouM mtri thrtr AAr9,
aad Uara Maiai(; lo Ibvlr alaNtcgis. It i n, t N irM..
lunmumrjli'-.tii mr-iiv fuah-let rl,f.I 'TSi . r b.d
AK ULl i S, li -North Hlk ti.. ot. (.,.!.!. u.
Is not si Vibrator nor fun Apjra IIscb!np
it iytfCierf uLly simi4 and aOmlruuay pcrttjct in rt
ttoeahirur aia.l iraitinr qiutiit-is. Savrfl all
Cite rraln and rlfana it rondy Tor mnrket.
UiXi easily ut eooKiraried durablf, 1b liniebtil
liitwulkf. i hm moat economical, leart expen
sive. Mid inot nf irtfuctrtry machine la the
tnarkec Will hftnciH wnt gTRin &a vill im dry.
liaLio equal in thrwtbixiir flax and timothy, tbr
inf td cVanlnir both as well and uriiy an ranidiy
Aa more) tqtuir feet qf paratia cjd cleaning rur
- woi-m., .uiti rtgmrHfl no rnajjre exocja ine mevpi.
trrrlniti. I both ovrr- mi.lfT-b'ayt Our
ni ohrr wumrhtne made, ana earn not bm
new and very desiratio. looa the work more
rapidly Rnd better tlxn ma cxclueively llulliunr
KKPAIl ATOT?; of th rnrloTis rixea Jt W fur
!t.nxHm or iittrtm I'ntrr, an f'f ind.
&n In.provrd PlitH Power, an Improved
Wlwdbury I'uwrr md tiie JJward iunl
IzXTTH I'owfr. all laoiinte-i on inr wUww.are
iruiTiitfactiire-i by lis, an ii are not eut per-d by u-jr
in (9ta mtrkt.
Vr'e are a'o T-rpparfvl to fumleh firnt-claaa
PTrtubIe i:n(ii.eM with cur ttoparatera.
Tor Mce-LiHt a.-d Circulars, address
ftfatvjfaetvrer. St.iiyatcf, W!nr.,
A : a r. It. r.'li.( .r.- la i laT M V rd'
!, cft t'nf. v itu mati . the ful
W ,nj( C4. ter : A V Oaa.iekl V' iM'004(
ti.V.fA of Wifi. Tfmnr.iv.rBti.DMt:!'
jt i. v.j.r-. ., Men::;? ;d i-nif n, mi.4'iuei.t,
A-lvir te Brttr(Kin), Aoca la liuaiu Aditc lo ie;
rraXitutioD, iti caasc, aoi Matnmory caiTrl,
Cja0 Oattrf, Owi&BeMi. Itsns, avr.4 (iMirtiiiip luipdtn-ii ta u atr
, bmevtM of vioproO wc:u. S-fW tJte euntr irrrd, L MktriMr a.a4
i I'-Tko, Lfafavl rgmia at KUtlwl WU1B, elo . iBriiad'air Zin I'tUiW
WMt- ibir eftunucl tFKktMbt. A liO-- f.4 inr u4 C"i.tJra..
tvoftjOK otStt pmerr-e. :ih ttl l .jta,r.if, bj :, ( ad, (X urV.
On Sj piulla, Goaori haa, Olt wt, at i icti.ra. arioo
elo. tc. ' oa Spcr!ntorrlioea. Sexual Peb'lity,
a iti IxnpotenCT, from Sc :i-A t-e i- J tin rr. raunr (
BISH til .! . III. S'f TiW UrH, A'rKI" tuSo"tT. H.jju-al Prr.ltiu-
ansefsutit lefetivr UiB ry. f b tut itn'.itr.. mii.! dim., fivir trcici"nt utA t fixa' r. i n1' ai'rnw
yet f UlC ! ptillMlllikfll, -"i L'. Ifni" fiaVOC, (-( graita.
'J!ci!:slAiT!:5.' Lcrc cn Vtzi::X asl;;J. ?Ci
R o w n c t ia n ;r -f-1 '!." rl v -
r - "- Lort- c'.v-nbed boci-.
I' tm .r! .u ii t- ,; i.uK. ('i.u.'..i.e &jtj peri, and p. - HO . T" C"ii(nnr4 volume is p' ?llivciy tt.e c - 't
pt,t;Ur MrJtcit B"ll .ufc.nirJ. Ti-r autlior i n nri
nc-d tik'ih f ir.xi.t "r fricTirr. i i well kt-o7i.,
tt. avl i w rim, r 1 nln fi r tr'iFRI la -1 4 f f tmJ fcf
r lu to . utT it -f t: i(..''t.-i;rs cf iht1 "fn. r!T rrr
ir ' mij -'Ik t.-.l ! Wict tt-r h.tM f ' I'i IT Alt
mm CilKoMv-' 4twm3H.P trr pai tavkrw iu p' tt ?-t t--fc.
(..,r.v Mav.'-s ti.;.,.;r 'iJ v, i, . ..-jot- rt ki:ir
f'wm nitp'.r pxit .! cii't c!I t f 11.4' flit'.
Iml'ru's riittd It B.itl ; ( rsi'tps'. H .lr- ic, 1 -r-
ona ; (-intuiiii.-1! it ii t iVrif- . ' c't. is f. ti ... t
m i to tr an --ere J - 1- (-in .n t r -a,e i.t n- ',-
B) a;--- ! ir n jpi iif Fn h'.'-ki t 1 1 3... -t
tU. i;nTS. 1 C art'n th ft., fi;. I.niil. ia.
O S S 5s !nelullnn FSnettnaE Outfit,
3 1 i ry ?S :) Every Vv a r ranted
bwr' vJ? C -s-rst.-.ii i-o rj At Brook fat. JLauia
9 A p fi y FT jrcmj 'lcr.t tuIi. Dnincaca
W f3'3 I CI Le0 C.ui.'y in l.'-r I. b. I, srtl Iho
jrlojif.lU tir liHa.- Vaarlii Ka4,i:ic, bw euLftT.f-t lua
Tu ii i..m. i:!i ft',LJ r; l-.'rii. t!., t- ( tnol. '.f nllit In-r,
pi. I .-it ' -!. t :t wul ifi-un- .i k r i-k - it a rtouLU.
ftulf .Vncr:'.! wiO fi-n-i.'i? m-'a
vi fi'. Il.'f. rttfl' tiv.Mllt-1
lirijr-Kt f:,w, r.u pj ic itiOiu
-(. I .aula 5T.
Tha yfsmte-rn Antlar. Fr Han. J. A. Ucc, Fh.I).
A ir.i xni ll.rtll'nc a( f IMtWrMt-.J af r-tJr ttT etif r-
'"r 16 tnr ic 20 m tr" 'On .lr-. Jr I
ia t'ltp rmnt; . &t rrnt I'.r nrr : I .r uu il
V,'o rrtoni-iictid f'crtrr's Imii I'll!., lo t-. iy
n wiio .3 V,'. ak, Nerve::?, ant? I.'':;r.:;.iiii.-f.-;
p.i: t:: ii!.nr y thopo v.lo l i.vv I', Tr '.:
!. haI l'.-tnds mid Fi-rt, i:iti vim lir w.ibcrt
Mrcrgtli or Anil.Uioii. 1 1 r-c Vi',: in.ii t ti.e
orvc. pire Strength to lie Ii.x'y, ' ;.
f---liii:rr PVrp. Turirh r.nit In j-ro.e t-.e f;unlity
ol iiie, and 1'nnl v r.ri:l l.:i.;l t.-:i tin. C'om--.'t-xioii
1 Ley tiira rair.iMi iuu t-( li;u Il.-art.
.'...iTMi'iiW. 'Tn ;i.bii:;!:s N rvoim lliaiiachf,
I.c-ncorrlif i. Paina in l U:i k, mid other forma
r.t 1-Vrr. ilo Wi-iii.ii. U ivcip'ivr tbut Iron is
on? of t:. coii'itiiiTt.i of tl;f ': .)d. end ia t lie
p-.-rt tou;c. Curler Iron I'.ll are aio valu-iJ-'.e
for ui. n n !io are trouWr-l with Nrrvous
V(-fiknc-i, N:e!i ?.':it. &r. In metai boxr-.
atoOrcTfi-, o.d t-y nil cltufrzie-t, or Brut by
New York City.
it; rttri:- n (.i--.
J) i I Jll- ihi-tlianrf.
V a' i'. ;
-i 1 r : -i.-ci J ( : MiTr-r.!i!eJ
i r : i t- -' tn. rafil: 12 fine Envn-
Z . - t -c I t'..'; . l.-T. lwli (liBtiv Tiflii,
i.; - a s--rcf h t i'! s: ; i r.cti, (tr rwory el!i"JT f
:! fif. lov iV-'' f . i'S. ::iu.;.t take". A4Treu
A PCS IT? WANTED i r the ii and Ftat.
reduced 33 pr r et. Ntntii f'ub.Nsii f Co., Loeii, Ma.
; Oa., Oil.' .
Vw York-.
k . m,il . lor tb w-'v and MnniwH
t-.T. of ftmtUAl Xmwaioca and Impcteanj b, ib ' T
trj, v,,, m , b r. t VH" m.. to tu ,-t. -rf Tt
W tb, IWSml, W llllil.rt W.U W M.. W WWUMM. Wll --
hiWrfv, ua v1u7 punuli, (rf bi,. Ti. Wm4 " wm. bM
uo4 Urt tM. u. ry wi,. a4 a hr , pr.tmatd mera Tv.r,
hi I'm I I' ii li" r ' YrMl tnjj mm) tf
r.., p.W.lM ... I . .1 C jwrfr M.'ftV.S- 1 W
(11 t, ll MiAt 1 I'l ihwli. U tn ii BM rKM MV rtuwM.
iiliim ul Ou nvr J.nt towU Tt, Mirf
G. fiATT
Ilr- gr
1 fM fT, yri
n m 11 m $14.
nifJJJli mmmm
(J Sir . nW r,!. J"f .Mil; !i Mi.e IB.W'
r i ,. J -i- 4w m. w fc. r
JLnrket aad SiO Stnwte. f. I.Uln. fill.
if , .fiiiei fferf Htitf i JSffiae f
Mr3f nir'im' htninnl Jamtiiin, tnhtzrt)
Jrmr strttr i rWJrH row jli.rtw,
!nhti. 1 i (". !(! ra.edr Wwrkinf periacUy.
Ha rr bm -Thfciajrr vrr
CaInm. Aif. 1. Jrs". I an ikaneuir,! eitr4 ni fed Ciy
Misairi. tH. 1 1 I rire4 to Kmch bvwrll tfrm Ony
t of T rciaacaet Ot I Tit let try ta j(-ef ,
Ta. L-.s r: J m..J '"-4 aoitLCi ry Ms.
aW in SS, l"S ! iiv e4 fmr ftarkvf iw4i
re a 4 I. jt tan a pa oib!. T hi fMccar
Ai! vp-'ronl traneil. bot rkrr ai vaknow fct, eU4
J U4 ma w jo irwwfrTHre g ptwaL
Ior riAf. )tti. -V 1 eata aiBtt iarBna4 at FaaV
--. 7 -r "rka Mfca a char at a . I ta jaaf
t - t- nt" mi a mm aa I v kfrt Ukae. I vu tn ikva
of Mae grAva, 1 Uiwo kt. an-l rt. era vat ara lar aka.
t-l I au ia "a-i jr -
-.t Tiriiit, A ft . t. I reiTi yoW BtWifra. B?tal
me :ww it C '-fJ ec. fr whtcb I 10 rr niaakfvi. la
c'cl f 'e.-j r4 S3, av Kik aae aead r aiotraer Wa
if D fn f-.rd. V feftvc voo a freat Mus( lav a. 1
t.1 r ytB V. f TJt I r?.a.
FVa7 t i'ftrmieWmm Tltt fNrfMN.
M'-n. Jr.-c iOtk. '7V r.cAe rrArxt M at m aaft
at L- F j Teo ptest kon I ttrnva 94 men mi
rm Wt H aaMi'N to afetr hex, ta laat ixaeararaac aad I
J'Verta MrmmTsTT
t, t"4. I JwMarTf pat fraaa y
t .x e: Tr rwMt , far fma a oar wnwli i, aa at aa etvaa
ITU :irteVr tfriA s a-ii.e
staple aiiel IFaiaey B'icij,:
ta4 Iia eis I try
Cash Paid for Butter and Z7s( ; j
Here We are with
es U-
CASSr.WFh'Fs J'U'.v i-if.s-A-.v 7);.' -. finrt.n 'ill V ' a.
lilllliOXS, LACES, LAliPETS,
WIXDO W SUA DKS on I FIA T UEEs, d-... ,t-. .
"r:Hots, Cfipr., aiui Hoods,
uxdi;kweak, all colons . xd sizi'is
GLOVES tf- MITl'EXS TO FIT E E HY .' D V. lu slZ.'C a- PKl'!:
Also the best .Select Stock ol" strietly (ir.-!-chii s fii-d-eeries,
Canned and Dried Fruits, Tnluceo.;, (r.eeit--ware
and Glassware in the City. All of which tve
guarantee to sell as low as anybody.
to close Cash Uuycrs, and for large tjnantil ies.
in reserved lr
ie m ib a at is rir is m i
(Surce-sor t' ,;!"I1!M NN A W Kl 'K 1! A (11.1,
111 TAIL I"!
A f iil
! every o
I mime on
Highest Market Price Paid for Choice Butter and Country Produce
IWNo Better FLOUR anywhere.
mti .
;l in full . . mil
5 v. t
i ji;
t -JT t
C.l,7. .17' STOHF, Fori Hi I iY.'f. .
nvy Kcfandrd in all Case nlirre uvr not uh H.-.i eriiicit... J
Our Motto is "Live and Let Live."
1 tl ll VoO IK Sji.lll'.i Ki.-I C'lnir-r M.ii.i l Tliir.l -: r. -
"iiu -' u ri. 1 1 -.. .if : M.r,:: sk..
Flour and Feed Store !
In Jerry Hart hush's Srw HniliHi!,
Main Street, Two Doors East ol Court House.
Mghe.s MnvUvi IPrSee IPaliE
ron a;.l kinds or rijcrutcs:.
As A genu for the oM FIRK IN-xfiJ.W.'lO ;., .,r . . . ;,.-i t, t
the G RUMANIA LIFE INSITRAN( Y. O., t i' New Votk. v. ,..':'.-, to tho
ptililk jjoo-l ait 1 rc:ia!lo In.ur.ia-.-f i.-i Mr; iiio.-a i-oa-'iii-i'!.' t .-nti-s.
We invite our friends and the public generally
to call and $ee us, and,
46u -0 HANSEN. &..CHASSOr-
a -
a Complete StocL-7
Fl.OOl'.olL OlMTH ITATTIi mi
line of
. Mj.t!
T5' fh I'.v tint iK.ini.l 77
Tils & Fccoi mm,
1 ' c-r i ) $ o
M J-2 -J j- -s
rj- '-cr f
1 1
3 "
i I