Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 17, 1881, Image 3

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4 -
Ihe Herald.
rr:i,iiin:. y cent. b Unci Jlejular advertls
r. lo cents per line. No ad Veru.semuul in.sert
i t'.ir less than iw ctiuta.
l--i:al notice at Statute rates.
A; !nic and ollleer of f lie law will be neld
epimilr for all leiral notices they hand In, a.l partieg demanding a proof ( puhlloa
ston of anv nut tee will be ebl lor Ihu publics
U'Ui Itsa ot such notice.
As nr space 1 limited, all communications
vust he brief au-i to the point, Willi no waste
of kohIj.
Tlie paper ts responsible for the correctness
aeeoidni'j to copy of paid matter and paid Le
gal., only.
1. Any person who takes the paper regularly
from the po' -office, whether directed to his
name, or wnether lie Is a subscriber or uot is
responsible for the pay.
a. Jt any person orders liis paper discontin
ue:!, he roust pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send It until payment Is
made, and collect the whole ainotiHt, whether
' the paper hi taken fiom the oflice or not.
3. 1 lie courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers and periodicals from the post
oQice, or removing and leaving them uncalled
for. Is prima facie evidence of ite'tjonai.
For th.i best Staple a'.ul fancy gro
ceries in Plattsraoutli. go to J. V.
iVfckbaeh. 43: f
C. K. Wescott h;.s just rpi-f ivI a lot of Inns, give him ;i call and Le
suited. 40t4.
To- uisht and
To-monow uiglit.
Canned ffooili at 1". S. Wliiles's. 2
TV'iiuetl Sc Lewis sell Bremner's
Ortrans cleaned and repaired by
James IVttee. tf
I Men's Arclk'8 1..10 at tbe Great
R?d Store, 41tf
Everybody is having runners X
on their bticrgies.
Special bargains at the (Treat Red
Store for i!0 tluvs. 4 1 1 f
-Manufacturing and Repairing ;;t
.Verges' hoe Slore. '-'-tC
The biggest line of
t-hnes at Wescott's.
Se how cheap they sell furniture
at tne Great lied Store". 41 1 f
Go t- the Grand Clearance Sale
sit Solomon & X;i' han.'s 4Ctt
Oi l fashioned home made apple
butter at Bennett fc Lewis. ivl
Come and sea ihe induct Uints we
are offering, Great lied Store. 41tf
iiretnnei's Chicago But ter Crack
ers take the cake for excellence. 17U
Won't we have a time of it though
when all ibis snow goes off; that is if
it fcvv r does go off.
The Gem Oyster Cracker made by
Bremner is tho boss. 47t4
Cash islniBips at W. II. IJ.ik?r it
' Co. Give them a chance before spend-
. jsi?
Head the Commissioners Proceed
ings, and report o? Nebraska Bee Keep
ers Association on lirst p::ge.
All winter goods will be ao'u at
cost to make room f or a large stock of
spring goods at J. V. Weekbaeh's. 47 1
The sun dogs, Monday morning
were truthful prophets as indication."
of the cold weather to come.
We mean what we say when we
offer to discount, all price lists by 10
percent. Salomon & Nathan. 40i4
The city fathers adopted a wise
precaution in keeping the ice chopped
out of the culvert under Main street.
Solomon & Nathan's Great Cloth
ing Sale commences Feb. 1st and
there will be ne h t up until every snil
is sold. 4'"t4
Solomon it Nathan will occupy
mw ipiarters March 1st and must
close out as far as possilde their im
mense steck. 4Ct4
Ayor's Pills are the best of all pur
gatives for family use. They are
pleasant, safe and sure, and excel all
other Pills in healing and curative
In justice to yourself and family
yo-i should s:ve money. Therefore
price at the Great Rl Store .
buying elsewhere. 41lf
-Be sure and go to tie Firemen's
ball to-night, they need help and prop
erty hold-.'is should help them; if you
can't go, buy a ticket and thereby give
them a lift.
J no. Boos it Son have just re
ceived a tine line of mc-ats. mess pork,
shoulders, haeoii. ham &:.. which they
. will sell cheaper than the cheapest.
Mr. L. Patterson put himself way
ahead en the IlnitALU books and also
sent a paper to his daughter in Penn
sylvania. That's a pretty good way
f..r n ilemnfiMt to a ReMllhlic.m
-C. u. llcroiu is closing out 1,13
entire stock of Boots & Shoes at cost.
Be sure and give him a call before
purchasing elsewhere. ITri
I. G. Chambers has just leceived
a titie line of collars, and has a good
J: 1.... .I....l.t 1. ..,, i.ea iM.rt.l i-' f.t- I 1A
spring trade, and also a good stock o!
leather for use. Anybody wishing
a first-class harness should give him a
Agents for cheap Pianos some
times claim that they can furnish the
STEtxwAY." Do not be deceived by
them as we are the only authorized
agents in Nebraska.
45tf Max & l!r.o , Omaha.
The only person we can think of
that would, feel like doing much crow
ing over this weather is Prof. Tice,
and he has proven a true weather
prophet for the month ot Felu uary, at
least. Much good may he get out of
predicting such i I y weather.
Bremner's Choice Crackers ate the
lit est. Insist or. having them. 47t4
The Olker band will play for the
Happy Hour club dance to-moirow
night. It is ahout the best baud that
ever struck I'i itismmth and all who
Te.-cived invitations and like to trip
th- liaht fantastic should attend. Sup
per wijl be served a Stadelmann's.
Complete new line of queens.vare
and glassware just unpacked at W. H.
Baker fc Co. Prices lowe; than ever. 2
-Many thousands of pewple yearly
are saved fioru dangerous fevers by
the exercise of a little timely care in
the matter of properly cleaning the
system in the spring season, from the
huh mutated impurities, which, if left
nntiisturbed. breed disease. As a pur
ifier Aver's Sarsanarilla acts directly
ad promptly. A single bottle will
prove its merits. .
The eclesiistical Council of Con
FTf rational Churches called to mwi nt
Vv-uth Bend on Tuesday last was pre
vented from assembling on account of
V snow blockade. It will -meet (D.
u Tuesday next at 2 p. m.
Personal. :
Mr. Thed. Eaton of Hastings, Iowa,
was iu the city last yveek, called here
by the illness and death of his father.
Dr. Waterman of Louisville called
Thursday of last week. Ha took in
the Bee Ktepers Association.
Mr. Chas. Maver of S. & C. Mayer
has feft for N. Y. City, to buy in an
immense Stock of Spring and Summer
Clothing with their buyer Mr. Schlcs
inger of the well-known firm of
Schlesinger & Co. of Iowa.
Always keep it on hand, a3 delay
increases suffering. If yon ha' o a
Cough or Cold use Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup. It will cure you. Price 25
Snow !
More snow!
Oil, what lots of snow!
If you want to buy o; sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with farm lands to
secure it tall on Will S. Wish,
4Cmo Fitzgerald Block.
Square dealing guaranteed at the
Great lied Store 4Hf
Winter goods at greatly reduced
prices to make room for spring stock
ana get cash to pav for it, at. W. H.
Baker & Co.'s. " 4St3
Twenty yards best print for 61.00
at the Great Bed Store. tllf
We defy anyone to show a nicer
line of dried fruits than we'uns. or
lower prices. W. H. Baker & Co. 413
Clothing almost given away at the
Great Bed Store, save money by seeing
us first. 41 tf
Monday morning Dr. Livingston
was called to Lincoln to attend tl.e
wound of the engineer Mr. Fratik Keu
zie, w ho was then brought aboard the
train bound for Plallsmouth, and
reached here about ten p. m. His
thumb which was broken between ihe
first and second joints while attempt
ing to reverse the engine, was
held by the lever while the steam from
the glass legistering tube vhjeh had
been broken was pouring into his face
and a sudden wrench tearing asunder
the flesh of tho thumb released him
from his peril. His face and, neck
were somewhat scalded, however. Mr.
Tom Murphy's only way ot escape was
through a hole too small for him to
work himself throuzh alone, -and but
for the timely help of Mr. Phillipi
who was rustling to his rescue and
who dragged him forth, the escaping
steam in a few seconds more would
have settled his doom.
Wcscott sells the best
J. Bons
& Son sell
Full stock of Boots S2.23
Great Bed Store.
at the
41 tf
Ask your grocer
Cream Soda Crackers.
Sulomom & Nathan will remova
March 1st to Fred Gorder's Brick
Block next to Court House. 4Gt4
Ifyoumd fiiiiiluie call on the
Great Bed store and get low prices.41tf
They are selling the best clothing
at the Great Bed More, tit such very
low prices, and yoti have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. That is why you should
go there for all von need. 31tf
A Serious Fall
But it caused no serious pain unless
it be to competition, as they are Boots
and Shoes at Merges.' 4Gt3.
Canned goods in great variety at
rock bottom prices, either by the case,
dozen or siygle can at W. II. Baiter &
Co. 4812
Grey hairs are honorable, but few
like them. Clothe thein with the hues
of youth by using Ayer's Hair Vigor.
House For Sale.
House and three lots for sale, house
contains C rooms well finished, cistern
and good well. Centrally located.
Call at Ilartigan's Law Office. 40t4
Great Reduction
For the next 00 days ih se Boots
and Shoes at Merges': to make room
for an immense spring stock. Come
one, come everybody. 4Gt3
Hair Work
Of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee;
leave orders for the same at Mrs S.
Swarts' millinery Store. 43tf
The '-Kxabe" Piano admits of
only one equal, and that is the Stkin
way." We are general agents for
both. "Highest degree of excellence"
are the words of the Judges of the
Centennial Exposition in 1S7C.
Max M eye ii & Bno.,
4otf . sole agents.
They mean business at the Great
Red Store. Goods positively lower
than any house in town. See lor your
self. 41tf
Jlouey te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
Buy Only the Genuine Singer
of the Company's Agent, F. C. Bowen,
office at Mrs. Swarts' Millinery Store.
Main Street, Plattsmonth. Needles,
Oils, and Accessories always on hand.
Machines sold on Monthly Payments.
Knocked Down
But no blood draw n, only tears from
competition, because they are Boots
and Shoes at Merges'. It's for the next
30 days to make room for an immense
srnixG stock. Come everybody. 4G3t
Arousing its Readers.
An alarm of fire at midnight is a
startling thing, but not half so start
ling to many who hear it ;vs would be
the sudden knowledge of I heir own
dangerous physical condition. Thous
ands of thousands are hurrying to
their graves because they are careless
ly indifferent to the insidious inroads
of disease and the means of cure. It
is the mission of II. II. Warner & Co.,
with their Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure, to arouse men to a sense of their
danger Mid cure them Memphis A-
neal. -'ti i
See Here !
The breechiy's broke, the back-strap
loose, the check rein gone and thebitts
a danglin'; we're a slidin down hill
towards ihe chasm of bankruptcy and
eternal starvation, unless our custo
mers pay up at once. This is no joke,
and w e resjK-et fully ask all those ow
ing us to call and settle by note or
cash, within 20 days, or expect to hear
ducks. Stkeight & Miller
Piattsmouth, Feb. 10th 1831. 47t2
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy cur3 for Eheumatism. Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in tthe side,
Stomach, Kidneys,. Ac &j Smith,
one liun-
I i..- s c t in tlie Irtct fx-
1 13 in i ti'
mont he
Do not buy Clothing of any kind
before calling at the New Clothing
House next door to Carruth's as they
have only, new Goods and norm
shelfworn to advertise.
Will always undeisell all compet
itors. Call and see for yourselves.
47tf S. & C. Mayer,-
Prof. Rice's Lightning Thorough Bjss
By use of this chart any one who
can sing a song can learn to accom
pany themselves on Organ or Piano at
once. The btst tltiuj yet vJjTtred. Call
at Leonard's "Music and Art Gallery"
satisfy yourself, buy one, and learn to
play your own accompaniments.
James Pettee,
Sole agt. for i;ass Co.
A new lawyer has cctne to town,
that is to say he is new to us, to-wit;
viz: W. N. McLennan, Esq.; formerly
of Neb. City. He has bought an in
terest vi;h Hon. Sam. M Chapinan,
and the firm hereafter will be Chap
man & McLennan. He cumn well
recommended and we hope may. find
Piattsmouth to his liking, and be suc
cessful financially and Lawyer.ilically .
Mr. Beeson remains with the firm
also, we understand, and our fii.'nds
Mathews and Maguey will still hang
out a si. ingle on the corner. The
Neb. City News says of Mr. McLen
nan: We are sorry to learn that our
young friend, W. N. McLennan has
concluded to move to Piatismouih to
join Mr. Sam. Chapman, of that place,
in the practice of law. Mc. has re
sided in this city about eighteen
mouths, and during that time has
built up a spleadid reputation as a
first-class lawyer, and has also made a
score of friends who will regret ex
ceedingly to see hiiu take his depart
ure. Mr. Chapman, the gentleman
with whom Mc. intends associating
himself, is one of the linest lawyers in
the stale. Mrs. McLennan will ac
company her husband, much to the
regret of her wide circle of acquaint
ances in anJ about the city. The
News wishes Mc. success iu his new
home, and may the good people of that
city give our young legal friend a
show and in a short lime, we venture
to say, he yviil win. as he has done
here, the love and respect of all, and
at the same time win a place as one of
Plattsmoulh's brightest legal lights.
On our first page will be found a
summary of the proceedings of the
Nebraska State Bee Keepers' Associa
tion at their annual meeting held at
the Court house in this city last
Thursday and Friday. We are under
obligaitons to Mr. W. C. B.Allen, act
ing Secretary for information from
.wiiich our report was derived.
We regret not being present in per
son, as we noticed among those in at
tendance, the names of several old
.friends, notably, Mr. Hiram Craig, of
Calhoun, who used to remember us in
Blair with specimens of fruit from his
fine orchard, Mr. Van Doin of Omaha,
the incoming president and Mr. Allen,
Editor of Rural Nebraska.
Our representative was shown a line
specimen of extracted honey by Mr.
T. Smith - Corbet t of Omaha, which for
flavor and generaappearancu y e have
never seen excelled.
The attendance of Cass County and
Piattsiuoulh parties was very good
consdering the state of the weather,
and a lively interest thorughout
was manilested. Many curious in
stances of bee habits were c'led, the
reasons discussed, and although the
president informed us that Nebraska
was behind neighboring states in her
progress in bee 'and honey raising, we
opine that with the earnest efforts of
the few who have made it a study in
teaching those jubt beginning, she will
soon catch up, and Nebraska wiil be
supplied with tne purest and finest
honey of her own raising.
The Herald acknowledges the
compliment of honorary membership
conferred upon Mrs. MacMurphy who
represented the paper during the
absence of the editor-in-chief.
The Weeping Water stage drivtr.
Chas. Sigler, had quite an experience
during the biizzaiil. He started from
Weeping Witter Friday morning and
when five or six miles from there
brought up nt a house w hich he found
to be a mile or more from the road.
Owing to the lack of stable room for
his horses, and being desirous of bung
ing the mail thiough if possible ho un
dertook to go on. The horses refused
to go, however, against the storm, and
the man of the house finally sent bis
boy on Tiorseback to bring him back
After resting awhile the man of the
house started with him back to Weep
ing Water and after an hour
r more they spied a house through
the driving snow which on reaching,
they found to be the house they had
started from, having driven round in
a complete circle. They then conclu
ded to stay where they were safe
which they did until Sunday, when
the driver returned to Weeping
Water. Monday he succeeded in get
ting through to Piattsmouth by tak
ing the easiest way across the tidges
without regard to the roads.
Schools Closed.
By order of Cii" School Board, for
want of fuel, our city schools yvere
dismissed on Tuesday of this week till
Monday Feb. 28th, unless otherwise
ordered. J. W. Love, Supt. & Prin.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the sale
of property belonging .o the estate of
James McNurlin, which, wa adver
tised to take place on the 12lh inst.,
will take place on the 2liih inst., at the"
place mentioned iu said notice, sub
ject to the terms therein mentioned;
Sale tocornmence at 10 o'clock a.m.
J. M. Patterson, Adm'r.
Piattsmouth, Feb. 1C, 1SS1. 4St2
Kail-Road Accident.
An accident on the B. & M. road
last Saturday near Lincoln resulted
seriously to two Piattstnouth men.
Three engines were sent out
with a snow plow to clear the cut
whete the train was snowbound and
while going at a rapid rate a wheel of
one engine broke, throwing it across
the track smashing it up badly and
also throwing the other engines off the
track. The engineer, F. Kii.sie, in some
manner got his thumb ''caught in the
wreck holding himjn such a position
that the escaping steam - was pouring
into his face and neck. To release
himself and escape from this awful
death, he was obliged to tear. hiS
thumb from his hand, the tendon
being severed way up in his arm. Mr.
Tom Murphy who was also aboard
was scaldpd by the escaping steam on
one. leg and J he fireman was slightly
burned. Jfhe . enginfj -were badly'
wrecked su'"' truck' (lias U
Aided by Screaming and Whistling
This winter's backbone is about the
toughest affair we ever .heard of, and
we don't expect to find any one pre
dicting that it will be broken before
the next 4th of July or thereabouts.
The rain and snow storm of the 3th
and Cth had barely ceased and a
couple of days of clear weather inter
vened to give a little chance for clear
ing the rail road tracks and getting the
telegraph lines in running order again
when another snow storm swept
down on the wings c-f a northwest
wind, such as comes only occasionally,
and I his time from Friday night until
Sunday not a train came in and no
communication Was to be had with
the outer woi Id either by rail or tel
egraph. The train which started out
from here and Omaha Friday morn
ing got stuck iu a drift about six
miles this side, of Lincoln where it
stayed limit Saturday afternoon
There yvere over 130 passengers
aboard, and provision, coal and blank
ets, were sent out to them from Lin
coln by sleighs. Among the passen
gers were the Hess Juvenile Opera
troupe who were billed for Lincoln in
"The Magic Slipper," which they got
in in time to play Saturday night. En
gine after engine was snt to aid
them until six were thare at one
time. No fuither train was started
until Sunday morning one went west,
and Sunday afternoon one came east
from Lincoln transferring passengers
round Ihe scene of the accident re
ported elsewhere. The velocity of the
wind was estimated south of us at
sixty-five miles an hour, and at Oma
ha at about forty-live miles. The low
est ranee of the thermometer wa3
seven degrees above zero, but the
high wind made it seem very cold.
The winds partially ceased Saturday
Might, tho snow stopped falling and
Sunday was clear and beautiful giving
hopes of it cessation of hostilities from
tho weather clerk. Monday" morning,
however, down came the snow again,
falling all day steadily but with very
little wind and ceasing in the night ;
The B. & M. train started out on time
Monday " getting to Lincoln about
three. The train which should have
left there for the eat at noon started
about three ami got here about ten
at night, but stuck somewhere in a
drift between the Junction and Oma
ha and remained all night. After the
storm cleared the mercury gradually
fell and Tuesday night and Wednes
day morning it registered 24 degrees
below zero. The trails from the east
are beginning to arrive with some de
gree of regularity but the western
ones are s'iil almost hopelessly
floundering in the snow.
Ofii citizens can see from the fol
lowing questions what is being done
in our high school. The semi-term
written examination took piace last
week. We give the questions in a
few of the stu lies.
1. For Iiow much must 1 diayv my
note, at 00 days, in order that w hen
discounted at bank at 7 per cent., it
wiil pay for 137 yards of cloth at
$'2?v per yatd i
2nd. Sold my farm of 173 acres, 83
rods at 802. 3 an acre. Got 82000 cash,
and a note due in 3 mouth. 18 days
with interest at 7 per cent, w hich I
had discounted at bank at 12 per cent.
What did I realize in cash?
3d. On a note for 8G00 at 7 per
cent, dated Feb. 15th, lS7i, was made
the following payments:
March, 23th, 1S71, 8130 00
June, 1st, 1S74, - 73.00
Oct. 10th. 1S74, 100.00
What was due Dec. 1st 13 74?
4th. Debt of 81,100 due March 3d,
Paid June 1st 8310.00 .
"Aug. 7th 110.00
" Oct. 17th, 200.00
What was due on the 27th of Dec. fol
lowing, interest 7 per cent. V
- 3th. Give the full analysis: A res
ervoir has three hydrants: the Is', will
empty it in 8, the second in 10, and
the third in 12 hours. If all run to
gether how long will it be in empty
ing V
1st. Dei'i-ie: 1, chemistry: 2, ele
ment; 3, chemical affinity; 4, Binary
compound; 3, Oxyd; (Jive examples of
Nos. 2 to 5 inclusive.
2nd. How many elements? 2, Define
acid; 3, Give tjst; 4, How many di
visions; 5, Illustrate by termination.
3d. Defiue; 1, ide; 2, uret; 3, per
4, hypo; 5, base.
4th. Define: l,:m alkali, 2, a salt;
3, the difference between an ate
an ite, and an ide.
3th. Give 1st symbol; 2, alomic
weight; 3, specific gravity; 4, source;
5, preparation ; C, properties of Oxy
gen. Cth. The same of nitrogen.
7th. Tho same of Hydrogen.
8th. The same of Carbon.
9th. Tell ail you can about oxygen
not included above.
10th. Tell all you can of Carbon
not included above.
1, Define Fays. Geog. 2, Name in
order the planets of our system. 3.
What motions have the planets? 4,
Define each motion. 3, Upon what do
our seasons dppeud? Explain. C,
What can you say of the Earth's Phys
ical condition a compared w ith other
planets? 7, Form of Earth? Its di
mensions? l.s specific gravi.y? S,
Which varies, aud why, a degree of
Long, or Lat,? 0, Define magnet, and
tell hW the Earth acts upon one.
10, Define declination, variation. 11,
Give three evidences of the Earth's in
ternal heat. 12. Define Geyser, Ther
mal Springs, Artesian Wells. IS, How
are. volcanic mountains formed an i
what determines their shape? 14,
What are the premonitions of an erup
5ion? 15, Give date ami describe the
famous eruption of Vesuvius? 16,
Name and locate the volcanic zones,
yvhere and why are volcanoes most
numerous? 17, What are earthquakes
and how caused? 18, Name, give
date and describe the greatest earth
quake known. 19, When where and
why are earthquakes roost common?
20, Name and define the earthquake
motions. 21, What are the Geograph
ic elements of the Earth? What Ge
ographieal f eat uresJ- t, t,,e civT
Ton Can ITirJ at Bennett 'Lewi'
Nice mince meet in bulk or bucket;
pure maple syrup :nid maple sugar;
buckwheat flower of the best quality;
caned goods fresh and nice; a fall as
sortment of cakes and cract-ers. with
a rrreat variety of fancv pmrerie not
T..,,m.nllv. in nt !,,,. c7l.1! h
c.-... ...... ...,.,..,.,, ii.
All the grocers will soon befell-
ing Bremner's Crackers. 47t4
ST A 1 K .! 0 1 1 A X N H 1 1 X A t the resilience of
t lie liiiiieV father, in ( :is C o.. Ntl.. this day
( Kel. lttti. 1-M.) ly Jhe Kcv. Kr Hi let: hai d,
all of tlti County.
Anil iiiiy they lAe Ions an. I ;irn-;e:- and ::i-c.-ea-'e
as all sjad people siumM.
Died. ,
ElrvENR.VKY Oa Sunday. Feb. eta. 1S-H at 7
I' 51.. J ames C lauk. only on of Henry and
Lreula Eikeubary. ayed months. .
The funeral -erviees. by Rev. Mr. Bairil. took
lil tee on Tuesday and the little one was
burled In the old "Iloinintt buryin ground."
The death of Mr. and Mrs. Eikenbary's little
on wr.3 most narrow inj; to the bereaved par
ent. It cecins they bad been killing hogsthtit
day and tli niotlie.- bad ready a washlta-in of
bot water and lye. with which to clean tbe
floor ;sl:e turned bar back au Ir.stant to put on
her overshoes, and the little one toddled luto
it. fell and a sealded quite severely, but not
at first supposed to be dangerously injured. He
was id ways :i dflirato. nervous child, and the
shock was so yreat that he never rallied raid
died on Sunday evening. This v.'. the oaly
boy iu the family and the parents 'M-nrshipped
the child accordingly. Their lo-s caiiLot l'
ineu-ured in words.uor their zves.t '.'u t u.ssiia
d by coudulqaoos ; nevei t'aele.-.-, their numer
ous friends tender their love aud sympathy in
this preal sorrow and mingle their fears with
those ol 1 5:e bereaved, be;;,.-, able only to say
with what l-csLjuattMii Is po-sible, "Cod's wiil
be doue. it is best."
Three CI roves Motes.
The snow Friday and Saturday wan
teriitliic and the worst that has bees
this winter.
Snow-diifis on the noith, east, south,
and west pi us. averaging four or live
feet deep.
The roads and lanes are" all drifted
full and it is almost impossible to get
from one neighbor's place to another
without shoveling out a road or going
through snow from three to live feet
deep. The worst drifting snow that
has been for years.
A good many hogs around the neigh
borhood have been smothered to death
during the storm.
Mr. Henry Wolf is the heaviest
loser that we have heard ot" so far,
losing eighteen head of large ones.
Quite A number of others around have
lost more or less.
Our mail carrier failed to supply
Three Groves I'. O. three days last
week, hence the items from this point
were delayed. BEror.TEit.
Bock Bluffs .Notes.
Dk.u: Herald: A few lines of
storm, health, removals, &c. The
beautiful snow commenced to fall at
about 10 o'clock A.. M. Friday, v ith a
gentle gale worn the north west, con
tinued to fall till nearly night witu an
increase of wind, when it reached the
proportions of a storm.
The snow is piled up in the roads
and lanes, until travel is considerably
impeded. We have had no mall here
since last Thursday the 10th. The
storm was very severe on stock, and
we 'hear of quite a number of hogs
being frozen to death. Uncle Tommy
Holmes has just returned lrom 'York"
slate where ha has been visiting a
si.ster, in November, and says there's
snow there too
Mr. .S. ,S. Furlong is soon to remove
from our neighborhood, but whither
we have not yet learned. Mr. F. is an
excellent fairmr, and .an intelligent
citizen whom we cannot well spare.
Mr. Joseph Sans uuves on the place
he leaves. Jesse Hendricks has
bought property and expects soon to
move here Mr. O'Brien ili soon
move to his plane a couple of miies
south of this where he has ju-t com
pleted his house.
Joseph has purchased that
Ed. Spratten. property, and will soon
repair aud move into it.
There is some talk of Mr. Sb era's
going into business at Pacific Junction
We had quite au interesting time,
last week iu the way of spelling bees,
between Bock Bluffs and Bock Creek,
in which the teachers and pupils
seemed alike interested. We under
stand they spel: again :( -.-h pla;
this week. Our "l.ilerary"' stiil lives
and flourishes. The woman suffrage
question was discussed, and it was de
cided that the women ought not to
vote. Why trouble our legislature
then with that question? Bet lh:ni
alone and give them a chance to !eis
late on more vital matters the
which is the matter of prohibition..
We think it is high time that a pro
hibitory liquor law is passed in Ne
braska, and we are pleased t sew our
worihy representative Ila 1 working
in the matter, thus showing that lie is
on the side of right and that the peo
pie of Cass Co. have joit petitioned
him in vain.
Yours as ever.
Sam Sf.u k, Jr.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigmd hereby desires to
express her sincertt thanks to the
many kind friends who insisted her so
willingly during the illness and at the
funeral uf her late husband, Mr. E. II.
Eaton. Mrs. S. M. Eaton.
The Bannrr Wrrl.)' ot Ihe West, an
eiglit-paite paper only one dollar a year. and. ;t
magnificent eni.-ravin-.c "two feet wide and al
most three feet long'' free.-nnd postage paid to
CTerv subscriber. Address WHEKJiY
TIMF.J. t incinnall Ohio.
Fees of Doctors.
The fee of doctors is an item that
very many person? are interested in
just at present. We believe the sched
ule for visits is S3, which would tax a
man confined to his bed lor a year
and in need of a daily visit, over Sl.
000 a year for medical attendance
alone! And one single bottle of Hop
Bitters taken in time would save the
81,000 and all the year's sickness.
A Foolish Mistake.
Don't make the mistake of con
founding a remedy of acknowledged
merita with the numerous quack med
icines that are now so common. We
sppak from experience when we say
that Parker's Ginger Tonic . is a ster
ling health restorative and will do till
that is claimed forlt. We have usd
it ourselves with the happiest results
for Rheumatism and when worn out
by over .vork. See Adv. Times. 48.4
;- v 1 '' f "- ":r
, v i.T-.!! rv i..
t2B SaV St. UuU, M.
Wagon, Iiugpj, Machine and Plow re
pairing, a nd general jobbing .
I am now prepared to do all kind9 of repairing
of farm and other iiiachtuerv, as tirtfp
ie a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
' . has taken chante of the u agoo shop.
He is well known as .
?Ow 1Ve,n -tsl Ituzzirs nudr to
5 Bus
Tbnrsday ti Feiraary 17tli. 1681.
It N for the benefit nt the riati-iiiontli Hook
I & !.A!V.EH COMPANY. lt4 every! is
invitea to attend iieni tne inv
i a" J C'ouuty
Property Holders
i a,e i,..,ue-to.t to semi in a dollar if tbey e.-uft
come I nemseives. liiii eveiyiuxiy come
j il it ios.iL,!e. I'.e u liaml.
A ( rami time is Promised
Tiremen will be there in Uniform.
TICKETS - - - Prix)
ten ' r.v OKi'n: or ('mmittf.k.
l'epperberg's cigars are the most
lvliaMe for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask j our dealers, f or them. Oot f
-Goto the
You can positively do yourself some
good. . Ultf
.HiEXTf am c.txv.tsi:iw
M.tke item si-.ijii $.. per v,e I. Si'latti; good for
!:.;. l:lliK l'T & t'O., In ISarcl.iy M-ect, New
Yoik. S-ml for catalogue and terms. STJly
.Honey to l.oau.
I On good farm property on long time.
I Apply to J. Vr. Jennings,
I Uf Piattsmouth.
! Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
:1b.. at Schiegel & Niemann's,
! opposite P. 0. Tlf
J. II. Buttery sells the best cough
medicine. He has confidence in it,
and he is willing to refund the money
if it does no good. Ask for's cure
for Consumpl ion. Price 2- cents and
81.00. . 42i.)
To til? Citizen's cfllio County aud State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will,
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house,, before,
the comet conies down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover. Louisville. Nebraska. 14tf
Ncliceto Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following limes and places:
At Pla'ltsinouth. 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May. Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, J tine and September. At
Louisville. 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice" of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdapof March. At Greenwood
the Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
I 42tf Superintendent.
To our Tanner Readers.
There is hot one of our farmers but
should subscribe for the lotca Fanner
published at Cedar Bapids, Iowa.
The leading Farm and Stock Journal
of the north-west. The ablest and
most noted agricultural writeis of the
day are among its editors and contrib
utors. It costs the small. sum of one
dol'ar per year, or ten copies one year
fory7.0. Send for sample copy and
ge! up a club of ten, or send them
SI. 00 for vour own subscription. 4-"H4
What Everybody Wants
Is a pleasant, reliable medicine that
never poes any harm, and prevents and
cures diseases by keeping the stomach
in perfect order, the boweis regular.
and the kidneys and liver active. Such
a medicine is Parker's Ginger Tunic.
It relieves every - ca.-ie, and we have
seen stacks of letters from thousands
who have been saved and cured by it.
See other column. Tribune. 4U4
We to-day call attention to the
advertisement of the Prickly Ash Bit
ters, which can bo found in another
column. These Bitters are made from
the purest and best materials, and
their tonic and cathartic properties
render them superior to all others in
disorders of the, Bowel:;,
Liver, Ac. 40t4
Burlington & Missouri Hirer Railroad
Company in Nebraska.
The annual meet inst of Ihe stockholders of
the Inn liitjitnn a: Missouri River Railroad t'oui
paiiy n Nebraska will be held at tlieotlice of
t he 'ompany, in l'lattiuoiah. Nebraska, on
Thursday, February 21th. ensuing, at to o'clock
a. in. for the election ot Directors and auy oth
er bu-iness which inav legally conic before the
!.,e"tii K E. l'K.ViT, Secretary.
Iiostoa. January Kali, ls-l. ru'
V, MatkQws,
Hardware, Catlery, Mails,
I: on, YVasron . sjock,
nxi jfftadjittcni
Iron, Wood Stork, Pumjys,
IROS WORK, Kej.t in Stork.
Msikijig and Mr pairing-,
Alt Work' Warranted.
E. G. Dovey & Son
Still f!nd themselves at home to Cass Count v
Karuiej-s and till their old customers.
We hnce this Winter our us
ual full and larger lines of
goods than, perhaps, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
country has demanchd larger
itockn, and of a better class, te-e
have eiHleanored to meet that
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
for Winter wear, tne hare a
large and varied assortment at
redwed ru'us.
of all kiwis. Dress Trimminas
of the latest styles. Huttons in
endless caritlg. our line of
e.r--.- tdiittjly large, and we
Hi ink, tcell fittti ted
AND SIIOMS, CillLDlirx's AND j
ta suit nil persons an I all purses '
A very full line of !
ld,AM) A lt5 AM) STIIVKW tut:.
which vo'i mu-t e to s,,';-cr fiem. ;
GR03SBIE3 ! j
SHuTS f .standard (.'latles, !
rTorr f the finest qualities, selected by ur
lOai selves.
CcePPP "finally brands, especially our own
liaCbii brand ( kuk.-h khaltku rmrt.K
calleii the -.MEHItil E.." Try it ami see. ;
IMirciixsiiij; elsewhere.
Driea Fruits of all kinds, fresh aud sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNEU ;O0D.S front all qii.irit r. Very line
California gottU.
by the barrel or bushel.
- In all Thrse braVehes we nh til en
deavor to rell (;,'jr ttD ot:;i n:-e. urul
as is pi Hsiple to do a ,h.mi i;.-t-SKl-.
W invile Mitel.liou tittd
fie.vv iiU ! Hal c.iT t.or tr.:t. Jtoi. t
' ;i'r.i i t . ': r -i- v'- .t vu'lt'.iuT
Next to COUB't
Wg ollbi'fba fcveiit y-eigM days
ssispfeeedeiited USargaf sik Sia
Mens', Youths', and Children's
Est addition t tSai& ggreat fc&pe
Sai said of Ootlalsagk we
ppop iroiai IaI& date it
fimsifparnte si ggrasni elar-
aisee &nl& of
TWn n ft t T4o
Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Gents' Fur
" Nishing Goods( Hats & Caps, Boots &
Shoes. Trunks, Valises, & Jevelry
VTo- Will Postivcly Discount iill Price Lists
by 10 Per. Cent.
SliiloU's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the niii
successful Cough Medicine we have
ever sold, a few doses invariably cure
the worst, ease of Cough, Croup and
Bronchitis, while its wonderful suc
cess in the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel ill the history of
medicine. Since its first discovery it
has been sold on a guarantee, a ta-t
v. hir-h no other medicine can stand.
If you have a Cough we earnestly ask
you to try it. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and
SUM). I f your lungs are sore, chest,
or back l ime, use Shiloh's Porous Plas
ter. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. fleow
AiiMter this ()uestini.
Why M so many people around us
seem to prefer lo sutler and be made
miserable by Indirection, Const ipatiou,
Dizziness, Loss of Appeiite. Coming
up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when
for 73 cents we will sell them Shiloh's
V.talizer, guaranteed to cure them.
Sold by Snith, Bh-j.-k & Co. Cenwtf
s 1 1 1 iT)"n :s" cat a i; p. 1 1 i; i : m kd y,
a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diph
theria. Canker mouth, .and Headache.
With eaeli bottle there is an ingenious
nasal Injector for ihe more successful
treatment of these complaint" without
extra charge. Sold by Smith, Black &
Co. tieowtf.
Brown's Pepsin Tonic
Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion ami
Sick-headache. You have only to try
it to prove it. It furnishes the sioni
ach with Pepsin, nhubarb. Mandrake
and (ientian. tbe natural principles of
digestion. No remedy ever offered to
the public has relieved so much suf
fering as thi3 wonderful Preparation.
Mas. MittA Jo. vr:?, Tail-mount, Mas.
says: "I had Dyu psia, for ten years
and have been t;n:.- i by using two bot
tles of Brown's pepsin Tonic, after
trying a dozen doc-tor."
A. O. Butlkk, U.cliville, Mo,
writes: ''You have toy thanks for a
life saved by this Wonderful llemedy.
I commenced 'improving a' taking
the third dose ; its effect v.. stom
ach, liver and bawold, was aim :-t mag
ical." -
E. B. II ai.l. Hialtviile, Kansas. ,-ys:
Please send me by ' express
one gross of Brown's Pepsin Toiii.', it
excels all other remedies for Dyspep
sia ever sold in this community. I
cannot keep store, without it.
For sale bv. L II. Butterv, Smith,
Black a Co.. J. M. Roberts, and (). F.
Johnson, Piattsmouth, and John Paint
er Fast PlattsniLiiith.
To all Our Friends.
H;i. ie.g had numberless inquiries for adver
tising cards In all parts of t he cour, try from la
dies vvhoare interested in the fashion of making
"Card Collections." we aie having niUIe,l for
them a set of seven beautiful cards, each in six
colors and on a gold background, in the very
highest degree of ait, illustrating Shake
pea re's A s 0f Man." tt'd have
spared no expense in t het; cards they are
simply little art-gemd. Our only ai:n has been
to publish I he linest cards yet shown. Appli
cations for them have come in so rapidly that
nearly the whole edition Is engaged before the
receipt by us I the cards from tlie arti-t. We
have therefore been obliged to adopt the fol
lowing plan for the distribution of the remain
der : No more of the gilt Shakesneare cards.
seven in the scries, will be sent excepting upon i
the receipt of a statement lrom a tioeer that
the per.-oli ap'H big lur the caltis has bought
of him on that day at least seven liars of Dob
bill.,' Eieeli if Soap. v ith pi ice paid for name.
All applying in this manner will receive the
full set of seven eaid- gratis by mail. This
will iure us that our lileinl-and patrons get
their share of these beautiful designs, although
it in no manner repays us for the cost of tl.e
cards. Your icrocer has the Miap or will i,et it.
ami the purchase by von of .seven hai. of it at
one time will secure lor yi oralis seven beau
tiful cards. The noap improves with age and is-
;,naiiicie of necessity in your house every
week. Therefore you are not asked to buy a
useless article, but one that you must have
anyway. I'lensp send us your a;. plication at
once, and tell your lady friends making "Can!
Collections" to do tile same.
Yours re.-p.ctfully, '
'i. t.. n voiv Co.
110 Soi,tlUlhSt.,P!ida.lelpiila.C
St. Toaela., Sjfia,
Is conducted by an expert accountant and
successUil teacher. Instruction thor-mfh and
pi:;clie:,i. Tuition loner than elsewhere, i'ull
particulars to any :iddresn.
Sit THOS. .1. BRYANT, Pres.
Profitable Reading for Everybody
Business men and women, teachers, mechanics.
tanners, ministers, mothers, and all who are tired
jut by the constant toil and worry of your work !
don't drink tnroxienrine bittrrs. hut u.e
It you are cntccLicd Lv tiiicaae. aid ioriiiJ
i pat ion, and your system needs invigorating, oA
needs purifving, vom run alwav Hrtv-nri on
i yuu nive uimDitrs ana rjiotcne ana vnnr i nw-..
Mice lrom Ginoer. Buchu. Miiidrak. h,,ll.nn,s
wand many other of the rnrst medicines known it isJ
-ne Dtl nesitn ana St.ength Kertorar Ever
Used, and is far suDerior to bitten. Essence aft
uuiger ana otner i on ics it never intoxicatet,,
Pand combines the best curative properties of all. '
I.-: j - -. . : fl
is nil -sBTea uamrnii oi 1.1 rei; It Bay '
hare loan.
Buy a foe bottle of vour druezist. and ta avoid.
counterfeits be sure our signature is on the out-'
ide wrapper. Hjscok Co., Chemists, N. Y. ,
Parker's Hair Balsam.
The Beat Xoat Economical Hair Dratalac
Containing only ingredients that are beneficul
to the bair and scalp, the Balsam will be fouB.4
far more satisfactory than any other preparation.
It Haver Fails to Baatore Grayer Faricrf-ffa-O
tle f a ! t-"e 1 alw mm' m.r .
fT2?L sn tTI
To wham it limy I'ummi.
Keport having been ninde to the I'.onnl (if
I'tuiuly I'oiiune-Mniiei s of t'as Comity. Neb
raska by the Clerk of the disti iet Court of said
County which report slniwi that there Is nun
and has been f,r the last ix inontlis reniain
iu the hands ol said distllet elelk eeltam
feen hieh have been uncalled for.
Now it nich fees Miall not be called for
within months from t lie lt day of danuaty
1Ss7 will be considered as forleiled and will be
paid into t he common school fund uf -aid Cass
l!y order of Count V CoininbsioneiH.
.1. K. 'i l TT.
fs!2 County Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
15 y virtue of an order of sale, is -ued by V. C.
Slimv.Jier, clerk of the liistrict Court, whhiu
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will i n t lie l:t Ii dav ol March. A. I.
ksi, a i 1 o'clock I'. M. of said day, at the soul ti
dour of tbe Court House in said Couniy. sell at
public auction the lollowint; real estate to. w it :
Ihe Houth west (juarter is 'ii of section thir-tv-four
(at) town twelve l-) north in rat.ue
nine CO east of i;tli 1'. .M., oontainins one bun
hundred and sity (lwt) acres, all ot the above
land.. situated in Curs County. Nebraska. Ihe
same bciny levied upon and taken as the pro
erty of Kdwln Anuell, Mary K. Anu'ell. A. llazc
land and Melissa L. Patrick, Defendant's; to
natisly judgment of huiiI court rtcoered by
James Wilkinson, Plaintitf.
-tTt.-i It. W. II Kits, Sheriff. Cas Co., Neb.
l'latlsinoutii. Neb., 1'eb. null, A. I., l .sl.
Proposals For Grain.
. 1'I.ATTE,
Chief Quartcrniaster'i Olliee.
Full Omaha, Xeli., January 27, 1km.
SKAI.Kl) 1-KOroSALS. in triplicate, subject
to the usual conditions, will be received at this
olliee until 11! o'clock noon on l liurHilay Feb
ruary 17, issi, at which place and tluie lliey
will be opened In pretend of bidders, fo.l the
furnbhiiiK ud lUlivery. in u;nitilies as re-
liiiivd. up lo .June .i. IshI, at Omaha Depot,
Nebraska, or at stations on the I'nlon Pncilic
ltoil ltoad. ICast from Keanncy Junction, of
'-' pouiKis corn, unit
I.ikkmkmi pounds oats.
Proposals for cjuaiituies less t ban the whole
w ill he received. Deliverv of the Kiain w ill. If
required, commence March. 1. lsst. 1'iefercnce
will bo fc'iven to jutlcles of domestic produc
tion. The (lovcininriit reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals.
bids should state tbe rate per loo pounds
tfiut per bte-hel.) and tho envelopes eontui-'lu
t hem should be endorsed "iJids for Con," and
addressed to the uudeiinrd.
Binders are reoiie&te.l to submit proposals
for delivery of the' corn iu new re-sewed nun: y
Hack J t;f one hundred pounds each, and for de
livny of the oats in new re-sewetl burlap racks
of one bundled pounds each, or for part or all
the oatsto be deliver, d In not iu.k sacks, the
inner sacks to be provided at the Omaha De
pot, by tbe J'tartcrmaMci 's Department.
Copies of tlii- ativcilisemeut and of he Cir
cular of iu .ti in lions to bidders can be obtained
on application . this oflice, ami one cojiv each
of said advertisement ami circular Mioiild be
altachcd to or acconipHiiy each proposal and
form a part thereof.
CI2 I hkf ijnarl- nna.t r.
mi. 0KI DA!iHN(i,
v south bend, xbb.
in general.
Dr Diirlin !s i,)s0 a Practising 1'hysiclan and
; un always be found at bus Olliee In
the Drug Store.'
Special attention paid to
'Jiinter it- Crainrr.
hinting, draining, (Biasing,
Al-o, Deeoratlor.H of all kind-. '
Painted in Good Style. -
A. B. Tai lor, j. Vai.lekv, Sr.
X. Homrs, E. IIkki-.k,
Cures by A IlSOKI'TlON (Xaf tire's wav
mm; is i si: si;s.
'I'll III at iisimsi:s,
Hr-atht!!? I roubles.
It lrlve into the Hyutem curative agents
aud healii, ineilicines.
'It ItrawK from tlie tli.-f-a-ed pint the
Ix'isons tin t cause ip-ath.
I botisaiids tetiy to It virtu?.
Ton can lie Relief ei Garefl!
Don't de-riair until vou have tried, this rensibl.
, K:sily applied u l Itudnulty Ktleetual
j Keniedv.
! Sold ly Drsiesita or n tit t v mail on receipt
I of in ; -p. J. by
::n si.oro :
! to 32tO
I'larli's fi:t ui. Paper
tree. Aiiilr-.ts DanlelK
llealty Wiihinton.N J
An Only
Vheii death hourly rvpected. al. Ti-nic!-"
dies having failed, and Dr. 11. Jiimct was ex
perlmeiitlug with the many herbs of Calcutta,
he acclaeutly madrt a preparation lildi curetl
his only child of ('ononnip.Ivn, Hi child
( tt,s,v i,, tttlu riiinf rv ,ttift tot lo v 1 it "f the bebt rif
health. He has proved to the world that
I onttumptlnit Ciin te po-titive y ana per
manently cured. The Doctor nov jjives this
Itcclpe J-cc, otdy iisklus two three oi-nt stamps
to pay'evpeuscs. This Herb also cure Night
Sweat. -Nausea at the Stomach, an 1 wiil breaK
upalrofh Cold in tvvcnty-iour i.oins.
drcss Craddock & Co.. 10,7.' llv.i v St.. Philadel
phia, niiinitig this paper.
Parker's Ginp;cr Tonic
ltcjalates the stoini-ch, livei and kiilncys. aud
never falls to make the tdood rich and piiieand
to fticin.then every part or Hit-sysn in. It bni
cured hundred of despairing inv; lids. Ask
your iieli4hborjibont ll. .
lire all diseases d the Stoit I- vv i !s, l.ivt i
L-i,l..v u,i,l l iiti.'irv , NclVviusuehs.,0
.Sleepl'essiiesn, and i -pecia X ' ";' " . ' 'V'nLl
plaints. Ask vour tlrunsn . , ' .,"A (HH
hii i iiy lio-iii in iiur t " vji i m
Other. Send for circular. " 6 ,1 ' c
Hop Hitters M l g t o.. l.oilie
Toledo, Out.
Po yoa want Muiiral Intrumnt, rr Izjt ! '
0,rn. cn whkh l tif'a ctn -rfMn u l. m muj '
,. t, ll., lr,Iruitt,lt' ,ial.,Trtl IT,-,! JtK I 't
.-.I-.I l-.lrtk.;,.- f -II1K MI . HANIl At. nH..I'l.ill.
t,.-i.! i , . r, tlxfi nt ' ' 's l'h ni v ..
I-...V sRrr:l nit I'i-'l" . 1 l. ri-ntc . 1. tr. .
UO.N i 11 DALY, 104 htato tt Clill"t.
Ar ah j
! V
James pETTiig.
d.aLku iN'r-
Musical Instrumtf
Sole Appointing A gen t
Tiles i'iii-ivallel Iiimoii A. l
Also State Acent for the Henry I'
yV.C. PmeisoH Co. Piano.
SAM via: I XST R u.m i:x 1
at office. Sixth, one loor Routh of Mi,
Music Srlaolasoi
Will do well to examine our
New 3I.ison k Ilainlin
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
f'i""'"'' w!o-i"r '".'!'' ;'.'''.'',Vi.'-,"'
r:t "r w.'Viwv--i' -.-ffvi.. f y 7"-. J
Having opened a New Store tit t! abov j
1 call attention lo mr rlor-k, ; nl ,k tbe I
patronaee of my friends and the
1 ublic in cent -r.-s).
Dry Goods, Grcccries - - (
Tiinvani $ WooilenwaiL 1
and Ceneial rood nf all sorts. V
Call and see our Stock l'fre gotnj
341y Vai.ti;r Jl.vkins.
i)i-Ai.i:i: is
oith ici:i, i:kii.ika.
A tlood 1 inner always on band. Pcpnlrlie.'
done neatly, promptly aid clieapiy.
Eave-liouuliln ami Kootin also
done to older.
Ilemcmbci t be name :,nd place, llay T'ycitt,
South tie mi, Nebraska. Slin.i
19 Wl-Tk. SS'T. '
Is made from u Simple I' l eaf of 1,'aie
Value, aiel is a I'omlt vr Itenied.v lor all lle
diseases that cause pan, s In the loner pari ol
the body lor Torpid I.iver Id ad icln-s -.1 nni
dice 1 ,Uiness. Oravi.d. Mirtai 1.1. and all lini
culties of ilii! Kidney. I.iver aid I'rinaiv Ol -pans.
I'm- Friualr Iti-eno,., ;iMi nlv '.Men
.struation r and duiln Pieenancy. It fia- no
eipial. It restore the oi,ms that mukf tlie
bloo,. and hence Is the best Itlooil I'lirifler.
It Is the only know n remedy that cure,
Hcourire. Iti-islil'i I,.Hi. for I iabeli!.
Use W arner Knl'e liinltetex Cure.
I'or Sale by I)rtii;its and 1 alers at
per bottle, l.ainest bottle, in the market. Try it.
II. II. ti CO., ItochestT. X. Y.
franil-M' llicr'M ( hah; ,
Popular. Wtirtla&iiiii'le. i
'On tht: Trunin." March, ,
Very inspirit inir. !
Ttrtcla rihnm h'rirn. j
Splendid. Wordi & music I
A'li lihian Unlui. '
Spiiglitly and plea-lncr. i
'in no Music.
AM. I'IF.l KS an rtmf.t tif
pour !l cent
n. szzzzl.z ft mC ,
. ill i" :
Us !: RsQ
1 1 - .
jit.-- . cs tr4-
e i ' w w r-i
1 rP'-l
n at
2 - 1 m
And all di-Ca-e of the Kidi eys, Iwathler fe-Vs
Crinary traue by vi caring tne
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powerful.
It CTI.r. where all el?e f; ,1s. A IfevIt
t Ion and iteroliition lu y,;d!cine. Absorp
ticn or direct application. n opposed to uuat-
l.r . ,rv 1 ... ,1 : v..,l t, ,, J
treatiso'oa Kitluey trMtb!rs, iff tree. Sold byt
orut'Ki-ts. or iteut ny uiai., o. leceipt ot price.
fc'I. Addre;s I
offir Tiis lWulm Pal C3.t
:.-,, 1,. K l- f 5
..'".''wAftrJcw's!''', " 1 A .
1 Pa s. -
5 u s
b a z
is ten ' -f.
v ..... Ja
t i
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