X" c :. ( V .The Herald. I AT The Herald. 'A KA EBA JD).: ADVRKTIrtlXG JtATK. ficn I w. 1 1 w. : 3w. 1 in.j iu. in. 1 yt. i.PLATTSMOUT H, KBSRASIt. 1 nr ., tjr 1 !fcr. Heel. W 1 . I col... l oVsi t (iw tiw ,95 1 ) IUH I Ml no a 75 1 J li M looei inn 171 4 on; imI ae MM S Oo! tOO 10 00! V ) MM WM 3tM SllQ'KoA to 00 la. . eoe I MM In oo I nix) W 6ue: 400; Q' leoee Ot" Vine St.. One Block North of Main, -ir. of F;ftr Street. 13T- H Ad Tanning Bills Due Quarter!. OrTninmn 4rtltuit.u ieiel C Ad V JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. "PEUSEYEUAXr.E CONCJUEKS. (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. Ig2t Cnulstra s? cy Papr in tbs Ccoft. Term In Advnnoe: r i.ira Oople of tlie HnLl fof Ml J. P. YiitNa, t (tie re-O0le New Depot Main buret. One eopy. onn yc-K One copy, six mo:.i One eiy. Mirt e u.o:d 1:4, $2.f4 .. l."0 VOIJTME XVI. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA,-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1881. X UMBER 47. 6' OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. .Slate Directory. A. S. I'AHlHM K. r. S. Senator, Beatrice. AI.VIX KAl'NIiKKS, I', S. Senator, timalia. E K. V A 1.KNT1 N K. Keprr.seutal'e. West 1'eir.t. v. Al.I'.IM'S N AM E. Coventor. Lincoln. 2? J. ALEX ANDEi:. Secretary of State, t JilHX WAI.I.K'M.S. Auditor. Lincoln. 1 -. M. BAitl LEIT, Treasurer. Lincoln. it W. W. JONES. Sun V V. :. KEN OA I.E. 1. I J. MLWOtU H. i 1 ::KV. C. C. HARRIS I in:, u. p. m a misi f the Intane. S. f f. MaXWEI.E. Cliii W. JONES. Sunt. 1'ulilio I nM ruction. Land CoiniiiiMoiier. !. Attorney Central. !K1S. Chaplain of penitentiary- HiJSON. Siipt. Hospital mr Snpremt Court. M aXWEI.I.. Chief Justice. 1 remont. i"o 15. I.aK?:. omalia. .'ASA t will;. Lincoln. .frroTft Jurticiitl Vis trial. I? roiTNI. Ju-Ik. Lincoln, t' WATSON. Proseoin inij-Att'y. Neb. City. .". C. SHOVA i.'l KH, Clerk llrict Court, PlatlsniotuU. County Tireclrr . N. SCI.LIVAN. County Jude. . P. TUTT. County Clerk. .1 V. l'ATTKUStfN, County Treanrer. K. V. YEKS. slnailT. I., ft. Wool KY. Co. Stip't Tub. Imtruct'.on. i. y. KA I UKIELP. Surveyor. P. I. iASS. Coroner. riu Niv rnviJiinusFRK. SM'E men AUPHoN. Mf. Pleaant Precinct. SC W I LEh. Vlattsmoiuh Preeiaet. J.,.MKS CKAWFOUP. South Bend Precinct. Iirt!f having tusinejm with the County C:t:un1i'ioncr3. will find them in esion the t ui Monday and Tuesday of each month. 43tf Cir 7vr -Jtrr. '.V. JOHNSON", Mavnr. t.l. II. PA r I EKsoN, Treasurer. J p. 'l MI'SON. I'itv Clerk. 1; K HAKI) VIVIAN. Police Judje. . I). JoN KS, 'luef r.f Tolis-e. t. I-. WHITE. Chi-f or Fire Pept. cntTM'll.HKN. 1-t Ward-F. C.OHPEIt.C. H. PAHMFI E. Id Ward O W. EAIKEIEI.P, J. V. WECK- I R AC H. Wi.i n-aid-P. MII.I.EK.TIIOS. POLLOCK. .!! Ward-P. Mi'CA I. LAN, C. S. PAWfcON. f fmilmmtUr- J NO. W. MA USHALI i'liOFESSIOXAL CARDS IIS. II. HKADK, vpllYSKIVN anrtsrKOEOX.efrice in Vttz-(f-nln Vlock, which will be epen ay er night. s J I.. 13rCKI'. U)M(KPATniC PHYSICIAN, omce v l". V. M;ituew Hardware aunr, i Liimuiraiu.." - it. li. LlVISIiKTOH. M. ?.. I'HTSH'IAS & SCIK'.BOS. OEI' H'E HOI KS, from 1" a. in., to 2 p. m. Ex nilninpt Surgeon tor t,. . I cicioh. 3 W. CU'TTKK. DBFTIST. IMnttniaotith. Xe:rta. niicou M.in Mr.-ct over Soinmua .- Na- rt.nin"s Store. yi. A. U AKTHiAV irrn:iEV AND SOLICITOK. Will Prac tice in the Mate and Federal Cetim. He-i-!i-nct'. Plattsmouti. -Sebraka. t-Hy n i' 'iTI.E. ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Ileal Etxte. fir- In- rwiraiu-e aim "i" . ;i . erald's bl.-k. Flaitsmouth. Sebraa. .in. i:o. Minn. ATTORNEY AT LAW and P.eal E'tate Bro ker Special attention uiven to Cellectiona and all matter atTectlna: the title te real tte. Oihce ou 'd lloor over Post Ofllce. Plattsmouth. .Nebraska. 40 l- 1. II. tVIIKI'IKil Jk I'O. AW OFFICE, i'.eal l jriate. Fire and I.irel.j Mirance Agents. l laC.sr.iouth, Nouraska. t ol-leetoi-s. tax-payei. H;ve a complete abstract .f titles. Hay and ell ral estate, neuotiate Uians. &.C. LJ 1 .Mll JItllrll, NOTXP.Y PCni.IC Wi'.l r.ttend to buying and eelliTi- l:i.nis. exainin Ins t"1".- ,MillJ '".f deeds, iiavm? taxes and ceiled mi debts, vv id aiso attend to la-.r fails before a Ju-tic et the ' 41" f Factokyvili.k. CahCo. Nf.b. M.V .51- CHAPSiA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. OS'.ce in Fitzgcr- .1.1 11 1 n..L . B. U'iviu l. P. A. CAMPBKI.I.. 'Attorney at Lsw. Notary PulIic. WIAISIAU & C'A.1IIMi:H. COLLECTION AN P REAL ESTATE A(l EN'TS ami... tv it lircr A- I'm' Kinra. yriniiKinouth. Nceraka. -y JAXM B. MOKRISO.V. W. L. KKOWNK. Nolar? Public. 1IOKKIKUX i:T.'R. A PTOHN EYS AT LAW. Will prartjee :n Cass and adjoining Counties : gives speeja. atientnm to collection and abstracts of title. olBce in KiUtfcrald I'.iock. riatimourii. Nebraska. lTvl . ez .iii,r:.(; vf ABittt. Tonsoiial Artist. V LATTs HOITII SKBBASK A .' Place of b.islncss on Main St.. between 4t!i Ki and .".in streets. Siiauipooiiii, Sliaxias, chil dren's hair cutting, etc. etc. P'ly PLATTSFilOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOl'TfT, NEK. Flour, Corn J. Z ic Fu l . ,,,1 h'.iid r.nJ fiirsaie at lonet cr.sh rii.-b-es. Tt.e h:;hest prices paid tor Wheat ai.d .: f .. ...mH. . IKin iLnrll LtltU. I dlltdu.ll fci.it. ... MUCK' BRICK! 1 f you vc.nt tiny Fiie or Ornamental Ericlr, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE. - - NEBRASKA. 'ihe I iraat and liet Itrdirme ever Hide. AeluinziArioo 01 mope. owr"". " " ' Irakleuid Dandelion, witiiiluiebetiid e nuTrulr.eof U other Bir ReVJ tor, U..Jll.sIU, KtoruMt iigyn. on -. i ., vhnr. TT itn Bitter. r vai k-si iUd iwrfect am tliir Uop.tt.r. ix. ,TUJol, without Intox loatintt. rwwV So maliw whit J.mr leViliK or T"Ptmn ax what the dror aiilamenc I. am Hop Bit' tors. lon wait until you. but If you eulrfelbad or niiserat,leAn tuera 1 encs. it may aaT.yourlire.lt iuu.llaTd hnndpeda. 500"ihP1dforaca3,e they will not euurlKlp. Po not 'V1'00:' auffer Jut use a:id uora them00 HOP B Rrmemher. Hop Bitter, to "WJ" dJUJ'! J-.I... ..... mm hul liK Poml. B v..ll,.n.or.-r matls -.th n.WAUIteiv FBIKS and BOPS" end no person or family -l .... i tH,Tt Mtf.XSM UUIUU fc " . H J D. I.O.I' an apolnto and lrpesi?i'.lo cure I f K.iM.U-.r.n.ui'iEoIoriui. t.rfcco audi forbrunkv-cn '".i:e of cnam. tbacm narcttica. Ali s'd by cmtr-Sts. St Send . for c vrcui.tr. f V. ' i Mil C.-r 4 nil M a v4 B It . fie Kt Blood PnTiP.cr. end Ft!mr.1it if ' vpry fnnc'ioTt l more ueaubTui acuuo, Uii la ':;n3 a tcneni in si! dieas. r. In .liDilofctinic tiilmpunilpr.f th.-horfl. the li c"v.ural and awcwiry result i tlie rtiroot .-cri.f-U aim. end oibcr ek n Kruptiona ai d Iniwa, S lucludlrte Cam-fra, Ul-ere and otlir rur. B Hy.peiwila. W''Wn ' Ibe Mraiiwli.i oii!- fufooTlkuii'W. ie-iral IKbd.ty, , are S enrpd by the Kjfe Hilton. It U UD4uaJed aa a ftnpl.rr an.i rculax Un:c 2 it i a uedl-lDB wbl.-hahou.il be In every fam J:!y, aaJ n.a h, winrovfr osrrt, iii tae M pi.y!u:!l of mail dixors t-i.a. U H-Jttieeof two sizes; nrtca.a(icenti and tl.no. J"larBer's Safe Item c dioai are aveltl by Drtisgbais and lcdlers in Medicine aTa V aCa W V A MA - 71 J WV e ir4TT.R.wra?)trfi JJ T 1 Bochrner, W. X. . V.BSrrTrd for i V L It 1 :-'! National Bank OK PEATTS.MOl'TH. NEBRASKA, luHN FlT7.riF.RALl . K. i. JJOVEV K. W. Mrl.A Hill LIN. loan O Koi iikK President. Vice President. Cashier. ..Assistant Casliier. This Tank Is now ojieti for business at tlieir ew room, eorio-r Main and Sixth streets, and Is prepared to transact ft general BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bands. Gotd. tisvsrnmenl and Lecsl SMru.'it.os P-Ol i;fIT A Nil SOI. P. UvjHMfiis lieaticed end Interest AlUns , ed on Time Vtrtificalex. DBAI-TS JDia-ATWIN-, Vvailabld in any part of the I'nlted Stutes ami In all the Principal Towns and Cities of Kuropa. 4CK.VTS tOU TSBK H-'ELEHllATEl) Inmah Like anu Allan Line OP KTKAHOH. Person wislnns to bring out their friends from AKrupe can rVRCHASE TICK EH FHOJ1 I S Tkrouch to I lattumoutli. WEBPIHG WATER BANK oz" :e:i kros. This Hank is now open Tor the transaction of a QEITEBAL Banking Exchange Business. DEl'OSITN Ilecc-ived. and Interext allowed oa Time Certi- Bcates. UI1AITH Prawn, aud available in the principal towns and cities of the United States and Europe. Aytn's for the celebrated Mi Line of Steamers. Purchase your tickets from us, Through from Europe to any Point in the West. KEEP BKOS.. 2!.fl Weeping Water. Neb. H. & M. R. R. Time Table. Talcing Kfcet DcvemUr 5, 18S0. FOX OMAHA FUOM PLATTSMOUTII. laveR 7 :20 a. m. Arrives 8 :3o a. in. 2 :4." p. 111. " 4 :00 p. 111. " 7 :oo a. iu. ' 9 :10 a. in. FKOM OMAHA FOil 1'LaTTSMOCT II. Leaves :'( a. m. Arrive 10 :00 a. in. C p. 1:1. 7 :D5 p. 111. 7 ;! - ' " 8 :im " " ' I-Oil HIE W EST. Leaves I'lairsniout!: y :2a a. in. Arrives Lin coln. VI :l: p. in. ; Anivey Kearney, 7: 40 p. in. I eaves Plat tsiuoiit h at 7 :S p. 111. ; anivev at Lincoln at a :') p. 111 . Fr'.t.ur leaves at A :31 a.m. and at S :10 p. 111. Arrive at Lincoln at 4 : r"p. m. and a a) a. m. FUOM THE WEST. Lea-, ei Kearney, o :W a. 111. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .on n. in. Arrives Plattsinouto. 3 :M p. m Leaves Lincoln at & :4j a. in., arrives at I'lHttsinouth 8 a. III. 1 11 ilit leaves Lincoln at 12 :(i.t p. m. and 6 :40 p. 111. Arrives at nausniuuiu at a ;o3 p. 111. auu 1 1 ::rp. 111. COINC. EAST, l'assencer trains leave Flnttsir.ouih at 7 00 a. ni. s o.s a. m . 3 4"i p m. ami arrive at Pucitic Junction at 7 3-1 a. in., B :iu a. 111, ana 4 iu p. in. FUOM THE E ST. Pas"en(jer trainsleave Pacific Junction at 8 30 a. m., 6 4 p. 111., 1000 a. 111. an. 1 arrive ai riaiis- inouiu at VJ a. 111.. 1 K. p. 111. auu iu a. m II. V. It. EC. Time Table. Taking Efcct Sunilny, Dceembrr 5. 18so. WEST. .r ;1."'(HI ! STATIONS. HASTEN US. AY It. r.LL'lv HILL COW EES. AMP.oY liEli (1.' I'D. IN A VALE. HI VKKHiN. FRA!4 KUN. ULOiiMlM. ION. N A PON EE It EPF H LI CAN ALMA OULEANS OXFOP.P AUAPAiloE HAST. 12 :10a- 11 :or, 10 :ii 9 :- 8 : 8 :i) 0 :35 6 :I0 9 :lu 4 :43 4 :IU 3 :4 1 2 1 :M 1 :45 12 :50am 11 :4U e :1 7 8 : J0 8 :: 0 :4l 10 :1.' 18 :.r.5 11 :W 12 :l)pni I 1.' 1 :--M 1 2 : V:o 3 :50 S :00 AIlHIVAIi AMI BEI'AltTlliE OF PLATTS3IOITII 5IAII.K. AKKIVF..S. W'.l'AnTS. ) 7.00 a. iii. I 3.oo p. in. ) S.;Kl a. 111. i ;.i" p. iu. :i.00 p. in 7.'fl a. m I 7.45 a. in. 2. on p. in I oo p. in 1.C0 p. in 7.:n' p. in. 9 30 a. m. KASTf.R.V. WKsTKHN. NOKTMEItV. SOU I IIKKV. S.flo a. in. I 3 fO p. ui. 11. () a m 7.;io p. in. IU. .". a m. 7.:i p. in. i II. CO a in. II oo a m. Nov 10. I- T."K.EPIXO WATER, r .M'TIHII VIIXK. J. W. M.i:sn.LL. P. M. PENSIONS ARE PAID ererr oldier diveb14 in ! v I nu f dut . by accidont or otherwise. A lHVl'M -1 ;ht ktni, lo of flnffer, too J'or eje. lit 11 t"i. t, if but li.l.t. d.- ; as Lmmt tr ai-lcosw Vriita irie a t 1'i-n-iion. t uJer new Uw thiujDls aro ; tutilcd to nit inrrpRs cf penioa. ' A. ldwej.ori'hin nd dtpndetit fatlirj j r moiliera off oluivr b - rirH in tho i urtnr ret a rnn-cn. BOl'XT V lis- t ?har for wotind, in'tirip or ruptun. rivcifullbo'jntv. Priiatuiif reopx lprs1n aTi'l Bi'cntv Arts. Adtlrri P. H. Fitztceralrj & Co., Cla'm Arm.). InUia.iuP"h. lnd. e r-f rto F. A.W.Iavi. Pr't ImlHna P.nnke .. l'd I. I. Ke-nnT. Irc"t V ' TlTTik. both of ladaAJuapuli. auti .a jpawr. a TOTFTT Newt for Boys C iris ! t &iv'l Ynunff and OM ! 1 A NEW 1N r'sCJiijVgTvENTION jut patented lor them, -sSTB ioT Home ue I oTvv-Ccl Kret and Scroll Bawtn. xTtrninff, . . -At n iv:n;. nmo PKKtrv -ir-f.-r-3 Screw Cnttiriff. Price $5 to 5a ( v.'V Ken a t chilis iot w fvr. "P0ME TREATMEm A eertain enre for Nr'Oi : Debility, Seminal a; nma. Imnntonza. etc .ta Recipesuaed in my Vractice for 2& Yf, . sn iiluatratedbookoroOpasee piving l.iU :'nns rorpelf-treatnieot. sPnt TrCS, -Aoa.." Itm NAKM I 111 n ADMh 1 J AMES FETTEE PEaLE in IVlusica! Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The rnrivalled MRMon Jl Ilamiin CABINET ORGANS. Alo State Agent for the Henry F Miller and W. C. Emeron Co. Pianos. SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. I'LATTSMOUTH, NEB. Music Scholars Will do well to examine our New Mason & Hamlin flP'ST r T rCRLD Ilnimmlbiiii but o-ir,:e-At S.qiiare geaUng9 &nl Money Positively Refunded . OUR PltlCHJ LIST ever lai'ds wood I'lEits foi - -Xiate rood IPress wd Hesi igEaiaiBis9 CoSorn Wan-anted -Caistn iriaimefs ; - lositlvely at Siictly at JT9 Itenaeiaalier ! llest Arciic9 tl.S; Mew's Hools5 ooL tl.f Wnll tock Men's Mip9 f0S; Mie ladies9 and Men's Wear as low In IPioiortIon The Best and Ajt Cost l?ilces JBe sure to and If we doia't you tlieir g:ootls. Coisse to tlae SQUARE T JRj IB Jk. 1? jVL 1ST O? . REAT HESS STORE. I. ICIIISJlTY cf QyV. DRWHIfTIER 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mo. A reenlar aradnnto of two Stdical Oolleiwi, ba been lonsor locoted tliaa any othorphysicli in bt.Louia.ae city ptrs ftbow.and nil old resldenta know, eyphiiia, riinr;-T-in niiwt. RtWctrira. Orchitis. RuDture.au 1 Urliiary Byphliitio or MercuriFil AfTectioo of Throat. 8km or Bones carod Safely, PriTiUely. fepermatorrh?a,Sexual Iebdity and ImpotDCT as tha rtfsnlt of Holf-Abav, aioal mxcaaaem in matamr yuarti.or over bminwort r-rod at ins neryoannosa.aemla al eiaieioas, debility, dimce&a of 6 iirbt.dof active mem ory, physical decay, aversion to society confusion of iii.ia, losof saxu.il power.olriit losae,reDlertn max rialinprOirrepermaneafiycureii. nnItatioa atoffcee or by mall tree and in,itol- PnmpMat one stump. Mcdifttiee sent by mail or emrana. Cures rnarantred. Wheredonbt liflta it islrankiy wftntd frIARRIACE pjgft. rims. GUIDE! ThewUoieotory. weJT ' ;J.ait is true touie, oothe fiUowiutt Ptib;ct4: Wui y tn vrry, whrt not, why, Maobool, Woman 9001, Phyalcr.l decay. W ho bo aid ro irrr; btrr life an 1 bA,jpia-a u:ay beiacnsei ;etfects ni utih- enl v -aw4 r.nrl mnnvnaro. '1 COM married rconteiroTi'-htio marriage aiioni J read ii the a kepua dnr loca and key. 25 ctS l-T in moiipy or pos- Cf (.1 : PRESCRIPTION her the poetiy cure of Se-miatu ST IS E. Ik WakinaN, lyt lua.'id, N.rrouanmt, of I !. Aversion to Society l:tfv-u.a Memory an J lisordrs hroug'it on ly S.lf. Abuse. AnydruTirlthatel.i'Tedirinta. Su Loul Curotirw I nat' a.!l9Wt.'harlr. Sr. I.Q'.it. Mo. 70S Chesnut 8t, St. Lowls, Mo. at old efflee, eoutinaM to cur. tsjjermatorrnaa. j: Weal& neea, Impotency.ail forma of By-phUi,ConorrbaBa, Gleet, Urinary or Bladder diseased. Itecent oases enrad In e fewd.iTm. All the di.uMea re-nltinc from aalf.aboaa, ex reawes orsipcura curd fuf lifo with aafo mwiloliia. Adioo free. Caargod low. Call or write in mrlct cfmfldenoa. Bvmptom JSooK Tor two RtAmp Mia ADDiAeonmeui IIIHIaniriMa. MWIhb a, it - ... r . m rnr. nocte THIS IS reserveel for SM ITH, D TO 'GIVE THEM -A. CALL. V P f f Op w SW' KlITV Maia t ifaciiirers9 Cst HBODclDTS amidl Latest Styles of HATS AKO GAPS, Vry Low Fnnioanfiiliiiiaoe! trlcily declare mow wlalle osir iiocl Is Full. see us before speiatlin any moiaey elsewisere9 sell to you9 some otSaer places I?tnaBtf full IPrlce JL&stts y JPeir cDennit ! NEW ? Ilprv PAPffAi SilP I W V I T s 1 vj'jU W WtlV 1 V- an Oil stable in win hawls enlin hj. The New Firm open tin" .M STR EIGHT i.'i'.V on tin- Corm-r of th and IVarl Streols - it li New Livery Outfit. ;ooi HOUSES AND CARKIAfJES at all 1 imc houses Fun sale. fO::SES HOUG1IT AXTJ soli. HOUSES KEPT 1!Y THE DAI' OR WEEK CV.l and see PATTER0N &-DIX0X W i ns s, L iq ue r s -AND CIGABS. Main S!r.-t, opposite Hie Court Houne. T his pia..-e is Just operird. new. good gooo- ot all kind.A. We want to keep a good hotme and ple.-i.se our eustoint-rs. REMEMBPRTSIS. . My SPAOEJ .ACK & CO. nTJoaionsrs the MePricc Sytein. on Goods not as represented foi THIRTY 0.11: CT3 ce our IIH 1' Full Stock H9 Sip5 IFMaiMiiiifl9 I place wliere you are certain 01 TUB FK0.NT PLATFORM, ! A (hat With a Genius hu Has Views on Ihe (.'old Snap. Friiiu the 1'luiadclpliia bui.dy Press. "fold V"'Xt';iinit-d ilit'dri vt-r. "well, 1 should wer-p! It's it wonder tu tiiiit iii I tlie t'.u'-driviM'd jn town weren't iiiz-ii stiff. I've lie.'ii (hi villi; now tor i c.iii) tivi- j ear.-., ;md I wi:;ii I, inav Le rualeil II" lijat r-.ild suap didn't el iivl dnwn .o me winse'ii. anj thii:k I ever sirtir-k. Yoti lolks ii Jin insule were nuwliu we feller on the front was fieezin". How do yon think you would like to get out of lied half a day tirffore still up, holt yiur hreak fast, and am-iiof yourself on Ekis atool for evmtHeii liO'irs with tlie thermometer where it was i;ist weeUV You'd wan! about 510 a minute, wouldn't you? and then j ou wottMn t want to work mor'n about te.i minutes for a day. : "Fros bi ten? Oh, no; there ain't nut hiii" frost-bitien about me. I went out with the sno.v-plovv -drivin' ten heists, you know, an that's no joke on a nippin' cold day. Wi ll it you'll heJevc me, them lit.es ut my iloves ' out as ef ihey.d bbi paper. Then l! Wi lit if bare-handed. Cold ? I t houifht ! e.ery minute I couldi.'t stan'it no iotis-r. inen by and by I didn't mind j it so much. Hands lf:un to Ret i w armer, an' I sez. Hello, treezin. by I deoifre!' an' off I jumps and jis soused my hands- into a bucket of ice-cold ; water. You'd a thought I was bein '.Biirdeied, I howled so. Ain't had no ! trouble wiih my hands s'-nce " 'How alxuit your feet and body?" "I never ge: cold in tlie body. I wear heavy underclothes, a fireman's shirt over that, a knit jacket, a mat an, this big over oat. Then I muffle up ray ears and I'm all right but my feet they do ketch it some-times. Does the company provide you with the blanket you wrap around your lep,?" Nary hlanket. HaTe to buy that ourselves jis as w have to get the stool we set on. The company furnishes these blaiikets for the horses, but If they ketch you with one o'them on you re gain to get the grand bounce on the spot." "Couldn't the company do some thing to shut in the platform and give yu some protection?" "Of course they could, but they won't. They don't cue not bin, 'bout the men. plenty men. von know ain't nothin cheaper that I knew of. Why, I tell von, it a a wonder to me that car- ixi"ren mat till iruus foT ruxtfer. 9 o larare Iiae anil TXEKE.ES ! will l&aveto g:lve ! ! They have enoueh to make Via kill somebody every day. Passenpers swear at 'era, policemen swear at 'em wHfjon-drivers swear at, 'em. thesuper inienrtent. swears at rera. the stable- lioss swears at 'em it's j;st one level streak sweai in all day lontr. A man frits lired (w that and feels like taking a hand himself with a e.'uii. What's a man to look forward to. anyhow? . 1 ou git nspd up an otT you eo. 1 on ean't save puvthine here, and when von irit out o this job frotn sickness von mi;rl:t jist as' well sav vonr prav ers." .ow talk about htinlslin-s of me chanics, farmers and others If there is ;. class of poor abused persons that ned the help of law alio public opin ion it is the car and bus-drivers of (Treat cities. The lrngi h of hours the work ar.d thp endurance expected of them together with their meaure sal ary, calls f..r the interference of the society for the preventitngf cruelty to humans, if there ever was sue: a society. 'l he Inilical.ous of character,1 As manifested in i he general shape f tho head and the form of the face, Illustrate. JJy II. r. Dravton, au.hor f "Light in Dark Places," "Brain and Mind," etc. 12mo, Price in paper 15 cents. Fowler & Wells, P ublishers HV.t ltm:il iv AW V.irk- i liii.i itJLiiija:b ctnu ur.iiij piuiit-u .pi.!.. .....1 ,.A..tiv ;.,fr..i j pamphlet treats in a clear and popuUr stvle of an oltt subject, but discusses ' it iu a manner quite different frm what we are accustomed to. As an iptroduciitm to the study of thephysi- wlogy of the mind, it is a vani.ihl treatise, and to tho e who biive no. the ti.ae or oportunity to pursue th subject iti detail, it will be found both interesting .and useful. To teachers and all who have much to do wiih others.oidoryoung.it will be espec ially sarviceable. Sent by the publish ers 011 receipt of the price. 15 cents, in stamps. The Medical Record says that the en forcement of the medical registration and license law in Illinois brought out the fact that there were 3,300 men prac ticing in the state who could not stand the very moderate test of fitness im posed by the state board of health. In other words, there were according to the Record, 2.300 incompetent practi tioners in the etate of Illinois at that Ctsie. EEitiiTiiesiniliBEBElisli t, . OVER THE IIMS!! qj FSTlOX. Tlie Home Haters i'oiTihly Kekuwcd. London. Febuiaiy 3. In 'he House of Commons the Home link' 111 inbei for Roscommon, Cummins, look his seat at 3:45 a m. having sunken near ly two hours. He was interrupted several timws bv points of order, but Deputy Speaker Play fair stated that although Com in 1 ns was greatly trying the patience of the House, lie was in order. The House is still in session an 5 a. m. At 9 Gladstone entered and was loudly cheered. The Speaker resumed his seat and prohibited furth er debate. Lxcitement followed, a division was taken, and the Govern ment obtained leave to bring in a bill tor the protection of life and property in Ireland by 1C4 to 19. The Home Rule meitbers left tho House in body, and the bill was read for the first time. The second reading being tixed for noon, the Houso adjourned, after sitting continuously forty-two hours. London. I-ebruary 41 p. m. Michael Davitt, the home rule, agita tor, was arrested yesterday by order of the government, and bis ticket of leave has been cancelled. He was arrested in Dublin, while rnssing the Carlisle bridge, by a detective from London. In the house of commons last evening Hon. Mr. Ilarcourt, re iilvintr to an interrogatory by Mr. Parnell as to the reasons for tlie ar rest of Michael Davitt. said that Davitt's conduct had been incompati ble with his ticket of leave. Mr, Harcourt refused to answer Mr. Parnell's (kuesiion as t what condi tions of his ticket of leave h.td been broken. Upon this the smoulder n exci'.enn-iit broke out afresh, and 1 is safe to say that never, in the it cent history of parliament, has such a scene beeu witnessed. Personalities lie w thick and fast, and the speaker was wholly unable to preserve order When ouiet had been restored to a degree, Mr. Gladstone rose to move his resolution for a second reading of ihe coercion bill, Mr. Dillon, home ruler, arose and interrupted tlie pre mier with a sharp comment upon the stt.tiiu.de of the government, and was told bv the speaker to resume his seal This Mr. Dillon refused to do, but persisted in tiuishing his remarks, A moLion to suspend Mr. Dillon from the privileges of the house immediate ly followed, and a as carried by a vote ou division ot ea tor, to od agamsi The speaker then quested Mr. Du :e, but he posi- Ion to leave tre tivtly refused A scence of gro which culminate 1 lion of Mr. Dillon lir ti out bis seal cxci.. ment resulted u 1 .. loicible ejec lv l 1 seryeaul-ut- arms with six asni geant at-anus procec to lav bauds oil hi.u V If 1 lie sei .. 1 is pos.-fc w . 1. Oil IX claimed iii a loud voico submit to totce and t as lie walked out 111 e nil members diiouie.l, "Si.i.tui After the Dillon affair liad i house received Mr. Gialst. .. ould t... alia t . loud cneei s. as tna latter i - u his speecu on his motion on t e oil! Mr. Parnell ruse, and insisted that .he premier be ho longer heard. The speaker called attention to the fact that Mr. Parnell was defying tha house, and ordered him lu sit down. Parnell, following the example of Mr Dillon reiusod to do this, and Mr. Gadsione moved that he be suspended. the motion was carried 011 a division of the house, bv a vote of 403 to 7. a number of the home rulers being otu at the lime. Mr. Parnell was then ar rested and removed amid a scene of unparallelled excitement. The home rulers then one alltr another persisted in defying the speaker, and were named in a body. A company f po lice were brought inlo tl e house at this stage of the proceedings, and stooil read to expel them all. Afier Mr. Parnell had been removed, Mr. Finnagan, home ruler for Ennis, de fied the chair and was removed, the wenty-ei.ht remaining lush ni.-ni- neis, refusing lo go lino the loi.iiiy on l division 111 tlie cases ot ti e IQ m' -: S btf 1 1 ready removed, were all ::fit.i ue spear er at d . h-ir so- . " vo ed 410 lor ai.il six 1 lilire 1 1 loll deh-alhi was li'-i1 , , i tn all ut by the police in tiie mi. 1st unit which, it' possiiile. ii!'p.:ss! i that had preceded i: to-nigh'. WILL KESfJIK TIIElIt SKATS. fhe hmue rule uietnlieis hld a 10 et I mg last niht and agreed to return tlieir seats lo-dav and continue their bs; ruction. TheV also Issued a mani festo to the Irish people, in which they counsel respect for order.but denouive arhament m unni";isiii--d rerun. The arrest of Michael D'Vltt h is caiis-d great excitement throughout Ireland. THE PltKMIKK's SPEECH. Spci-ia! Dispairh to tlie ltee. London, Feb 4. 1 a. m. - Mr. (Jlad lone made a most splnmlid oeeoh in favor of his niotioi; against obstruo ion, and was followed by sir .Staffojd Xortlicoto, who accepted the basis of the land bill, but said that lie wished to slighily amend it. M.itual conces sions were made, as it was the desire of both sides to preserve the dignity of the house. Tlie debate was verv moderate in the absence of the horrrt? rulers, and the motion was carried in triumph. The Parnellites yeste;diy decided after a division upon the second re H- f the coercion tii1!. t!i tt : ?n-v Hnili:nce their illtert i --i nf :t: t,, t " ing forth r protest .l-ut-- ; t!;- govern ment measures, as thi-ir .n.ji.i; iii, was hopeless. MICHAEL DAVITT. Davitt has been taken, af er a short magisterial inquirv, to Pentotiville rison. it is supposed ; the imlice. be ing instructed, give no informotion. He has between four and five years i so prison men t to serve. The stations along the railway frm Holyhead to London were carefully guarded this morning as the train bearing Michael .Davitt proceeded to London. How to Forma Farmer's Alliance.' Ed. II eii a ld: We hear many in quiring about "how to go to work to loiui a farmei's aliiance." We respect fully request the Hekald to publish the following official report of a meet ing to form a subordinate Alliance, held at McCaig's School house on Jan. 19th. thinking it may give seine light on the subject. farmer's meeting JAN. 19, 1881. Meeting called te order, and on mo tion D. 1). Johnson was made chair man, and Turner Zink secretary, T. P. McCarty being called for, stated that the abject of ih meeting was to form a subordinate Faiuin's Alliance, and read the constitution of the Nebraska state Farmer's Alliance, also submitted. a constitution for subordinate Alli ance, be bad drafted for the considera tion of the meeting; after fixing the amount of admission fees, and insert ing the same in the constitution sub mitted, it was adopted and reads as follows: niEAMBLE. We, farmers of Cass County, state of Nt bianka, believing that tho lime lias come when we must uuiie for the pro tection and promotion vf our mutual interests, and that united action, and organization is' necessary, do adopt, the following constitution lor ihe purpose of effecting such an organization: 1. The Alliance shall be constituted of at least seven members, who shall be practical and operative farmers, and shall be known as Elm wood Far mer's Alliance, No. 1, of Cass County. 2. The ebjects of this Alliance are, first, to enable the farmers to better oy united efforts, protect themselves against the encroachments of the great railroad combinations and monopoly, by obtaining the enactment of just and suitable laws, regulating the tax im posed upon those who travel and ship merchandise over such highways, at reasonable and uniform rates; second, to work for the elevation of agriculture, by the united moral and social im provement of its members, which can best be effected by frequent meetings and a free discussion of all questions, religions, political, financial arid do mestic which can possibly interest the real farmer; third, to oppt.se special and class legislation, to endeavor to se cure the nomination and election of good men for office, and spurn as dan germis to liberty, and economy, all po litical rings, machine candidates, and professional official services; fourth, 10 work for .1 more favorable agricul tural legislation, and a more just pro poi'ioii of representation for the far im r iu the halls of law making bodies, 1 10 Ui slate and national. 3. Application for m m'tership shall be made through a member of this Alliance, who shall personally vouch for ihe applicant as beiug a practical, wperati ve larmer, and of g.iwd moral charac er; 1 he application may be re ferred 10 a committee which shall re port at tue next regular meeting un less more time b given; on the report of said committee, whether favorable or unfavorable a ballot shall be had, which shall be by depositing a written or printed tickets, bearing the word yes, or no, the former admitting, the latter re jecting. If two-thirds of the votes cast shall be in favor of the reception of the candidate h shall be admitted t membership by paying admission fees of twenty cents, and signing the comstitution. If less than two-thirds of the votes are in favor ef admitting the candidate he shall be declared re jected. If the application is not re tired to a commitiee, a ballot may be had at the same meeting at which the application is made in the same form as above stated. 4. rue ollicers of the Alliance shall consist of a president, a v.ce president, a secretary and a treasurer, who shall peiloim the duties usually required of Mich officers, and snail be elected, by ballot, lor IIjo term of six mouths. 5. loo Alliance shall livid regular luctjliiigs ai. least once a month, and not of leiier than once a week. Five members shall constitute a quorum; alter the lirst election the officers shall be vlecled at tho first regular meeting 111 July aud January. C, i he presidvut shall appoint a fi nance committee of thrue, who shall au lit all linls be. ore they are paid, aud snail examine the books and ac counts of the treasurer, and report as to their condition on the day or night of each election. Monies shall be paid out of the treasury, only on the order of the secretary countersigned by the president. 7. 'this constitution may be amend ed at any regular meeting of the Alli ance by a two-lairds vote of the mem bers present. 8. ilv-iawa may be made not conflic: ing witli toe constitution. On 11101 ion a recess of five minutes was lakeu to give those who wished . become members ail opportunity to Miiii the constitution. APT Ell K EC ESS. Alee, iiig call, d to older by the CUull- aiiin. (Ja iiiu!i-iii proet e.Ji;d io h.tilt ir r.ii iiii nt oiik'ers. I). D. Jo. .ii ..i. ...I i. P. Met. any weie i.ojji a.ei i'-l l.-r-i'.K'lll. O.l tillllo.i 01 . . i .- i ,.i V lit- .-eel ii .! W.tS till ecte.J j C.l;. tile. I1.1t i.iiil.d o; lie- A lia ce lor D I). Jon.iMon, lot (l ejid, 11 1, alter the si'CIf taiy ii.V; s tMsfltits b.ii.'H .Ir.Jo iim 111 was ii cl.iP-d elected. Oil liwlloij of D.tuiel McC.tig, toe secretary tvs di rected .0 cast the full ballot for I. P. McOiti ly lor secre: ;try, tne b.th'it was so cast, aud Mi C.trly vtas d claied elec ed. Isaac Hopkins was noaiin t ed reas uicr. It was moved and earned th tt the secie.ary c.tsl ih: iiabol for Isaac HopKius as treasurer The Secretary so cast ihe ballot and Mr. Hopkins Wiis declared elected On motion the president was direct ed to appoint a c .iniiii tlee of three to dralt by-laws, and leport at next regu lar meeting. The president appointed as such com iu it tee, McCarty, Dan'l McCaig and Turner Zink. On motion the committee was in truded to fix the date of regnlar meetings on th- first and third Satur day of each tnntli. Tim president appointed as finance commute1, McCr.irv, Forgey, and Geo. Towle. ()iii:iii liiii secretary was ia-:-i:;e.l 10 apply to State Alliance for .1 : . . On motion adjournment ti ..n-er ii; st .Saturday of Feb. at 7 o'i;l';Ck I'. IU. D. D. Johnson, i t: i:Ei4 Zink, President. Secretary. Application for charter shall be ad dressed to J. liurrows. Mtlroy, Gaga Co, Neb., sec. of W. S. F. A. wtio will send charter free of cost. This will require considerable space in your paper but as this questioa is of much interest to your many readers we think such an act would be gratefully received by them. Adirondack. IT.--3 ;. vij -1 arn'lV? P -'nee Ldw nrd, Yu.. : tivrs f-r a --out t. :!tv or;;.:io Lor-:, v.-.o i::,ve arr.ved at XiuiaviUe from j'w i'ot-K. The Chicago Times has fished up the following as part of the recoid of Gen. Van Wyck before and during the During the exciting session of cou grefes which pieceded tue breaking out of the war, uunterwus exceptions w ere taken bv southern members to his vigorous denunciations of stitulion and threat u .Jjer Hon ill Itnce were freely made. Late one sight, while passing the capitol, be was ATTACKED BT THREE MEN, who as they bounced out on him, said iu consequence of his comprehensive abuse of slavery they were about to 'do tor him' in first class style. At ihat time Charlie was iu his prime, broad across the shoulders, above medium height, and lolidly buiit, with hard muscles. In addition he was something of a boxer, and was gifted by nature with that article so useful iu the world known as pluck. He squared himseif al once, and but a few moments after putting up his hands for business the southern gen. ilemen were looking for the last diicb. From that ou ho was veiy rigidly let alone. In the summer ef 18G1 be raised a regiment which went inlo the field as 5tiih New York, but was better known as the Tenth Legion. The legion was composed of ten companies of in fantry twe of cavalry and two bat teries of artillery. It was incorpor ated itito the Army of the Potomac as a regiment in its entirety, but was soon shorn of its cavalry and artillery appendages. ' The cavalrv comuanies were the nucleus around which -was gathered the 1st New York mount-r which did excellent the in-. vkf SERVICE IN VIRGINIA, and Maryland until the close of the of the war. The artillery companies weie afterwards designated as the 7th and 8ih New York Independent bat teries. The SG.h wilh its commander Col. Van Wyck, participated in McClellan's peninsular campaign, suffering severe ly in the battle ot Fair Oaks, where Col. Van Wyck was slightly wounded by a piece of shell. After the battle of Aiilielaui the command was or deied to the southwest ami Col. Van Wyck was decorated with the straps aud buttons of a brigadier general. A FRANK REPLY, In the spring of 1802, when McClel lan's at my lay iu froul of Yorktowu Van W)vk, w hile lit command of the New York volunteer intantry regi ment Wits also a member of the house of representatives from one of ihe western New York districts. Al though iu unit uiin, he was still the heme citizen, solicitous for the wel. taie of his many neighbors in his owtis regiment and other millitary organ- ' izaiious from his section of the coun try. One dark rainy night just before "laps" had sounded, he happened to step into a battery park, and met a private soldierl who requested him to frank a letter The franking privi lege was not then limited as it is now. "Ceriaiuly," replied the citizen, sol dier and congressman, "I'll sit up all night to frank letters for soldiers." The declaration was scarcely utteietl before it was passed from soldier tl soldier and from camp to camp. Sol4 diers from every direction broughty f heir envelepea to Cel. Van Wyck to m frank. Tho Colonel ceremoniously j seated himself in a sutler's tent and went to work. That sutler's supply of envelepea rapidly disapppeared and when reveille sounded in the morning the colonel was still silting eu bis camp stool with a hard tack box, which he had improvised as a table, before him, franking letters for the "boys." In many homesteads to-day in central New York may be fonnd no doubt, the carefully preservd envelop which brought the letter from the sol dier in the field who never ca.ue back bearing en its face the familiar auto-, graph of Charles II. Van Wyck, M. C Mr. Windham's Fuudinf 1)111 Se it enacted by ftc Legislature of iTie State of Nebratka : Skc. 1. Taht any city in the state of Nebiaska may issae bonds for the purpose of funding any and all in debtedness now existing or hereafter created now due or to become due. Provided, thai said bonds shall be pay able in not less Utan leu years and not more than twenty years from date of their issue, aud that said bonds shall bear interest at a rale not exceeding ten per cent, per annum wilh niterest coupons attached, payaolo annually or seiiii-uuiitiitlly, and may levy a tax on all taxable property in the city iti addition lo other taxes for the paymeut oi said coupons as they respectively be come due, and the taxes levied to pay the name shall be payable only ;h cash or said cou;miis. I'rotulea, that the cut cuuiicii i and cities snail fur iii am mo i ii- tasiim-j of said bonds by oidi:: !.'" v. :n-ii so i i.suucied by a iu. j .i 1 .i ihe vie east at an . i i .1 -!i :i-. l i.: .-ci.-fi city tor lli.it pill--. t v j i vs. i.e-uiu ii.r provided. N ..i m. election li be. published in io.ii ie..'i'.a ol siudh weekly paper pui.ii.-i. led in ii:w cily settitiiig lo isniie b-in Is. ix ii. 1 i. it a:iy city i i the state oi .Niiii.i.-ir.ii whit-u ha heieiofore VO..U ..Sid issued ! ml, 1:4 to aid Ilk lIlH lae C'.iiii i iicli'ju of any i.nlrotd or ul.it-i vvoik of inUTuai iul, Movement. tud winch bonds or any part thereof sti.l remain unpaid mid are it legal lia bility agamsi aucu county uad bearing ini.-ie.-i al ten per c-eut. per aim urn is heiehy authorized le iasue coupon bonds al an iiilereiest not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, to be sub stituted in place of and exchanged for audi bonds heretofore issued, when ever such city can effect such substi tution aud exchange, which substitu tion and exchange shall not exceed dollar for dollar. .sec. 3. The bonds issued under the provisions of sec. 2 of this act shall have recited therein th object of tlieir issue, aud the section of the act under which the issue is made, stating the issue to be iu pursuance thereof, and snail also state the number, date and amount af the bond or bends for which ii was substituted, aud such new bond khall not be delivered un til the surrender of the bond er beuds so deaignaied. &ec. 4 the bonds issued under the provision of sec. 2 of this act shall not require a vole of he people to author- . lze such issue, and they shall be paid and ihe levy made and tax collected fur their paymeut iu accordance with provisions of sec. 1 of this act. Sec. 5 All acts aud parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby pealed. Sec. 6. Whereas, an emergency existing, this act shall take effect and be in force from aDd after its passage. i. tt' it will bo very 'ii of Gotbard, :-.r,ZZ, kv elt-ctrio i I 5 A 'J ii a-J "IT" "1 r