-1 r i i f PT' A . M 0 Beneficial Wild Bird. t a recent ruetinr of the Ontario agricultural commission held at Ixmdon, Mr. William E. SanJers, the well-known Canadian ornithologist gave an account of gome insectivorous bird that were worthy of encourajremont. He said he had been enjrnnd in the study of birds for the last seven or eight years, and had examined the crops of probably about two hundred; of ttic birds which were purely insectivorous, the most commou was the largest family of warblers, of which the yellow warbler and Uie red start mostly "tok their food on the wing, but partially on the branches of trees; of the birds which took their food exclusively on the wing there were the flv-catchers, which in cluded the king bird and the peewee; their food was chiefly flies. Moths were numerously caught by night-hawks, and these altogether with Jthe swallows he considered birds beneiicial to the farmer and fruit-srrower. Of the birdj which it W. W. . ;. thi !v;iJ' consisted of moths, f leaves of jf fed partly on the - wing and partly on hj .5r( of the yellow warbler chiefly of the larvae and ergs which they took from the trees; the vireds and cuckoos were birds of the same class, and sirnil- aily beneficial. The bluebird fed raost " ly on insects, though it might take grain when its favorite diet was not obtai ar able. The insects devoured by the last described class of birds were mostly in jurious to the orchadi3t and the farmer. The nuthatch, which was a very eonimon bird, stayed in these latitudes the year round, and lived almost en tirely on insects and their egjs, and chrysalides. The woodpeckers mostly took their food upon trees. The red- headed variety were generally consider- ed a pest on account of their devourinjr so much mut, cmeny cherries and ap plet. The high-holder woodpeckers though it occasionally ate a few cher ries, was on the whole a bird which should be protected, owing to the num ber of insects it devoured. The hairy and downy woodpeckers and the yellow bellied variety were commonly, but he believed unjustly, denominated sap Buckers, and accused of destroying fruit and other trees by extracting the sap from them, lie had never seen trees injured by them, and they were beneficial birds in his estimation. Of the birds which ate their food up on the ground there was first the thrush es, including the robin, the tawny thrush, the brown, . thrush, and the cat bird. From his examination of the maws of the robin he had very little to say in his favor, as they were very de structive to cherries and other fruits, and ate verv few 'nsects chiefly cole- . ojHura and then only when it could not get fruit; the cat bird was allied to the robin, and like it was destructive to raspberries; the tawny and the brown thrushes were almost exclusively in sectivorous. The food of the blackbird famiiy which included the red-winged blackbird, the Trow blackbird, the cow bird, ths meadow lark, and the oriole consisted largely of beetles and larva?; the crow blackbird, however, lived almost entirely oil grain; while the cow bird, like the Kuropean cuckoo, was decidedly injurious by laying its eggs in the nest of other ami beneficial birds. whose young were generally starved to death, owms to the greater size ami more clamorous appitile of the intrud inr brood; the red-winded blackbird fed on the larva; of beetles in the spring, but in the fall it devoured gra:n. About 25 per cent of the food of the meadow larK consisted of beetles and other insects, the remainder bein vegetable food, but of what kind he had been unable to ascertain. The ISathurno oriole was beneficial to the farmer. The sparrow were all pretty much grain feeders, though the gry tm'il or cnip ping sparrow fed largely on- insects. Our variety, the purple finch, devoured the buds of trees, and was injurious 04 that account. The indiiro bird lei mostlv on the seeds of grass and weeds. The ngl'wh sparrow seemed to feed about equally on seed and insects, but he had not examined their itioEiachs. A Lovers' Confidant. . woman whose occupation is the writ ing of letters for persons unable or un willing to conduct correspondence lor themselves lives in New York. She was visited recently, by a Tribune rjwrter. Over the door is a plain, black nml p .white sign, inscribed, '-Letters written Tiy a lady-," wish no name attached. 1 Ringing the bell, he was told to "walk fr up." In a room 011 the third floor he was met by a woman, fashionably dressed, who inquired his business, with an engaging smile. btiieve you write letters, do you notn saw an adverlwement to that ef fect," said the reporter, ac-ating himself. Yes. Do you wish me to write for you? l'ou look as if you niig'.it have education yourself," said the woman, -yuf .the reporter dubiously. "1 wish you to write an invitation for roe to a young lady to go to Daly's to morrow night." i Tess than five minutes the following ny Was ready, written in a bold, clear k aud somewhat lawyerlike hand: Dear Miss 11 : It would give me great pleasure to have you attend with me the performance of "Fins and Xeedles" at Daly's theatre to-morrow evening. Yours respectfully. "Will that do?" queried the writer, handing it to the reporter. "I generally put in more touching remarks, but as you did not ask for them, I have omit ted them." That will do very well. What b the charge?" "Twenty-five cents; and you can have a letter of any reasonable length written for the same price." "Do you lind the business lucrative - at such a small price?" inquired the reporter. "It is small, but then I have a great many to do. I assure you I have not taken up this business as amusement. I was left a widow without any means, bu' having a good education, I thought this was the occupation in which there was the least competition. I some- -times add fortune- telling to my letter- writing but that does not pay so well, as people are gradually getting over .their superstitions. I generally aver age from four to live letters a day, and Ihave had as many as twelve, though jnot often." Of what class generally are your customers?" Most of my business is done with women of German or Irish uationattty, although frequently I have customers who come in carnages and are dressed in the height of fashion persons whose . education has been neglected, and .who have suddenly acquired wealth. "Yon must meet with a great many sad incidents?" "Yes, I do. Many come to me in tears and get me to write to truant lovers or recreant husbands. These require more or less of 'gush' in their letters. Then other letters must be made tearful, as in cases of an erring - son or a drunken father. I could teil you some interesting reminiscences were I not pledged in many cases to secrecy." 'You must have occasion to write a great many love letters." 'Yes more than 50 percent are letters of that description, and a hard time I have sometimes in fully understanding the destination, for many come to me who cannot speak English at all, or if any, of a very unsatisfactory kind." "I suppose you have been the means of making a great many matches?"' ob, yes, and I sometimes think it is rfuite comforting to know that we have brought together persons who were languishing apart from each other. I frequently vrito letters for those who wish to remain unkown. Frequently they are people in good society." At this mon ient a ring sounded from the door-bell, and the letter-writer ex cused herself: for a moment. On re-.,,,-nr she said. "I shall bee you to - Xpe to-day, as I am requested by wriia a letter on a kjvb down stairs the reporter oming np, looking like a 7 n, who was hurrying Enghsi Coffee TaTerns. Statements which are made at the r. cent annual meeting of the Coffee Tavern Company, in London, show that this movement for providing the work ing classes with inn went and healthfu. places of resort, is proving a very prea. success. The operations it the society during the year have more than doub led. Eight new houses have been open ed, and music licenses have been appli ed for by eleven of the taverns, and granted to five. In an address at the meeting. Lord Derby remarked that a coffee-house company had been set up in Liverpool withm the lat two or three years, and that a few months ago, thinking to give it a "lift," he deter mined to buy some of the shares, but j discovered, to his surprise, that there i were noue to be i'.-ul. The enterprise, j which, was Mar:cd with a benevolent purpose, had lo-oe not niy self- 1 t?u-;aiiii:ig but uUt :ble, arid the j 6'iares .stood at a high premium. At Manchester and s.-.m-i ot!;cr j!aees, there h:ul been a Miiii'.ar success. 1 rd ; Derby expressed his opinion that people : should have tiieir choice as to w.rat they would drink; but, hitherto, there had been but very few places where a man could get a cheap cup of anything but that which would make him drunk, and the workingman usually has bad to drink beer or go tuirsty. "The colfeo : taverns gratify the social instinct and afford pleasant places of resort, and the extent to which their patronage has de veloped shows how much they were neeuea. isonion Journal. The Politeness of Our Forefnthors. Not long since, whilst turning over the dusty contents of a box of books labeled "all atttd.," my attention was drawn to arustv little 12mo bound in j well-worn sheepskins. A short exam- j ination showed it was complete, and for i the small sum of C pence I became the possessor of a literary treasure which has since afforded me much gratilica tion and amusement: "The Ilules of Civility; or Certain ways of Deport ment Observed in France amongst All Persons of Quality upon Several Oc casions, Translated out of French," Such is the title of the vvirk which has brought up his train of ideas, and his perusal goes far to convince me that our ancestors were not to be envied. Of the instructions given for behavior at the table, the following are the most curious of tliose that ara tit for general perusal. In eating, observe that your hands be clean; feed not with both your hands, nor keep vour knife in your hand; dip not your fingers in your sauce, nor lic.k when you have done, u ip. your mouth, and keep y'our spoon clean, (iitaw not bones nor handle dogs, nor pprawl upon the floor; and if you have occasion to sneeze or cough, take your hat, or put your napkin before your face. Drink not with your mouth full nor unwiped, nor so long till you are forced to breathe in the glass. He must have a care Lis hand be not first in thedi-.li, miles-; lie be desired to help his neighbors. If you be carv'd 'tis but civil to accept whatever is offered, pulling oil' yur hat s:iil whi n it is d.:io by a supf 'ior. To give any tiling from your own jiiato to auot'ier to eat of though he In: an in ferior, savors of trrog:i:ice, tme-h less an apple or a pear thaihatii been bit by you before. Have a care likewise of blowing froth from off a cup, or any dust from rosislcd apple or a toiu-t; lor the proverb hailii; "There is no wind, but there is some rain." We are to wipe otsr spoon every time we put it in to the dish; M'nw people being so deli cate, they will not eat after a man has cnt wi n ha spoon and isoi wiped it, When dinner is going up to any no! Je man's table wieiv you are a stranger, or of ltj.'tirior qual'ty, 'tis civil and good manners in bo uncovered. If it so happens that you bo a!oua together with a pers u of quality, and the c.adlo be snuii'ed, you ' must do it with the snuffers, not with your fingers, and that neatly and quick, le.-t the person of hmio? be offended vtilh t.ie smell. J-'ront tV.a Aiit 'j '"'. ITEJ3 OF INTEREST. fun Mace, the onc well-known Er'g lisii pugilist, is keeping a large hotel in Melbourne. He is said to have liecome a "model moral man." and is, more over, making money fast. Capt. Stone arrived at Moundville.W. Va.. thirty-five years ago, settled there and planted two seeds, remarking to his family that he would like to raise his own collin. One of these seeds died rut th other flourLihrd ami grew. From a shoot it became u tripling and finally a fine tree. About lghjei-n months ago it waa blown down ju a .se vere wind-storm. Ho had it cut into lumber and sent to a l'i tsburrr. Fa., linn. In a short time it was returned to him in the shape of abcau'ilulct fli:), in which he was recently buried. At the Winter Talace in St. Peters burg there is a room full of diamonds, pearls, ami other precious storm, An Kmpress of Russia is allowed to borrow from this room after giving a receipt fo njiat she takes, and generally the Grand Uucjifsses are allowed to borrow from it also. remember," says M. .Labouchcre, "once going i;jto the room with a French diplomatic lady. She beat a hasty retreat after one glance around, for she felt th: t. if she stayed, her principles would a -crumb to her admiration, and that she would try to steal some of the contents." At Harvard college, students consume A great tieal of mi a and of bread, with much oatmeal and cracked wheat for breakfast. There is comparatively lit tlo coffee used, Oyter soup is a great favorite for dinner, requiring fourteen gallons of oysters for seventy --fH'fl gal Jons of soup. Cciiy, too, is u favor:i at dimmer, nearly three hundred bunches being used daily. The boys also like a plenty of log-eream and very many ap ples and grape. !erf-.steak is large iy consumed at breakfast n;J rp"st beet" at dinner. Scrambled eggs disappear rap idly at breakfast time. Thr was considerable circumstan tial evidence that John Siuiflt murder ed his wife at North F.gromout, Mass. She disappeared very mysteriously, af ter living very unhappily with him. A track was found that looked as though, it had been made by tlraguing a b-.aiy from the house, to a lake" near by; tin old boat was discovc.cd ccnccalcd in some bushes, and it was believed that Si'iifelt had sunk the remains in the water. The lake was persistently drag ged, but the woman was not produced, and the husband was necessarily dis charged from custody, SuspU-iVm fjung to him. however, only to tx di.--pc;L d by the positive pv-of that Mrs, Snu.'eit e.ope.!, aud is sliU living. The census of Vcmi- nt, complete, shows the population to be 3oi',2st, which is less by 2,1'JO than was reported some months ago. This takes away more than half the supposed increase in ten years. It now appears that the pain from c-lieus to census was only half of 1 per cent. The number of males has increased more than twice as much as the number of females, f.ho s-xes being very evenly divided, as tucre are 991 females to every !,00 males. The native population "has in fivased, and the foreign-born residents have utatTcased. There are now less than 41, Ow fcjreigners in Vermont, or only a little more ti.fir V2 per cent. The colored people number hi:f 1,0-13, of whom eleven only are Indians jialf breeds. A curious incident occurred in Paris in the course of th rtviut proceedings against the religious order. As the commissary of police was a! out to put tl e seals on the doors of the Dominio r.ns' chapel, the superior. Father Jouin, remarked to him that there were al reailjr eoir.tj seals on the doors. "I beg of 3-011 Lit said, "Monsieur le Commis sairv not to destroy i.p$e seals. They are historical, being iios th;o) were affixed hv the men of the commute in 1871. We have carefully preserved t i.em as a souvenir of those trying times. I should he obliged If J'DU would not de ft roy them end pl&cs yours cn the side of them- iL Du!a acceded to tho de sire. And tho two eenlj are now side by i ' .. Marriage in Alb?n?a. Albanian very peculiar. Vr'lien a dau:sel arrives j at marriageable age, her parents pub ; lisli the fact among their friends and i acquaintances. Should no suitor come j forward, it rests with her brothers to lind one. A brother thus cirenmstanc j ed will sometimes come up to a male j friend in the street and make the com ! plimentary proposal then and there, j "You are Jrtst the man I wanted to see" thus goes the abrupt formula on these occasions "my sisU-r is now fourteen years old; you must many her." As etiquette forbids a plump refusal, the gentleman thus honored gives a sort of half-ric-uieseence,' and then hurries off to instruct some old lady to net as go between. Shouiil he be" satisfied with the report made, after !i:e itinnirv. hv mis a ivisor. iiie weddin" is arrin-r-o f t...r . 7 , the expectant bridegroom allowed to see 1 his future spouse, ami then it would be ! ... uuui mc l-I ItXSL Illl IIIlfllL 1H contrary to tne prescriptions of society for him to draw back, however unDre- tor the ; i f'ormance of the ceremony, a j very curious piece of etiquette comes ! into play. Among the Asiatics and un- j civilized people generally, it is the rule ! of the bride-elect to feign coyness; but j among Arnauts the bridegroom has to I m.iKe tins pretence. After the marriage feast is over, and the newly-made wife has withdrawn, her husband lingers be hind; aud not until he has been sub jected to a variety of rough linage by her relatives are the prescriptions of etiquette considered to be sufficiently complied with to admit of his follow ing ti e I nly. Here, however, the sub jection of the husband ceases, and his re'gn commences. The wife 5s now subjeet to his caprices, and is expected to iie tubservient to his commands and wishes. Picture Printing. Fanrr Tr-eles U?-ister. Many attempts have been made to print a picture or design in varied col ors by a single impression, but these have all proved more or less defective, owing to the blending of the pigments it!i each other. A new process invent ed recently, is, however, free from this objection, and is so successful, that a manufactory for carrying it out is be ing erected at Passay, near Paris. The secret of sureess consists in employing solid colors in the form of a hard mo saic, from which the impression is made,. This poly-chroir.e block is form ed by making a so id matrix of the ground color, and then etitliug ta;t the pattern by a sharp, steel knife mounted on the end of a jointed parallelogram to keep it vertical while leaving it free to move horizontally. Another way to form this intaglio mold is. to indent it by a wood or steel die, on which th picture is cut in relict. H10 various paints are poured into the mold in hot ami liquid stale, one after another taking care alwavsto allow the preceil ingoiiC. to cool. When the whole de- siii'n is linisiied, and the mosaic com p:cle, it is shaved with a keen stee .;n:fe so as to give it a Hat, smooth, lev el surface. It is then put into a jjower- Inl press, rcsetuhitng that used tv litho graphers; the material to be printed i laid face downwards on its slitriitly moistened surface, and a series of roll ers are passed over it once or twice, so as to impart the picture to it- Ihe print then exposed for a few seconds to the heat of a hot plate in order t drive off volatile solvents and fix th colors, which are thereby rendered so permanent that thev will stand expo. ure to the sun. Cloths painted in this way only lose to the picture when their t!a-;jes wear awav; and a piece of vel vet boiled for t:lt hours in a strong rol:i.s i soI'.i'MTi still rc-t:miiu sino of ti'o c i'iir. Water-color drawings and oil pa'.n'ins i-iin bo ropro lti I on pa Pr bv l!:is plan so as to uri'Sfn: tho :v.- .:'.;; !)''e ol clnmo-lillop'a;(i i.i;co-T.i;)'.i tint h?re is a f.ir e 1.1 ! 1 lieta n-r Ilia niutliwil jn printing rie:l!i: ilill iiesijrns ol Uo'urlitis ftrj' !m-sia tapo-itry on textile fa!ric. form pictorial screens and curtail;: 1 A. -.1) :.s Ji scat at tlie R"Ston Brokers' board la vdlucd at $5,000. In the AfHc.in Methodist church of North Carolina there are ooo hundred local preachers and ninety-two exhort ers. A sleam sawmill, the first in the prov ince, lia Woa openeil at l'hilippopolis, and has afforded en opportunity for a dinner eoinmemorativo ul ih event. Leopold von lianke, the historian of tho iKipes of Rome, not satisfied with havinp; triven to tho world nearly as many volumes as he has years and the illu.stfJijDS chronicler is'older than the Germaii jrmirv, is busily enaed in a new work on universal history, the first two vohtmea of which !' expected to ajipear soon, dealing with the oldest historical group of peoples. Including the Greeks. A trial was made in Berlin recently in pfe'n.cc of Count Moltke of a newly invented traocioii pnejne, adapted to military purposes. This engine drey five heavy eruns of fiftcea-centimc-trfi bore through the streets for over two Jiours at the cost of two marks an hour. The trial was considered by Count Mollis nn4 the stall' very satisfactory. jYobably f.ht traction cpine will Le conie an in-tittitiou in. the (jenan ormv. r In tin VI1I4 of Ktigenie, at Biarritz, tho most intoreMi .;o; rooin js that which belonged to tint PiiuCi Imperial, The bed is still there whL'h ho occupied wi on he lir.-t visited the place, a boy of 12 ears of age. On his writing-table suli remain the blotches of ink, and in l.'i: bookcase is a curious memorandum wriiUit iv the late Emperor, of direc tions for a lmiij expedition which the yiHirrr Triuce was to take w,ith his bonne to 1'aU. Tinal judgment for 4, 956.59 has been t:iken jii tho postotlice suit at Norwich, Conn., of Mower ."-.gninstTubbs, in which tl;e plaiiitill" recovery tojf jiionoys em bf..!ed by the defendant, while assist ant pOKij):ist; r at New London. The phiiiit ll Ls f he of Gen. Mower, a c-M-ps commander mler fjt-n. Sherman diiiMi:; tho late war, amj was appointeil r 'nst-t:.tre? New Loudon, by I'rsir il.-.a Giant. It is ttiii-g",j i,at 1'iibbs 'ovured up i:is property U boat thtj ( Xl'i utiou. Tl.f wif- of Cnwn earned Dougherty, of tiiat there was j-.d i:n'or a roi'k ai liising Sun, near NV'iifiin! ; n. A'-eording to the dream tiie;-' uiii ;i:os I oven d brick on tho rcK, At 1 :-tiy'a fjilhpr-in-law, Tl.oiiias D itic'-'eriy, lialni faifh jn li.a tlri'am, took M:. D. to Rising Sun and they fnnui ti.e rook with the brick on it. Thrva met kpntit fyeral hours digging under the rock. Wiiftt thtsy fuiijii), or rather didn't tinJ, the Ihrtw tUdh pj-ob ably know. A novel and ingenious idea occurred to the late Siamese Embassador at the C,'ourt of St. James. During his stay in Londo. hj. excellency appears to have been fasoiuaicd by the gaudy grandeur of the Albeit !Ut;iua',M. lbs instructed his silversmith to f:ihion the iiu.iicl of the memorial in fuc-wimile so far as the general outline, but to modify the de tails whenever they jarred upon the feelings of a devout liuddhist, and to replace the central figure by a spirited iuo. of his Siamese majesty. He then transported fhe figure to Siam. A scandalous case is Reported from RatUljpp. A well-known phy&.cian. Dr. Kchmcjcher, after having lived with t his wife in complete harmony for twen.- ! ty jears. tell violently iu love with a young girl of 18. m Both were Roman Catholics, and in order that he mi rht obtain a divorce the doctor became". a Protestant. The church . exeommuni .&avUd bim, and forbade tho girl to mar ry bfno. Meyitrtheless the maariage did tk place, though Jho pruple were obliged to go to Kurenberg ti get the ceremony performed, so greir was tho lr?ir)aUon against them at Ritisbon. a '.' THE SUN FOR 1881. Everybody reads The Sun. In the edition of min lit-iax r tliruuglioui the year to come everybody win Bud : J. All the world's news, so presented that the reader ill get the greatest kiiiuuiiI of iiifurnia li.m iih tuu least unprofitable expenditure of time and eyesight. The Sun loiic u discov ered tl. golden mean be: aeeii redundant lul nes8.aiid tiii.'ati.tactury brevllv. 11. Much ul (hat mm of news which depends lets uimu its recognized importance than upon it Interest to mankind. From iiiornitiK ta moiiiiug 'I he Sun prints a t-ominned vtory -oi tlie lives of real tneii snid women, and of t heir deeds, tilaiiB. loves, I ales, and troubles. This alory is more varied aud more interesting than any romance thai was ever devised. Hi. l.ood writing in every column, and fresh ness, oi iuiiiHlity, accuracy, and decorum ill I ho ire.itiiiHiit of every subject IV. Honest counn'Mit. The Suit's habit Is to speak out fearie&sly about men aftd things. V. EUal candor iu dealing with each imliti cal party, aud eual readiness to commend w hat Is praisuoittiy or t rebuke what Is blam alile iu lviniirr.it or Kepublicaii. W Ah-oltile iiideieudeuce of 'artisan .r g:iiiu;u ions, but unwavering lovaltv the line lieiiiix'ratic princiiiles. I lie huii believes that the tiovernmeiil which the Constitution lrives - 1 1' ' a KuaHiniie keep. Its notion of duty Is '-'i-i 10 iis uiniost ower me enoris ot men in me i.t iiuuiii-aii puny to et up another form I -overnuvut in place of that w hich exists. 1 ue er lssi and 11, e year immediately follow -liirf wili probably decide tln supremely impor- it .iu--t. The suu beii ty wt" l" people -. leves inai tne vi to ils aitaiiist the Hinus tM:t tne KI:i!N tor iilnioier am ttiM ui 'un nierini power. l:ii it-rm- ure as follows : Korllie ii.iily Sun. a four i.i:c sheet of ient -eitiit '-filumus, the priee by nlail. post c:uil. is ,v eento a mouth. r e.30 & year; or. Ii.cnirih.ir the Sunday paner, an eiht-paije sheet ol titty - six columns, the price Is 65 cents a '.until, or S7.T0 a year postage paid. J he Si:nila edition of Ihe Mtiu is also fur nishfd separately at I.20 year. potaue paid. 'I be price 01 the Weekly Suu. emlil paces. IHIy-Mx eolumui. is 1 a vear. pontage paid, r'or clubs uf leu 3n.lina sii) we will send au extra ropy five. AddreKS I. W. Enuh.vp. astti 1'ub islierof The Sun, New York City. TR0YCITY LAUNDRY. rLATfsnOi'TU. XKU, Wm.B"BROWlT .!1 erderi .rotii tly attended able ebares. to. at reason -K)t mi. inns daiilino, SOUTH BEND, NEK. DRUGS, PA 1 NTS, pi L, ETC., FLOUR AND GROCERIES 1:1 neral. Ir Darling Ik ali-o a rrueti.siujr riiysleliin and can a! way be found nt lii,s Otliee In the Dru? Store. Bcei.il mtentiou paid to OBSTERICAL CASES. SlniG Palace Barber Shop. J. C BOONE, Vnder flunk Ciinutii's tiiwewery Store.. & COLD BA.THS i Al.WAVS fi'KADY. CLEAN NEW PLAGE, j mid now N tlie tune to get SHAVED .lAMI'OOKD HAJK-CCT, or auytlihis elne In tllP tonsoriul way. at Jjilni liooue's New Shop, Corner Main and Tiftll Street, i-lai iKinoutlt, n .rbratik. JK F, Mathews, DKALKK IN Hardware, Cdtlery, Fails, If on, Hasoh Morli, iFarta SXatTrinmi. vTOVl'S and TIN-WA11K, Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD dt UAlthlih' EEJ)S, ROPE, AND A I.J. KINDS OF SHEET IRO.S WORK, Ktpt in Stock. 3laUlairX tint Klt-paii iiipr, DONE WITH NEATNESS & PJSPATCH. All ff'oiA' lilfi-,lflfcj. lilt ROBERT DONNELLY'S "W3-OJ7 4 NU BLA.;K311TI! SHOP. Wwjon, JimtMh Machine and J'loio re pairing, $tivi jiptjerql jobbing I am now .iv,uvd t do uli :iii5 ;f i. ui in. in iinu oiner iliac Jllli'ir, I? a Kod lilt he In my ahop. PETER RA O EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker i has taken charge of the wucou shop. i lie Is well known tin a ' NO. 1 WORKMAN. j ScW Wk.oaj Djjd f Ji-l-ira. arm fir to j Uript. . H SATISFACTION (il'AKAii'lf.kl). . j Slu. ) on Sixth street fonoiiteiieiuht's Rtahle CSoisig wESastf ; i:ok i MA HA. CCirhCia. bi-i;ri"5 . f aP ASXA Cl f Y or'pmTTSM'JTfAs CHICAGO, Wli ,v :ijiv tfi iif.vfi,iii. :.irt iii:f.if Willi Tino;ai.ii Sleeiiinif Car Lines - Til M v voi:k r.:siox. i ii.'i.ADhl.rHlA. i s i. :.; r. , Niiii; ms, AND ALL EASTERN, CITIES. V a MOfcIA f r I2,l:.i:,ai",l:.-. i:rTnu.E. ciycix- X.12'1. e.i-iu'l int.nl-i .-(.'. T. LOUIS V i n- lUriM-i i 'iiir.riUi-n ara u:::i'.e li Slt--j)ii.j ti.e 'r MON l'Kli T Willi 'I itrmi.-ri .ii:.-.- for oil ii'ilils Mil 'TH. lu- Sliorlf st. Sj.eoiIieM and nirsst Cniifort:iblc v a HANMSAL to Fi. ?fJ7"r. Pf.yiltOX, DALLAS. IIOL'STUX A L'sTiX. A X A V J ;. Xl'J. OALVKSTOX. B!l !l H-!J -.f. TEXAS, l'ull:ii;:)i li-rl ri litou MeepliiK C:ir. IS. & O. I'al:icw iH'ilw iiiir-lt.iolii Ciiiri. Willi Um ton's f.i-i-li!iir,i; C'liHirs. N KxlrM I'liarf fr St-ata in hfi'liitmi; rhairw. 'J'be funiuu 1'., 1'.. & J. j'aiace H inius C'ar. Kasi K't'"!' list Tiinf. Stt-el Il:til Tnioh and Superior u,.-iu puinliiiiwil witli tneirfiret.' Thruutih ir Ai'twiijrrfnt. "lul.ea f t ia alteve allolbrrs. tue fUkVui'ita I.u.u;.s ; '.lie TKV IT. and jou will flmlTRAVKI.HiLu. ury .mstt ad uf a DWcomfurt. All Infom.ation aboutl Kates of Fara, 81tci fnc Car AccouioioUatlous, and Tiuia Tabltv, will be cheerfully giveu by ailyiuj; to James It. Tl'ood, c.; smtu. ' T A li V. T1IP. ' "i-'TRriWrarrJEi.. HENRY BCFCK DEALER IN 17 u pniture, , SAFES, CHAIRS, . rrc, rrc, etc.. Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODE1T COiaSTS Of all sues, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINB HEARSE IS 0V KKAUV EUt: SEUVlCh. With man thanks for past pairona.' invite nil to call ami examine my LARGE STOCK Of 1S Fl ItTI'",Tr', A.l itlV I tXf "3 jr. i. J. .-5 'A 1 Us 39 S a. ft. -1 t-, a- It 3 r. S. x 3 5-4 .0 S a - re's -n, ? t Z Pi . z ten J c C ia 3 1 4. 3. o r. 3. 5 s i lr iiivi 1 . . i- 1 O n i i ,ia i.'ilit. 3 auriiikr. f;:'.lin;'iA and r . ' l-i- .t i. aioi: s iii ij era Oo :.':.. 'I'i-.. IU 'Ai:KER jU."OtU IONIC it trie r. l,' utaod Pun: r and '. i.,.l.n aa.i r-ireuxtii Ueatorer l.-!t.' t M-4. rr'eot ij t ia con.:Jtion cr ri-iEsa's a T'Mic l-i t no i-CMt-c e.-iB l exlsM frwrhTd bwTw it iw lltie j. II -u Lavu D'UCBio. Hcad- .eK, K.-. .ui.i-tttm, t-. itufigi, LVwVl, Kidney or Li r D.iar.lor. cr it von ned tl mild etiiu uinit. a.oetirtr, tho Tofic Is just the med ', lointf - yiai, ta it " IiVh-!7 ruroa.ro aiKl in . !ior:iria iv.it nvi-r ir.tox.-cing. . if you fJT slovrlr wisurg way T.iUi fair-', 'Mmpt-o or r.rr s'ekiscsn, if yru have a Psiohill tomi iu- a i' ui l'lasina Mtsc.ntx lame will snrvly help you. It irives new lira and rtror to tae fwblo and oed, and isaeertaia, 'cure for r.n-uiiutism and CKolara Ifinfitum. It Il3 t.At.-d Jlnnilrrii at .Itm It HJ K&ffw Iwora. ! If j-u ara fso'ing misior.b! rlon'f nit until you art? flown nik, lint ue flits rio?;x: to-aay. No mutter v i-aivoi'-r i!iiisrtrt"iu,toiiisina.j be It w.H ci u proraut reiit-i. Kj-nii m!er I i axiiu'ii Gisors Towrc is not a rum drink but the Best and FVrt.it Family Md.cina ever mad'v oompounded hy a now. nrpcrfsn. and emirely drfTerent frn' Hitters," giiwer prernirariona ond eM otlter Tmiif-s. Try, a SOe. bottle. Your drujegiat can supply you. . riiniiiif PWKsR'S HAIR BALSAM Tha Bet and Bint Economical Hair Dretsluf axquiii:c!y perfumed and perfectly harmlcst. TrTill Alwj Rettora Gray or Faded Hair to It orisinal youthful rnk.! and appesrrance, and ! aruracu-J lo stop iu faliiii2. a-'i in fuwfh anj Brevent baldness. - ' ' A few applications of the B am wi'l suten the Imir, cleana all dLandnirT and cure iichiag and hi;- a( uc ti&ip. oa-u ay au arugfuu nf yft. ASTHMA! CZmAU ASTHMA CtrflSf to the riKtK'Icnt -il cr ibuib 10 id LH.ni.i v rm Vmri by irjuaiAtior, thu racli in tho diroea I j : n .1 in.r. r. ml.i.r.).!. . ' n I rMuias t .a i'u-..va. t umiiu.us ireo expocurulloa aad e' us C tf g? c3 whrw alt othtr rtmrdirwff 11.- lav 5- dSmfA tral witleoriT:neothcuM Siutlc- .T ilucn.-!::-.. ii;rcot tnj arfur failinal rTert. I-r-.:i ut. ailDlll. Jr'-.a package fxww. I Ot Cnjatt '.r I.T rnf II f 'r ar-vrtip. C.t lhic cr.., I X -w. Ill snail n copy FREE! oi i'J- sew iiuou, -KECICAL COMMON SENSE." ai-.;-., iy;.' rrrvm who will, e :i ii.. nr.m i"H 'i-av.-j:;,v (. jirt Tn aw o:ir s llt.-i:iir tvilll COSSl'SlKI'KJo. Ai'ilf.. C'ATAIeltll, SOItK 1HKOAT. r r.ItSNti: i I f t)i- i.'if.irmaljun in 111 a Fvook is of u: i! iu.., it pmy in ihe prm-Heuce of tiod. ....... .. i !;.,. A.l.lrcsa. tfli. .V. It dilf. 1 l"nillll UU, t InelnualL O. IF The Old Grocery r oocls Altliousti 'Lection is ovr wo re r,.t 0U WILL FINDATF.S. WHITES ONE OF THE LARGEST BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN THE TOWN. a;EkeivwIirec crista per tlsasa ever. -O-- Tlie nicest Gatv iVjrtjr Allc? for sale. Over "iOO H.-irrcls down Colhv . Potatoes by the Car-loWd, PEACH BLOWS CASH PAID FOR HIDES FURS, TALLOW, dC, at WHO IS UNACQIM'NTSO WITH TH5 &fce fif tXAfr-iWiraO laV yV wt i..-raa "t, -! w.-r' a.Tr. .t . 7. afS" t,ll a l.ljn,1au' . J4iiL .f l".j- 'I-' SkWirMj'i j,V " Jojm s CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT C0NM CTI5. LINK Its main ltua rtina frpni C'tiiofttfo t lonarnl SnilTa. irawainc thnnrch Ju'ipt. crtuao. La ruilw. rneaeil. at ohua. Hck iaiaoit. Oaranport. Woat T.tDCia's. aTfo Cltr.aretiso. Drirolclaii. rnoncir. ft f oinaa illin avtu of Iowa', luart. Allan lie, aud Afbcai will. brnbthH ftam Burau Ju actios ta Peoria; Wlll.m jwiiru'uu iaidoa tlae. WaatalnKtoo. KairtK-ltl. Kljon. Illkri, C'atrailia. Frincetan. Trcntoa. Oallatla. Catxa roa. LaaTaawortta. Atcbiaon. and Eaaaaa City; WaaUinataa to fiiowjurne. kalwvsa. aud Knai. wilia: Kwukua to Karaiinaton. Itnaarta, baa aonapori. ladepandeal. Kldun. Ottanwa. KUdf Tllla. Oskalooaa. Pelia. Id a a row. and iraa Moidm: r.swWD vo Monroe; uwaMuiawa to Inaiaaiuiaaaa rlnleraet; Atlantic to Lwwn and ludubon; and roea to Harlaa. Taia ta awaaiaaia th or.iT IairC4. wbica wna. aad eparauu a vuroutta Itirouta Kkpraaa Fa,inaf Tralqs. vita Poll i&a PalacaCaraaitaoliad.axwrtiiCwacii way dail aa hod t.uicaaT9 (uhb la aaiaaw ei aaaraa. Elo Palacwl itaraaa t.'U vaib Bl ,oa aad imvtBia. tint rra. LaavanwaaTa and soa. Tferaugaaanaraalaaraobatvaeaafllwiir iaa aad Kauaaa Cur. via wka atu' iwauaaa aura taiana an ua Iim -ureal loat laland" la aBaa-ntflaoaM qaippow. Ita waa4 ow4 ia auaaly act awe. aad B traei ia lata with a two I raila. M'aat will a I waow aaoot will k waa alaaaar f oalortas roar an owl a. vkilo aaaaaaa ator ma waaattrnl wmtriwo of llliaaaa aaa low a. to woo of en aaaamnlwwa aHalaa Can waaa aaeoaapaar all t Uroaaa flnrewa Traiaa. Tea aa, aa eaiUra . aa raa aa la aer-rwil ka aar araa-waaaa aaral. rwraarfsTV wmw. Lnwaoatlnf tlw fwwt thwa a rwwjnrtrr at wka 'rla-rraefer pewarwta apwa-iaaoaaa for olffsrww t a llpa warraatliiB'atf, wa at a wa4 to arw- f lajoaww-inaBNasw ieaaanr waainam oaaae taaa imiMiaiBMir raua r-wvaiana IT' iaMpvat Oara tor alwapaag anirBvaaa, aad Pi n. W tafo aaenwnat avaa rbiailavaibte aU yatar XUJIIIALI.. tOaat arTaywCljBtaOdwlll. w "V ro lift pcaf -t iit5jz ."' S??? ii 1 -TS -VI IUIIM . ssaax oust ul Readings! Recitations! Lcicuiicn! ?5T' HQ in N0W REAor.q lis I np n iBTysTT s. v WI I 1 111. XX V. S5) 703 Chestnut 5L, f hllidsiphb. J Thl cntir ! Dnif.vnnW'h th u4 ronulrt - ether HUnrs v .u4. I Dn-l.aiUrai rj l.csJIncs. loaMulu nittiKl. rtr). t'tukoa, lliucr, t id. rnts.30 ct-Euu)a fr. il.ibf lit-ok ,t,i-'rt. Vh WW HMclklio ?.'ow iSnvli t. r we rr bT who svrr.it j !;.., very n"mh.r of 1 V UM Clr.brar-. .. .. t furl I l.uftcairc.. VJjOtlT11lTBo.kOr "DlALOOlTo," i i: u. i. 71 f Battle Creek, Michigan, THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Engines' and Horse- Powers. MwatOwpIetoTwmme Factory Estabtlehsd ta tkm W.rid. J 343 A A VflDQ of continuous ondiueeevSv .!. ml 'B I KMrlw) net; wajioi.l cun' iro of ran.. xnanarnniAnt, or Uvation. to bark ,pn t;.m iraw mmwy y . s vn all our jill. STEAM.POWTR SrP.tHATOIW rd ComDletO htOnUI lufTtl4 m.'-'St -j-'uli-. JnsM Tract o.i lln.m'aa 1 I'laio Utijf kiivjt verseftn in Uto Auirricfii mark"-. A muttitudu of spr-ial fetuures uri tfj-'ir-i:. ? for IHl, toretbfr with ir qtni'iti 1-1 n:n ana rnvxtmritxlt n't dri.f.lill ot "V tth ri ".a"; ; Four utv4 of tfci.a-r t'irH, frora to 1 2 Ltrj. CAi'fccity, f-T irran or hrri i nr.-. Two Ptyleti f .Motiri-ci " H' r--TV' 7,600,000 rr: couvtantly' on haT, fr::i v ii-n i- 1 j. -'t : Tninnmi niivr-'r. ' " ikronyOMltmnft dumbt nt- wtfa. a. IO, 13 Uuiko ie.vir. f . r i t . . ' r- -. .v. . Farmera and Tlirrrhrrnii-n ti ir Ir '-ctik-nto Uiia w. urlilct Tlinwlu:: . Mrculam mint fn. A-iil-.- jiii NICHOLS, SHr RF & T Bal;: Cr? c:-. M . O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Hedicines, AND ALL PAPER, All Paper A I. SO DEALKir booizs. Stationery. Maazinoh AND Latest Vuhl i;ioji. lrrrri.tioi ( nrf r!li,v Kr.MKiiitaa 'ynu yiM ; Oth ST., 2 DOORS SOUTH O j? MAIN' TLATTSMOrTH. VKK. D bland. Umie s iUn .ii.Js, by u lonx cliot. lb- alA'J iwm tmt nt tl JIBI(H3t I 1 um I IK w. a i mimeu net! u t j iv 4a - rilinr.f..A I "ESaialCH . IN ' is;- PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. 4i'rv Siii. CEOCRAPHY CF THIS CCUNTRY, WIU. 1HIS W.P, THAT THE BETWEEN THE EAST Jt THE WEST I ulna Curt foreatine t grr:it fr-atui t of our Palate Care la a sMnIu bAIjN wnert ynn can enjoy your iiarana" at ail boura of the Cay. il.:tn:!lir-nl Jr.jn Uriilsv apan the Mlsalaalpof and JUiaaonri rircra at a.l ptjiiita crossed by that tine, nud irauftfcrsare aroided at Council bluffa; Ka'ifOl I iir. l-Paveuw.'itli. and AtcUuon. CUD; uei-ttona belDK made in L:nipn lWpfHv 1 ILK I-i:il IPAI. It. It. COSK.-TIlKS D TU1S OUKAT tUlXOWS : mi Uirico. wllti Eaat and S.mth. innui.ua tj. ana aw all dirarginc line for tba At l.i;itooD, wita the L. S. ft ai 8, and P.. i t, w. a . k. una. AtW'ASai.NUTO.M BCICBTw. with P.. C. ft St. I. B. U. At La 8ai li. with III. Cent. R. R. AtPs.rtua. aub P. P. ft J.; P. 1. ft tl L B. W : 1.1. Mid.: end T. P. W. Rfla ' At Rock Iimvd, with -Milwaukee ft Rook Iaiacd Short I.ina." and Rock lal'd ft Peo. Rds. AtDiiIi'uj witu na iyavewart piTtaij At'vf aa-ir I iusmtt. with the p.. C. R. ft V. S, H, At Gkinmlu with eattai iowa E B. At Das Moines, wiia . m. ft ff. k U. R. AlCoi-NciI, Blu rra. vita L'oiwa Paetoe R. K. At Oki HI. wit B. ft Ma. R. K. li. la Nit.) ; Oi l aaraJritr-riaiN.wiia .r. k. ft M.R.R, At OTTtatvr A. witti Lentrwi u oi,i:riijrc-ti t. I- ft Pac. and r. B. ft O R Rda iuwaaw K. s At Votl'K, with Tel- Pea. ft War.: Wab, tC Lame ft P aad ft- U. Kea. ft H.-W. B. K4A. At ( ABiiaoK. with n.ttJ H.K. At AJrcniwoa. m Aten., Topwka ft wanta Tm Atrh- i Set. and Ten. Br. UP. HTftda. ai MA'HwoHa. wita cao. i'ao aaa vwna. sv. nai AtKairfc.s Cttt. wtia ait Rsea for Ua Weai net tvMII) W-c-y beaae tieke arfHea. a.dreew. E. 1ST. .IOHK, iict, 1 Ha. mom Aflt, HOTEL. CITY HOTEL FLATTSMOl'TH, NEB. First e1as Uiduitig Rooms. Tli-st Class Roardlns. Cooil Sample K(iom Everj thtij and verj- eonifort ; A Oood Hotel can Funii h Also, tlood Wines. Hood Bcer, Good Liquo s. Hood Lemonade, Cood Cluurn, Kept at the t-'itj Sotel. Uly Fr!EI. ;OOS. fmprietor 3 A G. MATT l .v. v. ;. 1 'b':;i. l:V..i:, Street . -. ei I t.i'y on li f.vy .v?ut -St'jp. r.M,er .f oil.. r!:ttlviuotith nit for frrsli. teudei metit. l. - OR. BUTTS1 SlUlsUUM 1147 t U V. 8ti SlrNt, 37. LZ7 fTlHE PbrlcUiM IB thtrr of IbM old I ml well ks X 1 rglar IraJumtc in wi,kioc ,rd ai.r,r. lw (kill u4 Mitr M Bwtli niaiHif ut ir..i nt ! IHT m tlMf Iiimw, lkt thmr C4iur,d b.ioua1 unit.. fttffc lft,W IrMUMri W COBkpilC,t,d CM.,. IMaarj TnwU. M4 wrpkiHU, or BoworUI aScOn. o, ih, tmrwU. okJa or kwawa, wila htttw, cm khh Ic mrnr onloa wiuool waiar M.TrT or Un liouii M.J'c...... YOUNC MEN "lt who ... luf. HwJ gWMMww Unuf from Ihr rH.fl. im krl.r rira ot rooaol ".-i.n..., u rrmlt of til i!.ui in .m.ib or oscroi 10 outurwa vonrr. aro rw:arar.i:r cinl 1 M Jta. oaaa prailuaot aaoia a Ui foliawiaf ,oVrn tn, ,. u: , t).-;y.m. wiaiiaaaa, aarrouaaaai, 4.aun al ai,' t. .uf S. i. .,,, aooalalita. ,ixidrf , ranuala ol kit . arr-ian In owtr. oafertira Tiir. arrual uhiuikv. i,. - .1.. 1, 'REATED1'' Ma.laiti.rrn. mmi&entii i.- r- lir. ffr-.i. ., loir,. Liw w aueottoaa la or iM.rrf i.c iaji...n Am.iri.. i .. Wrcol Biarfaa fr aa aaa aJdraa, aa ar.'Lr i . .n . Afanow. aaaarlu from Koolaro .aoola iraV ta.IrM la v WwaaJ Irsrji aaaaalalaw la Uair a.aatapr. It 1. r iri.a-.ji ValrroyiMcalt' up .inrw caali Jat.n .1, -I , ,( , .... ftxA s - ' v-wr-. V - - . msr imzmw mi wheels Tn vri I nnl n l iirator nar an Aaron Munlnr sm4cM Bjy siiniao nod avdlclndrl v ncrrnct In fa UKMIW ai Ore avralia, WW1" QlailUQO. a raoue qiulluoo. Savea iH d rleaao It retuli far i la oAaMrncted durw.b'r. la CaiahwU rap RlarLM. mitn. I i. and awr-jt aatiHraetrMry ruacMaa I Jiut. rrtil tiwaoBn wnt craln aa wrU a la inn most eaWBonuaaJ. liaat exreu. tba vhhkwi. nan unuanei wnt cram . rvtil tla aal Iu ttr. laaceoaaal In tbr-Mlana tux aud i aaal In tbrMlalnataaaudUmotiir.i y. ibrrwlj. aa arr. r ma orvwnur irmii aa well aad cnariv . Tl . . I Oanmfr anih u won and rnarlv aa rauidw a wraft.aaxl imirOrea bo chna-e exurj.t thwsleviM. i'r J et of eprartti tt.m m. and eleomina eur. '. and row not aw ro tkan a ay other aaorAino wuuir, and row not aa w aaaia a V other aau orv-lavarfMf. fa both o ttovBk iici.i.i? ani luKlrtr-h'iiFt our ATTAC U.ENT la Ttc-.fi ilia work mora IN tiflV' and vrrr dirab: ..tl.y and livrhnr.. oettcr tuan an eioluiivcly KJ'JAHATOI?S f tfcn tp-Hivb tlias j ol Af All Ir-iyii-rrvfrt frurer, an Improved VfMdi:iry Power, an.l t!i tl-raril T ur!- Kirijr flower, nil UHnnto-f m jri:,r nh... aro 'aatj-.l.'acriipea b? vs. ar.J are not ifui ... tn a rirlw. Wo ,.r-.riM to fn-:!h I ortniTio lnAinea vith our Urireorii. IVt I'rk-I.'t n w3 O-Tnlarn, adai-ess ty i v f..! - -.4. t. a. Iff. , t.T i'y n .- it.",. r J 1 fit lT I, I., U i;r, um .nt. -fa i ri-t. mum fIl I bate l.j b!. tr. w4.lH.art ta. THC PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER' CfOe, Ac. on Sperm tjn hot ta Aiapc.Tcncy. I'm sul-itue m-: be ;a law "). -wa 1'- r tpM v( -'a ' I-;aswute U ty La. a a j Mt. b. Dtb litv. i . s-.-aaa .,..; tr, W, Cw.fci.f, .r tDra -ihT.rVaUi nt Iti" " "-- p'aturr. l wf n -TfrU' TfifM wail mnti nprMi. Whtrr otiMr prf. (: rntullti.i. ftrmrrrnt, n t-trt. U mi tpirt C . ! to tnt atntwerod br pUe, t- detirn; 1rtmtul i, r, my il-lrruAa :ji Vwt(r,r yor bnr.k r vratmm kM-r.a HRrTTM, It Ka-th "til hu. M. LsMltk, Mm JIHI H Ml I I I klfcW ! 'WMMgiHMaianatJJ . US E i? Wfrsu.-.Xilvic ii Unmka bl. Ioi3 VflMTPO A cr.mp.um bu.iacu aiariincaca ' r.51 B ta aaw ro..i.ty in tl.e L. . u .cil Ui '(.-r!o. j:a i t ti.af. 1'i.ila kunal:.." ly u trr. tiaa. l.,.lii-.,v,!i(Jnr..,a,,, . r ltri.r.1. Il.r aiUCl Irra, r....! i-, l".ai will ii.viirr a a 07 lit r rwrr imi a aiaatk. iVCurt IM Mi SaTlUk Ai. I lB.lv., i: -x iaei. i. U,u,.M0. si p"--;:;v,,v.r- S !r;',i; 5 Jt 1 ' e.ri . Sarin ft rrT'-w. C r-r.- tfttw r'iVJ l-tw,! wMlr-r llama.,. f .Mr. M bliO ".Ve r-couin-.rcd 'nrlci's Iron IMIkIu .. . v ".;-,n ;ybp ,f V ;i!c, 5 TV-r.'ri i;'. r,;.,: : . -..i-. iMlr.y there v.l:o l.uvc 1 ! in, Iiu ! i '- Ii-iia Ft it. n:i! v. Iio rrc virhout -rcijpli f.r Ar.;1;!::c n. 1!irp r::.s iji:it Ihr X.rrea. give 5n ii j. t li to the 1 Ty, rilrrr. I;e- -it:i- f: "p. r n:-. .' u nM I: r'nir- He onaittr OT :hrl lWlfit t, Mli.l 1 :.i .iv hnd I- ' i ! ri-n I ho i oi:i- IV it::".. ii i t tl I;, art. vis ll.-ndache, i.nj fthrr tcnr.a r t!.: t Irou ia ' .rd, r.nd in tl.e liM .ro iilio vahi- f-.onpTH-ga. Tr- :i.l.:i. !."-"i:T'.ir ... P:;i..s in I Ih ..., a1 t.ir roll J"'.. '15 Of II l I .r :;L!..Uf. Ollrr'alran I i' 1 r un n I '...!.l;'. N ! '.ir 'r..:l, i.i. A.,- :.:: o a tr. . '.k-1 with Nrrvo-ia t-'w '.M.t". A-. In ri-fai bri'-s. a d hyn:l drur.'i-ti', or aei!t b CARTER fi. EDfCINE CO., New York City. - I:-.l;Et V. j IS? kral C.3. ar l :. a;;vr Klha IhU (kan.r. .....aj. i a.:ii.: ii. r.. - ; I M c r,-.-ta Ml Hicti !'.. .1 1 cm t tiw,. tr.Jf juDDT foaR. . 't -upfl liarft. Ai'rtU, .V Mr.... ASColTSO iSa rJ.e.:o r . irVANTP. i. r,'ic,&t. Leoii, S4k ' rr Of ii Lit...); mPm it V -Si rrtTZJ -V-1. . ,,nvr.-.a: .r, ."a eara of fiemtntd Smrawtona tad tuiuuwiTr if-n. traaaar, aa-.ll. Apotaanav u'h.m.!W A r; T -l U ana taa ortmtry yiraia .f l.f .. 1 :. Km! aw Wat ia r ,.. aaaa. aa4 tf a p. whaf a a, avl a 4. er wadn. fe w a. aaaataa. &.. ita pr frail, a. I-rawaal .avi.af a wwa.alr rarua Itaa la a U pm aa.frt omiUiiaao ircaw TV- r. Otina a W orc4 af iw. 1 0 iwg aid car law r.rr arrralaai traa.ia. TO. R.rf . pMj, aaawua a. I fW.r imwmjJ. a bw., a J a .i. ul mm. ra i. ... aa Ma. r. fkal VaaaCwaaa X J r.. . a-.-a..a .aA'- r -a l..-...: r.,a4raa v. vot 4 jLtrrt. pT. UO. f v.. M-wtffifff l.KtLe, tirti tr ... i-.Ti ii,, iKTi). 1 1 rmrV I -rad-ir scriacCm, litva CJ-.taa fa' f y JMbaU Ck.ifa r. K7V - ! : Jkrr-;H- rurf c fc-J tif aaf J.C TtZi.4C l-ivt I till! t trr tft-a arr c. Wiak , Ja. tt, rf r-1 fciv Htl p y.F pvha -..Ik, 4. at J M. E- nHr awer-wJ mm pieFLl. 1 .-.J fMC - wwt Jfl , arsfBl ll-Mbf. Wi tlrc fSI, Wtltn.a jt, ttaae. Oct. I. M I u mimmrnt i p f4 at t-jr Pat 1 - t WfrrhtrJ ft e-.tr. . . 1 aja jt,) T m. kc1i tf a ai I wm matfmrtt ta kf . I fru o ta aa.Md aa iaa a.!.!! rrafwoiia alav. aal raiwal aair fat t ( - rTv, I t'.ttc1. ma Wwcrs Was m 4nmt m au- - a I ra u! w.-nT ai . f-r Vhtf It 1 aaa rr H.atBftfi.1. lav. KCi- wNrh r rttal mmoit-arr haaar ir-4. V' ft 4aoj a frtat MtvwC - J . "v'? r :;- fn- irari .1 olc : re T' w-mnr-i a wlMwa. -. anwi W .' x'wf'i K'l. fui rtrtTtrii., iavi X .,'t'; L!1: ---art ir-rt..7ar., f U.! ... . yr -r oat ! j. . : . . aar fu'iat-t, .aa ri I . fn-e.' I 4.-.:.n ! t f.aVaVaara trtrr.bti knot., i H Ii rrj ,u e . "viif. ,i :;.,.,zt i parn. J oi.r ;c. .'u.-r-itnt. c.'.i.tirrl rj.'uw.r i.o.mrelr Ik, a. .t r " , , narwiiaa ar iaa .rriaai. .l, ,r ... ar CMP.'M. - 4Mwa.-rv.aar waaraa taaaa U niain . wi. r. 'M.atRl l,,i,ior a.v-fa-: , !! -mtr. ... a,f 1 P-. 1 in :-- n.T-1- -. K7 ;JpLIIIflM BENNETT & DEAI.EIIS IN AGENTS FOR THE I'ELE The elaIet ie Sm Oasli raid for Here We are with BLANKETS, COMFORTS. SUA WLS, SKIRTS. CASSIMERl-S, JEANS. VALISES, DRFSS, rib Rons, laces, carpets, floor oil WINDOW SHADES atvi FlA'TUREs, ,f .. fv. j BOOTS, SHOES zs Mats, Caps, and Hoods, ; UXDKKWEAi:. Al l, COLoi;. ,'!) SIZI!S 'V puioj-'s to iuiT Kvi:h'vi5orv. GLOVES if MITTENS TO FIT El Also the best Select Stock eei ie8, satinet ' -i 1 ami Driet ware and Glassware in tlie City. aAll of which ivc guarantee to sell as iow as anybotl'. to close Cash Buyers, ami for large (ju;ntilic. W. S .S. MAIM- STREET. Tlx Old S&eZiab!e i ALWAYS AHEAD GREATER HA KG We slu w the largest an J&ut&9 laocs, O F XV K ARK GIVING Real Genuine Barqains! This Season in every ilejifirltnent. Wc will TOiassIirate n&stv; coiEsat all IPrlee IIkIw foy per c&mt. mf WW -m . au at the I'hilailelphia Store, make your I'lirch and you AviJl SOLOMOInT m it ii if 1 us 13 s J. V. WECK (suwersir to '-ViHMVN 11 ETA 1 1. DF.A LKK IV STAPLE and PAITCY DRY GOODS. A full B of r-Yi-iy il'-K. A Sppclalty in ;u le ?t?5 rjri? -ct' Paid for Choice Suller and Coun ' CNo Better FLOUR any where. are, fi t w r K.'flt in fllll !,tc Til! . 0 Cl.. .47' MY It-'furdd iu nil Van- STORE a?r3Iont"j I ':(' Our Motto is ' Live l Sail .Hill Sff IK "U1' K:i-t ( ..rii. uiieensw 0". "V. WECKBAOH ay SM TH, BLACK to aivE LEWIS 3 JJUATKI) LEA'E ot: in -O of the city. Butter and a Complete Stock aoi'M. nuciff.G CLOTH 3IATTIXGH J2TID . A'ROTICS, ' ERYhODV. both in SIZK d- PRICE of Htricilv iirsl-clas .ro 1 Fruits, 'lobae-.-os. ()nofiii- H. BAKER & CO. T A INS o THAN i:T.R. i hr t electcil lui 59 lUsstj C1a iw. 9 - r ' . a CJIWA G0 I ISC: he happy. & 1TATHADT. ? ACH, X A- WI'r'KIS V( H 1 line of Q H B :.nil.ii Ihe ldv, )'! Il'l chesi." Prcdut. Mis, m k rocket mm Ml ."i.Jil. tf. ;j , Foil B.IR . 1 v.v t..i).l- ftr- IJ,! llrpili tvl. and Let Liv r M -in :il-l 'J-iiir.I 11. 11- li'l'i : 5-; ! i CM tih-ieim: call I 4 M i ) V bad sometulny Unporfr (i