Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 13, 1881, Image 4

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    V ,
. r- . v
v... .v
3- .
3 45
; iehid jfb'fefiijsinTS can-
nT . ""
15 00
D. jQirtBiilary nd xpenses
cc"U Nov. 1880. 59 C3
J. D. Tutt, issuing cprtifictes
; of tlectioB. JToy. 1880 45 63
t Omaha Republican, deed print-
T ' ing Ac, 39 23
E. II. Wooley, strvices as Supt.
I'ublic Instruction 74 80
i . P. B. Murphy, boarding pria-
;, ouers in cennty jail 83 CO
y R. W. Ilyers, jailor's fees 43 00
Mrs. Mary Wilson, on wasliing
prlauners' clothing 1 CO
j R. W. IIyr, for Bailiff Dist.
Court. Nov. term 1880 173 00
: Insane case Wni. spencer,
R. W. Hyers, etal 23 15
j Z. C. Wentwortb, one b.'ank
j book for Dist. Court 4 25
i State journal abstracts of tlec-
'i , ion. &c 5 05
V Geo. V. Brojtan.reward for the
i arrest of Henry Bill 50 00
f II. M. Busbnell. b;.r docket &.C.. 45 50
) M. A. Ilartigan, defeHdins pris-
oners, um. uourc w w
C. G. Ilereld, clothes far pris-
oners. S, . .. .-. . . 12 75
uutbuian & Weckbach, msr-
chandise fr jail 100
F. R. Guthman, rent for jury
room 10 00
Nebraska Hkkald, sundry
printing 4S la
W.'C. Showalter, clerk Disi.
Court '. 19 20
Time and Mileage, Grand Jury
men, Nov. term Diat. Court. 119 80
Time and Mileage, Petit Jury
men Nov. term Dist. Court. . 316 CO
State of Nebraska, vs James &
Fjx Hardick 12 63
State of Neb. vs. Blake HilUe-
brand 42 23
State of Neb. va Charles Sutu-
per.... 23 78
State of Neb. vs llob. Williams 19 05
II. HoffuirisUr 217 20
-f ' "Juaeph Wilson 58 C3
jiteplien Os-
State of Neb. vs Henry Bill . .
Claim of witnesses before
Grand jury Nov. term 1880..
;-tate mt Neb. vs Abraui J.
32 00
HO 58
150 40
20 43
The following claims were then al
lowed on gtmeral fund for lhe refund
ing of taxes erroneously paid on
school laud less 1-10.
Claim of J.J. Roberts
" John Creamer
"Jolm McCarroll..
" " P. A. Hortin
-II. J.Davis
42 51
14 72
103 10
28 53
Ordered that the County "clerk l
and is hereby instructed to draw war
rants on general fund for clerks and
judges of election as shown by their
The following claims were then al
lowed. PoorFBiid:
C. G. Ilerold, clothing for pau
Guthman and Wuckbach, mer
chandise to Mrs. Coffer, Nov.
and Dec
-1T...U. Schnildknecht, County
I'hy- quarter ending Dec.
9 SO
12 00
44 75
iiaVnbury, boarding pau-
pers. Poor House, mouths of
Oct. and Nov. 1880
F. S. White, merchandise fur
nished paupers
26 50
4 00
Buttery and White, wood for
E. G. Dovey & Son, merchan
dise to paupers.
U. V. Mathews, stoves &c.
Poor House
Bridge Fund:
Cummins & Richy, lumber for
road dist
H. A. Waterman & Son, Lou-
5 30
40 23
17 28
137 40
1S2 20
12 45
11 36
5 50
isville, lumber for road dist..
ir.TTaTerman & Son, 1'latts-
moath, lumber for road dit.
Kobt. Donnelly, repairing road
scrapers 4c
J. S. Duke, nails &c. read dist.
Hehhs Bros, nails &c., road
The following claims were then al
lewed oneueral fund:
Sage Bros. assigned to Jevvett
& Co. merchandise ' for Jail.
&c -
U. V. Mathews m'd'se. stoves,
Willitt Pttenger Legal servi
ces, Henry Hofmeister to be
allowed b District Attorney
37 54
;i oo
13 00
A indication ef B. Cole was
r - r f
on fys school land saiisf.tctory proof
having baeu made that careful iai
proveroent had leu made on land.
The fallowing bonds were then ap
' proved: -
Official bond of Levi Churchill Mip'r
road district No. 33 wiih Wm.Gilmour
j and S. C Patterson as sureties.
' Official bond mf Alfred Hawkins
ttpread district No. 50. wit. O. M.
Bench aud M. J. Burns as sureties.
Official bond f t5. Meisinyer sup'r
district No. with J. B. Mtisinger
and J. M. Meisinger us sureties.
?4 Official Bond of G. M. Flower. Sup'r
lload District Ne. 32. with Ii. G Gr-
don and Samuel K. Sudth as sureties.
J .Official., bond of John Pkilpot for
1 v ftirfr roud'diatric' No. 34 wiih J.iui-s
i Morelyaml Emmit Sc'tnider as sure-
' Official bond of G. W. Jol.nsen sup'r
road district No. 53, with L. J. Evans
and L Simon as sureties. "
Official bond of Christian D. Kens
anaesser Stove Creek precinct with A.
G. ElliotC E. A. Stophen and Jacob
Eusteriilt as sureties. "
Official bofRd at Anderson Rouse as
sessor Greenwood irieclnrt TVtth Owen
r,71 , 4,, , r " . - 1
fiarsaaj -ndJwln Jeary tts atiretlt-a,
LITE -- : I
read districi
SiW.41p-H ovlLiH'ed' to next
fae&ijn&iung, Dec 8th. 1880 at
Vedxesday. Dee. 8th 1880.
-,ftJ'ard met pursuatit t( adjuurmiient
full Board present. After which the
following was done to-wit:
The following claims were then al
lowed on General Fund:
Theodore lit in refunding poll
tax erroneously paid . 3 00
James Crawford. services as Co.
Commissioner, Dec. 1880 11 50
Sara'l Richardson, services as
Co. Commissioner 10 00
Isaac Wiles, services as Co.
Commissioner ' 9 00
Bridge fun 1:
F. Ost.suo'r road district No.
53 for work done upon bridge
as per. order Co. Coin'rs 84 00
Older allowed John Thompson on
Guthman & Weeklaeh for five dollars
per week in m'd'se until revoked by
tho Board or discontinued by the Co.
Order allowed J. M. Patterson for
three dollars on poor fund.
Order allowed Mrs. Ellen F. Fogar s
on W. II. Baker & Co., for four dollars
per week in ui'd'se until revoked by
the Board or discontinued by the Co.
The following official bonds were
then approved:
OBicial bond of Geo. W. Fairield.
assessor I'hn ttmouth city and precinct
with J. W. Barnes and J. V. Weck
bach as sureties.
Official bond of A. A. Laverty as
sessor Tipton piecinct with W. Mc
Cleland, S. M. I'ruety and Fred K.
Iledson as sureties.
Official bond of Fred Ost sup'r read
district No 58 with L. J. Griffith and
Alfred Kline as sureties.
Official bond of James Boot sup'r
road district No. 37 wi'li Anderson
Hoot and John W. Edmunds as sure
ties. Ordered that the claim agaiiirft Geo.
S. Huby for main tai nance of his wt(V
Isabeile Ruby in Insane Asylum and
the s.imu is heieby canceled by reason
of Said Ruby having set out and fur
nished fiuil trees for Counly on poor
Oiut red that the Clerk be and is
hereby instructed to procure thiee
copies of Judge Maxwell's Pleadi-2S
and Practice tor use of County Clerk,
Clerk of District couit and County
Claim of J. M. Earn. ins for taxc
heretofore paid on 30 acres of u. w.
and n. e. section 30 raiie 11 township
11 amounting o 314. 17 alter deduct
ing 1-10 was allowed and by ordc-T of
the Co. Cora'is, warrant was ordered
to be drawn in favor of J. M. Patter
son, Co. Treasurer, to apply on person
al taxes Iu by said Eamans to Cass
Co. Board there adjourned to met-1
Wedneday, Jan. 5th, 1881.
Attest: " Jas. CiiAWFonr,
i Conns
J. D. Tt'TT, S. HlfcHAUDSOX,
Co. Cierk. Isaac Wiles,
Uood Literature.
This is the appropriate name of a
weekly newspaper at 60 cents a
year, which is certainly one of the
most marvelous products of- the now
famous "Literary Revolution." It
give for this pittance about twice as
much matter as eithar of the $4.00
magazines, and i filled with the latest
news that worth knowing, about
books and authors, condensed, poin'e 1
opinions of the best literary i-nljeg
co;.iciri ing new and standard bonks,
with choice readings from those of
j;reatet interest, reprintinj; some val
uable book entire. It is jutt now
giving serially LTarda, a Romance f
Ancient Eirvpt," an ii,:torical navel
of remarkable intere.-t and beauty
which l:is justly won rank by the side,
of Scott's -lyanhoe," Bui wer s "Pui-
peit" and Kinsley's Hypaiia." A
series of articles on "The Choice of
Books." by Mr. ChaS. F. Richardson,
is worth, to any thoughtful reader, far i
more than the of the paper. A I
specimen copy will be pent free, or j
the paper will be sent three months on j
trial for the nominal price of 10 wjjts, j
by the publishers the American isook
hxrhanue. Tribune Building,
York Ci y.
Vcw 1
German tramps so greatly abound in
Switzerland, and have lately become
such an intolerable nuisance, and the
Vexatious requirements of the German
authorities render their extradition so
difficult, that the Federal Council have
been constrained to apply to Trinee
Bismark for a moUtcationof the treaty
which regulates the return of the neces
sitous citizens of the two countries to
their respective domiciles.
A splendid picture, whi.-h will not
fail to create much sensation at the
Salon, is that of "LeDrapeau," by M.
Georges Bert rand, the author pf the
"Fenime a TOiubrello Kouge." so much
admired last year fur the brilliancy of
its coloring. The standard-bearer of
the Cnirassi'i-s has died at hi post of
honor, killed by a buliet. His compan
ions return with his body, still on horse?
back, anil holding the colors they have
fastened on his breast and saddle. A
gloomy, wintry landscape is the scene
of the episode.
Ti e Czar Las pardoned his nephew,
the Grand Duke Nicholas Constaniiiio
vitcu, whose reckless extravagance and
consequent lawlessness were the occa
sion of his incarceration and subse
quent exile to central Asia. Ther? the
young mun has conducted himself in
an exemplary, bianner. Greatly inter
ested in the construction of a "rail way
connecting Siberia with the western
purt of the Russian empire, the Grand
Duke Las himse.f explored the respec
tive reionw, and written a masterly re
port on the best line to be selected for
the grand enterprise. The Czar, touch
ed ty hi-; newpiiew's penitence, and
probably moved by his mother's incisr
s:nt supplication, is said to have grant
ed him permission to return to St. Pet
ersburg. M. Oscar do Lafayette, grandson of
Washington's companion-in- arms,
writes ;j plea.-ant letter to the Cow pens
centetmird :mmitt,c. in which lie s:v-:
The pre. in-diiarfcs f atlection w lii. h
liav.- Ie-n !: n by kha f-.tizoiis of the
U.-iiled :! s to him wiio os a devot
ed servant in tLe rausc of thu war iA )n,
deiendeneo are to hi3 descendants of
inestimable value. 1 hava several times
bad oeca-ion to make tiiis statement,
both in the name of my family and la
niv own name, and would not re
in this letter were it not my d&
Chairman, to express to you onca moro
my personal seutaucuu, those the
deepest gratitude toward the American
people. Yon may, therefore, rest as
sured of my lively sympathy with all
! that;; relates to the consideration and
vnac - relates mo tyujmeiauoD ana .
c - inry 0f vour great rcrtublic, and it is 1
r--7 J -V-. 4fcaj;Mia In t
i1' yV:-- K -'.- - - j
. - X 1
hat lovclv boots vour partner s trot.
Mary!" Mary (ditto) "Yes unfortun
ately he shines at the wrong end."
She "Mr. Slow, are those two men
that have jnst pased brothers?" He
m aw know that one or them is; but
Tm aw not quite sure of the other."
The oensus shows something' like
twenty per centum more female than
males in the country's population.
Well, we can't have too much of a good
A Murray hill. New York, girl has had
oncof her shapely feet modeled in mar-
oie, ana has presented it as a Dirthiiay
present to her affianced uusbaad for a
paper weight.
"How shall I have my bonnet trim
med," asked Maria, "so that it shall
agree with my complexion?" "If you
want it to match your face, have it
plain," replied hateful JIattio.
Boy (to a lady visitor): "Teacher,
there's a ral over thero a winkin' at
me. lenelicr: "Well then don t look
at her." Boy: "But if I don't look at
her she'll wink at somebody else."
Some photographer in New York Is
sanl to have two hundred ard iilty-three
"dii-tinct negatives of a MKs" Maud
Bra n scorn be. Evidently a fellow who
"will not take no for an answer.
Drawing-room episode: AC'able duch
ess (to amateur tenor, who has just been
warbling M. Gounod s last) "Charm
jng! charming! iou must rcallv get
somebody to introduce you to me!"
A slight misunderstanding: "Do you
ever wink; Miss Evangeline?"' "Do I
ever vrhnt, Mr. Smvtne?" "What do
you mean sir?'. "Well skate if you
pwcler the expression:
"Eugenie; Eugenic, will you still m
elst on wearing the hair of another wo
man upon your head?" "Alphonso,
Alphonso, do you Mill insist upon wear
ing the skin oi another calf upon your
"Kiss," said young Charles, "is a
noun, we allow; but tell me, my dear, is
it proper or common?" Lovely Mary
blushed deep and exclaimed: "Why I
vow, I think that a kiss is both proper
and common.
A woman accidentally went to church
with two bonnets on her head ono
stuck inside the other and the other
women in the congregation almost died
of envy. 1 hey thought it was a new
kind of bonnet, and loo sweet for any
Circumstantial evidence: "Who's
that frizzly black-haired woman talking
to my husband on the ottoman ?" "S!ies
a Mrs. Cadogan Sniytho." "Indeed!
She's good at flattering people, I should
sav, and knows how to lav it on pretty
thick." "Ah! you infer that, no doubt.
from her attitude anil expression:
"Oil, dear, no; from 1113- husband's."
Sha was n big, buxom lass-, and when
fcor Krta'i leau calied one evening she
paid: "ti od evening1 ia'.y. "1 111 no
lilv," ho icp.ied, m'u'pi l-ti'd -'i the idea;
oti are the lily; men are never li.'.ios.
"lea sometimes taey are. and you es-
neciallv are a
How's that?"
"Lilliputian." lie then looked as if he
wished he was an elephant
A renial mistake: New Beauty (un
versed nt vt in the mv.-teries of lnirii
life) "Who's that vou.iJerIul old gen
tleman? 7 liie Captain r
de Kirby, a Hampshire baronet, one of
the oldest in England; James tl.c First's
tsroalluji, vou know." New Beauty (de
termined t u ti!rprietl at not Inn r)
Indeetl! How well prascr-yed he is! I
shouldn t have thought him mora than
seventy or eighty!"
Relijnon is more than mere opinion.
fnore than mere sentiment, more than
mere emotion; it is the fusion of the in
tellect and the spirit, tlje united energies
of mind and will and soul, bendir.or them
selves to the formation of a life of integ
rity and nobleness.
The Garland Toilet '
This is the kind of gown which one
entirely anonymous r'riiiichyoinnn goes
to a dinner. It is made of hidiutropa
satin vierveillcuse, but these simple
words convey no Idea of iU appearance.
The material is drawn together In such
a way that it looks like a garland of
vioiets. now it is done rrencti dress
makers only know, but it is done and is
placod in a deep band around the lower
part of thi eVirt. The front of the pet
ticoat is slightly puffed and trimmed
with Alencon lice. The Waist opens
like a kerchief in front and has large
plaits behind. The sleeves are trimmed
with three rows of lace and fastened up
with bows of satin, and a dog collar of
vjoifA yclvet aud a Russian chain of
chased silver arc v.Crn about the neck.
Art in Needlework.
The rooms of the Boston Society of
Decorative Art are full of forthcoming
holiday attractions. The Kensington
needlewoik, as taught by Mrs. Smith, of
the Royal Sc'kk.1 Art Needlework in
Eng'and, is art needlework, indeed, and
0"t caricature, as so much of this vrork
i is. n is aimpie anu pure in uesign, nar
I monious in colors, and adapted to the
! article on which it is placed.
1 "IIosv does interest in this woit com
pare between the ladies of England and
: America?" was inquired of Mrs. Smith.
! "The interest in Boston and New
' York, which are all I know of America,
; is exceedingly good." Jlrs. Smith re
plied, "but that of England is greater,
: owing, perhaps, to diiTerencc of lifo,
i I'liC Princess Louise established this
school of needlework, and all the Prin
' .esses embroider. This makes the work
very fashionable among the titled no
bility, who iL ns a pastime. Their
example in turn eneowsgfs many gen
tlewomen who need to add to;mall
income to undertake this work, as it Is
boiisidered so lady-like an employment,
and beiij fashionable the demand
for it and the. prices ppjd are good. It
is more remunerative in LnuiS'i than
What clas3 of ladies do you have
principally htrq jn Boston for pupils?"
"We have, perhaps, nearly all," re
plied the lady. "Here, as in Ecjland,
tho work is fashionable and is largely
done by ladies of leisure. We have a
great many young lady pupils who take
it as a pleasant recreation for the adorn
ment of their own homes and for gift?
to friends. Then we also have many
who do tho work for sala, to add to a
small income. It could hardly be eaid
to ever be done to earn a living alone,
as the demand is not sufficient here, but
the occasional sales may be quite an as
sistance." The Boston rooms are very attractive
now. A portfolio, embroidered in silk
and old-gold satin, the flowers and leaves
veined in gold and to be mounted with
velvet, is a beautiful piece of work. A
cliairbpl; in applique, the ground a
garnet with tha design in gold and
green, was shown. Promenade and
chatelaine bags are in all varieties ot
color a ad design. There is already on
hand. too. ua assortment of sofa pillows,
chairbacks, Afghan and tabljj linen.
A child's neglageo of whito fiauibid.
was embroidered ia colors, a vine with
I-aves and birds- running around the
bottom above the hem andup the sides,
"with cuffs, collars and pockets.' The
table hueu ij treated with decorative
designs. A tea-cloiu "has in the four
corners four Dictures in outlin ili. '-
eneat itrra Miss GieenoI"''3 story, "Out at 'rapid
ire Mr 'ie WmJ "Naptrros- and- doylies T tains.
hae their stories to tell On a set of T so gci
fruit tioylies is the story of 'JacIi ind
Jill." from the hour of their triumphant
seuing out to the hour of their humilia
tion and downfall, 0a another is tlia
scene from tho verso
."Marr. Mrr, qntto contrarr. - 1 L
Hfi-' PLiTTS3fO?TP. NEBi'1 1- ' J
MirtifilX? TtrtVv do notavc
JtyuWWi We of thvtUhxyft?
kieMiivVlih nine jaanUx0thc GoOK-
'ilk weio-h Jnomx6J J4uMs. aftl
osixtpafuifttn' months weigh
tVlOUl U KJ Li UU. 1 11 tl C QIC 11J
ita.iae'iswhen they are exceptions and
At 1 rri 11 . : 11
oui me ruio. me punets wiu averngo
8 to 10 pounds, and hens from 9 to 12
pounds. They are so well known that
further description would be superfluous.
American Stockman.
Black Cochins.
The Black Cochin is without donbt
the most profitable of the Cochin varie
ties. They are not so large as the Buff
or Partridge, but large enough to make
tine table fowl, and much better
layers. The cocks when 18 months old
weigh from 10 to 12 pounds, and hens
from 7J to 9 pounds. They are vory
active, and so less subject to disease
and less inclined to sit. As their names
would suggest, they are black, but it
must be a rich, glossy black. They
have a single comb, which should be
medium size. Short neck, but neatly
eurved and covered with a. rich, glossy
tackle; broad back, with a geutle slant
toward the tail, which should be short;
their breast should be full and broad.
American Stockman.
How they Marry in Poland.
IIave you read M. Tissot's account of
Polish marriage in the Moniteur
Univcrsel? It will amuse the ladies, I
am sure. In Poland, it seems, it is not
the would-be bridegroom who proposes
to his lady love, but a friend. The two
go together to the young girl's House,
carrying with them a loaf of bread, a
bottle of brandy and a new pocket
handkerchief. When they are shown
into the "best" room the friend asks
for a wine glass; if it is produced at
once it is a good sign; if not, they take
their leave without another word, as
they understand that their proposal
would not be accepted. Suppose, how
ever, that the desirea wine glass is
forthcoming, then the friend drinks to
the father and mother's health, and
then asks where their daughter is, upon
which the mother goes to fetch her.
When she comes into the room the
friend (always the friend) offers her the
glass, filled with brandy. If she puts it
to her lips she is willing, and then the
proposal is made at once. But it is tha
fashion to refuse it several times before
finally accepting. Then the friend
takes out the new handkerchief and
ties the young people.s hands together
with it, after which it is tied round tha
girls head, and she wears it as a sign
of betrothal till her wedding day.
which is very soon afterwards, as on
the Sunday .following the proposal the
banns are published. On the wedding
day itself all the bridesmen and brides?
maids go round to all the friend and
acquaintances of the two families and
invite them to the wedding. At each
house they must dance a Cracovian,
(Let us hope that the dance Is a short
one, lor the sake oi their leet ana
breath.) Diirin; this the bride is be
ing dressed by other young friends of
hers, while young men sing virtuous
tronhes to her. hen all the eruests
are assembled ths bride kneels for her
parents' blessing, and than she is
placed in a carriage with her betrothed
and the friend. Upon returning home
bread and salt are iersented to the
young couple and wheat is thrown over
their heads. Jlns wheat is picked up
and afterwards sown ; if it bears good
fruit the young couple will bo prospers
ous. Dancing, singing and feasting
are kept up till moi-nins:; when tha
young couple are accompanied to their !
room, nut oetore then the onue's hair
has to be cut olf and she is corffe with
the matron s cap. This custom is
terrible, but jt has to be complied with,
The wedding festivitiua are kept up for
seven days and seven nights without
interruption, after which the wedding
visits bejrin, commencing the oldest
proprietor or lord of the neighborhood.
-Home Letter to Philadelphia BulUtou
Alum and plaster of Paris, well mixed
in water and used as a thick cream,
form a hard composition and also a use
ful cement
Dr. EmmcMtk. a German physicist.
declares that polluted watur does not
injure the health. He purposely drank
a quantity of it himself, and the only
result was that it cured him of a castric
A recent course cf experiments made
to determine the heating power cf gas
shows that one cubic foot of ordinary
sixtecn-candle Goal gas will develop 318
neat units, while water eras will five
only about 137 heat units per cubic foot.
The habit of fish to return to the same
dace in a river to swarm is well known.
s asserted that on going up they keep
the left hand of the bank, and that on
th&u rc-tuifc Jhey take the opposite side.
Fishermen, take adviiiitsg? of this fact.
Oyster-spawn when thrown off by tha
mother soon seeks some clean shell or
gravel on which to fasten or "set."
This is why new ground for oysters
tceitj t be covered wjth clean shells or
stones. Oystbi-spawn will not "set"
on mud or muddy, dirty, or gieasy scat
ter, eveu if on shells. Hence shells are
much in demand for preparing new
A very successful experiment with a
compressed air locomotive was lately
made iu Woolwich, tngland. 1 he en
gine was provided sith a reservoir of
one hundred cubic feet capacity. With,
air filling this chamber at ono thousand
pounds pressure on starting, a run of
sixteen miles was made at a fair rate of
speed. So great are the advantages of
the "bottled air" for street railways,
tunnels, etc., that an early adoption of
this class of motors in many localities
is sanguinely expected,
A new and apparently most valuable
method of preserving raw meat, discov
ered by Professor Artimini of Florence,
ami patented in this country, promises
to have a great effect on our markets
According to a report by Professors
I'arff an f Mills of the Gla sgow Univer
sity, hi. I Stevenson of tiuy's Hospi
tal, meat six momln, i.!d "is found to
be perfectly souud aiid good, the now
cu'.ar tibre unchanged, and the nutritive
properties unimpaired. The material
eiiiphiytNt is said to Iks less expensive
than 'salt, and U" en1)' wholesome but
pleasant to the taste.
For the brilliant white enamel often
.applied to cards, etc., the following for
mula i given in "The Engineer": For
white and for aii paje and delicate
shade take twenty-four parts byuaight
f parrttline and add thereto one hun
dred parts of pure kaolin (Ciiina clay),
vciy dry, inu rsiltjee-J to a fine powder.
Before mixing with the kaolin the par
s::;e mu-t ba heated to a fusing point.
Ijj: t'f: r;sis.i'.Te cool, and it will form a
homogeneous o,:-., hjch is to be re
duced to powder aud worked into a
p;uto in a paint-mill with warm wate,
This w the enamel ready for applica
tion. It can ba tinted according to
A very slight declevity suffices to give
the running motion to water. Three
inches er mile in a smooth, straight
channel gives a velocity of about three
miles an hour. The Ganges, which
gathers lli
:-f of the Himalaya
mountains, the lofiiesi in the .rld, U.
100 miles from its mouth, only iOO feet
above the level of the sea, and to fall
sou iu 4 Jong conrse the water re
quires more thtiu & .oc;h The great
river Magdalen a, in South America,
running for- 1.000 miles between two
ridges of the Ande3, falls only 500 feet
in all that distance; above the distance
of 1,000 miles it is seen descending in
iuj and cataracts from the moun
The gigawii,: Ejodela Plata has
cntle a descent Id the ocean thai
Paraguay, 1,500 miles from its mouth,
lurge ships are scon which have sailed
against the ccrrpot all the way by the
force of the wijid alone that is to say.
which, on the beautiful inclinoxl plane
at the stream, bave been gradually lift-
. w-....-.. .
- - f the stream, bave been,
by tna wC wind, and
" - ' -
even against
.-ft e old Bonner Stat
Stables, in PhiltKitintith. am
liow leave) by W. 1. Jone. .imi he has
on hand New and huiidaoina accoraiiioda.tions,
in the shape of
I am now prepared to keep HOUSES
And will
Train and Erc.ik Colts
fjii Reasonable Terms.
That with plenty of room (that everv one
know-1 Ii.-ivc) it. my Mnble. I e;m c't Kami
er' to.-k and wagons, loac of liav. under
cover. li iv they mil keep ,1rv.
Tliai.KI -ic hll t lie eld atroiis for their li'.ieral5
tv. I so. i. it tiieir trade fur the future, vatisfied
til it I can accoimiioilate them lietter and do
bettet h tliem tliao ever before.
301 v
" 3c? J-i
jr. 0
a. -J-
CD S .
5 i
Ch,? S
u t: a.
M flip!
3 ,
7. s
I r s 2
2 .C
rr. .
i'.CT3 VOitTH
fcintrr, r'ii ''iaertrsk.'.. Hillincls ted
' ' r
on...u ' i:i ' -i-s o t. .i.oiu ionic
X3 . j i e. : leooo eur-i.e r ana
'i'i i.f.i ilcAt'.h ilcJ MrontJlh Restorer
t.TtT I fd.
0:'ci:r i.i3c t:i.fc tit:ntu can k.-tijf euw
where it m If J "U have Dy-epw, Held
ich. H.i uinlism, Isauratoia. towcl. Kidney
tor Liyor D.ijrJor, er if vou need a mild ttiin-J
'Ulolir. or ap7e.lixj. , Ita i ): kt ta juKt I lie Iiieu
'leina f rr yj.i, as it ij l i-hiy rmaUvo aud ia-Ivirov.-.tia
; vut never iiitoxiuitirf.
. if you "ora s'on l.r wasticjf away with Con-'Mim'-'ti.
it or p.ny Bickness, if you a Painfvl
ICcuiS r Colli, l'ARKrn's Gi.:ciut Tonic
IwillVircty fc-'Ip J'pa. It gives nt-w life and
'vtpor to t 'ie ftffbio oui apet, ar.d is a certain!
'ewe for t. ica-nat;tm and Cholera Infentum. ,
It I!a S:i?fd Handrpits tt X-irest It Wlj
hate lian.
! If yoa are fcoling mis rul.lo don't alt until'
Ton are down Kick, t.ut we tba Tonic tonlay.)
No m. iter wiintyourcir-a.oer rj-iirf,tcmsmaj,
be it 'witl i-iva pr-uipt relief.
Remtmoer I I'akcbh's tiiNuea Tojnc J not;
a ruin drink but the Brst and Punwt Famiry2
Mjdicin ever mrvt, compounded by newl
process, ami entirely different, ironi Bi;-rs.
Eiiucer prepara'ions nl all Htier 1 on!-s. 1 ry,
a 50c. bottle. Your drupjrist can supply you. .
The Ei'U ad 31 ost Econotniral Hair Drensiaf
xq-isi'y perfumed smd perfectly h.-.n-lcss
TV ill Xlnaj-s Itettore Cray or r'atlril ITalr
to its crijin-l yoiittifiil enter and appearance, and ii
warranted to st'.p -its fulling, asi-c iti gruwth and
prevent baldness
Af.w applicntioni tit the iT soften the
fcair, c!enn-,e all d-mln ff and cure itckinr- and ha
g vliLc tadj. &o!diyaltlru2i-uaiai.toc4.
I rclaxea ts.
f uhu 9 j ir,( . wii-m n't oincr r :cij:ci
fil. -.y SZlZ V tr:al wi'lourinMtlionntl
tlcptical or ila tt.iu;l..:i it-. Jirjct n:J ntrpr failieir ti
..r . n ...... i, . . . t. .i i . I,
V .-r r- , r .5.1 I' rcTainp.. imnn o'lt.
of my Ti:v tlcuk,
FItf:n, to air person irhn will.
L nU.-v 1.1 1 in i;R.ii.!:.m 111 lh s ltoik ij
f i . si .:.-: ....! it i:my iu the rro. i.lriioo of Uod.
-pv 1 u- .. A.lilreKS.
1K. .V 11. tVOl.l l 1 10 'nilui tu, l ln lnnU. O.
A I r I -r i M.prfinn i nvpr v :ir not
AOjm 5 A Jcwr-"Tla tPriPH
. ", . Bunllintiirc.r..mtorti.l: P
IJtM F 1.12 AlCt IOU. f hlt roat! iUI t!lJ tln -.. riirorft c 1
m n a aa wsm ;
The Old
The niri'st Orcen Wintf-r Aj ples for pale Ovfr Jl.trr Is down Celhv.
Potatoes bythra Gaplod, PEACH BLOWS
f. s. T VJlJj rrsj s.
iwi ui,1"" -j . --.. r ,. i a -.frr e v " i i , -
J fy7rjy' paMowl ' yPop:a.!T t.,nTr tM-.TdLT
litneeo. MoUn, in )!. Jus i iV..i : i- t -i
Dt MitliiM Uiie CMf'ttai oi I'.a . tti:-.rt, .'u::.'!
Jic. nnj At4ca ; witn hr trn lit" fr-ui lt.tir..u
unction to J'tH.rin ; Wil-.i ..uH.T-n M-.m..-tine,
V NUliiu'tui, I-i.:rl" h., I . S -: t s i . Ii. :U ;:;.
CcntrfrTtlIe. I'micviou. Tr; ji. .aut'uuu. i u;t?
roa, Lprenwurt.., Aul.v(fi u;il inmi'TAX try;
Washington lo isi'mrn'T. vjUai:'iA. t., ;-
KekuK to KuitiuhKir.. iJ.-ii.ip:. t-. Lrr.
tt'itsport, Indepcn1f T.t. KiJoxi, 4it:tM . i
Tl!l.t9iuloai, iVitu, M"nr.K', ami i' - M
Kewta to Monro;; il'in t J I:k:.: ;: -i
WituerveC; Atlanitc t L-hwis aHti Auii.-. Jv-a
xK'? HaUian. iUu U h'-hius-? y .:..r
RAiJn4cf, ajj4vf ui Mfius-r a ir
Sue trm Ciilivk- inin- .-.., .. ' "--.
'A'hrooath tms-r '-5 -.
maa Palace hps ativii . arc ruJ. J&i t't.v ;; -rir
letweeti C'ni4AOO ao I'buUIA. a.'.v- ' a v .
t"OLraCll BLI'rrS, 1JAY1;N WwRTfT I'Ji-r Al-Jbt-
f OS- Tbrauaiheursnre also nn e .lI'.-ua- ,
ke a4 Knn9t ( itr. v: tiia "ilifx'Ut c ad
a. r'i 1 i-j n.l ?hif1 IiiiR - i . .
liiw ureal ivut n 7 j u i miii-.m.
zr. i Fit .i ft i.
aquippe4. lis roatt od V Mip. pricot
a. a is r. 1 w 1 b m kcvi ,i3. .
What will pleajw Tu mo-l "HI be tfc r!'' .inn '
Of nrTln Jur aBMls. vullv ptuiii? owrc;:
Iveauilful pratnea af lllinnts aal lu-w-j. ii ci u ,r
Ouroiaffriituii. anin Cars Hiat aa-iifHij a.!
IhrouKO Kpres -JYatis. Vu-j if-t r..T n tiw
nran. as cooj a is sitv-jm la i-iiy f.:'jt-tiLJ,
rt4 prefTracijr:-.' tf.-iruo.--tu 1
rpoa tua.1 :;jviv-JrU)-
Cf this Hue warrantinc ''. t,
4 M-
Borjnre thai ths cniparr
&Irjna Uara tur sl-.tpiu;
cccriL BtcFrX i!a:.-i ti. v. .i. r j,-- .,t lAiYMr-DK-fiirr;,
- 'irctiet vl ta 1.I.-K-, : i- " .r..-i -Jri.ri tioartc," Mhi try
BP TlcfceO f?M o ntrw.".-.,'.- rr.-'.-'.-r . '- ' Uf--.. ' .
- I'tr tafot au.oa T5!Il. Ci. . f - i -
.m a n j. ::.".). a clenicr.t j' "::s r mir -i" c . j .- ?...-,,. -' i
ssanx oiiKYia
Vv-0" """e-
C 'd - Chctt r ;-.:u.v.;-
t'lor HIM'-' tr.j -I Itr?rtRi.T''a. I
rminiB iVn(,rMi:t.OfMliir. I'mco, J)o.--.-
K-viTj ftoy wn-i- ...s .it.
wfi S(m l-.j
V"OloSc t- :r t. - t : 5-'f:'T
, Uattio Crook, Michigan, .
K i-vcrAcariinas tr iee cxi-r itsci":
I MKi.C;rtiiJO,
Trection and Plain Engines
and Horso-Posvors.
MotCplrtT1imhrri'c-torjr ( EstaWshed
ia the WurliL i I u
J VC fl P f wlirfumt ridwrt-ff l. T
J "I ICHlldHU, th..,:t tip.-!".-- l
J maiiiWMiiHnt, or 1 t.t'.nr. to " , y. t.
i broo4 tfitrrmt.ji giirit un ttU vi.ryt cif. . t
('oniplrtfi fti-ui!i tjiiffiis' f. 'z-f'f.Aw, .,:
inet TrHrtioii J': ,nrt n JL'titiu J'ii'i
tvir iHwn in the Amti'M ai l. t.
A multitude of apfiil i.'utw un I imx-rr.v
frr liHt. torothtT w:ti pri- r '
(i"n rtii materittlt m-t in ai:id oi ly't I'- 'r u:
Four HirfM vt htiarat rn, Irt ru i t) i ; li-j
f fa-city, for !im n-e h'r ri":r.
Two Htyl'-n of M'.mii'.--1 II- r o r.
7,500,000 Y&lS:;
coiiiparublo wooti-work vi v. r;:.a-li..- .
Pnrmc-rs and Tbreflt.'r.iirn
to' ffiute 1
1 M V
Bttto !. rv-
Drugs Medicines
Paper Tiimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest P11I) im lions.
tCSoriplioiiM 'rirriil!- C'QisiroHiKlrit
an Kxprrirnrrd Orusixt.
Grocery -ds
ilonn rp
llinj gpoJi', lv :i lung shot.
S myt m
i'-i- ca:'.i j i.urp-jc3.'.:.iy. 'UiO'nifi
.! o jf.t 1' f.i.i , it u j-i!iT INiJ
'.. . r-.ii Ci.jvJ ) Our -iiarailft"
r . r C o w.s.
-.i. i,' ii t! 'i'cj tke MiisisslptJ
;.r its ui t il i. ir.t rrsfti1 br luB
: T,;'uv UU-.l al Ctnini ll KluAt,
il t l:' rh. tml AU;lii:un. coo
U - Ll;rlt i:i L".'.'i-:i t?pr.:s.
.:. it. i owi:i.nnN3 or
J T I.LS2 AliH A3
'.,.. v::b ail d.vrii:; lines for tha
J.. tbtlieUS. JtM.S MHlP,
I:. 'a.
IfCIJilTS. T.ii!i p.. C. a St.
t ' : V I i R. .
' s : . ; i T. A E. ; I. B.
4 I . ' I.-. IK. Iti iUi iVU. RV
'1 :. luTCfiPitrt lAVIMba
. n. .. . . .
: : si ". n.r;'.t!:s!!.r.R. X.B.B.
',' r( i . i-..4r-i t '.a iv. It.
4.. v - .Ii ti M I. t K. R.
. ; 1 "
ii. . !'
Si : .,
I w. J
'I ". ' '. 2'
'ii.: 3
una I nl .ci eaotnc TL R.
a. x . . h. u it. tn b. -
i in. 1.14 j' . . H- K N- K.T
i.i . .'i.'.ral toi.aU.4
. i. .'- v Hiij.
i 1- i f o. i iT4r.: Wtli.. St.
i . ; . K i-o. .t V.' .ItUltua.
.-s.M. J .t. R.
i. i.. '; .ti S:.cta Oi
'r. :;. I'. K. p..a.
T- r.ll tis fcr tho Ws-
First clas LoriKlni: Rooms."
First CIkss RoaMing.
Good S.tmpto Room
Evpi j thins and every Comfort
A Good Hotel can Funii Is
Also, ;.io. I Wines. Cood Keer. Good I.iquo
iod Lemnnade, Cood Cistari",
Kept at the Citj " tTotel.
Uly Ft: ED. t;oos. Ptopiieter
ji'mT tirtiXEn acj.m.v.
yew, Chan. Pi mt CIuxs JfoJ .Shop,
otlMain Str.-.-t f.ncr of 5th. I turnout ll
liVfijlUHiy oil Land for fresh, tenner liieat.
. Tt.n8
dr. butts' mmrn
rpHC Phftir,an m char; M ll.ii oil ai whi fcno
T BiptvVanc id iUt lr4ta.-4 mt fhrmi liiMfi
kir aktll u4 aLilii u n.cb vuiictitr Ic. that i t r
lt t'tt
prcttunr( tbt in ha a.rMirrJ a na'iil re. nt
thrmmU -hhi r bone, imivJ with -. ,, n,.
1 aJrtn
i. ma
1 urn.
PMMHWMn ttrtyf frm rrTrr u h;m,jit(f
r tictM lit kiatuvafl )Mr ar pra. ,. rt,rril. T' li.
aar prWucca ifn J tilo itc r RfrNrn,i.N v; i. M-.r'
Ls !, MrviiaatH, 4iw 4 ?. c w . i. -.irM.wi.'
a t4. dar-T, CM-friJ.Jor. Id..,. MtrHl; tn
Mtf, ircti aneannrr. wxml U nM.-i.-, in. p.ttrnr r rr laaa
pfrv:uti fifr .ar 1tirr. .'-"'-f t, w', i KBI?K a-' ,. ..
ad, L)4t aJ ituiMmM t w iifiwi vm4 x r t.
aurot mailr4 lr to aiv a MrrM m ap;lirt'l.H
o4 War Maarfmia- Xtrrtr a4mHl;.K. rt itt-. W
UU. Wl i 1 rt, ii .rUi Mat St.. l UmV
&r VbJ ft M Vi . u
Bh not r fibt-ftfor rjr tin Apron Hiacittne.
I wctiderfuur aimple wirf admirufWy wnkt in rtn
the Mmin, and rlf-itn It ready for uarkru
1IXD ChHiJy, is oonptructed dnnib'y, ia tmiuticil
Haven aft
J.e, and tun- mi Unfit r-tory iactiiie in lha
tnarket. "U Laudl wet rraiu s well w dry.
tliuoeciii!tl in tlimUuna; Sii and tfiuUiy,tiw(i.
tutr arid ri.ioiaK borii ax ur-il aud nearly aa vapidly
Ut. atid iujnr. no choree ex(iCttlieKiprea.
ii- mT4 ffuar, J'emt qf 'oaratlff CMti c'wiNtn iw.
tltftH an. othr wurhint made, nnH can not bt
orctwlr I. Id bah or- 11I unt'i'r-h'iu-t Our
ClAiVKU (II I.I.INU . TTAC 1 1 ill K.N'T la
and ve.rr doirs.ii I to wurk more
ui.jliy- and hetir Uiaa an tkcJuiively lluiliiv
M:i" .K ATfttf" of tho irior: A ted Sr
Mil or H'trm t'tf'-'T, as 1 flrvi.
.J "'fravrd I'itln I'ot', n Imnrarrd
iMtdtntry i'owrr, and the 1 l.vnril Ktiuiil.
iyiou i'wrr. all uinur.tL- i en fV-nr -ln-:. are
IhAi.-llllK'turJ by Ua, ami are not turpanotd unw
i 1! r:r,,k.t. "
tirv rUn r-iyna-e.l to farrlh flrxt-clruaa
P.irt-iole l.ujjiuc-M t1Ui our tiuirators.
I'cr I'rie.Li3t a-id Ctrculara, a iorafie
SEVKt CAC.ft !t CO.
--...-r-i :.... -'.Ar. Minn.
t i Vt t j
. . '. tiff I
w n t -, . L(Clthnu lull
r -u . -.i. r:i.r I t'n cii,
A ; f i J:;r . A lb U ,r,
, ii.i.J--. ! 1 3m..'I,,i, v (o.i rJ(
i. t. tv .tt.. p. in,a".n.fnn . mi-
...... f a.V Lit (...Kf -. i, i-a i.' AlMTW u4
it .n... i u . ti tn-i.t. LiKtm ix.uJu
.1. .
A -k fui i-T sail (o.4Jrn a
b.iui ljr iuntr, t, fd.boari. ia.
ln p'jrrncy, e i A L u c ax i Kiriri. cmuc.ii
- -i - S.t ...- .i.t. -v;,-T.I':i.wi Vca,LiaB,
iK-f M bi tf. l.--'naba Visw-r. ,te.. teaktu; nu.
f.ft p. , n ii- l .(.(;, !!. iTi'l nn.ivli rrc tbi j '.:, rrtj.
-4 ph
tl' pf
t 'i ,
Ir I fl:ttt. will t f liaj rJ
" !"
' " r, ; ir- .'D.eril ir : !
t 'l.r ffir.pii -.
" l, St. Ii,i. Ma.
Et t 7 if"!! I -
-otinrt Outfit.
tr..t bus
i,ri loan in each
. tu fMti ue
Ljr ii!a-r f-fioo.
i:.r utftiii frwe.
r -.ti a montb.
-' ir.i,,, ,Ii.
(IiH-'Ua f lijj.t'. llarlfc k.Ml .'
tu it.- L
Tauct 8.1-n, wrL Tt-f-it:-f, r.ts
a i.d t; ft vt'.'-l in ii n- -. f i -r f,x.
. r !' I';y tji:ri
'i i rTtr .iit,.n,
M;j A Market Ht-
1. a. 1 V . k: m (m taa
r K-a id s a h r
Wata Cured, Not Merely Relieved
(u.iiilineiil. IT jiu-jrMiMcil Willi
hi Ii IrACitK on Rr1be:i'.ll7ViV.l
Cul.-til.T r urod. iaji!in."aVj,.;(e i.,.n
Blrnrly.WeliulllrlaMr iiiail .-Khi-i'l
r (..l'.u;:il3ls to nn pTl,'rmii
t .
i - f
i .....
- i -:
, ,4Ty rt't
, ! ,
. n i a i
"' t If'..
- w
1Si jouri
and tlie
eraenta are
, It rlfrivr8 it ehl
Tpst people in Ami-
T- V vs --. . . u w n. H c " r 1 ll.ri nl rt a.
I i- .--ti c i. c t ..h.r, r oi-1.. t,.i. b&i j-arf. afd cet
i! ,mi -.. I r-i. i-ri vni.Bae is p-Mttvej the n.!
r ;:.r Matict II k ub-i:.(ij. 1 ) r autlior u an cirrn
A-jr.-- im l. a ; :u '. ! I L !.. t If.. :. u I.
Is ; J:s! '-
. (P
its II is
DC a
iaple and IFancy CrrocericM,
IPrults, (Confectionery,
ignrs TTofesiceo
el&oicet stoek of grocer
ies in the city.
Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs
Here We are with a Com jTcteStock
at J. na
W IX DOW SHADES an l PIXTU RRS, d-,-., ,Cr.
Mats, Ofjps, and Hoods, -2
Card IBoard Dffloltoesj
Also tho best .Select Stock of strictly iirst-claas Oro
cci ie.s, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Queens
ware and Glassware in the City. All of which we
jjnaranteo to sell as low as anybody.
to close Cash Iluyers,
KiAI:!) m
The Old Reliable I
We show the largest and best selected stock of
HHooia Iaoes5 Iffaij, ap?
asact MIflfiiiaery ood.
Real Genuine Barqains!
This Season in every J(lartl)e!)t.,ll'
We will !&ii5Ie&t and J&m-
by 1 pf eeiai.
Call at the
Philadeliiliia Store, make your
and yon will be happy.
and such goods as are
as we are goijitj out of I hat linti of business. Our stV k in still htrf ction'i
to jr?r Tisr. Tit mm.
Is earnestly solicited. Ue sure and call,
Renieniher tlit- i';'c
Soutli Mast coitKii
jfvwh i
and for I sir,
ra jill'intit tn
Ow 1 .
M4M ? iliA
usually kept in a
-ezsc2?al -Store.
and le convinced of F.tir Dealing
si 2 at 4
raa bte. nT. ft t .a rm
- M.iiti :iiul Tliird Sfs, riatMnoiitli.
.-. let ter, murp !rr it?
am! we rl:ttlv wp' f
7 '- '
f;i-;i i.i .
wu" t;'-..'i4i, ami i, t:iH;.,ii-tt an jji ' nvm-
never a jam utttfoil
.i t1) wiii .-U sf'.:c v.-rctc u iatro-'.-ict
rue ev"