X I V . Possibly "the origin of . ovster-eating " was something- like thht of the eating cf roast p'. s described by Chaik Lamb. A iroIiutoi-'e man Lnsertcd LU iig-crs v.ithiu ihe she lis of tt nrcltistoi-ic I tj -ter, cnl l..-vin them pinched ap V T!""1' is- dir"u his mouth. t;vsted the " r. ana I " V I'uicU idc oemsii science oi osireaiiuain. Any- way, around the names of Jil! ihr preat of the eartii, in all aes, there is a h-athle.s halo of oyster blu-lL. The nneient Greeks and ttomant were "Teat - dovomrrs of oysters, "which, we learn from l'liny, wi-'ro of three colors 3-el- - low, black, and brown. delijjhtcd to m transferred to new w.i;.-j. ari l some- " times grew to the blzo of a foef, so that it took three bites to iIi.sio.-.. of one of them. There ere nine fjtnous beds from which the marki-U of Home were supplied, and it is recorded that the iir-t man who took to artificial breeding did so to make money, not out of love ysfor the oyster. Oyster shells cured no stu 01 uisoruers, ann. powocren, were i-niploycd as a dentifrice. Tiie Roman -i believed that ovsters ate best in the full of the moon, "Horace's preference was for those of Ciceel; Vitcliius p;;t away twelve hundred of the bivalves at one L luncheon. . "Oysters raw, as many as ; VOu like," i3"ii"nj.Hy,t the first entry on xne menus ot classical eiitcrtamnients that have been preserved for our delec tation. Icon's VIII. of I ranee, who lied in 1220, so keenly appreciated .his cook's way of cooking the oyster, of which he was so fond, flint ) e -.ve him a patent of nobility and a li!tral annual allowance. IjOu'u X I. pave annual oys ter sr.ppers to the (.'oliee of the .Sor l'onne the pupils of tiie ('oi!e- of France had long before t!i::t l.ueu in the habit of rehearsing their tiiij utatjons over oyster-i until at one isivrry nni't ing a f'jii-iied d'-rior fell icr the Seine and was (liitwi.etl. Ilently. tlio reat cli'-.-ic.-vl schohir, never ouM pass an oytcr-f-t::ll without topping at it, to talk about oysters if l.v. could eat no nior. and in 17 10, two years before his der.tJi, and just at the conclusion of the twenty-seven years' lawsuit to eject him from tiie ma-tership of Triniiy, to which J'eiuiiK-y has devoted such a fascinat ing essay, he wrote to a friend: 'My great relief and amusement here is my regular supply of oysters. These things raust have been made in he ive;:; they are delectable, satisfying, delirious, r.nd mentally (stimulating in a higii !cgrce." I'ope, a lover of lob-ters, was extreme ly partial to oysters stewed, and a letter of his to Lord" Ilolingbroke ei-:ts. o tier ing to accept an invitation to dinner, but only on condition that there was a dish of stewed oysters. Thomson, who ate peaches on the free with his ha mis in .": pocket?; grcatlv -rovi'-.l oysters, aad die-lot over-indnfgeiice in "them, or of exposure in a boat on his way to have a feed of them. Johnson, I fancy, hived oysters. I know he went to mar ket to buy them for his cat when the fiotman was too proud to do so. (lold- smith did, and devoted an interesting chapter in Lis 'Animated Nature" to tin ui. telling how he knew a horse that was fond of eating oysters, and how the oyttrrs of India are two feet big, and oho of the "natives" of C'oromandel furnishes a meal for ten men. No animal, "Noll"" tells us, will venture to open the oyster's shell, which, like too many statements in "Animated Nat ure," is not strictly true, since, apart from the stariish and other marine ene mies, the oyster is the prey of a bird, the luuiiotoim.-t, the bloody foot" of Knglish popular ornithology and the ov.-ter-lisher of America. The oyster-shops of Paris wore great political centers during the revolution, Uobespierre, D.inton, and (.'out hoi: hav incr one f avored haunt near tin; orison 1 of La Force, and IJrissot, t'ondorcet, ind the other Girondins aU'eeting a ri I al establishment near the .-i!e of La j Rastiile. 1'iter the C.-eat always had ' y: ters served in two or three. v avs at li-s mealsf fraternized wlili the old oys ' er-woi!!en of Woolwieti .-i ip- :.:. and lignilied tiie dealers of M s -.'. am! St. ?eif rsburg with the tii. - ;' mm !"'- )riserver.s. .lunn sue !-.; ffinure-J vsters every dav iK-'T.- i.-re:. ,! ..-t dur- isg the oyster -e- ; n. a;: .! 1 j 'e' es vuj loiii je-iUf li i It's Ij'i. It. i -- -i.i'.er of I:s.ri, until the ajruhmi . .. . ;'-.:ni!-..a. nr;r.u sat hw:i to break-r..-.: ! iai one day, ate oyster for !.;. ur.til th. a: eh Vhaneellor of the Jij::m- owned his defeat, then swal- 0-.ei lew (!i:.en moi- oy nnnseii, .ml d I-lcd le.-t he should' poil his 1- v:lifat. There are traui'ions of the i.giiu oys'ter-eaters woo swauoweu voters l.v tl:'? do:en, 1-ut the Juiglish ?tei 'n r Jriile 'beside the oyster of ew lor,:, which icminueti J haeKerav f the ear of C'aiphas' seiwant, and j-aiii of swallowing a babv, and the tor of our more southern waters. . hh-h Sulatold his English readers was ii .-i.e ritid shape just like the knife- Joard of an omnibus. It is worthy of fema:.. tliat tiie ovslcris almost tae air animal substance which we eat jaw habitually, and from preference. i nd tnat we do this trom souml pnysio- ical reasons. T.he fawn ci.-Iored liv- i r of t lie oyster, as .Dr. William Kob- I t fu his "Loci tires on the Digestive menus," po'jGis out, is little less than , glycogen, associated with n'cli. but witheld from actual contact uring life; is its appropriate digestive ruie7it, the hepatic diastase. The act f crushing the oyster brings the two odics together, and the oyster digests self, ileni Jf you cook an oyster the eat destroy the digestive ferment, ud vou must digest the oyster yourself. American oysters do not vield to any i the world. I havo never tried those the Occident, and 1 must say that 1 refer to the gigantic growths, especi llv of southern waters, that are so much l Vogue, the small and fiuely-ilavored arauette oyster of the (iulf of St. awrencc, wliich, alas! has been some- hat driven out of favor by the bigger uctoucho. Ovster culture pays well i France, where ovster-farms now oc- ipv some 2:1,000 acres and the atten on of 40,C6 persons, the business be :ig steadily on the increase. The di lensior.s cf the business can best be jfeired fwm the fact that of G41.000, 10 ovsteTS sold in 187. only lC'J.tHX,- f x eame fr m the fisheries; which, f owever. was an increase of Go, 000. 000 Wer 1S77. Talking of French oysters, L most fashionable are those of Mar ines and Ostend, which are small, but ijry tender and savory, ami are green, ; rather a gra ish-given in color. The f.-.ters ai'e placed' In pits tilled with vlt water, which is renewed lnit very i'htly, and in the course of two oiuth's take the niueh-prb'.ed hue, Lioh is due to a green diatom, which also found living free in the pits. he ingenious Frenchmen now immerse t-nmon oysters in a soluti r. of salts of ppcr; which gives them the desired ior, and makes them very perceptibly jisonous. In England, as well as in France and eimanv. I he supply of ovsters is tio- easinsr. Although. according to jrank Buekland. an oystor produces ,-Iutely necessary that the water should t warm when the spat falls, or it will nk to the bottom and die. Onn rf f "f riot remarkable men in '-, is country is the blind president of finv of Uristol, R. L, from whom the J . , TT. - V nipauy taK.es lis name, lie is auao l-lv blind, and yet he invents and nstruets torpedo boats and small iuni vessels for governments in all I Irts of the world. His steam launches A ide through the water at the rate of enty miles an hour. He has a nnm- T oa-iianu which lie wains m cu iw e goTornment, lie builds a launch which feteam can begot up in six jiutes, which can be carried on board ii as an ordinary ship's boat, which '11 contain coal and water enough to p ' three hundred miles. .Moreover, laims that his new boats will not !:; and that they will therefore serve j life -boats. steam Iile-boats: now any drowced men and women might jw"be living if such things really ex jed on the great ocean passenger ats. ilr. Ilerreslioff can tell as much out an ordinary-sized steam-launch her lines, tuVhoda of construction, ., by i eeling, others can by seeing, i hs goes oa irj atLig1 -an4 b-aildiag - - The Windo -t Otrden. ' .' Vines for the windows are now the fashion for all who r.re fond of winter gardening. If the window is sunny, there is no limit to the flowers that may behad from Christmas until sprincr. With two maurandias, dwarf nastur tium or trapaeluni as it is called, an Knglish ivy, and a vigorous plant of German ivy, or senceio scandens, any one can make a screen for the window more beautiful than any Raphael or De Vinci ever designed, for this is the per fect original of their defective repre sentation. The vines should be at the end of the box, so as to be trained on the sides and over the top of the win dow frame. Then close to the glass, for, true to its name it Iotcs the sun, put a heliotrope or two; a trailing win ter Klossomir.g fuschia, a scarlet gera ni and for the take of a contrast a while one, whose blossoms havo a b. :;l.t eye in the center. Do not bo afraid of crowding the plants, but sow niignonuette and "sweet aslvssum seed, as well as the tiny ones of linaria cym balaria or coliseum ivy. If intending to have but one box, do not forget a plant or two of the neat, handsomely marked petunia, for they will give a mass of flowers from the "first week of blooming until put out in the garden in the spring, lellow myrtle and the plant commonly called wandering Jew and ice plant, as well as a variety of saxifrage known as beefsteak gerani um, may be made to droop over the front of the box, and their graceful sprays will reach even to the floor. rotatocs fur Animals. A writer upon this subject has said that "potatoes in the raw state ought never to bo given to animals, with the exception of sheep and geese." It is said "a goose will thrive better, and the flesh will be more gratefully flavor ed, upon raw potatoes, sliced, tlian up on any other article: while sheep will more speedily thrive on raw potatoes man on turnip.: but, and especially in the beginning, raw potatoes will scour cattle and horses, and not unfrepient ly cause death, while there is no danger of either from loiled or steamed pota toes." It may be true that they are ex cellent for geese, and that they are ex cellent for sheep is well known; of all animals the sheep likes a-change from dry to green food in the shape of roijts; and that they should thrive upon tliem 'otter than rhe turnip, for the reason that, according to tables, the potato contain a larger fat substance and Ih'sh-producing element than the turn ip. Thus a fair product is 200 bushels, or 12,000 pounds of potatoes, from an acre, which are estimated to contain 2G10 pounds of material for the an imal system, while the average yield of rutabaga? of 20,000 pounds contain only 14-lU pounds; and a simi lar yield of turnips but 1 500 pounds; so that relatively to each other they stand as potatoes 2(M0, rutabagas. 1410, and the turnip 8 40, a lit tle belter than a third the relative feeding value. The chief advantage is obtained in feeding to mature animals; if bony structure is to be formed, the turnip is fully equal to the potato. That an ex cess of potatoes fed to cattle and horses produce ill results cannot be doubted, if the diet was exclusively potatoes; but that a small quantity, fed with dry hay, produces injurious results, is unsuppos able. The boiling or steaming which generally means an addition of more or less mild feed would be much more satisfactory. The same writer also says: "Pigs will not always eat, and never can be fattened upon raw pota toes, while, if they are boiled, next to boiled peas, perhapf, will bring them to the greatest weight they are capablo of attaining, and to greater perfection than anything else that may be contin uously used with safety, admitting that three to lour wees-v feeding upon corn, oats or barley i necessary to make the pork firm, and impart flavor." This is directly contrary to the expe rience of a successful pork raiser that always estimated the value, of potatoes Ri four bushels to one of corn, and al-wa-s fed them raw, for the reason that Lo "obtained more satisfactory results. la Tallahassee and other southern cities, it is usual, during the hatching season of the mocking-.nM,- to steai young birds from the ne-i. to be ti a' li ed for sin-'ers. As onlv a'xmt two in a hundred live, an eariv extermination of tlie.se birds is probable A Florida paper suggests that a law be enacted forbidding the capture of young mocking-birds. Man's A 50. Few men ilie. of ap;e. Aluiost all die of disappointment, passion, mental or li.i.lily t-.-il, or acoiilent.s. The passions kill men sometimes, even suddenly. The common expression choked with passion has little exaggeration in it, for even though not suddenly fatal, strong p:is,i(ins shorten life. Strong-bodied men often die young-; weak men live longer than thestrono;, forthestrongiise their .strength and the weak have none to use. The latter take care of them selves, the former do not. As it is with the body, so it isj with the mind and temper." The strong- are apt to break, or, like the candle, to ran, the weak to burn out. The inferior animals, which live temperate lives, have generally their firescribed number of years. The horse ives twenty-live; the ox liiteen or twei -ty; the dog ten or twelve; the rabbit eight; the guinea pig six or seven. These numbers till bear a similar pro portion to the time the animal takes to grow to its full size. Hut man, of the animals, is one that seM-n lives this average. He ought to liv; a hundred years; according to the physical law, for live times twenty are oi.ii hundred; but instead of that, "he scarcely reaches on an average four times his growing period; the cat six times; thj rabbit even eight times the standard of meas urement. The reason is obvious man is not only the most irregular and the most intemperate, but the mast labori ous and bard worked of all the animals, lie is also the most irritable of all an inals; and there is no reason to be lieve, though we can not tell what an animal secretly feels, that, more than any other animal, man cherishes wrath to keep it warm, aud consumes him self with the lire of his own secret re flection. The History of the Diiyc;uet. The history of the bayonet is thus set forth in tiie catalogue of General Pitt Rivers' anthropological collection, which the British Government will probably buy for the public benelit and place upon exhibition in the Soutu Ken sington museum: In the early part of thu seventeenth century it was found necessary to retain the use of pike-men in the infantry on account of the de fenseless position of the lirelockmen when the enemy approached to closa quarters. To remedy this defect they were accustomed about the nsiiHIa of the century to stick the handles of their daggers in the muzzles of their gnus in order to use them as pikes. Of course. when the dagger was so fixed the gu t could not be lired. But as many of tho daggers had rings at tho guard, thvj men saw the expediency ot fastening the dagger to the muzzle of the j-iecs by means of tho ring. . Soon the dag ger .or plug bayonet was so secured ' to th outside of the barrel that the lire lock could be loaded and discharged although the bayonets were fixed. Tho British3 had their first experience of what may be called tho compound pike and gun in the time of William 111., in one of the Flanders campaigns and they "swore terribly," nu doubt, hen thev found that their opo.M.euts oo.tid fire at them with li.xed bayonets, lev ers' collection show all the transits n stages of tiie bayonet from the ping handle to tho modern tube-and-catcn attachment. This is only a sample brjck, o to speak, of the civil and war like gropings of man from precedent to precedent to his present condition. Weliave a fine opportunity of doing something of the same kind on this con tinent, and the marvel is why some men of wealth do not embrace it," and so se cure the perpetuity of their own name throngu the advancement of an inipor ant department of science. Tho first newspaper set up in "N'ort i America was in Boston, on the --'th i i September, 1620. It vrsw named ''!'--lick Occurrrncts, boVt Forei "" Jlffmwttgi. Only epp utrmber hf kmwa THE SUN FOR 1881. Everybody read The Sins, fu the edition of tliU newspaper tnruHyliout tli ytar to come everybody will find : I. All the world's iew.so presented that the r. ailrr will et lie t;rctet amount uf inioriiiu tloti wuh tne least unprolilutile xpenditiire ot time ud yeslpht. Hie Pun Isnp ago discov I'ttd thf golden mean lietueen rrdiintlaut ful ness and tiiivitiiiietory luevily. II. Mni'li eftliatsort of news which depeuds les ufM'H Its recounted imHirtaiice than upon Iw interest to uuiakiiid. From morning t iiioniiiitf 'the Sun prints a continued Moi v 01 tiie lives ot real men unci women, ami of their ceds. plan, love, l.ales, and troubles. This stniy is more varied and more interesting than anv romance that was ever devised. Hi. tiood writing in every column, anil fresh-nei-sj originality, aecurary, an deeoruni in the ireiitmeui oi every snlijtcl IV. Honest rniiinwiit. 'Hie Sun's habit is t fpeak out fearlessly alMint men and thinps. V. Equal candor in draKiiK wuh each puli'i ral party, mid equal renriineps lo eomuiend what is ran-worthy r t- retmke wb.-.t i.sb!jon ul!e in l'vinoerat or Kepid'hcaii. VI. Absolute iiuhpendt-iice of . artisan .-r-(lani'ai ions, hut unwavering loyalty the lmi i n iMoerntic principles. 1 he" s ml believes thu t he ievernineiit wnich the ('nstitutia ejes us is u iiood one to keep, lis aolion of d;ny Ik to r-i-ist to its utmost nwrr the elTorts nt mr-u in the II publican party to set up Knottier lorm of uoverauicDt iu plai e" of that w hich exist. The year lsxi and the year immediate!? follow ing will probably rlecid tht supremely Impor tant eonteRt. The Mm believes that trie victo ry will be with the people as atrsn:t the Ki;if for niouopely. the Rinifs Itr plunder, ani! tae Itinns tor imperial power. 'r term- are as f"i:ws : for the Iaily Sun, a four pane sheet of Iweuty-eilit eoliniiu. tiie priee by mail, pout paid, is 55eent a month, or . 6.r a year; or. lucluuinff the Sunday paper, an eint-paue sheet of fifiy-i-ix columns, the pi-ire is cents a uioitt h. or eT.TO a year postage paid. The Sunday edition of The Sun is also fur nished separately at I."J) a year. io-ia-;e paid. I ii;n K-e of the Weekly Sun. eiht pai;es. flity-i coainius. is .si a year, potae pai. For clubs of ttu s-'iidin ?10 we will send an extra copy frre. Address 1. tV.suusti. 19U l'ublislierof Tiie Sun, 5ev Voik C.'it-y. WBEPINQ WATER BANK This Itank is now o)eu for the ir in saetion of ,i Banking Exchange Business. iE ; it Itee 'ivd. .md I'lteresl ailowe I ! Ti'lie Certi- fl!Ml-S. I! .V i TH Prawn, and available in the priueipal towns and lilies of I lie failed Slati-s and Europe. 1 yen's for the lehb) at"rl 1T1S . Ill .il',:T ill inn I'urcliase your lirkots froia ui, Through from Europe to cny Point in the West. I;!"R) l:!ths 2l.fi V.'eepinn V iier. Neb. -Tyjf-yyvrr y" v"- - 1 1 . t u ,, ; -C. 3 tVC.Virl K.l li'.V"JG. I C'arrr, Cviiin. LaaUmke. MlUinrla acd '.rnr.--y i-i.4erY liiwtie. iue :a inei l.uov. u are bo :-"ciih::i:7 -.i:ul:iiiel in 1'aukciv's UiAfcKii Tonic! S to in 'i:o it tae preati st Ltood Purd.er and '. Tfaa 1-i-kt liealih aud MroiiKti Lfstorer Kver I lied. Eo rer'eet Is tl-o coirpcsitioa of Parser's vTi.ol,i To.-io tiiat r.o iiijt-i.se ean long exist where it is use-I. If yon liave Dyspepsia, Head ache. Knumjhim. Keueattiva. fowel. Kidnev or Liver liorder, r ir you ueetl a m:ia sttm Euhint, or niipetizer, t'.io tonic m j-jst the mod- leillO l-JT J OU, as ll I.- lil.-y yuru.l awl im viKOraiinj out ncvtr mtuin-aiHii;. If von nra siov.lr v.astinT awar wlti Con tumptioi or any sickness, 11 you n.'.Te a famrui will 6i;ro!y help yoa. it Fives Dviif liTa and viiror to t ie f..-ebw and r.p-d. and Is a certain euro for I.:jcum3li3m and Cholera Inifcctum. It Ha Raved Hundrrds of laTe ; It Sty have leurs. If you are feelinr; niiscrablo don't waft until you are flown mck, tui use 1:10 jonic 10-nuy. No matter what your dlseasii or cyii4leais may, be it will pive prompt relief. Remember I Parker's Gisrcb Tosic Is not; a rum drink but the Best aad Purest Family Mfdicino ever made, compounded by a new. process, and entirely drtferetit from Bitters.' (jinperpreparniioasand aH oMierToriies. Try, . 300, ootue. 1 our aruggsst scppiy j u. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Cent aud Most Economical fliir Pressing xqulsiicly perfumed and perfectly t-arr-Vss. Will Alwajn restore Cray or F.i. ! Hair to its orieinat youthful color and ppeaia i.e. aad is warranted 10 stop its failing, aiit its (rt. 'h and prevent baldness. A few applications cf tiie Balsam ml soften the kftir. cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu awuis of the icalp. SoJJ by ill d.-u;iiiat a. sofit. ASTHMA CERIMAN ASTHMA CURCt never nun o lostinu' r I icra the most TMcnt attach and insure comfortable sleep CftH inb&latios. hn machine: the d rctajiea t t ram. ficilitatoe frM rTMrtiintinn efleeu IfiDCC whra ell other remedies fait. COAtrialwilieonTincethemoet 1 skepticaj ctnts immodiatc, direct and nerer failiaa ! efTect. Frir?ei &O0. anri 1.90. Trial paekajte fre. Ot drc'orb mail f r stamp. Cnt thin oat. X will mall a copy FREE! 01 my rew iioou, "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," FREE, to anv rerson who will, nd his name and post-ollice alu7ci!IJ3TIa!cuta in stanips to pay rxstnir. T.i m v one Ptifliritis with CONDfPTIOV. ASTIinA t ATA,5KI(, SOHE THKOAT cr l'ISONCIIITIS, tli.-Information In lb Ilooti la or if rat value ; ami it may in tli providence ot (iod. ae msnv nrf"l Mvp. Address. 1U. .V H. WOU t, 140 Cmlta Hu, C'iacloutt. O. Faadlngs! recitations! Elocution I &!fim NOW READY. Viz. IfiD f? ktjpptt p. Cn G?!) ?03 Chestnut tl, fhiladeiphla. T: in BnTnr i rniform w"h tTi Sri1, aiH ertaln an Clhor I'l'Sl'tf-o fp!eiij.-l Iltf-Iuinntlan a" 1 Kcatlliirs eom-'lnin Rtl-n-rt, Oratory, I'ttthtv. liunaor. r un. 1 HO pi, rrice. 30 Ct-.ttiiafrt-i?. & A I by i;w5eUer. lery hoy who ki'-iK pieei. every rt-mbcr T a Ivcenm V'ha wxn-n Bsmcthinx "S-w to ro"i:!. phonld ipt tla V SoIeHct. c:-nti .. a: i I r.'J 1 ' t iT('onUr Free T.L VitO TRUSS J Bill .a ui.t.-. i.'soul Iw.ftoiii SCMSIBLE'T ' ''- ! 1 " r,,1,' tk' TPIIC 02 "iilo-.pfri.,kKlii,, 1 KUlS ..Jf l.ii .a.;r.-. I... m..... .a v.. a I m fri:.v. wit a itbi Tnila!jht kA fallen! n -i i ills csr, ji.iii aad eaaa. Sct tjr isu. C: . i. EGG Lis i 01 TtCbS tv., .'ji-.-.;f. III. Palace Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Vnder Frank f'arrutl.'s iiew Jewelry SUne. IICT &c COLD BATHS ALWAYS l:KAI)Y. CLEAN NEW PLACE, :ilul no - llie time to i-'i't SHAYED S!IAMI1IOia MAJil-i'LT, or'auytliiiig.eli'e in the tonsori:il May, at John Hoouc's Now rliop. Corner Main iir.d Fifth Streets tHattKUlouih. n ctrak. Esttlo Creek, Michigan, , jtr:vrxciciLy.BS of tec oslt entriKB TKHESHER3. Traction and Plain Er.ines and Horse-Pcvers. Moat CoTTTnIrte Thrrihor l a. t3.-r ! Estr!"!"-: lalligltorii!. I8' YEARS inni'.iet-n.OT-t. tr 1- . broad Hf irruntjf gUm urn n: 'oinIf: Mram t"1-'" im' I'r.-ftioti 1 ik. erpr-'i ti'- :: .. r-i 'M(-- -r' '.- ' . y f -r !&-.!.- ii ' ;-. . l.. r. i 4 l t l'o.ir ei.'i1 i-f . -cc-'a-lt .-.'ir '--- . (.r -Tv. i. . f - 7 ";.' f:""i w;t i j c. .r .i-i'v- oti .- T n.i:v.r.!:-v--.... -j r-. mi. s i 7j-:-i'---V..i F-arHir-i-? nriit ''nr-.Ti.-vrv tr iJ.itt.l-a t ir-fs.- A.--!!.-. J aASW. t 29 fainter A Grminer. ALL KIXDS OF fainting, raiRtng, dlasiwj, c2 i Also, feeomtion of nR kiad. Painted in G05& Style. FltJCSCOIXG A SPECIALTY. ftKFEKENCES : J. Vaixekt. Sk.. A. n. Tavi.or, N. ROUTfCS. E. ItKra W. D. JONES. Successor to Jone it A.new Again takes charge. if the Old Brick Livery Stable PLATTSMOl'TH. - VF.BHASKA. The old Bonner Sf. ibles. ill Flattsmoutn. are now leased by W. It. Jones. nd lia h on hand New and handome aocoiuuiodations. in the shape of HOUSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. and SADDLE IIORSKS. I am now prepared to keep hi OltSES F9P5SALESTRABE! And will Train and Break Colts tn Keaxonalde Tnns. That with p'eaty of room tthat cverv one i Knows i nave) li my etahle. 1 ean jret I arm ers' etoek and wagons, loai ' ot hav, 4e.. under over, wpi I.- !!.) will keep Jrv. Tlui'.Ki .ir all Ihe old patrons dr In ir lihi-rali tv. I soiK'ii ilieir trade tortile fii;iir. Katislled thst I etin neeouinindate them better and do better Ii) them tliae tvei beiou;. -.01 v v r. jones. SUESOBIBE FOU TUE 2TEBEASKA A f It 13 J5k TUE THK HERALD ! ! OF TIIE C'rXTV. NBff Ye (lSSlvf sliall iifl'er ery low eluli r:ites oi: t'.,e lief.t j;ii ei3 anil Uiar.iii:-s in tiie I'nion. AVe sli. ill also pul.ii.sli ami issue a IImi!soml3 must rutctl "ALDINE" Herald Amanac! for each of in. r sul scrilier.s, a; Clii ist in:i I iir.e. Aud try and make th" ;aprr BETTER AND STR01TGER than trtr. THE HERAtO, and yt your friinds to yice n a lift The More Help Ye Get, the Better paper We Can Make. J. A, MacMurphy Ed, HERALD, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : $2.00 a Year. P , 1 111 t CO 3 -51 f2. " : CO u 3 5 3 I -t E 5 5 O X . rl 3 b 5 jz o 3 c -s-w tr 5J.2: as B z S c c- -a- y C a. a; SMS M - 3 M n s e as -S 9 a o I 2: ' a' M I H E fi NEBRASKA i T)H. 0RIN .DARLING, SOUTH BEND, NEB. DRUGS, PAINTS, OTLS, ETC., FLOUR A1TB GROCER IES in genera!. Ir Parting Is also a Practising Physician and l ran always be found at Lis Ofllce In the Drugstore. ; Plieelal attention paid to OBSTERICAL CASES. 31 mG U. F. Mathews, 1EALEU I.N Eardwaro, datlsry, Fails, lion, ";jgon stork. STOVLS ami TIN-WAKE, Iron. Tfc4 block. Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD A GARDEN EEDS. HOPE. AND A LI. EI A PS OF SHEET IRON WOKA', STej t in Stock. 3kliiK aasd n imirinjr, DON E WITH KEATNESS & DISPATCH. All Work WomcUed. i!tt NO CHANGING CARS )Ki:t.M( OMftli '., COONCiL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSMCUTH to jGHICAGO, 1 WIi.it- tliipet roiineetlous tire m:ule i it ii iThrongli Sleeping Car Lines I TO j m:w yokk. hostox. niii.ADKi.niiA, r..vLTiMii;i:. wamiixctox. AND ALLt EASTERN CITIES. CIic Sltoit JLiite V a PEORIA for IXDIAXArOLIS. LOUISVII.LR. flXCIX XATI, aitilall jiif.-- in the SOUTHEAST- I Tin: IUT 1. 1 XI. I'OIt ST. LOUIS, Where Direct t'omifctioiis arc ntmle in the I'MoN liKI'OT Willi Thronoli Sleepina Car Lines for oil points NOI'TH, Th Shertcst. Se-,tiii,ft and most Comfort :ilile via HANNIBAL ta Ft. St'OTT, DEXiaOX, DALLAS. HOl'STOX- A csrrx. sax a xtoxiu, ga i.vkstox, an nil iioii.ts iu t"Hx:as. rii"iii.ui ir.-W'hei l P;tliii'? .Mi-opina Cms. '.. 1. ' 11. t ;il;tie 1 kr:i ini;-i:ttini f':ni. Hiih lliTti!i t.Vcliiiinu ( lciiis. Xo" Kxlra rli:;i;'e I ir Sf itN in Keelliilnu I'li Ml-s. i iie f;inn!!N It. & J. l':'.l:tee ':iiiin;C;tr. l-.-isl Tii.ii-. ?:c . ! K:ii! Tr; iv i. i.tl.-'i: e.ell'ii'ti' l Willi I ! I '71' 1 ft -i tiu-ut. Illilk'" tin ami Stiiierinr ir Ureal T:.k,iiiIi i.Viovr a 1 niii'ii. tl.e l::iil)tr uol-ile t Ihe ...'. -nt : n : mij Tii-uwr. t;:y it. : "'1 o.l will fin.i Tf? AVKUXt .1 l.tix- i.iy siisieai! ol a I'lcoiuloi t. 'i niiiiinn al'oiit Ir -ii s ef Fare, SUtii-.;i-eninnMlatiiins. ami Tinn' T;.i!r. erfully iven y :ii'yia:; !n ii. 1 ti'.i'.i, Sen?rar Fasseiuer ts't. Ciiieago. . w. s;:i s ts. TralV.c Manafff-r. All i-". t v. l.: MARCHAL c East, T!t Benainc "lireet from fatuir-r t purchner. en iri thi bi-xutiful rjn. 70 inchi- . hich. iocati ion-;, soiiU walnut cm, octve. lsiopa, 4 !vt ol f r ir e ire aeLermiur-j uimi firry our uu ui u uji,-"riui.iiT ui nut uiiiKuiuccuvuii -. tberfre put the rn- at $60, "'1 Send Otl Ktfteen DaVS Trial- W esctiJ itU v r.T Or-tarj ST(HlL, HI JlL mid lrhl UI I III. "I HlMlat, t .-om Huaiu, Outfit. Ortli-r ut UiNfi I h- ai t tb muurj Lb jour bui ur mj rt-unaiiir muciiaoii, U) be paid to tts iTOrau U MUrCTorr, or to brt-urD-U U vou ifUrao la reiurntl oLs. ouMHthe Only House In America nei a t-ciun Orw. 4 u f Ht4tt Manna Suit-txu. pi,- -, tur ttnj f,V n( J . irtn .far S60 Onitr dirtct or pi-tid fur fu;l cniU4-a. AI.VliCIJAL At frMITU, Wwt iOt cuth ftimt, Aew VorL, . V. i Canned g-st out J. I of Crfler. IJ rsl Ji -A Vi!ll last a Life-E-AfJ U U.e'ou:;r liauuXaciurers. WHO IS UNACOUMN75 VITf! TIT fO'lKlPK' CP ' '"" C . "Y, V"!. A. s.-.,-: uv E;'Ahi:!!NO Tins n'av . vmai 't h.: ?Vmr"xr .vh! y- - ''!. J V-aLx J l i.'.w V --. -r-Sr. -. , --r r. f-vT F I . 5?- . CHICAGO, ROCK ESLANO & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GREAT t'."SNFf'TIX? I.IXK (lb m.iln line rims ti'-Tri Cn vsn t Ceneseo. Molino. K-ck I. -mul. Imr ;n. J.'bertT. Iowa 1 ity ,?I:irtT;.. iJr--oI.l-.-n, Joif-ps (i He capit.il oi i.ivai, "! n..rt .i..ii- iie. an-i Aroca ; Hitu hran h-s f:". i :irr;.;i . :i uactiiin to rc riu : Wi'.: .n Ju:i ti :i in .tisr.; tine. Wanliintrton, Iruirt:' t, r-,ti't.. I.-.-il.: -rt, , I Centroville, Frm;eto:i. "L r t.; n. iju-i:ti:i. i -:;(;- ji tod, Ieavenworth. At.-l.i-j i find nu;: i iry; Wa!-bincton t i:oiii:it'v. cTthM-'i y ilii-.;- " ville; Keokuk to k urmiP'.'i. -n. liii;:fwn ii.r?- i tonsport, lndepeni:-r.t. K..l;:. U;i ::;i-.:t. l. ;u ille. ChskaUiosa. lVll:i. Mt:rir- n.i i ti;-; NPWton to M'UlWO; b-M-)iii-'il'l;i i.i:iri,J "R interset: Atlantic to Lewis mi-1 .m; ofl r Aroca to Hartun. i p.i;TftT tl-; uf 'v : .fcsilroad. wliicu owns, and opia.3fi a uirwucti T hi? from Cbit-aK into in Stuu- r ir. -. . IbrouKa hlx press Ir-aM-iit-1 ir:ii:.-i ..(, mna Palace' arsatta.-aiei.aipiu: r. between Chicago ami Pi-ofrt 4. Kaia- ; lOCKCtl, ULCKIS, UCAVEMAT'IHTII Ai 1 kee and Knnas t ur, via U.t "Miiv.uWct.- uiJ toe lareai iifKrit lsianu in ninvninrp :iy quippcl. ltaroail kH.I ii timpij p-ft'i. bni 1 X. toHrfc ia lam kiio 6te.i raiti. What will please you tnkt wi!l hf the rline f enjo.inu niur mipiiM. whilo piisiii OTfrthe beautiful prairie of llltnUiin iffn. la one of cur maHilic.nl Dinins O.rs th-it cc :u..!i.;.i nil 'IhrouKa Express Train. : i emirrt meal, aa ftwiq as is e?rveu ui ni.y l:rst-::a in.-iol. loreTeniy-flro cents. AppreetatlnR th jiiot thnt a majio-itr f Hi- people prcior atpuruie apaiuuu; i-.-rerit nuross lanrt tiie imiDcii." f.u:ii.iiii:..t- rup;t:i'.Mi cf ihisllne wnrrantinn it. we are pl.-u 1 h: i .in- Boonce that this Company run. Ju'i;; .n ' ilaa tUtfDino Can ior slceuiux iKirij."ti, a.ij PaUcf -!. .- 1 X PAI.ll?r OH; mi cor2vc.11. buffs, ii.-A tin. Tieketa via tLla Lin, Um. u the All 'l leact aeenu ill ti.c a i-.ir; -isiij for laformatiaa not !uiiu iit Ji.. KLMBALU HENRY BCEOK BEALEK IN , SAF&5, 6HAIRS, KTC, KTC, ETC., (f All DtJtriptions. 1STALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODEN" COFFIlsTS Of ail kizes. ready made and sold cheap for cash. J1' FINE HEARSE lSAUft KtAUl tUU StlkVlCt. With nuiny thanks for past patronage, invite nil to call and examine my LAliGE STOCK OF IStf. ri'UT "i: A l ( (1FHSS NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE. Or an Old Stablt iuntir haiuls entinlt. Tha New rin-.i f HOL'tlLS & D1X0X, pen I lie uitt ST HEIGHT HA UN cn t lie Cornei- of tltli and Ie:irl Streets -wish a New Livery Outfit. ;ooi iii)KM:s axi ai;i;Iai;i:s -.a ait tiiiies MOr.SES FOII HALL. tlOHSFS lUjViillT AXP NOLI), HOUSES KEPT UV THE DAVOIi WEEK Call ami see 1 1 0 j,J IE S Si I H X O O. F. JOHNSON. m:i.i: u in Drugs? Medicines? axd- VfALL PAF&R. Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IX Stationery, Magazines, AND Lntest PuI)Ik-;itions. Presfrlplinnx fnmfntlv 'oiniini!Sei ly n'n Kxperleiseeil trus:sit. nr.MEMr.En tiii: vi.xi r.. Gth ST., 2 DOORS SOUTH OF II A IX rVATTSMOUTIT, SED. Tl;e l.o S-Ji c.-iru! Ijjruedy r Vt-i' ii V'-t iI :is ii i c. i-i:iii; iu ii-i rJ,'ci- :mh1 4l'c inn i-lif-ler. Also ee,-l;-nt fci iieiniili !!v .:i. V. KA l l'l.oui' la-a.uw. From a Prominent Physician V:iliir.uinnHif. i:a.i. ,1; i l!i. !!..!. KKNil.li.l. C'l.. i: ' yniii- At. !-.- i--einei:r ill 'li;rf. l-'ii- l!t Kill, is'-e. M- : !?.-:iUr 1 anil I'iit til. uf Jl lill.lll S hli:VIH I ur:'. :tn I iinv ;i v;-.:ii;'b!e jinn -pt-fMv Ho;sH v, huIi U:n It rn I iiin Iium t-pnvin iMftiit lis. I MT.t . yen for ;i hittt e hy i-fp-i. hirh iu fix vt !c- irnittvrd ;tll iiuiit-iit1-- nrnl mlai ji-niri: ;i:nl u 1,'iL.t -;inr St tn un it hrr di. "fit! l or li l:t-i s -? ; rt rn-i;i v i.s son. Hi a- rnli. The out' ImUle w;:s wort it t n-t on h'ti1r.:i ilollar. I ' . . . . a 1 1 I . i I I ....,..., LJ 4 ! ..M . .... t Ta in -"(iri. limit iwiii-' ii. ir. ia'i.i-r. ...i' 1 Tr-tf f. rrice All iniLList-i iiavt it or-an rXt it. L't. It. fr yon. Hr R. .1 Kend ill Co., dimih U "lii-sburizk Falls. Veiincu!. SMITH ORCAH CO.. 60 fEW PREMIUM CORN S HELLER. OM.Y CHEAP PHACTin.F HAND COK HIEIIES HXlikL. Hn.l. im An M I TH As jt NY 6 OVUAB fcULlXl.lt IN 1I1K HAKklT. TV0 IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES. Flit ST. Tt doe not irj are tbe crrn, and ia litmiore juit the tliimrtou'for'h-llingci.ra forseed. SKCONI. tip end and bull rrd or th co-n can oe 'iello! into one essel, and the bolj- of ll.e rnr iiuu si-otnrr. ubicbiaao Immenseconvcni'-iice, aa muuy laroiera plant only tbocornfroTnthemiddleol 'the ear-. , , ETtrr FarnerTantsthisbbclIer for Fhcllinjr corn foriinT try, tor meal, tor seed, or Inr aiiT ein.ilar puri s, no naiir bo T"rv lne, HTh-7"-tced i-ne!le' 1 . nny hnvp. Jt 'Will PajrFornsen Many muia Over on An v l'nrm. Oti- rr."MTrM I-hKN SHF.I.l.f.K is denued to Vrnm.-- the vvt Co:: S'lKl i rnof the dnv. IVhpn once introHureil r tm: ;'U I he warned. We bdir-ve tii tol-e 1 1 Best Hand Coi n m . r e ver lnv.Tt'-d. r.wM5i"e AUKMTS A 1 r. I in every 01 . . ttrFnr Sale bv ail flrt-cUs- I'mintrv Mores and Dealers in ihit.iv. arc B. J AirrirnKnr&l Implements, ASKToranit"' kforit, and if hebasr.i l r ' it. v ..;ll . .n.i . u ,i ,,oi,l i(l ,nv flilrt- nnin riTPi.! of l Ai'-r.i Publishers. FARM A FIHtilCE, Sn,ing!.3:d I1LTV, Ti; i nn EAST & TI!E WEST! .rem! "C f t her ..f , . iC I'. ' V; it i-( : f it. t Ii -:: ili ri:' : !m i'-?-? Missi?Mpi)J : rr. r :rl -t - - j 1 : t- cr.'- sf if 1j t tusa !- r-. ,r a . .mi nt Cnyr.i i! UlulTi, . i.i'avt r'. .1;!. ni-l Aiciiuoa, con i : x.ri S ;n I r.i :i IM'-'-ib. : t'. i'. t o vni.-.tions op .1 vuU all tnT.n::is lines for tiie ii ill.: 1 ; t M. S., acJ I. ..i. I!. i...s At V '.UlNtiTON IlEir.nT. itU i C. & S. . Ii. ti. : nil I::. ri.f. r.. R. 1 . ...,. .. . ti. A. E IB. ! a-., uukee Itock :. i ItlM Pro. Rla. i in Ycnprt, Jiivlaiual 1 : : . v 11 .1 f. :.i ..t . . - : .: l.t;iN ,.R. V . :tlt i-.'B...R. X.R.R. . iv.i i i ci.irMt I.;wa K. R. . i. it. m a. y. n. tt. r. ' ah ii. -.' tl. e; r H.-S. wuh t nu.n Faeitlp R. R. Ai ini l li . l- m B. lo. ft. Ii K. In eb. v ! All 111. 1 i.u.iSjl NC-TltiN.wuU B..I-. K. N. R R. : At i: rr:'.. , rni i ri.tr; luwa It. IL ; St. 1 . v ki:-i ' . is XV! i:. rl'1. A l lato'.l'ii, v i.'l 1'i.i.. 1-Mi. A; Vlr.; Wall.. St. 11.119 A Pi-- :- i'l t. I. . Km. a N.-W. K. lius. At. A.l tliiv villi II. t.J ICR. At ATrn ni.v. -it Ar.-ii.. -l opeka Santa Be; An i. A N. 1 i:n.t i n. Iir. V. I. ILIlils. .ii i.i-.-.v tv. .:i;ih. witli lian. rue, aca Eca. 1 Crnt ! l:. .it Ka a t": : v, '.Titli all Jiijcs ijt the We. ; i.r.i ..lllli .: ttirfiurli t.s r - H iiii... 1 a- 1. J l a aa. 'Oi-iitt i'..f U l.luuu liouto," are sold by .ti; . i.i;. iw Uoiu licUct nf!, n!d... Ii. ST, .TOI-IX, Ova l TU. aud '4V SIGN. CARRIAGE AND ORNA ME NT A L PA IN TER, Shop over the ir. PLATTSMOl TH. Brick Block next U Boeck's. 4!y - - NE15. HUBI..4H 5 A. G. fiATT Jl'ST orKNKO Afl A l.V. Nan, Clean, First Class 31?at Shop, onM.iin street ton er of Ml,, ri.itt-mouth Eve; liody on liund for liesh, tenner yie;it. .'Tl.r DR. BUTTS' am IttilUsii 1347 t 12 3. Stl Btrcot, ZZ LCr."3, i'X THE Phyieiao id cfairce of tht nt ! anJ wrll kfv ii i. tut too re relar gt Jutr iu me Ucnte itd ,iut'. "I far of Eipriraee in the tr?tn.i.t ( 4 a run If Ul-n 1 n.a 'a their fta.til cd ability toBiwcl uprlnr la llm nl tt-t ur .'n - r praciitioner, ibal ilir bave acqttirrd a iiittouil reuutiua IN PIS CRETtO Nor EXPOSURE Iai iwii ii mi ! iimiiaii -jkwz. iajM,f v jc h Bj. i jir it 2tjt (i Uili, t.uBiM rtik-A, ltt-t, htj lrt-rv. Or wilio. nil trlmary Truutir ind !hltttlc nr Jlt-rrttrtaJ rttrtiM nf ttie thruAt, kla or lenf-s trr:ri wit'i uc'r, on KiP'.i Hf jrm lrtr, without i:fcf!f Mprcury or i.;r F.':fnut Mrtlmiri. g3aUHbXAaa0KAaaTUBBal lrinC from I 'if cIert of hlrrBTlr riirt or AriL.nal )Wit-s rraiiU of -H 1.u; In i-utti offlCcn in niat4.eJ jrir, are frnnrwtAiy nrd. '1 ;.t Ji ca pro.Jucr Mir. of (o:io iri f llrcli cn. Mfi-ei, illinru, M:viuiott4, illl- of til.f. c-'t'r:- ' fuo'itn, orbNipAllta. dpiJet.cy, Cfti-ulfr f i V i. rr..m f -cietw, iitfrefir u.rm'irf, i.aJ NiU.ti nil', in p-iVBrt cr lom of OiirJy r izor. .-h iijha v-tim f i-ti r y i n-"i'r jjis. PATIENTS T a E AJ D v M T lUl1 iri i ''' .. ;r t- -p-,, .ri s FlkJ-. i ui-- i: il ed. uf ctJt"ttii Ut frrl (. v fM'it ' tic - ti itif llwt Birat ui.'t ! f r-e I i t'' a.'ti". oh p; -I ;rjt. n. i VtL- III-'I Xonh rili s l. I.. tf-ST T.a?.FSK!cP. cn mim is r.rr .-f V ili'-nfrtr nor tn Artmn ;f iicliine. Ts wv.'if., rl.i:': ua a-ii!i;r-:ijy j(Ti',ct i ir-4 tiirirf:;-1- an,"! fe; a;u.:nr qnai'.tH. Hnvrn nri inv rniM, .tn.,1 rl'. Jir.Nit rr iii!.v f jr mjirUrr itizi -:..-,, i. :i4ti tii'tc-l cIiir-Liy, is i.nir hc-J, Iv-rf.ii vi'iy. w t!; !!- econoniifjt' u en rrcu fciv, itn-.i uo- i nit r-f ;ictry itint-liln? in he iMtr'.4-t V' i'A L i:il) vn (--rtna vull i' H.n r.orutial in tlmhiuir finx a:ui tiirntjjy,tlirf"-u-luj-rj-iti cie..iitfcr Irtti as w-i-l r.:irt ii-.:i.v o rnjM:y r vhK.b.a-i'.l rr.yv.vr-' no chare cxrpj.t thnet-H. .Vtt wrm gqmrm frtt o f fparntiutj fwH rwmnj ti fact ihtin any v'thsr triiirhina it ad", ard em n'-i fce 6wrini'V.f T. ,-.h rvr-r- 0" ! i-n Vr-K?"-t i;r AAtlU Il I.I.I St4 ATT At ll.UKNT im new unit very ('loiri X. I-s tna wrk ninn Tii';'l!y taU Ixitcr Uaxii ca cxcluaily IIiuJi-jr !I.PAl(: ATOns of tbi virions fIiob ted for 5 mw or J'Tie ' rrt as cr" in . An linprovrd lirin Power p.n Tmrorrd Wti-irv 1Vvit fln i iht i hvnrtl liiiitnl r-iii-f? :-r7 all iu-v.-nt . c-n f'-nr vt'-i, uro J i::-... f... ti. i Ly us, an-t art ruf nrj-.if cd l'j a-g r j-' n rrn to f-imifb P.-nt-ilwn I'-jri.-.i ij Kt:ii:eM uU our ftt f.tnUtTJi. Tor i'S.zc-U-'i rv.d Clrcu'srs. a ltlrr?i r.lhirt. '; "..TVi,:-. VV r W Hid- i. i.-ie I'jI " t.rKKl. ,-OH 'til.! . I ff.K!u.(it, l,lV.V , , -Va.-A -;!,: I V ) r . ( t .n ... j xi f i lJ..i- w rtii. '-.(. A la In s. 4 . .. Am C l U .rt. n, tjuji S I i':.!.iev rj Mj!iin. v Cv-i-rrd. ti'-;-!,! iMi ' 1 D'.riiit t. 1 tJ t- .4T.rLiji. , trlit t- 51a- rti. . "c- jf. K- !vi. tt-o, ti K b.t tun.'-t.A. lia AiaryiW it& I i it. i iLj aiiftii-1 nMi, . u.-lJ ar I hwt p m r t ' v.t .i Ii. :i tmHKsj irfat'.j.iL A u a I 4 r in, tiM fiem lm a, r-Ur.j i.: . y-it. w:'li iu.t E'.cr.rluf, Lj Biart". J.Ucctu. ''THE PRIVAT5 MEDICAL ADVISER" I'liiiii, lioncril: j .i, ? i.-c:. 6 it ; t-t e, ,inco cole. tt.t t4j.tru.6f ovrhc?-, tirxMtJ ptb lily, ai.J Iiupotrnrj-, tx.m t f-All- c ai l irrtr. iktii.r. -6iO-'nt mu r v..S rt if'ivi U'yv.iH.r'irj! ifMi,Li t. f s .-bt ! f- ct:r SI'iii F ii b-iu "-tetc. uiif K-r sirr p,t u-it -ytr, ; it mnn r,ii. rr- o--t 'i'u-i r. f I "i' - "1 rw.'t ii t.t U-. i . T. : :" . s l ic. 1 K;:.:;l A2t::c, L';i;:e ca 2. ir.. ::i !: V. ;tr.tzz::i. 'Cs. f V r D O I I. f? - -f t. - a- M i.i o. c v i wi. r. i v. i u.i. ( 6. .. i'M, :,: : ;nf i!.ufi V-if . T e--it --i i in? i p-.tii-y n c a ..( r.ifr M"Jira fi x'ird. "Jit- tM'.'-nr t no r: i rue-'' p?-vr.j.au ff n.v v iti' f r-ri:i . f i is wtM ki ei.;, v. t'i- i.:cc-itn.:: I t.iifr ?4i ir - - .,. i,. .1 d n. wiH f ain-l ,'f fir-i r....i 'o tt.i,s. ..H n- x f' t. rt t't-tr of il nfifn. fT NT". tiJ i- T -f :)M trmi1 .-o.-.ut ln , tl. fc. .( nf pi AT uf " l'T..-. !i " Ji'f"!,- P 'wl..( Ui- H in J-j.vm.-1.l Xi t-ooCK, ',- I .. -i '"r ' 1 c - i : urt fiuiiit!! . i-i;;.i-r (. i; c.i'wiM. tell ii nr rim! firrir. . -;,r-l l-r mil i J CTi' r-.. tt'J.,r? f -.;-. j rr--'.lrIl-.t f ("t-rri i:chit f'-f i i .'( -i. . i I n-f . r I h .'ii-i t- -If! m; trt xme nl n A ' ;T f I-'ltt.l',, "iT t-'l k r r ir..fi.t '. t-ii HI'! 1, ai North HtJi St, fu l.unl T'"Zr:j j3' "r"- f -v-graax'jr.rT'i' w"cD rnr in 1 v I . s. !( f It.-,-. 1 ti: Ui Kur. liiL t, ,'-.-- j,(a-.u, i i! fi l.-ei. r-, . f i .;. i. t- t-it(. t lr:ts, :f 1. II ir.-l.l-.". . V. I t.BDrOi-U '. t 'Al. I t !'.. ;-.. i.'-, lu-l;, .'a.. K5- f: M :;vrr;;; i f cv :5t 1 0 c t4 i - Sa '.;- 3 lap? -v;'tiV. " 3 I-' e?lt!-j . fjj V.o rocon.rr.f nd Conn's In-a P;:in tu e, :v v 1'iur.n who Viil;, "i i vt't:!--, r. TTsrmjrii.Tcc! : ariictitKr.y t'ltice wlio l::-ve Tl.i::, ri-io I.ipi-, t'oM Hands mill Fu ?, ei.il nl:o r.:r t Ithour Mrenph or An.'- i:c.n. T!.ns I'lUr. i,-.:;i ; the ci-rcs. pive Wri-i:ft'a to llio r.Jy, "::. ee Iie- ,r lunrr P'f n. I i rit m.d Iirrn.ve it.-o fiiiniitr lie. I :uii 1, iir.'t I'.n i nil I i.i. ;.-n tin? vuni- -1-i.ll 1 v ( 'i:e ii t tl o In art. rvrn l!'M 'ache, I.. m.'.I fi!ht-rfoni; : ' r t!.: t Irun ia .rlvo-. Tr. i.tf.: -.. r-.i - in i' l:l - .' i . I, : . - oi i .- -.;. '.- i ts i f ti i ! ? ..ii . A ri i l h 1 r-1 I '! ir men nl n n: tr-.'.ili'i;. -I.-;i--. N.?' Su.vitj". (Jr. ".! i r;.:- , lj..l hv nil ilni.' i!. A . ' ' (1. ri '1 is the ; jirij aii valu 1 i!ii Nirvous In int-tai hoxea. its, cr sent by CAHTEJi MEDICINE CO., Mew York City. t-j, N' li '.nrj . .I. DlVr Mlktt tai. aanre. ' n : I : -u l-I Irm; I ,l r rt j "ip-F i; "" i . - ' --'- ir.c l ; I ?.. lkM.ki li.al fumr P-m, 5 fii?!T5 WANTED ' r . I; ,rd teM. f $ I W Si 1.. nr 1 vl t.hI B !.-, ar-d 4rl,t. Prtca Uf ft -rr ct. Nalmtiai P-.6!:tb' (Jo., Sr. L&u.l, M. ""-ii I J-V r"-"-:-i"." free v . 21 ut...e : 3j:-. - .'. Torn. a.--' . r - - f; t 'nr. f . 'I. - u 1 i-. .. 1 .... Ir... -.. ;.li !-...,.: . it v r 1 1 v V-r. I r'rj 1. . " 'a. f V.'Vi.:-s".l - r iV ?.'-'.- r p i T-a r-s. k - , & i 4 vj 1 mmw13 t'CJH r fi rv "Vit-ji'' K..-:J r-Tn ran r-T BENNETT & LEWIS DEALERS IX AGENTS FOIi TIIE CELEIJItATEI) LEAVEN WOIM 11 ten 22a la sMym Cash Paid for Mutter xnd. Here We are with a Complei eS tock m a Bii- BLANKETS. COJIFOIll'S. SHAWLS, SKIRTS, HOSE, FLASNEL.S, CASSIMERFS, JEANS. VALISES, PRITSS, GOODS, IIUCH1XG, RIBBONS, LACES, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTH, MATTINCS WINDOW SHADES and FIXTURES,,-., d. BOOTS, SHOES JTJD ARCTICS, C-jP Hats, Cops, and Hoods,-'; UXDKIiWEAU, ALL COLORS AXD IZKS AT riuchs to suit i:vi:kvik)dv. -wrcr -H.- t Jk. Mt A Card 2 TT ft S r.t GLOVES it- MITTENS TO FIT EY F. IlYhODY, U;th in SlZX A PRICE Also tlit? l)L'.st So!oi-1 Stock of -trirllv lli-.vi-chit. s (.Jro cerios, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tolitfcvos, (ueei)R-wai-t; and ("lasswaiv in tin- City. All of which g" lar.inti c to sell as low to close Ca-h Jitive:': W. s .s. MAIX stuei: r. tt j. i V.-a' f J.'j,-jJ "i1 ai' ALWAYS EATER I'AEG.UNS o. . . . We show tlic lurest and 9 3 C3T v ra n. . V -ilVB'Va. U -T.'W w n ! a ailiiata J.tS-ilJClli liiiiijj. Si v4i,-J,'. AO- JL WE ARE Real Genuine Baroains! This Season in eve We will ill Call at the rhihulelpliia and vou S0L0M0F --i;i:ai.!:i: Ulll a.- r,l .H l. IVa anil suc'i puoils :is are -5???S "Liy ." iLxi .s. - ..ir.-r mi: !:"' i a i. BOOTS -A-ISi as wc ;tif fjiii ui; out of lli.it 1 i nt oi In -u Is earnestly so licked. He sure and We siaWvsay& ics4 Vf 2 fPO"B Ftemember the i!ace-South East corner Main ami T!,;i 1 SiV,- l'la! . -,i:ht.!i. UTII3IANa .V YXi K"A( Ii. THIS SPACi! 1 s'ees'eai H5 TO 'GIVE THEM O.A-X.X. 0. O- c r as any SUSS h)L :iSjJ: i .. IN-, and lb:1 larir-;1 n ititi. H. VAMP. & CO. I). i i. ur att AHEAD THAN EYE!.'. vc .-(.'Ice U1 stoc of ' B s Jl - naia.i.ji;.i,1 i;-i.ir-i8 CT t T . ."I du Ck4 --si. . .i ; J f ? r;a"- '?. CHICAGO! GIVIXr, V n 'inrtiiieiit. J at M i 1PiRv lIAteitt per itorc, make j-our PurclinMs will h:uiv. a 3JATEA3ST. S IN- sia stii a aH ii:-ii::i!y K in ;i 3D II'IAIX in :Oj!S Is Mill ;nc.- Our ;. ' call, an I lie t-'na in. ) uf I'.tii Urti'.iug pay like fi I aS JU. Li 12" i 1 ? ?- 0 DISE i, L k it r 1: ) J ( i i. -JM