Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 06, 1881, Image 3

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Hlliio. I!e jiihir auvtrtta
,. No advci liseuiwui ttsmt-
.i. .it Mature rate.
.! j jf tlm law will be neld
',- !': .t:i ! noliei-s they hand In,
. 1, S d.-llt.'-ell'lg n ;;S ir f Ol pilllllCa-
. ,;k ,m: be ,'ciu lor the tmulica
i s- ii i.ouce.
i oum in ic.vs ion's.
-:i.e-e is liteite J, nU eMiniinlcaons
' n. i : a:i'1 to the p dut. nli uu wula
. i eponsit!e for the correctness
r to -..; of paid Matter and paid Le-
; '. -. v in-.n who takes the paper regularly
-!.'. ! -cliW, whether uiiccied to his
...!-.'! w n ther be Is a aubscrioer or not Is
. ,-j.nii Tor the pay.
i. !t uiv M-r-a.n ordci hia paper disenntin
ic !. he i' i'h! pay all arrc u ages, or the publish
. r.::y io:,iir.iie to send It until pament U
iiia-lc. "anil collect the whole nioiiut. whether
iliK paper is Uk-Mi from the ofliee or not.
3. 1 tsi- courts have decided that refusing to
::i'ie ncivsinpi rs ami periodicals from the post
or removing ami ! avtng them uncalled
for. :m 'irui lacir. evidence of I.N TKNTIOHAL
Wtscott sells the best buckskin
jrl'jves. 89tf
The sleighing is ausgespielt.
Every bo1y swore off Saturday.
Will. S. Wi3e sell Real Estate, tf
Fire meeting next Tuesday night.
George Vallery spent Christmas
:it borne.
. TU Commissioners are in session
this week.
Men's Arctics 1.30 ut the Great
II -d .store, 41 if
Head the correspondence on the
outside this week.
Orirans cleaned and repaired by
J ames I'eitce. tf
-."See Kalisky & Sou's new ad on
the first page this week.
Square dealing guaranteed ar. the
Clear Red Store 41tf
A lartre reduction on
goods at F. Herrmann's.
The University Cadets returned
t j Lincoln Monday night.
Special bargains at the Great lied
Store for 30 days. 41 tf
Geii.Gew. S. Smith came in from
Linco.n Wednesday.
The biggest line
gloves at Wescott's.
Head notice of Dr. Black's Rheu
matic cure in another column.
Manufacturing and Repairing s.t
Merges Shoe Store. 22lf
Capt. O'Rourke is out again after
quite a siege.witli his eye.
Come and sej the inducements we
are olTering, Great Red Store. 41tf
-Our Correspondents mtixt write
a oue side of their pappr only.
See how cheap they hell furniture
at tne Grertt Red . store! 41tf
--A large line of cloaks to be sold
at cost price by F. Herrmann. , 42t4
All the prominent polilicians are
weniliiig their way Lincoln-ward this
Go to Rons & Son's and get
gtocerit s, where you will gt
money's worth.
Chrisl mas and New Years have
come and gone, leaving many the hap
pier for their coming.
Clothing almost given away at the
Great Red Store, save money by seeing
us first. 41tf
Milton Folk was in town Wed
nesday, lie don't look much like a
married man yet.
There is t be a dance the 15th,
we understand, g.)t ten up by some of
the Red Ribbon folks.
Twenty yards best print for $1.00
at the Great Red Store. 4Uf
A line buggv passed through
FlaUxmouth last week for Mr. F. M.
Wolcott of Weeping Water.
For HO days they offer goods at
strictly New York prices at the Great
Red .Store. Call and secure bargains. If'
Hilly "ita.lslmann was in the city
the first of the week; he returned t
Lincoln Wednesday morning.
Money to loan on Country Real
Estate by W. S. Wise. tf
I. N. Hicks has moved down town
again, he will occupy the building
just left vacant by F. 1). LeliuhafT.
They mean business at the Great
Red Store. Goods positively lower
than aiiv house in town. See for tour
self. ' 41tf
-A large crowd gathered at the
hall New Years night to call on the
ladies and have a good time.
Harry Ilowland came in Monday
and pai 1 for 'he Hekald and Scien
tific American for another year.
Nub'uts, hoods, children's and la
dies' wool s.tetiitea to be sold regard
less of coat at Fred Herrmann's 42t4
The contractors will soon be at
work on the bell tower, it will be
erected next to the engine house.
- Gospel Temperance meetiug
will be held at the Methodist Church
Sun lay afternoon, to w hich all are in
vited In j ustice to yourself and family
yo'i sit mid s.ive money. Therefor
price ut the "Great Red Store before
buyu g elsewhere. 41tf
Next time you go out sleighing
Mr. S. cu must not load so heavy and
the hind bob wont "bust down.
fceven persons were received into
the Baptist church last Sunday and
several more will come in next Sun
il i.v,
Jno. Rons & Son are still selling
good groceries at a bargain, and all
will do well to give them a call before
purchasing elsewhere. 1
Our I'. O. key has tinally put in
nr. appearance, some one kindly leav
ing 'i iy lost Ullice. wl.o wUI
pN'ase accept thanks.
W, L.Jrowne went down to Lou
isville, Wednesday, as an attorney on
the, case of Pankoniu And Metzgc-r,
brought up under the herd law.
Mr. F M- Goolsbv's little boy came
in Wednesday and said his father
wanted the Hekald. And so they
come; eTery oody wants the Hekald.
Miss flattie t ulmer is teaching.
the 1st ward School this week for Mrs.
French, who ha3 not returned from
Chicago where she wtnt to spend the
'v Holidays,
William Shryock and Jae Robin-e-H
went up to Omaha Mondav and
I came back Tuesday. They met Willie
V tlaer, niarhV llnehner and"everal
J other oi l Plattsmouth boys while
Personal i
'Col. George Woodford was in town
Wednesday night.
Mrs. Freuclr- has been spending the
holidays with friends in Chicago.
Master George M. Spurlock went
down to Lincoln the Grst of the week.
M Us Dot tie Cook was in town dur
ing the Holidays, visiting . her- many
Mrs. C. E. Wescott has been quite
sick for several days, but is improv
ing slowly now.
Mr. Vanderpool, of Lincoln, called
ed Tuesday, only to find ye editor al
sent. which w e regret.
Mr. and Mrs. Klepser, parents of
Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Johns n spent
the holidays with their children.
Mr. W. It. Arnold of Greenwood,
called Wednesday and left the where
with for the IIkkald and I. O.
another year.
Miss Nellie Wright and Miss Addie
Uutiery returned from Burlington,
Friday, where they have been spend
ing the Holidays.
A. S. Campbell, formerly with C.
II. Pinkhatn, South Bend, goe s to Hast
ings this week where he will run an
exclusive Grocery Store.
Mr. Hahn, w ho h.s been for the past
year with the firm of L. Kalisky &
Son, left that position and I'latts-
mouth last Saturday, for St. Louis,
taking in Omaha and Chicago on the
way,. and a general slice of holiday
good times.
Frf. F. Stadter leaves us to-day for
the East. Prof. S. has prolonged his
stay considerably beyond his first in
tuntions, to enjoy the holidays with
old friends and now leaves with pleas
ant recollections of holida) times, car
rying the good wishes of friends witli
Mr. E. M. Yates, of Omaha, called
last week and ordered inserted the
notice of incorporation of the Cass Co.
Bank which he informs us will be in
running order very soon now. Mr.
Yates was looking also for a boarding
place, being desirous of becoming a
resident of Plattstnouth as soon us
possible, with his family.
Mr. Byron Clark, one of our young
attorneys who was recently admitted
to the bar, starts forth lo-day to carve
out his fortune in the field he has
chosen. He ha settled upon Papillin.J
the Co. seat of Sarpy Co., as the scene
of his labors, and will take up his res
idence there immediately. Byron lias
been a diligent student, passed his ex
amination with crtdit and honor, and
has made a fair start on the road to
success. Steady application to business
and a deteimination to succeed will
now be the most efficient aids to carry
him forward on this road, and with
tht in we trus he may reach the goal
of honorable position, and worldly
prosperity and happiness. Wc com
mend him to the good graces of our
neighboring townspeople.
Suicide is not more sinful than
neglecting a cough. For only 2-1 cents
you can buy a botle f Dr. Bal l's
Cough Syrup and be saved from death.
Snow ! Snotv I ! Again.
Read the Lincoln Correspondence.
The Bell tower will soon be com
pleted. They are getting splendid ice out
of the river now.
Full stock of Boots S2.23 at the
Great, Red Store. 41 tf
It's hard work to get locals this
week, everything is quiet.
Be sure and go up and see Scully
and La Fountain walk, ll'a immense.
understand there is to be
Temperance paper started
Nearly all tho young folks in town
were sliding down the High School
hill Saturday and they seemed to en
joy themselves hugely.
D. II. Wheeler has moved his office
int Cal. Par melee's huilding. next to
Henry Beck's Furniture store; the
nv bank will take his old rom.
W understand that Charlie Par
molu has gone up to the University to
school. Plattsmouth has a pretty
god representation at the University.
Lost By th undersigned, be
tween Main Street and his residence, a
notebook with naino on cover. The
finder will please leave the same at
F. S. White'sstore. Chas. Nickles.
At the Arratenr Press association
convention held at Lincoln, Jan. 3d,
I) II. Wheeler, .1 r. was elected presi
dent, and Frank Wheeler was elected
secretary and treasurer. Good for the
Quarterly nreeting at the M. E.
Church Jan. 9th. Preaching at 11 a. m.
and 7 p. m. Sacrament immediately
after morning sermon. Quarterly
Conference Monday. Jan 10th at 9:30
a. in.
The Red Ribbon Club met Tues
day evening at the Presbyterian
Church. The regular business was
attended to and short speeches were
wad by Rev's. Beard and Storms and
others. A fair audience was in attend-
j ance.
I Several couple? met at the resi
dence of Mr. Llewellyn Moon?,
Wednesday night, by invitation. The
evening was spent very pleasantly,
until near the small hours, when the
company separated, thanking Mr.
Moore for affording them so pleasant
an evening.
I Mr. Moore, our town florist, had s
many orders for flowers that" he was
! unable to supply the demand during
j the holidays. This is an eucuragi;:z
sign both of a refinement of taste in
i ar townspeople and of their appre
! ciation of Mr. Moore's t-kil! in xrrang
J ing tlowers which is scarcely excelled
I anvwhere. !
The Enterprise said farewell to j
this mundane sphere the last day of j
the ld year, and quietly lay down a:ul 1
died. Its life has been longer than
we exp-eted when it first appeared.
Wo lay its remains carefully away in
our newspaper rnansoleum, and add
another epitaph, "Dead, leaving behind
the experience that to start a news
paper doesn't always mean to keep
ne going and Uiat having a good
many (seeming) frienrts and swim
ming with the tide doesn't always win
in the long rim."
A new weekly is soon in t:ifcA ite
Just as we go to press we are
handed a copy of the New Castle Cour
ier, announcing the marriage of Mr.
Milton Polk, of Louisville, Neb., to
Miss Kittis Alsbaugh of New Castle.
Ind., which toek place on the 28th ult.
at the residence of the bride's parents.
This was quite a surprise, Milton,
but we wish you joy, all lh same.
Hurrah, we take it all back! That
Christmas present of Geo. Smith's did
come, only a little late, and proved to
be a blooming little daughter. Old
Santa Claus probably had tier wrapped
up so carefully to keep her from freez
ing he didn't discover her until he had
started for the hyperboreau regions,
but George is so happy over it, he for
gives old Santa and all the rest of
mankind including us.
A new change in tho time table
of the B. & M. took effect Sunday,
Jan. 2. The morning train which
formerly left Plattstnouth fr Omaha
at 7 a. m. is discontinued. A train
leaves here at 9 :2Q ami connects with
the train coming east at the Junction
at 9:50 reaching Omaha at 10:30. The
passenger train formerly arriving here
from the west til 8:00 a. ru. wow arrives
hero at 10-05.
J.N. Wise, Secretary of C iss Coun
ty Agricu'tural Society has prepared
warrants for premiums drawn at the
last county fair in favor of the follow
ing parties and they can receive the
warrants and payment for same on
application at Major D. II. Wheeler's
new office east side of Main St. west
of Boeck's furniture store:
Mrs. Henry Bester, Fred Gorder,
Pearl Holmes,
Joe McMacken,
W. A. Tiffany,
A. B. Todd,
C. M. Holmes,
Sage Bros.
Mrs. T. J. Ford,
. Floribel Wise,
L. Wise.
Hiiiiseu & Ciiassot
Wish to inform their friends and the
public in general that they have open
ed a
until further notice in Fred Herr
mann's oid stand. We invite all to
give us a trial.
42f IIax'sex & Chassot.
The Cas Co. Baiili.
Notice f incorporation of a new
bank called the Cass Co. Bank is given
elsewhere. Mr. E. M.Yates, who will
be its cashier, informs us that the
bank wiu ,,rabalily not ba open and in
running order before the first of Feb
ruary. The place of business will be
Mr. D. II. Wheeler's tifiic.
A pedestrian match was commenc
ed bust evening at Fitzgerald's Hall
between Mike Scully, of Omaha, and
La Fontitine, of Canada. Tho match
is for 72 hours, go-as-you-please, and
the winner gets S200 and the door
money. We saw the saw dnsL goii.g
up to-day, it took seven loads, the
track being what they call a padded
track, and it takes 25 1-7 laps to make
a mile.
Dr. Itlack's
Rheumatic cure is the bos3 remedy,
cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia in
all their various 'onus. For sale bv
Smith, Black & C. 42tf "
Any lady wishing to know of the
merits of the Excelsior Kidney Pad.
its action etc., aie referreo to Mrs.
Win. E McKecknie, Photograph Par
lors, Toledo, Ohio. See Adv.
Fine Mock.
The improved small eared Poland
China pigs are bred and raised by J
C. Newberry at Louisville, Neb. The
Poland China hog is considered by our
best stock men lo bo the oest poiker
raised. 42.4eow
The action of Carter's Little Li vet
Pills is pleasant, mild and natural.
They gently stimulate the liver, and
regulate the liowels, but do not purge.
They are sure to please. For sale. !v
Smith, Black & Co.
Baby Saved.
We are so thankf ul to say that our
baby was permanently cured of a dan
gerous and protracted irregularity of
the bowels bv the use of Hop Bitters
by its mother, which at the same time
restored her to perfect health and
strength. The Parents, Rochester N.
Y. See uneiher column.
--Try Carter's Little Nerve Pills for
any case of nervousness, sleeplessness,
weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia.
Sic, relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine foi the price in market. In
vials at 25 cents. For saie by Smith
Black & Co.
Those who have not settled for their
last year's ice are requested to do so at
once and save cost as it must be set
tled -it ow e. 41i:J - F. S. White.
Save Your ilouey.
A large stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. 22tf
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore exist
ing under the firm name of Guthmann
& Weckbach has this day been dissolv
ed by mutual consent, F. R. Guthmann
ieiiring. Parties owing the firm will
please settle within thirty days at the
old stand. Parties having claims
against the said firm will present the
same within thirty d ys from date.
F. R. Gl'tii.max.v,
J. V. Weckbach.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. January 1, 1531.
Thanking my friends for iheir liber
al pa.ronago in the past, I respectfully
request a continuance of the samo in
the future for my successor, J. V.
Weckbach, at the old stand.
42t3 F. R. Gt'TIIMANX.
Prof. Seuliey and Prof. LaFountain.
the famous pedestrians of the West,
commenced tlmir wearisome 72 hours
walk at Fitzgerald Ha!!, a: 8:30 p. m..
yesterday. At 8 o'clock this (.l lnirs
d.iy) morning the score tu: .cu'.by
37 miles and Ships; Lal-Yuniain 40
mih-o ni.d 10 laps. First niiie made by
LaFountain in seven minutes, and 22
miles in 2 bonis and 43 minutes. Sviil
ley falling behind, in thai distance, 3
miles and 11 laps. The Frenehinaii is
Uie favorite at present, yet experienced
sportsmen hold to Seuliey. The walk
w ill close Saturday night a! 10 o'clock.
j The beautiful .ilver cup to be eom
j peted for by araatear w;-lkists this ev
ening, at SI entrance fee, is now on
exhibition at P. B. Murphy's Temper
ance Billiard Hall.
Score at 12, noon, to-day Seuliey 63
miles, LrFountain 53 miles. Both men
are in splendid order, and the track is
in fine shape. The interest in the con
test is steadily increasing." Gent3 are
invited to bring their .ladies, as the
' State Historical Society.
The annual meeting of the State
Historical Society will be held in 'the
University Chapel, in Lincoln, June
H,lSfl,at3 p.m. The annual elec
tion of officers will be held at that
In the evening. Dr. A. L. fluids, of
Plattsmouth, will deliver an historical
It. W. FunxAs, President.
Sam'l Aughey, Secretary.
As I shall turn my grocery stock over
tollanson & Chassot, January 1st, who
will ccupy Jerry Hartman's new
building two doors east of the Court
House, I shall run a strictly cash drv
goods store at ray old stand. All par
lies indebted to me are requested to
settle their accounts by Feb. 1st, 1881,
lull not settled then will be given in
to the hands of a collector, regardless
of person. 41t3 Fred IIekkmaxx.
Not a Beverage.
They are not a beverage, but a med
icine, with curative properties of the
highest degree, containing no poor
whisky or poisonous drugs. They do
not tear down an already debilitated
system, but build it up. One bottle
contains more hops, that is, more real
hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary
beer. Every druggist in Rochester
sells them, and the physicians pre
scribe them. Evening Express on
Hop Bitteis.
Womeu with pale colorless faces
who feel weaK ami discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are
made for the blood, nerves and com
plexion. For sale by Smith, Black &
Those persons who do not need
Iron, but who arc troubled with nerv
ousness and Dyspepsia, will find in
Carter's Little Nerve Pills a most de
sirable article. They are mostly used
in combination with Carter's Little
Liver Pills, and in this way often ex
ert a most magical effect. Take just
one pill of each kind immediately al ter
eating and you will be free from Indi
gestion and D spepsia. In vials at 25
cents. For sale by Smith, Black.& Co.
- List of letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Platts
mouth. Cass Co, Neb., January 6, 18S1.
Allan J. T.
Brinkman Frank
Bradshaw Albert
Brock wav Gyrus
Brown Gay
Barker Lewis
Campbell .las. N.
Clifford Van
Hughes Abram,
Jenkins J. W.
Iiroe Georgo
Kinney J. J.
Miliar Mr. Plast'r
Mever J. W.
O'Rourk John
Schwof W. M.
Chandler Oscar F. Stenn Miss E.
Eklon Gust. Stephenson J.
Weber Alex.
Persons caliitr for the above
please say advertised.
.1. W Marshall, P. M
lfie.1. Mill. lo, Dora; youngest
rlnlil uf Jump H. and Eraucen Alien, f
ireenwoiul, Ne raka. A;-;ed one year and
twenty-seven days.
"As the sweet llowvr that scents I lie mora,
But withers in the rising day
Thus lovely seeiuea the nfaiit's dawn :
Thin swiftly fled Iter life away.
Ere nin could bliel't or sorrow fade.
Death timely came with frlenuly care ;
The open bud to heaven cunveyed.
And bade it blcoin forever there.
She died to sin and ali its woes,
l!iU fur a iiifcinent felt the rod
On love'n iriuiiinhaut wins 9he robe.
To ist forever with tier iod !" E. J.
RAMSEY. Of f'aialysis. lee 23d. 18S8, at the
oltt p.Uiimouial liomeMead, ia:ar f'laiiKloit
tSpiiui;. Heaver County. IVkuiyivauia, Mas.
Mak ItAMsKY.aued t7 years, - months and
10 da s.
The deceased was born Oct. 13th, 18 3, and
had 1'Hssea her 67th year. She was a grand
child of bamuel Von Sweariueu. one of Hie
pioneer settlers of lieaw-r County, rYunsylva
uia, who, tnaviti the penio and dangers ul the
ludian !cal;ii; ki.ile and tMuahawk, more
than a century ago, commenced the flitf ettle
iiicnt of lien re r I'ouiny. The deceased was
marrk-d July 1st. laJl, to Itamxey.aud
wnoia she survived a lit tie more than ten yis.
She was llio mother ot eight children, seven of
whom .survive her. Of the chi:di-ii three reside
in rcuneylvania, one in Virginia, and three, B. S., and Mrs. Leila It. Wa.cimau le
siile in Cass County. Nebraska. Mie early be
came connected with the fresbyteriau Church
ana during a long life was ever a ilevolod
Christian nicilicr and fnend. She (tas ever
ready to console the afflicted, and many a poor
u) inj; mortal was t' ooihed by her as the
spirit was passing into that mysterious bourue.
A .Cnnsiinn hope and implicit faith iu her Ke-ileeutei-
con. foiled and consoled her in her lat
moment. For a number of years .she had be-n
Kiadually de-'cendiua life's rushed pathway,
and. as if ti typhy the shadows of age as they
had silently crept over her, the spirit look its
iliut jast as the fading sunbeams weie kissing
the evening shadows across the eastern bord-r.
Around her dying bet tearful, loud, devoted
luve sadly watched the loved Christian mother
mid filvnd Kcuily pass into that dreamless
kluiuber. As if in recognition and reuieiiibiauce
Oi her many C liiisiiau efforts to soothe the dy
ing in the hour of dissolution, the angel of
Deaih gently touched the fluttering spirit, and
painlessly it seemed to pa-s into Eternity's re
pose, (iently as nature's br.'a!hi"gs in the dim
and fading twilight of the evening, the feeble,
fluttering npirit noiselessly passed Irani the
iiged and palsied body into the great, mysteri
ous Iieyoiid. Life's immovable boundary had
been reached, and Death's messenger gently
carried the Fiiit over into that mysterious land
of dreamless -icep. And while the old patri
monial fields, hills and dales w ere clad in snowy
white as if to symbolize her winding sheet
wc solemnly and with heaving breaet and
throbbing heart, laid the loved, cold form aw ay
to rest beside the ashes of father and brother.
Farewell, mother ! A last, long farewell to
that loved lace ; your work was well and faith
fully done ; the Christian's triumph was your-.
Gladly would we have kept you with us yet a
few years ; yet w ith all our hopeful, prayerful
efforts to keep you here, the grave triumphed.
Since you have gone, cheers for your spirit in
hsonwad rand upward flight. Your memory
will ever remain the pricelcse heritage of
child, friend, neighbor, and the weet, fertile
oasis in this dismal, earthly desert.
To all Our Friends.
Having had numberless inquiries for adver
tising cards iu all parts of the country from la
Uies w ho are luieiestcU.iu the faslnwii of making
"Card Collections,'' we aie having printed for
them a set of seven beautiful earns, cadi In six
colors and on a gold background, iu the very
liigucst degree .ot art. Ulusiralitig Shake
speare's "fteVfU AgiS of Alan." We have
sparad no expense iu these cards they are
sinipiy mtie art-gems. Our only aim has been
to puolish the tiiicst cards yet shown. Appli
cations lot tueui have come in so rapidly Hint
nearly the whole edition is engaged lielore the
receipt by us uf the cards from tlie artist. We
have tneiclore been obliged to adopt the fol
lowing plau lor the distribution of tne remain
der : in more ol the iu Shakespeare cards,
seveu in the series, will be sent excepting upon
the receipt of a statement irom a prucer that
the person apply n.g for the card has boumit
of him on tli:t day ut least seven bars of Hob
bins' Liccii ic Soap, w ilu price paid for same.
All applying iu tnis manner will receive the
full set ol seven eaids gralis bv mail. This
will Insure u that our friend- and patrons get
tutiir share f lhee beautiiui designs, although
it in no manner repays lis f r the c.-t of Hie
cuds. Vonr urocei lias ihe soap or w i!l get it .
and the purchase by you of st veu bars ot it at
one tune w iil s, cure lor you gra:is -.even liL'au
t.Ial cards, ine soap improves villi ac and is
an article of neces-suy in your house evry
weet;. 1 hen fore yni! e not ,scd In buy a
nseie-s ai t eie, be.! i-i,t j!i n.ttst a'ave
ai:war. i'iease send if, y..ur a; i lo ;,iion :
once, ami tell your lady tririei.'. making "Card
Co.iecth".-" Is do the s;un.
Yours res, ctt. illy,
I. 1 . CliA.iix i CO.
116 Soi:tli till St . Philadelphia.
See the
Heats anything you ever saw f jr S5.
31 AW 4.n CIICAI'
A Lad's Wish.
"Oh, how I wish my skin was us clear
yours," sai.l lariv to her friend "Yon
can fnsUy make it so," paid the friend.
-How," inquired the first lad v. "Iiv
using Hop Uiiters. that makes pure,
rich blood and blooming health, It
did it for aie. as .you obsrvA." p-h
Frm Luella.
At a regular meeting of the Farai
mers Anti.Monopoly Club cf Elm
wood, the following officers weie elect
ed for the first quarter of 1831 :
Daniel McCaig, President; E. A.
Kirkpatrick, Vice President; T. I
McCarty. Secretary.
Daniel McCaig. P. Eidruan and T. P.
McCarty wero elected delegates to at
tend the State Convention of Farmers
at Lincoln the 5tli inst. Next meet
ing at Dimmit's School House 13th
insr. Ain:oxrACK.
Eight Mile Urove Notes.
Tl snow and cold weather have ar
rested corn husking, vry few farmers
ar don gathering, soma hardly com
menced; the erop is a fair one in this
. A number of farmers iutended to
go to Weeping Water to attend the
Farmers' Convntin, but the cold
weather interfered; thanks to th gen
tlemen that have enterprise euough to
start at last a FrrHers' Alliance.
The Good Templars or Temperance
flks had a petition around to get a?l
the children's signatures they could,
for the purpose of having the Legisla
ture to grant ihem their little whims;
In tny opinion one good Distillery at
riattsinouth would b more benefi
cial to the Farmers of Cass County
that all the Good Templars in the
State of Nebraska.
.More Anox.
We give our correspondents the
priveiege of expressing tfieir views
even though antagonistic to our own
Three (i roves' Notes.
Christinas and New Years came and
went quieily as usual, but the weath
er has been so cold and disagreeable
there was not muc. going on; a tur
key dinner here and there was about
all the amusement. Some few went
to Rock Bluffs to the" Christmas tree
and had a very good time generally,
Mr. John Doltoa and two daughters
from Council Clnffs, Iowa came on
Friday a week ago and spent Christ
mas in our neighborhood. They re
turned home last week.
Levi Kirkpatrick from Mt. Pleasant
came over on Xew Year's day and
stayed until Sunday.
John Harbett from near Centre
Valley made a visit a few days ago,
also Miss Ilattie and Mr. Ellington of
Itock Bluffs called around on Sunday
after Christinas.
Miss llarcleroad who has been stop
ping at Mr. Oldham's has been quite
iil sor two or three weeks. We learn
that she is improving now.
Rev. Mitchell, southern Methodist,
preached at our school house on .Sun
day last. He preaches there again one
month from'Suiulay.
Mr. G. W. Woi ley gave a party for
the litltle folks Monday night.
The Rock Creek hunting club gave
an oyster supper at M. Patterson's on
Wednesday night of last week. Also
another one at J. B. Holmes's on Wed
desday night next.
Mr. Editor, we think you had belter
put a new head on the correspondence
column too and get all the correspon
dents to write again for the Herald
looks rather naked without the letters
that h.tve lieen puMisii'ld for a good
while from different p isils.
The IIl'UALD Almanac is quite a
present for the Hekald readers and
contains a gout! deal of information ; it
should be in tins hands of every
reader. Reporter.
Reckon our correspondent wiil be
satisfied with the letters this week,
seven or eight in all. We are glad to
see our corressondents back again.
Aftoii Motes.
Dec. 27th, 1830. -Dear old Her
ald: We, that is, my wife and self,
arrived safely ai Afiou on the even
ii.gol the HUli. Oar children met us
at the R. R. station, with our own con
veyance, so of. course they were not
sick with diph'heria as we feared they
might be. One of our neighbors lost
three children; no cases now, that I
know of. Wa are having a most un
usually severe spell of weather, for
this locality, snow to the depth of one
and a half to two and a half inches
has lain on the ground for nearly two
weeks, making bad work with cattle;
colts and horses, however, mind it but
It seems rather cheerless, after our
visit in Iowa and your county, where
crops were good and abundant, to
cutne back to the frontier settlement,
and find people who do not even know
where the seed for next year's crop is
to come from; yet there are many!
such. Our one great advantage over
eastern lccalitits is sufli-.-ient however, j
to hold our settlers and add to them,
I allude, of course, to stock raising,
and to those who wish to secure fa
vorable locations for this business, I
would say, lose no time needlessly in
securing them, as the peculiar adapta
tiod of our country, with its fiee
range law, low taxes, fifteen mills per
dollar, abundant water, and natural
stock shelters, for this business, is now
well known, and we expect a very
considerable outlay of eastern capital
during 1881.
I have raised three crops out of six,
hoppers and drouth took the other
three; next year we confidently expect j
a good crop, and will try to ho.d a por- j
tion of it over, for fear of possible
failure in '82.
We had preaching in Afton, j ester- !
day, have appointments for every j
three weeks and hope for still better j
arrangements, so the good people who I
read this may know that we are try
ing to remain at least half civilized.
Our literary has not been heard from
tins winter; too many gone on claim j
stays and on visits. We predict that '
lie day is not far distant when A.rto;i !
w iil be a i:l4 e f stitnc note.
liespectf uiiy, i
E. S. Citlt. i
Some of V? n.o-t eminent si-i-";t;fiv
men now accept t!.e view taken by .-. :
be mar, namely, that continent'? h-.'ij I
not been depressed, but overflowed by '
the ocean. Owing to the precession of
the equinoxes, t!:o mass of water is
transferred from one hcmi.-pheeu to the (
other once in H.S;A years, and the sun (
remains eight days longer in ime hem- '
j-jujcre man :n ti e o'.ner. At Hie pres
ent lime the winters of the Southern
polo are eiht d:iys longer than with us;
ii:o ice comment Las consequently
formed there, and the mass of tho ocean
is to he found in the Southern hemis
phere, and the ice covers a space upon
and around the South pole more than
l wive the area of all Europe. ' The ex-t;-epie
of cold t th Antarctic pole was
rrru-hed about CoO years ap;o, since
which time t';? e'iinate has been be
ooKiinij ir.iliier. while that north of the
euuior Las La jawifg cokk'r
Mr. Lincoln used lo tell a story- about
a l ir I loosier who came to Wa diington,
ilnri?!- the war, and called upon a
strepf" 'Arab for a shine. Looking at
the 'renioudous boots before him, bo
called out to a brother shiner across the
street: "Coine over and help, Jimmy,
I've got an army contract."
Stories of the Dumas.
It was during the successful period of
the drama of Henry III., one day, that
Mile. Mars was receiving friends and
admirers, Dumas, the elder, presented
her with a beautiful satin-bound copy
i.f the drama, and an old doctor who
was present, exclaimed rather simply:
"So you are a tragedv-maker, youug
man!"' Yes," replied Dumas, "jut
like you; the only difference is that you
have yours bound in deaL"
Dumas was a great friend of Vntout's
who was so devoted to Louis Philippe's
family that he followed them into exile.
On hearing of his death, "Poor fellow,"
said Dumas "and how did that hap
pen?" "At dinner; the water they had
to drink was very bad; the princes
were all sick, but atout died." - "The
courtier!" said Dumas with a smile.
Being present ono evening with
George Sand at the first performance
of an execrable piece, he was convers
ing loudly with her, when a bourgeois,
seated in front of them, turned round
and sharplv requested them to be quiet,
"WliaC" exclaimed Dumas, "you
have the good luck to hear George Sand
and Alexander Dumas conversing to
gether, and you are not satisfied!"
Dumas was a very powerful man and
rather proud of his physical strength.
His father, Gen. Dumas, Marquis de la
raillerie, notified his birth to Gen.
Bntne in the following terms: "My
wife has just presented me with a boy,
eighteen inches long and weighing ten
pounds and a half. If he keeps on like
that at 23 he will be no pigmy." The
father was also a man of great strength
whose feats were renowned in the rec
ords of the French army. An engrav
ing of the time, now in the hands of
Dumas, Jr., represents him alone on
the Brixen bridge holding" in check a
body of Austrians, killing three, wound
ing eight, and causing the others to re
treat. The marquis was a mulatto; be
ing one evening at the theatre in a box
with a lady, a young coxcomb entered,
and offered to see her home after the
play. "Thanks," said the lady, point
ing to the general, "I am with this gen
tleman." "Indeed," exclaimed the
young man,, sneering, "1 took him for
your servant." He had no sooner ut
tered this piece of impertinence than
tho general took hold of him by the col
lar, and lifting him like a feather,
threw him on the stage.
His grandson, the present academi
cian, is a chip of the old block, of ex
traordinary physical strength, and
most adroit in all athletic exercises,
which, as every one knows, does not
prevent him from being as witty as his
father. Somebody speaking oi Alex
ander Dumas to his son was saying one
day:' ."After all, vour father ha3 some
times written inferior works, but he
never wrote tiresome ones." "It was
through selfishness," replied the son,
"they would have bored him first."
Dumas, the elder, bad a weakness for
placing himself .and his friends at the
service of every new acquaintance he
Onoe upon a time he sent to a friend
an ornament of the swell mob, as it af
terwards appeared, with one of the
most gushing of letters of introduction.
"Throw wide open to him the .doors of
your house and your heart; treat him as
you would me," and so on.
Shortly afterwards Dumas encount
ered his friend, who was decidedly frig
id, and on his demanding an explana
tion of this coolness his friend said,
Don't you remember sending me a
gentleman with a very enthusiastic let
ter of introduction?''
"Yes. yes; fine fellow real heart of
g'.ld-full of wit charming companion-"
"Yes. I dare say; but he stole my
watch from off the mantlcpiece."
"What? Vour watch, W"
i.ive at Table,
nr sei't. your first du
the cutlery- It
rv .- -t'.i.-
.-t :: . .
KtJT: I' s Stump,
for in-
the Meri-
den manufacture
Tiiis wiil cause others to examine
their knives. They will marvel at your
practical knowledge.
And you will live long hi the memory
of your hostess.
When soup is perved, opportunity
will present itself to show your superior
attainments in gastronomy.
Confidentially inform your vis-a-vis,
in voice sufficiently loud to be heard all
around the table, that Bouilieboi is the
only person you ever knew who would
make soup fit to eat.
Every eye will be turned towtird you
iu adoration.
Your hostess will foci a sort of reflect
ed greatness iu having one so gifted
condescend to grace her humble board.
Then blow into your soup as though
you were under contract to furnish mo
tive power for a windmill.
Thus you will show vour haughty
contempt for conventionalities.
For a similar reason, you will eat
from the point of your spoon.
This movement will make you look
like the sword swallower.
Your appearance will be picturesque.
Your elbow will threaten your right
hand neighbor's eye.
In eating fish, whip as big a piece as
you can into your mouth, and then pick
out the bones one by one at your leis
ure. You will resemble the sleight-of-hand
performer, pulling ribbons from his
Always oat with your knife, aud
close your lips tightly alout it when
you withdraw it from your mouth.
This wiil keep your knife clean dur
ing tho whole meal.
Cleanliness is next to godliness, you
With the meats conies an excellent
Opportunity to exhibit your gymnastic
You will make yourself respected,
now, by your left-hand as well as your
right-hand neighbor.
You can make yourself still more
agreeable by watching your opportuni
ties in conversation.
When a gentleman has transferred a
forkful of food from his plate to his
month, address him suddenly.
It is very instructive to see a gentle
man try to talk with his mouth full.
It is very amusing to see a gentle
man half choked in his endeavor to get
his mouthful of food out of the way,
that he may answer vou.
Of course you will cat all the while
you are talking, and talk while you eat.
Thus will you pay a delicate com
pliment to your hostess's cook, show
your social qualities, and prevent others
possibly, from eating more than is
good for them.
If pudding is served, say it doesn't
agree with you.
But eat of it just the same, and cal;
for more.
And here is nu admirable opportunity
to dilate upon the idiosyncrasies of your
dU-.csti ."e :pparattts.
Vhe noblest study of mankind is man.
If pudding is not forthcoming, re
mark upon tiio singular idea some peo
ple have that pudding may be omitted
from a dinner without ruining that din
ner for peoplo ho understand such
When the pic comes, peep under it,
or turn it over like griddle cake.
This especially where the lady of the
house doesdier own baking.
If the pie is underdone, it would be
the right thing to mention the fact.
If it be done too brown, say some
thing appropriate to the occasion.
When a ladv makes a slip in her
cooking, she liie3 to be told of it
Coffee should be drunk from the
saucer, as though it were an oyster in
its (hell. -
This gives you jaunty air. -
If at a private table, "never pass airy5
thing to your neighbor."
Y..u may want "all there is yourself.
I ever neitato to fwk for what yvu
fuiiMjt reach.
HliatL'Tcryuodr Wants.
Is a pleasant, reliable medicine that
never does any harm and prevents and
cures disease by keeping the stomach
in perfect order, the bowels regular,
and the kidneys and liver active.
Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger
Tonic. It relieves evejy case, and we
have seen stacks of letters from thou
sands who have been saved and cured
by it. See other column. Tribune.
Jay D Dunning, Clerk. Wabash
Shops, Toledo. Ohio, says: I am now
wearing an "Only Lung Pad," and it
has afforded me almost instant relief
from asthma. See Adv.
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
If vou need furnature call ou the
Great Red store and get low prices. 41tf
Go to the
You can positively do yourself some
good. 31tf
"The Leaves for the Healing."
Of the native of Siberia, arc the
leaves of the Arnica plant, to
be found infill their healing p iwer iu
Brown's Arnica Salve. For 6ale
eveiy where. 31tf
The Friend ef Delicate Ladies.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure is the remedy that will cure thu
many diseases peculiar to women.
Headaches, neuralgia, disordered
nerves, weakness, inenti.l shocks and
kinureU aliments are effectually re
moved by its use. The Mothers' Mag
aziue." JJ4tl3
'The Winter of Vour liconteni"
Is made Glorious Summer, by taking
Bttowx s I'rrsix Tonic ; Try it. for
sale by all druggitts. 32tf
The l'niveral Verdict.
Of all who have taken Brown's
Pei'sin Tonic, is that it never fails to
cure. Ask your druggist for it. tf
a;t:tm ai cawankkrm
Make from S-'5 ti Sio per week selilnc g'mds for
:. ;. ill Ur.Ul l & n.. in nurr-lny Mieel, ,ew
loi'it. s?enj fur ciititluKue anu terms.
They are selling the best clothing
at the Great Red St tire, at such very
low prices, and you have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. That is why you should
go there for all you need. 31tf
Pepperberg s cigars are the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal-
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for them.25tf
Now is. Your Time!
Great Reductions in Boots &
at Marshall's, Weeping Water.
ForSioU HeadachcM,
LTse Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills;
For sale by all dealers in medicine in
Plattsmouth and East Plaitsmouth. tf
German t'ntnrrh Cure.
Cures Catarrh ; Try it
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings.
ltf Plattsmouth.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
ib., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7t,
To the Citizen's of the Comity and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a hre-.proof house, before
the comet conies down, call on J. T. A.
Llloovr.n. Louisville. Nebraska. 14tf
We Challenge the World.
When we say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is decidedly ths best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one half -the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough. Croup, and show Bioie cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It wil. cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to lake, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee what we sav.
Price 10 cents. 30 cents, and SI. 00 if
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, uso Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold
t.y Smith & Black.
Do you Believe it.
That in this town there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion. Dyspepsia, Sour ar.d distress
ed Stomach. Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for 75 cts. we Will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalize!', guaranteed to
cure them. Sold hy Smith & Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Use it if yon
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
25 cts. Sold bv Smith & Black.4eowtf
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
Shave tuto small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quarts of wter
until the soap I thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon straining through a sieve notlihifr re
main ; add to the solution or "suds" three
gallon of cold water ; etir briskly for several
minutes to mix, and set it awav to cool. Al
though it will look like nothing but soapsuds
wline warm, a ciii-miiral reaction w ill take place
and In twenty-four hours' time will develop
forty or fifty pounds of magnificent and w hlte
soft soap, eostlnj; less than one cent a pound
anil as good as many ot the amuteiated com-
pounrts called soap, and "old at 7 to to cents a
pound. How lunir would it take for any other
soap used the same to become anything but
'soap-suds'.'". Any housewife knows that it
cantiot be done with any soap she lias ever us
ed. sje jf jt can be done w ith Dobbins' Elec
tric, lot sale by all grocers.
Kkku I'.kos.. Sole Agents.
t-eoy Weeping Water, Neb,
"otice lo Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach iu Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, .aii
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day iu March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday aud Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elm wood the last Friday and
Saturdapof March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
E. II. Woolev,
42tf Superintendent.
Atid all diseases of the Kiflripy. bladder and
Urinary Organs by wearits tne
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powerful.
It rritKN where alt elce fails. A Kfvel
tlou aud Kf Tnlnltnn iu Medicine. Absorp
tion or direct application. e opposed t" uaat
Ufaetory internal medicines. Send f'r our
treatise os Kidney trouble, aent free.! by
drugjrirtx. or ent by niaii, ou receipt of price.
Tli in is the
OiitfinrJ and
Genliii'e Kid
The Mf Un Pal Co.
3 flf o
The Banner Weekly f the Wet. u
eii;lit-j;ie i,iier only uue (iollitr fcr. Bud
niagutlk-ent engraving "two feet wide mid al
most lluee feet K.nj" free, a:id osintre paid to
every Hiilcriber. Address Wt-;fcl4l
TIM EM. I iurinnmtl. O.
Probate Notice.
I a tUe matter of the estate of T. A. Kinf, de
ceased, lu tlio Caiuuty Court of Cu County,
eliraslia. . ,
oiice u Hereby given that Edwin Jeary ad
miuiatratur ol tlie estate ol Uie said T. A. Kmc,
leceae.l, has made application for dual settle
ment, ai.d that said vu-ise i et tor hearing at
my ottice at flailsinoulh. cm the 21st day ol
Jauuaiy, A. I. lost, at one o'clock p.m., "
saiu day ; at w hich time and place all peisons
interested may he present and examine naid
accounts. A.N teil-l.1V AJi, Co. Judge,
riaitsiiioutli. lec. 30, lsew. - U
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution tasucd by W. C. Clerk ot the District Couit. witniu
and for Cass County. .Nebraska, and lo mo di
rected, 1 will uu the 'ilsl day ol January. A. I. at 2 o'clock p. iu.,of Mtid day. ut the satitli
doer of the Jourt Uou.-c. iu said c in lily, sell at
Public Auction the following real ealale lo-wn :
The uudivided ouc-lialt l't) interest In frac
tiotiai Iwl two 12) iu sccuwu tcveu (7 town Ul'J
twelve range lourteeu (H) east ot 6lll I'. M.
The same bring levied upon aud taken as the
property of Couiud HcipcI, Oefeudani ;
to .ilinfy a judgment of naid Court
recovered by f olliu & (lUithmau, i'laintlfls.
it, W. 11 VKlts. Sheriff. Can Co., Neh.
I'latUuiuulh. Neb., December aoili li&O, 4U3
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution, indued by W. C.
Sliowuller, Clerk ltlie District Court wlthiu
and tor Caf8 County, Nebraska, aud to me di
rected, I w IU ou the tiikt day of January. A. I).
lMtl, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day. at the houlli
door of the Court House, In raid Couuiy. sell ul
l'ublic Auction tne loilow iug real etale, lo
w it: Lot three (3i, in block one hundred and
ten (11 J). in the City of t'liittsmouth. Cuss Co..
Nebraska ; also, lots one ( I) and two u!). bloca
eleven ill); also, bus ievcu (7) and eight (81,
block twelve il2i, ouug & Hayes' addition to
the Ci'.v ol ri.utMiiouih, Ca-s Couuiy. Nebras
ka. Tlie same being levied upou aud taken as
the properly of Courad Hcisel. Ucleiidaut, to
satisfy a Judgment ot said Court recovered by
Charles t-.lilt riniiii and Company, plaiutills.
rialtsinuuth. Neb., December 30lh. A. D. 1
4U5 It. W. IlVKKS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
Legal Notice.
Tlii Is to give notice that "Tlie riattsinouth
Driving 1'aik A "social ion" is an Incoi poralt-d
hodj dorii in I'laiiMnouih, Ca-ss Co.,
Neb. j the nature of w hich is. "the purehaviiix,
lioldiug and Improvement ol certain groundsill
tlu county ot I a-.s. and the erection and maiii
t alliance of suitable buildings llieieou. for the
purpose uf ullordiiig the fanliltcg iieccssaiy to
a driving p.ii . pleasure ground or lor the uu
al Couuiy fair purposes.'" The amount of cap
ital slock authorized Is ,' o. one halt paid Hi
at lime ot subscription ; thu time of com
mencement of said corporation, I the 2Sth day
.f .I.l' v. lisu. aud the terminal ion thereot.
the 2stli day ut January, liwi. The .hlghcet
amount ol uidenieuuess u snail ever uu uauie
tor Is not lo exceed isjot) ; and the bul:icss of
his cornoratieii shall be conducted by us Pres
ident, Secretary, and a board of live directors.
iu accordance with the constitution, and oy
law thereof, w Inch are duly tiled.
Jou.n r'livijKi: i n.
Jons A. MAcMuurii v. President.
4yt4 Secretary.
Legal Notice.
All person interested in the Estate of Rob
en Lai I a Deceased are rcuuiied lo appear he
tore Hon. S. B. Pound Judge of the District
Court ut the Secniiu judicial District ol ise
braska in the olhce ol the clerk of the District
Court ot Lancaster couuiy iu the city of Lin
colu uu Friday the ?ttti day of February 11
at the baiir ot one o'clock p in. of said day. to
show c:iu.s' why a license should nut be giant
ed to Levi (i. lodd guardian ot the minor heirs
of ltol rt Latia Deceased, to sell all tlie right
title and Interest oi James l.aita. Samuel F.
J.aita and Klliei t Latla, minor heirs of Kohert
l.aita Deceased, in and to the North West
J'iarter(N, V . of section No. eleveii (11) ill
township No. twelve (12) Ntlth of Itaiige No.
iwelve Eut of tith 1". .1. be!n fituate lu Cass
County, Nebraska LEVI ii. luDl),
(iiiardiau of the minor heirs of Hubert l.atta
By chatman & Mathews, his Att'ys. 4Jt4
Legal Notice.
Samuel Hall, "1
SF.11A If. IlAllKFR,
Hannah K. Uakkf.k
and J. C. Hon i.
Scba If. Marker and llanniili K. Harkerwill
take nolle thai on the 10th day ot August
lso Samuel Hall plaintiff herein tiled his peti
tion hi the District Com I of Cass County. Ne
braska, ugainsl raid Seba 11. Hai ker and Han
nah K. Hai ker deleiioaiits and thai on Decerns
her 31st Ihtiu plaiulill tiled an amended pxtition
tueret making J. C. Bond deieudaiil. The
object ami prayer of said petition and
amended peiinou are to foreclose a mortgage
executed by Seba 11. Harker and Hauuah K.
Darker to ,-samuel Hall bearing dale the 8th
day ot September To. lor llie sum of three
hundred dollars (s:hi.() due out- year after
date; that there is now due ou I he raid not t
and moiigage the t-um of fitly two dollar
9a2 0u nud ten (IB) per rent, interest Irom
September 2.d. tsr&. f'laliilill prays lor a de
cree that defendants be required to pay the
same or the raid pieinlses be sold to satis
fy the amount due. I nles? defendants an-wer
said petit-oil as required by law default wiil be
enteied tlieicon aud the same taken as true.
Jan. 1. lsl. K. B. Wi.miham.
Aifv f.r p itin'ilT. 4-11
In whum thin may Ctmctrn:
Notice is hereby giveu a corporation has
been organized under the geueral laws of Ne
braska, lor llie pui pose of doing a general
banking, loan and discount business, suid cor
poration to be known as
1st. The Bank el Cass County.
2d. The principal place ot doing business
shall be iu Uie city of 1'lattsinoulh, Cass Cutiu
ty. Nebraska.
3d. 1 o do a general DauKins. loan ana dis
count business, inctudiuii the receiving of de
posits, discounting notes, placing Ivans upon
ccunty ot either real or personal property,
purchase and sale of ootids, either municipal,
couuiy. state or national and siurli other uici
dental business connected w ith a general bank
ing liusiness as is usually done by banks.
4lh. The capital stock ut the corporation
ihall lie ll'ty thousand dollars ;,0');.
To be puiil as follows :
Tweuty (2(i) per cent to be paid upon the- or
ganization ol t lie corporation : Unity (30) per
cent lo be paid May 1st, 1&S1. and the remain
der upon demand of the Board of Directors
upon giving thirty (j0) days' notice to the stock
6th. The time of commencement of th or
ganization shall he January 1st. Imsi. and termi
aliou Janiiai v 1st. 101.
th. The highest amount of Indebtedness
that shall he Incurred at any one time shall be
thirty thousand (.' X) dollars, (not including
deposits received in the general course or
transaction ol its business.)
7th. The business oi the corporation shall tie
coiuluctei by a board of directors of not less
than five (5) nor inure than nine (9).
H. W. Yatks.
E. M. Yate.
Itattsmouth, N'el.. D;c. 2'Jili, lsSO. 4214
A raying Occupatiou
The approach of the long winter evenings
calls attention to tlie matter of a lamp, for with
out a good light half the pleasure or profit is
taken from reading or study Coal oil is now
in ceneral use (or illuminating purposes out
side of cities or large towns where coal gas is
used, and w hen a proper lamp is used it is the
best substitute for sunlight yet discovered
Tlie principle or plan upon which the Student
Lnnip is constructed may be said to be the best
in use. nut the lamp Itseit lias always llaa sev
eral objectionable features which we are glad
to sec are being done away with ie the new as
pirant for favor called tne homk lamiv
mauufactur-d bv the Home Lamp Co.. of Cm
ciniiati. The great objection to most other
lamps is their liability lo be upset, the trouble
to keep them In order, and the poor light given
by them Tlie New Home Lamp Is nickel plat
ed, and almost a fac-simile of the Student
Lamp: ii has a handsome ornamented clamp.
bv means of whicii the lamp can be at once ea-
si'lv adjusted in anv position upon the center
table, uiano. nuti-ic ret. sewing machine, desk.
or by means of a handsome bracket, which goes
with the lamp, can be placed upon the wall
and ill whatever postiioti it is placed it Is abso
lutely sale, l his is the great feature oi excel
lence, but the New Home Lamp combines also
the patent Argand burner, a
filling Indicator
and match Pox. No lamp has ever before been
teceived with such unusual favor or received
such string recommendations from the lending
loiirua s of Cincinnati, it is also endorsed oy
such men as the mayor ami postmaster, sever
al Insurance presidents ana express ngenis oi
thatcilvas the saiest. most convenient and
best lamp made. The Company desires agents
Id this locality, and any s an lauy or genne
inau can make a handsome Income during the
next six months bv canvassing for lis sale
There are hardly a dozen families In the county
who will not want one, aud Its priec Is so low
as to bring it within the reaeli of nil. For fur
ther Ii formation address Home I .amp Compa
ny. Cincinnati Ohio, menl lonli'.g our paper,
and thev will give you full particulars and ex
clusive territory to canvass lu. 3.1U5
Cures by AB.SUKl'liON' (Naturs's wav
jllxg oim:ses.
throat busimscs.
JUreatbln? Troubles.
It Orive Into the system curative agents
and healing medicine.
It hrnws from the diseased part) the
poisons that cause deal h.
Thousands testify to Its virtues.
Yon caste Relieveft &Gnrefl !
Dnt despair until vou bare trlel thl feasible,
Kasiiy applied and Radically Kfl'eetual
Sold by Drt:j:gl)ita or ent by roall a reeelpt
of price, . by
tim;nt,israT:a-Tiiu"Qaly!i lui M Co..
our book '
30 to l)n0 2 10 32' .
I'lanog 9125 up. rapt"
iree. Address Danh-;
ileary YrashinglonN
WANTED T cure a case cf t'ATAKRA l
each neighborhood, wltli Dr. Karstier
Remedy, to introduce it. H.imple free. Olt
TILION, iniuourg, ra.
$45 to $100 )
l'rr uioutb. durios Fall and Winter. In ev-
formation, with full artlculars. free. Address,
srv roiintv. lnterestlnft anil valuable in.
at once. j. C. Mcclrdy & co., ciuciuiiati, o.
Europe and America.
25 years experience In the Secret Service of
Celebrated Detectives, In all parts of tlm world
8oO octavo pages, 40 full pag eiiR'avlngs. Also
lu press two new lllustra'ed books, fcxtia In
ducements tillered. Kor terms address J. u.
Ut uu & Cu. Hartford, Ct. oj Chicago, Ills.
Wm. B"j3E0WiT.
All orders promptly attended to,
able charges.
0)6 HAY
1 rlJlfiJ,
A flood Tinner alwavn on hand. Kepalrlutf
dou neal I v. promptly ud cheaply.
Eave-tlbugtilng and hoofing al"J
done to order.
Keineniberthe mime and placo, Hay llio.
South Ucud, Nebraska. 31ui3
Palace Barber Shop.
Under Frank Carrnth's new Jewelry Store.
mid now Is tlie tune to get
or nnytliing.elsie In the tonsorlal.way, at
John Boone's New nhop,
Corner Main and Fifth Streets,
I'latlxmoutli, - - n .Vclirssk.
- r f -
111 CHCllll.
Dr Darllne Is alao a 1'ractlslrg Physician and
ran always be found at his Ofllec In
the DrugRtoro.
Special attention paid to
Hardware, Cdtlcry, Nails,
Iron, Ha pon Mork, TIN-WAKE,
Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps,
IRON WORK, Kept in Stock.
Making ami Repairing,
All Work Warranted.
Is made from Simple Tropical Leaf of ftar
Value, ami Is a l'oM i ve Itemed? torall the
diseases that cause pains in the loer part of
the body for Torpid Liver Headitelios Jauu
dice Lf.ziuess. Cjavel, Maloi ia, nml all dii'll
culties o: the Kidneys. Liver aud Crinarv sr
gaiis. Iwlcnmls llixsitsi's. Monthlv'Mcii
striiatioti. and during l'rogiiau v. -it ha i.a
p'jual. It restores the organs tVit mail tn
blood, and hence is the best itlooil " ' , iT!
It is the only know n thai '----" -scourge,
Iti-islil'n Iiei,e. For Diaiy '. .
use Warner n sisfe IinletM ( lire.
Kor Kale by Druggists and Dealers at l 1
per bottle. Large-1 bottle in I tie market. Try it.
II. II. WAKXKlt & CO., Rochester. N. Y.
Cmud-Molhrr, Chair.
Popular. Words & mm-Ic.
'(.lu (lit Tramp." Marrh,
Very inspiriting.
Tu-ichtnhmn Ferry.
Splen lid, Words & music
Atltliihian Giiln.
Sprightly and pleasing.
I'lano .Uule.
A I.I. 4 I'l KI'KS
itailril on ra riitl of
Four 3 cent
:. a. zz:zz.zz cc.r
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Having opened a New Store at the abov
I call attention to mv slock, and ask the
patronage of my friends and the
l'ublic lu general.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware $ Wootlcmrari
and General Geds of all sorts.
Call and uee our Stock before going
Walter Jenkins.
Wagon, Buggy, Machinr and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
I am now prepared to do all 1 niM of repairing
of t.tnii nnri ther machinery, as them
I.- a good lathe in my simp.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
!i; s taken charge of the "iigcu shep.
ile Is well kuown as a
ew Wueont and Hncxie u&de tM
Shop on Sixth street "upoiite STclgbt's 9lbl
; 5
ft. K
szS. .a
tjii. ciMhH-u -3-lsS
FW its. . v - . - - .
WfU'ims Work.
t:ini Work. J 'Three MiU Y!l!l3ta-TOr.jt. . lifl S5s
Is" e5i Si
i ill