Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 30, 1880, Image 4

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1 1 - "' 1 ; :
(THE HEaato.
- Kinrcrd, The Ear jmB.
After the execution of the RotherhMQ
murderer recently a reporter of th
c-4. . m j r- i " i i . . . .
H 6 1 wo iaVlh executioner. , The report
states: "-
B T . - i, . t ar i
a Tins aa prnnu cin."si:ou: 'voou
never moved even a finger," rrere th
first words tittered when he ecifrcd the
room -where, a number of persons were
assembled; "I fare him the Jon? drop,
nice, feet four inches, and be died as
peacefully as a lamb.'.'
"What is your reason for huring such
long drop?" soma one ked.
Lifting up his hands an: rniaing his
eyes, he exclaimed, in dramatic tones,
"It is humane, and save nufieriDj; tha
Kan dies instantly."
lie had not seen Wood, before he met
him ia the cell a few minute before the
execution, but when he tli J him he
- Was very unfavorably iitpitr.ised with
- his face. He thought him a cold
hearted, callous man,, and was confi
dent of his guilt. In reply to a ques
tion respecting the rope, ne csl'ed for
his beg. His visitors belJ their breath
While he slowly unfastened t.: leathern
aT;iPwhi-h wer mnml it. a r plied the
key to lint iL:k,ipenJ .) t tag. and
brought out iu contents,!i proved
to bas two rcpee and a !r y
Btrnps. One rope, a t!.i
:-, nif.v-
uring about tar inch' tri .jr',:j.'ufer
ence, W3 the rope ViMt-h : h:td u.ned
around the ne k the t- -r r
of the Avlesdury niurtior.-r. aul
which he had ! tec-m.! tfo?-:!. The
other t?as a r,iHer r';pe, vrhps an
in; h in i-in '.'i'i-er.ce. It "- curious
sight W bfl;!l "ArfrxK1. t : -vrrtpi.vt in
the ropes. !! tfiX wr i t."r.i w:.-.ii-ixily,
f.ud!.y hiij.iii'n ti ;w t-r ! -rly
a a Uioilar -liil h:r, V.r v, a
coiiurii4.tur j i-ie f.r r---j'OUDg
lady a ,-un: of ;h 1-
r!-ir, A
said he. ! -
'.- .( I :
t c of ti
tirest Italian hen:o: it I'.:
grod old ihui." I'rre h-
liXUnt nrl cirac:, - f.vir; i-
sis added, "Th's ro; --e i--r.. . c
for ne. ant u u; j 'i-.: ?w : ..- ;f.wrr
inent. Look how i -:.?:' ,:: : ..i ?i;lii
it u; feel it, it is a nn '
The visitors felt it, but I .ic 1 to .i--f;
much beauty.
Don't be frightened of if. t- -a are
no blood staisn it." Ho -;.: : U he
cause it wa.s Lt-ing very cU I c.-it-ically
examin.'-H1. "I u-V'.?r bl.
arid never yc-t Vote the s!iJt; nuy of
my 'patieau'."
speaking his prednoesirs ie the
USecuVNi. huerfte said tteir great faalt
wsi thTTtiiey did vni rr-lr pro-
XesMon scieiitifccallr. Wh:'n l.- fc..;ne
tlia p'iblic i'--vrir)aT. i i - r: km
ivla:u btt a tiieory, lirtls i ? r-tiKHl;
. and he prix-ec-J-d to esj!?-i:j t;;e srt of
successful and 'pleair-nf' banging. Iu
the old days , a short drop a j.-ian .suf
fered grwatly, but .h;!h- he inaugurated
the long drop death is irt.-.rancous
aud ph-n.sant." He has abtlLhed vul
gar sutl'ocation and strangulation. He
now dislocntes the neck, wrers the
spinal cord, and crates no pain. Icath
is like a flash of lightning.
'Ilifce the repxjrters." he subqusnt
lr remarked, "and thinlt the pre.
4ught always to be adiui'ied to execu
tions. I iuu kept btx.j. I hang from
twenty to thirty every year. I sin not
paid by salary no by ths govarnnient.
The sheriff pays me, and I aui paid very
I Id was afckcd what he did in his
leisure hours. "Well, I have a nice
g-trtieu at Horncrstle to which I pay
-o:iio atUnf-ion. When I h;e business
L-.ii-Iv.-u way I go to church. Spiirgcon
i4 uy favorite preacher. I always go
to hear hiixi he ia a jrrr-ud iua.u.''
A young woman, rather p:
Ing in appearance, biit po:
f po.fess
red of a
m oice a
week a visitor to a be-rber-hop v
t C'liuton,
lia. sne takes tier seal izi ac
like a mnn, and quietly ubr..i:t
to tlje lather bru-h ami ra.-..!
mca have tried t induce her
ax a lfCiirded woman, but 5i.e !
rcjeeUi their offer.
iiair, just
s her face
. Show
to travel
Tho following incident : Sii ! to have
ecurrcd at Cupe Oirarda1!, Missouri.
A character not-.l for fre-;if-nliog bar
rH)uis was sitting in hi, uiual place of
lV6oi1, with several aliout
a card-table. Suddenly hi wife en-
U-red the room bearing- a covered dish.
which she deposited uj tlie tabic, with
the reruarV, '-Fresuniing, huvbnnd,
that you were too busy to co:ue home
to diuner, I have brought yo!:rs." rnd
departed. The hu-.Ir.m l iaile-l his I
frieiuU to share his, and rcuiov- '
ing the lid from the dish, .'uunti onlj a
slip of psper on which w.i 'r: iut n. "I j
hope j on will enjov your wi;int;r. It is kituie kind your faiuity ha at
An Awfal Squirt,
. Rccklsnd vounir man until ouite
-wl"Y' cf'Urting a fit jirl t the
fWrrlK Amu, aud had progised very
favorably with his suit. Ouu evening
last week he dressed up in his best
clothes, carefully combed bis h.Vir, and
started out to make hi tri-we-kiy visit
to hi fir one, -aho was waiting in the
Earbr with f uil expecta:i"U ia her
cart an t a cold in her hand, superin
duced by the fluctuating weather. This
was, as you might say. the prologue to
The tiagwly. It appeari, uiureover,
tha the fat "girl's fstrier vr) is worth
niaay thousand dollars in god, sensi
ble bonds, and. as a consequence, is an
object of the young man's lender re
icrard had for "several nights previous
been the victim of some unknown mis
creant who had raided on his hen pea
with disastrous effect. Sick of such
foolishness, he had prepared a ghastly
retribution for the fowl villains, and to
this end had tilled a big garda syringe
with about gallon of ancient beef
brine, seasoned with gailick, e.nd flav
ored with a-sejjtida. and was lying ia
ambush behind a box, where he could
sweep every approach to the hennery.
The young man, who is yrctty well ac
quainted with the whole family, thought
hs would surprise his g'nl by entering
the house unexpectedly by the back
way. This is the situation:
0 f
T7 d
ff 9
n is the hennery; 6 is the old man,
!id e the syringe; d is ths young man
lightly turning to thoughts of love as
well as the corner of tbo fe.-re; t is the
house itself, painted brov.x; aud." is
the fat girl sitting by the piano and
singing "Father, dear father, couie
.home; gyfjy is the gathering darkness.
Gavly up the back yard the young
inau comes. Silent'.y iu ambush the
old ruau lii-s. Cheerily the fat girl
- warbles. Quiet but awful is the syr
inge. In the vnecrtaiu light of early
. evening the old man sees a figure
stealthily drawing near hi guarded
pea. With bt"d breath iie ai's the
onslaught. The syringe "omuls ;
drea'tiui "wh-s-s-h-p," t'd its deadly
contents fly through the rir like a wild
and mal avenge.. A yell th tore the
fat girl off the piauo stoi aud curdled
the old man's blood. fyliiTd the dis-
- charge, and when the neighbors rushed
in. under ; tte impres-:on thst the
Blaine booja had burit right in the
neighborhood, they found the unfortu
nate yung man pawing mauiy arounis
J 'J? round, and screaming out aw-
.l Hfexicaa words terribln to hear.
while the old man hovered over the
scene with the syringe in his hand,
looking like an auimsted figure .
caped from an allegory- Sympathia
in arras bore the young man into the
bolise, after their owners had stopped
- their nostrils with cotton, and it re
"ouired the combined efforts of the fat
ffirl and eight friends to bring bun to.
Ind it was some hours befori nc wm
bh? to fairly inquire if the meteor hit
anybody else swhon it struck That
ni-rht, beneath the darksome snadeof a
cypress tree, wnose tnics. y
" etruzzlinV moonbeams vainly strove to
ciercl. an old man's tottering form
tested upon a spade, and
.a nnw made irrare-. He-cWt just
Eesn- CommtEU and.Iioctiota.
St. Lotus Spirit.
Be it rsr so f i i.: Iv,
Tiir' b fru-. I.t tis.h." '
The author of the above Under par
ody was probably one of thoe extreme
ly enterprising men who do nothing
themselves, but whov- wires support
them by keeping boarders. The lazy
lubber composed this spostrophe to
mixed food to still the grumblings of
overh ashed boarders.
What is hash? Every ore knows,
yet none can define it. The ablest
minds of this century hve grappled
with the problem and signally failed.
Webster says it is a dih of minced
and mixed meat, or mai arvl vegeta
bles; but this itself is only a cold, unsea
soned hash of words, and no more ex
presses the popular idea of the viand
in question than irMoes of raiuee pie.
Josh Billings came nearer when he
termed hash a roystery.but still he only
suggested its leading characteristic
Notwithstanding the general umlctin
ability of hash, we may yet discuss its
peculiarities and note its virtues and
its vices. Hash is of two kinds: first,
home-made ha.di; second, hotel or
boarding house hash. The first we
learned to love and devour as children.
Very likely mother ma-le it; if not,
probfibly s'o superintended it. As we
dozed of a cold morning, up from the
kitchen below came th musical chuck!
chuck! of the chopping knife a it de
scended through the corn beef and
struck the vooden tray. Tho-e were
happy days wheu we started for school
a. eight o'clock, full V the brim of
srood hot hash and buck-wheat cakes.
Iliil we ever question the ingredients of
the hash? lil cold ;npicion of the
serripings of the dirty piat-t s or thrice
picked bones ever ero our minds? Or
did the thought of tom-cat or poodle
ever lessen our appetites? Oh, no!
There was mystery, but we had unlim
ited confidence in the legitimacy of the
mystery. Then we grew to niaturer
years. Home was no m:re. From
Load to rest .'.rant, aul frym res
taurant to boarding hous the now
lordly man was hurried. How about
tiie ha.-h? It wr,s thcr-, it was
everywhere, with a regularity wonder
ful to contemplate. Uut gradually sus
picion .took posse!, n of the many
breast. Ho eyed the mverv frequent
ly and sa iiv, anil he eyed the w-iiter,
thu steivard. nnd the landlady. When,
morning, his t'toth struck a fragment
of a button. au-pic'K-n grew r'n?:; but
when, soon after, h put a private
marl; on p. bone r.nd rri-eired th jrrio
bor.e back g:vin twice -',:hin Ihewr-:,
tticn a wild frenzy ."'.r.l h';ni, nd
h-a-iti w:ts foresworn for tiie re-t of i.i i
naturr,! days. This is bi-,?orv. univer
sal hi-?"ry, and th p:'bii.r h-'-rrn- of
hsh is M t'.x-'i t-'!::y i i ti:e I'nileil
-;?:es at is that of ovr-r--'p egrs.
1 oui; there is m".vi c-ie.?i.-:' f-.''
:::n 1? in every city. tow. nr.-i h::,;"t
of Ihe l.-.tid. but the t;';T:r-:.-.n.rr )': :'.! 1 I
in its manufacture, and tha dr'T'iiily in
(ielecting the :vn;i. is such that the
man of t"e world is control to i ha-'h-les
to his grave rather tr..vr in run the
risk of stumbl iiir boses.
buttons, hair-pins, nho-hicir.s, c.ihV
oil apparel, and u"h othr svoningi
as proverbially rind their way into it.
xood hah nieets the ft.e ff frrud
ti'.ent hash, and none but; the confiding
and unsophisticated venture to a.sil it.
Somebody has said that it is safe
eat hash when the laudhidy eats bfvsh,
but the absence of ths 'l-.-!.-!l.-.dy in
hotel, restaurant, and mot Ivisrding
houses, rt;ders the rule i;.-e!;MS. At
rare intervals one finds a hoarding
hotiie where everything is scrupulously
neat and elegant, so re::ii3iLhd of
mother and youthfnl d:vy. ti.t lie is
ju.-tilied in eating evcryt!c::g scl before
hisn. Such a place ii a pes:-; f great
price, arid, when discovered should be
treasured up. Probably the best re
comuiendation that a private lioarding
house can have is tlc-4 i; is .-wfe to est
its h:vsh. It is u.e!e to -'.pert the
mUieninum until t!.-' .'...-' pra'tii-e
of all the t'Uri-ti :i g- . .- o.;. I virtues
1 1. -VI made a ii';;.ei;i.' - f. : ;r' :cl-' of
diet restored it t-.i' - ; .-'.'i .
ty and popularity.
A group of mcml.-e;s r.-f the ""n tic'
Rociete I'roUir'u-e !es Ai;!!::nx .'.;tv--determined
U establish a r:-f-..; ' t
animals. A cnii-i'riMj -'.: -rcaly
been subscribed ir ui r;---.-.
"Erst for FcvLwt.
Ir. Pay says, i;i a late lecture:
"Whatever be the plan of treatment dv
cided u;on. rest is the 5r-t principle to
inculcate in every severe hei'iie.
Kest, which the busy man and anxious
mother cannot obtain so loug a.s they
ran manng to keep about. Is one of the
tirst remedies for every headache, and
we should never cvrv-e to enforce it.'
The brain, when excited, as much needs :
quiet and repose a.s a fractal ed limb or
an inflamed eye; it is obvious that the
chances of shortening the seizure and
arresting ths pain will depend on our
power to have this carried out effectu
ally. It is a practical lesson to keep
tcadily in view, in that there may lurk
behind' a simple he.vdache some lesion
of unknown magnitude which may re
main stationary if quietude can be
maintained. There is a point worth
atteuding to iu the treatment of all
headaches. See thst the hea.1 is ele
vated at night, aid the pillow hard, for
if it be soft, the h.-r-l sinks into it and
become hot; which, with some people
is enough to provoke aa attack in the
morning if sleep has been long aud
Irifli LamUorda in Oots of lixL
A Dublin correspondent sends the
following: "I have" just had the mel
ancholy pleasure of seeing at a Tall
Mall armorer's establishment some
steel coats which have been ordered by
several Irish landlords. It may be
taken as a fact, established by repeated
tests, that it is impossible to malie a
coat of armor or shirt of mail light
euough to be worn by m- a of ordinary
strength that will vith-:nd a ritle bul
let striking the per--a squarely. An
arrangement like tuttt of Kelly, the
Australian bu-di-ranger. is, or cour.e,
an articiw of no sort of ue. being hide
ous to the sight !nd cumbersome. But
it i.i possible to make a steel coat that
will withstand the revolver bullet,
which is it.self a considerable step in
advance. The coat of mail will not
even do this, and experiment has prov
ed that not only will a revolver bullet
penetrate a coat of chain mall, but it
will carry some of the steel rings along
with it and aggravate the danger and
?ainfulne-3 of the wounds. The coats
saw will prevent the peuetratiou by
anv revolver bullet at ten paces, and
will cause a rille bullet to irlauce if it
does not strike squarely. To the out
ward view thee coals are ordinary
Kngliah shooting jackela, and no one
seeing it upon another pevsou would
imagine for a uo uent that there was
defensive armor undemeith. First is
the Scotch tweed, then a Lhiu wudding
of .cotton; net a layer of u;.riow thiu
bauds of tempered steel, kept ia place
much as whalebone is put iuto corsets,
onlv the steel bauds are very closo to
gether, being sewed iuto tine canvas,
and with simply a line of stitching be
tween e:u.-h picot. Tliree thicknesses
of thjse steel bands, sew est iuto cauv&s
in the same way, touipri-: the sole ar
mor in the coat. Aut,lher pi.s;e cf
wadding is phiccd between the bands
andtbetinal lining, un i the eoat is
compltto. Tb stel b-ui-ls are u a
Ion", so th;il th- co.U uihvs n-jt
stUfT but hangs uaturuiiy al'-out the Jig
ure. The weight of tuu coat, when hu
ed. seems very" heavy. ou whea worn
the weight is "distribute!. Mi l. fAllia j
mainly on the shoulders, it does not ia
coave'eience the wcwer at alL 1 saw
several large revolver bulk-ts bred into
it at ten or eleven paces but tUry only
made slight dents iu the steel. The
only merit claimed for the coat, how
ever, is that it diminishes the chaur
of a fatal wound in the body from i
weapon. The arms are not protect
and the landlord may be winged;
head is not protected, nor are the le
but the assaAsain- as a general th.
fires at the body, as offering an easi
mark. The prices of these jhotproi
jackets are -'5. wU u very rcason-li-i
nc;.lanmr cir vsJue to t;:ose
h,n? nder seiiten.: of
death from Hie Bm or aioity i
" AS , X
; THE SU'foR 1831. -
Ker)boJy reaiH'Ihe Si;ii. In the e.l it ion vi
liii nt-vn-rawrttinMifciirut ttie ytar to cte
evri) houj iil f'.hS :
I. All the wornl's iif,ju prev-iiteit 1'iat t!ir
raJcr wilt a-i un- .ic!.i ui.k-i.mi .,t iKinn.,a.
n h tin- ;ei.i nii(niiliati fpcii-titi:re if I
um nini rjrii, i iii-nun cjrir ji;n t:lenv
tre.l t!:e jtulil"! uirau Itelneen ieuiiut;iut f"l
iiesn ami uns:it:l:i:'try JTeilv.
II. .V.iii-ii of that suit f iii whieli (1eieiiii
r ui.r ii its recocme'j i,ii...rlai:.-e thpn upon
us interesi to in.inkiiul From nmriiii'i; t
mooiing ,r St,,, prints a eni!n!l of
tiie livrs rf real men ai;l nn!ii"ii. of t'iirir
eei's. phii.-. I..vr, ! c., ;,i,r trouMes. 1 las
story i rieire varicil an.t hiipo -iiu. than
any rotiiiinie t'lnl n eor ievi.f,i.
III. ;iil r;i:ri! ;u very column, and freh
fef'.orii'iTiaiity. Hei iit.ii-y. ami linoruiu in fie
tifiiln eut of e"-rv siil'ji - i
IV. Hc-nesl eoir.i!;..-.l. 1 l:e Sun's htiit i t
eies:: out Jearle-Jy .ii eitt iii.-o iliii
V. hiiial l am Ii) !! tl;il'M will; facli "(lo'.-.ti-
al Iarl. anil noM, reitine-.i ! ti c.i.riiii
wtia I it .riworl !-. or I i eniike lint isi( a
at'lein I irlmxi at r 1. ;."''-
I. AI.'Mfhitf lli'lc til. tlrrff of MH:iM:i vl'-
r:n:zatsens, nt ut,e..t-;iiig :,a.t it.r line
I -liii)c!:i'.ir prim iile. Ilif S'ni ulinri iU;t
tiie ;Tcrrp;neiit wlit'-U tiic tii.t ituli-ii i;it
u is a nonu one l hri c li rolicn f iiiu ;
tti rri-isi In ii iit;::5t pu.'r the -!lnr:t ol iiiej
in the Kt publicum t'.y to t up :;iolhrr f..riu
f t'overctniit in piaee at ilirtt vciiicti e;M.
1 he yer.r 1 unit the year imineciiuteiT fol! .
In? will prolrjitily Sfi-iUa tni (Upremety Impor
tant ci:ii--t 1 lie ?n te;ive that ttie i: to
ly wii! be iii the orot'le a i::!i:t ths Itini
f.r n:oi:..p:T. t!ie Pi:it- for pi'UKtfr, iij tli-j
Uinjfs fur linperial pcct.
iir lnu aie f.:!ftw?i ;
roriLe i-aii hun. a Inv.T lilt's nheet nf
i fn'.y-f.i in i.i;;i!,.. I ii p! ! im;i: I. p
t ;!!. is .W -eiu . month, er -0 a ar ;
l i. iitoiiK :! ay aper. ' r . t
siieel ol ii ft y : rutnieri. tin- pru-e i itl ten' ; I
j. turn tit. r S7.7o a yen - ; !-.;.l !
'I !.e "uf.tta e-iii!jii .f i ; flu!; i- a'.oi fi.i- i
n!"tiMl separate' a! l.jts paii.
: t. .n.. r f. w. . -iv'... '..,..!.; :
r.fty-! r";i;tim. ! i 1 a Vf ,r po:lai;e
i oi -I i-i of K-n
!9 i' i.l I
( xtra r-.jiv fr-c. A
t. v. kv-;:.n:.
I t-i I''.!ti,:-!:fi-(,f file
r u y.
VI I !
n't v : ,.i. h ... - i- t ton ! a
1 lt:.j ;
. cf :
c t.j
ti'ct :
' irflir-l
MM Llns sf ftimm.
Through jrom Eur apt i: ar.
in ihz Wen!.
p KfcryyTtSO. j
i..'. tH"!-tU ei
ttui-iMT r..r.' ; fin M 1 1 ami TttW
A Tii renc- Mtr:r
Tl'T f Hi.
3ixi laiei ci.-e oa r x,3
sk it in cA. Vm P -r-vTt, 4i
ft, Khnnirjm. W r. Ritiy3
C ' - ' . A
1 W. mr. rr H 7U Wit C Ele .B
Mut. ne trWt-r. to rtyj M ?t r9 re
Vv: ara ove rat.i. ixrtt-ia linnin
r;r to t"a fjtia a4 re. r4 la a menial
cm r.-vr ;.Min !- wfi .trtra ifann.
It Bra ST4 E4m4i tf lat ( 2. Bf
Sara tacrt.
If 70a ere fr'i'.ri mitn-.t 'a cci't "c?t eatl'
ferva are dira sir. t- ! unit
Viilwillriinu)Hif. I
driu ttv a re Wr FrtTt
WJiia mrtr m-s fft"lti a tl
arjeaaa. Mi tmr-r tw r-w
Hinirar preir7 tjaaa aaO re rlw Tm a. Try
a sue. ncua. 1 aa mr-mwjrt r: j j w...
Tfca Bast aai Bet FraaaasUal P f)rM!c
aaquui'.ety prfmej and prrc;'y harn!c..
Will Alwaji BUr 6rr ar fa4 'air
la ta ariainl withfii! rnlrr and apppara.-.c. J at
nnuuJ te at' a fa". awu 11a gr:a u4
nvrrat bl4a ....
ippbuttans f tVa limi" Oia
fear. alerjM - 4ta4nK mvS t-ufe ftctwis and feu.
awaafium' by aJ r4ie..J -
. - .1 ..... '
' Ul-.TUn liAE ahel
1 will r4.i'l n cepy
Of ray J ';'.'-,
Fitt.K, to a-.v . -r. r
-'1 r.l l -i.,-'u .1
I.l ,.:.:i i- j t - r . . a? t.
.. ... ... . ... a
a l-jrtt., iu ix cnta
- ' " 'i i.l i nt.iiil. 1 lilKtAT.
;: M rl I f 1 1. i 1.. ti n'.H.ii in th i. Pi.k ii
cf -f :: : t i. u.aj lu r... of Uol.
' ' " v i - 1 !i - A-l.trras.
UK. S. ti. H aU'K, 1 iaaita fei., 1 UcLaaatl. Ok
Kaadmcsl Pscit?ii5nr F.'rsrvffcn!
- - " aV .Ml ktlikLaA W V-
TthIawt t., r.;'sdtVti.
; ttk kB.',ar sp'.vati.-l llWlMtni.'bABv 1 JA-att.;t.i4.
I mm tmM90mtTn lrj, I'm-lSa, l.rr s;-.
I Frif. SO Ct.i l.ii frtt. V . ty .,.. ,.!.
; I 'ao r w ir u ry - a r ,f I. r ct :a
: vii t artta 'f i f o. i i C t (.'
! i.i.brit'. 1 re'J ! t.Lort'r..;-.-. ,Va-o
! WaalalWXlArli&oivt' XIat Lv l'a -," i.l-... j-
ItM Pa (V . si MV
h e- i-r . n1 r.,'-'H ;i
T f i ip-tilS hiA a--
XfiSUSXCJ Tilrf-s Cl'.,( :ccaw. 14.
Palace Barber Shop.
I'nder Flunk furtuth's M.lnT!r! Steie.
HOT &c COLD 33
Ai..VS t:iAlY.
aiu! no.i tl:r ltn:e to t
i!AVKD SI I A M I'i )"EI 1 1 A I :i I T.
r nnyii'.in i-l"a ia thi t.i.u!;j ;y, it
John I5ooijo"s New Miup,
Corner M.ti.i .mJ F:(tli Street',
l-lattMiaiautV. - - n Aabrattk.
attl3 Crok, K!chlsn,
Traciicn Plai.n 3'.r.c".
and Horsi-povrcrs.
KaatConis.!eteTi!:rr"'tcyy ' 2strii!rtsd
1 I ki'.R J ..... .'i- -lit it.-r f r.
6rpiaJ taorru.. y y'-n in u. .r ;. ... (
1. onii-li .ntc tn i.t'" "fa ,' ! - . v
f rlv t v. - . - i..- : - - ...... .
ax'.-.i r : I.-: :!,';! - ; r r - -
a Z
- a ' . a . '
tarmcra mil T'irchr.rj t i-
Cruu-aia -.t f r-. Al
fii. ra - i 7 ir i .'jiifcetU. m fc 7j
ji .:u':if"pj '.is .. fa.-i a.:- Pti
- ; a. ,
f'aimler 4 Graintr.
all Kiyus or,( etSini5, Slehq.
aixs, Fmou at ssl kiaci.
Paiiited in Qooi Style.
ri hscoi.YG a smciA l rr.
A Till . J. V iu EKT. l..
SseceMur t JsurB & Ajifw
Ajaintik-s charje the Old
Brick Livery Stable
T!:e n-.t l eaner S;a'ei. in l'la; tftr.eutli. srs
Ber lfn-S l-y J. .!t.uf. and lie bil
m V..' ....! I. -I.. ..... l...:
- v . ..... ....- .w.,M.i,.,
SADDLE O.T.ti-.'f
t m ' prii;..-f ! 1 W-ep Jujrf.S
aid OJta
X 1 -' .
Knms! ' Tir.t
I.rti Ki2
1 kilt Wjt't I'll l!)' f iell I''i'
: kifn.l l::.f ;iac. t ;.!. 1 c.u
1 r i - ' l e. k i-;5.n. ..'!,:; i
; 'fr. :t t iif- a ui nf ai y .
; Ti: v fe r.V. tiie '4 jtri is ;'ii- '.itth' l.berall-
I y. ! ! !' "eir pjil fertile .:turr. atUlei
I ti .1 I ;',;! jil K . t i i; t t!i"u lift Ilr U4 till
j iie.'lei Itfr lc, iti fru.
' iC: r
: stjbscjBibe
i t.ii ; i; tc
i M Mk A
;r THE V.('NTY
For ia Mew Year,
"S! e 1 ii offwr
Vei V Jew ClUD
r;it ti'.i '..m i. -.. i.ivib And
ru:iin7itie i'i tl.e l ;;ln.
We sLaU alii'. tr-.4 isfuf a
nutaaCaOUn Ii i:t;ira(rd
u . I
M iST4 I n M TiT I f I i
iaabai.a.n .Uft a
fir each f our
i, At Cbrifit-
A;i? rv an-1 make tin-p'iptr
J7ule' of'JYcrs
THE WEBilt9,
ti'i y.-f i'9ur frirnd i git u$ a lift
The More Help We
Get, the Better
paper We
Can Hake.
J. A. MacMurphy
$2.00 a Y ear.
jl. a
2 ---i
; s
r a.
" -1 a
ff C J
X a -af R
5 i
t C aa
3 O a-
ajicv fanning.
Msnufactttrer of and Dealer iu
Doiis with Neatnessl Dispatch.
Tt enly place in town whers" "Terlev's pat
ent eli aiiJaMtablf iinrNC tviitarsa'e chl .'
U. Y Mathews,
H.rdvare, Catlsry, Kails, -STOVKS
ami TK-VAK!:.;
e rota, Wwxl Stock, 1'umps, j
FIE f. D cC tiAKDEX .sEEVS. IinpE.
IKOX WUKK, Ktj t in .s? ;:.
'taking ami It pail liiir,
All "..-.'. Won-anted.
Win ie (iirn t ffi.tuc-ii.iis arc iii:tl'..wi:!i
Through Sleeping Gar Liuas!
Tl) i
hi VV(!.K. I'.OSTO.V. rtiil.AHri.I'HIA. ;
ViC SI LOT 'L jLirte
! V.a rtor.iA for
i 1 .vd;.4.v.iij.v. r.':;r;.sn.M K. 7.v'i.. ;
I .. ... .,. . -
.1 A i i, (a. Iil ((( if I UK j
tiik nK?vr i.isrr. rnn
V):rr' Iiri"'-l '(.ui'" M ;ir i;.;u!a in t!;a '
I'M'.' MKl'OJ v.,!!' l!,ivt:ii 6ieej.ini Ctf !
j.isr iar Pii vasii! . i .
Tha P!.erto?t. fcip-vvlipas f net rroireitat'a '
r. ' OTT, i-L.VSOT, 7M f.JL.S', JOLTr.Y
r77.V. iyl.T TT;.T0, GJ4.ri.SJ'(J.Y.
au 'l tiuiiiM iu
".i'li. .-si IS-Ttrhst rah-., a .seti's Cr.ia. !
'.. U. J. r-ilsra iivtp:-Ki-im f'nr,
7i:b Vtitii.'s ltwlt:i. hnii. Na'f.xn
Ch"if t far al ia !5: ut-a iaii'S.
i ha tniL c. f.. A V. iiiiiBji ar-.
Fast Tirra. Stfl Hii: Tr.Tk !id St .ctifir
f Vt . v ":r 1 r. niAe xkava :l athe;i,
th f.'-.i 11a l:c.ite t.. t!ir
TRT IT.a.!.eu v.'iWSa.l T.'aVi:t.lM
a.y.iM:-.. ! a
a l.u'x-
at. i i f atrar . i atia-.i- !i: . f r-. r v..-n-
lag Or A'-' fctiitnii.Ul ia j'. :v.t V t. l.i.
triii .:,eiii:lir 2'ven rr 's .a, ta
.ptiTi-'t wf a.j t. C';ii.'MS.
1 . t. ttJtliK.
TaSt '-i in;:' r.
IV fVyf ft pa -iflf. r
ft? 1 1 - L r
if.. ueer 'ii-.j-.S Ji,-?ijJ
f"trf" ' f auk. 4a, iu i!in 4 ' ll.i. 4 ,( Krf. !
n.S'SST u...fcr..iiioP eo, ai nl on .-!tan Oaya' v..
KrCC?KrtVl . u k.wa. t .ai l.i.. .., 1.,,.. iwo..!
lanm ... , .....
uicm. IUUH1L
t.ynnot c?t Ou
kVlii trt
ir.rvc TTawd 'w' cs S
tUa oni !Uii4;iBrrl
bMt4M K'llaf. Xim & L ... .,r V,
4i. ! At; .V Wa a lru Cj-aji
iiVlf ft Jwwi. r.-f lui. (.'. :-' -
aVaaijrl W C, C i . 'iV
lli; B.BVlV W fra4.i4. V iar'--'-
Ukitrv lBAffttssavai r...m aC-ir
Oiu i, ri' 0i-r .i-t r ff .-
Viittrrtt: 4l)if mU.b2 t-1''- 'a, -r :
Aat fcaVl. " u p.t:-'r a
f hMRia Ixf rftt PikAft-'- 1 ' iw .;
ahM rLMciriiHavrri,Ain Ca,!i
krvam m4 r i a.
aM V. Tluiik m i:t.tnt. wai
k 4 Inu it. v. M.itA.i.fcc
la rt I. .Wat "
TIM " yri ltk U mJ " U acnifi:i'v
M4. Im ro4 4 taaWplr rfev Si
taValtt U t! F'!
ufvl prir f iMiava &4 :.. U fa f
aaaa-. aa ta4 uUtaroi u cja Ir.iwk iirii.
taa'C..atr Ara miu.
aWK Ifaaal. I
AaaraaiaaiBS a taa a asavriir f
aapia prafar avaarat ta,.iavktu ?a-r e.l'bi'.i
ymiyaaaa (aaa aaa maaan 4,.v.r su.snm
fc ltaa wajTaaaatoij tH, are a Met k. m- ma wl4.. -4ii
Wpini Oart fera.acpiaa- piai-na.
aABpai a i I Aaaiata ffaa te ia-l 1fij.j
aar unrimuia na ab44.lw.vK . I
:a .v
trr ui'". .v
u irmtiear e.
ETC.. T., TC.,
V All Deter iptiera.
& Ml iry uikU aed e4 chiri eo.-;.
I With many la.tnki for p;ct p.itt'-p.
invite all tc rati a:ul examine lay
; 1.A1U.K M'tH'K OF
13lt. HnTI-l. 4MI(kHIi
Livery, Feed a Sai
j Or an OH XluUe iu .- '' m '..
Tli Nrw ! i. .. uf
ii ci 'i .' J i
V '. .'.". - ft' C-a ti:J i
fvv Liverv yulijf.
!fcOl i!io.-l.S Ay I, . . Ji
OHSi:. h tiR SALL.
O.Ii ni'.I s.e !.'?!. ti : K X. il'A
i Ail Pfllier TrinMllOfl Fl'Pft flf
- . - - "
Stationery. Magazi :
L(cst Publicjiloas.
t Prewerl:tini rrftil)r ('npr.i ii,ii
i Ij' an frxpTieard DriicM.
ItF.MFMr.I-T: TIIE rr.ACK. !
6th ST., 2 DOOF5.S SOUTH OF If A1NT '
ri.ATTi. UOi" 1 H, hH. !
v. -
1 h- V.o. tuci.e--ti; . Ku'.'-' - '. r
ii is evria'.a i:i ii "ir--i ; . . ...
fr. .ly i'S,vi:i"it i- r l;;;:;..i.: u.
; ri'.oor i:kja.
Prfim n PTirS'l ' i 1 w- t "'"""
' WaUiit!-ivii ) i .' i
j n . u ' ,. , ... . ..
venr l vet 1 r,ei.eai i ".-'. Kn ... 1
Kfrni.llt' I'!VtU Clll". .I'l ; IV;- !
:--nl j.oi'.'tv M-. '; - rn ; ii-.
i-r.:riii ic:?i.-ri n:v'.r;... i
I ttttk- h -xi:iO's.w::il'i' I
n;t iniiit n s nDi r.i.Ji .'!''. f-
fr jtn :. Iter haiai-. au- ' .i '
Ht ( i I'M'. 'I i'O .1;;.; I
t" ii;i. li'r.!ro( ''.'
Kn.'-'fiiiS y..i-- tl. v. :i
rnl f..r 1 rs-1! - ii'.- i!r
, I
Troof. ITiea 1. A a .ti :::: '
f t It. for you. )r 15. .1 Kv:
atom Kttbrfbtirfcil I'Ail.l. Vofi
1 - -l ;
y rfty fKa fW aUct WiW'W-'!: -I -.-r.
ui i-, for ..y. In-r : rvt . r . . : . r :l ,
aeiii, naaa &aaak hml, Acw X.rt, A. V.
t-i !-:
.n y jcr FaTic?j; 3imci' (iVKU fa
KAiraU f rjX A IU S IV lvajLAJi
akaaAiXAJK IB 1 Hi. Hiii.fX.
F I it 'r. II J' aatirj ra 'ha -ta, aM ia Uit .ui ttie .
Ci ' t- for cili i.ra for td.
S,X(J ll'a li an a.n lpa;t r e :.t rn'n ran l-e
h.iifj aua .!, It a tcrty f tl f ".v lain sro '.
v i.ii h ia a lm iaau. a c on v (r i' aa iau.pra plai.t on. .
. v, .. , ..- i. :!...' ik.air.
trTrinir waata th'. tflirtlcr tw t-n.:T-orn fr oti'.- :
r.j.-.r iati, rr aa,w .- ..i-.v, - . .
tt? a" t Heb-jrl'il ri!r ay
tVtll I'evFOri'W!" a j i
Ovrren AnyFerra. ... v I
au.sMff tfc. 1ar. W hrn oner tntro-lui-1 I n ''. - r-. I
hcitT a-i be niad. !i'!!i. tl.i to -1 1 Hul Hi n l ; -r ;
iivei.ird. ('iMii!-irAEMT!t WASTKII lncvrs(V;i"y. j
I aK..r Pa'.a iv ail Drkia). Count ore ana j.. ir i.: ii3rjit. r'. i ,
A if i '.cultural Ijiit'eninla, Anarora mini roarr. and if a bat not g..i !t. v. a .
-11 - v . - i - ...1.4 ... .r. iil,l.i ii r.r. ii r.-r-- n f 1. A.-I-.-a J
" Publ!h&f. FARM FiSLt'.E, i.-ir.jltfi 2. (.hiO. j
.r"j'?T.;.M Tf?; ...c' I
1. : , . . . ..-..-....
k.-. , "'-. v:t o
: ' .
; ' '..J .".
-t.t l
' "V' r
: "'
i T- .
v F
. - i. at.
r.; , B. A
...! j." 1 1 ! !;.
i "1 ?MI
C t i-
. ii (.r Tn-ii c t H r. ti. t X. B.U.
A 1 '. -: ?'- I V. ' ra i Ii-a K. K
4 Jf li'l.- -..--h ,-5. hi K. Ft H. n.
Jt t -Ji N .1. S.I IT j I': I. n R JJ.
y : I'-t.'u !!.. s. l. . r.. ui ;
i ..-.,. jr.M :i( v . . i : i; n
At (irn-'l. :f, ! l vU.t..; W.
f 1. I. i- 1'i-x- i ij. 4:. ft,-.
4 jie,-i -.. 'i t.v. a VT-r : as.
I.l'e? .'. j i-'. . 4v. r N.-tV. ii.
x.t t A .'Vit. .'.rf....t- -'II
I A.-. .5 . .. c. 4- a Sar.a V,
1 i'j t o .t -. i.-. C. I' i; E.
-.4 I.tA'. Siv.tif, Ivan. ittt, ta.1 Etn.
i Ct-at- R- "--
: j.t riT, ofl tjr ih V'C5
cr-l .-i
-s'. a.fl .;,;, fVi j :)A Tsy
xiv I 1,4.4
4mut ':si.; t. Act c-va.
.A.. jfSJEELUxiilr.
l.oj over th? Brick Diock next t
M. Bocfk's. I
FI. TTS.VOt m.
Nr.iv j
.V.;; SJ'-aaS? irV?
, "
till-but la
,r i.-. u s. t.t Hi-., :r. i;ns
r? V! F. Ii 're in ch 1 r "f an- 1 t m (; -r
X i- at rr.u! :r tr .,!' rr-Ju .re ... g , . .
r ;rri( nr i tl r Ire fi..e I : .am;: (i r .-. , . t - r
ti- elf 1 1.. I -3-1 1' A.1 1,1 !J tVJ ff.-iC tt V. ' I r , - .
v ' .1 rar, r. it t e e it-iW S Hi". . 1 it. .
tl-.' it 1 fif t ,fr f 'J f (l UliV'! C-"V
cj? e t ion rme j Po .; :;-
H. ai ; ji'ns l.-e WA. M.' 1;-, - ; t. . i
t'rtnnrj Irvvbiri m i!SaiiM.f nf Aci t-n'i ;
t-;rtHit, -kin or .eir-a, treats i wrtk mea, oi .:.( ( ft-
., .ri.i-H imrr Vfvrir r Metre h - et:..i, ',-n.ea.
V C 'at' f t f- '! f ' ' 1' W'-
;C-iC-t,i3al i O - eair-- r' W.-1 nri
rin'i v r. ...i..; . . - t i -c it. jt.n
at t ;- . i iti'l riMw -w I. 1 . i -
t- t ' Juftt. ! te H'-iowiiii t.1. ei ear t: tt : e.
4ii::i-, tr M.ej.e'A, .- ea . . i. v.inwi,
Ot r. ..; i. "a. t:. t-'y, f re t. a -r .i. i
Cl'. .Uf'Hf .Hti " . A J eit''i . ir"p-'rt.(Y rr ti'il
f'a Vf RiiiV i:e Vt n " ':'"
, -aC.. ' 7-e . t L ' - .-r j.
- . - - - -i. - J-fct V , . .:-
IT "lH-fll' A ''rll o.i'rjM.aj.
i t v at I rln-j Tt ei Mt- -bi-u'. ie- it,'r3.'.'ii
Miru ti.ii-'j (. If i! r-t -. ft-. r . , j)
t... . ' - . J
a. .a.. a1 'I i , o v;., ; . i-i...;.
w5;m e.d ilrici i rvJ"; fr i..hw.t.
hi, Mtd KlaB-l OVJMvWffft.rT HnCa.tA M V
tc." ii ftui'DJt l"tu aW ii i)t-i'y cj th. yjr
ft' reUTt p x,.t 5ii-vvax
Jfx ir4 p ur mei r.tntn v
't- AaA1 aV avr eAar !??, vet cn MCf fr
o'i -i fc-f. i f-'l OTT- P'I nirf H,r.t Otf
tlVVKu lriL';3-JSt 'VTA f ' l-i KT4' i
7.n"f S'td vrT itarV Lo f- irri ;
r..;.'.. -u wi.r kaAa va e Motive i Hiil"ir.K
v . .'.'. I'tixroYa : b n-'-ird i'att.i ;a
. i ' e i .y I . L . I.
S a a .- V-Z4. - -1 t I? rW
- rlt., ...r, . .. L i
u'iay.'- 4 I
!f I t. it:
. a a -i
r I'i 1 A
Vj Ks?n Cared, HstHsraly Rated ;
.U Can Frovo tYhnt we Claim.
fi.i.iia. tr yo.i fc.r tuit.i.ipcj
.l . ?; - -i,i:rMi.i (r, ti n:r ijsi"ro -'.
t E.rt.j. Til y d j nil t jla b7 t:i!t jost ora
M-v.-atadj"!. 7!e7Brepn-cl7TCsera,lc,(,.a
r. t "ips c- p-.r-.or. I aro ni nc2r! pcrf.c it
Ui? I'cf. rai..;iii)t. X-r:co:Jc?rt, 5 r. ril
f '. 1 ; y .. 1 rr rv-xbor or o ij rrjp:'.
----- r - 1 -.. ; ti ; !(. I; . .1 1
' ' t S . t I ri: ; I I
' ' ' : i - t- I : ; 1 , : (; .
' f - . : . 1 ..'a; urn- , -m.
"' - . - ; iai if tc II-
: ; - . .a,-.,., A:'--..
- - - - : I- iTj.
' L I.y Jt. i.l.
' S -
1 . ., ,
.. .
. . , .
r" : '.
-'.- a, a. - . - . I -T . .- .
- - : ' :.a.,4ik. 1. 1 (. jaj., k.
"1 ' ; .-v1i'f art f.aj,
a . . t i.i.,1' -.v 4 r t -
' -"". M ; r' Hf-i aTV -ar tMf
A - . K t " -t . 1 or i. I at fWatj (af C, I
- '
. "a -I I ar" -k2 Aa fv .
' - t b - at -t
. a t. I la- f mr. . .( J (r -a- U,
' - t-'4f"- Sa., ? iM -. .
. -a-v- -;r A : 1 a tV
j staple nnd Wnuvy &roeorQH9
vultH, Confectionery,
rFyliQ ehotcest tc,ek of g;rer
CssSn Paid Satier JB3,0
Hsro "W c are with
L'LAXKETS. ' OMf'tflTS. SHAWLS', '' to? i:, F l.J .Y H r,t
CAurji' s, jejxs VAi jsL.s. duhxs. woods, hu- nirea.
lil;:os, laces, aiu'ets, fi il cloiji, yA vruas
WIMhiV,- SHADES FI ATI'S!:,-, il ., cf".
C Hats, C f j p f , and IK o 0s, '
I'N i:wea AIL COI; l; A X iT blZI.S AT
'UK TO si: IT i-.vr.uv 1 OlV
r- .... 1' . .
(.'-() r.'.S' MITTKXH.TO FIT JtY Ti MOD ', . j AK.f r;.7.'a7
iSiu Select Slock of strict I v f:isi-r.l.-9 iro-
ceric8, dunuttl and nri'l"Fniit, Tob ic..o, Q leeiit;
warc ;unl Glassware in tho City. Ail of trhich rro
-lai-auke to sell as low
4v. 11
to ciose Cah luyrrs, and for lar- qiunfitic.
-tavi .." a 'aiai
be Old
Wo show the largest and he. eelcctcd stock cf
Snsy Gleets, lotlmzr C'rr,
Mcfl9 liEt&in, E&.prA9
west a f bm wa a a
'.SE A II E givjm;
Meal Genuine Bargains I
'1 I; is St u.-t n i:i eve. .t le; ! r. r.!.
We wIIH Hptf ai l-M
Call at the Philadelphhi u a; c- y;uv lm,&A,
and von v.ii bo l.tipr.
ar.d sucii oOfis :s ara
WeayfTer SPECIAL PVH'iA!2?S in
" wire c-.tiii out of hAt Iui of DUstH-as. Ocrs.Ati i i-'.ill larw
- T4 StlT Till; TEABC.
; la ciiif6tly solicited. Be- sure and
"re always pay like
uv,zfo&&i aYiiarlet Price
R-m.-:i!x-r t! j.ace ftUIi F..-.-X cwr:.t.r
ifi reKfeved for
-4j -iiA- a! -Ei'
to !oi"vzn them -iv gLjXj.
a Compb: o S tock
rt ' 4
as anybody.
lirtj2 V $ J Sit tJ r y A
S.eltaljl3 1
use i!. y kapt to a
call, nnd ta cv.ur ed f Flit DJiBf.
Main U....1 Tfc'r. Si'f. Kit to, 3 4th.
- - -a C- - - T. - ,
,4 r.'"