Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 30, 1880, Image 3

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.S" Herald
t'r:i.-I vit. i" cents line, itc-nlar ndvertts
i.j ( iim ; cr in t. So advoiu.seiiiiiit iusert-
'. I i'H lu- , II ail i", WUU.
I . J i.otices at Statute rate.
A.r.-rtit .u.J oiV.cew j( the law will be neid
: ! .: lor all letraJ notice, thev hand la.
1 u .i I art.i s dcmumhni' a proof of public-
i-i ot any it -t it-' will beiu-ld for tlie public
:i) fee ci such nonce.
Air.iiru'v I limited, all comniunleaMons
cost i.rief and to the p jiut. with no wasla
j: wot us.
Tie iMwrw ieponslbl for the correct nes
4 crying to ropy of paid matter and paid Le-
als. only.
1 -v person who takes, the paper regularly
fivi :i i; fin,-nm,e. whether directed to his
nt:r. .u- nether lie Is a subscriber or not it
c;oinoile for the pay.
!. II niiv person unlet hi paper discontin
ued, hi' must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er n. av continue to send It until payment U'aml collect the whole amount, whether
the iaier is lak?n from the oflice or not.
X I lie court have deei(!ed that refusing to
take iiertsnapers and periodicals from the post
o:liee. or removing and leaving them uncalled
for, Is ;riw facie evidence of inxkm ional
Wescott sells tho best buckskin
gloves. 29tf
School begins Monday.
See V. 15. Brown's Laundry Ad.
Will. S. Wise sell Ileal Estate, tf
Men's Arctics 1.50 at tlie Great
lie! Store,
Th Masonic Festival was well
ni tended.
Who said wo were having cold
They sold 69 tickets at the Mason
ic Festival.
Our University cadets are home for
tiif holidays.
Organs cleaned and repaired by
jtJ.itncs l'eitee. tf
Square deiiling guaranteed at the
Great Hed Store. 1
- The first day of the Xew Year
wid Ikj Saturdav.
Special bargains at the Great Red
Sure lor o0 da vs. 1
-Manufacturing and Repairing F.t
Merles' Stroe Store. 22l
O'Xfcil's pond was covered with
Skaters Christinas day.
Full stock of Boots S2.25 at the
i.riri:it. IIpiI Kfiir 1
. -. ... . ... .
The Mjrgest line
gloves at Wescott's.
The new boiler shop of the B. &
M. is nearly completed.
Money to loan on Country Real
Instate by W. S. Wise. tf
Twenty yards best print for SI. 00
at cue uiviib itirit oiwir, A
The IIkhalI) Almanac is eut.
Keep them as they are valuable.
Be sure and get your Xew Year's
cards printeikat the Herald ofii?e.
Come and sea the inducements we
are offering, Great Red biore. l
Collection notices are all the go
now adays, read aud go and settle up.
If you need furnature call on the
Great Red store and get low prices. 1
Sleighing is good now, but who
cares for sleighing this kind of weath
L ?
See how cheap they sell furniture
at tne Grertt Red Store. 1
A good all wool suit of mens'
clothing for at the Great Red
Store. - 3ltf
Tl 6 Theim nneter 1 as been 6, 8, 10
ciphers below the big 0 for several
days now.
Clnthing almost given away .it the
Great Red Store, save money by seeing
us first. 1
And it snowed a little every
.lorning for a week but yet we havn't
any real good sleighing.
-One week from next Tuesday
night is the regular night fur fire meet
ing; tlmi'i Jorge t it firemen.
Ctune and see us. We are deter
mined to sell lower than any other
House. Great Red Store. 3llf
Our band is getting to be tirst-class
iU'ain now. Tit ciriz vis should help
ihein as much as possible to keep it
They mean business at the Great
Red Store. Goods positively lower
than any house in town. See for your
self. 1
It's a good time to freeze clo lies
1 1. . . ... .. - . v l.lfKinit 'iiin
that's about all this weather is
lor, any way.
In justice to yourself and family
yon should save money. Therefor
'it tli Cront. Dm! stnr lief I lift
uyii.g elsewhere.- 1
Geo. S. Smith has been expecting
it Christmas present at his house all
sum Jer, but we guess old Santa Claus
forgot him for all.
M-re bells, more music last night;
they stopped at the Herald House,
tml sang an "anthennd the bells fill
ed out the chorus.
The sleigh bells have jingled a .lit
tle the last three or four days, but
with the thermometer below zero it
was rather cold comfort sleigh riding
You can iw afford to take a
Chicago paper. See announcement in
another column of clubbing arrange
ment;! with the Chicago Weekly News.
Among those that remembered
the Herald was Mr. rump loung.
who snt .us a very w elcome Christmas
ift. It wasn't a. dolly either, but
1'iite as sweet.
Another railroad bridge at Omalia
is talked of. This time the Wabash
road is the one that proposes to take a
h ind in the I tickle you, you tickle
rue railroad g;ime.
Hanson irc Chassot will take
charj;!of the Grocery and Crockery
department of Fred Herrmann' store
fS.itur.Uv and run it after that date.
w Iu't forget to call on them.
Born to Valentine Kgenberger and
wife, Sunday morning, Dec. 2Cth, 1?S0,
jast after Christmas, a son. Mother
child will be all right for Xew
Vears, if the baby did miss Cnristmas.
, Smrt Weed and Belladonna eom-
y;s-,ei with the o'her ingredients used
i the host porous plasters, make Car
ter's S. W. X- n iAck ache Plasters t he
best in the in-irket. Fi ice 2 cents.
For s.ile hy s:oaith. Black t Co.
C.ip. O'Rourke met with a singular
experience hist week. He suddenly
the sight of one eve. S fnr he
"jwrt recovered the sight, but we
'ope J7e mar. and that the difficulty is
Vy temporary.
A. McLaughlin and wife Xmased at
Lincoln. -
Miss Mary Leslie, of Omaha, was
down to the Masonic dance.
Erery one sold Holiday goods un
tilthey couldn't rest, last week.
X. Jeans called last week and t oo k
a thrashing machine and several other
Johnny White, one of the whitest
boys in town, is homo from the land
of the setting sun.
X. M. Satchell called on his way to
Iowa on Monday and took in our Ma
sonic ball on the way.
Hank McMakin is home for Christ
mas from his Mica Mines, looking
hearty and hopeful.
Horatio Dovey and Eddie Danelan
came up from Talbot Hall to spend
their holidays at home.
Miss Mullen, of Lincoln, visited
Plattsmouth the first of the week, the
guest of Mr. nn l Mrs. Wheeler.
P. B. Murphy returned from Michi
gan Monday, where he had been on
an errand of mercy to some poor
Eddio Donelan, Horatio Dovey and
Alli Donington, of Xebraska City
College are spending the Holidays at
Miss Emma Runyan and Miss Hat
tie Kiefer, of Lincoln, were in the city
last week, the guests of Miss Ola
Messrs Saxo and Hay ward, of the
B. & M. offices, Omaha, came down
Monday evening to attend the Mason
ic Festival.
J. B. Strode returned in time to help
Gen. Smith slaughter Turkey Christ
mas. Mrs S. is much improved in
health we learn.
Rev. S. W. Gee, of Lincoln, preached
in the Baptist church Sunday, while
the Rev. Mr. Storms, of this place,
took his place in Lincoln.
Rev. Joshua Marshall, of Wapello
Co., Iowa, is spending the Holidays in
this City with his children, Mr. and
Mrs! J. W. Wood and J. W. Marshall.
Billy Cushing couldn't get Turkey
enough in Plattsmouth and went to
Lincoln for Christmas, to see wliat
kind of grub "Dick" had on Holidays
Captain Hatt of Detroit, Michigan,
a son of Mr. A. G. Hatt, and captain
of a steamboat on Lake Michigan, is
spending the holidays with his father.
M r. II. O. Fellows, editor of tho
Sheridan Post, came up on Friday to
spend the Holidays with friends in
South Bend and Plattsmouth. "Rush
looks well and the dignities of editori
al life set easily upon him.
Mr.'W. B. Wheeler, of Minnesota,
made a flying trip to Plattsmouth and
took in the Masonic Festvial, Monday
evening. Mrs. ULiliord, r ulenwooa,
sister of Messrs I). II. and B. Wheeler,
visited her relatives the first of the
Dr. and Mrs. Miller, of the Black
Hills, brother and sister of Capt. Ben
nett, arrived in Plattsmouth on Christ
mas day, in time to eat a Christmas
dinner with their relatives. They go
from here to Atchison, Kansas, their
former home.
Miss llattie Gerrans, of Lincoln was
married on Christmas night to Mr.
Scott Caverno, of the B. & M. Land
department. Miss Gerrans is known t
many of our ciiizens, having visited
her brother, Mr. Ed. Gerrans, here sev
eral times.
Carruth sold an immense amount
of Jew el .y and other goods for tlie
Our friend Pepperberg make3 a
Holiday Speech to his customers which
presents many points of interest.
We're going to iut a new head on
that Temperance Column aud fix
things up after Xew Year's.
We can recommend our readers to
use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in all cases
of coughs, colds, &c. It costs only 23
cents a bottle and is warranted to cure.
For 30 d.ivs they offer goods at
strictly Xew York pi ices at the Great
Red Store. Call and secure bargains.l
The Stade! matin rooms have both
been re-painted and greatly improved
of late. Mr. Stadter and Mr. Dovey
wo believe both tried their hands on it,
ami the result is two very finely finish
ed roams.
The of the G. A. R. Tues
day evening was well attended by Mr.
Twiss, Charley Hoffmann and the writ
er. We re-organized the Machine, ap
poi u ted new otlicers, levied taxes and
made treaties with foreign powers.
All parties indebted to Smith,
Black & Co., are hetebv notified to set
tle by January 1st withou fail, please
keep this before you, we must have a
settlement by that time.
o!)t3 Smith, Black & Co.
Charles Holmes was hauling a
load of hay lasl week, when the load
slid around, tipping over, and he was
thrown down knocking the cap off of
his knee. It will probably lay him up
for some time.
A very popular feature of the
Chicago Weekly Xews are its six com
plete stories in every issue. The sto
ries are well selected, often rich in
dramatic interest, and alwas pure and
wholesome in tone, making the Week
ly Xews especially welcome in the
home circle.
Although it has been a very Mer-i-y
ChtisMnas, w think we never saw
Plattsmouth gayer, or disposed to en
joy itself more than this time. A
larger number of presents were bought
and a more general celebration of the
day than usual took place.
Fred Gorder's Sundav School
(German Presbyterian) held a Christ
mas festival Saturday evening n-er
Mr. Gorder's store. Speeches, decla
mations, flowers and presents made
the evening pass pleasantly, profitably
and Christmas like.
Phil Ytmse sold 300 frs of mixed
candy on last Friday, alone; and on
Friday and Saturday he sold over COO
ITs of candies of all kinds- He gave
away 18 dolls. 8 of which cost from 10
to 15 cents, and 10 of which cost 35 to
75 cents apiece, and lots of little folks
were made happy for Xmas.
Christmas morning brought the
Herald house greeting from
Stadelmann's Bakery in the form of a
beautifully iced fruit cake. Mr. and
Mrs. Stadelmann deserve the happiest
of Christmases and Xew Years, and
may they live long to enjoy tbeln.
Those who will Receive.
Mrs. Chaplain Wright, Mrs. W. S.
and Mrs J. N. Wise will roceive calls
at Mrs. Wright's from three to eight
o'clock New Year's day.
The Herald house will be open
to its friends from 5 until 10 p. m
Mrs. Livingston, Miss Fulmer, Miss
Annie Livingston and Miss Wise as
Tne Temperance ladies will
ceiye at the Hall.
xou ought to have seen Frank
Stadter get mad the other day because
we called his elegant painting "paper
hanging." Xevor mind. Flank, the
"patent paper" made it all square
Don't "go east" yet Frank.
nr. i-evi Churchill urougnt us a
basket of the finest apples the day be
fore Christmas. Among the varie
ties were
White Winter Pearmain, Ben Davis
Milam, Dominee, Winter Pippin,
Geniting and a magnificent great
big fellow name unknown.
They were all beauties and we shall
remember Mr. Churchill as we feast
on the red-cheeked bo.iuties.
Mr. Hesser never forgets the Her
ald, and a lovely boquet of feathery
white blossoms, some evergreens t
decorate for Christmas, and some of
tho largest, handsomest red apples
ever seen testified to that fact the day
before Christmas. May he live long
and prosper ad sell a million dollars
dollars worth of beautiful blossoms!
Mr. A G. Hatt had the mammoth
turkey of the season hanging out at
the door of his shop, before Christ mas.
It weighed, undressed 54 lbs, drebsed
26 ft3, was a glorious old fellow, ind
a good sign of tlie many more inside
which graced the tables of l'latis
mouth's citizens and added to the good
Christmas cheer.
Something that will quiet the
nerves, give strength to the body, in
duce refreshing sleep, improve the
quality of the blood, and purify and
brighten the complexion, is wit at many
persons would be very glad to obtain.
Carter's Irou Pills are made for exact
ly this china of troubles, and are re
markably successful in accomplishing
the ends desired, as named above.
They are useful for both men and
women, bold by druggists, rrice.
cents a box. See advertisement. For
sale by Smith, lilack & Co.
The City Council made a Christ
mas gift of the new sidewalk between
Vine and Main St.. to the citizens of
Cth St. and a most welcome present it
was too, gentlemen, and one we appre
ciate every time we go down town.
We have often observed that a
newspaper may praise a man over and
over and notice him for a dozen years,
and sometime when it is busy and
honestly forgets some little thing he
has done or justly criticizes some
thing he has left undone, how mad the
man gets, never remembering the
years of kindness, the many friendly
notices; but only remembering the one
omission or the one unfriendly criti
cism. Xow, we wish to return good
for evil, and as we have said the coun
cil did not fix the streets and clean
things up as well as they might, some
times, when they do do a handsome
thing we want to give them all praise
deserved. So we are very miiih
pleased with our Christmas sidewalk
and wish you a happy happy Xew
Year in return.
The Masonic ball was well attended
and proved a great success as far as
enjoyment aud a pleasant sociable
time went. Financially the lodge w ill
just about clear herself. The dancing
was splendid, an the girls would say.
Even the famous "Racquet" was cred
itably gone through with by sever
al couples. Prot. Stoinhauser's band
of Omaha, furnished the music, and
Mr Smith was caller; both showed
themselves masters of the situation.
M. B. Murphy as floor manager kept
things lively and altogether our bail
was A Xo 1.
Rev. Diffenbacher will preach at
South Bend every evening next week
except Sat urday.
Those who have not settled for their
last year's ice are requested to do so at
once and save cost as it must be set
tled -it once. 4U3 F. S. hite.
S. II. Irwin, of Ute Creek. Colfax,
Co. Xew Mexico, savs: My wife has
been cured of a cough of thirty vears
standing by wearing an "Only Lung
Pad. See Adv.
Back-ache is almost immediately
relieved by wearing one of Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back
ache Plasters. Try one and bo free
from iain. price 25 cents. For sale
by Smith, Black & Co.
Not ice.
As I shall turn my grocery stock over
tollanson & Chassot, January 1st, who
will occupy Jerry Hartman s new
building two doors east of the Court
House, I shall run a strictly cash drv
goods store at my old stand. All par
ties indebted to me are requested to
settle their accounts by Feb. 1st, 1881,
bills not Beltled then will be given in
to tho hands of a collector, regardless
of person. 41t3 Fred Herrmann.
New Firm.
To The PfBLic: We shall open a
Grocery and Crockery business, Tan.
1st 1881, until further notice, at Fred
Herrmann's old stand.
1 Hanson & Chassot.
W. A. Titus, 62 Ashland Avenue,
Toledo, Ohio, says: -My wife is now
as well as ever, her' regained health
being directly due to the use of the
Excelsior Kidney Pad. We can heart
ily recommend it to all kidney trou
bled persons. See Adv.
Christum-; Carols.
The young people gave us a beauti
ful serenade Christmas Eve. Christ
mas Carols" they called their music,
and beautiful carols they were too.
The "caramels" were nicp likewise, so
the young ladies whispered.
Just after the carolling crowd, the
oand came round, and we had music
till you "couldn't rest." The Herald
man turned out in his '"hristmas night
costume and passed the cigars, to help
keep the boys warm on such a cold
AVhy don't you .try Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positive cure
for fsick. head-aches, and all the ills
prwlueed by disordered liver. Only
one pill a dose, for sale by Smith,
... D. P. A.
An adjourned meeting of the Driv
ing Park Association will be held at
the County Judges Office on Friday
evening Dec. 31st. at 7 o.clock, to hear
reports of committee and finish bus
iness. By order of Association.
P. S. It was impossible to meet
Tuesday evening as proposed.
Of the Cass Co. Teachers' Associa
tion for Jan. 15th 1881.
Instruction in Reading. . .J. Philbert.
Instruction iu History Meade.
School Government J-II.Berger
Certificates and Wages. .O. F.Morton.
Advancement Turner.
Schoolroom Deportment. Mrs.Barbour.
How may the Common schools be im
proved ?
E. H. Wooley. Otto Mutz, Maynard
Spink, Sumner Hall.
The January meeting wiil be at
Weeping Water. Sessions at 10 A. M.
and 2 P. M.; also in the evening if the
teachers so desire.
More Christmas Benefactors.
We started a list of our Christmas
benefactors two or three weeks ago,
t hose whom we so designated being all
who paid up for the year 1881. We
find we have quite a number to return
thanns o among whom are:
B. Austin,
J. H. Becker,
W. B. Shryock,
Jay Gibson,
Win. Merlins,
J. A. Walker,
T. Clark,
Samuel Carlyle.
Dr. A. Root.
J. R. Campbell,
A. J. Graves,
A. Root.
T. Buck.
J no Frew,
A. & A. Sheldon,
J. H. Young,
X. M. Satchell,
Geo. Savage,
II . Bes'or.
W. B. Brown,
M. Craig,
Robt. Metteer,
B. Siebold.
F. .M. Young,
G. O. Harmon,
II. J. Minford,
S. W. Orton,
G. W. Worlev,
Mrs. P. C. Allen,
L. II. Young,
E. C. Wiley.
Peter Eveland,
W. A. Davis.
I. C. X;wberry,
C. Brekenfeld,
J. Pwcock,
all of whom, no doubt, enjoyed their
Christmas dinner much more for be
ing ahead of the printer a whole year.
By Sir. and Miss Loder.
Mr. an 1 Miss Loder gave us one
of the best little entertainments wo
have had, at the Presbyterian church,
Thursday evening. Mr. Loder's decla
mations were Tery fine and if they
hadn't "run it into Politics" (a'ht Setut-
tore) it would have been excellent.
Miss Loder hits a beautiful mobile
face. Her hair was combed down
pla:n on each side of her forehead and
she looked so much like the girls we
used to know, that we fell in love
with her at once. It looked so pure
and honest after the frizzes and
"bangs' of the period. If young ladies
could just see themselves as others
see them, never a bang would be hung
out again.
We have often thought if we had a
female acquaintance that was bound
for "his Majesty's" region below and it
was our duty to prepare her for the
journey, we would bang her hair, put
a new fangled hat on one side of her
head, and a two foot wide circingle
round her waist and start her on the
Aside from the simplicity of Miss
Loder's costume her recitations show
ed more than ordinary ability and if
she adopts that line certainly has the
prospect of future success before her.
The duett of Mr. Marsland and Mr.
Petlee was very fine, in fact the sing
ing was excellent as well as the rest
of the entertainment. Both gentle
men have beautiful voices and they
blend in great harmony.
The Only Exclusive Wall Paper Store
iu Towu.
Mr. C. R. Dovey has opened a new
place over Baker tfc Co.'s Store where
will be found a varied stock of Wall
paier with patterns and styles much
liner and handsomer than anything
seen here before.
Dovey also keeps Window Shades
and Painters' Supplies, and does all
kinds of House, Sigr and Ornamental
painting, and none but the best work
men are kept in his employ.
Among the rooms Mr. Dovey has
finished thin season are those of Mr.
llerold over his new store which are
two of the haudsoniest rootss in the
The designing and decorating are in
the very best taste, and will certainly
compare favorably with aiy we have
seen any where.
The woodwork is grained in French
walnut rich and dark in color. The
naner is hung after Eastlake stvle with
a Hue Dado and Frieze and gilt mould
ings to correspond. The rooms are
worth seeing and persons can judge
for themselves.
Mr. Dovey's own rooms contain
many fine samples of paper hangings
really artistic. In short he can do you
any kind of work in Knishing a room
that you want, and is open for busi
ness this spring and summer. Give
him a call aud examine for yourself.
A New Tears' Statement.
Ed. Herald: The industrial year
of 1880 is fast nearing a close, will
you have the kindness to permit me
the'use of your valuable paper to ex
press many thanks to ray- numerous
patrons for their liberal support to
maintain our home manufacturing in
During the year 1830 the amount
paid for cigar making, tobacco strip
ping, packing. &c, was $3380.00, which
was paid by the people of Plattsmouth
and vicinity. But if these people had
paid this same money to these eastern
infected cigar firms referred to in the
Scientific American of Xov. 13, 1880,
no part of it would the Plattsmouth
people ever see again. Why not to
a certain extent consider yourself a
partner in the firm of Peppuberg and
enjoy a portion of the profits, put in
your influeuce as well as jour trade.
and when ru send customers to us
we will see that our manufacture shail
prove satisfactory to them.
During my visit tt Xew York in
Xov. last, I purchased at two of the
most reliable houses the choicest Leaf
Tobaico, sufficient for my trade for
1881 ; this alone is a guarantee to en
able me to supply the Xebraska trade
with uniform, finest quality aromat
ic cigars, such as will surety be most
appreciated by dealers and consumers
of the tobacco weed.
Thanking my friends and patrons
for their liberal support and inviting
their kind patronage in the future and
wishing all a happy and prosperous
Xew Year, Years for square dealing
and Home Industries.
J cxivs Pepperberg.
PiaUsmoutii. Dea STtb, IWfc
S3 g
it rv
.S v
P4 tm
7 ew
y sen
J" rat
U 4
1 1 :
Christmas Eve Doings at the Tarlous
The Sunday School children enjoyed
high holiday on Christmas Eve. At
the Baptist Church a heavily laden
tree held presents for over eighty chil
dren, and Santa Claus distributed
them to the happy little ones who be
held him with wondering eyes.
At the Christian Church there was
another tree, and strange to say, San
ta Claus was there too. But you
know the old lellow must have learned
the secret of being in many places at
once, else how cotild he get around all
over the globe to recompense all the
little children and big ones too, who
look for him at Christmas tide.
The Episcopal Sunday School had
supper, with candy bags, in the base
ment of the Church where tliey en
joyed themselves for an hour or two
and then adjourned to the Church
proper and sang Christmas carols.
At the Methodist Church was still
another tree, and another house full of
happy children. We lost track of old
Santa Claus and don't know whether
he got round there or not, but no
doubt he did and the happy children
all went home to dream of jolly old
St. Xiehtdas and his eight tiny rein
deer, whi lives in the frosty Xorth
lanti anti who at the cnristmas tide,
sweeps down upon us with his loads
of toys, his furry coat and his jolly
phiz, and mysteriously comes down the
chimney to till the stockings hanging
there, or else presides over his special
delight, some Christmas tree.
Long may the happy memories, the
pleasant feelings and the kindly inter
change of interests of which Santa
Claus is symbolic, reign among us and
creeping into the children's hearts
make them better men and women, to
help their fellow men, not only at
Christmas tide, but through all the
seasons as thev come.
THOMPSON -UKKD-At the resi.It'iicn of the
lii u'e's ia:-fiit.i, Uei'fii!l-r '.3'l. ISM), bv ike
KfV. C t. (Junes. Mil if. S. Thompson, io
Miss Is.v Kkki, thiugliter of Win. H. lived,
Kmj., (if WeiitiK Wuli-r.
STITKER SKINNER In Wt-rpir.t; Water
DiTcmluT .Hh. lKriii, by l;v. f. K. Cravre
M it. J. K. XI v K I it. nii'1 Mus. S. L. Ski.n-
I nki:. Iiit!i i.t i-t-iii; Water.
I .lOMNSON MCKaih.axd In Weeping Water
i Dec. i' lill. Ivi i. hy liev.t'. 1-. 4 i raves, Mtt. L.
J'.H.NSUV .) Is Anoi K MeK WM.AN l, Uolii
; ot eeplny; W ater.
The Plattsniouth Driving Turk Associ-
at ion. j
Held their annual meeting on Fri
day the 24t!i, being an adjourned
A partial report of the condition of
the Society, financially, was made.
The election of Officers and Directors
resulted as follows:
U. V. Matthews President
J. Vailery. Sr A'icePres
Jno. A. MacMurphy Secretary
A. W. McLaughin Treasurer
The Directors for the ensuing year
II. E. Palmer. D. II. Wheeler.
Isaac Wiles, Ami Todd,
Jno. O'ltourke.
An ex4-cutive and finance comini'. tee
was also fleeted as follows:
S. M. Chapman, S. L. Thomas and G.
W. Fairfield.
A set of books weie ordered that
the transfer of stock may be properly
.wv.... licra.u., ,u inmuieu
copies of constitution and by-laws
wer? ordered printed for members.
It being late and m inv members de
siring to g- home, another adjourned
meeting was called on r inlay evening
uee. disi, to near report ot tlie secre
tary and Treasurer, at which a full at
tendance is hoped for.
j After the above association adjourn
j ed, The Cass County Agricultural So-
i ciety held a short session. D. II.
i Wheeler, Pies'., in the chair and F. H.
1 Wilson acting as Sect'y for Mr. Wise.
! Bills of last fair were properly
! audited and Mr. Wilson made a very
; favorable lepoit of the condition of
, the society, which after paying all
legitimate premiums and expenses.
! will have nearly one hundred
! dollars in Treasury for next year's
' nest egg.
j Young Stock.
) Five hundred calves and yearlings,
j for sale. Some line grades and all good
! stock" Chas. Holmes.
'i'MD Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Collection .Notice.
All persons indebted to the linn of
Huft'ner & Black are hereby notified
that such accounts must be settled by
Jan. 1st 18si, or the expense of collec
tion will be added thereto.
Bt'eener & Black,
yyt:i Plattsmouth, Xeb.
1. O. O. V.
There i)l be a special meeting of
the PiaH-iuoiitn Lodge Xo. 7, Jan. lit,
lti-il. J.C.Ford, Grand Bepresenta
tive to the Sovereign Grand Lodge
will lie present. All brothers in good
standing are cordially invited to at
send. Lodge Boom Lower Main St.
Plattsiuouth, Xeb.
S. II. Hit 1IMOND,
;:tU3 ' Xoble Grand.
Save Your Money.
. .V large stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which w ill be
sold cheap. 22tf
See the
Beats anything vou ever saw f jr So.
JIAX1' AXI CI it: 41
A l.iidj's VYMj.
2t f
"O;.. how I
yours," s ;iii
(ran car'i.v :n
i.-'i my skin w jis ;.s Ier ,
!a lv to her friend You j
ike it so." paid tlio flieiid. i
"I1"W." :i ()!!!!!- the lady,
lissti.s: Hop Bi.ii r.s. that makts
lieii blood and li';ti..ini;:g le.iil
did i: fur me, as you observe."
of it.
pin e.
i. It
What Everybody Wants.
. Is a pleasant, reliable medicine that
never does any harm and prevents and
cures disease by keeping the stomach
in perfect order, the bowels regular,
and the kidneys - and liver active.
Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger
Tonic. It relieves evejy case, and we
have seen stacks of letters from thou
sands who have been saved and cured
by it. See other column. Tribune.
For Sate.
Four lead of good
Inquire of T. Adams,
isville. Neb.
horses, cheap.
South of Lou
(J ) to the
You can positively do yourself some
good. ;mr
"The ln-aven for tlie Heollnar.'
Of the native, of Siberia, are the
leaves of the Arnica plant, to
be found in all their healing power in
Buown's Aknica Salve. For sale
everywhere. ' 31tf
The Friend of Delicate Ladies.
Warner's Safe Kidnev and Liver
Cure is tlie remedy that will cure the
manv diseases peculiar to women
Headaches, neuralgia, disordered
nerves, weakness, mental shocks and
kindred ailments are effectually re
moved by its use. The Mothers' Mag
-Tlie Winter oC Vour llisrontfnf
Is made Glorious Summer, by taking
Buown s Pei'sin Tunic; Try it. i or
sale by all druggists. 32tf
The I'nlversal Ver4lict.
Of all who have taken Brown's
Pepsin TOnic, is it never fails to
cure. Ask your druggist tor K. tt
M:ik from to S.'n per week seluni; y.imls for
1. . ;. KllKol T . CO.. 10 llareluv Mieet, Now
Yolk, heml for catalogue aail terms. i-jly
They are selling the best clothing
at the Great Bed Store, at such very
low prices, and you have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. That is why you should
go there for all you need. 31 tf
Collection Notice.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me are hereby requested to
settle the same by January 1st, 1SS1,
either by cash payment or note, or the
iccount will be left for collection.
37tf Dr. W. II. Sen i ldkn echt.
Pepper berg's cigars are the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask vour dealers for them. 25tf
N'ttw is Your Time!
Great Inductions in Boots &
at Marshall's, Weeping Water.
Cause ami Effect.
The main of nervousness is
indigestion, and that is caused by
weakness of the stomach. Xo one
can nave sound nerves and good nealtli
without using Hop 'Bitters to
strengthen the stomach, purify the
blood and keep the livel and kidneys
active, to carry off all the poisonous
and waste matter of th system. See
other column.
I-'or Sick Headaches,
Use Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills;
For sale by all dealers in medicine in
Plattsmouth and East Plat tsmouth. tf
(irrmaii I'utarrh Cure.
Cures Catarrh; Try it
Money to Loan,
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Sclileerel & Niemann's.
opposite P. 0.
71 f
To the Citizen's of the County ami State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable juices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
hoover, i.nuisvillc, etuaska.
Wish Everybody to know.
George II. Tnaver. an old ciu-
izen of this vicinity known to every
one us a most inllin-utial citizen, and
Christian Minister of the M. E. Church
just this moment stooped in our store
to say: "I wish everybody to know
that I consider that both myself and
we owe our lives to Shilou's Con
sumption Cure." It is having a tre
mendous sale over our counters and is
giving perfect satisfaction in all cases
of Lung Diseases, such as nothing else
has done.
Bourbon, Ind., May 15, '78, Drs. Match-
elt & Fiance. Sold by Smith & Black.
"o Deception Used.
It is strange so many people will
continue to suffer day after day with
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, General Debility
when they can procure at our store
Shiloh's Vitalizer, free of ccst if it
does not cure or relieve them. Price
73 cents. Sold by Smith Black & Co.
Shiloh's Catarrh Hemedy. A
marvelous Cure for Catarrh.diphtheria,
t anker mouth, and Head Ache. With
each bottle there is an ingenious nasal
Injector for tlie more successful treat
ment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 50 cents. fleowtf
How to 5Iake Soap for a Cent n Pound.
Shave tuto small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quarts of wrtter
until tlie foap is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon ftraSiiin tliroii?;h a sieve nolhiiic remain-'
; :ulil to tlie solution or "suds" three
gallon" of colli water ; etir briskly for several
minutes to mix. and set it awav to cool. Al
though it will look like nothing but soaiuds
while warm, a chemical reaction w ill take place
nun in 1 wem -lour noiirv lime will develop
folly or littv pounds of luatinilu ent and white
soft soap, ost ins; Icks than one cent a pound.
aim as loon as many oi me adniteiated coin
ponnos called soap, and sold at 7 to lc) cents a
pound. How liimr would it take for :i!iv other
soap used the same to become auytliiu but
Voap-muls?''. Any housewife knows that it
cannot be don with any soap she has ever us
ed. fee it ii can lie done with Dobbins' Elec
tric. Eol sale by all grocers.
KK.KO Kilos., Sole Asonts.
4-enuly v.'eepin.i; Water, Neb.
.Notice to 1 eachers.
Examination of persons wishing
teach in Cass county, will be at
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and Xo vein her." At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June ami September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Xotiee of
other examinations w ill be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
A Ml i
tl-ea-e- of the Kidney-, I.ladder
l unary trai! l y wt-arii K tne
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powerful.
ItCTHK where all el- fail.. A It evolu
tion ami Involution iu Medicine. Absorp
tieu or direct application, a" opposed to uu-at-lfactory
internal medicine. Send for our
treatise o Kidney trouble?. ent tree. Sold by
druggist, or cnl by mail, on receipt of price.
. Address
Tbi is the
Original and
Genuine Kid
Tfes "Only" Im m Co,
rev Pad. Ak
William TViock.
i for If jindRifcls
. Ii.TKXI r, JUrcb. i
S2 O
u j inrjeri
All persons indebted to W. II. Ba
ker & Co. are requested to call and
settle before January 1st, and obligo
3St4 W. II. Baker & Co.
Our Post Odice Key. It has
"slick" in it. Send us word when you
find it and oblige
Herald Office.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby civen that my ife. Eliza B.
(Juintoii . has leu mv bed and hurl without
Ju.-t cau-e or provocation. All peisunn re for
nuldeu to ti her on my account, lor 1 will
not be reapouMlile for any deliU.liicuiuU by ker.
I'iui", uceciiiuer join isw.
3ilJ M KLZEU T. QriNToy.
Probate Notice.
Tn the matter of the estate of T. A. Kine. de
A ceased. In the t utility C ourt of Cmi County
Notice is hereby tiven that Kdwin .Icarv ad
miniatratur of the estate of Ihe said T. A. King
deceased, has made application lor final settle
ment, ai d that said cause ih set tor healing ut
iny oflice at flattsinouth. on the I'lst dav of
.l.imt.iiy, A. L. ISSl, at one o'clock p. in., on
said day ; at which time and place all persons
uiiere.-icu may ue present and examine said
accounts. A.N Sll.l.I an, Co. .Indue
1'lallsmouth. Dec. 30, Isto. 4113
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of au execution Issued by W. C
Showailer. Clerk ot tin- DUuicl Conn, witbiu
aud lor Cass ( ouuty, .Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will ou the 31st day ol January, A. 1
lssI, at i o'clock p. in., of said day, at the svutli
dwr of the v Hurt House, iu said ciiinty, 'nil at
i'ublic A iiction tlie IoIIoh iiik real estate to-w it
Ihe undivided one-bait (') Interest ill frac
tional lrl Iwo (1) n scctivu i-lt-u Ti town il'
twelve raiine lourtccii ill) east ot Cih 1. M
l'lic same brini; levied upon and taken as this
procrty oi toniad hcim-i, ucieudant
to vatn-fy a juilmneiil of said lourt
recovered by Collin- & iiin thnian, riaintiiTs.
U. . Ill h. Us. Mn-lill, 4. ass 4. li., .Nell,
riultsuioiill:, Ncto., December 3utu lssu, ltj
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution, iurd bv W. C
Shottaltcr, Clerk of tlie ld-trici Court withiu
i nil lor 4 a-H ( ouuty. Ncbra-ka, and to me li-
ected. 1 wnl on the 3it !ay ot January. A. 1.
IkI. at 2 o clock p. in. ot said nay. at the South
door of the 4'ourt iloue, in (.ml 4 nuuly. sell at
Public Auction the tollowm real Matc. to
wn : Lot tliree (3'. In block one Hundred and
ten (11 i), in tlie 4'ity of HatlMuoutli, 4'asi- 4 o..
Nebraska ; also, lots one 1 1 ) and two (ji. Mock
levcu(li); also, lots i-even T and cij:ht o.
block t " elve 1 1'). ouiik & Haws' add II ion to
I he 4 i y of Plat tsuioii! h. 4 'a-s ( omit v. Nebras
ka. The same being levied upon anil lakeii as
the propi rty of C' Heisel, defendant, to
at isfy a judgment of said 4'i mi t recovered by
harli's l.hh'i iiiau aud Company, plaiutitH.
PlaltMnoulh, Neb., lieceiiilier'jnih, A. 1. 1S0
41 15 I'. W. Hykks, silurilf 4. ass Co., Neb.
Probate Notice.
In the Matter of the estate of .lames MoNiirlin,
Deceased, 111 the Couuty Court ol 4 as Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Cnoii readinir and filing the dulv veiified pe
tition of Thomas M. McNiuliu, piayinE that ad
ministration of the estate of .tame Mi Niiihii granted to .las M. I'attervon :
tinier that notice of the pendency f "aid cauoe
be published in the Nebraska HutAi.P, a
weekly newspaper, pi in ted. published, aud la
general circulation iu said county, for thrve
consecutive weeks, and that the hearoij; of
said cause be net for I he Dth day of January,
D.. 1-M. ::t ten o c.wi k a. In. at the olllce (
the Cuiinty Jiide. ai PiattMiiNtth, at which
tune unit place, all persons Interested may ap
pear au .1 Miou cause, ii any iney nave, wny
ailmiuistial lou of said estate should not 1
granted to the said .la. M. Patterson, accord -
IO llie piaei ui .sum miiiiii.
A. N. SCI. i.iva.n. County Judge.
Plattsmouth, December lull. lss. 3ylJ
Notice for Publication.
I.A.N D Of KICK AT I.IM'4tl.N, N F. B.,
Noveiubervt, lss. "
Notice is 'kerebv i:icu that Ihe followimi
uaiud settler has tiied notice of his intention
to make tiaal proof in support of his claim. n:id
that said pionf will be maae belnre the Clerk of
the District court ol c-ess C o.. .Nenraska. at nw
fllee in J'lattfinoulh, Ihe County (seat ol said
iiiiitv. ui the cth dav of January, ISM, vi.:
William A. 14. Hicks, homestead application
No. s.1 lor the emit beast quarter (s e hoiii h
west uuaitcrtsw i section I nil ty-Iour isec 31 1
town thirteen 031 north of range twelve c 1 -
He names the following witnesses to prove
is com iiiiious residence noon, aud cultivation
of. said land, viz : August Stoklman. of Pialts-
mouth. 4 ass county. Neb. ; .1 no. k.. names, of
l'latinnouth. t'asscounty. Neb. ; C.Mus Cr'-ain-
er. ol 4 eilar t'reek. 4'ass county. Neb. ; Andrew
Sybert, ot Cedar Creek, I 'ass county. Neb.
37lj . i. -it now m.i., ucgisier.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an Order of Sale issued by W. C.
Showalter, 4 Icrk of the District l ourt within
and lor (;m fount v. Nebraska, and lo me di
rected. I Will, on 1 iiesday, the 41 ll day ol Jan
uary. A. D. 1-S1. at ill o clock a- in. ot paid rtav.
at tlie south thiol ol the 4 ourt House in said
couuty, sell at public auction the billowing Ue -scribed
real estate, to-wit : Ihe northeast
diiaiter (lie1. I and Ihe soul west quarter isw'.j
of section number three (;u in township number
twelve (1-') noi t n ol range number thirteen U.'l) ;
also lot number three (3i and Ihe south-east
quarter (scV of tne south-west quarter (w'j
of seel ioa iiuinber thirty - four 134) iu town niiui
lier thii lecu (I3i noi i Ii of range number tlnr-t.-en
il.ti. east i.lh P. M. ; all lying and being
situated in Cass Co.. Nebraska : together with
ihe appurtenances thereunto belonging. The
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of Jason 1 1. Mliler aud Mary P. Miller, de
fendants, (in the suit of Jacob l.elcver against
said defendant, in the District Court of fas
couuly, Nelua-ka.) lo satisfy a judgment and
decree i f said Di-liicl Ceurt, rendered iu favor
of said Jacob I.efcver. and ugainst said Jason
Miller and Mary P. Miller, at April term of
faid District Court, A. D. IsTH.
Plattsmouth. Dec. 1st. A D. lfso.
i;i.- K. V. IH Kits, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
This i? to give notice that "The Plattsiuouth
Driving Park Association" is an liicorporaled
bol doing business iu Plattsiuouth, 4 ass Co.,
Nell. ; the nature of w Inch is. "the purcha ing.
holding and impi oveiucnl of certain grounds iu
thd county of 4 ass. and 1 he erect inn and main -tainanee
of suitable buildings theieon, for the
purpose of aliording the facilities necessary lo
a driving park, pleasure ground or for the usu
al f ounty I'.ur pin po-.e.'' 1 he aiuount of cap
ital slock authorized is S.'.'sm. one half paid in
at lime of subscription ; tlie time of com
mencement of saiil corporation. Is the 2slh day
of January, lsso, and the termination thereof,
the sth day of January. IjoI. The .highest
amount of indebtedness it shall ever be liable
for is not to exceed .W(l ; and the business of
this corporatieii shall be conducted by its Pres
ident. Secretary, and a board of live directors,
in accordance with the constitution and by
laws thereof, which are duly tiled.
John t'l i ztiKit Ai.n.
Jons A. MAcMt'iti'H v. President.
40tl Secretary.
A ravin;? Occupation.
The approach of the long winter evenings
calls attention to the matter of a lamp, for with
out a good light half the pleasure or profit is
taken from reading or Ktudy foal oil is now
in general use for illuminating purposes out
side of cit ies or large tow ns where coal a is
used, and w lien a proper lamp is used it is the
best (.tibstimte for sunlight yet discovered.
The principle or plan upon w hich the Student
Lamp is constructed may be said lo be the best
in use. but the lamp itself has always had sev
eral objectionable fcatuies winch we are glad
to see are being done uwav with in the new as
pirant for favor called tlie -Homk Lash-."
inaniifactur-d bv the Home Lamp Co., f I ni
cinnali. 1 he great objection to most other
lamps is their liability to be upset, (be trouble
to keep them in order, and the poor light given
by them. The New Home Lamp is nickel plat
ed, aud almost a fae-simile of the Student
Lamp; it Iu" a handsome ornamented clamp,
bv means of which the lamp can be at once ea
kily adjusted In any position upon the center
table, piano, mu-ie re-t, sewing machine, desk,
or bv means of a handsome bracket, w Inch goes
w it li the lamp, can be placed upon the wall,
and in whatever postiiou it is placed it is abso
lutely safe. This is the great feature of excel
lence", but the New Home Lamp combine also
the patent Argaud burner, a hlllng indicator
and match box. No lamp has ever before been
teeeived with such unusual favor or received
such si roiig recommendations from the leading
journals (if Cincinnati. It is aiso endorsed by
such men as the mayor and postmaster, sever
al insurance presidents and express agents of
that city as the saiest. most convenient and
best lamp Made. 'I he C'ompuny desires agents
in this locality, and any sieait lady or gentle
man can make a handsome income during the
t ext six month by caiivassji g for its sale.
There arn hardly a 'dozen families iu the county
who will not want one. and its price is so low
as to bring it within the reach of all. Tor fur
ther ii formation a.bin-s Home Lamp Compa
ny, Cincinnati Ohio, mentioning our paper,
and they w ill give you full particulars and ex
clusive territory to canvass iu. 3'llj
Cure, bv AllsOld'l ION" (Nature's way
aaito it iis:asi:s,
llrcaliif ii? Troubles.
It Drive into the system curative agents
and healing medicine.
It limns from the diseased part the
poison that eaus death
'i housaiidn testify to it virtue.
Yoncaiiie Rfc efl&uW!
Don't despair until von have tried thl Sensible,
Ka-iiy applied and ItadieIly KfTertual
Sold by Drug-gist or cut by mail ou receipt
ol price, . by
uMrsTIis "Only" Lung Pad Co.,
our book '
'Three Mil- William Block.
10 t tl.eoo 2 to aut opt
l lanos Jia. up. Taper
iree. Address Daniel K
lieatty TaMiiiijtnN J
fCTAltib T cure a case of t'ATAUKA Iu
''each Delghborhaod. with Dr. Karur'
Itemed r, tn introduce It
TILION, l'llttsburg, Pa.
Hample IrK. OI.K
AliMKUS AND tAK n tM Art
Per uioulh. during Kail and Winter, In ev-
rvcaiiMty. Iutitinc and aluuble ia-
UrniHlien. with full I ai'llcui"-. Iieo. Address,
at aac. J. c. Mi litui & Co., Cincinnati, i.
Europe and
Secret Service, of
23 year experience la the
Celebrated Detective. In all parts ef the World
KSO actavo pay. 40 full pane eng; a lm;s. Also
tu press tw new lliuslraied boiiii l.mru In
riiiceineiit otlered. Kur lerms niblrcss J, H.
lll liu & t'e. Hartford, Ct. or Chicago, Ills.
Wm. e'eROWIT.
All orders promptly attended to, ut reason
able charges. Mils
in general.
Dr Pari Ing Is alto a Practising I'liy.U Ian and
can always be found at Iiin Olllc In
the Drug stora.
Cpeclal attetiliou paid to
on ii ri:i, i:mi isii a.
A tiood Tinner always "n hand. Itepairing
done neatlv. promptlv and
promptly and cheaply.
Kave-tioughing and Itoollng aim
dune to order.
Iteiuem bertbe name and plnra, Itajr
outh Itcnd, Nebraska.
SI in 3
Is made from a Slinnle rronicnl Leaf of Pare
Value, and is a I'oailive Itemeilv for all the
disease that cause pains iu t he lu.ver p u t of
the boilv for Torpid Liver Head lehos Jaun
dice I'tiness. (iiavcl. Malaria, uml nil dim
eultic of the Kidney. Liver aud I rlnarv Or
gan. 1'or Female lliaeaseit. Muni hlv Men
struation, and during Pregnancy, it bus no
equal. It restore the organ Hint main; tba
blood, and hence is the bc.-t lllood 'urlller.
It is the only known remedy thai cine that
scourge. Iti'igli t 'm -it 1-seHne. f or Diabetes,
ue Humeri ssnfc 1 1 1 it tie I en Cure.
For Sale by Druggists and Dealer at ttl gf
per hot lie. I.aigi--! bottle in the market. 1 1 v It.
II. II. WAP.NKK &CO.. ltochester, N. Y.
(Intnil-MalUrr' Chair,
Popular. Words 5; music.
"it. i tlit Tramp." March,
Very in-pii il Ing.
Tint l,i iiham I'i rrj.
Spleniiil, Words & iniisie
Ait'h'hi"" 'Vnoi.
Sprightly and pleasing.
11 n no .Single.
A 1.1. 4 IMKi'KS
Maili 'l on r . f of
Four ii cent
i. h. czzzzizs c: ,
dealer in
83tatcjcj, Clocks, :,!cklrn,
Silver Ware Toys, Pictures Instrument mid
Particular attentlor. to all kinds of Flna
Mail, Fourth Street, - ir:n'
ir.vTTs.i;ii'Tii, - - i:n.
"union store
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Having opened a New Store ot the abor
1 call attention to niv lck. and iisk the
patronage of my friends and the
I'ublic :u general.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware WoodcuTlwS
and tleneral 4;d? of all sort.
Call and set our Stock before going
341y Walteu Jfn'kins.
Wagon, Rugjy, Mmr.hint and Plow re
pairing, and gcntral jobbing
I am now prepared to do all kind, of repairing
f farm and ntlicr machinery, as tbre
is a good lathe in iny soup. ,
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the waou shop.
He is well knewn aa a
Kemr lVaconw and Untitle nuide t
Shop on Sixth street "Dpunite Strelght'a Stablj
Can be found;. it the old
Howland Blacksmith Shop,
Comer of Vine atd Sixth Street,
IMattsuiouth, - - Nebraska.
He will do all kind ol
nouvi: mioi:it., &,
In his line. The follow iitif'arti 1:1 price :
Il'trsz Shoring, mw shot 40 rls
Hi (ting Slims . . . . 2U "
Plows Sh'irjx itt'l 23 "
Shoe Is poiu tt.-f, pi-r s-1 ". ',(J0
Warranted cs good an neic.
He guarantee to do all work Iu a orkmaaMka
f - e
t a
- - i
t- aE -
SsS CORE 32l
- i je fc3
I e v - : ul
7 C L, ir. r- c L
7 E?Sfi- a-
CUrs etr ri
I.sJ t
I .. i -