cett ytM sell clgnflertTcar cheap, Glores ami gUteaa lass than anybody, THiiter clothing at cost,' ami OTereoate 'at V sacrifice Am bound to clear up my stock ifLryay doTfn prices will do it. All are inrltca.-za. y, he Herald. The Herald; -HE fCSLISIIKU KTERT TH UBS DAT, ADTRRTISIIG KITItH, race j' lw. 1 1 w. i I w. l m. m7i In ' jTYfl iATTSMQ-UTH, NEBRASKA. 1 .qr .. Sin asijra. k col. Vk eL. 1 col... lM.gi a lis mm tiwa fiat i'-tm t e? in t (H III) A l I M, ia (( ri 4a gta. it ae 3 h l.JWUH.i.u! I . -. o A.1 u" I one, Via St, 0:i Blocrk North of Main, 1IM ! Mi MM; KOU -WHO; l.lf""ll 4 ""r. mt KifUi StraaC .n Aararttslng Rllli Das CJusrleily. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. "PEHSEYERA3f!E CONQUERS." TERMS: $2.00 a Tear. jst E.-5&&1 i kj Faja ia Ca Cm.: tV Tranileat Aflve rtlarnenU ut !a Fi la Advanes. Ttrmitn AdviDM! ) ST. one Y .... 11.00 VOLUME XVI. V PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30," 18S0. NUMBER 41. CVKxtra Castas af ih-a Rantt for stle. 67 J. F. Tocsa, at tka raatora. S.in le'A Mala Siiaal. It Kny, six raorit! 1.00 opy, tares nonth M D A 17 A A -1 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tSfrxte 'Jjirrci'trr. . 5 !' rI0( K. IT. f. S"ii:itiir. Eealric-. l. I X SA 1 III- US. I". S. "seiiHtwr. :'- . K. VAI.KN rjN C. I'.eprrseutat'a. Wr-it 1'ul.t. I.I.I M s v A sit K. trrmir. I.lni-elfi. .1. A I.VX A V 1'KK, yrvwj.r of Slut. v m.i is m.n. Autlil.r. I ili.-nm. .V. I!A tt i I 1 1 T. I inurr. lii-e!ti. V .I'lNi- s. Mmt, Public In-Inn-i i-u. ;. K I- I ' A I.I.. Ltiil ('uimi'li-itiier. I. 1 ll.ASOiU II, Attorney (..Tier!. V. .'. M .. Itiiis. hsT.Uin of rvn'rentiary. :. n.r.MM'ill-A.-.oN, suyt. U.-y.:-l lor the I:iui.. o &'rtprm g C'urf. f M TWEU I liirl -Iutic. l'leu.oi.t. 1 ' i . K. I. A K K, llni.-!i;i. L'OIiB, l.in. !n. v.. rnrvi). .;ed;e. Mm -jin. . x.'a f-'. l,:-ne--ii".iif-A,fv, NfS. ( Sly. . i'. MllO'-fAl.ih::, link ii.iiivt Court, ridtiKitidiitu. o 'itr JJirrcttrp. v. ST l.Mr AN. County Jua.a. ii. 'I VI T. rvii.tr lerk. V. i i -rTCr-jxy ' . .. t- . a-. . ii khv pnf:. II. W'eM.KY.O. i;p't Fab. In.tnictioa. W. KAiliUKi.ll. Surtvr. . I'. liA.-. , ( ornr. cilTV rp-IIJIfllOMrr". Mf r.HAWKOHH. S'ith B.-od ITf-rinrt. lV'I, h'HARISS. Ht.'rwnl l'u-ciui-t. AC WILKH, FU'.t-iniit?i Fitdlutrt. City 7.'t'r-i r, V. PATTKKSUN. Trksnrrr. . I. IIJN. City l'lrk. ;vHAKl VIVIAN, f .lie JuiIk. . I. JOXKS, Chief 4f '.. E. VMIITfc., thiI f 7lre llppt. -t Ward F. GOHIKiT. '. H. TARMFLK. d Ward-O W. t AIUFIKLD. J. V. K.K- I RACH. 1 Ward-D. MTI.I.F.H. Tnos. 1H.T.orK. ;h AVard I. M CALLAN, C. S. lAVOX. A a IVA m M A U W AIT Professional, cards un. h. mbaiik, ?nvini mri rRiirni nfr.cn f rit- ' trr:a Kick,bicb win b epei 4 ay r itf'- i nn. j. 1j. KrrnKAl ! TIiiHPTniC FIIYSTCIAN. 0,"!1r vpr 17. . Ji!jes H.u-lwar Store. l'iaa.niouib.Ni- .rHSkii. Tly S5. A. HATTI!IAK. ATTORNEY A XI SOf.K'lTOK Til! Frac- liee In t:i .Htat n Fodvral l'arts. Teai !'. Plttsinutii. ebrk. klly niri. . i. ... A o iv n. : KxamailnK Hurgmm fr U. . J easioi:. j . tv . .n'!ii.insr. si r. PKACTISINU rUVSlCIAX. il-i nn hirato Avean. I'lAt'.inoiit h yrs;t"Ka. ' B. ia C. F. esc'tt l-iat ii i siorr. 4-iy cLi.rcrio.v.r it st'Ecialti. A rroKXKY AT LAW. Rrl bnu, V.f In- ' iurnif nrt iiri tiii Atrurt. !.Tu-e -!n I iti- : I ji-rtid L'i(v k. Pl:rt-iii'ut:i. Seliruita. 2inu ltK1.l.HIII1ll, ATTOKNKY AT LAW ar.J UprI E'ta'B ro ; r. Siirna! a'f'ition Kln tf t r ii-.-i ,:m .ml all m.tti aflfctlni; toa fije ta re il a(AAe. nflUi n i'l Siwr Tr Post J'lattni'Wit .1. .Nril.iJK. 41J I. ; i. n. r. aif.F.i.r.n a cc- LA W dri i( t I'.orI Et3t. l ira and l.if-!-i-umiAf Ai.i'c;i, inc:S. Ntira,in. "!- l--.-it.iv t:i x -i'.iv.'i. H nf a ooi-iplvie ai-!i;i''t, lt iliif". ii'J a'ni ';1 art..!. l.rl" i:.:n 1 A' ' I'M NOTARY FITLIC. Will allrn-l t l.ny:-.(t 9uu f. . it: i.ttirtv o.-.an.Hi:i.it nia.. i. rn;:-; I Ai l ! n;; ilr! 'I! no .;iii -i ; .ui: iK-f.'iT a v i :i e t ti.e 1 - rtl-C. 4Tl KU'TiRfVll.:.5, (AU. Nki-.. fJAM. 3. I'llAPII iS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 Sn'i. lUir in A'!iaiceiT. ).r.i-a in V.tfw A nt.i l.ili-K. i.isl t I. AT I SMOl'TH, X Kl, II. !i. Win h;i am. Att;.w v ;t .!- lJ. A. C IM' N.i-,.;: - 'ui'; AVi ASHAfl A rAMPi',;;i,i.. rcoi.i.i:TiwN ah i i:i:a l i: r.vri: alkxih A 1 .1'i.'r' uvpr 'V. '.I rin l S I) . . P::4l:iuo.ii!i. Xer.i-k.A. -"'.v AMTA K. M.Htlll- ).V. TC LOW N V.. j Xnlary 1 i:.k. i Al roi'NKTS AT LAW. V:!lira '' e C::k a : A A oa:i;ie ; spvoia. ai :.. i.-n ; i i-i.il.-.-ti' an.) al ra.'is of in . 1 1 t'M-j in 1 :t'i.ei .!' Klack. Pl.iitRiiiDUWi. Xili.a k.. iiv . ; m W. (XI'TTEK. DB1TTIST. n-tttaaaonth. 3irlraika. Office on Main Btreel OTct t9.n:on X:l- ,'ia i Store. y41y Tonsorial Artist. ?irLATTJllll 1 II CK.ai..-. Place of binlne. on Main fit., betwei-n 4ib and .Mil iitreeW. th:iiiipooli;g. Mhavhig. rhil- oren s I.air cutting, ftc. ei:. i-'iy PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. FLAT T!MOl'TH, NEB. V. atJSCI, - lrplrir. Flour, Crn Mel FeeA Alwsy ca hand and fur r.' at Inwest casli p-irc-4. 1 ae Imshent prices pll for AVi.eat aril A i.i-n. Fartiuular aiteution tjlvea custom worii. BRICK! BRICK! If ion want any or Ornamental Brick, Call on T. A. HOOVER, ff thf--i I'urrkt acd tort KrUii me i. r Jl.ii. a,-Jdn.lTon of linn.. Gultl. Man j'klol Bd ; on, til in. It-I ma .Mirl urftti Jirot-e:!.. of U ctlr P.tt-', . jtiV1" rva-t t-lood Purifier, Llvsr -mwm iB9T .... A ... t -nip .nl-cUd -(.niulsnt. P tl-.Kl.ttam.rwinn ;W4 without IntCX- cAt.r.e. a. ;,o ra.;-!:it?ujr lA'1r.ir r.r T-.i-t. . . . i.-ie dxiir ...w-" i . tlv Lit U I;. .1 t lt UIilllv. a. U. if you r.i'r ?l L-J or t.,:x r-l ti.im .t on. ii ijy .-.. j yJuriif.lm-E-'aT'.iA LunureJt, iOO -!l l l f.r rtl-'' lli'T 1!l cot l-.. ;. r . . . I o .t T.I- .rairfrwi.js L-n-,.-.t,.. Jc-.Ji.-.-ce them1"1" Kop B l.-.,,.-..,ir. Hon r.iu-m t ili On-Ufi .-r . .. , . -:rj i. but i, j IX-.-: " d '''t . wit 'TifLI.. IUIl i! u'. i .' I i r- - v:a or fi.ii-. 4XK fp: ?V .ti...u:ihf.n. nweaaaii jli n I ff i.n-.li"riP.r.i ti,i- A ' f v i f - I iu:r.. ; r..:J jf - . fc i.u.-.t: . - Hi .iB.--.ii. SoaJlrjT-V l,.r l .r. 3 Kiim n- fi v. t.- .... - w -..i t . . t.-; u mm . f A ii .'. eb tbe ml. im r Tsmmi? m M. iwH tor rif-avt. . f I-Afi w AtL ttAdMf, AAa- aA K anr-'a ataeta i F it aaa af wbf a&4 W- othar lwarTCrnrs M f UirEta- ad leAn ta If elltaie ? ?-! i .:-. , .'rL f TI...-I v -AAAalSW " XawV"w"'- - 1 1 'aswygfwa?yg y f TTlMiim'mtAMtilMt wif in pr&V g ft ihm ntnaMik. U writ ta rw af aM.iaA. salt fee Wmv i aiK'ti'-yoiva I National Bankl ! ok n.ATTSMoUTii. x i:i;i:a:ska. foiiv rn--;i:!!Al.i .. k. I . i v V. M I.i IX. JO.N Ii ) lit 'I'flk k Pi. ! !. ::mi ;is i i ; ; -r. ii S! i'-:t Is, iiiit! Til is I'.iHik N now (!!! for ! if ru!ii.i'nr:ier Mr.:n S: it i;reii:ui'! to tra!i.-:ict u- ,-t-:.'-i :i; : BAHKIKG EUSINZlS. Slocks, 5ndfc. C:.!'l. i.v ;p.rn-r:r1 jn-i U.(.l SlCJ.-.lKi i:o' ;;i! r . ni. s: ;.!. U ;o'tn 7iV.-.'i In:f...,t .:.'' cd oji Tinx f.'ti l-'j'l ti,: -:i:;iM 1:: any f.;:rt ' the l';s!tt -I HT:.ti's jhi. in all -.lie rrliH-i;"'. Towuh t itif of K;io'i'. ! .4;ctTs Von Tiiy. ' ' ci:i.!.i'.!:atkd ; nman Line aid Allah Luie j OF HTI:.alir.K!4. ! Person wishing to brm oui tli!ii flit-mis froi.. ) a m ope an j I'IRCHAfE TICKETS FROM V j T a r a i r h to PUttuntglb, ' . k, M. R. R. Time Table. Taking Ltfect December ,' 1SS0. FOK OMAHA FROM FLATTSMOL'TH. I.e:tvr 7 :'JO a. ni. Arriv-- . m. 2 :45 p. HI. " 4 :t0 p. ill. " 7 :0 H. in. " 9 :10 a. m. FKOM OMAHA FOft FLaTTSMOFI M. f.rjvos R :".o a. m. Arrives to :iV) a. in. " .' p. 111. 7 I-, ui. " 7 ;00 - " " 9 :t0 " ' Klli TF.K tVKST. l-;irps Fiiiltsmoiitli 8 :J0 a. ill. Arrive f.in i'lii, IJ :0.- .. m. ; ,rriv( t Kt-anifj , J: O . ni. LflHVi-ii I";It.si!;iiui Ii ill 7 :J5 l. ill. ; urnvr at l.iai-airi Ml t :N) p. in. Kre.lMit It ve lit :.W a. 1:1. and ill i p. ni. Arrive at Lincoln at 4 : Cop. in. una 2 :U0 a. in. FKOM THE WKST. Loaves Koanif y. o : f a. ;n. !.e:iVM I-im-oIn. 1 .txi p. in. Amws I'iui! -.mout i. 3 :i P- n I,iTes Lincoln at 5 :4-" a. in . arrives at Flattsinoiu H a. m. Frt-nrlit l.-av-- Linrnlii at 12 :0 n. ni. ail"! 6 :U' I', ni. Aril es at 1 liiusnuiiui i o p. hi. aim " -Mv- GOIXG EAST. Fa-en)jpr trwhiH leave Fl ittsivouili :it "on. in. K n.i a. in., 3 p in. Hud ariivi- at I'ncilic Juuotioo ;tl 7 r.i a. ia 8 UO a. in, a. id 4 10 p. in. FKOM TliE EAST. ra-.fetit-er triilnl":v.- Pj-:n nr S X a. ni.. 6 4.". p. in., l''fH an.l amvo ui I'lattH- mouLli at 9 00 a. m.. 7 1" p. in. and 10 Uo a. in. R. V. K. i:. 'i liiie Talilc. Tahiisj F.fcct Sunn"!. I . (Ctnhir Z, l-'io. WFST. I STAVONS. fast. 5:l..uiii ! HAM'INtiH. O :."h. :!-, W.l. . !:- 7 tJ.i III I K sill.!.. ; i'M n fi :l'ii t')V I KS. j (i : u 8 05 A M 1 ' i V 8 :25 J:i0 l!i-.l)l I.' ! P. i v. in :ir. IN Y '..:. i C Id : s l. ' I !i. I I! :10 11 :4fl r IlAX KJ.1X. i R :10 i . : -pin ):.: j 1 1 -. I . . 4 :J- 12::r. I - X.r K!- 1: 0 I : J.I KI.IM i'.i.il'A.S I " :1- 1 :.-ji ! ALMA I 1: 1 ! OKI.KVN- I A :.-K i I'l : i1 .i :V) j A ! . A 1' . ii.il ,U i DM'AK! ! Si tij AT1'A.'.'II' A Ai .TJ A I.". Ai'.r.ivr.s. 7.;;.-1 p. in. i. i :.u ;t. in. S.llil .1. lil. I :i. .o n. in. i" 11 en a in 7..'i" p. in. lu :. i a in. I 7.:; p. in. i I l.l'rt a l.l. I I ti'i l in. Nov. io. : K -i l !:n. u I -: i I N. J.'.i:'l i i:n'. m.,i- . i:i:i..n. Ml i'-i ii i. 'i Ii. Ii r, in. i - i p in ! i... j.. Ii 1.. ! p. n w i . i l'A' u r: I . 1 J. Y. (.i.ii.vr . I", m. . - . 3" - 'i i, - ' Ai-T ;r -. a . H T- Tlire N n ciTtli-d n-xlion in the Weriern llemlsiitier'- I" i li,''!i Hie iPe uttiiiy of Hiitel ter Stoma -Ii lsitt(r a- a t'.nic. rnrrw tiv-, uinl anil ni'iou n-edicii e, is no! kin.wn aii'i appiocialoii. Wiiili" t is a meii.-ine for all caons mill n.i irliiitaio. it is epe-iai:y sniin l to the foinpinuiti p-'i'Ti ted l.v ti e v.railn-r. l'diis the purest and l.et vegetable ftiniulaBt In I lie world. For s:le by Prn-'oris- and Pp iIt'. te f lium apply f r Em!i .ci's Alniiinac for 1AS1. l O ' e -yf rr.vu-i -i.n ttvs'l WA TING disfasj:; :ini:i?t ton, t.i .mi Ii;!.-. V-l :!; I l";ii l)i':.ilit l.l.iili xii.i il.-l :-.m. i;l';ii i i p. : p .f i . I i. I i;. IK in !.i .;. I?, - j ( i m.-. i -O -r.s c i : . -t '- u s t o w 1 ; Fj:: A-.Tf tK.U !.: ; I .. .t-.iu:'U n ...t -l lii .- ! . i. !. .-e.ii.in iii.Mi. i i-ii 1 v i!.. si -- iio ..;v :t.:- li-l n il ;-.i:.i ;il alixiil:.: . :l i. i ! i-:i ! ini pi i.ve t lie i'.i'.od. :;u .-i .;:.. t. a-.-x- A in-.-a-.-s.. I. ..ii. .::. r pi.-p .r;.:ifi: iion. t'lioi. iia.tis. And sin I'ii '-;. m i i.s t-. .tvs -. aii.i-1 into 1 'ie anirna! ri-...-...:i . ' !-..!..-i.irl-5'Ti..-l.w lie l-oi iiii.'i.ii:;.: .-, tM.rlHl . i i' ol ... 1 ... 1..U ... .lt-all li'.onii. Nmi- ' ' ; m le.;-.i-.Srtiscif Ii tiiipiiii.!i!i niv i-mi-l-iuiM :-..l il.i lilwiAiiCee l.Hiud !' ' '" l"1"'' ajI.usi In-all li. :ud. u'lier. as. iT a i.i- u:. d iiii n v;r to sup;-i -v.-iy tl;-f:ii' '''. :! i.aiu.; n is pi.i.rn ul so -.M-n ..-i1:,l i ni' ". iu mt In ioi-'.vi-d i y r-'ini-'iu le:i:':n--' : Jin. Par iiAinu : no otin-r pii-parjinu is a mi1 'iiuite fr tins. uudir ny clieiunstaiieei. L.-oh 'lit lor tin- name al.d adur.-ss, .1. I. A Fi.LO h. t .lolin. X. P... on Hie ye ilow wippi-r in a-'.r-iiiai!;. wl irh is seen I y hoiuiHK the iair before I'jc lillt. I'riee, $1.0 wr B.illle. Six fur 7.50. SOLD HV ALL OKCC.AilJiTS. E. SAG'S Sjccesser to SAt;it BiiOTBtus. Dealer ia STOVES, TIN VT ARB, SHEET IROX, Z1XC. :o: At tiie old Stand opposite tilt new Hotel. PUMPS, GAS-FITTING, ALSO. . - AT -At lrci1"-'i if-2a :-;. 1 . Ii sr n it 12 H ff S S ft fi H (f H i? i at f ?i i r n w ul lixldiM- n I H H 3 we will II a ma k3 Heavy HJiters5 WW ClilsacSiilla e Will positively BiicK TndKmola, Iot a, I lluinnton, lov. a, ni ! Albeit Lee. :.:.!.!-. Owntonna, Minn., ( Stanborry, M. nch ss ia i3j li2 L'!tL tL3 CSab tiLJ YEECaAH. -road osics -sip? i tL Ji ''iLiLa'iLc rr PAIR to all ?i&meltldi I till yoia have jarieotl enr stock, if f Iff I desirous 01 c!oi 4- 0. n f ? New 1ST CD DSVIATIOIT Hallow we $l.uotc a 66 all 1 Next J-1 5 tf M. feci k vfc-y? ifrs fci a.t iri J !! u f d ti ll Tl 11 sda gMi til till oi3n9 cIllTeFeist well-SIIe?I deparisaifeut Aid. 9rT ON! om s' m w of k era si HO A we oieaaa what. we i'ew Prices s $5. foi 66 CVat 66 .5 B.3D.5 66 to What A4y S. & G. door to Franh Carruth's TIM p HI s pS I u and see if yoa doa't save fey it. i'44 asac &aaa UClP&Jn AdreHise & ! -tt:, ITS' Alvertisc ! I ! MAYER, .Vew Jewelry Store', PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. fa &A&3 L-9 i7 eTft Avf 43 A t'-h nil! e", aVilt ili ther nirsn.by l!u n-t wlutt inli.e ni-ftn l-y tvn??:' Vi lienn". fi-im Ihe ln of l.ltle cuild As she !.iin.ie-1 is fi-om lilay. Tl.e mMijT'!i eyes f.iled up with tears! tvi ni- t tr liev .!..rlinc lair, A:i: inionU.C'l a-r.sy from .' e .ucut braw It. AreA.nres if fioi.trn h..r. 'VTliT, Biollier'A fti av Hue, my weet. An! Frar.dp:'. h!r is pray, An ! tl;e love we lr our lsrl;ns cbilj (irons Mrnrper evevy fiay." B.it what did ther Kiecn" i-n.i.t.i tli child; "Tor I snw twn cn'pr.le. to-.:T, And one of tliem and hp fonpfit ior tke Vi; Tl: otticr, he foiiftht for tlie rry. Xow he ef the bine hs-1 lest a leg. And the other had bnt one arm. And bnth .ei-nic l wornar.d nery m l (at. Yet tl.cir rcetirie i kia-i I wars, llieytol! of liAltiet ia day gona by, T:!l it msi!e my ynr(t b'.oo.l thrfll: T!e ley-was lrst nt rredetirksbcrg, Aim! the srm t Msltera Hill. "They r.a on the sinus by the farmyard pal, And talked for an hour or more, 1 i l their ee. f. ew bright and their kaarla accn.ed wsrr.i Villi .liti:ls thtlr lie.ttlrs o'er; And rsrtf t t l.-.'t with a friandly graia, In a kindly, l.rothrrly wer, Iirii calli-p on .rd to snecd tha tima L'r.iilrjt ;he tine and Hie tray." Z lien t ho ir.nl her I nought of 01 her daya 1 n o sis '; b srt ly t , oni her riven : Kc-t tlier knelt at btr aide, and litp'ng'y Vt'syed. MOnr I s'.her -e-h'.h art in Heaver. ;" How ne null ti e giay and the other the. bhie ; ir.iw thr p -e l s ay frn-n fifrht. And ha; fiie to the Ian I ufceia gray aal 1)1 ;ie Arc merged in rirr of !iKh. A MOM'M'AKT 1 CAt iiEI?, Ko.T tlip ror. of Mnntcrov tlirrn 5-? a lct-'-i-i! AVtiii r::i;i-Avn-i tilO iili':- :.! ad n ii-ir:-on i: ; : 1 --irlc. jrray l.-rr - h ? . 1 c-!!nv aa Ii loiiir. m) fi:r;riw. Yrrr aftr-r Yop.r oio-n v .. r no.-. ;!, nnil r.f- tor ft v;:V.f th titiil'rrs v. i'l f ; f'.'t ' 1',1'it- pit'ii;"!:. r.". ! t th-.nii tin iii'.iiiosli.'to t c.-!-i'i. vt-1 t'io si i rOi'i'ii'S. fllid S'-i.-ii, s.vrrp in ftirvrs, pv.vlurr fait at rosl. ;t nt il l!:cy j-. ii-..' o of il'.siM.por.r.-'.nci' - Lit" .ir Cliff. Ai-i--:t!iy is if ilts rtri l'Pi.r !i'i 'a f'.li-ilt, Illl'liiiW r 'i r.::-;'e t'tlio i ! A-f-ry i-'l.c'O rhi'ti-rs if mirtri) f-i.Tt it!'.' tnp!'.;ii;r s vo.i-t'v inlotiio nil a- i-'.lo t''c skv. A fur t'-.o f:i-":,:t. i o f f ica:u i! r..-:-.- -s tiio in in- i.M-I-ct .;;:c;: ! : AVfT.-rs cvor i--s:ius bay; no a-vat rl.t'tic ftir T tin". t. This Avrr'l.rr-Vorton lin? avp, twnfy Yiar hp"' . . 1 '. l.i i of oM ;iH)..rt JavTiP. iiii:l if y- nwi'.i ".iv.ine tlie ftrml Ii?ri r-K : i.f tin' .".ilju-cnt ravin ymi v.i!l li.iiii ! "iosa ilisrciviT tracrs uf tlio fi'iiivf criii v. fif-ro oabbrv ami t.'n"iaiou.. phi;t fpn rim wii.l, nre stniq; o;lin to i'l'.-iv iiwn Avith fern brake ttiiil his. I-I t'l l ".' viiio. C;i'bti-t lisliod o-""a-c!'in:t'!y. in a o'lrirni'lv ilinpy ront, ami his ! iv- vr,-:istt'il 1...1 AVilinr pried p.l.-aloru"" riT ti.o rot-Its at ioH-litlf, or Fl.H. i on mil t" poiris rook to ii i'i td; A-ivf. tLn'iii his l.t-avily-Wf-iu'litod l:n far bt cp.l t!-.o Avliiia crrl- of t:ir r'.v.mr-ir.ivave, and sotno l!'P.'s o;i,''ni.,i h iii as fri'-t as he could tiriiv.' t!.i:u in. Jt was a hearty Inn lie- il, which inf.Mftipod his whola afior iifo. lie krew tlif rocks and tha wavoa, ti.o forms rf Ihe clomls. t'ua 5irns of tl.o ATpRtiior, t! o jilsnls Tvli;r!i cliitpr to l.i; it n plnco-. th fl.iA-rTs of tlie tl'.pp f.id pu.- ii invir.f", the briphl litioil slu-lis. ar.'l tho sirnnpe set crea tures. All this wns in its way, educa tion, an ! a fit prejiaiinjr fur 1 he world's work. T!'.rn. too. l-.o st'.;i!i-d at nijrht, iimlcr lii.a fnii f:"s ('i--o;ti.iri7 for thia brovrn an.i r "! n--i old n'sj b'iii r.o coiHtiii'iit, c.r.:-" 'tifi:, but ore '. hose prni! 1 llfp had l-r---?t f .ili of ro mance. iru-sN rr r nd r : ;::! ;ir', rt'" i who, ad for tl.C l.- of t '.o ore re;i:s;i lie ha I loved, had h; ' ' n hlr.-.srlf iu I'. 1.4 IciKiT pi i'o, ; i ' :rd liiy w, f.n he-irt w ii ii fr. L u -y pi..'I.ta. Peop; tifton do tiiat: but tiiey !i c s--ih-ra V.rava enough to o a:"H't .".r.d T . -lit it out. Living one's v -If i not lo be recoic- j mriideil, ! t:i it i-i a;i tr:iine:iily respect- ai.ip hti-ircss. AVillii!!- Mayna gTrw rp simpla, kintlly, thonphtful, imapnative youth, lovirj his faihrr ar;ii a wordlcsa devoiioi;, and looking forward with Lojio and drire to the pifw and bftttles cf the world. Soin?r tiiaa any ens gruessed, hi1 boylitKid'a lii' eauie to a audden. end. Tlicre were no more Ion; ramble with hi father over the broA-a and golden hills and up the pray, dis tant peaks in Fearch of specimen, or colleetinp: plants for the herbarium; no more sailinjr on tlie purple sea, and out through the soft twilight, and horns again under the tw. inkling stars; no more lon, wise talks of life and tho complex world for old (Tiibert Mayno waj deail, &mLL boy had the battle to oht alone. Well, never mind exactly how it was done. In California, and particularly in the Salman Valley, at that time, a dozen or more years s.ro, there were .ways enough. . When Wilbur ww twenty-lire he could herd sheep and mis drups, ride a bronco and draw up a le pa! document, carpenter a Utile, teach school to soirjc eilent. handle mat hine ry, etlit a aper in line put hi availa ble self in many direc' i-jiis. Lut tiuce t that time he .;.nd on Ids own acres, H'liic of th.esc methods 'if cmninrr a Iia in had become superfluous. lie ha-1 faihered a library and bui;t. a labora tory , for part of his success came from cne or two time !v inventions. And so V Kbur May ne had won his place in tb world. Oue fiimriicr afifrnonn he took hi jri Morjrrn, "Liack Prince." and drove lnf.-j Salinas. Tbers h?d been a s(Rf robbr-ry on th" Xaeiroiento, and Ki pscnzvs l.od just ert'v.td. It ava -w hip-Ted nronnd that one young lady, wi.o -.rns heavily veiled, had lost lier lit-tl- aH. a:i l hardly knew what course to take. 1 he broiling- landlord called Wilbur inti the oliice. Hf.dn't we better d'-aw up a peprr an's'art it up tiie sfreet. su's ter raise what ?";.e lt? She's ari orihan wears bhp-k only Irwly aboard -low-down l-iit-nf t-i r.ib a lady, apyw.iv wish I'd been there. What d'yeVay?' WilV.ur waited a moment. " lie had noticed the quiet, reliant fijrnre. "We must liitd out whr.t s!ie can do." he aid inci-ivcly. "SI.e don't want chsrify. I am sure nf that."' At liii stare of affairs the little nerro ofiice-in y hurried in, saying: "De lady whit d jnegot sttrc rob Avant tcT sets do lua"!.-rd, ifimt-dintp, sari" Tin-' resuit of this interview was the etateir.eut that she wanted t'i teach pcbotd.'or to take n mtisic clats, which latiarplen wa" considered the mos;tde- W TTirWii. A. .I.. . .1 aM J. landlord to drum np a rem rV ably good ela.s for her, and then hs went beck to Vis aaying without any particular im pression cAipceminj tha an anjrsr except thatsha had thaakkd him aarnstlr. and l-. hoped ha would get along nicely in her new work. "I lika ti nt y-i rl loo." otid Wilbur to hiui.elf. "i.iw LIv'ea lin h, a vry lady-like toubj nomji." Tiiaa ii luoughts tursed toward fina ork and tha plans for the next lay, and tha Tcnt Uie tlirsnon era put r-iiJi. Ha wm ot aanti Biental yoiinf irtan; ha had area ben called cold-blotid at times, ar. 1 ha lue" a hundred lime aa aiany man ti women. Ills Ui:i.TTAf kis n nim'j crww Aery faiuL, f-.T aha siifd vhea he was the urn t child; a rKU'.einhar ed a low vuice finjinjj ia tha twilight toft la-e atxmt th Liiruat, tieap, iavicg eyes, an atmosphr af gantla woraan hood. He knew, sftA-rward, that hia father always .'poke o bar with perfoct respect and aSex-tion; tn still tbara was a my stery about her doatk. ii'iX bert Mayne, tad afiar bim hia soa Til bur. always wore, stitched to tha eaaia of his old-fshi(.tiel Eejclish watch, a fJreeinrt coin of fold -on ma aids cf which there w arrCved. witk iir reious. skill, a brr-kea link end aa 91 fhc.Vihed damper, in lh iw h&Wes af a letter B. Oia Gilbert had alwsra prom ised to tell his e.ia th iist-eiry c Mis coin, but he died to suddenly that bt only siii 1. els;. in? Wilbur's hsnd: ''It lioi.l-ft ii w.is;,ip iTokrn, tresih ery nnspeskabie, r:yeng anftiliiiled. There is hut one other oui l.ka that in the worid, and it is not qui'e tha fane. The lctier is therr. but tha links are united, and the daj-er f sbesthod. I had mine re-engraved after"' fiil- bei1 lilted his lenched hands "Tom lklden." he crie.l, "I hope you hava repented yonr evil deed;" And, w say i n jr. hi.' died with tha tale unfinished. This war, year after year, the mystery f Wilbur's lifi. 1 lie -n arm summer days csme, full of color and delio-ht. Wiihnr's little farm, in the heart of the wide Sa!iss, was a wave of j olden w heat which melted in to other waves, and swept in wider and yet wider circles until it w as one sea of ii'rain from the rugged OavilRti peaks to the wooded bases of the Santa Lucia. :ind from tho hiils of San Jliguel. past bin7!es nud Cliuahir, to the sands t.f Soli.'drtd aud tho oid Spfaii'-li houses r.c;T te river. Ui-our Mayne IouipI that i.iis Leigh's sucirs nn a music teacher .ris hiiiviI, f.ir every one liked her cuHureJ ways and graceful t-elf-ri-iij'.ner. 'Se.-h ingin' -d play in' was never he;i.ru afore." snid old man Norlhup, nf-er Mis Leigirn first cor.ioii, in av! ich iicrjiupil- from Hilltowii. Santa l'cii.'t. Nativtilnd. Ali-al, ai.d Frirrotnid ing districts took past. And that was tl.e tt'in-ral opinion where a or she vras known. It came to pis one afle rnoon, when the frT'iiv- sun lit Ibe .'-anta Lu.-ia peaks that Wilbur hfirn-v-M-d hi" horvo, willi m:i' h aiicntiort to ;he sirpps and bugST and drove to '! L'igh's bonr.iieg jilace. The iipp..e iii -n i"; thst it whs premeditated. A ilttlo while i -1 r he. iind tp.cked her in A i;li much rohrj and a: (eni ii m, a: ! thev i;i ivo along tho h;gl.t:iv t i..A'-l the roundf d rren oTil's I'c.-ik ni'id liie p.o.s, f. f the IdiU beyond. I; v..-.-. not tih.i' iniirbi strict ly be term ed love-rnakii'ig. lloth of then were sc;!"i'ile voiiug pei.i-le. a lilt!" shy in that ilir"i-tbn. Stiil it il prol able that (Toy er. ji.ved ciii h i ti.t r'.- i r-rripany. Mi.!:'e;-eV Cottll'V is fill of tictiir- esqee ro'ky va.'ley too. ( biis of parses to eni-" ? i be seeriery. and A in'Mug. wbe. i vir yon ler.ve tlie tlie h lis. S.-ni' times, l n.tiiTi-e. end the road t Lev foil iw ed pi ' s'f.i inr vineyard', ttn.l biis ff or; ;in'd thr.-ngh which ivo'vp-bt and iienet ful lo'-fs showed clearly. 1 n..s wiii'e tl-.ey p.w-cd by tl.e ci-o'.vin of a --iivir bmok. to let, l':e Ip j. .nvi pi- drii'v. thr.t Mi -' L ich looked d. toa vov. of eticaiA Titus which U. d agr.j'.i'd the si. v, and said: I tidiik it is underfill how the verv essence cf nil that is best about a tr-a is so clearly revealed in tho twilight. The willow's weeping folds pre saddest then; tho mountain Hao oak wears ita sternest grandeur: even the, twilight beauties of a garden of rosr-e, or of c'.ing-ing Annes RiKive a balcony, ara full of delight." "Yes," he stiid, "irist is the way it seems. Asaif the ep.'iles tinirerse Avere fr.d'essly glad." Half an hour later they reached her home. "1 Avor.i'er what time it is?" said Wilbur Mayne; "my watch is left for repairs." Sh-; drew opt her own tiny watch, r.nil put it in his hands. "You had belter f-'.riko a match and look," aha s.iid. for the moon w ag kid behind a elond. Wilbur lit the match aad held it over the watch, but what the time was he never knew, for on the chain he skaat a Crecian coin of gold, like that which be himself carried. ' A puff of wind blew i put the fateful match, lie felt cold and dull, and wanted to be by himself to i think it all over. He handed Miss Leigh out, hoped she had hud a good time, shook hands wit h her. climbed iu the V.u.gy, f.p.d drove lHj ii.'v way. rive ii.ii.'i'.cs later he hkit. J iu tie road, and half tinned a:ou,id. "I w-x a f-v"l. have a.-..-d a'. . most il'.ll ice.-'i have been mi VC I V si: a' hv. I " 1 t-a , i . I onr!it to it it. ! b. ii . ;.ken. urn not rhpT.s ii is ll n !..-..' 1 mi I lie lijiiit nis irure aoont il.u I ll'.iiS o the. (; .' r. j When i.c - i a iisli w, an d I -. : -tied home tvi, a '.vent into tip; woik.-l.op. Ti ere s:.;r.d an old chc-;, stid, ttnloek ingthis, l.c peered wi'l :n. The books his f.'tlhl-r had lovf d mo I. the cloU.e-A h-i Avcre, his care, his long-barrelled pi.sto.ls, and r.-.e of, ti.o :mi,le irea ures of his own boyhood vscrc here. II. re. too, 'vi-ni his mother's wt i-iiLig rin1 arid llii-Ie. Wilbur Mavne's eyes grew bright with tears. "Yes. father." he. said, as if he were fj.i A!;i;ig to "nine one win stood very near, "I shall timl out iaII alvmt i', no r.r.tier what, happens." Ibtsipess called Wilbur away the next iimrniiig. and seve; a! week.-? pass ed before lie saw Mi--s Ixie-h again. He thought (if writing to ask her about the coin, but multitudinous letters were begun anxiously and torn up in des pair. Sometimes, he almr-'t thought that sib uce and lrg;tf!i5ui3 were "It must b," ;e s'.id tn himself, "a s'.ory .f shnnie nd wickedness. Som wrong nncor dorsed. some irrfparabia injury Iks bet !! her arn.'eetcrs and mine." Put si last he "went to Miss Leigh, ea.rr.i-st "y, manfully, putting the coin lie had cRf-ied so long into her hands, tntl sayirjr. with terse directness: "It is a pail of my life; tell roe tha storv." 'diss Leigh sprang to her fH;t with swift excitement. "I never expected to see that," she f ried, and laid hers aside it. It wa like his in every line, except thai tia dageer was sheathed aud the lick un broken. "It is like a leaf o-.H of an old ro mance, blown into this provide nine teenth century,'" the said, "Yes, I must tell you. My futhtr's namo waa IWden. but bo diwJ when 1 waa an ii'firt, hnj, my nvtl:er iDiirryin aain Ik-!" husband Ktijiulatnd that 1 -.hould take bi.s r..".m. So I aju Helen Ltigh to tLt- ml of the chpptcr. When my father was youug he Lad a very dear iieud iio wu in the same clac? mi rope. Th- slrarga part of it i that my father in lau-r years never men tioned his same, a. id even ci:i---l i: from the bioka they owned in ovm u ti, so that I had no way t.f. kmc. ic; i;. He left, howsrer, a package on t.i.ivli wss written, 'For rr.r littl.A girl vl.iu he rtows rp.' Th: coM..';i:-' I ti c oin I hare shown you, and a letter whick aaid: Ta haa my frii iid uiid 1 were yotihj xnsa togeiher, wo llcd a year with tho Arac, snd twice li.' payed ny lif. I hal t.irr vOtu; which had ba ia our fami'v for year', the tradilioa bain that if one Acre. rirrn aisv it ttxlk a Mt-.-siti.-. and can tack "with a bleesin-r a'so. I hr.-.i thea eoina angraTud alike, and I g:.o my meud oaa. It ara alter nn 1 in u y of ours sowed distention b'-t-.vteu m, o that, for awliiU, wi h:iU d each othar, and driftud apait. My friend' nam waa Gilbert , aud there tho record stopped." VTilbur llayua smiled. "1 am glad it tva no wors.-," 1 e raid, "and 1 wiak my fatht." mi.-.-!.', hare lireii to know tiie truth. Si e bow In broke tha liaks, and -un d.oai l.cl the aharp staal. Thera wad uo C'linuiU wratk undar this." "It was tha bittersst trcacb:ry on the part af a niaa they both tnisttd, which made the'ta believe I.-irri'.!.) thinjn of asrh ayther for a v. hilc," aid Misa Ieijh. "It waa l:;g c"tr again." "(hir father wera fticrel," sni.l Wilbur, holdiiij aut his hiiiul. as i-a rose h go, "an-l. if they" can .,-o u"., they nmst ! lad that w have known each edbar. I'oyou know. Mi' -- Lei;-;h, 1 'iare beea much troubletl :ib ut tiiii matter I thourh.t thtro m.ht l .i soma fHflncnltT" lis stoppid. r.-vl flushed; then nn lofiked her in thefaOo "Now, may I not conic. iunl scoycti sometimes?" ) "Ys. at proper interals," f.'i'J qniet Wise Leigh. Ari.ontiut. " ... ii - - Hsppi.es is a fiail plant, which "'.- dom lives lory ca earth. It pi lugi tt. wi ri it will; oftrn in fjui. f, f.liaily nr-oka and comers, but tehloin in i uli i- yated gardens. It oflen blooms wiii".'..- one would Uaet exe-t it, and thca gndtlcnly aud uucAnocU'diy dies. Trinee Alexsnder, the present ruler Ptilaris. having reerntly come iut'i legacy of fl.ftt.OKi left 'to him by t' late empress of Russia,' his aunt by mt. rise, is about to build a splen 1. I pair, in the new ijuarter of Solia, at 1 1 10 e. end of that city, whera several lur,"- handsome lions' are ia com' el ir. lion for the future aceomm-i h.b--tt linlrrarian rank and fashion. Tbt yo ' fi ilospodar is jtie.t n-w in n lucky v : ft-lvlhe nliier daV Bishop l!ii ' ! 1 .....i'.. LiTTi with a ta.-tfl'iillv lni-1-i ut 1.1 pni'k, about half an hinir",- di 1'. t lr llustchuk. eminentiy iui;iile for a mer retreat: anil the prince, Avl.de j-rat fi.tily accepting this it.uniti.-ei.l gi so .-nciotisiv s ;red ti.e ooin-r' iiiiity I '. 1 i'l t.i' his i-omihtritY bv ti.rt'nv e- - 1 . - - . . . , issuing a decree in Tiit.i-' -l wi ; :! 1; I'M k in r;n."l:i to t'-e P.r. l,, iu-s I-? - - ti is to t'C ti.r 'ivii i-o ; A 1 : I ill , t'n C ii. Blue Hill Notes. IStli. 1830. I tbotr. Dec. it 5 -.i might like to 1'iear from the land of BuiTalo (lia.ss and Jack P.nl 'its, so I will pen .1 line. First 1 am i iipi ess" I with the idea Hint this. Lsa gre.it cpu.. try and ant of the opinion tl at 11 o.:j can farm a true opinion of it eim iy by seeing itst tastern border. Next, I want to say this pirl of l'... StiAta is not 6 badly off an son:..- llunic it is; true, there was not iin iibiiniUiu-e of small grain, but there in in this, m -gion plenty to kow and to inke loc. i, aV-coidin' to thu best iufwi i.utioii I cmi set. Thvre ia Bit abundance i.' corn, the tucsl of it, perh, : uin 1 n klabla fn account f it beiii l.i'o lu riptaiuc;. lluch of it reminds i;.e ." Cass caunty coin ia '03; K-.it f ki na 1 a aia not few who have from " v bushels af cortt of good quality. The raini came bo late iu tin year that veg-ttaaleg of ail kirrds: aia "' scarce aad nat tha best wk- tt tin-;.; i:. Tin re are a great many Hugs in 1' -country that will, if nnthmo; b,.p;i'.:,.s brin-j in a large profit to tin- people In the. next place, nearly vry om that I have latt w t b (and thai i i u ,1 few) aie hapt-ful and liap.y ai;d lo U fai ward t Letter things. (mi ;t ivw have became eo dislieartetip.l as I j "sigh for the plesh potsaf Pgypt" .t i l 1 will be surprised if Nebraska dor, not receivelhe largest in, mitral :o.-i i.i the next year of any year i her his:-;-ry. I.Hstly, the people at pear sa'. 'u tiad with the verdict reluiued by th.5 voters iu Nov, aiitl attiibti.e t . iea-ou tkal litis natiuii is Lot txa l.. i- r war. Respectfully, G. A. II01; ' s. Pcsclntiens. I5r:Liio"r, Cass Co., Ni 3 , I) -1, lbtjO. At a mteung of Piea-i Lodge, No. a I.O.U. T. beid at thc-ir llitli ;tt litlltlcitit the folio wing pi'-,.;,.-bie and iebolaLieu.s were ununi.iiouiiy adopted: Wheieas it has pleased tlieAli .vi- TaJ-er in 11 16 inscrtilable pi u Mi l, . j tuitttiovt by dca.h f.uiii our L"i., our csieiuud atotttr, i-a. il.L.i.i Linen, Therefore, Received: 1st. Thai vsliilo we Iiiik in soj r.itv I 1 the will of (10U in this sad nei awo.- n . a nevtitheles mourn tbu Ios.a ui 1 faithful and true mniijt-r ot our l.'l;ii, uiit who Aa an ei ij.iiu. tit .0 tl.e Older which she rapie.scii.rvl ;. i well as a highly esleeemed tm-iiii i-r of the coinaiunity in which ahe lived. Od. That in the true Christ :a-i li; of oar sister her deep and earm-nl etj, and devotion to God and lo-n itv. we recognize a bright eM.iin fi- ui- w hone virtue and religion we unuh.: and whostj life camtnenda it.seil t 1. Si. Tbat since she wvs it c'ritt -. taeruber, and praveo true and faith I -.ti ta the charter and Ordei with :ui un klemisked life we the more- deeply feel eur loss and cheris'- her tueiii' iy. 4th. That we extend our frat-TU.-.l aympathy as a Lodge to our lit iiin : ia this his ead Lereaveinijt. 5th. That as members of this Lm' " we will wear the asual badge o. aaourniBg far thirty days. 6th. That a copy of those resolu tion be presented to our Iliother hi taken of our gympathy in this his ex treme trial. 7th. That a copy of the above res lutiona be spread en our Lo Ii? jr,;:i aal and one forwarded for publication in the Neb. Herald and one i:i tho Westarn World. ' rraterually Submitted in . Faith, Hope and Charity J. P. Alley, i i J. IL llAltNSBERGIin, J'Coml J.fc7GlBT, - ". I