J' 5 if he Herald. NO. . AacAorpht, . pDITOR. rLATTSMOUTII, DEC. 1, 1880. Onr Club List. Here we are with eur Clnb List again. And every paid up subscriber to the Hkralr we Till give in addition at a Christmas present, a up; of the IIkkalb Aldlne Almanac, mhicr. Is lllastrMM with engraving from the finest art establishment in tue eo.mtry. So hurry in with your nbsertlena la tlm. to gt the Almanac : TH ' PBICK. Itr.ftALD and later-Ocean, (weekly)..., $2 T5 St. Leuia Globe-Democrat. . 2 75 Burlington Hawk eye i...2T3 ,.- " Louisville Courier-Journal. .. 3 05 " Leslie's Ills. Newspaper .; .. 4 15 " X. T. Times (semi-weekly). . 4 15 " " Sun. (weekly) "2 C5 loledo Blade 3 00 " Cincinnati Commercial (and prera) 2 C5 " . SL'lentlflc'Aiiierican... 4 20 " ' Nebraska Fanner 2 75 " " Omaha Republican (A prem). 3 13 " Omaha Bee (and rein) 3 C5 ' State Journal (witli map prui) 3 '.o " " American Agiieulluiist .1 2 G5 " " Fiuirle Fanner 3 30 " , " Nat. Livestock Journal 3 tut -- Western Rural 3 311 " -:v Harper' Bazar 4 K5 Weekly 4 5 r " Monthly 4 5 " " Youiii: People 2 81 " Scrlbner's Monthly 4 " " " St. Nicholas t 10 " . Eclectic Magazine 0 75 - Dpmorest's Monthly Mai- ziue, (without premiuni)... ts l'j ' Godey's Lady's Book '.. 3 is I'hreuoloical Journal 3 15 " " Literary A Educat'ual Notes. 2 ta " ' Good Company 4 00 caleagt Tfihnne 2 70 The public schools hi Jersey city were closed hint Friday 011 account tf celd weather. Col. Woodkokd, the gentleman wlio lectured here this wet f 11 Tetn Ierance, seems to be a very line man, is a most eloquent lecturer, and has certainly done good in this community. In ur prospectus of the Omaha Ke publican, on fourth page, we stale that the Weekly Republican and premium will no sent for a year for 1.00. It Should read 31.50. Subscribers plea tai notice. -'" ea aaj J. D. Jt'ASS fter a lengthened and sevei.TAa.riul was at last acquitted 6Mhe charge of stealing Government goods, and is now a free man. The Cheyenne papers all seem to think the acquittal just and the urigittnl prosecution something in tke line of persecution. Til: Sheridan l'ost makes quite a talk for Mr. Schick, of that County for Speaker. Now Rush, don't yu know Rob. Windham's going to get that persimmon and you Xemaha fel lows have got to wait a little for once. Why we wouldn't give schucks for Schick's chance. The wisest, fojlisltest, an I most cu rious advice is being "howered on the head of the incoming Lfialaturo, about now. from all quarters. They are wanted to make us rich, learned, healthy,-moral and temperate in all respects, tit 11 times all at once, by just passing the requisite laws. The boys went through Ex-M.;r-s'.ial Daily, Saturday evening. Gave hi 111 a silver outfit, and caned him and praised the old man a caod f11' what he had done, and left undone, which is quite as important. Well. Daily is good looking and deserves ii j all. lie has been a Vo. 1 M-irshal and now takes his place as a S:at l.egisla tor where we are sure he will make his mark and be a credit to his County and the state. We just learn by letter from the Omaha Ree Printing Company that no subscriber to the Weekly z is enti tled to the premium unless on pay ment of the full S3.00. Those sub scribers therefore who have paid us for the R -e in club with the Herald, will, if they desire the premium be oeyged to remit fifty cents more. The m'stake in announcing differently on our part was caused by their not sending in their club rates until aftr our club list was made up and we were obliged to take their last year's rates.- Jl. "Herder Hot" sends us a letter which he waets published, and in which he gives us soma good advice. We cannet publish the letter be cause the "Herder boy" did not uive us his tre name, and his advice, theugh very good if needed, is all thrown away, because it is predicated on a raiseenceptien or blunder f some sort, for he never saw such a statement in the Herald as he claims. Our friend must learn to spell better and give us his name and then maybe he can do something "for the interest of our county." Wi take no stock in this Ilazen business. It rs one of the last and not least of Hayes's blunders. The .man is evidently promoted to (ill Gen eral Meyers position solely on politi cal grounds and from political press ure. He is not a scientist, knows nothing of the duties of the weather service, and if repcrts are true, is net tfveu a very good soldier, but iathera carpet Knight at bet. Here if any where a decent respect for Civil Ser vice might have been shown, and a Dromotin from the ranks of those "'iu uo(iiu i" in"'" "o- , , branch of the service valuable. hu!d : have been made. I mt Mm mm mm h m ! -- . I The City of Omaha is talking 'f i funding her debt in s-om" v ay and his j ascertained that a; present i. neetls j some legisbitiott to accomp s'i this. I Sveral cities of the State are in tiie - same fix, our own among the ni;mler. During the reaction Item the bond voting, debt-increasing niani i, of some years ago, the legislature tied things up so close, that now we can not re fund even a present indebtedness, at u lower rate of interest without a special act to that effect. While we would not ia any way repeal th least of our safe-guards from foolish and "oTtTIces''y extravagance yet upon so plain a showing that we can stive money and absolutely free ouiself of debt much sooner, a relief of some sort should be cranted and we hope tne matter will be brought before the Legislature at ah early day. We hope to see the entire indebted ness of Plattsniouth reduced to its -minimum, that 'is a fixed amount de cideJ upon, under the Ut, and before epringr and we can then proceed to its payment by the lightest and most rea.--BoaaUe tax then possiMe. . The inevitable teraptrence petition has come around and at last struck the Herald man "and. lie signd it with a proviso, that it be left to a constitutional amendment for the peo ple to decide. We make this provlse because we believe that the beat way and because we want to be particular what we sign and what we petition the Legis lature to do. Then we can stand by it and approve it as part of our act and deed. The preamble to this petition sets forth among other things the follow ing statu of facts: It, (meaning the present law) dis criminates in favor of cities as against the (arming portions of the State, by giving the cities the power, to license traffic, and retain the license money in the City Treasury, &c " "It gives 10 men and 3 commission ers the power to force the sale of liq urjnto a precinct, though every other tesident petition against!' As to the first statement we do not think it exact enough and this appar ent inequality is not so great as it weuM at first appear; because, while it is true that 'the money is retained in the city funds, the city and not the county has to provide extra jails, ex tra police, and in fact, pay all the ex pense of arrtat and conviction, often. 01 all inebriates wlio may come under the law, and would be in equity ther t'oie entitled to a large portion of fines and license money that is if there is any equity in the business. The second clause is in a great meas ure true, and fer that reason we have heretofore favored a "Local Option" law, which meets this point of objec tion, for it is manifestly un-American to force the open sale of Tquor upon a community wherein a large majority, perhaps, are opposed thereto. It isy doubtful if a case everoeetirrel Jfvifere three commissioners woul.t", 'grant a li cense on the petition 7ind bond f the necessary leg. tH.cn, when every other resident ..opposed. Vet the law is de feciite. and should be remedied, but the sweeping assertion with which the petition closes that (in terms) it is the worst law in the business, we cannot gree to, as the present law with two amendments could be made as thor ough, as effective, as any new con glomeration of ideas that any literary temperetice gentlemen can devise. And it would be better to thus amend it than to try experiments with new crudities and propositions as is generally done, during a temperance excitement, only to be picne-1 to pieces in detail by shrewd lawyers and politicians. For this and the manifest just tie s if allowing the people to decide so import ant a matter for themselves, the U g a lature n-it being elected on that issitp, we favor a constitutional provision fm prohibition. Lincoln. Lincoln is beginning to warm up for her winter's spree, while the Leg islature are in session. Itisagrea. pity that the new' wing of lb State House had not been cvm pleted for use during this Lugisl i ute. It seems to tir, if any future improv tnents have been contemplated by our enterprising Lincoln neighbors. th wherewith coutd have been much' easii r secured had the present build ing been completed. Mr. Siout has many good reason i which he offeis for the 11011-f ulilill ment of his contract. In the first place, it took three months of adver tising under the law, before a con tract could be let. then a month of details, hoard meetings &., so that four months were wasted befeie at y wrk could have been done. The law did not go into effect until June and that left little lime in 79 to do any thing. This f-eason has been an un usual one. Seme bad luck with stone in the quarry, seemingly unavoidable, railroads so crowded with freight they cetild not deliver material rapidly enough, workmen scarce and high; All these things combined have de layed the contractors se that for this winter at least, our "members will have to sit in their old places and he.fr the old cries and the lobby will not be allowed to stamp in the gal leries. Ry the side of the new part the old shell looks so seabby it makes one sick to think of it. Hotels are in creasing in and about the Capitol and the winter promises to be a lively one. Kelly. After a long contest John Kelly has at last been deprived of the office frf Comptroller i New York, and a Mr. Campbell appointed. The 1 scene tit the transfer of pwer is given as below : The cotnptreller's dice in the county court house w as tlironge.l t lilt , morning with politicians win came ; to ffer their condolences to ex-Co nip- i troller Kelly. Mr. Kelly arrived at the office at an early hour, but re fused to see many ef the persons whe visited him. Soon after he arrived Deputy Comptroller Storrs visited him and conversed with him. After Storrs left 'the room. thi heads of aivi-:il dervirtinent and clerk in the finance department called to bid him good-bye. For an hour the line of visitors filing in and out of Mr. Kel ly's office was alinoHf eontini!ns. .At 11 o'clock Mr. Allan the newly ap pointed comptroller, va .-tdmitted tu t,ip ,.,,, 1(y ttie (jtioi-krener. Me was ,t accompanied l.v anybodv. nd vrheh he en'ered the cmpt roller's ortice 'here weri ti"t mote than i."ht '. or ten persons present in the bnildinjr ' jH,i,lin; Mr. KelW. Mr. storrs. MrJ j(,):)nies Hr)lj f,,Mr reporters. Mr : Oanifbeii wished Mr. Kelly good mornine. ami proituemg nts ceritnca'e oi appoint ifli-nt, iihiu ins; ine niririii.'rc of the ntavor and seal of the citv bar deil it to Mr. Kelty. who toek it. and. after reading it through careful--ly, extended Ids hand neros- th frtble . to Mr. Campbell, and said: "Mr. mp- ' bell, I can only wish you joicr- and . bapptnees in life, and that in ad'otti- . itering the affairs of this office. oii bo iv have success and prosperiv." j Mr. Campbell said: "Mr. Kellr. Ii certainly wish vou success and bapri-l tiess in your life. Are there any' documents or bonds which it'i" neces-; nary for yen ta turn over persnn.illv i to me? I am not fullv familiar witb I the details of your oftb-e as yet. and i therefore am compelled to stsk you this question." "Mr. Kelly, in reiTy, said: "No. sir. I believe not. I presume you will wish to see the bonds in the snfes o' this department, and these Mr. Stewe. my deputy, will be glad to show you whenever you wish to see them. If there is any information or advice vou wish in the conduct of this de- partnjent. I wilt be glad to give it to von. I have taken an ofj.-e at N. 2 Park Row and will be pleased t see you ny time." , Gex. ScnfjFiELD has Lee removed from West Point, and whit will le done aboutVhitaker now? - f ..j , ' Jay Gibson, one of the best friends of the IIeralv an i the rdde&t man in town, no "1. O O. F." exempted, called Tuesday and left the II Kit a LD several dollars better off. Congress has about concluded to let the counting of the electoral vote settle itself when the day comes. Each party was stubborn, but as most of the cases of great danger used as illustrations by the voteis, were sup posititious, common sense stepped in and decided to let the V. P. count the vle as usual heretofore and make a law afterward. Deuth or W. II. II Brainerd. Deadwood, Dec. 13 Win. II. U. Riainerd, editorial ri;tr for the Dai ly Pioneer of this city, ilied last night, ared abotu forty. The deceased Was totUH'i ly liehL correspondent of the New York Herald, for four years citv ediior of the Council Hi tiffs Nciipateil, also chief of tl.e riie dep,rtti:eut of thai city, and latterly editor of the Sidney (N'eb.) Telegraph. and Ctifter Citv Chronicle. Capital Topics, cix itKTAHY Thompson's ki-.mgxatmx. Washington, December 13. It is jfliciallv announced that secretary j Thompson h;ts tendered his resigna I t ion, to take -ffi i" as mi-n a suc- ssor is appointed. This is to enable hi iti ' aecepi the cli liruiauship of the American brai ch of the Panama In ler Ocean ie Canal Company. ' JUSTICE STI'.dM! TO RETIRE. JllStk'e Sti'Oiltr Mill ocenpv li"; seat n the supreme l em ii to-ororrow for the last lime. i. beit. g ins puipose to retire itnMvtl:.ttely-- He hn accepted an offer of employment hereafter as council for tbe Philadelphia & Read ing RaAVioad company. TlIK CHARMING LITTLE Ol'ERETTA "The Land of ,'od" has proved a pop ular hit tor the Christmas number of t. Nicholas. It is easily gotten up. at slight, expense, and pioves a de lightful entertainment, adapted to any season of the year. It is already in active preparation in many places, and attractive addi tional music has been writteu for three or tour of the recitations, which Sei ibnor v. t o. will send to those de sirous of bringing out tUe operetta. This is the way they reason it out further West: To steal or not to steal, thai is the question; whether 'lis nobler in a man te suffer the aches and pains ot frosted toes and lingers, or taking in hand this calot te problem, appropriate some carbonaceous matter, fo steal, to treeze it is a curst dilema, each horn of which is fi.mght with serious danger. Now conscience pricks, and hearts are heavy laden; now noses tingle with the frosts of even. There stands a car mi coal; be still my con science, while I purloin the means to wurui my lingers. tjaileiitineOOiy-Jer Case . In the matter of contest between D. C. IJ.dicniine and Henry Snyder in the Twenty-sixth Senatorial District the contestant Halieiitiue, served his notice under the statute, and named : he officer before whom his estiinouy would be taken. Snyder, the t"ii tHNtpe, alsj selected an rdlb-fi ihdthe parties appealed W ith their .iilnsel, and the c-intestaut proceeded to have his witnesses sworn. Theteupcii the attorneys for Snider moved to dis miss the priceedi"S before the .Ili cers appointed to t tkt the depositions which mo' ion was sustained. The officers then refused -to pern-it th witns.js to lie examined, and re fused t proceed f tn tl.t-r in t lie mat ter. U iIUmi! me. by his counsel applied to the Supreme court for :. 1 fi einpLii rv writ oi mandamus to compel toe officers to pioced and take the depo sitions. This applicaiion was granted, and t:ie peremptory writ of manda mus was issued commanding tha o Mi rers to take the depositions. When the dep sit ions are taken, thy will be I rai:siw 1 1 ted to trie secre taivof state, who holds them until the letfi!:!' tire rmivfiiM, when they are opened by the speaker in the pres ence fif thn holism and conidertd on the heal ing of the contest. To Cuttle Feeders and Cattle iJtiyers. Tito firm ef Clark Randall of this County and Lincoln County will hete after engage in the business of raising and furnishing line Cattle ami Hogs to those who w ish to buy, more large ly than has hitherto buen done. This firm is com nosed of our old friend Timothy Clarke and his son Thomas, in this count, and Mrs. H. M. Randall, of Lincoln County. Mr. Clark's farm is well known in Cass County and Mrs. Randall lias had a Ranche near North Platte for some years. They propose lo combine tiie two and make a regular business of supplying feeders and stock buer with cattle from the Uanche or hogs from the f;r-m. Mr. Thomas Clark goes to North Platte and the elder Mr. Clark remains here, and we w ish thu new linn the utmost success as it Irlls a place in business wants that we have long known must cuine and sum one must enter upon. Mrs. Randall is the wife of ex-Postmaster General Alex. Randall, ami is the lady who so courageously took hold of her own b.istness some years ago, w hen other paities had almo.tt de stroyed it, and built up ey her own j efforts a large Hanch", made il perma ! mm and increased her herd from a n, ,u an j jlu.reased her herd ,exv i,llllml tu t hous-tnds. Report of School at South Hend. Tiie fall term of three months closed Dec. 7, 18S0. Average attendance during the ,rlm""' The scholarship of ti. more ad vanced poriion of the school oiiiyis given. 100 is counted peilect. Tic follow ii;; pup:.s in. i I- it!! avel.'ge ii, their studies from SO upwaids: Laura McF.ul.nid. 1)2: Mh'p Scieigbt. 01;(b-orgiH McFat -iao i. i Myrtie Dill. So: Kil.i Fountain. 'J: Ada Streight, :J; Debit'. Pi.:ii, S2; Fd ward streight, im; Robert Suits, jiS; William Stieight, S8; Jessie Foutit.iiu, 87; Shetman Matiisoii, SO; Nicholas Za.ir, 52; Charles Pinkham, The following have been ;-;t cut every day during the last m,.i.i'i: AtJdiw Lazenby, M-i-ir Sir. iiii. La f.ettn Foitu. H i. :".ir"-r (It.i'ert. R-l- 1 o ' ' 1 ' '-' i Ml itS. 'V i Mi. Trtmhi-r. i- f. Meeting: w a fatiuif-. Laist liiL .t i'- w a f.uiare. ln specter U eods did n. t appear and the attendance of iii.-mbeis was Uiiii. Now toys, if you're going to iet tins tltop. why let's meet and fay so, like, men and Hot dawdirf round (his way, if not come out and transact the business necessary to make it successful. The Regular meeting is next Tvksdat NIGHT. Please come cut and straight en up the back business and take ac tion for the future. We're tired of lugging the books back and forth for aught. There was a party at the residence of Mr. L F. Gygers Slondav night for Eddie, as tt was his twelfth bin Inlay, About tifteett votinger young folks met at ei r y hour and had a tine time, they ail say", Lighty-five Dollars Lest. "You do not tell me that your hus band is up and about again and en tirely cured ty so simple a remedy as Parker's Ginger Tonic?" ."Yes. in deed, I do" said Mis. Benjamin to her euquiring neighbor, -"and that too when we had foolishly paid eighty-five dol lars in doctors' bills and prescriptions iind after he had buen given up by his physicians to die. Now my husband feels as well as ever and entirely cured by this excellent Tonic." And many a4 sick man might be well in a week if they would only try it. 31K4 Our Temperance Column. EDITED BT TUB WOMAN'S JIHISTIAV TEM rERANC R I'N'ION. " For God. an. 1 i.oine. and Native Land." . - Night LiTe of Young Hen. One night often destroys a whole life. The leakage of Hie night keeps the day forever empty. Nigtit is sin's harvesting time. .Mure sin and crime are committed at night lliau till the days of the week. This is more em phatically Hue of the city than in the country. The street lamps, like a til of soldiers with torch in hand, stretch away in iong lines on either sidewalk, the gay colored transparencies are a'.'l.i.e with attractions; the saloons and billiard halls are brilliantly illu minated; music semis forth its en chantment; the gay company begin to gathvr at the haunts and houses of pleasure; the gambling dens are aflame, with partial splendor; the the aters are wide -pen; the mills of de struction are grinding health, honor, happiness.Tiop', out of thousands of lives. The city under the gaslight is not the same as under God's sunlight. The allurement and perils and pit falls of niuht are a hundred fold deep er and daiker and more des: 1 net i ve. Night life in our city is a dars prob lem, whose depths and abyss, and whirlpools make ns start back in hor ror. All nk'ht loi!' tears are falling blood is streaming. Medicines Producing Intemperance. Many, indeed most of thu medicines are not thus harmless, most of the liquid medicines consist largely of wnisky or other cheap form of alcohol qualiiied wiih sotnn stuff to give a medical tas:e. llveu the so-caiied "lemiiKiance Litltrs." and othcis chinned to be iion-alcholii;, are open to mis cnarge. w e once coiled ett tw el ve varieties of these compounds, all s.ud lo be practically non-alcoholic, and on subjecting them to simple distillation, no one of them failed to yield nine per cent, of pitta alcohol, and one labeled "Temperance" gave 2i 1-2 pei cent, of alcohol. If one takes a dose of medi cine of this kind, the alcohol ai ts as a temporary stimulnnt, and if the stuff contain Gentian, or a similar drug that has a transient tonic effect, the patient "feels better" at once, even though he may not be, and usually is not, reailv ill. He at once is con vinced; ''that's the medicine," is his implicit belie!, and he tmi only con tinues to take it, but commends it to friends and neighbors, who go through a similar exeperietice of "fueling bet ter," and the medicine lias a "run;" certificates as to its excellence are giv en, and ihe stuff has a great sale. Rut what is the result? Those who take it once, repeat the doo on every occasion of real or imaginary change offeeliags from ill' slightest cail-ii?. Over work, over ea ing of poorly di gestible food, loss of sleep, business troubles, or whatever causes one to feel "out of sorls,''iinhiees a resort tw tiie "bitters' or whatever the stuff may be called. W hat should be, and w hat would be good heal; h. but for the dosing is destroyed. In fact, the per son is. nneiitiscitoisly 110 doubt, actual ly indulging in a moderate "spree." Indee.t, a taste for alcholic stimulants is thus fot -mud which o: ten, in the end leads to iu.emptira:;cc. American Agriculturist. A I.iltie t an lie shining Far. A mot her, on the green bills of Ver mont, was holding, by the tihl hand, a boy, slXKCii eats old, tllnd with the love ot the sea. Ami as he stood! at the garden gate one nioriiinir, she said ; "Edward, thoy tell me for I never saw the ocean that the great tempta tion of seamen's .life is drink. Prom ise ine, before you quit otir moihei's hand, thai yell w ill nevel dl ink liquor. "And," stid he, fer he told the story himself, "I gave the promise and went tin. ivi.elil mi.- t. l'4tiMltt:l III.. lwl. r: . . j. .7 c- -;. ' ... . , ( 1 iri I en. mm mi i'i inr i.r ii Good Ilopf, the North and South Poles. I saw them all in forty y-ars, and I never saw a giass filled with sparkling liquor, that 111 v mother's form at ihe gate did not rise up be fore my eyes; and today, I am inno cent of the taste of liquor." Was not that sweet evidence of the power of a single word? Vet that is not half, "for," stii' continued he, "yes terday there came into my counting rcotn a man of forty years. "Do ou know me "No." 'Well.' said he, I was brought in to your presence wu shipboard; you were a passenger; thev kicked uie aside; von took me to your berth, md kept me there until I had slept off my intoxication. You then asked me if I had a mother. I said I had never heard a word from her lips. You told me of yours at the garden gate, and to-day I am master of wne of the finest ships in New York harbor and I have come to ask you to come and see me.' " How far the little candle throws its beams, the mother's ords on the green hills ef Vermont! God be thanked for the mighty power exerted by the utterance of a single word. Wendf.ll Phillips. Grand I'lairie Items. A singing school is in prngref-s here under the supervision of Mr. Piimsirv. Mr. Snyder has sold his farm to Wm. Lttiihaiu. Flse Bros have bought a new coin shellcr and ate ready to ieceie orders for shelling the farmers corn. The people met at the school build ing last week and elected their ollieers and cwtnuiittee for a Christmas ttee to be- held in the school building, on ( htistm.is eve, Dec. 2oth. The pro gi amine as tar ;.s lep.oteJ is as lol ' low,: . U, eiiii.g. Chris' mas Carol. An Tiddress ol weico.nt! by the Pres. 11. . Zit k. ! Music. i sneech ! ;ant;i Claus. i Music. lis. i i (.ii 1 iett of presi ats. ! A liier book to be Voted to the .'e&t- io.ikiiijj joung lady. ; A tiiiistiic.ie cup to the laz.'eat man. i A nice liook lo the iiosi popular gebtb Iti.m to be voted by I tul. idles, j A cake with a gold lii;g iii it lo be so d iit 10 cents a si ce. i An eiiitiesl elf sir I wiil be made to , secure the set vices of Mijs"SeL!ater s I organist. A good :iuie IS expected. .V supper wiil be furnished inde pendent of. the tree by the supper committee ni the residence of Petei Coon near tt.e school building. Samuf.l Caiiltlk, secretarv. A Grand Reputation. Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has reached a reputation that is iiwt limited by the confines of section or country. There are no ir.jarious substances, nor false or temporary stimulants in the preparation. It is purely vegetable, and compounded un der a formula that has passed severe tests, ami won endorsements from S'tm t ; lie itiirifT'st riieuical talent in I the country. New York World. 3U13 TTr ADDITIONAL LOCALS. We regret to learn that the wife of George P. Rubv died at their resi deuce near Eight Mile Greve on Sun day morning last. The funeral took place Tuesday. Tire Plattsmo.tU Hook and Lad der Company's bell tower is going' to be erected at once, by Johnson Bros.-of Weeping Water. John Wayman is at last putting up ;i teal nice brick shop in the place of the frame that has been there so long. Hurrah for John. Fires. Lincoln and Omaha seem to have been unlucky in the way of fires late ly. Right after the big Her lire on Saturday night Currier's Photograph Gallery and, DeGroat's Hat store burned out, loss about 13,000 ; and suc ceeding the tire at Ilardx's place in Lincoln a severe tire broke iu Friday in the block back of ami south Ironi ttie Commercial which was quite seri ous, the Commercial itself being threatened tit one time. THK MlltittSKA I'KLSS ASSOCIATION. Call for the Annual Met ting at Lin coln, January, 12. 111 pursuance of the authority Vested in the undersigned lo ilesig nate the time and place for hoiomg the January session of the Nebraska Press Association, 1 hereby call the membeis 01 said Association to meet at the Commercial Hotel, in Lincoln, on Wednesday, January, 12tb jiox io, at. 2 o'clock, p in., for the purpose of electing olbceis for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. Incidental to this session, will be the delivery of an address b W . II. Michael, of the Sidney Piaindealer, and the reading of a poem by Hon. E. M Corkell, of the Hebron Journal, t he gentlemen respectively designated by the committee as the oratur and po t for tiiis occasien. C. II. Gfre. I President N ebraska i'i ess A-soeiatton Fire Meeting-. Dec. 4l!i, 13S3. Regular meeting of the Fire Department convened, 1st assistant Thompson took the chair. After roll call the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed to erect the bell tower reported that the con tract had been awarded Johnson Eros, of Weeping Water, and The tower would be erected at once. Owing to his leaving the city the Secretary tendered his resignation, which was accepted. Charles l'ettee Was then elected lofiil vacancy left by retiring Secretary, a vote of thanks was tendered the retiring Secretary for his services. Some discussions followed as to dulls, and it was decided to appoint,. through the daily papets a night for drills as soon as the bell is placed in position so it can bt used. Following the drill to be called it was on motion ordered that the regu lar dribs be appointed for the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Adjourned to luo-et in regular meet ing the second Tuesda;, in 1 an 11.11 y. Nebraska IJoekeepers The Nebraska Reekeepeis met at the Omaha lio.ml of TraJe rooms, October, 15ili, for the transaction of business and to listen to reports In . the absence of Predent Craig. Mr. J. J. Mc.L.iiu tilled the chair. Mr.-I'. L. Yon Dm 11 st.ilcd tiie object of thw meelinj, and after tiie rl ispos.d of bills and expense accounts, the. 11-xt meet ing1 was fixed at Piatlsmouth, subject to call of t he president. Messrs Odd well, Corbel t and YotiDorn were ap pointed a commit tee to arrange topics lor that meeting. Mr. Caldwell was also appointed a committee to confer with the beekeepers of Piatlsmouth in order t nriatige for meeting. Tie association then listened to reports from members 0:1 the condition ami working results of their bees. Mr. Cotbett reported his plan f..r putting bees 111 w tn;er quarters; Mr. VonDorn i lejiorted 44 colonies, with an average) of 50 pounds of hmiey to t he colony ; Mr. Gtatnlich repot tid 24 colonies, j average 20 pounds honey eat h ; Mr. j Caldwell repotted 40 eoiov.h-s, with an average of 25 poin ds honey each ; V. j G. Pijtnati, the secretary, report wd 14 1 colonies, and about 200 pounds b onev ; nd a! till told; he believed location I-. great Some deal to do Willi his Success. discussion arose as to whether theqitemiis fertilized in the air or1 not. On motion the assaciatiou ad journed subject to call of the pres ident. E. G. Dovey & Son AT THE OLD STAND. Still tlio! themselves at home to Cass Coun'v Farmers ami all their ntil customer. We It a re this Winter oar us ual full ami hirjer limn of faois than, perhaps, eccr h? fore. As the growth the coiinfrt has tftmaarfrtl larff r stocks, anl of a liettrr cfass. v hart twlmrorttl to unit thai (It maud. In Eats, Caps, Glove s I Mitten 3 for Winter trnir, ire hare a lurtjt- ami rarird assort mt ut at redwvtl rates. DFuSSS G-CODB ' of all hi wis. Drms Trimmings of the. latest stii-s. Ilatt'iits in indtss ctiri't't. Our lint vf NOTIONS is errtt (ii mil if larrn: awl ire think well st 'l.cted.. LAWKS' SIK !:. MEN'S AM) li.lYs B.'VViS AM) SiHlCS. CHILWtKN'S ANI .Mls.-ihS' ..iii:s. to suit all ptople and all firsts. A ve: y hit! line ( f U f .A W A 5: F. A I JTO I V' t tt K wliich Von mu-t see to select frot. , G-EOOEBIES ! Cnt'; f J oit 'tilii of siaiot.-u-.t yr.ii'es. T.-,nn of tee iiue-t (pta'Ui i.lil selves. liy oiir- Ppf,s-j efmaTiv brant!-. e-peei..'i!v our ( bl'ib . i brail. I of i l:l-sii i.-eAsTl ii i el F: K - failed the -MI llM.'t . tit-lore pmolia-lmj i-l'i-!:i.;t. Df:i:J iTui'S of ai! finds, frt-.li ami sv Fresh Crackers a CfSCf s. i.W -1 TT CANM 1 'I --s from a'.I nu-.ri tir s ai.o.rtiia, ileitis. (iKKI.N WTNTIU: AI'i'LMs bv Ihe ! ill 1 1 or tm-iie . In alt tt.e-.- bi;:i:elii t e -': !! . -a-(leavor to .-ll tin tun' it.- c.i. it it .( . ai. l as is p-tw ji,;,. 1 a r.,. i.isi-.nks-.. We ii.vne aio niioa a:. 1 wiil show a!l 1 1. j;: call ' iir 1;.. oils. Don't lw atiidd to ask f.rwhal ji.ii aat. ami c.-i't . fteit an.) :ir.. 3Tt!i3 K. lafcVKV &. SN. I'i itt-nionth. N j ,ISV. .SI;' ll'l'.tiilltn f. TCAC-7 .K The Ci:.: Ku-TRAOC MARK t t.ci.ie iv : . 1.1 .1 I t 1 .1 K - "4 cere for s.-ini- K.l 49;? Mill Wri.klte.ss, J t!i poi ency, ii:;t ;ti( nisrus- as :. 1 i 1 ii i'f nf S!f 'i.i:e BtrC.tE TAXIX. as i.is4 of AFTER TAIISI. Metiioiy. I liivei-Nal I..issinitle. I'miii 111 liie oat k Dlmiies ,tf 'isj..n. 1'r. lii -line Old Ape. aK-t oiiiriv ot her diseisrs tttat ie.nl to In-:n,Itv -r Consiiniition. uii.I a I'leimnnre (trave. t '"Full piirin ioars in unr itiimphiet. wt-.irn we desire to -send free b mail to everv inip. J1" The Stweitie Medicine is olii by il! drnt -Rits at .51 per piickHtre. or six !.Me'KH;:es for S, or ill be sent lice l.v mail on receipt of lie m mev, bv uddiessi-ii l ilK l.e.AY MF.IIU'INK CO., MflHAMl s' til.oca. DKTItolT. Jficu. ?"Sold in I'lattitcoittli aad evcrj where, by I mil uruil. 5V mil. m& m &m& HiiDHettiim- ofP Q HOLIDAY HOLIDAY CUOXS. I'WEMS. SIfAKESPFA HE, co.np e eL in a dol- handsomelv bound volume, also 1 lar volumes. TENM'SON, Pope. Wads worth. Rvron, Holmes. Comic poets, Mere diths' Coleridge. Encyclopedia of Poet ry, and many others. 7CTI?N' A DAY OF h ATE, by K. P. Roe, considered by many to be the best production W auv of the anther's pre - vions efforts. - CHATEAU D'OH, Mrs. Holmes' latest SHADOWED I'.Y THREE, a very excitiiig detective storv, sensational from first to hist. HER JUildHT FUl'V HE, can't be excelled lYr a book for l.t.t Tl'VENILE r.voKS from .7 ecu Is to ?2..7t, also a very large selection for boys and gills from 12 to 18 vears old. misci:li.am:ihs. Room at the Top, Faim R.dla.ls, Tramp Abroad, Tl e Progre-ive Ages, Essays on Biography and Criticism, Casket of Poetical Getiis. Macanlav's History of Envfliind. The above is but a few of our books we have pMchas;'d for the Holiday trade. jAXifAUY 31 1:1: rix;: OF Tin: Xehr;isi:i State ISonnl of Agriculture. The Annual Meeting "f the N.-ti;t';;i State c.iniineneii: on TjieMl:ty. .f&iiuiii-y lKth the I'.iiHUl lire as follows, viz : X:sfce:3 Avst 5ors :f 0;s Exjirs: Ztz-jr;. l:si : S.tMl'KI. I'.AltN Aim, T;;tii" It.;"1.. J. T. Clakkson, Schuyler. M. Di-xiiam, Omaha. It. Iiamki.s, (Silmore. J. U. Ills SMOKK, Sutton. It. W. tl UNAS, liiowiivihe. F;. N. tiitKNKLi.. F'tiii. Calhiniii. J. C. McT.uiok, Lincoln. (tov. A. Nanch. Lincoln. II. C Stoi.i., Heat rice. M. Stock l.o. SVa hoe, C. II. W'Al.KI'.It, Rhinuiintoii. A. I. Williams, IIastin4. I). 11. W'llKKl.KIt, l'latlflllo l-.U. Each member is urged to be in prompt attend. n:ce at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon of tiie d ty ab tve ti.iiiied. Rtisiness of Mtpreme importance in re gard to the State Fair for the coming year, will be taken tinder advisement. The Fair of 18-j.) havi ng proved a grand succtss. it behooves till who are interested in the success of Agi icult tue and the eood name of our State, to lend tt helping hand in preparing for the coming Fair, and iti eudeavoi ing to secure such legislation as shall secure proper and prompt returns of Tree, Field and Horticultural statistics that may be desirable lor publication. The January meet ing will arrange the Premium Lists, and will fix the price of admission to the ltiiiiiuN (luring the pair. The president of e.u ',i County society or delegate therefrom, duly author ized, who shall for the time being be e.v fiJi - members of the State Hoard of Agriculture, for the purpose of deliberating and consult inc as to t he w ants, prospects ami conditions of the Agricultural ini rests t hroiiL'bout the Stale, are requested to be in attendance. MARTIN DUNHAM. Attest: Pns't Nib. State Jloant of d; nltun. Da.VIKL II. WilM-l.KK, -Si . :; tavj . The State Horticultural Society will hold its ;. nt.ua meeting, commenc ing on Wednesday, the 111; h day of Jai; 11 at y, at 2 p 111 . Reduced rates on the Railroads have been secured for rettttti of those in ntieiulaiice upon t he State Horticultural Society and State Hoard of AgricuM ore. D. H. Win-:; Li n, ,S r tin y. Newspapers throughout the State, who have f.ii;h in th Agricultural interests or our State, and can allont Ihe cause, ft rut hioh.,;, are resp-et fill 1 v ;isk it to di-tnoi: their work." and publish the same imtnedia eiv. M. 1). II. Whkf.i i n, .s. e'. Plattsmonth. N'eb.. ). 10th. 1-SS0. MP o G ?oods 1 we are YOU WILL FIND ATI II EST STOCKS iE 1 he Old Although Lection i- o S. WHITE'S ONE or THE UOODS, OF 1, i'L. St Vi. jL .V v k Is a 11 -LO- . j The nicest tireen Winter Apples for sale. Over IbtireLs down Celbr.! Potatoes by the Cap-load, PEACH BLOWS.I CASH PAID FOE HIDES FURS, TALLOW. d-C, at PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. 1 1 TVS. .!. A- SilbltM AN AND ! 1!K ONLY ITt. UM ve .is or more for ins -m I ill no-t Iimi injury tnises iolln t. ina be . II! letl ill his o after that at ins Now ..r i.rli n.-Vu l I 1: Mr. I". 1-. (.eoiLrn, ttor:iev it l.aiv. ! C Si. Louis oM;ec, u ; iies : 1 1 a', i use. I v nit- r-a cured. 1 b ive sjinni-ii liiirlnv o! li.ei-its a-cl Ir. Sii..fiii;iu is tin th see', ei -r ot t lie on 1 incut ' ''-: it ' :. e-'.i No man is safe w ho has :i I', 'ptnie, no matti r how i n-ii ii'-.int h. m iv eonsi l.-r it. forev-t-iy man . iio h:is died fr 0:1 1! i e -II iiiere.l it,::.s.-!f ibat b was l.-ii a tri'lim: nihiii-nt ; and es eiv man s l: now sir. 1 - (t-.tn i.' . 1 : t . I r c inpii y of t in- s 1 1 mi.-'i a a extent t lett hf- Ii -is no enjos iiiein s. iitiee rvar.le l il as a nu-ort iiy spee-,,-.'l ;vtein ioa. ii i-nut 1 staiol-siiii : til .-1 i m ; It is steadil v preui es-ive. even tniio tteat ii. a:e l.e is wm -,v-i-i tikesilj necessary stejis t he effect null s re!n ed ot ii be-01 c 1 In- tl.iv of si'f -, a.- m I -1 . 1 ,1 - n-s 11 1011 hi m. I'at ients from alii nail eat ivo-ive 1 1-- it 11 1' a 1 I ie iv i'.f 1 t ,u - 1 m. ty. 1 let hi:; treat ment ai-y kinti of ie-i ive .-eri-i -i: or I t'e-r : 1 1 1 ,i--:- -e- 11 I .vi-j i-n i-: :e; fei-t'-t- wir It i .Tf. t r.-al me lit. and w it h saf.-i v from 1 1: d in ; -is if s: 1 1 1 ; ti c- I : 1 10 111 e Ills hi X k"i IN I: '.' I' 1 I. K fttves tiie most relntttte firoots fteii ti,t in'iisltetl p iet'---ioi.: I ;:entlem.n. cetLr men iiti I me re nants 01 11 is sneee-.tui in-aet i.v :rt 1 tioini'-ini v 1 In" -t rum ttii-ou the West liiiti.-s. Th" aflliei.-tl honl. ie.nl if and inform th.-eis, ive- It is illustrated i'li.iiiiote.r:- .phie likene-": ot extren.-i ban e;i aild niiillt (1 to tl.o.-e v ).o sei-ti to cents. 21 Hroml way 9 foriu-r Miirrny Mrt U !! art ofp.-ruuit ,uru1,:if"r :ncit ini;r"r-? w CO l 0 .:2l.' IV :.?: ' . CO mm I fv..ScS - - - - fi i mm FTtOliL PHIL. "2-OTJ3STC3-'S PATENT STEAK PEANUT ROASTER, POST OFHCS ktr ROAST ED FRESH cVY. DAY., GOODS, I Cup awl Saucers, in endless "varie ' ties liom 20 cents to S2.30 for ladies. gentlemen and ci ildreu. Va.s-'s, our stock of vases fives you a variety In sele. t from, including new styles never introduced before in this town. Dolh, ineutding all prices of china 1 limb, and some vety tine wax dolls, cheap. Mso dressed dolls. I AlKumx, both photogrnrh and auto-' eratih. some erv Imnlsoiue new! st!es. I 1 "' - I i l'-rf urn, ry. we carry the largest) j MucK l,eV "m''1 1 v .'U "' an,,1 we 1 gii.u autee i ne tjuai 1 . v 10 oe as uoou as i j Sl"-V '" ,ne "arKei. ami nave purcnas- t ed some very tine LotUes suttatue lor Chris mas nresents? I , , I lrtiii, w ii;.iri iimi ft jeoei.ii Mtu iv i.u j toys w hi t h we have i.ot space to inen i tiu'ti. Come early and get your choice be fore t he best is gone. New s.tj les of p trior lamps, & &( RcHdcs the aboe stock enumerated we have an et'.d'ess variety, almost, of toys, f si:ev .11 1 ich's, sponges. I rtishes glasses, and a ihonsand and one things which oii in is s t see to appreciate. ;:tiio -: 11 11. Rla k Si Co. !M. 11. ml of Aii.-ii!i uie v. tl h-i held iii Lin.-'ilii. 111. The members of ISMI, at 1 oVioek i. HottACK ai.i.kv. i lai Uvi!lo. V. W. At'.nv. S ih 111. W. II. It IKSl'iiH , O-eto. IIUVAI. lili-K, Red Willow. S IMI KL M. H l;Kh.l:. t'otiiiiit ii-. John R. CHAIO. ISeatnee. h V. K. DoiiskV. Fieiliont. ('11 1:1s. IIakt M .n. Oni.iha. .1. Kiss 1 ; v , Nebraska City. L. A. Kknt, Mindvn. i. L. Laws, Orleans. . Kn. Mcls rvite, Seward. Tlll-.l'.o.V NVK. l';enoil;i. W. Ii. White. Tekamali. to 1 tihiwh .l is i, ijici- ui th. sa t I ate "I heir faith hv DUNHAM. y n.sV. ' t ry ta I IA i I U not d mi' in.r go. uls, I y a long sho LM-KiFST AND A l.L KINDS IN THE TnWN. V eye?. s StICliM iV ki va to tlr- pn'ihe for the e vs i 1 ; , f 1 1 i f I he a 1 1 llo V. I.e.. past ai:t aib-r of t r.-ai in:; Ln ll -e. Sr. I.0.1 is. M .. in.: il t In- ".It II of Dec c is in I a sr. i.t th ei: v ne .v-oati.-1 1:0:1 I 1: 11 i r 1 in 1. iieaie.l in- I),- -heriiian at hi I laient. and ilrtvie-' been uerin i:i"!:tiv .-eooiiiieiel it 1 my Irieiiiis." t known cure fur ku tine by local external '.re il- ! ;!riiit this country and ore and aftt 1 nil". ' ll 1 1 1 :!od iii . i at lir. -lii'i- :1:1a. 4 (fl w 0 -'H 2 V i H-ii, iv 1:1 iV.ir--- !' ' 1 - lle-lv mywxi'S -:i? 1 1 CO u t i ? -'-: ii - - - -.- .. - - ..'. j st THES HEWS DIPOI ! ! IF'OTJXTlD'Sr .1 MACHINE SHOPS!' ri.ATlSMol.TII. NKR.. Hqwirtr of S ft-urn Enyiuts, Loiters, Sam ami !)ixt MUlr U K AM) STKAM FITTIK, 'rnualit Iron l'lte. Force and Lift rie.Steam Gittici j suf. 1 v- V;i! e lovt niers. :ind all ki.. ' t l.rasi Limine I'lUtns. 1 1'! red tin !ii t lit. live. FA KM MACHINErt' Palace Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, t inier brri. k Ct.ruitli's in ,!ov. etry tere. HCT COLD BATHS ai.w . vs 1 i:a;. CLEAN NEW PLACE, ni'.ii new h ttie time to jret SUA I 1 1 - S!l.M!'U(il It HAIR -ITT. oi';ii. il.i.i cli hi tin- t..i.s.ii.it;rt.iyt ut John Hooiii'Vi -cv Shi)), ( M-.il. ;til.i Fifth Street-. INiU IMi-.oin Ii. n .elrk. II. A. WATERMAN & SON U 111. '.'-.;,!, ;i,l,t i:...ul 1. -.Iters III PINE LUMilKK. LATH. SHINGLES. SA.-II. DOOUS. iii.i Nit;, i.iv VAC. ETC. M 1,.. street. Col !liT .if I'll' !l. iLATiMr ni, - - - - NE15 Still Kett-r lutes lor Lumber ' vT "' " T"? ij-,. X .Ln ar . ,!, I E- I tl T ' I I I K i 1 iol..Mc I IV II, ! 0ie MllK. iisilii r:iiE.T. Spci'ial e-: !s atlsmtcd t-. ami KioU Milk fnini x.in.e . -r I'm ai. Bed ifhra wanted. 4!T JiXAi;cii nn.LiAun hall; In the b-i-.eite t. ef Merges' Mie, Pl.A TTsl'i'l 1 .. - - - NEKftASKA. (in. if. .or e.-tt ei r. O. E.eoms Kewly Fitted With XltW IOA:'31 )'ABI(WS. CicrarsTcsipjrwSffiaks; on hand ni-the enm-lur. ! IT fct a widff :i!ii! maeiMiis II. ill : plenty of room ! i.,. i.um-1, mhiu is toi vism-rs. ; Et. (U.tvn:. V. P.. Ml 'KI'll V. M.tii.Li,'er. "liif l'io. j Moijpas o'l.oiJKKr:, once more coi.ies lei r;i! ii il It itu entire new JPSTJL, ''"5 WIt-TTEB Stock u f th f.rest l ie--- c- n-is ever brought iin-.i I'iai i-iue.iiii : j F.VF.fiY c,at":mi-:nt cut is W A R R A N T E D to F I T llii Man ? thi-lP 'tiid they art i n ds there m! t he ALWAYS SUITED. Shop oiposii e t lo ('.Hit t Iintisr, Civt him a call aiid v.-i!nii. f..r j bui eec -tlf -lOIS SHANNON'S LIVELY SALS AND FEES Ala eaVe.evV wl-S ! Carriages ai7;ays on Ilaiid H 13 A YX a-. E JA V U N T: 11 ALS. I u tlit all t I. v ;i .-..iii.ts .el'leil to date, illl'l 1 sh.ill do n 1:1..! e e e.ili lmili.-s. ..H olil iii-coiii!' s mi! si I-., s.-i i ;.-;i p. anil no new on w ill lie in: i -ie. 1 i.li-ss sii'-a it r -co i ; id s ;ir... -et tli it l"--l l l l liey s-.il! l.e r !.-it. I w It; ri. a si i i: ; ; et::i,.-s. hi It it uiv J.'II V sli.WM'N. I'i:!sti.rt:i:i, Neb. .! . . ..ill !l I t ' . I I lit. i.l. SAi'Wi..;. p. : : i : - . -i CCLLAKS. nrtd nil kiro-ls of h.Hini. sjock., ff,ntM!tl.v lir.nd. Rrpairin of n'l Khids ! NBA TL Y DON it ?? SIT WIT NOTIQ5 TCENEIJ OUT IN SHOL'T OKDBIt, And at i.-fact ioit C n.ii anreed. r-i'ei)...):,' l':e i 1. :.. I :. posit H.-my r...e.-k I- :'Pi-1 .1 ! s;r.i e. e.: i.ew , .'.! ai'l Ml tret. Pi: 1: s.. ok: !i. s. Ii. 2 1 -1 ty .s T K E 1 0 H T o- MIL L E c r,ciiLr;aEf,, Stp'c.'ssj-;,, s. n : i. Niv.man, M II. I f:t i '-I .'IS ft :';. L-lcK ti-1- V---":-'r'-jL.'-I--'.; xisrE CIG-ABS, Ai-.i il. alei s 111 SMdKKl'S' PAN AI.'TICLI-S. SM(lKIN5 aa.i ii!:y-,in; t 0 n A V (' 0 . Special I'.liANliS :ind si, i s ef ( 'Ii ; A I-S", made to order, and s'tisf.ietinii .''i:ii::i:ieil. Ci;ar ciii'piii;-' -..'..1 for s:u;itvii;-4 tole.eeo. M;-.i- sji,-( j,. ,i,Hir v...si of .1. s. Iiiilii 's store (tj,;ni!i' Pi-fte'ire. PLATTSMuVTil. Nliii. Itll3 J D. SIMPSON, Prodncs Dealer, EAST or NEW HOTEL. o- lie.ibi in ('ail Ii Is. ( ' ti f," f ionet y, Ojrieis, Celers, cVc, Sit-. f.'rt.ekt.rs. J .(iiiuh-s. f'r'ii:i JEs -tiH;. d-r, TliliAi i i f hX si;;ai;s. 1 iv.- i:l 1':. :,'::-. V. . r -, It.-tti-r a.ul l'ruihiee, ne is'i i. r-?j- -.,' d b t Ff si (,-.' ; . - AUv'n r udy and tit: it .' f L'tJtHU S. O - i:xi'i:i.s t;-'KKT-: in same HCILDIXG. 3.;m4 J . 1). M M PON. NEW i-'IIlM. LTIZIW GOODS!! t'. - t. ,--u.i 1 A'i.'-s .-i .v : c neecjione::s .At 1. i.i Mi. a.i's .,:! ,;,,ie. 'I'll 1 tve I..- A , t LL A.I.M. CI . Staple ahd Rtncy Groceries, i:V - J ! ";!:. BREAD STUFFS, of ( V 1 ; T il. -: ; ijttlon.' ( hi'-U e .in:! Fa.u-y Camlicv rtlid :i!l U iiuls of Canned Goods. 9 CIGARS A.SD TOBACCOS, 0.'' il.e Lest Lrtinvls. CHRISTMAS TOYS, dC, dC. in end!?s3 fju;nti!tes. Fresh lU-avA Dully. Don't fail to Cal'.. -381y J . B02s4 & SOX frers. ... -j-,-- Z -'A WILLIAM HERO dealer la DRV GOODS, CLOTHS. iLAMKKTS. - FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOI. :o: f j ailOCBHIEU OF ALL KIXBl fi?v j !.ar;6 stock ef ! BOOTS' and SHOES I I r,OED AT C01J :o: ! Notions, Queensware attd ia fai-t everythliii; ynu caa eailforla -the line of General Merchandise. CASS PAID FOR HIUKS ANI FITRS. ' All kinds of return jr tiiuduce lukea in rhiili). lol noodn. lIKE"scNLBACHEi. iU.jICKS.VITII HOUSE MI0KIN, ', AND 1 - AtiON ItKPAIIttN All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENT ; mended Xeath; ii- Promplp ' :0- Horse, .llulc A. OxSlioeins: ! r "u -,,,M-" tU" 4Vfat',iiv I lour leet. from a Zebra to a Giraffe Come and see tt:;. ! jsjaW SPIOP ) ' M l-'itlli between M;On :i;'J Vine Street n--t;uii's- ie ei 1 nei f 1 1.111 t he NKW lll-.RAI OHOK IV- NEW BRIoK YARD. I am Koiut; t. JVC A. ICE! B RICK. this lug Hlid n ant to I JfAA'E THEM CIEAi: I i ' that in . ).!(' r.iu build j r.airic iiur.i:s i.xstkai of fiiamh. J 1 shall contract and Build BRICK Houses, die cuiuuii; yenr anil would like thne . . , . 1 11 icisd uisOr to lSiiild to -give ine a catl before lookiuji elsewhere JKURY II ARTM AN. At tu y plriec uu ahiniiton Avenue ur at M. S. W hiteV Stoic 011 Main .Street, PlattHinouth, Nebraska. Vini3 If HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Kl is just opened tin entire new utoek nf b?td- j Wiirr. (iu roai .-m d mj bb- mm araKV Nert door west of Chapman A Smith's iJrut Store. A Full Line of SHELF HAHDWAEE, SHOVELS, HAKES. SEA PES ana ALL UAUDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS. NAILS, by the Ket or I'ouinl HOPE, DOWDh'i:, SHOT, & HIND STONES, ' VTHfiEL-BAEEOWS. V A I it.l LIup el I I 9 .l .fic . Spa ial L'atr-s t Viiiihrs awl Cun ti at tars. All L'oo.l- sold us lo s they intibly can be umi live. tv fainter tt iirainrr. i ALL KINDS OF painting, (draining, biasing, iialoouiiuiufl. 71 1 1 Alio, Deo.i.-ittii.iii of Ml kinda. FJIESVOINO A SPECIALTY. iti-ri-:itrNci-:s t A. H. Tavioh, .1. Vai.i.kuv, Kb., y.7Tt.oi, E. ltm-nWK, erf W. D. JONES, jSiict 1 --or lo Jotii-f Apecw Again t ik'S t hargf. if the Old Brick Livery Stable I'LATTSMOL"! fl, N hi; It ASK A. The old Homier Stable. In flat t eriiont Ii. are now h-airtt by W. . Jones, and he h on hioid Nf aMt! haiiil-iiiiit aei-oii4iiioihitlDi, in th s!iju ri HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE BOUSES. I am now piri.ired te keep MfjKHEA FOR SALE " TRADEI And "111 Traia ad Break Celt3 rn Keannbl Terms. Al KI MTMBl rt, That with nlcaty kf reom f t hat every one ki:r - I bare) is m v iahie, I eim pt-t Parni ers' iliii-,. umi w icons, lnad f bay, &c, antler cover. l't i.- they will keep dry. Til e ivl ri nil the aid patrons fur rlieir liberali ty. I su. ici! I ii III i 1 ,'ole tn I if f it in e, .;tl isri'd Ci t I can Ht-cnminodat v I Item bet ter and do t.eiiei i: tufm t liaH ever It f or . Wly vr. n. jones. hi-', J r 1 (f; - . ' ':'. 1 ."1 " . AM Kb IJETTEE ii:.i.!-:u ix Musical Instruments, .We Apptdntiwj Ayxtitfor The I'nri VHllrtt Xatii IIaaill CAIilNFT ORUANS. At-o sfa,e (Vtl.f. Henry 1-' Mi,l.".ran a m i 1. 1 : 1 n r 1 ; 1 m 1 ;n ts I 'rt "m'' S!v,,, "' ,1'"" "-'Utli of Mam bt. j I'LATTSMof'TII. NTH ymie jiuj.. I ie..!1 . . . u.. mi t-x-tJimiQ our ew lU9on k nnuilin OCS-yi. IlTSTKTTCTOJl ? i ns s, Liq tto rs AXI CIGARS. Mam Street, apiio-ite tha Court Hoe4 1 his place is Just ;iened. rcut, i;ool(oe4 oj ..11 kinds. We want te keep a f ool ua aadt t'lr:ie our custonifin. REM EJJ EUR THIS.. ly. FRED. I). LEIiyiTOFF .Morning Dow Kiiloon ! South-east coin, r Mjii ;md Sisth klijl. Jvoep tile Lest of Boer, Wines, Liquors & Cigaru V r T - s CorjtttauUY on iland. f TT TT