v y A big liiic'of Gloves, Underwear, Caps, Comforts. Seek-Wear, Boots, Cardigan Jackets, Ac, going at nominal tiros, Positive Ilnrgn.i.s now t .lie Hoss, c. i:. Wes, ltt t. CiSfircalns In' JfotUlng. Overcoats f. ydtscpd prices. . The HEmfe Ihe Herald. BKAfc a ! r t; v. v 5 1; 1 : A.'h i I W. I i W. ! . i 1 ill. rURl.IsHKI) EV'EUY TUUKSUAY. AT ' PLlTISIIBTH, 'EB8ASKa. O. Vtn St. .One C o NorMi of Main, Cor. of F'firi SueeU Laf;rt r.!:-3 sf 5:7 F;pr is Cis Cty Sd no "! .'! 52 '' r: v - 1 ; s c y :: ,s. 3 i' i 2 Isii i 75 4 no " . ; S ' til ' 10 Cd i r ' 13W i.-itv' i : ( iroii isco ciH'.i: ' t& a!1 AuVcrttsln? '''" I-'-' -'" JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS : $2.00 a Year. Transient Advcr:.- 111 AtlTilf (!. .enl ir.i .1 1"- J'rl rn..tra Cc; !?s of tbo Ilr.itAT.n In sate by J. I YuCN-i, .1 'I U IVst Ofilce SeJ I'o;'.; Main Street. Ttrms In Atl vanea : pn py. on yt-. Ha,-c..jv, the...: Wstopy. lime U., VOIJTME XVI. PLATTSMOUTII, XEHEASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1SS0. xumuer :a .. i.eo .. .50 iiiA 1 nqr . . 2"' 3 sips. H eo). iicil.. 1 col... f OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. .Sinte tHreelorr. . S. ! V IiiMM'K. I". S. Senator. Fteutrice. I.Vl M 1"N ill- P.N. I'. S. .Senator. Omnlia. , K. Al.r.NTINK. liepresentatV. Weal I'umt. AI.HIM's N AM K. Uovernor, Lincoln. S. .1. A I. FX A MiElt, Secretary of Stata. J-. XV. I.I 1 1) IKK. Auditor. Lincoln. .- . XI HA ft ! I K I T. Treasurer. Lincoln. . :: i iiom tm . nihil Public instrueti.u. 1.VL lA VIS. L.ftid Commi-sioncr. C. .1. OlLWoltTH. Attorney Oeneral. I.'KY. I .C. IIAIMCIS. Chaplain of l'eiiitDtiary . ll;. II. I. M A n ilKWSON, Supt. Uosttital for Hie Insane. V Siipvmt Court. I s M AXWi:!.!.. rMef .Tnttiee, I I i: H. I. A 1 v.. Oainlia. I A 4 ASA t'H:i. I.inelu. reniont. .i Oft Judicial Wtlrict S l: l'(!"M. .Iifttre. Lincoln. .1 C WA IsuN. I'l iHectitins-All'v. Neb. flty. rt.C. SliOWAl.TKU, ieik licui Court, I'lattMRiAiilil. County 'Jirectorr. A. V sfl.I.IVAN, C.nnntv Jud. .1. 1. 1'1'TT. (Oiiiity I ler;. J. M. I'A I I'KiisoN. l onnty Tr'aiir-r. I!. v. IIYKCS. slierill. r-."'l VM 'I KY. Co. Siiit Put). Inst lucUoft. C. l Ali:i li;i.I.Siiiyeyr. 1". I. liASS, Coroner. Clil'NTV COMMISSKINKIiS. -IAMKS CI! VI'(I:I. Sonlli I'.eiirt Treeliict. KAM'I. HICI1 AUI'MIN. Mt. 1'ieaant I'lfvim't. ISAAC ll.Ks, riattMiumlli Creeuiet. Citr Hire trv, 3. W. .IOHXSOX. Alavor. .1. M. I'ATl KKsoX. Treasurer. .1. I. IMI'so.N.Ciiy Clerk. MAIIIi VIVIAN. Police .luiljie. W. I. JONKS, Chief of Police. V. E. WHllK, Chief of h ire Dept. -OCNlt.MK.V. 1-t Varl-K. (iOKhKK. C. II. I'ARMKI.K. 21 Waul-(i W. b Al KFI Kl.l. J. V. VVKCK- ( P. AC II. M Wiinl 1. Mll.l.KK. THOS. P()I.I.A( K. 411. Va.l-P. M. ( ALLAN. 7'astmatter- JNO. V. M AUSHALL. V I :( JFESSI ( N AI. CA HDS it K. mi:aik. PIIYSH IVX aid Sl';;i'.KN oRice in Kitz erraiil M.o.k, Inch ill l ntfi Hjy t night. IMtf Mr" II 1... 1.iM'E''ATIIIC I'll VS(" AX. orticc (iViT C. V. M.itlirw's IL.i-.Ia.uc Store. PI,ittiu"i.tli.Ne l.!::ska. fTIy M . H KTI; lf. ATTOIINEY AM SOI.K l roll iVili Prac tice III the Slate and Federal Conrls. Ue.si di'nrr. Plaltsiuoiilh. fehra.-k. tlly K. R. I.IVI.f'lf. SI. - I'HVMl lAN & 1'KHIS. OFFICE HOI KS, fintn to.s.m.. to a p. ni. -K.tauiiliini: Surgeon for C S. Pension. BU. Ti'. Vl . wVlllMIRSM IIT. rUAC'lTSINO rnVslCIAN. roi.!cnee fin Cliieairs Avftm, Plat I inout h . Jtehrsa-ka. i)tu-m m r. I . Wescotl's t !thii:ic More. 4.My n u.i. . n'ME. C0 A, L KCTIO.VX M S fSfM L Tl . ATTi'KNEY AT LAW. U. l Folate. Fire Iu- uram-fl and I nlleciinn Aeuer ofi'iee in Fnz gertld a bioek. Pntttsiiiaulh. Schr.si.a. 2nii AllOKNKl AT LAW nd Ural Estate Hio kr Special mtention tiven to Collections nnd nil n. Micro affectum th title ! ral Mtnte. t'ftice an M fl'Kir Po t Oflicn. plaitamoitlh. Nehra.ska. 4Jl. I.AV OFFICE, Ker.1 U'tat. I'irn nd Life In inn.', Aonts lMitsiiiouih. Na'oraska. Col lectors, tax -payer, llve compiate ahetract oftnlfs. Huy and sell ral "lata. nCKouata leans. Ac. lr.vt jn .vcftrn, NOTARY PriM.IC Will attend t l.u.vii.K Hud eliii.K lands, exaannii.e tilles. inaMi'ii deeds, pavnii taxes and ca!le.!t.n debts. U ill alsn attend ta l.w uit before a J net ice al t.ie I'Sii e. 4;tf FArroawii.i.K. Cass ( o. np.h. .SI. It. CHAPMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. Omca in FitKer- aid lilnck isyl n.ATMMOl'TH. EB. K. B. Wkdhav. l. A. C.mrr.r.l.1., Altaruey at Law. Notary Public. witnnin jl. cahimikli. COLLECTION AM KEAL ESTATE All EN'T") Onlce over W. II. liauer i I a s Stsre. Plattatuo-tlh, Nebr.ka. -;y JAMES E. M-lil:ISON". oiaiy Public. W. I.. r.ROWXE. noiiuiHosi a nnowsF.. ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. Will pnt ;ee in Cass and .iiljoining Counties : gives specia. attention to collections and .ibslr.icis of t.tie. odlce in Fitzgerald l'deck. Platlsniouili. Nebraska. livl . k W. CM'TTKK. DEFTIST. ll:tl Inmouth. ebraUa. Oftice on Main Street over Salomon A Na than'astore. sly ii a st les rw Ait k . Tonsorial Artist. PLATTHJIOI'Tn Si:KAKA. Place of 1'iisiiies" on Main St.. between 4th and .".in sirevts. shampooing, shaxiug, chil dreu's hair cutting, etc. etc. lyly PLATTSfilGUTrl MILLS. PLATTsMi l 1 II, NEB. ,'. HS:iSi:S., lopielor. Fimtr, f.'crii Mexl rf- Feed Always on linnd and for aie at I wet cash r: ics. 'I lie l.mlics! pr;ci-s pa:J tor Wheat ai.d oin. Particular ;ittt nii. ii ;aru cusrom work. MUCK! i;!UCK If -ii want any Fiie or Ornamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, louisvii.i.f.. - - xfju:aska. nanaBBaaaaavai VALrABU'kTUl'TlliL If,. ntTrfTufromPprr ialth. or lABAfuLsftk (n't:i , j vi n. uK&a.KukeciAr, Jut !Iop niiirrpg will C'tirc Yo. Tf a tnlnistcr.Paml hare owrMyji vJfv .x . .r i.itiniltlu Ht;ftC or nioitafr, worat tiCT-i wrk.m fc- f voy aro nimply nlliruri If J.V! fc 1 miaik aVIad all llU!, UaUU( CiTly uinii'V 1T, K 11m? ilitii-M wlllL'Rrlor You Ifymmri a nvan of lu-F .n, wrakcnl hy th wMrxin ft xir vr;-i.ivj;i-; or a duuk uX let Vns til:i:t over yoiii F uiiAiuiAjlit work, 11.t l.-nc-rm winglrfiiuibcn Yea If a:-c t 'c. m."-nTrr!'-fr frra any India crttlu i.orwfir. vi-.. aij ix j Lirt, k u ol u a tUo ca 1 1 rt UlitrrM w ili J Uclifvr You, If T-n r in t-ort B hK the firm, at tha t,!'.r,tt!l'fT,r i f rifcirmt y..r --tcm ntvila .a. i-.u:. vr btuu B lUaUii; without latxi su-iu i;? Ititirra lIYLl You NrrJ. Tfr-ri a i..l,n1 yrwirCpxi! I ffMe, ytXU r.TA'-ut-i ; ,aai JOUI filaVCultirt, wauuis, 14Va Vlttvra five y w life Tlavw Ho Ccea t i xr. I th wHrtost, eafest and vest. I Orjf n v r fT B'omarh, IJvrr and Kirfaryaii mk-I mr iyc.;j:.:s t u.by aiMor'D- it pcrlwL I U. L i d!rrri't:Mr rur fordraoV I m-ir-. .; . -, ;t uui, tolxuvo and oajvutica. A Tccefs prenira'fsn nnd the i.rl. ; rwi ia the nw.l fee ttrichC liseaM. ' lH-iheu-n. and ALL. ki4ar. iAt-r u .. A rm m rj Dtacuae. restlmoullltscf tbeblshest order in nrr.-i j of Uicae auiteroenia. ar-For lb .TJ'-f of r1:cVelc, ealt for War aca-'a mmt litsieira t are. aVVntth rtir. nf Url.l.C. mA i..h I "s-ii. rm:t fr 1 uruCr'a .Sar aaioXiwy OaT-Warner's H a ft It in e dira art Mold by Dnicsist a ii tl II calm iu Medicine everywhere. H.H.WAIKEB&CD., XtoeliVBter, N. Y. t.Y.v rj r i i liSlrJiliJJL mmm IP IE, S T National Bank OF PLATTSMOUTU. NEBRASKA. John riTi;;itAi.i .. r ;. ikivkv . A. W. M( l.Ai:..Hi.l. )f)Ml U KoClttK Prcsuiei.i. Vlff Preiilent. Cashier. .Assistant Cashier. This Uatik is now open for biisine- At their lew room, onier M an. anil Sixth t reets. and Is prepared to transact a i;euerai BANKING BUSINESS. Stock, Bond. Cold. Government and Local Serur.tiev P.(U;I1T AND SOI 1). UfjnjisiLf Rewired nnd Interest Alhuo id on Time Certificate. DRAFTS DEAWlsT, Vvailal.le in any part of the I'nited States him! in all the Principal Towns ami r'its of J-'irope. AUL.MMOU T2I: CELEKKATED nman Line and Allan Line OF STKAMI.lt.. Person wishing to brum out their friends imm CKrope can PCBI HASKTU KKTS KKO.t US .Thrtash to PlatOii T II E I o II t li . WEEPING WATER BANK or - liuos. Thi l!:uik is now open for the trail eactiou of a G-ENEBAli Banking Exchange Business. l)l:i'UilH KecpJved. and Interest allowed on Time Cerli- ti.'. lies. KltAFCjj Drawn, and available in the principal towns and cities of the I'uiled states and Europe. o A yeu's for the celebrated Haute Line of Stars. Purchase your tickets from us. Through from Europe to any Point in the West. KEEIl r.KOS.. r.'i.fl Weepinir Water. ch. STOMACH 55 S??3S 52 There is no civilized nation in the XVertera Heniistiliele in which the the utility of Hostel ler Stomach Bitter as a tonic, corrective, and anti bilioiw inedtcine, is not known and appreciated. While;! is a medicine for all ea-ons and all climates, if is especially suited to the complaints m-m-reted by the xvenlher. bein the unrest and l est vegetable stimulant in the wor.d. For side bv Driniisfs and Dealers, to wham Apply for Ilostetti i s Aim mac for lsst. WASTING DISEASES seen as ( onsiitiiiition, Iron liitis, stUnia, (Jen rral lel)i!ity, Hrain i.x1iautioii, ( liroaic 4 onstipal ion. Chronic lM.trrlie.i, llyspep-in, r L-OSS OF NERVOUS POWER. Are positively and speedily cinedby Attviiiiir-i li.i- Hr. n r;iilt-.l j l ift t'.iat lh- .Mi.tU'ii S.,.1- l f ( lii;.i! -l.,!iif ;n I'.I' '4t. it '. rtlt ui ni'n ! It (- -. f i ii. I !m' , ;i i f - l! iin;:l'-i ill ;i;ix-;;:i "t nil j'n.i 4i ii.t i.r r in r. ooi;. -1 .. i in r':v' A i. 'it-;i-i. lii.i'i .t.i tii:-r J H'C'l.-i mm.- Ikhh iiti-j.xte't u--. iii',' I' i -;ii.."ii t" t'-is . i. . i.tit.-a'it!',!f . it til t . I ; i . . ! : C -1 1 - ' i i " j ; t i , A 1 1 . - : i . i K j i - x j I-, h -- ;Ui lu' i ;.t -;. ;-.v :, r-si.i;s,t t : ixt-i ' 1 l- n 1 1 t!.M,J C- t.t.it! , ll. ri.ltl. lie" !.x t "i,.(,' 'V ' I t- it-rit i(M-i( itl IlO . MM'l ioiiiti !i.t;" ; i 'i .itu: Ivh.- tlii. itn. tU f r tin- n;iH!tl a i . i: . i- 1 1- . -a l, li ;i ! iii i. . ii i f i l;.iui xni.iii 1 1 .1 i-nrt-sx. v-;i ii rtrii-tii--s iM-.irm: a : li-' ;.;n . t.u ;i siii- i ri.4 4.-I:iMt-. I t k t. .Lain. . r ii t'i'- v.'il'i.i -vrappcr in wa- icr-m.iik. which is seen o Induing tile naper tii-friti- I he liht. Trior, prr Hoi tie. Nix fr 7 50. SOl.U i! Y ALL lMU'Oi.lSlS. Dealers ill STOVES, KTC, KT ., KT . V n Oour East ot the Posf-Of.icc. I'lattsliioutll, Nebraska. . . ..:: Practical XX'oiKrs in H1!ET IKOX, ZI.C, TIS. Tf.'a ZiEIiY.tSc..iS. 1-ar.je assortuient of Hard ami Soft Pumps, Gass I "ij.es ami Fittititrs. COAL STOYEo, Wood and Coal Stoves for UEATINC! 011 C00K1XG. Always on Hand. ivry varietv of Tin. Sheet Iron, and' Zine AVork. kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, none an Short Notice. 'ElllTHI.VO WARHAXTED! c I'll I C KM LOW IIOWX. v SAB IE OS. iu sill CELESRftTEQ 8 H 0UND SYRUP IBciisg BJeslE'osis of clcslng out oua ter toek of Call and HSDM thai we i&teaii wiiat w 3STO DBVIATIOIT ft $6 IlLcavy 66 6 Good " " J 0! Indianola, Iowa, llanioton, Iowa, Branch of Annn? ! tanherry, 3Io. M ens "s T Si V t: S4 ' jBi JX iL its lk 5f s04 cO JiuLj j3 13 you laave priced our aStock9 A TT T IS M we will far the next day'sll al we HOte ow 6i I aSA 66 C6 " nil wool l Xe.vt ::tf d33 Cj Fir I- mi OATf4? oil oiaefc.) 'Si T. Pi SI WE S h ii ATM- $mA 1LIN IPSSItDIES eilt -r, isi all eirf dliFereot welf-ilHed dcisartiiaesai HClDfxJ'I T n M ! 'jii a Few ig'icess 6 l0 66 to What wc & c. door to Frank Carruth's New Jewelry Store-. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. m r t-4 ft It SiZs-3 -Jt per salt a asad see Sf yosa rat lIPIIfMP HBUT. eodiiiBiiua. Alvci(ise-& J kTb, rrffe ! J5 1 1 A-ilvcrtssc f ? MAYER. I 0 7 "sr cia9t save toy lt SUBSCRIBE F'OK TUE 1TEBEASEA HERALD 4 UK NEBRASKA Mil A Ii, D ! muw- the tit f "ftp-fa ft HERALD!! H Larpsi, aaa GliaiDSSt. THE BEST PAPER IXsT T. E COUNTY I (hil.v Ilejniljlican Weekly Paj-er in tiie Coiuily. TU. rticci I 'i !! i lit tfflliiU gJiiitCI OF TI!K COUNTY For to New Year, IIMtxve half offer xery low chili rates on t..e hest papers ami may;.i7iiies in the Union. We shall also ptihlish ami issue ;. ti ;M7it: l 1 1 1 it si t:i1e "ALDINE" I Herald Almanac! for each cf our subscriber. tnas time. at ' And tin and make the jn r 3ETTEE AITD STRONGER .Mir'qyjVrrs i i than trer. TRW and ;' ! innrfiL n ;ic as a lift The More Help We Get, the Better paper We Can iake. J, A, MacMurpky Ed. HEIZALB, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE n a a r u a i p. ""s Merchants, Maiiafactnrers, Nurserymen, Florists. Stationers and Business People ereiyltcic are delighted with, and Make and Save Money by using the world-renowned Mdel ; printing Press It is llrtre enough to do all the printing retired, strong. riH. .... Trt ummf .Iwavi rel.ibte. an.ianv bo can mnnairelt. I and do huodre-ts of dollars wf.nh of work every year. We make ! twelve styles, both hand and f.-ot power, ranging in price from ' f i-eoupwarils. Send a-cent stamp l..r circulars. O.r7.oooin use. Cj" " The xioiin. p BK-.S has ma.le me over JAo.oc laa month and good prospects anead." U. RIFS. Honst.m. Tea. : 'My NU.DPL. PufS his over paid for Itself alfidy in rard printing a!..ne." W, F. Wix.lakd, Fairneld. liis. " 1 le atODFi. does all and exes m-re than you claim for it.". H. ' wriR, Newton. N I. First Priaes at Paris. '7S. and Sydnry, ! N. S. W.. '79. Address all ur'ters or inquiries to manufacturers 1 I J. W. Daughaday ct Co. 721 Chestnut St. Philadelphia LFEKO AvraT. Mitor. J. S. Barsett, t,r wtrttifr. Late of " H01TE axd FARM." SOUTH and WEST " Published at 210 rise Street, St., Lort.-i. By ALFRED AVERY & CO. Penrl for 6ample cop.erof SOI TH mid WEST," which is a Brst-rlass agricultural and family paper, published semi -monthly at the low nriceof WCksts a Year. I'olitica aro entirely lirnored. General news, valuable infor mation, and interegtinR reading- matter are fur n is lied. The best of correspondent contribute from all aectionnof thecountrv. I'aeful tremiutn and liberal aonrahvona Vila bagivea to club raioers. fcAMfLUS 'HB. Addrew, SOUTH & WEST," 218 Plna Street. St. Loula, Ho. It para Aa-enls to Sell the Standard Arrienltsral Bouk Farming for Profit - Keir, Aernntc, Com.-rebenilT. A Complete Ftrm T.iVrarr in it?!f, A nire prai-ie to facceautul fanuiM. lUULO nUlf I ll Breed & Caw for Lt-rePloclc. Make Money I U LTu- fiavea Swsn y tljaacsi Hji eowc every Umiwi s.'. pirti. 1W liiaatrauoaa . eVncl for Circnlara an 1 ter-na a J. C.MiCl'KDI CU- Cliicaaro. Il IV ft V -W c 1 I A Tcniiysoniiiu iialLtd. I-andrrs was Ijearil crortiiim; the i)lor.iii st.ni; t.ie i.ext innriiin after Porter elect. oui : My heart is wasted uith my woe. In. li. lll.l ; I'v had to swallow so uiiu-h crow, Intliana : You bal!ot-lio. has laid lue low. ll.H's "baJi'i 1" dul not save me ; oil. We tapped it - but it wouldn't I'ow, Indiana. O.ls there not some secret spot, Indiana ; Not vuite so cruel, quite so hot, Indiana ; Some place here poll! ics is not. Some d.m, sequestered e. rncr 1 it, Whcic 4 .1 1 nl ; . I I - - may lie and lot t nki.ow n. dctcatcd and fi.i';:nt, Indial a'.' O. par; the ul taiiis, let me t! , Indiana ; A..d a. in 1 1 1 -ell w 1 1 li yonder sK v, Indiana : M Mi l Pt.iui tongue is ; arched and dry. And 1 must to 1.1K. or I lii die, And ;f ) ou've mi liin slron-er rijili. No i.ouioon vhisky. or old rye. Why. iisf me Porter-ou the sly, Indiana . Par. -w ell to I! II. cock, al.d the hoo.ll, lailian:: ; I'm ;.oiie u i! h Euu'.i- ll up the ti.tnie. Indiana ; Inquii'c foi "i.s beyod lh" tomb, Kcyond this uihl of foj; and Llooiu, That hlitiii our prospect- in the l looi IndiaiKi. MA.-lf.N. ll.l.S. .). N. M. Hit: i,)n:siic uo.M iu.Y km; m:- CKM 15 IK. The Domi stii: Monthly for I ceiiihtr keej.s li ' with I lie season ttiiil li.iNstio ,se'ial ttttfiitiiMi to liinlniii ler i.isliiosis 'ln.iks ami -NiM-we.ii hvi I lu iiialiibs of every kiml ate la'.il ln loie the lAailirj ami even the eonvt 11 liotial t lli lles to I.e. will II lo lil.itilie.-s ifinl' iictuie exiilDil i.-lis aie ihvcli tijiuii. The i.nn.-t 1 eo i:lalioii.4 fot weihiilic;-ilu .-.sea t:liit! ill, too, this month, ami at! ai tide called -'A not hei 1 1 e i n ol 1. aces," will show i.blii.s whai has haj Jii'ticil since lares ueie a la liel'oie. hose i n t el csi el in Chiiiln iiV I laslbdis will le siai'l ise.l i.y Lie i.in ! cies which have recen'ly enci o.iciiei i j upon "ii Is' slues as well as l l.eir raps I ami .ii.s.s.s; while there aie iiw:hcis I i'Vr i hete v. Im ma piiher from !'!. is' tii;" just xv hat iil liesl clothe, not the coiniiio iii.ui, but the small mill aliv.nly liere. l'nis form ,pt.r...l ,.,..pr,r ill the lh'Ml'srn Monthly for lien mhei ; the stih.-ii I l lit loll ol sp.itteil fins for the Mill ! in. Hotlines so lopcj j.. voiie. proxin; j ill ,lea-t that there is no such tiling as ! an aiieliorai; for fashion. The ilhts ! triitions xxith '.vhich the piiics of : his magazine, abouiul are lairly ilescrip: je i;f lie nisei x es ; the explanations ac j cotiipanx in culs. xili I his moiith, j remler it casx xvorK. for the hulhlax ! enthusiast lo t; :in hhv.s from Domes j tic" Art iis well as Iroin (il.ives ami Lingerie. Mary Ainge !)e Vcre begins in this ittimber a si-rial entitled "Was she .Jealous?" It is in thai a ul hop' beat vein, stioti'. fanciful, ami proxocalixe if eurio.-ilx. Tuib.ins, we beiievu. have no: one oui et.ainl thep-etty. Oriental b.-iiml. by A on i.ehman, ofilnii inxei.iion will be t'oiiinl x i rx en Let t j i iiii'ir t o ;il i re. f It- is. Mis. M r loin's Ail l'ai'i i. A ki l. h by Khcn V. ltcxioi i. Mrs. Ibuiy Waul JJeech.-rV inx alu.ilile Ilnusehobl I ep:i 1 1 incut , sext r 1 poems, ami i!i-ci iiiiimuiiijj lio i( I 'r. of new books make Up the li.ll aiicc of ;i lt'."st acceptable number 'i ll;' pub islieis ha'.'e uiailti ailiiiute mi-tiis li. oive ii line l.iiy,. steel m oi ax im; of Millais' ceh bi ateil j'aint im.'. 'es or Xo?" xxilh the I )i i.xi i:stk Monthly or the enroling vear. Tin Jatiu.iry ii"iiibi r xvili con'.ain the an lloii::cetm i.i !:i iletail. Ti.e I),yvii:vn" Monthly is pnb- lish"i.l by Dh.'i.e .V onipiiny, coinoi I'ro.nixv.iy 1-oiiiteeiiUi S teet. New Vwlk.al .l.oU per year, i tic! usi e of pn if rn premium. Specimen Copies 13 cents -I'll;' IJailruiiils ami t'lc t'eaple, The Lite President :al elect ion has oivn tle.i the issues that divided the c..tiiiiry the rebellion of lsbi. Tiie d'-cree lia iortli that t 'is i- a nation .-.ml not a mere fcfieiacy .; Siates. Ib'siimiii ion is an a idished tact. A pa pel dollar is 11s co.ul ' set j:oiie con N'OIII oid dollar I tie natioit.il creilit is .-a a soit.i :.a-:s .ma all iiia'iei.il cxpa. i.netii inr: is a! a e:,t! . '1 !;c nv : shadow Jul' U, 11.' of I ne tut 111 e i 1 lie i- si ic l.ei -.1 cen the r.i 1 :l 1 ad - a: d I he peoplt a I be c.iaiii:: i. c'tc.-.lil.' eoij'el hi'bl'P t be pet'lM' aiel i be 1 a ii 1'. 'il . I . the people ale iioii.id to . in 111 the cud. xa bat tlo y now i:ec! '.s :.!ue aiul .-iio-s xpo-ieiits of their nl.t. s.i. h a cba aipai'i I ii e v li! t'i nd in I be Cmalia lb,-, l.c;nibiie-t 11 paper tha' has courir.r' uiisly and eon-isi ir ly ,.d vocal cd 1 .11 ht ay reu lat :oH lor yeai s. Toe balli" has oniy Just l.eiriin Ibe preiiiu iiiary skuini.sii v. :il taKc place it. the next Ii i.-l,!lire The ie.et that the cirenla'inn of the P.ee 1 larger 1 11a n that of any paper nr. it h m St . L'.u-ii- and w est ot Chicaiio. is the bcsi. te-llni'.iil.ii of i: s execileirce as a new v;icr. la or. I. r lo extend the ciiculat ion of lie XX eel.lx U the pnblishen have laec.l a lari iiiiinbei ot usetiu and valuable ari ich's i.a t ucn pre 111 1 n :n i i-t xx I . li tl ai e 1 ii be il ;i 1 1 lint .d a moli'; I he; : - -1 ;.:-1 ii't" s in t ne 'ii ii" ioii...r 1 1 1 man: ei t :i:.l eii a racier 1 .cd t heir In - p. in nmi di-: I inu- I I ei i::s: v. ,i.!it. M:c ni.ist v.tiu tide prei.iri.ii- ;u 5 ,1 f. ";.s" Tin- s'liii'i Ma-'ii'iie v ilii ...v. er couii'le; e I Mush Harvester and Hinder I ' .1 .. i d Plan. 1 ... I Purl- rOe'im 1 E'.-'t-.tll! ll I2V I 1 I"' o 111 X .";oii ...'. no .ii'ii r. a (I ' " I vl 1 1 1 to". 1 (1 JUI I n I 1 Xl 'lll.e i;..:arv iii'.i I I. i :i!er 1 Wind Mil...' 1 ('..hi a ch 0:1 1 ' " ... li Also one pi acre farm v thill five n.ilcs t 1 i : and Is.and. vi'.I .. d al . .r.u ( S imple copies nl. l fill! tree to any addo'ss. Siih-.-roiiiori price, Wc i ii.ouths 1 IM niiiia list laaib - ;ly ?J l"i ier annual E. -n ie;s. in t ant I'-uris prei;a v mei t f .r 1 year v. ii I le en! b led to one premium. Duvet lei .t r to t be OXI II V l'l Ul l-IIIS'. I'll, I I l 1 1 1 N. bl l . IV t I'll ritEMIl M. uOMIMTlOii! i UiiL.Il i T 1 'j i i-j ii 1. rl o jfi- tv il 1I1 i 1 A LiD. --'AMI - HHin.t;:!ih T "1 1 ""."'r f ' - i'- ' i I I , L.iiUiiu;j 1 .) : 1 : '.- x- :i 1 . . 1 i ' ii'i ; I iM J l ! V W th a -e'.ei li ei .': - e I ....:. i . 1 -. I i ... . r i it i', i vV O i'i ll..'. f.i: . i i . i - ' i i; v i; . i; TilE JiLil'i: iIGOHL iilAlAZlNr. DEMURE Tt MOi. IHLY. lie l ir-'-st in f'.r.a. the l;i:;e-,t in c;,.-'i:.-'ti-j:i 'lul the best b. ev . : V i,..:; I il.it lll.li.es a 1.11 I -.: ,le u.-s r ee". I I.i ,. n e s: '- Mont'ily M.lia:i.i. ins.'il a ur.ii. 1 eo nbii.: ' l.ei i.f t he i i'i i.i-:. th ' ' -ell.! ao'l be i'i: 1' 'II e.ii. i . es- a;. p-eon - . f s i i ai. -.. la .-: ii . ei : ;:'i art -. . : 1'ie.. iov!v oi! iceti, .. .. -ie.-l i'.i''i:u iii.'s. ;.ie otlier ai t fea. nn-s. ,r!y Sii'iscri'tiifin, I Itree D ilktrs. ib- m-'sl .1 :o uose -: 1 . an ! v ii i ib!e prize .leTs a i-.ipv ot ever i:::imi ;:o:s oki:xr Pii'rt i.r. i tshfet by cuiini"; holes ia it f r his urriMCfiT' A T f TVT ! In till and arms, a. al I tins arrayed wont LUUbULAIlUl, i to the bo ibido of Mr. 6;rui. llold- IN oil. coi.oi'S. i inn l!ie hu'T- -11,c hand and a kimo Si-. vMii'liMi, .,ei, s.O.sc. -!...-. fr- 1 "tl-'1'i lt'-il soothe Mr, -i . ''vu i.i.e.i t. d 01. M..-i. h.-r and i-aiiva.- f?U'iiio; by nix iii;; : "W o don't xv.inr to re-y r .-.. t.-u.i adJUii-i.n ctiarg : cominil mi t v.o i n: c :"' but M r. ir-trui.' ..o -iibsenher payiinr the cost of t'itnsimrt; - ! , ,- ' t : i 1 ,', i . t i , ,; lion by expies lh a selection Irian twentv kpiali"; Il 0111 Hi s t.etl, at taeLea t ..'J to n; i jr ' nnd drove Inn fi 'j-ti tho Lon-e. oilier v.iltial le ren,i.i.'.s. "Con-ola: trulv a lu-aiitifi:l and aitistii- p'. ii.ie, Henliii'4 a piostiale I110II0 1, I'd K! ! l.v . linn, l.l :.n. els or I Wlll 'l l.'C ef.it. 1 111 iis arms. The idi-turc i- I or s , incut, iind the copies have all 1 1 c i.e... it) . CCilcliee and eliaim of tin! 0111:111.:.. b'dli in or ami treatment, so that iirMsf e.n net 11. ci. Ish them 11n11.lt. Couib:in"-:' 01 1 10 10.I mieri'Miiia. ai ilsiie mid miIu .'' ' tint', i v-r 011 lislicd. land tot no : '; ai I store for leu ibdlais. liemoti sfs .M.inlhly l tl 111 V1' r. . ..1 - ....... ... i.. t ...I .... I : :il ci I 11' .1 I. ,1-' ,1 luMrnicil. each uunibcr Iiavi;.:: lXg JuT?- steel eut;laMin:. 0,1 pieiiui' . in i.iiblishi d bv W. .li niii. ar I'M! Vnik. and l.v siifciitl a-.r cut 10: : "i: Til K M.i:i:.vsK.v 111 a:ia ; t ,5 l'sr. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Tliis period leal, by it able ;-.,! s .. tlli-Clslons of I Its questions ol III l' ' . ' as bv P.s 1 1 1 11 -1 rat lous - 'ineli r.i-- I " .' the be-t artists- has alwas c.c :' i 1 I'llV t.o ci f ul and bcnelicial in ;be m 1 ' ' tic mind. The weight of Its influence wn- '.! s foun;! on thei-tdeof nioialif x , et "ii l b neici t, and It ll tie Fit r 1 1 1 . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAiMEK'S MAtiAZINI". ;: . r. i H A !; PEL'S WEEKLY. One Ve il ' llAlll EWS P.AAi:. One Year ' The Til LEE aboxe publteal ions. ''.', 'e '.' Any TWO above ban:, d, tine " e i. ... ; llAlM'EIt'S Yell NO PEOPLE. -I.e. Ye ; t : 1'iii! ill" free to ;;. -ui.sei ibe! - ii. ' i e L '. ' 1 States i.i ( ar.aila. 1 he X ohiines of I he X ccr.ly -t ai ' . ' til's! N ii 111 In r fur .l.iiiu u y ol i ' ' 1 '. no tunc is laeiit lout .1. it ivili I . 1 i. e . - ' that I he s'lbscnber xx ishes to i - ' ' : the Nlllllbel' next all'-'l the lee .; , ! . ,e. I l.e.t Eh Veil Annual X . .!. !,, ... .': cr s XVeeiilv. ill neat elotli I i . m t i : .-. ! i ' ma tl. p. i-t paid, ei bx ex -. i i- ' - pell -C pi i.V Ilb'ii I l.c ll'ctbl e" :' 'I mi. indlar per x olibeei. i .:' T i : I ' i " I il I Il l's ! u r . I'll eo. i ' ' .. ' ' li'ai.'.iutt. ill b H'i t b;. iiiall. ,i.ii-. r iieniil ;Mli e -!;oi!(' be i;i.,.b- '' I ' ' Mon. Ulilil "' hi it . 1 .. av..l 1 ' : ' ..." . cv -o t. i ii , i e i-ot i . e..' t ' 1 - r -liient ith ni! :he expr old i 1 li .' :. u -i.i:- . I ii i i ; . Ad.:ie- IIAI.PI- it .'.' i iiii l ';! il.s. ' 1 ' k A Criticism fit TaYi I: Vtrlu T.oiiMiin Ti'iilh. , Why can not EnolMi ohlsbe I im :.t fo move, wall;, siatul, nn 1 evo;i 1 tM-;i. Jvwn if i hey in umjift I" ci'i'"-' si xx ilh easi an 1 sell, j.os-c s-i "ii, I !,oy 1 ic; tliatoil'l ot "t ten Ih.t:, w n a l' u-i naliir.l. i an he very well ii.iii-'-b' 1 ? Iiiiii.in-'. As to "slaibUr " "" not ae I'.nuli'-li woman hi !'. n y ' in tl ii. They are "hen to n -ii! t'ii i' xvcial on one foot, aiul t . 1 1 -1 1" 1 i i t mlt ii to (he ol her. A K I ! ! t r ' XVollhl show i h III licit il is mt'ca !"- 1 lati.oiitii-'. iiicoinpa:'!ib!v i.i oraccfiil lo balance tin; wei.;'itt 'Ci .' upon both. It woiihl li d th n b n '- Cssarv to wear too iietut u;."ii ". - , as lhotl-!i they ha I bruit ;'ll M'.li P. I it1 -l : 1 1 .'i ; one cl-o- in m .-lake. A how s,. 1.1,1 in ee 'i.t on 1 we lic;ir a really niu-'p'il 1 .'i ; A btlie e luca ion in the a.l. u.aill n t 111:1 ko iheir 1 i:i-h::r a il i ticiu '. a.'1'! they xvoiil.l Ml rely cut y it all ih-' nioie if they colli. I r. al ' t l.l!. I :.'..' ln'oJit in luiae in niirlli Ulio'U iiiiU inir j iicui -e! vi -i look su .cry '''"' ' is oi-ea-iona'. ly (he cae. li fi.-s f iinilics sum -tiiii s to ili-'oi! ln.il coiiii!enaii''e 111 l:c 1 u'h to ,-. I ' V ' l'lmily xvho hui';li l i;re:l! ibal. 'iii t.' exes til ways i-hiii up wh'ii lb1 !..- , mi l il is the ftliiliie-l Ih'.nr nn' li ties w il li them, a 1 ill s dip- hi .i ; --in-r i-, -ai.l, 10 looi. aroc-l 1 :;-!, :in l see i-xa-'lU- tin; -au.c .li.-lo.--i i-.n uu ev.'i-x' l'n e. 'J'licr-- is not tin e..ej"U in th's-Liinily. Tin e s. -l''t -- . '..i; I Know .silo xv "ii!:c halt' a 11 in ii xl" i' pink mutt xv I if 11 I !:" I'd'-' '. I" pre- nee. 1 i bo VVeniell llo'ni- s, 'never iliivs to be as funny as can,"' for b-ar of set in-' this api triple vision l otiiiis. A lilt!-; iitir in chil.llioo.t wiiuM lni.c 1 itlohi'-r a pleasant lli'm;.' I" b for they have all pre l" liil!" tii'.'r 'k teeth, very xvh " a-' n r.vecuiivc AUilily. Very low men arc I il wila ibe talent of tloin-jf more than 0110 thi::.; well, la the cctuiomy of iwi'.ir" o.u rifis, as a rule, tire. fexv. On i 1 r; able to plan but cannot c-iei-ul- , xx h i!o liis neiohbor'-s execiii i e ability i,!.-t fiiron; poiul. The men i-i'.xo 1 a: tie; wheel but laekc, tinauciul ti"")i;"-. ; other can (b'-i'n china (oi l i-tii i.1:" warc of suporior stx lo, but I'til-, r:T" of success as a basinet ii.ain i- 1. - . ilar experiences aro lie t ,. ilii 'r; 1x1" . tra lo. Men suav mio-cT i:t lh :- tin-; of I'.e-io'ic.no; anl in tio r 1 inonl of potltu", but win .1 I' .. 1 -cfs-i in any of tin- 0 enib.iiir.10 1 1 cs-ay iiianut'a. tiiii i-r, t!..'-. ai" :.t pea, simply bec.itise. th ' l .lH'i' 1 o , '. 1 calls for Ihe ex-ivi-c of ca: ii ci di . -out qtiariticaiioii--. Nov. at:. I a ii:t v." tin I nolablc cx-'-eptious lo this iii-. -Wo meet occasionally xvi:h t, .1 . .: . po-ri-s :v col.lbisi.uk.il of .;'.';. 1 mul va.'iel e.iclleuie-, ;-: ...i. wherever they are pl.tcetl ; bat. 1; whole, such insiaiuos arc mi 1 o in fact that the exception i ulv I ho rule. SucU men aro mi ;.,! Ti.ov must be forth:.- p., ,-; : reiiiiis'ue in th'- xvli 'lo r 1:. ,0 ' ehanictl ami oxoiailivo abii.r. . ( -ernien, who know noihi.ix, n .. ' ': Jy, about the il lail - of . r j -'..' s 1 a" el (j'lali ics ol in i'eri ',1, -- ... . uccec.l, but th'-y h-ive :i:i ' x 1 i- ' power well ilex ck; c I, an I r.i I by it c'.o ir ju 1' ib'ut iriiip.'l by -rieiice. they mister all !sil: -d 1 . tine clas of me. 1 m iy 11. L I.i: ... - : buil'.l'.l- tin; still!. I'.'-l lrlil' lll. .i j tl,,; ouief h ul l. t.i'O m ix ) ' ! ta-te, wl.i' b will ei.ab.o lien, c'ulo whelbcr a pmcrn is i-o T anil theii- "i-c ;Vl.l!.ont i'or.-lcil cep iou xxilh C.o tr.. ie. tiivt; ba-ts au l a pi 1:1 ami levy .xv. t.le.O I he H fit". ll If. O.I t:. ; u f f - O.' ', hall I, those who have tho routine I hoi h !y by b .mi, the execii.ive power, ;.", .n their alteuipt I ) b i n- n xxo xxi-h 10 iinpri i-i lie i. of cxecuiixe taleui. I l iii 1 frill I l'-x'Cr. It is not aie. ay In nearly every 1.1 01 i;.. i" 1. i -which, witli 1 ro.ai- en I oval : .11 llcveio lh ii'-i" ' cecal, 1 i!e ; i j I A yo.in man frr.tn Texas m.tni da X rl hi North 'iii oiina, an. I then pro positi io leave her xvhilo Ise wor;-.;J. his xv ay bad. lo hi9 Texas home, in the hope of earu'iiiir ciiongu lttoia-y thoro to st-tiil lor her. Sim saitt, hoxvever, lii-1 siio xx on Ul rather acetiip.iiiy haa aioot. Tin y, thei-tfore, ma. iu tut) juur- Hey of .s.xtecii huiulreil mile-, - aj j tramps; but their roo I apiearaiic-) ! oaii:(., lor them cousiilerable help ! aioiio; tho way, ami lor tLe last fifty j in lies they roilo tiitimphain iu 5.T I l iii.uo. psovi ;fil by aa enttittsia-jLic a 1- ni.ier ol their pluck. j A fiohiinej cloro-ynuii livcsi ai M? , ; ilia, l'a., as :i ceri.-.iu thief can tc-liiy. i ills name is Ik F. btrinj,', ami lie i.s ti.e : asior of a Methodist chureli at tliat : place. The thief entered the hoii-o ! through the cellar window, lihtcl a ! caiiiilo and then cntf ret I the kbchea. .lie iiieu exthan;.,eil the candle i.u- a eoal-oii lamp. tlresed li.ins.-lf in a I 1 .1 nt n