Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 02, 1880, Image 4

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i -.
THE HEH&U). Word "Gent."
It is a siiiiificint fact that the pre
cise definition of the word "front" is'
ofiW-lD be found in the Slanz Diction
ary! '-Cent" is Riid by ha authority
to be "a 'contraction of gentleman iu
more senses than one a dressy, showy,
foppish man, with a little mind, who
vulgarize the prevailing fashion." As
the "j,ent" is thus a product ami rep
resentative of certain social conditions,
there is a certain lltness in the word
which characterizes him. The Count
d'Ory once wittily said that "gent"
was Miort for (Jcntilc. Tnis r.'sertion
had truth as well as wit, for Gentile,
from the Latin (ens, has tho same or
igin as a gentleman. Tho word "gem"
formerly did duly as air adjective, old
English writers using it to express
the sorter qualities of tho female sex.
A "lady gent," instead of being a
lady's man or coxcomb, was an elegant
crgent'.e lady, proving that an ele
ment of soi'lucss is associated with the
"-'-TA Question of Words.
ShouliTwe eay and writo railroad"
or "railway?" A road, the dictionary
informs us", is a place where one may
ride, an open way, a track for travel.
A way is a generic thing (on the same
authority), denoting any lino for pas
sage or convenience. A highway was
originally a way raised above the level
for dryness. A road, says the diction
ary, is strictly a way lor hordes and
carriages. In this country, and,-apparently,
in England, judging by "the
King's "highway" the word "high"
has coni3 to have the significance of
"open" and "public," and when wo
speak of being "on tho highway" wo
mean on the public and common roa I.
But when we say "in my wiy" (very
rarely "road" in such a sense), i hero
appears to be a common recognition
of "way" a3 the tnoro generic word.
Lut iu uso without a compounding
" word, "way" is rarely applied in the
same sense as "road" thus, we du not
speak of wa.king or riding, "along the
way;" wo say "right of way," not
"road ;" nor is "road"' u-ed except iir
"railroad," which is tho Am-ricau
term, as "railway" is the English. A
lew roads we do not. say "ways"
which have English ownership or
close connection, such as Eric and At
lantic and Great Western, are, olli -i-ahy,
railways, and this term is prob
ab:y mking its "way" t-lowly. It
has however, at least the comparative
'disadvantage lint, as yet, we arc not,
accustomed to "ways" as short for
railways, or to speak ot the "way
be I ; on (he other hand 'way" has
an ndv.ui'agc iu not being used to des
ignate inirunicn:s of pasigo by or
dinary vehicles. Some other English
terms nru better than our own ; for
example, "share" . is better than
stock," the latter haviug several ucs.
Tnc English "coach," on rails, was
obtained by transfer of word as well
as article, but it i3 less cxprcoivc than
our "car." So "stoker," although cor
rect, is rather less idiomatic than
"fireman," which is made by tho s.mie
process with which children turn tt.o
gray-coated "carrier" info "leitcr
liuiii." Tho English "po.nt"' is cer
tainly better than our "sw itch," and
"driver," which in this ountry is
- short for the largo wheel when u-cd
In connection with locomotive?, is
more exact than "engineer," wno is
not niucn more than an engine-driver.
"Metals" would sound strange here as
tho designation of iron rails and
"lino" would hardly escape detection
as foreign, in iisc'lor the "ro id ' or
"way." There is, however, an Eng
lish term so expressive, as applied to
capital fixed in rail ways and manufac
turing enterprises', that it would be
-Well to 11 aural. zo it tho word
"plant." Such capital may or may
not prove fruitful ; yet all the same it
is withtrawii p!an.e 1. Ntie 1'urJe
About one In every thirty adult
males und one in every fifteen female?,
says Mr. F. Gallon," whenever ih--y
think art' numerals, sec them in a vidid
mental picture, and each junnber al
ways occupies the same relative posi
tion in their field of view.
Tho following mixture is recom
mended for the destruction of para
sites of plant. Eoracic acid, 1 ) part-;
salicylic ucid, 5 parts ; recti tied s;i'ir
its, 20 parts, and water -'JO parts. T;ie
liquid is applied by means of a spray
produced. An insect called ueen, of the corns
Species, has been discovered in t he dis
trict of Yucatan, Central America,
which is capable of producing a spe
cies of india rubber. Fivm the houics
of necus an oil exudes which h .s a
high reputation for its curative prop
erties. Exposed to heat it volatiliz s,
leaving a tough wax, which, .when
burned, produces a thick scmi-llud
mass like a solution of india-rubocr.
This simple method of making a
phvsphoieceiit lamp is given: Clc:ui-ii
oyster shells by well washing, expo-o
them to a ltd heal for halt an h air,
separate the cleanest part., and put
iiuo a crucible in alternate iaiers
with sulphur. Then heat to red
ness for at least an hour. When old,
break the iua3,ai;tl separate the w illi
cit pari for use. If inclose d in a bot
tle the figures of a watch miy be seen
ly the aid of the light emitted. To
renew the luminosity of ti e inas, ex
pose the bottle each day to the t-nu or
other strong fight. The s.di.hide of
calcium will thus be m l ie to ab-orb
light, which will be available through
out the night.
Tery Complimentary.
An honest farmer receives a vi-it
from a dealer in live-stock, who wi-h-es
to purchase his pork-crop. After
chaffering over the price, they go out
to the farm-yard to inspect the ani
mals. On the threshold they nier t the
farmer's daughter a h rndsome, (strap
ping lass of nineteen, whose plump
ness and color would have delighted
"By Jove," says the admiring and
: til hint dealer, feeling that some com
pliment is deinuile I of him, "1 say,
if your pigs are anything like your
daughter we will have no difficulty
iu making a bargain."
Some Tossihle Derivations if Women's
Annabclla is not Anni-bella or Fair
Anna, hut is the feminine of Hanni
bal, meaning gift, or grace, of Bel.
Arabella is not Ara-bcll i, or beauti
ful altir, but Orahilia, a praying
woman. In its Anglicized loriu ol
Oralicl, it was union more common in
the thirteenth century than at pres
ent. Maurice has nothing to do with
Mauritius, or a Moor, out comes from
Amalric hnnuul-icivh tho kingdom
of heaven. E.leu is the leuiiniue of
Alan , Alan, or Allan, and has no
possi tie connection v ith lleien,whicii
comes from a different language, and
is older by a thousand years at least.
Amy is not from wm-e but from
amie. A vice, or Avis, noes not ex
actly mean advice, as some see in to
think. It comes from -iE.l-wis, and
means happy wisdom. Liua had no
connection with Elizabeth. It is tho
lister of Louisa, and both are the
daughters of lie.oise, which is llele
VTis, lnd eu wisdom. There is, indeed
another feriu of Louisa, or ratiier
Louise, Which is the icmiiiino of
Louis, bill this was scarcely heard of
- before the sixteenth century. Tho
olucr lleloisc form: of the name, Al
oisa, Aioisia, or Aioysia, was auopted
into iue.;av.d Engiisn, as Alcsia a
name wnicn oi.r out .genealogists al
ways co.tiU.-c with Alice. "Emily and
Ameha are not diiiereut forms of 0113
name. Etuhy is iruni Emylia, tho
name of uh Etruscan gens. Amelia
comes Iron, mo Goihio umala heav
enly, lioiu.ild is not -..erived from
Keg ma, ..nd lus nouioig to ao with a
Queen. It is Item-all exilted puri
ty. A... C, Aoetais, A'tuiaidc,,
Alt., A icitiic, :,io aii iiJW tonus of
There is only one among Bertha's
several "protectors" whom she would
really like to marry, lie is Theo
dore. But Theodore is not on the marry
by a large majority.
Fchse Bertha's waiting maid a
younr lady whose cheek would cut
diamonds, doesn't hesitate to tell her
mistress that she is getting oid, and
had better nail a husband before it is
too late.
"But what shall 1 do? Theodore
won't marry me?" exclaims Bertha in
"Fud-el can fix him," says Fcl
isc. "How?'
, "Leave that to mo. "Will you give
up nil vour other lovers."'
"Yes, if I can marry ThcoJore."
"And no everything else that I tell
you to do?"
"Well, then Theodore shall be yours
for keeps."
The next day Theodore calls.
"Felise," s iid he, "you look sad."
"After what has happened this
morning, I don't feci inuoli like
"What was it?"
"Madame tried to kill herself
"It is true."
"She loves me, then?"
"She adoics you. There's the
sonic on the inintel. To keep
hfcr from killing liersell, 1 told her you
would marry her."
"But 1 doii't want to marry."
"Then you are a murderer. I will
give you fifteen days; if you don't
decide to marry her by that time, I
will let her take the arsenic."
"That arsenic racket may fetch
him," said Felisc to her mistress, a
day or two mlerward, "but to make
sure, I'll try another. Here's a little
stuff that I'll doctor his wine with
when lie dines here to-morrow. I've
used it to keep jealous lovers at home
when my mistres-es wished to go
down to the seaside with some favor
ite. It won't hint him any. I'll
get a ciVrk in a drug-store whom I
know to play the doctor."
The next day, at uiniier, Theodore
claps his hand on his stomach, and
turns ghastly pale.
"Great heavens!" he erics, "I'm dy
ing." They put hiin to bed, and sent in
great haste for the doctor.
The druggist's boy comes, looking
very solemn in a white cravat and
a wig to match.
"A bad case," says he, after exam
ining the groaning patient. "But
iooil nursing may pull him through.
It's a very dangerous and contagious
disease, however, and the question is,
who will nrst: him?'
-1 will," says Bertha.
Theodore, who is deeply moved by
this devotion :
"If you save my life and you es
cape, you shall i e my wife."
The i ll'ecis of the drug wear off.
The doctor proiiouuces his jiaticiit on
the road to r. cowry.
A mom',! afterward. Theodore leads
D rilut lo the s.Har. T'eliso is maid
of hoi... i. ( .a !, i' lK i;
Harper's Magazine.
"Stuil v inn llic s'l'.ji'i t ol'ji't Ivcly and frma
the e.turn! im;.l point of ir ; .r--!:
tlial hirli, ij!mmi ;i I ii.r-i her. lit iir nir
'f Itie iiiuM tffti i.-f l ihc l;fn:-.r I
loiij; ;e.; couilud.Mi t hat. if 1 oiiM liaie Inn
one wotk for :i .iii.iic ia.i..i y. 1 uoiiM s.l 4-1 a
im.iii.!.k- set ol ll;n;i.-i's Muut My." C'hai !
l'lam is Adams. Jr.
ll contents are eoliiri!.ul"l l tti em
inent unlhoi iiiut ::r!iM ot Kitrope ami Ameii
e;i w in:e i lit? lon ' i , - si. ol iis puhli'.li,i'
lias mailc t hem I lion nri: icy I'-itive rsaiit it h 1
ilesii't'M of the t'lililie, v.hicli tlay will spare i.u
"Hoi t tn gratify .
lllt'S Wl- tdvLY, cut- Year 4 to
HAWI'KirS liAZAli.One Y.-ar 4 n..
1 he 1 HUliK abeve j.iiuiicR-ion-. One Y'r. in 00
Any TWO ahove ii.iiu.-l. One Yi-ai 7 H)
IIAtiridrS Yid i l'rori.t:. () i-Year. 1 9n
l'e;aP fre.. t -nlisci il. -s in ti.'e l inti il
st..i-s o: t'
I l.f voluai.s of i he Mi-'air.o I mi; in ii Ii I In
N i: i ii i o'ls I . ji .Jnn.-a.'l 1 irrf.nher ill each year
Itt ii i.t l lint- is si ii.-i. ii will tie ua.i. r to..ii
; iiat tl;a i.lei ilni wieh. s t J Lein wita Ine
.'iMT.'i.t NiunlH'r.
A .liiplet.' Set of H:iVn I "j- Majraiiie. ri.iii
pi i-m 1 !uinc-. in n i Ml cloT li ininiiiiL;. u ili
he M'lii liy i pi i'-s, I n iht at irxp-nse .i pnr-i-hari
. tin le.'i'ij.l of -' J.i per villain. Sinli:
iiolutni's. l.y ni.ul. potjiititl. s;i in. otorti easi's.
lor I nitlin". s- n iii-. li ina'l p.. t jtaitl.
i-U-ininai.ees slioitlit he Iiv I'ost-Otnce
Mom y Onler o: I 'raft. ti iixelJ cliaiu-e of lo-.
e p tp is ait not to copy il.i- utlvrrtise
n nt : lio.ll t he riiv.. o;.Kr ol llAiiMl: &
A.i!liv-s HAIU KK & rd:o'1 1IK1.S. New Y.'iU
roit si t.s nn:i-:i;sTo
The OmaM IwMm
f-, i .. ions-.
AUiUrri.TL'ilA I. lMl'l.l VLXTS.
S1V I Xi MAClll XKS,
tULVKU it". IKS.
anij si: i:!:ai. ih nI'KF.i itiu-:u
Valuable & Useful
One K-reiail um and a Vear'n
Siiisoiition, $l.tiO.
Erzitr ai'itscinnEn azcr.ivzs a
Tfce ( heii'pt ViUly and the Most
.tiairiiiiicent l ist r Premium
l.r OJlViTil to tho l'uhlic.
mt. ..' i n :!
'1 1IC lU'UUU IHSiriOUllUIl
January 10, 1881
Is a laiiio ueveiity-twti col man. twelve
pajie newsp.nj tr, duvtj'.etl to tlie iniini
jiiitinii and ai icitltiu ..1 inU'iests c f
Nebi aska, ami to the ad vaiieeiaent of
tliH Ilepublicaii patty. It is the oM-st
ami leading weekly paper iu t'i State.
It is printe.l from ci;ir. hii'.nloino
new type, and its r!aius will he i!l n!
with the best 01 initial alitl Helected
inatirr, thr lalest tf '.cgrapliie m
from all parts of the woihl. and full
repoi ts of all leading lncal KVeiits in
Omaha and throughout the several
counties of the State.
Especially thone who are in arrears,
can avaii thvniselvi tf this cfiVi.
Fcr tach year paid up, a receipt, jiood
for cine awaid im the grant! distnhu
tion. ill be iven. Ail remittances
should be mai'.if at the r.te of 1.."0
per year.
Sample ("epics, which also t't.ntai"
Full List of rrf iniunis, Saut
Free to Any dtlres
n Applirttiua.
The distribution will bt f.wrly ami
publiflv eondueted. Thu resp!'tibil
ityfTHE RKFL'BI.ICAN in this
particular is nnquea ir.d.
Send rinit" ance. I t niny rder or
reeisteretl letter. paTab to OMAHA
UEPUBI.irAN. OwHk. Nbiiiska.
and prewiiini receipt will be rtturnad
t subsciiliers by wail.
All articles tin' cu ke snt ly mail
will be forwarded potpnial tm the sub.
!enler"s address. A i tict9 to be ship.
tMl hy xprs or frei?h' wiM be fr
wardw,! to "Ui-ir dtlii'iJ i.Jii with
freight py (iTflNbv t ''I" riiiji'i:ef'Sf
A Rrmarkalile Kail w ay Accident.
An almost incredihle exi'lamiliou is
given of the cause of :i recent accident
to the .Scotch express, near Leicester,
England. It is said that the train was
slopped a little beyond the town of
Kilnvorth, the engineer thinking some
thing w;ts the matter with his engine.
Examination showed the locomotive
to he all right, and the engineer again
applied i-team, hut instead of running
forward the train was backed, and the
engineer did not notice the change of
direction until the train had returned
to Kilnvorth station, where it ran inio
a freight tram, but not before the en
gineer had applied the Wcstinghouse
brake, and so prevented any more
damag than to m;tt,h up two cars
and tl.e wounding of four or live pas
serpeis. The engineer was suspended
but it appears from investigation that
none of the train hands knew that
they were going backward instead of
foi ward until it was too bite to avert
an accident. It is said by way of ex
planation that the night of the acci
dent Wiis very dark. S. American.
The Largest and Best Fam
ily Paper in the World.
Si nd for Santjtle Copy Free.
30:2 .'i- S'ai-K Sv. tw loi li.
1S81. 1831
In iMdiin. its pi i.seet us fur 1881,
the (Jiulie-DfMiioera:. can make no
promise for the future tiia. i. is net
if asm. ably sure if fuililiuifid, ju.liii!
from i'.s histoi in t'm past. In the
piesideiitial eontwst jus! closul it .ts
1 eei'L'ti ;;s the ii-adiiiy: rhninp'on of
de t. licais Cause in the West. ;ul
vut'.r. i:! the r.ien and the principles of
the uii ..t. party o! fieeilm and mi: 1011
iility , nnd ai ways t ha ex ponviit of its
idv'!::efd thotmht. Wc stiflil Ct'
that fwttrse unfultei inj-ly in the fn
: hi e. .vi l"Kg as the rept.hl iean party
ivmaini true to the ii.isibhiii iu which
i. set i 01 th twenty years i'.o.
1 !r f!etin 01 James A. (J.iifield
niid t'hcslar A. .Vi'ihur as president
r.d v!ee-prcsidiit of il.e I'niled .;ntes
iiv ;m uii(.jutiiiied majolity of the
leetoial u.U-s, Sicilies pi iiee and pros
oei'iiy la ths country f.-r four years.
.'. eleiik-ve tl.w new nd iniiiisi 1 at ion
rill ioii ;aitt, and id stentiily h-ld
thr iro'.ifidvnce, not only of the rep ill 1
liean p. ti ty, but of the nation, by its
i iiii!ii and integrity, as well as hy its
aity lu the priiiciplns of ihr- uie iiii
;ion which placed it in power. The
fc ih'- I-Inderal fniuly hopes to be
altl to n e to l'l Psident C irtielil a
eoidi.ti fllld (Mrtifst snpp.-it. It believes
.hii he wii! tin lhi; as he sees it,
and that he will liii to i In-di-charye
d his pi CsidenlMl !utis a cUar head,
n ho!i'5t heai t uiitl ilntei ininat ion
to serve his eiinliy in the 1 -. t wf bis
ahiii'v. Certain it is that no io 10 ev-
r (nteieil the White limine hetier fii
;ban be l.y irftni, eJucatian and
exp-i lenep to furnish all tlin'. we cx
iel froiii a flood president.
The repnldieau p.trty is nnw more
itiei oiilily uaiied ;md hi. inonioiis
than it has been in many yeai'tf. There
aie no rial "wings" to it and n-i op
posiii! fuet ins in i:. Thr campaign
thnt has just ciosr.l welded it toPlhtr
in .1 Milid against the common
fit', a:.d there are i;nw no sias of pas
sible i vision. iirbevn liiis Hnily
and harnittuy j.l eoiitiune thr.i!gh
ut (jlen. (.lai field's ndirt mist ration, ;nd
wid result in l!.s loutiuued lease
of power t ii Tn.' democratic piirty
i.s iucken a. :d deinniahzed defeated
under the best candid ite it has had in
iwer.iy years and Rt iikely ever
Haui to pre3i-nt 1 lit- imb: okon front
vsli!e;-tr.r republican p.uty had to
niei-t oil the i of Xtiveinher, 18S0.
While iiati. Dili r;ii!u 1 than locai iii
ii n conduct and purpose, thf Glwhe
DeUKiera w ill devote speeiai attention
to the subject ot immigration, iloin
its best to in ite the thiil'ly fainieis
and in chanies of the East and of. Ku
1 I e i o st'i t if on i l.e fertile lands of
t he .south w ?st. io.d 1 specially of the
lle of i issoui t. This subject h.;n
eii.iL;ed our attention iu tht- p:ust, and
.now that there are four years ahead of
ii k fitf from the turmoil and excite- j
n;nt of a nai'Htial political contest,!
wv shall lie? enabled to :ive it add
Globe-Deniociiic. i
No newspaper, asl or wi s, is belter ,
etii!'Cl tlian the Ulube-Deiii'i'-tat for j
tlte colioctiton ami pnMkittion of new s ,
from till iiii ts of the wo! hi. Our lis;
of ! special coirespoiiilenis tovei.-j ail;
the news centers in tlus country ami
in Lurope. ami they are all ii:st nieieil j
to sp:ire no labor or expense in procnr-
llll. I.IUM rllltl lll'.v itiiittia
ination, anil transmittiiii; it pimp;ly j
by t lejrraph. Our sjieeial telegraph J
M-rvice has been greatly inen-aseil ami
iniprovc:l in the past year until it j
ranks anions the nio.-t liberal in the j
Wwst.amlit is our intMiti'.iii locontin-j
u iu this tiii 't-ftion, availing oitmelves i
of everv ojipurl unit v to improve iiiii ;
journal ns an impiiitial iecorl cur- :
rent eveiiis the worn! over. Uur ecu- '
ly rciuiers will i:t she full b'-neiit of:
tliw t-nivifii in selections from the
i .,
i i::ost iinportait l tm- uiki i .ies sec.
to tl.e Daily fiiuli'-UetiifCi it.
In its Cfir.iTieii.nil leoul ts the fllobe- !
Democrat ha alwavs been uni t vu.itt.1
mn.' its cotemporaries. X journal.
in tho West pava . much attention to j
f::i)ness and accuracy in giving a
f.iiintal .ij'!'X of the markets irotu !
day to day ami irui wetk to week. In
t:.,,U we shall a. .) Keep i
pace Willi the gruwma ibni:i:id.s ol r . ,
Loi.i:. and the west in M!l that is to be '
ejipi-i-teJ from a preat newspaper pub- j
lished in the i;;f jcial me;ropoii i
nf the MissisPipni Valle. !
We sltail :i I i :. in addition to a WiVl;- 1
Iv iccoul ofi-niicnt events, to present I
our leaders it!i a newspaper for the
Farm, the Family and the Fi;si!e. i
Special H:t"!itiaH will be iriven to t he, ;
several depiirlinen's, m k have tcei, j
conspicupus te.ttuivs nf the (ilol.f- j
PetiVci it in the past. h
SI" BSC It 1 I'M J . PKH'l'S
lne'iiditi!' Sund.nv. per year
U'.i,,:o'U Sunday, per year 11 00
I .. .I i i.i . .i f.l iv lit r.l'.ii.ft af
three und upwaia....
titlnut Suml.iy. in clubs '
throe and upwards
Tuesday a. Fridays n:id Stit:Hays,
per year
In clubs f live ami upward. . .
1 uedays and Fridays...
In eluWs of uy? ami upwards
n h;
10 Wj
5 00
4 150
3 On
2 50
l'.nyahlo in advance. Special rate9
t aLtenis.
Remit anci-S siiould be niadebv I"ni
ted States Post OiTiei Mwy- Older,! tllOII"llt an I pu'-rV. TllPie l. . '.. ' r . .. . - .T i- o - j ercr. nSrir tlr? wnl i.'etirv. . 9 . , dJ f,0' ij vi . r
1 iiilll til in'' t el I 1 1 ml tllht.lal.V la II!. ;,;.,., froI11s,rr,i.,.; ' -r.T;,.i-35 fic'. ; . . . ! !. I .' K : lien i ranc fr t Iir I n-..1: r. afi'irt! 2 1 ,3." 1 , ' t . V-.5 'if Ji '. '
tjient fit v ..f St. Louis i".M- miliums ol : Cr:..,'tl - i.r f i WW A AT?T Wi; I !t . t i l..v,.i.,.. u...!u ;-.:fru to ; Sv fx. aTWs Sc : -:.
new ir.liHltilants n,l .here is iau.i i ' . V'"' - - . ifPP VnTvn -r, I.r, i1 e!'r' -.-r..ef-.. 1 tU i Z :S'M I
if niiliviilefl to its capaeity. '! in- c,3 V;u: , a ,r T.j . i And S: isfiiet ion ( I nai n:i . f .1. j - : g yf ft - J A' I '
West '(.Hie taets .il.uj. ol h lllg T ,..(. .1 f n.ntls:::,,;: li. Neii. ' 1,1 ti V' . (5 X-A , . v ' J ,
shov.n on this sul-jret shall lm owe of; .j,..-:1 j T' -r . t ; Hi R E XT V 1 LLK 3. ! i,KA,-i'" 1 N i J N J V1' C" ''' V V
eank drafts r resisterwl letters, when
ever it can bp done. Iiieti'ti3 should
bp m i'e, plinlv, rivi!:i name ef Fost
Oftt t'mntt Mt:d State.
-'' .,4. ,.H M. i iliiiir
";...., - - -
' B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
Ttking Efett OcUb(r,
Leaves 8 :1S a..m. Arrives 10 :on a. m.
2 :4S p. m. " 7 A ;. ni.
" li :Zi " " ' :-3 a. iu.
I.avfs S :4.1 a. in. Arrives 9 -M a. u.
6:1". p. iu. " 4 :i p. in.
" ; i6 " " " X :15 "
leaven l'latn:iiutli 9 :M a. 111. Arrives Lin
coln. 1.' p. n:. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: 40 p. 111.
I eaves Plattsmouth at ti :o0 p. 111! ; an Ten at
I.iih mIii at 9 :li p. in.
Kiei'lit leaves at lu :-0 p. m. anil at 4 :00 a. in.
Ai rivx at T.iiionlii at 3 : 4na. in. itntl 3 :.'i a. in.
Leaves Kearney. S a. 111. I.eavf-s Liiieo!n,
1 . p. in. Arrives riattsiiio;;::;. S :lo p. in
leaves Lineotn at 7 :i.S a. m.. arriv.s at
I'lattsinoni Ii a a. in.
Freight leaves l.ineo!n at 12 :0." p. 111. anil 7 :f"0
p. m. Arrives at I'laitsmuiitli :u5;3."i p. m. and
12 :t0a.
uui.No i:yr.
Cr. press. S :0 n. 1:1., tirain naeii t'.xy) 4 p. tn., except
Sal unlay. Kverv third Saturday a train crm
necls. al the usual time.
W. V. a. 3C. TiiKo Table
Ti'kinv Effect Sutuluu, iMrtobtr 17, 1-iSi.
w KST.
5 ::i.r.piii :
7 :l' )
7 :Si :
l'l :'5
II :4it ,
1.' :ln;ni
1J u-.
I :li
1 :M
.1 :Jll
a :-0
4 :!."
iiAM IN'.S.
A It.
r.i.i V. HI Id.
C W I. I S.
K!.l I l. t i).
Jlivh'H H'N.
i: K I. IN.
r.l.i " .l I M.'ION.
oM ii::
A KAi'AliOt:
10 :.Varii
9 :j
AitltlVAI. AM EtKI'A StTriii: K
l"3.TT.1OI'TH Jl.tll.M.
7 :i t. in. 1
'.).: 11 a. in. l
:i.':" a. 111. 1
o..:0 p. ni. (
1 1. 00 a in
7.:"i p. in.
lu :;n n m. .
p. in. t
lt.fio a in.
11. efl a 111.
Nov. in.
I A S I F.l.N.
MlliTW I EN.
Si .C I H 1 i:N".
I 7 0:i :i. in.
1 r. ro p. in.
, c -.1 -i (1
o n? . in
T'Oa. 111
l.l p. in
irt.l t'INil A IKK. itiRvvii i.u.
J TV. Marsh vi.i.. Y. M.
an -- --;.-..:mawi
rit-tv , cn-.trx. 77ia
lt;Ii tsco-i.t:o it ;vivc lientlili to
o 11 i wici ah, Oceans
"s Siitnrd's remedy fr fissimUating i
' Focd. Ii enres "icd Calir, -Wie
. i3j Tcveriskiisss t-l Kills ;
t'r.ims. Xhn tie Child las honXth I
uriil tJio Iflotlicrelbtaias rest. Picas" ,
Lira 1 fliba
The i:i..'t tficclivp ?aii-reliovijis ajoat ;
tee 7crl.l Ilth ever knowu.
Over 1,000,000 littles noid last jcarl
7!io reiuoui f'T this anprcoedented rTa
lari'y, u;a c. i. i.t: tlio Centaur Lini
mauti :tro m ..1 to tic'.arvo coniicleBCS
they n.-o a"-:... jricl iu.o tiia t'.ruclure ; tliey
atvrfsy c "3 nil rccr l"-iyjoijit.
No p .. hi i:c: 1 luucr sur wiih
TAin Ui tha DACK,
7"? i i..e. -1 : -.-n or cliiT Joint.', for th
tjoTila. TLcrsi i ii. :. i-i uiu pria.
Cut, Sc td. iSn rn, I'rnise. Stins, C
or j.aja p.s I xrhicU Man!;ia'J or
V i V.'.s i Tiro sulJoot, llvut dooa
iijt r;-.i'..l tiia Scctltir.s Lalm.
'Alio Ct-i-iur
-.o ..a-.l !.G0 a i,..,'-t. '.r...i 1
;;r'. ,
CS222irists.i.-.ww"' :': ".
, TT ,
V ILuLi;!.!. .i 6nVtJt,
.ieaiei m
()!jy ;jl)()lS,
,-.i (-f jjs,
y'.AN ki:ts
ri'lJN'ISllING GO()IJ.
( loi:d on
j .Tn 'lit -r
rjn;&1lc Oncmictrorn
v huojiomuv,
JMmI la fact everything yai exn i!fori
IHs iii o of
Ufclleiai Ll2!"Ch aildiS9
AH kiudi ef 1-uui.lrY t.iunure ta iu ex
rlixnjii far roo.U.
JtT.Tpl ':'UiI D-!U,r '"
, v',T
Man. sirr.-i. li:.rri. i'dlh.
Still Bsttr T
- 5i
3 i
, 12 f-'ft
: r..t c:.:y rr:ro i-i. i.tvy i.i-i.o - . , . , , , a s i Jv t. - i (WiVAi C M . W r-i . W c '. .S:.---,
illlly r'Lv:., r' , i,"n:.9Urr, S I HiAU H I & fLiiil..l Al,ir!i; ! T K T v- f' J I r.C.-,
I - , .".- t !i.-t . r !' .'t o-i.!i: pro. i--.i I f i - 1 -j , ' Jl ''.? '-' v ,V .',"'.,'-,.'
I .:!, ?: roit from :ir...-ir4 (Cords r i 41ni.'i' ' i kr(..I.U 1iatS. I ? S 4t ffA I 6 . .i ' '.. ; Ii";''-..
i uLd d, fr,:.. a ryraiaed 1 '.H,..i.s ,f.h, , I f. Mi C.C A g ; j.-, ,
, uratajjeufo! t rl.-.tiicr from di.sunu . . ..,,..., .....,.-...,! 4 1 1 w 1 u s i- i . ti.ffJ," 0 J t, V1 i v . v1 , ,. . : '-
i "tYo RryVi-V':- 1 vt a i-raV u.M; i Repairing of all .Hinds ! c,-' tIMt,,,, lo.tiia,,:...,,, : i ;",i.e( .;1v' '4 Tj':
r,-s.2 f.s, T iimlicii At IUV p'.-fip us i :.i'..:i ;':: Vi: I I'. :-ilVT'c.-.'; i'-.'t:ijiUf 4? T toei; :r h -ti r. oi V, s, - f.-rir-' " '":
n'llii'J lOi HIHlUt ri f " '.s! '? -" "Jl' -rirZtr4ffs, kMumitairavirTniiY W.t.ww.w f' .'- ' - - -
' i . , I X- V V .V- . t.-'.f J jf t M C444S44..U1 ito. pttj.-i:;!. l.4.t :1X.I..41J.I .. ' .
. c - NeiiiasLa, r.iii3 v --v t'.TV''1S---a rS,,.u.ii.iif..n i f ' . " , - --w" , -7
1 S ?' - I " i" , ' v;;:;;u:,
v r ? lof ' jil Paper Inmmed Free of; r-fe.r !
OTP m 'Z rr . . 'H?
s M J ? II'?.? I
5 tF'j'S
vtt .-.... vf.J...V -Vr- ky'J0&:a
' FAST. . -i--sr-v CttZr. "3
4: to &ttfMtel . J
J :i i itt- ZZ't-!i-r:S(!-r
1 ETTEE;u in
Itlusical Instruments,
Stili Ayjtohdiii'j .j ulf'j)-
TT." ! iviv.-j!li'( Hnx 111 A I5:.i:ii;ii
CA IUN :? ORUA .s.
: u sff A:;e::i fur iln- Homy 1" Miller an.!
AV. ( '."ii:i ' t . i'i: f .
.sAMri,;-: IN fill !!: NT?
j ;rt ofru-... siv iii. cut- :l'oi sotitli of X!;:iS St.
j ri.ATi'SMOl'TII. M-di.
,V!'! '" "!!
; ?i-i? Mii.on ti kiiitJilin
o .m f v emw forirai d wiili h.i rut re now
FALL m V7"IT57 Z,II!ie
Sl iK til l kt tiiist l'irrf l,ni!i firr I'luiiyhl
iuti ru:tinnilli ; !
V. '.' i'.KT (JAHMKNT (IT Is
Hurnlred n tl.-rr xr.d t! ey ai
SdlO OJ.-it !!(! Iloiisp. Civt iiilll a
eail e:ii:.f for jnrelr. 4nli
ij I A U fn J 1 j 1 Z ii
Fiirni"l!?i l-"r!i. rraa ?ii!k.
, S;t'rial v.'A zllinirA lo, 3 :. Vi i l.p.
J I'nm sati'.ti tv fu;ni-fjrU ffh.3 T..r.,,.
j M UN ARC II XII.lfAUT A'.iAi.'
i In I lie t:;rn:ent "t firr'i " More.
: i'i. ! is..1.-, t r:i. - - - zrt.SA3K.
j Ob lr.r I. .
: T38ni3 Eev?ly itU-i up Wih
IKTf ft w tt i "i . S i?-,-vr.
SlS & TSSip 21. M&k$
I n tiHiid r;: i he riinw.
' tt to ft ami .iai iii Hall : punlr f raer.i
fei players :sit Ibi Tiitufii.
Tl. Oi.ivkp..
I". P.. MCKPnT.
Ulf Prop.
? ja f?f?;5 i'inj ti Z HALS.
I ,.i!l all sf li T ;..:' ' :.:. I-s e't!eil f, ( r.
IVi'i-li'v V'; "'" ' i'i'"" r ': '"'l'':K! " -
sl'fl'l i l I i:.". 1 I J ! '.I .
Livery, Feed & Sab
Or mi Old stall? it netr Ittind.t entirely-
T': l inn f
eptu tli il
STKRIhtlT It A it N
en tu 'iti4r f (Hii ant! Fearl SI reels wnlj
nvv Livery Outfii.
(..n IlDPSKS AM l AKPIAC.I.S at nil
waists Riii niir axd sold.
f all ami e IJOLilLS DIXO.
I am gois to
ll:13 s:lll!S ai.j V.U!:t
tl at iieop'.ii cau luiiltl
nnirK hoc.e.s ixstead u f:.m .::.
-5 ;
1 iii..:i cti.l.a' t and
Build BU1CK Housss,!
t!it eoiiinii; year and weuM like tho. a
Intomlii! to iiuil'.l ia
-glvt iriTi a call io -Klu; vNt
fainting, draining. (Shsinj,;
SsJsuaiitttti?. I
V !.?? i
ffaptt 1
7b3 jntDorvo, &c.CCe., j
Painted 12 Good Style.
: i ia.iroiii;i. r?A r n i .. rr r my i : 1 .t-ir;ij.,( ' A- 1
lias just peneJ an entire new ntvek of li:';d-
are, . - .'
ar"iJ nB- as m:' bh'ss-
Next itoor west if Cliariimu Smith's Irui 1
Stele. j
A Full I-ine of
or J'ottud
A Full I.inei.f t I TI F.iiV.
Sptritd Jiatts U 'iitildcis and CvfV
ti a- torx.
AU cooil s;i'il.s lin they iui-il.:y . 11 Lit
ma! live. ' 4i
l l.r liUpl :ic'rMifiil ir'R:ely
; li.M'vereil. a." it i. i .'i l. in ia iu
i:fa! riiom- r.Ki.i.w.
From I.' v. 1. N. miier. !
Ti-ni. lit.. . l.'!.?;. . f I Tlt-...'.; 1 i;.iH.t !
St. a i.c.ans. Vt.. .inn. y.Kh. um.
Ir. B. .1. L i e. !;ti! Oi. ( u . li, nis ; In rio Iv to
yiuir letter I u ill km- 1I..1I i.. txi.ei :.-:n uiiW
Keiulali's S::n 111 I lire li:: l-ei-u erv .tt ihlaf
tory iiuiee!. I M.-e r inr r:m ::-o I .n.'i:r
ed ;i lioitle of join a em . ;unl w itii i; cured n
horst? of l::n:ei'e- t imved li- n spavin. Last i
season in y iiiue I ei-aiic .-i y hiine. uih) I t'li n- i
oil I11111 0111 :r.i a I iv w .'.'Ks ivlii-ii lie .ei-:iir. J
tvl ler ; Imt lien I ;n:l lum 011 I !: 1 0:1. 1 he no I
VM -i se. lieu 1 tl : .j ete.l tliat a 1 iii;-bii.f v;
loliMil''. I I'lefllle l :i I o! e cf Keii.l;iH:
Sjt:i iii 1 'ii re, sn.I will: V-s th:.'i a lmti ie ured
lum sol'aal !if i-. not la-ne. 1, i 1 : ; .-1- liie .
kanrh l.e f ocn.l . i
l:e.f i-: fi.ily Yours. I'. N. 1,11 m:hi.
I'rii e M pi'i !'..i:'r. rix Let 1 ies for !1 '
drimcsl- Iiave :l in ran 1 11 (or on. ot 11 will I
l-e .'iit to ;u. rt1-. .: l.-.'.'ii.i 1 I itire i-v i
t!ie plopl ieloi s, I'.. I I-. K 1 1 A !.l. X l ' I.. ' !
Kl. l-'a'l-. '.ll.,el:t. '
V. F. (lorie.i an. A . 't 1 111 .atui. Nclt.
Itj'o i"- "-ViS-i
V ',,.. Sir
A. G. HA Vi
.)'. T i i; "! A : : A i .
Nar. Clr.-it. Fits! Ch; -v .1 . ,,.,;,.
"I! Main Street (i.n.ei i f -,!li. I iMttitOMih
KT.-ijImdr on lii.h'! lor fi' s:i. !n,r,. i ir:. : t.
v. i na k i f u- i r c
w a it jj ia i tj y. 3
!a!n Ftiret. Pfe-CMlt tliClVuut !!jt.c.
Thil pla.-o i j'lsf ;rwA. nfc. ton.! to.t of
a!i kir.rt. Tfc rrjint If kff.i jr.nd l:cr. tt-l
piea- onr r;'.t-' niev.
nan .' a n :t l k i. s i r.
iunioni?..K.r... I
.... t. r, ., I
'j 'if'" ?i'lit It's, iturrfT,'
.Sr -V .V",7
I risntht Iron Pipf. por-n and f.if! Pipf .sifr
(Jiiilr Mafptv-Valv ( ioveni.-ii-. unit ;i
k !...' ef f;r:is Fiiii:p J"itii:s.
rfcjiait'i'it on shoi'i noriv..
V. D. JONE13,
Aj'fht tlk r;.rij' f lh? Oil
Brick Livery Slabls.
i:i:i:ass a.
Ti:" ol.i l::i. nor S: :ii-.!... ; a Pia. Waout 11. ri
ro V 5rairi. I.T . 1 I. . i
on !.:: i N"t :':.! 1 : ..t ti -: i
in 1 1 shi. i' of
llltl lit linn
'.itin(ii.i:ii.!i. j
illrl ' KlOVI'V 1
Vi ,i-i vi-. '-j cv--i ? '
iJl s!d, raJy maOtt aal l'l eliaj tor .
31 V Fl W H II 1 1'S E
r s;';ry.y;Z-l
W till i sail) i!iaiiiv! fet pus
i ii ilo all !8T; .11 .iti.i f-.r.:..!::?1 it. y
i.i:i;t'. st k'K
l I I lt l'l "t;: .ii ( aii i.i.
c. f. Joer;son.
-( .'.I.i.K IN
Ps; .- , i . U.i.n'ii'.inrti"
Di UdS? P.eCCineSn
V .
AND- !
Stationer,, - Magazine
! ' n ir n'-tt Xtvji,-ti:i;. j
w-'-.-.4V'i.".-'- ,A
t iMiM!7. I I m i.r.w i-.r.-psre-' k-c;. li.:.o.r.. i i, , ., . . o",vl f .'? , 5 2i i
!c jt;s ;;i ; l n. m-.i. i.,f.
- - 4lif . V VS?&44S
, jeytr. s -4-.' C. ty.S. tf
;f PL ACS-.. !
rt'TIJ O. MAIN .
5:(;i::: -?:?. i.v:..
A!! kin. is oi
KA 1. "! 1 .V l.l'Vi i s t
.V i.- d- ' Vc'.-i td 1
Horse, Inle 0SliiKnm', ;
In short, we'll slme Huythiitj; th.u
four feet, from a '.t-j-vn to a (iiraii' .
( 'i -me and see ..
Fit i!i ' l-eluecn Main n-e s-i.-e..
i:-.t aevov
ni rii k '
. 1 rm : lioin ,. m u ill I
T.-. U V. "J Hi:
' ...'.(!'.
j nr eLATT . -
: . Y
S !.".' :.i:K. 1-!.-.;.i. ; i
I; Ml . - :
.1 V1 .! .'. . ' 7
77rC f-ii ,
. ! : ...
O j.
- '
; st i , '
' i (" i .s i
I '
i I';;:itii. ii l;'.-vl-rci P.-Uo-n
i li. A U. rh, e I":-. '
I itli"i.- V.' -In :i f t :,.
!i IlMi.l
l-k'l 1 -.
i caatti. : it sr..:- m i:
"I iic
I .'.si. 1 !-! I..::' il :el. i.1 -1 svncrl.-r
I..i.i,).r.-:ii ,j . ;L
p.i,i:r.-,:i.' .-a ti 'ii . -. : . !! : , - ; oi;...-
llis fav.-'i-ile lie i i."i ii ;:.!
.iST, r,or i ii irit Kit 1 I'.V.'i'.
Ti". Y IT. astl b:i ?.i! !7;v
iirj- iw-.;;..; ti. i'.-. ..w
Ai' i'i i ; ort il t' i' '; - "i la:' leemein-iiia ."-.. :. . -t
i j i ; ! r I l.:li v .if f : . ' '.
CMinal':-:. .-.: '"
SI?n. S.VNFO:"iT'.-; Tt.'
, T,
' !9 sac...'. : f K-tiiiy
! .- f .-.
lisensesof I'.ie Liver, :.:;;.
T.ig.tau!e. It i,evo.r .
pi ac i" , v' i - ; .- . , j c
' v . : : ;s:: til- -. .. .1 .;
i e h r.- Fc-n i i f : ' ,
2, M.S.,;.'
k'- -. U'.r IKi.l.
;v..-i.-:fi. v.;. ; z-rZi.. .
iW" MffC I C C .' ,V"1 i,F1.'.
'5 t ; ;-,) Ij i-j c", :
i4ilbe;.?;i'::r.r. :;r:':.v'.,.;'r-..";:.' ;vr i
i i .- i. i
l!..Vr : I I . n II ... r: i H . r. :
-..: 12 .hc' f.r. 1 . .. ' . : . : :. : I .
J II... 4.. f;.,. ... ..... .i,
sr?-l Ail scJlt for fi" r .: ... . -. - .-
Ii4.b. I-Cti.l I.V.O.I l.'l.t- t.. li:..-l.,..
- r r..i. I
"' i - -m
r ... J
. .
fl flfS1? WANTPO I rl'i "tl v.d FllUlt.
nSUill I W Wi: ft:' .nl 5 vii i..' IW-i. .::..!
ii4ajii nr a. sumi rjiisn jtl-i; Se tsHiWv
: ;
n ora a"irtv 1 S.VWIT!
Sa I B.-ri.LnVrV,:-:
f 1. tt-m;, Anew xr""" wi ixlr. .Vjitr vi lustacer
b-uiaii Co., Si Clinic u irrwTsrlr
et ..rtf.t I A ... 1 v a-1 1 ,.',' -?.-,--
SiiV?r8: 1 (r it, - i.i ;l Pmiaiocjr.-l ln.;-:..'.v it' tr
S-rr. firn-i' 4etJr Vi-ifSr0
I J.l-. Ai" I I.u, t u rtr' ; fr V,i J S4-rfcc!!T.
(:..(. A... 14, V:. I 4wt. I
44 1 f:;l Up
s.. I e 4 C4f b
' M'1"), tepf I- I re'i'I 1.1 r .- a frM
rf t fix: B it 1 WiT tar f x. tn a. r-tr.
I ft- it '''.y, giK.iL t- -'' 1 ,T vi-y
, . li. V. I tei v'- t" vt e . .
I a-T 1 .ff Be a!.r ft -1 '. I .. r ' "
t f fit-'. ni .' M I il hf. - 1 - - 1 I.
- - T'-r- ! r.l r ; f- Tj.-r, 4
; - 1: : . 1- i tv X--r r- .r : I v,, r tiv,, W in-
itSf---. S?--2.-- 1 tt-if 1
( . T ' J:'. - i'.M t iLi.-J mi..
- - v . 'I.1.1.I:'"'. ' ' ' i - v -j r - .! r f
" f
I ,.
- . . .. . .'4 44444..l44
VI!0 15 UftAC0t,-,J'-? v." IT'' T OCftMf or r r., C-''jriTV, W'Vi
H--7;-; -, . ;.s- ,"' 'vW. ,...'-,. . .1 ;
is hie (;r.K. i idXM x iisu 1 ink
lis HiiuM lino rm, f;.-'i h :-. t m-
I Alfun lh c ui'ii n t ci Iowa . u.! 1 ..
lit nj A"it; win mii!' f. ! i "t'.ifH i
J unci i' n tVn ta ; Wim-ji .1 li-i -i; i' -
tint:. Vwlini;toa, Fhiriii'iii. K:-!-'!!, tiv . m.,
Tillu: KiMiLuit t'j K-rui'MjuV'H. h ui
loni..iirl. lmleDen.m. IS..:.. ;i. (it) . u .x 1
T ilie.l t-uiii.ioM. IVIia. V "iru. aa..
Newt. ti to Monro: lies Mci.w. e. I :i. ! t t..
inlc:brl: AnauliC in I..'vvm ..ikI A ... r. . 1.1 :
Avoen to llnrlrtn. Tb. i l'" r ' ' "vi,
feii.'r.'iiiil. viaca own, nntl e; . i .-. i i
line from 'Im-Uxu ml.i t e t .! ' K . r -
'1 ut.niclj Kxyl l-i;n r l i . i
Ma l'aia.'e t , e : .;: w .: .
tetiTei'n eniCAiiu in. a lr-...:v. !. .-.
lul .C!I. Bl.L'llS. U.lH..l. i' .1 i . '
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