Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 02, 1880, Image 2

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. 1
Oar Club List.
- Here we art with our Club List auin. And
f to eTery paid up subsoriberto the Ukbald we
j wui give tu addition as a Christmas present, a
t '"py ot the IIkkald Aldlne Almanac, which Is
r'jl Vptted w ith cngravinr from the finest art
ft aathl!nAAct. Ill t li CO 1 1 11 1 TV S.S hliritrlll ' 1 f H
. your ubiCiiptiTVI.tTuT?' rtEftlie Almanac :
Herald and Inter-Ocean, (weekly) 52 75
" " St. Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 75
" lturllngton Hawkcye 3 73
Louisville Courier-Journal... 3 05
" LcMie's Ills. Newspaper 4 15
' N Y. Timet; (semi-weekly).. 4 15
- ," " Suii. (weekly) 2 65
" loledo Ulade. 3 00
" Cincinnati Commercial (and
. prem) 2 CO
. " Scientific American 4 20
' ' Nebraska Farmer 2 75
- " Omaha Republican (& prem). 2 75
" Omaha Bee (and j.retii) 2 75
' American Agricilturist 2 Cj
" " Prairie Fanner 3 30
M " Kat. Live Stock Journal 3 30
" " Western Rural 3 3u
" " Harper' Bazar 4 30
' Weekly 4 S5
..-.. " Monthly 4 6.
.. .. Youiii People 2 "
.. .. sVltmcr's Monthly 4 5
" St. Nicholas 4 10
" " Eclectic Magazine 5 75
" ' Deroorei't's Monthly M.ija-
zine, (without premium).. 3 25
" Godey's Lady's Book 3 2
Phrenological Journal 3 15
" Literary & Kdiioafual Notts. 2 '.5
' Good Company -1 00
Ckicag't Tribune 1 Tt
TnE small-pox is said to bt in Sioux
McPonaoh is after sit urges again
in Omaha.
The Saunders Co. papers are run
ning fchedd for speaker.
Examine our clubbing lit
head of the editorial column.
at the
IT is now reported that old "Pike's
Teak" has turned into a raging volcano.
C. C. Babcock, of the Beatrice Cour
ier, is A candidate far secretary of the
- .AxiniEWvf. Ueed, editor of the Falls
City Jouinalliied last Thursday, of
The "Passion Play" was abandoned
in New York, public opinion was so
much against it.
. Tub Nebraska Elkctoks mat
' -Wednesday and cast the vo'.e of this
State for Garfield and Arthur.
Hon. R. H. Windham u prominent
ly mentioned for Speaker of tiie Ne
braska House of P.eprcsentatives.
Tin: Li k is i. att." it is convenes Jan
uary 4th. Tuesday.
' They ballot for U. S. Senator on the
next Tuesday.
Look eut for out clubbing list else
where, and coi up and take the IIkk
ALD and some ef the other papers ami
magazines far 1ST.
Mu. CON'LKE, lately of the IJeatric
Courier, has bought a half interest in
the Globe, at Lincoln. lit and
oughV to make the fur fly.
It would seem that they couldn't
read "Lot" Brown out or the republi
can party, in Otoe, after all. Lot's ol
fun they have down there after 'lec
tien. The Inter Ocean has at last opened
its Western Bureau at Omaha, and
Mr. Ilobbins has given us one glimpse
of the west as he views it, ii. last Sat
urday's I-O.
r i A good vein ot coai uas oeen louuu sometimes, costive) " tne end.
1 -in Ponca, 4Z feet thick, 323 fert be- In earlier years, when elec'ion to
low the surface. Indications of oil j the Presidency was only achieved af
C are also tound, but whether in paying a jilt; of faithful service, and as
TuTquautities remains to be solved. nie crowning and fitting summit of a
1 " . j. . l :.: ... l . il... r.t
A good vein of coal has been found
l'" Candidates far secretary of the
Senate, Clerk of the House, Serg't at
Arms, and God knews what else, are
growing every day. What magic there
is in the public service somehow, and
yet few get rich at it.
Elijah Notes, of Cass county, a
well known politician, was recently
indicted by the grand jury of that
caunty for forgery. The friends of
Noyes are of the opinion that he is in
- sane Omaha Herald .
Such is fame.
San Francisco. Oct. 13. -The reve
nue cutter Corwin brings news that at
St. Lawrence Island, out of 700 iuha'o
itanla 500 were faitnd dead of starva
tion. Traders had intioduced liquor
among them, causing Miem to neglect
laying up a supply of provisions.
Send us"in ame monay,' quick, all
yen delinquent subscribers.
ii .... .1..
11"M1 liU
you suppose we're going to square up
our yearly accounts and no cash. Ev
ery man we owe is sticking a bill at
us, and we are dead broke. Cash!
Cashl Cash-us, right now.
MACMcnniY has enlarged bis
Plattsmouth Herald to nine ceiumus,
-Which makes it one of the largest and
best ptqvers in Nebraska. The Herald
is to Nebraska what the Tioy Chief is
to Kansas. Hardy Herald.
This is pretty good for the man
that runs the Ilardyest paper in Ne
braska, though not the hardest.
New England wants a cabinet j seem to us. and we believe it will to
Officer, New York wants one, O'ai j the sober thinking mind of the peo
eeveral, the Solid South one, Peunsyl-; pie, that any American President,
-van.a ene. and Indiana one. "Out j with S")0.00 a year, for four years,
West" where the Republican Major.- j and a homw and many lesser expens
ties come from we can't have any. es found him. wit. i the almost posi
Suppose the States West of the Misis- j live assurance o. a re-election if be
sippi should take to voting oilier than j behavn himself, can and should, set
the Republican ticket a time or two. such an example to the peoph , of pru
where would New Eneland. New ! deuce and w -holes.. me Yankee thiitt.
York, and Indiana come out?
AVE Send statements of account to
all of out subscribers in arrears, this
week, that everv subscriber may know
just bow he stands with l is county j vv j,je occupant of t he W lute House,
paper. We would reaped fully st.g-j sh,,u;u any ex President or ois family
-'get.: that Christmas presents arc now j 1)V ,isfi tune, accident, or even im
in order, and the best one our sub-, ,,n-,dei:ce come to want, the great,
scribers can offer us would le a paid j i,e;,rl ol- tlii country would flow out
up subscription to Ihe IIekald to
See our list of Chrisinaas bene-
j factors elsewheie.
, f The New York niisirver is an in
teresting and valuahU family paper.
' lYe can recommend it to our readers.
wlio wish to take a New York paper,
as pure and safe. The publishers this
"year have isueu a volume of Irena'tis
letters, with a fine portrait of the au- j
tlr. which they offer to old snbsrrib- j
ers. An one cti net the t rres by send-
1 i,VJ to the New Yerk Observer, New
iiiaMsivfM'cH are full of pro
jects for pensioning ex-Presidents,- or
making paupers of them in sbrne way,
Bo that the people h:ive to keep them.
The X. Y. Times proposed lo raisa
a fund by private contribution, of
S250.000, so that invested in 4 per
cents, it would guarantee an income
ef $12,000 yearly. This scheme reach
ed the prprtionj of 150 or 00 thous
and dollars and may collapse.
Another proposition has been to
pension all ex-Presidents direct, and
still another to make ex-Presidents U.
S. Senators at large, with a salary of
10.000 per year.
Of course the democrats and a cer
tain sort f anti-Grant republican lu
natics say this is all dene for Grant
It is an attempt to foist Grant on the
people." As the various plans have all
been for "exPresidents, without re
spect to persons, to a man not partly
cracked about "Imperialism," third
term and all that trash, the fact that
Grant would be one of the first bene
ficiaries, would cut no figure, in his
judgment of the advisability of pro
viding in some "suitable way" for our
We have said the eastern papers and
politicians are "full of it" but are the
people full of it, that's the question.
Do the tax-payers of this great coun
try desire this additional burden, if
even a feasible and practicable plan
of hwi.orably pensioning our ex-Presi-deiits
could be found.
Next, do the ex-Prosidents, does any
ex -President ask for such favors after
being elevated to-the highest position
in the gift of the people. None that
we know of have asked for, or intima
ted that they wanted to be made pau
pers of, and in our opinion no honora
ble man would accept of such means
of subsistence wrung, perhaps unwil
lingly, from the people.
The w hole proposition seetu s to us
needless and absurd, ami we wonder
why or how it could have occupied so
much time and space in valuable pa.
pers east, or why so much importance
should be given it ; but as such has
been the case, 1st us briefly review the
probable outcome of the different pro
posals as above mentioned.
The excuse or t!.e need for this
scheme is based, they say, on ihe fact
that we den't want an ex-President
stalking 'round in poverty Ii vonld
disgrace t!ii- Nation After a man has
been a President he is disbiired from
any or all employment in the ordinary
avocations of life. I)i opping for the
moment the answer that Presidents
un 5?"'0,"00 a jear should not become
paupers at the end of their term, and
admitting that somct liug( ? ought t
be done for them, :tt us see if any of
the pioposed plans are feasible.
The voluntary subsc. ip'.iun scheme,
had the money been raised, proposed a
perpetu.tJ fund to go to the oldest liv
ing ex President, after his death t
i,exf, and so on. In this case it would
go to Grant now, but as he is a young
ish man yet, and may live many years,
we should be liable to have Hayes and
Gartirld, and Gai field's successor, may
be, staining 'round" in "gaunt pover
ty." In short, on the one t'Tio princi-
I p!e, with good hearty men to the. fore,
should they foolishly squander their
salary, as is the supposition norp, we
might have the spectacle of half a
dozen ex-Presidents marching 'round
with the scat of their breeches all oat
at the knees, so to spak, and waiting
for "Oiu Giant" to di It's a good
thing if this plan fails for want of
To pension all ex-Presidents direct
with what would be considered a
"suitable provision" might btcomu
verv expensive, (or as the boys say
sometimes, costive) in the end
man s ambition toivanis me end oi a
career, we might never have more than
one or two c-x-Pi esidi nts alive, and
kicking for a pension. As it is now,
w hen younger and younger men take
the helm, there is no counting how
j many "public servants" on the retired
I list the Republic might accumulate
! for the ?'ame reasons that would re-
quire Presidents to be "taken care of."
J would apply to old and impecunious
I senators, cabinet officers, and life long
! otlice seekers, (bummers) of all grades
ad lib.
To make ex-Presidenls V. S. Sen::-
tois at large dVs'rovs the balance and
tqiiipi'ise of the present system, an )
cannol 1 e done withtiut a total change
of the 'constitution and the primaiy
coiulitions of the government ; because
, sue 1 1 sfii.uors umnu in .;i iuu n ,
sent i he stale or sect ion ibey came from
and would pi act :ca!ly oive"eaeh state
from which a President had been se
lected three senators; and as, for eon
vention and electoral purposes. Presi
dents are always taken from large
states, we should but add to their pow
er at the expanse of the smaller com
monwealths, which is against prece
dent intention and usage.
These are hut, briefly, u few of the
changes and eomp'.ieas ions that tjie
i.doplion of any of the proposed "gra
tnitv nlans" would entail, and it does
that at the end t' his tr rut he would
no; b an object of charity, nor need
lo be a burden on his lonntry's benev
olent sympathies; ami all this with
out being either mean r inhospitable
in rivers ot help, either through gov-:
l nmeiitai channels or by private sub- ,
script inn as it has to the stricken fire ;
sufferers in Chicago, lo the famishing !
of Ireland, the fever smitten of the I
south. We have no fear that honest j
sufferers will ever want iu the land: i
but to say, Mr. President, you may !
live in extravagance, squander what I
you like, aud when you got through,;
the country will take care of you for I
your services, is all un-American. ;
un-Kepumiean, ami s tvors ot snau anu
The .Members'
s,fae Next Lcarlslature.
We Rive below-.Yon-ected list ol the sue
cessful taotli.ljitrs ftrour next legislature, as
far as their uwiub have come under cur obser
vation :
First District KichardsoD eountj, R. A.
WI.eny. W. Vf . Turk. rrp. -
Hccotid Neiualui. Win. Daily, rep.
"i -Otoe. C. II. Van Wyck, 11. F. Cady.
I en.
Fourth fas. Orlando ToUt, re).
Fifth Dougla. ;ee. W. Doaue. John D.
Ilowe.deiu. tmiteted by V. II. I'oulanr and
.S. K. Locke, rep.
Sixth Doujjfas and Sarpy, John C. Myer,
ScTenth Washington. S. B. Taylor, rep.
Eighth Dode. J. F. Hums, rep.
Ninth Cuming. II. Zehruit. rep.
tenth ISurt and Dakota. Isaac i'oweis, rep.
Eieviith--lt. K. SniUli.rep.
Twelfth J. W. I'erklu.s. r-p.
'ihiiteenth W. It. Mur-e, rep.
Feuneentli l'latie and Colfax, N. K. Tinn
er, rep.
Fifteenth Butler and Poln. A.J.Evans, rep.
Sixteenth saiindcis. v". '. W bile. rep.
Seehieeuth LaiteaMer, .'. H. tJero. C. W.
Ti'Tce. rep.
Eisliteenth Johnson and Pawnee, J. 11. Ei
v i i . rep.
.Nineteenth Gage and Jeftei son, K. B. Har
rinulun, lep.
1 weniielh Saiir.n. II. M. Wells, rep. Con
tested by D. C. Jours. ItHion.
Twenty-first Seward, '1 hop. Graham, ilern.
Tweuty-sectnd York and Hamilton. Martin
Itm-n.s. rep.
'I'weiny-thlid Fillmore and Clay. J. H. Dins-nvo-e.
Twenty-fourth Adams. Nm-kolU, Webter
ami Tliayei. .'. B. ( nun. rep.
Twciity-fi ft Ii BtitTalo, Kearm.y, Harlan.
Franklin, l'helt-.. Shernian. Vali-y jmd uii'.r-galili-.l
leisiloiy. Sidney Uai.ei'. r-.
Tueulv-Mvlli. Dansim. io-iier. Fur
nas. Kfi Willow. Frontier, liiicheni-k. Dundy,
t hasp. Ki illi. 'iieyeunv and unorganized I' ll i
tory, Henry Snyder, rep. Coiitesied by D. ('.
Valentine, rep. Il is also claimed both pat ties
are dems.
First Dii-tiiet Kiehardsnn. I". S. Ileaeock, J.
IL Doly..lnliii Kloej.fel. has. Cole. rep.
Second Pawnee, J. L. Linn, A. 11. Jai-ksut).
I iiili Ga-e. Kiijah Fiiley. II. H. Silver, rep.
Feui tli Johnson, J. S. Dew. A. A. Carman,
fifth Nemaha. Church Howe. T. L. Schick.
M. I!. Kavraun. rep.
Sixth uiue. Nelse Overton. F. T. l:aom.
J. t. Moore. .1. M. I'ai rv. rep.
Seventh l.aucas-er. S . t.'. Abbott.;. O. Whe
don. N. T. MiH'lun. 11. II. r:itiaitt. rei.
Klnth .nundei. II. 11. shedd, P.enj. John
pun. J. E. Scott, rep.
Nintli-Cass. K. B. Windham. .las. Hall, II.
D. Hoot. rep.
tent!) Sai'tv. Amos liates. ilem.
Eleventh Douglas. V. J. Broateh. II . Bo!!n.
J. 11. Kyner. P. M. Mullen. K. M. ISarllett. S. K.
JackKrui. rep. ; ,V. A. Paxtou. J. A. MeShsne.
uem. The two latter contcMed by Jos. Fox
and II. i B ulier. fit.
Twelfth Dodjje. Win. Fried. 11. Catith'i,
I liu leeiith V ashiiiton. II. Spriek. J. P.
Bailey, lep.
Fnurteentli - Burt. .1 f. I.aiiihlin. rep.
rilteenth u. ui. ig, Andrew Peterson, l'-p. ;
1. f. Trai'c. d.-m.
Sixteenth Dakota. Joe IIn!inan, dem.
Seventeenth s S. Palmer, rep.
Eiaiiteenlh Jefferson. ('. P. t!icunib, rep.
Nineteenth Tlinvev, F. M. Correll. teji.
Twentieth -.N U'-koIN, J. M. Cook. rep.
Twetify-lirst Webster. II. S. Kaley. rep.
Twenty second Adams. ('. It. Jones, rep.
Twenty-third I'Imt. J. U. 'ae, rep.
Twent v-foui th I'lliinote. N. S. Babeoek. rep.
Twentv -liflh Salii c. W. 11. kemplou. 11.
M'-Dontial. rep. ; S. J. lleiirein. dem.
1 weniy-sixt Ir eward, II. P. King, rep.;
Henry liu k. fusion.
l ueiitv-seveniii York. A'ln'it VVil-en. S. O.
Moure, rep.
I ncnty-eiijlith Ilaiia'Mon. John Holmes, rep
Twenty-uii III -llnil. Fled A. Seals. rep.
1 liiiiietti Buff do. s. '. Aver. rep.
Tliirtv-tirst I. ineohi, Samuel E. Wstts. dem.
1 liu ly-sei'ond - Harlan, Geo. i . Keed. re
rnli-iv-tliird- liowartl and dreeley.
I-1 file) u-ii. I;
I hn I x - loin th Merrick. '. Ilostetrr. rep.
Thiny-hfth-polk. John ). Mh-ky. rep
I lin t -sixi h- I'.iitlei-. Tl.otur.s leii--ei. re;.
'I'll .Tty .-eveiilh lofax. A. W. allii 'i. rep.
Th i!'iy--iht ii Plat ie. Geo. i'. I. eh man. rep.
Tiiirly-niiith .Madison. i '. yatt. lep.
I'm ! let ii I t liar. Win. Potter, rep.
Forty-Mrs! Can t and Dedire. .1. A Si!!, r-p.
Forfv-seeoiid Stanton. Wnyue and Pierce,
V. I.. Lamb. rep.
1'oiu til id Knox and Ibdt and ituomanied
tciTitoi v. V. H. M'-l Inre, r-p.
l-'ort v'-tenri !i n!, ii p,-. V. . W. Puir.ev. rep.
Fo.-ty-fill ii liooue. Vnllt-y, Slu-rinan and un
organized territorv . t i. V. linm u. lep.
Korrv-sixl n D;i ksotl and Frontier, A. S.
Likluiii. rep.
Ferly-s. veiitli FraiiUhn and Kearney. II. C.
Wells, rep.
F'irtv i iirlith P'ui nan, PlieV i;:id (iok'per,
R. W. Moi.tomei . rep.
Fel t v-ui n li I ' In ei;!ie . Kit h. Diintiy.' base
Hiiehiiiek. lied Willow and unorauicd teui
tory contest iietween it. B. Daily, reji., and D.
t an i, an. dem .
Fiftieth Cass and Saunrici. J. B. MeKinnen
Fifty-first Platte, c.di.ix and liidier. J. f.
Uolierts. ren.
Filtk -second-I-'ill'.uote and f. I..;--.
iiia, rep.
And Pieuils Cnilty.
Special r ier.ini to ti;e Inter Ocean.
New Vouk, Nov. 24. The long ex
pected Wain. tKicnl James
O'Brivn, aii.ta Ronert Lindsay, for per
jury in the Piiiip examination before
J mige Davis, was presented by lhe
(Jianil Jury mi Hie Court of General
.sessions to-day. It recited lhe proceed
ings before I tidge Davis, and sajs of
O'Biien that he swore, among other
things, that he saw Henry L. Morey
in Lnn, Mass.; that lie had an inter
view w ill) him ; that lie last saw him
between Feb. 4 and 10, lsSO, on the
cars between Boston and Lynn, on
which occasion ho said the "Morey
Lettfi" was in IL L. Mores 's possess
ion. It is then ascertained that the
allegations were false, and if is charg
ed that he committed willful ami cor
rupt perjury. Lat r in the day O'Biien
was taken from the Tombs, and was
arraigned on the indictment before
Jude Cowing. He was unaccompa
nied by counsel. Clerk Hail read the
indictment to O'Bi ien, and, in response
to the usual question, the prisoner
pleaded guilty.
Assistant District Attorney Phelps
said to the court that Mr. Bell, who
hal charge of th'j casf. was engaged
in a trial in the Court of Oyer and
Terminer, and asked that. tht prisoner
ho remanded uulil Friday, in order
that Mr. Bfll might be present, and
the prisoner was accordingly remand
ed hack to the Torn'is.
Before his removal, O'Brien stated
that he was horn in Georgetown, D.
('..and that lie was 21 years of age.
The d'soverv t ha the envelope con-ni-iiiitr
the i'oiird letter had original
ly l een addressed to some one else
t haii "IL L. Molt y." and that an en
larged phot !ojrj-:jihie copy of the envel
ope revealed that the original name
was Edward, or Edwin, Fox or C".v.
in care of some company in this city,
is ib-emed of grant importance. It is
remarked, too, as wry singular that a
per-en named Edward Fox is employ
ed upon Truth.
A Package for the Dtiiiocrulic farty.
Special Dispatch to the Chieayo Tribunr.
Oconomowoc. Wis.. Nov. 12. There
was leceivtd at the p .rt-oiiice ai Wau
kesha this week a cuiious package,
which bote innumerable postmarks
and inscriptions. It consisted ol a
piece of thioritig about a van! long, to
which was attached a pair of badly di
lapidated shot s, one of which was la
heled "Oni"a:id lhe other "Indiana."
the ulinip package being addressed to
the "Democratic Party, IT. S. A."
The package had evidently oiiginat
ed at New York pest-otlicc. but bore
i he postmark of altnwst ever promi
nent office between here and that me
tropolis, no pirty by that name being
known. At Letroit a picture was at-ta'-hed.
which was iuleudetl for a
sereatn'-r ; over t his were the wouls.
stand b.r k ti.d let meell!" At Chi
cago a 'in coffia was added ; ami at the
lira. l was written. "Farewell, old ttietid.
if tuii-vil', taie i hee Y. 1 i !" At Kacltie
n c.iilin vv as at t iclieii, s up posed
to indicate the extension it ct-ithl per
foim when the body of the hefty lead
er was placed therein. At Milwaukee
it was decked wttii mourning (this
was the ii l of Noveiiih-pr. when the re
sult had been leceiveth; and was a.nt
from there to Waukesha.
Bui I must explain why it was sent
there. A eel tain st,r;n.ker iiHtued
Capt. Schwartz, claims tu have been
Gen. Hancock's shoemaker for several
jeais. and says that Hie (general f.on
said that the only pair of shoes that
he ever had that he could wear with
comfort was made by Capt. Swart.
When Gen. llai:cck wai licmiualed
at Cincinnati. Swartz immediately got
uit Hancock's last, and went lo werk
and made him a pair of shoes, which
he sent to him with the request" that
; bey should bo worn at the White
House. The Captain never heard ; ny
thing f them until the above named
pai-Uag1 was received, when he wa
notified by the Postmaster, who sup
posed ihey had been returned fer re
pairs, or were an.-.ther pair whi h the
General wanted tixed. After due con-
N HUrt as
sideration, Schwartz concluded .Mi at lie
coaldjiot accomplish the Mverk. and
left Die package for Postmastef Enos
to dispose of.
Kefore remailing, Capt. Enosalta-ch-td
to the board a copv f the p'ece of
music entitled A Difficult Passage,"
and started it on. The sides of the
board were nearly covered with post
marks of different kinds, such as "Mis
sent," "Unclaimed,' Cannot be Found,"
"Forward," "No such party known,'
ctc., etc.
I". !j. Marshal.
At last the Y. S. Marshal business is
settled, and you can't guess (if vou
havn't seen the papers) who js this
big old "pub. func." Why, its Ellis
Bierbower. He ought to make a good
Marshal for Le knows how. We'd
rather see him have it than some of
the chaps that have been squabbling
for the place. Then it is hen
estly and truly in the line of civil ser
vice promotion.
Ihrce Proves Notes.
Ed. Herald: The thermometer
indicated zero weather hern two or
three days last week.
Since the snow fell, and cold weath
er set in, corn husking has been al
most stopped; but since yesterday lhe
neat her has moderated, and the pros
pects are now that we will have some
favorable weather for husking, the
coming week, at least.
Our winter term of school commenc
ed yesterday, with a goodly number
of pupils iu attendance. Mr. Camp
bell, brother of I). A. Campbell, of
Plattsmoulh. has chaige of the same.
Audy McMaken, of Atchison. Kan
sas, came on Monday " The say Andy
is niairied and is here how on his
wedding tour.
Mr. und Mrs. W. T. Allen, from Lin
coln, have been down a few days vis
iting friends and relatives in our vi
cinity. They returned hosne Monday,
a week ago.
R. W. Myers, sheriff, was down to
Three Groves and neighborhood yes
terday. He was hunting, we suppos
ed. ;
The herses with the epi.ootic are j
improving quite rapidly, but cough j
some yet. j
Our mail carrier failed t reach j
Three (".roves' Post Office Saturday
evening. His hoise give ont at Rock
Bluffs, so he said.
Wild geesa and ducks were quite
plenty l-vst week and week before, but
scarce now.
Quite a number of cattle are feed
ing here this winter, but not so many
as were fed la.t winter. General news
scarce. Have a short letter this week.
Yours truly, Ri. pouter.
A Grand Reputation.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure has reached a reputation that is
not limited by the confines of section
or country. There are no ii.juiious
substances, nor false or temporary
st iiiiulan's in the preparation. It is
purely vegetable, and compounded un
der a formula that has passed severe
tests, and won endorsements from
soiiie of the highest medical talent in j
the country. New York World, illl'-i i
Our Temperance rehunn.
KOflt -.D UT
hk iviim 5;
l"KJ!A t I", t MoS.
For ("od. and ''nine, and Native Iud
EtTortii to txhum a Chiuam an bur!
j ictl several years ago, brought to light
j msthirig but a bottle of whisky; but j
i ttn re is nothing remarkable in the I
! case, for whiskv has iilled mil isns of I
Slaves, an l promises to continue its j
work Mi l; greai sneers'?. j
Atn I my Brother's Keeper '
We are so constituted that the news
of a gient disaster al sea. a great con
flagration tui land, or the prevalence
of an epidemic move our profotindeot
sympathies, andjet, all this united,
would not be ?(tial to the hiss of one
immortal soul. There is nothing in all
this woild of ours that should inspire
such sadness as to look upon a man in
ruu.s. and el nothing is more com
mon. Nothing is better calculated ta
stir up w ha'ev cr is noble in our na
ture, but alas, we reversa the order
here. If there, is anvil. ing that should
call out our piofoundest sympathies it
is to look upon a dilapitated soul go
ing to ruin.
Now foremost among the causes for
the ruin of s. uis is the demon of in
temperance. No i iCbli n is of more
vital interest than that -f .,tir respon
sibility for our brothel's keeping. Men
assume to have rights in this wotld, a
right to ruin their own soul, a right to
ruin the soul ol their brother, while
others believe it is their dut aLd light
t prevent iliese great disasters. Men
parcel out rights within certain meters bounds, certain lines ot limitation
and then foibid others interfering with
their rights; but truth know s no lim
itations or bounds and is above human
' authority. Every man that has truth.
wes ii to m mhiinl. und when the
provid.-iita; of God opens i in: w ay for
its pr. niulgntion, it is his duty to let
: his "light shire."
Il is whew men .ue faithful to tiuth
; xi.A attempt the icscue uf their l.iMih
ir, that they :to- t with a disturbing
f oi ce, it is ihtfii that iwo spiiert-s come that .tie and must loievt-r be
antagouis; ic the tlivii.e atid theiiifri
i nal. In lhe picseul status of tlTe teio
' question tiii.s claim of men
rights i-j reiuarkuble. 1: is liie keynote
; of i'p vsition of eveiy attempt iotuoke
; uicii betiei. Here are lhe texts thai
j evil-doers picc.-h incessantly to le
, frnurs: "V e have our lights." "I-et
its aitaie," "Mind your own business."
. There are men in every conimuniiy
; w ho i epuM-ni intemperance, giullnny,
lust, vice and vagrancy, who cry to
, "Mind your own business."
; 1 he s niggle of to-day is to decide
j w ho shall possess society, the men who
; ait- brutal, or ;he mi-it who represent
j morals. The qtiiotion is, Who shall
: own the Legislature? Who the city
i government V Who shall make ami ex
! ectite lhe laws? Who shall be the oiTi
j cers and judges? Which way shall s.i
! ciety xert us force? Sh ill il give its
i intbieitc-e t.. the lowest, or to the uior-
al elements? There are a largo limn- j
i btr of men wl:o ivpresent w hisky, bi n-1
' tal sports, eiitiiinal excitemKiits and j
lav, ie.s l'ieasilis. v. hidi w;.-titg '
and demoralising. Tney eombii-.e ami
i assume tliat tii. v have righ;. 'I hey say
! morals and put ii y i.ave their place j
i so have vice ami license. We do ns we i
l;elieve ; so do y ou. We let yon have:
' your Suud ly s ; let us hav ours. We do
not in.-tldie with your cauiches; uhy
meddle w ith otir grog shops and beer
(gardens? . ijs,t lei us alone ami mind
! yowr own titisit;
Now this is ihe attitude of the whis-
ky and immoral elements of to-day,
! the men w ho cater to the lower, baser
appetites of men and make so wiany
I criminals in this land, for it is true
I that the makers oferi ina's ai e lnean-
er than the criminals they make. They
! who lay the foundation of the destruc-
titm of nieii are the architects of dam
j nation and the wijkedest of men. Nut
; the man who drinks, but he who puts
' the bottle to his neighbor's lips, has
! pronounced upon him "woe." Now
whila we do not admit the above as
! sumptions, for if we let them alone,
tiiey win not let lis, for every mans
life and preperiy is in danger from the
Now what we claim is the right to
: - : j
meddle with the business of thes bnd
men, and this right by the highest au
thority. It is the right and duty of ev
ery good man, and they are under obli
gation to de it. It is the right of those
who represent purity, lote, faith, hope,
conscience, heuor and benciicence, that
they fhould rule society; they are the
saving, cleansing elements ef society,
that like the running stream that
cleanses the stagnant peol, so these
cleanse and save society. It is the right
of reason and morals to make and exe
cute law, to create public sentiment,
to eerc wickedness, to control bad
men. This is the claim of goodness
over badness; virtue over vice ; eider
over disorder ; that which saves and
elevates men over that which corrupts
and destroys them. It is the duty ef
everv man to care for his brother. If
g .d men would combine and start. I
firm and true, they would soon contrel
and make the werk of carip.g for our
brother comparatively easy. Reader,
what are yeu doing?
A Big Success.
"My wife had been ailing a long
time with dyspepsia and nervousness
and was in bed two years with a com
plication of disorders her physicians
could not cure, when I was led by
reading a circular left at iny door to
try Parker's (Jinger Tonic. Having
been so often deceived bv worthless
mixtures, notninrr nut. ntv wile si ii.m-
gerotis conditian could have led us to j Messis. Mutz and Sprink. subjects not
make any more experiments. But it j fcssigm d. Subject for general discus
was a big success. Three bottles cured ; si,;,i. Equipments of the School,
her at a cost of. a dollar and fifty cents j A t(i.,,,,ris :l!i(J oUlfrs intf.ITstld
and she is now as strong us any . . . .
woman, ami reuularlv does her house- j 'ticationa. werk are invited to bo
hold duties. R. D.. Buffalo. See an- ! present.
other column. 3U4 a7t2 " O. F. Morton, Ch'n.
rompnclieT in sick headache.
tess. nausea, constipation, pain
in the side, etc., guaranteed to those
using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One
pill a dose. 25 cents. For sale by
Smith, Black i Co.
Mr. A. Clark, of Illinois, and a
relative of Mr. Thos. PoIIock, arrived
in Plattsmoulh Tuesday. Mr. Clark
is also a ban 1 leader, and will proba
bly get the band together agai i. As
h is a fine painter anil has work in
the shops it is a good chance for the
Mr. Bargtfss' school is slowly gain-
. .. . - . ....1
lier in si'in I I e iw.w l.:w uvur tlnrti-
scholars and still they come.
As the
scholars are divided into so many i
classes, he is not able to attend to j
them all himself, therefore Mrs. Bur- I
g"ss assists him. The scholars are all j
learnihg rapidly. j
--There will be regular service at j
the Baptist Church Sunday, Due. 5. j
Mind of Christ" and of the evening
sermon " The Prodigal Son." Rev. J.
II. Storms, Rector. AH kindly invi
ted to come.
A splendid gold watch, valued at j
;?5", was rallied for on Monday even- j
ing last, in the presence of a large i
concourse ff people, at Cuthman,s
hall, (b orge Edgerton being the lucky
The net proceeds were for
the b
he benelit wf Father Lynch of this
Last .Saturday evening being Dr !
aud Mrs. W ilUeistten's 2oth siuniver- I
sary, some of their friends prepared
for them a sui pi iso and armed witha!
hatidsome silver tea service, went and i
... . . , .i !
spent the evening most pleasantly
with them leaving many good wishes
behind, that the Doctor and his wife!
. , . , . , ... i
might live to see twenty-live yars :
The Thanksgiving Bill of the !
young men was a very handsome af-
fair, well managed, and enjovabie by !
.1 U.llH .'I.. 1
puritan fathers, those "ar" Mayflower ;
fcllo vs, have saitl to a profane audi
giddy waltz, a crazy and crippled scliot- I
tischo r a tangl I an 1 teasing quad- j
tiile, ;w :i p.'tiper v.-.ty lo wind up the
great holiday they so ja'ondg inaugu- '
Tlx- memory of mas sutliceth not
to tell when lhe river hiii clo.sed i:i
Novembur before, Dec. Ud being the !
earliest date since 1S"0. This year ii '
Clwsed Nov. 23d, ;i!Kl if the cold keeps !
js severe as it has done so far, there
is no danger 1" its opening soon. Dur- i
ing the last eleven years it has close.) j
six times in December, once in .Tantia- j
ry, once in February, on.-v iii Nvem- ;
ber and twice not :tt ail. ;
If there ever was it specific ft-r
any one comphuiit then Cartel's Little j
Liver Pills ure a specific fer Sick ;
lle.iu.K-he. ;t!! t every woman should i
knew this. They are mi only a post- J
live cure, but si sure preventive if ta-
ken when the approach is felt ("at-!
ter's Little Li ver Pills :tct directly m
tin' liver anil Idle, and in this wav n- i
nieva the cause of disease without liisl j
makin; ymi sick by a -vi aVening ;
i.iiice. If you try tii'"iii yu not '
be disappointed. For sale bv Smith.;
Black Co. " j
STAMM-KEIMIACKEI At i lie reo.: eee of
t i:e ie i:Vs it;.:eiits. o:i 'i'lle-1 1 -l . No.' Mlih.
l-c-s.). :;t 7 oVioi-k n. ni.r'.lr. EowaH! stwm
it-el ' 1 i-s i.i ; i sa !i i" ; it M' i; r:.. ::i td t'.iss
eimi;t;, . Nei... i.e. 11. fci. I'-li ! -;p' e.Tie. A I i 1
tiood i. e, I'd . :ird. v e are sorry i !o-e yen
from I he bi.cb.c'or ctowd. but if Jou have
St.tia ;i: i,ia e:i'nt.h !o brace uj) and uuddi;o
I liis 1 1 ini; "i de;il. tiier -'.s lei better time if
year to venture i:i":i lnvt '" y.uuu dreatu. M iv
fel ". line favor '.:i ;,in5 your fair youns bride, is
the e;ir:.e.-i wish . the IlntAi.o.
V A'.LEl; V t'Oi K .l the residence of the I
iii-ide's t;ti iier. hi I'!;iit niou; h .reciiiei. i ire. '.
1st. lsSO, . J ! : . : I . 1 I , ro :
Bt-.Tit Cook, i.oth oi t'as-eeui ty. Neb ;
..nil the i od looks of t lie ear. ies oi-hi tu be '
a p;..s-j.urt to loijipiness ia the f.aure. I
MviO:.E --M( TtiOMEiJY t the leMdnnee I
of the bride's i:irent-. Mr. CiiAliirs A. !
Mo..e.Kt- M'ss oi.n k Mox rooMKKV. by j
liev. .1 . II. Storms, en Thursjav, Nov. "."th, j
tss,,:;l! id l'lat!"iuourh. j
The IlKKAI.O wishes :ie c..ujle maeli Iiappi- i
ncss. and l' share of the ood t!nei;s f this I
mo) Id.
PjeJ. !
liOm.SCIIl'H-At Plattsmuiith, Nebraskit. I
Wednesday, Nov. '.Nth, l-to. at 5 :"0 i m.j
Amki.ia, il.niKliter of .loh'i and Anna '. i
n-dilsehuh :i-eit s years s uionth- :iu ! is days I
The t uti"rl on-k !ace ai t lie I iermaii Church j
Fridav. Nnv. IHi'i. at ore o'elec'. and ws I
attended by a lar.H coru-o: isc of irieiuls aiul i
I'NMNCIUM-.U We-i.ifi: Water. IVO'n 1
Neb Nov. .'let. I'-si. I'a.i.Mi I". si.ii .f J. K.
a'-d I.. . '.r.mttv;':-.:ni a. : 1 1 -s ears. .n-. j
anti l: day-. !
A yUi(S man who won th re-r - ct and syui-
j. itiiy ef m.i.:y, for h:s bi-.iv i-.aict with rii.s- :
l;:':u icnia ciicu'ii-taiifes. H; w ill le:i be J
ieraM!'f!t:l a a d ilifiil -na.a respected tcaeh- j
raii'.la l.ind ol;liin" fr.ead. "i'!rs-eJ arc i
t'.if who d;c in the Lord." !
iir;Ai"i sskic ir:mjit tr.. j
T.-k'.n-S m;.!1 The ;reat En-TRAOfi MARK
itiisii itciiieiiy ;
CH'vk An nal a i 1 i n K
SlsJ v- eure fr Semi-
1!:". .)vn,!v: s;
A 11 h I 111 p o I e ii c v
jXklJ ,n.l .liktr-.x
---.-'X.k. i:.. .
:i reu auh :
C:03; TASIS3. l.i.(n AfTEB TA11S8.
Memory. t'uivers.;lTjssitudc, Fain in the hack
Dimness of V ision, l'reiuature Old Aj;e, and
ijjany ot her di a-ases that lead ti Insanitv or
Consumption, mid a Premature Crave.
,'?"" Fill I iiartieulai-s' incur jiHtuphlet. which
we desire f send free by mail to every one.
'TThe Sj. ecific Medicine is nol.l by all ilras
ir -te at 1 jier' litre, or six hackaes for .,
ot w ill be sent free by mail en receipt of the
tu ui.-v, by adtliessins
dKCIl AN ICS' btjlKtt. DKTKOIT. .VlCM.
fsff.scld iii I'latlsmouili and cvtrj' heru, by
all CTtiVtVlS.
-r-This is to give notice th at all cit-
Hzens troubled with t oughs or - Colds
should at once procure a bottle of Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup. It is for sale by
all druggists and costs enly 25 cents a
Our Christmas Benefactors.
Among those wLo have remembered
the IIekald for tee ensuing year, or
paid to January 1st 1SSJ are: Mrs. .Inc.
Black. Plattsmouth; Howard W. Zink,
Weeping Water; W. B. Johnson,
Plattsmouth; Dr. MCre i, Flitttsmou: h.
We may continue this list "frcm week
to weekr ifur friends give us en
couiagement enough.
Altcntion leathers.
The next meetiiif ef the Cass Coun
ty Teacher's Association w ill be held
at Eight Miie Grove, on Dec. 11th, at
10 o clack a. i. The fallowing papers
will be read:
Past, Present and FHlure of IMticn-
tien, by J. W. Love; Parents Relation i
to the School, by E. II. Wooiey ; School j
Government, by J. II. Herger; Grading j
f Ceuntry Schools, by M. Seaii; Mode I
ef Teaching Arithmetic, by G. A. Ash- !
mun; A Teachers' Duty te Himself, by j
O. F. Morton; Papers will be read Vv
T. "
. j tse oiowhs eeiame iiver l ilis;
1 l1 TAr" "!PfJ
! 1'lattsinouth and Last Plattsn
medicine in
mouth, tf
E. Cr. Dovey & Son
.17' THE OLD srAXD,
Still find Ihemselvos at h imc to ( ass County
Farmers and.ail their old cast nun To.
We hare this Winter our us
ual nil und I ':);: r Huts of
Hoods than, pcrhajts. fVcr be
fore. As the growth of fh-t
-tuntr;i has dtvio.nd'-d iaryr
st'wks, und of a httttr class, tre
hare rmli acored to meet thai
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves? Mittens
y". . IXT m t , I ,. - n n li.j,. V.
Jv' " ""o nui, -it: i
large and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
of all hinds. Drtss Trimming
of the latest styhx. Lnt(ons in
aidless vari-t. Our line ef
exceedingly large, and tec
think rrcll stectrd.
to suit all people and all jus s.
A vei y full line i f
v hi.'h vou niUHl s. e t.i seieet from.
C3-OO.H!IE:S !
of standard grades.
fjlpn-i of the finest iiualiti".s. --e'.i cted by oor
1 Oil i felves.
flnffri'.n of mmv bismri. e-nei ia'tv onr own
li-:t!Hl of ntrM Kiusll li ri'l I KK
i called the -.m Eirioc e." t i y it .m l he.-, before
; n-i-i ri;tq
Uii.Uk! 1 1 !UtA of all kind, fe-h and sweet.
' T".l. n 1 rt : . 1 1
ALixi.i j ti QpSUcUVy .
CANNED GOODS from all .jnai-crs. Very One
( ahforuia yoods.
g!:ee winter aitles
, , , ' the barrel or bus!..ei.
In all the.-' blanches we stiall en-
neavor to eii r.u-tt m?u .. and
as is pos-ihle fi doa w.ftiii etst-
we invite attention and win
iXZVXtlT Si!
and call ..fien and c:uiy.
3Tin3 E. (i. DOVKY & SON. i'l::: t-uiouth. Neb
Although 'Lection is over we are lmt done selling goods, by a long shed.
tlsasi ever.
The nicest Green Winter Apples for sale. Over isJO Barrels down Cellar.
Potatoes by the Cap-lood, PEACH BLOVS.
U..I. A. SlIITiM AN - AND 1 1:1. . l.V !U.
: a e.: i s er n .re for his uee. ss, ,i; ai 't ao i ro
injury tius-es inihct. may I e t s,;i;.-il at ins
nfler that :i h." New Voik eiVn . ".'ice a 1 I.
.Mr. It. 1-. (;"i..'". it i.-sh . it. .; . t
st . Lou s oliice, v. rites . "Haxii-ii tts.-d v i p- r :
cured. I h i.- pol.. i. hiu'iy .-! i; aa-rns -t i d
Dr. Sii ei u. ai; is t lie d is' j , i i,; t a,. ,t;i !y
in en ;
No loan is safe who ln:: : t'.:lu:e. n matte,- bow iiis-aii'a-aut li- :a tv i on-i . I - - It , fur r
ery n,au w Ie. h; s d ie.i f leiu o ;!.; i ed iiiaisi-li t Iial i! was b! a l.lai.; a.ii.icnt : anil
every man w h now sail .- - Itmn it ::a : t iie nijin v nf trti-ses. t .:ir;i an tci.'t ; h life ha- i.u
enJo nients, recorded it as uiumu t !.y sjiecial att.-m ia,i. It i- a st and - -till ie: inn ;
it is sieailiiy ineuiev it e. ,- cite ilea! li. and is wi,- t ho'- l'ia neeessiry sl ; io he
elTei t ua!!v relieved oil: beoi.e the day of u:f -rioi a-i I '!.iu ..-.; ir,..M tiim.
fa It-, ts f : nni al-l.iail -a irii'ii- re it in": t ;i ,.1 1 - ; , e t'..r i i s taie i a v. Du,- in; I at -liUMi
I any hind t.f aet i ve exei: e r ! t'loi e i-l l.e ie al -i vvna l !(. ;- ! re .j:;, t 'o- t : it -inent
. aid with saf.-l v f roia the ,.,ii-,.-s ..f st ran il.O ed 11 i C 'ire. ij!S l.iniK o : I" .'' 1 I ; E
gives the most reliable f-roof- fnta oi -I iiiulsheil i-r-frssiea;! eev.; ii-mcn. e!ei-yi,.e:i ami
merebants of his neees fi. jiraci ice a.i I .o;iu arit y x her. fi.ia thi.iuf.'httat t i.i- e.oii.i ry un.l
liir k.-i in.ii s. iiieailiMaedsMt.iiiiiieaoo
!t is ilhist i tiled with photo:
ikene -
;md l.iaiitd to t ho-e ho e'.i-l In cei
n a. r.
is i-l i.
t 2 t. 'trr-h. i
r . rz l
ol uroauway, eon-er -jiii ray stiet i, .e,v ,u-j,, a.,.i i.j ii;. .stree
Beware of certain couflileuee tnen and im;-istrs vh.t ,---i a- -.- it t u rn -ri ves a. ) r.
in-: !. -., - K.i.rMiirsrirfytzr-r
Jin- "
aTE,0"Nd: PHIL.
Wednesday. Dec. I. H.-o.
23 I
va 1
5'. '
.. -'st !
Z 5tijl on i
t ro
K' ivi '0 :
ii ;
Wheat. No.2..
Corn, ear
" shelled,..
Oats ;
Bariev, No. 2. . .
Kyc. :
Native Cattle.
Potato. ...
XfV.' YoKK. IeC. 1. l-'sT
S l
M.-inev-$l.f,;,'ul 0
W heat
I. ye
i "urn
CittCAtio. Dec. 1. tf.
S 4 .'-0 4i5 0
I in
. '
I ti:
$4 VH -.5
i Corn
I ;
j 1 V t
; Barley. ... ....
I ,l0 .j,,,,;,,
j siep "
4 COM. 5 40
3 1
Schlegel & Nicui
Succesfois to A. Si Htaciin. S; Kio.,
M .nufact'.ircrs of
And dea'eis in
T 0 IS A C 0 0 .
Special r. KAN PS mid size f CIGAli made to !
order, and .satisfaction uitarauteoil. Cijjnr
clippitiirs sold for smoking trba'ci.
Ma'- Street, ore door wesr nf J. S. Dul:e' s!re j
Onsviie 1'iu-t f iJUfe. !
Plattsmovtii. Neb. Im3 j
MiniUacturer ot and Devh rin
Doco with Neatness! Dispatch.
li e only place in town where "Tiiriev'g pat
ent '-elf adjustable horse collars. ire fold."
4L't m
Vsk .-. -k.
T. F. W3r ' ---
Hardware;'. ilvBlMI llB I
Iron. WHgtMi flfl.
Sixtm fltncTi incvti.
Iron, Wood Xt'i I',
IROX Wo UK. Kcjd in Stcl;.
JaKif.if uml ftt-paii ius,
.-1 Work Warranted.
mm on mM
Shop over the Lii- k B:o k lie; t t
II. Hocck's.
ri.ATTSMlH TH. - 4y - - NEIl.
1 1 "Qi".- wn..i
Mil UM.N
trcalHi.; It.
. 11 is W ri IO ! !:: i'l'llC fo:
' 1;.-e ; i" in I 'ie UJ. ::ii
. '). . I.'-.I li I lie Jot II el J
i.-. i'l -. eii V lie t -iia.ii .
- ir:d
;-ib T.
! e. St. l.oai
,s is in the .-
in. i n ( ... ! o-t a. 1 . . i: e.l I . li
i .ill,
i.u re t real no-a: . an. I i.a . t -' let n r:
- .-; mo f.-.-l :t t i ai i' . " ' e in e f .-r iluj-t ni .- Ii;. 'aa-a; -'V .-i n
ttv it- i.ii"..n ii.rn a r-
- es al exl i
before and r.f't y c.:re.
n en
... l . it
JtT- iy-r- .
, ltst Ml
aler i a" . 4
&tnple and .IFaincy '(Wrmriefc
Czsh Paid far Butter and Eggs
Here "We arc with a Complete Stock
WIN DO W .sj 1S u n I I'l XT U R ES, itr., t .-.
Hats, Caps, and Hoocls,:'-;
uxdkkweau. all coloks and sizls a'l
pkicks to sit it i:vi;uyi;ody.
& &!Re4!nifil Wools,
Card SSoail
Also the best Select Stuck of strictly fir.-st-chi-s (Jio-cerie--,
Canned and Dried Fruit s, Tobaccos, (Jucciis
ware and Gla.-s)vare in the City. All of which vi
g unrantee to soli as low as anybody.
to close Ca-h Iuycrs, and for lai'e quantities.
A-AIK.TKEIir. V. li. BAKER & CO.
Wf show the largest and best r-cloctctl stock of
Solr?$9 MlitiVH M nitty fcnp&9
fieai Genuine Barqains!
Tins Season in every department.'
"We will lsspER8- ;ass$I M&
foy jl per cestle
Call at the Philatlclpliia Store, make your 'urcba-vs,
and you will be Intppv.
spwMosr a itathaf.
and such goods as
We offer Sl'LCIAL
as we are going out of that line of business. Oui bto:
IO IS' Tii: T4ti:.
Is earnestly Milici'eil. Be f-ure and '-a'.l, h:c! 1 e -otiviuce I of l-'.ti; Dealing.
-k r-j. RB't.' Si
' l;
Item;-. nbci the pi .: South En-t corner Sf tin and 'I Linl t's. Plat'miioii'h.
(aT'n2A & wi-xa ha a.
I ri,
,Si LE Vv
"s-li - Xy -. V!.i J
are usually kept in a
is t.t:";l large t-tiougit
e . a?r
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if- -jr Jc
r a
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